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doubles every 18 months. The speed of
a computer chip increases in proportion
to the density of the transistors (e.g.
density doubles, speed doubles).
Price/Performance ratio of computers
has fallen dramatically (computers are
smaller, less expensive)
Data: Raw fast representing a person,
place, thing or events. Not meaningful
on its own. It may be text, numeric,
image, audiovisual.
Information: Knowledge is derived from
data. Data is processed and presented
in meaningful context. Data is
processed by summing, ordering,
averaging, grouping, comparing or
other similar operations.It is important
because it improve decision making that
provide it with a competitive advantage.
Information adds meaning to data and
the better the information the better
the decision making.
Difference between data and
information:data can be defined as
recorded facts and figures whereas
information is the knowledge derived
from the data.
Automated IS:Hardware and program
components do most of the work. IS
computes quantities of items to order
by monitoring inventory levels or
production plans.
Augmentation IS:Humans do bulk of
work, systems support work done by
people. (Video conferencing, instant
messaging, email)

Characteristic of Good Information:
Accurate:Its based on correct and
complete data, which has been
processed correctly as expected.
Accurate is crucial, management must
be able to rely, cross-check information
to ensure accuracy.
For example: The booking information
about time, date and place from
customer of XXX.
Timely:Good information is timely
information-produced on time for its
intended use. (eg. report).
If not timely it can cause misalignment,
delay and disconnection with
For example: XXX company should fulfill
the customer request on product (plant)
replacement on time.
Relevant:It should be relevant both to
context and subject. Considering the
context, CEO needs information thats
summarized to an appropriate level to
your job.
For example: XXX uses monthly sales to
track the amount of money XXX
company has received from selling
stock or the number of item sold.
Just barely sufficient:It needs to be
sufficient for purpose for which it is
generated, but just barely so.
Do not need too much or extraneous
information. (Demand of customer
need to make decision)
For example: senior level management
of XXX would require information about
yearly or monthly profit which is
sufficient to make decisions whereas

operational level management requires

daily sales information. Senior level
does not need the daily sales profit,
because it provides too much
information, which is not required.
Worth its cost: Information isnt free.
There are costs for developing an IS,
costs for operating, maintaining, costs
for your time and salary for reading and
processing the information the system
For information to be worth its costs, an
appropriate relationship must exist
between the cost of information and its
value. Time and money spent must be
equivalent to result.
For example: XXX must examine
whether expanding the business using
ecommerce is worth it, whether it will
generate more profit rather than
increasing greater costs.
Information System: is a set of
interrelated components that collect,
process, store and distribute
information to support decision making,
coordination and control in an
organization. It exist to help
organizations to achieve their goals and
5 components/elements of computer-
based IS:
Hardware: Electronic components and
related gadgetry that input, process,
output, store and communicate data
according to instructions encoded in
computer programs or software
(personal computer, storage disk,
keyboard, monitor). People couldnt
manage their data without hardware.
Nowhere to set up software without
hardware. One of the actor in IS.
Software: Refers to computer programs
and software that support them
(inventory application programs,
purchase program). Its because thats
foul in computer to assist people to
manage data.
Data:Facts used by computer to
produce valuable info, usually stored in
the machine until needed (inventory
database, the words, sentences,
paragraphs in your report). Its
important because it acts as the bridge
between computer and human side.
Procedures/Processes: Instructions for
humans, policies that govern the
operations of a computer system
(purchase order according to inventory
management practices and guideline).
For example: Booking process: The
procedures taken when customers are
booking for plants maintenance service,
staffs of XXX would record their names,
check the time available for customers
People: Includes those who operate
and service the computers, maintain
the data, support the network and use
the system (purchasing clerk). They are
needed to run & operate the computer
The role of information: Business
processes generate information by
giving context to data: (1) may turn low-
level information into high-level
information. (2) Useful for management
and strategy decisions.

The role of information system:

Systems designers determine
relationship of business process
activities to IS: (1) several activities may
use one IS. (2) One activity may have its
own IS. (3)An activity may use several IS.
Business Process: Network of activities,
resources, facilities and info that
interact to achieve a business function.
(e.g. Inventory management process,
manufacturing processes, sales and
support processes)
Automation of process: Transfers work
done by people to computers.
Procedures done by people can be
converted into software instructions
and followed by computers.
How IS supports business processes:
Information system support activities in
a business process and system
designers determine relationship of
activities to information systems.
Information System Hardware:
Computer hardware technology is the
underlying physical foundation for the
firms IT infrastructure.
Basic hardware categories:
Information is important: it improves
decision making. Info add meanings to
data &the better the info the better the
decision making. This means the biz can
make decision that provides it with a
competitive (+).
Info System is a set of interrelated
components that collect, process, store &
distribute info to support decision making,
coordination & control in an organization.
Info systems exist to help org. achieve
their goals &objectives.
5 components of a computer based info-
Hardware consists of electronic
components & related gadgetry that
input, process, output, store &
communicate data according to
instructions encoded in computer
programs or software. It is categorized
into input, process, output & secondary
storage. It is one of the actors in info
system. People couldnt start to manage
the data without hardware.Eg: Computer,
storage disk, keyboard & database host
computer.Software is the instructions for
computer. It is needed to drive the
hardware. Eg: Microsoft Word,
purchasing program.Data record facts or
figures that represent something before
they are processed. It is important
because it acts as the bridge between the
computer & human sides. Eg: Words,
sentences & paragraphs in the report.
Peopleare the actors that needed to carry
out/start up program &people uses it to
perform computer activities.Eg: The
person.Procedures are instructions for

human, policies that govern the

collection of raw data from within the org
operations of the computer system. It is or from its external environment
those who operate &service the
(resource, facilities & info) Eg: Customers,
computers, those who maintain the data, suppliers, employees,
those who support the network & those distributors2)Processing: The conversion,
who support the system for a restaurant, manipulation & analysis of raw input into
hotel, &organizations. Eg: the methods R a form that is more meaningful to
used to start the program enter report,
humans (activities) Eg: includes items of
print it & save & backup Rhonda
value which are goods, cheques& also
file/processing order.Differences
customers, suppliers& consultants who
between data & information: Data can
have value in the process.3)Output: The
be defined as the recorded facts &figures distribution of processed info to the
whereas info is the knowledge derived
people that will use it or to the activities
from the data. Data is the raw fact
for which it will be used (info)Eg: the
representing a person, place, thing or
finished product/outcome.Client-server
events that might not be meaningful on Technologyis the separation function of
its own &it may be text, numeric, image, an application into 2 or more distinct
audio visual. Info is a knowledge which
parts. The client presents & manipulates
taken from data is process &presented in data on a desktop computer. The server
meaningful context by summing, ordering, acts like a mainframe to share & retrieve
averaging, grouping, comparing or other protected data.Differences between
similar operation.Characteristics of Good client & server:Client computer is for
Information:i)Accurate-Correct &
word processing, spreadsheets, database
complete data which has been process
access & so forth. Most client computers
correctly as expected. Accuracy is crucial; have software that enables them to
managers must be able to rely on the
connect to a network. With client-server
results of their info system. (R must
computing, the client/PC is smart & does
ensure that info about the product&
most of the work. Severs provide some
services availability&operating hours is
service. Server computers need to be
accurate).ii)Timely-Produce on time for
faster, larger & more powerful than client
its intended used (R provide info about
computers. Many servers have no display
price & availability for materials on
at all, because they are only accessed
time).iii)Relevant-Information should be from another computer via the network.
relevant both to the context ad to the
Servers publish websites, sell goods, host
subject. [Store Manager of R needs info database & provide their
of monthly sales in deciding qty of
material to be restocked].iv)Just Barely
Facebook).Benefits ofclient/sever
Sufficient-Information needs to be
architecture: client take considerable
sufficient for the purpose for which it is processing burden off, better resources
generated, but just barely so-We live in
use, centralize data storage, minimize
an info age; one of the critical decision
data redundancy.Client-server
that each of us have to make each day is computing is a network where there are
what info to ignore.[General Manager
intelligent client computers that can do
will have to look in the monthly sales to things such as word processing & a
decide whether to increase/decrease
server that stores data in a central
purchases but not base on the daily sales]. location for access by clients. It may hold
v)Worth its cost-Information is not free. networking programs. [Major
There are costs for developing an IS, costs components: Client do much of the
for operating, maintaining, costs for your individual users processing locally, server
time & salary for reading & processing
build to provide services (email) &
the info the system produces. For info to Networking LAN is a system in between
be worth its cost, an appropriate
them for their interaction].Client-server
relationship must exist between the cost processing (+)s: shared server does only
of information & its value.[R do market
database management, relatively easy to
research on what material cust
a capability & more users w/o slowing
interested ].Information system
the system or expanding the central
activities-1)Input: The capture or

Cloud Computing-refers to computing

networking on the internet.Storing data
on servers accessed only via the Internet.
Source data automation-Physical devices
used to provide data about an item (or
group of items) to an inventory manager.
Eg: Barcode scanner, touch screens,
handwriting recognition, voice input
Organizational decision levels-
Operational Decisions is the lowest level
of management; it is routine decisions
with definite procedures; usually
structured & short term horizon-concern
day to day activities. Eg: stock levels,
sales for the day, restock inventory,
determine special offers to
customers.Info systems that support
operational decision making are called
Transactions Processing Systems
(TPS).TPS is a computerized system that
performs & records the daily routine
transactions necessary to conduct
biz.[Amount of daily sales determine the
amount of material company shud
Managers1)Operational report:daily-
stock inventory, stock report, sales of the
day, list of customer deliveries (regularly-
it might be daily or weekly).2)Managerial
Decisions is the middle level of
management; only part of decision has
clear-cut answer; usually semi structures
& medium time horizon-concern the
allocation & utilization of resources. Eg:
Managers allocate resources based on
previous year annual report; develop a
marketing plan. Timeframe for decision is
usually the next quarter/year. It is
supported by Management Information
Systems (MIS). MIS provides managers
with reports or with online access to the
orgs current performance & historical
event. (Middle Managers)[identify the
peak & normal time to order material
accordingly & promotion plan for the
period]. Strategic decisions is the highest
level of management; non-routine
decisions requiring judgement; usually
highly unstructured & long term horizon-
concern broader scope, organizational
issues. Eg: approve capital budgets;
decide corporate objectives,
differentiation strategies.It is supported
by Executive Support Systems (ESS).ESS
focuses on the needs & high decision
makers. Unstructured decisions.

Unpredictable decision-monitor
analysis formulate a competitive strategy
performances, track competitors, spot
strategy:1)Cost Leadership across
which will hopefully over time give the
problems, identify opportunities &
industry.Eg: biz activity need to be
organization a greater market share to its
forecast trends. Internal Data includes:
developed as economically (+)ous as
competitors. It has 5 primary activities &3
finance, sales, production &accounting. possible.2)Costleadership on a particular support activities.
External Data includes: stock market
industry system 3) differentiation across 5 primary activities:
value, economic info. (Top
industry 4) differentiation focused on a
1)Inbound logistics: any activities that
Managers)[track competitors strategy,
particular segment. Purpose of Porters
involves the purchase, storage & transfer
budgeting plan for amount of material
Five Forces Model:this model identifies
of raw materials, up to the stage of
com need to purchase]
and analyzes 5 competitive forces that
production(Have a proper warehouse
Decision Process:1)Structured Decision is shape every industry, and helps
system to store all scrapping
one for which there is an accepted
determine an industry's weaknesses and material.).2)Operations:the conversion of
method for making the decision. Eg: a
strengths-identify and reduce/control
raw materials to finish product(Receive
standard method for allocating furniture Porters 5 forces:1)Bargaining power of orders and deliver material to
& equipment to employees.
customer: high when buyers have more cust)3)Outbound logistics: any activity
2)Unstructured Decision is a process for sellers to choose.(strong coz similar
that moves the finished product to the
which there is no agreed on decision &
online business can offer material at
buyer. This includes the storage &
making method. Eg: predicting the future cheaper price)2)Threat of substitute: high transport of finished goods.(Trace &track
decision of the economy or the stock
when many alternatives.[strong coz can material movements with a RFID(Radio-
market; company predict sales for the biz. easily replace d limited range of material Frequency Identification);Use
according to the future direction of the
with other alternative
DBMS(database management system) to
economy. Automated Information
material].3)Bargaining power of suppliers: record memberships details & the
Systems: hardware & program
high when power over an industry.low,
payments)4)Marketing& sales:activities
components do most of the work. Eg:
can order from diff supplier as the
involves in the sales &promotion of
info system computes quantity of
product range is wide& easily
product &services such as selling system,
material to order by monitoring inventory available].4)Threat of new entrance: high advertising & so on.(R plans to include
levels or production plans.Augmentation when easy to enter industry.[high coz
ecommerce to give customer
Information Systems: Humans do bulks of cost of starting d business is low/not high convenience,using SM to attract potential
the work; systems support work done by skills knowledge required)Reduce threat cust)5)Services:any service provided to
ppl. Eg: email, instant messaging, video
of new entrants: lock the customer-
the buyer after delivery has been made(R
create alliance: set up system that have upload more Youtube videos about how
Moores Law:A law, created by Gordon
value adding features. Rivalry- Rivalry
to make scrapbooks)
Moore, stating the number of transistor within the industry high when
3 support activities:
per square inch on an integrated chip
competition is fierce(strong coz face
Human resources:training, recruiting,
doubles every 18 months. Moores
many competitors)Solution for
compensation of employees
prediction has proved generally accurate 5forces:1)Product differentiation-Create Accounting &infrastructure: includes
in the 40 years since it was made.
barrier to entry by
accounting, finance, general
Sometimes this law is stated that the
forcing entrants to incur expenditure to management, legal government affairs.
performance of a computer doubles
overcome existing loyalty. New entrants Procurement & technological: process of
every 18 months. Although not strictly
must spenda great deal of money & time finding vendors, setting up contracture
true, this version gives of the idea.
to overcome this barrier. 2)Cost adv.
arrangement, negotiating prices; &
Report types-1)Static: prepared once
Independence of scales-Existing firms
ordering products.This function is spread
from underlying data, do not change. Eg: which may have cost (+)s not available to throughout the firm. Raw materials are
last years sales report. 2)Dynamic:
potential entrants regardless of entrants purchase by the purchasing department,
change to reflect most current data. Eg: size. These (+)s can include access to the but other items are purchase by the
current stock prices. 3)Query: prepared in best &cheapest raw materials, possession department &manager who need them.
response to queries from users. Eg:
of patents & propriety technological-
Tech consists of development &research
Google searches. 4)Online analytical
know-how, the benefit of learning &
also includes other activity within the
processing: user can dynamically change experience &curve effects, having built
firm for developing new techniques,
report grouping structure.
&equipped plants years earlier at lower methods &procedures.
cost, favorable locations, & lower borrow Linkages in the value chain: Porters
Competitive strategydetermines the
as cost.3)Access to distribution
model of business activities includes
structure features &function &every info channels4)Retaliations.Value chain a
linkages, which are interactions across
system; hence org. examine the structure network of value creating activities. it
business systems across entire value
of their industry &determine a
adds value to the product provided by
chain: it is important sources of efficiency
competitive strategy. It is a strategy &org. the biz. Purpose: For org. to analyze the &is readily supported by IS. Eg.
chooses, to succeed within its
structure of the industry& using that

Manufacturing system use linkages to

reduce inventory cost.
Biz processis a network of activities,
resources, facilities &information that
interact to achieve a biz function. Also, it
is referred to as a biz system. Eg:
inventory management process,
manufacturing processes, sales &support
processes, etc.
How do IS support biz process? IS support
activities in a biz process,&biz determine
the relationship of activities to IS.
Competitive (+) using IS: org. can gain
competitive adv. by implementing biz
processes supported by IS. Eg: locking in
customer (high switching cost if they
choose to purchase goods from other
supermarket), creating entry barriers
(making it expensive for new competitors
to enter the market) &reducing cost
(increase profitability); differentiating
the products (quality & better service)
enhancing & create product.
Functional applicationssoftware that
provides features &functions necessary
to support a particular biz activities.
Functional process.Processes that
involves activities within a single
department or biz function such as
accounts payable or inventory
management. Problem: data duplication,
disjointed process, limited information
&lack integrated information isolated
decision lead to org. inefficiency increase
expense. (traditional functional system)
Integrated cross functional system:
1)Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is
cross functional, enterprise-wide
application that integrates the primary
value chain activities with human
resources &accounting. They track
customers, process orders, manage
inventory, pay employees & provide
general ledger, payable, receivable &
other necessary accounting function.
With ERP to enter ur org. is considered to
be a collection of inter-related activities.
ERP differences: Enterprise Application
Integration (EAI)system (It connects
system islands via a new layer of
application) are developed because ERP
systems are so expensive & time
consuming to implement. EAI is different
to ERP because it is not fully integrated &
it dont have a central database.
ERP(+):efficient bizprocess, inventory
reduction, improve customer services,

high profitability. ERP (-): very expensive remember and promote. Once on the site,
&initially very disruptive to implement & target prospects can access product
often very difficult to change all of the
descriptions, use cases, success stories,
existing biz processes. 2)Supply Chain
and other materials that are easily
Management (SCM):SCM is an
provided. Costs of distribution via Web
information system that integrates
are low and capture contact information
primary inbound logistics biz activity that to feed to lead-tracking.
SCM involves coordinating & integrating 2)Lead tracking-Track sales lead; track
these flows both within & among
customer responses &contracts; prioritize
companies as management of the supply responses to maximize new customer
chain to improve productivity
revenue(R use membership system to
&profitability. Suppliers > Manufacturer > understand d range of products d cust
Distributor > Retail Outlet >
interested)3)Relationship management-
Customer.Factors that affect supplier
Support sales to existing customer;goal:
chain performance: facilities (location of ensure sales managers have information
the warehouse, warehouse size,
such as purchase history to prioritize, &
operation), inventory (how they manage allocate time & effort; determine cost of
inventory-not only the size but ordering, lost customer(Use membership system to
locating goods in storage, materials in
track cust buying behavior and support
supply chain), Transportation (movement sales to existing cust by giving
of materials along change along chain,
offer,discount& member loyal card)
truck/rail), information (request,
Question 3
response between org.) JIT allow
Components of the Entity-Relationship
manufacturer to reduce raw materials
Data Model
inventory size as well as the handling of EntitiesAn entity is something that the
raw material. SCM ADV: decrease order users want to track. It is a person, place,
cycle time, on-time delivery. SCM DISadv: thing or event. Eg: order, customers,
lack of skilled individuals to drive supply salesperson &item. Entities have
chain performance.SCM activities:
attributes which is a piece of information
sourcing function (finding vendors),
that describes characteristics of the
ordering function (send & receive goods), entity. Eg: order number, order date.
settlement (receive $). JavaScript benefit: Entities also have an identifier-a primary
communicate orders rapidly, plan
key: an attribute whose value can
production, check inventory availability, uniquely identify one &only one entity
track shipments.
instance.Relationship Entities have
RFID: a generic term that is used to
relationships to each other. An order,eg
describe a system that transmit the
has a relationship to a customer entity
identity of an object wirelessly using
&also to a salesperson entity.
radio waves.
Database Management Systems(DBMS)
3)customer relationship management
is a program used to create, process
(CRM) the set of biz process for attracting, &administer a database. As with
selling, managing &supporting customer. operating system, almost no organization
It is a application that store data about
develops its own DBMS, instead,
customer &their interaction with the org. companies license DBMS products from
CRM application provides info not only
vendors such as IBM, Microsoft &
for sales & marketing, but also for
Oracle.1)Enterprise DBMS: A product that
services & support, & any others process processes large organizational
that involves the customer. (+): discover &workgroup databases. These products
new customer. (-): difficult to integrate
support many users, perhaps thousands
with other management info system.
&many different database
3 ways/processes to improve CRM:
applications.2)PersonalDBMS designed
1)Solicitation- generates prospects via
for smaller, simpler database application.
messages to target market; Eg: use email, Such products are used for personal or
website & other IS messaging media;
small workgroup applications that
support direct mail, catalogue, other
involved fewer than 100 users &normally
traditional promotions Solicitation Tools- fewer than 15.
The Web Site:Web addresses are easy to

Benefitsof DBMS: Reduced data

Data Integrity(+) is when each item of
redundancy; protect data integrity
data is held in only one place, & all
(consistency); increase espeed (DBMS is applications share the same
a specialist system designed to speed up database.Eg:Each products has its own
Searching & Retrieval of data); easier
material code.This code is shared by all
modification & updating (new
department using data integrity
application, reports & queries can be
Data Integrity(-) is the situation that
added without disrupting existing
exists when data items disagree with one
applications), enables users to Query the another. Details about one entity in one
database.Dis(+)s of DBMS: High costof
file may be different from that in another
purchasing &operating a DBMS in a large file. This leads to data confusion because
biz environment; specialized staff
of inconsistent data. Eg: 2 different
required; increase vulnerability as high
names for same customer.
reliant upon the system.
A centralized DBMS can help re-enforce
Database Application is a collection of
data integrity by storing data centrally so
forms, reports, queries &application
that there are not independent database
programs that process a database.
silos. Another one point may be
1)Database a group of related tables.
establishing checks (rules on entry) so
2)Form used to read, insert, modify
that user errors are removed on one
&delete data. 3)Report shows data in a
structured context. 4)Query is a request The relational database:Data is stored on
for the data from a database. Query
an entity in a table & a link/relationship is
enable users to search specific record
established between one table and
quickly. Eg: Staff entity query (query
another table.
contains staff ID, staff name, staff
Primary Key: An attribute whose value
position) that used for extracting data
can uniquely identify one &only one
from various tables to make one single
entity instance.Foreign Key: Group of
outcome.5)Structured Query Language
column used to represent relationship.
(SQL) is an international standard
Values of FK match value of PK in
language for processing database data.
different tables.
Used for creating database &database
Difference between PK &foreign key: PK
structure.6)Records also called rows,
is used for unique identification of rows
groups of columns in a database table. Eg: but FK is used for identification of rows
a students name, date, course
but not usually unique. Only one PK per
&grade.7)Fields also called columns,
table but can have multiple FK per table.
groups of bytes in a database table. A
How they are used to maintain integrity
database table that has multiple columns of info in a database application?by
is used to represent the attributes of an ensuring all tables must have PK, linking
entity.Data Redundancy-Duplicated data with the FK to create relationship
stored in more than one file. Again a
between 2 entities to maintain integrity.
single file records in each functional area If one record is deleted from an entity,
with data stored in more than one
another entity which has the same record
location. It may lead to issues of data
will be deleted
integrity (confusion).(Rhondas customer simultaneously.Referential integrity: is a
details are located in more than one
constraint on FK value, it states that if a
system which are the order processing
PK exists in a relation, the FK value match
system and membership system)
the PK value of some type in its relation.
Data Redundancy: centralized DBMS
Normalisation: the process of converting
storing data in only one place &all
poorly structured tables into two or more
applications share the same dataset.
well-structured tables
When users access only one file,
Database: provides ready access to read
confusion over inconsistent data can be update &manage data to support the
eliminated. Relationship within the DBMS organizations operations
reduces data redundancy when
Database marketing opportunity:
modifications to data is done on a single application of biz intelligence systems for
planning &executing market programs

Data Warehouse: A Data Warehouse

gathers data from various sources
&makes it available for analysis to
support strategic decision-making &Data
Mining. A data warehouse cannot be
Meta Data: Data that describes data,
makes data more useful &easy to use &is
represented as a data dictionary
Data Mart: Facilities that prepare store
&manage data for reporting &data
mining for specific biz functions
Hierarchy of a Database: Database,
Tables, Records & Field
Data-Mining: can be implemented into a
biz which is the use of sophisticated
statistical techniques to find patterns
&relationship. It improves decisions by
discovering patterns &relationship in
data to predict future outcomes.
Data Dictionary: is basically data that
describes data. It makes databases more
useful &easier to use. It is an integral
component of DBMS that is required to
determine its structure, including a data
dictionary allows program staff to work
with evaluators to ensure that data needs
are addressed. It includes: field name,
data type, description
Question 4
~Network:A collection of computers that
communicates with one another over
transmission lines. 3 basic types:
i)Local Area Network: A network that
connects computers that reside in a
single geographic location on the
premises of the company that operates
the LAN. The number of connected
computers can range from 2 to several
hundred. Components of LAN include
switch/router, network interface card,
MAC address, UTP &optical
fibrecable.ii)Wide Area Networks (WAN):
A network that connects computers at a
different geographic locations.iii)Internet:
Is a network of networks. Internet
connects LANs &WANs &other internets.
~Biz Intelligence (BI) is an information
system that provides information for
improving decision making. A tool
produces the information, but the system
ensures that the right information is
delivered to the right user at the right
time. It helps foster the competitive (+) if
a biz.
Categories of a BI systemi)Reporting
System-Integrate &process data from

multiple systems by
capital),no easy exit (expensive &risky to
sorting,grouping,summing,averaging,com charge vendors) &benefits outweighed by
paring data.(R can use this system to find long term costs(high unit cost,forever
out repeated customer,calculate their
paying for someone elses
sales &no. of customer/month in order to mismanagement).Alternatives:
improve management decision)ii)Data-
Acquisition &operation of computer
mining systems-Use sophisticated
hardware,acquiring license software is a
statistical techniques to find patterns
form of outsourcing,entire info system
&r/ships,used to anticipate events or
(Vendor provides
predict future outcomes,market-baster
analysis,looks for items frequently
procedures for the function such as
purchased together.iii)Knowledge-
managementsystems-Create value by
Costs in an IT budget: Hardware,software
collecting &sharing human knowledge
products,productsuses,bestpractices,&ot Information Reach: refers to how many
her critical knowledge.(R can use this
ppl a biz can connect with &how many
system to fosters innovation by
products it can offer to those
encouraging the free flow of
ppl.Information Richness: is the quality
ideas,improve customer service by
&quantity of info about products
streamlining responses time & boost
&services.Disruptive Technologies: A new
revenues by getting products &services
way of doing things that initially does not
to market faster)iv)Expert systems-
meet the needs of existings customers. It
Summarizes knowledge in form of
completely changes the ways things are
IF/THEN rules, operational experts
done &does not sustain the existing
systems can have thousands of rules.
systems. The internet is a disruptive
Expert systems can improve diagnostic
technology because its 1 of the biggest
&decision quality of non-experts.
forces changing biz. Org must be able to
Benefits of using this BI
transform as markets,economic
system?(Competitive (+))1)Reporting
environments &technologies change.
systems-Improves decision by providing Focusing on the unexpected allows org to
relevant,accurate&timely information to capitalizes on the opportunity for the
the right ppl.2)Data mining-Improves
new biz growth from disruptive
decision by discovering the relationships technology[R plan to use internet to
in data to predict future
enable customer to buy material
online;advertise on social
System-Foster innovation,improve
media].Differences between disruptive &
customer service,increase organizational non-disruptive Tech (i) the target
responsiveness &reduce costs.4)Expert
customers of non-disruptive innovation
systems-Improved decision making by
are willing to pay for improved
non-experts by
performance whereas disruptive tech
encoding,saving&processing expert
often leads to either lower-priced
product or product designed for a
Outsourcing-Is the process of hiring
different set of customer. (ii) Sustaining
another organization to perform a service. innovation are advantages for established
Outsourcing is done to save costs,to gain company, since they can improve profit
expertise &to free up management time. margins by exploiting the existing
(+): Management (+)s (easy way to gain processes & cost structures. Disruptive
expertise,avoid management
innovation is the new entrants to the
problems,secure management time
market can beat the incumbents by
&attention),cost reduction(obtain part
commercializing a simpler, more
time services,gain economies of scale)
convenient product that sells for less
&risk reduction(outsourcing can decrease money & appeals to a new or (previously)
financial risk,outsourcing is fixed
unattractive set of customers. Sustaining
Technology: produces as improved
implementation risk).Dis(+): Loss of
product customers are eager to
control(potential loss of intellectual
buy.Encryption: A process of

transforming clear text into

coded,unintelligence text.E-Commerce: is
the buying &selling of goods &services
over public &private computer networks.
It is doing biz via internet.
REASONS why biz may not invest heavily
in ecommerce: 1) channel conflict with
existing channels: selling via e-commerce
may impact on sales in another channel.
2) Price conflict: selling via e-commerce
may impact on prices in traditional
channels. 3) Logistics expenses: other
factors to consider apart from cost. 4)
Customer service expenses: selling to
customer directly incur expenses &
added services which must be considered.
1)Biz to Consumer(B2C): Sales between a
supplier &a retail customer.[e.g.Online
Booking & web storefront].2)Biz to Biz
(B2B): Sales between
companies.(SCM,make instant
purchase,competition online force prices
to drop.)3)Biz to Government (B2G):
Sales between government agencies
&bizes(totally changing the nature of
biz).+&- ecommerce: (+)(improve market
efficiency)-Leads to disintermediation
which is the elimination of middle layers
in the supply chain. Also improves the
flow of price information &produces
information about the price elasticity that
has not been available before. Dis(+)-
Channel conflict(selling via e-commerce
may impact on sales in another
channel),price conflict(selling via EC may
impact on prices in traditional
channels),logistic expense,customer
service expense,security
issues(hacking),system &data
integrity(hardware failure),lack of e-
literate pp
l.~E-commerce Brokers
1)Auctions:App match buyers &sellers by
using an EC version of a standard
auction(Ebay).2)Clearing houses:entity
provides goods &services at a stated
price &arrange for delivery of the
Exchanges:Site facilitate matching buyer
&seller;the biz process is similar to that of
the stock
Commerce Adv./Strategic
Impact:Information flow across the org.
Customers access 24 hours every
day,reduced cost of transactions, direct
communications with other biz.5)Mobile

Computing:Enables internet-enabled
promotion).4)Software as a service (SAAS) rewards & risks. Types of Organisation
cellphones,PDAs&other wireless
runs on a server somewhere on the
Change.1)Automation:Using the PC to
computing devices to access digital
internet, often no license fees- Google
speed up the performance of existing
information on the internet from any
Docs.(+) of using web 2.0 (using ads, SN, tasks.Automation makes operating
locations.6)M-Commerce:The use of the Mashups, UGC): consumers expect
procedures more efficient(Using
internet for purchasing goods &services memorable buying experience, consumer computer software to record inventories,
&also for transmitting messages using
research conducted recently for Visa
R use inventories system to record what
wireless mobile devices.
suggests that retailers can adapt by
amount of material available in order to
Impacts of the internet on biz
providing entertainment, expert advice, reduce the written
1)Disintermediationis the elimination of education; create homogenous shopping records).2)Rationalisation: the
middle layers in supply chain (Eg: The
experience.Downfalls of web 2.0: not all streamlining of standard operating
travel industry. Traditionally,travel agents biz benefit from Web 2.0 concept-
procedures to eliminate obvious
were needed by customers to coordinate systems that deal with assets, financial
bottlenecks, [to reduce unnecessary
the booking of flights,accommodation,etc) transactions, private info & so one
procedures like producing a monthly
Now, ppl choose to do it all themselves
require some level of control. ~Tools:
newsletter and give to all customers in
onlineCost saving,reduce warehouse
Mashups (the combination of output
the stores for free after using e-
cost. Dis(+):1)Contracting with multiple
from 2 or more websites into a single
commerce] 3)Reengineering: a radical
parties could impose an added layers of user experience), wiki, weblog, user
redesign of business processes that
admin complexity on payers. 2)Electronic generated content &crowd sourcing.
eliminate repetitive work to improve cost
data interchange required among various 1)Search Engine Optimization (SEO): the quality and service. [maximize the
niche vendors must be developed &
act of altering the site so that it may rank benefits of info systems such as inventory
maintained.2)Reintermediationis a fight well for particular keywords. 2)User
system, TPS, website]4)Paradigm Shifts:
back from disintermediation(E.g.: R have Generated Content (UGC): in web 2.0,
Radical re-conceptualisation of the
the intention to include an e-commerce data & info that is provided by users.
nature of the biz &the nature of the
for sales of material)3)Information
Customers & partners offer advice &
org.[change to other biz].System
assistance to one another.Eg: product
conversion Converting biz activity from
between the info available to buyer and ratings, product problem solutions,
old system to new (Technology used to
seller. Buyers can shop around more
product designs, discussion groups,
implement new system).1)Pilot-The org
easily,buyer can easily obtain info on
customer stories.(R can benefit by getting implements the entire system on a
competing products) is when at least
reviews, feedbacks & recommendations limited portion of the biz. (+) if the
some relevant information is known to
from customers thru blog,Youtube. R can system fails, it only affects limited
some but not all parties involved. It
know what improvement needed to
boundary & reduces exposure, protect
causes market participants do not have
achieve competitive (+)Benefit of UGC & the system from developing a negative
access to the market information they
SN: increase loyalty to company sites
reputations throughout the
need for their decision making
&brand loyalty; increase brand
org.2)Phased-The new system is installed
processes.(W/O internet:Info was
involvement, interaction, intimacy,
in phases across the org. Once a place
controlled by seller.Hence cost of
influence; provide useful info for product works, than the org tests & install
comparison shopping was high, people
marketing & development; online users another piece. It continues until installed
have to go from place to place to
community can provide biz with
at the whole org. (-) cant be used in
compare)(With Internet:Get info from
important ideas of product improvement. tightly integrated systems.(+) make sure
website to compare prices,imbalance has Risks of UGC & SN: negative reviews in
that every stage is running
been removed.
appropriate content; dependency on SN well.3)Parallel-The new system runs in
Web 2.0: refer a loose clouds of
vendor; not all biz benefit from web
parallel with old system during testing
capabilities, technologies, biz models &
2.0.3)Crowd sourcing is the process by
until the new system is tested &fully
philosophies that characterize the new & which organizations use web 2.0
operational. (+) Safest among all methods
emerging biz uses of internet. It is about technologies such as UGC to involve their of conversion, old & new system can be
using the web in a different way than
users in the design& marketing of their
compared, build confidence, provides
from just seeking information such as SN products.4)Enterprise 2.0 is the use of
easy fallback position.(-) it is costly &
& advertising.1)AdWords vendors pay
emergent social software platforms
time-consuming &that data must be
Google for specific
within companies or between companies entered twice.4)Plunge is direct
words/phrases.2)Adsense Google inserts & their partners or
installation. Install new system
ads that match webpage content.3)
customers.5)Organizational Change:IS
&discontinue old which means there is
Social networking (interaction of
can be a powerful instruments for
no backup position. (+)Least costly.(-
peopleconnected by hobbies, friendship, change,enabling org to redesign their
)Most dangerous. If fails, nothing can be
biz associations, medical health [set up a structure,scope,relationships,workflows, done until new system is fixed or old
FB page & Twitter a/c to update
products& services. IS can promote
system reinstalled.Rapid Application
customers with ongoing activities or
various degrees of OC. Each carries diff
Development (RAD) is used to describe

the process of creating workable systems

in a very short period of time. Eg: include
building system from using pre-existing
components, using parts of the system
simultaneously not
involves building a model or experimental
version of all part of system so that it can
be quickly tested &evaluated. A
prototype model is geared to be changed
constantly until it reaches its intended
audience &function or until when the
complete system is developed. (+)
benefits gained from greater user
involvement in the development process;
useful when design goals are uncertain,
easily changed &faster development
(better outcomes gained from greater
user involvement in the development).(-)
Cost may be higher & danger of accepting
nearly there systems, problems of
satisfying end-users. Often used when
requirements are not clear.Issue: Privacy
concern- companies can easily &cheaply
assemble &combine info stores on
customers like a credit card purchases,
telephone calls.System Development Life
Cycle(SDLC) is the classical process used
to develop info system. 5
phases:1)System definition:
Managements statement defines new
systems. Define goals of info system so as
to facilitate competitive strategy,
supporting biz processes, or improve
decision making.It can be accomplished
by Team of users &IS professionals
assigned to assess feasibility. R plans to
create a new system- ecommerce system
to compete with the similar online
business 2)Requirement analysis: Identify
features &functions. If the requirements
are wrong, the system will be wrong.
Document requirements are: examine
existing system, (review reports, forms,
queries, application, features) & security
& controls. identify features of the new
system- membership system, youtube.
3)Component Design(hardware, software
& network): Based on approved user
requirements. The 5 components are
designed in this stage. Hardware design
determined by project team. Software
design depends on source (off the shelf &
custom develop programs), Data model
converted into database design,
Procedure design (normal, backup, failure
recovery procedures), People (create job

def). determine system specification:

hardware: computer, software:
application system, data: quantity
purchased by customer, procedures:
receive orders, process, delivery,ppl- hire
employees-create job4)Implementation:
implement (document &review
&components constructed
independently), test (individual
components tested &system installed
&tested), &install new system. Users
must be trained to use the new system.
train R employees to participate in the
implementation of the new system
5)System Maintenance: Fix errors, add
new features, &maintain the system.
When the e-commerce goes wrong,
Rhonda will fix the error that e-
commerce encounters Problems with
SDLC:1)SDLC Waterfall sequence of non-
repeated phases, it rarely works
smoothly causing development team to
go back &forth, raising costs &delaying
project.2)Requirements documentation
difficultybiz requirements sometimes
change making documented
requirements incomplete or
obsolete.3)Scheduling &budgeting
difficulties time &cost estimates for large
projects are usually way off, people who
make initial estimates know little about
how long it will take or cost. Alternative
of SDLC is RAD.(+) good for designing &
refining user interface, end user
participation (better outcome), faster
development, easy change.System
Development is the process of creating &
maintaining info system: 5 major
challenges:1)The difficulty of determining
requirement What features do you want?
Do you really need them? What info
should the system generate? Must create
environment where difficult questions
are asked &answered.2)Changes in
requirements the bigger the system the
longer the project, the more
requirements are likely to
change.3)Difficulties involving scheduling
&budgeting often these have to be done
many times until there is a general
agreement.4)Changing technologies even
after the agreement the technology
might change during
development.5)Diseconomies of Scale
Brookes Law- adding more people to a
late project makes the project-
later.System TestingTest Plan sequence

of actions that users take when

employing system. Product Quality
Assurance IT Specialist constructs test
plan with advice &assistance of users.
Users final say on whether system is
ready to use. Beta Testing Last stage of
testing, future system users try out
system on their own.Security
ThreatsSources: 1) Human Error
accidental problems. Eg: deletions, copy
overs etc, poorly written programs,
physical accidents. 2) Malicious Human
Activity intentional destruction by
employees, hackers, virus &worms,
terrorist, criminals. 3) Natural Disasters
fires, floods, cyclones, initial losses of
capability, secondary losses from
recovery action. Virus is a computer
program that replicates itself . i)Trojan/
Horses Virus that masquerade as useful
programs or files.ii)Macro Virus attached
to documents. When the document is
opened the virus is placed in the startup
file for the application.iii)Worms Virus
that propagates using internet or
network chokes network. Cookies-Tiny
files deposited on a PC hard drive when
an individual visit certain website. Used
to identify the visitors &track users to
website. Password Protection:Technical
solution--virus protection software; Non-
technical solutionbetter training on
staff Problems: Unauthorised data
disclosure, incorrect data modification,
faulty service, denial of service (DOS) &
loss of infrastructure. Minimizing risk:
Patch security holes, never download
from an unknown site, dont open
attachments from strangers, &dont rely
on file extensions &never share
passwords.Cost to a biz: info system
security is a major cost for any biz, IT/IS
departments spend many hours try to
release its patches. Elements of a
security program:i)Senior management
involvement: Must establish security
ns against security threats (Eg. Technical
safeguards, data safeguards, human
safeguards).iii)Technical Safeguards-
Identification & authorization, encryption,
firewalls (Computer device that prevents
unauthorized network access), Malware
protection (spyware programs install w/o
users knowledge, reside in background,
monitor users action, sometimes used
for marketing analysis),Adware(similar to

spyware w/o malicious intent,can slow

computer performance). Solutions for
virus:Installantivirus,browse reputable
website,open email attachment from
known sources, update malware
definitions regularly.iv)Data Safeguard:
passwords,encryption& back up.v)Human
Safeguards: Securities monitoring- log &
monitor use of IT resources, policies &
procedures for appropriate use,
investigating & learning from security
incidents. Hiring &screening employees-
Extensive interviews &background checks
for high sensitivity positions. System
management procedures & Response: Must plan
for prior to security
incidents.Responsibility of the IT
department: Plan for information
systems &IT
dapt information systems &IT
infrastructure organize &manage
risk.Information systems rights
&responsibilities-Users right
include:Resources to perform work
network &internet services,secure
computing environment &reliable system
development & maintenance. Resist to
Change: A method to help with change
would be promoting that information
system within the org to show them the
consistency of this change, &why this
change is required. It may also promote
the willingness to learn &be informed
about this new system. It would be
introduced at the beginning of the SDLC,
likely before training occurs, as it would
promote the willingness to be taught.
Another method would be to train staff.
Primary storage: Store all part of the
program that being executed,store the
operating system,hold data that program
is using.(Main memory) Secondary
Storage: Located outside of the primary
storage. Non-volatile & retain data even
when the computer is turn off(pen-
memory).Tangible:Cost of benefits that
can be measured in $ value.
Intangible:Subjective benefits and cost
which cannot be measured in
$ term.Tangible cost of good info: The
most obvious example is the cost of their
system to produce the info. Intangible

cost of good info:Any cost that cannot be

measured or is difficult to measure.
Ongoing maintenance is an obvious one.
Tangible benefit of good info: Save time
coming into uni to re-enroll. Intangible
benefit of good info: Less stress
associated with driving to uni or spending
time with family,more accurate
info,hence less errors,hence less mistake
in the enrollment
INFORMATION: Data can be defined as
recorded facts and figures whereas
information is the knowledge derived
from the data. In this case, the data
could be the name of members and the
information is the knowledge of the
business to their members.
(1) Accurate: Correct and complete data,
management must be able to rely,
cross-check information to ensure
(2) Timely: Produced in time for
intended use.
(3) Relevant: Relevant both to context
and subject, that is, summarized to the
appropriate level and covers the
appropriate subject matter.
(4) Just barely sufficient: Sufficient for
purpose for which it is generated, but
just barely so. Do not need too much or
extraneous information.
(5) Worth its cost: Relationship
between cost and value. Time and
money spent must be equivalent to
Instructions for humans, policies that
govern the operations of a computer
CONFIGURATION:In the distant past,
terminals were dumb and they relied on
a big fast and expensive mainframe or
central computer. With Client-Server
computing, the client is smart and does
most of the work. Client computers are
used for word processing, spreadsheets,
database access. Servers provide faster,
larger and more powerful service.
computing refers to computer
networking on the Internet. It is a
relatively new term used in Information
Systems. It stores data on servers
accessed only via the Internet.
For example: XXX uses Youtube to
stores the companys information such
as the history of company for customer
to view.
(hi) Strategic Decision: These decisions
are unstructured. Senior managers
make decisions on long range planning,
concerned with organizational issue.
Type of IS, Executive support system
(ESS) which is used to support strategic

planning and make unpredictable

decisions. They are tailor made systems
to meet the needs and used to monitor
performance track competitors, spot
problems, identify opportunities and
forecast trends.
(hii) Tactical/Managerial Decision:
These decisions consist of structured
and unstructured. Middle managers
plan and control operation, allocate and
utilize resource and implement goal.
Types of decisions are such as allocate
resources, label, and land.
Type of IS: Management Information
System (MIS) provides managers with
reports or with online access to the
organization current performances and
historical event.
For example: XXX managers use MIS to
allocate resources to different
(hiii) Operational Decision: These
decisions are structured. Managers at
operational level manage general
workforce, monitor day-to-day events.
Operational Report: Day to day sales
report, stock report, list of customers
Type of IS: Transaction Processing
Systems (TPS) is a computerized system
that performs and records the daily
routine transaction necessary to
conduct business.
FORCES: The competitive strategy that
TOGC may apply here is differentiation
within particular industry. This method
can be used as it is mentioned in the
case study that TOGC may build a
restaurant and health club for their
members. This way, it would reduce the
threat of substitute since TOGC would
provide better and different services
compared to other golf courses. Next,
through differentiation strategy, TOGC
could also weaken the bargaining
power of customers whereby TOGC
could charge higher prices to earn more
profit. Also, TOGCs high standard of
services provided, it would set the
parhigher for other competitors and
thus reducing the threat of new
Porters Value Chain:
There are 5 primary activities in the
value chain which are:
(i)In-bound logistics: Any activities that
involve the purchase, storage and
transfer of raw materials up to the
stage of production.
(ii)Operations: The conversion of raw
materials into product..
(iii)Out-bound logistics: Any activities
that moves the finished product to the
buyer. This includes the storage and
transport of finished goods.

(iv)Marketing & Sales: Activities
involved in the sale & promotion of
products or services such as selling
system and advertising and so on. For
example: TOGC advertise their golf

course about new upcoming

restaurants and formal competitors on
brochures or even on their own website
(v)Service: Any service provided to the
buyer after delivery has been made. For
example, TOGC provides members with
loyalty programs which would benefit
(c)Purpose of applying PORTERS
organization: Porters Value Chain is a
network of value creating activities.
Porters Value Chain Analysis is the
series of activities that adds value to the
product provided.(refer to theory part)
(i)Help identify opportunities for
strategic advantage.
(ii)Activities can be analyzed to
determine whether it adds value.
(iii)Each action that makes up the
primary activities can be analyzed to
determine whether it adds value to the
finished products.
(i)TOGC could implement changes to
improve inbound logistics.
(ii)An Information system can be used
to implement automatic replacement
ordering, direct sales payment.
(d)describe in detail (one of the
activities) and a measure that can be
ADVANTAGE:TOGC could improve their
services or gain competitive advantage
in conducting formal competitors on
weekend. This competition may be
conducted on alternative weekends to
attract more visits of members. TOGC
could provide attractive prizes for
members to encourage them take part
in the competition.
(e)Outline an IS can be used to
ACTIVITIES:Transaction Processing
System (TPS) could be used at the front
desk of TOGC. Staff could easily know
the number of towels or golf balls
members would want when they check
in at TOGC. Also, the caf staffs could
also use TPS to gain more info about
members preference and recommend
members on what food that would suit
their taste.
(f)What is ERP? How is it different from
other approaches of IS?
ERP is a system that coordinates all the
resources, information, activities
needed to complete business process in
an organization.
Differences: (i)ERP is a system that
coordinate the business processes
whereas CRM is a system that involves
tracking interactions between
customers and the organization. Also,
SCM is different from ERP as it is a
system that seeks to coordinate the
product along the supply chain in order
for it to be provided at the right time &
(ii)ERP benefits the organization by
improving customer service, efficient

business process based on inherent

process that have been chosen as
industrys best practice. On the other
hand, CRM benefits the organization by
improving the relationship between the
customers and organization by storing
data about all interactions with
customers. Also, SCM is different
whereby it improves the organizations
performance along the supply chain
such as planned productions, better
inventory availability and track orders.
(g)What is CRM? How can it provide
competitive advantage?
(Add definition)Through CRM, the
relationship between management &
customers could be improved. A better
relationship with customers could
encourage customers to visit TOGC
more often. Also, customers would
acknowledge that they are valued
highly by TOGC. And thus, a customer
would choose TOGC compared to other
golf courses because they feel that
TOGC could provide better services by
understanding their preferences.
(h)What is SCM? How can it provide
competitive adv?
(Add definition)Since SCM could
communicate orders rapidly, they could
restock their inventories immediately
by providing better availability of
products, it could enhance TOGCs
differentiation strategy which would
then reduce the order time of
inventories. This would allow TOGC to
gain competitive adv bcoz their
products are always available for
customers. Also, the feedback or info
shared about defects and returns helps
TOGC to improve their products and
produce better ones than competitors.
(i)Automation It makes operation
procedures more effective and efficient
by using computer to speed up existing
task. e.g. management of XXX automate
its operation by using computer for
members to check in and check out to
the club to speed up the registration
(ii)Rationalisation A streamlining of
operation procedures to eliminate
bottlenecks. It represents by a faster
and simple working methods. e.g.
management of XXX rationalizes its
operation procedures such as
introducing card stamping system into
their organization to smooth the
process of recording employee
(iii)Reengineering a radical redesign
of business processes that eliminate
repetitive work to improve cost quality
and service. Moreover, it can maximize
benefit of information technology. e.g.
XXX reengineers its organization by
assigning accounting department for all
accounting matters across the
organization of every departments to
eliminate repetitive work.
(iv)Paradigm shift a radical
reconceptualization of nature of
to material on websites, and

occasionally other media sources that

are produced by the users of the
website. This is different than, for
example, a website designed by a
company which puts forth material
produced by professionals. In
usergeneratedcontent, it is the amateur,
in most cases, who contributes the
content. e.g. XXX creates website and
present its business background and
other information to their potential and
existing members.
several advantages: UGC is trusted;
Contributors have an interest in helping
promote the content; UGC provides
more content for search engines; UGC
provides more information sources for
prospects and customers; UGC
publishing allows for critical feedback
about products and services; UGC
publishing provides tools for brand
evangelists; UGC facilitates brand
conversations within the marketplace.
dangers: Resources are needed for
oversight and moderation; Ease of
publishing may lead to spam;
Information could be false and
outdated; Ownership is unclear;
Structuring UGC publishing can be
challenging; There is the potential for
negative information about the brand
to appear.
COMPUTING:enables internet-based
cell-phones, PDAs, and other wireless
computing devices to access digital
information on the internet from any
location. e.g. mobile computing allows
TOGC members to assess digital
information of its organisation from any
location. (ii)DISADVANTAGES:quality of
connectivity; security concerns; lots of
power consumption; working
bandwidth using here is very less.
(e)PROTOTYPING: is a mock-up of an
aspect of a new system.involves
building a model or experimental
version of all or part of a system so that
it can be quickly tested and evaluated
and it is gradually refined until the
complete system is developed.
The advantages of prototyping are that
it is useful when design goals are
uncertain, good for designing and
refining user interface, end-user
participation better outcomes, faster
development and easily changed.
The disadvantages of prototyping
which are the costs may be higher,
danger of accepting
nearly there system, and the
problems of satisfying large numbers of

(i)There are 5 components in this stage.
Hardware design determined by project
team, Software design depends on
source (off the shelf and custom
develop programs), data model
converted to database design,
Procedure design (normal, backup,
failure recovery procedures), People.
(ii)Implementation: implement
(document and review and components
constructed independently), (iii)test
(individual components tested and

system installed and tested), and install

new system. Users must be trained to
use the new system.
(ii)SYSTEM ANALYSIS- Requirement
analysis: identify features and functions.
If the requirements are wrong the
system will be wrong. Documents
required to examine existing system are
(review reports, forms, queries,
application and features) & (security
and control).
(i) How can web 2.0 be used by
organization for commercial advantage?
-it is the new and emerging uses of
internet; Often interactively works with
virtual communities and is user-centred.
Advertising: Specific to the user
interaction (social networking sites)
AdWords: vendors pay Google or Yahoo
for specific words, phrases. Places
depend on how much vendor paid for.
AdSense: Google inserts ads that march
web page content.
(*) Improved information on prices and
terms: Customers compare price on a
number of websites, cause a reduction
in information asymmetry. The
advantage one party has over another
by having more information, can put
downward pressure on the prices that
businesses can charge for their products.
For example: Customer who wants to
buy golf equipment would do research
and compare the prices of each Golf
Club through their official social media
platforms. The customer may lose
interest on TOGCs offer as other
competitors provide better offers than
(i) Briefly discuss three aspects of e-
commerce that make it attractive to
-restricted to buying and selling
-does not include information retrieval
without a fee
-May involve direct buying and selling
to customer or broker who sell on
behalf of companies.
the package of features and the
significant level of impact on the market
rather than the establishment of the
TECHNOLOGY:(i)The target customers
of non-disruptive innovation are willing
to pay for improved performance
whereas A disruptive technology often
leads to either lower-priced products or
products designed for a different set of
consumers. (ii)Sustaining innovations
are advantageous for established
companies, since they can improve
profit margins by exploiting the existing
processes and cost structures.
Disruptive innovations, the new
entrants to the market can beat the
incumbents by commercializing a
simpler, more convenient product that
sells for less money and appeals to a
new or (previously) unattractive set of
(K) In relation to B2C e commerce,
what is meant by disintermediation
-disintermediation is the elimination of
middle layers in the supply chain.

-For example: Consumers can buy golf

equipment through TOGCs social media
platforms such as its official website,
this helps to eliminate the distributor,
the retailer, and possibly more. The
product is shipped directly from the
manufacturers finished goods
inventory to customer. Customer
eliminate the distributors and retailers
inventory carrying costs, shipping
overhead and handling activity. Because
the distributor and associated
inventories have become unnecessary
waste, disintermediation increases
market efficiency.
(H)Two of the techniques that can be
used to implement a new system are
Pilot and Phased transition. Briefly
describe each and compare their
relative advantages.
Pilot: organisation implements entire
system on single, limited unit.
Advantage: if system fails, it only affect
limited boundary. Reduces exposure
and protects the new system from
developing a negative exposure of the
Phased: New system installed in phase
across the organisation. Once a given
piece works, then the organisation
installs and tests another piece of
system, until the entire system has
been installed.
Advantage: lower risk, correct any
known bugs and allow 100%
compability with data entered.
TANGIBLE COST of good info:the most
obvious example is the cost of their
system to produce the info.
INTENGIBLE COST of good info:any cost
that cannot be measured or is difficult
to measure. Ongoing maintenance is an
obvious one.
TANGIBLE BENEFIT of good info:Save
time coming into uni to re-enrol.
INTANGIBLE BENEFIT of good info:Less
stress associated with driving to uni or
spending time with family- that sort of
thing. Or it could be other things such
as more accurate info hence less errors
hence less to correct enrolments by
office staff.

*if ask disruptive tech- is a new way of.
Give eg. XXX uses internet to enable
customers buy equipments or make
*to improve CRM mention
Solicitation/Lead Tracking/ Relationship
*to improve SCM mention the 4
Cloud computing: TheCloudis a
metaphor of the Internet. It came about
because on networking diagrams,
engineers used to draw cloud shapes
for the Internet, as that area of the
public switched network between their
end-points. The term has become
ubiquitous. The cloud really looks like
this (inside a Google server farm). The
term is not universally defined; hence
the term means different things to
different people. Essentially cloud
computing involves a large number of
computers connected through a

communication network. The Internet is

the communication network used.
Hence the term Cloud Computing.
Why Cloud Computing?
Cloud Computing represents the
ultimate form of outsourcing.
Can be regarded as a natural evolution
of IT provision for Information Systems
and services
Recall that an organizations IT
infrastructure is the foundation for all
of the information systems that the
organization uses hardware, software,
networks, databases, IT services.
Cloud Computing Delivery models.
Characteristics of good infrastructure:
accessibility, availability, maintainability,
portability, reliability, scalability,
usability. Cloud computing can help IT
managers achieve the above with cloud
based infrastructure/ services.
Cloud Computing Services are
generally based on 3 models:
Infrastructure as a service (Iass),
Platform as a service (Paas), Software as
a service (Saas).These models represent
the three types of computing generally
required by consumers: Infrastructure
to run software and store data,
Platforms to develop applications,
Software applications to process data.
Things that are affected by Cloud
computing: flexibility, control,
management simplicity, and vendor
lock in.
Model explanation.
-On-Premise: This option is great where
you want to ensure you have full
control over your data complete
flexibility to configure your IT exactly
how you want it to work. You dont rely
on 3rd parties with your data
On Premise could be the most
expensive options. Need the expertise
in house to manage the cloud.
Flexibility: High, Control: High,
Management Simplicity: Low, Vendor
Lock In: Low.
-IaaS : Infrastructure as a Service is
renting the infrastructure to run your
own application and OS.
It gives reasonable control and
flexibility over your infrastructure for
reduced complexity and management
costs. No direct control over the
underlying hardware, network, or
Have the ability to install and manage
your own OS and applications running
on the infrastructure.
Flexibility: Medium, Control: Medium,
Management Simplicity: Medium,
Vendor Lock In: Medium.
-PaaS : Allows you to host your own
custom application where the provider
handles everything for you except your
application and your data.Good if you
have an application developed for the
specific PaaS platform. Dont have to
worry about hardware, network, or
managing the OS, and underlying
software to run your application. You
can focus on the development of your
application and easily scale, as you
require additional resources. Flexibility:
Low, Control: Low, Management
Simplicity: High, Vendor Lock In: High.

-SaaS : The entire application is

provided to you in a hosted format.You
dont need to worry about running
anything below the application such as
the infrastructure, OS, services, etc.
Easiest to manage in terms of
management, least flexible.
Flexibility: Very Low, Control: Very Low,
Management Simplicity: Very High,
Vendor Lock In: Extremely High.
4 deployment models for cloud
services, with other variations that
address specific requirements:
3 major types: public Cloud, private
Cloud, and hybrid Cloud.Other types:
vertical Cloud, community Cloud.
-Public Cloud: The cloud infrastructure
is made available to the general public
or a large industry group and is owned
by an organization selling cloud
-Private Cloud: The cloud infrastructure
is operated solely for a single
organization. It may be managed by the
organization or a third party, and may
exist on-premises or off-premises.
-Hybrid Cloud: The cloud infrastructure
is a composition of two or more clouds
(private, community, or public) that
remain unique entities but are bound
together by standardized or proprietary
technology that enables data and
application portability (e.g., cloud
bursting for load-balancing between
-Community Cloud: The cloud
infrastructure is shared by several
organizations and supports a specific
community that has shared concerns
(e.g., mission, security requirements,
policy, or compliance
considerations).May be managed by the
organizations or a third party and may
exist on or off-premises.
-Vertical Cloud: It is now possible to
build cloud infrastructure and
applications for different businesses
(construction, finance, insurance etc).
Benefit of cloud computing: reduced
investment costs, increased scalability,
increased availability and reliability,
facilitate collaboration, expand scope of
business operations, customize
products and services, backup reliability
and storage capacity. OTHER BENEFITS:
multiple users can access applications
and documents from any device &
anywhere in the world, eliminate the
need to purchase, install and maintain
software on multiple computers,
eliminate the need to purchase and
maintain expensive servers; managed
security; unlimited data storage, backup
and recovery; cloud services provider
maintains and updates software and
infrastructure; easy, secure and real-
time access for mobile workforce;
scalable to increase/decrease as your
business needs fluctuate; energy
efficient less hardware to support
equals lower energy costs; pay for
services on an as needed or flat rate
basis depending on your business
Major issues of concern: Legacy IT
Systems, reliability, privacy, security,
regulatory & legal environment,

little/no capital investment (service do

not depreciate over years as capital
expenses do, so there cloud be a tax
disadvantages over time), monitoring
and maintenance tools are not mature
yet, immature standard (standards at
the quality levels corporate IT requires
are still a couple of years away, most
analysts agree).

Risk of CC:
-Data mobility: the cost of using
someone elses application is often that
you cannot get all your data out of it in
a way that is usable in a different
vendors software.
-Privacy: with cloud-monitoring and
management software still in its infancy,
a customers ability to know for sure
whos looking at what data, especially
that within their own organizations is
using it, is limited.
-Service level: The ability to tailor
service-level requirements to the
specific needs of a business is far less
than with internal data centres.
-Interoperability: Highly customized
internal applications that many
companies rely on most heavily are
often incompatible with generic IT
infrastructures available within the

DIGITAL WASTE another issue is the
large amount of digital waste online;
people are continuously updating and
uploading pictures, videos, articles;
Most of the time after this is done, the
uploaded items are forgotten about;
accumulation of data takes place (old
videos of pet dogs, shared online
SMSes); this is very much like a landfill
(just an electronic one); responsible
usage of the cloud should take place
provide a better environment for all.

CC example:
-Amazon: Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2),
the best-known infrastructure service,
prices its services per terabyte per
month; Customers pick their own
services, including OS, security levels,
access controls and APIs, and pay by
volume of usage
- Google : App Engine: Gmail is free for
personal use and starts at about $50
per mailbox for corporate
implementations with private domain
names. Googles App Engine lets
customers build virtual Java or Python
Web applications on Google servers,
and pay by the gigabyte when their
capacity goes beyond the 500MB of
free data and resources to serve five
million page views per month.
Extra Question
This query will extract customer details
that joined before 1990s. The purpose of
this is to track which are the loyal
customer or new customer. It will help
the company to decide which customer
to be rewarded with loyalty card and

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