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Most perpetrators are young males who act alone, they have a fascination with

weapons, some do not meet the criteria for any mental disorder and often act on
political or religious grounds. Others have the frank psychotic delusions of
schizophrenia. Psychiatrists disagree with the relative contributions of moral failure or
mental affliction. Dr.Francis says mass murders happen way too often and the most we
can do is reduce access to weapons, we need more treatment for the mentally ill and
slim chances for them to access anything that could put themselves or others in danger.
The only good thing that comes out of mass murders is awareness that mental health
treatment is woefully underfunded and inaccessible to most people who desperately
need it. Improving accessibility to mental health services is a national necessity and
may help prevent an occasional tragedy. We need to reduce free access to guns for
those individuals who are at high risk to use them irresponsibly. Yes, I agree with
Dr.Francis because I can see that he want to better the community by reducing the
chance for people to get their hands on weapons. I know the second amendment states
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the
people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." I believe that only authority
figures should have access to lethal weapons, all other civilians should be prohibited to
have access to any weapon. That is the only way we can stop bloodshed.

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