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Caroline Greineder
Ms. Buckless
Writing 104 H
26 January 2016
Malcolm Xs Lack Of Racist Beliefs
Malcom X was a man of our past. He is someone we read about in both history and
english classes. After being instructed to read The Autobiography Of Malcom X told by Alex
Haley, I was able to decide whether or not I believe Malcom X practiced racism. I do not
believe that Malcom X was racist, because his mother was white, he despised the racist beliefs
in the classroom , and he gave many talks that described his lack of racism.
Malcom X was an african American that grew up in a large family. His family was
different than most families. According to the text, his mother was a white woman that married
an African American, Reverend Earl Little, who was also known as Malcom Xs father.
Throughout the course of the book, Malcom X supported his mother regardless of the situation
she was in. For example, when he was younger he would work in order to try and bring in
income, and when his mother was sent away he would go and visit her at the home. I believe that
this speaks to his personality as a character that was not racist because he was supportive of her
regardless of her complexion. He cared about her because she was his mother, and he did not let
the color of her skin get in the way.
Not only did Malcolm X display that he was not racist through his interactions with his
mother, but also through how he interacted with other community members. According to the
text, when he was a young boy he attended a nearby school. On several occasions, the professor
and other students would refer to Malcolm as a nigger. While most other African Americans

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accepted this name, Malcom X did not appreciate the connotation, and he made it evident. Also,
while he was in class the teacher, a white man, would ask him what he wanted to pursue as a
career. According to the book, he claimed that he wanted to be a lawyer, although his teacher
quickly turned his idea down. Although this upset Malcom X, he was most upset by how he was
not seen as equal. According to page 44, in the text, he states, what made it really begin to
disturb me was Mr. Ostrowskis advice to others in my class- all of them white. This stands out
as displaying that he is not racist, because he explains that it makes him upset that all the
students do not have the same opportunities. His classroom experiences attest well to his non
racist opinions, as he explains that he does not like the names he was called, nor does he enjoy
the lack of respect for his future plans.
As Malcom X grew older, and gained more experiences, he began to realize his own
beliefs. According to the text, after he went on his voyage to Mecca, he came back and began
giving an increased amount of speeches on his beliefs. Within his speeches, he attested to his
belief that our citizens should be more like those in Mecca. He believed that we should have
whites and African Americans interacting with each other. The speeches he gave speak to the
idea that he does not believe in racism, as his main idea was that we should follow the traditions
that he observed on his voyage, and integrate our population rather than splitting up the African
Americans and the whites.
Overall, throughout the course of the text, The Autobiography Of Malcom X, I believe
that Malcom X displays that he does not practice racism. He was not racist, due to his mother
being white, his interactions within the classroom, and the main idea of his speeches. While
many people were racist during this time, it was evident that Malcom X was not, as he supported
his mother. Not only did his support for his mother help illustrate this, but how he responded to

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his classes racist remarks and ideas also attests to his lack of belief in racist ideas. Lastly, I
believe that when he gave his speeches he was able to make it clear that he did not agree with
separation of races. Many of Malcom Xs actions make it evident that he does not want to be
associated with the acts of racism.

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