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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam May 01, 2016

With what perspective should we look at our inner instruments or

Antahkaranas? Bhagawan explains through a simple analogy so we may lead
meaningful lives.

The moment we hear the name of Ganges, we are

reminded of the two banks thereof on which are the many
centres of pilgrimage, and on which lie the great places of
learning. We visualise the great spiritual centres like
Benares, Prayag, Rishikesh and Hardwar. In the same
manner, we should also recognise the great pilgrim centres
of our mind too. Our own intelligence
and Antahkarana (inner instruments or senses) are the
great pilgrim centres of our body. It is customary that in the
holy places of pilgrimage, sacred tasks are performed; and
as a consequence thereof, sacred ideas are generated. In
the inner body, alongside the life flow of blood, our mind,
our Chitta(heart), our Antahkarana, etc., can all be
recognised as places where good ideas can be generated.
- Summer Roses On Blue Mountains, 1976, Ch 3

Only when impure and unholy thoughts are expelled from your mind, sacred feelings
will enter into it. Baba

01 jUn,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: swnUM,AwpxI AMqr-Awqmw dw ikvyN Avlokn krnw cwhIdw
hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,iek swDwrx iekrUpqw dw audwhrx idMdy hn qW jo
AsIN,Awpxw jIvn swrQk bxw skIey[

au`qr:ijauN hI AsIN,gMgw dw nW suxdy hW,swnUM aus dy dovyN iknwry bwry Xwd

AwauNdI hY,ijnHW iknwirAW au`qy,XwqRIAW dy rihx dy sQwn(sYNtr)Aqy is`iKAw dy
kyNdr hn[swnUM,mhwn A`iDAwqimk kyNdr ijvyN bnwrs,pirAwg,irSIkyS Aqy
hrIduAwr dw iKAwl AwauNdw hY[ausy qrHW swnUM,Awpxy mn dy kyNdr iv`c,mhwn
XwqRw dw iKAwl Awauxw cwhIdw hY[swfI AwpxI bu`DImqw Aqy
AMqhkrx(ieMdRIAW jW AMdrly h`iQAwr) ,swfy SrIr dI XwqRw dy bhuq v`fy
kyNdr hn[ieh Awm irvwj hY ik qIrQ sQwnW qy piv`qr kMm kIqy jWdy hn
Aqy ies dy PlsrUp,swfy AMdr , piv`qr ivcwr pYdw huMdy hn[swfy SrIr dy
AMdr ,KUn dy pRvwh dy nwl-nwl,swfy mn,swfy idl(ic`q),swfy AMqhkrx
Awid nUM auh sQwn m`inAw jw skdw hY ij`Qy , Su`D ivcwr pYdw kIqy jw skdy
hn[(smr roizz Awn blU mwaUntynz,1976,A`iDAwey iq`n)[
jd quhwfy mn dy AMdRoN,bury Aqy Apiv`qr ivcwr in`kl jwx gy qW hI quhwfy
AMdr,piv`qr ivcwr pRvyS krn gy[(bwbw)[

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