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Annotated bibliography

N/A. Definition of Humanism. Dictionary. N/A. Dictonary.Com. Web. 7 Mar. 2016

This website really helped me understand the true meaning of humanism. It
is the system or mode of thought or action in human interests, values, and dignity. I
already knew what humanism meant, but the website helped strengthen my
knowledge about it. This website helps people understand what the word means
and what it could be used to describe. Without this site it would be harder for
people to learn and understand humanism.

N/A Renaissance Literature Readings. Listopia. 23 Dec. 2011.

8 Mar. 2016
Although this website does not describe what books Shakespeare wrote, it
gives a list of what book he did write and even has the option to buy them. The
website gives a good list of what books and plays Shakespeare wrote, and I used it
to tell what Shakespeare did to contribute to the Renaissance. The four books I used
that are in the website are Hamlet, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, and The Prince. The
website gives a very well structured list on what books and plays he wrote. It really
helped me form my research paper, and I give a lot of credit to this site in my

N/A Courtly Love. Wikipedia. 14 Feb. 2016. Web. 8 Mar. 2016
This website is dedicated to courtly love. It is a wikipedia page about
vocabulary from the Renaissance time period. In this specific site, it talks about

courtly love, which is love that emphasizes nobility and adventures for ladies, used
mostly by popular writers like Shakespeare and John Milton. This certain site does a
really good job of describing what courtly love is, and I found it really useful when
writing about writers in the Renaissance. That is why I found this site really helpful,
and you should check it out.

N/A Classical Antiquity. Wikipedia. 8 Mar. 2016. Web. 7 Mar. 2016
For this next site, I needed to learn about Greek and Roman arts, so I looked
up classical antiquity. The site accurately tells what it is, and it's the mix of modern
and Greek styles and pieces. This site does a really good job explaining what it is
and gives so many examples. I would suggest this site to anyone that wants to learn
about the Renaissance. My research paper would have been weak with evidence
without this site, because classical antiquity is such a big part of the Renaissance.

N/A Renaissance Art. Wikipedia. 7 Mar. 2016. Web. 6 Mar. 2016
This website was one of the major contributors to my research paper. It talks
about plenty of Renaissance arts and discoveries. This site is on wikipedia, but it
describes what Renaissance art is and who did it. It helped show me what an
amazing time period the Renaissance was, lots of art was involved. It gave me
plenty of background information so I could start my paper with strength. It tells
what different styles of art were back then and who used them.

N/A History of science in the Renaissance. Wikipedia. 27 Feb. 2016.
Web. 7 Mar. 2016

This website is all about how science adapted and advanced during the
Renaissance, and it does a really good job doing so. I got most of my information
about people like Sir Isaac Newton and Marie Hall from this site. It tells how things
like astronomy and geography advanced during the Renaissance period. I learned
alot about it from this site, and it does the best at telling exactly what happened
and who did it and why.

TSI History:Renaissance Science. Ducksters. 3/2016. Web. 7 Mar.


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