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From You Tube Part 5 0001

Bruno: Did you smell that horrible smell the other day? Coming from the chimneys. The day I
fell off the swing. Did you smell it, mum? Is Grandma not coming?
Ralf: No, shes poorly ill. Grandpa is coming.
B: Did you smell it, Dad? That horrible smell, from the chimneys. What is it?
R: I think they just burn rubbish there sometimes.

Elsa: Ralf, this tutor you brought in, does he usually teach children as young as Gretel and
R: I believe so, why?
E. We dont know what hes teaching. Gretel seems to be coming so
R: They are being taught what all children are being taught at the moment. They mustnt left
Gretel: The Jew slandered us and incited our enemies. The Jew corrupted us through bad books.
He mocked our literature and our music. Everywhere his influence was destructive, the
eventual result of which was our nations collapse.
Bruno: I dont understand: a nations collapse is only done to this one man?
Tutor: The Jew here means the entire Jewish race. If it had been just one man, Im sure
something would have been done about him.
B: There is such a thing as a nice Jew, though, isnt there?
T: I think, Bruno, if you ever found a nice Jew, you would be the best explorer in the world.
Continue, Gretel.
G: The aim of the Jew is to become the ruler of humanity. The Jew is not creative, but
destructive. Hes the enemy of culture. Thousands of Germans have been made poor by the
Servant: Master Bruno, what are you doing? You have just had your lunch, havent you?
B: I was going for a walk and I thought I might get packish (=languorino)
S: But dont make a mess of your satchel. Bring it here. Ill wrap it properly for you.
B: No, its none of your business!
Elsa: Bruno, what are you doing with your satchel?
B: Herr Liszt gave us some books. Im going out on the swing to read.
E: Let me see. Bruno, I just want to see what books Herr Liszt has given you.
B: I told a lie. I just got adventure books.
M: Go on, off you go then!
(Bruno brings a ball to Schmuel and he would like to play with him, but Schmuel doesnt want
to, because its dangerous)
Lieutenant Kotler: They smell even worse when they burn, dont they?
Elsa: What?
LK: But surely you
Ralf: I was sworn to secrecy.
Elsa: From your own wife
R: Yes. I took an oath upon my life. Do you understand? You believe in this, too! Dont you want
this country to be strong?
E: No, Ralf, no! Not that! How you..
B: Because Im a soldier! Soldiers fight wars!
E: That isnt war!
R: Its a part of it, its a vital part of it!
R: The Fatherland we all desire, you included, cannot be achieved without work such as this!
E: Get away from me! Get away from me!
Bruno: Grandpas here. Grandpas here.
R: Well be through (=finiamo) in a moment.
R. to Elsa: Who told you about this?

(In the dining room, with Brunos grandfather and Lieutenant Kotler)
B: Hows Grandma?
Grandfather: Shes a bit under the weather, Im afraid. Its a shame, she was so much looking
forward to seeing you.
R: Perhaps next time, if she feels up to it (=se star meglio)
From You Tube Part 6
GF: You know, Ralf, your mother really is sick. She has been talking about this visit for weeks.
Elsa: Maybe thats whats made her sick.
GF: So, your mother told me you have a tutor!
Gretel: Yes, he is nice. But he wont let us read adventure books.
Bruno: All we do is boring, old history.
Grandfather: Let me tell you something, young man. If it wasnt for history, we wouldnt all be
sitting around this table. The work your father is doing here is history in the making (=
storia che cambier).
Lieutenant Kotler: When I was your age, history was my favourite subject by miles, which
obviously didnt please my father.
GF: Why not?
LK: He was a Professor of Literature at University.
GF: Really? Does he still teach?
LK: I dont really know.
GF: You dont know?
LK: We are not in touch, my father and I. He left the country some time ago.
R: Really? When?
LK: About 4 years ago, Herr Kommandant.
R: But surely he cant be very old. What is he, still in his fourties, late fourties? Where did he
go? Lieutenant Kotler, your father, the Professor of Literature, where did he go?
LK: I believe it was Switzerland, Herr Kommandant.
R: How strange that he should choose to leave the fatherland at the very moment it needed
him most. Just when we are all required to play our part in the national revival. (to the Jew)
More wine! What reason did he give? Was he tubercular? Did he go there to take the air?
LK: Im afraid I really dont know, H.K. Youd have to ask him.
R: Well, that would rather difficult, wouldnt it? With him being in Switzerland.
(to the Jew) Come back! Whats the matter with you tonight?
(to Kotler) Yes, perhaps that was it. Perhaps he was ill. Unless, of course, he had
disagreements, I mean with the governments policy.
GF: One hears such men. Disturbed, most of them, or just plain cowards (=semplici vigliacchi)
R: Even so, all of them traitors. (traditori)
GF: Absolutely right!
R: Presumably, if that was the case with your father, you will have informed your superiors, as
is your duty. (the Jew spills wine on the table)
LK: (stands up and take the Jew outside the dining room and beats him) You cretin Jew! Filth!
(Bruno is in his room, talking with his sister Gretel)
B: But Dad just sat there!
G: What did you expect him to do? The Jew deserved it! (se l meritata)
B: Can I ask you something about the farm?
G: Bruno, you dont think it is a farm, do you? Its a camp, whats called a work camp, for Jews.
B: Just Jews, because they are the best workers? They are not in because they are good, silly,
they are good at anything. They are in because they are evil. They are the enemy, evil
dangerous vermin. (= la feccia pericolosa e cattiva). Thats the reason why we lost the Great
War. Havent you been listening to anything Herr Liszt has been telling us?
(Bruno talks to Schmuel, who is in Brunos house cleaning glasses): What are you doing here?
S: They wanted someone with tiny (minuscole) fingers.. to clean all these.
B: We are not supposed to be friends. We are meant to be enemies. Did you know that?
(Schmuel sees some pastries on the table) Do you want some? Whats your dad like? Whats
he like? Is he a good man? You have never thought he wasnt? Are you proud of him?
S: Yes. Arent you proud of yours?

B: (he doesnt answer) Is it really horrible in the camp?

(Kotler enters the room): How dare you talk to people in the house? How dare you? Have you
eaten? Have you been stealing food? ANSWER ME!!!
S: No, sir. He gave it to me. Hes my friend.
LK: What? Little man? Do you know this Jew? DO YOU KNOW THIS JEW???
B: No, I just walked in and he was helping himself (=si stava servendo da solo). I have never
seen him before in my life!
LK to S: You, finish cleaning your glasses. Then I come back and Ill have a chat about what
happens to rats who steal!
(Bruno goes upstairs and repents. He goes upstairs but Schmuel is no more there. The servant
has replaced him. Then he goes to the camp, but Schmuel is not there.)
From You Tube Part 7
(All soldiers are watching a film about the work camp. Bruno is hidden and watch the film,
too) New arrivals here are happy to discover that life in the camp is not all work and that
theres ample opportunity for leisure also. At the end of their day of ironmongery (ferramenta)
or the build of boot factory, the workers can enjoy the many forms of pastime that the camp
has to offer. Organised sport is very popular. Those that dont play certainly enjoy watching. At
the end of the working day the centrally located caf is the ideal place for friends and families
to join together for a hearty and nutritious meal. The children in particular enjoy the pastries
and cakes on offer. In the evenings the occasional music concerts either by visiting orchestras
or, indeed, by talented musicians from within the camp itself, are always well attended. Other
recreations include reading in the library, pottery, cookery, art and horticulture for adult and
child alike. Almost any activity one could wish for is available within the camp.
(Bruno hugs his father, because he is happy to see that people in the camp live in good
conditions. Lieutenant Kotler goes away and says goodbye to Bruno. Bruno takes two tennis
rackets and goes to Schmuel again, but he sees that he was beaten by Kotler. Schmuel has a
black eye.)
B: I dont understand. I saw a film about the camp and they lived so nice! I dont know why I
did it. Gretel and everyone were saying all these things and that soldier is so scary! I have
been coming here for days, but you were never here. I thought maybe we werent friends
anymore Schmuel, Im really sorry for what I did. We are still friends, are we? (Schmuel
shakes hands with Bruno and they make up.)
(In the dining room. The phone rings.)
Gretel: Wheres Kurt these days? I havent seen him for ages.
Ralf: Who is Kurt?
Gretel: Lieutenant Kotler.
Ralf: He has been moved to the front. It was felt that his youth enthusiasm would be put to
better use there.
Servant: Herr Kommandant, telephone.
Elsa: In actual fact, Gretel, he was sent there because he failed to inform the authorities of his
fathers lack of loyalty to the Party.
R: Which was his duty, I might add.
E: Which was his bad luck. Bad luck that it was his father who was disloyal and not his mother.
One presumably doesnt have to report ones mother.
(Ralf learns from his father that they have been bombed and his mother has died. All the
family are at the funeral. Elsa notices that on the coffin theres a card sent by the Fhrer.
E: He cant have that on there! She wouldnt have wanted it!
R: He does.
(Elsa like to take it away, but Ralf stops her. She cries)
(Bruno talks to Schmuel)
B: Have you ever been to a funeral?
S: My grandfather and my grandmother are both dead, just after we got there, but there wasnt
any funeral.
B: Did they die at the same time? What of?

S: I dont know. Papa said they must have caught something on the way here. They had to go
to a hospital as soon as we arrived. We didnt see them again This is fun (they are playing
B: I wish we could do something a bit more exciting, though
S: I dont want you to go away again.
B: No, neither do I.

From You Tube Part 7.5

(Elsa is getting more and more depressed. We see her on Brunos swing. Ralf and Elsa argue.)
R: You cant behave like this!
E: You are questioning my behavior?
R: It cant continue!
E: I know. I cant stand this anymore, Ralf. I cant stay here and be a part of this.
R: Dont you think there will be questions? What does it say about my ability to carry out my
work if I cannot control my own family?
E: Work? Is that what you call it?
R: Pull yourself together, woman. (=Riprendi il controllo)
E: Right. Just ignore it. Ignore the fact that the man I married is a monster. Even your own
mother couldnt love you!
(Ralf decides to send his family to Heidelberg, to his childrens aunt. Greta says she misses
home, but Bruno doesnt, because he has found a new friend here. Bruno tries to refuse, but
his father orders it.)
R: Im afraid Bruno, in life we often have to do things we dont want to do. The important thing
is your mother doesnt feel that this is an appropriate place for you to be spending your
childhood and the more I think about it, the more I realise she is very probably right.
B: But Dad
R: NO! Its time for you to move away.
(Bruno sees Schmuel) B: Is everything alright?
S: No, we cant find the Pa. He went on a different work duty with some of the men and they
havent come back.
B: I have got some bad news, too. Im going away.
S: How long this time?
B: Thats what its bad. Its forever I think. Mum says this is not no place for children.
S. Its just stupid. When do you go?
B: Tomorrow, after lunch.
S: So I wont ever see you again?
B: Yes, you will. You can come on holiday to Berlin if you like, when everybody is getting on with
each other again I wish I could have helped you find your dad. I really want to make up for
letting you down (=fare la pace per averti deluso) like I did. That would have done it, wouldnt
it? Helping find your dad. Would have been great, like a secret mission. Hey, I could dig under
(scavare sotto). I could bring something.
From You Tube Part 8
S: You dont want to come over here. I could come through to your side.
B: Whats the point in that? You dad isnt going to be over here, is he? But Id stick out (se ne
accorgerebbero) though, wouldnt it, if I came through? I dont look like you.
S: You could look like me, though. If you dressed like me and shaved your hair off.
B: Im not shaving my hair off!
S: You can cover it with a cap.
B: My pyjamas are a different colour.
S: I could bring some. Theres a hut, its full of them, thousands of them. Would you do it,
B: I want to do it.
S: Would you dare do it though?
B: I want to help you find your dad.
S: I have got to go.
B: Tomorrow, then? Ill bring an extra big sandwich. And dont forget the pyjamas.
(The next day. Bruno is taking a big sandwich in the kitchen. His mum enters.)

B: Mum, can I go and play on the swing? Its my last chance

E: Go on, then.

S: I thought you werent coming.

B: Im sorry. It wasnt easy to get away. Im not meant (non dovrei) to be out here. You forgot
the pyjamas!
S: No. Did you bring the sandwich?
B: Would I let you down? (Potrei deluderti?)
Bruno loses his sandwich on the way but Shmuel is not disappointed.
B: How do I look?

Now complete the end of the film. Write a summary in about 100 words.

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