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CGRAVITUY & SPACE SCHEME OF WORK. UNIT J: GRAVITY & SPACE LESSON TITLE cover i [What is gravy? 2 [How does gravity change J) 3 Rocket propulsion Te5 | Solar system debate OR “Theories ofthe solar system @ ‘Circular Motion & Orbits 7 ‘Satalites e Test Notes: Anything that might be of particular Importance for the teachers fo note of bear in mind throughout the topic or for particular lessons. SCIENCE NATIONAL CURRICULUM KS3: b) "Chat the weight of an object on Barth $= the result the gravitational attraction Setween ita mage and thst of che Bests ©) that unbalanced forces change the speed or direction SE movement of objects and that balanced forces produce no change im the movement of en object 4. the Barth ond beyond ‘The solar system 2)” “about the novenents of planets azcund the gua end to Selate these to gravitational forces fe) about the aoe of artificial ‘SCIENCE NATIONAL CURRICULUM KS2: NewKS4 Scheme of Work Lesson | Learning objectives | Teaching Leaming outcomes [Homework | Specials | Exiension Kenceasame i | activites eoquea snes resources. | tumnaset | resources Toa at gaviy ba ‘Seitoe Saree dT) [ste that atalldoppal [Homework stacy [JT What taste force which ace | “Graine he fecal” | anpwhre onthe Ea will | Whats amy nivihatis | ontbetthovards the | 31 Core fords the ene of the plan, | gray? ps feoreoftheplant | Miarandweight | Gusto he smetve + tin gaviy en Hep aviation fore between stmeiveforetetneen | Mamandweght | tames objects ih mss sete es of rai to Shoutbow de ea ef ‘plea asage a obsernom, svi a lad ‘ote fii sd novel peal eberations Tawa? | tat wee ie ‘SaREESHRETET > Gai inpliatins of | Honewos eet [12 How does | Ta A joueyio fewviniealfoceis | "Graviyontse Ban | ilreg avtatonl Ged | Space saviychenge? | te Moos ow does | Tonertan cate Ear, | & Moon” een for vstrs ose | exlontion gay chege? |e mm ot obec aces {2b Weights on| Funai san itite | 2a Core elton dese wrinicn ‘th plnes ‘ela isless Weighing striae [nla 1 tose gute nother lanes Shows eg bya force diagram, rebnahip at, ‘Gatavockec oot linge Lesions fearinturlatiaction | 2b Core: ‘ped fore tie sas Rost ‘tween bodies docreares | Rocket propulsion | gravity ‘wopuisn | astedutncebetwocs Aesctbe, gusng emotions, fhemincenee ‘tate gata foe 1 thoateone ep of Aecese a the rocket ett ‘pace eplorioa ‘er tom the Eats Asser some fhe andes foffumin xpeation of ps, (5 Tart Gagarin, Votetina Teshiona, Nel Armsone sen Sharman ‘se nfmation provid {sternite maces eth ‘of objets on be Moon aad ote pine Learning objectives | Teaching Leaming outcomes [Homework | Speciale | Extension fam eaten | activi (fepacasenmecr won) resources | Mmhowren | resources tino sens abvafthe —] Siese Sarer | ese ancy model aft | Exenson set 3 | Ts Mode oft | 12 Tee on of rolarsem bine ‘Fave oureassbou | Sole ysemand bow tdiies | Fortemostble | solrsysem | de Moos change ovectine | hese syste ‘Soma preset model tocossie aot erate | changed?” segue pot of view i deere ceaiuag eine 0 ofemodel ofthe soar ysem, Siveata ew Becmre proving enderce forter ‘owe moreformal | Solrsystemdetate | postion language propio ‘tse mor femal angnge ject eed CConguterrcarch, | "exam ep parve ‘pay ‘serfs pron seemed dat, | exact eet ifmtion Tessa ‘bas Sinibwassve] Scenes 61] aaa ina maon | Nem oa Greaarstodon [an exeru avery ge | "Whaeepepliects | "forma deo eons (avistiona force, whch | nett” ep hat tthe Si Erepeplrce orb | ‘aviation fre a eps BModes of torene hemos of | 139 Core ‘Blanes in oat. Siesolsqasm | ciealsrmodn dem on | Wiatenses cet | «Hate atte Moon a mar ‘onan ‘ieovbisofplineeand | moson? ‘ae ofthe Eakin stele bby ie ads that te Moon tual ‘pavsetonl pl tlie of he Ea those ocd bythe ars geval al Tessa fil ke Moos sSRT | SSE ST Temmwod aie | 7 Sains — Sins Seliteofte Ear, | Saehee n tie Setites HM sabies | Whose ott i rminsned on bythe Bars 14 Core Sates Revise forts. gavin pl Stoutsome wes of | Computer research ‘ifs aalier ‘toot itrmton hat can ‘ec muchas we ‘oni? Lesson [Learning objectives | Teaching Leaming outcomes | Homework Extension fepccaserne eto | activities ffogarsstenesveany resources * [resources TaisaT Tow seis wade “scribe ow line probes ‘cnsaned tapebero collet rose ifomtion st the Information an aks {ola syiem and bow ts stsusties | predictions {ntooason is sed Tesan ‘Assesment aad Cais TEST Te ‘malt, Maving [SUGGESTED LESSON PLAN FORMAT Ti Giaviy & Space Lesson TJ: Whats gravy? ‘ey loa = tat gravity fs an atracve foroe which acis on the Fath towards th conive ofhe planet + tat graviy isan attractive force between objects with mass 1 how te iea of gravity was related to empirical observations, NGRefi 2. Foree and motion ib) thatthe weight of en objoct on Barth isthe result of the gravitational attraction between its mass and tht ofthe Earth ‘Co Links: Key ‘Gravy, graiaional orca, mass, weight Words: Resources: Risks Clase eat of Science to 14 ‘Dropping large masses on fest or damaging the Worksheets “Gravity: the facts (starter actly) foo (hence the carpat pleces). Digital Balances, bathroom scaes In Newtons Bathvoom scales in klograms Forcemeters of ferent ranges (0 10N and higher) ‘50g masses on hangers, large masces on hangers, Imperial masses as avaiable, apse, potato, other tems of ifecng masses, Elastic bands ‘Someting heavy (6.9. concrete block) ‘Carpet pieces or similar impact absorber. ‘Acdty Sheets J1 Core and Jt help | Homework sheat Jt, Special Sheet J ‘OBJECTIVES mUST ‘SHOULD ‘COULD + Know the dference between |» Bo able to use their graphs to | Identity anomalous results mass & weight find the weight of an abject | + Suggest explanations for + Knowhow t© caleulate weight | given iis mass Le. wthout ‘anomalous results from mass ‘weighing + Consider how ther resus ‘+ Koow tat gravity isa universal | * Understand the idea of right be affected F the force of atracton which acts | gravitational field strength, ‘experiment had been done on between all masses. + Know that the Eats the Moon or another planet. + Know tial gravy acs towards | gravitational flld strengths thecentre ofthe Earth (and | about 10 Nikg towards the contre of her planets ‘STARTER. Badger WSS Science Starter 1 “Gravy: the eal ‘SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES, wUST "SHOULD ‘COULD (Extension work) + Use Sot 14 p82 tointroduce | «Complete actvtyJ1 for at east | Complete activity Jt incuding, tnd estabich the ference | 5 diferent masses including 2of | + Calculating ine gradient of the babieon mace an Weight more than tk. graph, Complete actly Jt most | «Pict graphs of weight vs mass [+ Identiying anomalous resus students wil require the help | with Ines of best ft * Suggesting explanations for heat fora least S masses up ‘anomalous results thy. * Considering how ther results might be afoctes fhe ‘experiment had been done on the Moon or another plant. Now S3 Scheme of Work SUGGESTED LESSON PLAN FORMAT. PLENARY! Through dsoussion of class resis etabih 1 the ides of gravitational fel strength. * the Ears gravational fed strength is about 10 Nikg * thatthe weight ofan object ean be found out from the praph line or by caleulaton using the formula 6 Wwoight = mass x gravitational field strength * that gravy acts towards tho contro ofthe Earth. You can do this by considering which nay te force of gravity would act on strlen doing the experiment in Australia or ‘somewhere on the Equal. + Thal the idea of gravity was based on empirical experimental) evidence ~ineusing sof observations recorded by a Danish astronomer. ‘SEN: ‘Sono Sludents wil require oxra help wit reading balances and Torcemetors and with Ploting graphs. Experimental results canbe lined io masses from 0 ~ 1 kg. Homework: Specials 1 Whatis gravy?” ‘Suggested SEN students: Specials sheet JT Whats oraviy™ Homework: Allcther students: Homewoxk shes! Jt What is gravity? ‘New RSS Scam of Wade 1 PO OM I ST var Year 9 Science Starter 81 Tee char’s <4. Key Pont Gravity: the facts! desson | [Deiecive ‘What you will need: Copymaster SI as Tp understand that gravitational fore is exerted betsreen abjcts Py swith mass and relate thst the Earth worksheets Pupils to ‘werk in pi "Teaching point: ) “The activity is based on a worksheet which includes key facts bout gravitational force betwean objects with mass. The ‘lationship between people Living om the Earths surface and the Bash’ gravitational Sed stength —the influence of gravity s gxploited. The activity i a doze exercise which has logical test aid word selection. ‘Aativity ‘Give out Copymaster worksheets, [Explain thatthe worksheet includes key facts about gravitational fore. The tasks to choose ‘words from thelist and write inthe comect words inthe gaps. Answers Gravity i force by hich abject re atracted towards the centre ofthe Earth ‘When you land on the ground, the forces btuween you andthe Earth are equa in size but oposite ‘Avelion. The Ear pls you dno with force ut you pull he Earth up with a force of the same sie. ou are muck amar than he Earth so it does not ioe ‘Te gravittiona eld srength ofthe Earth i greater than the gravitational feld strength of the Moon “We only jel the pl of gravity of ery lange objects. A concrete als an atteactiog force which wl pull {person towards. Hote, ts strength i foo weak for the person to el. Only avery le object planet Bar produces force that we cam el! “Any to objects which hace mass ttrec ac otter. The bigger a mass i he greier is its gravitational jul. The loser to masses ae he greater i he gravitational pull on ec othe. Challenge: Ask the pupils to research the gravitational field strength of ange of planets in Tinks to plenary: Discuss the complete passage 90 that pupils have fll understanding of (gravitons) altesction, so no longer consider gravity as merely “down-ness.” Badger Key Stage 3 Science Starters Genser 6 Key Pont dass | mass greater . closer gravitational force equal attractive + +++ by which objects are attracted ‘Year 9: Copymaster for Starter 61 Gravity: the facts! Gravityisa .. towards the centre of the Earth. When you stand on the ground, the forces between you and the Earth are . ++ in size but opposite in direction, The Earth pulls you down with a force but you pull the Earth up with a force of the same size. You are much smaller than the Earth so it does not move. ‘The gravitational field strength of the Earth is ....... than the gravitational field strength of the Moon. We only feel the pull of gravity of very large objects. A concrete ball has an ......see..0s. force which will pull a person ‘towards it. However, its strength is too weak for the person to feel. Only a very large object like planet Earth produces a force that we can feell Any two objects which have ..........0005 attract each other. The bigger a mass ie, the greater is ite .. pull. The ......0 sires tWO masses are, the greater is the gravitational pull on each other. Sion eer spe testa Key word list stipes tow Baroni steele ingly pewationary sas clipes! os wating saaies —ebiting wight vitae force pol stats pay saute es ae ee rere ures Glossary tliptcsl oval shaped rbiting when amass moves around rosttonary an ft har Maps 2 sate another det gravity show oe plas onthe Barth polar saelites satlies that have obits that, aided take them ove he Norh ae rosaonary sates in goostationary South poles Steller ort sate objec that obits ane raviaonal —atraciv force beeen two mass force mass sateltesio sates hat have an orbit vty tractive force betmeen two Rghlyellipteal which fakes them los to ad ‘anes orbits far sy from the Bath in sow Earth bit satelite which are clos to seh be sults hearth ath ors ight fore on somthing that has mass mount of mater mas duet grataionat felt TES Noon consemrabe J ‘Core dessan | Aim ‘To show thatthe welght of an object is proportional to its mass, and equal to mass x gravitational field strength Equipment © balances of different ranges Forcemeters of diferent ranges 1 toms of eiferent mass 1 box of scrap paper or foam ‘What to do @ You sre going to measure the mass and the weight of. various tems. Select good range of tems, including heavy ane light ones. @ Draw up a table to record the mass and weight forall ‘your ems {© Using the balance, measure the mass of eech item. © Using 2 forcemeter, measure the weight of che item, (Gake car to select foreemeter with a suttable range you wil need diferent ones for heavy items and for Hight items) {© Draw a ine graph of your results with weight onthe ‘erucal axis against mass on the horizontal axis Analyse +1 What shape ts your graph? What does thi tll you about mess and weight? 2. How could you use your graph to find the weight of en stem Ifyou know its mass? 43 Using your graph or your results table, estimate the value of the gravitational fled strength Evaluate 4 Did all of your results fir the same pattern? 5 Ifthey did not, can you explain why? Veet R ile 8 lasso | yg Non = co ASewnelditalp im ‘To show thatthe weight of an object i proportional tots tas and equal fo mass graviational field strength Equipment f balances of diferent ranges f toms ofeiferent mass © forcemeters of diffrent ranges (© box of scrap paper or foam What to do @ You ate going to measure the mass and the weight of various items Selecta good range of tems, including heavy and light ones, @ Draw a table ke the one below ready to record the mass and weight for all your items {© Using the batance, measure the mass of each item, Using a foreemeter, measure the weight ofthe item, (Teke care to select aforcemeter with a suitable range ~ you will need different ‘ones for heavy items and for light items.) © Piot your results of weight against mass on a line graph using axes like the ones shown below, wees 09 Continued — @ Dee RUC a acelin Analyse 11 How could you use your graph to find the welght of an stem if you know ts mass? 2 What does your graph show about mass and weight? Copy and complete the sentence below. ple, when the mass 6 1k, the weight i Evaluate 3 Did al of your results ft the same pattern? 4 they ald not, can you expan why? sete Praca c.uis ee Consune ote, a Gravity on Earth 1 The force we cll weight isthe attractive force between an object and the eentre of the Earth hte raw a person, and mark her weight with an arava 1 the North Pole b the South Pole € the equator, 2. You can always check if something is vertical by using & weight on the end ofa line. This is called a plumb line ‘The weight is attracted to the centre ofthe Earth so the line fsverticl Draw plumb lines like the one at the North Pole 4 atthe South Pole » atthe equator, VEE eas ed ‘Mass and weight 1 The gravitational feld strength on the Barth is 1ON/kg, Caleulate the weight of these objects on the Earth a a person of mas 53g bb of mass 750kg © an apple of mass 120g, 2 Eurostar train of mass 750000kg 2 Below are some weights, measured on the Earth, where the gravitational fed strength is LON/kg, Work out the mass of each abject. 22 a newborn baby weighing 40N 1 a hog of sugar weighing 10N ¢ model car weighing 26NV 4a truck wolghing 50000 3 This dagram shows a person standing atthe North Pole holding a yo-yo, Copy the diagram and add a person at the equator holding 2 yo-yo and a person at the South Pole holding a yo-yo, SUGGESTED LESSON PLAN FORMAT Ti ‘Gray & Space Lesson 2 12: How does gravy change ‘Key Idea? + The mass of n objet says the same wherever Kin the ures ‘ifthe gravtatonal fre sess tat one Earth, an object vil weigh ls eventhough is mass has rot enenged. + The rations foros of traction batwaen masses decreases as the distance between them NCRee hal te weight of an beet on Earth ete result fhe gravstonal traction between &s mass nth fhe Es ‘GC Links: ‘Key Tass, gravy, ravational oreo, gravatioral Weld srenath Resources: sks Wortshets“crovty onthe Earth & Moor" (state) Bowes toF each containing tego tedust. 8 large cards iabetea Plana A, Planet 8, oc to Panel F Forcumetrs (0~ 10N) and (0 25N marimar) ‘Acti Shoots J2a Core Weighing stardust on other planes” Extension shess 12a and J2h, AT Lovel 7-8 Sattroon seals inklbaras alco Homework sheets: Speci 12, Homenork sheet J2 OBJECTIVES, MUST ‘SHOULD * Kaw thatthe mass of an objects _| Be able to calculate tek sight on the same on any pene at ‘ferent planes and tha moon | forces using Newton equation of * Ko tat ts weg on ferent Uuniersalgravtaton, Planets depends onthe (ravioli srongh lower Foc seenath results ness weight "Be able fo use quantatve Felanshin at gravtational tstrecton bebeen bodies ‘daveases ate stance between ‘hem moreso "Be blo quoi some examples of space exieatin. ‘STARTER SS Saar 62 "Grvy on ha Ea & Woe ‘SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES WOST ‘SHOULD ‘COULD (Extension work) | ‘Note tat tnemass ofan ojectis | +compiete he evasion of actty | «complete Extension at 3A ‘heamaustof mater presentand | a. jour tthe moon" ‘doesnot heater, change rem | «Cormplete Eerslonsctty J2> | Be inrodveed fo Newterts Equation ‘poof place, ‘Wags on ae planet ‘of Unotss Gravistonal + Complete actity 125 Weighing | «Note tate gravistonal atracton | Grav force G lm siordston ahr planets upto and | “betwoon 2 objects nereases ho iagod Ireudng he sale, ‘aster erence whore Gis he Graviasonal + Note Bat gravtational eld stengin | «Mote that he gravitonal atracion | constantand'is the diane Is estest on planets wih te ‘beeen 2 objects decreases the | Botwoon the two masses, argos mass cistance betwoon hem nereases. | Ty ATs SUGGESTED LESSON PLAN FORMAT. PLENARY: Briefly discuss the problems hat had io be overcome in galing astronauts safeh to and ‘fom the moon. Eg. overcoming Earth's gravity, no alin space orca the aon, problems of eating, washing etc In weghiless conctions, low graviy on the moon (NOT ro gravy) making it fut for astronauts to walk witout stumbing. Extend the discussion to identity milestones inthe exploration of space. ‘09, Galle’ telescope, development of rocket motors, frst man in spacs, ft moon landing, Voyager, Hubble telescope. ‘Suggested — Spocate Homework Homework shest J2 ‘Now RSS Same of Wek wt ws wl woe wow aaa Year 9 Science Starter 82 Tee her'S ©?8= Key Point Gravity on the Earth and Moon 28SSona. Objective: What you will need: Copymaster 82 a8 worksheets. Pupils to “To understand that where the gravitational fore is smaller than con the Earth, the mats of an object remains the same but the weight i lower, and beable to do related calculations “The activity is base on a numberof calculations related to mass and wight of different objects onthe Earth, Moon and an imaginary planet, Zendroa, The pupils should become aware of the constancy of mass even in gravitational feds of diferent ‘value bt thatthe weights do change Give out Copymaster worksheets, [Boplain that the worksheet has a number of calculations related sbout mass and weight of objects (on Earth, Moon and an imaginary planet, Zendeos, important information is given in a table [bout the force of gravity (gravitational eld strength) ofthe Earth and the Moon, ‘Ask the pupils do csleulations 1 = 4. Answers 11 Divot sight om Eat» 750. 2, Pets mass on Barth i 85 i. 3, Pein’ weight onthe Moon is = 136 N Racha’ weight (on Earth» 650 N othe Moon = 108 om Zendras = 1625. ‘Challenge: Andvosis another imaginary planet Almec's mass is 85 kg and she weighs 165 ‘Non Andros. Ask the pupils to calculate the gravitational eld strength ofthis planet. Igna-3Nie" Links to plenary: Discuss the fact hat the mags of an object is measured in kg and it does| Tot change, whatever the plane! It the gravitational field strength which acts on the ‘oss thet does vary fom planet to planet. onrrro Year 9: Copymaster for Starter 82 CONS DE = Key Port Gravity on the | Earth and Moon. AESSond Important facts! Gravitational field strength: Earth: 10 N kg" Moon: Benny has a mass of GOkg. What is Benny's weight on Earth? G0kg x Earth's gravitational field strength 60kg X1ON _ GOON which is SOS 1. Dino has a mass of 75 kg. What is Dino's weight on Earth? bgxXtON oy which ts = 2. Petra's weight on Earth is B5ON. What is her mass? B50kg x kg an soe KG 3. What would Petra weigh on ‘the Moon? kg x1-6kg _ nT ee 4, Rachael wrote about an imaginary planet. Zendros has a gravitational field strength of 25 N kg" Rachael's mase was 65kg. What would her weight be on: 3 (i) Earth? (ii) the Moon? (ii) Zendros? 7 moa meme conce ke a 1) whats ry? Aasson a (b) Toe force a traction tetveen to bodies canbe alee using the equation: FeGxmxm, — were: ‘Gis the gratatinal constant and is equal to 667% 10° Neg im, anlm, ar the masees of the objects ink ib he dtance between the objects in In he ftowingeiagram the Sun, the Earth anc Marte along a straight the ‘ASUSAINA SEL NU OV Id SHLMVS IHL Q O Mew Esrth venga tees 20004 (9 Use the infomaton nthe diagram andl above ta calculate fore of atraction| Denweon the Sun a the Earth. (i) Te force of atrection between the Earth and Mars approximately 4x 10 W. Is dis belt pul the Earth out of ts ore around he Sun? Hepat your answer ae meta 88 erator ccd planets Aim To find out how weight varies on diferent planes. Introduction ‘A 1k bag of suger weighs 9.81N on the Earth. you took 21 kg bag of sugar to the Moon or snother planet, t would not weigh 9.8. There would stil be 1Thg of suger in the bag Butte would have a diferent weight newtons, ‘You are going to go to five planets and the Moon in turn, and welgh a box of stardust with a mass of {kg on each planet, Then you wil return to Earth anc ‘analyse your results to decide which leer A to F represents which plant, Equipment ‘© boxes A to Peach containing 1kg of stardust positioned on diferent planets ‘oF the Moon forcemeters of diferent ranges What to do @ Drew a table ready to record the weight of exch box A to F and the planet ‘where 1 kg welghs this amount, @Go to 2 tae (planet) and pick up the box. Use forcemeter to find the ‘weight ofthe Dox. Analyse {© Use the information in this table to entity the planets A to F from the ‘weights you have recorded In your table. Planet Gravitational field | Weight of Tg (N) strength (N/kg) 38 8 iT 7 an 38 37, 37 | 2 3. } 20 90 v6 06 Evaluate 1 The planet Mercury was not included in this experiment. kg on Mercury ‘would weigh 3.79 Why would including Mercury as planet G cause a problem? & Revises ais sar ut cd ‘On the Moon On the Mon, the gravity fs only one-sath of the gravity on the Earth “Imagine that a Moonee has been built which hasan atmosphere, so your can breathe and do not have to weara spaces Inside the Moonbase everyting will weigh only one-sbath af its weight on the Barth ~ including you! 11 Give two examples of things that wil be easter to do an the Moon than on the Earth. 2. Now pive two examples of things that wil be more dificult to do ‘on the Moon than on the Earth Peete vais aru 2d Conse cle (On the Moon (On the Moon, the gravity is only one-siath of the gravity on the Earth Imagine that a Moonbase has been bait which has an atmosphere, so you can breathe and do not have to wear a spacesult Inside the Moonbase everything will weigh only one-sixth of Its welght fon the Barth ~ including you! 11 Give two examples of things that willbe easier to do on the Moon than on the Barth, 2 Now glve two examples of things that wil be more dificult to do ‘on the Moon than an the Earth, Pere R unc) ‘The Earth attracts everything on its surface with a gravitational eld strength of 98NT, As the rocket leaves the Barth the distance between it and the Barth increases, and the force of gravity between them gets smaller. ‘There i afore between the Bath and the Moon. “The Moon attracts everything on its surface with a gravitational field strength of LINKS. 41 Choose the correct letter Ato E on the dlagram to shovr each ofthe following situations, You may use each letter once, more than once or not at al. 1 the point where the force of gravity on the rocket is smallest the point where the force of gravity on the rocket is highest pons where the astroneuits wil be in fee fll 2 Afault developed on Apollo 13 and it didn't have enough fuel to use it rocket engines to change direction to return to Earth. The rocket continued towards the ‘Moon and went around the Moon. How did going around the Moon help the spacecraft get back to Earth? a dered ere ete cs | eaten AasSon dd. jab Consemets 41 Using ast of bathroom scales, measure your ms in kilograms, 2 Calculate your weight on each ofthe planets below (and the Moon) | Planet Gravitational field strength (N/Ikg) “T My weight () | anh | Moon Merry Venus Teter Sem 30 [rans a Nepune | re hasan Q Sete Consents JP “ YoriGagnin Yalan erhve Ned Arming ale Starman Write the correct name along with each achievement below. 8 first human in space first human on the Moon «first British human in space od first woman in space 2 On what date did humans fist land on the Moon? 2 Choose one ofthe people from question 1 and find out mare about them, o< ee N eae tt YoiGagiin — YakatneTenhtove——_NellAmatong eke harman | Write the correct name along with each achievement below. 2 first human in space 1 Ast human on the Moon fest British human in space {frst woman in space 2 On what date did humans first land on the Moon? 3 Choose one of the people from question 1 and find out more about them, @ ‘SUGGESTED LESSON PLAN FORMAT Tite: ‘Gravy & Space Lesson 3:12 Rocket Propulsion. Idea —A rocket naede a large upwards fore (Larger than fis weight) © Ase agai NCRef 2. Foree and motion ‘) thar unbalanced forces change the speed or diection of movement of objects and that balanced foros produce no change in the movement of an objec. ‘ceLinks: Koy Fosce, foe diagram, That, weight, gravy, Mass. Words: Resources: sks: Saloon octet ong shaped balloons, inking | Bang by wayward or fling rockets! Scan, ley tape, bin sting, soso) Water rocket war roca, wat, oot pump, Comecing ties, une) ‘Siiy eho 0 Rocket Proptson, Je Force Pe ‘Worse Rocket Truster (aemativ oJ) Exon set J2, aie "Se ‘OBJECTIVES mUST ‘SHOULD ‘couLD + Be sbletodescrbe how | + Describe, eg. using + Describe how the mass of the balloon and water rockets ‘annotations that The rocket changes after launch (as work fgravtational force decreases | fuels used up) + Be able odraw force diagrams | as the rocket gets further from | + Exolain how this affects the ‘showing the forces acting and | _ the Ear acceleration ofthe rocket thelr eae sizes and + Explain how tis would affect L_rectons tho rocket thrust needes. ‘STARTER: Lat diferant core of moterengh fue do thay use? Do they burn fuel? If so, where do they get the oxygen trom? Haw do they exert a force? Try to establish the idea of action and reaction and the need to sh against something else. (Ref Science to GCSE p169). ‘SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES ‘wUST ‘SHOULD ‘COULD (Extension work) + Complete Activity J2 See acy J2b: Extncion | « Extonsion sheet 2ue {@) the balloon rockat deme: exploding Pringles Pot | “Acoeleraion of rocks’ (©) the water rocket (weather | rocket. periting) + Atlmpt Extension sheet J2a ‘A + Complete Acviy sheet J2e | joumey to the moon’ + Discuss the deorease In gravitational force as the rocket (gfe further ram the Earth. + Use this to explain why Apolo rocket engines in the 2 anc 237 slage do not need to be as owerful asin the 1" stage, PLENARY: Return tote Sart achiy. Discs vat makes rocket motor so sulla Tor apace travel, Camry own oxygen, exer force on waste gases, capable of very high speeds for traveling large distances. ‘SEN ‘Some students wil need guidance (ag. daze procedure) t ensure the relevant pals are noted wien completing J2 ‘Suggested Homework: None Now KS3 Steme of Wank 2 frees ee er Den con sunmeht® Aim ‘To understand how rocket propulsion works. Equipment © Tong shaped balloons water rocket Kit. drinking straw © zy drinks botle stcky tape water sting @ bicycle pump 8 scissors A The balloon rocket {@ Watch the demonstration ofthe balloon rocket. 11 What was coming out ofthe rocket” {© Drow a diagram ofthe racket. Mark the direction it ‘moved in with an arrow. Mark the direction of the alr vith another arrow. 2 What do you notice about the two arrows you have ran? B The water rocket {© Watch the demonstration ofthe water rocket '3 What ws inside the bottle at first? 4 What happened inside the bottle when the purnp was. 5 Describe how the rocket took of. 16 What was coming out ofthe rocket? @ Drew a diagram ofthe bottle, Mark the direction it ‘moved in with an arrow. Mark the direction of the water with another arrow. 7 What do you notice about the two arrows you have arava | | | hass _ Rocket thrusters rem CONS (16) — Activity What you need: nylon fishing line, long balloon, drinking straw, stop watch, safely specs What to do: 1 Tieanylon fishing esol te ra syn fishing ne line across the room. le 2. Build your rocket > like this f—____-# tong baton rele- washing qu 0p 3 Blow up the balloon, fit the nozzle and let go. Time your rocket travel over a fixed distance (eg 2 m). Use the equation below to work out the speed. distance time speed speed = m/s 4 Try different shaped nozzles. nn 7, i Ul | | top from washing vp paste or igo comin Grronecdes — Which is the best nozzle? _ How do they change the speed of the rocket? | HAZARD WARNING Nylon line can cause is. Be careful walks into the nylon line. 128 ue yh rat i MOVIGTHROUGHSPACE Wao com surreb® Journey to the Moon dusso3 ‘Read te folowing story eartuly. There are fv places inthe story wher this sin ‘poor. Whenever you reach one, son and think carsuly abou te forces paling 0” ‘he astonauts spaceship tha poo. You wilaso be given shee ofpicures. On each str draw arrows Show he srechn oth foros n Bach ofthe fv execs Conahot ly ayn 1969the spaceship Apla 11 sutout rom Cape Ganaverain Frida ‘Spulthee Amarcanastonais onthe surface ofthe Moon, © “AtihotinegiantSaum Viest-stage rocket gveouta stot ame and he force ‘Stetes Apolo ina an scooteraton so great that the etna had to take ying down bas ntta oak hor noc. Fortwo hours the astronauts fet weightless beesuse they were going round the Earth in ‘foetal © _ “Sudéeny thee at astongpush onthe backs. ForSminutsthelastrocket stage Zoslerat Apolo the escape Earh vlocty’ of nearly 40 000 kor © _“Apolocoasied ontowarde the Moon wthoutis engines on, Tha pilloftnsEsn's eovty wae soning it own, 26 hours aor Dato Apolo passed the haf-way pont Etwoon Eath and oon, bt the srenger Toco of Earth gravy was lowing Roun. {@ _* Aboutiwo aa hl days into the EarthMeon voyage, usaf he astronauts ‘Gwasranga unntos L-shaped aboctoats ter ing window, Apa crssectha "Zoro ray point whore the Ears and Moor's ravtatona pul canoe! out Apalo was row traveling tent 3201 kmhour. From row onthe speed woul be Inoroasod by th pullof the Moon's gravity. © ~ Ater 75 hours ofthis smacth coasting fight Apoe's rocket engine had @ ‘kaart bumio slow tou ethatitoul go to Meena Inthe next wenty hours, ‘tie ey wet rund ard round the Moon, the Astonauts propared to unk thei unar Tang evet"Eag’ or he Sina par ofthe jourmay down o tho urknawnsuace ofthe Moon seroma fie connie. gle ysroen ane tice nye ak herders | eos stage gear be Lue verogen tak . Boerne Ligue nk Top hion stm, Toalwean aT ont rite Srsenioee SUGGESTED LESSON PLAN FORMAT ae “iter ~~~ (aazans 1E_ Fo Selar System dobale [only one losson for ower ably groups) ‘Key Iieas— Fo Ideas aboul te solar system have changed overtime [NC Ref! The Earth and beyond yout some idegs used to explain the orgin and evolution of the universe 1 Bitients conelder ways of obtaining data (or example, ofthe solar system) and they use {halt nowiedge of physical processes to explain patems that they fn, | ‘eo Links = Key ‘rb, eiptoa, elipical Ome, soar eystem, geaceniti, hellocentic. Words: ( Resoureos: Risks tornet is essential, ‘None ‘Worksheet "Have our ideas about the solar system changed? (state) ‘Ratt sheet 15a ‘Solar system dobate! Extension sheet J2 {Glass ee of Science to 4 ‘OBJECTIVES ‘musT ‘SHOULD ‘CouLD ‘be able to describe the ‘be able to abuts eas about | +be abe to predict how the soar ‘geocentric and heliocentric the solar system to named ‘ystem would behave ifa given odes of the sola aystom, ‘slenils and philosophers, ode! were correct (even when «poner formation to cuspor | sbe able to use evidence to argue | tha models rot cored. ‘one ofthe to models, for or against proposed model «beable fo explain how evidence | of the solar system, is needed before 9 decision between the two models can be mace. _ [ STARTER Bn SE Since Sartor BE Have Our eas about sla system Sango”) ‘SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES MOST ‘SHOULD ‘COULD (Esxterston warky = Compete Aetivty 8a using | +Listthe contributions of named | + Some ofthe higher sty Intemet research and @ ‘Solent and philosophers, | students must argue the case for stucured debate, the geocentric solar system to «List the evidence supporing the fensure both sides of the debate halocertse model of the solar ‘are well represented, system. “+ Extansion sheet J3 sconce io 14 p12.13 js useful. Se ‘BLENARY: Consolidate, by discussion, tthe need for evidence to determine which idea about the solar systems correct, “ihe tbemologial developments and work necessary to enable this evidence tobe (gained eg, Galleo'stelescone, Tycho Brahe's observations, Kepler's mathematical fgws based on Tycho Brahe's observations, ‘SER Lower ably students Way be unable to arGus i Tavour ofa geocentric madel ofthe solar tyotem Foundation seis may be beller developing the aarer and gathering evidence to ove the cave forthe hebocentric model. —_—— “Suggested ~ Casson ¢~ corinae gathering nforTaton to supper geacenticTehocentc model ofthe Homework: solar sysiom. cami __ Extension sheet J8 for the most ab NewS Seheme of Wok SUGGESTED LESSON PLAN FORMAT [Tille: ——Lessone 4 & 6:18 Theories of the Solar System (Allrmalve lesson plan forlower ably] students) Roy Idea: How Ideas about be soar system have changed over time “The Earth ane boyand + about some Ideas used to explain the crgin and evolution ofthe universe 1 Students consider waye of obiainin data [for example, of the solar system] and they uso their knowledge of physical processes fo explain pattems tha they find. CC Links: —_ Key ‘bing, elitcal, lipleal ori, colar eystem, goocsnire, halen Risk: None Worksheet Have our ieas about the colar syetern changed” (starter) VIDEO: History of Astronomy ‘Acciity sheet 8a ‘Solar system debate’ Class satof Science to 14 ‘OBJECTIVES: ‘UST ‘SHOULD couLD ‘be able to describe the ‘be abe to attribute ideas about | be able to predict how the solar ‘gsocentie and hellocentric the solar system to named system would behave fa given models ofthe solar system, | scieniiss and philosophers, | model were carect (even wen + £00 how information was ‘be able to use evidence te argue | that model snot cored) {gthered to suppor the two | for cr against a proposed mode! models, ofthe solar system, ‘be able to explain how evidence ‘= noaded before a decision ‘batwoen the two models can be made, “STARTER Badigat KS3 Sclonce Sister 857 Have Gur eas about ths solar stem changed” ‘SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES, "SHOULD ‘COULD (Extension work) * List the contrbutions of named | «Some ofthe higher aby scientists and philesophers, | students must argue the caso for the geocentric solar system to + List the evidence supporting the ‘ensure both sides ofthe debate heliooanri model of he soar ate well represented, system. + Extension sheat JS 1 Science to 14 p12,13 i uso PLENARY: Conscidae, by discussion, "the need for evidence to determine which idea about the solar system is correc, ‘the technological developments and work necessary to enable ths evience tobe ‘gained, e.g, Call's tlascope, Tycho Brahe's cbservatlons, Kepler's mathematical lava based on Tycho Brahe's observations. SEN ‘ewer ably students may be unable fo argue i favour ofa geocorivic modal ofthe solar system. Foundation sets may be better approaching the task as proving the case forthe heliocentric model. J ‘Suggested Lesson 4~ continue gathering information to suppor gooceninicliocerve medal ofthe Homework solr systom, Extension sheet J3 forthe most able. ‘New KS3 Slam of Work ere a a 3 a mw ou wb ‘Year 9 Science Starter 83 andar s “Sey Have our ideas about the solar system changed? Objective: "Tobe aware that our ideas about the sola system have changed cover tene by considering the solar system modes of Ptolemy and Copernicus ‘What you will need: CCapymaster 898 and &Sb as worksheets, Pens and whiteboards, Pupils to work in groups. “Teaching point: i “The ectvity ls based on 2 worksheets, Copymaster 6s shows & ‘ery early model of te solar system as postulated by Ptolemy and alle model by Copericas is shown by Copymaster Sb. The ‘Copernic model i the one which oatlines our current Ienbwleege, even though Copernicus died over 400 years anol Each group should be given both worksheets end should discuss ‘which diagram shows our curent beliefs They will have [knowledge from Year 8 to help them. Aativity “Give out Copymaster worksheets (2 per group) replhin that one worksheet shows a very easy model ofthe solr system as suggested by Proleny and the other worksheet shows a later model by Copernicus. Each group should discuss ‘hich diagram shows the true model of our solar system and to give evidence for ther choice. Important points (Answers) Prolomy toemy tok ideas from Aristotle Look al the Polersian mode the ou orbits the Earth? Where the evidence. ‘Where ith evidence tthe moon orbits the Earth? Copernicus ‘The Copernican model is he one whi oulines our current Incaledge, enn tug Copernicus died ter 400 gure ago! Few blcoed hire whilst he Hoed I ook unt 100 yar ft his death for people fo repec his wit. Caldc, Kepler and Newton flowed ont contribute our modern sandorsaning of astronomy. : Stars are fed end do rot revolve around the sun. Tae earth ote once ebery 2 hours which ges the impression tat star seem fo evoloe around the Earth the apposite ection. “Challenge: Ask the pupils to explain daily and seasonal patiers inthe solar aystem, Tinks to plenary: Discus the amazing theories of both sense in relation to their Ick of Technology! Cente the plenary on the heliocentric solar system as pat forward by (Copemniats Discus the main featutes of our tls system, including orbits around the sun Earls rotation and apparent star movement ore Year 9: Copymaster for Starter 838 Have our ideas about the solar system changed’ Ptolemy's idea of the Solar system ~ the Earth-centred model Ptolemy lived from AD 101-179 Fixed stars 4 ok kook ook Ptolemy used Aristotle's ideas (AD 384-322) and considered that the Earth was the centre of the universe. Badger Key Stage 3 Science Starters Year 9: Copymaster for Starter 83b Copernicus’ idea of the Solar system ~ the Sun-centred model Copernicus lived from 1473-1543 Fixed stars ok OK Ok OK How was Copernicus rewarded for his brilliant work? Was it the equivalent of the Nobel prize hundreds of years ago? Nol His book was banned and he was placed under “house arrest”, a quaint term for prison. Badger Key Stage 3 Science Starters eS uted Nasa consunnck fate Aim “To debate whether the Earth isthe centre ofthe solar system, Equipment ‘e access to research material about the solar system, such as books, videos, CD- ROMs, PC connected to the internet Introduction ‘Todky, tis generally accepted thatthe Sun sat the centre ofthe solar system. In the pst, Slentists ad other people believed thatthe Earth was at the centre ofthe solar System. You are going to argue ane ofthese two points of view ina debate. What to do © Decide which point of view you are going to argue. Plan {@ Research information and evidence to support your theory. Use books, videos and ‘the internet. {© Work with your ten to produce a ease for your point of view. Everyone should havea good point to make without people repeating the same points. ‘The debate © You teacher wil allow each group to present their case © Listen carefully to the points made by the other side. See Ifyou can argue against ‘hem using your evidence {© Consider al the points you have heard for both sides. The jury @ You may have changed your mind after your research and listening to the evidence. Vote for the way you think now ~ this may be for or against your team, Internet sites to help you Search for ‘heliocentric’ (which means the Sun in the centre) or ‘geocentric’ (which ‘means the Eerth in the centre). Fors useful website, go to hotlnks end click on this activi. You will ind the index to two geotentrc pages and four heliocentric pages. On the second page for each model there @ short animation fof Earth and Mare, showing how Mars would move in each model. The orbit of Mars {S shown ined. Inthe geocentric model the Farth is green and the Moon is yellow. In the helioentric model the Earth is green and the Sun i yellow. Search too for these scientist ‘¢ Thales © Prolemy # Kepler ‘© Arisarchus of Simas Aristole © Gallo © Hipparchus © Copernicus © Newton Rete ueaa tae Ueto 33 Koon - co ASUm ebhe ‘here are two theories about the orgin of the Moon: 1 isan asteroid that has been captured by the Fart, 2 During the early formation ofthe Earth, 2 ball of hot gases was thrown out. ‘This has coslesced to form the Mean, Fine out about these two theortes, What is the evidence for and against each one? [Decide whieh theory you think i mostly tobe correct. Use a search engine to search on ‘satellite’ + ‘orbit as a starting point for your Investigation or goto and click on this extension Extension Be er aa Kon - co NSEmctte ther Trere are about the origin ofthe Moon 1 Its an asteroid that as been captured by the Earth, 2 During the early formation af the Bath, a ball of hot gases was thrown cut ‘This has coalesced to form the Moon Find out about these two theories. What isthe evidence for and against each one? Decide which theory you think mos Ukely to be core. Use a search engine to search on ‘satellite! + ‘orbit’ asa starting point for your investigation or go 10 and click on this extension. ‘SUGGESTED LESSON FLAN FORMAT ‘Gravy & Space Lesson 6: Girclar Nation & Orbs ‘Key idea That movement ina circular path requires a centipeal acing towards the contre ofthe ile foro ‘Thal without a centipotal force objects would continue in staight tne. WE Refi 4, The Bath and beyond ‘The solar system c) shout the movements of planets around the Sun and how they relates fo tational forces ‘CO Links Key ‘Orb, graviatonat Tad, Words: - Resources! Risks: ‘VIDEO: "Newton & the Space Shuttle" — SB ‘Take care when whifing the rubber burg that ‘Worksheets "What keeps planets in orbit” (tater) | students are not close enough to be it by it ‘Act shoots 3b Extension sheet J3, Special sheet J3, Homework shaet JS Large and small rubber bungs, each firmly iad to sing about 40-50 em long. (Gass set of Scienco to 14 or Science to GOSE. OBJECTIVES, WOST ‘SHOULD ‘COULD Be able to: ‘Be able to state that: ‘Be able to expain that the planets * Explain hata centripetal forces | «Objects with alargermass | further from the Sun have less ‘ebded for an object fo move in require a larger centripetal force, | centripetal force and so orbit more 2 ciular path, ‘Objects moving faster require a’ | slowly than those closer tothe *Igontty gray as providing his | larger cenirpetl force Sun. {force or ering bodies, * Deserie the path ofthe object if there no centripetal force * Note: students do not need to use the fem 'senipeta but ‘must now the free is dvected Towards the centre ofthe creular path ‘STARTER: jor KSS Science Starlar 64 "What keaps Slanots Ih ODE” ‘SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES ‘MUST ‘SHOULD ‘COULD (Extension work) Complate activity Jab or Specal | Answer questions 1~4, Scito 14 | Complete Extension sheet JS. B pitt ‘Answer questions 1, 2,4 and 5 ‘Watch VIDEO “Newton & the from Seite GCSE p'201 Space Shuttle) Hake summative notes covering the lesson objectives. (See Sciange 14 9111 [ PLENARY. Tavoduce te tsa of satelliss as anying mi ott around another object] sider tho artical catolitos around the Ear, the importance of their relative masces 1 tha radius of thelr ovis, SEN acl reat 5 ( Suggested Homework —Viomenork sheet J3——— > Now K83 Stone of Work Lesson Year 9 Science Starter 84 Tender S SQ) Key Pont What keeps the planets in orbit? — Copymaster 84 a8 worksheets. Pupils to “To understand that the Sun ie massive and exers a very large gravitational force which keep planets ix orbit “Teaching point “The acivity s Based on a workshest which gives important data about the Sun (sas) andthe plants ofthe slar system. Diameters ff the Sun and planets are given. Distances of planets from the Sun and the time faken to omit the Sun are given. Key questions should be given tothe groups orally. These may enable the pupils to understand key consipt including the effect of the huge mass bf the sun on its planets and the timing and shape of the orbits ‘Activity: Give out Copymaster worksheets "Bop thatthe actvty is about the solar system and focuses on how and why the planets orbit ‘heSun. The Moon orbs around the Earth, eng attracted by the greater gravitational eld ‘stength of Earth The dlameter of Earth s 12.800 kin whereas the Moon has a diemeter of 3500, Jka Bigger objets have a bigger gravitational pull ‘Ask the pupil: hry do the planets orbit the Sun? "The Sam sage so has arch greater gravitational eld tength The plenets have a muck smaller gravitational id strong they obi aru the Su. ‘What effect does the distance ofa planet from the Sun have onthe ime taken for one obit? ‘Th gentr the distance the longer tke te taken fore ori. ‘he farther a planets from the Sun the slower/ faster it moves around the Sun Which s true, {aster or slower? Slower. CCan you predict which is the coldest planet? Give a reason for your answer Pluto, furthest fom Sr. . Challenge: Ask the pupils give a fil hae he son why the Moon orbits Earth, Eat has greater “Links to plenary: Disaus the major influences ofthe Sun onthe orbiting ofthe other planets Oulline the importance of the relative sizes of object, Le the bigger the mass of fan abject, the greater ts gravitational Feld strength. Prponer oes. (Year 9: Copymaster for Starter 84 S2X- SONOS. Key Pour What keeps the planets in orbit? A5SonL Pluto Neptune Uranus Jupiter Mars Earth Venus Mercury Sun 1390 000 km in diameter diameter in km distance from Sun in x 1000 000 km Time taken for one orbit of Sun in Earth years Mercury 4880 58 0.24 Venus 12.100 0-62 [Earth 12 600 +0 Mars 6790 188 Jupiter 142 980 186 Saturn 120 540 29.46 Uranus: 51120 84.01 Neptune 49 530 164.8 Pluto 2800 247-0 SaaS Mere eect er ed Adasen b Jab Roon- comserat ot aim ‘To show that when things move in 8 cll, i is because a force prevents them travelling in a straight ine. ‘What to do {@ Wate the demonstration ofa rubber bung on a string moving in a cece 1 Isthe string slack or pulled tight” 2 Isa string sack or pulled tight when there isa welght hanging from If? +3 Do you think the string s pulling on the bung witha free? 4 What do you think would happen if the string was cut whlle the bung was moving? {@ Woich the demonstration with a rubber bung of diferent mass. '5 Do you think the mass ofthe bung made any difference? Copy and complete the senience below, ‘The larger the bung, the diagram ee {6 Copy diagram A and drew an arrow on it to show the force on the bung moving in ecrce 7 Copy and complete diagram B to show the direction the bung wil! travel i the string Is cut or breaks. Be i) Models of the solar system Moving in acircle 1 Aball on the end of string 1s whirled around ina ciel: Complete the following sentences. The - 1s pulled tight, ‘Tis fs because i is pulling on the ‘allo hoep it moving in a__ 2. The string breaks, Draw the path taken by the bal after the string has broken, 4 2 Complete this sentence Wien the stcing there i 0 con the al to kept moving incl 0 carson moving 4 Complte the fotowing sentences to deserbe the pth ofthe Moon tround the Earth “@ ‘Theres no ting joning the Earth an the Moon. There fsa poting betwen them, The ore bb witnout fore the Moon would move wey &S Ree per aeS pa Going round in circles 1 In this sipping game, the gel has a boop around her ankle andthe tal on the string goes round ina cic 1 The string isnot slack. What does this tell you? bb Describe what would happen to the Dall ft came off the sting. 2 The Moon moves in orbit around the Barth, ‘a What force keeps the Moon moving ina crcl? b What would heppen to the Moon if tis force could be switched off? © What would happen If this force on the “Moon could be made larger? ~ 13 For each pair of diagrams, say in which dlagram the gravitational force wil be larger. Te. ars STS To el/e © Te elle To. So SUGGESTED LESSON PLAN FORMAT Tile Key Idea NC Ref. 4. The Barth and beyond ‘Thesolar system e) about the use of artificial satellites and probes to observe the arth and B Syace Lesson 7 Sales to explore the solar system, ‘GC Links: Key ‘Orb, Geostationary, paar, sia, elipical Resources: sks Worksheet “Satetites in orbit (starter) Minimal Clase sot of Sato 14 (page 112, 113) ‘Acti sheet 4, Special sheet 4, Extension shest a UnitJ Test Yourself shoots | Access to intomet via computers is desirable. ‘OBJECTIVES MUST "SHOULD ‘coud ‘Know that the moon fs anatural_ | +Be able to explain the type ot | +Considor the probioms of salto ofthe Earth, ‘orbit needed by 2 satelite from | “maintaining eaelites, + Be able fo describe polarand | is intended function. "Be able to expain how satellites (geostationary ob, ‘are put inte orbit + Be able to describe range of ‘ses of saelios andthe type oF fro hey are ‘STARTER, Badge KS Sek ‘SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES mOST "SHOULD ‘COULD (Exterision work) Have notes tote efect hat: | *Have notes on geostationary and | Attempt Extension Sheet Jé using + Asatalisis anything in orbit | polarorits (Scito 14 p113) | Internet research ‘around eomething oo, slzich the diferent types of ‘The Moen is 2 natura satelite of | satelite to the type of orbit the eart, | needed ‘There aré a range of artficial__ | «Compleie the UnitJ Test salallts novi round the earth, | Yours” sheet leach witha speci uct ‘ Atiompt activity J4 OR “Make netos using Soto 14 p s12and 113) [PLENARY ~~ Neeson atest ‘The plenary could be used to sum up the whole unt using the Test Yours sheets [Sen “Special sR ‘Suggested — Revise forest Homework [New KS3 Scam of Wad ‘Copymaster 85 a5 an ‘OFT. Pens and whiteboards. Pupils to work in groups “Do understand that there are a numberof artificial satellites inthe ak how they ate put into postion, and recognise a range of uss. “Teaching point: “The aclivity b based on a dingram of satellite orbiting the Earth, Details supplied of how the satelite was put into position, 10 mimutes the shape ofthe ofbitas a crcle and that the satelite orbits 0 match the rotation ofthe Earth i. geo-stationary orbit. Pupils have the opportunity to work out the steatogy behind gec- Sationary obit and Its importance i comaunications systems, fg; mobile phones and televisions, ‘Activity: Project Copymaster OMT i i i i i i i i q Beplan thatthe Barth sorbited by a natural satelite, the Moon. The Moon is attracted by the ‘rauitational field of Earth, which eepe iin a creular obit. Pupils will more readily recognise Ertl steltes like Astra which ls used by the Sky TV Company. using whiteboards: Ask the pupil these questions ving me for respon “How would the satelite reach the abit postion” Rockey Shuttle transport. iow would sight adjustments be made to the satelite position? ‘Signa rom Ear, smal roctts flaked, small changes in positon. Billy looked atthe satelite using a telescope on position X shown on the diagram. He became bored withthe task because the satelite did not appear to move. Explain why, iit moving, at 11 100 km per hous, tha the satlite appeared to remain in one position, The satelite flows the Earths roti, As the stele mes in abit then we follow the rotation in the ame crcton, The stl f fuling al of th ne, alld donors by gravity, bu the curoed Earth spinning 0th satelite never gets any lowe. “This is called geostationary octit, How does this help our mobile phone communication dystem. (ur country says atin heaven cored by the alte. We never lee so our phones work lof the tie, (as long as ve charge ther) ‘Challenge: Ask the pupils to give a range of uses of satelite. Sry TV, Sat Navigation Systems in our cs, Gaba postoning sytem, weather forecasting, astronomical satellites Fave equipment tha enables the oberetion of ether planets without interference froms our semospher ee Tinks to plenary: Discus the fact that geostationary satellites give 100% coverage for their specie function, e.g the Astra satelite used to transmit Sky TV into our homes {cannons ata fixed angle so that the satelite receiving dish must be permanently xed in Its direct Badger Key Stage 3 Science Starte u uw ia tcl ‘Year 9: Copymaster for Starter 85 (OHT) Satellites in orbit © Key Pow, Aasson aivection of orbiy Billy looked at the J, satellite from here. | by satellite / . & Fact! This satellite wae put into position 35 900 km above the equator, where it orbits at 11 100 km per hour. This speed allows the orbit of the satellite to perfectly match the rotation of the Earth. Soret Aim To fing out about the orbits and uses of diferent types of satelite What to do @Run the gravity modeller on the Gravitation 3.8 Homepage: you ‘can find the link by going to and Cleking om this activity @ Find out how satlites behave by using the mouse to drag a satelite towards or away from the Earth’ atthe centre. 1 Do all satolites move at the same speed? 2 Ifthe speeds change is there a patton? (Do those closer to the Earth move faster or slower?) @ Select the ‘single orbit’ option to show a satelite moving around the Earth, Use the mouse to drag the satelite closer tothe Earth, ‘3 What happens asthe setelite gots closer tothe Earth? 4 What happens tothe satelite when it gots very close? @ Use the mouse to drag the satelite further aw. {5 What happens tothe satelite? @Now that you know more about orbits, go to ‘ynrvelnemann, and click on this activity for links ‘to websites about polar orbits, geostationary orbits and low-Earth orbits, {6 Choose one typeof orbit to investigate further and prepere a presentaton. ‘@ Describe the important features ofthe type of orblt you have chosen. «Give some uss of satellites in the type of orbit you have chosen. 4 Give some examples of satlites in the type of orbit you have chosen. Tole 10 help yous Type of orbit Uses Bxample 905 (orbiting geophysical) “Type of orbit - Uses Example Kil spy satelite Types ‘geostationary low Earth reconnaissance (photographing the surface) ‘weather ‘communication | ‘communications for people living close to the poles ~ Aesson 7] Extension 4 ose one ofthese questions to 1 1 How isa setelite launched into orbit? Search om satelite’ + Isunching 2 How isa satelite maintained tn orbit around the Earth? Search on ‘satelite’ + maintaining orb ‘3 What differen types of orbit are there and what are thelr uses? Search om ‘satelite’ "uses You could stat your investigation at the N porto worw and click on this exter ‘Choose one ofthese questions to research: 41 Hlow tsa satelite launched into orbit? Search on satelite’ + launching’ 2. How is satelite maintained in orbit around the Earth? ‘Search on satellite’ + ‘maintaining orbit ‘3 Wht diferent types of orbit ae there and whet are thelr uses? Search om satelite’ + "uss ‘You could start your investigation atthe NASA site or atte spave observatony $e te nvnchtnerann.cosi/holiks and click an thi extenston for thse ste. eres Gravity and space crossword Hormewerie? AxSson 7 4 Cansemnotlta Across 2. Natural satlite that orbits the Barth 6 Large distant planet 7 Our Sun i one 9 A sutlite too attracted into it 11 This is atthe cone of ah model 12 People used to think d 14 Many of these orbit the Earth 15 When the Sun disappears below the horizon we say ithas __. 16 Planets __ as well as orbiting the Sun, 17 Barth orbit (a type of orbit fr a satelite) 18 and 10 down Fost person to land on the Moon 19 Time taken forthe Earth to ort the Sun 20 Type of stlite orbit the Sun willbe cette ch 1 Astroncmer who realised the Earth orbits the Sun 2 Red planet 3 Path of a planet 4 An apple Is supposed to have copped on this scents's head, 5. The force of gravity on you from the Earth 8 A force that repes 10 See 18 across AL. Used to power a satelite 12 On Earth gravity makes things 13 Some satellites are used for Forecasting ways attracts, it never SEU L127) Tisow de dient been a Wea ( Tis bow aes wight ro me I ‘iow dat he mas a an jel a on ey planet at ewig lien on dln ple, dpa one | petal al ison da pans aon inno IS Seon iceman ctr btu Tso he pvr weet bn wo oa ‘cre he isis ten tn nce Tio it an ur a weve woh Tan xh Hw our nar aboot lar am ne Toy it ioc al gay na st nl win Thaw bat wows ng x cae pak or nite yt ert revista ee Tan gy eye tre planes aaa wig | Tan i wy se miter rd ein pmenary or | Tan exh bow sient use scles to pun information i oat esr 9st What 1 enojed mos in dhs unt was "The mow ol thing Ihave arn thi twa 1 est do more worcon. PPS CRW a Resources available Cemesiont | Mis and welt Heap shes | Maw and weight ce-ROM | Alrsoures cutomiabie Links with Book | SoW cA Foam) | ie Safety Caos rede wth any very any wep Enso that hey ar ot ited far ro the ‘roure nd that theres same ari to Proven students ram geting te ot ‘udeeath com eg ‘ath bax fled wet sep foam, paper et (© Laas shave abou 2 should be weighed by ng tenon to bathroom sale paced cn the Bench algae the mas, nt on Stents sould nat ih moc han about Sk, ‘an imperial sone. Stl shut nk car not to yon move too many mares a once when sein ip and clerng vay. Manual Handing, Regus rue wa to minum the ik ty. 1 Bowaoof stunts competing aswel ere as this could ld to excese Activity procedure Cu 1 Scant ne ange of aloes and foresters oreo ake or a nd 2 Tray plotline graph whlch should ge straight line throng he igi eo ‘as ~ ao wp with adit of bout 10 (8). The graph can be wet convert. ras o weight Soxonts who canna se the ebtnship fom th raph sould be ale to See trom the bes neh vale of mae Soul be mal by 100 grt te wht ‘Teacher and techni 28 Some stants might work out he gatint sidan that th rave for hs (govt eld rong Hap [Asan ltemativ to the core shit ap shes. rode rests table and anes fre graph, Running the activity Prod wide rang f raring abject An ale oul be nce, id ih about ewer) inked tho story of Neon aah apple Inhdea Lig mas, al sds own ‘els (and possibly the wachar’s weg a wal). ‘Mae sure tht stents are thinking about ‘which balance or forester towel order to stan accurate reading each ime cor a he ntrament ted iy eu in fee values fr g30 tat the pe oft ‘zaph may be slighty iret each tinea ‘ferent balanes cforms, 11s tpt co extend thi vty bey the Year 7 work on frcs demonstrate rome ge weights a the end tha ae ff he sale ofthe yaph, ch 358 sck of pottnes demonstrate a ‘ay serstvetlane us vry sal eh, sch asa fae Materials required or core ar ap (group) (© scvrl alas (vith frat range, Inaing boom seal) oraz (vith erent anges) ps severe ase inching 14 range of ther mati weighig, uch x id eral weghs, bap of potatoe, books (© bof rap paper foam Fr the contra (elas) (6 bevy tem sch tk of potatoes, tone weigh (© gh tom such ater Continued — Mass and weight continued ‘Sample results ‘Vrms gras and weights a 1 eis sgh ne. Weg propria! mas or weight =a constant mas 2nd the vate of the mas ths horizontal a fn the pin on the ne the mas ‘hen ead of the weigh coresponding to {his point onthe werden. 1 ge 10M (acta ake 98 so ary value tore 96 and JON would be secapab) Indi ensers pendng on ba xe thn points wre toa tight ine Tada ener retin odie of reas measrng Some, rene in calbraton of Dales and Hap 1 Bind he ve of he mas on te hort fn the pe onthe ine a hs as, (han red of the weight caresponing to this point onthe Yr a 2 Weight ~ 10x mass, for example, when the roasts 1g, the wight ION (hry su from 85 to JONg i aeerpabe) 3 Indust ansiecs depenting on ew ose lithe polos meet straight Ine 4 Invi ansnes eating t diay of or closes n mansring securely, or ‘irene in allraton of ances rd Pree Tse Meter Pure Resources available ope on te Boh be i RE welgh ION = thy contin eat Coreshest | Weighing ad on mel ee jae Remind suerte the comet rnge ee feet forthe Danes of ere wes CD-ROM | “Arscures estore | Nn che mary Boks hve svn ld - —— seen dt at ot of ie, prea foe Links with Paro, Books | SW si Materials required [e Sire | ae Preclas a {6 sven eel nes coreg feet ‘Activity procedure tras of snd an sl Ato and Bath 1 Sven se acenetrsto weighbomesof (etal below) us an). The bones, orks Ato, Sepundonaiten ete ene” penis difeee planet end ach box © Fests of dileen ranges ‘rotenone ig wom Somme asus oe Stale hud erty planet A-Fas shown 2 sng gen ekes for gaviationa force, "ele thy Henny each plan. [Tater Planet Mass ofsand Running the activity oo Ino he avg th Ea box ae] hie amar of Ligand cane sown eo | 8 eeu | ‘ih JON (88, 2 Mes 037 npn taf the bx wer tant the Moon |G [ae _| 006 cote ln woul sti contin Tig bat | =} 21 ts wg Wout han D E oi out thee diferent pants ant E | Nena [8 Moon sx abo ach ith one othe owes AF Heme [ae {oF Sade ace going ech pat in —_| see | turn to weigh the Lg box andsee how much [_(&rdomonsraton) | Bach [10 ‘eis on et planet nd on the Moon Srtents work ound to ables (Hanes) 82 ANSWers ze. (my lp taints some prop are ‘aad sch Fok lens a bakerop of tar, ee) eps tht the bons mut not be remand from the abies. hry mee removed trom he planets thle welt would change) 1 would not be pose to dngush betreon Mars and Mercury bcs Ik, woul weigh 3.7N on bth planes. Petre ee ey Resources available Toa opsson | [GO-ROM | Aironet] Links with [as [ow [sa] | awe [ar Safety (¢ The water rocket shouldbe luncad in an ‘open space rom 3 abe lunch ott ‘dows 28 topple over an Ie alt Watch ut ore et to Barth the ut ce pt ert er by Activity procedure 1 Students wate s demonstration of baoon rocks. They dea dag ao mack the recon of mover ofthe rocket and of the a wih arom, 2 Suydons wash s demonstration ofa water oka. Thay anaes queions an dea ‘setae digas wilt deonarows Running the activity For the tllon socket, se long sped Inlloon. Inlet he neck. Tap tm fess of desig sae othe tp, lene in ‘he dcion of tal, Tread ton ples of sg hough he tas ad ath 0 60 oneniont pons one ete se of te lb, Bove hand Doge The string shouldbe igh. ‘Undo or cutee neck of the aon. The Aeakngatoe balloon should travel frac, preted by the le eving the bak (Choate sual ste such a plang il fo ‘he ue rocket dermonerton Se up the water rocket tua fy drinks bot led with (he coret snout f war, Inte the bt wt he ge pump. Materials required Per clas (© Tong shpat baoons inking soa (© siey ape © xing (© wot rocket rom Php ares) bere puny Answers 1 Ae 2 Thearows fr the detion of travel and the lees oft ar pot m oppose directions 3 Water 41 Die yar was competed othe wit igh prose inde 5 Past gh 6 Wiser 1 The arrows forthe diston of rave! asthe lectin athe wat point in oppaste Adretions sicky ape SS Cun ty Resources available Cait | Sob cn di [ERO | Airaores cole Links with Books so Sel B [Smet [iat Activity procedure 1 Suan acide which lt take nthe etc om the quion Ts the Earth a the ante ofthe sai ate? leat ‘rou could belle ade ad aked to 2 They prepare thle cn, dng ressarch where recmry to nde 23 Bach group prosnts hl segue 4 Aor senng tal te groups, vote Running the activity Sages tbat seers may ke o suppose view they dort elie tobe us ad eer Provide ecurss such as backs, vides a the Imeret. The gust Ts the Er the ci of he olan ean a ao be peed ‘Dots the Barth move aroun the Se? (store mot) or doe the Son move rou the Ear (gpocnre mod) Some intestate ae suggested, whe cane Sound yup owen herman dlr ae on act, One the sie hings to expan 2 pocertte ee ‘thy does Marcin team eos ti why oes ppc to sop aed mee bacon om tet te. Teast ny to explain wh ts Is about isto show an applet Thee ae may valle. Theor En er est demonstrated to th ca Ht you can pain ‘hat he path dra ot onthe right hos how Mars appears move ta and ote Bath, or more ale, ty he Tate of Physi te i folow web nko PryeeaWeb. (ee he hots on wrelremann.c.hotins) Materials required Perro (9 oo resarch materi aout the sl ‘yom, sh as boo, ideo CD-ROM, PC Cormeen the internet ‘Cone sheet ‘What causes creer rion? [[ep-Row | Attresources custome Lines with a a [ales freer Satety 1 Take cao whon whiting th rubber bung ‘ht ders ae not mar enugh be i wy Activity procedure Sears watch a demonstration of ter bung on a string being while ince. Ths "mpute wih rubber bang of dllren mass Running the activity ‘ire spaces nde al sudan old not 00 dos. ‘Wht he rber bung that toes Ihczomtal ele bow your ead. Wi some goups it ay be passe fora sel stad to do tht fs, a the ste to conse ‘whether he rng pling mote onthe hand ‘then the ang moving tcl emmpared ‘ch neh ag anging sight dwn on the ering (This fore woul be neh with sy ong) Materials required Pers lage and rarer tangs cach rly ed sting shou 40-0 em lng Answers 1 2 a 4 5 ‘Tete ‘Date Ye ‘The bang would more ina righ (at ‘ange tthe ee). “Th pr the bung the greater the force a th ore he sng pl Diag shou show a sero startng at the bung. patting ab the sng towards he person. Diagrams shou show a lg ine drawn swith or a tangent to theca the point where the sng ct STi Coetbex | Sear CDROM | Al resources catomiabie Links with ow pane ‘Activity procedure 1 Students experiment with a aition of ots on entre 2 They se the NASA sitet fn ot ore shout deren pes fob 3 nay dy prepare a prevention on one ‘ype of et tna some expen of er satis. Running the activity iis importante ek tert ks remain cv beforehand, Ses such ay NASA ‘Which ae exellent sores of information ant sy toe ar cesgd from tine to ine (Search oe ‘ett’ o esata fs nppone.) If now animation required rete a ak has gone othe site as changed, “Teacher and techn we the rue of Phys is of aoc (go to wn heinemann co lb snd lk an this atv) Tar re may to choose from, Anothe ssource yu may hav the vdeo ‘rom Hourning ‘Scene tn Foo Tne rd pein the coreasneston age ray Secure part 2) wich shows how GPS wots Youll ed dk wheter ove sets frecholeast wich ot to cone forte prsentstion Duet they shld de rsenntin (a Powe:Po poster on OHP) Materials required Pergrip (© crs 0 PC connate othe ere crs to PowerPoint, poner making ‘nates or OHP Answers. 1 Ne 2 They move fit lone to the Barth 5 Rapes up 41g pulled ino the Ear 5 Tess om x nd spears, 6 naval answers fee Wie sista About this unit 1 dst, ppt: (© arn tour the raison! pal betwen os how fe dopends onthe anes of be and the dance bowen he (6 inte he movment of planets around te Sun, ae that of sles arsed the ar sy how etic oe ar wed to tbe the Ea and provide nfrmation ‘out he or sea he verse © nd out abut spe persion eet un en: Your? | Ti€Forcarand theta TL Thole stead bagond Years Yar BH Spoting op Bxpecaione Ar heen th nt fn tr of pa procs ‘post students | recognve a gry rs ‘inter for of steacion brane objets snd et thi ore ‘epends ont mans and distance apart decribe how meg dere on teen fre examples ofthe use fares states ‘gn tat ighe tes onthe Moore sete gray force ‘whch ats ieoughout the sola stem ve emp ofthese fail sees ‘rues smallness ogress wl “Teacher notes and answers Unit J (we da vo compe arty on afirene, snes describe how the foreas on oct sates vary a they eve ay fro tae Ee Pate er Teach should be aware a a space probes erploe cur ar ter, more aces ite comes walabie onthe ples Up-to-date ita shod be resarchedexcsonaty, "Thee are many wf we sts fr this unl. Go ‘owmelneann colons an lick on feurunle The NASA le lends to a wie ong of ‘Tomske the whole ope sem ower to home, us the beaver ibove webte By entring your erst town or long ond ade you ‘ep sou an peo teat of Viewing ‘ies for the Intentional Space Sion, for ‘he plane The ISS equ gt at ines ee ‘moves gle st. Give sides ines for sel, 1 Wha i apes schdule ming fet, scrote sy mes the whale tpi seem or J2 Exrsion i supped that a video of free fl shouldbe shown. One posi is the BBC Seance i Arion vdeo Gray (it has not ben shown in Yea). The fst pare Is concer with uptvust bt ths second ar shows In imaginary ep to dtcent phnst, ‘The values accepted for gravity onthe planets tye been resented since the Voyager stu fave passed by the outer planets, The auc for Pas in parle as Ganged ae ‘nce the vy oppeonimat value om yearn go, We have ued vies cree given by [NASA in the book ant the activity were Continued > CEU Rr ceecla ict) Book answers Topie 31 1 Towa te creo ofthe Each 1 Disgra shoud show crow fom Roth es ting todo of ath Te arom From the gmail be sue athe length of the arom om the 1 as, «Breas he Moc ruc nt the Earth tan Maris 1 Dow’ muans tomar the cei of he arth, the drei in which obo fl when rented, Since London ar Sy ae on ferences ofthe spar ofthe Sth the teens fom each tae pes 0 the ene of the Earth arses pps 2 TON 3. Weight 10N s0N aN 2IN | aN 46N DSN TaN, ' Tadd anower any examples volving liking of weight; could nla rpg, ‘teowing or iting bal, o ing thes ec © [Pane Mercy Ves [ear Mr per Saturn Negara Puta [Welt eo Moon] 4 The wel cero ‘© The direc night io smal havea notable et on your weight 1 Ther mass remats constantreughout the Journey. The wag newton of the astronauts sel mas in Mlogrms tes 88 when thy are on Earth Tals welght ‘wl eas they leave the Fart, When {hey are between te Hah and te Moon, 3 polt where he gavatioal pull frm {e Zar oa ote gravitiona pull {rom the Moon th asonaut vil have nO welt As they comin to appreach the Moon, te wl Bein to explene some eight wich il nee ul Sey and fan the Moon where tel weight In rato, il be te msi logs hedaman of rae s much Lrg han that of Venus. Thrfore ay obs on he surface of Uranus moh ether away from the cone a hat part than san eject on Ye sure of Venus. 2 Thermus ofthe Barth 6 much ge ta the mus af the Moor The pint be these ‘wo bodies where thle rational strato wll be the sme is much closer to ‘he Mon. Topie 33 1 Vey cccurte predictions sbou the Moon, Sun end tars can be mide esas ier ‘movement follow regu pte and have ne save very erflly over ny ens vt very acute nrments With oder empunrs te preicsons ean be cael ‘ay pecs 'b He woud five ben aie to observe more of the planet than was pose with the naked ‘je: This give hm ore data wth whch 0 mak hs materi ects end eoicions, «The rvtaional fore ofthe Sun ¢ Asteroid ae ch smal than the panes ee thet ar between Mars nt ote. The rts force of atation ofthe Inge tid, Contd —> Gravity and space continued 1 Anelone cations weet in ceplatning how the star appeared row ‘270s the sy. They made op ore aout ‘he aret groupe a tar to whch they ge names Ty do urd the tas to tll fleece at igh. The moans of up ares diferent Asean trom he planet. Those dos to the Pate in ay hour. Tho ft ewsy rom the plane ake Jars ot 2 Koper ted other people's dat about che movers of he pnt since some of ae an ovens oc many yer 0 Ganymede is considered mon because ‘vit apart. Japa. Panes ori the Sun, (Cores os not eb plant sem 8 ‘moon. Asan aseroi, rors the Sun, Topic 4 «Teas thet sete nunca eva test tose could relly be dome, 1 Low Earth nlite cn provide patographs ofthe Eats surface in get deal bese ‘hey ae owt the urs. «Sigal trom gestatnary atalites hove the unto each the Nort Pale ata vry ‘igs twang which makes he ‘susp wo greta nercence ad wesker 1 Geosationry mens thi he satelite ays soc above are pte on te Eat, 2 Tmo Earns sate of he Sun 13 Tosmuhe sxe ht salt wars space, otharwise would bec a cannot be "oe eer bag Ine 4 Salles ned tery olor ates with ‘hm. They ean ony om the Sun to make ht ouipment wor ‘Teacher Resource Pack answers Jt Homework: Va son 730087 447000008" 2a tig blag © 280g (or 0.249) 4500 Ke (Fe South Pole nomen can reve whlch suse ae in eit they raw the sig werd the bottom of the page) J2 Homework Ya YursGagean 1 Nat Armstrong ¢ Holen Stra 4 Valeria Teresina 2 mo hiy 1980 3 Indu answers J3 Homework 1a Tore ie force acting on the string (paling tere the bal nd he oo). b Kewould more na sragt ine (ac tangent te eek), 24 Gravy 1 The Moon would mov of ia straight lo 23 tngan othe circle oF ts cont. « Tewould move i towards Earth, ortng loser, and pss collide with the Earth, aaa ba aA 8 Contant 32 Speciats 1 Inddoalanewer any exp wong ing of weigh: oul nude apg throwing or ing also ing tn, vidual enses: examples igh nelude hamming 2 nal pouring oping ude ‘or objets ating wl be he ame bees ‘water so weighs oe-sith of ts weight on Ext). Mak sure chat expe dont fnchide aires examples, dhe Mooniase 38 Specials 1 srg, cre 2 renin sould show the ball moving ot ult ie, st tangent othe el, 2 bret oc insta re 4 foes, avi, n stp te (ot tangent tol crea ob) 4 Specats 2 high elipscal commnicaton or people seston, communion low Eat, econmasanes(photograhing the set) 4 pour, weather J2a Extension ac ba © B.CandD 2 The rocket ws moving amy from Earth are ahve nou ilo enange detion. ‘Te force of gravy ofthe Moon was usd © shang he rection ofthe pacer ee beta ia o Barh 42 Extension 4 nevi anowers 2 Ina newer JB Extension 1,2 Recent evidanee suns da its more key he the Moon Was foes from pr of JA Extonsion 1 Sates ar deployed using © te cargo bay of he spate shat, and he Coninaed —+ Usui reece tian e| (© cits (chat tea Ara at ‘© solar panel provide lo power to Soy) called HLVs espera motors reeks) 1 sycacpe re ed for sing poston. 2 Sates re malin in eel with: 3 geostationary (communication), paar (reaction wheels el fasting (weather). low Barth recormasance) end Secs which ep the seit aie ‘lg elite (commutation fr pes (© rocit ruses, forwhieh need fiel- ving daw tothe pos) ‘he amoune of fil tering i tepan Gravity and space 1 Calculate the weight ofthese objects on the Earth (gravitational field strength = 10 Nig) 48a Skg hag of potatoes b aTOkgman, ‘© an 80g orange, 2. Here are some welghts measured on the Earths surface. What isthe mass of each object? a aN apple b a 1ON bag of sugar © a 600N person 43 The gravitational fleldstrongth at the surface of Mars is 3.7 Nik, 1 How much would a 1kg bag of sugar welgh on Mars? bb How much would 2 65g person welgh on Mars? «If person weighs 5601N on Barth, how much would they weigh on Mars? 4 Write the correct word, mass or weight, in each ofthese statement, stays the same everywhere in the solar sytem, 1b ___ ts ess on the Moon than am the Earth © ______Ss measured in kilograms and_is measured in nowtons. a fsa force ‘acts towards the centre ofthe Earth Continued + a ees UI erst Unit 3 '5 This diagram shows the Sun and the Earth re ‘a What the almost circular path of the Earth called? b What force keops the Earth moving inthis path? «¢ On the dlagram draw an arrow showing the fore. Label it F. 4 Imagine thatthe force could be suddenly switehed off. What would happen to the Earth? «¢ Draw this new path on the diagram, 66 These diagrams show two very large objects with the same mass. In which diagram, ‘A orB, i the gravitational force between the objects larger? OO O,0 7 These diagrams show tvo planets and their moons. In which diagram, A or Bis ‘the gravitational force between the objects larger? ee e- “Gack “tai -@~ -© 1 Xmmeaf Bath 10 mam ofan A Continued > Cres ceMesais 18 The dlagram shows the journey of «rocket from Earth to the Moon. 1a Why does a socket need a lange thrust on take-off from the Earth? 'b What happens to the force of gravity asthe distance between the rocket and ‘he Barth Increases? «¢ What would happen ifthe thrust of the rocket at take-off was not enough to put the rocket in orb around the Barth? 44 Ona journey to the Moon, the rocket leves Earth orbit and travels towaeds the Moon. Part of the way there the fore of gravity on the rocket is evo. ‘Why is this? 8 Over millions of years the Moon Is moving further away from the Earth, ‘What will happen to the gravitational attraction between the Moon and the Earth as the Moon ges Further away? 10 Complete the sentence, ‘The Moon is a natural of the Barth, Continued ferris Uices tse eG 111 Fillin the geps to complete these sentences about salts, fa Ia satellite ina orbit, it stays at the sume point Se eee ee rn ered | = — | a ors —- ore errors Se ee os — for are inthis typeof orbit 12 The Hubble Space Telescope isa satellite, Space telescopes have advantages over Earth telescopes. Listas many of these advantages as you can ferries cts Teale. Units CSR. Anowess 1 Jeulate the welght ofthese objects on the Earth (gravitational field strength = 10 Nig) 1 a Skg bag of potatoes GON b a70kg rman _Z0ON © an 80g orange. O.BN 2 Hire are some weights measured on the Earth's surface. What 1s the mass of each objec? a alNapple 100g bb a ION bag of sugar tka ¢ a GOON person GOkg ‘3 The gravitational field strength atthe surface of Mars is 3.7 Nk, a How much would 1kg bag of sugar weigh on Mars? 3.71 bb How much would a 85g person weigh on Mars?_240.5N ___ «Ifa person weighs SE0N on Earth, how much would they welgh on Mar? 2072N 4 Wiste the correct word, mass or weight, in each ofthese statements a 365 stays the same everywhere In the solar system. ‘b __weiaht _ {ses on the Moon than on the Earth. © 171466 _ ts measured in kilograms and_Weigh _is measured in newtons, 4 _welaht tsa force. © Weight _ acts towards the conte ofthe Earth Continued —+ eeu eee att) Unit 3 Answers '5 This dlagram shows the Sun and the Barth, 1 What isthe almost circular path of the Earth called? _ orbit. bb What force keeps the Fath moving in this pahi?_gravity © On the diagram draw an arrow showing the force. Label it F. 4 Tmagine thatthe force could be suddenly switched off. What would happen to the Earth? Ie would move in a straight line, ata tangent __ Draw this new path on the diagram. 6 These diagrams show two very large objects with the sume mass. In whieh dlagratn, ‘A.orB. is the gravitational force between the objects larger? _A. OO 0,0 17 These diagrams show two planets and their moons. In which diagram, A or B the gravitational force between the objets arge?_B_ one gy 10000 ka 7 @ = © Continued — Fes yours oe ert tcetn itt] Unit J ae 11 Fil in the gaps to complete these sentences about satelite. a Ifa-satelite sin a geostationary __ orbit, itstays tthe same point above the Barth's surface. It takes 24 hours to complete an orbit ~ the time the ‘arth takes to rotate once, This is very useful for satlites such as Early Bied/Telotar_ which are used for _comm bb Ifasatelite sina polar _orit, it passes over the poles of the Barth, This ls very useful for satelites ike US Tiros 1 nications Which are usd for_Meather forecasting _ ¢ asateite isin alow Earth ___ ort, twill orbit the Barth in a ‘ory short time, Te wil also be low, so can see the Earth in a close-up view. Satelites tke _KHIt spy which are used for _reconnaissance ae inthis type of orbit. 12 The Hubbie Space Telescope is «satellite. Space telescopes have advantages over Earth telescopes. Listas many of these advantages as you can, 1_They havea different viewing position, and may see things We can't see from Earth -2_They are not affected by bad weather _ 3._They alve a clearer image because light dees not pace through the atmoophere - — >

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