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Trapped P.

2 - Josh Bickmeier

As we ran, there was yelling behind us. We didnt stop running until we got to the
Principal's office to check the security tapes. We were surprised to see another
student doing the same thing. Who are you, I asked. And how in the world were
you thinking what we were going to do? The kid replied: My name is James, 7th
grader, and if you want to make it out of here alive, I suggest running out the door.
All the doors are locked. Were on lockdown, afterall.
Then how about a window?
Locked too.
Ceiling vent?
Cant reach them.
Well, at least I saved you the trouble of checking the cameras, he replied. I still
dont know who they are, because the audio was cut. Although, I know why they
To hold us hostage, and send videos to the President, warning him that if they
dont get what they want, they will blow up the school, with us in it. I stared, awe
struck. Do they know that we're in this room? I asked. I dunno, James replied.
You can run up to them and ask:Did you know we were in the principal's office? We
also know why you came!.
But why our school? Also, no need to be sarcastic.
Cause were pretty close to D.C., I guess.
That makes more sense.
Uhh guys, I suggest running, cause pretty soon they will find us. Joey said.
How soon? I asked.
Seconds. And with that last statement, we bolted out the door. I saw Joey dive into
a trash can. James ran and hid behind the secretary's desk. I was left in the open
and had nowhere to run. Then I got an idea. I ran to the computer lab, and popped
open a computer. I accessed the school files, and opened an active security firewall.
Using what my dad taught me about coding and hacking, I hacked it down, and
accessed the school mainframe. I then cut the power. The computer shut down, as
well as everything in the building. That meant that everything was unlocked, and we
could escape. I flipped a switch, just to make sure the power was out. I ran down the
hall, no idea where I was going. I kept running until I felt a wall nearby. I heard angry
voices. Stupid rain knocked the power out, said a gruff voice. Well never find
those darn kids. Its raining on the most perfect day of spring? That was all I could

think. At least it was a good cover for the power being shut down. I heard the voices
fading away down the hall. I felt my way around, clinging to the wall, like Theseus,
with the string in Daedaluss Labyrinth, fighting the minotaur. I found a classroom,
and ran inside. I felt around until I got to the back of the room. I found a flashlight. I
flipped it on, thankful that it was dim. I trained it on a window, and sure enough, it
was pouring. I heard shouting, and saw bright lights coming down the hall. I opened
the window frantically. I saw two figures running to the road. I shouted to Joey. He
turned and sure, enough it was him and James. I jumped out the window, just as the
room filled with light, and a man shouting orders, and ran to catch up. We sprinted
down the road, until we reached Jamess house, who lived the closest. We crashed
inside. We collapsed on his couch, thankful we were alive. Oh no, Joey said. We
left everyone else inside the school. Including my sister.

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