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Everyday Interpersonal Communication Using Nonverbal Communication

Alexandra Paladi
VBTC-Cadet Teacher AcademyIntroduction to Human Communications

Everyday Interpersonal Communication Using Nonverbal Communication


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A smile, a frown, the peace hand gesture, a handshake, or looking longingly into a loved
ones eyes all have a common quality. They are all forms of nonverbal communication that help
humans communicate the message they want. Nonverbal communication is a very important part
of everyday interaction, humans use it multiple ways. The nonverbal messages people use
interact with their verbal messages. Nonverbal messages are necessary when managing
impressions. This type of communication helps people form relationships with one another.
When people communicate, their nonverbal messages interact with their verbal messages.
Nonverbal messages can accent the verbal message. Accent means to emphasize a part of the
message, making the message stronger (Examples of Nonverbal Communication, ND). When I
am in my mentor classrooms at Gobles Elementary, I accent my messages when I am serious by
changing the tone of my voice. For example, Are you making a smart decision? or Do you
need to move your clip down? The tone of my voice will become very stern and I wont smile
to show that I am serious and that the student needs to change their behavior before they get in
trouble or hurt themselves/others around them. Nonverbal messages also can control of verbal
messages. When I need my dog to go to her pen and she is being stubborn, I raise my voice and
point to the door while I say GO! When communication online, emoticons are used in
substitute to words. I text my friends all the time; when texting I will add a :) to show I agree
with what they are saying and that the statement makes me happy.
Nonverbal messages are used to manage impressions. The use of correct nonverbal
messages can communicate that you want to be liked. When I walk into my my classrooms at
school, I smile and wave to my peers and teachers. Nonverbal messages can help to secure help
by using hand gestures that suggests you do not know what to do. At home if I am struggling to
open my waterbottle, I will look at my mom with a puzzled look and use inept movements to


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show I need help. People use nonverbal communication when they want to be followed. In my
past job interviews I dress conservatively and professionally to show that I am serious about the
position and that I will be an excellent leader if I get the position.
Relationships can be formed by using nonverbal messages. The use of nonverbal
messages will either create a positive or negative response. If someone wants to look attractive
they should nod and lean forward to signal that they are listening and are interested, but they
should not go on automatic pilot and nod without any connection to what is being said or lean
so far forward that they intrude on the others space (DeVito, 2013, p. 141). The use of
nonverbal communication can enhance understanding in a conversation. In most cases,
nonverbal communication is not something that is easy to fake, according to, so
it's important to pay attention to what the body, tone of voice and facial expressions are telling
you (Sanders, 2015). Since people can not fake their nonverbal communication, it is very
important to pay attention to people you have relationships with because their body cues can tell
you what they are feeling. For example, when I want to ask my mom to help me with my
homework, I need to look at her nonverbal cues to see if she is ready to help me or if she needs a
break from a long day at work first. Nonverbal signals are used to communicate the nature of
your relationship with another person (DeVito, 2013, p. 142). Tie signs are used to
communicate the relationship status that you are in. Tie signs are not just for couples, they also
show the level of relationship. These relationships range from the informal handshake to the
intimate forms of hand-holding and kissing. In my mentor classrooms at Gobles Elementary, I
hold hands with some of the students who need guidance walking down the hallway still, but this
is an informal form of tie sign which shows the professional basis of the student-teacher
relationship. However, when I am at my grandmas house she may hug or kiss me which shows


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the intimate bond we hold. Relational dominance and status can also be shown through the use of
nonverbal signals. In an office setting this is shown by the placement of the workers spaces; a
worker with a high status will have a large corner office with a huge desk, whereas a person with
low status will have a basement cubicle (DeVito, 2013, p. 142). At my high school, dominance
is shown by the locker placement; the upperclassmen have huge lockers that are closer to the
gymnasium, but the underclassmen have small lockers closer to the back of the school.
Nonverbal communication has a huge effect on how people view each other and who
they want to form relationships with. People use nonverbal messages that interact with their
verbal messages. Nonverbal messages help manage impressions. Relationships are formed with
others by the use of nonverbal messages and signals. Communicating nonverbally is a very
important part of everyday interaction.

Your Dictionary Staff. (n.d.). Examples of Non Verbal Communication. Retrieved March 24,
2016, from


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Sanders, A. (2015, May 25). How Does Nonverbal Communication Affect Relationships?
Retrieved March 24, 2016, from
DeVito, J. A. (2013). Nonverbal Communication. The Interpersonal Communication Book (13th
ed.) (p. 138-142). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education.

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