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ANNEX CG Answer Key— Review Questions for Chapters 1-12 Contents os i » 06 » CPF WD. renesnnnnnnene vo Copter Ba 300 Cupter Bonne 300 Corrs esccaeieeececteceneresreemtenees? 300 297 DMAPTER 1—THE WELONG INSPECTOR QU According to che requiements of the AWS CWI progam, what isthe nevewary vsul aemty Of = welding inspector? 2. 20020 natural vision 2020 corrected vision €. 20440 natural vision 4d. 2040 corrected vision fe. °20/40 natural or corrected vision (21:9 Which of the following could be ccasidered esserital Knowledge for a welding inshecwor ondestructive testing welding syimbols| welding pricesses destructive testing al of the whe etna) (1-10. When 2 weld requires repair due (© some defictency, 1 hom should your inspection report be directed? 8, to the welder whose mark i oF. the weld BL tw anocher welder, beter tain: c.wihe project engineer 6. wo the welding engineer 4. (@ the welding foreman o¢ sup svisor Q1-11 What professional auributes are rst helpcul in performing inspection duties? being infortaed, impartial, an: coazisienc in your decisions being close fiends with welders and supeciors being a fortner welder being a now-uniox. employee being a nondestructive exsmnivation cechhician (NDE? as well as a CWT I-17 With whow may the welding inspector crniminieate during t welding engineer b. welding foreman c welders inspection supervisor al of the above. (Q1-13 What document detines the proper terminology for use by the CW]? AWS QCL AWS ALO AWS DLA AWS ASA ‘none ofthe above seege (id wine o drags nd sperfaions, the CWT us ‘be familiar witlrengineering drawings and able o understand specifications 2. memorize tie commae ¢. memorize thate porion ofhexe documents applicable to «particular job 4d. allof the above hone of the above erfosmance of lis 6: Ner inspection espa sibilities CHAPTER |THE WELOING INSPECTOR ReviewChapter 1—The Welding Inspector iz Ors qur Of the fallowing, which is considere an unportane duty oF dhe welding inspector? 4 itis 4 Welding inspector's resp vSbility Wo judge the quality of the product in relatv ten specification {0 some form of writ: b. itis a welding inspector’s responsibility w monitor welding operations 5. a welding inspector must be able to interpret the specification requirements ©. allof the abuse. © none of the sbove® OF the following, which is not consiviered an important attribute of a welding inspector 2. welding experience inspestion experience professional seitude engineering experience ability (0 be ined ‘What document deseribes the important requirements of the AWS Cemtfied Welding Inspector program? AWS DIL AWS AS AWS QCL AWS DIS none of the shove AAs a welding inspector, must you kaw how 10 weld? yes. according to AWS DILL byes, according to AWS QCL c. yes. if inspecting highway bridges accoiding to AWS DI.1 ry, according to AWS QCL Which of the following are important sthical requirements forthe welding inspector? a. imegrity professional ability good physical conditions 4, olunteering publicstmements regarding an inspect 2. all of the above {for personal exposure ‘Of those aibutes considered tobe important in the welding inspector, which is probably mest infiuentil in thei gaining he cooperation and respe: of chess with whom they wouk? a. ability tobe tained >. professional aude =” . 2. ability to complete and maintain inspection rsords <4. good physical condition ability ro inerpeet drawings and-spzcifications “The welding inspector is likely towork in which ofthe following industries? shipbuilding b. automonve 7 's.bridge construction pressure vessel construction all of the above i (CHAPTER 2 WELDING INSPECTOR RESPONSIBILITIES Review—Chapter 2—Welding Inspector Responsibility ont ons (26 wr Which ofthe following is an acceptable way to correct an error on an inspection report? ‘draw a line mrough the incortet: portion ofthe report erase the incorrect word or words throw away the report line out the error, make the correction, and initial and date the correction fone of the above: . ‘What records should you keep os a WI? 8. copies uf reports of all inspectio ws you perform. 1. copies of reports relevant 10 your arcas of responsibility (material text reports, welder qualification paper: ‘work, procedure qualification paperwork, etc.) even though you did't prepare them copies of sales literature describing welding equipment 4d. aand b above fe. allof the above ‘When a particular type of weld is cor sistently marginal. with ejects vecurring, what action would be appropiate for you as the inspector? a. tell the welder what you want .__ bring the problem to the attention of production personnel in order for corrective action to be taken, if poss) ble c. simply continue to accept or reject the welds according to specified eriteria (no more action is appropriat= for inspectors) all of the above none of the above |A specification for a weld joint that ust be immedicrely accepted or rejected lacks detailed information abou: that particular joint. Who should rule on the meaning and intent of the specification” a. the designer 1b. , the welding engineer 7 ¥ the project engineer or quality assurance petsonnel (if their approval is required by controet) 4. you, as the CWI none of the above How can you identify amindividual low Aydrogen electrode that a welder is already consuming to make a weld? reed the classification oumbers rainted on thecovecing near the stub end of the electrode. bask the welder what it is. ©. ask the welding foremar> 4. look at the completed weld.and identify the type of electrode by the visual appearance of the weld deposit look on the drawing or specificaiion to determine whactype of electrode is required for that weld How should low-hydrogen electrodes be stored before use? ‘&. intheir original unopeved containers >. inovens held ata temperature thitensuces the maintenance of their low moisture content ‘cin tool room ceibs, properly Iabe'ed, ready for quick distribution 4. arb above all of theabove ’ ‘What joint fit should you insist on? within tolerances specified oa drawings or specifications, ‘roove weids should have minir al rcot openings to reduce distortion root openings greater than 1/8 in. .o ensure-complete penetration fillet welds should have root openings so that the cesulting weld’s effective throat will be greater pane of the above F Qs ante 8 gn 2s ChAPTER 2—WELOIUG INSPECTOR RESPONSIBILITIES, ‘Which welders ace to work on u “code” jot? 2. enly those with cettification papers. “rom forme jabs b. only those testey py the fabriestor for this partiewlar job ‘© only those qualitied im accordance » ith job specifications 1. ply those you hwve requadified Bor 28s job all ofthe above How should low-hydrogen electrodes t.t of thes orig 4 iptheie original cesealed containers in vented electric storage ovens inopen toot crib shetves inindividual welders’ electrode pouches none of the above al containers be stored” How can a CW verity thatthe specified matenst is used on the job” & fr-code jobs, each plece of material must be correctly marked with its entity perform quick carbon analysis wth a field test kit material must be serapped if no ideifiation is evident 4, once the matenal leaves the storage area, the CWL no longer has co verify it ©. none of the above Xr ail proc as impertections Su 8 tpecortsee? eer ny imperfect tts 1 jedge whuber or othe Imperecions ett acceptance eri cording to epics oh serie lore heregulin, aot in he unmet cy of the weld joint ‘ 5 ears, oF surface regularities, what action should you as the in- ‘wait uni} we welder Finishes the weld n see if any cracking aecurs, before making any judgment one af the above “Which of the follow a check joint b. check prebzortemperanne check intemass ternperature “ ja Welding inspector’ responsiilig prior 10 welding? a and above band above [A U4 jn. fillet weld is specified on the drawing. When the CWI inspects the Weld, itis measured. to-be ¥/8 in. ‘Whae should be done? reject the weld for being oversiz= 6. accept the weld if no wald size Oferunees are specified ‘cask far an engineering review of the design bande above enone of the above Q2-14 Filler welds may be measured using 4 tolerance of 7 a +116 in b #162in. ce. -Vi6in. 4 -VA2in. & notlerance Revizw Chapter 3—Safety, O34 ns O34 a3 os a38 The welding inspector is exposed to which of the following safety huzards? radiation falling objecis electrical shock eye hazards all of the above document that covers safety in welding and euting is: AWS DI. APLII05 ANSI 249.2 ‘ASME Section IX, ASME B31. Eye hazards found in welding opetations clude: 2. grinding dust weld spatter ©. radiation d.smnoke and furnes . all the abave tin avoiding fumes during welding. the ees? importa Facer is a. the type of base etal the position of the welder’s head. the type of welding process 4. the position of the welding machine the type of fier metal Acetylene becomes uristable above what pressure? a Spi b lps & ISpst a 25 pst ©, gone of the above Elecerc currents above approximately 6 milliamperes (mA) are considered: 5. secondary currents primary currents harmful band above. not harmful ‘When operating gas cylinders, the cylinder valve should be opened: a. all the way on the acerylene-cytinder one turn on an oxygen eylinder one tum or less on an acerylene cylinder all the way on the oxygen cylinder whatever is convenient enone of the above 7 Proper handing of compressed gas cylinders inchuces: 4. aot welding on cylinders 1. got including the cylinders inthe g1aund or electrical ciscuit 6. securing them properly 4. identifying the gas prior 0 use & allot tte above 34 * (CHAPTER 3- SAFETY 3-9. The most important component of un effective safety sud health program i: a. safety nutes b. safety procedures management suppor 4. welding helmet protective equipment 03-10 Sifety training is mandated under provisions of: AWS Safe Practices OSHA. ‘ASME code AWS Welding Handbook, Volume 2 ‘none ofthe above seege 5-11 Protective equipment suitable Fr eye protection frm welding radiation ineldes: a. welding helmets with filter len clear safety glasses fe. safety goggles with ter plates 4. protective screens eal ofthe above Suitable clothing materials for welding and cutting are: {65% colton, 35% polyester b. woo! chemically treated cotton bande above ; none oF the above a x —~ CHAPTER 4STANDAROS. INCLUDING CODES AND SPECIFICATIONS, Review—Chapter 4Standards, Including Codes and Specifications Q4-1 Job quality requirements can be foun in all bur which of the following? a codes standards i specifications text books © aand bonly QE2 Of the following documents, which ray be considered a “standard”? a. codes : b. specifications ©. recommended practices di. aandb above all of the above 4-5 The ype of document that as legal status is: both a and b above al of the above. epetabetal Q4-4 That type uf document thac deseribes Le requirements for a particular obje:t oF component ' referred 10 cele standard specification ‘and babove band ¢ above pesge O45 Of the following «pes of documents, which is the more general type? ifn fact, the atber documents could be considered as mote specific types of ths classification. a. codes standards specifications drawings ©, none of the above (s-5 The code that covers the welding of next stoustires is 4. ASME Section IX b. ASMEB3LL s. APL 04 8 AWS DLA none of the above Qi" The code that covers the design and fabrication of unsiced pressure vessels is: a, ” OME Section IX b.” ASME Section VII , & ASME Section Ill 3. APL LOG & AWSDILL O48 oy CHAPTER 4_STANDARDS, INCLUDING CODES ANO SPECIFICATIONS ‘The specification covering the requirements for welding glectrodes are designated as: a AWS DLX >. AWS DIAX c AWSAS.X 4. ASTMASS © ASTMA36 “The standare describing the equirenwats for wetding of cross-country pipelines is AWS DJ. ASME Section VIIE ASME Sectiva IX APL L104 fone of the above sepre CAPTER 5-WELO JOINT GEOMETAY ai:9 Dine renMiNc.ooy 5-8 “The type of weld appld 10 the uppasite Sule af a joins before a single-V-groove weld ts completed on she near side ofa joins called 3 rmelt-tnrough weld backing weld back weld 0. oot weld ‘enone of the above In a completed groove weld. the surface of the weld on the side frorn which the welding was done is called 2 crown b. weld reintorcemer wel face d- r09t ane of the above (5-10 Ina completed weldythe junction tetwecn the weld ‘ace and the base metal is called dhe: a rot - be welt eage Well reinforcement a ley weld roe QS-11 The eight ofthe weld above the Laze metal in a groove weld is ealled the: a, roan ‘| be builéup Ge weld reintnceinent 2 Monte of the sbo¥e 105-12 Ina fillet weld, the leg and size are Lt same for what ype at enntigacatinn?” a equal ley be eoncave unequal ley When looking athe crass section of « vonipletes groave weld, dhe difference weld interface 1s called te. a. depth of fusion depth of penewation root penctravon joint penetranin effective thioat weet the fusion face and she 28-14 Fore concave filet weld, whick theca! dimensions are the same? a theoretical an effective be actual and ertoctive theoretical ant acnual 4d. allof the abore fe ngme of the stove ’ Qe1S Ina partial penetanon single. a joint penetration be effective throw es cant penetration S. depth of fusion weld igeetace, groove "eld, the dimension measured from the joint Uc the weld rook iaalied the: 0816 oe 08-18 os) Ouest (CHAPTER 5-WELO JOINT GEOMETRY AND WELDING TERMINOLOGY “The size of a spor weld is determined'b is: depth of fusion spot diameter depth of penetration thickness none of the above tn the performance of a vertical position weld, the type of weld progression having side-to-side motion is called: stringer bead technique stagger bead techaique 7 ce weave bead technique d. unacceptable & none of the above ‘The techniquo used to control distortion of a long joiut where individual passes are applietin a diction opposite the general progression vf welding in tke join is called: a. backstepping boxing ‘c. staggering 4. cascading = locki technigue used in a mulkiple layer weld deposit where each successive layer is longer than the previous one is ‘alte 2. Block sequence 2 box sequence © vaseade sequence 4 backstep sequence fe. stagger sequence as Q5-20 tnoagh QS-27 refer to Figure | below: 5-20 The weld face shown in Figure 1 is labeled: al ® ed a 6 27 2 “Tue weld roor shown in Figure fis labelest al ® 4 8 SHAPTER $—WELD JOINT GEOMETRY AND 7VELDING TERMINOLOGY (25-22 The cype of weld shown ia Figure | 3 # (98-23 The weld eeinforcement height shoWa in Figuie | is labeled b {)5-24,The weld toe shown in Figure 1 is labeled pore (05-25 Number 6 shown in Figure | is the: 95-27 Number shown in Figure 1 is the: double-bevel-groove single-bevel-groove double-V-sro0ve single-V-groove none of the above t 2 3 weld root fusion face groove face weld interface depth of fusion ‘weld root fusion face groove face ‘weld interface depth of fusion weld sine pint penetration ‘etual throat theoretical hroat 2 and b above 5-26: Number 5 (between aerows) shown ir. Figure 1 is the: — (CHAPTER 5WELO JOINT GEOMETRY ANO WELDING TERMINOLOGY 5-28 The weld face shown in Figure 2 is lbeled: a7 b 8 26 aon e 10 (5-29 The weld root shown in Figure 2 i Inveted: a8 b 4 «5 a9 23 (014-30 The welds shown in Figure 2 are: concave fillets b. conical fillets ©. convex fillets Hl a. Tellers fe. filec of ish (Q-31,The actual iroat shown in Figure 2 i labeled: vad b 2 3 a 10 ‘The weld tor shown in Figure 2 is lab fee: au bs 2 10 a7 both a andl "3 Number 6 shown Figure 2 isthe: weld root b fustor face groove face weld interface dept of fusion. 24 Number 9 show vu Figure 2 isthe: weld root fusion face: c. groove face G. weldinerface fe. depinof fusion (5.38 Number 5 shown in Figure 2 is the: a. weld root be fusion face © groove face 4. weldinterface © depth of fusion = PILE eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eer sat 98.38 25:3 5 groove ace weld inertace depth of fusion ‘Number 2 shown in Figure 2 is the a weld size b. effective throat cactual throat 4. theoretical throat © aandb shove Number 3 shown in Figure 2 is the: Weld size ‘i effective throat actual throat «theoretical throat ‘and b above Number 10 shown in Figuee 2 is the: weld size and leg size weld size leg theoretical throat setoal throat panee "questions Q5-40 theough Q5-44 refer to Fugure 3 below 05-40" Qst- ‘The groove angle shown in Figure $i labled: at b 2 3 aa es ‘The bevel angle shown in Figure 3 is labeled at 66 ‘CHAPTER S--WELO JOINT GEOMETHY AND WELDING TERMINOLOGY 25-42: Nuenber 3 shows ia Figore 3s hes : 3. groove angle bo. bevel angle 5 groove face a. fusion tace both ¢ and d above Q5-43 Number 6 shown in Figure 3 is the: a groove face ss b. fasion face paunes © bevel face 4. r00t face 2 bevel 5-54 Number 5 shown 94 Figure 15 the: fusion face b gravve face = root opening root face fe. weld foot 5.45 The weld “acer showa le Figure 4 ase Labeled a Band? Sand 7 ce Tang dh band & e Bando S67 The weld showe in Figure includes 3: . fusion face groove face weld interface 2 depth of fusion (E51 Nutnber 5 sbawa Weld root b. usion fave © growve fase 4. Weld interface depth of fusion gute His the: Shunibgr 4 bees ecu aerows) shown an vigure 4 is the “eld root a Fagin fave Breove Hace Weld incerfuce epey of usta paper (5-53 Number 2 shown «a Figure 435 she: a r00t surface fusion face c. weld face 4. weld interface fe depth of fusion 6 both ¢ and d tere (CHAPTER 5..WELO JOINT GEOMETRY AND WELOING TERMINOLOGY igwe 5 below: in Figure 5 is lnbeled The joint root shosi iv Figure $ is ibe: b. 4 “The groove face shown in Figure b t 2 3 4 rnone Of the shove ' 3 4 both e and d 2ba% i labeled The root face show. in Figure 5 is labulew » a cy S}APTER $—WELO JOWT GEOMETRY AND WEL ING TEAMINCLOGY 95-58 The weld face showa in Figure 6 is labled: b a 5-59 The weld root shown in Figure 6 is labz!e a 6 b 4 as “9 © 10 25.60) The welds shown 1 Figure 6 ae: 2. concave fillets b> onical fillets - convex fillets a Tefilets ©, fillets of fish .Q5-61 The acta throat shown ia Figure 6 is !abeled= a8 > 0 3 wo es (25-02 The weld toe shows in Figure 6 i labia au be « 10 a7 both a and d arave 03 Number 6 shown 1 Figure 6 isthe: ‘weld root fusion face groove face ‘weld interface depth of fusion <2$-68 Number 8 shown in Figure 6 isthe: weld root fusion face & groove face weld interface: © depth of fusion -65 Numbes2 shown in Figure 6is the: a. weld size beg size ; Jeg and weid size 4. theoretical uhrout eactual throat 70 HAPTER 6—WELDING AND NONDESTRUC IVE EXAMINAIION SYEGOLS. Review—Chapter 6—Weldiry and Nondestructive Examination Symbols {6-1 The primary element of any welin; symbol is refered wo asthe a cane EL cterence te i 78 sow side Ze "veld symbot Le2 Inlormation appearing shove the etrnce line ler fo he a aearside as arrow side. Oe ie Glenside te ‘none of the above "26-3. ‘The graphical representation of the type ct weld is valled the: at Lr eetang symivot Fe well ym ya. aciow Ge sure ofthe shove eZ den ee > @ none ot tne above i this indicates: 26-5 When a weld symbol is centered ou the referenc thatthe welder ean put the welt on ether side that there is no side significancs thatthe designer doesn't know .vhere the weld should go that the welder should weld in shalever position the wet sin none of the above 4 "ey teow ep a wed Ax tae-V-groove PF Aabsdever groove { Je. edaeflunge Be comerfange Be sone ofthe above grouse angle oor Tacs ve AN a et tepertion Ee pee Goo nang 06-8 In the symbu pelow, he 4 di S Da 23) KR cea ‘¢.depth of preparation 's. Took opennng 2. none of the above SUG (402) Sra (lay £ (+ (all pegcvation doubie-bevel-roore welt 27. full pesration double-V-grovvs weld X Zo. pasial peneirnion Coubie-bevel groove weld Za. partiat penetration doubie-v-groave weld none ofthe above {C spptieg wa 1 in. thick weld, the symbol below represents what ype of weld? (46:10 Dimensions appearing to the left of tne weid symbol generaity refer wo the: weld length ‘wed site/depih of preparation oot opening radius one of the above A angtar shaped weld syrbol repens wht type of wes? hhevel- groove, Aare-groove Nange-groove Nagroove none of the above 95 SHAPTER|S—WELOING AND NONDESTAUCTIVE EXAMINATION SYMBOLS (26-12 The symbol below represents wnat tr pe of weld? Go sratimemcn weit - B Bie OF a. weld eagivnach ape none of the above i i i é 7 z 5 2 4 3 3 5 & (00-8 weld symbolized by @ rectangular bor that con Po Fy. vorweid : A plug weld in beveled hole PG ps panialy ite ploy weld AP? | plog wots cle havieg mension stosn 16. § Tye requited spot weld size can be show: as ip A adimension Ww the night a the symb3 2 dimension 0: he cequived augget anaets- 7%. aval forthe rey ced shear sirens Apo bath and bane sa both b and ¢ above 12 dimension represents a Gras A oumber apeating vo de ight oF dhe sput wei symbol refers ws i spatwald size 7b. spot weld length ee ter of te eeuleet AS iach dismace perween adja spots A rene ofthe above "S-17 fa dhe symbol below. the symbol shown cu the csher side represents ie 2. back weld 3, backing weld ‘meltuhrough wele both a and biabove Doin and c above 7 wn \ 6 (CHAPTER 5-WELDING ANO NONDESTAUCTIVE EXAMINATION SYMBOLS ‘. resistance spot weld Ac. gas tungsten are seam eld 24. resistance seam weld “eR none of the above 9 CHAPTER 6—WELOING AND NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION SYMBOAS {6.22 What nondestructive examination meth isto be applied Co the arrow side? er J ur rd 2 magnetic panicle testing fb. eddy current testing “6 radiographic testing Fd. peneirunt testing © one of the above (6-23 A number in parentheses jus outside ast syrmbo! represents “2 the length of weld tobe tested Fb. the extent of testing © the number of tests perform Seu. the type of testo perform enone of the above (64 A numb to the sight of a nondesirucni’: examination symbol veers tothe 2 suinber of ests <0 pectonn 4b. the length of weld to be tested 6 the applicable quatiny sxandard 8 the test proceduve to use ‘fname ofthe above (6-28 Which of the symbots represents the weld shown below’ a °. a 0 > z - @, none of the above 98 Vv (CHAPTER 5 VZELOING AND NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION SYMBOLS. (6-26 Which of the symbols represents the wzid shown below? (33) wn 4} Cle) CF a ab @, none ofthe above 6-27 Which of tne symbols represents the wld shown nslow? oe fe. nom of dd d <>. Hy a tne above (Qu-28 hich of the symbols tpresents the weld shown below? ‘9. none of the above ap 99 re :) APTER 6—-WELDING ANO NONDESTRUCTIVE £ KANINATION SYMBOLS 6.29 Which of the symbols represents the weld shown below? ° oo - - © none of the above es 427 Which of the symbols represents the well shown below’? ry oe GG @ nonwot the above 1231 Which ofthe symbols epresents the wetc shown below’? (CHAPTEH 6 WELDING AND NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION SYMBOLS, (6-52, Which of the symbols represents the weld shown Below" | a _ be fe "S gid BS) el (Qn-33 Which ofthe welds 1s represented by thy symbol shown bel? ‘2, mane of ne above Gees Wanseed ill loll eau cece 4 i k Q 3 iP i 1 € oh € ©. none of the above 10! ne epee: Svlvicis the size ofthe arrow side weld? Py U4 in, 378i, 3in 10, 27 onne af the above “Wet Yat is the size of the oxier side weld? 2°) 4 in 3/2 in ED) 3 in poo of he above 85 hai does the symbol represent? Za. fillet welds on both sides. : interminient fillet welds SD chain invermittent fillet wetds saggered Intermittent fillet welds "=? none af ihe above 104 (CHAPTER 6 -WIELOING AND NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION SYMBOLS. ‘Questions Q6-46 through Q6-50 cefer to Figure 2 below: o bas as i Figure 2 Lin. Wie, 45in. : Gin ‘none af the above (6-47 What is the angle ofthe countersink? at bw (ht at ph dance? cs 4 Gin e.mione of the above 618 What othe weld size? Vin. a Wain 45in 6a. note of the above (6-50 What weld is represented by the symbol? \ (© arow side slot weld. . "Bother side siot weld . arrow side plug weld other side plug weld sore above os CHAPTER 6--WWELDING AND NONOESTAUCTIVE XAMINATION SYHEOLS ‘uestions Q6-51 through Q6-55 reter to Figure 3 below: sare) : \ eens) FIGURES 6-51 What is the arrow side depth of preperation? a. Win, b. WB in. Win. 9N6in. 15/16 in, What is the other side depth of prey Udi, 38 in Win. Onin. $e) 15/160. oe = W683 What isthe cther tide weld size? Va ia, ED) 378 in, V3 in. 316 in = 156 in. rie8§ What is the artow side weld size? DD sin, 328 in. 12in. 9116 i. = 15/16 in. (0-5 What isthe total weld size? Vd in. 3/80. Win 9/16 in. @ 1516 ie. ET (CHAP"ER 7--WELOASILITY, WELDING METALLURGY, ANO WELDING CHEMISTENY Review—Chapter 7—Weldability, Welding Chemistry, and Welding Metallurgy 17-1 Asa metal is heated: Fa. energy is added to tne structure ab. the atoms move farther apan ae theatoms vibrate more vigorously ‘94. the meial expands 6 allof he above 2 The state of mauter ‘wbich exh <3. solid 2 >. liquid was 48 quasicliquid ef now of the above cs the lest arsount of energy is 37-4. problem occurring in weldments causes by the nonuniform heating produced by the welding operation is: +3. poresity 12. incomplete fusion he. distonion 14. shag inclusions $e one ofthe above 27-4 All but which of ihe following will sul: in the elimination or recuction of residual stresses” j2 vibratory stress relief 20. sternal restraint Se. ermal sess relief fete se. postweld heat restinent $ Ropid cooling of a swel frem the‘wusteniti: range results ina hard. brittle structure Known a é@ Manensive "17.6 Very slow cooling of steel may resutt in the production of 2 soft, ductile microstructure this has a lamellar 3p peareres when viewed under high magnification, This sirciure is refers to as fo suanensive 1. pearlte c. ainite vd. ferrite 1c. cementite ‘When mpi cooling pfodueta mANENié SUE. Wh NONUtenkitng beat eamlent maybe applied fim prove the duly ofthe sel? 12 quenching Z ab tempering. © annealing Le nonmatiing 1 none of tie above 13s a 1 CHAPTER T=WELDAGILITY. WELDING METALLURGY, AND WELOING CHEMISTEN Q7-8 The use of prehest will end 10 a cesult in a widerearatfec:e8 200 gd produce a lower heavaffected zoe hardness 2, slow down te cooling rate Dd. teduce the tendency of pro:ucing martensite in the heat-affevied zone 22. allof the above QT Which ofthe following changes will warrant she adivon of of inerease inthe requited preheat? 23, decreased carbon equivalent 7. increased carbon equivatent *e. increased base metal diekness 2d. both aand ¢ above e both band c above Q7-10 What heat weatment is characterized by holding the part atthe austenivizing temgerature for some ime an] the slow cooling in ths furrace? normalizing quenching annealing tempering steess elie Q7-Lt What heat reatment is characterized by holding the part at he asstaniuzing temperature for some ime and thee slow cooling in sil air? #2, normalizing 9. quenching : 26 annealing 94 tempering we. sre’s eli 7-12 Increasing the heat input 1% deereases the cooling re und seceases the likeli 20d af cracking prbens .b decreuses the cooling cate ad tecreases ie likeli of sraehing problems “ee. increases the cooling rate avd i-.reases the likelihved of racking problems 73. increases the cooling rate ad di eteases zhe likelihood of cracking problems Foe tone of the above 7-43 toeneasing prebest: 184. decrestes the cooling rave and increases tbe likelihood af ceacking problems 4b. decreases the cooling rate and decreases the likelihood of cracking problems (6c. smcreases the cooling rate and in:zeases the likclihood of eracking problems Od increases the cooling cate and decreases the likehoo of cracking problems ‘Se none of the above (Q7-44 Increasing the carbon én fo decreases the likelihood of cracking problems “2d. increases the likelihood of eracki"g problesas gf bes weIbing wo do with the likelihood of cracking problems 24 alllofthe above pe none of the above Q7-15 Which of the fottowing genertily follows quenching? a anaealing 3b, normalizing: : ¥e, quenching 4 tempering we scess celiel 126 (CAAPTER 7--WEL DABILITY, WELDING METALLURGY, AND WELDING CHEMIST: |) er-46 Which of the following can be acccwplisned sing elther thermal or mechanics! techniques? annealing Fo. sarmatizing Se quenching § od tempering ae oe sisess relief GTAUT Which of the following results in the softest serterure for steel? 23. annealing w ¢b. gormalizing $ Be. quecching: gh sempering feo sues relies 1 For a steel having the following con:position: 0.11 ¢urbon, 0.65 manganese, 0.13 chromium. 0.19 sicksl, 4.003 2 ‘copper, and 0.07 molybdenum.what ists carbon equivalent using the following formula? cease + eMa? , GBNY (Cr (CU), Mor 6 ie BTS y aa ous on fe oat $a. bat fe ea 227 19 For 9 Heel having the following comp: sition’ 0.16 carton, 0.85 nung 52. (625 chronmun 0 michel. 6085 copper ane 941 geslybdemuny, whit cuDon equate sing the fallow} Kanna (GMa) | SNL , SECC) ECW) , EMe! ec + (ME) (ND , (HCH , ECU , LM eres 6 5 s % + \.stons Q7-20 through Q7-23 refer 10 the Het Input Formula get: feat Input (Jin,) « Amperage % Voluas: x 6D eens Heat Input ind « Tisvel Speed (infeiny =. : 0 The FCAW process 1 heing utilized to Wilda 1 in. chick structural steel member tou building column. The wela- ing is being done with 2332 in. diamencr self-shielded electrode with a 150" minimum prehent and interpass ti" : perature, The welding parameters are adjusted 10 30 volts, 250 amperes and 12 snout, What 15 the heat input? 375 Mia. PR S7s00uin te 375m ; #6. both aand b above: i ‘2. both band. sbove , © 1 GMAW (shor circuiting) welds ae produced at 18 volts, 100 amperes and 22 sn /min, Wha the Heating? sya 238 fn ‘3.7333 in +2 4909 sin 18, 30S 48 none of the above ‘A (CHAPTER @-DESTAUCTIVE TESTING « Review—Chapter 8—Destructive Testing O8-1 Which propery cannot be determined frei a tensile tet? a. ulmate tensile strength percent elongation percent reduction of ares impact strength - yield stength 6 a QH-2. The property that describes the ability of « metal to resist some applied load ws: 2 strength toughness hardness 4 ducsility 4 none ofthe above os at whch a meus Behavior chan from elastic lai (onset of permanent defomation eer 0a: Shel sen Uhinate tense suenath moduli of easy “Youngs macs tone ofthe soe Which ofthe follow 1. percent elongation “percent reduction stares. proportional limi Nath a and b above © bath band ¢ above as zmexpression for a metal’s ductility? ‘What isthe percent cluigaticn of « specimen whose igi guage lengy Vas 2 a 3c be 50% we a0 © none of the above (HG The propeny of metals that describes thei resistance to indentation is called strength roughness cc hardoess 6 ductility none ofthe abive n. and final gauge longi ws 2.5 OFF The type of testing that is used routinely fo" the qualification of welding procedures and welders i: 3 tensile strengths hardness .soundaess 4 impact suength fe, allof the above 8-8 Cf the following, which properties can be dotermined as a result of tensile sesting” a. uhimate tensile strength & ducuty : & Percent elongation viele strongih fe. allof the above 137 (CMAPTEA g- DESTRUCTIVE TESTING: 8-9 The family of hardness tess that uses Doth 1 minor and major load is called: SB b. Vickers © Rockwell Knoop: 2 none of the above : 20-10 Which of the following tess are referted to 5 microhardness tests? 1 Rockwell ‘ickers « Raoop: both a and above ‘© both b and ¢ above QE!) What type of test uses a weighted pendulum iat strikes a noiched test specimen? Brinell west fatigue west tensile est crack opening displacement (COD) 2. Charpy impact test Of the following, which is-une af the thos! measurable features of a metal”? a, fatigue b. hardness soundness a. tension nose of the above Y8-13 Which of thé following is no- considered a so-mndness test” M3. tensile > face bend fillet break , AL root bend > aick-break . ‘The ype of testing used to evaluate the type o- microstructure present in s metal is calle: 4 tensile D hardness| & toughoess 4. metallographic © ane of the above, 8-15 A 50h can of welding electrodes weighs approximately how many Kg? a 227kg b 23kg 2 7 kg 4. 23000kg : none ofthe above 2236 Which two ment propecties are directly relates for many stecls? 4 impact szengih and fatigue strength tensile strength and ductility tensile suengih and hardness toughness and fanigse strength none ofthe above ‘ 1s CHAPTER &-DFSTAUCTIVE TESTING [What is the wire feed speed that is measured a 175 in in.? 125 avs b. 74mms Tsun 4. both and b above & both bande above» (08-18 The propeny of metals thar describes tai ability to ea some type of lad is 4 ssength, . toughness © hardness 4. ducilty none ofthe above 20 For less ductile metals. which medhoc is useé to determine the yield swengih? drop of beam offset technique suess-suain curve atprupl yielding nope of the above 6 ability of metal (o absorb energy is called a steengih gusty hardness toughness none of the above 4 A weld join ig measured and found to be 345 mm long, How lang is at joint In ierms of inches? a 138.8ia, b 13.38in. i © 8760in, B 876 in. © nome of the sbove Which of the following tests is used to verify the soundess of # weld” a. nick break fillet break ‘oendiest i radiographic test all ofthe sbove a ith the SAW process we achieve a depesition sate of 19.7 kg/h, How many JbM is this? 341m 234000 nove z ‘Ulimate tensile strength can be determined using which ofthe following tests? tensile 1b bend © Charpy 8. ek break nilsduetlity drop-weight 159 diameter of indentation 4 cross-sectional area, length between gauge marks (GA-25 With the GMAW process we use a wire ferd speed of 170 munis. How many in Jmin. is this? 8.40.16 india. 53.7 inmin. “th the GTAW process, flow rates ar messured at 22 L/min, Ho many fs tis? 4 104 fm b 139f2m =, 46.6 1% a 83.240m ©. none ofthe above <7 Calclaton of tesilesuength i acomne bs ving ie fens ond hy cross-sectional area > perce elongation 5. pereent teduction of area ‘aug length ‘none of the above “Whe metal property describing its freedom irom imperfections is: tensile suengih > soundness: ‘impact strength >. toughness = ducaiity (8-30 fr metal exhibits a great deal of elongation pri to falling when a tensile load is applied is said wo have bigh: 2. tensile strength 3 hardness 2 impact suength toughness dductilny Q3-5t specimen approximately 2 in. long with 3 V-notch machined in the center of one ofits sides 1s used for which 3 the following tess? tensile nuil-duetility drop-weight Charpy bend sack break ’ g Which ofthe following properties can be cc:ermined from a tensile est? 2, ulimate tensile strength. yield suengin ductility > yield suength, duculity, toughaess = ductility only 5. toughness only 2. allof the above \ Re view—,Chapter 9—Wel a1 93 oma as 6 (CHAPTER 9-WELDING PROCEOURE ANO WELDER QUALIFICATION g Procedure and Welder Qualification Who is normal y responsible forthe qu ification of welding procedures and welders? a welder b. architees © welder’s employer independent tec tab z ©. code body ‘Which of the following destructive tes g methods may be used for procedure qualification testing? a tensile bb. nick-beeak © Chay bend @allof the above ‘What isthe pipe welding position in which the pipe remains fixed with its axis horizontal, and the welder must ‘weld around the joint? a IG 2 2G < 5G 4 6G 2 6GR ‘hat the pipe welding posicioa in wich the ani ofthe pipe lies Bxed at a 45° angle” 2 b x 65 none of the abo ‘Wihat os the necessary pipe position tet for welders who are uying co qualify se weld Te, Y., and K cunnec a5 ho2G o 4 6G e 6GR ‘With regard 10 procedure snd welder qualification, whac is the most important responsibility of the welding ‘inspector? 3, Watchiag the Welding qualification test 5, identifying samples © culting test specimens @. esting specimens monitoring prcaduction welding For most codes. if a welder continues to use a particular procedure, how long does his qualification remain in effect? indefinitely > 6 months fb year a .Byears ce. unl he produces a rejectable wel | 1B ChAPTE ‘WELDING ARCCEQURE AKO WELEER Gus. = CANON oe (qualification @ accordance uth ASME What document describes the Feri sy 3. ASME Seeuon II >. ASME Section IL, Part ASME Seenon 1 4. ASME Sectian XI 5, ASME Section V {Qualification to weld cross-country pipes 1s wormally done in agcoudance with: 3. ASME Section I > hws ou AWS DIAS J APLLI04 2 APL6S0 ist CHA2ER 10-WELOING, BAAZING, AND CUTTING : ROCESSES Review—-Chapter 10—Welding, Israzing, and Cutting Processes 910-1 OF the Fltowing, which is wot anecessry requveren for a welding process? so, sure of energy oh clectxcity Tle inetas of shielding moten metal 1a. base materiah te none of the above {210-2 Which o ie Following ae functions ofthe ux coating of « SMAW electrode? 4. insulating |S aloying Je. deoridacion - a. shied Je. allofthe above 01 9 name AWS system of SMAW electrode esipnations. the nes 0 the lst number reters 2 usability electrode coating ‘ pasivor Strength Sono he above (Q10-4, Which of de fuowing i an incomes atenen: about» SMAW electrode designated as an E7028? tei low-nyrogen type The sed deposit hae & minimum teil sengsh of 79.00 ps Ici sable Jor use a he at an zea let postions iy allof the above none of the above (QU Which of ane following is notan essential par of 33 p1cal SMAW system? , candtane current power supply b wive feeder 5 covered elecurute & electrode lead (© work lead O1M6 Shielding of the evoicen me \. granular Aux ¢ { fuel gas aod oxrgen in OMAN is accomplished through the use of 4. both a and b above. , inert and reactive gases ‘Which ofthe following is nat considered a type of metal iunsfer for GMAW? shor cireuting spray . globular pnt 4. droplet J. pulsed arc 10 Who a toning pe oft water in GMAW come eh ue ee bd ete prneneoplt owe enamels b spray ©. globular 4, droplet . pulsed arc 210 i CHAPTER 10-WELDING, BRAZING, AND CUTTING PROCESSES 10-9 What type of welding process is pietc-ed below? = on creer oe mugthomonure non SMW cmMaw FCAW SAW Esw 221-10 Which of te folowing is not consider sit on ave welling process? f. SMAW ‘a. GMAW . FCAW 4. Sw none of ‘he above O1D-11 Im the electsnde designation system fo- FCAW, the second number refers to: 2, strength ». position ¢. chemical cormposition. 4. usability 2 none of the above 9-12 Which ofthe following is ot always in essential element ot a FCAW system? ‘constant voltage power supply rubular electrode sire feeder - shielding gas - ‘work (ground) lead 210-13 What aspect of the GTAW and PAW processes is different from the other ae welding processes? . nonconsumable electrode ». power supply . . shielding 4. allofthe above & none ofthe above CHAPTER 10 WELDING, BRAZNG. ANO CUTTING PROCESSES. 210-14" Shietding for he GTAW ang PANY peacesse: is accomplished through the use of: a granulae ux sig inert gus a. reactive gus 2. none of the above 40-18, A green stripe on a cungsten elecerode designates: a. pre tungsten 1b 1% thorited tungsten ¢, 2% thorated wngsten 4. zirconated tungsten fe, none of the above ~ QW0-16 When welding aluminum with the GTAW process, whit type of welding current is most commonly ured”? a deep b. den @, both a and b above fe, both b and above (10-17 SAW and ESW are sitar in that: both are are welding processes both use shielding gases both use a gr wlar Nux both aad b above oth sand € bose (10-18 The diagram hetowe depicts what welding process? es excnomsine suzctnone 1:60 UNF 7 apne, Q worn eno D searoma ons encom ceuneen un swrew cine, °D vrexona conreeron contro. snBonGars 1D omen cane @ewmersscnow 7 (D Pray veux sowen a SMAW b ESW 7 © FCAW saw e. PAW 22 CHAPTER 10—WELOING, @RAZING, AND CUTTING PROCESSES 0110-19 Solidification cracking dur impeoper widih-to-uepeh ratio OF the Weld nugget may be 2 problem with which welding process? 3. OFW b. SW «SAW 4. all of the above none of the above 6910-20 8 welding process done essentially in the Mat position wit “ele yount positioned verucally identifies 3. GMAW >. SAW 4. bain a and above <=, both b and ¢ above welding progressing from the bottom 10 1p of the oangh Whi oe fling ate ao conan bath GEAW snd PAW? 1 nonconauable tunes eet B copper cominciry mole Sheng enone 4 exemally-aote ier meh none af te stene cu ique vs eamptayeat with PAW" v0 produce ful! ponet ation weldy fi Stinger Meas fe -seynote 4. backste sane of the st 965 (210-23 Whar welding pe long the ji a SAW b. ESW © FCAW a exp praduces tn hat poss. single pass. wit he progressuan serucally a Wa both aan b amave, both b and ¢ ate {J/0-24 Which of the fll: aving i not an advantage of the BSW process? high deposi rate ease of setup capable of jotoug thick sections so tendency for angular distortion one of the ab ve (010.25 Which welding process is considered 0 be a chemical welding process? a SMAW sw je SAW js. OAW & none of the abuse HAPTER WOONELUING, BRAZING ANU CU! IG PROCESSES 10-26, Which are welling pracey- provides an effiiens mens of joining attachments © some planar surface? ja. OAW b. SW «. GMAW 4. GTAW . SMAW (210-27 Brazing differs trom welding in 1 90 Filler metal is used b. an oxyluel Name is used. the base metal isnot melted 4. at of ye above. : €, none of the above 210-28 Fur eatsfactnry resus, 9 braze joint should have: large surface area a small yop hetwee J. a precise bevel both a und b above | fe. both b and e above 210-299 Wien of the following 1s rot an atantage of brazin: a, ease of joinmg thick sections ! ability to jos dissimitar metals, bility te jon shia sects oh and swore oth band & bors i 110-30: OF the following metals. which eaenct he effestively cut using OFC? Je. highscarbon wee! Jb. tow-carbon medium-catt 4. stainless steel i fe. none ofthe O4d-3L Which ofthe folowing gases can be used wo pettortn ORC? 3. MAPP be propane : fe, acetylene 4. natural all ofthe above \ 10-32, Which of the following cutting presses ean be used 40 ou any metal? 2. OFC BCACA PAC 4. both aand 6 sbove . both bande above 7 (10-33 The width of «cut is technically ets ited to as the 3 gap bi, dross c. kerf 4. drag none of the above CHAPTER “7 HHELUNG ARSCING ANG Gt naa PROCES QU0-37 Waich pe Sony os Mlusratet es? GMaw Pan’ Taw Tig caw {C38 Who prowess sy Alosrated below sacorme scoveana ~~ CONE te wera ano a 7 pegereson ae a4 a js. caaw SAW ©. GTAW 43w ¢ SMaW J1D-34, SMAW designates which process? a. stick metal are welding 'b, shielded metat ace welding submerged arc welding 4. seam metal are welding shor circuiting metal arc welding i 20D SW desi a wud wating ©, sud ap welding 6. submefged welding Sock weliog © sobmerged oe weing es which process? (QI SAW designates sich proves? 2 sud weldio > mud acc welding submerged wetding A stick welds se, submergeu ate welding 111-42) FCAW designates shih process? a, flux cored are welding . Gus cemered ars welding c, fumace conitolicd a welding 1, tection ate wed ung € flow are welding (01643 GMAW designates which process? a, gas machine are welding yas methou ae welding je. gas a A. gs etal ae welding ¢ geterat media: arc welding il ate welding Uo A GITAW deugnates stich process? a, gus tungsten ure welding '. general winysten are welding ©. lobular wansfer arc welding UL gas torch ae welding &. none of the above 01.45 PAW designates which process? a. plasma sre welding b. pressure arc welding «. plate are welding 4. percussion ae welding , none of the above (CPAP TER \0-WELOING, BRAZIAG_ANHD CUTTING PROCESSES 210-46 Which of the following could result in te creation of pcrosity in the GTAW of 6061-T6 aluminum structutal members for x0 accraft application? 2, insufficient cleaning ofthe weld joint . contaminated filer metal . leajc in the shielding gas hose 4. presence of drafts during the welding »peration . allof the above . Taw GMAW Paw allof the above fe. gone ofthe above +7 An ER7OS-6 electrode can be used with which of the processes? )APTER 10—WELOING HAZING, AND CL.MNG PRESESSE QB. granular Ms 19a ehuracterisiie WC aehich OF ie Follmsa a ESW Jb. Saw sMaly ja. boul ‘baa and (210-39 Which ot the tonitications listed pelow aruduces the srongest weld metal . ERTOS-6 fb. E705 }:. E7018 Jd, FIAZEMEDK, 2. ag diference ‘210.50 Which process 1s classified 96a chicmizal welding snettxt? a. GTAW b. GMAW fe ESW a PAW . OAW {91051 Which euuing raechods use electricity 3. PAC CAC, fe. OAC aan B above fe b ans v aboxe 010.52 A tubular elestoce is significant characerstic of whch process! @. SAW Jb. Esw fe, FCAW Jd, SMA Je. GMaw (010-53 Which are welding process is used -ery etfecuvely for the welding of various types wf attachments to suriaces plates and structura} members” SMAW fo. CMaw fc. FCAW js. SW je. ESW 10-54 Molding shoes is aterm associated sith which process? ja. SAW b. GTAW ©. ESW 4. FCAW & GMAW 010-34) shor circu 2 GTAW fs. FcAW jc. SMAW 4, none of the above ©. allof the sbove i meta transfer isa mde of operation fr: aie OHANTEH 0 WRKLING BHAZING AND CUTTING PROCESSES 221-56 The nea fon :steade noldins Os 95 Hye ADINE YB OE HH 4 SMaw b FCAW © SAW a. al oF tne apse ye and + metals diva ahtage ot which proces below «0.37] whe fs smaw Jo. GMAW fe. GTAM jd. CAC-§, Je PAC (10.38 EWThe| 1s an electrode des GTaAw fs. paw fe GMAW J}. and b above fe. bund ¢ above (210.59 OF the fotiowing. which brazine process is preferred «hes the pars 10 be brazed con he assembled with the Filler mecal preplaced near or i the joint” 3. coreh induction 4. gittusien @, none of the above 010-60 F7PO-EAI2 a filler metal Lesigu sion for: SMaW fe GMaw fe. FCAW a SAW fe. PAW : ss uses carbon elec“ode” ito FoF which oF those prncesses lated below SA64 The ability to perform keyhole welcing is primary advantage Jf 1. GTAW fo. Paw SMAW 6. FCAW SAW ‘10.62 JWhich gases ean be used for OFW" MAPP acetylene aatural gas . propane all of the above, hich gases below ean be used for TB? acetylene - oxygen i natural gos propane AM of the above 29 RRO: De cE RRC FO RR Fo a CHAPTER 1O—ViELDIra: BRAZING, AND UITIING PROCESSE cy 210-6478 ferrule vn item used fr sRicding is which pros ey helo a. SW »b. PAW ce PAC 4. SW FB ar When GTAW is wsed what yp curt es the yess ent ot penetration i 2 cen b, deep 4. wae 2. no difference {210-66 A constricting nozale is one of he components for which welding process? a. PAW b GTAW «SAW 4. Maw SW (10-67 What gases ean be used for GMAW? ‘carbon dioxide fo. argon : Je. 786 argon-259 carbon di cide 4. 985 arpun-2% oxygen all 9f the above £310.68, The process whic ean be used J. GMaw >. SMAW je. FCAW Jd. GTAW je. PAW ther with or w thu an external shielding gas is 210-69, Which of the welding processes below is generatiy considered so provide the highest deposition rate? a. SAW b ESw je. FCAW 1d. SMAW ¢ GMAW — ‘When welding carbon steel with the OAW process. the lorch should be adjusted to provide: ‘an oxidizing flame », a carbutizing flame ce. a neutral flame 4. aheating flame €. none of the above on Quo ee 19) | 1 OF the Following, which of the processes make use of waterinjected torches to minimize the effect of iregslar 2, PAC b. CACA, 7 ©. GTAW 4. 3 und b above © Bande ahove 20 FOAWELONG BFALIG AnD CUTE SHOCESSES 72 The wre of ennstriting orice. one Wiseguinding Feacure OF wich uf the following ” cTAW GMaw FCAW Paw one of tne above ope re Q10-73 Which of the following processes utilize a Mux to provide necessary shielding? ips SMAW b SAW GMAW 4. and b above © all of the,above CHAPTER s+ WELD AND BASE METAL DISCONTINUITIES “Review;—Chapter 1]—Weld aud Base Metal Discontinuities ou ens cry unt 8 er nr A discontinuity is: always a defect always a reject always acceptable rejectable if icexceeds zeae limus one of the above - ‘Of the following. which is commoniy caused by the pcesence of hydrogen in a crack susceptible micrastructure subjected 10 applied stress? a lamellar tearing . delaranation porosity 1. delayed cracking none of the above Porosity, occurring in the for of large cylindrical pores is calle: clustered porosity linear scattered porosic; uniformly seattered porasits elongated porosity ane ofthe above Which ofthe following discontinuities is least likely wo be detezted visually? tae crack undercut lomvellar tear overtop ‘none of the above Underbead eracks ean result rain which ofthe following weiding practices? 8. ustaf wet electrodes 1, welding on comamunates steels welding over pane & dlofihe above. © none of the abov= ‘The weld discontinuity shat results froin improper termination of the welding arc is refertes o us a, undercut >. overlap 3 etaer rack incomplete fusion 2, allot the above Al tut which ofthe following procests may zeslt inthe presence of slag inelusions in the a. SMAW PAW FCAW a SAW none ofthe above ‘That discontinuity that results icom the entrapment of 3 3 crack 1 "sag incusion : incomplete fusion 4 within te weld eross section is referred to as porosity fone ofthe above 24s a (CHAPTER 11—-WELD AND BASE METAL DISCONTINUITIES au ono on waa, bras, ‘What base metal discuntauity, located atthe Weld tos, es caused by the welder traveling ¢o0 rapidly? 1. underfill b. undercut incomplete fusion 4 overlap & one ofthe above (What weld discontinuity results when the welder travels too slowly, which causes excess weld metal to pO of the joint and lay on the base me al surface without fusing? 2. undercut 1b undertitl overlap 4. incomplete fusion ‘8. ane of the above 7 ‘What weld metal discontinuity resus when the welder fails to completly fill the weld groove? 3. underfill undercut overlap 4. incomplete fusion ©. none of the above Excessive weld eetal buildup on ¢ groove weld is rested to as a. excess convecty b. excess weld reinforcement overfill 4. allof the above 2. port of he dove The weld discontinuity ha result com the ination ofthe eng are outside tie weld joe 8 afew a a6 4, incomplete tusion y wadercut overlap 4. serateh start eae strike ‘OF the following, whieh veld discovsinulty shows yeas a porosity >. incomplete joint penetration «and babine 4. tungsten inclusion pone the above 1 fegion on a radiograph? ‘What base metal Jiscontinuity resuits ftom iniproper steelmaking practice and is associated with he rolled surface? 4. lamination >. delamination a ‘rack none of the sbove 26 CHAPTER 11WELO ANO BASE METAL DISCONTINUITIES, "Qeestions QU-16 through QUL-20 reter to 1 figuee below 16 What discontinuity 1s shown, longitudinal crack 1B ransverse crack face erick A teerach 2 ooterack “ot What iscomtiiy 5 sown by 3. lamination b+ ase metal coach i = amelie tae 4 sam 2 kp 01418 Wha discontinuity is shown by #128? a toeerack b. incomplete fusion ©. root erack 4. lamellar tear © underbead erack AWS DIL ve ANSESNT-TC. 18 io BORSNT SATO san © ASMESNT IS 1a 269 oe LN ree 2 AE (CHAPTER 12—NONOESTRUCTIVE ExalatinTION INDE) PRCCESSES Review-—Chapter 12—Non:lestructive Examination (NDE) Processes Which of the following NDE metiiods do mot usually require electricity” = lay current sible dye penetrant sisual sand b above and € above Which of the following NDE meiods 1s limited to the detection of surface diaconnnuities” 2. visual fp. penerrane Je. magnate parmcle 4. all ofthe abene © pone ofthe above 1212.81, Zoe most eftecnse, visual inspection should be performed! before welding. . ducing welding ©: after welding 4. allo me above ane ofthe atiee The time during which the penetar: remains on ihe surface Of the part to low 140 0e drone wala any discon nuites is called 2 “ting time . peneteating re 503k dell ume, sone of the above gnetizing current provides the best coninsariow OF penetublis at! ps he mney? 2. PT jo. MT eR 4.ur , halbwaee eecttied OC 4: band ¢ above all of ne above cal Whar NOE mettnd will tose tikely coveal subsurface porosity” | all ofthe above Whien of te following statements is corect fora adiographic test? ‘reduction ia thickness will produ alight imsge oa the fm ‘A low density discontinuity will proce aight image on the film A iah-densvy discontinuity wall produce a ign image on the film. g. aand b above and above O18 Which of te following discontinuities i rely detecied using RT? a enck incomplete fasion . widercut 4 laination none ofthe above 6 ‘CHAPTER 2 NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION (NDE) PROCESSES (212-9 What device is used during radiogephy 10 indica th Fb. dosimetes Tre, bead screen 7, penesrarncter =e. none of tae alsnve acquired sensitivity of a radiograph? 1912-10 Which nondesteactive exaraimation method ullizes sound ener et 7 b RT UT arr 2 eT 888 probing median? LINZ The process whicteby the ulssonie indications are celated to physical di tances i ats stand a. setup b. calibration 6, standardization 4. synchrontzat 2. none of te above (112-19) test probe cont RT ur ET 4. MT €. both sand a shove ning an altematiay current coil is used for which NDF method” (Changes melessnieal conducts iis van be msssurcd using © hich NDE metvod” 3 ET T ut rove a te sove tr 212-14 Whiek of the following NDE mettious are suitable for dete b 4 surface erceks RT vr er Pr e. all ofthe above U2-15 What NDE method is most likely «© reveal intemal laminations in a rolled plate? oye eT ut Er @.MT + fe mone ofthe above 12-16 PT is limited to he detection of those discontinuities that are 2 neas the test object surface '. open tothe test object surtice |. clean and open to the test object surface d. all of the above Je. none of the above CHAPTER 12-NONDESTAUCTIVE EXAMINATION (MDE) PROTESSES QILAT Viible dye peveyeane indications 4a must be observed under 4 black light 1B doa't Have ty be observed under a black light. but are more yensitive d they awe man be Gmerved vader wissen yr A ey is be obser sed under white hight Je. une of the above Penewran can be applied by a beushiag {e sproving c dipping J. all of me above Je none of the stove 2 they can Mans eto smaer cracks , Duorescent in neatigns are bescer seen by the huitan eye 6, they are subject (0 preates capilla-y setion 1d. wand e above 1912-19 luovescemt peneteants ace generally mote yensitive thin visible dye peneteanis because ‘band ¢abose ai of the abo none of the wbovs 2% as Simined ao ten objects hae (912.20 Which ofthe follosting cause decreased sensitivity in PT” te metallic bate poreus tog heaty applicanon af the developer © are magnetic oily or greasy test object inproper penetra femoval ane noageraus. AF e. have subsuriace discontinuities MT will discacer: fs. surface discontiuities Jb, slighily subsurface discontinuities fo. underbeas cracking é. aand b above Je. all of the above MT is most sensitive to those discontinuities tha are: 2. within 45° of perpendicular to the linzs of Mux within 85° of parle] tothe tines of Nux peegendicular ta the lines of ux 4, parallel othe lines of flux none ofthe above (MT is limived to test objects that 2. are metallic bo. sre porous | |. are ferromagnesic 4, are nonporous 2 have subsorfbee discontinities 185. CHAPTER 12 NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMIMATION (UE) PROCESSES 2-25 71 as most yensiane to these discontinustes that see “1 sbthin 4S" perpensisalar to ihe sound saves within 45” of paraitcl 0 the perpendicular 10 the sound {> paraliel 10 the soumt saves, © tone af the shave 2 a 21 uses trequencies relow tbe range of "wman hearing within the range ot human hearing boxe the range of suman hearing 4 beside the range of human hearing 2 none of the above 3 the distance the sound has traveled in tie part the amount of sours energ «the type of discontinuity 1. discontinuity ariensation © discontinity cause reflected, [ UT the horizonsal aus of the CRT sereun gives information about {2-2h RT shows areas of lowerdensity as dark regions on the film Jight regions onthe Vln fight or dark regions na the film J. all ofthe above 'enont of the above i shows aress of less thickness as, 3. dark reg'ons on the tim light eegions onthe im {6 gh oF dark regions on the fil. 4. all of the above F o mone ofthe above e [RT shows areas of increased wanstission as 2. dark regions on the fim ». fight regions oa she fim ¢. light or dark regions on the lm 4. allof the above «none ofthe above 212-31, Tungsten inclusions generally appear in KT as: a, dark regions on te film blight regions on the lin ¢. light or dark regions on the film 4, all of the above fe. none ofthe above 112-32 Cracks generally appear in RT as: dark lines onthe film Hight ines onthe fila 7 Tight or dark lines om the flim al ofthe above ‘ond ofthe above 26T

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