Disabilities and Specific Needs Resource Guide

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1) Disabilities and Specific Needs:


An overview of IDEIA
Include specific resources that emphasize roles and responsibilities of teachers (at least 2 resources)
Create or provide a pictorial representation that visually depicts the special education process
Legal resources (at least 2 that provide clarification on educational law requirements/issues)
General resources and information for understanding the eligibility criteria and learning needs of students with various
Address the key categories of disabilities consistent with IDEIA (provide resources or related links to information about various
disabilities associated with the categories)
Resources for Compliance
Conducting/Participating in ARD (IEP) meetings (2 resources)
Advice for new teachers (2 resources)
Difference between accommodations and modifications (2 resources that provide examples)
Disability advocacy resources (at least 2)
Questions and Answers
Generate a list of Frequently Asked Questions (with responses) about Special Education (you may compile/synthesize Q & A
from various sources (cite sources)
Provide a link to the CEC Professional Standards (with detailed descriptions)
Choose 3 relevant CEC endorsed position papers (include links to the papers with a brief description)
Student developed or existing pictorial representation of the hallmark of special education (INDIVIDUALIZATION)

Content based resources and strategies

Disabilities and Specific Needs
First I wasnt to start with this video to remind us that all of our students have
abilities. Lets not limit our students by focus on disabilities but rather lets focus on
their abilities. DONT LIMIT ME https://youtu.be/YOwDfnoek6E (click on link if
video does not play)

A) An overview of IDEIA


The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a federal law that requires
schools to serve the educational needs of eligible students with disabilities.
IDEIA is The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act which
reauthorized the IDEA in 2004 and made amendments to which would be more
appropriate. With this website http://www.wrightslaw.com/idea/idea.2004.all.pdf it
goes in to depth about what was changed under the improvement act.
1) As teachers how do we fit into the needs of eligible students?
What are the general educators responsibilities and what are the special
educators responsibilities?
As general educators and special educators we must comply with the expectations
we are given as a teacher be able to differentiate between accommodation and
modification. We must also comply with the expectations of our students and what
their strengths and needs are.
http://www.projectidealonline.org/v/specific-roles-general-educators/ - This website
demonstrates specific Roles of General Educators in Serving Students with
Disabilities and their Parents
_SPED_Teacher.pdf - this website can be downloaded into PDF which is a great
resource that covers Roles and Responsibilities of the Special Education Teacher
2) Pictorial representation



3) Here are some valuable resources that cover clarification on

educational law requirements/issues.


http://www.wrightslaw.com/ - This website is a good resource that helps you to

navigate through the laws for example the IDEA and ESSA.
http://www2.ed.gov/policy/speced/guid/idea/memosdcltrs/index.html -Dear
colleague letters give great advice that covers the laws on certain topics. This is
website that can be navigated in certain topics or interest of the viewers choice

B) General resources and information for understanding the eligibility criteria

and learning needs of students with various disabilities

Who is Eligible for Special Education Services? To be eligible for special education, a
child must have a disability and must need special education services and related
services. If a child has a disability but does not need special education services, the
child is not eligible for special education under IDEA but may be eligible for
protections under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. - See more at:
IDEA eligible: If a child has a disability that adversely affects educational
performance, that child is eligible for special education services under IDEA. All
children who eligible for special education services under IDEA are protected under
Section 504
specific disability terms from the IDEA can be viewed at
http://www.parentcenterhub.org/repository/categories/ but below is just a review of
the categories identified as a disability.
-Autism -Deaf-blindness -Deafness -Developmental delay -Emotional disturbance
-Hearing impairment -Intellectual disability -Multiple disabilities -Orthopedic
impairment -Other health impairment -Specific learning disability -Speech or
language impairment -Traumatic brain injury -Visual impairment, including blindness
C) Resources for Compliance
1) Conducting/Participating in ARD (IEP) meetings:
http://texasprojectfirst.org/SEProcessStep5.html - With this
resource it gives information about what happens, who is
involved, what is the timeline, as well as what parents need
to know
http://partnerstx.org/Fact-Sheets/ARD-Committee-DecisionMaking-Process.pdf - This is a great fact sheet that explains
what ARD is and process of it.
2) Advice for new teachers
http://www.nea.org/tools/management-tips-for-newteachers.html - General education and special education
teacher could both benefit from this resources as it addresses
tips which of one that great is Reaching all students
ed.html Special education teachers would greatly benefit from this
article as it is realistic approach.
3) Difference between accommodations and modifications
Accommodations DO NOT change the skills that a student should master
but accommodates to how they master it.
Modification DO change what the students master overall

A flowchart explains the difference instructional difference
with the words what and how.

http://specialed.howard-autism.org/accommodations-vsmodifications/ - This is an article that indicates there is a

difference between modification and accommodation. These
terms are vastly different
4) Disability advocacy resources
Many of our students and parents need to advocate for themselves. As a
teacher if we are able to give good resources to guide them into a path
that they chose then we are also advocating for the needs of that family.
With that said below are a few websites that are accessible for more
information on what they may need.
These our websites for self-advocacy

http://www.disability-rights.org/ - This site give resources

for different programs and services available
http://www.thearc.org/what-we-do/resources - The ARC
provides information of facts sheets, publications, selfadvocacy resources

These our websites for teacher to be advocates for their students

Here is a video to get real story on how teachers are


https://youtu.be/LYrDcBiYGZE (click on link if video does not play)

http://www.ncte.org/magazine/advocacyideas - Advice for

teachers as advocates and how they can be advocates

https://www.understood.org/en/advocacy/take-action/bean-advocate-training-center - This a website that can help

you get started as an advocate

D) Questions and Answers

1) Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Free Appropriate Education (FAPE)? The
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is the law that
provides your child with the right to a free, appropriate public
education. The purpose of the IDEA is "to ensure that all children
with disabilities have available to them a free appropriate public
education that emphasizes special education and related
services designed to meet their unique needs and prepare them
for further education, employment, and independent living..." 20
U.S.C. 1400(d) (Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 2nd Edition,
page 20). Purpose is the mission statement of IDEA. When you
develop, review, or revise your child's Individualized Education
Program (IEP), re-read the Purpose of IDEA. Is the IEP designed
to meet your child's unique needs? Will the goals in the IEP
prepare your child "for further education, employment and
independent living?" The answers to these questions will help
you determine if the IEP is appropriate and provides your child
with a free, appropriate public education. - See more at:
What is the difference between the School
Implementation Team (SIT) and the schools Committee
on Special Education (CSE) [known as the IEP team]? The
IEP team (which includes the parent) is responsible for
developing IEPs. The SIT is a critical structure to facilitate the
strategic planning and guidance necessary to ensure the school
community is prepared to serve all students. It is responsible, in
part, for the timely implementation of IEP mandates. The broad
responsibility of the SIT is to develop and carry out an
appropriate and effective implementation plan specific to a
schools community. http://www.uft.org/q-issues/specialeducation-frequently-asked-questions
How do you functionally group students? For special class,
SETSS, ICT, and related services, students with disabilities must
be grouped by similarity of individual needs, so that the provider
may address the needs of each student in the group. Each
students characteristics in the following areas must be
considered: academic achievement, functional performance and
learning characteristics; social development; physical
development; management needs. Students with different

disability classifications may be grouped together

Can homeschool students receive special education
services? It depends. IDEA and special education only applies
to k-12 public schools so if a parent decided to homeschool, they
are essentially giving up their right to these services. The school
district that you reside in is required by law to evaluate your
child if you desire. However, they do not have to provide
services even if the child qualifies. Some ways to get around this
is to enroll your child part time in school so that they can receive
services. Of course, you always have the right to reenroll them
at the public school so they can receive the services they need.
Here is a resource of frequently asked questions on effective
communication for students with hearing, vision, or speech
disabilities in public elementary and secondary schools.

2) CEC Professional Standards

Ethical Principles
Professional special educators are guided by the CEC professional
ethical principles, practice standards, and professional policies in ways
that respect the diverse characteristics and needs of individuals with
exceptionalities and their families. They are committed to upholding
and advancing the following principles: 1. Maintaining challenging
expectations for individuals with exceptionalities to develop the
highest possible learning outcomes and quality of life potential in ways
that respect their dignity, culture, language, and background. 2.
Maintaining a high level of professional competence and integrity and
exercising professional judgment to benefit individuals with
exceptionalities and their families. 3. Promoting meaningful and
inclusive participation of individuals with exceptionalities in their
schools and communities. 4. Practicing collegially with others who are
providing services to individuals with exceptionalities. 5. Developing
relationships with families based on mutual respect and actively
involving families and individuals with exceptionalities in educational
decision making. 6. Using evidence, instructional data, research, and
professional knowledge to inform practice. 7. Protecting and supporting
the physical and psychological safety of individuals with
exceptionalities. 8. Neither engaging in nor tolerating any practice that
harms individuals with exceptionalities. 9. Practicing within the
professional ethics, standards, and policies of CEC; upholding laws,
regulations, and policies that influence professional practice; and
advocating improvements in the laws, regulations, and policies. 10.

Advocating for professional conditions and resources that will improve

learning outcomes of individuals with exceptionalities. 11. Engaging in
the improvement of the profession through active participation in
professional organizations. 12. Participating in the growth and
dissemination of professional knowledge and skills. Approved, January
This information as well as other resources can be found at
3) CEC endorsed position papers
A view is that children with physical disabilities should have a
teacher with a physical/ health certification as well.
teachers have a responsibility to develop knowledge and skills
regarding their students health care needs
%202015.docx O&M specialists play an integral role in the
provision of a free appropriate public education to children with
visual impairments. School districts should employ highly
qualified O&M specialists to provide services to students in
accordance with their IEPs.
E) Pictorial representation of the hallmark of special education


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