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The story is about an Exodus, Edgar Seinon.

27 years old, 180 cm, Dark brown hair,

medium build, composed face.

Personality and events:

2nd part
childhood: Quiet and obedient child. After his sister was terminally
hospitalized and his parents changed, he became a servant to them and his sisters'
illness. Which created disdain towards his sister (while also loving her) and his
household. Had a friend and teacher (who was like a family figure for him). Friend
and teacher die due to non-specified conditions. After that, he becomes unstable
and only his habit of following orders remains (like an empty shell). Due to
overhearing that his parents want to cut off his sisters' life support, he murders
them while blacking out and is taken in by the organization that covers the case up.
He starts working for them to be able to support his sisters bills.
Organization: As he grew more and more, he has shown some form of
mutuality with his assigned squad while still having a calm and quiet personality.
Being dubbed "No Words" he started getting a name for himself in the underworld.
He was put under a psychologist supervision after joining the organization to whom
he started binding more than others.
During the incident: after hearing his sister is close to dying, he gets unstable
and avoiding more and more socialization, only visiting her. On a mission, he losses
focus due to his sisters condition and his whole team is massacred. He then visits
his sister again, who sees that something is wrong despite his monotone face. She
greets him with a smile while he's approaching. After he told her what happened,
she embraced him with a hug through all her might. She uttered the words "I'm
happy that you're safe, big brother. Life doesn't always go as planned and the world
is cruel. Don't blame yourself for what has happened, but look into the future to
change what will happen. Do it for yourself and for I. For I cannot be with you
anymore. I love you, big brother." As she fades away from life in his hands. At this,
Edgar bursts into tears as the sun lowers itself below the horizon.
Post-incident: As times become harder, the organization needs Edgar now the
most. Being assigned his own team, he has been more successful than ever. After
the incident, he has not shown any form of unstability, which actually has the
psychologist worried.
The first part:
The juxtapose gateways: As time goes on, he has earned the respect of
everyone in the organization and many of the citizens. He is feared by many and
loved by many.
convo before the operation:

As they prepare for departure to a grand-scale mission, Edgar talks to the

psychologist. A:"Have you actually written anything on your testament this time,
Edgar? or are you still so confident about your strength as always? -she chukles.-"
E:"That is to be seen, Alein." A:"Good luck on your next mission, Edgar. I'm looking
forward to your return. -she smiles-" E: "Please take care of me in the future too,
Alein-san. -he bows gracefully before exiting-" A: "You never change, do you.. (she
thinks to herself)".

After 3 days of fighting, Edgar's squad is one of the last ones standing. The
commander in chief exclaims how the HQ knew this would happen but insisted on
sending this many troops. "We need to believe in Edgar-san's strength" explains a
soldier. As most enemies are cleared up, Edgar's squad advance to the area where
he once lived. It is now a ghost town swarming with fiends. As they keep
investigating, they encounter a strong foe. As two of his squad members are injured
in the ambush, he orders a retreat, due to the enemies numbers and strength. The
commander, however insists the HQ ordered Edgar to hold off the enemies until
everyone is safe and they shall abort the mission. Edgar accepts as he creates a
dividing line between the fight and the rest of the company. The soldiers watch as
Edgar fights to his dying breath, while taking with him the strongest friend anyone
has ever seen.
During death scene: As he's dying, the outer sounds fade away slowly. He hears
Alein's voice saying "Do you ever hear the voices of the people and fiends you
killed?" to which he answered "No, never". At that same time he starts hearing
many voices, realizing they'd always been there but he never noticed due to his
duties as a soldier. As that memory fades away, he's being imaginarily dragged
down by a darkness of souls, to which he mutters "I'm sorry I never noticed you all...
Let us depart now.." "It's already autumn, isn't it?" as the tree's leaves are slowly
falling down on him in their reddish beautiful color. He leaves this world with a
relieved expression, one that surprised his companions.
Go to 2nd part
Return of the company: As the company is scheduled to return very soon, Alein
starts reading his testament. She is astonished to every word written on it. As she
finishes it, she starts running out just to stumble upon a soldier. Who tells her
"Miss... Edgar... He is dead." She falls down crying and sobbing as the morning
clouds bring forth the relaxing sound of fall rain.
The organization has a statue built for their most successful exodus and make a
grand funeral for him. As Alein tries to calm down Edgar's crying squad, she has a
brief illusion of his soul standing right next to her saying "Heh... so many people
showed up... I don't know whether if I should be sad or happy."
As one threat has been neutralized, new challenges lie upon this earth and it's

Part 3 : 10 years time skip

About new recruits and how life is after Edgar's death. They have interactions
with his former team and colleagues. The psychologist is a friendly helper to them.
The organization is turning into a dump of corruption which poses a new threat to
The organization is colonizing more and more of the land, eliminating every
obstacle while becoming a dictatorship.
The beginning of the strings
Every associate of Edgar was called upon for a special meeting, where they were
actually slaughtered. His former squad had skepticism about the invitation and
staged an uprising. In the conflict, they ensure the recruits make it out safely before
the whole building is closed off. As the recruits leave they see flames coming from
all over the city and HQ. As they depart for a jungle where one of Edgar's exiled
friend is.
Search for the unwanted:
Organizations' real name and meaning is revealed by Klein Dorf, Edgar's old
friend and colleague. He reveals things about Edgar and how things used to be. He
lived in a small village down a valley with beautiful scenery.
The recruits show Klein the testament which Edgar left behind. Klein wipes
away his tears before giving off a relieved smile. He looks up to the moon after
guiding the recruits to the beds.

As a new morning dawns, they hear shrieking in the distance. A man comes
to warn them that the organization is here to capture Klein. He leads the recruits to
a small river through which they should escape. As they get further away, they see
smoke and explosions coming from the small village. As they express concern, their
leader Ruther Zeta exclaims that they must continue. Because Klein entrusted them
with an important mission to seek revolutionists and make Edgar proud. Klein told
Ruther that Edgar's main concern was "the protection of your loved ones", as Edgar
was protecting his sister from her disease. They need to protect their loved ones
from the organization's grasp.
As night slowly dawns, we shortly return to the village. Klein, the last survivor
as a former elite soldier, makes an attempt to retrieve important research he has
been making about the organization's intentions. As he's about to retrieve them, he
finds a man in his room. After the man turns around, Klein is shocked and gets killed
instantly. "How can this be!?" were his last words. As his life is fading away, he looks
out the window to the sky. The moon is colored red as a bloodthorn rose. He leaves
for the dead as Edgar's testament is repeated in his head.
What the testament contained (for later):

Part 4:
usually squads have 4 members, but the recruits only had 3
and after a long time of fighting the organization
they meet the 4th member who despises Edgar. He'll be an antagonist. He didnt
want to join that squad b/c it was in Edgar's former division.
Him and the new recruits squad leader will be like two different parts of Edgar's
The leader will be like the personality Edgar had while enjoying life with his friend
and Teacher
The 4th member will be cold and cruel

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