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Universidad Autnoma del Carmen

Escuela Preparatoria Diurna

Unidad Acadmica Campus II

Semestre: 4

Grupo: I

Ingls IV

Comparative ~ Superlative

Docente: Rosa Leydi Lara Gmez

Alumna: Ana Samantha Luna Prez

Ciclo Escolar
Febrero Julio 2016


The Congo River

Amazon River

The Orinoco River


The Orinoco River is larger than the Congo River, but the Amazon is the
largest river of the world because has a volume of water which is
considered the largest on the planet, this river has a really aggressive
and surprising species.




The Kalahari desert is hotter than the Sahara desert, but the Arabian is
the largest and hottest desert in the world because is covered almost
entirely by sand whit anything of water.


Honopu Beach
El Nido

Anse Lazio

The Anse Lazio Beach is more beautiful than the Honopu Beach, but the
Nido is the most beautiful beach of the entered world because the water
is so blindingly blue.


Arctic Ocean
Pacific Ocean

Indian Ocean

The Indian Ocean is deeper than the Arctic Ocean, but the Pacific Ocean
is the deepest in the world for his 35,837 ft and 10,924 meters.


Victoria Falls/Devils Pool

Howick Falls

Bash Bish Falls

The Bash Bish Falls is more dangerous than Victoria Falls, but the most
dangerous waterfall in the world is the Howick Falls because the fall is
only 95m, and this waterfall has caused over 40 deaths!

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