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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam June 02, 2016

Why is it meaningless to question the existence of the Creator? Bhagawan

explains with a lucid example.

When you wear a wristwatch, and someone asks where it

was manufactured, you will state that it was made by a
Swiss company. We have neither seen the Swiss company
nor the watch manufacturer, but are using the watch. Did this
watch appear miraculously or did someone take time to
manufacture this? You agree that the knowledge and
process of assembling watches must exist somewhere and
we readily accept that some individual has assembled this
watch. If a watch has a creator, what about the Universe?
Who can create all these things which are so permanent and
steady? When we ask such a question, people simply push
away the question and say that these are natural. They do
not recognise the creator who has created all this. Not to
accept the existence of such a creator is to be foolish and
- Summer Showers in Brindavan, 1974, Vol 1, Ch 3.

An air conditioner may cool your body. But, only the grace of God can cool the heated
brain and troubled heart. Baba

02 jUn,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: ieh pRSn krnw ,ik Bgvwn huMdy hn ik nhIN huMdy,ikauN PjUl pRSn
hY?Bgvwn,ies nUM,iek suMdr audwhrx dy ky smJwauNdy hn[

au`qr: jd qusW iek ,h`Q auqy b`xx vwlI GVI pweI hovy Aqy quhwnUM koeI ieh
pRSn pu`Cy ik ieh GVI,ik`Qy dI bxI hoeI hY qW qusIN jvwb idMdy ho ik ieh GVI
siv`s kMpxI dI bxI hoeI hY[AsW, nw qW siv`s kMpxI vyKI huMdI hY Aqy nw hI
GVI bxwaux vwly nUM vyiKAw huMdw hY pr AsIN aus GVI dw pRXog krdy rihMdy
hW[kI ieh GVI,cmqkwr kwrx bxI hY jW ies nUM bxwaux leI,quhwqoN koeI
smW mMigAw igAw sI?qusIN,ies gl nwl pUrI qrHW sihmq huMdy ho ik iksy nw
iksy jgHw,ies GVI nUM bxwaux vwlw mnu`K hovy gw Aqy aus kol,GVI bxwaux
dw igAwn vI hovy gw Aqy ies nUM bxwaux dw qrIkw vI hovy gw [ AsIN,ieh vI
m`n lYNdy hW ik ieh GVI iksy mnu`K ny bxweI hY pr swnUM,ieh ikauN nhIN m`xxw
cwhIdw ik ies sMswr nUM bxwaux vwlw vI koeI hY?ies sMswr iv`c,jo ku`J vI
sQweI Aqy Atl hY,auh iks ny bxwieAw hY? AsIN,aus Bgvwn nUM nhIN
pihcwxdy,ijnHW ieh swrIAW cIzW bxweIAW hn[ies qrHW dI scweI nUM nw
mn`x vwlw mnu`K,zrUr mUrK Aqy isr-iPrw hovy gw[(smr Swvrz ien
ibRMdwvn,1974,AMk iek,A`iDAwey iq`n)[
iek vwqwnukUilq(Ayier kMfISnr),BwvyN quhwfy SrIr nUM,TMfw kry pr Bgvwn
dw AwSIrvwd hI ,quhwfy grm idmwg Aqy duKI idl nUM TMfw kr skdw

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