Installation Procedure

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RCDesign XL2010

(Please follow it strictly)
1. From E-mail, save the downloading of 'RCDesign' file in 'C-Drive' of your

2. Right click the 'RCDesign' folder, and then left click Extract All and
Extract to C:\

(not Extract to C:\RCDesign XL2010) and then click Extract.

(If it is extracted to folder C:\RCDesign XL2010, it would show Run time error while opening).
3. This creates C:\RCDesign XL2010 folder which will be seen on the screen of C:\ drive.
4. Left click C:\RCDesign XL2010>Setup to install the software in your computer.
5. While installing, give details of destination drive and folder as
C:\Program Files\RCDesign XL2010\Package. (Please dont change this detail).
6. For installation, it asks for Password. Login the Installation Password given to you.

7. After successful installation of the software, go to to C:\ drive and

Click 'C:\RCDesign XL2010>RCDesign - Shortcut (with red colour icon), copy it and
go to Desktop and paste the icon on Desktop.

8. Double left click 'RCDesign - Shortcut red colour icon which asks for 'Password' to open
RCDesign.xlsm file. Login this detail given to you, which opens the 'Cover Page' of

9. Left click once the option button against the name of the spreadsheet you want to use.
NOTE: Whenever the software is to be used, start from your Desktop only, giving login
Information for Password to open RCDesign.xlsm file.
Some spreadsheets contain Macros. While running the Spreadsheets, if there
is any security warning on Macros, just Enable Macros.

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