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EDCU 600 Ethical Issues in School and Society

April 2014, Spring

Instructor: Darren D. Hanna
Principal, Mt. Pleasant Community Middle School
Viterbo University
Course Description:
Students in this course are charged with examining the role of an educator as a moral steward.
Students will be asked to think about the individual role that they assume in achieving and
maintaining a more democratic and ethical society through education. Investigations into
controversial ethical issues and dilemmas prepare educators to critically think through potential
situations that may arise with students, parents, administrators, and peers. Students will look at
the overview of the systemic nature of education and schooling, with emphasis on the role of the
teacher. Students will be introduced t the concept of learning in community, and the concept of
nurturing and care for the system of education. The lens of the Viterbo values will be utilized
and applied to teachers roles in the educational system. These values are: collaboration,
hospitality, integrity, stewardship, and service. Using these values as a lens, students will review
and take a stand on critical issues facing education at the present time.

Describe the nature, problems/complexity of the U.S. system of education.

Critically examine the relationship between self and society to clarify ones motives and
goals for becoming an educator.
Understand the Professional Learning Community (PLC) model and identify strategies
for working with others to achieve specific educational outcomes.
Understand the ethical issues of teaching, and the importance of teaching for social
Evaluate the ethical merits of recent educational reforms and practices and their impact
on educating for a democracy.
Initiate oness role in the curricular, instructional, assessment, and management
responsibilities that are necessary for teaching in a democracy (teachers will be expected
to plan how the core courses for the MAEd will support personal and professional
alignment with the larger education system).
Develop and refine ones teaching and learning statement (educational philosophy) as a
result of the issues presented in the course.

The artifact assignment was for students to compile a list of ethics that were important ( to me),
as a teacher. I have had several courses on ethics and always feel empowered at the completion
of the course. As a student working toward my Master of Arts in Education degree I feel it is
important and should be required of each person in a classroom to have a code of ethics to live
and teach by. The teacher needs to have a good code of ethics and to every teacher is a different
list. The teacher needs to have respect for them self-first before showing respect to others. I do
feel discouraged when someone in my building displays behavior that is unethical because that
person, as does each of us, represent our building. Our community looks at us as an institution
where learning is going on every day and a place that should be safe for their son or daughter.
Students at my school do show verbal disrespect and referrals are written. As we get exposed to
these verbal outbursts we need to step back and try to understand why that student feels that it is
ok to verbally disrespect an adult. I taught a class on social and personal responsibility at the
high school level and hope that I made an impression on the students to understand their actions
and to conduct their lives in a positive manner. At my current position I teach a Leadership
class. Our high school decided this would be very beneficial to our student population. We are
finding out the students in class question as to why this class exists and who put them in the
class. The best explanation is a positive one, At our school we want all of you to become a
leader. If you achieve the skills to being kind, helpful, positive, staying focused on your
academics and behavior, then you will be successful into your adulthood. Students want to be
in control of their lives, they do not always understand how to achieve that, so in class we at
times do have long discussions on the benefits of being positive. I still agree with my code of

My Code of Ethics:
1. I will treat students and co-workers with respect.
2. I need to feel safe at my workplace and will do my best to provide safety for students.
3. I will encourage students to become productive members of their community.
4. I accept the responsibility as a teacher to be a lifelong learner and continue professional
5. I will contact parents/guardians to report progress of their
son or daughter.
6. I will comply with written school policies.
7.I will understand and respect students values and cultures.

nt Name

Code of Ethics applied to Ethical Issue

The purpose of this paper is to apply the principles that you identified in your Code of Ethics
against the
Ethical Issue that you researched. I am looking for you to synthesize these two assignments
into a case
study of how you can apply your Code of Ethics to a difficult and multifaceted Ethical Issue.
Please construct your paper using the following format:
Describes the issue
Illuminate both the pros and cons of the issue

Under each aspect of the Ethical Issue, pick the applicable principle(s) listed in your code of
ethics and apply it. Describe in detail how you would implement the principle that you have
chosen to Ethically address the issue.
Conclude by describing difficulties you encountered in this process and any changes that
you would make to your Code of Ethics.
The paper should be 3 to 4 pages in length using the APA 6th Edition format.
Please attach you Code of Ethics as Appendix A at the end of the Paper

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