Competition: Janar Stinson

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Janar Stinson

4th hour


At the beginning of the summer when I was playing outside with my friend
Evan, we were playing basketball I was up 10-8. He had the ball and pulled it
back and then kept running. I turned around but he wasnt there and he had
scored with a layup.

The score was 10-9. I was getting scared because he was coming back on me
so I had to stop him so when tried doing the same move on me and I knew
what he was doing and I blocked his shot. I got the ball I called timeout so we
can take a break and so I can figure out how Im going to win.

Then after the break I was ready, I didnt know what I wanted to do but
I just tried something. I said check and he gave the ball back. I pumped
faked him and he didnt fall for it. I gave another one then drove, in I stopped
but kept my dribble. I walked back and tried doing something else I did a
cross over, and then went behind my back then crossed it back over and
created some separation with that and laid it up, and then the score was 119.

He said, Bro why u keep cheating? I looked at him and said, Im

not. Then I said its whatever so I gave him the ball since he was being a
baby about it. I got mad and started playing intense defense so I can get the
ball back. When he was trying to go in the paint I pushed him but he called
foul but it was too late and he said Bro stop cheating I said Im not just
playing basketball so he threw the ball at me and made me mad. I dont
really like when people do that so I threw it back at him then ran up and hit
him in his face and put him in a headlock.

After that I asked him was he going to do that again he said no so I let go of
him. When I was walking to get the ball he hit me in my back I said Bro u
need to chill before I hurt u he said he said go ahead. So I ran at him
again, hit him in his mouth, then his chest, and then I threw him down. He
got back up and tackled me and just started blasting my chest.

Janar Stinson

4th hour


I pushed him off of me and started to hit him in his face but I had to think
about what I was doing because he been my friend since second grade. We
know each other like were brothers so I stopped hitting him. I helped him up
and said, Im sorry for doing that and getting mad I just dont like when
people hit me with the ball.
He said yea I know how you feel he said sorry back then we finished our
game. I won but it was a close game score was 22-20 I had to let him know
who was better between us and it was me I came out with the win but the
next day we played NBA2k16 to see who was better I always beat him but
that day it was a tough game between us it was the best game we ever had
in a long time.

I had Cleveland he had Golden state I love getting Cleveland because of

LeBron James he too could and nobody can stop him hes a glitch in that
game. Evan only got golden state because they won the championship last
year but he can never beat me but he did that day I was very shocked

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