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Kaitlyn Grubbs

Mrs. Murray
11 January 2016
Honors Biology
Cell Project: Organelles of the Plant Cell

1. NUCLEUS: Contains genetic material (genes, DNA, and chromosomes),

regulates DNA and RNA actions, and contains the nucleolus.
2. CELL MEMBRANE: The outer boundary of the cell.
3. CELL WALL: Provides support for the cell and the plant.
4. ROUGH ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM: The site for synthesis of proteins
destined for organelles, for cell membrane components, or for secretion to the cell
exterior. It also has ribosomes.
5. SMOOTH ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM: Is commonly involved in lipid
metabolism, but can serve in detoxification of drugs and deactivation of steroid
hormones. It does not have ribosomes.
6. GOLGI APPARATUS: This is involved in modifying, sorting, and packaging
proteins for delivery to other organelles or for secretion out of the cell.
7. VESICLE: They are cellular envelopes that are used to transport materials from
one place to another and also function in metabolism and enzyme storage as well.
8. MITOCHONDRIA: The power house of the cell where chemical energy
contained within nutrients is trapped and stored through the formation of ATP
9. CHLOROPLAST: The site of photosynthesis.
10. LYOSOME: Contains many enzymes capable of digesting cellular products or
damaged organelles, as well as bacteria brought into the cell via endocytosis.
11. VACUOLE: Storage for water, nutrients, or waste.
12. RIBOSOMES: Makes proteins.
13. NUCLEOLUS: Initiates the formation of ribosomes, structures that are required
for protein synthesis.
14. CYTOPLASM: All the cell contents that lie between the cell membrane and
15. CYTOSKELETON: Provides support and structure for the cell.

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