Elect 2 - Coordinator Tech Career Tech Prog Artifact Portfolio

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Artifact Reflection

Coordinator Technological and Career Technological Program

April 15, 2011
Instructor: Marley
University of Northern Iowa
Description of this class:
Coordinator Technological and Career Technological Program prepares educators who work with a
diverse group of students to explore options when in transition from the school to work program.
Objectives: (Teacher will review a web-site to be used by the student.)

To help and guide the students in setting up their career goals and assessments
Guide students to prepare for their future by understanding the resources available
Model a correct way to prepare a resume
Understand financial aid options
This website will help the student to design a portfolio

This class is required in part for a Multi-Occupational license. As a Career Technological educator this
class helped to set the base for working with high school students who enter the job force. I teach
several courses where this class helped for the benefit of all students, no matter if they were a typical
student, one with special needs, IEP, or the student who has social or personal behavior issues. This
specific assignment was to research a website that would benefit that student population. As the class
progressed websites were adjusted according to recommended accommodations. The student
population I work with will complete assignments if they understand how it will benefit them in the end,
it has to have relevance.
There were several websites and assignments to complete in class that served as an introduction to
begin thinking of ways to help all students in job searches and the reasons why as the teacher we need
to use outside sources to help students in lifelong learning skills. It showed that as an educator we do
have a purpose in being a positive role model to students. The class demonstrated methods of
communication with an employer and the role the teacher has to set expectations of students when
they are employed and how to set up the evaluation for the student who has the job. The information I
gathered from this class is to help the student design their own portfolio. In reviewing this artifact it
helped me to keep in check of myself for higher expectations in completing this assignment.
As in this process of earning a Master of Arts in Education degree, this class I completed helps reinforces
my mind set the incentive to keep learning better ways and methods to help the group of students I am

assigned to. The more I learn, the more benefits I can pass onto my students to better their lives. The
group of students I currently work with have disadvantages to overcome. Their home environment is
not the best emotionally, financially or physically safe at times. Educators try to make up for that loss
when the student is in the classroom, we can do our best to help. I feel strongly that is the reason why I
continue to learn, hopefully this will benefit all who are in this community.

Norma Neubauer
April 15, 2011
Week Four: Internet Resources Project (ONE)
Name of the web site:

CareerOneStop Pathways to Career Success


Explore Careers Salary + Benefits : Education + Training :Job Search: Resumes +


People + Places to Help

Content of each menu item:

Explore Careers:

Explore Careers
Take Charge

Self Assessments


Get a Job
Get a Better Job
Keep a Job

Why Learn About Me?

Find Assessments

Skills and Occupations



What's Hot
Employment Trends
Licensed Occupations
Compare Occupations
Explore Green Careers

What's Hot
Employment Trends

Salary + Benefits:
Wages and Salaries


For Occupations
Highest Paying Jobs
By Location
Compare Metro Wages

Deciding to Move
State Profile
State Web Sites
Cost of Living


Where to File
Job Loss

Find Local K-12 Schools

Pay For Education &



Health Plans & Benefits

More Education Earns
Financial Aid
More Web Sites

Education and Training:


Keep Learning


Your Goals
What's Available
Be Prepared

Get Credentials
Update Your Skills
Professional Development

Education Earns More

Financial Aid


Short-Term Training
Community Colleges
Programs at Colleges
More Training Providers

Job Search:

Create Plan
Find Potential Employers
Ready To Go? Checklist

Find Jobs


State Job Banks

Recruiting & Staffing

Ways To Apply
Ready To Go? Checklist
Military Recruiting Offices

After An Offer

Is the Offer Right for Me?

Salary Negotiation

Resumes + Interviews
Resume Advice



Create Resume
Improve Resume
Samples & Templates
Ready To Go? Checklist

Cover Letters
Thank-You Notes
Inquiry Letters

Get Ready
Informational Interviews
Job Interviews
Ready To Go? Checklist

People + Places to Help

Unemployment Benefits
Find out where and how to file for unemployment benefits in your state

Employment Training
Learn about federally-funded training programs for laid-off workers, veterans, older
workers, and more

Workforce System Contacts and Strategic Partners

Connect with Workforce Investment Boards, employment services offices, libraries,
community colleges and local employers

State Services
Need to locate a state service near you? Create a map to in-person services or find
them online with these tools

More Government and Private Sector Resources

Find national resources on employment, housing, community service and more

Keyword Search
Search for employment and related services by keyword and location

Ideas about how the information can be applied in your

In my classroom the students could use the site for various job related
assignments, such as:
-Getting a job
- Help students in setting up their career goals.
-Guide the students in to thinking about their future and ask themselves
questions - where would you like to be in a year? In five or ten years?
-Lead to Career searches.
-Resume advice-the students in class need to have a clean
resume to provide to an employer, this site could be used as a
reference source.
-All students are interested in wages and trends. On the site they
would be able to explore current wages and trends by occupation,
compare local wages and compare employment trends.
Recommendations for improvement of the site to make it more

This is the first time I have been asked to make a

recommendation of a site. I have a textile background so the
red, white and blue gave me a patriotic feeling and at the same
time had me thinking of careers only in the United States, which
could be a good thing as it would be great to keep our trained
people here in our communities.
The pages are covered with a blanket of words crowded in places.
It is complicated and difficult to know exactly where
to start. I really would not know where to start on this, there is a
lot of information to absorb.

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