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Unit Title: Buddhism

Teaching Area: Studies of Religion II Year: 12 Level: HSC
Unit Duration: 6 Weeks
Number of Lessons: 24 Lessons (60 Minutes)

Aim/Purpose: Stage 6 Studies of Religion syllabus is to endorse the understanding and critical awareness of the significance and
This unit was created as a part of a
influence religious traditions have on individuals within society.
stage 6, year 12 studies of religion

Values: As Religion is an integral part of human experience and component of every culture, an appreciate that is enhanced by
class with a focus on the depth study
understanding the influence on human behaviour and interaction within culture. Acknowledging religion as a distinctive answer to
of Buddhism. This document outlines
the human needs for meaning and purpose in life, it provides an individual with a recognised supernatural dimension or belief in
24 lessons including their lesson
divinity/powers beyond human or dwelling within one. With the Stage 6 Studies of Religion syllabus fostering the significance of
the role of religion in society, it extenuates students to live in a multi-faith and multicultural society for them to progress from a
activities and the syllabus outcomes
broad understanding of religious traditions to specific studies. The syllabus is designed for students to have the opportunity to
they relate to.
cultivate their academic, affective and spiritual development. Studies of Religion II emphasises the improvement of skills of
In this unit of work, the following
analysis, independent research, collaboration and effective communication which inspires them to become critical and reflective
lifelong learners.
elements are displayed:

A) Understanding of students
Students Prior Knowledge, Skills & Understanding:
Students should be familiar with the Preliminary course content which focused on origins, principle beliefs, sacred texts and
prior knowledge
writings, core ethical teachings and the expression of THREE religious traditions studied in depth. Students should also be familiar
B) Knowledge and understanding
with knowledge, skills and understanding of Religion and Belief systems in Australian post-1945.
of the content i.e. Buddhism

Students continue to develop knowledge and understanding about:
C) Syllabus outcomes that each
Essence of religion and belief systems in local and global contexts
lesson relates to
Impact and manifestation of religion and belief systems in Australia
D) Variety of learning strategies for
Religious traditions and their adherents

the students
and skills relating to:
E) Formative assessment in order
Effectively gather, analyse and synthesise information about religion
to assess and understand the
Successfully distinguish, evaluate, apply findings from research about religion
Communicates complex information, ideas and issues in appropriate forms to different audiences in different contexts
students and their progress

Additional Information:
Special Consideration (catering for special needs), Differentiation:
Students with a learning disabilities may require additional time for examination due to help from reader-writer
Students are allowed to use their computers/iPads/other electronic devices to take notes and upload their work
Students may have special arrangements to have a practical adjustment of how the task is presented and/or how students are expected to respond in order to demonstrate
knowledge and skills

Outcomes (Objectives and Skills):
H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7, H8, H9

Overview Planned Lesson Sequence

Week Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4
Research Task
Discussion To what extent has the
contribution of Dalai Lama impacted the
religion globally in particularly the 14th
Dalai Lama
Class Debate
H4, H7, H8, H9
In formal formative assessment
Short Answer Questions
H1, H2, H4, H5, H7, H8. H9
Mind map on presentation skills
In class presentation research
H4, H6, H7, H8, H9

Introduction to unit
Kahoot Recap Activity (Preliminary
Think Pair Share
Create Word bank
H1, H2, H8

Introduction of Significant People and

Informal Quiz
Introduction to the XIVth Dalai Lama
Worksheet Activity
H1, H2, H4

Close passage activity

Research task Timeline of XIVth Dalai
H2, H5, H7, H8, H9

Note taking from video

Worksheet Pair and Share activity
H2, H4, H5
Introduction of Ethics
Class Discussion (Ethics topic from
prelim content)
Jigsaw Activity
H4, H6, H8
Introduction to Significant practice in the
life of adherents
Excursion to Buddhist Temple
Journal Entry/Reflection Activity
H1, H2, H4, H9
Informal formative assessment
In class oral presentations continued
250 word summary
H1, H2, H5, H6 H7, H8, H9
Revision Activity
Grounded Theory
Fishbone diagram
H4, H5, H8, H9

Scaffolding a TEEL paragraph

H2, H5, H8, H9

Group question making task

Mind map activity
H2, H5, H8, H9
Mind map recall terminology
ICT Create Google Sites
H2, H6, H7, H8, H9

Terminology Task
Word bank
Textbook summary work
Research Activity
H1, H4. H5
Class discussion reflection from
CAMPER activity source analysis
H2, H4, H6, H7, H8, H9
Introduction to Significant practice
Group Task Presentations
Visual aid creation
H2, H4, H5, H6, H8, H9
Concept Mind map
Opposite argument strategy
Should the Buddhism community
continue to have a Dalai Lama?
H2, H7, H8, H9

CAMPER Activity continued

TEEL paragraph practice
H6, H7, H8, H9

Informal formative assessment

In class oral presentations
250 word summary
H1, H2, H5, H6 H7, H8, H9

Essay writing/TEEL structure practice

Group Work
H1, H2, H4, H9

Essay presentation/breakdown
Role Play activity
H5, H6, H7, H8

Rotating Review HSC breakdown

Kahoot Review
H5, H7, H8, H9

Formal Summative Assessment

In-class Written Response
H1, H2, H4, H5, H6, H7, H8, H9


Unit of Work



Students learn
to/students learn about

Learning Activities

Formative Assessment

H1, H2, H8

Explain the contribution to

the development and
expression of Buddhism of
ONE significant person or
school of thought, other
than the Buddha, drawn
Dalai Lama

Kahoot: Students will be introduced to a recap activity on Year 11

preliminary topics of Buddhism.

Allow students to ask questions and clarify information based on kahoot

Think Pair Share
Introduce students to the topic of Buddhism, think pair and share, What you
know, what you didnt know, what you want to know, what is interesting.
Students complete activity in pairs which teacher will facilitate in a table
mind map on whiteboard/PowerPoint.

Students will complete worksheet on an introduction to Buddhism
close passage of dates, significant names, events.

A class discussion is facilitated related to the mind map. (Bring to students
attention that prior knowledge of Buddhism will be covered within this unit
of work.)
Annotate concepts skills/students learn to/learn about on the board.

Word Bank
Students create a word bank of key terms, assisted by the teacher, that will
continue to be added to throughout the unit.

Students feedback from Kahoot

activity to confirm reception of

Students answers will be indicative
of prior knowledge and serve as
understanding of topic.

During and upon completion ask
students, what they know of did not
know about Dalai Lama/Buddhism.

H1, H2, H4

Explain the contribution to

the development and
expression of Buddhism of
ONE significant person or
school of thought, other
than the Buddha, drawn
Dalai Lama
Students will refer to quiz above - Online Quiz - Historical and Cultural
context of Buddhism, this will be a recap to previous lesson as well as recap
on Buddhism Preliminary.

Worksheet Activity:
Students may refer to link and complete questions on worksheet.
1. Outline life of XIVth Dalai Lama

Student questions for clarification to

confirm they are on task with

Teacher may access students
different use of website links,
determining research skills.

2. Contribution of Dalai Lama to Buddhism.

Allow students to ask questions and clarify information if needed assistance
in worksheet.
H2, H5, H7,
H8, H9

Analyse the impact of this

person on Buddhism.

H4, H7, H8,


Analyse the impact of this

person on Buddhism.

Worksheet/Online research:
Students will complete worksheet on an introduction to Dalai Lama.
Students may use the internet to research the different Dalai Lama
Close passage of dates, significant names, events, the role of a Dalai Lama,
who they are.

Students may choose to work in pairs or individually to collaborate
different responses.

Research Task:
Conduct some research and construct an annotated timeline of the 14th
Dalai lama, noting the significant events.
Students may Use link
or similar links to conduct timeline of Chronology of events.

Students given the choice to choose their own format of timeline structure,
taken into consideration that format is acceptable and presentable.

Teacher can access students differing

use of resources. Teacher will do this
by walking around class to view
students use of textbook, prior
knowledge, website links.

Teacher will be able to assess
students ability to construct different
types of timeline.
Teacher will also assess students
ability for students to write facts into
chronological order and to include
significant facts.

Research Task:
Research the impact of 14th Dalai Lama modern Buddhism and discuss the
way he has become part the modern international Buddhism.

Teacher will ask students to discuss to what extent has the contribution of
Dalai Lama impacted the religion globally in particularly the 14th Dalai

Class Debate:
Debate the following topic: 14th Dalai support of Buddhism hindered
rather than helped Buddhism as a religious tradition.

Students will engage in short discussion on their findings.
Students can refer to link above for research task questions.

Teacher will be able to assess

students ability to discuss Dalai
Lamas contribution to Buddhism.
discussions skills such as for, against
and to provide justification will be

Students readiness and engagement
will be assessed.
This is done by asking students
related questions at random.

H2, H4, H5

Analyse the impact of this

person on Buddhism.

Note taking
Teacher will play video as a class or provide link to students.
Students will note take on the video as well as the the journal provided.

Students will be given a short scaffold of what notes they are to take.
- Why will he be the last?
- Political agendas involved
- Significant people involved.
- Significant events involved.

Worksheet - Pair and Share activity
Students will discuss the impact of the 14th Dalai Lama as possibly the last
reincarnation for Buddhism.
Students are to refer to the link below and in pairs or small groups, discuss
and answer the questions below from the perspective of the 14th Dalai
1. How do you view yourself?
2. Will you be the last Dalai Lama?
3. Do you believe you will be able to return to Tibet?
4. What are your commitments?

Teacher will ask students to present their discussion findings to another
pair in the classroom.

Students will be assessed on their

ability to take down information
from a text and video source as
efficiently and effectively as possible.

Students will be assessed on their
ability to work in pairs and refer to
responses in first person.

Construct a topic sentence

for a given short answer

Apply the TEEL principle in
constructing a paragraph

Analyse a peers response to
a short answer question
identifying if the TEEL
principle was used

Revise and formulate a new
response from the
deconstruction with peer

Scaffolding a paragraph and Section 2 of HSC

Teacher models a TEEL structured paragraph.
Students can work individually or in pairs to answer two of the past HSC
questions provided.

Students will upload their answers to google drive (shared class resource
folder) where others will peer mark and give feedback according to the
legend provided.

Homework Task
For homework students must complete at least one question that they did
not complete in class.
See detailed lesson plan for resources

Teacher is able to monitor the

students progress as well as provide
timely feedback using google docs
after each students response has
been peer marked.

H2, H5, H8,


H2, H5, H8,

Analyse the impact of this

person on Buddhism.

Students form groups of 4 and create one question using one of the
following verbs, relating to content covered thus far: Explain, Discuss,
Compare, Examine, Debate, Justify.

All questions are placed in a hat and then one question is chosen at random
where the students of that group must create a mind map as to how to
answer the question.

Students are to give the mind-map to another group who has 20 minutes to
construct as much of an answer as they can (using google docs).

Students will also be provided with a TEEL scaffold for the response from
the previous lesson.

Incorporating skills from the previous lesson, students are to analyse and
deconstruct the answers identifying the TEEL structure and whether the
response links to the question.
See Appendix (1) for resources

Teacher will be able to assess

students ability to work
cooperatively. Students will also be
assessed on their use of terminology
and TEEL structure.

H1, H2, H4,

H5, H7, H8,

Explain the contribution

and Analyse the impact to
the development and
expression of Buddhism of
XIVth Dalai Lama

Students have time in class to study silently before completing the in-class

Short Answer In-formal formative assessment
See assessment section (1)

This is a formative assessment for

the unit. See the marking rubric for
this assessment.

H4, H6, H8

Describe and explain

Buddhist ethical teachings
on bioethics

Class Discussion
Prior knowledge of ethics are from previous units

Jigsaw Activity (Appendix for Worksheet)
Students form groups of 4 and are allocated a different paragraph to read
and analyse before forming new groups and sharing information

Students share their findings and then read a paragraph on The operation
of Karma as analyse the information

Students have in class time to synthesise the information from todays
lesson in 250 words

Teacher has ability to walk around

and question students about the
information have from each

H1, H4, H5


Describe and Explain

Buddhist ethical teachings
on Bioethics in relation
Abortion/ Euthanasia/

Terminology Task, Word Bank and Textbook Task

Students have a few minutes to study their word bank created throughout
the unit. Students are asked at random by the teacher to recall both a term
and its definition. The next student must state a new term and meaning

The teacher can walk around the

room and check on students process
on their word bank.
Teacher will also be able to assess

Cloning/ Organ Transplant

while also recalling the previous term and meaning which repeats for all

Students will be asked to read pages from the textbook and complete and
add to their current word bank terms on Abortion, Euthanasia, cloning and
organ transplant.

Research Activity:
Students will be given a number from 1-4, each aspect will be numbered.
Each student will then be given an aspect which they will research in
regards to Buddhist ethical teaching.
Students will put findings in a google doc where they can share

Teacher will provide a template for students to answer:
- What is the ethical teaching?
- What are the moral and ethical dilemmas faced by people
practicing Buddhism?

Students that have the same number can choose to work in groups. Each
student must provide their own work and findings.

students knowledge of the terms.

H2, H6, H7,

H8, H9


Describe and Explain

Buddhist ethical teachings
on Bioethics in relation
ng/Organ Transplant

Mind map recap:

Students will recap on previous lessons terminology

ICT activity - Google Sites:
Students will collaborate within a group to collaborate a website. A student
working on terminology 1 will work with other students who have
researched 2, 3 and 4.

Students can link a YouTube video or journal article within their website,
visuals are to be included for example. pictures, texts, videos.

Students will link their websites to other members of the class and will
share it within the class google drive folders.

Teacher will be able to access ICT


Knowledge and understanding
through the way they formulate the

H4, H6, H7,

H8, H9


Students learn to analyse

the usefulness and
reliability of sources they
Students learn to structure a

Mind map
A class mind-map will be created of presentation/public speaking skills that
are needed for their oral presentation.

In class presentation research
Teacher will provide students with a scaffold of how to structure the
speech. This scaffold will link into the TEEL structured lesson taught earlier

Teacher assesses students research

skills and ability to evaluate various
Teacher is also able to assess
students prior knowledge from
preliminary content (Four Noble
Truths and Sacred Text reference)

in the unit.

Students are given one in class lesson to prepare for their oral presentation.
Students who have difficulty with research can be provided with a simple
Students are instructed to:
- Outline what ethics are
- The ethical teachings associated with Buddhism
- To include at least one quote from sacred text
- Include reference to the Four Noble Truths

H1,H2, H4,


Describe ONE significant

practice within Buddhism
drawn from: Temple Puja

Demonstrate how the
chosen practice expresses
the beliefs of Buddhism

Analyse the significance of
this practice for

Excursion to Buddhist Temple

Students will may have the opportunity to listen to a monk or adherent
while at the Buddhist temple.
During a typical tour, students may be exposed to:
- Explanations of symbols and statutes with the temple
- Buddhist philosophy and the incorporation in Buddhist life
- Some temples may allow for participation in cultural activities

Students will need to be reminded that they need to complete a one page
minimum journal entry or reflection task to be handed in during the next
lesson relating to the information they learnt.

Teacher will be able to assess

students prior knowledge and and a
better understanding towards
students interests towards different
particular practices and rituals.

Students journal entry will reflect
their knowledge and understanding
from the excursion.

H2, H4, H6,

H7, H8, H9


Describe ONE significant

practice within Buddhism
drawn from:
Temple Puja

Demonstrate how the
chosen practice expresses
the beliefs of Buddhism

Reflection on Excursion
Students will be asked questions regarding aspects of the excursion. Using
their journal entry from the excursion
- Why are the signs and symbols important?
- What aspects actions/rituals did you participate in?
- How does this differ from other aspects of our daily lives as a

Camper Activity
Teacher will ask students to find 1 sources on internet relating to Temple
Through a class discussion the teacher will ask the students why they
believe their source contains the most accurate information relating to
Temple Puja.
The teacher will model the CAMPER source analysis applying to their own
chosen source (Wikipedia can be used as an example). See appendix for

Teacher will assess students ability

to take note (journal entry) and
answer questions based on religious
experiential factors.

Students will be assessed on their
ability to determine reliability of
different sources.

H6, H7, H8,


Describe ONE significant

practice within Buddhism
drawn from:
Temple Puja

Demonstrate how the
chosen practice expresses
the beliefs of Buddhism

Camper Activity Continued

Following from the previous lesson, students can work individually or in
pairs to find 5 sources and apply the CAMPER source analysis strategy.

After completing this, students will create a paragraph incorporating the
TEEL structure and referring to the information gathered using CAMPER to
Describe how Temple Puja can express the beliefs of a Buddhist adherent

Students will be assessed on their

ability to research valuable sources
and to analyse as well as give
judgement on reliability and bias
through a CAMPER technique.

Students will be assessed on
constructing a TEEL response
through CAMPER technique.

H1, H2, H5,

H6, H7,H8,


Describe and explain

Buddhist ethical teachings
on bioethics OR
environmental ethics OR
sexual ethics

In-class Oral Presentations

Students are to present their work on Buddhist teachings in the area of
bioethics, environmental ethics or sexual ethics

Students are also required to write a 250 word summary on two of their
peers presentations that are not on the same topic that they did.
See Assessment Section (2)

This is a formative assessment for

the unit. See the marking rubric for
this assessment.

H1,H2, H5


Describe and explain

Buddhist ethical teachings
on bioethics OR
environmental ethics OR
sexual ethics

In-class oral presentations

Continuation from previous lesson
Students will hand in their 250 word summary after this lesson

This is a formative assessment for

the unit. See the marking rubric for
this assessment.

H2, H4, H5,

H6, H8, H9


Analyse the significance of

this practice for both the
individual and the Buddhist

Group Task Presentations

Students will form groups of 3-4 to research and present on one aspect of
temple Puja. The students then discuss and decide which aspect their group
will focus on. The topics include:
- Bowing
- Offerings
- Chanting
- Meditation

Students are to create an A3 sized visual aid of any kind. Students can create
but are not limited to; an infographic or a poster. Students also have the
option to create this visual aid using or not using technology.
The visual aid will be presented in class at the end of the lesson.

Teacher will be able to assess

collaborative group work and ability
to convey complex information in
visual form.

H1, H2, H4,



Analyse the significance of

this practice for both the
individual and the Buddhist

Essay writing/TEEL Structure Practice

Teacher will mark A3 visual aid from previous lesson then give feedback to
the students (can be scanned and returned through shared google drive).
Students will be asked to construct a TEEL essay response on the ritual

Students will be accessed on their

ability to construct a TEEL
structured essay from the provided
visual aid and their own knowledge.

aspects of Temple Puja. Students will be asked for a concise Introduction
and Conclusion and will be given a number between 1 and 4.

1. Bowings
2. Offerings
3. Chanting
4. Meditation

Students will be experts in their allocated aspect and will construct a
paragraph with or without a scaffolded TEEL structure provided by the

Student will collaborate with their peers with a different number and will
complete the broken TEEL essay. Students will perfect their Introduction
and Conclusion by mix and matching with other students or using their

Students will be accessed on their
ability construct a paragraph using
the knowledge, style and
terminology of other peer members.

H5, H6, H7,



Analyse the significance of

this practice for both the
individual and the Buddhist

Essay presentation/breakdown
Students will present their essay to the class or submit it to the teacher, the
teacher will choose one or two essays that show a clear example of a
concise TEEL structure.

Students will have the option to improve their structure and to ensure all
information is covered.

Role Playing: In Pairs
Students will have the option to choose one particular aspect of temple
Using the link below or similar links:
Students will work in pairs and act out different rituals of temple puja,
students will be able to show the action to the class and will also have to
provide reasoning why Buddhist consider this important.

Students will be accessed on the

their essay structure skills (TEEL)
Teacher will be able to monitor
students ability to edit and correct
their own work.

Students will be accessed on
presentation skills, as well as their
respect for the action of religious

Students will be assessed on
knowledge and importance of the

H4, H5, H8,



Revision Activity:
Class Focus on significant
Individual focus on any
aspect of the syllabus

Grounded Theory
Students are given 3 different coloured post-its to record
- One colour: One thing they enjoyed about the unit
- One colour: One thing they found most challenging
- One colour: One thing they have learnt from the unit

Students are able to refer back to the google site that was created earlier on
within the unit.

Grounded theory activity will inform

the teacher of the students
knowledge and understanding and
what needs to be clarified during


Fishbone diagram
The teacher will assist the class in completing a fishbone diagram relating
to the Dalai Lama. Students have the option to complete a different graphic
organiser or on a different aspect of the syllabus.
See Appendix for example structure

Homework Task
Students are to create two questions to use for a whole class Kahoot. That
are to be sent to the teacher with answers. The questions are to be derived
from any two different sections within the syllabus.

Fishbone structure allows the
teacher to assess students ability to
link text content to a visual

H2, H7, H8,



Revision Activity: Focus on

Significant person

Concept Mind Map

Revision - Opposite Argument Strategy
Should the Buddhism community continue to have a Dalai Lama?

Mind Map activity will inform

students on students level of
readiness and ability to answer
questions effectively from syllabus.

H5, H7, H8,



Revision Activity: All

aspects of the syllabus

Revision - Rotating Review

Students are given a sheet of paper with a section from the syllabus or a
past HSC question. In groups, the students have 2 minutes to write down as
much as they can to answer the question.
The paper rotates, with 5 minutes, each group can add content, use red pen
to correct spelling mistakes, green pen to tick to agree with content, black
question mark to what is not understood. This is done so that each group
has had each topic at least once.
Class discussion then surrounds each question and why people thought to
tick, cross or question mark the answers.

Kahoot Review
Kahoot is based upon questions created by students in previous lessons

Providing students with a short time

frame will assess students ability to
answer HSC style questions under

Editing allows for students to
understand both the structure
needed for their own responses.

Editing using different writing
materials allows teacher to monitor
what aspects of writing has been

H1, H2, H4,

H5, H6, H7,
H8, H9


Describe and explain

Buddhist ethical teachings
on bioethics

In-Class Written Response Assessment

Students will have the entire period to choose from 3 questions related to
either the significant person, ethic or practice within Buddhism.
The question will be worth 20 marks and mimic Section 3 of HSC paper.

See Assessment Section (3)

This is the summative assessment for

the unit


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