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Kendall Horan

Honors 100 Assignment 3

Abby Wilson has a problem many of us seem to have: she wants to do everything. Now,
as far as problems go, thats not a particularly awful one. Its usually better to have overbooking
on your mind rather than underbooking, lest you end up missing an opportunity, lacking a good
backup opportunity should one you were set on fill up, or finding yourself bored. That said, I
doubt Abby (undecided in her major, though partial to the sciences of the computer and political
variety) will be able to study abroad, do research and internships, work on political campaigns,
join various computer programming and/or computer science societies, get involved with
womens rights, work on campus, join outdoor recreational clubs, and get involved with ASUW
theres simply not enough time! Shell just have to do some serious picking and choosing.
What follows are three specific opportunities which align with Abbys interest and will hopefully
offer her a starting point for that picking and choosing:
First, outdoor recreation. Abby, you mentioned wanting to do some outdoor activity, but
you didnt really know what was offered or what you were expressly interested in other than
something outdoors, so Ive dug up just some general information on the Campus Recreation
branch of the UW Outdoor Program for you: This
website has a ton of different clubs and opportunities listed that all look very fun, accessible, and
frequent. This program looks promising if youre interested in something particularly
adventurous: Its
a two-day, all-women rock-climbing trip to Colorado happening this spring (no prior climbing
experience necessary).
Next, a program for women in computer science, one of the fields youre interested in
potentially pursuing, Abby. The UW is home to a chapter of ACM-W, The Association for
Computing Machinery for Women. This is a departmental program dedicated to cultivating a
strong supportive community of women within the UWs CSE program. With your interests in
both computer science and womens rights, this seems something youd be interested in, Abby:
And last, but certainly not least, study abroad! Abby mentioned wanting to study abroad
in an English speaking country and take advantage of a program not specific to a major,
something like an exploration program. But then she also mentioned wanting to do something
abroad that lasted longer than just a quarter. I think Ive managed to fine something that fits both
bills. Offered by CIEE (Council on International Educational Exchange), this program
( in Perth, Australia, is geared
toward students looking to experience one or several areas of academia among a wide array of
fields, everything from engineering to the arts. Pick and choose academics to study at Murdoch
University in Perth and then utilize CIEE resources to explore Perth and other parts of Australia
through cultural programs, internships, community projects, and more. The program runs either
a quarter (though because the program is through CIEE and not the UW the dates may conflict
slightly with out quarter system be mindful) or a full year and new trips open up year round
all of the application dates and information are on that website. This program looks right up
Abbys alley a non-major specific program in an English speaking country offered year round
with a focus on experience first and foremost!

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