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"Lead Them Or Fall"

by Greg Boccia aka noz3r0
and Gregory Wright aka Bkstunt_31
Version 1.00
An improved version of this guide can be found on
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _





Controls & Interface ....................................

Character Creation ......................................
Combat & Exploration ....................................
Mage Skill Tree .........................................
Rogue Skill Tree ........................................
Warrior Skill Tree ......................................



The Wrath of Heaven .....................................

The Threat Remains ......................................
In Hushed Whispers (Mage) ...............................
Champions of the Just (Templar) .........................
In Your Heart Shall Burn ................................
From the Ashes ..........................................
Here Lies the Abyss .....................................
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts ...........................
What Pride Had Wrought ..................................
The Final Piece .........................................
Doom Upon All the World .................................



Haven ...................................................
The Hinterlands .........................................
Val Royeaux .............................................
The Fallow Mire .........................................
The Storm Coast .........................................
Forbidden Oasis .........................................
Skyhold .................................................
Crestwood ...............................................
The Western Approach ....................................
The Exalted Plains ......................................
Emerald Graves ..........................................
Emprise du Lion .........................................
The Hissing Wastes ......................................
Inner Circle Quests .....................................


















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Author's Preface

Welcome back to Thedas! On this large continent in the southern hemisphere

we traverse numerous territories to include Orlais and Ferelden. The Dragon Age
is continuing three years from the events at Kirkwall in the Free Marches, a
mysterious person is emerging from the Fade when an event known as The Breach
occurs. You will become the Inquisitor, leading a newly reformed Inquisiton
that is composed of characters from previous installments and some brand new
characters. You're tasked with closing this tear in the Veil, stopping the
demons that are pouring in from the Fade, and saving Thedas.
The task at hand isn't easy, but with a little help you'll be able to conquer
this event and cement yourself in Dragon Age legend. This guide will lead you
down whichever path you choose, detailing the consequences of your action or
inaction, noting enemies and their weaknesses, how to combat these foes both
on the battlefield and politically as you gain influence, and showing you how
to acquire every item and codex. Good luck Inquisitor and enjoy your stay!
/ |__| /\ |) /\ / | |__ |) /__`
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The Iron Bull

Specialization: Reaver
Qunari are known across Thedas as the brutal horned giants who descended from
the north to nearly conquer the continent. These ruthless followers of a harsh
philosophy enforce their will through the Ben-Hassrath: their spies and secret
police. One brilliant agent did it all, hunting spies, rebels, and deserters
until the day he finally broke. To preserve a valuable asset, his superiors sent
him to Orlais to observe and report and The Iron Bull was born.
Today, Bulls Chargers are famous mercenaries, fiercely loyal to the huge Qunari
warrior who leads them into battles and taverns with equal enthusiasm. The Iron
Bull still sends the Ben-Hassrath reports, but years of living outside Qunari
rules have him wondering which identity is really him. Whoever he is, hes more
than happy to join the Inquisition and get paid to kill demons.
Varric Tethras

Specialization: Artificer

Varric Tethras is one part adventurous rogue, one part dashing storyteller, and
three parts trouble. Born on the surface, Varric has little love for his
underground brethren -- all his contacts lie with the dwarves of the Merchants
Guild, though he has little taste for their schemes. Still, he has found a place
as an outsider, rubbing shoulders with both the wealthy elite as well as the
worst of scoundrels. To hear him tell of it, thats all he truly cares about,
though anyone who truly knows him claims differently. They say that, try as he
might, Varric has been drawn more and more into conflicts that shake the world
-- ones that he cant get himself out of with a quick tale.
Previous Appearances: Dragon

Age II
Age: The Silent Grove
Age: Those Who Speak
Age: Until We Sleep
of Dragon Age

Cassandra Pentaghast

Specialization: Templar
Though of noble birth, Cassandra Pentaghast turned her back on a life of wealth
and privilege to join the Seekers of Truth. The ancient order serves as a
watchful eye over corruption and magical threats, granted ultimate authority in
its investigations by the Chantry -- or it did, prior to abandoning their duty
in response to the mage rebellion. Cassandra did not join her brothers in this,
instead remaining loyal to Divine Justinia and her efforts to restore order in
the face of chaos. She is both pious and driven, the sword in the right hand of
the Divine, seeking justice above all else.
Previous Appearances: Dragon Age II
Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker
Heroes of Dragon Age

Specialization: Rift Mage

Solas has spent his life as an apostate, living in the wilderness well away from
the civilized world and those who would shackle him for what he is. He mastered
his magic without the help of tutors, spending years exploring the spirit realm
of the Fade and coming to an understanding of its denizens that few others could
claim. He would be happiest left alone to sleep in ancient ruins, searching for
memories and knowledge that has been lost for ages, but the Breach in the sky
threatens all worlds.
At a time when other mages flee into hiding, Solas has put his freedom at risk
by emerging from the shadows to assist those who would combat the chaos. He will
not stand idly by when his knowledge of the arcane could mean the difference
between salvation and utter destruction.

Specialization: Champion
The Grey Wardens hold a lonely vigil, enduring lives of hardship and sacrifice
to protect the world from an evil that can never truly be conquered. Few would
volunteer for this: the suffering, isolation, and promise of a violent death.

But the path of a Warden is also one of valor, and those who give themselves to
the cause are rewarded with the knowledge that they have become something more
than they were. Blackwall is one of the rare few Wardens who chose, of his own
accord, to pick up the shield. He believes so wholeheartedly in the noble ideal
of the Grey Wardens that he would rather have this life than any other.

Cullen has seen the worst that magic and corruption can do to innocent people.
Trained from a young age, he has devoted more than half his life in service to
the Templar Order. He saw the Ferelden Circle fall during the Blight and was
witness to the mage-templar conflict that tore Kirkwall apart. In the aftermath,
it was Cullen who rallied what remained of Kirkwall s templars to restore order
to the devastated city. His leadership and integrity caught the attention of
Cassandra Pentaghast, who recognized in him a vital component in forming the
Inquisition. Now the world is falling into chaos. Cullen is through waiting for
others to act, and he s determined that the Inquisition will make a difference
for the people of Thedas.
Previous Appearances: Dragon Age: Origins
The Darkspawn Chronicles
Dragon Age II
Heroes of Dragon Age

She has many names. Most know her as "Sister Nightingale or the Left Hand of
the Divine. To the rare friend, she is Leliana. They say she found faith amid
darkness, and that her devotion to the Maker is matched only by her devotion to
Divine Justinia V, a woman who is both mentor and savior. Those who have earned
her loyalty know her as a steadfast ally. But enemies of the Divine know to fear
her, for she is the shadow behind the Sunburst Throne -- the one who watches and
waits, who strikes when her mark is most vulnerable and least suspecting.
Previous Appearances: Dragon Age: Origins
The Darkspawn Chronicles
Leliana s Song
Dragon Age II
Mark of the Assassin
Dragon Age: Asunder
Heroes of Dragon Age
Dragon Age: The Masked Empire

Specialization: Knight-Enchanter
Referred to as Madame de Fer, the Lady of Iron, Vivienne lives up to her
title. A leader among the mages and official enchanter to the Imperial court,
she is renowned as a fearsome woman who achieved her position through guile and
deft political maneuvering. Vivienne allows nothing to stand in the way of what
she desires -- not those who claim she is a social climber, not those who seek
to restrict her power, not even her fellow mages who would conscript her into a
rebellion with which she disagrees. Vivienne fights to restore order in a world
gone mad... so long as that leaves her among those left standing, once all is
said and done.

Previous Appearances: Dragon Age: The Masked Empire (Mentioned)


Specialization: Tempest
Sera is impulsive and revels in the moment. For her, it s not about what s
right, it s about what s right now. In the Friends of Red Jenny, she humbled
authority and had fun doing it. But now the nobility are being not just selfish
but blind. War, demons, a torn sky: these are more than troubling -- they re
terrifying. Fortunately, Sera and her "friends" can be frightening, too, and if
she needs to put an arrow through some baddies so regular people can sleep at
night, so be it. Sera fights for those caught in the middle, but she also needs
order restored. The world has to be normal so she can play.

Specialization: Necromancer
Being from a proud bloodline of the Tevinter Imperium has its advantages: Dorian
was born with a flair for magic that made him the envy of his peers. He is
charming and confident, his wit as sharp as any blade, and if some suggest his
manner cocky, it could be attributed to being a powerful mage in a land where
mages rule. Indeed, Dorian would be the pride of his family -- if he didn t
oppose everything his homeland has come to stand for. He wears the labels of
"pariah" and "outcast" proudly, knowing that views of the Imperium are unlikely
to change until and unless someone of his ability stands up to make a

Specialization: Assassin
He is a ghost in the shadows, walking unnoticed through crowds. He can slit an
enemy s throat before they even realize he s there, and slip away, never to be
seen again. Those few who do notice him soon forget he ever existed... and Cole
isn t certain that he does exist. He is a spirit, impossibly caught between the
immaterial realm of the Fade and the confusing realities of our physical world,
but does that make him real? Does it make him human or a demonic pretender, as
some believe?
All Cole knows for certain is that the world is full of pain and he must find
his place within it. Those who wish to restore order and help the helpless will
find him a strange but unwavering ally. Those who use their power for selfish
reasons may never see Cole again -- if they remember that he was there to begin
Previous Appearances: Dragon Age: Asunder

The Inquisition s power is not absolute: it must earn its place among the forces
in conflict. Sister Leliana understands this well, and has called on an old
friend, Lady Josephine Montilyet, to be the Inquisitions ambassador in the
halls of the influential. The eldest daughter of a noble Antivan family,
Josephine is a rising star among diplomats, skilled at forging alliances with

tact, grace, and carefully cultivated favors. She is a consummate planner who
understands that resurrecting the Inquisition will require support and goodwill
from Thedas s movers and shakers. Fortunately, the ambassador enjoys a
challenge, and she sincerely believes that the Inquisition is the best way to
halt the chaos sweeping Thedas.

Whether the dark-haired sorceress seeks to influence the Imperial throne, or

harbors more sinister motives, no-one knows for certain. This Witch of the Wilds
arrived in Orlais rather suddenly three years ago as the newly-appointed arcane
advisor to Empress Celene. In this role, Morrigan presents a source of
information unfiltered by religious dogma, and satisfies Celenes life-long
curiosity about magic. However, whispers carry concern of Morrigan having Celene
wrapped around her finger, teaching the Empress forbidden, dark arts in secret.
Previous Appearances: Dragon Age: Origins
The Darkspawn Chronicles
Witch Hunt
Dragon Age: Legends
Heroes of Dragon Age
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C O N T R O L S & I N T E R F A C E

| Move Character
| W/Q/S/E
| Toggle Auto-run
| G
| Position Cursor
| Mouse
| Rotate Camera
| Right-click (hold) + Mouse (drag) |
| Turn Camera
| A/D
| Zoom In/Out
| Scroll wheel
| Select Party Member | F1/F2/F3/F4
| Interact
| Right-click
| Jump
| Sprint
| Tactical Camera
| T
| Attack
| Left-click/R
| Primary Abilities | 1/2/3/4
| Secondary Abilities | 5/6/7/8
| Cycle Targets
| Select Potion
| 0/|
| Party Attack
| Y
| Party Clear Command | K
| Party Disengage
| L
| Mount/Dismount
| =
| Quest Map
| M
| Journal
| J

| Inventory
| I
| Character Record
| P
| Quick Save
| F5
| Quick Load
| F9
| Screenshot
| PrtScn
| Hero Menu
| Move Character
| Left Stick
| Same as PS4 |
| Move Camera
| Right Stick
| Same as PS4 |
| Switch Party Member | D-Pad Up/Down
| Same as PS4 |
| Interact
| Cross Button
| Same as PS4 |
| Jump
| Cross Button
| Same as PS4 |
| Sprint
| L3 Button
| Same as PS4 |
| Lock On/Cycle
| R3 Button + Right Stick
| Same as PS4 |
| Attack
| R2 Button
| Same as PS4 |
| Primary Abilities | Square/Triangle/Circle/R1 Button
| Same as PS4 |
| Secondary Abilities | L2 + Square/Triangle/Circle/R1 Button | Same as PS4 |
| Radial Menu
| L1 Button
| Same as PS4 |
| Hero Menu
| OPTIONS Button
| START Button |
| Tactical Camera
| Touch Pad Button
| SELECT Button |
Dragon Age Keep

With Dragon Age: Inquisition being on multiple platforms, the ability to

directly import your save game has been taken away. That s not a bad thing, you
can now use the Dragon Age Keep to make all of your choices and you can import
your save games to the Dragon Age Keep to synchronize everything. From here you
can export your game to Dragon Age: Inquisition and will be prompted as such
when you start up a new game. You will need to sign up for a free Origin account
in order to use Dragon Age Keep.
Dialogue Choices

Like the previous games, you ll be able to choose your answers and reactions to
many events in the game through dialogue. Each option has an icon displayed with
it to signify how you are responding.

- This response is simply for answering a question. It is an arrow

with branching paths.
Investigate - This usually opens up to other options. It is a question mark.
- This response starts a battle. It is two crossed swords.
- This option allows you to pay or request payment. It is a money
bag with an alert expression.
- This is a romantic response and will earn romance points if the
character can be romanced by the Inquisitor. It is a heart.
End Romance - This ends a potential relationship. It is a broken heart.

- This is a special response based on actions and responses you

have previously made. It is a star.
- During events that are emotional, you may choose to remain stoic


and show no emotion. This is a figure with crossed arms.

- During events that are emotional, you may choose to be sad. This
is a crying eye.
- When questioned on your opinion of situations you may respond
with this answer. This is a thumbs-up.
- When questioned on your opinion of situations you may respond
with this answer. This is a red closed-fist.
- When asked of your opinion you may respond with this answer.
This is a head with swirls inside.
- When asked of your opinion you may respond with this answer.
This is a head facing left with purple question marks inside.
- When asked of your opinion you may respond with this answer.
This is a head facing right with red exclamation marks inside.

Underworld - This is a special answer allowing you to question morality or
act appropriately for immoral people. You must purchase this
for 1 Inquisition Perk from Leliana. It is a raven.
- This is a special answer allowing you to use your knowledge of
politics to respond to a situation. You must purchase this for
1 Inquisition Perk from Josephine.
- This is a special answer allowing you to use your knowledge of
history to respond to a situation. You must purchase this for
1 Inquisition Perk from Cullen.
- If you understand magic and magical theory you can use this to
your advantage.

- All of these options let you choose responses based on the class
and race you are. Sometimes you will call back to the history of
your race or reference your ability/knowledge of your class.

Character Approval

Through your dialogue choices and actions you ll be able to effect the way other
characters in the game view your Inquisitor. Higher approval means that person
approves of your actions and likes your character. Lower approval means the
opposite and could lead to that member leaving. The amount of approval you gain
or lose is noted in game with the following text:
Strongly Approves
Slightly Approves
Slightly Disapproves
Strongly Disapproves

+20 Approval
+5 Approval
+1 Approval
-1 Approval
-5 Approval
-20 Approval


During some conversation with your companions you re given the option to choose
Romance dialogue. This usually gains some approval, but if you keep flirting
with that particular character and side with them on topics throughout the game
you will eventually be able to do their Inner Circle quests that cement the
relationship. Cole, Varric, Vivienne, and Leliana cannot be romanced.

The Character Menu

In this menu you can pick your abilities, set tactics and behaviors, and look
at your character attributes. You earn one Ability Point per level up and one
per Amulet of Power used for your character, Humans also begin with an
additional Ability Point. The abilities are Active if they are a diamond, they
are Passive if they are a circle. Passive abilities can also grant stat
increases which can help determine your build.
Tactics and Behaviors are a little different than they were in past games.
The Tactics menu simply lets you choose which abilities to use or not use and
which ones that are preferred. Behaviors are just minor checks on Healing Potion
use and Mana/Stamina Reserve, and what you want that character to do when they
reach those thresholds. It s also useful for how that character will target
enemies in combat.
Attributes are a bit more in-depth than in past games. Equipping weapons, armor,
and accessories will increase these bonuses:
Strength - Each point increases Guard Damage Bonus. Warriors gain Attack.
Dexterity - Each point increases Critical Damage Bonus. Rogues gain Attack.
Magic - Each point increases Barrier Damage Bonus. Mages gain Attack.
Cunning - Each point increases Critical Chance and Ranged Defense.
Willpower - Each point increases Attack and Magic Defense.
Constitution - Each point increases Health and Melee Defense.
Attack - This is a bonus to all damage in the form of a percent.
Guard Damage Bonus - This is an increase to enemies with Guard active.
Armor Penetration - Each point ignores 1 Armor when damaging an enemy.
Barrier Damage Bonus - This is an increase to enemies with Barrier active.
Critical Damage Bonus - Damage increase when landing a critical strike.
Critical Chance - Chance to score a critical strike.
Main-Hand Damage - The damage dealt with your main-hand.
Off-Hand Damage - The damage dealt with your off-hand.
Bleed on Hit - The chance to inflict bleed per hit.
Stagger on Hit - The chance to stagger an enemy per hit.
Heal on Kill - Amount of health recovered when landing a killing blow.
Flanking Damage Bonus - Increase, as a percentage, when attacking from the
side or behind.
Magic Defense - Percentage resistance to magical attacks.
Melee Defense - Percentage resistance to melee physical attacks.
Ranged Defense - Percentage resistance to all ranged attacks.
Cold Resistance - Percentage resistance to cold damage.
Electrical Resistance - Percentage resistance to electrical damage.
Fire Resistance - Percentage resistance to fire damage.
Spirit Resistance - Percentage resistance to spirit damage.
Guard - Amount of damage that must be inflicted before health can be damaged.
Armor Rating - Physical damage reduction based on this rating.
Armor Rating Front - Additional armor rating for attacks on the front. This
is common for shields.
Health - Characters who have 0 Health are unconscious and unable to attack.
Maximum Health - The maximum amount of Health attainable.
Bleed on Being Hit - The chance that an attacker will receive bleed.
Stagger on Being Hit - The chance that an attacker with becomed staggered.

Focus - This is gained from dealing attacks. Certain attacks use Focus.
Maximum Focus - The maximum amount of Focus attainable.
Focus Gain Bonus - The increase of all sources of Focus.
Mana/Stamina - The amount of current Mana/Stamina. Used for abilities.
Maximum Mana/Stamina - The maximum amount of Mana/Stamina attainable.
Combat Experience Points - Current Experience Points
Level - Combat Level from gaining experience points.
Cooldown Modifier - The percentage reduction on ability cooldowns.
Codex & Journal

Detailed entries of the world and information

in Dragon Age, these are generated and listed
and gain more depth of the story. The Journal
which zone they are in. You can set quests as
allowing you to focus on particular tasks.

on a plethora of subjects exist

as Codex Entries for you to read
keeps track of your quests and
Active or Inactive in the Journal,





Elves are a historically oppressed people, distinguishable by their lithe frames

and pointed ears. Though most survive in the poorest fringes of human cities,
others live as nomads known as the Dalish. Elves receive a bonus of 25% to
Ranged Defense.

You were raised in the wilderness to be a hunter, relied upon by the Lavellan
clan for food and protection. The clan wandered the northern Free Marches and
had little need to interact with humansuntil the clan s Keeper sent you to the
Chantry s conclave as a spy. What happened there, she said, would impact not
only the Dalish but indeed all elves. She could not have known how right she

Enslaved long ago by humans, most elves still live as second-class citizens
within human cities. Elves who reject this life are known as the Dalish:
nomadic wanderers who strive to keep the ancient elven religion and traditions
alive. You grew up in the wilderness, a member of the Lavellan Dalish clan and
apprentice to its leader and guide, the Keeper. The clan wandered the northern
Free Marches, and you had little need to interact with humans -- until the
Keeper sent you to the Chantry s conclave as a spy. What happened there, she
said, would impact not only the Dalish but indeed all elves. She could not have
known how right she was.

Dwarves are short, stocky, and most spend their entire lives underground. Those

living in exile on the surface are commonly merchants or smugglers. Because

dwarves have no connection to the Fade, they cannot be mages, but receive a 25%
bonus to Magic Defense.

The dwarves of Thedas are known for their once-vast underground empire and
guilds of merchants and warriors held in high esteem by the other races of
Thedas. Not you. A cast-off "surfacer," unwelcome among the dwarves or most
humans, you have scraped by as part of a criminal fraternity known as the Carta,
smuggling magical ore known as lyrium. As part of the ruthless Cadash crime
family, you spent your life on the streets of various Free Marcher city-states
-- until you were sent to the Chantry conclave as a spy and everything changed.

Humans are the most numerous and powerful race in Thedas. They are also the most
divided politically and seem to thirst for conflict. Human characters receive a
bonus ability point at the start of the game.

As the youngest child of the Trevelyan noble house, you grew up in the Free
Marcher city of Ostwick and have enjoyed a life of privilege. With close family
ties to the Chantry, and many relatives among the priesthood and the templars,
you were always expected to follow a similar path in service of the Maker -regardless of how you feel about the matter personally. Willing or unwilling,
you were sent to the Chantry s conclave to assist relatives who sought to make
peace between the templars and mages. It didn t go well.

Born to the Trevelyan noble family of Ostwick in the Free Marches, you were
originally intended for a life of privilegeuntil magical abilities surfaced at
a young age and you were forced into a life of confinement within Ostwick s
Circle of Magi. Protected but stifled, educated but isolated, the Circle would
have been your entire future had the mages not rebelled against Chantry rule.
Like it or not, you had to fight for your life against templars hunting down all
"free" mages. You joined the delegation of mages attending a Chantry conclave in
hopes of negotiating peace with the templars. It didn t go well.

The Qunari are a race of horned giants who follow a strict religious text known
as the Qun. Those who have abandoned its principles are known as Tal-Vashoth and
often work as mercenaries. Qunari characters receive a bonus of 10% to melee

As part of the Valo-kas mercenary company, you have earned a living by your own
wits and the strength of your blade, ignoring the fearful looks you receive from
those around you. Most recently the company was sent to the Chantry conclave as
hired swords meant to keep the peace between mages and templarsa task that has
gone horribly wrong.

Followers of the strict religious philosophy of the Qun, the Qunari appeared
like a tidal wave to the north of Thedas three hundred years ago. You are
Tal-Vashoth, a Qunari who has rejected the Qun and never even lived in Qunari
lands. As part of the Valo-kas mercenary company, you have earned a living by
your own wits and the strength of your blade, ignoring the fearful looks you
receive from those around you. Most recently the company was sent to the Chantry
conclave as hired swords meant to keep the peace between mages and templars -a task that has gone horribly wrong.


Those who can tap into the raw energy of the Fade and block the whispering
temptations of demons are truly exceptional. When they turn that mental focus
onto the field of war, they can be truly terrifying opponents. Rains of fire,
walls of ice, or even the ability to heal allies make up a mages toolkit. Most
employ considerable skills rendering foes not only weakened, but also vulnerable
to physical attacks, setting up opportunities for their teammates to exploit.
Knight Enchanter
- These rare mages received special dispensation from the Chantry to serve in
battle. They summon blades from the Fade and are experts in protection and
- These mages specialize in binding the spirits that are drawn to death. They
can put the fear of death into enemies, bring spirits to fight on their
behalf, and even cause devastating explosions when their enemies die.
Rift Mage
- These mages draw upon the force of the Fade, either pulling matter from the
Fade to attack or twisting the Veil itself into a weapon to stagger or crush
their enemies.

Armed with bows, daggers, and any number of dirty tricks, the rogues primary
focus is damage: tearing foes down one at a time with systematic efficiency.
Rogues commonly use a mixture of stealth and mobility to reach positions of
advantage, be it a snipers perch away from enemy blades or behind an
unsuspecting mage. Deadly and resourceful, rogues can tip the balance of any
strategic assault.
- These specialists control the battlefield with deadly traps. Neither they nor
their explosive mines are ever where the enemy expects them to be.
- Any rogue can kill a target, but assassins make death into an art form. They
specialize in quick, deadly kills that let them slide back into the shadows
undetected, or indirect kills that eliminate targets while the assassin is
safely away.
- These unpredictable experts specialize in using alchemical mixtures that
wreathe them in frost or flame. Fast, chaotic, and possibly mad, they wade
into the fight and dare enemies to face the storm.


Battle-hardened and masters of close combat, warriors are pivotal to any group
entering battle. As front-line fighters, they absorb the brunt of opponent
attacks, steal enemy focus, and create an opening for deadly ranged assaults
from other classes. While some warriors prefer visceral, sweeping damage, many
are silverite-clad bulwarks, weathering any blows they dont deflect with their
- These powerful defenders protect their allies from harm, standing strong
against devastating blows with expert training and fierce determination.
Enemies can t kill themand usually can t survive them.
- As the battle gets bloodier, these vicious and deadly warriors get even more
brutal. Hurting them just makes them mad, a mistake most enemies don t live
to repeat.
- These unrelenting warriors specialize in fighting mages and demons. No enemy s
magic can withstand them, and they inspire and protect their allies with their
righteous power.

C O M B A T & E X P L O R A T I O N




Masters of this school of magic summon cold that bites deeper than the cruelest
winter. Their icy spells slow and weaken enemies.
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1. Winter s Grasp

You lock a target in a sheet of ice, freezing it in place.

Ice Damage: 200% Weapon Damage
Freeze Duration: 4 Seconds
Chill Duration: 8 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 16 Seconds
Cost: 65 Mana
A. Winter s Chill

Winter s Grasp now damages and chills nearby enemies as well. However, only
the primary target is frozen.
Area of Effect: 3 Meters
2. Mana Surge

Your barrier explodes into wild magic when enemies destroy it. The blast freezes
all nearby enemies and allows you to cast your next spell without consuming
Area of Effect: 3 Meters
Freeze Duration: 2 Seconds
Magic on Unlock: +3
3. Fade Step

You let invisible waves of magic carry you forward, blurring ahead a short
Duration: 2 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 12 Seconds
A. Frost Step

Passing through enemies hurts them and leaves them chilled.

Ice Damage: 300% Weapon Damage
Chill Duration: 8 Seconds
4. Frost Mastery

You have mastered the calling of cold, increasing your effectiveness when

chilling or freezing targets.

Freeze Duration Bonus: 25%
Chill Duration Bonus: 25%
Magic on Unlock: +3
5. Winter Stillness

By standing still, you enter into a meditative state that restores your mana at
an enhanced rate and reduces all cooldown times.
Meditation Idle Threshold: 3 Seconds
Mana Generation Rate Bonus: 50%
Willpower on Unlock: +3
6. Wall of Ice

You raise a wall of ice to keep enemies at bay.

Size: 6 Meters
Duration: 20 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 50 Mana
A. Glacial Strength

Wall of Ice creates a larger wall, and you can cast it more often.
Size Bonus: 3 Meters
Cooldown Reduction: 8 Seconds
7. Ice Mine

You mark the ground with a glyph that takes a short time to prime. Once it is
ready, it will freeze the first target to step on it.
Freeze Duration: 6 Seconds
Activation Delay: 3 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 18 Seconds
Cost: 35 Mana
A. Brittle Glyph

While frozen, the victim of Ice Mine loses all armor protection.
Armor Reduction: 100%
8. Ice Armor

You draw on cold magic near you to protect you from attacks. Standing near a
frozen enemy or a persistent cold spell reduces all damage you take.
Damage Reduction: 50%
Willpower on Unlock: +3

9. Blizzard

You summon a freezing blizzard to chill and damage enemies caught in the area.
Can be toggled on and off
Ice Damage: 75% Weapon Damage per second
Chill Duration: 8 Seconds
Area of Effect: 8 Meters
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 5 mana per second
A. Ice Storm

Your blizzard now chills enemies, progressively slowing them until they are
Damage Bonus: 75%
Freeze Duration: 4 Seconds

Masters of this school of magic dominate the battlefield with unrelenting fire.
Enemies who survive the initial blast are driven mad with terror or burn to
death in unquenchable flames.
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1. Flashfire

You ignite an enemy with searing pain and send them fleeing in panic.
Fire Damage: 300% Weapon Damage
Fear Duration: 8 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 20 Seconds
Cost: 65 Mana
A. Blistering Pain

Flashfire burns brighter and hotter, intensifying the panic that your enemy
Fear Duration Bonus: 8 Seconds
2. Immolate

You unleash a massive explosion, leaving enemies in the area burning in agony.
Fire Damage: 300% Weapon Damage
Burning: 75% Weapon Damage per second
Burning Duration: 8 Seconds
Area of Effect: 3 Meters
Cooldown Time: 16 Seconds
Cost: 35 Mana
Eldritch Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo.
A. Wildfire

Immolate burns hotter and has a shorter cooldown time, allowing you to rain
fire upon your enemies more often.
Fire Damage Bonus: 100% Weapon Damage
Burning: 75% Weapon Damage per second
Cooldown Reduction: 4 Seconds
3. Flashpoint

After you land a critical hit, your next spell cast doesn t trigger a cooldown
Magic on Unlock: +3
4. Pyromancer

You have mastered the summoning of fire, increasing your effectiveness when
panicking or burning enemies.
Burning Duration Bonus: 25%
Fear Duration Bonus: 25%
Willpower on Unlock: +3
5. Fire Mine

You mark the ground with a glyph that takes a short time to prime. Once it is
ready, it will erupt into flame when an enemy crosses it, damaging and
staggering the target.
Fire Damage: 1,600% Weapon Damage
Activation Delay: 3 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 35 Mana
A. Searing Glyph

Targets hit by Fire Mine are launched into the air and set aflame, leaving
them burning.
Burning: 200% Weapon Damage per second
Burning Duration: 8 Seconds
6. Clean Burn

Your spells burn away ambient magic that would otherwise slow down your casting.
Every spell you cast shortens your active cooldown times.
Cooldown Reduction: 1 Seconds
Willpower on Unlock: +3
7. Wall of Fire

You conjure a flaming barrier that burns and panics enemies that pass through
Size: 6 Meters
Duration: 20 Seconds
Burning: 200% Weapon Damage per second
Burning Duration: 8 Seconds
Fear Duration: 4 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds
Cost: 35 Mana
A. Lasting Flames

Wall of Fire creates a larger wall, and its flames burn longer on enemies
that pass through it.
Size Bonus: 3 Meters
Damage Duration Bonus: 4 Seconds
8. Chaotic Focus

When you cast a fire spell, the spell consumes half of your current barrier to
empower it. The larger the barrier consumed, the greater the bonus to the
spell s damage.
Barrier Bonus: 50%
Magic of Unlock: +3

Masters of this school of magic call forth the power of thunder and lightning.
Their spells paralyze and arc from one enemy to another.
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1. Chain Lightning

You unleash a blast of lightning that shocks one target and arcs to nearby
Distance: 5 Meters
Number of Hits: 4
Electric Damage: 300% Weapon Damage
Shocked Duration: 8 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds
Cost: 50 Mana
A. Arcing Surge

Chain Lightning arcs farther and hits more targets.

Distance Bonus: 4 Meters
Additional Hits: 2
2. Energy Barrage

You launch a salvo of elemental blasts from your staff that homes in on targets
ahead of you.
Projectiles: 12
Damage per Hit: 66% Weapon Damage
Cooldown Time: 16 Seconds
Cost: 50 Mana
Eldritch Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo
A. Energy Bombardment

Each hit from Energy Barrage lowers the target s resistance to your staff s
magic type for a short time.
Magic Resistance: -2%
3. Stormbringer

The storm comes to your aid even without your calling it. When you are in
combat, lightning will periodically strike a random nearby enemy.

Electric Damage: 300% Weapon Damage

Radius: 25 Meters
Cooldown Time: 15 Seconds
Magic on Unlock: +3
4. Lightning Bolt

You summon a bolt of lightning that blasts and paralyzes a single target. If
other enemies are nearby, the bolt will paralyze the target for longer.
Electric Damage: 200% Weapon Damage
Paralyzed Duration: 2 seconds per nearby enemy
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 65 Mana
A. Exploding Bolt

Lightning Bolt does more damage if there are other enemies nearby, and if
there are enough close to the striking point, a wave of force will knock
back all enemies except for the paralyzed primary target.
Damage Bonus: 200% for every creature within 4 meters.
5. Conductive Current

The more magical energy you expend, the more damage your spells do.
Damage Bonus: 5% for every 10% missing mana
Magic on Unlock: +3
6. Gathering Storm

You use your staff s energy to fill the area with sympathetic magic. Each basic
attack shortens your active cooldown times.
Cooldown Reduction: 0.5 Seconds
Willpower on Unlock: +3
7. Static Charge

You sheathe yourself in lightning while casting spells. Enemies that attempt to
interrupt your casting with attacks are struck by arcs that leave them
Electric Damage: 100% Weapon Damage
Shock Duration: 6 Seconds
Constitution on Unlock: +3
8. Static Cage

You trap enemies inside an electricity field that paralyzes those that try to
Duration: 8 Seconds
Area of Effect: 9 Meters

Paralyzed Duration: 2 Seconds

Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds
Cost: 65 Mana
A. Lightning Cage

Static Cage is now powerful enough to hurt or even kill enemies who leave
its boundaries. Whenever an enemy in the cage takes damage, a lightning bolt
strikes them, dealing bonus electricity damage.
Electric Damage: 50% Weapon Damage

Masters of this school of magic call upon spirits for protection, as well as the
essence of the Fade itself. Their spells disrupt hostile magic, create defensive
barriers, and even heal injuries.
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1. Barrier

You create a shimmering protective barrier that acts as temporary additional

health. The barrier decays naturally over time.
Barrier: 4,116
Area of Effect: 4 Meters
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 50 Mana
A barrier provides an additional health bar that must be destroyed before the
target will take any damage. Barrier is vulnerable to dispel effects.
A. Elegant Defense

You have learned to cast Barrier with a more stable magical pattern. Each
time a barrier you have cast expires, the ability s cooldown time is reduced.
Cooldown Reduction: 4 Seconds
2. Peaceful Aura

Your aura of tranquility makes enemies less likely to attack you in battle, even
when you damage them.
Threat Reduction: 50%
Willpower on Unlock: +3
3. Dispel

You remove hostile magic and status effects from allies while stripping
beneficial effects from enemies.
Size: 5 Meters
Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds
Cost: 35 Mana
Eldritch Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo
A. Transmute Magic

Dispelling magic and status effects increases your own spells

Barrier generation for a brief duration.

damage and

Barrier: 50%
Damage Bonus: 25%
Duration: 10 Seconds
A barrier provides an additional health bar that must be destroyed before the
target will take any damage. Barrier is vulnerable to dispel effects.
4. Rejuvenating Barrier

When you or your allies have an active Barrier, the beneficial energy
invigorates them and helps them recover mana or stamina more quickly.
Mana Regeneration: 35%
Constitution on Unlock: +3
5. Guardian Spirit

A protective barrier springs into place around you automatically when you are
badly injured.
Barrier: 100%
Health Threshold: 25%
Cooldown Time: 60 Seconds
Constitution on Unlock: +3
A barrier provides an additional health bar that must be destroyed before the
target will take any damage. Barrier is vulnerable to dispel effects.

6. Mind Blast

You send enemies staggering with an explosion of willpower that drives them
back and makes them less likely to target you again.
Area of Effect: 5 Meters
Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds
Cost: 20 Mana
Eldritch Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo
A. Fortifying Blast

Each enemy you strike with Mind Blast increases your protective barrier as
you turn their pain into your power.
Barrier: 10%
A barrier provides an additional health bar that must be destroyed before the
target will take any damage. Barrier is vulnerable to dispel effects.
7. Strength of Spirits

Your barriers draw on the magic of the Fade to absorb more energy before
Barrier Bonus: 50%
8. Revival

You summon spirits to heal fallen allies in the area, getting them back on their
feet and fighting again.
Area of Effect: 2 Meters
Cooldown Time: 60 Seconds
Cost: 85 Mana
A. Life Ward

Spirits now protect your allies for a short time, reducing incoming damage
and reviving them if they fall unconscious.
Damage Resistance: 25%
Duration: 15 Seconds

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1. Spirit Blade

You create a blade of solid magic to make melee attacks against nearby enemies,
bypassing their guard and barriers.
Spirit Damage: 300% Weapon Damage
Bonus Damage vs. Barrier: 200%
Bonus Damage vs. Guard: 400%
Cost: 10 mana per attack while active
Eldritch Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo.
A. Defending Blade

You deflect incoming projectiles with Spirit Blade, sending a shockwave of

energy back at the attacker.
2. Combat Clarity

The chaos of combat frightens some, but for you, it s a comfortable rhythm. Your
mana regenerates faster when you re near hostile enemies.
Distance: 5 Meters
Mana Generation Rate Bonus: 50%
Constitution on Unlock: +3
3. Fade Cloak

You surround yourself with the magic of the veil itself. You are briefly
invulnerable and can pass through enemies unharmed.
Duration: 2 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 12 Seconds

Cost: 20 Mana
A. Decloaking Blast

If you rematerialize inside an enemy, they re blasted back with massive

Spirit Damage: 1,000% Weapon Damage
4. Resurgence

You call on benign spirits to restore you and your allies for continuing the
fight. All party members are healed to full health, including those who have
fallen unconscious, and a glyph around you provides ongoing healing to the
party for the spell s duration.
This ability consumes and is powered by focus.
Radius: 5 Meters
Duration: 10 Seconds
Tier 1: Glyph heals 2% per second
Tier 2: Glyph heals 10% per second
Tier 3: Glyph heals 25% per second
5. Fade Shield

You draw back the energy released by your enemies in your attacks against them.
Any successful attack strengthens your barrier. The more damage you do, the
more powerful your barrier grows.
Barrier: 30% of damage dealt
Magic on Unlock: +3
A barrier provides an additional health bar that must be destroyed before the
target will take any damage. Barrier is vulnerable to dispel effects.
6. Veiled Riposte

Whenever you have a barrier active, enemies who attack you will take damage in
Damage Returned: 20%
Magic on Unlock: +3
7. Knight-Protector

You re adept with defensive magic. Barriers you create take longer to
naturally decay.
Barrier Decay Reduction: 35%
Constitution on Unlock: +3
8. Disruption Field

You fill an area with magical energy that slows and weakens your enemies.
Enemies larger than the field are immune.

Speed Reduction: 50%

Radius: 3 Meters
Duration: 10 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 65 Mana
A. Stasis Lock

Enemies caught in Disruption Field are slowed to a stop over the course of
several seconds. Striking them ends the effect.
Speed Reduction: 99%
Duration: 5 Seconds

Years spent studying the Fade have given Solas the ability to manipulate its
energies in unpredictable ways. He can pull matter from the Fade and even twist
the veil into a weapon to hamper his opponents.

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1. Veilstrike

You recreate your own fist from the essence of the Fade and smash nearby foes
to the ground.
Area of Effect: 5 Meters
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 35 Mana

A. Punching Down

You cast veilstrike more easily, and the blow weakens your enemies, causing
them to do less damage.
Cost Reduction: 15 Mana
Weakened Duration: 10 Seconds
2. Stonefist

You summon a boulder from the Fade and smash it into your target, sending them
Spirit Damage: 500% Weapon Damage
Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds
Cost: 50 Mana
Impact Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo
A. Shatterstone

The boulder summoned by Stonefist now explodes on impact, weakening and

staggering nearby enemies.
Area of Effect: 4 Meters
Weakened Duration: 10 Seconds
3. Restorative Veil

You pull stray magic from around weakened enemies to regain mana based on the
damage you do to them.
Mana Recovery: 10%
Magic on Unlock: +3
4. Encircling Veil

You use stray magic around weakened enemies to increase the power of status
effects on them.
Duration Bonus vs. Weakened: 25%
Magic on Unlock: +3
5. Firestorm

You summon flaming meteors, raining fire down upon enemies all over the area
for the next several seconds.
This ability consumes and is powered by Focus.
Radius: 6 Meters
Fire Damage: 150% Weapon Damage
Duration: 15 Seconds
Tier 1: Summon 15 Meteors
Tier 2: Summon 30 Meteors
Tier 3: Summon 55 Meteors
6. Smothering Veil

Weakened enemies have the damage they inflict reduced even further.
Damage Reduction: 30%
Willpower on Unlock: +3
7. Twisting Veil

You catch stray magic around weakened enemies and use them to increase the
damage of your own attacks.
Damage Bonus vs. Weakened: 15%
Magic on Unlock: +3
8. Pull of the Abyss

You create a tiny rift that pulls enemies toward a central point.
Area of Effect: 6 Meters
Duration: 12 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds
Cost: 65 Mana
A. Shaken

You can cast Pull of the Abyss more often, and enemies caught in its effect
are weakened.
Cooldown Reduction: 8 Seconds
Weakened Duration: 10 Seconds

Dorian is well-versed in spells that bind and manipulate Fade spirits, a

practice that does not have the same stigma in the Tevinter Imperium as it does
elsewhere in Thedas.
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1. Horror

You unleash spirits of fear that terrify all enemies within the area.
Panic Duration: 6 Seconds
Area of Effect: 3 Meters
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 50 Mana
A. Despair

Horror inflicts even deeper terror upon targets and reduces their armor
while they are under its effects.
Spirit Damage: 50% Weapon Damage per second
Armor Reduction: 20%
2. Death Siphon

Every time an enemy dies nearby, you regain both health and mana.
Mana Amount: 20
Health Amount: 10%
Constitution on Unlock: +3
3. Blinding Terror

You have learned to leave enemies vulnerable in their terror. Enemies that are
panicked take increased damage from all atacks.
Damage Bonus vs. Panicked: 15%
Magic on Unlock: +3
4. Haste

You increase the speed of the entire party. While this ability is active, all
enemies move and attack more slowly by comparison.

1: Slow
2: Slow
3: Slow

consumes and is powered by Focus.

by 85% for 6 Seconds
by 85% for 12 Seconds
by 85% for 20 Seconds

5. Power of the Dead

Killing enemies attracts spirits that increase the power of your spells for a

short time.
Damage Bonus: 20%
Duration: 10 Seconds
Willpower on Unlock: +3
6. Simulacrum

If you are knocked unconscious, a spirit you control takes on your likeness and
fights on your behalf for a short time. The spirit draws magic directly from the
Fade, casting spells without cost. You cannot be revived by any means until the
spirit leaves.
Duration: 10 Seconds
Willpower on Unlock: +3
7. Spirit Mark

You mark a target with an attacking spirit, inflicting ongoing damage. If the
target dies while marked, the spirit mimics the victim s body briefly to fight
on your behalf.
Can be toggled on and off
Duration: 12 Seconds
Spirit Damage: 75% Weapon Damage per second
Charm Duration: 15 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 20 Seconds
Cost: 50 Mana
A. Lingering Mark

Targets you kill with Spirit Mark now fight for you longer and harder.
Damage Bonus: 75%
Charm Duration: 45 Seconds
8. Walking Bomb

You curse an enemy, inflicting ongoing spirit damage, and then trigger the curse
in a devastating explosion.
Spirit Damage: 200% Weapon Damage per second
Duration: 10 Seconds
Explosion Damage: 600% of Weapon Damage
Area of Effect: 5 Meters
Cooldown Time: 20 Seconds
Cost: 65 Mana
A. Virulent

If Walking Bomb kills your target, the effect spreads to nearby enemies,
causing secondary explosions.




Experts in these talents are masters of misdirection. Whether leaping to safety,

disappearing into the shadows, or tricking enemies into slashing at empty air,
they are never where anyone expects them to be.
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1. Stealth

You step into the shadows, all but invisible to your enemies. Attacking from
stealth gives you a damage bonus and brings you back to the enemy s attention.
Dealing damage to enemies reduces the ability s cooldown time.
Damage Bonus: 100%
Duration: 30 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 20 Stamina
A. Lost in the Shadows

You live in the darkness. Entering Stealth is now instant and removes all
debilitating effects on you. While in Stealth, you cn even pass through
enemies without being detected.
2. Evasion

They can t hit what they can t see. Your deceptive fighting style gives you a
chance to dodge enemy attacks, taking no damage.
Chance to Activate: 5%
Dexterity on Unlock: +3

3. Evade

You leap away from incoming attacks, putting yourself where you need to be to
win this fight.
Cooldown Time: 2 Seconds
Cost: 20 Stamina
A. Hidden Step

Enemies will swear you re still there, attacking empty air and hurting nobody
but themselves as you leap away.
Duration: 3 Seconds
Damage: 300% Weapon Damage
4. Ambush

While you re in stealth and shortly after leaving it, your attacks ignore some
of your target s armor.
Armor Penetration: 50%
Duration: 6 Seconds
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
5. Easy to Miss

Enemies are likely to overlook you in combat, much to their regret. This is
especially true if you re flanking them.
Threat Reduction: 25%
Flanking Threat Reduction: 100%
Cunning on Unlock: +3
6. Knockout Powder

You throw a handful of dosed dust into an enemy s face, putting them to sleep
for a short time.
Duration: 10 Seconds
Area of Effect: 6 meters
Cooldown Time: 20 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
A. Deep Sleep

Enemies affected by Knockout Powder sleep longer and are slow to wake up
after being damaged.
Duration Bonus: 10 Seconds
Damage Sleep Duration: 3 Seconds
7. Mercy Killing

When their hearts aren t in the fight, it s almost too easy. Your attack on

panicked or sleeping enemies are automatically critical hits.

Cunning on Unlock: +3
8. Shadow Strike

You take your enemy by surprise with an attack they never see coming. If you are
in stealth or have not taken damage recently, this attack hits even harder.
Damage: 400% Weapon Damage
Stealth Bonus Damage: 200%
Not Damaged Recently Threshold: 5 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 16 Seconds
Cost: 50 Stamina
Precision Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo.
A. Quick Blade

Shadow Strike costs less stamina, and when you use it while flanking an
opponent, you reduce all of your active cooldown times.
Cost Reduction: 10 Stamina
Cooldown Reduction: 4 Seconds

Experts in these talents specialize in poisons and traps. Their dirty tricks
leave enemies sick and limping, easy pickings for a sharp blade or a barbed
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1. Poisoned Weapons

You coat your weapons in a deadly toxin, making every attack poison enemies for

a short time.
Duration: 10 Seconds
Damage: 60% Weapon Damage per second
Damage Duration: 8 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 20 Stamina
A. Infected Wounds

Your poison helps your blades and arrows bite deeper. You do more damage with
your weapons while Poisoned Weapons is active.
Damage Bonus: 25%
2. Caltrops

You scatter spikes behind you, hurting and slowing down enemies who come after
you. This ability is considered a trap for any abilities that enhance or affect
Duration: 30 Seconds
Radius: 3 Meters
Damage: 10% Weapon Damage per scond
Speed Reduction: 25%
Cooldown Time: 16 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
A. Tread Lightly

Your Caltrops cover a wider area and impede enemies even more.
Radius: 5 Meters
Speed Reduction Bonus: 25%
3. Fighting Dirty

All of your sunder and poison effects last longer as you make more potent toxins
and uglier wounds.
Duration Bonus: 25%
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
4. Looked Like It Hurt

The worst mistake your enemies can make is to let you see them flinch. Whenever
you score a critical hit, you regenerate stamina.
Stamina Restored: 10
Cunning on Unlock: +3
5. Explosive Toxin

Your poisons curdle the blood of your targets. Enemies that die while poisoned
explode in a shower of toxic mist.

Duration: 8 Seconds
Radius: 3 Meters
Damage: 50% Weapon Damage per second
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
6. Hook and Tackle

You hurl a light grappling hook at a target, then yank hard as you leap to pull
yourself to it.
Cooldown Time: 12 Seconds
Cost: 20 Stamina
A. It Beats Walking

You can use Hook and Tackle with no stamina cost or cooldown time.
7. Cheap Shot

Your critical hits tear through enemy armor, leaving it sundered for a short
Duration: 6 Seconds
Cunning on Unlock: +3
8. Toxic Cloud

You unleash a cloud of toxic dust that damages all enemies that remain in the
Duration: 8 Seconds
Radius: 5 meters
Damage: 50% Weapon Damage per second
Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds
Cost: 50 Stamina
A. Contact Poison

Toxic Cloud has a shorter cooldown time and now also poisons enemies in the
Cooldown Reduction: 5 Seconds
Damage: 25% Weapon Damage per second
Duration: 8 Seconds
9. Throwing Blades

You hurl a group of knives at all nearby targets, ripping through their armor
and leaving it sundered.
Number of Hits: 4
Damage per Hit: 100% Weapon Damage
Duration: 8 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 12 Seconds
Cost: 50 Stamina

A. Precision Targeting

When facing fewer targets, you group your knives so that the more blades
that hit a single target, the more damage they inflict.
Damage Bonus: 25%
This bonus stacks.

Experts in this style are fast and deadly, their blades slicing through enemies
defenses -- and throats -- before the have time to react.
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1. Flank Attack

You leap through shadows to attack your foe with deadly strikes that hit them
from behind.
Requires Daggers
Number of Hits: 2
Damage per Hit: 200% Weapon Damage
Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
A. Skirmisher

Before your target turns to face your blow, you move to stealth, impossible
to find.
2. Twin Fangs

You lash out with both daggers, striking deep, with bonus damage if you flank
your foe.

Requires Daggers
Number of Hits: 2
Damage per Hit: 200% Weapon Damage
Damage Bonus: 200%
Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds
Cost: 50 Stamina
Precision Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo
A. Ripping Fangs

If flanking, your Twin Fangs attack will keep your target s armor sundered
from the blow.
Damage Bonus: 100%
Duration: 8 Seconds
3. Bloodied Prey

Your strikes cut deeper into any foe whose current health is lower than your
Damage Bonus: 10%
Cunning on Unlock: +3
4. Parry

You quickly block a strike made by your foe, then counter as their own defenses
Requires Daggers
Damage: 100% Weapon Damage
Cost: 10 Stamina
A. Effortless Riposte

If you succeed in countering a blow, your parry costs no stamina at all.

5. Dance of Death

You regain stamina with every kill, the better to continue your assault.
Stamina Restored: 50
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
6. Unforgiving Chain

Your daggers blur, a dance of deadly pain. Each strike adds to your critical-hit
chance. After a critical attack, your chain resets as you begin another dance.
Critical Hit Chance: 1%
7. Sneak Attack

Attacks upon a target s back or flank are much more likely to be killing blows.

Critical Hit Chance: 22%

Cunning on Unlock: +3
8. Spinning Blades

You lash out with a set of slashing blows that bring you in and drive your
target back.
Requires Daggers
Number of Hits: 5
Damage per Hit: 75% Weapon Damage
Cooldown Time: 16 Seconds
A. Neverending Spin

The number of your deadly slashes grows when you connect with earlier
Additional Hits: 4
9. Deathblow

You lash out hard with swift and deadly skill and then again against a wounded
Requires Daggers
Damage: 200% Weapon Damage
Bonus Damage: 3% for every 1% missing health
Health Threshold: 50%
Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds
Cost: 50 Stamina
Precision Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo
A. Thrill of Victory

Your strike bites deeper, and if it should kill your target, there s no
cooldown on Deathblow.
Damage Bonus: 100%

Experts in this style are masters of ranged combat. They can avoid enemies that
attempt to close, put arrows or bolts through multiple foes, and even unleash
explosive shots to devastating effect.

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1. Death from Above

You do more damage when firing from elevation.

Maximum Bonus Damage: 25%
Maximum Height: 2 Meters
Cunning on Unlock: +3
2. First Blood

You ve learned to pick apart enemies that are still unwounded and unwary. You
do more damage to enemies that are only lightly injured.
Damage Bonus: 15%
Health Threshold: 80%
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
3. Leaping Shot

You dive out of trouble and fire a hail of arrows at the enemies that were
trying to close with you.
Requires a Bow
Projectiles: 12
Damage per Hit: 50% Weapon Damage
Cooldown Time: 12 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
A. Rolling Draw

If Leaping Shot hits, you can use the momentum of your leap to do a stronger
draw as you come back to your feet. Your next attack, whenever you make it,
will knock down its target.
Damage Bonus: 200%
4. Long Shot

You fire a powerful single shot that delivers more damage the farther away from
the target.
Requires a Bow
Damage: 200% Weapon Damage
Damage Bonus: 600% at 15 meters
Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds

Cost: 50 Stamina
Precision Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo
A. Archer s Lance

Long Shot now rips through every enemy along its path, doing bonus damage
for each extra target it hits.
5. Explosive Shot

You fire a powerful shot that explodes on impact, damaging enemies around your
Requires a Bow
Number of Hits: 2
Damage: 100% Weapon Damage
Impact Radius: 4 Meters
Cooldown Time: 12 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
A. Chain Reaction

Shrapnel from Explosive Shot fills the air and sets off deadly chain
reactions that do more damage the more enemies are nearby.
Damage Bonus per Target: 25%
Maximum Bonus Damage: 100%
6. Strafing Shots

You can move faster while firing without sacrificing accuracy.

Speed Bonus: 100%
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
7. Pincushion

If the first arrow doesn t kill them, the tenth might. Each consecutive hit with
a bow attack does progressively more damage to the target.
Damage Bonus: 5%
Bonus Duration: 10 Seconds
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
8. Full Draw

It takes a moment to line up the perfect shot, but it pays off with a
devastating hit that bites even deeper against enemies who aren t injured yet.
Requires a Bow
Damage: 800% Weapon Damage
Damage Bonus: 800% at full health
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 65 Stamina
A. Stunning Shot

Enemies hit by Full Draw are knocked briefly unconscious by the power of
your shot.
Sleep Duration: 20 Seconds

As a spirit dedicated to mercy, Cole is oddly suited to killing enemies with

speed and precision. He can eliminate targets too dangerous to face directly
with strikes they never even notice.
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1. Hidden Blades

They ll swear you leapt from the shadows like a thrown blade and hit your target
with a flurry of strikes from every angle... but it s obvious that you were
nowhere near them at the time.
Number of Hits: 3
Damage per Hit: 300% Weapon Damage
Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds
Cost: 65 Stamina
A. Overkill

You use Hidden Blades faster and more easily, launching even more strikes
on your victim.

Cooldown Reduction: 4 Seconds

Additional Hits: 3
2. Throatcutter

A wounded enemy is the perfect target. Your attacks are even deadlier against
targets that are close to death already.
Damage Bonus: 2% for each 10% missing health
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
3. I Was Never Here

You have learned to use the distraction of an enemy s death to slip silently
into the shadows. Killing a target removes any cooldown on stealth.
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
4. Knockout Bomb

You hurl a grenade containing a powerful concoction that puts nearby enemies to
sleep. Sleeping enemies awaken after taking damage.
Duration: 10 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 20 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
A. Comatose

Enemies affected by Knockout Bomb sleep more deeply, allowing your allies to
hit them even harder with flanking damage.
5. Cloak of Shadows

You go into stealth, and your allies follow your lead. The entire party remains
undetected for the duration of the effect, even while attacking.

ability consumes and is powered by Focus.

1: Duration: 3 Seconds
2: Duration: 6 Seconds
3: Duration: 9 Seconds

6. Knife in the Shadows

You are a deadly threat to any enemy that can t see you coming. When you attack
from stealth, you automatically critically hit.
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
7. Gaps in the Armor

Your attacks slip past armor to find a target s hidden vulnerabilities.

Armor Penetration: 25%

Dexterity on Unlock: +3
8. Mark of Death

You mark your enemy, and every hit on them adds part of its power to the mark s
damage. Trigger your mark when you are ready, and watch them fall from injuries
they never even noticed. You can manually trigger the mark early for bonus
Stored Damage: 100%
Duration: 8 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds
Cost: 10 Stamina
A. Mark of Doom

While it is active, Mark of Death leaves the target vulnerable to even more
Armor Reduction: 20%

With a satchel of dirty tricks, Sera takes the fight to her opponent before
they know they re in it, committing fast and hard -- and if covered in
alchemical fire, all the better.
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1. Flask of Frost

This flask coats you in an icy skin that increases your armor and freezes
enemies that strike you in melee range. You can t use this ability while
another elixir is active.
Damage Resistance: 85%
Duration: 5 Seconds
Freeze Duration: 1 Second
Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds
Cost: 20 Stamina
A. Bitter Chill

Activating Flask of Frost also taunts all nearby foes to attack you.
Radius: 5 Meters
2. Flask of Fire

This flask coats you in flames that spur you to frenzied action. For a short
time, your abilities cost no stamina, and enemies who attack you are knocked
backward. You can t use this ability while another elixir is active.
Duration: 5 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds
Cost: 20 Stamina
A. Unquenchable Flames

While Flask of Fire is active, all your abilities have no cooldown.

3. Flaskmaster

Your experience with elixirs has made you better equipped to handle potions and
other consumables, letting you carry more of them at a time and giving you the
chance not to use an elixir when you activate an elixir ability. This ability
does not apply to healing potions.
Maximum Potions Bonus: 1
Chance to Activate: 25%
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
4. Fury of the Storm

When your stamina is exhausted, you fight even harder, lashing out with fury to
win the fight.
Damage Bonus: 10%
Low Stamina Threshold: 50%
Constitution on Unlock: +3
5. Thousand Cuts

You choose a target, then dash to and fro -- a shadow leaving blood with every
leap. After you slice through other nearby foes, you land behind your target,

striking deep.
This ability consumes and is powered by Focus.
Damage per Hit: 300% Weapon Damage
Tier 1: Number of Hits: 12
Tier 2: Number of Hits: 25
Tier 3: Number of Hits: 38
6. Ride the Storm

The effects of your elixirs last longer if you activate one immediately after
another expires.
Bonus Duration: 3 Seconds
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
7. Killer s Alchemy

You can use more concentrated elixirs that give you an uncanny edge in battle.
You do bonus damage with all attacks for a short time whenever you use an
elixir or potion. The effect stacks.
Damage Bonus: 15%
Duration: 10 Seconds
Constitution on Unlock: +3
8. Flask of Lightning

This flask sends you into a heightened state of incredible speed. Everyone on
the battlefield except you moves much more slowly for a short time. You can t
use this ability while another elixir is active.
Duration: 5 Seconds
Speed Reduction: 60%
Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds
Cost: 20 Stamina
A. Quicksilver

Your Flask of Lightning is more concentrated. Time almost seems to stand

still around you.
Speed Reduction Bonus: 39%
Bonus Duration: 2 Seconds

After years of experience with the Merchants Guild and the Publishing World,
Varric has become an expert at handling deadly traps and convoluted devices.

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1. Spike Trap

You set a trap that, when an enemy approaches, detonates and flings enemies
into the air.
Damage: 300% Weapon Damage
Cooldown Time: 16 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
A. Watch Your Step

You can remain in stealth while using a spike trap, and enemies are flung
even farther into the air.
2. Set Them Up

You ve mastered the proper placement of spikes and levers. When you spring any
kind of trap, your enemies feel it.
Damage Bonus: 25%
Willpower on Unlock: +3
3. Opportunity Knocks

When an ally critically hits, you take advantage of their success faster with
reduced cooldown times.
Cooldown Reduction: 0.5 Seconds
Cunning on Unlock: +3
4. Hail of Arrows

You fire so quickly that enemies will swear there are at least two of you

putting arrows into their ranks. While this ability is active, any Archery
ability you use is duplicated.

ability consumes and is powered by focus.

1: Duration: 12 Seconds
2: Duration: 25 Seconds
3: Duration: 40 Seconds

5. Elemental Mines

You throw out an assortment of different traps in front of you, applying

different elemental effects to enemies that come into range.
Damage: 50% Weapon Damage
Chill Duration: 8 Seconds
Fire Damage: 50% Weapon Damage per second
Fire Damage Duration: 8 Seconds
Shocked Duration: 8 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 50 Stamina
A. Throw Everything

It s now or never. You use every ounce of stamina you ve got to litter the
battlefield with traps. The more stamina you use, the more traps you throw.
Additional Traps: 1 for every 5 stamina
6. Fallback Plan

You place a thieves lantern to mark a fallback location before heading into
battle. When the fight gets ugly, you leap back to safety, as healthy as you
were when you placed your marker.
Duration: 15 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
A. Bait and Switch

You can fight for a longer time before leaping back, and you pull your
closest enemy back with you.
Duration Bonus: 5 Seconds
7. And Take Them Down

Your experience with finding and pointing out enemy vulnerabilities gives the
entire party a better chance to land a critical hit.
Critical Hit Chance Bonus: 5%
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
8. Tricks of the Trade

You help the team make the most of its abilities, increasing the damage and

duration of all status effects anyone in the party applies.

Damage Bonus: 10%
Duration Bonus: 10%
Willpower on Unlock: +3


T W O - H A N D E D

Experts in this style crush their enemies with massive blows that can break
any guard, shatter any armor, and destroy any opponent.
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1. Block and Slash

You stand ready to deflect the next incoming attack and deliver a punishing
counter to your attacker.
Requires a Two-Handed Weapon
Damage: 150% Weapon Damage
Cost: 10 Stamina
Cost: 5 Stamina Per Second

A. Flawless Defense

Countering an enemies attack now does bonus damage and adds to your guard.
Damage Bonus: 50%
Guard Amount: 15%
Guard provides protection from incoming attacks by granting additional
health. Guard must be broken before a target will take damage.
2. Mighty Blow

You deliver a powerful attack that crumples foes, leaving them knocked down
for a short time. You do more damage to targets that are already knocked down.
Requires a Two-Handed Weapon
Damage: 200% Weapon Damage
Damage Bonus: 200%
Cooldown Time: 16 Seconds
Cost: 50 Stamina
A. Easy Target

Mighty Blow costs less stamina and deals increased damage against targets
that have been knocked down.
Cost Reduction: 15 Stamina
Damage Bonus: 300%
3. Flow of Battle

Every critical hit reduces the cooldown times on your abilities, giving you
the edge to finish off your enemy.
Cooldown Reduction: 1 Seconds
Strength On Unlock: +3
4. Shield-Breaker

Your critical hits crack armor and rend shields, sundering your enemy s armor
for a short time.
Armor Reduction: 20%
Duration: 6 Seconds
Strength On Unlock: +3
5. Pommel Strike

You lash out with a fast strike that briefly stuns your target.
Requires a Two-Handed Weapon
Damage: 300% Weapon Damage
Stun Duration: 3 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 20 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
A. Lightning Jab

Pommel strike hits harder and faster.
Cooldown Reduction: 4 Seconds
Stun Duration Bonus: 1 Seconds
6. Whirlwind

You spin with your weapon outstretched, cutting through any enemies in
your path.
Requires a Two-Handed Weapon
Damage Per Hit: 70% Weapon Damage
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 10 Stamina
Impact Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo.
A. Rising Winds

Whirlwind becomes more effective the longer you sustain it.

Damage Bonus Per Rotation: 15%
7. Guard-Smasher

You ve learned how to batter through your enemy s defenses, doing more damage
to their guard with every hit.
Bonus Damage Vs. Guard: 100%
Strength On Unlock: +3
8. Clear a Path

Hitting multipe targets with a single swing of your weapon restores your
stamina for each extra target.
Stamina Restored: 10%
Strength On Unlock: +3
9. Earthshaking Strike

Your great blow tears open the ground with a shockwave that batters enemies
caught in its path.
Requires a Two-Handed Weapon
Number of Hits: 2
Damage Per Hit: 150% Weapon Damage
Area Of Effect: 12 Meters
Cooldown Time: 20 Seconds
Cost: 50 Stamina
A. Shattered Ground

Flames erupt from the fissure left by Earthshaking Strike, damaging enemies
that cross it.

Duration: 8 Seconds
Burning: 20% Weapon Damage Per Second
Burning Duration: 8 Seconds

These cunning warriors control the battlefield and everyone on it. They
bolster their allies, hamper their enemies, and take advantage of any sign
of weakness.
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1. Grappling Chain

With a hooked chain and a lot of muscle, you drag your target into arm s reach.
Damage: 100% Weapon Damage
Cooldown Time: 12 Seconds
Cost: 20 Stamina
A. Give Them the Boot

After Grappling Chain drags an opponent to you, you stun them with a hard
Damage: 200% Weapon Damage
Stun Duration: 3 Seconds
2. Crippling Blows

You know how to take the fight out of your foes. Your critical hits leave
enemies weakened.
Damage Reduction: 15%
Duration: 10 Seconds
This Effect Stacks.

Strength On Unlock: +3
3. Hamstring

When you attack a target from behind, you leave them slowed.
Speed Reduction: 50%
Duration: 3 Seconds
Strength On Unlock: +3
4. Coup de Grace

You deal more damage against enemies that are stunned or knocked down.
Better them than you.
Damage Bonus: 30%
Strength On Unlock: +3
5. Combat Roll

You dive and roll to where the battle need you to be. Whether it s escaping
from a group or moving to flank an opponent.
Cooldown Time: 2 Seconds
Cost: 20 Stamina
A. Roll with It

You can now use Combat Roll to recover from most disabling conditions.
6. Deep Reserves

You get your breath back faster than most. When your stamina is very low, it
regenerates more quickly.
Low Stamina Threshold: 50%
Stamina Generation Rate Bonus: 50%
Strength On Unlock: +3
7. Horn of Valor

Your war horn s blast rings across the battlefield, giving allies the strength
to fight harder.
Damage Bonus: 15%
Armor Bonus: 15%
Duration: 10 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 18 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
A. That s the Spirit

Your horn s blast calls your allies to even greater glory.

Damage Bonus: 35%

8. War Horn

Your war horn s blast puts fear into the hearts of your foes, leaving them
Area of Effect: 8 Meters
Fear Duration: 6 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
A. Break Their Spirit

War Horn now shatters your enemy s guard, and panicked enemies are too
shaken to defend themselves, leaving their armor sundered.
Armor Reduction: 20%
Bonus Damage vs. Guard: 1,200%
W E A P O N & S H I E L D

Experts in this style are still on their feet after punishment that would
kill their allies. They use their shield to protect themselves and stagger
their enemies.
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1. Shield Wall

You stand firm and block incoming attacks at the cost of stamina. Each block
adds to your guard. You move much more slowly while sustaining this ability.
Requires A Shield
Guard provides a protection from incoming attacks by granting additional
health. Guard must be broken before a target will take damage.

A. Chevalier s Step

When you use Shield Wall, your movement is not slowed as much. You also
protect nearby allies by giving them improved armor.
Range: 4 Meters
Armor Bonus: 30%
2. Payback Strike

You recover from any disabled condition and lash out with a great blow against
nearby enemies. If you ve recently taken damage, you hit that much harder and
stagger your foes.
Requires A Shield
Damage: 200% Weapon Damage
Recently Damaged Threshold: 5 Seconds
Damage Bonus: 200%
Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
A. Sweet Revenge

You do more damage with Payback Strike, and if you ve recently taken
damage, you also stun taunted enemies.
Damage Bonus: 200%
Stun Duration: 2 Seconds
3. Bear Mauls the Wolves

Using techniques perfected by Orlesian Chevaliers, you can t be flanked by

enemies, and you re less likely to be staggered when hit from the front.
Constitution on Unlock: +3
4. Warrior s Resolve

You fight all the harder when you re hurting, gaining stamina when you lose
Stamina Restored: 10% for every 10% health lost.
Constitution on Unlock: +3
5. Turn the Bolt

Your expertise with the shield protects you against ranged attacks from the
Damage Reduction: 50%
Constitution on Unlock: +3
6. Shield Bash

Many foes think a shield is just for defense. You correct that mistake with a

brutal slam that does bonus damage to an enemy s guard.

Requires A Shield
Damage: 300% Weapon Damage
Bonus Damage vs. Guard: 800%
Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
Impact Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo.
A. Ring the Bell

You now lunge forward with Shield Bash, and you do even grater damage to
an enemy s guard.
Bonus Damage vs. Guard: 400%
7. Lunge and Slash

You lunge forward, then spin with a slashing strike if your first blow
connects. You can use this attack to close with opponents.
Requires A Shield.
Damage: 175% Weapon Damage
Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
Impact Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo.
A. Great Lunge

The farther you lunge before striking your target, the more damage you
do to them.
Damage Bonus: 75% at 5 Meters
Damage Bonus: 250% at 10 Meters
8. Turn the Blade

Any blow you can see, you can turn aside. All damage coming from the front
is reduced.
Damage Resistance: 20%
Constitution on Unlock: +3

These stalwart warriors protect their allies by making themselves the

biggest target on the battlefield. When enemies take the bait, vanguards
pick them apart with brutal precision.
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1. War Cry

You taunt all nearby enemies with a shouted challenge, gaining extra guard
for each enemy affected.
Duration: 4 Seconds
Guard per Enemy: 20%
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
Guard provides protection from incoming attacks by granting additional health.
Guard must be broken before a target will take damage.
A. Call to Arms

You draw strength from your War Cry, improving your armor for the coming
Armor Bonus: 200%
Duration: 10 Seconds
2. Challenge

Your powerful shout carries across the battlefield, taunting a targeted enemy
and improving your guard.
Duration: 8 Seconds
Guard Amount: 10%
Cooldown Time: 16 Seconds
Cost: 20 Stamina
Guard provides protection from incoming attacks by granting additional health.
Guard must be broken before a target will take damage.
A. Throw the Gauntlet

Successfully hitting a target with Challenge gets your blood pumping,

temporarily increasing your stamina regeneration.
Bonus Regeneration: 15 Stamina per second.
3. Untouchable Defense

They can t kill what they can t hit. You get a bonus to your maximum guard.

Maximum Guard Bonus: 25%

Constitution on Unlock: +3
4. Charging Bull

You slam into your enemies, increasing your guard and knocking them down as
you break through their lines.
Damage: 150% Weapon Damage
Guard per Enemy: 10%
Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds
Cost: 5 Stamina Per Second
Guard provides protection from incoming attacks by granting additional health.
Guard must be broken before a target will take damage.
A. Gore and Trample

After you finish your charge, your next ability costs no stamina.
Duration: 6 Seconds
5. Trust the Steel

You know how to make the most of your equipment, gaining a bonus to armor
when you have active guard.
Armor Bonus: 20%
Constitution on Unlock: +3
6. It ll Cost You

Any foe that attacks you in melee is going to bleed for it, taking a portion
of the damage they inflict.
Damage Returned: 15%
Strength on Unlock: +3
7. Cutting Words

Your party does more damage to taunted targets as you rattle your enemies
nerves and goad them into mistakes that leave them open.
Damage Bonus: 20%
Strength on Unlock: +3
8. Unbowed

You focus on your defensive training, gaining guard for each nearby enemy.
Guard per Enemy: 10%
Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds
Guard provides protection from incoming attacks by granting additional health.
Guard must be broken before a target will take damage.

A. Still Standing

Unbowed further improves your guard for each nearby enemy, giving you the
strength to stay on your feet.
Guard Generation Bonus: 100%
9. Bodyguard

You accept blows meant for allies, taking a portion of the damage.
Damage Transfer: 50%
Duration: 15 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
A. Not Today

You ignore part of the damage transferred from party members.

Damage Resistance: 50%

As the battle gets bloodier, these vicious and deadly warriors get even more
brutal. Hurting them just makes them mad, a mistake most enemies don t live
to repeat.
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1. Ring of Pain

You mark part of the battlefield as yours. Enemies inside the ring take spirit
damage while your own attacks inside the ring hit harder. The more you are
hurt, the stronger both effects are.
Can be toggled on and off.
Area of Effect: 15 Meters
Damage: 15% Weapon Damage Per Second
Damage Bonus: 1% for each 1% Missing Health
Cost: 10 Stamina Per Second
A. Torrent of Pain

While Ring of Pain is active, Devour costs less stamina and has a shorter
cooldown time, and Dragon-Rage costs less of your own health.
Cooldown Reduction: 4 Seconds
Cost Reduction: 20%
2. Blood Frenzy

They thought you d get weaker once they d wounded you. They were very wrong.
Damage Bonus: 5% for each 10% missing health
Strength on Unlock: +3
3. Fervor

When an enemy dies near you, the thrill of death spurs you to hit that much
Damage Bonus: 30%
Duration: 5 Seconds
Range: 10 Meters
Cunning on Unlock: +3
4. Rampage

You re an unstoppable fury of physical force while this ability is active.

Your attacks are harder and faster, and you gain health with each strike.
This ability consumes and
Duration: 10 Seconds
Tier 1: 10% Attack Speed,
Tier 2: 20% Attack Speed,
Tier 3: 30% Attack Speed,
5. Terrifying Fury

is powered by focus.
Life Steal, and Damage
Life Steal, and Damage
Life Steal, and Damage

Your critical strikes have a chance to cause a gory mess and send nearby
enemies fleeing in panic.
Fear Chance: 25%
Area of Effect: 10 Meters
Fear Duration: 6 Seconds
Cunning on Unlock: +3
6. Scenting Blood

Being near a badly wounded enemy spurs you into a frenzy, driving you to move
faster and giving you a better chance of striking deadly blows.
Range: 10 Meters
Health Threshold: 35%
Speed Bonus: 50%
Critical Hit Chance Bonus: 10%
Constitution on Unlock: +3
7. Devour

Blood is life. You rip into your enemy, doing damage based on how badly you re
wounded and healing yourself. Ring of Pain significantly increases the effect.
Damage: 100% Weapon Damage
Health Restored: 0.2% for every 1% health lost
Damage Bonus: 2% for each 1% missing health
Cooldown Time: 12 Seconds
Cost: 65 Stamina
Ring of Pain Bonus Health Restored: 0.4% for every 1% health lost
A. Consume

After you attack with Devour, your next use of Dragon-Rage has a better
chance of ripping deeply into your target for a critical strike.
Critical Hit Chance Bonus: 25%
8. Dragon-Rage

You launch an attack fueled by your fury, ripping into foes for damage that
increases as your own wounds deepen. Ring of Pain significantly increases
the effect. You take damage with each swing.
Damage: 150% Weapon Damage
Damage Bonus: 1% for each 1% missing health
Cost: 2% Health
Ring of Pain Bonus Damage Bonus: 50%
A. Ravage

For some, Dragon-Rage is a dangerous ability. For you, it s the only way to
fight. You now hit harder and reduce the cooldown time for Devour with every
Damage Bonus: 50%
Cooldown Reduction: 2 Seconds


These unrelenting warriors specialize in fighting mages and demons. No

enemy s magic can withstand them, and they inspire and protect their allies
with their righteous power.
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1. Spell Purge

Through faith and will, you dispel all hostile magic from the area around you.
Area of Effect: 5 Meters
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
Eldritch Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo.
A. Spell Shatter

Spell Purge now deals massive area damage when dispelling barriers and other
beneficial effects on enemies.
Damage: 600% Weapon Damage
2. Blessed Blades

You rally all of your nearby allies to fight with greater strength, especially
when facing demons.

Damage Bonus: 15%

Duration: 24 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 10 Stamina
A. Lights in the Shadow

Attacking enemies while you re affected by Blessed Blades reduces the

cooldown times of Spell Purge and Wrath of Heaven.
Cooldown Reduction: 0.5 Seconds
3. Champions of the Just

Your righteous fervor inspires the entire party to fight harder against demons.
Damage Bonus: 10%
Strength On Unlock: +3
4. Maker s Will

Your party s attacks have a chance to weaken their targets.

Weaken Chance: 5%
Weakened Duration: 6 Seconds
Willpower On Unlock: +3
5. Rally

You inspire your allies to fight harder. Your party s guard, stamina, and mana
build over time, and all party members gain damage resistance against incoming
This ability consumes and is powered by focus.
Duration: 15 Seconds
Tier 1: 10% Guard Generation and Stamina/Mana Regeneration Per Second /
10% Damage Resistance.
Tier 1: 20% Guard Generation and Stamina/Mana Regeneration Per Second /
20% Damage Resistance.
Tier 1: 30% Guard Generation and Stamina/Mana Regeneration Per Second /
30% Damage Resistance.
6. The Last Sacrifice

Even should you fall, you give your allies the strength to fight on harder in
your name.
Health Amount: 100%
Damage Bonus: 50%
Duration: 10 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 60 Seconds
Constitution on Unlock: +3
7. There Is No Darkness

Your faith is your protection against the elements, and not for you alone.
The entire party gains increased resistance to fire, ice, electric and spirit
Damage Resistance: 10%
Willpower On Unlock: +3
8. Wrath of Heaven

You summon a blinding pillar of light that stuns nearby enemies and damages
Damage: 400% Weapon Damage
Area of Effect: 4 Meters
Stun Duration: 4 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 65 Stamina
A. Embrace the Light

Wrath of Heaven does even more damage to demons and leaves enemies stunned
for longer.
Danage Bonus: 300%
Stun Duration Bonus: 2 Seconds

These powerful defenders protect their allies from harm, standing strong
against devastating blows with expert training and fierce determination.
Enemies can t kill them - and usually can t survive them.
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1. Line in the Sand

You call upon the legacy of the greatest champions in history, defying enemies
as you hold your position. This stops enemies from moving past you and enables
you to block choke points.
Size: 6 Meters
Duration: 12 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 20 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
A. And No Further

Your protected area increases, making it even harder for enemies to pass by.
Size Bonus: 3 Meters
2. Bulwark

You stand all the stronger to finish the fight, gaining a bonus to your
maximum guard.
Maximum Guard Bonus: 25%
Constitution On Unlock: +3
3. Resilience

You don t flinch, don t blink, and don t back down. Enemies that hit you with
melee attacks are staggered by recoil.
Stun Chance: 5%
Stun Duration: 2 Seconds
Constitution On Unlock: +3
4. Counterstrike

You push yourself to the limit, gaining full guard and taunting all nearby
enemies. While the ability is active, you automatically counter all melee
This ability consumes and is powered by focus.
Tier 1: Duration: 6 Seconds
Tier 2: Duration: 12 Seconds
Tier 3: Duration: 20 Seconds
Guard provides protection from incoming attacks by granting additional health.
Guard must be broken before a target will take damage.
5. Adamant

You ve trained hard, and you know how to make the most of whatever armor
you re wearing.
Armor Bonus: 20%
Constitution On Unlock: +3
6. Unyielding

An attack that would bring you down instead leaves you with a small amount of
health, and you are immune to all damage for a short time.
Invulnerability Duration: 5 Seconds
Health Threshold: 5%
Cooldown Time: 60 Seconds
Constitution On Unlock: +3
7. To the Death

You taunt an enemy into a frenzy. Their damage output increases over time,
but so does the amount of damage they take. The effect ends if you get out
of range of the enemy.
Range: 15 Meters
Enemy Damage Output: 5% Increase Per Second
Enemy Damage Taken: 5% Increase Per Second
Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
A. En Garde

While To the Death is active, your guard improves as your target takes
damage and you correct weaknesses of your own.
Guard Amount: 25%
8. Walking Fortress

You may not be able to hold them off forever, but right now, nothing can
touch you. You have complete immunity to damage for a short time.
Duration: 8 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds
A. Siege-Breaker

Every attack that strikes you reduces your cooldown time and increases your
Cooldown Reduction: 1 Second
Guard Amount: 10%

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The Walkthrough is written for Nightmare difficulty so the strategies included

are for the hardest mode. Some things might not seem necessary on lower levels
of difficulty, often things that are not heavy damage in Normal can destroy
your party in Nightmare. Most items are random in the game. Rare Schematics and
Unique (Purple) items seem to be static, but Rare Armor and Weapons are random
in nature. They will be noted as such when you loot the container, so if you
wanted it s possible to save, open the chest, decide whether you like the Rare
Weapon/Armor or not and reload if you don t.
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.. __________________________________________________________________________


[ ] Figurine of Maferath the Betrayer [ ] Lifeward Amulet

[ ] Elfroot
[ ] Iron

Lesser Shade
Lesser Terror

[ ] The Conclave
[ ] The Qunari
[ ] Divine Justinia V
[ ] Shade
[ ] Wraith
[ ] Varric Tethras

Greater Shade
* Pride Demon



The Breach
Adaar, The Vashoth
Cassandra Pentaghast

Get to the Rift with Cassandra

At the start of the game you ll be able to choose your race and class then you
can customize the looks of your character. Some scenes will take place at this
point and you can answer however you wish. Once you gain control head through
the gate and turn left. The path is fairly linear, just navigate over the bridge
where it gets taken out and you are forced into battle. You ll pick up a weapon
that is suited to the class you chose at the start, ie; an Archer will find a
bow, Mages will find a Staff, Two-Hand Warriors will find a Greatsword. The two
Shades are simple enough to defeat, if you lure the one focusing on you over to
Cassandra she can use Taunt to allow you flanking and distance if you are
Ahead you ll find a lootable [CORPSE] then two more Shades. Send Cassandra
down into the lower levels to get their attention then follow up with your own
arsenal. Turn around go near the trees to find some [IRON] then jump back to
the frozen river. Go left to find some loot and [ELFROOT] then climb up the
cliff to the left by jumping. You ll find more loot near the wagons as you head
back to the bridge. Loot the [ELFROOT] then head back to the frozen stream.
Continue down the frozen stream to find a Shade and up the stairs a
Wraith -- this enemy strikes from a distance so take it out first. Check the

corner to the right of the ramp for some [ELFROOT] then head over the hill and
look right to find a Lesser Shade and Wraith, easily wrangled up by Cassandra.
There is some fire nearby, look from it across the ice to find two more Wraiths
and a Lesser Shade. Head to the right of the staircase infront of you to find
some [IRON] and [ELFROOT] then ascend.
A number of Shades infest this area, but you have some help. Quickly dispatch
these foes to trigger a scene where you ll meet Solas and Varric Tethras. From
here you ll receive a new task.
Reach the Forward Camp

Go down the ramp and button hook right to the corner. Loot the corpse to find
a [FIGURINE OF MAFERATH THE BETRAYER] and some [IRON]. Move down the path to an
open area in the ice. Numerous Shades and Wraiths appear, so focus on the
Wraiths first to allow your party to focus on the Greater Shade all at once.
You can actually do a little exploring at this point. Turn right and go past the
house for now, you ll find some [IRON] up the hill. Go back down the hill and
right of the trees, you ll find more [IRON] and then [ELFROOT] behind the rock.
Enter the house and loot the few things inside. Go straight down the river,
bypassing the steps to your right. Search the burning house for some loot,
behind it is another [ELFROOT]. Continue along the path, more [ELFROOT] along
the way up the hill where you ll find a Greater Shade and two Lesser Shades in
a camp. Defeat them and loot the [IRON] then the [LIFEWARD AMULET].
Make your way back to center then head up the staircase. Another Greater Shade
is accompanied by Lesser Shades and Wraiths, remember to take out the Wraiths
first! Up the hill to right is more [IRON], if you follow the path you ll find
more [ELFROOT] amidst the trees before the Rift. Your objective here is to
clear out the area and seal the Rift. Use your Action command to seal it, you
will gain enough experience to level up at this point so assign your points
carefully. Don t proceed just yet, turn left and go slightly down the cliff to
find yet another [ELFROOT].
At the Forward Camp you can replenish your potions and loot a [STRONGBOX]. You
will find Leliana and be forced to make a decision on how to reach the Temple
of Sacred Ashes.
Reach the Temple through the Mountain Path

Climb up aways, when you reach the tunnel you ll find a Greater Shade and two
Wraiths waiting for you. Proceed up the stairs and down the path a little until
you reach a small room. Light the torch and loot the [CHEST] before continuing
on. Ahead you can loot some smaller items, up the stairs is a Greater Shade,
Lesser Shade, and two Wraiths waiting to ambush you. Loot the [SACK] on the
balcony and head outside. Veer off the path to the left to spot more [IRON] and
[ELFROOT], ahead is another Rift
Like last time defeat the wave of demons but be prepared for a new enemy, the
Lesser Terror, after you defeat the initial wave. Seal the Rift then head down
the ladder.
Charge with the Soldiers

Head up to a small encampment. Plenty of dead bodies to the left, but more
importantly a [STRONGBOX] to the right with assorted gear and loot. Continue
past the gate and join the soldiers already fighting the Wraiths and Shades.
As you get to the rift in the distance, two new enemies, the Lesser Terrors,
will show up. Take them out and then seal the Rift. You ll get a cut-scene

here as you push onward to the temple.

Find a Way Down to the Rift

Loot the body here then descend for a quick cutscene. Afterwards, progress
around and drop down to the Breach for another scene.

BOSS: Pride Demon

Level 4
Health: 16565
Defense: 34
Resistance: Electricity
Immunity: Asleep, Frozen, Paralyzed, Physical Effects
Ability: Perceptive

The Pride Demon has some nasty little abilities, one of which is an electric
whip that reaches quite a distance. The best practice for this battle is to
have Cassandra use Challenge then move her towards a wall with her back to it.
This way the Pride Demon has his back to the rest of the party and you can
utilize Solas and Varric s ranged attacks. Use your Inquisitor to disrupt the
Fade Rift, this will stun the Pride Demon and weaken it temporarily allowing
for a chunk of damage to be dealt. Be careful at this point, Lesser Shades will
join the fray when you interrupt the Fade Rift.
Do your best to keep Barrier on Cassandra and have her use Challenge and Shield
Wall to mitigate as much damage as possible. When the Lesser Shades come you
should change your focus to them then back to the Pride Demon. When it uses
Guard you can disrupt the Fade Rift again to break it then stun and weaken the
foe. Repeat this a few times and you ll come out victorious.
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[ ] Elfroot

Templar Archer
Templar Knight

Templar Defender


[ ] Letters & Notes #57 - Patient Observations

[ ] Tales #19 - Andraste s Mabari
[ ] Tales #5 - "Nightingale s Eyes"
[ ] Places #30 - The Fade
[ ] History #1 - A Chant for the Departed



Chantry Hierarchy
Founding of the Chantry
The Children of Andraste
The Maker

Find Cassandra in the Chantry

After the short scene you can loot an item from the middle of the floor. Check
the paper on the desk for [PATIENT OBSERVATIONS]. You ll also find some special
items in the box nearby. Head outside when you are ready.
From where you awaken head behind the building to the northwest. Here you ll
find two [ELFROOT] and a [CHEST]. Continue behind the house you came from for
another [ELFROOT]. Continue to the left of the starting place to find more
[ELFROOT] and a [POT] that can be looted. Head up the steps to find a note on
the left pillar, [ANDRASTE S MABARI]. Check the pot to your left then go behind
the house to find two [ELFROOT]. Inside the house you ll find a note that
There s plenty to loot in the tent area, including a [CHEST] that gives some
[SONG LYRICS] for Patron of the Arts. To the right of the Chantry you ll find
two [ELFROOT] and on the left another with a sack and pot as well. There are a
number of houses to the right of the chantry, as well as loot. Inside the
houses over here is another [PATIENT OBSERVATIONS] as well as [THE RANDY
DOWAGER QUARTERLY]. You can also fing two [ELFROOT] around the houses if you
look. After nabbing these things head to the chantry.
Head inside to the left to spot a sack and a note on the counter that is [THE
FADE]. Check the scroll on the barrel nearby for [A CHANT FOR THE DEPARTED],
then take the first door on the left. Down the hallway you ll find a pot and
two notes, [CHANTRY HIERARCHY] and [FOUNDING OF THE CHANTRY]. At the end of the
hall you ll find prison cells that a Rogue can open and a [SMALL CHEST] that
has something good.
Head back up and into the next room on the left. Here you ll find a note
covering [THE CHILDREN OF ANDRASTE] as well as a Research Station and Minaeve.
Go across the hall and read the book on the bed for [THE MAKER] then head into
the main door for a cutscene.
Report to Haven s Chantry

Feel free to explore Haven a little bit, there s quite a few things you can do
before you head to the Chantry. Visit the Chantry to trigger a cutscene where
you ll have plenty of chances to respond. From here you ll enter the War Table
where you can pick Orlais or Ferelden. You ll need to choose Ferelden and then
Scout the Hinterlands. From here you must spend 1 Power by using Secrets. You
should start by sending some people out to locations in Ferelden, most of them
are on a pretty short timer.
War Table
- The Fallow Mire (Lost Soul)
- The Storm Coast (Vigilance on the Coast)
Travel to the Hinterlands to Speak with Mother Giselle

Head to the Crossroads at the Hinterlands when you are ready to proceed. Do
take some time to set up camps and the like. Here you ll need to defeat a few
apostates. Take the time to claim the landmark here, [SAGA OF TYRDDA BRIGHTAXE, AVVAR-MOTHER], then focus on taking out the mages. Once you do this you

will have a wave of 4 Templars come in from the west so take some cover. The
Defender and Knight can be brutal. Try to keep one of the Feared or Frozen so
you can take out the Templar Archers quickly. Once you defeat them you ll gain
control of the Crossroads.
Travel to Val Royeaux

Talk to Corporal Vale, he asks for help along with a myriad of other activities.
These will gain Power allowing you to travel to Val Royeaux, you will need at
least 4 Power to do this. You enter in the Main level, check out all the plaques
along the way to the center to gain [THE AVENUE OF HER REFLECTIVE THOUGHT].
Turn left to find another plaque then check the bulletin board. You ll want to
inspect the numerous plaques around the central pillar, it s a lot of
experience. Address the Templars in the central area to advance the plot.
You ll want to return to the Chantry in Haven to progress the story but Val
Royeaux offers new companions and lots of exploration! As you move around Grand
Enchanter Fiona will address you at some point, you now have two paths -[CHAMPIONS OF THE JUST] and [IN HUSHED WHISPERS]. When you return to the Chantry
at Haven you ll have to speak with the group.

| You think the mage rebellion is more united? It could be ten times |
| worse!
| - We should meet the mages (Cassandra -1)
| - We should find the templars (Cassandra +1)
| - You must choose soon. (Cassandra +5)
. .
< () >
.. __________________________________________________________________________


[ ] Prison Key
[ ] Rare Armor
[ ] Bianca Arms III
[ ] Rare Weapon
[ ] Cooldown Amulet



Lesser Terror
Venatori Spellbinder
* Alexius

Venatori Zealot


[ ] A Prayer to the New God

[ ] A Guard s Journal
[ ] Alexius s Journal
[ ] Spellbinder s Journal
[ ] Studies on the Blight


Rare Weapon
Bleeder of Souls
Circle of Magi Banner
Staff of Stasis

Travel to Redcliffe and Make Contact with the Mages

Head to the Chantry at Haven, you don t have to make a decision right now so
you can say whatever you want during the scene. From here you ll want to go to
the Crossroads in the Hinterlands and head north. It should be a pretty quiet
run until you get almost there. The objective will change and a Fade Rift can
be seen in the distance. Defeat the few Lesser Terrors that attack then close
the Fade Rift and go through the gate.
Go to the Gull & Lantern to Meet Fiona

There s a lot to do in Redcliffe. Go around and shop, start some quests by

speaking to the people around town, and break into some houses if you can. There
are plenty of codex entries to find as well for quick experience gain. You can
even find Connor, son of the previous Arl of Redcliffe, down by the docks
pending he is still alive in your game. Head to the Gull & Lantern tavern when
you are done running around. You ll meet Grand Enchanter Fiona, but oddly enough
she thinks is the first time you ve met. Something is definitely going on and
just when you thought you d never get an answer, it comes barging through the
Magister Alexius of the Tevinter Imperium walks in with his son Felix. You need
to deal with Alexius because Fiona has no negotiation powers anymore. Answer how
you wish, Felix eventually feigns illness and casually drops a note for you. The
note warns about Alexius and asks you to meet in the Chantry. Before doing so,
talk with people in the tavern. Clemence will ask to join the Inquisition after
your conversation with him, he aids Cullen in completing operations 5% faster.
In the Chantry you ll meet Dorian and he needs your assistance closing a Fade
Rift. The enemies include Wraiths and Terrors, be sure to freeze them in place
so you can defeat the Wraiths more easily. Close the Fade Rift and talk to
Dorian. He breaks the news on what Alexius is trying to do and asks to be there
if you are going after him.
NOTE: You can break into the two homes that are locked tight with the Deft Hands
Perk. Inside the Wheelhouse you ll find a [CHEST] with a [MASTERWORK
SCHEMATIC] and a [BOTTLE OF THEDAS] on the table. The other house has
the [LYRIUM] codex and a [CHEST]
Head back to Haven, it s time to make a decision. To stay on this path just
choose "In Hushed Whispers" -- it still costs 15 Power. Dorian is forced to come
along, there are some objects that require a Warrior to bash and a Rogue to
lockpick so bring at least one of each class. Starting the mission triggers a
long cutscene at the Redcliffe Castle.
Redcliffe Castle

You are warped after the cutscene and two Venatori Zealots will attack. Loot
the [PRISON KEY] and head up the left stairs to find a [POT] and on the other
side is a [SNAKE BOX]. Go up the other set of stairs and loot the objects in the
cell before advancing to the door. There are more objects to loot along the way,
but in the end you need to climb the staircase.
Here you ll find more Venatori Zealots. Defeat them and descend the left path,
taking the left door to a chest. The central door leads to Fiona, she s in a
bit of a rutt. After listening to what happened go back up the central room
then down to the right side. Here you ll find your two companions that were
with you, you ll need to convince them you aren t dead.
Return to upper cells and your met by four Venatori Zealots and a Venatori

Spellbinder, be sure he goes down first. Up the steps to the Guard Barracks,
there s plenty to loot. Be sure to grab the note on the table, [A PRAYER TO THE
in the corner. Open the locked door with a Rogue and the one opposite it to find
Find a Way Back to Alexius s Throne Room

Continue up to the torture area, the side room has some loot. Up the stairs you
can open the door to find Hanley and two Venatori Zealots. Loot the bodies for
the [BLEEDER OF SOULS] and [BIANCA ARMS II]. Continue up to the next room, door
on the left, to find Leliana. Pay attention to the dialogue, it s rather unique
and interesting. Proceed down the hall and across the bridge into the Torture
Chambers. Time to seal a Fade Rift, be sure to deal with the Wraiths first.
Use the wheel to raise the portcullis and enter the docks. Clear out the two
Lesser Shades then loot the area, the [SUPPLIES CACHE] included to refill your
Potions. Climb up to the Courtyard, another Fade Rift with plenty of Lesser
Shades to deal with. Shortly ahead is another, so deal with the demons and get
to closing it. Head to the Upper Royal Wing, searching the left room for
Ahead you ll find some loot, a [CIRCLE OF MAGI BANNER], and another [SUPPLIES
CACHE]. In the open room you ll need to fight off Spellbinders and Shades while
you close the Fade Rift, stick to cover if you need it. Loot the corpses for a
[RED LYRIUM SHARD], you ll need 5 of these. Go through the southeast door and
up the steps. In the room here you ll find another Spellbinder and Venatori
Zealots. Kill the Spellbinder and drop some heavy area of effect near the steps
for a quick win. Loot the 2nd [RED LYRIUM SHARD] and the [PUNISHER] from the
chest in the back.
Loop around the hallway to a large room, another Spellbinder and cronies. Grab
the third [RED LYRIUM SHARD] from their bodies then head into the next room.
Check the [SUPPLY CACHE] and [LOCKBOX] while you re in here for loot. Have a
Rogue open the door here then open the door across to find a Spellbinder, the
fourth [RED LYRIUM SHARD] on him. Read up on the [STUDIES ON THE BLIGHT] then
bash the northern wall down with a Warrior. Loot the pot for the [APOSTATE
STAFF] schematic. Break the other wall down to surprise two Zealots, kill them
and head out.
Check both doors on the way out, at the bottom of the staircase is another
[SUPPLY CACHE], use it then go across from here through the door. Defeat the
Spellbinder and the Gladiators to obtain the last [RED LYRIUM SHARD]. Take them
back to the main hall and place them in the door to trigger a cutscene and boss

BOSS: Alexius
Level 7
Health: 25134
Defense: 13
Resistance: N/A
Immunity: All Disabling Effects
Ability: Perceptive

The first thing you should notice is that Alexius has no resistances or

vulnerabilities. This means all your physical and magical attacks will do full
damage but you lack the ability to combo since you cannot incapacitate him. He
has the ability to teleport far away so you ll want to focus on ranged attacks.
His arsenal of spells is fairly limited, the battle gets rough when you drop
Alexius s health below 50%. He summons a Fade Rift and you ll need to contend
with demons during this phase. Alexius isn t targetable here so Disrupt the
Rift and take out the small fry, closing the Fade Rift afterward.
Focus on building Guard and placing Barrier on your Warrior, you ll be able to
mitigate nearly all of the damage this way. At 25% health Alexius will summon
a second Fade Rift with even more demons. Like last time, focus on the demons.
You can cast Dispel on the location they are going to spawn to stop them from
spawning completely and placing runes or traps on the spawn location is fairly
useful for a lot of quick damage. At this point Alexius can be targeted down
and defeated.
Loot: Staff of Stasis, Cooldown Amulet
The scene that takes place afterward is pretty amazing. With everything restored
head back to the Chantry in Haven. Here you ll be given an opportunity to
recruit Dorian into the Inquisition.
. .
< () >
.. __________________________________________________________________________


[ ] Amulet of Power
[ ] The Sunless Staff

[ ] Lord Seeker s Key


Red Templar
Red Templar Marksman
Red Templar Horror
Knight-Templar Denam

[ ] Tales #116 - To Be Corrupted

[ ] Letters #29 - Envy s Dogma
[ ] Tales #68 - Majestic Bastards
[ ] Tales #16 - A Nutty Affair
[ ] Tales #55 - Her Perfumed Sanctuary
Head to the Inquisition s War Room

Taking the path of reaching out to the Templars will bar you from working
with the mages. But who better to fight against this magic than those trained
to do so? To start down this path, you must visit the Inquisition s War Room
and send an agent out, which will cost 15 Power total. A small price if you
have been exploring additional areas. Doing so will take you to a meeting with
the Lord Seeker immediately with a host of Orlesian Nobles at your back.

Meet with the Templar Contact

After speaking to the Nobles you will be free to move. You can find some minor
loot down the road you came from (minor money), but we must press on to our
contact. In the stable area search both stables for loot and be sure to read the
[FOLDED LETTER], then talk to Knight-Templar Barris.
Raise the flags in order of importance

Next, you will be asked to undergo a ritual: raise the flags shown to you in
the order you value them. A very... personal objective. You can also side with
the noble and demand to see the Lord Seeker if you wish.
The choice is of course yours, but we may as well accommodate our guests. You
can find some loot around the courtyard before raising the flags. Raise the
flags in the order you wish. You will have a chance to explain your actions
afterwards. Be sure to read the [CREASED NOTE].
Andraste Highest - Cassandra +1, Solas -1
People Highest - Varric +1, Sera +1, Vivienne -1
Templar Highest - Blackwall -1, Sera -1, Vivienne +1
Talk to Knight-Templar Barris
- I let faith guide me. (Solas -1, Sera -1)
- I decided based on politics (Blackwall -1, Sera -1, Vivienne +2, Iron Bull +1)
- My reasons are my own. (Solas +2, Blackwall +1)
- I picked at random. (Solas -1, Blackwall +1, Sera +1)
Meet the Lord Seeker

Head into the next door/objective to start a meeting. Your replies don t matter
here, as the knights have a sinister purpose. Once the fighting breaks out,
have your tank taunt the front knights while you take out the archers, then
clean up. Barris will help out here. Loot and go through the next door.
Kill the soldiers in the hall and nab the nearby loot, then head right. There
is an open room here with a [CHEST] and some loot, amongst them the [SEALED
ORDERS], but there is also a door nearby that a Rogue can unlock with two
[CHESTS]. Once you have them, head to the other end of the hall and up the
stairs. There is another door someone can pick with more loot. Head outside when
you are done.
A fight is waiting for you. There are three templars facing you from the front
while some archers are on a roof to your upper right. A ladder behind you offers
a tactical view for ranged characters. After you deal with these first enemies,
a door to the dining hall opens to the left with more enemies. Use the doorway
as a chokepoint to lay down area of effect abilities and let the enemies roast
in it.
Head inside and search the tables to the far left for the [TO BE CORRUPTED]
codex, then head upstairs for a [CHEST]. You can jump the barricade here for
some loot, another [CHEST], and up on the third floor a note that explains
what is happening if you didn t already guess. Red for a reason, right? Head
back and go through the second floor door. This leads to more fighting, only
this time you ll have more normal allies. Numbers rule here, so help them
overwhelm the red templars.
Once they are dead, head to the top of the stairs you came from and open the
door against the left wall. This uncovers the Knight-Vigilant s body. Yikes!

Read the letter here for some context, then open the [CHEST]. This chest in
particular has a [AMULET OF POWER; CASSANDRA], so be sure to get it.
Continue ascending onward, looking for loot as you go. You will soon meet
with the Lord Seeker, which turns into something... odd.
Escape the Prison

Well then...
Head forward and enjoy the scenes. Answer as you will. Soon you will have
free reign again. Run to the marker to be in a room with pillars pouring out
spirit magic. Here head to the left and right lower rooms for dialog and a
way to get further. Time the pillars and run to the left and right rooms for
more dialog. Getting hit DOES hurt here, for the record. At the end, go through
the unmoving pillars to continue (take the hit).
You ll be in a room with an object your class can counter (a wall that can be
bashed, a door that can be lockpicked) to the left. Inside you can find an
object to examine for the [ENVY S DOGMA] codex, as well as a boost of
[CUNNING +1]. This is part of a side-quest for this area called "Demonic Dogma".
We ll cover it in here though. Head to the right and meet up with Cole. Ask for
his help to get an idea of what to do. He will then go open the way forward for
Continue on and watch the scenes. Once you are near "Cassandra", go search the
open right cell for a [PRISON KEY]. Now, head forward and examine what is going
on in the rooms to the left and right. Bad, innit? (Sera is rubbing off...).
Head forward and take a right, then talk to Cole
He ll gift you with another task and some Veilfire. We will have to light four
Braziers. Head back to the rooms with the prisoners for Brazier #1 and Brazier
#2. Half-way done already! This causes the demon to be quite angry...
Head to the end of the hallway and left. Cullen is locked up here, but Brazier
#3 is here as well. Light it and then out in the hallway Brazier #4 will appear.
Lighting this pushes the hallway down. Follow it and head into the right room.
Light the brazier (which no longer needs numbered, apparently) and then go
back to the hallway and light the next one you find. This opens the door and
lets you into a secret room.
Read the inscription here for an updated [ENVY S DOGMA] codex and a sweet boost
of [CONSTITUTION +2]. We ll take it! Continue on to the last door and you will
be swept to a forest next...
Escape the Forest

Head through the forest, noting that staying still is dangerous: a spirit
geyser will erupt at your feet and explode. Continue onward and upward when
you can, ignoring the wraiths. Pull a lever near Cole when you can and then
you ll be in the main courtyard.
From here, find your way to the dining hall area and head up the stairs.
Head back to the second level (vice leaving) to find the third and final
"Demonic Dogma" inscription. Read it for an updated [ENVY S DOGMA] codex and
a sweet [STRENGTH +3] boost. Very nice.
Continue on to where the Lord Seeker was for a scene. Answer how you wish
after that to move onto the next part of this section.

The next section consists of us finding Templar Veterans and lyrium. While
we are out searching though, the Great Hall will be held by the Templars,
which means its strength is on a limited timer...
Maintain a Hold on the Great Hall
- The Templars will hold the Great Hall, but their strength will wane over
- Returning to help the Templars re-secure the Great Hall will restore their
- If the Templars are overwhelmed, the battle will be lost.
We must be quick in our upcoming exploration. First, go outside where the
Lord Seeker cut-scene took place for a [CHEST]. Up at the front of the hall
you can also read an inscription to update the [THERINFAL REDOUBT] codex.
After that, take note of the two doors in the Great Hall we can use. Let s
start with the door on the left to head to the Upper Barracks.
Upper Barracks

Gather the loot in the hallway and go out to the courtyard. There are new
enemies here called Templar Horrors. There are two of them with two archers.
Really nothing harder than you ve fought before. They are found of shooting
spikes out of their back at you, which will home in. Take them out and then be
sure to search the shack they came out of for the [MAJESTIC BASTARDS] codex.
From there head to the archway and have a warrior bust open the wall at the
end for a room with [CHEST x3] in it, then go through the nearby door. Head
to the left first and assist the Templar. He will go to the hall (1/3). Head
back and up the steps and assist the Templar up here. She too will go to the
hall (2/3). Now, there is a rogue-locked door here that leads down to the
prison. You can find [THE PRISONERS OF THERINFAL] here.
Head across the narrow walkway to a room leading back to the Great Hall. Drop
the ladder to the left and then pick up the [A NUTTY AFFAIR] codex from a bench
to the right. There are three other ladders to drop up here as well as
[CHEST x2] in the back and another mysterious note. Go help the Templars kill
off the threat and get ready for the second door.
Officer s Quarters

Head out to the courtyard and kill the horrors and archers that await you.
After that, head to the door across from where you came from to find the
Lord Seeker s office. A scene with Cole occurs here. Afterward, loot the [CHEST]
(which should contain the unique staff [THE SUNLESS STAFF]) and read the notes.
Pick up the [LORD SEEKER S KEY]. Head outside and hang a right, opening the door
to the lyrium cache room. You can get some commentary on the red lyrium here.
Loot the [CHEST x3] in the room and pick up the [LYRIUM CACHE] from up above.
At this point, go help out the Great Hall, just to be safe.
Next, from the Lord Seeker s office head right (facing his office, head right)
to find a door in the corner. Head up the stairs in here and assist the Templar
you find fighting on the roof. He ll head off to assist Barris. Nab all the loot
up here and in the room beyond. Head back to where the Templar was. See the
rampart near the entrance to the stairwell? Head over there and have one of
your warriors bust down the far wall. This leads to a drop and a sealed room
with a [CHEST]. Unbar the door and make your way back to the Great Hall.

Great Hall

Talk to Barris to perform the ritual. Well... to have him do it. You will
fend off Red Templars and Horrors as the Templars bring down the barrier.
They will come from the sides, so use the chokepoints on either side to hold
them off and watch your back. Have your teammates strangle-hold one side while
you watch their back for them.
Once the barrier has fallen, head up the steps. You can refill potions up
here with the cache near the railing (heal first!) and nab a [CHEST] off to
the left. There is also the [HER PERFUMED SANCTUARY] codex on a bench to the
Continue on to face the demon.

BOSS: Envy Demon

Level 8
Health: 31115
Defense: 14
Immunity: All Disabling Effects

If you have been exploring side areas and buffing up, this will be a pretty
easy fight. The Envy Demon has a TON of hit-points, but very little defense and
poor evasion.
When it comes to attack, the Envy Demon can dive into the fade and appear
underneath you, much like the Lesser Terror enemies. It can also let out a
scream in an area around itself that causes anyone caught up in the screech
to have FEAR, which stuns you in-place. This gives ranged attackers the biggest
advantage, as they ll never have to worry about getting stunned. Beware of
standing too still during this fight as spirit geysers will erupt underneath
you, much like the memories you had earlier in this chapter.
Once you take off about a third of its health, it will go into "hiding", as
Cole points out. Several Red Templars and Archers will appear during this phase
and need to be put down. Cole has had enough watching though, and will join in
the battle.
After clearing the riff-raff out, the Demon will appear to mimic you. In
Bkstunt s game, the demon came out as a human warrior, using two-handed skills
and a weapon. It is also 10 times the size of your characters. Keep laying into
him and watch out for his attacks. For the last third of the fight, the demon
will revert back to its normal self. Keep killing reinforcements as they show
up and slay the demon for good.
Loot: Audacity, Essences
Head back towards the Great Hall to meet up with what is left of the Templar
You will have a dialog choice here. Do we want the Templars to concede and
join the Inquisition as they are, or rebuild and become allies? This choice
will affect what your companions think of you:

DISBAND: Blackwall Disapproves

Cassandra Disapproves
The Iron Bull Disapproves
Sera Greatly Approves
Solas Greatly Approves
Vivienne Disapproves
Dorian Disapproves
Cole Greatly Approves
ALLIANCE: Solas Greatly Disapproves
Cassandra Greatly Approves
Blackwall Approves
Sera Greatly Disapproves
Vivienne Approves
The Iron Bull Greatly Approves
Dorian Disapproves
Cole Greatly Disapproves
Varric Slightly Approves

Enjoy the dialog afterward. In the War Room, you will have the chance to
recruit Cole, although Cassandra slightly disapproves doing so. Heh. He can
permanently join the party though, so we suggest you take him.
And with that, this quest is complete.
. .
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.. __________________________________________________________________________


[ ] Rare Weapon
[ ] Rare Ring
[ ] Masterwork Hilted One-Handed Shaft [ ] Rare Accessory

Red Templar
Red Templar Guard
Knight-Templar Denam

Red Templar Horror

Red Templar Marksman

Venatori Gladiator
Venatori Marksman
Venatori Zealot

Sealing the Breach

At the War Table choose this mission, it costs 1 Power. Set up your party and
you ll trigger a cutscene. The Breach has been closed and Haven is celebrating,
but that comes all too soon. Head for the gates where you ll meet either Dorian
or Cole, whichever you haven t met yet. Cole warns of the Templars coming,
Dorian warns of the Mages coming, they both warn of The Elder One.

Defending the North Trebuchet - Templars

Waves of Red Templars attack from both sides of the trebuchet. Focus down the
Templar Horrors and then the foot soldiers. The second wave comes from the
right and has Marksman and Guards, you ll want to defeat the ranged enemies
first but if you can get them grouped up then some area of effects attacks can
be devastating. From these first two waves you should find a [RARE WEAPON] and
[RARE RING] from the dead. The final wave is small and comes from the left,
just defeat the horrors.
Defending the North Trebuchet - Mages

You ll have to contend with Spellbinders, Marksman, and Zealots. Focus on the
Spellbinders, they will cast Barrier on the Zealots and that creates problems
for quickly defeating them. Take out the Marksman last, it s not a common
strategy but the Zealots can overwhelm. Reinforces will bring a Gladiator, in
this wave focus the Marksman first then the Zealots, the Gladiator is a hassle
and it s shield requires the entire party to focus on his weak spot. Next, from
the left are more Spellbinders and Zealots -- defeat them.
Retake the South Trebuchet - Templars

There are several Red Templar, two Marksman, and a Guard defending this
trebuchet. Focus on the Marksman to quickly take them out and move the Guard
away. Move enemies come from behind trying to retake the weapon, you ll need
to fend them off like the first go around. There are two Horrors, two Red
Templar, and one Marksman in this wave. Defeat them and crank the trebuchet
to fire, causing an avalanche to wipe out most of the forces. It s all too
soon to celebrate again, a dragon emerges to destroy the trebuchet. Use the
[SUPPLY CACHE] then head back to Haven.
Retake the South Trebuchet - Mages

Head up to the southern trebuchet to find two Marksman, several Zealots, and
a Gladiator. Like usual, focus on the ranged attackers to quickly take them out
then begin to whittle down the Zealots. Reinforcements include two Spellbinders
for you to deal with, they come from the hill behind the trebuchet like an
ambush. Once you take them out crank the trebuchet to trigger an avalanche.
Evacuate Haven

Note - For each person you save you ll receive 128 Experience and 80 Influence
On your way back you ll find Harritt, help him out with a Warrior then loot
the blacksmith area before going inside the gates. Turn right as you enter to
find Lysette being attacked, defeat the Foot Soldiers here to save her. Go up
the staircase now to find more Foot Soldiers accompanied by Marksmen. Break the
door to your left to save Seggrit then loot the chest for a [RARE ITEM]. Head to
the tavern where you ll find three Red Templars and a Horror, defeat them then
enter and rescue Flissa.
Quickly run up the apothecary area to save Adan and Minaeve, you really need to
be quick because the nearby flames will trigger an explosion shortly. Approach
the Chantry entrance to find Threnn battling more enemies -- four Foot Soldiers.
Enter the Chantry now to trigger a scene.

| There has been no communication, no demands. Only advance after

| advance.
| - I d give myself to save Haven. (Solas -5)
| - Why? Why does he want me? (Solas +1)
| - How do I stop him?
Retake the Trebuchet

There is a certain sense of urgency at this point but you can slowly progress
down the path to the final trebuchet. The packs of enemies are small until the
final one at the trebuchet. Aim it little by little until it reaches about 50%
where you ll be forced to battle a boss depending on who you sided with. If you
sided with the Mages you ll fight Knight-Templar Denam, if you sided with the
Templars you ll fight Grand Enchanter Fiona.

BOSS: Knight-Templar Denam

Level 8
Health: 11840
Defense: 46
Resistance: Fire
Vulnerable: Cold
Immunity: All Physical Effects, Fear, Asleep, Paralyzed

The Knight-Templar is weak to Cold so a Mage with an Ice staff is useful,

especially with Energy Barrage. Move this monster away from your ranged
companions and take down the weaker Templars first. Watch out for the walls of
red lyrium that Denam can create, it could separate the group too much. The wall
can be destroyed, but it s likely simpler to just defeat Denam. Defeating the
Behemoth will destroy the rest of the attacking Templars. You can also win this
fight by cranking the trebuchet fully.
Loot: Rare Accessory

BOSS: Fiona
Level 11
Health: 13406
Defense: 18
Resistance: Electricity
Vulnerable: None
Immunity: Asleep, Paralyzed

Fiona has been completely brainwashed and leads the Venatori against the
Inquisition. She can take dish out some heavy damage but she takes a lot in the
form of physical attacks. Stay away from Electric attacks and instead use Fire
and Ice to freeze her (Winter s Grasp works very well). Freezing her then combo
with Shatter to deal massive damage and take her out. You can always just turn
the trebuchet completely but that s probably more difficult.

Loot: Rare Accessory

The Dawn Will Come

You are alone, but not dead. Move forward to obtain "Mark of the Rift" then
use it to defeat the Wraiths. Head outside and continue the trek through the
blizzard until you are found by Cullen and Cassandra. The story opens up at
this point, you understand much more after a few scenes. The Inquisition marches
to Skyhold and you are no longer the Herald of Andraste, but the Inquisitor.

| I do not yet know how Corypheus survived... Nor am I certain how
| people will react when they learn of the orb s origin.
| - How do you know this? (Solas +1)
| - You re right to be worried.
| - Lost here, it won t matter.
| - So prove yourself.
. .
< () >
.. __________________________________________________________________________

A New Home

Survivors of Haven and people from all over Thedas flock to Skyhold. Cassandra
addresses you and decides to name you the leader, the Inquisitor! Your choice
here greatly effects approval for most companions.
| Dialogue Choice | BLW | CAS | COL | DOR | IRB | SER | SOL | VAR | VIV |
| Faith
| --- | +20 | --- | -1 | --- | -5 | -5 | --- | +5 |
| Order
| --- | +5 | --- | --- | --- | +5 | --- | +1 | --- |
| It s Right
| +5 | --- | --- | --- | +1 | +5 | +1 | +1 | --- |
| Kill Corypheus | +1 | --- | --- | +3 | +1 | +5 | --- | --- | --- |
| Own Power
| -20 | -20 | --- | -5 | --- | -5 | -20 | -20 | --- |
| Vengeance
| --- | -1 | --- | --- | -1 | +5 | -1 | -5 | --- |
| Dwarf
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | +5 | --- | --- | --- |
| Elf
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | -5 | +1 | --- | --- |
| Qunari
| --- | --- | --- | --- | +5 | +5 | --- | --- | --- |
| Mage
| --- | --- | --- | +5 | --- | +1 | --- | --- | +20 |
The Champion of Kirkwall

You ll have a conversation with the group and Varric mentions a friend. This
friend is Hawke, the Champion of Kirkwall, and he would like you to meet Hawke
on the battlements. In short, Hawke has a Warden friend (Stroud, Loghain, or
Alistair) in Crestwood and that s good because you can find out if the Grey
Wardens have truly gone missing and where. If you speak with Cassandra she ll
blow up on Varric, you can try to work it out later.

Recruit Dorian/Cole

You had the chance to recruit one of them earlier based on your choices, but
the other should be hanging around Skyhold. Be sure to talk to him and recruit
him if you want.
Specializations for the Inquisitor

Be sure to visit the War Table and start this mission. You ll have three
advisers come to Skyhold allowing you to pick one Specialization. All of your
companions have taken on their Specialization at this point. Also, pick up the
Arcanist so you can craft runes.
. .
< () >
.. __________________________________________________________________________


[ ] Shield of the Anointed


Corpse Archer
Lesser Shade
Red Templar Guard
Higwayman Archer
Rage Demon
Senior Warden
Pride Demon
Greater Shade

Red Templar Knight
Highwayman Guardsman
Highwayman Foot Soldier
Warden Spellbinder
Warden Archer
Despair Demon
Greater Terror
Gibbering Horror


[ ] Regarding the Calling

The Warden Contact

You need to spend 8 Power to unlock Crestwood. It s pretty bleak right now, but
it has to be looked into. Make your way east, fighting off some Corpse Archers.
As you near Crestwood you ll have to fight through some more undead. You can
stop here if you want, there s plenty to do in Crestwood. To continue, press
forward due east sticking to the road. You ll pass a lot of Red Lyrium Veins,
just follow the road going south of them.
Meet up with Hawke and press on through the cave. Here you ll meet the Warden
and a scene takes place to shed some light on the situation. Grab the codex
for [REGARDING THE CALLING] before heading out then go to the Western Approach.
It s a nice little trek out to where Hawke and the Warden are located, once you
get there a scene takes over. You can question Erimond all you want, in the
end you ll have to fight. Use the Mark of the Rift to end the battle instantly
then another scene takes over.
Assault on Adamant

Before you head back, seek out the [BOTTLE OF THEDAS] in the corner and you may

as well head down the steps to claim the Landmark. Head back to the War Table
and choose "Here Lies the Abyss" to spend 20 Power and begin the assault. You ll
want to bring Blackwall if you normally don t, he has some unique speech for
this mission in particular. After the scene you ll gain control at the Lower
The first wave of enemies is Shades and Warden Spellbinder. They group up so
hit them with area attacks. Head up the steps to find a group of Wardens, the
Senior should be your initial focus, he should drop a [RARE ACCESSORY]. Check
the northeast corner for a [CHEST] then cross the bridge. Two Shades try to
stop you but that s not nearly enough. Quickly head down the steps to help the
Wardens fight the Spellbinder and Shades. You can ask them to "Surrender" or
"Fall Back", the former initiates a fight while the latter sends them away.

Loot the [CHEST] here and continue onward to another one. Open the door and
climb the staircase to find a [CHEST] in the corner. Turn around from here to
see the right way to go. Clear out the Warden Archer and two Shades then step
outside the wall to spot a [CHEST]. Climb up to the Battlements now and defeat
the Wardens preventing the Inquisition soldiers from climbing up. More Wardens
come from down the way, one can drop a [RARE ARMOR]. Inside you ll find another
[SUPPLY CACHE], be sure to use it after you ve healed yourself.
Open the [CHEST] in this room then head back out to the battlefield. There are
two Despair Demons, a Pride Demon, and some Warden Spellbinders. Try to hit
the demons with an incapacitating attack then defeat the Spellbinders. Loot the
[CHEST] for the [GREY WARDEN BANNER] and grab the codex for [AN UNSIGNED LETTER]
before pressing on. A [CHEST] on the north side can hold a [RARE ACCESSORY].
Cross over the bridge to have a similar fight as the previous one.
Finding the Warden-Commander

Loot the Pride Demon for a [RARE RUNE] then the nearby chest for a [RARE HELM].
Restock at the [SUPPLY CACHE] and grab the codex [A LETTER FROM WARDEN-COMMANDER
CLAREL] as you return to center. Some Shades try to ambush you, defeat them and
go down the steps to find some [LOOT] with [SHIELD OF THE ANOINTED] inside. Go
through the doors until you reach the far side of the walls where a Shade and
Rage Demon are attacking. There is another [SUPPLY CACHE] at this point, use it
then head through the doorway.
Loot the [CHEST] here for a [RARE ARMOR] then press on to trigger a scene. If
you have Blackwall you get a special dialogue to win over the remaining Wardens
and bring back the ones you may have let live when the battle started. Another
scene takes place and if you turned the Wardens you ll only have a few demons
and the Spellbinders to fight. Clear them out and head up the stairs to find
a bunch of Shades. Continue to follow Clarel past the Greater Shade and up
more stairs. An interesting scene takes place and the Inquisitor winds up in
the Fade.
The Fade

Use the [SUPPLY CACHE] then head to the right to find [FEARS OF THE DREAMERS]
on the table. Search to find a [CANDLE] through the water, loot the crystal on
the way for a [RARE ACCESSORY]. Place the candle on the table then collect the
[MAGIC +1]. Examine the statue for [A PLEA FROM THE WARRIOR TO THE SPIRITS] then
check another crystal for a [RARE ACCESSORY]. Back to your left is [A LETTER BY
A BURNING CANDLE]. Go up the central stairs now to find Divine Justinia... This
creature is here to help and wants to show you your memories. Defeat the Wraiths
then collect your memories to trigger a scene.

Go back down the steps and turn right. Loot the crystal for a [RARE ACCESSORY]
then defeat three Wraiths down the way. Turn left to find a book, [WALKING THE
FADE: FROZEN MOMENTS], then loot a crystal on your way to an Eluvian that grants
[MAGIC +1]. Go back up the stairs where you met the creature acting as Justinia.
Loot the crystal ahead for a [RARE ACCESSORY], turn right to find a Greater
Shade. Examine the structure for [A LETTER WRITTEN IN A SHAKING HAND] and loot
the crystal here. Ahead is another crystal, loot it and descend the stairs.
Deal with the Shades and start searching to find some [FLOWERS].
Overcoming Fears

The south end has a crystal, the middle can be inspected for [THE CLAWS OF
DUMAT] codex. Examine the pots on the east side, place the flowers, then claim
the [CONSTITUTION +1]. Loot another crystal for a [RARE ACCESSORY] then climb
the steps to another with a [RARE ACCESSORY]. Down the steps is another Eluvian,
this one grants [DEXTERITY +1]. The path splits ahead, stay left to find a
crystal and an [EXCERPT FROM A JOURNAL] that spawns a Rage Demon. Head up the
steps to find a crystal with a [RARE ACCESSORY], if you inspect the corpse you
will spawn two Rage Demons and three Wraiths but you can check the Eluvian
after you kill them for [CUNNING +1].
Head back to the split and go down the steps now. Read the [EXCERPT FROM A
JOURNAL] then continue facing off against Spiders that are aptly named fears.
March on to find "Justinia" and more Wraiths, defeat them to gain some more
BURNING CANDLE], and the crystal here. Turn the corner and search the skeleton
for the [TAROT CARD], put it in the pot to get [STRENGTH +1]. The Eluvian ahead
gives [WILLPOWER +1], grab it then continue towards the "Divine" ahead.
Escape the Fade

At this split go left up the stairs. You ll encounter two Pride Demons as you
reach the top. Begin searching up here to find a [STUFFED ANIMAL], place it on
the nearby bed and grab the [WILLPOWER +1]. You will come back to where the fork
reconnects, so button hook back around at the bottom of the steps. Use the
Eluvian for {STRENGTH +1] and go back to the original split point to find [THE
LAWS OF NATURE IN THE FADE]. Go back and towards the right to a graveyard,
search for the [VIAL OF DARKSPAWN BLOOD] then take it to the vial where you can
claim [CUNNING +1].
Continue to the Divine to be faced with "The Maker" and a slew of demons. Fight
them until the barrier goes down then march on, completing the quest by looting
the pile on the left. Use the [SUPPLY CACHE] then head forward for a cool scene
that results in a boss battle.

BOSS: Aspect of the Nightmare

Level 15
Health: 70267
Defense: 46
Resistance: Spirit
Vulnerable: Electricity
Immunity: All Physical Effects, Fear, Asleep, Frozen
Ability: Perceptive

This Aspect isn t as difficult as it may seem. The thing you need to focus on
the most is positioning because you ll have to face Fearlings and Wraiths from
time to time and being able to quickly kill them without taking damage is the
biggest trick. It functions like a Terror, able to warp around the battlefield
and spring up on your ranged characters, be sure to keep them spread out! Start
the battle with Mark of the Rift to quickly get in a large amount of damage and
remove the additional demons then focus on high damage single attacks like Full
The Barrier can be removed with Dispel and the Aspect will replenish it often
so take it down before wasting attacks into the Barrier. It s a hard boss to
effectively control but the attacks it deals won t do too much damage, just keep
pummeling it.
. .
< () >
.. __________________________________________________________________________


[ ] Montbelliard s Ring

Venatori Zealot
Venatori Spellbinder
Greater Terror

Venatori Mage
Venatori Marksman
Despair Demon


[ ] Winter Palace
Gaining Approval

After the scene you ll notice that you have 50 Court Approval, at least you
could have that much. You lose 10 for being an Elf or a Mage, 20 if both. Search
the southwest corner for [MONTBELLIARD S RING], return it the Noblewoman nearby
for 5 Court Approval. Read the plaque at the fountain for [WINTER PALACE] codex
then climb the steps to the mid tier and again up the right set to the Upper
Level. Search here for a [HALLA STATUETTE], head along the back wall to the
left for a [CHEST].
NOTE - Do not use any Halla Statuettes until the Royal Wing is accessed. This
lets you get the most out of the story options and the best loot.
Cross over to the left Upper Level, here you can eavesdrop on some nobles but
you want to go down the back wall to find a [STORAGE KEY]. Drop down one level
and unlock the Storage Room. Inside you ll find a [SCANDALOUS SECRET], a
hidden [CAPRICE] coin, and a [CHEST]. Go to the other side and use your Halla
Statuette to open the door here. Inside you ll find two loot stashes with
[RARE WEAPONS]. You can now open the gate and head inside.
Finding Secrets and Statuettes

Up the stairs you can turn right and listen to nobles for a [SCANDALOUS SECRET].

There is another listening point in the back, for a second [SCANDALOUS SECRET].
Please note that it may take multiple attempts at each point to get the secret
we are looking for.
NOTE - If you have Sera you can start a quest called "Red Jenny s Stashes"
There isn t much else to do so enter the Ballroom. Proceed to Celene, be polite
to gain 10 Court Approval. Head down the right side to find Josephine, further
down is [A COMPENDIUM OF ORLESIAN THEATER] on the couch. Vivienne is on the
other side of the room if you brought her. Head back to the Vestibule when
you re done talking, the eavesdrop spot towards the back that failed should
work this time. You can also find Cassandra here if she was brought along. Head
through the door to the west, you ll be able eavesdrop on some elves in the
back. Down the steps you ll find Blackwall if you brought him, you can also
search for a [CAPRICE]. Head down the hall and speak with Duke Germain. Ask
about Gaspard being his cousin for 5 Court Approval. There is also a counsel
vassal that walks into this room. Talk to him and tell him "Phillipe is a jerk!"
to gain 15 Court Approval.
right next to it, as well as an eavesdrop location to obtain another [SCANDALOUS
SECRET] for Leliana. In the next room down you can go to the balcony, search
here for a [CYLINDER SEAL] then go right through the hall and out into the Guest
Garden. Dorian will be standing here if you bring him. You can gain two
[SCANDALOUS SECRETS] by eavesdropping at the left and another one on the right
locations. Loot the two [SACKS] on the left end then climb up to the balcony.
Here you ll lose approval so move fast. Grab the [HALLA STATUETTE] on the right
end and the [SCANDALOUS SECRET] then open the door at the left end using it.
Loot the [CHEST] in here and pick up [HALAMSHIRAL INVESTIGATION: CLUES]. Enter
the Grand Library and search the back left for a secret, pulling the book
reveals a hidden room. Inside loot the [CHEST] and read the letter. Light the
veilfire then the urns outside in the following order: Etienne I, Reville,
Etienne II, Judicael I, Judicael II, Florian. This will remove the floor and
lead to a secret area. Loot the room for [CONFUSION GRENADE RECIPE], a [RARE
BELT], [MASTERWORK MAGISTER STAFF BLADE] schematic, and more various items.
Exit through the side doors then go down the steps. Search the bookshelf for
an update in the Halamshiral Investigation: Clues. In the left room is a
[SCANDALOUS SECRET] and a [SAFE], you ll find the same as you go down the hall.
The room on the right requires you are a Rogue to lockpick, just two [CHESTS].
Cole will be here if you brought him along. Exit back to the Vestibule at this
point and into the Ballroom, the bells will ring so don t be slow or you ll lose
10 Court Approval, though you can be "fashionably late" to gain 10 Court
Approval. Here you bump into Morrigan and she wants your help.
The Servants Quarters

After talking to Morrigan head back towards the Court Garden, the two eavesdrop
locations should provide a [SCANDALOUS SECRET] now. Head down to the Servants
Quarters now. First things first, re-equip your gear because you re bound to
fight in this area. Head into the bedroom to find a [DIARY OF A NOSY SERVANT]
then into the kitchen after looting the [CHEST]. You can grab the [WINTER
PALACE] codex and the [HALLA STATUETTE] above by jumping. Now move to the
courtyard and make a hard left to the corner, search to find a [HALLA STATUETTE]
Leap down and you ll have to fight some Venatori Zealots after a scene. Go
north to find more Venatori, this time including a Mage. Climb the steps and
search the corner of the balcony for a [CAPRICE]. On the other side of the wall

is another [HALLA STATUETTE] and [SAFE]. Go to the south side and defeat the
Venatori then enter the Grand Apartments. Read [A COMPENDIUM OF ORLESIAN
THEATER] on the table and into the next room to find more Venatori and
In the large room are some Marksman and a codex for [THE LION OF ORLAIS]. Loot
the [SNAKE CHEST] and search the southern wall to find a [CAPRICE] on a table.
Head north into the bedrooms, there is a [CHEST] along the way, and search the
beds to find a [CAPRICE]. Now head upstairs, turning north to find a [MAD
EMPEROR REVILLE] codex. Turn the corner and defeat the Venatori here to trigger
a scene with Briala.
Note - You do not need to open the locked room here, in fact it s best to leave
it alone unless you want to put Briala in charge.
Pick up the [HALLA STATUETTE] now and head to the bedroom to find an update to
[WINTER PALACE]. Open the door here and loot the room, you ll find a [RARE
LOCKET]. You can head out now, hopefully you didn t lose too much Court Approval
in the process.
NOTE - Check the southwestern corner for one of Red Jenny s Stashes.
Continuing the Dance

As you return to the main level look right and search the bench to find a
[SCANDALOUS SECRET]. Talk to the men guarding the Trophy Room, if you have the
perk you can tell them to talk with Commander Cullen and they ll leave. This
earns 10 Court Approval and grants access to the Trophy Room. Search the corner
for a [SCANDALOUS SECRET] and the left side for a [CAPRICE]. Enter the next
room to find a [HALLA STATUETTE]. There locked door requires you are a Rogue to
unlock it, but it s just a [CHEST]. Now head to the Ballroom to meet Grand
Duchess Florianne de Chalons. You can wait for the second bell again to be
fashionably late for 10 Court Approval, just don t be late or you ll lose 10
Court Approval. To earn the maximum Court Approval, choose the following

May I help you?

Let s dance (10 Court Approval)
Why don t you educate me? (Special: Diplomat 5 Court Approval)
Is that what we both want? (10 Court Approval)
Which am I to you? (5 Court Approval)
Who do you trust? (5 Court Approval)
Isn t everyone?

Check the northwest corner of the Ballroom for a hidden [CAPRICE]. Talk to the
"Ladies in Waiting" now and if you have the Elven Locket let them know if you
want Briala to be reunited with Celene. You can speak with the Dowager, should
you have the right perk you can ask her for a dance gaining 5 Court Approval and
a mission at the War Table. Talk to Ambassador Briala and make note of the
Elven Locket, you ll gain 10 Court Approval for it.
Secrets and Caprice Hunt

Go down the east side of the Ballroom and search the railing for another
[CAPRICE] then return to the Vestibule. Search the north side of the Vestibule
for a [CAPRICE] on the ground. Go down the steps to the Lower Level and search
the left side for a [SCANDALOUS SECRET]. Head back to the Guest Wing (west from
the Vestibule) and search the long hallway for a [SCANDALOUS SECRET]. Go into
the side room where the Duke is to find another [SCANDALOUS SECRET] in the

corner. Back in the hall is a [SCANDALOUS SECRET] on the table and another one
is next to the couch.
Enter the room at the end to find a [CAPRICE] and [SCANDALOUS SECRET] on and
near the couch. Leap out the window here to find another [SCANDALOUS SECRET]
and then onto the balcony to eavesdrop for a point. Pick up the [SCANDALOUS
SECRET] on the nearby chair then head into the Garden. Check the northwest
corner for a [SCANDALOUS SECRET]. Toss some of your Caprice Coins into the
fountain if you need some approval, if you are at 100 then hold off until a
little later.
NOTE - You can find one of Red Jenny s Stashes in the open closet on the west
side of the garden. Another can be found in the lower level behind some
flowers to the south.
NOTE - If you have been saving some Halla Statuettes then use 3 to enter the
Lower Level. Varric is down here but you can also snag the [ORLESIAN
BANNER] from a chest. There is also a [CAPRICE] on the bench at the
bottom. In addition, talk to the man you were eavesdropping on in the
Garden. Pick a side and you can recruit him.
Climb up the wall and turn left to find a [CAPRICE]. Head through the doors
here and down the hallway. Search as you go to find a [SCANDALOUS SECRET] on
the table. Approach the Royal Wing and eavesdrop to gain another [SCANDALOUS
SECRET]. Time to go to the Royal Wing.
The Royal Wing

Change your equipment after entering and search the table for a [SCANDALOUS
SECRET]. Move across the middle area to the east where you ll be able to stop
an Elven servant from meeting her end. Pick up the [HALLA STATUETTE] and loot
the two [CHESTS] before going back west across the middle area, entering the
south western door. Grab the [HALLA STATUETTE] in plain site, then the [CHEST],
and finally search the corner for a [SCANDALOUS SECRET]. Head south and go
past the room with the quest marker for now. Down the steps you ll find another
Open the western area via the door and into the northern room. Search the left
side for a [HALLA STATUETTE] and a [CAPRICE]. You have at least 5 Halla Statues
now so go all the way north and open the door here. Search the left table for
a [SCANDALOUS SECRET]. Loot the right [CHEST] and go up the steps, here you ll
find an awkward situation. Let the man go and tell him to hush up or get him
information to blackmail Celene, either way you gain 10 Court Approval. Check
the table on the right of the bed for a [CAPRICE] and loot the [FOOTLOCKER].
Note - This is the last chance you have to finish the two quests. With the
Secret and Caprice you pick up in here you ll have them all. This is
only possible if you opened the Lower Level and this room.
Jardin de Reverie

Head back south to the room on the eastern end, the Jardin de Reverie. It turns
out to be an ambush set up by the Duchess. Kill the Venatori then focus on the
Despair Demons. Disrupt the Rift to stun the demons and take them out, the
Greater Terrors should be frozen to buy you some time. Afterwards, speak with
Mercenary Captain. You can do what you will with him, but if you have the right
perk you can recruit him into the Inquisition. The eastern balcony has some
loot, but you need to go south and slay more Venatori.
Go downstairs to find a Harlequinn, defeat her and go north to a side room with

a [CHEST]. Read [A COMPENDIUM OF ORLESIAN THEATER] at the north bookshelf then

into La Serrure. You can only pick one door because they cost 5 Halla Statues
each, you may have spent the ones you had already. They each just have a single
[CHEST] behind with random loot so don t fret over it too much. Head west to
the Kitchens for a [SUPPLY CACHE] then into the Dining Room for two [CHESTS].
Exit south then check up the stairs for a [CHEST]. Return to the Ballroom and
make your decision. See our note below.
Talk to Florianne
- With at least 85 Court Approval you can have Florianne arrested. This earns
the "Belle of the Ball" Achievement/Trophy.
Wait for Florianne to attack
- Celene will die and you must fight Florianne.
Detain the duchess
- Celene will be saved and you must fight Florianne.

BOSS: Grand Duchess

Level 16
Health: 40570
Defense: 24
Immunity: All Disabling Effects, Poisoned, Slowed, Knocked Down

Ranged fighters will have an advantage in this battle because the Grand Duchess
fights from above around the Courtyard and moves quickly. You have to contend
with Venatori Zealots throughout the battle, try to use a Focus ability to take
them out when they are near Florianne so everyone takes damage. Using Grappling
Chain for this battle is definitely one of the best things you can do since you
can pull Florianne down into the frey and across runes, if you have them set up,
for massive damage.
As you lower her health, Florianne will head to the left and right sides of the
courtyard and more Venatori will emerge. Defeat the lesser foes first and bring
Florianne back to the middle ground so you can pummel her. During this phase
you ll have to contend with being put to sleep and the Grand Duchess raising a
Guard. Abilities that deal more damage to Guard are obviously useful at this
point, Haste seems to be one of the more useful Focus abilities for this fight.
Loot: 7654 Experience, The Trepanner s Requital, Rare Ring
After the battle you get to make your decision on who will rule, pending Celene
isn t alive, and of course this doesn t come without consequences. If Empress
Celene is alive then you can implicate either Briala or Gaspard as the traitor
whom can be sentenced to death. Likewise, you can make everyone work together
or just Celene and Briala if you initiated this using the Elven Locket.
| Dialogue Choice | BLW | CAS | COL | DOR | IRB | SER | SOL | VAR | VIV |
| Support Gaspard | -20 | +20 | -20 | -5 | +20 | +1 | -- | -- | -1 |
| Support Briala | -5 | -5 | +20 | +1 | -- | -5 | +1 | -- | -20 |
| Support Celene | -- | -- | -- | -- | +5 | -- | -- | -- | -- |

| Celene & Briala | -- | +5 | +20 | +20 | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |

| All three live | +1 | -1 | +20 | -- | -- | +5 | -- | -- | -- |
| Arrest Duchess | +5 | -- | -- | +20 | +5 | -- | +20 | -- | -- |
| Save Celene
| +5 | -- | +20 | -- | -- | +5 | -- | -- | -- |
| Celene Dies
| -20 | +5 | -5 | +5 | +5 | -20 | -- | -- | -- |
. .
< () >
.. __________________________________________________________________________


[ ] Master Dragon Slaying Rune

[ ] Mhemet s War Hammer


Red Templar
Red Templar Horror
Red Templar Behemoth

Red Templar Marksman

Red Templar Knight
Sentinel Shadow
Senior Warden


[ ] Arbor Wilds
[ ] Folded Note
[ ] Official-Looking Note
[ ] Old Elven Writing
[ ] The Rebel God
[ ] Song to Falon din
[ ] The Mystery of June
[ ] Elven God Andruil
[ ] Judgement of Mythal
[ ] Song to Elgarn nan
[ ] Twins in Shadow
[ ] The Ascension of Ghilan nain
[ ] Unreadable Elven Writing
[ ] Ancient Elven Writing
[ ] Song to Sylaise
[ ] Untranslatable Elven Writing
[ ] The Sentinel Elves
Breaking through the Blockade

Note: You get the [ARBOR WILDS] codex by coming to this area.
This is the first and last time you ll enter the Arbor Wilds so keep your eyes
peeled for Stormheart and Silverite as you travel. The trip to the first
blockade is relatively smooth, just a few Red Templars and Horrors along the
road and split up at that. At the blockade is a Knight with some Marksman, just
take out the ranged attackers first. Continue to the bottom of the waterfall and
aid the Inquisition members against the Horrors. Turn north and follow the path
to find a Red Templar Forward Camp.
Clear out the camp and loot the [CHEST] for a [MASTER DRAGON-SLAYING RUNE] and
[BIANCA ARMS VI], next to it is the [FOLDED NOTE] codex and [SUPPLY CACHE].
Continue through the jungle to the water where you ll find a Sentinel Shadow

and Red Templar. This foe is much tougher than others, so focus it down first.
Cross the river to find two Behemoths, focus one at a time. If you go south
from here you ll find a small camp with the [OFFICIAL-LOOKING NOTE] codex and a
chest containing [MHEMET S WAR HAMMER]. Past the camp (through the tunnel),
you ll find a clearing with an elvhen chest and nearby some felandaris (harvest,
harvest!). Also, light the Veilfire here and examine the walls to find some
[OLD ELVEN WRITING] to unlock a codex.
Return to the second blockade and go north up the river. Defeat some Horrors
and turn east to find Leliana and a nearby [FOOTLOCKER] and [SUPPLY CACHE].
Trek north into the clearing where the Temple Gates and the final blockade are
located. There are a number of Red Templar Horrors and Senior Wardens here.
Focus on the Horrors first and help Cullen clean the place out. Continue onward
to the temple.
The Temple of Mythal

With the blockades broken through, enter the Temple. Here you ll have a scene
with Corypheus and his general (Calpernia or Samson). You learn about how
Corypheus is able to pass his will onto blighted creatures and survive. You can
also talk to Morrigan here for quite a bit of dialog.
Head up to the first platform for a scene, you ll need to perform a ritual to
open the door and that means walking in a specific order. Follow the diagram

|| || || ||
| 10 | | 09 | | 06 | | 05 |
|____| |____| |____| |____|
|| || || ||
| 11 | | 08 | | 07 | | 04 |
|____| |____| |____| |____|
|| || || ||
| 12 | | \\ | | // | | 03 |
|____| |____| |____| |____|
|| || || ||
| 13 | | 14 | | 01 | | 02 |
|____| |____| |____| |____|
Head up the stairs after solving the puzzle but go all the way around the left
past the door instead of through it. Here is another elvhen chest you can loot.
Further in you can obtain the codex [THE REBEL GOD] from the statue. Enter the
chamber where you are ambushed, just defeat the Horrors and Templars for another
scene. You have a choice, you can follow the General or go though the rituals
which is much more rewarding. We recommend the rituals. If you want to go with
that, skip the section below. If it helps, note that there IS a unique Medium
armor in the Crypts, but you give up some allies and codex entries if you go
that route (as well as a unique bow).
The Crypts

Decided to follow the general, huh? Well, your choice! Once you land below
take out the Venatori you find. The corpse by the left wall opening will
replenish your supplies. Go in, kill anyone in your way and loot the[CHEST].

Here there is a magic barrier to the left and a door to the right.
Let s go through the door first. Head through and to the right is another
door. Go in and in the back is some Veil Fire and a hidden switch on the wall.
Flip it to make a shortcut to the starting area, and get a [CHEST], vase, and
on the wall some codex: [ANCIENT ELVEN WRITING].
Head back now and east. You can kill more Venatori here. Break the magical
barrier if you wish (it is not really needed) but to the east is another
magical barrier. Break this one and loot the [CHEST] here. On the walls in
this small area are [UNTRANSLATABLE ELVEN WRITING], another codex entry.
Head past the water and you ll come to a door a Rogue can unlock. Do so and
loot the [CHEST x2]. On the south wall be sure to go into the small cubby area
to find a Vase with the unique armor [VIR BANAL RAS]. Unlock the next door to
continue on.
Here, blast the magic barrier away and kill the Venatori you find. Head down
the long hallway to the end for a [CHEST] and some money, then head right.
Looks like one exit is barred by fire. Continue to the stairs beyond that.
These stairs lead to the encounter with the Temple Guardians that would have
come if you did the rituals (only you didn t do them, so don t expect to be
making any friends here). However, let s meet up in that section of the guide
down below. Skip the puzzles and search for "Rituals Complete" to continue.
Completing the Rituals

Head over to the Western Ritual first, on the way check out the [SONG TO
FALON DIN] and down the steps [THE MYSTERY OF JUNE]. This is split into two
sections, easier to start on the north. The diagram is shown facing east since
that s the way you enter.
NOTE - If you follow the upper pathway all the way around you can find the [SWAN
LONGBOW] schematic.

|| || || || || ||
| 26 | | 25 | | // | | // | | 18 | | 17 |
|____| |____| |____| |____| |____| |____|
|| || || || || ||
| 27 | | 24 | | // | | // | | 19 | | 16 |
|____| |____| |____| |____| |____| |____|
|| || || || || ||
| 28 | | 23 | | 22 | | 21 | | 20 | | 15 |
|____| |____| |____| |____| |____| |____|

|| || || || || ||
| // | | // | | 08 | | 09 | | // | | // |
|____| |____| |____| |____| |____| |____|
|| || || || || ||
| 05 | | 06 | | 07 | | 10 | | 11 | | 14 |
|____| |____| |____| |____| |____| |____|

|| || || || || ||
| 04 | | 03 | | 02 | | 01 | | 12 | | 13 |
|____| |____| |____| |____| |____| |____|

|| || || || || ||
| 40 | | 39 | | // | | // | | 32 | | 31 |
|____| |____| |____| |____| |____| |____|
|| || || || || ||
| 41 | | 38 | | // | | // | | 33 | | 30 |
|____| |____| |____| |____| |____| |____|
|| || || || || ||
| 42 | | 37 | | 36 | | 35 | | 34 | | 29 |
|____| |____| |____| |____| |____| |____|

|| || || || || ||
| // | | // | | 48 | | 49 | | // | | // |
|____| |____| |____| |____| |____| |____|
|| || || || || ||
| 43 | | 46 | | 47 | | 50 | | 51 | | 52 |
|____| |____| |____| |____| |____| |____|
|| || || || || ||
| 44 | | 45 | | 56 | | 55 | | 54 | | 53 |
|____| |____| |____| |____| |____| |____|

Head to the Northeast Ritual and Southeast Ritual across the courtyard. Don t
miss the [ELVEN GOD ANDRUIL] near the Southeast Ritual (in the room off straight
ahead from the stairs; get it after doing the northeast ritual below).

|| || || ||
| 20 | | 21 | | 08 | | 07 |
|____| |____| |____| |____|
|| || || ||
| 19 | | 22 | | 09 | | 06 |
|____| |____| |____| |____|
|| || || ||

| 18 | | \\ | | 10 | | 05 |
|____| |____| |____| |____|

|| || || ||
| 17 | | 12 | | 11 | | 04 |
|____| |____| |____| |____|
|| || || ||
| 16 | | 13 | | // | | 03 |
|____| |____| |____| |____|
|| || || ||
| 15 | | 14 | | 01 | | 02 |
|____| |____| |____| |____|

To complete this puzzle go up to Tile 10 then move to the middle platform and
use the switch. Then proceed from Tile 11 all the way to Tile 30. Stop and use
the switch once more then complete from Tile 31 to Tile 40.

|| || || || || ||
| // | | 18 | | 19 | | 22 | | 23 | | // |
|____| |____| |____| |____| |____| |____|
|| || || || || ||
| 16 | | 17 | | 20 | | 21 | | 24 | | 25 |
|____| |____| |____| |____| |____| |____|
|| || || || || ||
| 15 | | // | | // | | // | | // | | 26 |
|____| |____| |____| |____| |____| |____|
|| || || ||
| 14 | | // | | // | | // |
|____| |____| |____| |____|
|| || || ||
| 13 | | 12 | | // | | // |
|____| |____| |____| |____|

|| ||
| // | | 27 |
|____| |____|
|| ||
| 29 | | 28 |
|____| |____|


|| || || || || ||
| // | | 11 | | // | | // | | 30 | | // |
|____| |____| |____| |____| |____| |____|
|| || || || || ||
| 07 | | 08 | | // | | // | | 33 | | 34 |
|____| |____| |____| |____| |____| |____|
|| || || || || ||
| 06 | | 09 | | 10 | | 31 | | 32 | | 35 |
|____| |____| |____| |____| |____| |____|
|| || || || || ||
| 05 | | // | | // | | // | | // | | 36 |

|____| |____| |____| |____| |____| |____|

|| || || || || ||
| 04 | | 03 | | 02 | | 39 | | 38 | | 37 |
|____| |____| |____| |____| |____| |____|
|| || || || || ||
| // | | // | | 01 | | 40 | | // | | // |
|____| |____| |____| |____| |____| |____|
Rituals Complete

Head to the Inner Sanctum to meet Abelas. He offers an alliance, if you accept
then you don t have to fight him or the Sentinels any longer. Refuse or jump
down the hole from earlier and you will contend with them.
NOTE: To get the Amulet of Power and some of the
with the elves. We recommend that as well.
available no matter what you pick here, so
route that gives you extra items and codex

codices below, you must work

The choices later on are
you may as well go for the

Follow the guide to a pot with an [AMULET OF POWER] (SOLAS) and the [LONGBOW OF
THE GRIFFON], not to mention the [JUDGMENT OF MYTHAL] codex. In the next room
GHILAN NAIN] codices. Light the Veilfire and check the southwestern wall for
Head up the steps and search another wall with veilfire for [ANCIENT ELVEN
WRITING] codex, then open the door nearby after finding the [SONG TO SYLAISE]
and on the wall the [UNTRANSLATABLE ELVEN WRITING]. Plenty of fighting goes on
here and it can wrap around where you are going anyways, so just follow the
guide (no need to fight unless you want to). There is an [ELVHEN CHEST] down the
tunnel where the Sentinel Guide goes. Loot the [ELVHEN CHEST] here at the top of
the stairs then go into the next room and into the Well of Sorrows. Here you ll
meet the General of Corypheus s army depending on who you sided with earlier in
the game. You ll have the chance to weaken them if you did those respective
quests as well.

BOSS: Samson
Level 18
Health: 80709
Defense: 68
Immunity: All Physical Effects, Frozen, Paralyzed, Panicked, Slowed
Ability: Perceptive

Whether you weaken Samson or not, you ll still have to contend with the Templars
at his side and his flurry of attacks. Use an area of effect attack at the start
to destroy the Templars, Mark of the Rift works well. Samson will use fullspins
to knock down your companions and build Guard so that you aren t actually
hurting him. Use War Horn and Shield Bash to break through this and keep Samson
taunted away from your ranged attackers. It will take some time, but this is a
battle against a single man so it isn t that difficult.
Loot: Certainty

- OR
BOSS: Calpernia
Level 24
Health: 77694
Defense: 76
Resistance: Fire
Immunity: All Physical Effects, Paralyzed, Fear, Asleep
Ability: Perceptive

First, you can really tell BK (who is covering Calpernia) is kind a bit
over-leveled for this quest. More importantly, the boss level scales with you!
Calpernia will have Venatori in the fight with her. Three Zealots and a Mage.
Also, if you didn t side with the elves, you can expect them to attack as
Calpernia herself is a fire mage. Her most annoying move is her ability to
warp around the battlefield. Very annoying. She will also put up barriers
on herself throughout the fight, so have dispel ready. You CAN freeze her, so
an ice-based mage is going to have a good time in this fight (and melee can
follow up with a combo after that). Be sure to watch your dispel timing when
she puts up her barrier, as she can warp out of the dispel area of effect (very
Calpernia will also launch volleys of fireballs, as well as raise walls of
fire (often before warping around, to make them more obstructive). Once you
have taken off half her health, she will also start to stun the party (which
only lasts a few seconds) and even summon Rage Demons. Fun stuff. Do your best
to freeze her (dispel works well when she is frozen) and combo her from there.
Focus on the Rage Demons when the come, and keep on her. If you have traps,
spread them around the battlefield as she s bound to run into them. Freezing
and dispelling will be your keys to victory here.
Loot: Staff of Corruption
After the battle you must make a decision, will Morrigan or the Inquisitor
drink from the Well of Sorrows? After your decision, a scene takes place and
you are returned to Skyhold.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Allowing the Inquisitor to drink leads to an extension of
the next quest. It also paves the way to obtaining the Trophy
/ Achievement "On Burning Wings".
| BW | CA | CO | DO | IB | SER | SO | VA | VIV |
| Inquisitor
| +5 | +5 | -- | -1 | +5 | -20 | -5 | -- | +20 |
| Morrigan
| +5 | -5 | -- | +5 | -5 | +5 | +5 | -- | -20 |
*Note - Dorian is -5 if in Romance and Inquisitor drinks. He is

+20 if in Romance and Morrigan drinks. Blackwall only has

approval if Inquisitor drinks and isn t in a Romance or
if Morrigan drinks and he is in Romance.
NOTE: Once you get back to Skyhold, you ll get [THE SENTINEL ELVES] codex
. .
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.. __________________________________________________________________________

Speak with Morrigan

If Morrigan has the child named Kieran you must chase her through the eluvian
into the Fade (who drank from the well is... not really important here). Find
Morrigan and then Kieran who is with Flemeth. You ll uncover quite a bit of
story between these characters, in the end Flemeth will take the soul of the
Old God from Kieran and leaves. Morrigan understands what to do now; all that s
left is to find Corypheus.
Also, if you drank from the well (like we suggested in the previous quest),
you will get another portion of the quest from Flemeth. She will guide us
to "Go to the Altar of Mythal." This is a new area out on the map, so let s
visit it next. Bring along your dragon-slaying team and a mage with ice-based
Once you load in, go interact with the statue. Watch the scenes and then face...

BOSS: Guardian of Mythal

Level 24
Health: 307679
Defense: 76
Vulnerability: Cold
Resistance: Fire
Immunity: All Disabling Effects, Slowed
Ability: Perceptive

To "tame" the dragon really means "take off half of its health". Once you do
that, the battle will be over, so take heart!
The guardian is much like any other dragon. It has all of the normal attacks
such as swiping its limbs and tail around (again, it has a large wind-up so
you can dodge it easily). It is also attuned to fire, meaning it will spit
out fireballs. It s fire breath is rather different than you are used to. It
will start its fire breath up in the area in a fan-shape and slowly bring it
down to the ground. This fan shape makes it much more likely to hit people.
The good news is that it can t summon baby dragons or put guard on itself.
It will jump around quite a bit so you ll need to chase it, but other than
that this fight is fairly straight forward. Keep at it and at half-health
you will see a scene.
Loot: None

After the fight is over, be sure to check near the statue for a [CHEST]. We
found a schematic in there (tier 3!), as well as the [SUPERB BELT OF SPIRIT
RESISTANCE]. Our quest here is done.
NOTE: You should also hae unlocked the trophy "On Burning Wings" by completing
the encounter with the Dragon. Good job!
. .
< () >
.. __________________________________________________________________________


The Final Battle

The end of the game is nigh, be sure to close up any Inner Circle quests and
romances at this point. When ready, head to the War Table and start this
operation. Enjoy the scenes after that, leading to the first boss fight (note
that the scene changes depending on choices made in the last quest).

BOSS: Corypheus
Level 19
Health: 136512
Defense: 88
Immunity: All Disabling Effects
Ability: Perceptive

You ll want to use Cold attacks against Corypheus to slow him down, allowing
your melee attackers to get in range and taunt him. Keep your team spread out
so that the group attacks that Corypheus uses don t damage everyone and hit him
with everything you have. Watch out for the walls of red lyrium that Corypheus
can summon to split the group a lot and block ranged characters from being able
to see and attack him. After some damage Corypheus will retreat to the balcony
so chase him up the steps. Maintain the same strategy and drop his health to
50% to trigger the second part of the battle.

BOSS: Red Lyrium Dragon

Level 19
Health: 226288 (Starts at 113144)
Defense: 59

Focus on the front legs with area of effect attacks aimed just under the Red

Lyrium Dragon s head, this will get all three in the damage. Keep up Barrier
and quickly drop the front two legs so you can flank the dragon much more
easily. This dragon is like most, using fireballs and breath to deal heavy
damage and has a nasty tail whip if you stand behind it. The Red Lyrium Dragon
can use Guard so break through that with Shield Bash. It starts at half health
and you must drain it completely in order to win this fight.

BOSS: Corypheus
Level 19
Health: 136512
Defense: 88
Immunity: All Disabling Effects
Ability: Perceptive

You get a chance to restock at the [SUPPLY CACHE] on your way up. As you
approach keep an eye out for the area of effect attacks Corypheus will unleash,
taking cover is usually the best option. This is similar to the first phase
except you ll win when you drain him to 0 health remaining, so use everything
you have to take him down.
At Skyhold you make speak with your many companions, but to trigger the ending
you ll need to retire to your quarters. Be sure to watch the scene after the
credits and you ll be returned to Skyhold with a post-completion save.
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.. __________________________________________________________________________


Haven is located in the Frostback Mountains and leads to the Temple of Sacred
Ashes. You ll find this as a decent starting point for the Inquisition as it
supplies all the basic amenities -- a Smith, Alchemist, and a makeshift War
Table in the Chantry. Your companions and followers will fill the village when
you aren t out quelling the rebel mages and templars in other lands.
Crafting Materials

- Elfroot
- Iron
- Fennec Fur



- Ram Leather

Requisition for Weapons

Start: Quartermaster
Reward: 1 Power, 200 Influence
Materials: 5 Iron, 1 Logging Stand
Lotus and Root

Start: Mother Giselle

Reward: 1 Power, 200 Influence
Materials: 5 Blood Lotus, 5 Elfroot

Song Lyrics

1. Once We Were - Acquire from the Bard at the Tavern

2. Sera was Never - Acquire from the Bard at the Tavern
3. Enchanters
Codex Entries

[ ] History #3 - A Study of the Fifth Blight, Vol. One

- Talk to the Quartermaster.
[ ] History #4 - A Study of the Fifth Blight. Vol. Two
- Speak with the Blacksmith.
[ ] Letters & Notes #57 - Patient Observations
- In the Apothecary.
[ ] Places #1 - A Tale of the Frostbacks
- Inside the Tavern.
[ ] Places #37 - The Penitent s Crossing
- Far west on the bridge.
[ ] Tales #1 - "Empress of Fire"
- Acquire from the Bard at the Tavern
[ ] Tales #2 - "Enchanters"
- Acquire from the Bard at the Tavern
[ ] Tales #3 - "I Am The One"
- Acquire from the Bard at the Tavern
[ ] Tales #4 - "Maker"
- Acquire from the Bard at the Tavern
[ ] Tales #5 - "Nightingale s Eyes"
- Acquire from the Bard at the Tavern
[ ] Tales #7 - "Once We Were"
- Acquire from the Bard at the Tavern
[ ] Tales #8 - "Rise"
- Acquire from the Bard at the Tavern
[ ] Tales #10 - "Sera Was Never"
- Acquire from the Bard at the Tavern
[ ] Tales #19 - Andraste s Mabari
- Pinned to the fence near the steps leading to the Tavern.
[ ] Tales #108 - The Randy Dowager Quarterly
- In the house next to Solas.
[ ] Tales #110 - The Singing Maiden

- Pinned to the Tavern.


Haven s Best and Brightest

Quest Giver: N/A

Requirement: Meet at War Table
Reward: 50 Experience
You ll need to speak with a few people to get started. Find the Quartermaster,
Threnn, just outside the Chantry. If you ask her enough questions you ll unlock
[A STUDY OF THE FIFTH BLIGHT, VOL. ONE]. Speak with Adan at the Apothecary,
talk to him enough to start [PASSING NOTES] and [MIXING POTIONS]. Head outside
the walls to find Harrit the Smith. Ask him and you ll get a schematic for
the quests [THE RIGHT ARMOR] and [PIECE BY PIECE].
The Right Armor

Quest Giver: Harritt

Requirement: Complete "Haven s Best and Brightest"
Reward: New Armor
Loot the nearby crate to gather some materials then craft a new piece of armor.
Be sure to equip it, it s likely better than what you re wearing.
Piece by Piece

Quest Giver: Harritt

Requirement: Complete "Haven s Best and Brightest"
Reward: Modified Armor
Loot another crate to get more materials then upgrade the armor you just made.
You can pull upgrades out at any time, so keep that in mind before you go on a
selling spree.
Passing Notes

Quest Giver: Adan

Requirement: Scout the Hinterlands
Reward: 100 Experience, Lyrium Potion Recipe
Go into the building where Taigen s Notes can be found. You must search the
table in the back right. Lots of [IRON] behind his house. Take these back to
Mixing Potions

Quest Giver: Adan

Requirement: Complete "Passing Notes"
Reward: 50 Experience
This is a simple quest, just check out the nearby potion station.

Know Thy Enemy

Quest Giver: N/A

Requirement: Scout the Hinterlands
Reward: 50 Experience
While fighting in the Hinterlands your enemies will drop items that can be
turned in to Minaeve, the researcher, to aid in defeating these foes.

1. Talk to Solas in Haven

The Chosen of Andraste, a blessed hero sent to save us all.

- I hope to be one.
- Sounds dashing. (Solas +1)
- I m not a hero.
Every great war has its heroes. I m just curious what kind you ll be.
- You study ancient ruins (Solas +1)
- That s impressive. (Solas +1)
- How can you sleep there?
- That s valuable.
- That s dangerous.
- A good one. (Solas +1)
- A smart and happy hero.
- Unstoppable
Cassandra has been accommodating, but you understand my caution.
- Cassandra will protect you. (Solas +1)
- We have bigger problems.
- Your fears don t matter (Solas -1)
2. Talk to Solas after initial conversation

Any artifact of such power is dangerous. The destruction of the conclave proves
that much.
- You think it survived? (Solas +1)
- I agree.
- It will turn up.
- It s not a priority. (Solas -1)
Tell me about the Fade.
- Tell me about the Breach (Solas +1)
- Tell me about the Veil (Solas +1)
- That sounds marvelous (Solas +1)
- That sounds strange. (Solas -1)
- That sounds dangerous. (Solas -5)
- Tell me about demons
- Can we change that? (Solas +1)
- I don t believe that. (Solas -1)
- I don t care. (Solas -5)
Tell me about yourself
- I respect you.

- Do I need a reason? (Solas -1)

- I must know I can trust you.
- Why study the Fade?
- That sounds dangerous.
- Clearly, you woke up.
- Is that why you re here? (Solas +1)
- I hope that works.
- Weird, but good for you. (Solas -1)
- That s unnatural. (Solas -5)
- Where have you studied? (Solas +1)
- Which battlefields? (Solas +1)
- Tell me what happened!
- Do you work with anyone?
- Wisdom and Purpose? (Solas +1)
- Those are demon names.
- That s amazing. (Solas +1)
- Can they be your friends?
- Spirits are not your friends. (Solas -5)
- Yes. Spirits are people (Solas +5)
- You need a body to be real. (Solas -1)
- I m not arguing this. (Solas -5)
- Spirits lack free will. (Solas -1)
3. Talk to Solas after Champions of the Just

Any group corrupted by a demon must be watched carefully. At least they know how
to fight.
- Don t underestimate them. (Solas -1)
- Beggars can t be choosers. (Solas +1)
- They have their uses. (Solas -5)


1. Talk to Varric in Haven

Most people would have spread that out over more than one day
- Glad to be alive (Varric +1)
- Too many people died up there. (Varric +1)
- I m fine. (Varric -1)
- This is all bullshit. (Varric +1)
- I can barely keep up. (Varric +1)
"Bad for morale" would be an understatement. I still can t believe anyone was
in there and lived.
- Why did you stay?
- It hasn t sunk in yet.
- I was fortunate.
- I can t believe it, either.
- We need to close the Breach.
2. Talk to Varric after initial conversation

I have questions about Hawke.

- Orsino s fate made no sense. (Varric -1)
- You made up the Arishok fight.


Where are Hawke s friends?

have a personal question.
How do you know Cassandra?
Where are you from?
Tell me about the crossbow.
What do you do?
- Could you do Leliana s job?
- What books do you write?
- What shops do you own?
Tell me about red lyrium.
- What is it, exactly?
- What can it do?
- Why was it in the temple?
- You have a piece of it?
- Isn t that dangerous?
3. Talk to Varric after Champions of the Just

Finding more of it really punches a hole in my "red lyrium at the temple was a
coincidence" theory.
- How fast does it spread?
- Don t worry.
- Let s keep hoping.
- We need to eliminate it.
- Anything but celebrate.
- Plan for what s next.
- Have a party. (Varric +1)
- Catch my breath. (Varric +1)

1. Talk to Cassandra in Haven

(Disgusted Noise.)
- You re impressive. (Cassandra +1, Romance)
- Are you all right?
- You need stronger dummies. (Cassandra +1)
- Was that supposed to be me?
One day, they may write about me as a traitor, a madwoman, a fool. And they may
be right.
- You had to do it.
- It s too late to turn back.
- It was foolish. (Cassandra -5)
- What do you believe? -> You don t think I m chosen?
- What happens next?

cannot afford to be so careless again.

You had cause. (Cassandra +5)
Glad to hear it. (Cassandra +1)
No, you can t. (Cassandra -1)

You ve said you believe you re chosen. Does that mean... you believe in the
- I don t know.
- Yes. (Cassandra +5)
- No. (Cassandra -5)

2. Talk to Cassandra after initial conversation

I m... not sure. Where are you from?

- [Tell her.]
- Home is wherever I am. (Cassandra +1)
- I hated it. (Cassandra +5)
- None of your business. (Cassandra -5)
- I d go now, if I had a choice. (Cassandra -1)
- Eventually, perhaps.
- [Make something up.] (Cassandra -5)
- You don t know?
Tell me about yourself (* requires 35 Approval)
* Such modesty! (Romance)
* I m not trying to pry.
* That can t be true.
* Just tell me something.
- I d like us to be closer. (Cassandra -1, Romance)
- Just being friendly. (Cassandra +5)
- Suspicious, aren t you? (Cassandra -1)
- Just tell me.
- You re Nevarran royalty?
- Is that why you left Nevarra?
- So you re not on good terms.
- Others would be thankful. (Cassandra -1)
- Tell me about Nevarra.
- What about your parents? -> "Mortalitasi"?
- What happened to your brother? (Must have high enough Approval)
- I shouldn t have asked.
- That s awful.
- How did he die?
- I understand (Cassandra +1)
- You blamed all mages?
- You didn t let it go. (Cassandra -1)
- You worked for the Divine? -> What is a Right Hand? -> You believed in her.
- How did you become Right Hand?
- You re being modest.
- That s how stories work.
- So what happened?
- You re delightful. (Cassandra +1, Romance)
- You re still a hero.
- Impressive!
- Typical of the Chantry
- What became of the mages?
- That s all for now.
Tell me about the Seekers
- But what are Seekers?
- They did a bad job. (Cassandra -1)
- Then who watched you?
- So you led the templars?
- Could that be fixed?
- What abilities do you have?
- What are your gifts?
- Why did the Seekers rebel?
- You disagree?
- I agree with you. (Cassandra +1)
- It was inevitable.

- You care deeply about it.

- Mages should be free. (Cassandra -5)
- How do you become a Seeker?
- What is the vigil?
- It does sound wonderful. (Cassandra +5)
- Was it magic?
- You were delirious. (Cassandra -5)
- Enough talk for now.
Let s talk about the Chantry
- Should the Chantry be saved?
- What new purpose?
- You sound like an idealist.
- Will there be a new Divine?
- What if they don t agree?
- Would you serve a new Divine?
- Why did you leave the Chantry?
- Who is Chancellor Roderick?
- Will he be a problem?
- That s all for now.
3. Talk to Cassandra after Champions of the Just

It never ends, evidently.

- Is there a problem?
- That s the truth.
- Arguing just makes them worse.
- I hope it will work out.
- I did my best.
- You re blaming me?
- Flatterer. (Romance)
- You got us here.
- I am pretty clever.
- Just remember that.


1. Talk to Sera in Haven

Another reason the templars and mages need to be sat down.

- There s more going on.
- The Conclave tried and failed
- Which side are you on?
They re too busy to look up where the real questions are.
- We ll help them all see.
- You think it should be easy? (Sera +1)
- What questions are those?
Sound good to you, all chosen Lord Herald?
- You staying sounds very good. (Romance only if Female)
- We ll succeed. We have to. (Sera +1)
- Sounds good to me. (Sera +1)
- I only care about stopping it. (Sera +1)

2. Talk to Sera after initial conversation

- You don t fit the Inquisition.

- Tell me about your background.
- Who trained you?
- Not typically.
- Only when I m boasting.
- Are you serious?
- Where are you from?
- No ties worth mentioning?
- I can make evasive jokes, too.
- Don t keep secrets. (Sera -1)
- You re different for an elf.
- There s no value in tradition?
- You re saying "get over it"?
- Just throw it all away?
- Tell me about your "friends."
- Was there ever a "Red Jenny"?
- Do you share the blame, too?
- That seems too casual.
- Someone must be in charge.
- What does your group do?
- You pretend that s moral? (Sera -1)
- Good to know.
- So you re also killers.
- I expected people from you.
- Do they even know what you do?
- So it s strength in numbers.
- How do you get anything done?
- Well, as long as it works. (Sera +1)
- I still don t get it. (Sera -1)
- Sounds like a con. (Sera -1)
- Any opinions about our allies?
- Cassandra, Solas, Varric, Vivienne, Advisors
- Thoughts on the Inquistion?
3. Talk to Sera after Champions of the Just

Good partners, I suppose, if they decide to stay and do what they re told. Seem
to have a problem with that.
- There are none more useful.
- The best tools for the job.
- Do you like templars or not?


1. Talk to Vivienne in Haven

Tell me: why were you at the Divine Conclave?

- This chaos harms everyone. (Vivienne +20)
- The rebels are apostates. (Vivienne +20)
- Justice is all that matters. (Vivienne -1)
- We need the Circle restored. (Vivienne +20)
- The templars made their beds. (Vivienne +1)
- Mages should be free. (Vivienne -1)

Mages, templars, innocent people of all kinds now look to the Inquisition to
decide their fate.
- I ll do all I can.
- And you ll help decide.
- Their fate is in their hands.
And now many believe you are the agent of His will. Whatever the truth is,
that belief gives you power.
- I ll use it to change things. (Vivienne -1)
- The Chantry will be restored. (Vivienne +5)
- No one should have that power.
- Andraste chose me.
2. Talk to Vivienne after initial conversation

I want to help the Circle.

- I ll find them. (Starts "Favors the First Enchanter")
Tell me about the Circle.
- Tell me about the templars.
- Wasn t the Circle disbanded?
- Shouldn t you replace Fiona?
- What was Circle life like?
- What about your experience?
- Was confinement hard?
- How did the rebellion start?
- Do you know Fiona?
- Were they justified?
- Mages are fighting mages?
Tell me about yourself.
- Where are you from?
- How did you become a courtier?
- You married a duke?
- What does his wife think?
- What is a court enchanter?
Any chance we might...
3. Talk to Vivienne after Champions of the Just

We also need to increase our lyrium supplies considerably. The Chantry may still
have stockpiles we can use.
- We re not feeding addictions. (Vivienne -1)
- That may not be enough. (Vivienne +1)
- Cullen can handle that.
Before this crisis is over, you may find that templars, flawed as they may be,
are all that stand between us and chaos.
- I m not as confident in them.
- You re probably right.
- You don t trust mages.
- Do you pose a risk?
- Templars aren t the solution. (Vivienne +1)
- That s just Chantry rhetoric. (Vivienne -5)
- I agree with you. (Vivienne +5)
- Tevinter doesn t think so.
You told me that you d see the Chantry restored. What about the Circle?
- Mages should be free. (Vivienne -20)
- We need the Circle back. (Vivienne +20)

- We need mages in the Chantry. (Vivienne +20)


1. Talk to Iron Bull in Haven

They ve got good form. Cullen s putting his templar training to good use.
- How d you know he s a templar?
- Yes, he is.
- You could always help.
- I d rather discuss your men.
You ve got no leader. No Inquisitor.
- Leliana is our leader.
- We ve got Cassandra. (Iron Bull +1)
- Cullen commands the troops
- Do we need one?
- Perhaps I should lead. (Iron Bull +1)
- I was chosen by the Maker.
- I can seal rifts.
- Someone should. I m willing. (Iron Bull +1)
2. Talk to Iron Bull after initial conversation

Tell me of the Ben-Hassrath

- Re-educators?
- Your job is spying.
- None sound like you.
- Sounds difficult.
- Sounds impossible.
- Sounds fun for you.
- Even knowing what they did?
- It worked out well enough.
- That was brave.
- It means I got to meet you. (Romance)
- You ve had a hard time.
- Wow.
- Interesting story.
Tell me about the Qunari
- I want to know more about you. (Romance)
- They sound interesting.
- They re a potential threat.
- What does "Qunari" mean?
- And those who predate the Qun?
- How do they govern?
- Is there much dissent?
- How is it growing up?
- So no families?
- You didn t choose your job?
- You must have been proud. (Iron Bull +1)
- Do you not marry?
- What, really?
- You don t know true passion?
- I don t know what to say.
- Sounds great. (Iron Bull +1)
- That s bizarre.

- Day-to-day life.
- Except that baker isn t free.
- And if Thedas fell to the Qun?
Why the name "Iron Bull"?
- Why that name, though?
Tell me about Seheron.
- Tell me about Seheron natives.
- What happened?
- Tell me of the fog warriors.
- You sound impressed.
- Tell me of the Tal-Vashoth
- Then aren t you Tal-Vashoth?
- Tell me about Tevinter.
- What s so bad about Tevinter?
3. Talk to Iron Bull after Champions of the Just

Getting into your head. Messing around... (Grunts.)

- I ll protect you.
- It was worth the risk.
- Maybe it never stopped! (Iron Bull -1)
- We killed it. (Iron Bull +1)

1. Talk to Blackwall in Haven

And to actually walk out of it, to be that close...

- I was lucky
- You could get closer.
- It was nothing.
The Breach, the Divine s death, the Wardens... it doesn t make sense. There s so
much we don t know.
- Your help will be invaluable.
- Is it "we" already?
- Just follow our lead.
Just one question, then. How do you think you fit in with all this?
- I want peace. (Blackwall +5)
- I m not sure yet. (Blackwall +1)
- Some worship me. I like that. (Blackwall -5)
2. Talk to Blackwall after initial conversation

Tell me about the Wardens.

- What do Wardens do?
- Your role in the Blight?
- Why were you traveling alone?
- Where have the Wardens gone?
Let s talk about you.
- Where are you from?
- So you have a past.
- You weren t always a Warden.
- Why d you become a Warden?

Thoughts on the Inquisition?

- Why war at all? (Blackwall +1)
- Wars are won in many ways. (Blackwall +1)
- That s obvious. (Blackwall -1)
- Your thoughts on the war?
- Thoughts on my inner circle?
( If you are flirting with Cassandra )
- Any advice?
- A little?
- Don t gossip.
- What about Haven?
- Thoughts on my advisors?
( In reference to Leliana )
- You re afraid of her!
- No one s watching.
- Spymasters aren t "nice."
- What about our cause?
3. Talk to Blackwall after Champions of the Just

I imagine it makes trusting others risky.

- Trust is important. (Blackwall +1)
- What s life without risk? (Blackwall +1)
- I don t trust anyone.
. .
< () >
.. __________________________________________________________________________


The Hinterlands is located in Ferelden outside of Redcliffe. The conflict

between Rebel Mages and Templars is evident here as the two sides often battle
across the hilly terrain. This is one of the largest areas available for
exploration in Thedas with plenty for the Inquisitor to do. The Crossroads and
Redcliffe Farm highlight the mainstays of civilization not wrought with conflict
but with commerce and stability. There is High Dragon in this zone and the Carta
base dungeon of Valammar.

Companions: Blackwall
1. Clemence - Meet with Alexius in the Gull & Lantern and talk to Clemence.
2. Corporal Vale - Complete all the quests for the refugees then tell him you
want to grow the Inquisition s reputation.
3. Enchanter Ellendra - Complete "My Lover s Phylactery" and either have
Vivienne in the party, the Arcane perk, or be a mage to recruit her.
4. Horsemaster Dennet - Complete "Horses for the Inquisition" and have Cassandra
or Vivienne convince him to join the Inquisition.
5. Lord Berand - Complete "Love Waits" and ask him to join.
6. Ritts - Complete "Strange Bedfellows" and have Varric recruit her. You can
also be a dwarven Inquisitor.
7. Speaker Anais - Complete "Praise the Herald of Andraste" and talk to Anais
once more.

8. Tanner - Complete Business Arrangement and have Cassandra strong arm Tanner
into joining the Inquisition.
Crafting Materials

- Elfroot
- Embrium
- Spindleweed
- Iron
- Fennec Fur
- Nugskin
- Canine Leather

August Ram
Black Wolf
Carta Assassin
Carta Bowman
Carta Grunt
Carta Leader
Despair Demon
* Ferelden Frostback
Giant Spider
Greater Terror

- Royal Elfroot
- Deep Mushroom
- Obsidian

Hurlock Alpha
Large Bear
Lesser Terror
Lyrium Smuggler Lurker
Outlaw Archer
Outlaw Enforcer
Outlaw Lurker
Rage Demon

- Crystal Grace
- Drakestone
- Onyx
- Bear Hide
- Ram Leather

Rebel Mage
Rebel Spellbinder
Red Templar
Red Templar Knight
Templar Archer
Templar Defender
Templar Knight
Venatori Spellbinder
Venatori Zealot

Codex Entries

[ ] Groups #13 - The Carta

- In Redcliffe Village next to the shop near the docks on a bookshelf.
[ ] Groups #14 - The Circle of Magi
- In the Redcliffe Village Chantry.
[ ] Groups #16 - The Dwarven Merchants Guild
- In Redcliffe Village on the docks.
[ ] History #33 - Queen Asha of Antiva
- On a table to the left of the entrance inside Winterwatch Tower.
[ ] Letters & Notes #7 - A Letter from the Carta
- Top level of the Grand Forest Villa.
[ ] Letters & Notes #12 - A Page from a Journal, Edges Scorched
- Near an apostate cache in a burning house that s locked.
[ ] Letters & Notes #17 - An Unsigned Letter
- Bottom level of the Grand Forest Villa.
- Top level of the Grand Forest Villa.
[ ] Letters & Notes #18 - An Unsigned Letter in the Hinterlands
- In the Dusklight Camp.
[ ] Letters & Notes #23 - Construction Orders
- Lying on the ground at the bandit camp along the East Road.
[ ] Letters & Notes #35 - Healer s Notes at Redcliffe Crossroads
- Above the Refugee Hunter s house in a round abode on the table.
[ ] Letters & Notes #39 - Letter Found in a Redcliffe Home
- In Hyndel s fathers home in the Crossroads.
[ ] Letters & Notes #62 - Stronghold of the Apostate Mages
- In the cave in the East Road during Measuring the Veil.
- In an empty shack on Redcliffe Road.

[ ] Letters & Notes #65 - Templar Encampment

- On a table inside Fort Connor.
- At an abandoned camp on a bench to the west of Fort Connor.
- On the templars in the quest "Agrarian Apostate"
[ ] Magic #4 - Lyrium
- In the locked shack in the center of Redcliffe Village.
[ ] Magic #6 - Phylacteries
- Outside of Winterwatch Tower near some statues.
[ ] Places #36 - The Orlesian Empire
- In the shack where Blackwall is located.
[ ] Places #42 - The Tevinter Imperium
- Inside the Druffalo shack at Redcliffe Farm.
[ ] Tales #21 - Astrariums
- On a table near Constellation: Judex
[ ] Tales #42 - Darktown s Deal
- In Valammar with the Carta Leader.
[ ] Tales #54 - Hard in Hightown: Chapter One
- Second story of Dennet s House on Redcliffe Farm.
[ ] Tales #56 - Hero in Every Port (Ballad of Nuggins)
- In the house next to the Gull and Lantern.
[ ] Tales #77 - Seers and the Allsmet
- On the second floor of the Gull and Lantern.
[ ] Tales #87 - The Annulment at Dairsmuid
- On the second floor of the Gull and Lantern.
[ ] Tales #92 - The Crows and Queen Madrigal
- First floor of the Gull and Lantern, atop a barrel.
[ ] Tales #114 - The Troubles of a Chantry Scholar
- In the Redcliffe Village Chantry.
Random Entries

[ ] A Heartfelt Request
- Pinned to the fence of the Druffalo pen in Redcliffe Farm.
[ ] A Note Found on a Corpse
- In Dead Ram Grove near a Shard.
[ ] A Letter Found on a Corpse
- In an alcove of Old Simeon s Cave.
[ ] A List of Supplies
- On a barrel at the docks in the Blood Cliffs.
[ ] Charred Paper
- On the bandits that attack Blackwall when you recruit him.
[ ] Dwarven Runecraft
- Inside a burning building east of Fort Connor. On a barrel.
[ ] A Letter to Revered Mother Giselle
- On a table in the healing house in the Crossroads.
[ ] Carta Note on Security
- In Valammar on a table.
[ ] An Angry Note
- In Valammar behind a locked door.
[ ] Defaced Carta Notice
- In Valammar behind a locked door.
[ ] Order for Lake Operations
- In Valammar with the Carta Leader.
[ ] Report on Activity in the Hinterlands
- In Valammar with the Carta Leader.
[ ] Personal Note Scrawled in a Ledger
- In Valammar with the Carta Leader.
[ ] Fereldan Culture
- In one of Redcliffe Villages shops.

[ ] An Unsigned Letter on a Bandit Body

- Corpse of bandits outside of the Rebel Queen s Ravine.
[ ] Hunter s View of the Mage-Templar War
- On the nightstand of the Refugee Hunter s house in the Crossroads.
[ ] A Letter Found on a Dead Body
- Across the bridge from West Road to Redcliffe Farm.
[ ] A Letter Found on a Dead Dwarf
- West and up the hill from the letter on the dead body at West Road.
[ ] A Letter in an Empty Home
- The eastern shack on the Redcliffe Farms near the Redcliffe Farm Camp.


1. Constellation: Judex
- Location:
- Solve Order: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2, 4, 6

2. Constellation: Draconis
- Location: North of the Forest Camp atop a hill
- Solve Order: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 7, 4,
9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 8, 15, 16, 17

5 6


3. Constellation: Peraquialis
- Location: North of Redcliffe Farms in Dead Ram Grove
- Solve Order: 3, 5, 1, 2, 3, 7, 4, 8, 6, 7


With all three Astrarium s solved head to Witchwood through the Mage s Camp.
Loot the [CHEST] in the back for a [RARE WEAPON].
Bottles of Thedas

1. Vint-9 Rowan s Rose

- Inside Dennet s House on the shelf.
2. Carnal, 8:69 Blessed
- In Winterwatch Tower, second floor of tavern.
3. Butterbile 7:84
- In the house during the "Blood Brothers" Side Quest.
4. Grey Whiskey/Ritewine/Conscription Ale
"Vintage: Warden Steed. Joining Juice."

- In the Wheelhouse at Redcliffe. Need Deft Hands to unlock.


1. Northwest corner of the map, a dungeon in Dead Rams Gorge. Light some
Veilfire and go in. Defeat some Outlaw Archers, one drops a [RARE RING]. Grab
the [MOSAIC PIECE] then go down the steps, [FERELDAN MEDALLION OF SERVICE].
Head down the way into the larger open area and examine the wall to learn
[FROST RUNE] Schematic.
2. East side of map above the Astrarium in the Dungeon Cave. You can pick this
up when doing "Measuring the Veil" with Solas. The glyph is the [FIRE RUNE]
High Dragons

1. Ferelden Frostback

Finding all Landmarks nets 500 Influence and 2 Power.


The Gull and Lantern

The Hero of Ferelden
Redcliffe Windmill
Dragon Nest
Maferath Repentant
Tyrdda s Lover
Hendir, Dwarf-Prince, Friend to Tyrdda
The Burial of the Beast
Fort Connor
Broken Bridge
The Departure of Her Lover
Templar Camp
Thelm Gold-Handed, the Dreamer
Tyrdda Bright-Axe, Avvar Mother
Tyrdda Flying to Her Lover
Thelm Gold-Handed, the Tempter
Grand Forest Villa
Lornan s Exile
The Tempter Burns

Mosaic Pieces

The Fall
1. Inside the ruins of Fort Connor.
2. Leaning against the shack where you find Blackwall.
3. Inside the Druffalo shack at the Redcliffe Farm.
4. Inside the Dungeon in Dead Ram Grove.
5. At the highest point of the western tower in the Grand Forest Villa.
6. Atop the highest point in Winterwatch Tower, across from Hyndel.
7. Atop a tower on the Redcliffe Road north of the Crossroads, there is a Fade
Rift at this location.
8. In Valammar s Hall of the Elders, must lockpick to enter this room.
9. In Valammar s Vaults along the wall.
10. In one of the burned down homes along the West Road, east of Fort Connor.
Oculara and Shards

Oculara near Redcliffe Farm

1. Near haystack outside of Bron s hut.
2. On a hill north of the Redcliffe Farms Camp.
3. Near Constellation: Peraquialis
4. Through Dead Ram Grove near a note for "Bergrit s Claws"
5. West side of Redcliffe Farms.
Grand Forest Villa Oculara
6. Atop a hill between the Grand Forest Villa and Forest Camp
7. Near a single tree in the river outside the Grand Forest Villa
8. Cliff to the north of the Grand Forest Villa
9. On a large rock east of the Grand Forest Villa
10. Off the side of a tower in the Grand Forest Villa.
Upper Lake Camp Oculara
11. East of Fort Connor inside a burning building.
12. North along the West Road, east of Fort Connor. Upon a hill.
13. Just south of a Fade Rift on the edge of Witchwood from the West Road.
14. Amidst the ruins of Fort Connor, right of the interior entrance.
Lady Shayna s Valley Oculara
15. At the entrance
16. Up the cliff to the south
17. Climb the rock pillar at the entrance
18. Atop a cliff to the north of the entrance

Outskirts Oculara
Northeast of the Crossroads
Just south of the Outskirts
South of the Outskirts Camp
Broken bridge at Calenhad s

along the way to the East Road.

Camp along the cliffside in some bushes.
on the ledge of an abandoned home.

Treasure Maps

1. Map to a Waterfall - Just outside of Upper Lake Camp

2. Sketch of Calenhad s Foothold - Just south of the Outskirts Camp
3. Map of a Farmland Cave - In Hafter s Woods, east of the mercenary fortress
Logging Stands

1. Just south of the Forest Camp.

2. East of the Forest Camp along the way to the Upper Lake Camp.
Song Lyrics

1. From the Tyrdda Flying to Her Lover Landmark.

2. From the codex in Redcliffe.

Hinterlands Drakestone Survey

Start: Requisition Officer

Reward: 1 Power, 200 Influence
Materials: 2 Onyx, 5 Drakestone
Hinterlands Tapestry Requisition

Start: Requisition Officer
Reward: 1 Power, 200 Influence
Materials: 5 Velveteen, 4 Decorative Gems
Hinterlands Cage Requisition

Start: Requisition Officer

Reward: 1 Power, 200 Influence
Materials: 5 Fereldan Locks, 10 Iron

Holding the Hinterlands

Quest Giver: Scout Harding

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands
Reward: 50 Influence, 1 Power (Total: 250 Influence, 5 Power)
There are 5 additional camps other than the one you start in, top-left and
bottom-left, top-right and bottom-right, and then center from your current
location at the Outskirts Camp. Dwarfson s Camp is at the bottom-right and has
a [CHEST] on a ledge. On the way here you should find a Worried Scout, he can
start the "Strange Bedfellows" quest. The Upper Lake Camp is central and has an
Oculura nearby. The Redcliffe Farms Camps is at the top-left near the Redcliffe
Farms. The Forest Camp is out to the southwest. In the northeast you ll find the
Dusklight Camp, don t go too far past it unless you re trying to fight a High
In the Elements

Quest Giver: Recruit Whittle

Requirement: Secure the Crossroads.
Reward: 177 Experience, 80 Influence, 1 Power
You need to mark five Apostate Caches. The first one is found outside of
Dwarfson s Camp, another is west of here up a hill. In Smuggler s Cave to the
east you ll find the third cache. Head to the Ashe Warrior s Refuge in the
southeast to spot the fourth cache. The final cache is just outside Winterwatch,
mark it then return to Whittle.
East Road Bandits

Quest Giver: Recruit Bellette

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands
Reward: 177 Experience, 80 Influence, 1 Power
Go east of the Crossroads and you ll find Recruit Bellette guarding a stone
arch. Ask about the bandits to trigger the quest. Follow the trail until you
find some of the bandits, two Footmen and two Archers. Like most scenarios, have
your Warrior charge in and gain their attention while everyone else takes out
the Archers. Further east you ll find yourself in the Rebel Queen s Ravine, a
scout usually can be seen running back at this point.
The camp has five Archers and an Enforcer guarding it, you ll need to check his
resistances and tank him away from the other party members. The Archers all

stand close enough to be taken out quickly with some Area of Effect attacks
like Immolate and Explosive Arrow. Focus down the Enforcer, keeping up your
Guard as much as possible and then Barrier. Loot the bodies for [LETTER ON A
become the Dusklight Camp, so be sure to set up here. Avoid going too far north
into the valley, there are Dragons and an unskilled and underleveled party would
get decimated.
Hunger Pangs

Quest Giver: Refugee Hunter

Requirement: Secure the Crossroads
Reward: 177 Experience, 80 Influence, 1 Power
For this quest you ll need to assist the Refugee Hunter by collecting 10 pieces
of Ram Meat. It s not too difficult to go to Dwarfson s Camp and just start
picking off the Rams, use an ability that can Freeze or Paralyze to avoid
having to chase it down since it will flee.
A Healing Hand

Quest Giver: Corporal Vale

Requirement: Secure the Crossroads
Reward: 177 Experience, 80 Influence, 1 Power
You can start this once you ve secured the Crossroads, but the healer you need
is in Redcliffe so you must advance the story past "The Threat Remains" before
you can complete it.
A Common Treatment

Quest Giver: Healer from Redcliffe

Requirement: Advance the Inquisition s Path past "The Threat Remains"
Reward: 44 Experience, 40 Influence
This quest is given from the healer in Redcliffe. She needs additional herbs
to continue helping people. Specifically Spindleweed and Elfroot. Elfroot is
extremely common and Spindleweed can be found near areas with bodies of water.
You may very likely already have both of them. Once you do, turn them into
her to complete the quest.
An Advanced Treatment

Quest Giver: Healer from Redcliffe

Requirement: Complete "A Common Treatment"
Reward: 44 Experience, 40 Influence

herbs are needed. Six Elfroot this time and one Royal Elfroot. You can
the Royal Elfroot hidden in the area north of Dusklight Camp (the area
the dragon), and regular Elfroot is everywhere. Once you have the items,
them in to complete the quest.

A Rare Treament

Quest Giver: Healer from Redcliffe

Requirement: Complete "An Advanced Treatment"

Reward: 44 Experience, 40 Influence
Once more, into the breach! Or... something like that. Spindleweed is again
very common around lakes and can be found fairly easily. You can also find
the Crystal Grace in wooded areas, as it is often growing out of logs, and
can be found while you adventure throughout the Hinterlands. Once you have
the herbs, return to the healer and let her have them to complete this quest.
Apostates in the Witchwood

Quest Giver: Dead body of an apostate. This is found southeast of the Outskirts
Camp. A note in a house from the Crossroads to Redcliffe or the
one in the caves near Witchwood also starts the quest.
Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands
Reward: 354 Experience, 200 Influence, 2 Power
The [STRONGHOLD OF THE APOSTATE MAGES] note can be obtained near the Outskirts
Camp where some apostates and templars are fighting. Head over to Witchwood and
take out the magical barrier with a Mage. You ll need to fight off some of the
Spellbinders that are around the cave that leads to the stronghold first though.
The apostates will try to cut you off with runes, just plow through and get in
their faces where they will fall easily. The Rebel Mage drops the [WRATH OF
Templars to the West

Quest Giver: Letter on the corpse of a Templar. Can also trigger this quest by
finding a letter in Fort Connor.
Requirement: Defeat the templars holding the "Dalish Ring" during the "Agrarian
Apostate" quest to find the letter.
Reward: 354 Experience, 200 Influence, 2 Power
You ll want to start at the Upper Lake Camp so you are full on supplies. From
here just head west along the road towards the Redcliffe Farm. You ll encounter
a Templar Defender and three Templar Knights. The Templar Defender can be a bit
of a challenging foe, so grab his attention and defeat the rest of the Templar
Knights first. Head south of the bridge when you reach it to spot a pair of
Templar Defenders.
Continuing along this path you ll find the entrance to the Templar Encampment.
It s guarded by a Templar Archer who will retreat a bit to three more Templar
Archers and a Templar Knight. They are grouped tightly so a group attack would
be best to take them out, Immolate or Explosive Arrow works wonders as does
Chain Lightning. Hopefully these guys don t attract the remaining three Templar
Knights and the Templar Defender that are further back or you ll have 9 foes to
contend with at once. Loot the area once you re done, there is a schematic for
[TEMPLAR GREATSWORD] in a chest at the back and some [ROYAL ELFROOT]. The
Templar Defender drops [THE SWEETISH FINGERS].
Praise the Herald of Andraste

Quest Giver: Speaker Anais

Requirement: Speak with Speaker Anais infront of Lornan s Exile
Reward: 177 Experience, 80 Influence, 1 Power
Speak with the Speaker to gain access to Lornan s Exile then head to the back

of the area to find a Fade Rift. Defeat the Wraiths that are summoned and use
the Fade Rift to disrupt the demons that are spawned. You can use Dispel when
they are being summoned to completely stop them from being spawned at all, if
you re lucky you ll guess the tougher enemy that joins (usually a Rage Demon).
Return to Speaker Anais after closing the Fade Rift and she ll pledge her
loyalty to the Inquisition.
Shallow Breaths

Quest Giver: Refugee

Requirement: Secure the Crossroads
Reward: 44 Experience, 40 Influence
Speak with this villager in the Crossroads, he needs a potion that only his son
Hyndel can make. Visit Hyndel in Lornan s Exile, he s on the second tier to the
left. Take the potion back to the villager in the Crossroads to complete the
quest, but if you go back to Hyndel with Solas you can convince him to go back
to the Crossroads. Just below this area, near the ladder, is a book called
[QUEEN ASHA OF ANTIVA]. Go across from here and climb up to find a [MOSAIC
PIECE] and if you go inside on the bottom right you ll find the tavern. A
[CHEST] can be found on the lower level, loot it and go upstairs from here.
Search on the table for a [BOTTLE OF THEDAS].
Master of Horses

Quest Giver: Scout Harding

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands
Reward: 177 Experience, 80 Influence, 1 Power
Head to the Redcliffe Farms to find Dennet. Ignore him for a second and go
upstairs. Search for the book [HARD IN HIGHTOWN: CHAPTER ONE] and the [FREE
MARCHES BANNER] in a chest. Back downstairs you ll find a [BOTTLE OF THEDAL]
on a shelf in the back room, it s a hidden object so you ll need to get close
before you can actually pick it up. Speak with Dennet who suggests talking to
his wife and servant before he can give you a horse. In addition, one of the
huts near the rift has [THE TEVINTER IMPERIUM].
In the Saddle

Quest Giver: Seanna

Requirement: Obtain a Horse
Reward: Gold
This is a simple challenge, you ll just need to be quick with the horse to
navigate three courses with increasing length and difficulty.
Farmland Security

Quest Giver: Bron

Requirement: Speak with Dennet
Reward: 177 Experience, 80 Influence, 1 Power
Riding out and marking the locations that Bron wants to build the watchtowers
isn t that hard, there any really any enemies nearby so you can just ride there
and place the marker. You ll have to use the War Table from here and use the
"Watchtowers in the Farms" mission which can take some time to complete. Once

done, return to Bron.

Trouble with Wolves

Quest Giver: Elaina

Requirement: Speak with Dennet
Reward: 177 Experience, 80 Influence, 1 Power
The wolves around the Redcliffe Farm are causing all kinds of problems and need
to be dealt with. Head to the Wolf Hollow where you ll find some aggressive
Wolves and close quarters, try to lure them back and avoid the open area until
you are forced to. Here you ll find a Lesser Terror that must be defeated.
Loot the [TOKEN OF THE PACKMASTER] and equip it to make all Wolves friendly to
your party. Likewise, kill all of the Wolves for the experience and their pelts.
Return to Elaina with the good news once completed.
Horses of the Inquisition

Quest Giver: Dennet

Requirement: Complete "Farmland Security" and "Trouble with Wolves"
Reward: Dennet joins the Inquisition, 177 Experience, 80 Influence, 1 Power
Complete the two prerequisites to gain support and horses. If you have Cassandra
Vivienne, or are intimidating enough, Dennet can become the Horsemaster of the
Inquisition if persuaded. If you break into the house nearby there is a [CHEST]
with a [RARE ARMOR] inside.
Sketch of Calenhad s Foothold

Quest Giver: Corpse south of Outskirts Camp

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands
Reward: 44 Experience, 40 Influence, Rock Armor Schematic
After collecting the map go west up the mountain to some castle ruins. There is
a nearby Fade Rift if you didn t take it out yet. There are some rocks that are
piled up like steps, just jump up them or likewise walk around and take the
ladder down. Open the chest here to receive the [ROCK ARMOR] schematic.
Map to a Waterfall

Quest Giver: Scroll west of the Upper Lake Camp

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands
Reward: 44 Experience, 40 Influence
After grabbing the map head west towards the Redcliffe Farms then follow the
large river south. At the end of the river you ll find a waterfall with the
chest tucked in it. You need to go through the Templar Encampment to be high
Map of a Farmland Cave

Quest Giver: Map in Hafter s Woods

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands
Reward: 128 Experience, 80 Influence

The cave you are looking for is northeast of the Redcliffe Farms. There is an
Astrarium nearby, if you go west from here you ll find the cave on the map
and can search to find the hidden object.
Blood Brothers

Quest Giver: Note in a hut south of Outskirts Camp

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands
Reward: 44 Experience, 40 Influence, Mercenary Lord Blade
From the Outskirts Camp to the Crossroads you ll find the hut with this note
inside. It tells the tale of two brothers, one an apostate and the other a
templar. Head to the location on your map marked for their battle to find the
corpse with the [MERCENARY LORD BLADE] on it. The hut here is locked but if you
open it you ll find a [BOTTLE OF THEDAS] inside.
Stone Dreams

Quest Giver: Note inside abandoned home

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands
Reward: 44 Experience, 40 Influence
North of the Crossroads you ll find this abandoned home. Head to the cave at
the Ash Warrior s Refuge and defeat this apostate then loot his area, this quest
is fairly simple and straightforward.
Love Waits

Quest Giver: Letter on corpse east of Dwarfson s Pass. Can also start by
talking to Lord Berand at Dwarfson s Pass enclave.
Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands
Reward: 177 Experience, 80 Influence, 1 Power
You ll find the letter you need on a few cultists in Lornan s Exile, they are
part of a "Shallow Breaths" and "Praise the Herald of Andraste" as well if you
have them. Give the letter to Lord Berand and you ll get an opportunity to
recruit him into the Inquisition. Search the table nearby for a [BOTTLE OF
THEDAS] if you didn t grab it already.
Open a Vein

Quest Giver: Note next to an apostate cache

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands
Reward: 44 Experience, 40 Influence
This quest is best completed alongside "Elements" since they are in the same
location. Head to the Ash Warrior Refuge in the far southeast and break the
magic barrier. Loot the [CHEST] nearby then the corpse for [BIANCA ARMS I
(ENHANCED)] then check the lyrium vein to complete this quest.
My Lover s Phylactery

Quest Giver: Dead Templar in the Winterwatch Tower region

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands
Reward: 44 Experience, 40 Influence

Once you recover the phylactery and start the quest all you need to do is
return it to Ellendra. She s in the cave to the north by herself. With Cassandra
in the party you can convince her to join the Inquisition.
Agrarian Apostate

Quest Giver: Widow Maura

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands
Reward: 44 Experience, 40 Influence
You ll find the hut of the Widow Maura near a Fade Rift around the Outskirt s
Camp. Talk to her then head east of Dwarfson s Pass and defeat the Templars
to recover the ring. Return it to Maura to complete the quest.
Conscientious Objector

Quest Giver: Dead corpse in the southeast of Hinterlands

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands
Reward: 44 Experience, 40 Influence
At the southeast of the Hinterlands
[GRANDMA S KEY]. The story is about
wanted to head to his grandmother s
northwest of the Crossroads to find

you ll find a dead body with a letter and

an apostate that was a Circle Mage and just
cabin. With the key in hand, head to the
a Terror. Kill it and loot the cabin.

Strange Bedfellows

Quest Giver: Inquisition Scout

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands
Reward: 177 Experience, 80 Influence, 1 Power
Along the way is a tower. Loot a [CHEST] inside and climb to the top. A [CHEST]
on the right has [RARE ARMOR], the [CHEST] on the left has [RARE WEAPON]. Save
the Scout Ritts then search the camp for two hidden objects. If Varric is in the
party you can enlist her into the Inquisition.
A Spirit in the Lake

Quest Giver: Storyteller in Redcliffe

Requirement: Enter Redcliffe Village during "In Hushed Whispers"
Reward: 44 Experience, 40 Influence, Warlord Greatsword
From the Upper Lake Camp go south and place the Blood Lotus on the pier. A
sword will rise up and you can loot it for the [WARLORD GREATSWORD].
Safeguards Against Looters

Quest Giver: Letter on a farmer s corpse in Redcliffe Farms

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands
Reward: 128 Experience, 80 Influence
Head up the river past the Redcliffe Farm to reach this area. Into the Wolf
Hollow you ll need to ascend and cross the little bridge to find the crate.

Letter from a Lover

Quest Giver: Letter in abandoned campsite in Dead Ram Gorge

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands
Reward: 44 Experience, 40 Influence
You need to take some Felandaris up to this location, an herb you won t be able
to get for awhile. When you do, head atop the hill at Dead Ram Gorge and place
the Felandaris. You ll be attacked by two Black Wolves and a Wraith.
Failure to Deliver

Quest Giver: Not near overturned cart

Requirement: Secure the Crossroads
Reward: 44 Experience, 40 Influence, Carta Coat
You ll have to make a little trek from where you find this note but it s worth
it. The Carta Coat is limited to Dwarf Rogues, perfect for Varric.
Business Arrangements

Quest Giver: A note on a dead body north of the Crossroads

Requirement: Have access to Redcliffe Village
Reward: 44 Experience, 40 Influence
The Ballad of Lord Woolsley

Quest Giver: One-Eyed Jimmy

Requirement: Have access to Redcliffe Village
Reward: 177 Experience, 80 Influence, 1 Power
From the Upper Lake Camp go south a little bit to find a different colored Ram.
You can send it back to Redcliffe, but if you attack it you ll discover it was
a Rage Demon.
And yes, if you do kill it you lose the reward.
Where the Druffalo Roam

Quest Giver: Notice Board

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands
Reward: 44 Experience, 40 Influence
This quest starts on the notice board at the Redcliffe Farms. Find the Druffalo
and defeat the enmies along the way as you head back west. You ll want to have
cleared the Fade Rift in the river, it s the reason the Druffalo ran away in
the first place!
Playing with Fire

Quest Giver: Letter on a corpse in Avvar Blade Valley

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands
Reward: 44 Experience, 40 Influence, Master Demon-Slaying Rune

You ll find this note near a landmark in the Avvar Blade Valley. Go to the
statue and spin in three clockwise circles to summon the Grandfather who can be
defeated quite easily.
The Mercenary Fortress

Quest Giver: Orders on mercenaries at Avvar Blade Valley

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands
Reward: 128 Experience, 80 Influence
You can also simply head to the Grand Forest Villa. Your objective is to kill
everything. Once all the Mercenaries are taken out you ll complete the mission.
Return Policy

Quest Giver: Note on corpse west of Broken Bridge

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands
Reward: 128 Experience, 80 Influence
Finding the note isn t that hard, but you ll have to go past the Mercenary
Fortress to reach the altar. Complete the ritual to summon a Rage Demon,
defeat it to complete the quest.
Flowers for Senna

Quest Giver: Widower

Requirement: Have access to Redcliffe Village
Reward: 128 Experience, 80 Influence
Talk to the Widower near the docks in Redcliffe Village then travel to the
Forest Camp. Just up the hill you ll find the grave, place the flowers then
return for your reward.
Bergrit s Claws

Quest Giver: Note on corpse in Dead Ram Gorge

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands
Reward: 128 Experience, 80 Influence, 3 Great Bear Claws
The bears you need to defeat are around the Forest Camp in the southwest. They
can be a bit of a challenge, though Fear works wonders on them. Defeat enough
to collect three Great Bear Claws, you can use them in Masterwork Crafting.
Hinterlands Who s Who

Quest Giver: Corpse in Old Simeon s Cave

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands
Reward: 128 Experience, 80 Influence
Getting through the bears to reach the cave is the hard part. Collect the letter
and go back to the Redcliffe Farms where you can mail the letter.
Deep Trouble

Quest Giver: Hidden alcove south of Lake Luthias or find the Key of Valammar
in the Mercenary Fortress
Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands
Reward: 1,025 Experience, 400 Influence, 3 Power
A Mercenary Leader guards the key when you get to the Mercenary Fortress and
he is a tough guy. An [UNSIGNED LETTER] can be found behind it. Snag the Mosaic
at the top of this place and a chest. Above the shard here you ll find two
[CHESTS]. Head to the camp then into the door. Valammar is a dungeon so you ll
go to a loading screen. There is a Carta Bowman at the entrance and another atop
the steps. The path is split, you can go left through the cave or right up the
steps. The left path can t be opened yet so go right.
Enter the first room to the left, the door is open. Grab the [CARTA NOTE ON
SECURITY] and use a Warrior to bash the rock in the back. Loot the containers
inside for the [PITCH GRENADE RECIPE] then go to the next door. You ll need a
Rogue to pick the lock. Once inside read the [DEFACED CARTA NOTICE] and an
[ANGRY NOTE]. Continue further to the staircase where you ll begin to encounter
Darkspawn. Enter the room behind you to find the Carta Leader. The battle can
be tough but use the door as a choke point and you ll be fine.
The Vault of Valammar

Quest Giver: Sealed Vault Door in Valammar

Requirement: Complete "Deep Trouble"
Reward: 512 Experience, 80 Influence, 2 Power
Since you re here and have 1 of the 2 gears, continue across the bridge. To
the right is a huge door, use a Rogue to unlock it. Inside, loot the pot and
grab the nearby [MOSAIC PIECE]. Grab the second [DWARVEN GEAR] and loot the
other pot. If you exit and go down the steps to the left you ll find a Hurlock
Alpha, be careful with this foe! Use a Mage at this level to block off the
Darkspawn. Continue down the bridge and around, back to the area with the lever
so you can open the vault.
In the vault room you ll have to fight another Hurlock Alpha and some Hurlocks
firing arrows from the back. Loot the area to find a [DWARVEN BANNER], [MOSAIC
PIECE], [BIANCA ARMS III], and an [AMULET OF POWER]. With that settled, head on
out with your great rewards.

BOSS: Ferelden Frostback

Level 12
Health: 105261
Defense: 38
Resistance: Greater Fire
Vulnerable: Cold
Immunity: All Disabling Effects, Slowed
Ability: Perceptive

The battle starts almost as soon as you enter Lady Shayna s Valley. The High
Dragon will not land at this point, you ll need to defeat the Dragonlings and

move to the Blood Cliffs to the north. Use the rock pillar to shield yourself
from fireballs as you defeat the Dragonlings. Ice attacks are definitely your
best attacks against these foes, so bring Mages with Ice Staves and toss Frost
Runes on your physical attackers if you have it. As you enter the Blood Cliffs
the Ferelden Frostback will land in the center.
From a melee perspective, a Warrior can get up close and use Shield Wall easily
since the leg strikes and bites are telegraphed. It s a great way to build up
some Guard in addition to a Barrier you should have going. You need to be ready
to avoid the flame breath at all times, do your best to keep everyone but your
Warrior behind this High Dragon. The sign for this is when she rears back with
the flames in her mouth. You ll also have to contend with the wing flap that
pushes party members away that are too close.
From a ranged perspective, you ll need to watch for fireballs and focus on
doing a lot of damage. Archers can really put some good damage out there, couple
it with an Assassin s Mark of Death (bring Cole with this setup if you can) and
you can deal a lot of damage then trigger the mark for upwards of 5,000 damage
to really put a dent in the Frostback. Mages should use Energy Barrage with an
Ice Staff or general Ice Magic for the most effect, though a Mage with Barrier
will certainly aid in staying alive.
At times you ll have to deal with the Ferelden Frostback stunning the party and
flying away. At this moment Dragonlings will appear from around the arena, just
focus them down and bring the High Dragon back. Keep the Frostback taunted and
away from your ranged attackers, don t shy away from using Potions and Focus
Reward: 1600 Influence, 4 Power, Superior Belt of Focus, Grand Enchanter s Staff
Super Amulet of Constitution, Dragon s Tooth, Intense Dragon Blood
Dragon Webbing, Dragon Scales, Dragon Bone
Loot the area after that war. On the east side raise a bridge to gain acces to
more stuff. You ll get quite a bit of [OBSIDIAN] and [VERIDIUM]. There are a
few [CHESTS] up north, don t pass those up. You can also find the final Landmark
if you ve obtained all the other ones.

Cross Roads

Stormbreak ........................ 439

Mercenary Lord Blade ............... 78
Sturdy Bianca Grip ................. 28
Aiming Module I .................... 28
Bianca Arms I ...................... 19
Antivan Fire Grenade Recipe ........ 53
Spindleweed ........................ 20
Ram Leather ........................ 20
Nugskin ............................ 20
Fennec Fur ......................... 20
Elfroot ............................ 20
Druffalo Hide ...................... 20
Dragonling Scales .................. 20
Canine Leather ..................... 20
Bronto Hide ........................ 20

Blood Lotus ........................ 20

Redcliffe (Weapons)

Ambush Dagger ..................... 102

Dagger of Faith .................... 78
Masterwork Firm Dagger Grip ........ 70
Masterwork Hilted One-Handed Haft .. 70
Redcliffe (Armor)

Masterwork Battlemaster Mail .... 14212

Masterwork Scout Armor ........... 1161
Superior Vanguard Coat Legs ........ 70
Superior Vanguard Coat Arms ........ 70
Superior Hunter Coat Legs .......... 70
Superior Hunter Coat Arms .......... 70
Redcliffe (Schematics)

Templar Greatsword ................ 129

Pointed Maul ...................... 129
Keeper Staff ...................... 129
Double-Bearded Axe ................ 129
Raider Hatchet ..................... 64
Leaf Mace .......................... 64
Kite Shield ........................ 64
Thick Greatsword Grip .............. 20
Rugged Two-Handed Haft ............. 20
Rugged Staff Grip .................. 20
Rugged Bow Grip .................... 20
Pointed Dagger Grip ................ 20
Jeweled Staff Blade ................ 20
Hilted One-Handed Haft ............. 20
Firm Bow Grip ...................... 20
Dense Two-Handed Haft .............. 20
Curved Staff Grip .................. 20
Curved Longsword Grip .............. 20
Bulky One-Handed Haft .............. 20
Blunt Pommel ....................... 20
Balanced Dagger Grip ............... 20
Army Longsword Grip ................ 20
Acolyte Staff Blade ................ 20
Medium Adventurer Armor ........... 176
Light Adventurer Armor ............ 176
Heavy Adventurer Armor ............ 176
Sturdy Scout Coat ................. 159
Sturdy Scout Armor ................ 159
Sturdy Defender Coat .............. 159
Sturdy Defender Armor ............. 159
Sturdy Apprentice Armor ........... 159
Templar Helmet ..................... 28
Templar Scribe Cowl ................ 20
Scout Hat .......................... 20
Scout Coat Legs .................... 20
Scout Coat Arms .................... 20

Scout Armor Legs ...................

Scout Armor Arms ...................
Defender Coat Legs .................
Defender Armor Legs ................
Defender Armor Arms ................
Apprentice Coat Arms ...............
Apprentice Armor Legs ..............
Apprentice Armor Arms ..............


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Val Royeaux is the capital of Orlais and is the fashion design central of
Thedas. There is rich commerce, culture, and a strange form of popularity. The
people here wear masks to cover their true selves and become what the mask
represents instead. People here enjoy the Game and the scene is generally that
of Renaissance France.

Companions: Sera, Vivienne

Agents: Barter by Belle (Ask Cassandra for +1 Approval)
Codex Entries

[ ] History #14 - Emperor Florian

- Northeast side of the Main Level on a table.
[ ] History #25 - Not of Heroes: Division and Distance
- North ledge in the southwest portion of the Upper Level
[ ] History #26 - Not of Heroes: Maferath and Sacrifice
- Note on a table in Le Masque du Lion
[ ] History #27 - Not of Heroes: The Death of Diversity
- On a bench on the second floor of the Main Level
[ ] History #28 - Not of Heroes: United in Hatred
- Near top-left merchant on a barrel
[ ] Places #18 - Miroir de la Mere, Reville s Folly
- On the Docks atop a crate.
[ ] Tales #18 - A Season of the Four Afoul
- Window on the southwest side of the Upper Level
[ ] Tales #64 - La Pomme Vie et Morte
- Examine a tree in the north side of the Main Level
[ ] Tales #79 - She of the Highwaymen Repents
- North side of the Main Level under a hangman s station.
[ ] Tales #97 - The Folly of General Not-Sheritan
- Note on the table next to Deraboam in the Upper Level
[ ] Tales #99 - The Head of Madame Snapp-Snips
- The head of a Nevarran Dragon in Le Masque du Lion
[ ] Tales #105 - The Lovers Alcove
- Alcove on the second floor of the Main Level
[ ] Tales #108 - The Randy Dowager Quarterly
- Behind the barrels in the corner at the Docks.
- Near some pots on the southwest side of the Upper Level.
- On a ledge in the northeast of the outer ring in the Upper Level

Random Entries

[ ] The Mystery and Meaning of Eight Silks

- Examine the balcony ledge on center of the inner ring in the Upper Level
[ ] The Waiting Alcove
- Plaque on the west side of inner ring in the Upper Level
[ ] Pillars of Her Everlasting Flame
- Plaque on the west side of inner ring in the Upper Level
[ ] The Summer Home of Messere Glubs
- Ledge of the fountain near Le Masque du Lion
[ ] Victory and Shade
- Large tree in the second floor of the Main Level
[ ] Longing and the Upper Court
- Bench in the southwest of the outer ring in the Upper Level
[ ] Difficult Time For Those Who Have Lost
- Along the wall on the way to the Docks.
[ ] Le Masque du Lion
- On a stand as you enter the southern end of the Main Level


Havel s Shop

Bloodied Wings ................... 5598

Punisher ......................... 1371
Lifetaker Staff .................. 3428
Seeker Shield ..................... 528
Masterwork Scout Coat ............ 2320
Superior Vanguard Armor .......... 1714
Superior Hunter Armor ............ 1714
Superior Enchanter Armor ......... 1714
Intense Elfsnake Vitaar ........... 343
Sten Sword Grip ................... 738
Narrow Greatsword Grip ............ 738
Masterwork Wrapped One-Handed Haft 738
Masterwork Engraved Two-Handed Haft 738
Masterwork Battlemage Staff Grip .. 738
Masterwork Battlemage Staff Blade . 738
Superior Enchanter Staff Blade .... 211
Masterwork Spiked Pommel .......... 211
Masterwork Bound Dagger Grip ...... 211
Balanced Two-Handed Grip .......... 211
Blank Runestone .................... 71
Pierre-Marie s Shop

Fadewalker Staff .................. 154

Dreamweaver Staff ................. 154
Intense Deathroot Vitaar ........... 39
Superior Enchanter Coat ........... 298
Furniture Shop

Qunari Glass ..................... 1568

Orlesian Glass ................... 1568

Fereldan Glass ................... 1568
Dwarven Glass .................... 1568
Dalish Glass ..................... 1568
Andrastian Glass ................. 1568
Orlesian Bed II ................... 713
Orlesian Bed I .................... 713
Free Marches Bed II ............... 713
Dwarven Bed ....................... 713
Tevinter Drapery .................. 356
Templar Drapery ................... 356
Qunari Drapery .................... 356
Orlesian Drapery .................. 356
Mage Circle Drapery ............... 356
Inquisition Drapery ............... 356
Grey Warden Drapery ............... 356
Free Marches Drapery .............. 356
Fereldan Drapery .................. 356
Elven Drapery ..................... 356
Dwarven Drapery ................... 356
Dalish Drapery .................... 356
Chasind Drapery ................... 356
Chantry Drapery ................... 356
Wilvan s Recipe Shop

Spirit Resistance Tonic Recipe .....

Lightning Resistance Tonic Recipe ..
Fire Resistance Tonic Recipe .......
Cold Resistance Tonic Recipe .......


Schematic Shop

Dwarven Maul ...................... 755

Thrusting Longsword ............... 380
Ornate Pommel ..................... 223
Firm Pommel ....................... 223
Notched Two-Handed Haft ........... 223
Superior Hunter Coat ............. 2288
Orlesian Army Warrior Armor ...... 3075
Orlesian Army Scout Armor ........ 3075
Orlesian Army Battlemage Armor ... 3075
Vanguard Coat ..................... 945
Enchanter Coat .................... 945
Hunter Coat ....................... 945
Vanguard Coat Arms ................ 223
Hunter Coat Arms .................. 223
Elven Cowl ........................ 223
Saphi s Shop

Superior Battlemage Mail ......... 3691

Intense Felandaris Vitaar ........ 2953
Intense Elfsnake Vitaar ........... 343
Superior Prowler Mail Arms ........ 738
Superior Prowler Coat Legs ........ 738
Superior Battlemaster Mail Legs ... 738

Superior Battlemaster Mail Arms ... 738

Superior Battlemage Mail Legs ..... 738
Superior Battlemage Mail Arms ..... 738
Deraboam s Shop

Golden Nug Statue ............... 10000

. .
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.. __________________________________________________________________________


The Fallow Mire can be unlocked from the War Table once you have 8 Inquisition
Power. It is exactly what it sounds like: a bog in the southern section of
Fereleden. As for what we are doing here, well... it seems that some of our
men have been captured by Avvar Barbarians, who wish to fight the great
"Herald of Andraste". Fame has its price, my friends...

1. Sky Watcher - Open and then close the Fade Rift near Sky Watcher. After you
defeat the Avvar and free the captured patrol, look outside of the keep to
find Sky Watcher. You must recruit him at this point, if you leave the zone
he will disappear.
Crafting Materials

- Blood Lotus
- Blue Vitriol
- Summer Stone

Avvar Defender
Apostate Widris


- Dawn Lotus

Lesser Terror
Avvar Warrior

Corpse Archer
Avvar Bowmen

Codex Entries

[ ] Letters #74 - Waterlogged Diary

- Found during the "Cabin Fever" quest.
[ ] Notes #19 - Apostate Widris s Journal
- Found near the third "Beacon in the Dark" beacon. On the ground.
[ ] Notes #52 - Notes on the Stars
- Found north of the third "Beacon in the Dark" beacon. In a campground area
on the ground.
- Another can be found just northwest of the one in the open.
[ ] Place #30 - Rivian

- Found in a house in Fisher s End, by a corpse.

[ ] Tales #23 - Before Andrastianism: Forgotten Faiths
- To the north-west of the initial camp is a house. Search inside to find
this letter.
[ ] Tales #25 - Caspar the Magnificent
- To the northwest of the fourth beacon. Follow the path to a house and read
the book inside.
[ ] Tales #103 - The Lost City of Barindur
- In a house, south of the third beacon of the area. It is the book on the
[ ] The Daughters of Song
- Near the eastern Fade Rift in a house where Skywatcher is located.
[ ] The Lady of the Skies
- North of the third beacon (at the west end of the mire) you ll find a
small island with this book atop a barrel.
[ ] Hargrave Keep
- Behind the locked door in Hargrave Keep.
[ ] The Gardner Diary
- Northwest of the first beacon is a small house. Break the barrels in
front of it to gain entry and find this book.
[ ] The Empty Ones
- Northwest of the first beacon is a small house. Break the barrels in
front of it to gain entry and find this book.

Bottles of Thedas

1. Garbolg s Backcountry Reserve

- To the north-west of the initial camp is a house. Search inside to find
this hidden cache by the bed.
2. Dragon Piss
- To the northwest of the fourth beacon. Follow the path to a house and find
it hidden by a table.

Freed Are Slaves

1. In Hargrave Keep behind the locked door on the second level.

1. Behind
2. Behind
3. Behind
4. Behind





first beacon.
second beacon.
third becon.
fourth beacon.

After collecting all four Glyphs you receive the {TEARS OF THE DEAD RECIPE].

1. The Light of Andraste (Near Fisher s End)

2. The Den (near second rift)
3. Old Windmill (southeast of the 4th beacon)
4. Granite Point (at Granite Point, south of Old Thoroughfare Camp)

Song Lyrics

1. Pick up the Grey Warden Artifact in Hargrave Keep for Shred of Blue.

Blue Vitriol Survey in the Mire

Start: Requisition Officer

Reward: 1 Power, 200 Influence
Materials: 20 Blue Vitriol, 10 Summer Stones
Depending on the amount of exploration you ve been doing up to now, this may
be very easy. 20 Summer Stones and 10 Blue Vitriol are needed here. Summer
Stones are found near The Den landmark as well as pretty much everywhere (you
can find them in Sword Coast as well). Blue Vitriol is throughout the Mire and
really can t be missed.
Artifact Requisition in the Mire

This request hinges upon us finding one "Fereldan Medallion of Service" and
one "Fereldan Tome". "Where the heck are these?" you may ask. Fair question!
Corpse enemies have a rare chance of dropping both of these. This is likely
added to their drop list once you have the quest, so head out and keep killing
those corpses, but be sure to check what they leave behind. After 20-30 kills
you will very likely have this quest completed.
You will get the "Summer Stone Survey in the Mire" quest after this one.
Elixir Requisition in the Mire

Start: Requisition Officer

Reward: 1 Power, 200 Influence
Materials: 5 Elfroot, 5 Diseased Tissue
Well, seems like we need elixirs to combat the plague! Elfroot is easy enough
of course, but what about the diseased tissue? That is found out on corpses that
are floating in the bog. Looting them will likely give you what you need.
Of course, the catch is that out in the bog you will likely be attacked by
corpses, so be sure to clear out any enemies after looting. Once you have five
pieces of flesh you can turn this in.
Note that you will likely get the "Artifact Requisition in the Mire" quest
after turning this in.

Lost Souls

Quest Giver: War Table

Requirement: Venture to the Hinterlands once.
Reward: 1,025 Experience, 400 Influence, 3 Power

While we will do this main quest, it is ideal to go ahead and head towards
the nearby town of Fisher s End. In the houses around this area (including
up to the northwest) you can find several codex s, including [BEFORE
codex entry and hidden in the northwest house by the bed), and the "Place"
codex [RIVAIN] (down in the village). You can also find "The Light of Andastre"
landmark nearby.
Corpses will likely come greet you here. Lovely. Take some time to explore
the bog and get used to the corpses. Many of them are ranged, so you will
want your warriors to set up defenses and close in quickly. They are also
ice-resistant, so Solus is likely a poor option here. Consider knocking them
down and/or stunning and sleeping them.
Head to the central landmass to the southeast to find a beacon. You can
energize this for the "Beacons in the Dark" quest, which you should do now.
After that, stock up if you have to and press further south to the second
beacon of that quest chain.
Once you reach that point, it is a short journey south again to the unclaimed
camp, which should be your next objective. From there we can regroup as we
claim the "Old Thoroughfare Camp".
From here it is wise to mop up ever side quest you have. Rifts, beacons, and
anything else you get along the way. We will really need the level (or levels)
that come. Plus, this main quest is the last thing on the map.
Once you are ready, head south and you ll come to a castle in the distance.
Here you will have dozens of undead pop up. Your party encourages you to run,
which is honestly the smart thing to do. If you are capable though, you can
put everything here to the sword. Fire AoE attacks (Earthshaking Strike) are
godly here. Despite the "They are endless!" screams from your companions,
these undead are indeed limited. Watch any range fighter s back as more come
up and kill until you are content. Only do this if you are comfortable fighting
them, but feel free to use up as many health potions as you wish...
Once you enter the castle, kill the Avvar and go up the ramp. You will find a
[CHEST x2] up here as well as a potion cache (the reason we could use so many
potions earlier). Hit the gate lever to open the way forward. You ll have to
battle a few Avvar warriors, but soon you ll be in a ruined keep where the
leader, the "Hand of Korth" will face you.

BOSS: Hand of Korth

Level 9
Health: 9867
Defense: 46
Electricity Vulnerability
Immunity: All Disabling Effects
Immunity: paralyzed
Immunity: Slowed, Stunned, Taunted
The Avvar leader is not alone. In the middle of the area will be a Defender
unit while up the steps in the very back are three archers. Let Cassandra

challenge the "Hand" to keep him busy. From there, either stun or run by
the defender and take out the three archers first. The last thing we need is
them raining fire from their advantageous position. This is where your archers
should be, once it is clear.
After that, take out the defender and focus on the leader. Ranged units should
have no problem providing support as there are no reinforcements after you take
out his allies. The Hand of Korth is a two-handed fighter, and as such he has
large, sweeping blows that will hit any melee fighters. He can also re-apply
his armor in the middle of the fight and will occasionally (and stupidly) stand
and cheer at times.
With him challenged, he will focus solely on Cassandra, which lets you lay down
AoE traps and effects to great effect. If you are melee, keep your guard up
and/or use your excellent Block and Slash ability to avoid damage and hurt him
as well. Ranged characters have it easy here as long as they tank can stay
Once you fall this beast of a man, claim his treasure, the unique two-handed
axe [GIFT OF THE MOUNTAIN-FATHER], and his cell key. Your allies are close by.
Open the door and let them out, gaining +200 Influence and a [CHEST]. Near the
entrance is the Sky Warrior who helped us out on our first rift. Talk to him
and ask him to join your efforts for the [SKY WARRIOR AGENT] and some power.
Extremely good to have this barbarian on our side.
Rifts in the Mire

There are two rifts to worry about here. The first can be tackled after
setting up the second camp. It is similar to your last rift at the Storm
Coast. Remember, the one by the waterfall? Expect normal enemies (Wraiths)
at first, but on the second wave there will be a Despair Demon. If you can,
light it on fire (which is tough without a fire-specialized mage). You can
always thin out the lesser enemies and disrupt it, which helps. As an added
bonus, an Avvar warrior will be helping us out here. Feel free to talk to
him before hand to learn that at least he is honorable. He is a beast of a
warrior, so no need to worry about him at all as he will help greatly.
The second rift is the hardest one yet. It is to the north of the last one.
Be sure to bring regen potions for everyone. The first wave isn t bad, to be
honest. Wraiths and a single Despair Demon. Take them out, as you ve had some
practice. The second wave will be tough. Here we fact TWO Despair Demons and
a Revenant. Everything here is weak to fire, so use it if you can and have
everyone drink a regen potion at the first scratch. Put the fire on the
Revenant as he is not likely to zoom away like the Despair Demons. Don t
bother with the disrupt this time: it only effects the Revenant for about
a second. Slay them all and seal the rift. With any look you got some good
drops from these enemies.
With that the rifts in the mire are clear. Good job!
Holding the Mire

Quest Giver: Scout Harding

Requirement: Enter the Fallow Mire
Reward: 50 Influence and 1 Power per camp.

This isn t much of a challenge as there is only one other camp in the Mire.
It is located south of the second beacon area, past a small set of stone
archways. Be sure to search nearby for loot and the remains of a scout. This
is a good location to take on the challenges that lie to the east and further
to the south.
Beacons in the Dark

Quest Giver: Find a Beacon in the Fallow Mire

Requirement: Enter the Fallow Mire
Reward: 967 Experience, 200 Influence, 2 Power
This quest is a four-part quest to light beacons on the way to the "Lost Souls"
main quest. May as well do something on your long march! It also goes hand in
hand with the "Beneath the Mire" quest.
The first beacon is a taste of what this is about: have a mage energize
beacon and get ready to defend it. You will always have the high ground
every beacon, and there will always be an elite Lesser Terror that acts
the mini-boss. He will usually come in first, followed by corpses. This
same set-up as every other beacon.

is the

On the first one, knock down the terror as it appears from the ramp and get
ready for two sets of corpses to come up two different hills. Set traps for
them and use fire if you can (Earthshaking Strike is a beautiful thing here).
Take out the corpses and then the terror. Once you are done, light the veilfire
nearby and examine the runes on the pillar for the "Beneath the Mire" quest,
then continue on.
At the second beacon, be SURE you grab the [APOSTATE WIDRIS S JOURNAL] item
laying on the ground. This gives you the "These Demons are Clever" quest,
which we will want to do later. Now, here the set-up is the same as the first
beacon. Defend the high ground, set traps when you can and take out the elite
terror enemy. The numbers are the same as the first beacon, so take them out
like before. Kill it with fire! Don t forget the "Beneath the Mire" quest!
The third beacon will likely come after you play around with the last rift
and Widris. It is a bit harder than the last one, but the set-up is the same.
You will be facing two Terror enemies here. Have Cassandra taunt them both
so you have a good chance of setting them on fire. There will be more corpse
enemies coming in as long as the Terror enemies show up, so kill them as you
wish and slay the Terrors to end the third round. Don t forget the "Beneath
the Mire" quest!
The fourth and last beacon is likely your last objective before the Lost Souls
quest. It is similar to the third beacon, with two Terror enemies and ramps up
to the middle area. Trap the ramps, use some regen potions and fire, and take
out those enemies! It should be a good time.
Once they are dead, you can bask in the knowledge that you made the path south
safer. That and the +200 Influence doesn t hurt. You will also be able to
complete the "Beneath the Mire" quest!
Beneath the Mire

Quest Giver: Rune in Stone Beacons

Requirement: Enter the Fallow Mire
Reward: 512 Experience, 200 Influence, 2 Power

This quest really goes hand in hand with the "Beacons in the Dark" quest.
Completing it is all about remembering it is there! Do the "Beacons in the
Dark" quest and every time you defend a beacon, light a torch with the Veil
Fire that remains and examine the rune on the pillar. This tells a bit of
story about what the crazed apostate Widris is up to. After the fourth beacon,
his work will be made clear and you will get his research as a reward, which
nets you the [TEARS OF THE DEAD RECIPE]. Very nice!
These Demons Are Clever

Quest Giver: Journal near Veilfire Beacon

Requirement: Enter the Fallow Mire
Reward: 967 Experience, 200 Influence, 2 Power
This quest should be yours after reading the journal near the second beacon
in the mire. Sounds like an Apostate is going mad out here. Best to deal with
him now. This quest will be on hold until you finish the Rift quests, as the
apostate is protected by his location. Once you do finish the rift sealing
in this area, go heal up (rest!) and re-visit "The Den". From there, take the
west exit out and head northeast. This leads to the "Hidden Apostate Camp",
where Widris is hiding.
He isn t happy to see us and will summon 4 level 12 Wraiths. He himself is
a level 12 Elite Mage. Have Cassandra get his focus and Solus should barrier
her up to ensure she lives. Varric and you should then focus on taking out
the wraiths as fast as possible. Their ranged support can wipe us out if we
don t hurry.
Without the wraiths, Widris is doomed. He hits hard, but it is nothing Solus s
barrier can t handle. Keep him knocked down or stunned if you can and back him
into the walls here. Once you finish him (+200 Influence), be sure to loot his
body for some rare gear, then open the [CHEST x2] in the area and turn on the
elven ward for +40 Influence.
Also note that there is a rare Dawn Lotus just to the northwest of his camp,
past the log and surrounded by Blood Lotus.
Cabin Fever

Quest Giver: Lost Cabin Key

Requirement: Enter the Fallow Mire
Reward: 128 Experience, 80 Influence
South of the third beacon in the area, past the Avvar Archer checkpoints you
will find a cabin. A locked cabin. Being the curious sort, we MUST get in!
To do that, we have to find the key. This starts a hot/cold hunt with your
investigation button. The key can be found to the northeast, on the edge of
the bog water. Kill whatever pops up and grab it, then back to the cabin.
Just opening this nets us +80 Influence. Just because. Search the [CHEST]
here, loot what you can, and claim the [WATERLOGGED DIARY] on the table.
. .
< () >
.. __________________________________________________________________________


The Storm Coast is unlocked once you have 4 Power in the Inquisition and can
be researched from the War Table. 4 Power is very easy to acquire if you spend
some time in the Hinterlands doing the main quest, side quests, and closing
rifts. With that power you can unlock this area. It should be noted that the
Storm Coast is the first optional area you can unlock.

Companions: The Iron Bull

Agents: The Blades of Hessarian
Crafting Materials

- Spindleweed
- Blood Lotus
- Serpentstone
- Summer Stone
- Iron
- Deep Mushroom

Hessarian Blade
Hessarian Leader
Red Templar Shadow
Red Templar Marksman
Hurlock Alpha

- Black Lotus
- Prophet s Laurel


Hessarian Archer
Giant Spider
Red Templar Behemoth

Hessarian Hound
Hessarian Shield
Red Templar Knight
Red Templar

Codex Entries

[ ] Groups #9 - Surface Dwarves

- Found while doing the quest "Red Water".
[ ] History #18 - From the Canticle of Transigurations
- Found in a small cave, by a statue, south of the southern Astrarium.
[ ] History #60 - The Qun
- Found near beach, by the boats.
[ ] Letters #1 - A Challenge!
- Found on a table near the Morrin s Outlook Rift, near the sea.
[ ] Letters #1 - A Father s Letter
- Found while doing the quest "Red Water".
[ ] Letters #4 - A Grey Warden s Journal
- Found while doing "Warden s of the Coast".
[ ] Letters #26 - Daerwin s Mouth
- Obtained when claiming the "Daerwin s Mouth" landmark.
[ ] Letters #66 - The Conversion of Hessarian
- Found in the Hessarian Camp.
[ ] Tales #27 - Constellation: Bellitanus
- Found by doing the Astrarium.
[ ] Tales #32 - Constellation: Fervenial
- Found by doing the Astrarium.
[ ] Tales #37 - Constellation: Servani

- Found by doing the Astrarium.

[ ] Tales #45 - Grey Whiskey/Ritewine/Conscription Ale
- Found while doing the main quest in the area, "Wardens on the Coast".
[ ] Tales #54 - Hard in Hightown: Chapter 2
- Found in the Hessarian Camp.
[ ] Tales #112 - The Stone Tree
- Claim "The Stone Tree" landmark. Near the south Astrarium.
[ ] Tales #119 - Unsigned Journal
- Found while doing the quest "Red Water".
[ ] What Discpline Achieves
- Along the coast near a Shard.
[ ] Par Vollen: The Occupied North
- In a large house at the top of a cliff, northeast of the Small Grove Camp.
[ ] Journal Found on the Storm Coast
- Through West Ridge towards the Rift at the Falls along the southern wall.
[ ] Notes Found in a Mage s Hut
- Mages hut in the Apostate s Landing
[ ] Bandit Notes
- In the shack during "Cleaning House"
[ ] Initiation for the Blades of Hessarian
- In the Hessarian Camp.
[ ] A Bitter Note
- In the Hessarian Camp.
[ ] In the Mists: A Torn Sky
- On a ridge in Small Grove that overlooks the Long River. There is a camp
where there is located.
[ ] The Blades of Hessarian
- Between the Driftwood Margin Camp and Lyrium Falls atop a cliff in a camp.
[ ] The Storm Coasts Claim
- This is a song you can find east of the Driftwood Margin Camp. The book
is by itself on a cliff overlooking the river below.

1. Constellation: Servani
- Location: On the Great Cove. Search on top of the cliffs.
- Solve Order:
Start at #2, then:
1, 3, 2, 4, 3, 7, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 6



2. Constellation: Fervenial
- Location: Morin s Outlook. On top of the cliffs by the statue.
- Solve Order:
Start at #7, then:
7, 5, 4, 2, 5, 1, 3, 5, 6 (Top Triangles made)
8, 11, 13, 10, 8, 5, 9, (Half of bottom made, middle upwards point made)
12, 14, 10, 9, 7, 10, 6 (Bottom finished, middle downwards point made)






3. Constellation: Bellitanus


- Location: Near The Stone Tree. Southern part of the map.

- Solve Order:
Start at #5, then:
7, 4, 5, 2, 1, 5, 3, 6, 5, 8, 12, 9, 5 (Making the top bows and lower diamond).
12, 11, 9, 8, 10, 12 (Finishing the middle area / letting us focus on the bottom
part last).
13, 16, 12, 14, 15, 18, 17, 16, 15, 12 (Finishing out the bottom).










Now that we have done all three Astrarium s, we can explore a cave! Yes! The
cave in question is to the south, and is built into the cliff side. It is near
the cliffs over-looking the sea as well, and has a dwarven statue by it. Head

down and fight the spiders you find to claim two [CHESTS] that will have some
rare (blue or higher) gear. Here s hoping you get something you can use! One
of these weapons should be the unique [BANE OF RED CROSSING] bow. Good for
non-Varric archers!
Bottles of Thedas

1. Grey Whiskey/Ritewine/Conscription Ale

"Vintage: Warden Riordan. Serve Yourself."
- Found while doing a side quest in the area, "Wardens on the Coast" in the
Westridge, east of the Driftwood Margin Camp.
2. Grey Whiskey/Ritewine/Conscription Ale
"Vintage: Warden Anras. Bottled Whimsy"
- On a ridge in Small Grove that overlooks the Long River. There is a camp
where there is located.
High Dragons

1. Vinsomer

1. Morrin s Steps
2. Morrin s Outlook
3. The Stone Tree
4. Lyrium Falls
5. Daerwin s Mouth

1. At the southeastern portion of the map. There is one of Solas Orbs here
and the Lyrium Falls. Light a Veilfire Torch and go north toward the exit,
hugging the right wall to illuminate the green glyph, the schematic for
Oculara and Shards

West of Storm s Solitude

1. To the left, on the mountains.
2. Down on the beach.
3. Across from the beach (between the two rock on the left, in the distance).
Near Morrin s Outlook
4. To the right, in the valley.
5. Below number 1, down on the beach.
6. To the right of number 2, on the cliff-side of the peninsula.
Near Lyrium Falls
7. To the left of the trees in the distance, on the ground.
8. Between the second and third tree, up in the distance.
9. To the right, on some of the rocks nearby.
Near Small Grove Camp
10. Underneath a fallen tree near the camp.
11. On the hill south of the camp.
12. Westridge up on the hill, east of the Driftwood Margin Camp.
13. North of the Driftwood Margin Camp on the beach near a washed up tree.
Logging Stands

1. West of the Driftwood Margin Camp

2. South of the Hessarian Camp, literally on the other side of the southern wall

1. North of Lyrium Falls entrance. (Stick to mountain on the right)


Iron Survey on the Coast

The iron is likely no big deal to you, but Serpentstone is the new thing
here. You can find it right outside of camp, actually, to the south and again
on a rock on your way west to the coast. Just two examples of close locations.
It is not as common as iron, but can be found while exploring. Serpentstone
shows up more often the further south you go.
Once you do complete this quest, +1 Power is yours. You will also get the
"Antivenom Requisition on the Coast" quest after you complete this one.
NOTE: This quest can be repeated, provided you have the resources. An easy
source of power.
Antivenom Requisition on the Coast

Elfroot is likely no big deal to you, but Spider Glands can be. They are of
course gotten off of Giant Spider corpses, which you are likely to find in
the caves on Storm Coast. These aren t guaranteed drops, but you can find
five of them by the time you finish this area for sure. You can also find
a TON of spiders near Lyrium Falls, in the south of the map (they show up
after clearing out the rift in this area, which you should be level 8+
before trying).
NOTE: This quest can be repeated, provided you have the resources. An easy
source of power.

Wardens of the Coast

Quest Giver: War Table

Requirement: Arrive at the Storm Coast
Reward: 177 Experience, 80 Influence, 1 Power
This is the main quest of this area (and the reason we came here), but it
should be noted that the side-quests "Cleaning House", "Rifts of the Coast",
and "Holding the Storm Coast" all appear once we first arrive in the area.
Talking to the Requisition Officer will add "Iron Survey on the Coast" to that
list as well.
We recommend doing the "Cleaning House" quest first, as well as the "Rifts of
the Coast" quest and even pursue the Astrariums before doing this. All of
those things are nearby, whereas the warden clues are to the south. Plus you
will likely gain a level or two.

Once you are ready, head south for the top two warden markers. They are near
the southern astrarium. It should be noted you are looking for stacks of papers
here. One is on a trail by a tree and a second is by a tent. Very hard to miss.
Further to the south are the other two (near Westridge). The third you can find
inside a building on a cliff. More notes. There is a [CHEST] nearby as well as
a hidden [GREY WHISKEY/RITEWINE/CONSCRIPTION ALE] bottle inside the house.
The final notes are just to the southwest. Near a small campfire. It seems
that the wardens have moved on, after talking a fisherman out of joining.
We won t be talking to them on the Storm Coast...
Cleaning House

Quest Giver: Scout Harding

Requirement: Enter the Storm Coast
Reward: 177 Experience, 80 Influence, 1 Power
Scout Harden will bring this quest to your attention as soon as you enter
the Storm Coast. Soliders went to go talk to some bandits... not very smart.
Head south to the objective point and up the cliffs. A small path takes you
to a higher opening. You will likely encounter a bear or Hessarian foes along
the way.
At the top is a house. Kill the foes here (on harder difficulties you can put
an archer on the roof for the damage bonus) and loot the house fora [CHEST] and
two pots. The next house is shut, but contains the corpses of the soldiers. As
we suspected. However, there is a map and a note here. Read them to get the
[MERCY S CREST RECIPE] and get an optional objective to this quest:
OPTIONAL: Requisition Mercy s Crest to challenge the Bandit Leader.
This optional objective requires some crafting though. You need to get two
Serpentstones (not too hard) and one Deepstalker Hide. You can find some
Deepstalkers in the dungeons to the far left and right sides of the coast by
going into the two dungeons (there are a number of chests in there too, but
not many enemies: just some Deepstalkers and Spiders, both of which aren t
threats to you).
Once you have the items, visit the camp and forge (and equip!) the item. You
can now peacefully visit the Hessarian camp to the south. Go ahead and enter
and talk to the leader. This will start a fight no matter what you say.
NOTE: You can actually get the same rewards AFTER beating the Hessarian Leader,
despite not having the crest equipped. You MUST have it at least crafted
though, otherwise you will face the same fight below with the leader s
men thrown in as well. You also face missing the agent here, so be sure
to craft that accessory!
Time for a fight! This isn t a particularly tough battle. You ll face the
Hessarian Leader and two Hessarian Hounds. These are Elite foes, however.
Have your tank challenge and Solus freeze the leader so you can shatter him.
Traps and area of effect skills can be put in the central area, as the hounds
will move through there quite a bit. Earthshaking Strike s upgrade is lovely
here as well. Focus down a target as they get close to death and keep barrier

effects going. An archer with Full Draw can help a ton here too. Keep at it
and you ll take him out.
Afterwards enjoy the +330 Influence and talk to the Hessarian Soldier that
comes to speak to you. He ll claim to serve you now, which nets you +1 Power
and the [HESSARIAN AGENT]. Very nice! See, it is worth making the charm!
Inspect the house here for the [HARD IN HIGHTOWN: CHAPTER 2] book as well as
[THE CONVERSION OF HESSARIAN] note. There s a [CHEST] as well. There are some
notes to read outside as well, but we are done with this quest.
NOTE: You will now randomly see soldiers out patrolling. They are no longer
hostile, and will in fact fight against the beasts and enemies in the
area, which helps us out. Thanks, Hessarian Swords!
NOTE: This isn t related to the quest, but if you go EAST of the Hessarian
Camp, you can get up a hill by heading up the narrow rain-crevice. This
leads up to the high ground. Continue east / south-east to an unmarked
cave (some Dwarven Ruins), where you can find [CHEST x2] in but even
more importantly the unique shiled [SCHAEFER s RAMPART].
Rifts of the Coast

Reward: 1 Power per Rift

It is recommended to do "Cleaning House" before you do this.
There are only two rifts on the coast. The first one is west of the Hessarian
Camp, down on the beach. There is a special event on the way though: you will
see a Giant fighting a Dragon. Now, we can join in this fight, but the Dragon
will actually fly off, leaving us with the giant.
The giant s attacks are powerful, and should be avoided by anyone who isn t
the tank! It will slam its fists down as well as pick up boulders to throw.
During the start of the fight, it will also jump at party members and land
powerfully. Aim for his legs and lay what traps you can. Ranged fighters excel
here, but warriors need to watch his attacks extra carefully and attack his
Once his legs lose half their health, he will kneel down in pain. This is the
time to put up your AoE attacks and hit him hard. He stays like this for several
seconds, but will get up soon. He relaxs the jumping attacks from here, but can
still pack a punch so stay on him to fell him for good.
Once he is down you can (safely) access the rift beyond him. Normal rift demons
come out of here. Take them out and disrupt when you can, then get ready for
the second wave. Close the rift once you drive the demons back.
The second rift is located out at Morrin s Outlook. Head over there and explore
the area if you haven t already. You ll be treated with dragonlings you can
actually kill, which is fun. The rift is at the dock, below the point, and is
nothing you haven t faced before. The big challenge here is the Rage Demon that
comes out in the second wave, so be ready for him and try to clear out his
allies so you can disrupt him and take him out easier. Seal the rife once he
is dead.
Rift at the Falls

Reward: 1 Power
This quest appears after you close the other rifts. This rift is located near
Lyrium Falls, which is up Long River. It is a Level 12 Rift, meaning you should
stay away until you are 8 or higher (on normal, at least), and have a full
potion stock.
Once you do decide to take it, head into the cave and head to the back. This
place is pretty neat. At the back is the rift. Regular Wraith will compose
the first wave, ready to send a salvo of shots at you. Barrier up and charge.
Take them out and get ready for the much harder second wave, which is even
more Wraiths and a Despair Demon. Note there is a rock pillar to the left you
can use to to draw the demon behind. Divide and conquer. Or let Cassandra
handle the aggro while you thin out the Wraith numbers. That will let you
disrupt the demon to take it out quicker.
Once you are done, close the rift. Be sure to get the Chest and Landmark
nearby and use the Ocalarum.
Holding the Storm Coast

Quest Giver: Scout Harding

Requirement: Enter the Storm Coast
Reward: 50 Influence and 1 Power per camp
This is a pretty standard "set up all your camps" quest. Nothing really
challenging here. You will set these up as you head further south in your
pursuit of the Grey Warden notes. One is down on a beach after leaving a
short cave (the "Small Grove" camp) while the other is in a clearing even
further to the south (the "Driftwood Margin" camp).
Small Grove is best done after Clearing House while you are exploring.
Driftwood Margin is best done after collecting the Grey Warden notes, as
it is nearby.
A Glowing Key

Head to an abandoned house east of the Small Grove Camp and west of the
Astrarium, it s about inbetween them and by itself. Check the notes and loot
then attempt to open the door, it will not open.
Defeated an Elite Rebel Mage west of Driftwood Margin Camp. Picked up the key
to start this quest. Leads to a [CHEST] with [MIGHTY OFFENSE TONIC RECIPE] in
the cabin atop the cliff.
Red Water

Quest Giver: None

Requirement: Complete War Table Operation "Red Templars on the Storm Coast".
Reward: Experience, 200 Influence, +2 Power
You can get this quest after completing the "Red Templars on the Storm Coast"
operation at the War Table. We re pretty sure it is triggered after doing the
"Seeing Red" Varric personal quest, but it may come later after you ve gone
through some of the Main Story quests as well (Champions of the Just / In

Hushed Whispers).
That said, you will eventually be able to do that operation, which unlocks
the Dwarven Port the Red Templars are holding and opens up the northern part
of The Storm Coast and this quest. Let s do this!
Head to the Driftwood Margin Camp and head northwest. The door to the Dwarf
Ruins here is now open. Head on through. You ll reach the coast on the other
side. Here, look for a carcass nearby that has a [RED TEMPLAR KEY] you can
loot (the corpse looks like the ribcage of an animal... don t skip it!). There
is Black Lotus out here too.
Continue on to another section of ruins and kill the red templars you find
here. On the left is some red lyrium you can smash (make Varric happy) and
at the end is a [CHEST] on the right and the region s final landmark. Daerwin s
Mouth. Interesting history. Turn around and take the tunnel in the left-hand
corner to continue (don t jump in the water like BK did! heh....).
The next area has an upstairs and a downstairs. Kill the enemies on the upper
level (one is a behemoth, so be careful) and then go downstairs and kill those
enemies. Down here you will find a door you can open to the left, leading to
another dock area. Activate the Elven Relic here and loot what you can. Back
outside check the nearby room for more loot and a bookshelf, which will give
you the [SURFACE DWARVES] and [A FATHER S LETTER] codex entries.
Head up now and explore the room up here. The [UNSIGNED JOURNAL] codes is up
here as a book. Loot what you can and continue through the room and over the
bridge you find. The next room has a [CHEST] and lots of money thrown around.
Clean up and continue on to kill some more Red Templars. To the left is a
chunk of Red Lyrium you can destroy for Varric and the other side of the
broken stone bridge from earlier. Gather up the loot here and push further
The left area up ahead is a dead-end. Broken pillars. Head right and kill the
enemies near the dock. Killing these foes off completes this quest, actually.
We will note the nearby lockbox, the Red Lyrium you can break off to the right,
and all of the Black Lotus in this area. Additionally, after you have secured
the dock, you will unlock the "Restore the port on the Storm Coast" War Table
operation. SWEET!
NOTE: You can take the boat here to "Dragon Island", to finally chase down
the dragon we saw so very long ago. See the quest "Vinsomer" to get
the scoop on what fighting the dragon will be like.


Quest Giver: None

Requirement: Take the boat at the end of the quest "Red Water" to reach the
"Dragon Island" area. You ll find him there.
Reward: See Loot table below.
NOTE: This is not a named quest in the game.
This is the High Dragon of the Storm Coast. He happens to hang out in an
area that we can t get to until you complete the "Red Waters" quest, so while
you have seen him before, we are only now getting to battle him!

Oh, Vinsomer, you have this coming...

BOSS: Vinsomer
Level 19
Health: 207873
Defense: 59
Vulnerability: Spirit
Immunity: All Disabling Effects
Immunity: Slowed
Greater Electricity Resistance

Vinsomer is an electric Dragon. You ve probably faced a few of these before

already (The Exalted Plains and/or Crestwood), and Vinsomer is very similar
to those dragons.
Like all High Dragons, Vinsomer has the normal "dragon attacks", which
include swiping at you with its claws and tail (with a huge warning sign
when it raises its claws and tail), and flapping its wings to draw everyone
into him (which, as always, is a nuisance to mages and ranged characters while
a boon to warriors and melee characters).
He also has his electric breath attacks. He will breath a stream of electricity
at characters, often while moving back slowly and moving the stream back and
forth a bit. He can also spit out electric ball shots. What he DOESN T do is
fly off mid-battle and circle around you in the skies. He prefers to stay in
the fight itself, and won t fly off.
His two most dangerous (or annoying) attacks are the fact that he can guard
himself, putting up a shield that you must eat through (which is more annoying
than dangerous) and the fact that he can electrify you and your party members.
You have have seen this with the Crestwood dragon. You and your party members
will turn purple, and a ring of electricity will be drawn around you. This
alone isn t dangerous, but if you get your party members in that ring they can
be shocked for electricity damage. Plus it is cumulative, so whenever you see
this attack or the ring, SPREAD OUT! Having an archer in your party is a big
bonus for this reason, as they will naturally be spread out throughout the
That is all the tricks Vinsomer has, so get in there, stay spread out, and
bring him down. Wear electric resistance items to help out of course, and
make smart use of your potions. Enjoy all the loot once you take him down
and congrats on killing another dragon!
Loot: 2,829 Experience, 3500 Influence, +4 Power, In Peace, Vigilance (Heavy
Armor), Wyvern Tooth (Dagger), Master Dragon-Slaying Rune, Superb Ring
of Flanking, Pure Dragon Blood x5, Dragon s Tooth x2, Dragon Webbing x10,
Dragon Scales x7, Dragon Bone x7

Keeping the Darksapawn Down

Quest Giver: None

Requirement: Complete the "Reports of Darkspawn Activity" War Table Operation
after exploring the Storm Coast fully.
Reward: 200 Influence, +2 Power
This quest comes after you complete the War Table operation up above. We
have darkspawn to deal with! Best to bring Blackwall if you want his affection
here, as he lives for this stuff (literally...).
Head to the Storm Coast to see we have four tunnels to seal. The first two
are close to the northern "Storm s Solitude" camp. One is northwest, INSIDE
the Dwarven Ruins up there. Kill the darkspawn you find along the way and
look in the back for a boulder a mage can move back, sealing [TUNNEL 1/4].
The next one is to the southwest, near the two tunnels on the beach. Again,
this is some Dwarven Ruins that has a rock in the back that a mage can put
back to seal [TUNNEL 2/4]. Seeing a pattern here? Yeah.

down to the Driftwood Margin camp next and head north up to the coast.
there, head east past the hill until you can move south, following the
of it (you ll likely fight some darkspawn out here). Follow the side of
hill (and look around a bit) to find a spot to energize for [TUNNEL 3/4].
they went and switched things up on us here.

Finally, the last tunnel is down near lyrium falls. Head into the cave and
stay on the left-hand wall. The tunnel is down near the south of the search
area, but if you stick to the wall you ll find a spot to energize that will
give you [TUNNEL 4/4]. And with that the quest is complete.
. .
< () >
.. __________________________________________________________________________


Ah, the Forbidden Oasis. Forbidden for a reason, perhaps? Once the site of a
bustling mining organization, all you will find here nowadays is sand... and
plenty of it. The oasis is a welcome life-spring in an otherwise inhospitable
desert, but also holds its share of secrets and of course tears in the veil.
Crafting Materials

- Elfroot
- Spindleweed
- Blood Lotus
- Deep Mushroom
- Serpentstone

- Dragonthorn
- Wither Stalk
- Paragon s Luster



Corpse Archer

Corrupted Spider


Codex Entries

[ ] Letters & Notes #68 - The Marker

- Claim "The Marker" landmark to the south of the Desert Camp.
[ ] Letters & Notes #11 A Miner s Journal
- To the left of the Desert Camp, when you run into the stone wall, in a
small camp.
[ ] Letters & Notes #70 - The Weight of War
- Gained when claiming "The Weight of War" landmark, to the east of Desert
[ ] History #79 - Worn Pillars
- Gained when claiming the "Worn Pillars" landmark.
[ ] Letters & Notes #61 - Spiral Mine
- Found by claiming the "Spiral Mine" landmark.
[ ] Letters & Notes #48 - Mysterious Book
- Found while exploring the highest reaches of the area (likely while shard
hunting) between the two camps. You will need to energize a walkway
between two cliff-tops at one point and can find this book on the second
cliff-top past the newly formed walkway.
[ ] Letters & Notes #71 - Tracing from Temple Doors
- Found while doing the main quest in this area, "The Temple of Pride".
[ ] Oculara
- Found in Solasan. Use the Veilfire then backtrack across the hall to find
the Glyph.
[ ] An Apostate s Message
- This is a Glyph found in the Spiral Mine, you ll need to enter at the west
end of the bottom layer to reach it. The place is dark with lots of
braziers along the way.
[ ] The Journal of Paulette Deschant
- This is found in Envers Mining Camp on a crate.

Bottles of Thedas

1. Golden Scythe 4:90 Black

- On the west side at the bottom of the Spiral Mine near a Fade Rift.

1. This is found in Solasan just outside the three doors.

2. This Glyph is found in the Spiral Mine, you ll need to enter at the west end
of the bottom layer to reach it. The place is dark with lots of braziers
along the way.

1. The Marker
2. Wooden Bridge
3. The Weight of War
4. Worn Pillars
5. Upper Walkways
6. Intrinsic Pool
7. Spiral Mine
8. Enver s Mining Company

Mosaic Pieces

Free Are Slaves

1. East of Solasan in the cave, it sits by itself.
Oculara and Shards

Near the Desert Camp

1. Just left of the chain, on the cliff.
2. To the right of the central wooden structure, on the ground.
3. To the left, in the distance, under the rock bridge.
4. To the right, above the wooden bridge, in the gap in the distance.
5. To the far right, past the leaning lumber, above the nearby rock formation.
Near the Worn Pillar Landmark
1. In the waterfall area in front of you.
2. To the right, near the pillar in the foreground.
3. To the left slightly, on the flat area by the tree.
4. Above the stone arch, just to the upper right on top of the rock.
5. To the right, on the flat piece of land close to you.
Near the Upper Walkways
1. Under the stone arch in front of you.
2. To the lower right, just out of the water and up the slope to the right.
3. To the right, near the landmark pole.
4. To the left, admist the campsite.
In Solasan, right of the Oasis Camp
1. To the lower left, above the tree in the distance.
2. To the upper right, just right of the ladder.


The Temple of Pride

This is the main quest of the area, but it is best put off until you finish
up everything else you can. Once reason for this is that shards are needed to
open the temple door. Five of them, in fact. Five isn t alot, especially if
you have been exploring. The Oasis area has 15 in total, for example.
Once you ARE ready to go on with this quest, head to the northwest tunnel from
the Oasis ccamp and up through the tunnel as it leads higher up. This leads to
the Upper Walkways, where you can follow the objective to the temple door. Pay
the tool and enter the temple.
Technically this completes the quest. It does, however, lead to three doors
further on in the temple, all of which are listed below. Not that you should
activate the relic down here for experience and can also light some veilfire
and see a rune directly across from the brazier you light.
Check the next sections for info on what comes next!
The Fire Captured

NOTE: To do this quest, we need shards. A lot of them. For that reason this
quest along with the Cold and Spirit doors are best saved until you
explore a ton of areas and collect a ton of shards.
First Door (6 Shard Door):
You ll kill some corpses here. Avoid any fire mines in the room and take
them out. Loot the place afterward. The big tomb here has some fire-related
items in it (nothing too special), but more importantly [+4 FIRE RESISTANCE].
Permanently! Very nice!
You also get 177 Experience, 80 Influence and +1 Power.
Second Door (12 Shard Door):
More corpses. This area is bigger with more mines though,
Take them all out and loot the place. Once again the tomb
reward. It has some more fire-related items in it (again,
worth noting), but more importantly [+6 FIRE RESISTANCE].

so be careful.
here is the big
nothing really
Another permanent

You also get 512 Experience, 200 Influence, +2 Power for opening the door.
Third Door (18 Shard Door):
The last door. There are more corpses here but there is also a Rage Demon.
The "boss" of the area, I suppose. Take him out with all of the corpses and
loot the area. The big prize is the tomb of course. Open it for fire-related
items, but also some other notable items like the Superb Belt of Fire
Resistance, the Master Fire Rune and [+10 FIRE RESISTANCE]. Very nice!
You also get 967 Experience, 200 Influence, +2 Power for opening the door.
That is all for the fire doors. Get out there and get more shards so you can
open the other doors!
The Cold Endured

NOTE: To do this quest, we need shards. A lot of them. For that reason this
quest along with the Fire and Spirit doors are best saved until you
explore a ton of areas and collect a ton of shards.
First Door (6 Shard Door):
You ll kill some corpses here. Avoid any ice mines in the room and take
them out. Loot the place afterward. The big tomb here has some ice-related
items in it (nothing too special), but more importantly [+4 COLD RESISTANCE].
Permanently! Very nice!
You also get 177 Experience, 80 Influence and +1 Power.
Second Door (12 Shard Door):

More corpses. This area is bigger with more mines though,

Take them all out and loot the place. Once again the tomb
reward. It has some more cold-related items in it (again,
worth noting), but more importantly [+6 COLD RESISTANCE].

so be careful.
here is the big
nothing really
Another permanent

You also get 512 Experience, 200 Influence, +2 Power for opening the door.
Third Door (18 Shard Door):
The third and final door. This time you face a Revenant, along with a bunch
of corpses of course. Take them all out while avoiding the ice mines. Shouldn t
be too hard. Loot the area afterward of course. The big prize is the tomb, and
contains cold-related items, a Superb Belt of Cold Resistance, and an Amulet
of Power (Main Character ONLY), and a [+10 COLD RESISTANCE] boost! Lovely!
You also get 967 Experience, 200 Influence, +2 Power for opening the door.
That is all for the cold doors. Get out there and get more shards so you can
open the other doors!
The Spirit Calmed

NOTE: To do this quest, we need shards. A lot of them. For that reason this
quest along with the Cold and Fire doors are best saved until you
explore a ton of areas and collect a ton of shards.
First Door (6 Shard Door):
Corpses, Always corpses. Take them out and loot the area. The tomb is of
course the big prize, with minor spirit items and [+4 SPIRIT RESISTANCE].
Can t complain about that!
You also get 177 Experience, 80 Influence and +1 Power.
Second Door (12 Shard Door):
Even more corpses. You know the drill: take them out and loot the area. The
tomb here has more minor spirit items and [+6 SPIRIT RESISTANCE]. Very nice!
You also get 512 Experience, 200 Influence, +2 Power for opening the door.
Third Door (18 Shard Door):
The last door. The big enemy here is an Arcane Horror, who is of course
supported by corpses. Not a big challenge. Take them all out and loot the
place. The chest behind the tomb will likely have a rare item for you. The
big prize however should give you some Intense Spirit Essence x5, a Pure Spirit
Essence, a Superb Belt of Spirit Resistance (naturally), and a Master Spirit
Rune. And of course [+10 SPIRIT RESISTANCE].
You also get 967 Experience, 200 Influence, +2 Power for opening the door.
NOTE: Once you are done with all three paths (AKA: You have found every shard

in the game), you will get the quest below: "A Prideful Place".
A Prideful Place

The central door here has opened up. Head to the temple entrance and through
the central door, which is opened automatically once you have completed all
three paths down below (which is great as we don t need any more shards!).
Inside you will find a Pride Demon. He will match your level, and he will be
accompanied by corpses (because why not!). Still, not too hard. You ve fought
them before now, we are sure, but it should be noted that this particular Pride
Demon has at least one ability you may not have seen before: lightning mines.
He can and will lay down a line of them, so be very careful (they can wipe out
you or a party member easily if you re not paying attention). Other than that
he is just like any other Pride Demon, so take him down.
Once you enter the room however, the quest will technically be "complete", so
you will very likely get the quest rewards while you are fighting. Lovely. It
should be in the neighborhood of 596 Experience, 600 Influence, +2 Power.
The real treasure here though is the tomb. Read the tablet here if you wish
(it does nothing for us) and then loot the tomb to claim some Pure Lightning
RESISTANCE]. And of course the real prize of [+20 ELECTRICITY RESISTANCE]. See
how they gave us "three rooms" worth of resistance there? Very nice.
NOTE: You should also get the "Keymaster" Trophy / Achievement at this time,
as you have explored the temple fully. Congrats!
Rifts in the Oasis

Our normal "Close the Rifts" quest... although the numbers here aren t normal.
The quest will state there are three rifts to be closed, and that is true. This
is actually an easy-to-get-to quest, and can be done early in your visit.
The south rift is out in the open, by a landmark. Each wave of this rift has
a Rage Demon, but shouldn t prove too much of a challenge. Take care of them.
Also note that there is a special treasure nearby. It should be noted that this
large southern area is all sand (we took the pain to find out... manually), but
there is one hidden secret. To the southeast is a large dune. Climb up to it
for the viewpoint, then look around to find a wooden structure to the southeast
of you. Go break this structure for a [CHEST] in a pit (and thankfully a
ladder to get back up). Enjoy your new unique weapon. This weapon should
actually be the unique greatsword, [VERDICT].
Onto the other rifts. There is one to the northeast of the initial camp that
you can get to easily. There is a Lesser Terror in the first wave and the
third wave is three Lesser Terrors. Nothing to be feared, of course. The
final rift is to the west, located in the valley and rather close to the
second camp. This one is really no challenge and has only Shades and Wraiths.
Since you are nearby, you may as well go get the Oasis Camp!
Once you are done with these three rifts, the quest "Rifts High and Low" will
show up. Depending on how you tackle the rifts, of course.
Rifts High and Low

You may stumble upon this quest, depending on the order you encounter rifts
in. This quest has two rifts in it: one in the south and one in the north.
The south one is relatively close to the Oasis Camp, and is located west, in
the tunnels. This one is a bit harder with Rage Demons and a more enclosed
area (meaning ranged attackers need to watch their back more). Take it out
to clear the tunnels.
Note: On this first rift, be sure to visit the dead-end nearby to find a
hidden [BOTTLE OF THEDAS; GOLDEN SCYTHE 4:90 BLACK] on the table.
The northern rift is at the far northwest edge of the map (going further
north will lead you to the world map). Head north of Enver s Mining Camp to
this rift and take out the numerous Wraiths. Some are up on a rock to the
northeast: a tactical position for your archers. Once you have the first wave
dealt with, prepare for a Despair Demon in the second wave. He comes with
numerous Wraiths that should be your first priority due to their relentless
ranged attack.
Once the Despair Demon falls, close up the rift and be done with this quest.
Holding the Oasis

This quest is easy to do. Very easy. Still, the rifts are a bit closer. You
can get this camp out of the way when going after the northern rifts. It is
down in the valley, near the Oasis and aptly named the "Oasis Camp". With
it under your control you will be done with this quest, as it is the only
other camp in the area.
Serpentstone Survey in the Oasis

You likely already have plenty of Serpentstone in your inventory from your
time on the Storm Coast. That makes the "Paragon s Luster" the stone that
you ll need. To the west of the Desert Camp (stay high!) you will run into
Enver s Mining Camp. Around here you will find plenty of the stuff. You can
also find it naturally while exploring the valleys and oasis area to the
north. As you only need two chunks, this quest will be done in a heartbeat.
You will unlock the "Mining Requisition in the Oasis" quest once you complete
this one.
What It s Worth

To get this quest, go unlock the Oasis Camp and then wandering around nearby
(more than likely slightly to the east, up the hill) is a wandering miner. go
talk to her and she ll tell you about leaving her ring in a cave nearby... a
cave full of spiders. Hearing about that gives us this quest.
The cave in question is actually "Par as Cavern", and is on the northern part
of the map. Still, it isn t far away and can be reached by heading northeast
from the Oasis Camp, up the hill. You can find a note near a body outside the
cave. Poke your head in and retreat to tempt a couple spiders to come out, so
you can deal with them outside.
The cave itself is absolutely packed. In fact, it isn t a bad idea to go in
and draw a few more out if you wish. There are easily 6-8 more in there after
all. On Normal and below, it is easy to charge in without much though (maybe

a regen drink), but on higher difficulties we will need to be more strategic

by drawing the spiders into a chokepoint, having a tank hold them, and then
use traps and area of effects spells to cull their numbers.
Once you are done, nab the [CHEST] in the middle and go down the left tunnel.
It also has a [CHEST] with the [WEDDING RING] inside it, which is what the
miner wanted. While you are here, check the right path for yet another [CHEST]
and the middle door to start the "The Door in Par as Cavern" quest, which we
will do directly after this one.
Go talk to the miner now and return the ring. As a reward, you will get a key
to the door that you found. Hopefully her marriage will be alright!
The Door in Par as Cavern

You will get this quest while doing the "What It s Worth" quest, and as a
result for finishing that quest you ll get the key to the door in question!
Everything just ties together so nicely!
Go open the door with the key and open the [CHEST] inside for random goodies.
And with that you are done. Yep, that s it!
Mining Requisition in the Oasis

This requisition is laughable. Seriously. All they want out of you is 5 Iron
and 5 Nugskins. These can be found in the tunnels, but you very likely already
have these items naturally, and can likely turn the quest in as soon as you
get is. A very easy quest.
This will unlock the "Alloy Requisition in the Oasis" quest once you complete
it. Which, honestly, is another very easy one.
Alloy Requisition in the Oasis

This time you are tasked to get 4 Serpentstones and 4 Paragon s Luster. Again,
the only challenge here is the Paragon s Luster, which is native to this area,
and once again the best place for it is to the north and to the west (Oasis
area and Enver s Mining Camp). Once you have four pieces you can likely turn
this in to complete the quest.
. .
< () >
.. __________________________________________________________________________


After the destruction of Haven the group moves to this castle in the Dales.
It s pretty beat up but it s massive and some repairs will make it a formidable
fortress to defend against Corypheus. You can customize this area and talk to
your companions, craft, purchase from more merchants, and judge prisoners all
in this massive castle.
Personnel: Alexius, Servis, Florianne

Codex Entries

[ ] The Undercroft
- Undercroft: Note on the barrel
[ ] The Veil
- Next to Dorian.
[ ] The Folly of General Not-Sheritan
- Next to Dorian
[ ] On the Condition of your Charges
- Next to Leliana
[ ] Note found in Skyhold s Rookery
- Near Leliana
[ ] A Fine Time to Close a Border
- Near Leliana
[ ] Request for Resources on the Fade
- Next to Solas
[ ] The Rotunda and the Fresco
- Climb the ladder near Solas
[ ] News from Thedas
- On the Courtyard steps
[ ] Fallen Chandelier
- In the Throne Room before Skyhold is cured.
[ ] Sera s Cabinet of Wonder Whose It Was
- Outside of Sera s place in the Tavern
[ ] A Letter Home
- Second floor of the Quartermasters.
[ ] Pamphlet: Lift Your Voices
- Third floor of the Quartermasters.
[ ] Hard in Hightown: Chapter Five
- Tower along the southwest wall.
[ ] Bride of the Maker
- Statue in the Chantry Garden. North room.
[ ] A Note from the Skyhold Kitchens
- In the Kitchen
[ ] Another Note from the Skyhold Kitchens
- In the Kitchen
[ ] Yet Another Note from the Kitchens
- In the Kitchen
[ ] Note from the Skyhold Kitchens, Again
- In the Kitchen
[ ] Construction Report: Request to Fight
- In the throne room.
[ ] How to Act Fereldan
- In the Library
[ ] The First Blight: Chapter Two
- In the Library
[ ] The Folly of General Not-Sheritan
- In the Library
[ ] What is Green?
- In the Library
[ ] The Pyramids of Par Vollen
- In the Library
[ ] Take Back the Sky: A Tavern Cheer
- In the Tavern near the steps.
[ ] Letter to an Inquisition Agent
- In the Chantry Garden on a bench.
[ ] A Crumpled Letter
- In a room on the second tier of the garden.
[ ] Bellanaris Din an Heem

- On the roof of the second tier of the garden.


Welcome to Skyhold

Quest Giver: N/A

Requirement: Enter Skyhold
Reward: 50 Experience
This is a simple welcome to Skyhold. Visit the War Room and the Blacksmith in
the Undercroft.
Inquisition Trappings

Quest Giver: N/A

Requirement: Enter Skyhold
Reward: Customize Skyhold
While you are finding your way around Skyhold you ll enter the Undercroft. Here
you can customize the appearance of the castle to your liking.
A Greener Garden

Quest Giver: N/A

Requirement: Construction in Skyhold is complete
Reward: Garden
You may choose Chantry Garden, for more resources and gold, or the Herb Garden
which allows many more herbs to be harvested. Both of these require 30 Spindleweed, 30 Elfroot, 30 Blood Lotus, and 1 Logging Stand -- you may only choose one
of these upgrades.
A Better Courtyard

Quest Giver: N/A

Requirement: Construction in Skyhold is complete
Reward: Improved Courtyard
You may choose to prepare an area for training or medical triage station. This
requires 30 Elfroot, 2 Quarry, and 2 Logging Stands -- you may only choose one
of these upgrades.
A Superior Tower

Quest Giver: N/A

Requirement: Construction in Skyhold is complete
Reward: Improved Tower
This upgrade requires 10 Spirit Essence, 3 Quarry, and 3 Logging Stand -- you
may only choose of these upgrades. Your choices are the Templar Tower which
yields the Templar Banner and shows strength and prepartion, or the Mage Tower
which yields the Mage Banner and shows cunning and influence.

Promoting Barris

Quest Giver: N/A

Requirement: Complete Champions of the Just
Reward: Barris is Knight-Commander
Once the upgrades to Skyhold are complete you may sit on the throne to promote
Barris to Knight-Commander.
Scattered in Skyhold

Quest Giver: Man on floor near Dorian

Requirement: Construction in Skyhold is complete
Reward: 200 Influence per book
You need to find copies of the Hard in Hightown series. Talk to the mage on same
floor as Dorian to start. You can find the books in the following locations,
just be aware you can leave Skyhold and most of these will respawn:

In the same area as Leliana in a corner.

On the couch of Solas room.
Balcony of the Inquisitor s Quarters.
3 are grouped together in the hallway to the Inquisitor s Room.
Behind Cabot in the Tavern.
3 more in Sera s part of the Tavern.
Behind the Inquisitor s Throne.
3 are near Vivienne on her balcony.
Cullen s Tower, climb the ladder.
Along the blockades there is a book amidst the rubble of one on the east.
High shelf in the kitchen.
Table in the secret library near the kitchen.
In Josephine s room.
In the wine cellar
Second story of the barn house where Blackwall is located.
Right of the main gate. Go in through the side door.
Next to Cole in the Tavern.
In the tower connected to the Tavern.
3 in the third floor of the northern tower.
3 in the Chantry room with the statue of Andraste.
Chantry Garden near the steps, on a barrel.
In the gazebo of the Chantry Garden.
In the prison.
In the Blacksmiths on a table.
3 on the second floor of the Quartermasters.
Top floor of the Quartermasters.
Behind the tavern and infirmary is a tree, behind the tree is a book.
On the bridge out of Skyhold.


- Make him harmless. A tranquil

- I m executing him myself
- Imprison him
- I want him researching magic
- He ll serve Redcliffe s mages.

Avaar Tribesman

Judge him after you complete "The Lost Souls"

Drive them out of my lands.
- Result: Solas -1, Iron Bull -1, Sera +1, Cole -5
Is it called a... "gibbet"?
- Result: Solas -1, Iron Bull -1, Cole -1
Arm and exile him to Tevinter.
- Reward: Dorian +1, Iron Bull +3, Blackwall +1, Sera +1, Cole +1, Vivienne +1,
"Judgment: Movran s Arrived!" Operation Available, Gain Agent
Knight-Captain Denam

Traditionally he s exiled (Requires Perk)

- Result: Cassandra +5, Iron Bull +5, Blackwall +1, Sera +1, Cole +1
He dies for this.
- Result: Solas +1, Cassandra +1, Iron Bull +5, Sera +5, Cole +5
Question and then jail him.
- Result: Solas +1, Iron Bull +1
Let the templars judge him.
- Result: Cassandra +1, Iron Bull +5, Blackwall +1, Sera +1, Cole +5,
Vivienne +1
Mistress Poulin

Have her rebuild the town.

- Result: Orlesian Throne, Iron Bull -1, Cole +20, Vivienne +1, Sera +5
I m taking your money. (Requires Human)
- Result: Orlesian Throne, Solas -5, Cassandra -1, Iron Bull -1, Blackwall -1,
Varric -5, Cole -5
You re free to go.
- Result: Orlesian Throne, Iron Bull -1, Sera -1, Cole +5
Put her to work.
- Result: Orlesian Throne, Iron Bull +5, Sera +1, Cole +5
Treason deserves death.
- Result: Orlesian Throne, Iron Bull +5, Blackwall -5, Varric -5, Cole -5

I want him as a smuggler. (Requires Perk)

- Result: Agent Acquired, Cassandra -1, Sera -1, Cole -1
Throw him in jail.
- Result: Cole -5,

Give him back to Corypheus.

- Result: Dorian -1, Blackwall -1, Varric -1, Cole -1
An informant. On probation.
- Result: Agent Acquired, Sera -1, Cole -5
Mayor Gregory Dedrick

The best I can do is exile.

- Result: Fereldan Throne, Iron Bull -1, Sera -1
Ferelden can lock him up.
- Result: Fereldan Throne, Cole -1
I ll give him a clean death
- Result: Fereldan Throne, Solas -5, Sera -1
Livius Erimond

Jail him and lose the key.

- Result: Solas -1, Dorian +1, Blackwall +1, Sera +1, Cole -5
He dies by my sword.
- Result: Iron Bull +5, Sera +5
Ser Ruth

Andraste forgives you.

- Result: Solas -5, Iron Bull +1, Blackwall +1, Unlocks "Judgment: The Good
Works of Ser Ruth"
Public humiliation, then.
- Result: Iron Bull +1, Blackwall -5, Sera -1, Cole -1
Go to the Deep Roads.
- Result: Solas -1, Iron Bull +1
Jail her; throw away the key.
- Result: Solas -1, Dorian +1, Iron Bull -1, Sera -1
Exile, like the other Wardens.
- Result: Iron Bull -1, Blackwall +5, Sera -1, Cole -1
Grand Duchess Florianne (Alive)

Let her repent in a cloister.

- Result: Solas -1, Iron Bull -1, Cole +5
Put her guile to work for us. (Requires Perk)
- Result: Agent Acquired, Cassandra -1, Sera -5, Varric -1, Cole -1,
Vivienne -1, War Table operation "Judgment: Playing to Win"
Common work with the common
- Result: Solas -5, Blackwall +5, Sera +5, Cole +5
Exile. Out of my sight.

- Result: Solas -1, Iron Bull -1, Vivienne -1

Jester s outfit. Bad shoes.
- Result: Cassandra -1, Sera +5
Grand Duchess Florianne (Remains)

My decision is to ignore this.

- Result: Cassandra -1, Sera +1
There s a precedent. (Requires Perk)
- Result: Trade Routes Returned
Fine, let s get it over with.
- Result: Guilty
Ha! Community service!
- Result: Agent Acquired, Cassandra -1, Sera +5, Varric +5, Cole -1, War Table
operation "Judgment: Duchess in a Box Tour 9:41"
Thom Rainier

You re free, if you atone.

- Result: Blackwall +1
The Wardens will decide.
- Result: Blackwall +1
I own you. Your lie continues.
- Result: Blackwall -20, Sera -5, Unlocks "The Consequences of Blackwall s Lie"

1. Talk to Solas in Skyhold

Tell me more about yourself.

"I sat beside you while you slept, studying the Anchor."
- Thank you.
- That must have been quick.
- We re not here for me. (Solas -1)
- I wouldn t allow that.
- Of course she did.
- It got results. (Solas -1)
- You didn t.
- Where to? (Solas -1)
- You were smart not to.
- This mattered to you?
- I m glad you stayed.
- This isn t how it happened.
Tell me about Corypheus
- I respect you. (Solas +1, Hidden)
- I ll ask them, too. (Solas -1)
- I m asking you. (Solas -1, Hidden)
2. Speak to Solas after the Fade Dream

Sleep well?
- That was incredible.
- That was... I don t know.
- That was strange.
3. Follow up with Solas

But this morning, I need to shake the dreasm from my mind. I may also need a
favor. (This sequence triggers "All New, Faded for Her")
- Name it.
- Really? You?
- Get on with it.
- We ll rescue your friend.
- How did you hear the cry?
- You have friends?
- Why didn t it want in?
- Why would they summon it?
- I ll help.
- I can go along with it.
- I m not saving a spirit. (Solas -5)
Tell me about your journeys.
- Tell me about old ruins.
- Tell me about spirits.
- Tell me about old memories.
Tell me about Corypheus.
4. Talk to Solas after "All New, Faded for Her."

- I m glad you returned.
- You returned!
- Are you back?
- Where were you? (Solas +1)
- What is death like to spirits? (Solas +1)
- So it isn t really dead? (Solas +1)
Has it affected you? Changed you in any way? Your mind, your morals, your...
- No, not really.
- How should I know?
- Get to the point.
- I m just like everyone else. (Solas -1)
- You make that sound bad.
- What did you expect?
- What about our friends?
- I try.
- You were misinformed.
5. Talk to Solas after "Here Lies the Abyss."

To seek out these Old Gods deliberately in some bizarre attempt to preempt the
- It was a good idea. (Solas -5)
- Don t forget the demons. (Solas -1)

- They obsess over darkspawn. (Solas +1)

6. Talk to Solas after "Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts"

After out time in Halamshiral, I understand why. I had forgotten how I missed
court intrigue.
- Glad you liked it. (Solas +1)
- You ve seen this before? (Solas -1)
- I didn t like it. (Solas -1)
- I m sorry about Briala.
- Is Briala s fate a problem?
- I m not sorry about Briala.
- You should consider it. (Solas -5)
- I agree. (Solas +1)
- That s tragic. (Solas -1)
- Who, then? (Solas +1)
- I still want to help them.
- She was short-sighted. (Solas +1)
- She didn t impress me. (Solas -1)
7. Talk to Solas after "What Pride Had Wrought" and drank from Well of Sorrows.

You gave yourself into the service of an ancient elven god!

- I m still myself. (Solas -1)
- Why does this bother you? (Solas +1)
- Meaning? (Solas +1)
- It s done. (Solas -1)
- I ll make the world better. (Solas +1)
- I ll keep trying.
- That won t happen.
- That doesn t matter.
- One thing at a time. (Solas -5)
- I ll restore what was. (Solas +5)
- I ll rely on those I trust. (Solas -1)
- We will. (Solas -1)
- What, never?
- I will still lead. (Solas +1)
- Thank you for everything.
- Sounds like you re leaving.
- Enough. Let s finish this.


1. Talk to Varric after argument with Cassandra

- Are you all right? (Varric +1)

- She s calmed down. (Varric +1)
- No more secrets. (Varric -1)
- You knew about Corypheus. (Varric -1)
- I believe you. (Varric +5)
- Hawke should ve joined sooner. (Varric -1)
- Talk to Cassandra.
- Choose a side. (Varric -1)

2. Talk to Varric in Skyhold

Corypheus is back... Well, shit.

- What is he?
- You beat him before.
- It s not that bad!
- We need a battle plan.
- How did you find the prison?
- We ll find a way to kill him.
- I hope you re wrong.
- Everything dies.
- This isn t your fault. (Varric +1)
- I think you re confused. (Varric +5)
- It doesn t matter.
3. Talk to Varric after initial conversation

(Varric is writing, paying bills apparently)

- I can come back later.
- Fighting a losing battle?
- Take a break.
- I m just like you. (Varric +1)
- Make it up as you go. (Varric +1)
- Just be my friend. (Varric +5)
- Just do what I do. (Varric -1)
- What am I to them?
- What am I to you?
- I can t be bigger than myself.
- I m still me, though.
- Please don t sing. (Varric +1)
- This is giving me a headache. (Varric -1)
4. Question Varric at Skyhold

I have a personal question.

Tell me about red lyrium.
Tell me about Corypheus.
- Cassandra wants a book. (Only if you started "Guilty Pleasures")
- You sound surprised.
- She s a big fan. (Varric +1)
- I did say that.
- Cassandra seems to like it. (Varric +5)
- It can t be that bad. (Varric +1)
- No wonder she was embarrased. (Varric -1)
- I need it as a gift.
- I have questions about Hawke.
- Do you believe I m the Herald?
- That s no reason to believe.
- Could be both.
- You believe in Andraste?
- Are those my only options?
- So I have divine bad luck?
- I m not the chosen one.
- I see your point.
5. Speak with Varric after "Here Lies the Abyss" and left Hawke in the Fade.

Their weird, foreign foodstuffs arrived... alive. And one of them, true to its
name, wandered off in the middle of the night.
- [Hug him.]
- I m sorry, Varric.
- If it helps, tell the story.
6. Talk to Varric after "Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts"

You re just in time. We almost had to start without you.

- Start what?
- Yes, that would be bad.
- What are you talking about?
- I ll play.
- I ll see that bet.
- Go easy on me.
- I don t think so.
- Now you tell one, Varric!
- We need more drinks!
- I ve got a story!
- Deal again, Josephine!
- Deal me in, too.
- I want to watch this.
- This was fun.
- What does that mean?
- I am the Inquisitor.
- Of course.
- That seems dangerous.
- I don t think so.

1. Talk to Cassandra in Skyhold after meeting Hawke

You kidnapped me! You interrogated me! What did you expect?
- [Stay out of it.] (Varric -5)
- Stop this fighting! (Cassandra -1)
- This is funny. (Cassandra -5)
- Leave me out of this. (Cassandra +1, Varric -1)
- [Intervene.] (Varric +5)
- Varric s not at fault. (Varric +5)
- Cassandra, back off! (Cassandra -5)
- Varric, you bastard. (Varric -20)
- What s done is done.
- That s unfair, Cassandra. (Cassandra -5, Varric +5)
- We need to work together. (Varric +1)
- I m well aware. (Cassandra +5, Varric -5)
- Varric s earned his place. (Cassandra -5, Varric +5)

am such a fool.
I still like you. (Romance, Cassandra +1)
Don t blame yourself. (Cassandra +5)
We re all fools, Cassandra. (Cassandra +5)
We need to do better. (Cassandra -5)
What if it had been different? (Makes the Romance option disappear)

2. Talk to Cassandra at Skyhold

As for what will come next... I cannot guess the Maker s plan.
- We make things better.
- You can t guess?
- There is no plan.
- I don t want the same things.
- Those are admirable goals.
- You re too idealistic.
- You guide me. (Romance)
- I obey my conscience.
- I make it up as I go.
- I do what must be done.
- You admire me?
- I hope we re friends.
- Thank you.
- I don t deserve that.
3. Talk to Cassandra to start "Guilty Pleasures"

I don t know what you re talking about.

- Are you embarrased?
- Of course you don t.
- What are you hiding?
- You don t need to hide it. (Cassandra +1)
- So you ve read them all?
- Why waste your time? (Cassandra -1)
- I should read it. (Romance, Cassandra +1)
- He d be pleased.
- Wouldn t dream of it?
- Seriously?
4. Talk to Cassandra to give her the book

This is your doing.

- I hoped you d like it. (Cassandra +20)
- None other! (Cassandra +20)
- Stop pretending. (Cassandra +20)
- Thank Varric.
- No, thank you.
- That wasn t hard, was it?
5. Talk to Cassandra after giving her the book

So you re a romantic?
- I like that you like it. (Cassandra +1)
- Nothing at all. (Cassandra +1)
- It s just unexpected.
- You re wasting time. (Cassandra -5)
6. Talk to Cassandra to start "Unfinished Business"

No one is dealing with these matters. I was hoping we might, before they get
- Of course.
- It s not our job. (Cassandra -1)

- We have a lot to do. (Cassandra -5)

7. Talk to Cassandra if you ve been flirting and finished her personal quests.

With me. I ve... noticed it. Unless it is my imagination, which is entirely

- I meant nothing by it. (End Romance)
- It s not your imagination.
- Should I stop?
- I m not "courting" you.
- "Courting" is so formal. (Romance)
- Why is it impossible? (Romance)
- I d like to try. (Start Romance)
- You re right. (End Romance)
- Yes, I can. (Start Romance)
- I m surprised.
- I do see that.
- You re right. (End Romance)
- This is why you re alone. (End Romance, Cassandra -5)
- This is why you re alone. (End Romance, Cassandra -5)
8. Talk to Cassandra after "Here Lies the Abyss"

Writing does not come naturally to me, as I m certain you can imagine.
- Love poetry, I assume? (Romance)
- Is everything okay?
- You re competing with Varric?
- Then why do it?
- I don t care about historians. (Cassandra -1)
- Just be careful.
- That could be used against us. (Cassandra -1)
- That s a good idea.
- It was a spirit, nothing more.
- I believe it was her.
- I don t know, either.
- You think it s possible?
- Maybe it doesn t matter.
9. Talk to Cassandra after "Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts"

Talk to her, Your Worship.

- Is she bothering you?
- Having fun?
- What s this about?
- So refuse.
- Who cares about the Chantry? (Cassandra -5)
- Is that even possible?
- Why am I not a candidate?
- You d be perfect.
- The Chantry has failed. (Cassandra -20)
- These are extreme times.
- So do better.
- You really feel that way?
- We have other concerns. (Cassandra -5)
- Maybe the Chantry should end. (Cassandra -5)
- A new crusade for you?
- And what of Leliana?

- What would you change?

- I like your determination. (Romance, Cassandra +5, Can choose again)
- I can help you become Divine. (Requires Perk, Cassandra +5)


1. Talk to Sera in Skyhold

Andraste, what d I step in?

- I didn t expect it, either.
- If she answers, let me know.
- You knew this d be strange.
- Calm down and explain.
- Corypheus seems real enough.
- What is your issue?
- I need hope, not selfishness. (Sera -1)
- Pick whatever cause you want.
- Do you believe or not?
- I need doubters like you. (Sera +1)
- Faith may decide much of this.
- Just follow orders, crazy.
- That almost makes sense.
- I hope there s more you want.
Why did you really join me?
- Seems like there s more to it. (Sera +1)
- Are you really sure of that?
- I don t believe you. (Sera -1)
2. Talk to Sera to start "The Verchiel March"

Just a little thing, really. A little march-around for some of your people. It s
nothing for you, right?
- Resources are precious.
- I m listening.
- Details first.
- I ll have people take a look.
- I can t do this now.
- Who told you about this?
- Who would I be working for?
- What s in it for me?
3. Talk to Sera in the Tavern

I m thinking pranks. Set a few up. Knock a few down. You in or not?
- I want them at their best.
- Should the Inquisitor do this?
- How will that help?
- Time with you sounds like fun. (Romance, Rejected if Male)
- Yes, I m in. (Sera +1)
- No, grow up. (Sera -5)
- You go ahead without me.
Search Cullen s Desk.

- I won t diminish my general. (Sera -1)

- Great, so what do we do? (Sera +1)
Search Josephine s door.
- Can t mock my diplomat. (Sera -1)
- All right, what do we do? (Sera +1)
Search the Locked Box in Leliana s area.
- It s the Inquisitor and Sera. (Sera -1)
- Run! (Sera +1)
Back at the Tavern
- I should appear respectable
- It s just not me. (Available if you choose not to prank)[Sera -1]
- Anything to keep us inspired. (Available if you do the pranks)[Sera +1]
- You don t make a lot of sense.
4. Talk to Sera again in the Tavern

I ve got something I want to do for you. Just come, you won t need your gear
and stuff.
- I m ready for anything. (Romance)
- I don t have time for games.
- What are you getting me into?
- They re fine, but this is odd.
- This is not what I expected.
- Why are we eating cookies?
- I like you, but not cookies.
- Once was enough.
- I look forward to it. (Sera +5)
- Baking sounds nice, but here?
- I am laughing, but it s good. (Sera +1)
- Throwing them sounds like fun! (Sera +5)
- You don t need this. Nor do I.
- Emmald was nice. Why hate her?
- That is stupid, and immature!
- I m annoyed but also grateful. (Sera +1)
- Hold on, let s calm down! (Sera +1)
- I need allies, not brats! (Sera -5)
- I think that s a great idea.
- Once was enough.
- I look forward to it. (Sera +5)
5. Talk to Sera after the rooftop conversation

Ready to talk about yourself?

- So, where d you hate cookies?
- Is that who trained you?
- How d you get to Orlais?
- Where are they now?
- Any memories of a real family?
- Thanks for trusting me. (Sera +1)
- I get why you re an odd elf.
- All right. I ll drop it.
- We all represent our kind.

6. Talk to Sera after The Verchiel March

Is your group still active?

- That s all.
- Do your pranks achieve much?
- I m Herald. You re a thief. (Sera -1)
- That s actually a fair point.
- You believe weird things. (Sera -1)
- How are you still alive?
- You think you inspire like me?
7. Talk to Sera after "Here Lies the Abyss"

Heard what went on in that Fade thing. What you think went on. Can t even start
to believe that business.
- A difficult time for everyone.
- Seeing is believing. (Sera -1)
- All I know is we lost people.
- What do you remember?
- That s called planning ahead. (Sera -1)
- Doesn t matter. They re gone.
8. Talk to Sera after "Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts"

And Coryphefuss, right in the dangle-bag!

- What s wrong?
- Remind me not to get you mad.
- You think they re the same?
- We made important decisions.
- Earwigs. That d stop a ball.
- That wouldn t have helped.
- It s not that simple. (Sera -5)
- The empress was right. (Sera -5)
- Their mistakes made it worse.


1. Talk to Vivienne in Skyhold

Are you all right, my dear? Were you hurt? You look dreadful.
- I m fine. (Vivienne +1)
- I ve looked worse.
- We have bigger problems.
- Mind your own business. (Vivienne +1)
- It worked in our favor. (Vivienne -1)
- Corypheus will pay for this. (Vivienne +1)
- So much depends on me...
- I couldn t save them all. (Vivienne +1)
2. Speak with Vivienne in Skyhold after decorating Skyhold.

The new throne in the great hall is marvelous, my dear! Your taste is
- You re too kind.

- You inspired it.

- Josephine picks everything.
- I don t mind.
- I should be one of them.
- I suppose you re right. (Vivienne +5)
- I can t be materialistic.
- That s a lot to live up to. (Vivienne +1)
- And style is enough? (Vivienne +1)
- Let them judge me by deeds. (Vivienne -1)
- There are others.
- And if I fail? (Vivienne +1)
- This seems pointless. (Vivienne -5)
- You hold the Divine to that? (Vivienne +5)
3. Talk to Vivienne after "Here Lies the Abyss"

You walked physically through the Fade? Please tell me what you remember.
- It wasn t the first time.
- I saw the Divine. My past.
- I d prefer not to.
- It was horrible.
- It was fascinating.
4. Talk to Vivienne after "What Pride Had Wrought"

How do you feel? It s not every day one absorbs ancient elven magic.
- A little worried.
- I m getting used to it.
- I feel great.
- Not so good.

1. Talk to Iron Bull in Skyhold

He doesn t talk much.

- Nice to meet you.
- How s it going?
- [Say little.]
- The Inquisitor s helping.
- The Inquisitor s just a man.
- [Say little.]
2. Talk to Iron Bull in Tavern with 35+ Approval

You wanted to get drinks?

- What should I call you?
- "Krem" isn t too bad.
- Does he ever stop?
- Why pass as a man?
- Are you a woman?
- And the rest of your crew?
- When did you know?
Crazy bunch of assholes, but they re mine.

I m impressed.
This is quite a group.
Are they any good?
How d you get here, Skinner?
Grim, what s your story?
Where are you from, Rocky?
Why leave your clan, Dalish?
You re a healer, Stitches?

3. Talk to Iron Bull after speaking with Bulls Chargers

Tell me about the chargers

- Tell me about Krem.
- But you hate Tevinter.
- Him being her isn t an issue?
- How did you start?
- What about Fisher?
- You must have crazy stories.
- Giant-baiting?
- You let it chase you?
- Your group is diverse.
4. Talk to Iron Bull after slaying a Higher Dragon

To killing a high dragon like warriors of legend!

- [Drink.] (Iron Bull +5)
- I m not drinking that.
- What is this?
- [Drink.] (Iron Bull +5)
- I m done drinking.
- What was that Qunari phrase?
- Why are dragons sacred?
- I m sorry we had to kill it.
- Now I feel awkward.
- They re just beasts. (Iron Bull -1)
- I m really done.
- [Drink.] (Iron Bull +5)
- To you. (Romance, Iron Bull +1)
- To good fights. (Iron Bull +1)
- To bad drinks. (Iron Bull +1)
- To bringing order. (Iron Bull +1)
5. Talk to Bull after "Demands of the Qun" and saved the Dreadnought.

Krem, Rocky, Dalish, all of em. Dead for the Iron Bull, a man who never really
- Are you not the Bull anymore?
- You don t have to change.
- This is good for you. (Iron Bull +1)
- You re a good man. (Romance)
- We ll fight for them.
- I honor their sacrifice.
6. Talk to Bull after "Demands of the Qun" and saved the Chargers.

Guess I m not even worth sending professionals for.

- Should we retaliate?
- They didn t have to do this.
- You were expecting them?
- You could have warned me.
- How s that wound?
- The knife could be poisoned.
- You re still you. (Romance)
- Screw that. (Romance)
- No, you re the Iron Bull.
- Do you regret killing them?
- Report this attack, please. (Iron Bull +1)
- Will you make it through this?
7. Talk to Iron Bull after "Here Lies the Abyss"

Qunari training exercise to master your fear. I heard about the Nightmare at
Adamant. Sounded big.
- [Hit him.]
- You re sure about this? (Iron Bull -1)
- This helps you?
- That s right! Let it out!
- You re really all right?
- Feeling better?
- Not a problem.
- Let s talk this through. (Iron Bull -5)
- I d rather talk.
- What makes this stick special?
- You don t need it. (Iron Bull +1)
- I understand.
- Worse than dying?
- Get over it. (Iron Bull +1)
- What is this exercise?
8. Talk to Iron Bull after "Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts"

At least under the Qun, you don t get everyone tripping on each other s dicks
while the country goes to crap.
- We need politics.
- There were mitigating factors.
- I agree.

1. Talk to Blackwall in Skyhold

We ll be able to see Corypheus coming from miles away.

- We re safe for now.
- If we see him, he sees us.
- And we ll be ready for him.
- Thank you. (Blackwall +1)
- You re taking this hard. (Blackwall -1)
- You re no good to me dead. (Blackwall -1)
- Yes
- I m not.

- I don t know.
Are Wardens being corrupted?
- We need to find them.
- How s your state of mind?
- All, but you. (Blackwall -1)
Tell me about the Wardens.
- How do you kill an Archdemon?
- I suppose you d know. (Blackwall +1)
- It can t be that simple.
- Fine, keep your secrets. (Blackwall +1)
Know much about Corypheus?
- Why didn t you know?
- It s odd that Corypheus lives?
- Are there more like Corypheus?
Thoughts on the Inquisition?
2. Talk to Blackwall in the barn

It s good to be part of something so important, something that could change

- I m glad. (Blackwall +1)
- What about the Wardens?
- So we have your loyalty?
- Wise words. (Blackwall +1)
- Isn t it obvious? (Blackwall -1)
- Why follow at all? (Blackwall -1)
- A generous act.
- Why d he help you?
- You couldn t win on your own? (Blackwall -1)
- Grand Tourney?
- What happened?
- It all turned out.
- Not necessarily better.
- Regret is useless. (Blackwall -1)
3. Talk to Blackwall after "Here Lies the Abyss"

They died for us, and Corypheus twisted their sacrifice to make it his own!
- We stopped it. (Blackwall +1)
- Clarel s pride is to blame. (Blackwall -5)
- That s why we fight him. (Blackwall +5)
- Then remember the intention. (Blackwall +1)
- We can still try, right? (Blackwall +1)
- Nothing is perfect. (Blackwall -1)

1. Talk to Cole after Champions of the Just

You should prepare. It s already getting louder.

- What is?
- I m not sure what you are.
- You re fine as you are.
- Try to act normally.
- This is hurting my head.

Let s discuss templars.

- What do you think of them?
- Explain how templars feel.
- What about red templars?
Let s discuss the Inquisition.
2. Talk to Cole in Skyhold

Tell me about your past.

- You went to Adamant?
- Tell me of Seeker Lambert.
- Why go to the Seeker fortress?
- You were at the rebellion?
- Rhys was your friend?
- I could find them. (Starts "Locate Rhys and Evangeline" operation)
- You killed mages?
- You made a mistake. (Cole +1)
- You set them free. (Cole -1)
- You re a murderer. (Cole +1)
Talk about how you think.
- It seems a sad way to be.
- Explain the helping process.
- You think about our friends.
- What do you see in me?
3. Talk to Cole in the Tavern

Tin jangle as the blood spills. Pierre s wrapped body on the wagon to the
Chantry. Five more minutes. My fault.
- Do you hear everything?
- Can you help her? (Cole +1)
- What was that?
- Don t harm her. (Cole -1)
- [Wait and watch.]
- They don t remember you?
- Nice work. (Cole +1)
- No, don t do that.
- Just talk to her, Cole.
- Apologize, Cole.
- It s not your fault, healer.
- She will be. (Cole +1)
- This isn t about her.
- Wait, what?
You ve done odd things.
- You left plums by the windows?
- You burned turnips?
- You stole cheese and mint?
- You re making the cats play.
- Stop these activities. (Cole -5)
4. Speak with Cole after "Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts"

I didn t understand the Grand Ball. It would have been easier if they said what
they wanted.
- It s the Game.
- Did you like the masks?

- I agree. (Cole +1)


1. Talk to Dorian in Skyhold after Champions of the Just

You know he died, I assume. Got us as far as the camp, and then... that was it.
- That s too bad.
- I m surprised he helped.
- I never liked him. (Dorian -1)
- He was a good man. (Dorian +1)
- He judged me too quickly. (Dorian -1)
- Thanks for telling me. (Dorian +1)
- I m glad he saw the light.
2. Talk to Dorian (Human Only)

Perhaps he was even the one who ventured to Ostwick to establish the branch? We
are talking long ago, of course.
- Can we still flirt? (Romance, Dorian +1)
- Nice to know.
- How do you even know that?
- Is that a good thing?
- I don t care about that.
3. Talk to Dorian after initial conversation

Tell me about yourself.

- It s obvious to me. (Romance, Dorian +1)
- If you say so.
- I hadn t noticed.
- Don t push your luck. (Dorian -1)
- "Careful breeding"?
- You don t like Tevinter?
- But why do you care?
- Your family is angry with you?
- That s enough for now.
- Why not go back?
Tell me about the Imperium.
- Corypheus was a magister. (Requires Perk)
- But it s not a story.
- Is blood magic common?
- What do you call it?
- No templar intervention?
- No one disagrees?
- What about slavery?
- You re saying they like it?
- It s not like that here.
- That s a terrible attitude. (Dorian -1)
- At least they have a choice. (Dorian -1)
- I suppose not. (Dorian +1)
- "Treated poorly"?
- Do mages truly rule there?
- The Magisterium?

- What are you, then?

- And an altus is...
- What about the Archon?
- But mages do rule.
- Is that true?
- Is that bad?
- The Imperium has a Chantry?
- Is it really that different?
- You have Circles?
- The Black Divine?
- A disagreement?
- Your Divine is male?
- Are you religious?
- I agree with you.
- The Chantry has its place.
- Others might object, yes.
- I m surprised you think that.
- I don t know. (Dorian +1)
- You are a fool. (Dorian -5)
- I agree. (Dorian -1)
- Could Tevinter be an ally?
- Is that smart of them?
- But we re not!
Tell me about Alexius. (Requires 35 Approval)
- Why?
- I m sorry. (Dorian +1)
- You mean you argued.
- You both gave up.
- Did you miss him?
- I think you felt guilty.
- But you followed him.
4. Talk to Dorian with 35+ Approval

- I could say the same of you. (Dorian +1)

- Thank you?
- It s so true. (Dorian +1)
- Don t flirt with me.
5. Talk to Dorian (Went to Redcliffe)

I think the Venatori found out he was helping me. I think they killed him.
- I m sorry for your loss. (Dorian +5)
- That s not surprising.
- They ll pay. (Dorian +1)
- What about yourself?
- You might be idealizing him.
- Follow his example. (Dorian +5)
- Were you two involved?
6. Talk to Dorian after "Last Resort of Good Men"

This man is of Tevinter. His presence at your side, the rumors alone...
- There s no need to worry.
- Rumors? Do tell!
- We do not serve the Chantry.
- Because he s Tevinter?

- Are you all right?

- This happens often?
- Forget her.
- Not at all.
- Only in a good way.
- You don t influence me.
If in a romance with Dorian
- Don t be ridiculous.
- That s for the best. (Stop Romance)
If you have flirted with Dorian
- That s not a bad idea.
- But it s not true.
- That doesn t surprise me.
- I don t like that idea.
7. Talk to Dorian after "Here Lies the Abyss"

- Note: This sequence unlocks the War Table operation "The Name of Our Enemy"
But if you want twenty volumes on whether Divine Galatea took a shit on Sunday,
this is evidently the place to find it.
- Such a critic. (Romance)
- What are you looking for?
- Not to your standards?
- Stop whining. (Dorian -1)
- It was horrible.
- We lost Hawke.
- I don t want to talk about it. (Dorian -1)
- I learned so much.
- I wish you d been there. (Dorian +1)
- That s poor consolation.
- I should be proud?
- I was lucky.
- I agree. (Dorian +5)
- Not my problem. (Dorian -5)
- You don t?
8. Talk to Dorian after "Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts"

All this dancing, politics, and murder makes me a bit homesick.

- Should we do that more often? (Romance)
- You miss that?
- Happy I could help.
- Don t be ridiculous. (Dorian -1)
9. Talk to Dorian after "What Pride Had Wrought"

All my talk of how terribly wrong things are back home, but what do I do about
it? Nothing.
- What brought this on?
- You came here to help. (Dorian +1)
- You could do great things. (Dorian +1)
- Just go, then. (Dorian -1)

. .
< () >
.. __________________________________________________________________________


Crestwood has seen better days... the Blight had hit Crestwood hard and caused
the city to drown (leading to Crestwood and "Old Crestwood"), but the city still
stands. However, now thanks to the rifts, the dead are coming forth and from the
fade and terrorizing the land. Add to that the bandits taking advantage of the
situation and reports of a dragon nearby and this area sorely needs someone to
come and assist...


Companions: None
Agents: Jana

Crafting Materials

- Elfroot
- Spindleweed
- Iron
- Deep Mushroom
- Embrium
- Veridium
- Stormheart
- Paragon s Luster
- Blood Lotus


Highwayman Foot Soldier
Highwayman Lieutenant
Rage Demon
Venatori Brute

- Obsidian


Corpse Archer
Armored Mabari
Highwayman Guardsman
Highwayman Chief
Despair Demon
Giant Spider
Venatori Spellbinder

Highwayman Archer
Highwayman Prowler
Poison Spider
Lesser Shade
Venatori Zealot
Venatori Gladiator

Codex Entries

[ ] History #44 - The First Blight: Chapter One

- Located in the same building with the dam controls. Upstairs.

[ ] Letters #24 - Crumpled Letter

- Found inside a house in Crestwood.
[ ] Places #5 - Caer Bronach
- Found in the top spy-room after taking over Caer Bronach. You need
to unlock the door with a rogue.
[ ] Places #25 - The Anderfels
- Found inside the mayor s house in Crestwood.
[ ] Tales #14 - A Magister s Needs
- Found in the top spy-room after taking over Caer Bronach. You need
to unlock the door with a rogue.
[ ] Tales #34 - Constellation: Kios
- Found after duing the Kios Astrarium.
[ ] Tales #38 - Constellation: Silentir
- Found after duing the Silentir Astrarium.
[ ] Tales #40 - Constellation: Tenebrium
- Found after duing the Tenebrium Astrarium.
[ ] Tales #47 - Hard In Hightown: Chapter Four
- Found after taking over Caer Bronach. Up on the third floor.
[ ] Tales #73 - Paragons Known and Lesser Known
- Found while doing the quest "Still Waters". Bring a rogue!
[ ] Tales #74 - Plants vs. Corpses
- Found south of Three Trout Farm, up on the farmhouse roof (this is a
direct parody of "Plants vs. Zombies", you guys MUST read this one!).



1. Constellation: Tenebrium
- Location: South of the North Gate Camp, on the cape overlooking
old Crestwood.
- Solve Order:
Start at #5, then:
4, 2, 6, 4, 3, 1, 5, 7, 8, 6






2. Constellation: Kios
- Location: Northwest of Three Trout Camp (Up in the Hills).
- Solve Order:
Start at #3, then:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2, 6, 5






3. Constellation: Silentir
- Location: South of the Three Trout Camp, by Judith s House.
- Solve Order:
Start at #1, then:
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 4,
8, 9, 10, 11, 8,
12, 13, 14, 15, 12, 16, 2












Once you have completed all three Astrarium s, the cave located in the pass

between Caer Bronach and Three Trout Camp will open. Head to it and go inside,
where you will find a chest with the [SUPERB BELT OF FIRE RESISTANCE]. Great
for most dragon-hunting expeditions. Tally-ho!

Bottles of Thedas

1. "Bottles of Thedas" (Silent Plains Piquette)

- Found inside the main Venatori Camp located to the east of the Sunstop
Mountains Camp.
2. "Grey Whiskey/Ritewine/Conscriptions Ale" (Vintage: Warden Daedalam.)
- Found inside one of the destroyed houses in old Crestwood. On the
southern side.
3. "Bottles of Thedas" (Hirol s Lava Burst)
- Found inside a house in old Crestwood, on a table. Just south of the
Wraith that gives you a quest.
4. "Grey Whiskey/Ritewine/Conscriptions Ale" (Vintage: Warden Gibbins.)
- Found inside one of the destroyed houses in old Crestwood. Near the
western docks.
5. "Bottles of Thedas" (Antivan Sip-Sip)
- Found inside the cave nearby the "Kios" Astrarium.

High Dragons

1. Northern Hunter

1. Memory of the Drowned (Northeast of Crestwood).

2. Hidden Cave (South of Crestwood).
3. Mayor s Old Home (Found in old Crestwood, after draining the lake).
4. Fisherman s Hut (South of the North Gate Camp, on the cape overlooking
old Crestwood).
5. The Gallows of Caer Bronach (Near Caer Bronach, outside).
6. Wyvern Watch (southeast of Caer Bronach).
7. Pit in the Pond (North of the eastern "Map Icon" , by the dock on the lake).
8. The Guide of Falon Din (Northwest of Three Trout Camp, up the hill).
9. Fereldan Wyvern Statues (In the castle ruins near the Northern Hunter).
10. Lawspeaker s Assembly (West of the castle ruins near the Northern Hunter).

1. 1 Piece of the "Freed Are Slaves" set.

- Found inside the "Hidden Cave", south of Crestwood, in the back by
the refugees.
2. 1 Piece of the "Freed Are Slaves" set.
- Found inside a door after capture Caer Bronach.
3. 1 Piece of the "Freed Are Slaves" set.
- Found during the "Still Waters" quest.
4. 1 Piece of the "Freed Are Slaves" set.
- Found during the "Still Waters" quest.
5. 1 Piece of the "Freed Are Slaves" set.
- Found during the "Still Waters" quest.

1. Master Lightning Rune (Located south of the castle ruins you fight the
Northern Hunter at. Look for a cave, light the Veil Fire, and keep your
eyes on the right-hand wall.).
Oculara and Shards

Logging Stands

1. Located Northeast of Crestwood, by a landmark and funeral pyre.


1. Located west of the castle ruins near the Northern Hunter.


Caravan Requisition in Crestwood

Quest Giver: Requisition Officer

Requirement: Be in Crestwood
Reward: Influence, +1 Power
Our first requisition quest asks for 10 Iron and 5 Plaideweave. The iron
is very easy to find throughout the Hinterlands and Crestwood. Very, very
common. Plaideweave less so, but it is still tier 1 and you may already have
five of it from enemy drops in the Hinterlands, but you can find it in loot
bags as you explore the area. Once you have these common drops, craft the item
to complete the quest.
Longbow Requisition in Crestwood

Quest Giver: Requisition Officer

Requirement: Be in Crestwood
Reward: Influence, +1 Power
This quest asks for more iron and two Druffalo Hides. The Druffalo can be
found on the eastern part of the map, past the fort, out roaming the plains
and farmland. Take two of them down and then acquire the iron you need to
finish this quest.
Truth Requisition in Crestwood

Quest Giver: Requisition Officer

Requirement: Be in Crestwood
Reward: Influence, +1 Power

Time for some propaganda! Hahaha! We covered the Druffalo already, and
Embrium is a very common plant. You likely already have a ton of them already,
but if you want more you can find them scattered throughout the farmlands,
east of the fort. That is the most common area to find them in Crestwood.
Gather up what you need and craft the item to complete this quest.


A Change of Heart

Quest Giver: None

Requirement: None
Reward: 80 Influence, Agent Jana
NOTE: This is not a named quest in the game.
While this isn t really a quest in the game, it IS important to do!
From the road north of the initial camp you will come across some Wardens
fighting some corpses. Kill them off and talk to the Wardens. Note the woman
who runs off.
After that, go talk to the woman in the house. She will express her admiration
for the Wardens and wants to join them. Ask her "Why now?" and she will thne
recognize you as the Inquisitor (heh). You can than convince her not to join
the Wardens, which turns her into one of your agents. If you happen to have
Solas with you, he can do this as well, but he isn t needed by any means.
And with that you ve recruited Jana into the inquisition. She will work under
Leliana s forces.
Still Waters

Quest Giver: Scout Harding

Requirement: Travel to Crestwood
Reward: 2446 Experience, 500 Influence, +5 Power
Besides looking for the Grey Warden, one of the main reasons we are here is
due to reports of corpses walking the land. Turns out the reports are right.
Follow the road from the initial camp east (doing the quest above) and then
south to the village of Crestwood.
Once you arrive, help the front guards drive off the Corpses and enter the
town. A man inside will tell you to talk to the mayor (probably a good idea).
One of the houses on the right (the far one) has the [CRUMPLED LETTER] codex
inside it. There s also a house boarded up near that (again, probably smart).
The house to the left has a man you should talk to to get the "The Naturalist"
quest, which we ll cover later.
Onto the
are here
that has

mayor s house! It
Enter and talk to
to help and he ll
the dam controls.

is up the hill, the highest house in the small

the mayor to see what you can do. Convince him you
mention the fort (occupied by bandits... go figure)
We ll have to fight our way to it, but he gives us

the key we need. While you are in the house, grab [THE ANDERFELS] codex from
the corner.
While we are close to Crestwood, you should make time to head northeast a bit
to a plaza with the "Memories of the Drowned" landmark, a Logging Stand, and
a woman who will give you the "Homecoming" quest. That quest goes with this
one, so we may as well be efficient!
"Capturing Caer Bronach"
NOTE: Capturing this keep is considered a separate quest in this area...
but it is needed to do this quest. We re doing it here.
The keep is to the south of Crestwood. Very hard to miss. Head to the old
Marketplace Road and follow it southeast to the keep. Let s take the subtly
approach here and bust the front door in...
You ll be greeted warmly by two armored Mabari and archers on the roof. Take
out the pups and you can either use the stairs nearby to jump over to the
roof or just use the ladder. The fighting will draw down two foot soldiers,
so be ready for them.
Move further in to a courtyard. Ignore the ladders to the left for now and
charge the stairs. A shielded guardsman is up here, but beyond him are some
archers. Foot soldiers and Prowlers will join the fight as it goes on. Kill
them all. At the top head left through the door to the upper area (this is
where the left ladders go to). The doors here are locked, so ignore them and
head through the archway ahead, going right.
You can replenish potions here. Head up above and kill the two lieutenants
and archers you find. Up ahead is the Highwayman Chief. He ll come at you on
the narrow battlement, meaning you can have your tank easily block him off
and lay down death on him. He is a two-handed warrior and functions just like
the brute enemies you ve seen before. Be sure to loot him once you kill him
for the unique two-handed weapon [THE LAST STAND]. Once you kill him, go past
him to the flag pole and raise it for the Inquisition to complete the quest
"Capturing Caer Bronach". You will get 1934 Experience, 1600 Influence, and
+5 Power.
Note: Taking over the Fort also gives you the "Escape routes for agents in
Crestwood" War Table Operation and the quest "Rift at Caer Bronach".
While we are here, talk to the new castle care-taker, Charter, for the quest
"High Stakes". We can sell stuff and craft stuff here too. Nearby the craft
weapon station is a door. Inside of it is a [MOSIAC PIECE] you should definitely
nab now. There is also a ladder leading down to a small cave area. Head down
there and kill the spiders you find (including an elite spider named "Snowball")
to also acquire the [HEALING MIST GRENADE RECIPE] off of Snowball s corpse. Ah,
poor Snowball! This cave leads to a door by the lake, by the way. Good for some
sort of secret escape!
We should also explore the upper level of the keep while we are here. You can
find [HARD IN HIGHTOWN: CHAPTER FOUR] up on top level laying around. Varric
will be pleased! You can also talk to a guard by the flagpole for the "Weeding
Out Bandits" quest, which you may as well pick up. Lastly, there is a staircase
up to the spy room nearby you can unlock with a rogue. Do so and grab the [CAER
BRONACH] codex and the [A MAGISTER S NEEDS] codex. You can even chastise the

spies for locking you out if you want! Ha!

With all that done let s focus on the task at hand. Head through the marked
door by the merchant to be led outside to the dam. At the end is a tavern you
will have to load into (this is so the game doesn t have to SHOW the lake going
down and can do it in the loading screen). Inside are some teenagers who we are
totally catching red-handed. Heh... head upstairs really quick and grab the
[THE FIRST BLIGHT: CHAPTER ONE] codex, and then go hit the dam controls for a
scene. Head outside when you are done.
The water has lowered. We can access a part of old Crestwood now (and you can
do the "Rift at Caer Bronach" quest easily now. Head back to see a dragon come
tease us with her presence. Soon, my lovely...
Explore Old Crestwood for the many chests and Bottles of Thedas you can find
(see our collection list). You can also get the "Burdens of Command" quest from
a Wraith here and find the Mayor s Old Home. North of all of that though you
can find the entrance to The Flooded Caves. That is our goal here. Take some
time to do the quest "Homecoming" and search for loot and bottles in the
flooded village though, by all means. Enter the caves when you are ready.
We re in a cave now, but there are lanterns EVERYWHERE. Behind the platform
you arrive on is a [CHEST]. Follow the path down lighting lanterns. At the
big open room and can move around the sides of the area to fight some corpses
in the back and find another [CHEST], then you must go down. At the bottom of
the wood walkway you can once again move around the side of the area (away from
the obvious tunnel) to find a third [CHEST]. Now, follow the tunnel to another
wide-open area.
Up ahead is a Despair Demon and some Corpses. Kill them all. Before you go down
the slope nearby, check out the tunnel on the right for a [CHEST] and a pile of
bodies you can examine. If you can t tell, people were LIVING here when the
flood came...
Take the slope down to the bottom area on the left. Down here look to the left
as you go to find a door a rogue can open. Inside is the [PARAGONS KNOWN AND
LESSER KNOWN] codex (great read!), and a [CHEST]. Up ahead is a Rage Demon you
can kill for the "Burden of Command" quest. Easy enough. He is a bit stronger
but not much...
Continue forward until you come to an area with a door, an open door to the
rift, and a smashable wall. Smash the wall and drop down to find [CHEST x2]
in a tomb-area, as well as a [MOSIAC PIECE], then climb back up.
Now, BEFORE you go tackle the rift, take the nearby door. This leads to a
VERY wide-open dwarven area. Explore it to find a [MOSIAC PIECE] near the
central throne area and a [CHEST] near an elven relic. Activate it and head
further in, checking near the doorways for another [CHEST]. This area further
in will lead to some nugs and, finally, to a ladder leading OUT of the Flooded
Caves. We want to explore this. Trust us! Go ahead and exit the caves.
Once you are out, climb the ladder and make your way to a door, where you can
find a [CHEST] and [MOSIAC PIECE] nearby. Hit the lever to open the door. This
leads to the cave on the northeast portion of the map. A shortcut! Y know, in

case you ever want to visit some flooded caves... Go ahead and head back to
the doorway with the rift now.
Head inside and fight the rift. Unlike most rifts, this rift will have FOUR
phases before you can shut it. Still, the monsters here are weak. Wraiths
and Shades, Lesser Terrors and Rage Demons. All easy to kill, so go wild and
shut the rift when you can. Note that you can find the unique [AXE OF GREEN
EDGES] among the loot on the rift, as well as a [CHEST] in this room along the
We need to go tell the mayor what happened. Head back to Crestwood now (you
may as well turn in the "Burden of Command" quest while you are at it) and
you ll find the mayor is gone. He left a note though. Read it to add the
[LETTER OF CONFESSION] to the codex and add the "Find Crestwood Mayor"
operation to the War Table. And with that done, this quest is complete.
NOTE: The boarded-up house is not un-boarded. Be sure you visit it for the
[CHEST] inside but also loot that gives you an [AMULET OF POWER] for
the MAIN CHARACTER! What a reward!

Rift Near the North Gate

Quest Giver: Scout Harding

Requirement: Travel to Crestwood
Reward: 512 Experience, 200 Influence, +2 Power
This rift is fairly close to your starting camp. We only have to destroy
the one rift, so this will be easy.
On your way up there, be sure you do the "A Change of Heart" quest above!
Another recruit / agent is always welcome! After that, there is little else
in your way!
Once you get to the rift, kill the Corpses and Arcane Horror that come out.
The second wave will feature a Rage Demon, Corpses and Wraiths. Kill them
all and shut the rift to complete the quest.
Rift at Caer Bronach

Quest Giver: None

Requirement: Take over Caer Bronach
Reward: 512 Experience, 200 Influence, +2 Power
After you lower the water for the "Still Waters" quest, we can access this.
Once you do that, you can find this rift in Old Crestwood. The rift WAS under
water, but we can reach it now. Once you get close, kill the Corpse Archers
and Wraiths you find, then wait for round two. Next up is a Rage Demon and
more Corpses and Wraiths. Slaughter them all to close the rift and complete
the quest.

Rifts at Three Trout Farm

Quest Giver: None

Requirement: Find the Three Trout Farm Camp
Reward: 512 Experience, 200 Influence, +2 Power
Once you find the Three Trout Farm Camp to the east of Caer Bronach, you
will get this quest.
Two rifts, both to the south. One is near the camp, one is further south.
The rift near the camp is easy to get to. Head there and take out the Shades
and Corpses in the first wave and be ready for an Arcane Horror, Wraiths and
Corpses in the second.
The rift to the south is... very much down there. In fact, it is very likey
that you will encounter the dragon of this zone on your way down there, which
is good and we highly recommend fighting it! Check out our quest for her down
below (it is titled "Northern Hunter".).
Once you have access
show up. The hill is
The second wave will
and shut the rift to

to the rift, head down there and fight the Shades that
a good place for an archer and their height attack bonus.
feature a Despair Demon and Wraiths. Take them all out
complete the quest.

Holding Crestwood

Quest Giver: Scout Harding

Requirement: Travel to Crestwood
Reward: 100 Influence, +1 Power
Only one camp! I know, right?! This is mainly due to the large landmarks in
the area. For example, from the starting camp, you can find the village of
Crestwood to the east. This has a fast travel point and (later) a shop, so
it is a good camp substitute!
Then, to the south, is Caer Bronach. This is a fort that we will take over
at some point during out stay here. Another camp replacement. Even better,
really, since you can craft and upgrade things here.
Once you are done taking over the fort, focus on the "Still Waters" quest.
It is all on the western side of the map and means we don t quite need this
extra camp yet. Once that is done, head to Caer Bronach and head east, aiming
for this camp. It isn t a terribly far ways away, and is easy to find. Once
you settle it (the "Three Trout Farm" camp), this quest will be complete.
The Naturalist

Quest Giver: Gauld

Requirement: None
Reward: "Wyrm Hole" quest.
After entering Crestwood, visit the first house on the left and talk to a
man named Gauld. He ll mention his friend, Judith, who refused to come to

town when the corpses started rising and wants someone to check on her (us).
This quest will have to wait a bit. We recommend you carry on and complete
the "Still Waters" quest first, and then at least the "Holding Crestwood"
quest so you can use the second camp out east, Three Trout Camp.
Once that is done, you can travel south from Three Trout Camp and find
Judith s house fairly easily (be sure to check out the first farm building
on the way for the [PLANTS VS. CORPSES] codex on the room and the familiar
scene in the garden. BK actually did a guide for Plants vs. Zombies! So good!).
Judith is alive and well in here home and as soon as you talk to her the
quest will be complete. Be sure to ask her about Wyverns in the area to get
the "Wyrm Hole" quest.

Quest Giver: Sister Vaughn

Requirement: None
Reward: Experience, Influence, Power
You can find Sister Vaughn northeast of Crestwood. Go visit here after you
talk to the mayor and she ll mention the bodies in the lake. You will get
this quest afterwards.
You can do this quest once you have followed the quest "Still Waters" to the
point of draining the lake and uncovering old Crestwood. Once that has happened
go ahead and spend some time exploring it. To the north you will find the
"Mayor s House" landmark. We will base our body discovery from here.
NOTE: There are a LOT of chests and hidden items in old Crestwood. It would
be good to explore and find them while you are here.
On the northeast part of town, east of the Mayor s House, you can find the
first [BODIES 1/3]. They are in a house, with a chest.
Now, head south of the Mayor s House and enter the first house on your left
that is on the same elevation to find [BODIES 2/3].
Finally, west of the Mayor s House, in the house up the embankment, you can
find [BODIES 3/3].
Once you have them all, return to Sister Vaughn to complete the quest. You
can also talk to the Mayor about his house, but we can t seem to confront
him about why it was so empty or any of the notes we found in the village.
Capturing Caer Bronach

Quest Giver: Exploration

Requirement: None
Reward: 1934 Experience, 1600 Influence, +5 Power
You get this quest while doing the quest "Still Waters". Well, more precisely,
you get this quest when you approach the Caer Bronach fort. A bit weird, but

there you go. This quest covers taking over the fort itself, and is covered
in our "Still Waters" quest (due to it being a necessity to complete the Still
Waters quest), meaning having it here is redundant.
Check the "Still Waters" quest if you want info on this quest.
High Stakes

Quest Giver: Charter

Requirement: Capture Caer Bronach
Reward: Unlock "Expose the Double Agent" operation.
Talk to Charter (the leader) after taking over Caer Bronach to learn that a
spy named Butcher hasn t reported in yet. This of course means we have a job
to do.
Before you do this, go get the camp out to the east. The Three Trout Camp
location. Good to have that. Now, from there to the southeast is the South
Road and a Highwayman Camp. Go find it and kill the bandits. Just north of
these bandits, near the rocky spire, is Butcher s corpse...
Read the letter he has on him and then kill the Venatori that attack. Seems
SOMEONE knew he was coming with valuable information. Go report this to Charter
to complete the quest and unlock the "Expose the Double Agent" operation at
the War Table.
Weeding Out Bandits

Quest Giver: Soldier

Requirement: Capture Caer Bronach
Reward: 80 Influence
After taking over Caer Bronach, head to the flagpole again and talk to a
soldier there. They will tell you the remains of the Highwaymen are now
ambushing people on the roads, giving us this quest. Time to mop up!
Head east from Caer Bronach. you can find bandits just about anywhere out
here in the farmlands. They usually roam around in groups of two, but will
sometimes be in groups of three. They even have a camp near the lake to the
far east.
Once you kill eight bandits in total, this quest will be considered complete.
No talking to anyone required. There are more than eight bandits out here,
so you may wind up killing even more. No biggie!
Burdens of Command

Quest Giver: Wraith

Requirement: Drain lake to Old Crestwood
Reward: Experience, 200 Influence, +2 Power, Amulet of Power
This quest is gotten after you drain the lake near old Crestwood. Do so and
then while you are exploring the northern part you will run into a Wraith who
is NOT hostile! You can actually talk to it and agree to help it pass on by

following a command!
Ha! Thankfully the command is to kill a Rage Demon in the Flooded Caves
nearby. This coincides with the "Still Waters" quest though, and is done on
the way to do that quest, so just do it then. We cover this in our section
for "Still Waters".
Once you are done, return to the Wraith to report and help it move on.
Besides the power and influence rewards, it will also give you an [AMULET
OF POWER] that only COLE can use. Very nice! With that the quest is done.
Wyrm Hole

Quest Giver: Judith

Requirement: Complete "The Naturalist"
Reward: 80 Influence, Warden Scout Armor Schematic
The Wyverns Judith is talking about are
the camp head west a bit and then north
Venatori Camp that you should take out,
solve. More on point though, there is a
While in the cave, be sure to ping your
You can find a [BOTTLE OF THEDAS] along

north of the Three Trout Camp. From

up into the hills. You will find a
as well as an Astrarium you should
cave nearby that is the path we need.
search bar for a hit as you go along.
the left-hand wall this way.

At the end, the cave opens up to a small shallow lake area that has THREE
Wyverns. Two small ones and one big one. They are level 15, and are elite
mobs. Focus on one at a time to reduce their numbers, use potions as you need
to, and try to debilitate them with freezing effects.
Once you slaughter them, return to Judith to let her know. You ll get an
influence bump but also the [WARDEN SCOUT ARMOR SCHEMATIC]. Very nice.
Northern Hunter

Quest Giver: None

Requirement: None
Reward: See Loot table below.
NOTE: This is not a named quest in the game.
You can find the Northern Hunter south of the Three Trout Camp, past Judith s
house. She will be chilling near some castle ruins. You can fight her there and
she won t run away. It s also likely that you will encounter her on your way to
do the "Rifts at Three Trout Farm" quest. Either way, we re here for you.
Let s do this!

BOSS: Northern Hunter

Level 13
Northern Hunter

Health: 108496
Defense: 41
Vulnerability: Spirit
Immunity: All Disabling Effects
Immunity: Slowed
Greater Electricity Resistance

The Northern Hunter is an Electricity-based dragon, and is weak to spirit

attacks. Neutral to cold and fire. Very good things for most mages.
This is a rather easy fight if you ve done some of the Orlais exploration
content ahead of Crestwood, but as always you want to be at or near this
beast s levle to stand a chance. Full potion stock, etc.
The Northern Hunter has all of the normal Dragon-type moves. She ll rear her
legs up and swipe at you with them (hitting whoever is nearby), as well as
sweep her tail around. She is fond of jumping about to and fro and will very
likley destroy some of the walls near the castle ruins you fight her at. She
also whips her wings up and draws everyone in, just like all dragons do, which
is an annoyance for mages and other ranged characters but is actually beneficial
for warriors as they can attack during this time without worry.
In place of fire, the Northern Hunter uses electricty streams for her attack.
She will also shoot out electric balls. Finally, her only other note-worthy
attack is to charge the sky up with electricity. This makes everyone in your
party glow purple, and puts a ring around them. By itself this ring does
nothing, but if you get a party member inside that ring they will take shock
damage. And yes, it is cumulative, meaning everyone close together can kill
you all quickly.
Stay spread out during this fight, mostly due to the shock-ring move that
the Northern Hunter does (and ESPECIALLY stay spread out when she does that!).
Other than that, use your strongest attacks and lay into her. Take advantage
of her wing-flap move and her normal attacks with your allies spread out. You
can do some major damage during these times. The Norther Hunter does NOT fly
away and bombard you with electric balls during the fight, so keep at her and
she will soon fall. Enjoy your rewards down below!
Loot: 1,934 Experience, 1600 Influence, +4 Power, In Death, Sacrifice (Medium
Armor), Enhanced Guard Belt, Inquisitor Hat Schematic, Amulet of Power
(Iron Bull ONLY), Superb Ring of Life-Drain, Intense Dragon Blood x6,
Dragon s Tooth, Dragon Webbing x2, Dragon Scales x4, Dragon Bone
. .
< () >
.. __________________________________________________________________________


The Western Approach is desolate and crawling with monsters. The dunes and sand
in this area make it possible to see for quite a distance into the open. The
Grey Warden fortress of Adamant is found in this area, a defensive structure

from the Second Blight. There s a lot of work to be done in this area and near
everything doesn t want you around, it s time change that.

Agents: Frederic
Crafting Materials

- Elfroot
- Spindleweed
- Blood Lotus
- Deathroot
- Deep Mushroom
- Serpentstone
- Paragon s Luster

White Claw Raider Footpad
Venatori Spellbinder
Venatori Brute

- Dragonthorn
- Witherstalk
- Ghoul s Beard
- Lazurite
- Everite


White Claw Raider

Poison Spider
Venatori Marksman

White Claw Escort

Venatori Gladiator
Venatori Zealot
Hurlock Alpha

Codex Entries

[ ] History #29 - Old Chantry Trail Signs

- Found while doing the side quest "On the Chantry Trail".
[ ] Places #7 - Coracavus
- Found when doing "The Trouble with Darkspawn" quest.
[ ] History #62 - The Secret Tongue of Slaves
- Found in the lower prison area while doing "The Trouble with Darkspawn"
quest. Search all the cells for the scroll.
[ ] Tales #15 - A Missing Slave
- Found when doing "The Trouble with Darkspawn" quest. Past the energized
gate, in the left alcove.
[ ] Tales #85 - Surviving the Western Approach
- South of Echoback Fort. Search the left wall of the area (the left cliff
wall, facing south) to find a corpse with this note nearby.
[ ] History #46 - The First Blight: Chapter Two
- Found inside a cave after clearing out the first area of poison gas (the
cave is on the east edge of the poison area.


1. Constellation: Toth
- Location: Griffon Wing Fortress

- Solve Order:
Start at #4, then:
5, 3, 6, 7, 3, 1, 2, 4, 3, 2



2. Constellation: Fenrir
- Location: Prison Ruins (On the battlement, hard to miss!)
- Solve Order:
Start at #1, then:
3, 4, 1, 2, 4, 6, 2, 5, 6, 3



3. Constellation: Satinalis
- Location: Echo Back Fort (take the cave at the bottom up to it).
- Solve Order:
Start at #2, then:
1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 7, 6, 3, 2, 7.




After you have completed all of the astrariums, a cave will open up near Craggy
Ridge Camp. Head inside and light the veil fire you find. Take it with you. At
the bottom of the cave you will find a chest with the unique [MASTERWORK
ENCHANTER MAIL], an elven rune to activate, and at the back wall with the veil
fire out the [MASTER FIRE RUNE SCHEMATIC]. Good stuff. Once you have the armor
this quest will be complete.
Bottles of Thedas


High Dragons

1. Abyssal Dragon

1. Zhores Tower
2. Lamarr Tower
3. Griffon s Monument
4. Shimmer Stone Mine
5. The Surveyor
6. Shortcut
7. Lost Idol
8. Tesoro Tower
9. Hidden Stairway
10. The Old Well
11. The Last Step
12. Gates of Andoral
13. Gates of Toth
14. The Thing in the Dark
Mosaic Pieces


One found in Sand Rock Mine.

One found at the end of On the Chantry Trail.
One found near "Lost Idol" landmark
One found near the landmark "Hidden Stairway", just to the northwest of the
Craggy Ridge Camp, at the bottom of the ramp area.
One found near the tents in Echoback Fort.
One found in the cave the astrarium opens up.
One found in a Tevinter Camp south/southwest of Echo Back Canyon Camp
One Found inside a cave after clearing out the first area of poison gas (the
cave is on the east edge of the poison area.

13. After defeating the Abyssal High Dragon you can enter the cave now that the
area is open. Inside you ll find two Mosaic Pieces for The Archdemon.
14. Acquired with #13. Grappling Hook also breaks this block allowing access.
Oculara and Shards

Just North of the Lost Spring Canyon Camp

1. Just left of the middle rock formation, up and in the distance.
2. To the right, on the right edge of the nearby rock formation, behind it.
3. To the FAR left, up on the cliff nearby, on the wooden platform.
Near Lamarr Tower (North of the Nazaire s Pass Camp)
1. Just to the left, on the cliffside.
2. To the right, on the cliffs above the wooden fence.
3. To the left, above a wooden fence in the distance (below the left arm of the
Southwest of the Nazaire s Pass Camp
1. Just to the left, amongst the ruins.
2. To the far right, on top of the crumbling wall.
3. To the far left, on top of a rock poking out of a cliff.
North of Griffon Wing Keep (must do the "Find the Source of Darkspawn" War Room
1. On the keep itself, to the right.
2. Even further right, on the edge of the cliffs
1. In the
2. To the
3. To the

of Echoback Fort
ruins of the fort straight ahead (in the tower)
left, look to the right of the camp, up on the side of the cliff.
right, on the cliffs sticking out of the sand.

Logging Stands

1. Northeast of the Lost Spring Camp

2. North of Oasis cave (east of Craggy Ridge Camp, in the valley)

1. South of the Nazaire s Pass Camp

2. South of Echo Back Fort, in a small doorway, near an Ocularum


Rifts in the Canyon

This quest is an excellent place to start in this area. Two rifts, both of
which are very close by, a good test to make sure you are READY to be in this
Start with the south rift first. The first wave is level 11-ish Wraiths and
Shades. Pretty standard stuff. A Rage Demon comes out on the second wave, so
freeze and shatter him if you can and clean up. Potions are free as we pass the
camp to the next rift.
Up north is the second rift, in the middle of the sands. The first wave is
only two enemies, believe it or not. A Rage Demon and a Terror. Not a Lesser
Terror! Still, the operate the same way. The second wave will really introduce
you to them as there is a Rage Demons and THREE Terrors. Try to line them up
in an Earthshaking Strike or some other area of effect skill to thin them out
a bit, then disrupt the rift. Mop up from there and this quest will be done.
Rifts in Sand and Dust

These rifts are based around the Craggy Ridge Camp site, which is on the
western side of the map. One is north of it and one is to the south.
To the south you have a fairly standard rift. Wraiths accompany one Rage
Demon and one Terror. Ice and Fire help out here. The second wave pits you
against one Rage Demon and three terrors, much like the Canyon rifts. With
the camp nearby, heal freely.
The rift to the north is a tad different, but not much. The first wave is the
same demons you are used to, but the second wave has two Rage Demons and two
Terrors, which balances things out a bit more. They are slow though, so get
those area effects down and take them out to complete this quest.
Rifts off the Pass

These rifts are to the southwest portion of the map, and this quest will
activate once you get to the area or start taking them out (the game is a
bit buggy about that!).
There are two rifts here, one in the north and one in the south.
The northern one is pretty easy. The first wave is a Terror and Rage Demon.
We ve seen this before, The second wave is THREE Terrors and one Rage Demon,
which we ve also seen before. Remember to get those Terrors lined up in fire
or area effects and try to stun the second wave.
The southern rift is a bit harder. It is past a wall. The
really tough: a Rage Demon and a Despair demon, with some
second wave is rough. TWO Rage Demons, TWO Despair Demons
Wraiths. The real challenge here is the Despair Demon. If
handed warrior, get Earthshaking Strike on one and try to
take them out fast. Thin out the Wraiths and then disrupt
up. With that you ll be done with this quest.

first wave isn t

Wraiths but the
and a handful of
you have a two
keep them in it to
the rift and mop


item up one of the wooden watchtowers. May as well grab it while you
are here.
Rifts in Echoback

Once you get to the Echo Back Canyon camp you will get this quest.
Two rifts nearby we must close. Not a tall order! The one to the east has a
Despair Demon and a Greater Terror (they like to scream like the Envy Demon).
The second wave has two of each! Yikes. The Despair Demons are the most annoying
things, so take them out fast and hard if you can.
The rift to the
second wave has
couple of times
quest (which is

south has a Rage Demon and some Terrors. Not too hard. The
three Terrors and a single Rage Demon, which we ve seen a
by now. Take them all out and seal up the rift to finish this
likely your last rift in the Western Approach... good job!).

Holding the Western Approach

This quest is going to take AWHILE to complete. Mainly because getting to the
fourth and final camp is just plain time consuming. Still, three camps to find
isn t too bad! Just don t prioritize this quest.
The first camp you ll get to is the Craggy Ridge Camp, which is to the east,
past the Silent Ruins. A good base of operations. Quests and/or exploring
will eventually lead you south, down to the Nazaire s Pass Camp. Our third
camp of the area.
After talking and working with the researcher down there, you will be able
to assault the keep up north. This isn t a "camp" really, as it doesn t count
towards this quest, but it is a gigantic base of operations that will greatly
benefit us. We ll need to do some operations to cross the poison pits and head
further north, which requires some power. You should also make sure you take
the fort and get the darkspawn quest before going north. May as well do what
you can in order...
While doing the quest "The Trouble with Darkspawn" you will end up heading
north and making your way to the fourth and final camp: Echo Back Canyon Camp.
Once you establish that camp, this quest will be done.
As you can see, it all ties into other quests, so don t go out scouting and
trying to set up bases ahead of time... at least not in The Western Approach.
The Venatori

This quest starts out with a report in the camp, secured by our scouts. Go
read it to learn that there is some sort of mining operation going on nearby.
"Summoning?!"... Doesn t sound good!
To do this quest (which is, by the way, beyond easy), head south. A rift will
be in your way, so destroy it. You ll then come to an area with two mines.
The one to the south is the one we want. Head inside and read the book on the
table after you kill off the numerous spiders in the area. Looks like our
coming was known, and The Venatori have withdrew to Emprise Du Lion. This
completes this quest.

Luster Survey in the Approach

This is a pretty standard "go out there and get stuff" quest. We ll need
Paragon s Luster (10 of it), which can be found just about anywhere. It is
in high supply if you search along the canyon ridges (it was also at the
Forbidden Oasis, if you ve been there). The Lazurite is a bit harder, however
you can find plenty of it in the mines to the south (enough to fill this
order, if you get a good harvest drop).
Once you have the materials, turn them in to complete the quest. You will
also unlock the next one, "Lazurite Survey in the Approach".
Lazurite Survey in the Approach

This quest is another standard "go get stuff" quest. Lazurite is the hard
ingredient here, yet again, but you only need 10 of it. It is found in the
caves and in the mountains in the southwest of the area (Shimmer Stone Mine).
Paragon s Luster is everywhere, which is good since they want 20 of it this
time. Yikes...
Once you have the materials, turn it in to complete the quest.
NOTE: This quest can be repeated, provided you have the resources. An easy
source of power. Given the amount of materials though, it isn t
advised unless you have nothing better to do.

This quest can be obtained by killing and then looting White Claw Raiders.
They will have messages on their corpses that start this quest. You can often
find White Claw operatives to the north of the initial Lost Spring camp, after
you have cleared the rift out of course.
Frederic is an Orlesian Scholar who is out in this Maker-Forsaken place
studying Dragons. Lovely, right? You can find him near the Nazaire s Pass Camp,
which is in the southwest portion of the map. Once you find him, this quest
is considered complete.
NOTE: This quest has a tendency to be bugged. If you run across other items
that Frederic wants on your way to him (which is likely), there is a
chance you may not be able to complete this quest. This seems to pop up
if you are able to complete his other quests... so for those who can t
stand broken quest prompts, head to him straight-away while being as
much of a pacifist as you can!
Talking to Frederic leads to several other quests. See the below THREE quests
to keep up with the prolific dragon researcher.
Frederic s Livelihood

White Claw Raiders have taken Frederic s supplies, leading to this quest.
You can find the Raiders randomly while running across this zone, but be
sure to loot them after you kill them to recover Frederic s supplies.

How to Lure a Dragon

Frederic wishes to make dragon bait! Well, that sounds like a bad idea! But
we ll help him of course! To make his bait, we will require some monster guts!
Specifically, one Quillback Intestine and one Phoenix Tail Feather.
These items of course drop from their namesakes, who can be found out in the
sands. It isn t a guaranteed drop, but they are both very common. So common
that you may well have these items before you even meet Frederic (see our note
of warning in the "Draconology" quest).
Return to Frederic with the items to complete the quest. One step closer to
that dragon...
Hunting Patterns

This quest is given to you after meeting Frederic and doing the "How to Lure
a Dragon" quest. In it, we are asked to find signs of the dragon s hunting
pattern. Four of them, to be precise.
Every one of these hunting remains is to the north, and there are more than
four to choose from. Which ones you choose doesn t matter, as long as you
get to four of them. What we are looking for is corpses. Quillback Corpses.
They are torn up good. Most of them are out in the open, although some of
them are hidden near bushes and other minor obstacles. You can use your search
button to ping their exact location, which you ll have to do when you are near
them to get the "examine" prompt to show up.
Head north and examine four of these corpses to satisfy the quest requirements,
then head back and report to Frederic. This will unlock the "Sharper White
Claws" quest.
A Manuscript of Some Authority

Once you have the manuscript, deliver it to Frederic. He will be overjoyed,

but cannot read it. We ll offer the Inquisition s help though, which adds a
new objective to the War Table titled "Translate the Dragon Text". It costs
5 power, but is instant. Easily done!
Once you have completed that quest, you can return to Frederic and show him
the Manuscript.
Sharper White Claws

So, the dragon will likely visit the Wastes next, huh? Frederic will notify
us that the White Claw raiders have been setting traps in the area and would
like us to destroy them.
You may have already seen them as you were running around. There are five in
total, and while the map area for this search is huge, they are all essentially
in the pillar area. This is still a big area though. Note that some are on the
outskirts of the pillar area (by the rocks), so do a few laps around the pillar
area and slowly circle your was inward to find them all. They look like bear
traps with rocks in the, and when you see them you will have the option to
destroy them manually.

Once you are done, a group of White Claw Raiders will show up to fight. The
first group is just a couple bowmen and an escort, but soon their leader will
join as well, a "White Claw Poacher Leader". Quite the name. He is an elite
enemy, so he has more health than the rest of these scrubs and can t be put to
sleep or made afraid. He can be taunted though, so have your tank take him
and wear him down. He is a rogue / dual-wield class, so prepare to wait for
him to come out of stealth at times. Still, not too hard.
The Abyssal High Dragon

BEFORE you go set the bait for this quest, note that you will be FIGHTING A
FRICKIN DRAGON at the end... so preparation is VERY important. We recommend
reading the boss portion ahead to get ready for this very tough fight.
Frederic is ready to lure the dragon out! To do so, you need to go around
the Waste area and put the bait in the traps. This is pretty much you revisiting
all of the traps in the previous quest and baiting them. Once they are all
baited the fight will commence (after the dragon takes a few laps that is!).

BOSS: Abyssal High Dragon

Level 14
Health: 124659
Defense: 44 (Head: 28)
Vulnerable: Cold
Immunity: All Disabling Effects
Immunity: Slowed
Greater Fire Resistance

Oh man...
As a special note, this should NOT be your first dragon fight. The dragon
in the Hinterlands is a lower level and easier, so go face her down if you
haven t yet.
Are you ready for this? I sure hope so! The key to this fight, as I mentioned
earlier, is PREPARATION! Cold vulnerability is the key here, so it s an
excellent idea to have a mage equipped with an ice-element staff and even
some ice skills (although that is less important). Having some spirit magic
is great as well, as Barrier is absolutely indispensable. Having a reliable
tank is also a MUST, as they can capture the attention of the dragon and keep
it. Vanguard and some shield skills are fantastic. Blackwall is an excellent
choice with his advanced defensive options as a Champion (if you have the
levels and abilities that is). Also be sure to equip any fire-resistance items
you may have as well as stock your potions up!
As far as your main character goes, ranged and mage players will have an easier
time than warriors, just due to the proximity required to attack the dragon.
Unfortunately for Bkstunt (who is writing this...), he is playing a two-handed
warrior. This means even more preparation is necessary. For this fight, my
warrior character brought two mages and a tank. Blackwall held the Dragon s
attention throughout the fight, but the mages were the main reason he (and

everyone else) was kept upright. They both had ice staves as well as barrier
magic (one even had the revival skill in the Spirit Magic tree). Be sure to
set your tactics to have Barrier preferred. It will save your life.
Warriors are forced to attack the dragon head-on, so they must be extra
careful. Let s go over the dragon s attacks. First up, she will use her arms
and/or legs to attack in a sweeping motion if her target is near them. These
are wide sweeps and can hit multiple characters if they are close enough (one
reason ranged characters have it easy). The dragon can also sweep its tail
around in an even bigger range. All that being said, if you can position
yourself away from where she is aiming (opposite legs / opposite end of the
body) you will be safe and can keep on hurting her.
The dragon will move around quite a bit during the fight, destroying pillars
and re-positioning herself. When she does this you will likely see her fire
based attacks. She will either shoot a fireball at her main target (meaning
warrior DO NOT run in at her with your tank!) or she will spit out a stream
of fire and move it back and forth. These both hurt of course and will set you
on fire as well. Ouch!
Her last moves are a real pain. At times she will stop and flap her wings up,
causing a whirlwind that draws the party in. The wind is what will hurt you
here: you can actually stand near her and be OK. Warriors have it easy here
as they can attack uninterrupted. This is a fantastic time to use a skill
like Whirlwind. You can use it non-stop and really rack up damage. Another
special warrior tip: if you are getting sucked into the wind, you can use
Earthshaking Strike to get by the wind without taking any damage (although
the move does NOTHING to the fire-resistant dragon).
The very last move is the worst. The High Abyssal Dragon (notice how formal
we are getting up in here!) will use GUARD, granting itself several thousand
HP worth of armor. It will do this multiple times throughout the fight and
make you eat through it to hurt it again.
Keep your barriers up, have your tank on point and use your regen potions
when you can get away with it. Always be ready to revive, especially your
mages. Keep at this beast and don t let up and you ll be victorious.
Loot: Nameless Blade, Amulet of Power (SOLAS ONLY), Superb Ring of Armor
Penetration, various rare loot and crafting material.
The quest isn t officially done yet. After all, we need to report back to
Frederic! He will be pleased regardless of the dead dragon, and will even
offer to join the Inquisition! Say yes to get [AGENT: FREDERIC]! A job
well done!
A Tevinter Relic Hunt

To the west (norhtwest) of the initial Lost Springs camp is the Still Ruins.
A very picturesque place, but polluted with Venatori agents. They have put up
a magical barrier blocking access to the ruins.
Kill the agents out front (watch out for ice runes / mines from their
spellweavers!) and then take out the magical barrier with your mage. Kill the
agents you find beyond the barrier and then loot the nearby [CHEST x2] in the

corners of this place and read the notes. You will have this quest show up in
your list at this time. What could they be looking for in the ruins? Only one
way to find out!
After entering the ruins you can go down a flight of stairs and find a [CHEST]
to the right. Go kill the Venatori and search the left wall of this lower area
for another [CHEST]. Now, go check out the rift that is... frozen? This is very
peculiar. It starts the "A Strange Rift in the Ruins" quest, in fact. SOMEONE
has to disable this time magic...
Up the stairs to the right is another [CHEST]. You can also find a [CHEST] by
going up the left path and doubling back to the third story. Now, in the back
is an open doorway. There is a locked door to the right that unless you have
the correct Inquisition Perk (deft hands) you won t be able to open.
Head through the doorway and hand a left. Search by the door for a [CHEST],
then continue on to an open chamber. Quite impressive! Now, up above is some
more enemies, but one of them is an elite. Not quite a "boss", but a hardened
soldier named Lucanus. Head down and beat them all up. Keep Lucanus ties up
with stuns and other debilitating effects to take him out quickly (Mighty Blow
is so powerful). Once he is dead, loot him to discover a Keystone (1/5). This
completes our quest but also starts a new quest called "The Heart of the Still
Ruins". Let s move onto it now!
The Heart of the Still Ruins

One keystone down, four to go. Thankfully, all four Keystones are close by, in
the four corners of this area. To the upper left and right are Keystone (2/5)
and Keystone (3/5). To the lower left and right (up the stairs) are two rooms,
each with a keystone for Keystone (4/5) and Keystone (5/5). There are also some
notes to read and a [CHEST]. One of the rooms even lets you energize Veilfire,
so have a mage do so and take it along with you (or have an ally take it along,
which is less work on you).
Once you have all the keystones, approach the central sealed chamber. It will
now open up, finishing this quest. Loot the [CHEST x2] in the room and then
move BEYOND the staff. The far wall has a hidden [SPIRIT RUNE SCHEMATIC] that
you can see with the veil-fire. Read the note nearby for some insight and then
take the staff.
We will continue this area and it s remaining quest in the section down below
("A Strange Rift in the Ruins"), as you can imagine what happens once you take
the staff...
This staff is also a named unique piece, called [TEMPEST]. Enjoy it. Now, onto
that rift...
A Strange Rift in the Ruins

Well, time has resumed. Wonderful. Time to fight our way back to the entrance.
You will encounter Shades, Lesser Terrors and Wraiths on your journey back. Be
sure to clear the rooms out as well on your way to the rift...
Back at the entrance you ll be pitted against the rift right away. This first
wave has a Greater Terror (a stronger version of what you are used to) and a
Despair demon. Use the stairs nearby as a choke-point for the Greater Terror
and take him out, then focus on the Wraiths and Despair Demon. You can hang
back and disrupt them easily while your allies move in.

The second wave is less stressful with merely a handful of Wraiths and a
single Despair Demon. Take them out and seal the rift for a whopping +400
Influence. Very nice! Don t forget to activate the Elven Artifact on your
way out, located just past the rift towards the exit. With that done, our
business in the ruins is complete.
On the Chantry Trail

You can start (find) this quest to the west of the Silent Ruins. Head out
that way and examine the rock nearby, where the "New Quest" marker is. This
nets you the [OLD CHANTRY TRAIL SIGNS] codex unlock and starts the quest.
We will need to follow the markers. Head north to the first one. You will
see a dragon on your way, but he flies off. Still, good to know Harding isn t
crazy. Near the marker up north is "Death Drink Springs". Plant a marker here
to unlock an operation for the War Room (the air is poisonous, and we can t
continue). Thankfully, the marker for this quest is just shy of the poison air,
so examine it and you ll see the next marker is off to the south.
Make your way south to the objective (there s a lot of open area here) and
once you reach the third marker it will point you south again. This fourth
marker is near Nazire s Pass Camp. Head there, get the marker, and head south
a short way to a fifth marker (very short). This leads to the sixth marker...
shoot, this trail is a long one.
The sixth marker is south / slightly southwest. Head over to it to have it
point you to the FINAL marker in the south. Head there to find a small camp
and a cave. Nab the [CHEST] nearby, read the disturbing note, and then use
one of your mage characters to break down the barrier.
Technically this is the end of the quest. So you know, down in the cave you
can find [CHEST x2] as well as some reading material, including a codex that
piece nearby. Gather everything up and tackle another quest.
Assault on Griffon Wing Keep

You can get this quest after you find the Nazaire s Pass Camp. Just south
of there is a researcher. Talk to him and ask him about this area and himself.
Explore all of the "?" dialog, and he will mention the Venatori have taken a
keep nearby. That will spawn this quest.
The keep in question is far to the north. Capturing it isn t too hard, truth
be told. It s crazy to think you can take a keep with a party of four, but
that is what we are about to do!
Approach from the northeast side of the keep and kill the Venatori guard.
These are regular gladiators, marksmen and other foes you ve been fighting
out in the sands. There is a door nearby that you can break down to get into
the keep proper. You can search around if you wish, although there is plenty
of time to do that once the keep is yours (for the record, there is an Elven
Relic nearby up the right stairs, a [CHEST] nearby as well, and up the ladder
leading to the battlements [CHEST x2] on either end of the walkway).
Continue up the central steps (there is a [CHEST] to the left) and kill the
foes here. Watch out for archers up high and any mages that might be around.

Press on to the left (your AI companions will likely automatically go, so you
should be aware) and clear out the enemies here. Once all the enemies out in
this second area are dead, the gate nearby will raise up, allowing you access
to the roof (WHY would they let these guys go further!?).
Up on the roof are two soldiers, two marksman and an ELITE mob named Macrinus.
While he is just shy of a proper boss, Macrinus is deadly. He is an elite fire
mage, and will zip around when cornered, lay down multiple mines at a time
and is quite powerful. Take out his assistants first and then close in on
him. Knock him down and combo him if you can, and be especially careful of his
mines. Note that once he is dead you can loot him for the unique [COWL OF THE
Use the flagpole nearby to claim the keep for the Inquisition, and turn this
place into a stronghold.
Note that once you do claim the place, you can treat it as a base of operations
for the area. Seriously, you can craft armor, weapons, upgrade potions... the
place will treat you well.
In addition, be sure to check out the nearby Astrarium and talk to the Knight
Commander for the "This Water Tastes Funny" and "The Trouble with Darkspawn"
NOTE: You may be wondering about the Landmark nearby. This is obtained by
approaching the keep from the south and going to the old well cave
(use fire on the barrier). The landmark is "The Old Well".
This Water Tastes Funny

You can get this quest from the Knight-Commander after taking the Griffon Wing
Keep. May as well help out!
This quest is actually really easy. It literally consists of going to the
oasis and killing a single monster. A Varghest, to be exact. The oasis is
down to the south / southeast, so head down there and take this petty monster
out to finish this quest.
The Trouble with Darkspawn

You can get this quest from the Knight-Commander after taking the Griffon Wing
Keep. We need to stop the Darkspawn from showing up.
The quest objective for this is to the north, however another poisonous gas
area blocks our passage! This means it is time for another War Room Operation!
Go inspect the problem to have the "Find the Source of Darkspawn" operation
added to the War Room. It will cost 5 Power to accomplish, but takes up NO
time. Like the other poisonous area, this will build a bridge to the north for
Once you can cross, do so. Hit up the shard viewer if you wish and continue
north. You will fight your way through plenty of Ghouls and Hyenas to the old
Prison Ruins. Plenty of darkspawn up here. Climb up to the top, kill whoever
awaits you, and note the Astrarium. We will now have to enter a dungeon up
here to find where the Darkspawn are coming from, so inspect the nearby hole
in the structure and enter Coracavus. For the record, this gives you the

[CORACAVUS] codex entry.

"North Prisoner Entrance"
Lovely. Makes you wonder if there is an access to the Deep Roads down here.
Loot the [CHEST] and push inward, killing the enemies around the corner.
Head back and go down to the cell area. Down here is a dead-end, but there
are enemies to kill and loot to be had! Particularly, [CHEST x3] and even some
[CORPSES x3]. Just search around. Note the corpse in the room across from the
stairs though. Of important note down here is the [THE SECRET TONGUE OF SLAVES]
codex entry from a scroll in one of the cells. There is also some veil fire
down here. Light it up and go into the cell room across from the initial stairs
to find the [MASTER SPIRIT RUNE].
Head back up to the hallway now and continue. There is a ghoul in the hallway,
but past him you ll find a real group of darkspawn and a giant hole in the
wall! Well then!
Look around for the Vandal Aria shrub (we normally don t list crafting
items, but this stuff only shows up here in this zone) and then use one of
your mages to energize the hole and seal it up. That should cut off the
darkspawn for awhile, but the quest isn t over yet as we are tasked to find
the people who were responsible in the first place.
Nab the [CHEST] that was behind the gate and continue to the left. In the
next big room is more aria. Nab it and check the area to the left for some
notes and [CHEST x3]. One of the notes unlocks the [A MISSING SLAVE] codex.
Head over the bridge and take on the Hurlock Alpha and his band (the archers
by the railing are grouped close together). Once they are dead, loot the
[CHEST x2] here. The door here requires the "Deft Hands" Inquisition Perk to
open. Open it if you can and continue down the slope by the bridge.
Kill the enemies you encounter and examine the corpse at the end of the path.
We will get a key from him, along with a note. This Servis character that has
been doing everything behind the scenes is now our target. Heh. About damn
Open the nearby door and... well, that s what was causing the shaking! A
level 14 Elite Giant will be facing us now. If you faced the giant at the
Storm Coast, you know what to expect here: lots of wide swings and jumping
around. Ranged characters will have an easy time of it, but warriors should
be careful of the sweeping attacks. Gang up on the thing and it will fall
This area has [CHEST x3] in it around the walls, so take a quick lap and
round them up. There is also a note in the middle of the area by a corpse
that gives some more Servis info. Follow the marker now to get back to the
Western Approach proper.
We are still on Servis tail, so we ll keep this quest up. Found the "Echo
Back Canyon Camp" (which likely completes your "Holding the Western Approach"
questline) and heal up. Right outside is another giant. Have fun with him and
go heavy on potions if needed: the camp is right behind us. He fights just like
the last giant, but also has a tendency to throw boulders at you.
Servis is in a fort to the southeast, but to get there we must circle around
it and enter from the northeast! Here you will face a Brute down below and
Servis himself is up above with some archers. Ignore the Brute and head up to
Servis. With some speed you can knock him down right away and start wailing on
him. Never even give him a chance to fight if you can help it. You can have
your tank block off the stairs and let everyone else wail on him for an easy

victory. Servis is only an elite monster surprisingly, much like Macrinus.

Even more surprising is the fact that we DO NOT kill Servis right away.
Instead, we have the chance to talk to him and judge him at Skyhold (which
we recommend doing).
With that the quest is complete.
NOTE: There are [CHEST x3] on the ramparts and down below as well as an
[ARCHDEMON MOSIAC] piece nearby. Be sure to grab them all! One has the
unique [BLIZZARD S PATH] staff in it. You can also find a cave nearby
that leads up to an astrarium. Before you go up it, light the nearby
veil fire to see the [MASTER FROST RUNE SCHEMATIC] inside the cave!
Fortress Squatters

This quest appears after you have complete the "Here Lies the Abyss" main
quest. After you do that, head to the Griffon Wing Fortress and talk to the
commander about problems in the area to officially get this quest.
Bandits have taken over the Ritual Tower, causing problems in the area. We
have to stop them. Head back to the tower and slay the three Raiders you find
there. After that the quest is considered complete. Short but sweet, it seems.
. .
< () >
.. __________________________________________________________________________


The Exalted Plains are rich with conflict from the Orlesian Civil War. These
lands, called "Dirthavaren" by the elves, were once host to the final battle of
the elves from the Dales and the land reeks of it. This is area is fairly
massive and while some places seem quaint, others are ravaged and have demonic
presence. There is an underground temple in this area though it requires some
work to reach it.

Companions: None
Agents: Ithiren (Complete "By the Grace of the Dalish")
Crafting Materials

- Dragonthorn
- Witherstalk
- Ghoul s Beard
- Lazurite
- Everite

Freemen Soldier

- Royal Elfroot
- Black Lotus
- Rashvine Nettle
- Obsidian


Freemen Archer

Freeman Guardsman

Arcane Horror
Lesser Shade
Venatori Spellbinder
Freeman Sniper

Rage Demon
Black Wolf
Corpse Archer
Venatori Gladiator
Freeman Veteran

Freeman Prowler
Venatori Zealot
Freeman Captain
Freeman Infiltrator

Codex Entries

[ ] Groups #`5 - The Dalish Elves.

- Talk to Olafin during the quest "A Dalish Perspective".
[ ] History #11 - Dirthamen: Keeper of Secrets
- Found after solving the puzzle inside "The Dead Hand". Check the quest
with the same name (Dirthamen) for further in-depth help.
[ ] History #13 - Elgar nan: The All-Father
- Found near Emalien in the Dalish Camp, leaning up against a crate.
[ ] History #15 - Falon Din: Friend of the Dead, Guide
- Found inside the Dead Hand, just past the initial barrier, on the right.
[ ] History #19 - Ghilan nain: Mother of the Halla
- Found in the Fens, northeast of the Fens Camp, near a statue of an Elk
creature at the beginning of the marshy area.
[ ] History #21 - June: God of Craft
- Found in the Dalish Camp in the Exalted Plains. It is near Nissa.
[ ] History #23 - Memorials of the Second Exalted March
- Right outside the Path of Flame Camp, inspect the landmarks.
[ ] History #23 - Memorials of the Second Exalted March (Updated)
- Off the main road to the west of the Western Ramparts.
[ ] History #37 - Sylaise: The Hearthkeeper
- Found in the "Shrine to Sylaise" cave, down the river from the
Dalish Camp.
[ ] History #67 - Ville Montevelan
- This is the village to the northeast of Fort Revasan.
[ ] Letters #25 - Crumpled Missive
- Found in a house south of the Riverwatch Camp. Next to a chest.
[ ] Letters #55 - Old Journal
- Found in the Ville Montevelan, in the ruins of a yellow house.
[ ] Letters #59 - Scattered Notes
- Found in the partially-hidden camp in the northeast of The Crow Fens.
[ ] Maps #2 - Map of Enavurls
- Found in a storeroom during the quest "Calming Victory Rise".
[ ] Maps #4 - Map of Halin sulahn
- Found in the partially-hidden camp in the northeast of The Crow Fens.
[ ] Maps #16 - Sketch of Enavuris River
- Found on a corpse, see the quest of the same name for info.
[ ] Tales #20 - Andruil s Messenger
- Locate the "Andruil s Messenger" landmark northwest of the Western
[ ] Tales #48 - Hard in Hightown: Chapter Seven
- Found while doing the very long "Scattered Glyphs" quest, located
inside the "Lost Temple of Dirthamen".
[ ] Tales #65 - Legend of the Three Sisters: Book 1
- Found in a storeroom during the quest "Calming Victory Rise".
[ ] Tales #67 - Legend of the Three Sisters: Book 3
- Found in a tower during the quest "Lay Rest the Eastern Ramparts".
[ ] Tales #104 - The Lost Temple of Dirthamen
- Found while doing the very long "Scattered Glyphs" quest, located
inside the "Lost Temple of Dirthamen". This codex has MANY updates,
so be sure to reference the quest if needed.
[ ] Tales #109 - The Silver Knight

- Found while doing the quest "Rifts on the Battlefield". Is necessary

for a unique sword later in The Emerald Graves.
[ ] Tales #111 - The Soul Canto
- Found in a storeroom during the quest "Calming Victory Rise".
[ ] Hard in Hightown: Chapter Eight
- In the stables of Fort Revasan.
[ ] Legend of the Three Sisters: Book 2
- In Fort Revasan on a table.


Bottles of Thedas

1. "Grey Whiskey/Ritewine/Conscription Ale" (Vintage: Warden Tontiv. Home.)

- Found in a house south of the Riverwatch Camp. Hidden next to a chest.
2. "Bottles of Thedas" (Alvarado s Bathtub Boot Screech)
- Found inside a tower on the northern edge of the Eastern Ramparts. Look
for it in the back on the ground floor.
3. "Grey Whiskey/Ritewine/Conscription Ale" (Vintage: Warden Korenic. Notes
of Fruit and Anger.).
- Found in the Ville Montevelan, in the ruins of a yellow house.
4. "Bottles of Thedas" (Finale by Massad)
- Found while doing the "No Word Back" quest. Search after destroying
the rift.
High Dragons

1. Gamordan Stormrider

1. Guardians of the Path (Right outside the Path of Flame Camp).

2. Memorials of the Second Exalted March (Right outside the Path of Flame
3. Guardians of the Path (Number 2! Right outside the Path of Flame Camp).
4. Memorials of the Second Exalted March (Number 2! Off the main road to
the west of the Western Ramparts).
5. Ruined Arches (Climb up to this landmark at the top of the arches west
of the Western Ramparts).
6. Val Bellanaris (South of the Dalish Camp, it is on the way to the "From
the Beyond" quest).
7. Memorials of the Second Exalted March (Number 3! North of the Western
8. Andruil s Messenger (Northwest of the Western Ramparts, in the valleys).
9. Fort Revasan (Find this at the fort itself).
10. Ville Montevelan (The village to the northwest of Fort Revasan).
11. Memorials of the Second Exalted March (Number 4! In the village of Ville
Montevelan, to the northwest of Fort Revasan).
12. Pont Agur (North of Ville Montevelan, by the bridge).
13. Riverside Garrison (Found during the quest "No Word Back").
14. The Dead Hand (Southeast part of The Fens)
15. Broken Dog (Found in The Crow Fens)
16. Offering to the Dread Wolf (Found in the northern part of The Crow Fens)

17. The Raven (Found during "For the Empire")

18. Cidadelle du Corbeau (found during "For the Empire")

1. 1 Piece of the "Freed Are Slaves" set.

- Found while doing the very long "Scattered Glyphs" quest, located inside
the "Lost Temple of Dirthamen".
2. 1 Piece of the "Freed Are Slaves" set.
- Found while doing the very long "Scattered Glyphs" quest, located inside
the "Lost Temple of Dirthamen".
3. 1 Piece of the "Invasion" set.
- Found north of the Oculara north of the Western Ramparts. By a small
campsite up in the mountains.
4. 1 Piece of the "Invasion" set.
- Found near "The Dead Hand" landmark... IN THE HAND!
5. 1 Piece of the "Invasion" set.
- Found inside The Dead Hand crypt, in the main room, along the left wall.
6. 1 Piece of the "Invasion" set.
- Found while doing the quest "The Spoils of Desecration".
7. Found on the docks west of the Ancient Baths during "Scattered Glyphs".
Oculara and Shards

South of the Western Ramparts, near the forest.

1. Directly below you, on the arches.
2. To the left, below the wolf/dog statue.
3. To the left, past the archway (by the tree branch).
4. To the right, between the branch and the cliff, in the distance.
5. Barely to the right, at the base of the tree trunk on the right.
6. To the far left, at the base of the rocky spires.
North of the Western Ramparts, in the mountains.
1. Down and slightly to the right, in the house.
2. A bit northeast of the house above, on a rock.
3. To the far right, just past the tree, in the distance (below the leaves).
4. To the far left, in a tower.
5. To the left, at the base of one of the trees.

the Northern Edge of the Eastern Ramparts.

To the right, in the foggy distance by a tree (above the cross on the hill).
To the left, at the bottom of a dead tree.
To the left, on the side of the nearby mountain.
To the left of #3, perfectly to the left and off in the fog.
To the left of #4, again perfectly to the left. It is to the right of some
stacked lumber, but off in the distance.

Logging Stands

1. Locate Olafin and the Dalish outpost southwest of the Western Ramparts.
Head south from him and past the arch turn left to find the stacked wood.
2. From the Dalish Camp, head north across the river and slightly northeast.
You can find it by a tree.

1. Northeast of the main Dalish Camp. Look north of the river.
2. In the northern part of The Crow Fens. Best done after taking care of
the very large enemy nearby!


Lore Requisition on the Plains

Quest Giver: Requisition Officer

Requirement: Be in The Exalted Plains
For this quest we are tasked with collecting 3 Ancient Writings and 5 Orlesian
Tomes. Apparently we are historians now (better than resource gathering!). The
tomes can be found on the corpses of Freeman enemies. The writings can be found
on Vinatori enemies, but are far rarer. Still, by doing the quests down below
you will find them all in time.
NOTE: This quest is buggy, and will likely reset on you if you don t hand in
the exact number of requested items. This includes no reward...


Undead Ramparts to the West

Quest Giver: War Table

Requirement: Enter the Exalted Plains
Reward: 80 Influence
This is our "primary quest" in this area. Sounds like something is going down
to the west. Head out that way (claim the three landmarks close by) and kill
the enemies you encounter (likely Freemen and even some demons... who aren t
near a rift). Note the broken cart, the note, and all the fish as well! Ha!
Just to the west is the Western Ramparts. You can find one of the imperial
soldiers fighting a corpse here. Take out the corpse and you ll finish this
Lay Rest the Western Ramparts

Quest Giver: Corporal Rosselin

Requirement: Finish "Undead Ramparts to the West", talk to the Corporal.
Reward: 200 Influence, +2 Power
Rosselin has an idea of where the undead are coming from. Piles of bodies
in pits, to the north and south. We ll have to burn them!

Head into the ramparts and take out the undead as you go. You will soon come
to a path split. Head left first and you ll face an Arcane Horror. These things
are somewhat similar to Despair Demons and are essentially the "Guardians" of
these pits. They have a fire weakness and can teleport around, making them
very annoying. All this is done while corpses attack, so try and focus on the
horror, then clean up the scrubs.
Nearby is the pit, which has a magical enchantment over it. Have your mage
destroy it and then burn the bodies. One more pit left. Head back to the path
split and go forward this time for another pitched battle with corpses and an
Arcane Horror. Take them out like before, break the magical barrier and burn
the bodies.
Return to the path split again and sound the horn there. This prompts the
soldiers to return to the ramparts, which are now full of people. Head back
and report to Corporal Rosselin to finish the quest. You ll start the next
quest in the chain after that.
Another Side, Another Story

Quest Giver: Corporal Rosselin

Requirement: Finish "Lay Rest the Western Ramparts", talk to the Corporal.
Reward: 200 Influence, +3 Power
We re off to go talk to the Marshal at Fort Revasan, which is to the north
quite a ways. A good little explorative journey. On your way you ll head
through some valleys and eventually see s checkpoint where you ll help some
soldiers fight off Freemen. Note that there is a Freemen base nearby to th
west (it has some pillars by it), do NOT go in there quite yet. Trust us!
Continue north from that checkpoint and you ll have to fight off some
demons with more soldiers in front of the fort proper. Fight them off and
enter the fort. Just entering the fort gives you some influence and power.
Here talk to the Marshal and here his woes. Let him know you cleared the
Western Ramparts of the dead. You will get some new quests here, including:
"Lay Rest the Eastern Ramparts", "Calming Victory Rise" and "No Word Back".
You can also claim a landmark here and talk to a Sergeant Meursault nearby
for the "Left to Grieve" quest.
We have our work cut out for us!
NOTE: There are two locked doors to the north that require the "Deft Hands"
Inquisition upgrade to open. The right one has [CHEST x2] in it and the
left one has [CHEST x2] as well, but one has the [SUPERB BELT OF
Lay Rest the Eastern Ramparts

Quest Giver: Marshal Proulx

Requirement: Find and talk to Marshal Proulx at Fort Revasan, complete
"Another Side, Another Story".
Reward: 512 Experience, 400 Influence, +4 Power

This quest isn t quite like the Western One (That is more of the "Calming
Victory Rise" quest), but instead we ll be storming the Freeman outpost just
south of Fort Revasan. Everything in here is level 15 by the way, just so
you know. These guys are slightly tougher than previous Freeman enemies.
The front of the fort has some snipers on the battlements and some guards out
front. Take them all out (pulling a sniper down with a chain is a blast). You
can use the narrow area here if you wish, but its better to rush in and climb
up to the snipers.
Continue on through some doors and take out another group of soldiers. This
place really is a mess! The guards are the biggest pain, but Mighty Blow takes
them out pretty fast (alone with area damage). Continue on to the objective
using the narrow pathway on the left to come to the body pit. It is guarded
by a boss though!

BOSS: Gordian
Level 15
Health: 46488
Defense: 0
Cold Resistant
Immunity: Frozen

Hey, Bioware calls this guy a boss! Not us. He s more of an... elite soldier,
but he can kill you if you aren t careful! Gordian is an ice mage, and as such
his biggest, most dangerous ability is his ice mines. They are DANGEROUS, and
can easily kill multiple people if they are caught in them. For this reason you
should NOT have too many melee attacks fight near him, as he can lay them at
his feet and wreck you if you do that.
Aside from that, Gordian isn t too much of a threat. You can slow him, knock
him down, burn him... he ll go down fairly fast with the right combos. Beware
his ice mines and his barriers, as well as his teleportation at times, and
you ll have free access to the body pit before you know it.
Despite not giving us any loot, you can go up the tower nearby and at the
top you ll find a [LEGEND OF THE THREE SISTERS: BOOK 3] codex entry, a pole
for the [CHANTRY BANNER] item, and a [CHEST].
Go back down and burn the body pit once your mage gives you access to it for
a 200 Influence, +2 Power reward. We now need to blow on the horn nearby for
another 200 Influence, +2 Power reward. Kind-of weird, but we ll take it! Like
the Western Ramparts, soldiers will come claim this area once you blow the
horn. Easy stuff.

Calming Victory Rise

Quest Giver: Marshal Proulx

Requirement: Find and talk to Marshal Proulx at Fort Revasan, complete

"Another Side, Another Story".
Reward: 200 Influence, +2 Power
This quest is much like
need to be burned. Each
to fight here than down
kill the defenders, use
the body pits.

our fight at the Western Ramparts: two body pits

is guarded by an Arcane Horror. There are more corpses
south, but we like it that way! Visit each in turn,
your mage to take down the barrier and then light

Once you are done you ll have to use the horn to signal the place is once
again safe. Like before, soldiers will now move in and occupy the place once
you have finished.
NOTE: A special note here. There is a storeroom located on the northern side
of these ramparts. It has a huge door underneath the fortifications, so
it easy to spot. Inside are documents that unlock some codex entries,
and the [MAP OF ENAVURLS]. That last one is also a quest of the same
name. Be sure to nab them all.
No Word Back

Quest Giver: Marshal Proulx

Requirement: Find and talk to Marshal Proulx at Fort Revasan, complete
"Another Side, Another Story".
Reward: Experience, 80 Influence
All contact has been lost with the River Garrison, to the north. We have to go
see what s up. Naturally. The garrison is actually a very large building that
would make a fantastic base of operations.
Head up there and enter from the southwest side (not much of a choice). Help
the soldiers you encounter kill the demons. Turns out THAT is why they haven t
been in communication...
What we need to do here is go to the bottom of the garrison where you will
find a crypt and a RIFT. Oh wow... take out the rift (which counts towards
the "Rifts on the Battlefield" quest) and then search to the north down here
for a [BOTTLES OF THEDAS]. Very nice.
Head back up the ladder and blow on the war horn to hand back control to the
soldiers. You will also get this garrison as a fast travel spot on the map
now. Too bad there isn t a fricking shop...
Left to Grieve

Quest Giver: Sergeant Meursault

Requirement: Find and talk to her at Fort Revasan
Reward: Experience, 80 Influence
Sergeant Meursault wishes us to find letters of fallen soldiers, so we can
send them on to their families. Awfully nice of her.
In total we have to find SEVEN letters. No small task. It is recommended you

do the "Calming Victory Rise" and "Lay Rest the Eastern Ramparts" quests before
you tackle this, just to make things go smoother.
Since there are so many, give some guide writers a break and humor us as we
number them for you. From the map there are three "northern" markers which we
will call letters 1-3 (left to right), a central marker due west of Fort Revasan
which will be letter 4, and then three letters to the south, which we ll call
letter 5 (the northwest one), letter 6 (the northeast one) and letter 7 (the
one furthest to the south).
Letter 1:
The unfortunate bearer of this letter is just to the northeast of the
Riverwatch Camp. Just off the road you can find a cart and animal that were
slaughtered. UNDERNEATH the animal is the soldier, who has the letter on
him. Your party may even comment on how he died...
Letter 2:
This letter is found inside the Eastern Ramparts. On the northern side there
is a tower and an Ocularum. Just to the south of that Ocularum is a charred
corpse. Examine it to find this letter.
Letter 3:
To the northeast of Fort Revasan, along the roads, is another destroyed cart.
These soldiers really like to die by carts it seems. The cart is off of the
main road. Examine the corpse to find the letter.
Letter 4:
You can find this letter to the west of the "Eastern Ramparts". It is near a
dead body, by a cart. Some of your inquisition troops may be nearby, just to
the north.
Letter 5:
Head to the Western Ramparts and in the big central area with the two giant
arrow launchers, find the stairs to the south. This letter is on the left
side of those stairs.
Letter 6:
This one is south of the "Andruil s Messenger" landmark, on the road that
leads up to Fort Revasan. Along the way look for a group of corpses near
some sandbags. The letter is nearby, on a barrel.
Letter 7:
This one is a note in the Western Ramparts. It is located by the highest
trebuchet, near a [CHEST].

Sketch of Enavuris River

Quest Giver: Dead Body

Requirement: None
Reward: 242 Experience, 80 Influence, 207 Gold, Masterwork Scout Armor
Southwest of Fort Revasan, you will find an exclamation mark begging your
attention. The mark is showing you to a corpse in the area, near a rocky
dead-end. Examine the corpse to get the sketch and this quest.
To find the hidden location, head to the "Ancient Baths" location, which
is of course southwest of the Dalish Camp. From there, head south to the
river outlet and then start following the coast east. Ping your search along
the way and you ll run into it. It is a patch of sand at the river s edge.
Map of Enavuris

Quest Giver: Note in the storeroom at Victory Rise.

Requirement: None
Reward: 242 Experience, 80 Influence, 247 Gold, Cleave
You can find this quest / map while doing the quest "Calming Victory Rise"
fairly easily. After you take out the body pits, stop by the storeroom on
the northern side of the area (easily seen by its big doors under the main
fortifications) and search everything inside to find this map and this
The ruins to the southwest of Victory Rise have the windows from the map
(these are the same ruins with the veil fire lanterns in them that gave us
one of the elven glyphs from the "Scattered Glyphs" quest). Head over there
and look through the window, then head north to the nearby rock formation.
Ping around here with your search to find the hidden loot on top of the rock
formation (and easy to get to as well!).
Map of Halin sulahn

Quest Giver: Note in the small camp in the northeast part of The Crow Fens
Requirement: None
Reward: 242 Experience, 80 Influence, 213 Gold, Masterwork Firm Bianca Grip,
Fire Rune
After you fight the Stormrider (or before, if you are doing a hit and run...
but seriously, fight the Stormrider!) look for a small camp to the east /
northeast. Not only does it have a great note in it, it has this map as well.
Looking at it will give you this quest.
To find this stash, head to the Dalish Camp and take the river east. Head
to the waterfall and take the south side up. You ll find a letter here to
a lover, along with a [CHEST], but to get to the stash head up the rocks and
get to the top. Use your search ping to find the patch of sand up here with
the stash items up above.
Holding the Exalted Plains

Quest Giver: Scout Harding

Requirement: Enter the Exalted Plains
Reward: 512 Experience, 100 Influence, +1 Power (Per Camp)

This quest will actually take some time. Mostly because one of the camps
(the northeast one) is locked behind a War Table operation. No matter though.
Once you do start to quest to the north, you will unlock the Riverwatch camp
on the west side of the map.
The last camp is northwest of Fort Revasan. Head along the road and try to
go to it. You ll encounter a collapsed tunnel, but can start a War Table
operation to clear the path to Ghilan nain s Grove. That quest also includes
a fight with a bunch of pissed-off Gurgut creatures, but once you slay them
all you can set up the Fens Camp and be done with this quest.
Rifts in the Old Plains

Quest Giver: War Table

Requirement: Enter the Exalted Plains
Reward: 512 Experience, 200 Influence, 2 Power (PER Rift)
This is a pretty big quest for rifts... FOUR in total they are giving us for
this quest. That s cool though, the rewards are pretty good.
The rifts here are split up pretty good. The closest one is to the east, in
the forest area. It s pretty easy and doesn t really contain any surprises.
The first wave is a Rage Demon with some Wraiths while the second wave is the
same thing but adds in some corpses. Yes, we are fighting corpses in these
rifts now apparently.
There is a lot of quests and exploring you can do between that rift and the
others, especially since the Dalish Camp is to the south (and they have a LOT
of quests). But the southern rift has more of the same: Rage Demons and Wraiths.
They add in two Shades in the second wave to mix things up.
The western rift is exactly the same as the southern one. No mixing things up
this time. Rage Demons, Wraiths and Shades. This is the rift you should do when
you are out there for the Elven Glyphs quest.
Finally we have the northern rift, which is honestly the hardest one of the
four. Why? Well, it starts off pretty easy with corpses and terrors, but the
second wave adds in some rough stuff! An Arcane Horror AND a Revenant both make
an appearance here. You ve likely fought the Revenant before (from The Fallow
Mire), but you may be new to the Arcane Horror. They are very similar to the
Despair Demon with their vulnerability, but have a tendency to teleport away
when they are in danger, making you track them down again.
Take out every rift here and seal them for good to complete this quest and
make the plains a much safer place.
Rifts on the Battlefield

Quest Giver: None

Requirement: Complete "Calming Victory Rise", "Lay Rest the Eastern Ramparts".
Reward: 512 Experience, 200 Influence, 2 Power (PER Rift, some are 967 XP)
Four more rifts to take out. Go figure, right?
Most of these are in the north, but one is in the south, southwest of Fort

Revasan. It has Shades for the first wave and Shades and a Rage Demon for
the second wave. Pretty easy stuff, honestly.
Now, onto the northern ones. The closest one is in the village (the destroyed
village) of Ville Motevelan. Get past the rubble and take the demons on! The
first wave is a Rage and Despair demon. Not too bad. The second wave is a bit
tougher with TWO Despair Demons (I hate how they move around!) and a Revenant.
Take them all out to close the rift. There are a LOT of landmarks here so get
them all. Also, check in the ruined yellow house for a hidden [BOTTLE OF THEDAS]
while you are here. May as well! Also note that this rift gives you more
experience than normal. We ll take it! Also note that in the rubbles of one of
the red houses you can find a codex entry called [THE SILVER KNIGHT]. This is...
a weird codex, mostly due to the weapon tied to it. See our note at the end of
this quest.
The third rift is actually part of a quest called "No Word Back". It is mainly
Corpses (archers, mostly), Wraiths and an Arcane Horror. Not too bad. Defeat
both waves and secure the garrison afterwards. There is another [BOTTLE OF
THEDAS] down here you should nab once it is safe.
The final rift is to the northwest of the garrison, out on the riverbank. It
is a bit harder than the last one, and features a Greater Terror/Despair duo to
start with and then THREE Despair Demons and a Revenant. Yikes. After taking
them out, check the tent to the north for the unique [FARSLAYER] bow. Note that
this rift is the other one that gives you increased experience.
And with it gone, you ve saved the plains from the rift menace. Good job!
NOTE: Once you have "The Silver Knight" codex entry, you can go to the
Emerald Graves and find a unique sword. This is best done after you
fully explore the Emerald Graves though. The sword itself can be found
at the "Lindiranae s Tree" landmark, and can be found after using your
search bar (like a Bottle of Thedas). It is the unique sword [ENAVURA].
Rifts in the Fens

Quest Giver: None

Requirement: Complete "Ghilan nain s Grove", set up Fens Camp.
Reward: 967 Experience, 200 Influence, +2 Power (Per Rift)
Three more rifts to test us. These are the last ones, I swear!
The southern rift is fairly weak. Wraiths. Tons of them. Both waves. That s
it! Seems impressively mild for this much experience...
The two northern rifts are a bit better, with Despair Demons and Rage Demons
thrown in. Both of them are really nothing you haven t see before, but before
you take them on make sure you kill any of the roaming Gurgut in the area. We
don t need them joining the fun.
Slaughter these remaining demons and seal up the rifts. Don t go too far east
when you are fighting the northern rift, either. Hehe....
A Father s Guidance

Quest Giver: Note in abandoned house.

Requirement: Search the house just to the west of the Western Ramparts, and

read the note left on the table.

Reward: Gold, Fire Agate x3, 80 Influence
A sad quest. You get this by reading a note in the abandoned (destroyed) house
to the west of the Western Ramparts. A father has left items behind... but
they are not likely needed anymore. We are then tasked with finding them.
To the northwest, out in the open plains is where the tree in question is.
It is the tree that is growing sideways out of the ground. Near the base is
a box that you can loot with some gold and fire agate x3 in it. Once you
retrieve the items, the quest is complete.
A Dalish Perspective

Quest Giver: Olafin

Requirement: Find Olafin to the southwest of the Western Rampart, talk to
Reward: 80 Influence
You can find Olafin off in a valley to the southwest of the Western Rampats.
Note that when you talk to him, a group of corpses will attack you all! Help
him fend them off and then talk to him to get this quest. We also get a new
codex entry: [THE DALISH ELVES].
He will ask us to seek out his encampment, which is just to the west. Not
very hard to get to at all, just head through the forest and press westward.
These elves aren t hiding and you ll soon find them. Once you find their camp,
this quest will be over. Be sure to talk to the keeper and mention the hunger
sent you to report for [+1 DALISH FAVOR].
It should be noted that you can gain a number of additional quests here,
including "By the Grace of the Dalish", "From the Beyond", "The Golden Halla",
"A Well-Stocked Camp" and "Someone to Lose". The most important one is the
Grace of the Dalish, as we will need to earn favor (like above) to gain their
trust. Nothing comes easy! Now get to work!
By the Grace of the Dalish

Quest Giver: Keeper Hawen

Requirement: Complete "A Dalish Perspective"
Reward: 300 Influence, +3 Power, Experience, Ability to use Dalish Merchant,
Agent: Ithiren
To complete this quest, you must gain the Dalish s favor. Doing that means
completing quests around the camp. These quests are:
From the Beyond: +3 Dalish Favor
The Golden Halla+: 3 Dalish Favor
A Well-Stocked Camp: +1 Dalish Favor (per stock)
Someone to Lose: +2 Dalish Favor
Something to Prove: +3 Dalish Favor
All together you need about 15 Dalish Favor to "complete" this quest. We
have all the quests layed out down below, so it should be an easy thing to
do (most of them are quite easy as well). The rewards are quite worth it as

you get another agent AND the ability to trade with the Dalish. The trader
here specializes in magic staves, but also has quite a few schematics to look
through, including some masterwork items. He also has the [HIGH KEEPER ROBES],
but those will cost you a pretty penny (or 15,000+ pretty pennies) and they
are ELF/MAGE ONLY. Eh, if you like Solas THAT much...
From the Beyond

Quest Giver: Keeper Hawen

Requirement: Complete "A Dalish Perspective", offer to help at Var Bellanaris.
Reward: 200 Influence, +2 Power, +3 Dalish Favor
This quest is very easy. Var Bellanaris is a holy place to the Dalish, but it
has been overrun with demons so volunteer to go help out. It is to the south,
not too far away, and "overrun" with demons means you ll slay 2-3 Wraiths and
a handful of Lesser Shades. Really, no big deal.
Return to the Keeper when you are done to report you success for the rewards
listed above.
The Golden Halla

Quest Giver: Ithiren

Requirement: Talk to Ithiren at the Dalish camp and ask about the Halla.
Reward: Experience, +2 Power, +3 Dalish Favor
This is another pretty easy quest. We are tasked with finding a "Golden Halla".
It isn t really golden, though. Well, not fully. It is out in the plains to
the south. Go out there and find it, then you will be tasked with herding it
back to the Dalish.
"Herding" this thing is getting behind it and driving it upwards. Not too hard.
Moving left will make it go right and vice versa. It is going to run away from
you no matter what. Once you get it near the camp (not IN, just near) this
part will be done.
Now, talk to Ithiren to get your rewards and complete this quest.
A Well-Stocked Camp

Quest Giver: Nissa

Requirement: Talk to Nissa at the Dalish camp and ask what troubles her.
Reward: 128 Experience, 80 Influence, +1 Dalish Favor (Per Item)
It appears the Dalish stores are low. Well, we re ready to win their favor,
aren t we!? Read her ledger nearby to discover that they are getting low on
Spindleweed, requiring 5 bushels of it.
You may already have these items of course, but if not the river nearby has
plenty of it. PLENTY. The worst part it that Nissa can t seem to walk 20 steps
to pick the stuff up herself! Regardless, go get it and bring it back to her.
You get 128 Experience, 80 Influence, +1 Dalish Favor for this (you get the
same for everything you get and bring back).

Next up is 10 Elfroot. You likely have this already, but if not do other
quests and obtain it, then bring it back for your reward.
Next up is 10 Canine Leather. Again, good chance you have this already.
It drops from wolves in the area. Kill them to obtain it and bring it back
for your reward.
Now we have five iron. There is no way you DON T have this unless you just
straight up hate gathering things. Turn it in for your reward.
Lastly we have 3 Great Bear Pelts. Now, this does NOT come from this area.
Great Bears just aren t in this map. They ARE in the Emprise Du Lion map
though, so save this for when you head there (or if you already have them,
turn them in).
Once you do that last favor, you will have completed this quest.
NOTE: The [JUNE,: GOD OF THE CRAFT] codex is near Nissa, resting against the
nearby supplies. There is also the [ELGAR NAN: THE ALL-FATHER] codex by
Emalien. Be sure to nab them both.
Someone to Lose

Quest Giver: Emalien

Requirement: Talk to Emalien at the Dalish camp and ask who (or what) Valorin
Reward: +2 Dalish Favor
Valorin is, according to the map, up north. Not too far away, really. Head
up there and in his search area look for a large destroyed red house. His
charred remains will be in the middle of it, amongst the rubble. Examine him
and loot the [CHEST] nearby, then return to Emalien to report on her brother.
Damned idiot. Being nice here to her earns you Cole s approval, but Solas
and Dorian with both slightly disapprove.
You will now start the "Something to Prove" quest.
NOTE: The [JUNE,: GOD OF THE CRAFT] codex is near Nissa, resting against the
nearby supplies. There is also the [ELGAR NAN: THE ALL-FATHER] codex by
Emalien. Be sure to nab them both.
Something to Prove

Quest Giver: Emalien

Requirement: Complete the quest "Someone to Lose".
Reward: +3 Dalish Favor
Since Valorin went and killed himself, it is up to us.
To complete this quest we have to find and return "Lindiranae s Talisman", a
Dalish Relic. If you wish, you can find this while doing the quest "Scattered
Glyphs" below. You may as well knock out two birds with one stone. If you
just want to focus on this quest though (can t blame you, that other one is
LONG), follow the river southeast of the Dalish Camp. You ll come to a cave
mark on the map titled "Shrine to Sylaise". Break down the barrier in here for
an [ANCIENT ELVEN ROBES] and [LIDIRANAE S TALISMAN]. With it in hand, go back

and give it to Emalien for a nice jump in Dalish favor.

The Spoils of Desecration

Quest Giver: Exploration

Requirement: None
Reward: 256 Experience, 160 Influence
NOTE: This quest isn t given to you... directly. You have to destroy the
tombs at Var Bellanaris (the graveyard southwest of the Dalish Camp)
to get this quest.
In the northern section of the graveyard destroy the two graves on the hill
near the entrance. You will spawn a Wraith by doing this with each grave, so
kill them off and any shades that come. One of these two graves will have a
[KEY SHAFT 1/3].
The hill across from you has no keys, but two graves with items if you want
to keep killing (and you do, right!?). Head to the center area now and two
more hills await us. To the left is a hill with three graves. One has another
[KEY SHAFT 2/3] and two minor graves. The hill on the right has the last
[KEY SHAFT 3/3] somewhere in the two graves.
Next open up the door to the tomb nearby. This officially completes the
quest, but let s explore inside! There are [CHEST x3] in the two rooms in
here, along with plenty of Deep Mushrooms and some minor loot barrels. In
the back you can find the main chest... vase... thing, which honestly has
crap loot, but there is also a [MOSAIC PIECE] to the left.
Once you loot the main vase you ll be attacked by two Corpses and an Arcane
Horror. Kill them off and now the quest will be complete! Note that as you
try to leave, more Corpses and a Revenant will spawn and can be killed. You
should also be sure to loot said Revenant for the unique belt [SUPERB BELT OF
Scattered Glyphs

Quest Giver: Exploration

Requirement: None
Reward: Access to "Investigate the Elven Glyphs", unlocks the "Lost Temple of
Dirthamen" area. Further treasures and influence.
You can get this quest from starting it. That is to say, lighting some veil
fire and finding one of the four glyphs needed! To start you out (and to show
how we got it), just south of Olafin (the Dalish archer southeast of the
Western Ramparts; the man who gives you the "A Dalish Perspective" quest) is
a broken archway. Light the veil fire there and take it down the hill to the
collapsed mine to find [GLYPH 1/4]. That will get you this quest.
Now, to find the others!
A second glyph can be found to the northwest, out of the forest. You will come
across a campground and a small ruin. There will be a veil fire spot on the wall
of the ruin you can light. Do so and then search the small walls of the inner

rectangle area to find [GLYPH 2/4]. Two more to go.

A third is southeast of the Dalish Camp, south of the forest. Follow the river
until you come across the "Shrine to Sylaise" and enter. Inside you will find
some Freemen enemies. Slay them, light the veil fire, and examine the rune on
the opposite side of the area for [GLYPH 3/4]. Also note that you can find the
[SYLAISE: THE HEARTHKEEPER] codex here and can even break a barrier down nearby
with a mage for some [ANCIENT ELVEN ROBES] and [LIDIRANAE S TALISMAN].
NOTE: The talisman here is important to another quest in the area, named
"Something to Prove". Get it now or get it later, but just get it when
you can!
The fourth and final one is out in some ruins to the west. Near the western
rift, actually (it is advised you destroy the rift before searching for it!).
There is a wall in these ruins your warrior can smash for easy access to the
rift and ruins. Once you clear the area of danger, have your mage find and light
the veil fire and then go west to the open courtyard (past the destroyable
wall) and search the northern wall for [GLYPH 4/4].
Finding all of the glyphs enables you to do the "Investigate the Elven Glyphs"
operation at the War Table. This costs 5 Power, but you should have that
easily. Go back to the base and do this operation when you can. It takes up
no time either, which is a bonus. Once you are done, you will unlock the new
area "Lost Temple of Dirthamen".
NOTE: Due to this being a fairly self-contained area, we are going to continue
this quest in this section. You may as well head there and do it now, so
you don t get lost in the game afterwards.
"Lost Temple of Dirthamen"
NOTE: This is technically the "God of Secrets" quest at this point, but
really doesn t deserve its own section as noted above. Carry on!
Head down into the crypt and read the book. Push onward and kill the corpses
at the intersection (or nearby) and then light the nearby veil fire. We will
be using this veil fire a bit here, so get used to it. We recommend having
your main character take up the torch, as the AI has a tendency not to fight
if they are carrying it (which isn t good if you rely on the AI at all).
With the torch examine the dog nearby for the [THE LOST TEMPLE OF DIRTHAMEN]
codes, the quest "Runes in the Lost Temple" and, naturally, [RUNE 1/7]. Funny
how that works. Cool statue.
NOTE: This starts the "Runes in the Lost Temple" quest, which we aren t really
tracking here formally.
Turn left now and into the room of misery. In the back here is a statue you
can examine for the [HEART OF MISERY] if you have the veil fire. Pick it up
for [SECRET 1/6] and an ambush by corpses and corpse archers. Kill them all
and head back to the intersection.

Head right now and into the room on the right. Note the gate here. We ll be
back for this, but you know of it now. Head back and continue down the
waterway. Head to the very end and pull the lever, then head into the Chamber
of Whispers. Inside look for [RUNE 2/7] which updates the area codex, and then
pick up the [TONGUE OF WHISPERS], which is [SECRET 2/6]. Another ambush. You
can use the doorway as a killing zone.
Head back to the waterway and down the left path. Further down we go! When
you get to a path on the left, note that you can break down a magical barrier
and find a note, some loot, and a [MOSIAC PIECE] from the "Freed Are Slaves"
set. Nice.
Continue down to the Sanctuary, where we can go a number of ways. Let s head
left first. Skip over the waterfall door and examine the corpse. Head into
the next door on the left. Read the note here and loot the [CHEST]. There is
a [RUNE 3/7] here, as well as another veil fire torch. Have a rogue pick the
door and you ll be in the Chamber of Torment. Before going into the room on
the right with the secret, look into the back room (by the waterfall) for
[RUNE 4/7] on the far wall. After that, go into the secret room and pick up
the [HANDS OF TORMENT], which is of course [SECRET 3/6]. And yes, another
corpse attack. Go figure. One of them actually has a key item though, so be
sure to loot THESE guys for the [ORNATE ELVEN KEY].
Head back out to the Sanctuary and then to the south side of this area (past
the door that is magically sealed). Open up the locked door here with your
key and head in. A bit in to the left is a lever that opens another door. Do
so and then look for the breakable wall here. Have your warrior do the honors
and search around for a [CHEST] and [RUNE 5/7].
Exit the room and continue left, jumping over the rubble. There is a secret
in the back here. Go look at the dead end to find the [EARS OF UNHEEDING],
which is our [SECRET 4/6]. We get to fight TWO Arcane Horrors now, which is
way better than corpses. Take them out!
From here, head through the archway/door across from the broken wall and
keep the torch out of the water. In the back you ll find an elven relic you
should activate for some experience and minor influence. Keep going and search
the next room for [RUNE 6/7].
Head back to the broken-wall area and left out the gate we opened up with the
switch. To the left is a door a rogue can unlock that leads to [CHEST x2].
Continue straight and up to a new room. On the left is some Rashvine Nettle,
a gathering ingredient that, at the very least Bkstunt has never seen before,
so be sure to grab it. Right next to it is [RUNE 7/7].
NOTE: This completes the "Runes in the Lost Temple" quest, which we aren t
really tracking here formally. You do get 200 Influence at this point
though, so that is good!
Continue on through the path behind you and you ll come to the "Chamber of
Despondency". Loot the bag here and open up the door with the lever. This
door leads to the initial start of the temple (told you we d be back!). More
importantly, take the [HEART OF DESPONDENCY] which is [SECRET 5/6], and kill
the Arcane Horrors that attack!
Almost done! Head back down to the sanctuary (you may fight another horror on
the way) and head right this time. Inside the door is the [HARD IN HIGHTOWN:
CHAPTER SEVEN] codex. How or why this is here is beyond me. You can also find

the last secret here, the [EYES OF SECRETS] which is [SECRET 6/6]. Finally!
Now, take all of these body parts to the middle area and go down into the
middle water area. Here you will find stone pedestals you can place them all
on. Not a good idea, right? Heh. Do it anyways (NOTHING stops the Herald of
Andraste!) and soon you ll summon up...

BOSS: The Highest One

Level 15
Health: 46488
Defense: 0
Vulnerable: Fire
Cold Resistant
Immunity: Asleep
Immunity: Frozen

Of COURSE it is aggressive to us. Naturally...

The Highest One is the old leader of this place, and is an ice mage. As such,
he has a vulnerability to fire, so use that to your advantage (Earthshaking
Strike is lovely here, and I m sure any fire mages will have an excellent time
as well).
The Highest One has several attacks you ve likely seen before, such as shooting
a stream of ice at you (which can leave you chilled), causing icicle spires to
show up at your feet and knock you down, and he ll even summon corpses to
provide you some distraction. His most annoying move however is that fact that
he can put up a barrier on himself, which honestly he needs as he is really weak
and has NO defense.
Despite his barrier, this is an easy fight. This is mostly due to the fact that
The Highest One does NOT move around alot, so you can set traps up easily on
him. Be sure to get him burning! He is also not immune to being knocked down or
stunned, so use that to your advantage. The only real nuisance is that barrier,
which you ll either have to dispel or eat through. Still, this is a pretty easy
fight considering you can have your warrior keep his ass on the floor while you
roast him alive. Poor Highest One... he just revived and he s going to die so
I take back what I said, The Highest One can rot. No loot? Bah.
That s OK though, the experience was good and we still have the quest to finish
up. The magically sealed door is not open. Enter to find a supply cache to the
left, a [MOSAIC PIECE] in the middle ("Freed are Slaves") and [CHEST x2]. The
big reward in the chests (that isn t random) is the [DIRTHAMEN S WISDOM] shield.
Enjoy if you are a warrior, or let your tank enjoy.
With that, this quest is (finally) done! Head back out to the exit and kill
the Venatori that show up.
Ghilan nain s Grove

Quest Giver: None
Requirement: Investigate collapsed tunnel northwest of Fort Revasan, and then
complete the "Gain Access to Ghilan nain s Grove" operation at the
War Table.
Reward: Influence, Access to "The Fens Camp".
After you complete the "Gain Access to Ghilan nain s Grove" operation at the
War Table you can access the area right near the third and final camp. However,
it has been overrun with Gurgut! We need to take them out in order to set up
These creatures should pose
for what else I want you to
attacks as they are grouped
too. We are about to set up
Camp, which will serve as a

no problem to you (if they do, we re in trouble

do in this area!), but if it helps use area
up. Feel free to use as many potions as you want
camp after all! Slay them all and set up The Fens
good outpost to this area.

For the Empire

Quest Giver: None

Requirement: Investigate broken bridge northwest of Fort Revasan, and then
complete the "Repair Pont Agur" operation at the War Table.
Reward: 200 Influence, +2 Power, Dalish Banner Crown
This is a fairly long quest that takes place after you do the "Repair Pont
Agur" War Table operation.
After you do that, the bridge in the northwest part of the map will be fixed,
giving you access to the northwest part of the map. We are tasked to "Go to
Citadelle Du Corbeau", but getting there is no walk in the park!
For starters, this entire area has been overrun with the undead and demons.
Your first clue to this is the fact that we have to burn body pits! Head
northwest to the "Northern Ramparts" and fight your way to the two body pits.
There s one to the south and one to the north, each guarded by an Elite Arcane
Horror. Take them down to stop the corpses, mop up the enemy, break the
magical barrier and burn the pit. We ve done this twice before, so you are in
expert now, right?
Once you get both pits burned, head north to the door. An elite Revenant will
break through. He s a bit tougher than normal, but fairly easy to take down.
Be sure to loot him though, as he has the unique [RENDOR S BLADE] on him.
Now, further in there is something you should know: this castle has AUTOMATED
DEFENSES. That means a giant ray of death will sweep through certain portions
of the upcoming area and severely damage anything that it touches. The first
time BK went through here, he was hoping it was a dragon! No such luck though!
In this first small courtyard, be sure to hit up the nearby [THE RAVEN] landmark
and press onward to safety. You ll see a dying soldier here who will explain the
defenses somewhat before he goes. Hit the lever and continue. The ladder here
has a [CHEST] on the top (of the hill), but we DO NOT recommend using this
height advantage to get away from the Laser O Death... the AI isn t smart
enough to follow you and may get caught up in the nearby slope. Instead, suck
it up and dash through the area to the back, where it is safe, and then fight

the corpses.
Continue on through the rubble and follow the walkways. You ll get to an even
bigger courtyard soon, with multiple openings. Tons of undead here of course.
Note that one of the nearby ladders on the right side has a [CHEST] at the top.
In the courtyard itself another "Laser o Death" will roam around, so be
careful. Instead of following the obvious path onward, head LEFT to the tree
and find an area where you can drop down onto a wooden walkway. Follow this
walkway and jump the gap to a [CHEST] with some nice schematics. Keep following
this path to the battlements where a Rage Demon waits below. You can find
another [CHEST] on a ledge to the right before you drop down and face him.
Kill him off and note the path to the left and the path onward. To the left
is a dead end, but there are [CHEST x2] down that way. Nab them and go back,
taking the path onward. You will eventually end up fighting a ton of corpses at
the top of a flight of stairs. Use any area skills you have here and once you
are done, get the [CITADELLE DU CORBEAU] landmark.
Next we have to shut down the defenses. Either use the ladder or the steps in
the back and you ll find the gear to shut the defenses down. Turn the wooden
wheel and the door down below will open. Go down there and talk to the guard
to finish up this quest. Besides the influence and power, you also get the
Since you are here, be sure to go talk to the commander down below to hear
her story and get the "Pressed for Cache" quest.
Pressed for Cache

Quest Giver: Commander Jehan

Requirement: Complete the "For the Empire" quest.
Reward: 967 Experience Points, 200 Influence
Get it? Because "Cache" sounds like Cas.. ah, nevermind...
Another fetch quest... we really should make these people help themselves. Here
we are tasked with recovering TEN supply caches, all down south in areas we have
already been in.
These are pretty easy to find given the narrow search areas, but we ll go over
them quickly:
Supply Cache #1: Located near the bridge.
Supply Cache #2: South of #1, in a blue house.
Supply Cache #3: South of #1, in a red house, near a ton of corpses.
Supply Cache #4: North of the Riverside Camp, by a house.
Supply Cache #5: North of the Riverside Camp, on the dock.

Supply Cache #6: South of the Riverside Camp, by the large boulder.
Supply Cache #7: South of the Western Ramparts, along the road.
Supply Cache #8: South of the Western Ramparts, along the road.
Supply Cache #9: Near where the Dalish Outpost was, at the start of the
forest area.
Supply Cache #10: Inside the Dalish camp.
Once you collect (or mark) all of these supplies the quest will be complete.
You can go back to the Commander if you wish, but she won t say anything to
you. Not even a thanks...
Dirthamen: Keeper of Secrets

Quest Giver: None

Requirement: Investigate collapsed tunnel northwest of Fort Revasan, and then
complete the "Gain Access to Ghilan nain s Grove" operation at the
War Table.
Reward: Superb Amulet of Cunning, Shortcut through The Dead Hand.
NOTE: This is not a named quest in the game.
To get to this "quest", we must have access to Ghilan nain s Grove and the
"Fens Camp". We ll assume that you have access, so let s uncover a well-kept
secret in this area (at least more well-kept than most of the hand-holding
the game does...).
As you head east from the camp you will inevitably hit a path split. The
left path leads to the fens while the right path leads to the "The Dead Hand",
which is a landmark. That s not all that is over there though: a ladder leads
down into a crypt.
Now, down here you can find a number of codex items and the rare lootable bag
or other minor thing, but by all appearances this crypt just leads to a large
room and a locked gate at the end. In the middle is a statue of an archer and
four orbs around her. The game doesn t come out and say it, but there is a
puzzle to be solved here!
The objective here is to get the archer to SHOOT all four orbs. The problem
with that is that three of the orbs are blocked by pillars. That s where we
come in! Let s go over how to shoot each orb.
NOTE: All directions are relative to entering the room as you initially did.
i.e. "North" leads to the locked gate and "South" is where you entered
NORTHERN ORB: There is a lever to the northwest thats sole purpose is to
rotate the archer and make her shoot. The northern orb is the
only orb that is unguarded, so it makes sense we start here.
Rotate the lever until the archer shoots this orb. One Down.

It is a good idea (not just good... do this!) to have one of

your party members HOLD THEIR POSITION at this lever.
SOUTHERN ORB: This is the next target. Just northwest of the northwest lever
is a panel on the floor. Have a second party member who ISN T
the archer lever operator go stand on it and make them hold
their position. This lowers the southern orb barrier. Now, have
your archer lever person shoot the southern orb. Two down.
WESTERN ORB: This one is a little trickier. Keep your person at the northwest
lever and have a second person move to the northeast corner and
stand by the lamp. DO NOT light it yet. Have them hold their
Next, have the remaining
lever. This lever lowers
someone pull it and then
lantern. Don t light it.

two party member go to the southeast

a nearby gate. That s all it does. Have
move THROUGH the open gate to a second
Hold your position.

Finally, the last party member who is not holding their position
needs to go to the southwest corner. There is a [MOSIAC PIECE] over
here you should nab. Get it and stand by the lantern.. Ready? Have
them light it, and then quickly switch to the other two lantern
party members and have them light their lanterns. This lowers the
barrier on the eastern side. Quickly have your archer lever guy
shoot it. Three down.
EASTERN ORB: The last one. This is tricky, but easier than the last one. First,
one party member needs to get TRAPPED in the southeast room. Have
them hold position by the lantern and trap them in there, then
switch to them. There is a lever to the north they need to pull.
This opens a gate on the western side. Have your archer guy get
the archer ready to fire on the last orb, then send someone to the
west side where they will find a crank. Have them use it, then
quickly switch to your archer and shoot the last orb.
Once you are done, follow the lights as they light up the locked gate and let
you in! Search the tomb for the [SUPERB AMULET OF CUNNING] (which BK suspects
is a nod to figuring out this unnamed puzzle) and then examine the nearby
statue for the [DIRTHAMEN: KEEPER OF SECRETS] codex.
From here you can continue in, loot what you can, and fight off an Arcane Horror
and some corpses. This crypt leads to the southern part of the fens, right near
a camp where one of Cassandra s personal Templar Hunts occurs, but you will have
to manually unlock the gate to get out (providing you a shortcut through the
area). With that our small section on this puzzle is complete. If you haven t
already, be sure to go play with the huge, over-grown lizard up north! Enjoy!
Gamordan Stormrider

Quest Giver: None

Requirement: Investigate collapsed tunnel northwest of Fort Revasan, and then
complete the "Gain Access to Ghilan nain s Grove" operation at the
War Table.
Reward: See Loot table below.

NOTE: This is not a named quest in the game.

This is the High Dragon of The Exalted Plains. You can get to her anytime after
you do the operation noted above. She is located in the very northern part of
The Crow Fens. Your party should be level 12 or higher (the higher the better
of course - class specializations are helpful), any electricity resistance items
you have should be worn, and everyone should be stocked to the brim with potions
before you take her on.
Are you ready? We are! Let s go slay us another dragon!

BOSS: Gamordan Stormrider

Level 15
Gamordan Stormrider
Health: 138534
Defense: 46
Vulnerability: Spirit
Immunity: All Disabling Effects
Immunity: Slowed
Greater Electricity Resistance

Are you ready for this! BK is pumped!

This thing is an electric dragon, and as such is in a very advantageous
position for one reason: water. There s pools of water all around us. Water
and electricity are definitely bad for our health, so the number one thing you
want to be aware of going into this is that the water here WILL get electrified
and if you stand in it so will you!
The Gamordan Stormrider has many "High-Dragon" attacks that we ve already seen
before. These include swiping any one of its four claws at us (and anyone who
happens to be nearby), swinging its tail in a large arc, and flapping its wings
to bring us in closer and damage us with the wind (mostly annoying for ranged
and/or mage characters as warriors can stay in the middle with the dragon and
be safe).
You ve likely seen these attacks before, as this shouldn t be your first
dragon by any means (The Hinterland Dragon is easier, for example). This is
still a good second or third dragon to tackle.
The biggest threat is of course the water and electricity. The Stormrider
will breathe electricity like other dragon s breathe fire, moving the sparks
back and forth. She will also shoot out larger electric balls that will stay
on the battlefield for a short while, shocking anything that gets near them
(it should be noted though that these larger electric "traps" somehow DO NOT
turn the water into a death-trap).
At certain points in the battle the Stormrider will take to the skies and
shoot down her electric mine bolts at us. Other than that, a good time to

heal and revive if need be.

Keep your forces spread out due to the large radius of her electric mine
attack and watch how deep into the water you go... you don t want to be in
the water if you can help it. Other than that use Spirit Magic if you can
(note her weakness) and your strongest attacks to take her down. Enjoy the
massive haul of loot once the fight is over.
Loot: 3,652 Experience, 1600 Influence, +4 Power, Bianca Aiming II (Enhanced),
Lady Jocasta s Revenge, Superb Amulet of Dexterity, Dragon Gland, Intense
Dragon Blood x10, Dragon s Tooth x2, Dragon Webbing x4, Dragon Scales,
Dragon Bone x3
Also, we will note here that there is a camp to the east that a dragon
researcher used to stay at. It has the [SCATTERED NOTES] codex (which is
absolutely hilarious), various loot, and the [MAP OF HALIN SULAHN], which
of course turns into a quest.
Also don t forget the "Offering to the Dread Wolf" landmark to the north as
well as the Quarry Landmark to the north. Both very nice. Congrats on the
kill, Dragonslayer!

. .
< () >
.. __________________________________________________________________________


Despite its ominous-sounding name, Emerald Graves is picturesque beauty.

Forests as far as the eye can see. Canyons, rivers and waterfalls abound.
However, the land is dangerous as deserters of the Orlesian Civil War have
put their foot down and are trying to claim the area by force. A mysterious
contact named Fairbanks asks for the inquisitions help with the menace. Be
particularly aware of the dangerous lands to the north, which are home to
dangers much larger than a pack of human deserters...


Companions: None
Agents: Fairbanks

Crafting Materials

- Elfroot
- Rashvine
- Deep Mushroom

- Prophet s Laurel
- Everite
- Stormheart


Blood Lotus
Arbor Blessing

Rashvine Nettle
Crystal Grace
Black Lotus

Prophets Laurel: By the Villa Maurel

Everite: Under waterfalls and on the northeast cliffs.
Stormheart: Found in caves.
Arbor Blessing: On the northeast cliffs.


Freeman Sniper
Red Templar Marksman
Red Templar Guard
Great Bear
Red Templar Behemoth
Venatori Marksman
Venatori Gladiator

Freeman Veteran
Freemen Enchanter
Red Templar
Black Wolf
Arcane Horror
Venatori Spellbinder
Venatori Mage

Freeman Captain
Red Templar Shadow
Red Templar Horror
Giant Spider
Red Templar Knight
Venatori Zealot
Venatori Stalker

Codex Entries

[ ] History #8 - Arlathan: Part One

- Found during the quest "The Knights Tomb".
[ ] History #9 - Arlathan: Part Two
- Found during the quest "The Knights Tomb".
[ ] History #17 - From the Canticle of Threnodies
- Found inside Chateau d Onterre.
[ ] History #41 - The Emerald Knights
- Found during the quest "The Knights Tomb".
[ ] History #42 - The Exalted March of the Dales
- Found inside the Villa Maurel.
[ ] History #50 - The Long Walk to Halamshiral
- Found inside the Villa Maurel.
[ ] History #59 - The Perendale War
- Found outside the cabin / small fortress west of the Briathos Steps Camp.
In one of the outside shacks, locked behind a door (Bring a Rogue!).
[ ] Letters #15 - A Torn Diary
- Found inside Chateau d Onterre.
[ ] Letters #20 - Blood-Splattered Notes
- Found on a corpse just to the west of a Red Templar Camp. The camp in
question is to the north of Southfinger Tower.
[ ] Letters #30 - Epitaphs for the Lost
- Found during the quest "The Knights Tomb".
[ ] Letters #45 - Maliphant s Journals
- Found inside the Villa Maurel.
[ ] Letters #56 - Parson s Battered Notebook
- Found while doing the quest of the same name.
[ ] Letters #60 - Scrap of Paper
- Found when doing the "Rifts at the Reach" quest, near a logging stand.
[ ] Letters #64 - Superstition
- Found inside Chateau d Onterre.
[ ] Letters #67 - The Diary of Troilus Hertubise
- Found while doing the quest "Observing the Menace".

[ ] Maps #7 - Map of Elgar nan s Bastion

- Found nearby the Gracevine Camp.
[ ] Maps #8 - Sketch I of Chateau d Onterre Interior
- Found inside Chateau d Onterre.
[ ] Maps #9 - Sketch II of Chateau d Onterre Interior
- Found inside Chateau d Onterre.
[ ] Maps #10 - Sketch III of Chateau d Onterre Interior
- Found inside Chateau d Onterre.
[ ] Maps #12 - Map of Watcher s Pass
- Found inside of Fairbanks Camp, in a wooden shack.
[ ] Maps #14 - Sketch of Chateau Courtyard
- Found on Chevalier Auguste when doing the "A Deluded Chevalier" quest.
[ ] Tales #22 - Battleground State
- Found inside of Fairbanks Camp, in a wooden shack.
[ ] Tales #29 - Constellation: Eluvia
- From the Astrarium north of Fairbanks Camp.
[ ] Tales #30 - Constellation: Equinor
- From the Astrarium southwest of the Briathos Steps Camp.
[ ] Tales #39 - Constellation: Solium
- From the Astrarium south of the Direstone Camp.
[ ] Tales #63 - Knight s Guardian
- Found at the Hill Camp.
[ ] Tales #98 - Of Gods and Doubt
- Found inside Chateau d Onterre.
[ ] Tales #78 - Sexuality in Thedas
- Found inside the Villa Maurel.
[ ] Tales #94 - The Death of Elandrin
- Found during the quest "The Knights Tomb".
[ ] Tales #98 - The Girl in Red Crossing
- Found inside Chateau d Onterre.
[ ] Tales #120 - Vallasdahlen
- Found when claiming one of the several "Vallasdahlen" landmarks, north
of the Direstone Camp. Lots of updates on this one.
[ ] Hard in Hightown: Chapter Nine
- Found north of Villa Maurel behind the shack where you kill Duhaime.
[ ] The Diary of Troilus Hertubise
- Near a Fade Rift at the northwest end.
[ ] The Perendale War
- Inside a house behind a locked door just outside Argon s Lodge.


1. Constellation: Eluvia
- Location: North of Fairbanks Camp
- Solve Order:
Start at #10, then:
9, 6, 4, 1, 5, 6, 10, 8, 5, 3, 4, 8, 9










2. Constellation: Equinor
- Location: Southwest of the Briathos

Steps Camp

- Solve Order:
Start at #7, then:
4, 5, 9, 6, 5, 3, 2, 1, 6, 11, 16, 13, 15, 18, 17, 14, 12, 9, 8, 10














3. Constellation: Solium
- Location: South of the Direstone Camp
- Solve Order:
Start at #5, then:
4, 2, 3, 11, 10, 7, 4, 6, 10, 9, 5, 4, 2, 1, 3, 8, 11, 12, 10




After you have all three Astraium s done, head to the Briathos Steps camp
and south to the marker on the cave. It is at the end of the valley, to the
south (easy to find this time). Inside are three pyramid boxes to loot with

random stuff in them, but the big prize here is the unique staff [DEATHWARD].
Bottles of Thedas

1. "Bottles of Thedas" (Sun Blonde Vint-1)

- Found north of the Silver Falls landmark, off the right bank of the river.
2. "Bottles of Thedas" (Absence)
- Found inside Argon s Lodge, west of the Briathos Steps Camp.
3. "Bottles of Thedas" (Mackay s Epic Single Malt)
- Found in a cave north of Chateau d Onterre (likely guarded by a giant).
4. "Bottles of Thedas" (Chasind Sack Mead)
- Found in a Red Templar Camp north of Southfinger Tower.

High Dragons

1. Greater Mistral

1. Knight s Guardian (At the Hill Camp).

2. The Watcher (At Fairbanks Camp).
3. Wolf Falls (At Fairbanks Camp).
4. Andraste s Light (Northeast of the Hill Camp).
5. Andraste s Promise (To the east of Fairbanks Camp, in the woods).
6. The Guide (Northeat of Fairbanks Camp, in the woods, near a turn in the
7. The Betrayer (Near Villa Maurel).
8. Andraste s Mercy (Northwest of the Veridium Mine).
9. Silver Falls (North of Villa Maurel, near the river s waterfall).
10. Andraste s Strength (Northwest of the Briathos Steps Camp).
11. Whiteshadow (Northwest of the Aragon Lodge).
12. The Lion s Pavilion (Found on the "Devotion" quest).
13. Vallasdahlen (North of Direstone Camp, in the Firewater Garden).
14. Vallasdahlen (#2, North of Direstone Camp, in the Firewater Garden).
15. Vallasdahlen (#3, North of Direstone Camp, in the Firewater Garden).
16. Vallasdahlen (#4, North of Direstone Camp, in the Firewater Garden).
17. Vallasdahlen (#5, North of Direstone Camp, in the Firewater Garden).
18. Vallasdahlen (#6, North of Direstone Camp, in the Firewater Garden).
19. Vallasdahlen (#7, North of Direstone Camp, in the Firewater Garden).
20. Vallasdahlen (#8, North of Direstone Camp, in the Firewater Garden).
21. Vallasdahlen (#9, North of Direstone Camp, in the Firewater Garden).
22. Twisted Tree (North of the Greater Mistral, must beat it first).


1. 1 Piece
- Found
2. 1 Piece
- Found
3. 1 Piece
- Found
4. 1 Piece

of the
of the
of the
of the

"Invasion" Set
the Villa Maurel.
"Invasion" Set
the Veridium Mines.
"Invasion" Set
Argon s Lodge, west of the Briathos Steps Camp.
"Invasion" Set

5. 1
6. 1

Found inside Chateau d Onterre.

Piece of the "Invasion" Set
Inside Chateau d Onterre behind the Arcane Horror cube on the balcony.
Piece of the "Invasion" Set
Found to the right of the entrance to Dan an Hanin (During the quest
"The Knights Tomb")
7. 1 Piece of the "Invasion" Set
- Found while doing the quest "The Knights Tomb".

1. Lightning Rune (Use the Veil Fire in Fairbanks Camp and then head up the
left canyon. You will find it on the right rocky wall on your way up).
Oculara and Shards

Northeast of the Hill Camp.


Barely to the left, by the base of the tree near the statue.
To the far left, on top of the rock to the right of the tree branches.
Perfectly straigt to the right of number 2.
To the right of number 3, in the arches.
To the right of the closest tree in the center (through the leaves).
To the right of number 5, between the rocks in the distance (and just to
the right of at tree).
7. To the far right, just right of the tree (through the leaves).
North of The Lion s Pavilion
1. Just south of your starting position, in the valley.
2. To the far left, on the ledge under the tree.
3. To the left, past the tree in the foreground and just to the right of thee
tree on the left. In the distance.
4. Just to the lower right, nearby on the ground past the ledge.
5. To the north of #4, in the distance.
6. To the right, on the hill in the distance.
Logging Stands

1. To the east of Fairbanks


Camp, in the woods. Near the "Andraste s Promise"


1. To the northwest of the Gracevine Camp. Up the hill, very hard to miss.
2. Just north of the Direstone Camp.


Remedy Requisition in the Graves

Quest Giver: Requisition Officer

Requirement: Be in the Emerald Graves
Reward: +1 Power
For this quest you will need 10 Rashvine plants and 5 pieces of Nugskin.
There s a good chance you already have these, depending on the order you
are visiting places... Nugs have been showing up since the start of the game,
and Rashvine is everywhere here. Seriously, very easy to find.
Once you have these ingredients, turn them in to complete the quest.

Pyrophite Survey in the Graves

Quest Giver: Requisition Officer

Requirement: Be in the Emerald Graves
Reward: +1 Power
This quest mainly has you digging up Pyrophite for the turn-in, but you also
need to find a single piece of Everite! Gah... one piece! You can imagine the
stuff isn t everywhere since they only want on piece. Good thing you have a
To find this piece of Everite, head northeast of Briathos Steps camp, to
the Silver Falls landmark. This is a waterfall, of course, but it is also
where the Everite is. Search under the waterfall here to find the elusive
metal, and then turn this quest in when you can to complete it.


Watcher s Reach Refugees

Quest Giver: Scout Harding

Requirement: Be in the Emerald Graves
Reward: 80 Influence, Experience
This is our initial "story" quest for this area. First we must find Fairbanks.
He isn t very far away actually, just head north and go down the slope when
you get a chance. His guards will let you through. Talk to him when you can
and he ll tell you about the Red Templars and offer his intel.
His intel is in the nearby room, but you can climb the stairs here to get
to a landmark before you head to it. Once you check out the intel, read all
three pieces nearby. Nothing really damning here, honestly, but it completes
this quest and starts the next one titled "A Fallen Sister".
NOTE: Search nearby (this little settlement area) to find the following: the
[BATTLEGROUND STATE] codex, the Wolf Falls landmark, the [MAP OF WATCHER S

PASS], and finally a Veil Fire brazier. There is a rune nearby, so light
the fire and take it out to the canyon to the left (the way you came from)
and keep your eye on the right wall for the [LIGHTNING RUNE].
A Fallen Sister

Quest Giver: Fairbanks

Requirement: Complete "Watcher s Reach Refugees"
Reward: 80 Influence, Experience
To the north is the Veridium Mine, where the "Fallen Sister" is. "Fallen" of
course means we have to kill her. On your way there you will likely face a few
patrols of Freemen, but nothing you haven t fought before.
Once you get to the mine itself you ll find another group of Freeman, but this
time Sister Costeau is among them (or nearby... she ll come out to fight once
you start fighting). She is a warrior, sword and shield type. Only an elite
mob though, so you can knock her down and take her out of the fight pretty
quick. Be sure to loot her afterwards for the unique mace [SOULKISSER], which
steals a small amount oh HP with every hit. It has low DPS though, so it
probably isn t worth it to your tank.
Once you ve killed the sister, the quest is officially complete. You can look
around this area though for a [MOSIAC PIECE] (the invasion set), and a note
that gives the quest "A Vicious Thug" (although if you already visited the
villa and took out Duhaime, you will just complete this quest... otherwise,
just do it whenever). There is also a [CHEST] nearby and the [CELL KEY]. Note
that picking up this cell key gives us the quest "Not Everyone s Free" and also
80 Influence... for some reason. Oh well, we ll take it!
Also be sure to check the back room by the cell to find a [CHEST] and a note
that starts the "A Deluded Chevalier" quest.
Not Everyone s Free

Quest Giver: Cell Key!

Requirement: Complete "A Fallen Sister", find nearby key.
Reward: 242 Experience, 80 Influence
This is a short and easy "quest". There are prisoners trapped in the cell at
Veridium Mine. The key is nearby. Deal with Sister Costeau in the above quest
"A Fallen Sister" and then search around for the key. Let the prisoners go to
complete the quest.
Rifts at the Cove

Quest Giver: Scout Harding

Requirement: Be in the Emerald Graves
Reward: 967 Experience, 200 Influence, +2 Power (Per Rift)
Your standard "shut the rifts" quest. Only two in this quest, one to the south
and one to the north. The southern rift has a ton of Wraiths and a Rage/Despair
Demon combo, while the northern rift has a ton of Wraiths on the the first
phase and a ton on the second with a Despair Demon. You ve faced worse by now,

so take them out and enjoy the rewards.

Rifts at the Pavilion

Quest Giver: Exploration / Briathos Steps Camp

Requirement: None
Reward: 1324 Experience, 600 Influence, +2 Power (2 Rifts)
967 Experience, 200 Influence, +2 Power (2 Rifts)
Four more rifts for us to shut down. This quest shows up easily once you get
to the "Briathos Steps" camp, which is northeast of the Villa (head north
past the villa, climb up to it through a valley).
The rifts here were honestly a surprise to me, considering what we ve faced
so far. They are a step up in difficulty! The one to the south starts of
pretty easy with some Wriaths and a Despair Demon, but the second wave has
Wraiths, a Rage Demon, and a PRIDE DEMON!
You may not remember the Pride Demon, but we have fought him. Remember the
first real boss of the game? Yep, this is him. Again. To re-cap, he has a
lightning whip and a lightning orb attack, which can slow you. He is also
lightning resistant, if that matters to you. He is tougher than the Rage and
Despair Demons (just not as annoying as the Despair Demons...). Take him out
to seal the rift.
The 2nd one is to the further south, in a dead-end grove. There are Great
Bears nearby, so be sure to take them out separately. This one starts off
pretty easy with two Greater Terrors but the 2nd wave adds in some Wraiths,
a Rage Demon, and another Pride Demon. Yikes! Do what you did before to seal
up the rift, and check to the south for an Elven Artifact you can activate.
Note that these first two rifts give more experience than the last two...
The last two northern rifts are easy compared to the bottom two (and that
fact shows in the reduced experience). The northwest one has you facing off
against some Greater Terrors and a Despair Demon (who is as annoying as ever),
while the northern one is all Wraiths and Despair Demons. Very easy stuff.
Defeat the enemies and seal these rifts to wrap up this quest.
Note that once you finish this quest, you should get a new operation
notification titled "Support from Nevarra". Weird, but oh well...
Rifts at the Reach

Quest Giver: Exploration / Gracevine Camp

Requirement: None
Reward: 1324 Experience, 600 Influence, +2 Power (Per Rift)
You will get this quest once you discover the Gracevine Camp, which is north
of the lodge and Briathos Steps Camp. Two rifts this time, both to the north.
Should be easy, right?
The southern one by the river is fairly easy. Despair Demons are annoying and
the second wave includes a Pride Demon, but you ve fought these things enough
by now to know what he ll do.

The one just to the north (go around to the right to reach it) has a ton of
Wraiths and a Rage Demon / Pride Demon combo on the second wave. Again, pretty
much the same stuff you ve been dealing with. I will not that there is a logging
stand nearby you should definitely claim, as well as the [SCRAP OF PAPER] codex
entry sitting on a table near the logging stand.
Rifts at the Sighs

Quest Giver: Exploration / Direstone Camp

Requirement: None
Reward: 967 Experience, 200 Influence, +2 Power (2 Rifts)
After you get to the Direstone Camp you ll get three more rifts to close. Hey,
why not!? As you can see, one is in the north, one is in the center, and one
is to the south. From the camp, go north to access them all, but be careful of
any roaming giants!
The central one is easiest to get to from camp, but is fairly average. You have
a Greater Terror and Despair Demon combo here that doubles on the second wave.
That s why there s less XP here.
The southern rift isn t any better, boasting some Wraiths and a Rage Demon
while throwing in a Despair Demon in the second phase. Still lower XP, as you
can see.
Finally we have the northern rift, which is... a surprise! Not a puny, weak
rift! The first wave is pretty weak. Wraiths and a Despair Demon, but the
second wave. Oh boy. We get Greater Shades (no biggie), TWO Despair Demons
(annoying) and a FEAR DEMON. This is our (or at least this writer s) first
Fear Demon, so its good to see some progression.
Fear demons are electric and spirit vulnerable, but immune to (surprise!)
fear and cold resistant. They can also spawn their own minions called Fear
Underlings and use ice attacks. Fun. Take them out with fire if you can (like
the Despair Demons) and try to get the Despair Demons in the crossfire. I
still think the Despair Demons are more annoying, but they don t hit as hard
so you may want to focus on the less mobile and more dangerous Fear Demon.
Note that the third rift here gives enhanced experience when you close it
as well as 600 Influence.
Holding the Emerald Graves

Quest Giver: Scout Harding

Requirement: Be in the Emerald Graves
Reward: 100/200 Influence, +1 Power (Per Camp)
We have three more camps that we need to find and claim to complete this
quest. As usual, let your quests guide you near these camps and then go claim
them when the are close to you.
The lowest one is the "Briathos Steps" Camp, and is northwest of Villa Maurel.
This camp will serve you well for the rifts nearby and for helping out
Fairbanks in your last push to rid the area of the Freemen.

The next two are equally apart and can be gotten to at your leisure, really.
To the west is the Gracevine Camp which is easy to get to while to the east is
the Direstone Camp. Each of them has their own small set of rifts nearby.
NOTE: Be sure to get the [MAP OF ELGAR NAN S BASION] near the Gracevine camp.
Once you get them all this quest will be considered complete.

Quest Giver: Random Letter by the "Andraste s Light" landmark.

Requirement: None
Reward: 242 Experience, 80 Influence
You will discover this quest near the "Andraste s Light" landmark, which is
just to the north of the first camp. A grieving mother wants someone to light
a candle for her. Sad. The chantry she references is to the north quite aways,
and there are a ton of quests to do between here and there.
With that in mind, I wouldn t worry about this quest until you help out
Fairbanks and win his support. Then when you are ready head toward the marker
on the map. There s no special obstacles on the way here, aside from maybe a
pack of Black Wolves that like to hang out south of your destination, but once
you reach the "chantry" (more of a landmark), place the candle and you ll be
done with the quest.
You may as well claim "The Lion s Pavilion" landmark and nab the note behind
the awesome statue up above for the "A Lover s Promise" quest while you are
A Vicious Thug

Quest Giver: Note at the Veridium Mines

Requirement: None
Reward: 200 Influence, Experience, +2 Power
This quest is gained when you examine a note at the Veridium Mines, although
you may just do it out of order if you visit the Villa Maurel first. This
quest is all about killing off the elite mob over there, the thug known as
You can find him at the Villa Maurel, north of Fairbanks Camp. Kill him off
to access the Villa itself as he has the [VILLA MAUREL KEY]. Be sure that you
do go to the Veridium Mines and examine the notes there to get this quest as
well (you will complete it if you visit the Villa before the Mines).
Either way, take him out. He is an elite enemy, with several Freeman troops
around him. He is a two-handed warrior and can knock you down easily (if he gets
near you) and can hit multiple people with his swings if they are close enough.
Not much of a threat. Take him out and loot his corpse for the unique axe
A Corrupt General

Quest Giver: Exploration

Requirement: None
Reward: +2 Power
To get this quest, try to enter the "Villa Maurel" north of Fairbank s Camp.
Pretty hard to miss the place, it is huge and guarded by the Freemen. Once
you try the front door, you ll get this quest.
We need a key to get in. Thankfully, a gentleman just to the north will
kindly accommodate us... over his dead body. Just to the north is Commander
Duhaime, who has some letters in this area. He is an elite enemy, with several
Freeman troops around him. He is a two-handed warrior and can knock you down
easily (if he gets near you) and can hit multiple people with his swings if
they are close enough. Not much of a threat. Take him out and loot his corpse
for the [VILLA MAUREL KEY] and the unique axe [GLITTERING DARMALLON].
NOTE: You may do this out of order, but killing Duhaime also completes the
quest "A Vicious Thug". If you kill him without that quest active, be
sure to go to the Veridium Mines and examine the documents there to find
(and complete) that quest.
NOTE: To the right up the hill, behind the tree, is some Prophet s Laurel.
Rare to see, so snatch it up.
Loot the area and with the key now in hand enter the villa!
This villa is pretty small, but does have an elite fight in it and another
small quest to do, as well as LOOT! We re not going to bother pointing out
all the chests here... there are a lot. But this place isn t big by any means
to you ll find them.
There are quite a few Freemen enemies scattered out here and there. The elite
is to the north, so take out the side enemies, then go north and face him (we
can save looting for later). The leader s name here is Maliphat. You may have
seen his name on notes here and there. He is a dual-wielding rogue, but isn t
too rough. Knock him down and have at him. He doesn t even really drop anything
of note...
Once he is dead let s work on getting the loot in this place. And codices,
plenty of those. From the courtyard (where I ll be giving directions relative
to), search the east side of the villa to find the dining hall. Here you can
find some notes that unlock the [MALIPHANT S JOURNALS] codex. There s more
updates to this here as well.
Now, head into the next room and search the table with the pickaxe on it to
find a secret rune. This actually starts the "Safe Keeping" quest, but we are
going to go over it here (it is down below, but merely for completions sake).
We will call this [RUNE 1/3].
After you loot the west chambers, head over to the east side. Head past the
"Private Chambers" and search for [RUNE 2/3] near the knocked-over bookcase.
There are several bedrooms nearby, with plenty of notes. In particular, you
want to get the [SEXUALITY IN THEDAS] codex, in the east bedroom.
Once you are done here, head back to the courtyard and head north, to the
Study. There are quite a few notes in here, but [RUNE 3/3] is just to the

left, by the candle. Among the codex s you can find here (which are all very
interesting reads) are the [THE EXALTED MARCH OF THE DALES], the [THE LONG WALK
Now, break the nearby wall with a warrior and you ll find the hidden stash!
This room has a [MOSIAC PIECE], part of the Invasion set and an update to the
[MALIPHANT S JOURNALS]. There is also a contraption here in the middle that
we ll need to use. Put the rune pieces on it and then have your mage power it
up. Take the completed [RUNE KEY] when you are done.
This unlocks the door next to the desk outside and finishes the "Safe Keeping"
quest. Inside the treasure room is [CHEST x2] and some various other loot, but
the real treasures are the ORLESIAN BANNER CROWN] and the [AMULET OF POWER] for
Vivienne ONLY.
And with that we are done! Congrats!
Safe Keeping

Quest Giver: Find a rune during the quest "A Corrupt General"
Requirement: None
Reward: 242 Experience, 80 Influence
This quest is found while exploring the Villa Maurel during the quest "A
Corrupt General". Specifically, finding 3 runes in the rather small villa.
We cover this quest thoroughly under "A Corrupt General" (up above), so if
you need help finding those rune pieces, please consult that quest for help.
Motherly Encouragment

Quest Giver: Find a body in the river northwest of the Veridium Mine.
Requirement: None
This is an odd quest. Here we ll look into why this body is here, or what
could have made her fall. To do this though, we ll have to get up on the
ledge where a body could have fallen from...
If you haven t explored up north awhile, this quest will be put on the back
burner. Other quests to the south and camps to the north need te be done and
found first. Once you get to the Direstone Camp though you can go north, then
east and south to get to the area we need to be at. From there, it is a simple
matter of following the objective.
Wow... silly girl. Read the book nearby to officially finish the quest, and
harvest what she could not if you wish. Don t fall!
A Deluded Chevalier

Quest Giver: Read a note in The Veridium Mine.

Requirement: None
Reward: 200 Influence, +2 Power

To get this quest, read a note regarding the chevalier working for the
Freemans at Veridium Mine. This is best done when doing the quest "A Fallen
Sister", as she is in the area.
To complete the quest, we have to visit the lodge located west of Briathos
Steps (the camp to the northwest of the Villa). There are quite a few Freemen
here (it is a Freeman base!), but before assaulting the main camp, take care
of the outlying enemies (it is easiest to approach from the north). There are
also a few shacks outside the main camp, one of which needs a rogue to unlock
you. Inside these shacks you can find loot of course (and a [CHEST]), but also
the [DALISH BANNER] and a book on [THE PERENDALE WAR], which is a codex
Once you have that stuff, it is time to assault the main camp. It has a few
Freemen enemies in it of course, but also Chevalier Auguste, who is actually
a two-handed weapon user. Much like Duhaime, if you ve fought him. Put combos
and status effects on him and watch out for his wide attacks. Slay all of his
support and he ll be no big deal at all.
Once he is dead loot him for some rare loot and the [SKETCH OF CHATEAU
COURTYARD] map, which is a hidden map codex and gives you something to search
for at the Chateau (look for the quest of the same name later in this
exploration section). There are a lot of doors here as well you can unlock
that have a lot of loot behind them and even some notes to and from Auguste.
Notable loot however is a [BOTTLE OF THEDAS] hiding in one of the shacks (use
your search bar) and a [MOSIAC PIECE] from the "Invasion" set hiding out in
another one of the shacks.
Now that you ve looted the place thoroughly, we are done with this quest.
Victims of War

Quest Giver: Kill all three Freeman Leaders

Requirement: Kill all three Freeman Leaders
Reward: Experience, 230 Influence, +1 Power, Fairbanks Agent
You would think Fairbanks would give you this quest BEFORE you kill off the
people, but nope... either that or the game is being buggy again (which is hard
to tell, sometimes...).
Anyway, this quest is about killing the three Freeman Leaders in the area, but
doesn t show up in your quest log until you actually KILL them all. The three
leaders are:
o Sister Costeau
(Killed during the quest "A Fallen Sister").
o Maliphat
(Killed during the quest "A Corrupt General").
o Chevalier Auguste (Killed during the quest "A Deluded Chevalier").
Once you have done all the quests above, return to Fairbanks Camp and report
your success to him. You ll complete the quest now and gain [FAIRBANKS] as an
agent. WHEE!

Last Wishes

Quest Giver: Exploration

Requirement: None
Reward: 242 Experience, 80 Influence
You can find this quest by examining the pot next to the "Andraste s Strength"
landmark, whish is northwest of the Briathos Steps Camp. There is a large urn
near the landmark that the widow wishes for some kind soul to help spread the
ashes. It s so big, I m not surprised she needs help!
THIS quest will be on the backburner for quite a time. The location we need
to travel to is far to the north, so this may very well be one of the last
quests you accomplish in this area (which is funny since it is one of the
first quests you can get).
Once you have done most of the quests in this area and have started exploring
the northern reaches of this area, set your objective back up for this quest.
The area we want is at the edge of a cliff, so head there and spread the ashes
to end this quest. Rest in peace...
Noble Deeds, Noble Heart

Quest Giver: Clara

Requirement: Complete "Not Everyone s Free"
Reward: Experience, 500 Influence, +2 Power, "Manage Stolen Freeman
Property" (possible)
Talk to Clara at Watcher s Reach after completing "Not Everyone s Free". If
you talk to Clara before you complete the aforementioned quest, she will say
she s not in the mood to talk. Now that those folks are free she is willing
to dish a rumor about Fairbanks...
So, Fairbanks might be nobility huh? I suppose we ll investigate. First, go
check out the shacks nearby the lodge (in the room the rogue had to unlock)
to find a hidden book on Orlesian Nobility for [PROOF 1/3]. Heh.
The next two are down by the Villa Maurel. On the northern side, in the
gazebo area, you will find an old painting in the corner for [PROOF 2/3].
Whatever works! In the southern area head into the locked room (that you
probably unlocked a long time ago) and then search the corners of the area
for an old Midwife s Journal and [PROOF 3/3]. Let s head back to the lodge
From here we can give the information to either Clara or Fairbanks! Fairbanks,
as it turns out, already knows what (who) he is, but doesn t want to be caught
up in it at all. So, who do we choose? Well, choosing either one completes
the quest. Choosing Clara will make Blackwall slightly disapprove, but if
we listen to Fairbanks Blackwall will slightly approve AND we will get a new
operation called "Manage Stolen Freeman Property". Its your call on whether
or not to expose Fairbanks, but the operation alone should make you pause...
Observing the Menace

Quest Giver: Exploration / Notes
Requirement: None
Reward: 242 Experience, 80 Influence
This quest we will obtain by reading some notes (which actually become the
[THE DIARY OF TROILUS HERTUBISE] codex entry) that are located sought of the
camp, up on a hill. They are near a rift, the most northern rift in the "Rifts
of the Pavilion" quest.
The menace is down below, to the north, by the river. Part of the "Rifts at
the Reach" quest. The camp the scout is using is just to the south, on top of
the rock (approach from the southwest, climb around). You ll find a journal
here. Read it (good story) and then you ll be tasked to find the next camp to
the east.
This camp is near Direstone Camp, but up on the hill (go north and around to
get to it - watch out for giants in the area around here). It is at the bottom
of the rocky outcrop. You ll see what happened to the poor scout. Loot the
body and read the final journal to end the quest. At least he tried to help.
A Lover s Promise

Quest Giver: Exploration / Notes

Requirement: None
Reward: 242 Experience, 80 Influence
You can find this quest while doing the quest "Devotion". It is gained from
reading a note by The Lion s Pavilion landmark. We re going to meddle in some
peoples affairs... again... cause that s what we do!
The place we are going to is just north of the Gracevine Camp. Someone has
set up a camp here. Once you examine the camp the quest is complete, but you
aren t done! A Giant Spider will attack now, so be ready to take it down and
loot it afterward to see what likely became of the lovers (or at least one of
Map of Watcher s Pass

Quest Giver: Map

Requirement: None
Reward: 242 Experience, 80 Influence, 279 Gold, Bianca Arms IV, Superb Belt
of Health
This is one of the documents you can find at Fairbank s Camp in Watcher s
Pass. However, despite the map saying "Map of Watcher s Pass", this hidden
treasure location is NOWHERE NEAR that area.
To find it, we must first go to Direstone Camp. That is way to the north, so
this quest can go to the backburner until then. Once you are there though we
can go find this. Head north to the river and follow it east and south. You
will get to a bridge sooner or later. This is the key spot!
From the bridge look around for a rock with the painting on it and head

over there to get your search ping going. Follow the ping up the rocks to
find the hidden treasure cache and end this quest, it s [BIANCA ARMS IV] and
Map of Elgar nan s Bastion

Quest Giver: Map

Requirement: None
Reward: 242 Experience, 80 Influence, Amulet of Power (Solas), 244 Gold,
Frost Rune x10
You can find this map at the Gracevine Camp. Once you take it over, look
around and you ll find it fairly easily.
The treasure is near the self-titled Elgar nan s Bastion, which is quite
a ways away. Best saved for after you explore further north. Once you have
the Direstone Camp and have explored to the north and northeast of it you
will know where the bastion is.
Once you are there among the ruins, head to the area that has stairs and,
to the north, two arches (putting the stairs on your left). From there, go
up the stairs and north to the tree, where your search beacon will begin to
assist you on finding the treasure. With the beacon you can find it easily,
so loot it for the loot above, the best of which is the [AMULET OF POWER] for
Solas. Lucky Solas. And with that we are done!
A Bear to Cross

Quest Giver: Johnson

Requirement: ???
Reward: 80 Influence
NOTE: This quest was found while randomly heading back to the initial camp,
which means we aren t 100% sure (yet) what triggers it...
A troop named Johnson located at Hill Camp will tell us of a local bear problem
and ask our help with it. The bear in question is territorial and attacking
people to the northeast. Head there to find a cave with several Bear Pups and
the elite bear Johnson was talking about.
Try to draw out the pups first and slaughter them before taking on the main
enemy. When you do draw out the elite bear, try to keep him taunted and at the
front of the cave: a good place to lay down traps and other area effects. Keep
your health up here as the bear hits non-tanks HARD and can kill quickly.
Chip it down and slay it to complete the quest.
Gamordan Stormrider

Quest Giver: None

Requirement: None
Reward: See Loot table below.
NOTE: This is not a named quest in the game.

This is the High Dragon of The Emerald Grave. Unlike other dragons in the game,
you don t need to do any quests or War Table activities to get to her: you just
need to head to the very northern part of the map.
As always, your party should be around the dragons level before you attempt
this (the higher the better of course - class specializations are helpful). Any
ice resistance items you have should be worn, and everyone should be stocked to
the brim with potions before you take her on.
Are you ready? We are! Let s go slay us another dragon!

BOSS: Greater Mistral

Level 17
Greater Mistral
Health: 173472
Defense: 52
Vulnerability: Fire
Immunity: All Disabling Effects
Immunity: Slowed
Greater Cold Resistance

The Greater Mistral is an ice-based dragon, and as such she will

the same "breath attacks" that we ve seen other dragons do, just
She is also vulnerable to fire, which helps a ton if you have a
skills and a fire staff (equip before you go it!). Warriors with
Strike will also appreciate this (which is BK!).

have many of
in ice form.
mage with fire

The Greater Mistral has many "High-Dragon" attacks that we ve already seen
before. These include swiping any one of its four claws at us (and anyone who
happens to be nearby), swinging its tail in a large arc, and flapping its wings
to bring us in closer and damage us with the wind (mostly annoying for ranged
and/or mage characters as warriors can stay in the middle with the dragon and
be safe). I will note that unlike most dragons you have probably fought until
now, the Greater Mistral doesn t really jump and fly away short distances to
move around... she does more of a twirling motion... which is a bit weird, but
hey, that s what she does. The motion is useful (to her) to get her out of any
area effects, so try to save launching those for after she, um... twirls...
Being chilled and frozen in this fight is very possible if you get caught up
in the ice attacks, but this shouldn t be too hard to avoid if you space out
your fighters. At certain points in the fight the Greater Mistral will take
to the skies to fly around for awhile, shooting ice balls down at us before
returning to land again. Normal dragon behavior it seems.
The last thing you should note here is that the Greater Mistral will give
herself armor, much like the Abyssal High Dragon. This is of course annoying
as it is several thousand extra damage you must do to eat your way through
it, and of course she will put her armor up at multiple times throughout the

Keep your fighters spread out, use potions smartly and use fire attacks when
you can. Use your most powerful skills and focus attacks. No need to hold
back here! Once you take her down you will be handsomely rewarded! Good job
on killing another one of these massive beasts!
Loot: 4,138 Experience, 2000 Influence, +5 Power, In War, Victory (Armor),
Gift of the Talons, Helm of the Inquisitor, Amulet of Power (Sera Only),
Pure Dragon Blood x5, Dragon s Tooth, Dragon Webbing x8, Dragon
Scales x5, Dragon Bone x10
Be sure to collect all the Arbor Blessing plants around this area as well
as claim the "Twisted Tree" landmark to the north (which, at least for this
writer, didn t allow him to claim it until AFTER the dragon had been slain).
Again, congrats!
Chateau d Onterre

Quest Giver: None

Requirement: None
Reward: 967 Experience, 200 Influence, +2 Power
NOTE: This is a named quest, but not until you head into the Chateau and
start seeing weird stuff... no one gives you this quest before that.
While not a named quest, there is a dungeon in the Emerald Graves that is
worth typing about here: Chateau d Onterre. This is the dungeon (Cheateau)
near the end of the "Motherly Encouragement" quest and can be entered at any
time you wish. We ll describe what is going on here below.
After you enter you find yourself in the very dark foyer (players who have
Cole in the party will get lots of good dialog here). The portraits in the
hallway are named and the door to the right is locked. Head left and read
the [A TORN DIARY] codex/note on the floor. Between that and the candles you
know we are in trouble...
Head through the door into the galley. From here, take the close hallway and
have your rogue unlock the door here out to the courtyard. Explore out here
using your search ability to find a hidden [SKETCH I OF CHATEAU D ONTERRE
INTERIOR] codex by the steps of the pond. ON the steps. A bit weird, but there
it is.
After picking it up be aware that corpses are patrolling the chateau. Usually
only one at a time though, so not much of a threat. Now, let us explore the
rest of the downstairs area. You will find the Servant s Quarters, the Kitchen
and a Ballroom. Items of note include loot in the kitchen, a [CHEST] in one of
the many hallways connecting these rooms, [CHEST x2] in the ballroom, an update
to the [A TORN DIARY] in the ballroom, a room off the ballroom with an elven
relic to activate and another [CHEST], and finally a journal in the bedroom
of the Servant s Quarters. Go ahead and explore this downstairs area and find
those items, then return to the gallery and head upstairs, to the Library.
Up here use your ping and head around the stairs to the back. It will lead

you to a statue on the rail that you can move for [SKETCH II OF CHATEAU
D ONTERRE INTERIOR]. Interesting. Nearby is a room with [CHEST x2] and another
room that leads to a locked door (we need the Balcony Key... which we don t
have yet).
Head back to the library and revel in the vast amount of readable material
here. Seriously, you get four codes entries here by reading everything you
can: [THE GIRL IN RED CROSSING] codex, [OF GODS AND DOUBT] codex, the
There are also [CHEST x3] in various corners of the library, so loot them all.
At the end enter the door on the right to find the bedchambers.
Here check the first bedroom for [CHEST x2] and a note on one of the tables.
The second bedroom is a bit more interesting. Your search ping will show up
again, so follow it to above the fireplace for [SKETCH III OF CHATEAU
D ONTERRE INTERIOR]. Loot everything in here and then back out to the bedroom
hallway. This next part is a little tricky, and may very well be the reason
you are checking this guide out. We have to jump out the window!
Nearby is an open window. Use it to go outside and drop down to the balcony
to find a [MOSIAC PIECE], then drop down to the pond. Climb back up to the
Bed-Chambers now and go back out the window but STAY on the blue ledge and move
around to the other side. You can drop down and open the door here now (or go
in the other window) to be in the Antechamber. From here loot the [CHEST x2]
and open the door to the bedchambers to have a shortcut. Note that this area
also has stairs leading down to the Servant s Quarters you can open a shortcut
to and find a [CHEST] along the way.
Continue on to come to the upper area of the Ballroom. Here you will find a
giant dragon strung up. Head over to its head and explore the statue nearby
to have it move its tail. Go read the note that shows up on the tail. Very
ominous. Explore this area for loot and another note, then open the door out
to the balcony. Kill the dead here and then open the far door at the end to
connect the place to the library, then go back to the balcony.
Well... no choice now but to interact with the cube. Do so to gain a whopping
[+10 CUNNING] and spawn an Arcane Horror down below. Before dropping down be
sure to unlock the large door in the back to find some codex and a [SUPERB RING
OF STAGGERING] among other things in this room (another [MOSAIC PIECE] too).
Head down using the broken railing nearby and take it out to end this quest.
Note that the real rewards are on the corpse. These include the [D ONTERRE
CREST RING], an [AMULET OF POWER] for Cole Only, some other rare gear, and
the unique [SUPERB COOLDOWN AMULET], which cools down all of your skills by
a very respectable 15%. Very nice!
A Puppet Master

Quest Giver: None

Requirement: Complete "Victims of War", do the "Draw Out the Red Templar
Lieutenant" War Table Operation.
Reward: 1324 Experience, 600 Influence, +2 Power
This quest is a bit tricky to get to, but not hard. First we must complete
the "Victims of War" quest and get Fairbanks and his people moved to Argon s
Lodge. Then, we must do the "Draw Out the Red Templar Lieutenant" War Table
operation to draw Carroll out. The puppet master!

Once you ve done this, head back to Emerald Graves and you ll see the quest
marker point to "The Lion s Pavilion", which is close to the Direstone Camp.
Head on over there and assault his position.
In the front of the area are two Red Templars and two Red Templar Marksmen
up the stairs. Go after the marksman first and lay down traps and area effects
in this center stair region. Carroll himself is a Red Templar Horror and is
just up the next set of stairs, so he will come down and fight, along with
two Red Templar Shadows.
Carroll is weak to fire and resistant to most stunning and incapacitating
effects (although Knight Enchanters and their Disruption Field are way, way
overpowered). Set him on fire and kill everything to complete the quest.
Parson s Battered Notebook

Quest Giver: None

Requirement: None
Reward: None
NOTE: This is not a named-quest in the game.
This quest is... odd. It starts by finding the codex [PARSON S BATTERED
NOTEBOOK], which is located located east of the landmark "Andraste s Mercy".
Head over there and then head east, to the river. The water falls down into
a gap at the end, but you can climb the slope to the right you can find a
small rocky out-cropping with a corpse and the codex nearby.
Now... this poor man s quest was ended prematurely, but we can pick it back
up. The key here is... what order do we go in? Thankfully, the codex helps
us out and tells us to start with #12:
12. Beyond Andraste s Mercy, a hundred steps to revelation.
"Beyond" means start behind it (behind the landmark), then walk straight
pinging your search bar until you get the hidden notification (won t take
too long if you run). The search leads to a tree, which gives you a hidden
box with the #3 on it.
3. Arching above outstretched wings. Even stone can rise.
Continue along the road to the area where it goes under a rock formation.
Note the owl statue. Climb up onto the rocks slanting upwards, and then use
your search ping and find another hidden box, this time with the #9.
9. Dragonslayers, four at the northwest, two from the northeast, three
from the southeast.
Head to the pavilion now (the Dragonslayer), and face the statue. Now we
light the lanterns here according to the puzzle. Four lights to the northwest,
two to the northeast, three to the southeast.
Doing this will produce a small box in the middle fire pit. Opening it gives
you the next number, #20.
20. At the first breath of sighs.
This is also odd, but it refers to the Sighs area of the map, which is near

the waterfall to the Northwest. Head over there and ping near the waterfall
to find the next box (it is right under the waterfall). This will give you
the last number, #14.
14. An upward pointing finger, there your heart lies.
This of course refers to the Southfinger Tower. Head over there next (mind
the giants) and on the western side of the tower look around for the final
box. No number this time, just a "Misshapen Child s Doll".
This spawns a demon named "Treasure" as well as two shades. This is an elite
monster, and kinda looks like a Despair Demon. Treat it like such and use
fire attacks to help take it down.
No treasure afterward, aside from the essence that is bound to drop from the
enemy. Too bad there s nothing better! Bad Bioware!
The Knights Tomb

Quest Giver: War Table

Requirement: Complete the "Investigate Elven Ruins" War Table Mission (which
you can access after the "Wicked Hearts" Main Mission).
Reward: Experience, 200 Influence, +2 Power
This quest will have us investigating the tomb in Emerald Graves, located
Northeast of the Direstone Camp. Past where the giant s roam, near the ruins.
"Din an Hanin" is the name of the place, and is actually a Fast Travel spot
on the map, so worth investigating even outside this quest.
Once you get this quest (following the requirements above), head to Din an
Hanin and be sure to pick up the [MOSIAC PIECE] in the right corner near the
entrance. Your companions will comment on the bodies here as well. Go ahead and
Inside you ll see your soldiers. To the left slightly is [THE EMERALD KNIGHTS]
codex entry, near the stairs. Head further in (the right side has nothing for
us) and on to a group of Venatori. In the back is a Red Templar Behemoth. Use
the narrow space here if you need for defensive purposes. Be sure to loot the
behemoth for [EMERALD SEAL 1/9], which is our new objective (we will number
these... counting is cool!).
There is nothing down below (besides corpses), so continue onward and upward
past the hall to an open room. Nothing here. You can read the statue for a
codex update. Head left and down the path until you can take the stairs on the
right (let s head that way first). This leads to a room with a single Venatori
in it. Slaughter him, read the statue, loot the body, and search to the statue s
right to find [EMERALD SEAL 2/9]. Head back to the path split now.
OK, now head straight and attack the Venatori below. Three Marksman (often
grouped together; take advantage of that), a Zealot and a Spellbinder. Take
them down. In the right corner (of the lower level) is the [ARLATHAN: PART ONE]
codex for the taking.
Now, time to go upstairs. The right path has a corpse at the top, but the left
path is where it is at. A Red Templar Behemoth walks around up here. Slay him
and loot him for [EMERALD SEAL 3/9]. Be sure to search to the left up here
against the wall for a [MOSIAC PIECE] and then head further back (north) to
a door. Head through and ping around to find [EMERALD SEAL 4/9] in the rubble

up here.
Head back to the stairs now and down the middle area pushing onward. There is
a door for a rogue to the right, with a [CHEST] in it. You can jump to the money
from here if you want, or go back and head down that way naturally (by the
ladder you can head up the stairs with the debris, sneak through it on the left,
and get to the money that way). There s another [CHEST] on the floor past the
ladder, as well as another rogue (locked) door to the right with another [CHEST]
in it. All these chests and nothing good!
Continue on to the Hallowed Tombs. This is a HUGE area, so stick with me. Let s
explore this upper area first. There are statues on the right you can hit up
for codex entries (always good), but past that is a group of Venatori. Take them
on and kill the Behemoth behind them for (you guessed it), [EMERALD SEAL 5/9].
Now let s head left, to the green-ish room. There is a door your rogue can
unlock here as well as Veil Fire. Unlock the door and have your mage light
the fire. Use it to examine the center column for the [EPITAPHS FOR THE LOST]
codex. Head through the door to the back room (dark in here) and search the
corner for the hidden [EMERALD SEAL 6/9]. To the left is an elvan relic you
can activate. The small column here is an update to the Epitaphs for the Lost
relic. You can break down the wall here too.
To the right sitting on a shelf by the corner is the [ARLATHAN: PART TWO]
codex. There is a stalker nearby you can kill and a corpse to loot. DO NOT
go out the exit here. It doesn t lead anywhere new. Trust us.
That does it for the central area. Let s explore the other levels.
Head back to the entrance and head right. In the right corner are stairs
leading upwards. Head up and your search will ping. Continue to the hallway
and search the rubble on the left for [EMERALD SEAL 7/9]. Head forward and
you can find some pillars with the Epitaphs for the Lost updates and some
lanterns you can light. At the end is a door your rogue can unlock so you
can get the [CHEST] behind it.
OK, so that is the upper level. Let s head back to the entrance one last
time. This time, head forward to the rubble and then slightly to the left.
See the wood over the gap? Cross it and go down the ladders here. Search here
near the rubble for [EMERALD SEAL 8/9]. The path to the right here leads to a
dead-end with a Venatori Stalker (it is the area you could have jumped down
on the left from the entrance).
Let s head to the left. The corner here has a body you can loot. The straight
path leads to stairs heading back to the middle level, so head right. Follow
this path and your search bar will ping. This leads to a narrow room with some
Venatori. Kill them off and search near the entrance you came from for the
final [EMERALD SEAL 9/9]. Light the braziers here if you want and then go
through the nearby door (See how we saved the right door for you near the
final seal? It s because we care!).
Enter into the tomb. First thing s first: check to the right to find some
stairs and an alcove, each with a [CHEST]. Now, our goal here is to light
Veil Fire braziers until we can reach the artifact. BEFORE you do that go
look behind the central statue (in the back) to find a Veil Fire lantern
and an update to the Epitaphs for the Lost.
Now, pick up some Veil Fire and on each side of the center gap are two

lanterns to light. After lighting each one you will face a wave of Corpses
and Corpse Archers. You can attack them while they rise up, giving you an
advantage, and half of them come from the other side of the room (let them
come at you - use traps for easy kills). However, on the fourth lantern you
will face a Revenant with the usual corpses.
Once they are dead, loot the Revenant for the [ESTWATCH GUARD] unique shield
and you ll see there are platforms by the central statue now. You can use them
to reach the floating [THE DEATH OF ELANDRIN] scroll, a codex entry and valuable
text regarding the Exalted March on the Dales. Great history! As for what we
can do with it....
o Sell the Histories to the Chantry
To do this, head to Val Royeaux and then up to the second level (use the
map warp-point). Talk to the sister and hand over the histories. Despite the
game using the word "Sell" here, you don t actually get any money. Very
o Return the Histories to the Dalish
This is the better choice, in our opinion (considering you get no money either
way). Head to the Exalted Plains and the Dalish Camp. Hand the histories over
to the Keeper. You get to tell him about the elves you saw as well, which will
unlock the "Bestow Mourning Halla" War Table operation.
Choose whichever choice you wish and the mission will be over.
. .
< () >
.. __________________________________________________________________________



Companions: None
Agents: Michel de Chevin

Crafting Materials

- Arbor Blessing
- Rashvine
- Bloodstone
- Elfsroot
- Silverite

- Felandaris
- Rashvine Nettle
- Black Lotus
- Everite


- Dawnstone
o Felandaris is in Suledin Keep.


Black Wolf
Red Templar Guard
Red Templar Behemoth
Hurlock Alpha
Red Templar Lieutenant

Great Bear
Red Templar Marksman
Red Templar Horror

Red Templar
Red Templar Shadow
Infected Giant

Codex Entries

[ ] History #43 - The First Blight: Chapter Four

- Found during the quest "Taking Suledin Keep".
[ ] Letters #37 - In Death
- Located at a Grey Warden camp east of the Drakon s Rise Camp.
[ ] Letters #38 - Letter About Lyrium
- Found while doing the "Rocky Rescue" quest.
[ ] Letters #41 - Letter of Confirmation
- Found while doing the "Rocky Rescue" quest.
[ ] Letters #63 - Suledin Keep Documents
- Found during the quest "Taking Suledin Keep".
[ ] Letters #72 - Valeska s Watch
- Northwest of Drako s Rise Camp (Do the quest of the same name).
[ ] Letters #73 - Vir Tanadhal: The Way of Three Trees
- Found during the "Ruined Blade" quest.
[ ] Tales #26 - Common Curses
- Found inside a house at Sahrnia
[ ] Tales #62 - Judicael s Crossing
- Found with the "Judicael s Crossing" landmark near Tower Camp.
[ ] Tales #69 - Marcher Misconceptions
- Found at the first camp (Sahrnia Camp).
[ ] Tales #117 - Tower of Bone
- Found at the first Tower Camp.
[ ] Tales #118 - Trading with Kal-Sharok
- Found near the Baron after taking Suledin Keep.
[ ] Grey Warden Diaries
- In Valeska
[ ] A Journal, Left Open
- In a camp at the northwest corner of the lake.



1. None

Bottles of Thedas

1. "Bottles of Thedas" (Abyssal Peach)

- Located during the quest "Capturing Suledin Keep".
2. "Bottles of Thedas" (Legacy White Shear)
- Found while doing the quest "Rocky Rescue".
High Dragons

1. Hivernal
2. Kaltenzahn
3. Highland Ravager

1. Crystal Cascade, Frozen (Southwest of initial Sahrnia Camp).

2. Dalish Wolf Carving (Southwest of Highgrove Camp).
3. Ruined Highway (North of the Drakon s Rise Camp).
4. Valeska s Watch (Inside Valeska s Watch).
5. Deep Roads Entrance (Inside Valeska s Watch).
6. Tower of Bone (At the Tower Camp).
7. Sahrnia Quarry (Found doing the Rocky Rescue quest).
8. Judicael s Crossing (Found near Tower Camp).
9. Hector (Found after you repair Judicael s Crossing).
10. Pools of the Sun (Found near Hivernal, past Judicael s Crossing).
11. Leotine s Steward (Found after you repair Judicael s Crossing, to
the north).


1. 1 Piece of the "Freed Are Slaves" set.

- Found during the quest "Ruined Blade".

1. Superb Frost Rune

- From Tower Camp head south to the quarry, then keep right along the
cliff. You ll come to a cave system that at the end has a Veil Fire
Brazier you can light. Light it and trail back, keeping your eye on the
left-hand wall to find the rune in a cubby.
2. Superb Spirit Ruin
- Found during the quest "Ruined Blade".
Oculara and Shards

Near the Tower Camp.


Just south of the starting position (at the base of the red lyrium).
To the right, on the right side of the left watchtower.
To the far right, to the left of the left watchtower, down in the gap.
To the far right, between the watchtowers, on the far side of the bridge.
To the left, on top of the watchtower.

6. To the right, up in the castle s tower in the distance (took forever to

find this one!).
Near the Kaltenzahn fight.

Just to the south of the starting position, near the far cliff.
To the left, just to the right of the bridge, on the far side.
To the far left, on the rock to the left of the tower.
To the left, in the pond to the right of the tower.
Just to the right, north of the close statue, by the tree near the cliff.
To the right, northeast of the close statue, near the base of a tree.
To the left, to the southwest of the tower, west of the pond below it.

Logging Stands

1. Northwest of the initial Sahrnia Camp, by Elfsblood Tower.

2. Southwest of the Highgrove Camp.



Shelter Requisition in the Emprise

Quest Giver: Requisition Officer

Requirement: Be in Emprise Du Lion
Reward: Influence, +1 Power
KILL ALL OF THE ANIMALS! We kid of course, but for this quest you ll need to
slay the adorable little Snoufleur s and some Rams. Not too hard to do and
shouldn t take too long since they can drop multiple skins. Turn them in to
get the quest down below.
Bloodstone Survey in the Emprise

Quest Giver: Requisition Officer

Requirement: Be in Emprise Du Lion
Reward: +1 Power
Bloodstone is the easy mineral here, as you may already have several of them.
Dawnstone is plentiful as well, especially as you push south and get to the
Tower Camp. Collect all you can (you ll want extra) and turn in this quest
when you can for the minor power bump and, um... quest completion satisfaction!

Brazier Requisition in the Emprise

Quest Giver: Requisition Officer

Requirement: Be in Emprise Du Lion
Reward: +1 Power, 500 Influence
Another gathering quest. Silverite you likely have already, but can be found
in this area here and there. Dawnstone is found as you push further south and
uncover Tower Camp. Between this quest and the last one, you will have to hit
the Dawnstone hard to have enough for both. Bother.


The Corruption of Sahrnia

Quest Giver: Scout Harding

Requirement: Be in Emprise Du Lion
Reward: None
This is really just the "intro" quest to the area. Head down from the camp
and talk to the townspeople. Simple enough. The first person is Mistress
Poulin, in the yellow house on the left. She ll tell you how she sold the
quarry to the Templars. Lovely. The next person to talk to is just beyond the
houses, out on the outskirts of town. Michel. Despite being disgraced, he is
here to track down a demon named Imshael. He s not about to do it along, though.
Talk to these two people and this quest will be complete.
Take Back the Lion

Quest Giver: Scout Harding

Requirement: Be in Emprise Du Lion
Reward: Experience, 2200 Influence, +4 Power
INSTEAD of a "Holding the Emprise" quest, we have this quest! Which is to say,
instead of finding camps and claiming them, we are wiping out groups of Red
Templars and taking their camps! Drive out your enemy before you!
Our first target is to drive away the templars from Highgrove, which is just
southwest of our starting camp. Easy enough to do: you will encounter a group
of templar by the frozen falls to the west (look for Red Lyrium to smash here,
chests, and the Crystal Cascade Landmark), then head southeast and find the
steps leading to the main camp. Kill the guards here and take over the camp
when you are done.
Next out objective will change to Drakon s Rise, to the east. Follow the path
out of camp to the southwest and follow it as it winds around, leading up and
east. You ll have to kill templars along the way, but you ll also come across
a lot of Dawnstone, so pick that up as you go. Once you get to the cliffs
overlooking the valley, look for a ton of elfroot and a journal on a body by
the cliffs (loot it as well... he won t need that ring).
You ll be at Drakon s Rise soon. Slaughter the templars there. Pretty much

more of the same, but they do have a Behemoth this go around, so be ready for
him. Once you have killed them, take the camp and the objective will change to
killing the enemy at the Tower of Bone. Heh...
NOTE: There is a secret operation nearby. Head northeast of Drakon s Rise
Camp and search for a journal near the body of a dead elf. He is a bit
out of the way, but after reading the journal you will unlock the
"Rumors of the Sulevin Blade" operation at the War Table. Worth doing.
This is actually the last location we ll be taking over (for this quest
anyways). Head east and then south down the slope when you can. There is a
small opening on your right-hand side through the rocks you can get through
that leads to a small area with tons of elfroot and a ramp leading to the
Tower of Bone camp. Defeat the Red Templar Behemoth here. You could claim the
camp now, but we d advise continuing on and scouting the area. There are some
Red Templar Horrors down below with some normal enemies. May as well wipe them
all out (Archers can benefit from the range on the ramps here). Once you are
done go ahead and claim the camp to complete this quest.

will get the "Capturing Suledin Keep" and "Rocky Rescue" quests after
complete this one. We aren t done exploring this area after all! Also,
t forget to clime the nearby ladders around the tower for the Ocularum
the "Tower of Bone" landmark!

Rift on Frozen Water

Quest Giver: Scout Harding

Requirement: Be in Emprise Du Lion
Reward: 1324 Experience, 600 Influence, +2 Power
ONE rift? Really? Well, okay! This quest is to close the rift on the frozen
river nearby, and is complete after a single rift. I m still amazed by that.
Still, this rift is close to the city and has been causing trouble.
Approach it and be ready for a ton of Greater Shades. Six of them will charge
at you, so have some area effects and attacks ready for them. The second wave
will also have Greater Shades, but will throw in two Greater Terrors as well.
All in all not bad. Take them out and close this rift to help out the
local town.
Rift at Drakon s Cleft

Quest Giver: Exploration

Requirement: None
Reward: 1324 Experience, 600 Influence, +2 Power (Per Rift)
Once you take over Drakon s Rise during the "Taking back the Lion" quest, you
will get this quest. Two more rifts to close nearby. Expect to find Greater
Terrors here as well as Pride Demons. You may even face off against multiple
Pride Demons, so be sure to burn one down before the other to save yourself
time and hassle. Clear both rifts to complete this quest.
Rifts in the Springs

Quest Giver: None

Requirement: Take over Suledin Keep
Reward: 5076 Experience, 600 Influence, +2 Power (Per Rift)
Once you take over Suledin Keep you ll get this quest, but you can t complete
it until you fix the bridge by Tower Camp (Judicael s Crossing). Two more rifts
to take out, but a nice bump in experience.
The western one has a ton of Greater Shades and at the end a Fear Demon. You
have likely fought this thing before, so not really a big deal. Take the shades
out first so you can stun the fear demon.
The eastern one has a Pride Demon, a Despair Demon and some Wraiths. The
second wave adds in two Pride Demons. Watch out for their lightning whips
and burn the Despair Demon when you can. Stun the Pride Demons. Once you have
sealed both rifts this quest will be done.
Mama s Ring

Quest Giver: Ring Box

Requirement: None
Reward: 332 Experience, 300 Influence
Once you enter the area for the first time head down into Sahrnia and enter
the house on the left. A woman will be talking to herself about a ring here.
Examine the ring box once she s done and BAM, there s a quest for you. While
you are here, be sure to read the nearby [COMMON CURSES] note as well for a
codex entry.
This quest will then wait awhile until we push further south. Once you take
over the Tower Camp you can head west across the bridge into the town. Here
look for a broken blue house where your search scan will start beeping. There
are notes in the house, and in the corner nearby is the ring. Once you search
the corner you ll get it automatically and some influence. Now, head back to
Sahrnia and give the ring to the owner to complete the quest.

Quest Giver: Journal

Requirement: None
Reward: 150 Influence
Another instance where we must look into other people s lives! This quest
starts when you find a journal near a camp to the northwest of Sahrnia (nearby
is a logging stand and Elfsblood Tower, for reference). Read the book on the
ground and the quest will start.
A hunter is after some elusive prey. We of course have to follow. We want to
go southwest from here, but once you are on the ice the small rocks will be
enough to block a straight shot, so head further south and climb the rocks when
you can and head north. You will very likely find Black Wolfs and Great Bears
in this area. Fight through them to the Elven Ruins and search by the statue
to find another journal. Hmmm, the most dangerous game? Once you read the
journal the quest will be over.

Valeska s Watch

Quest Giver: Exploration

Requirement: None
Reward: Experience, Wintersbreath
East of the Drakon s Rise camp is a Grey Warden camp. Near red lyrium, you can
find charred bodies and even a codex titled [IN DEATH], which has the Warden
motto on it. Around here though your search beeper will send you to a bit east
to find the Valeska s Watch key, which gives you this quest.
NOTE: By "find the key" we mean follow the search beeper ping. You don t have
to pick up a key to get to get this quest. Or at least BK didn t. We
presume it belonged to one of these bodies?
Enter the tower door nearby to complete the "quest". Pfft..
Head further in to claim the "Valeska s Watch" landmark and the [VALESKA S
WATCH] codex entry as well. Inside you ll find Darkspawn to kill, which is
always nice. Where in the hell did the warden s go? There is a locked door down
here that requires the "Deft Hands" perk, but you can still go deeper in to
fight more darkspawn at a giant breach, claim the "Deep Road s Entrance"
landmark, and even seal the breach up with a mage. Be sure to loot the bodies
here for the unique shield [WINTERSBREATH]. In War, Victory.

Capturing Suledin Keep

Quest Giver: None

Requirement: Complete "Take Back the Lion".
Reward: Experience, Suledin Keep
Suledin Keep is fairly close from the Tower Camp, which is where you ll be
once you get this quest. Travel west over the bridge to the nearby town and
head beyond it to the front of the keep.
Here you will find Michel battling the demons (don t worry about his health).
Help him kill the enemies out here and talk to him. He ll give you a new quest
called "Call Me Imshael" (Moby Dick reference!) and head off to protect
Bust down the door and enter the keep. Slay the guards you find and move
away from the objective, up to some giant (literally) cages. Kill the guards
here. Once they are dead you can read a note nearby. Note that they only lost
ONE giant... yeah.
Search around for some rare foliage called "Felandaris". You can get some by
the giant cage and another by going through the broken wall nearby and looking
around the open area there. Up ahead is (as you can likely see), a giant... an
"Infected Giant". Yikes... he has a good guard of Red Templar too. This is a
good time to use any special skills you may have saved up as well as area of
effect magicks. Heck, even both. Try and take out the templar escort so you can

focus on the giant, then take him down. He isn t much different than a normal
giant when it comes to his attacks, so treat him as you would any other giant.
Continue to the left and stick to the right hand side of this area. You ll
discover a small corner with some knocked-down trees and your search beeper
will begin beeping. It leads to a wall. Funny right? Well, this is actually
where you need to use the nearby tree leaning against the wall to climb up
to it. This is a bit tricky actually, but once you get on the tree go slow
and stead and get up to the broken wall for a [BOTTLE OF THEDAS]. Heh.
Nearby are some red tents. Be sure to check inside them for the [SULEDIN
KEEP DOCUMENTS]. Head past the arch and get ready for another fight with a
group of Red Templars and a giant. You ll only fight templars for a short
while but the giant will soon jump in. Lay out the templars quickly so you
can focus on him. We are near the keep itself now: nearby you can enter the
lower part of the keep where they keep provisions. Here look around for books
including updates to the keep documents and [THE FIRST BLIGHT: CHAPTER FOUR].
There are also [CHEST x2] down here: one that is easy to get by the stairs and
one up on the higher shelves. You can reach it with some tricky jumping by using
the railing by the first chest. Don t fall!
Head up the stairs further into the keep to find some Templar Horrors in the
courtyard. Take them out. The narrow space here may seem ideal to holding, but
they pose a big ranged threat, so rush them and thin their numbers. Loot the
[CHEST] in the corner nearby and press on.
Several doors later you ll find a Red Templar Behemoth with some horrors and
templars. This IS a good spot to use the narrow paths and stairways to corral
and protect weaker team-mates, especially as the behemoth starts up the stairs
when you find him. Separate and challenge him with your tank while everyone else
slaughters the other enemies, then focus on the behemoth. Easy. Continue to the
right now and you ll run into Imshael.
Here Imshael will tempt you into making a deal rather than continuing all of
this tasteless violence. You wouldn t make a deal with a demon... would you...?

BOSS: Imshael
Level 19
Health: 87021
Defense: 59
Vulnerability: Varies
Immunity: Varies

Imshael is a rather shifty, SPIRIT who having failed to bribe you
will now attempt to destroy you. Good luck with that, Imshael!
Still, Imshael can put a hurt on you. At the start of the fight there are two
Red Templar Horrors to your left and right which we recommend you take out
as soon as possible. Let your tank challenge Imshael and hold him while you
take them out (we don t need them bombarding us while we fight).

Imshael himself will spawn Fearlings to pester us and has a tendency to warp
around attacking people. Aside from the burst damage (which is easily covered
with a barrier) this form isn t much of a threat. Note that he has no resistance
or vulnerability here, so go wild.
After chipping away about a third of his life (or less), he will switch forms
to a gigantic Rage Demon. This form inherits the vulnerabilities and strengths
of a normal Rage Demon, so if you can freeze and shatter him for major damage.
Watch out for his fire attacks here and stat spread out. He will use a barrier
move in this form as well that dispel won t work on, so attack through it.
After you ve gone through roughly another third of his life he ll move onto
his last form: a Pride Demon. Again, this form inherits all of the Pride
Demon s traits, so cut out any lightning attacks. He has all of the Pride Demon
moves here including the whip and lightning orbs. However, he can also give
himself a full bar of guard, so you ll have to eat through that before you can
finally get to his last remaining bit of health and put him down. Not a big
challenge with a good tank as you can keep him occupied the whole time, but
the guard guarantees he lives for a little while at least!
Once he is dead your "Call me Imshael" quest will be updated to talk to Michel
and report back to him. Also be sure to loot him for [PURE SPIRIT ESSENCE x3],
an [AMULET OF POWER] for Cole, and the unique shield [MARCH OF THE EVERLASTING].
Very nice.
Back to the quest!
Continue on up the stairs after your battle to meet a dying Red Templar. You
can learn a bit about Imshael here, if you wish. After that, plant the flag
to claim Suledin Keep for the Inquisition and finish this quest.
NOTE: Be sure to talk to the Baron here afterward (kind-of like the captain
in charge of the keep) for the "They Shall Not Pass" quest. You ll also
get the "Rifts in the Springs" quest automatically. Nearby the Baron is
a book with the [TRADING WITH KAL-SHAROK] codex as well.
Rocky Rescue

Quest Giver: None

Requirement: Complete "Take Back the Lion".
Reward: 1324 Experience, 600 Influence
From the Tower Camp, head south to find the quarry. You will soon see that
the Red Templars are on guard here. Just seeing this gives you the "Red Captors"
quest down below, which we ll be doing with this quest since we are of course
going to be liberating villagers while killing their captors.
Kill the guards at the front of the quarry and then head in. The first villagers
are in a cart just ahead here. You ll have to use a rogue to pick the lock here
to free Villagers 1/7 (we are numbering these).
Note that to the right is a white tower. Pay it a visit and look around with
your search bar as the corner here has a [BOTTLE OF THEDAS]. There s a note

nearby and a [CHEST] at the top.

Head back out and from here take the right path leading up. We re going to take
a small detour. Follow the cliff wall as it leads down to a cave opening, then
follow the cave to the end to find a Veil Fire Brazier. Light this and take the
fire back through the cave keeping an eye on the left hand wall and you ll find
the [SUPERB FROST RUNE] on the way. Sweet.
Head back to the entrance and then keep going downhill to find the first (our
first) Red Templar Lieutenant. Kill him and his cronies for Lieutenant 1/5 (we
will number these too, for the "Red Captors" quest). Be sure to hit up the
[CHEST] nearby and then continue down the path to reach another open area with
another lieutenant. Kill him off. Watch for the archer up above. Once Lieutenant
2/5 is done, free Villagers 2/7 from the nearby cage. There is also a [CHEST]
nearby. From here, climb the ladder to the right and enter the hut. Your search
beeper will be active! Use it when you are close to the table to find some notes
to read. This actually gives us the quest "Quarry Quandary". We ll handle that
later though. Grab the [CHEST] here. Don t worry about climbing further up as
there is nothing there.
Head down and continue on. At the path split head left to find Villagers 3/7
as well as a dying woman. Talk to here to get the "Words Not Hollow" quest
before she passes, the loot the [CHEST]. From the cage, head right, but down
the path (not up). This leads to another quarry work area, but you are above
the guards and Lieutenant 3/5 this time. You can lay traps for them as they
climb up to you if you wish, or use this height to your advantage. Kill them
off and free the Villagers 4/7 here.
Now, nearby is another secret note. Or at least a note with secrets! Head
east up the hill and once you get past the wooden door, turn around and use
the rock to jump onto the roof. Follow it back the way you came to reach a
set of boxes with a note on them. This gives you the "Caged Confession" quest,
which again we ll handle once we re done with the quarry (so many quests!).
Head back east and follow the path to another group of templars. Kill them
all for Lieutenant 4/5 and then you can free Villagers 5/7. Getting close to
being done here! East there is a boarded walkway to the last lieutenant, but
head north a bit and aim for the landmark nearby, up on the rocks overlooking
the quarry, to get the "Sahrnia Quarry" landmark (may as well while we are
here). You can also fight some templar trash to the north if you wish. They
are guarding a [CHEST] up there.
Head back to the last cage and east to the wooden walkway. Drop down here and
fight the templars and kill the last Lieutenant 5/5. That will complete the
"Red Captors" quest. You can free Villagers 6/7 here too. Also, climb the
ladder you came from and your search beeper will go active. Look up the ramp
here to find a hidden note for the [LETTER ABOUT LYRIUM] codex entry.
Head north now through the ravine to some more enemies. Take them out and
then free the Villagers 7/7. This officially completes this quest, but before
you head off climb the eastern ladder and your search ping will go off. There
is a note nearby, but we re not done. Go up the ladder and follow the ramp to
the end to find the [LETTER OF CONFIRMATION] codex at the very end.
Red Captors

Quest Giver: None

Requirement: Start "Rocky Rescue"
Reward: 600 Influence, +2 Power

This quest
In it, you
are in the
that quest

is done in conjunction with the quest "Rocky Rescue", up above.

have to kill off five Red Templar Lieutenants. We cover where they
Rocky Rescue quest though, to streamline things for you, so follow
and you ll finish this one as well.

Sifting Through Rubble

Quest Giver: Note

Requirement: None
Reward: Superb Lifeward Amulet, 150 Influence
After you take the Tower Camp, head west to the town. Here, look inside the
nearby yellow house on the left to find a note. Read it to get this quest.
Seems like we re going to go treasure hunting.
This is going to have to wait a bit though... or at least until we repair
the bridge with the Judicael s Crossing operation. Once you have repaired the
bridge, cross it and at the end, explore the left side. Your search beeper will
be active here. Use it near the rubble to find the Superb Lifeward Amulet and
complete the quest.
Turning the Tables

Quest Giver: Note

Requirement: None
Reward: Experience, 150 Influence
Once you take over the Tower Camp, you can get to this quest. From the camp
head west over the bridge and into the nearby town. Just after the bridge,
take a right and go to the boulders. Jump over them and search for a note by
a tree, overlooking the gorge. You will get this quest after reading what the
poor huntress is enduring...
The second location we need to visit is near the quarry. Best held off until
you decide to do Rocky Rescue. Once you do, be sure to stop by and do this
quest as well. Right past the entrance head right, like you are going to the
nearby white tower, then head south. Look for the huntress camp among the
trees out here to find a second note. Reading this ends the quest and lets
you know what happened.
Call Me Imshael

Quest Giver: Michel

Requirement: Talk to Michel about Imshael at the Sahrnia Camp.
Reward: Agent: Michel, 150 Influence, +3 Power
This quest is important to get for the Agent waiting at the end of it, but
most of it is done during the quest "Capturing Suledin Keep". So, to best
serve you, make sure you get this quest by talking to Michel when you do that
quest and carry on with that quest until Imshael is taken care of.

Once he is gone, head back to Michel and report his passing. In doing so you
will gain an agent and a small little cutscene, as well as some minor power
and influence. Whee!
They Shall Not Pass

Quest Giver: Baron Desiardins

Requirement: Take over Suledin Keep.
Reward: Access to new area.
Talk to the Baron after taking over the keep and explore all of his dialog
options to get this quest. A nearby bridge called Judicael s Crossing has
been destroyed, restricting our access to the area. Lovely.
This bridge is just to the east of the Tower Camp. Go inspect it to get an
operation in the War Table room to repair it. It will cost 10 power to do,
but takes no time and can be done ASAP. Once it is done this quest is over.
Quarry Quandary

Quest Giver: Note

Requirement: None
Reward: 150 Influence.
This quest is gotten by finding a certain note in the quest "Rocky Rescue".
It... makes a certain someone look bad. Once you find the note, hold off on
the quest until you are done at the quarry.
Once you are done there head back to Sahrnia and talk to Mistress Poulin.
Here you can choose the dialog you wish. Whatever sounds right to you. Your
current companions may or may not agree (Blackwall and Cole at the very least
will slightly approve the "how dare you!" / "nothing makes that right!" reply).
Once you are done talking to her, this quest will be complete.
Words Not Hollow

Quest Giver: Infected Woman

Requirement: None
Reward: 331 Experience, 150 Influence
This quest is also gotten when doing the quest "Rocky Rescue".
Once you are done with everything in the quarry, head back to Sahrnia and
head outside the town into the wilderness. Just to the west, on the edge of
the frozen lake, is a dead tree. Go place the woman s letter here to keep
your promise and complete this quest.
Caged Confession

Quest Giver: Note

Requirement: None

Reward: None
This quest is found when doing the quest "Rocky Rescue"... just like the two
quests up above were...
Once you are done playing around at the quarry, head bach to Sahrnia. Here
you will find Louis and Linette, both chilling at a campfire, glad to be
freed. You have a choice here: give Louis back his confession or tell Linette
what really became of her brother.
Either way the quest will be complete, so what you do in the end is really
up to you. Which is more important to you? Your current companions may either
disagree or agree with you (Blackwall at the very least slightly disapproves if
you tell Linette but slightly approves if you give the letter back to Louis).
Choose what you feel like to complete this quest.


Quest Giver: None

Requirement: None
Reward: See Loot table below.
NOTE: This is not a named quest in the game.
This is a High Dragon of Emprise du Lion. It is found easily after repairing
the bridge near Towers Camp. In fact, it is on top of the coliseum-looking
building and you can climb your way up to it. Much like the Greater Mistral,
the Hivernal is an ice dragon.
As always, your party should be around the dragons level before you attempt
this (the higher the better of course - class specializations are helpful). Any
ice resistance items you have should be worn, and everyone should be stocked to
the brim with potions before you take her on.
Are you ready? We are! Let s go slay us another dragon!

BOSS: Hivernal
Level 19
Health: 207873
Defense: 59
Vulnerability: Fire
Immunity: All Disabling Effects
Immunity: Slowed
Greater Cold Resistance

The Hivernal is an ice-based dragon, and as such she will have many of the same

"breath attacks" that we ve seen other dragons do, just in ice form. She is also
vulnerable to fire, which helps a ton if you have a mage with fire skills and
a fire staff (equip before you go it!). Warriors with Earthshaking Strike will
also appreciate this (which is BK!). This dragon is very similar to the Greater
Mistral Dragon that you may have already fought (or if not, you will find it
will be similar).
Hivernal has many dragon attacks (other than the breath) that you have likely
seen. These include swiping any one of its four claws at us (and anyone who
happens to be nearby), swinging its tail in a large arc, and flapping its wings
to bring us in closer and damage us with the wind (mostly annoying for ranged
and/or mage characters as warriors can stay in the middle with the dragon and
be safe).
The previous two paragraphs up above are rather bland "dragon" descriptions
and to be perfectly honest that is because Hivernal is quite bland. Most
dragons have guard and/or special tricks to their arena... not Hivernal. She
will use her breath and claw/tail attacks on you like any other dragon but
that is it. She is fairly unremarkable! Like other dragons She will often leap
around the arena when She takes a spike of damage, which will make you chase her
and waste good area of effect abilities. She will also fly off when at certain
points in the battle and shoot ice balls at you before landing to continue the
fight. Again, very normal things for a dragon...
Like we ve said before: Keep your fighters spread out, use potions smartly and
use fire attacks when you can. Use your most powerful skills and focus attacks.
Despite her increased level, Hivernal should pose less of a problem than any
dragon you ve fought with up to now (Provided you are dragon-experienced and of
a comparable level! This is even proven given the reduced XP amount below!).
As a side note, we were disappointed that the small like here didn t freeze
over whenever Hivernal breathed on it. That seemed like a wasted opportunity
to make the fight and area that much cooler...
Loot: 1,324 Experience, 3600 Influence, +5 Power, Superior Grenades Belt,
Amulet of Power (Iron Bull Only), Staff of the Void, Emerald x2,
Masterwork Battlemaster Armor, Pure Dragon Blood x7, Dragon s Tooth
x2, Dragon Webbing x18, Dragon Scales x14, Dragon Bone x14


Quest Giver: None

Requirement: None
Reward: See Loot table below.
NOTE: This is not a named quest in the game.
This is a High Dragon of Emprise du Lion. Yes there is more than one.
Exciting, I know! After Hivernal, head north and you can find this dragon
on top of the second coliseum-looking building.
As always, your party should be around the dragons level before you attempt
this (the higher the better of course - class specializations are helpful). Any
ice resistance items you have should be worn, and everyone should be stocked to
the brim with potions before you take her on. The usual!

Here we go!

BOSS: Kaltenzahn
Level 21
Health: 245457
Defense: 65
Vulnerability: Fire
Immunity: All Disabling Effects
Immunity: Slowed
Greater Cold Resistance

Whereas Hivernal was, well... a disappointment, Kaltenzahn does her best to

make up for it (she is an ice dragon too, after all... someone has to make up
over Hivernal!). Kaltenzahn not only looks way cooler, but is also quite a bit
tougher. To start off with, she has all of the basic dragon attacks: she will
swipe at you with his legs and tail, hitting anyone that happens to be nearby.
She also has the wind attack that sucks ranged characters in (warriors still
love this attack). And of course there is the breath attack. Kaltenzahn will
of course use ice breath and spit ice balls, but her ice breath attack is
longer and more impressive than Hivernals...
What really sets Kaltenzahn apart are her extra moves. Like other dragons we
have run across, Kaltenzahn will use guard to give herself a huge chunk of
extra life to wear down, and of course she ll do it multiple times throughout
the fight. The other thing that caught us off guard (that we ve seen before,
but not often) was that Kaltenzahn will actually screech during the fight and
summon several Dragonlings to come assist her.
The screech will stun the party for a few seconds... just long enough for the
dragonlings to appear. Assuming you are playing a non-tank character, you
should immediately focus on the dragonlings and kill them as soon as you can,
only going back to Kaltenzahn once they are dead. The last thing we need is a
Dragonling killing someone when we aren t aware!
Other than that this fight is pretty standard. Kaltenzahn doesn t do a lot of
leaping around, preferring to do the twist-motion that we ve seen some other
dragons do before (which is still rather odd... but works to get her out of
area of effect spells and abilities easily enough). She will also leave and fly
around the area at certain points during the fight, but that is farily normal.
The biggest thing to watch out for is her dragonlings. As long as you can keep
yoru fighters spread out and take the dragonlings down fast, you will triumph
over Kaltenzahn eventually.
Once again we were disappointed that the small like here didn t freeze over
whenever ice attacks hit it. We ll give Kaltenzahn props for using the archway
nearby to land on once during the fight though. Very classy!
Loot: Experience, 3600 Influence, +5 Power, Caliban, Superior Potions Belt,
Amulet of Power (Varric Only), Pearl x3, Masterwork Prowler Armor,

Pure Dragon Blood x8, Dragon s Tooth x2, Dragon Webbing x17, Dragon
Scales x18, Dragon Bone x14

Highland Ravager

Quest Giver: None

Requirement: None
Reward: See Loot table below.
NOTE: This is not a named quest in the game.
This is the THIRD High Dragon of Emprise du Lion. Don t worry, this is the
last one. Still, dragons are a great thing, right? Right!?
To find this dragon, head to the very northern (northeastern part of the map,
north of the 2nd coliseum, up to the third! You may be tempted to go through
the easy-to-reach archs but it is quite the drop! You are fighting down below,
so do yourself a favor and go counter-clockwise around the structure to find
the ground entrance.
As always, your party should be around the dragons level before you attempt
this (the higher the better of course - class specializations are helpful). Any
fire resistance items you have should be worn, and everyone should be stocked to
the brim with potions before you take him on. The usual!
Third time s the charm!

BOSS: Highland Ravager

Level 23
Highland Ravager
Health: 286187
Defense: 72
Vulnerability: Cold
Immunity: All Disabling Effects
Immunity: Slowed
Greater Fire Resistance

If you barely lived through Kaltenzahn, Highland Ravager will destroy you.
Just a friendly heads-up. If you got through Kaltenzahn fairly easily, this
should be a good challenge.
The Ravager switches things up by being a proper fire-breathing dragon. Weird!
Ravager has (surprise!) every move you d expect out of a dragon. EVERY move.
The basics are of course all in place: swiping with all four paws with long,
sweeping strokes. Well-telegraphed ahead of time. Tail lashing. Wing flapping.
You know the basics by now of course. Ravager also doesn t care about either
twisting or jumping around. She ll do both to get out of trouble if she has to.
One thing Ravager won t do that you may be used to is leaving. Usually dragons
tend to fly away during a part of the fight but not Ravager. It may be because

she really has nowhere to go!

The Ravager will also use guard during the fight. Of course she does! This is
rough to eat through, but do-able. She ll do it multiple times of course. The
Ravager also has a special (NEW!) move: multiple circles of fire (let s just
call these fire rings!). Throughout the fight, you ll see the Ravager rear its
head up and three good-sized circles appear on the ground. After a few seconds
those circles will become engulfed in flames! They actually don t hurt very
much, but will burn you and knock you down. Best to move when you see it coming
of course. Later on in the fight, once its health gets low, three circles will
turn into four circles, so be ready!
One last trick the Ravager has up its sleeve, as if everything above wasn t
enough, is to call its minions to the battle, much like Kaltenzahn. These
minions will always show up from the entrance, and if not met will do ranged
attacks for a little while before engaging. Since you know where they are
going to show up every time, it is wise to go meet and kill them when you
This fight is undoubtedly the hardest of all three here. Due to the increased
level / HP / defense, it may be wise to bring two mages to this fight. Speaking
from experience, double mages with barrier/revive and ice attacks can make all
the difference here. The barrier and revive overlapping alone can really buff
up your group. This is especially potent if you are playing casually and not
micro-managing every move.
Like always, keep your fighters spread out, use potions wisely and use cold
attacks when you can. Use your most powerful skills and focus attacks. No need
to hold back here! Once you take her down you will get the loot below. Congrats
on slaying the toughest dragon in this map zone!
Loot: Experience, 3600 Influence, +7 Power, Duke s Mane, Keeper Robe Schematic,
Superior Guard Belt, Walking Death, Masterwork Battlemage Armor, Pure
Dragon Blood x10, Dragon s Tooth x2, Dragon Webbing x19, Dragon Scales
x19, Dragon Bone x15

Ruined Blade

Quest Giver: Journal

Requirement: None
Reward: 10152 Experience, 2500 Influence, +3 Power, Sulevin Blade
This quest will guide you through the area called the "Cradle of Sulevin".
You get this quest (and new area) by doing the "Rumors of the Sulevin Blade"
operation at the War Table, which unlocks this area. This this area is all for
this quest, we are adding it to this section.
NOTE: If you need to get the above operation, see our "Taking back the Lion"
quest up above to find the journal you need to access the operation.
The quest we are doing here is called Ruined Blade, and we need to find four
pieces of it. Head forward and examine the statue. Need Veil Fire. Continue
forward to the back of the area (watch out for the holes!). You may need to

kill a poison spider on the way. At the back is some loot, [CHEST x2] to the
left, and Veil Fire! Light it up and light up the nearby statue!
A Revenant will attack here. Kill it off and loot it for [SWORD PIECE 1/4].
Now, head back to the beginning and light up the first similar statue you ran
across. Yep, another Revenant, this time with corpses! Take them all out for
Next up head to the left-side of this area where you ll find some stairs that
lead down to the "Hall of the Dead". Take the Veil Fire with you and light the
brazier down here (this area looks SO cool). Down below are corpses wandering
around, so kill them all and search around for various loot, then head to the
area you lit up to find a third statue. Light it up and take out the Revenant
and corpses for [SWORD PIECE 3/4].
Head back up to the main area now and then up the stairs nearby in the middle.
On the wall is something you can read for the [VIR TAANDHAL: THE WAY OF THREE
TREES] codes entry. There are more entries to be had up here, as well as loot.
Grab them all and go across the way, to the other side. This is the Sunlit
Chamber area. Up above is loot, but down below is much more loot and another
statue. Hold off on the statue for now and explore the edges of this lower area
with your Veil Fire to find a TON of rooms with loot and chests. Seriously, a
ton (we aren t even going to list the chests here). There is one room that does
require a rogue to unlock, and it is the most important room. This is because
it has the [SUPERB SPIRIT RUNE] inside of it as well as a [MOSIAC PIECE] from
the "Freed Are Slaves" set. Be sure to visit THAT room at the very least.
Once you area ready, go hit the statue with the fire and take down the fourth
Revenant. Easy as pie. He drops [SWORD PIECE 4/4]. So... what do we do with all
of these pieces? Take them to someone who can use them of course! From here you
will get a 500 Influence reward, but we need to travel back to Skyhold and go
see Dagna. Talk with here to officially finish the quest and collect your
rewards, including the awesome Sulevin Blade.
Securing Safe Passage

Quest Giver: Baron Edouard Desiardins (Sulemin Keep Leader)

Requirement: Take over Sulemin Keep, Rebuild Judicael s Crossing
Reward: 5076 Experience, 600 Influence, +2 Power (PER TOWER)
You can get this quest after you take over the keep and repair Judicael s
Crossing, as noted above. The Baron essentially wants to make it safe to
cross through the eastern part of Emprise Du Lion.
Now... we highly believe that this quest is tied to slaying the three dragons
that are located out there. HIGLY believe it. The reason we say that is due
to the fact that we actually killed the dragons over there before finding and
starting this quest. Yipes!
However, to do this quest you must first "Secure" each tower, which as we
believe means "Kill the dragon living near each tower" (when we started this
quest with all dragon s dead, every tower was already "secure"). So, if that
is the case for you, go kill each of the dragons over there. The rewards are
far heavier than this quest (as is the challenge), but if you need help, be
sure to look up the dragon fights up above as needed.
Once the dragon s are dead (easier typed than done), all that is left is to
"Claim" each tower. This is nothing more than walking over to the ruined tower

and marking it, as you would a landmark. Do this to each tower, collecting the
rewards along the way, and once all three are done the game will pause and
reload the area, changing the towers from crumbled ruins to in-working-order.
Complete with our logo s and troops. Very neat.
. .
< () >
.. __________________________________________________________________________


Space... Vast amounts of space is probably the best description for The Hissing
Wastes. Still... there is treasure to be found for the dedicate. Once the site
of a very unique Dwarven Thaig, the Venatori forces are combing this space for
artifacts that can help The Old One s cause. We must make sure these items fall
to the inquisition, but finding anything of worth in these sands will be quite
the challenge.


Companions: None
Agents: None

Crafting Materials

- Serpentstone
- Vandal Aria
- Elfroot


Venatori Marksman
Venatori Zealot
Venatori Stalker
Red Templar Behemoth
Burning Tomb Guardian

- Deathroot
- Lazurite
- Amrita Vein
- Volcanic Aurum
- Ghoul s Beard

Venatori Gladiator
Venatori Spellbinder
Red Templar Guard
Poison Spider
Ancient Tomb Guardian

- Nevarrite

Venatori Mage
Venatori Brute
Red Templar Shadow
Giant Spider

Codex Entries

[ ] History #2 - A Journal on Dwarven Ruins

- Found during the quest "Notes on the Wastes". Found and updated
multiple times.
[ ] History #12 - Dwarven Inscriptions: Hissing Wastes
- Found multiple times during the "The Tomb of Fairel" quest.

[ ] History #38 - The Colossus of Orlais

- Found by locating "The Colossus of Orlais" landmark north of The
Statue Camp.
[ ] Letters #13 - A Sand-Covered Note
- Found near the Sand Crags Camp.
[ ] Letters #16 - A Worn Diary
- Found near a dead body northeast of the Sand Crags Camp. The body is
laying near a log. Poor guy.
[ ] Letters #27 - Demons of the Stone
- Found near the Sand Crags Camp, on a table.
[ ] Letters #28 - Draft of Letter to Venatori Magisters
- Found inside the main Venatori Camp located to the east of the Sunstop
Mountains Camp. Part of the "Sand and Ruins" quest.
[ ] Letters #32 - Folded Letter
- Found near the Sand Crags Camp. Part of the "Sand and Ruins" quest.
[ ] Letters #51 - Note From the Silent Quarter
- Found in a Venatori Camp, to the east of The Mountain Fortress Camp.
Under one of the tents, near a corpse.
[ ] Maps #5 - Map of Tomb of Fairel
- Found during the quest "The Tomb of Fairel".
[ ] Maps #11 - Sketch of Burial Grounds Tomb
- Found during the quest "Sand and Ruin".
[ ] Maps #13 - Sketch of Canyon Tomb.
- Found during the quest "Sand and Ruin".
[ ] Maps #15 - Sketch of Colossus Tomb.
- Found during the quest "Sand and Ruin".
[ ] Maps #17 - Sketch of Four Pillar Tomb.
- Given to you by Scout Harding when you enter this area.
[ ] Maps #18 - Sketch of Sunstop Mountain Tomb.
- Found near the Sand Crags Camp, on a table.

Bottles of Thedas

1. "Bottles of Thedas" (Silent Plains Piquette)

- Found inside the main Venatori Camp located to the east of the Sunstop
Mountains Camp.
2. "Bottles of Thedas" (Flames of Our Lady)
- Located amongst the scaffolding to the west of the Sunstop Mountain
Camp, on a table.
3. "Bottles of Thedas" (Aqua Magus)
- Found during the quest "The Tomb of Fairel", in the Graveyard section
of the map, by a campfire.
High Dragons

1. Sandy Howler

1. Lonely Light (North of the Cove Camp, by an Ocularum).

2. The Four Pillars (Near the Sand Crags Camp).
3. The Oasis (Northeast of The Canyon Camp. Also found during the quest
"Let s Slay the Beast").


A Blocked Doorway (just east of the Mountain Fortress Camp).

Stone Over Sky (south of the Sunstop Mountain Camp).
Canyon Overlook (approach by going west from the Sand Crags Camp).
The Colossus of Orlais (North of The Statue Camp).
The Empty Square (Located in "The Graveyard, south of the Logging Camp).


1. 1 Piece of the "The Sacrifice" set.

- Found during the quest "Let s Slay the Beast".
2. 1 Piece of the "The Sacrifice" set.
- Found near the Oculara that is located southwest of the Sunstop
Mountain Camp.
3. 1 Piece of the "The Sacrifice" set.
- Found inside the ruins near the Sand Crags Camp.
4. 1 Piece of the "The Sacrifice" set.
- Found inside the main Venatori Camp located to the east of the Sunstop
Mountains Camp.
5. 1 Piece of the "The Sacrifice" set.
- Found during "The Tomb of Fairel" quest. One of Seven pieces in that
6. 1 Piece of the "The Sacrifice" set.
- Found during "The Tomb of Fairel" quest. Two of Seven pieces in that
7. 1 Piece of the "The Sacrifice" set.
- Found during "The Tomb of Fairel" quest. Three of Seven pieces in that
8. 1 Piece of the "The Sacrifice" set.
- Found during "The Tomb of Fairel" quest. Four of Seven pieces in that
9. 1 Piece of the "The Sacrifice" set.
- Found during "The Tomb of Fairel" quest. Five of Seven pieces in that
10. 1 Piece of the "The Sacrifice" set.
- Found during "The Tomb of Fairel" quest. Six of Seven pieces in that
11. 1 Piece of the "The Sacrifice" set.
- Found during "The Tomb of Fairel" quest. Seven of Seven pieces in that

1. Superb Fire Rune

- Found while doing the quest "The Tomb of Fairel". You can find it in
the ruins to the east of the Mountain Fortress Camp, in the large room
before going down the second ladder.
Oculara and Shards

Northwest of the Cove Camp.

1. To the left, on the lower ridge. South of the small rock bridge.
2. To the right, on the cliffs nearby, on the left side of them.
Near the Lonely Light landmark (north of the Cove Camp).
1. Right near your starting position, just to the right (seriously, this is
the closest we ve seen to the starting position ever!).

2. To the southeast of the first shard, in the valley.

East of the Mountain Fortress Camp
1. To the lower left, just northwest of your camp past the rubble).
2. To the right, up on one of the cliffs (up high on the middle cliff).
3. North (and slightly east) of number 2, on the cliff-face in the distance.
Southwest of the Sunstop Mountain Camp.
1. Just south of the starting position, on the sand dune.
Logging Stands

1. Just north of the Logging Camp (Go figure!).

2. North of the Sand Crags Camp (by a Venatori Camp).

1. East of the Logging Camp, under the rocky tables. Look for the stones!
2. South of the Logging Camp. Near a group of trees and by a large boulder


Artifact Requisition in the Wastes

Quest Giver: Requisition Officer

Requirement: Be in The Hissing Wastes
Reward: Influence, +1 Power
This one is a bit different, and when it comes to requisitions, different is
good! We need to find Dwarven items in the wastes. This includes one of the
following: Dwarven Toy Soldier, Dwarven Dragon Statuette, Dwarven Vace, and a
Dwarven Plate.
These actually aren t too hard to find (we found them before establishing our
third camp in the area, for example). Enemies have a chance and dropping each
of these, as well as getting them from loot in the area. Just visit a few
Venatori camps and you ll have them soon enough.
Lazurite Survey in the Wastes

Quest Giver: Requisition Officer

Requirement: Be in The Hissing Wastes
Reward: Influence, +1 Power
Lazurite is VERY easy to find, and you only need 10 of them. The stuff is
everywhere. Volcanic Aurum can be found in the canyons, by The Canyon Camp (or
south of it, anyways... its fairly easy to find in that area). Once you have
the required amount, turn it in to complete the quest.

Shelter Requisition in the Wastes

Quest Giver: Requisition Officer

Requirement: Be in The Hissing Wastes
Reward: Influence, +1 Power
This quest is mainly accomplished by killing the local wildlife! Ram leather,
Fennec Fur and Gurn Hides all come from the local game, so kill away! Ghoul s
Beard you may likely have already, but if not you can often find some growing
on the dead trees in this zone. It can be pretty rare to spot down south,
although there is some to the east of the logging camp (and you only need one).
After killing enough local wildlife and finding one Ghoul s Beard, turn this
in to complete the quest.
Nevarrite Survey in the Wastes

Quest Giver: Requisition Officer

Requirement: Be in The Hissing Wastes
Reward: Influence, +1 Power
Nevarrite is pretty easy to find here in the rocky / mountainous areas of this
map, never mind the fact that you may already have some of it. Both of these
things are good as you need 20 to complete this quest (and by the way, it is
very surprising to see FOUR requisition quests in one area!). Volcanic Aurum
can be found in the canyons, by The Canyon Camp (or south of it, anyways...
its fairly easy to find in that area). Once you have the required amount, turn
it in to complete the quest.


The Tomb of Fairel

Quest Giver: Scout Harding

Requirement: Travel to The Hissing Wastes
Reward: 200 Influence, +3 Power, MANY unique items.
This is one of the quests you get by coming to the area. In fact, this is THE
quest of the area: it is not only long, but very rewarding and will take us
everywhere on this map. Harding will mention that there are Venatori in the
area looking for something... which means we have to beat them to it. She also
found a map and gives us this particular quest, titled [SKETCH OF FOUR PILLAR
Now, this quest DOES NOT hold our hand at all... but that s OK, because you
have BK and Noz3r0 here to help you! This quest is all about tomb raiding! We
are going to locate and solve several puzzles that allow us into tombs, and
by doing this we will eventually get into the "Tomb of Fairel", which is what
our ultimate goal is.

The sketch we got... the sketch of four pillars... doesn t really help us out
at all. That being said, BEFORE YOU WORRY ABOUT THIS QUEST, you should instead
focus on the rifts and camps of this area. This quest is best reference while
exploring. Alternatively, you can follow this quest and take time-outs to do
other things in the areas we lead you to. Up to you.
Like Scout Harding mentions, our first step for this quest should be to head
to the Sand Crags Camp. This is to the north (although we recommend going to
the Logging Camp to the northwest first). Once you get to Sand Crags Camp and
kill the Venatori here, examine the tables nearby. You will find some notes
that will give you the [DEMONS OF THE STONE] codex / warning (this is a serious
warning, just so you know!) and the [SKETCH OF SUNTOP MOUNTAIN TOMB]. That
sketch is again not going to help us anytime soon...
Head down into the tomb here now and we ll have our first puzzle room. These
are pretty simple: four glyphs to read with four lanterns nearby. We must light
the lanterns in the right order to make the four story glyphs make sense as one
story. Pretty simple, right?
Go ahead and light the lanterns here in this order:
1. This is the tale of Fairel, Paragon among Paragons, father of two sons,
2. Who, against their father s wishes, fought from foolish words and foolish
3. For pride these halls were made - to honor a father s deeds, and grieve
his loss.
4. And for loss these halls were made, to honor a brother mourned.
NOTE: Completing the puzzle unlocks the [DWARVEN INSCRIPTIONS: HISSING WASTES]
codex entries. As we go through this quest, we will update this codex
quite a bit. Just be aware.
NOTE: Doing any of these glyphs (or any upcoming glyphs) in the wrong order
will spawn "Tomb Guardians". "Burning Tomb Guardian" and "Ancient Tomb
Guardian" (Basically Rage Demons and Shades). This goes for upcoming
puzzles as well.
The nearby vault door will open up now, leading to a room with a [MOSAIC PIECE]
(The Sacrifice Set... we ll see a lot of these throughout this quest) and a
[CHEST]. This particular chest gives us a torn paper that turns into the [MAP
See that key? Yep, we have to find four more of them. The Tomb of Fairel itself
is to the far east of the Sand Crags Camp, just so you know. We will head there
once we have all five keys.
Next up let us explore the the "Graveyard". This isn t marked on the map for
us at all (BK actually explored this last, but the order doesn t matter), but
it is pretty closeby! The Graveyard area is just south of the Logging Camp.
There are some giant Dwarven Statues and a set of stairs leading up to it

proper, although you can find it by climbing up the hills and mountains as
well. We ll also note that the "Sketch of Burial Grounds Tomb" codex (the
"map" for this tomb") is in the Venatori Camp just to the southwest of The
Canyon Camp.
Here, you will find sets of pillars scattered around. The story glyphs here
are spread out as well. There is a central campfire here though, which you
should search around to find a [BOTTLE OF THEDAS]. There is also a landmark
nearby called "The Empty Square".
Now, for the puzzle! Find the veil fire from the tomb to the west, then...
1. Fariel s sons built monuments to their father, locking away his great
2. And worked together, for a time, side by side. Each ruled half the thaig,
3. But each ruled differently. They argued, and heated words made the
brothers duel,
4. And where one brother fell, the other raised bloodied axe in hand, alone.
The nearby vault will open. Enter to find another [MOSAIC PIECE] and a [CHEST].
This particular chest has the [DWARVEN BANNER CROWN], [KEY FRAGMENT 2/5], and
The next closest tomb is in the canyon. Yep, IN the canyon, near the absentee
merchant shop. Head over there and kill the massive amount of spiders at the
entrance. In the back you ll find our third puzzle:
1. After many years Fairel, greatest of Paragons, could not bear life s
2. And with the burden growing, he called his sons to his bedside.
3. He bade each son swear he would take care of his brother,
4. And the brothers swore, and mourned when their father returned to the stone.
Once you put that together the vault will open up. We ll get another [MOSAIC
PIECE] of course, as well as another [CHEST]. This chest will give us a
PENETRATION]. Good stuff.
Next up is the Mountain Fortress tomb. This requires some exploration to the
north, so we recommend you have at least the southern rifts defeated and are
ready to head north. It is the camp north of the Sand Crags Camp and is of
course named the Mountain Fortress Camp.
There is an entrance to a ruin nearby, but it has collapsed in. Read the
note to see excavation has begun from above, meaning we need to head UP the
mountain to the top. Follow the path and head up there, kill the Venatori you
find and you ll see a ladder heading down into the ruins like we were told.

Head down and take the veil fire with you. You will find a journal down here
for the "Notes on the Waste" quest that you may as well grab (although we cover
that quest down below in its own area). In the next large room though, BEFORE
you go down another ladder, search the walls to find the hidden [SUPERB FIRE
RUNE]. Head down the ladder now.
In this lower area, loot what you can and check the corners for a [MOSAIC
PIECE] from the Sacrifice set. There is also an elven relic down here you
should activate. Head through the door you find to come to the puzzle room:
1. The sun burned above oceans of sand,
2. But in the sand was stone, strong and true.
3. Fairel hewed the stone, and built - as great as any thaig in the deep.
4. And with his sons

help, he ensured the thaig prospered and grew.

Once the vault opens up, grab the [MOSAIC PIECE] and then open the [CHEST].
This one has [KEY FRAGMENT 4/5] and the unique [SUPERB BELT OF MELEE DEFENSE].
Good for your tank, if you want. Only one key left to find!
From here you should explore to the north (the Sunstop Mountains Camp) and
finish the "Sand and Ruin" quest. You should also wipe up the rifts and get
every camp in this area at this point, as well as the "Let s Slay the Beast"
quest. This is a good time to do all of that.
Once you are ready for the last tomb, head to The Statue Camp and head
north. North to the giant colossus, which has the tomb at the bottom of it.
Kill all of the spiders you find, pick up the veil fire and head inward to
the final puzzle room:
1. Fairel, Paragon, fled from the strife his brilliance created,
2. The strife that destroyed thaigs, sundered houses, from weapons that
clan used against clan.
3. His own clan and his two sons followed Fairel to the pitiless surface,
4. The surface where they would hide from the war that took their home.
This opens up the last vault. Claim the [MOSAIC PIECE] and open the [CHEST].
This one has [KEY FRAGMENT 5/5] and the unique [SUPERB RING OF BLEEDING].
Now, to locate the actual Tomb of Fairel. From the Sand Crags Camp, head
east. It is quite a ways away, but you ll know you are close once you pass
through a tunnel guarded by dwarven statues (or, well, a passage... not really
a tunnel). You ll get the pop-up notification for the "Tomb of Fairel" area
as well.
Once you get that, your party will note the obvious guttural sounds nearby...
yes, there is a Dragon here. Fitting, right? All that work has to be guarded
by SOMETHING! Before you worry about that though, nearby there is a crumbing
dwarven structure. The pillars nearby. Head over to them and ping your search

ability to see something respond. This is one of the journal pages for the
"Notes on the Waste" quest. May as well grab it now.
Now... to reach the tomb we are going to have to go through the dragon. You
want to kill her anyways, right? Good... let s do this!

BOSS: Sandy Howler

Level 20
Sandy Howler
Health: 226254
Defense: 62
Vulnerability: Cold
Immunity: All Disabling Effects
Immunity: Slowed
Greater Fire Resistance

So, you want to get to the tomb of Fariel, huh? Well... Sandy Howler may
have something to say about that.
To be honest, Sandy Howler is a fairly average dragon, in comparison to what
we have been fighting up to now. For example, if you have cleared the dragons
at Emprise Du Lion, you shouldn t have any problem here.
Sandy Howler is a fire-breathing dragon, and so she is also vulnerable to cold
attacks, a fact your mage can take advantage of. Sandy Howler features almost
every move we ve ever seen a dragon do. This of course includes swiping at
you with all four claws depending on where you are and doing a tail sweep. It
will also flap its wings to draw you in, which is of course a boon for warrior
characters and an annoyance for anyone else.
Sandy Howler will buff herself up with armor throughout the fight, forcing
you to break through it periodically. One quirk with her though is that she
WILL NOT fly off when she loses health, which is weird since she has a ton of
air space that she leaves unused. Oh well. Once she drops below 50% health,
Sandy Howler will begin to add in a screech-attack. This stuns everyone and
calls in several dragonlings to cause havoc. These can come in from any area
around the fight, so be ready for them and try to take them out as soon as you
Sandy Howler will also use various fire attacks from time to time. This is
mainly through a stream of fire breath that he will spread back and forth,
but she can also shoot out fireballs.
Like always, keep your fighters spread out, use potions wisely and use cold
attacks when you can. Use your most powerful skills and focus attacks,
especially when she is flapping and/or using his fire breath. Remember to use
your focus attacks! Once you take her down you will get the loot below.
Loot: 3,854 Experience, 3000 Influence, +4 Power, Robes of the High Keeper,
Superb Stamina Amulet, Armor of the Knights-Divine, Amulet of Power

(Varric ONLY), Frost Rune, Pure Dragon Blood x8, Dragon s Tooth x4,
Dragon Webbing x14, Dragon Scales x20, Dragon Bone x18
Once the dragon is dead, head east to the tomb door. Open it up with the key
you have assembled. Inside is a [MOSAIC PIECE] and a [CHEST]. Yep, one chest.
This chest has the unique dagger [PROMISE OF THE STORM], the [SUPERB RING OF
Paragon s treasure... which we have now acquired.
With that the quest will be complete, giving you 2000 Influence and +3 Power.
Congrats on uncovering the paragon s secret.
Sand and Ruin

Quest Giver: Scout Harding

Requirement: Travel to The Hissing Wastes
Reward: 1500 Influence, +6 Power, Bloodwake, Amulet of Power
This quest isn t really the "main" quest in the area... it s more of an
attempt by the inquisitor to learn what the heck the Venatori are doing out
in this god-forsaken wasteland... however, you do get a good tour a decent
trek of the area by following this quest and besides all of the Venatori you
will undoubtedly kill you ll also get map pieces and codex entries that WILL
help you with the "main quest" of this area (the main quest being the quest
"The Tomb of Fairel", of course.
The first real step of this quest is to head north to the Sand Crags Camp,
which is the first real camp after The Cove Camp and a great place to pick
up a handful of quests. There are tables nearby here that have items on them,
such as the [FOLDED LETTER] codex. Just reading this gets you 600 Influence
and +2 power as well as spreads the quest out a bit by giving you two more
places to visit.
NOTE: Be sure you check out the ruins nearby for a [MOSAIC PIECE], part of
The Sacrifice set.
Next, let us head to The Canyon Camp, which is to the west. Best to set up
camp and then worry about this quest (you can also do the "Let s Slay the
Beast" quest easily from here).
To the southwest is another ruin. More venatori, but you can slaughter them
easily enough. There are more notes and books in the camps here, including
of which are map codex entries. You get 150 Influence here too. Tack it onto
the reward!
The next objective on this quest is near the camp to the very north. It is
best to do whatever you wish in the southern part of this area before heading
up there, just because it is easy. Once you do head up there you will want to
focus on taking over the camp, which turns into the "Sunstop Mountains Camp".
Near the camp construction marker is a table with some books on it. Inspect
them for the [SKETCH OF COLOSSUS TOMB] map / codex and the "Venatori Orders",
which helps a lot in figuring out what they are up to. You will get a whopping
600 Influence and +2 Power for reading these.
The marker will now be to the east! There is a rift out there as well you may

as well take care of, but further out that way is a BIG venatori camp! You can
battle quite a few of them here! There are a couple of things worth pointing
out at the big camp: look around the main areas for a [MOSAIC PIECE] (another
one of the sacrifice series) on a stool, and also look for a [BOTTLE OF THEDAS]
near the campfire (you have to find this with your search ping). Both are
pretty easy to find once you clear the place out.
In the back of the camp is an Elite "Overseer" mob. Basically the boss of all
these goons. He is a lightning mage, and like all mages you should watch out
for his mines. He has some melee companions, so take them out quickly and then
incapacitate him to limit the damage he can do. Watch your feet and you ll be
OK. As a plus, once you kill him you can find the unique staff [BLOODWAKE] on
his corpse as well as an [AMULET OF POWER], for Dorian ONLY.
Nearby on a table is a note with the [DRAFT OF LETTER TO VENATORI MAGISTERS],
which cements once and for all what they are doing here. And for who! And who
all may be involved. Go figure. With that said, the main quest "The Tomb of
Fairel" is all the more important. You will get 150 Influence and +2 Power at
this point, which we add to the grand total above.
With all of that done, this quest is complete.
Rifts Near the Cove

Quest Giver: Scout Harding

Requirement: Travel to The Hissing Wastes
Reward: 1324 Experience, 600 Influence, +2 Power (Per Rift)
Our initial rifts mission! These rifts are fairly close, up to the north.
Three of them. Not too bad! This is in fact a great quest to start off the
area with, as it takes you north and lets you explore a bit.
The western rift has a Pride and Rage Demon. Two targets! Not bad. Take them
out and prepare for wave two, which is the same thing but with Wraiths added
in as well.
The eastern rift has Wraiths and a Despair Demon for you. If he flees, just
stun him. The second wave is THREE Despair Demons. Man, we hate these things.
Some will likely flee, so stay close to the rift so you can stun.
Finally the northern rift. You will likely run into Venatori on your way up
there. Once you get there it will be a Pride Demon with some Greater Terrors.
Wave two has a Pride Demon and Lesser Terrors but two Despair Demons as well.
Take them all out to complete the quest.
Rifts Near the Canyon

Quest Giver: Exploration

Requirement: None
Reward: 1324 Experience, 600 Influence, +2 Power (Per Rift)
You will get this quest when you get to The Canyon Camp... or when you tackle
one of the rifts (ideally). Three more rifts to tackle. Let s get to it!
The western rift had three Greater Terrors. Easy enough, especially when they
are on fire! The second wave has only one, but two Pride Demons! Yikes! Fire

and Cold area attacks work well here. Try to group them up in it and hit them
The northern rift has a Rage and a Pride Demon. Very easy. The second wave is
the same but just adds Wraiths. This is similar to one of the Cove rifts,
The southern rife near the hunter has a TON of Greater Shades. Hit them with
area skills and be wary of them overwheming your AI companions. The second
wave adds in some Terrors. Keep to the area skills and magics to wipe them
out and complete this quest.
Rifts Near the Sand Crags

Quest Giver: Exploration

Requirement: None
Reward: 1324 Experience, 600 Influence, +2 Power (Per Rift)
This quest comes with the Sand Crags Camp, as the name, well... implies.
Three more rifts for us to take down. Good experience and influence, so bring
it on!
The northern one (which is relatively close to a logging camp to the west, so
be sure to find it) has a Despair Demon and Wraiths. No biggie. The second wave
is three Despair Demons, so try to incapacitate them so they don t all move
around on you.
The southwest rift has a Rage Demon / Pride Demon combo. Two enemies, really
easy. The second wave adds Wraiths. Much like one of the Canyon rifts (exactly
the same, really). Take them out.
Finally the southeast rift starts with three Greater Terrors. Take them out
and then face the Greater Terror with two Pride Demons. Focus one at a time
and you ll be ok (they spawn a ways apart, giving you time to put down area
effects as they come up and time to kill one before they are both on you).
Once all three rifts are closed this quest is complete.
Rifts at the Sunstop Mountains

Quest Giver: Exploration

Requirement: None
Reward: 1324 Experience, 600 Influence, +2 Power (Per Rift)
The final rift quest! This is unlocked once you get to the Sunstop Mountains
Camp, in the northeast section of the map!
The first rift is to the east. It is best got while going for the "Sand and
Ruin" quest, which finishes up further to the east over there. You ll face
three Greater Terrors here and then a single Terror and two Pride Demons, which
is a repeat of an earlier rift.
The other two rifts are honestly closer to The Statue Camp... for some unknown
reason. Head there though to make them easy. To the east is a rift with a TON
of Shades! Try to funnel them into an area attack like usual and then burn them

in it (some of the geography coming from the west makes this easy). The second
wave adds in some Greater Terrors, but it is more of the same.
Finally to the northwest, down in the sand valley, is some Greater Terrors
with a Pride Demon. Take them out and wave two will throw the same enemies at
you only this time they add in two Despair Demons.
Once you take them out and close this last rift the quest will be complete.
Holding the Hissing Wastes

Quest Giver: Scout Harding

Requirement: Travel to The Hissing Wastes
Reward: 200 Influence, +1 Power (Per Camp), 500 Influence when complete.
Your standard "Capture all the camps!" quest. Six of them this time, due to
how massive this area is!
The first one is to the northwest, and is called the Logging Camp. Aptly named
since there is a logging stand nearby and even two quarries relatively close.
Kill the Venatori nearby and claim it!
Next up are two camps to the north. One to the east and one to the west. The
order you get them doesn t really matter, but one (the west one) is on the other
side of a canyon (go around it to the west to get there easiest). The west one
is aptly titled The Canyon Camp while the east one is the Sand Crags Camp.
From there the next camps you get to are honestly based on what quests you
decide to persue. As an example: we did the "Let s Slay the Beast" quest and
found it easy to just travel north to "The Statue Camp", which is the camp
far to the northwest. Following Sand and Ruin quest though will likely take
you to the "Mountain Fortress Camp". Get both of those next in whatever order
you wish.
Last but not least is the camp north of the Mountain Fortress Camp, best
saved for when you are ready for the Sand and Ruin quest. It is past the
mountain pass and down all of the construction equipment, and is called the
"Sunstop Mountain Camp". This is an important camp for another rift quest
and makes a good hub for the "Sand and Ruin" quest as well.
Once you have established those six camps in the area, this quest will be
considered complete. You get a 500 Influence bonus for completing it. Not
too shabby.
Notes on the Wastes

Quest Giver: Journal

Requirement: None
Reward: 150 Influence
This quest can be "found" once you find one of the hidden journal pages
related to it. There are eight in total. We ll detail them here. Not that
none of these pages are marked ANYWHERE on the map, making this a fairly hard
quest to try and do on your own. Also note that while other quests in this
section will mention this quest or note these papers, this section is all you

need to find them all.

NOTE: The codes entry for all of these are [A JOURNAL ON DWARVEN RUINS].
#1: Found northwest of the "Lonely Light" landmark, down by a tree.
#2: Found northwest of the "Lonely Light landmark, by a tent on a table
(just pick this one up manually and enjoy the chest nearby).
#3: Found southwest of the Sand Crags Camp, by the Dwarven Statue.
#4: Found near the ruin southwest of The Canyon Camp (IN the Venatori Camp).
#5: Found in the Golden Oasis area (northwest of The Canyon Camp). Ideally
done when doing the quest "Let s Slay the Beast".
#6: Found to the east of the Sand Crags Camp. There is a hunter out here and
just to his east stone ruins. The note is near one of these, by a lootable
dwarven jug.
#7: Found in the Mountain Fortress Dwarven Ruin. Inside the ruin that can be
accessed from the ladder up above to the east of the Mountain Fortress
Camp. Likely found when you do the "The Tomb of Fairel" quest.
#8: Once you enter the Tomb of Fariel location (to the far east of The Sand
Crags camp), look in the corner of the nearby broken pillar area (the
broken pillars on the west side of this area where you entered at) to
find it.
Let s Slay the Beast

Quest Giver: Hunter

Requirement: None
Reward: 600 Influence, +2 Power
You can get this quest from the hunters on the map (we got it from a hunter
to the southeast of the Canyon Camp by going through their limited dialog
tree). Talking with them will let them share the story of a legendary beast
nearby that the Inquisitor (who has nothing better to do) will happily hunt
The inspection / search area for this quest is north of the Canyon Camp, but
it is also huge. To be more specific and help you, it is to the northeast,
about halfway between The Canyon Camp and The Statue Camp (the camp which is
even further to the north).
What you are looking for is "The Golden Oasis", an area of the map that leads
down into a bowl with some Dwarven Ruins. Down here there are a number of
Wyvern enemies. There is also a huge [CHEST] in the middle. While you are
here, be sure to claim "The Oasis" landmark, a [MOSAIC PIECE] (one of "The
Sacrifice" set) and find one of the pages to the "Notes on the Wastes" quest
by following the search ping.
Now... onto why we are here. There are a ton of Wyverns here. A ton... they
also have a tendency to re-spawn quickly. Slay a few of them and soon a level
19 Elite Varghest will spawn. This thing is very similar to the Wyverns, but is
a bit bigger and a brighter color. HE is your legendary beast! Go ahead and

slay him to complete the quest.

Not really legendary if you ask us... we killed so many of these things in
The Wesern Approach...
Field of Bones

Quest Giver: Note

Requirement: None
Reward: 334 Experience, 150 Influence
You can get this quest near the Sand Crags Camp by reading a note on a table
just to the west. Sounds like a patrol is missing. This likely isn t going to
end well...
The marker for the quest will than show up to the southwest (near the Logging
Camp, actually). Head to the area and you ll soon find a swarm of spiders. A
rather large group of Poison Spiders along with a few Giant Spiders. Take them
all out, then look for the corpses nearby the wagon. There is a chest here as
well. Once you loot the chest, the quest will be considered finished.
. .
< () >
.. __________________________________________________________________________


Unfinished Business

Quest Giver: Cassandra

Requirement: Talk to Cassandra at Skyhold
Reward: 2,025 Experience, 910 Influence, 2 Power
Your objective is to seek out and defeat 5 enemies that Cassandra wants you to
hunt down. You ll gain +5 Approval if you defeat them with her in the party.
1. Ser Rebenger Torn can be found east of the Forest Camp in the Hinterlands.
He is a Rogue and often goes into Stealth.
2. Gordon the Frank is near the large tower near the town in Emprise du Lion.
He is a mage and is accompanied by such.
3. Ser Hildebrandt is in the northeast of the Exalted Plains. He is a Knight
and thus has a shield. Defeat his two archers first.
4. Jepler the Unbound can be found in Hopwood at the north portion of the
Emerald Grave. He is accompanied by Freemen of the Dales.
5. Leo of Lucien Bay is south of the Echoback Fort in the Western Approach
and will take some effort to reach. Fortunately, he s a simple target.
Promise of Destruction

Quest Giver: Cassandra

Requirement: Talk to Cassandra at Skyhold
Reward: 1,025 Experience, 400 Influence, 3 Power

| (Sighs.) I can keep staring at this, but I won t get any closer.
| - Can I help? (Cassandra +1)
| - Stubborn as ever?
| - Closer to what?
| - Couldn t they be dead?
- What if they re infected?
| - This is important to you.
| - They might be his allies.
| - What s the point? (Cassandra -1)
After talking to Cassandra about the missing Seekers of Truth you can choose
the "Locate the Missing Seekers" operation at the War Table. Completing this
tracks them down to "Caer Oswin" and puts the location "Castle of Caer Oswin"
on the map. Head there when you are ready. Cassandra comes along automatically.
Head up the hill and soon you ll see a door on your left. You can loot the pot
nearby and some bags in the ruins up ahead if you wish, but enter the door and
a "Promiser" will run away (you can chain him and kill him if you are fast).
He runs to a room full of them, where you will have to kill them all. After you
do so, Cassandra will explain what they are exactly.
Nab the [CHEST] from the previous room and loot the bodies for the [DUNGEON KEY]
and continue onward. To the right are [CHEST x2]. In the hallway is a dead
seeker. Examine the body and move out into the courtyard. Drop down below and
kill the promisers you find down here. You will get a cutscene down here after
showing why they are doing this in more detail.
Search the corpses for the [COURTYARD KEY] and loot the buildings down here
as you wish. We need to head up the stairs last, to the castle door. Enter
and kill the promisers inside, then check the left-hand wall for the [THE
ORDER OF FIERY PROMISE] codex. The throne here is awesome. Head up either
side and note there is a [CHEST] on each side along with another item (jar
or lockbox) to loot.
Continue on to see a scene. Afterward, press forward, nab the [CHEST] at the
top, and head outside again. Kill the enemies that show up and continue up
the hill and through the door to meet Lucius. Reply as you will and be ready
to fight.
Surprisingly, Lucius is very under-whelming. In fact, he isn t even labeled
as a boss or elite, and is actually a lower level than the promiser troops
backing him up. Very odd, but who are we to complain? Kill them all and be
sure to loot Lucius for the unique mace [VIDATHISS] he carries, then return
to Skyhold once you are ready.
Cassandra will share what she has learned with you. Respond how you will
(which includes what you think should become of the Seekers) and in the end
you ll gain your reward up above, as well as [THE RITE OF TRANQUILITY] codex
entry and the [ANDRASTRIAN THRONE] for your collection.


| And now it falls to me.
| - You seem upset.
| - Dry reading, I take it?
| - You should have left it.
| - It sounds horrible.
| - A small price to pay.
| - Is that what the book says?
- You caused the rebellion.
- Why keep it hidden?
- The rebellion was needless.
- That s not surprising.
- Make the Seekers better.
- It s up to you.
- Let the Seekers go.
- You can do anything. (Romance)
- What else is in the book?
- Never.
- It s possible.
- I don t know.
- Your faith has been shaken.
- How would you rebuild?
- But what is the Maker s work?
The Ideal Romance

Quest Giver: Cassandra

Requirement: Start a Romance with Cassandra
Reward: 128 Experience, 80 Influence
Head to Val Royeaux and purchase "The Most Romantic Candle in Thedas" at
Pierre-Marie s shop. Then head to the second tier behind the fountain to find
an Elf selling flowers, have her send them to Skyhold. Lastly, venture to
Redcliffe Village and speak with the Dwarven Bookseller on the way to the docks
to get information on some poetry books. A short trip from the Forest Camp will
lead you to three bandits. Kill them and acquire the [POETRY BOOK] then return
to Skyhold.

| You don t... actually intend to go through with courting me, do you?|
| - Maybe not. (End Romance)
| - Of course I do.
| - Why so incredulous?
| - I care for you.
| - I like a challenge.
| - I won t if you don t want it.
| I d like to talk. Privately.
| - This is what you wanted.
| - No room for fun?
| - I am absolutely serious.
| - You don t like it?
| - You re so picky.
| - Can you do better?
- Which do you believe?

- Way to kill the mood.
- You re still afraid.
- You may have no choice.
- I believe it.
- I love you.
- No, stop... (End Romance)


Measuring the Veil

Quest Giver: Solas

Requirement: Talk to Solas in Haven
Reward: Approval for Solas, Amulet of Power (Solas)
Head down the East Road with Solas and you ll meet Mihris. Help her defeat the
demons and head inside. Use the Veilfire Torch to enter the ruins where you ll
need to fight more demons. Check the left side of the large room for the Glyph
that gives the [FIRE RUNE] schematic. Talk to Mihris after the quest is
completed and ask for the [AMULET OF POWER] to receive it. Completing this
quest gives Solas +1 Approval but getting the Amulet of Power too gains another
+2 Approval.
You can find more of these at the following locations:
The Hinterlands
1. In the empty shack at the south end of the Redcliffe Farm.
2. Atop the highest tower in Winterwatch Tower.
Fallow Mire
2. In the Hidden Apostate s Camp.
Storm Coast
1. In the Lyrium Falls at the southeast corner of the map.
2. In Daerwin s Mouth behind the locked door. Unlock with Red Lyrium Key.
Forbidden Oasis
1. Atop Ritual Rock to the southeast of the Oasis Camp at the highest point.
2. In Solasan near the area with the three locked doors.
Emprise du Lion
1. On a cliff next to Drakon s Tower.
2. Off the cliff after fighting Kaltenzahn, turn around to find this as part
of the arena.
Emerald Graves
1. West of Villa Maurel near a Fade Rift.
2. In Chateau d Onterre
3. During "The Knight s Tomb" quest.
The Exalted Plains
1. Near the "Offering to the Dread Wolf" Landmark.
2. In the Lost Temple of Dirthamen, southeast corner.
The Western Approach
1. Inside the Still Ruins, main chamber.

2. In Griffon Wing Keep, first area up the steps to the right.

3. In the Astrarium Cave.
1. In the flats near the Fade Rift after draining the lake.
2. In Old Crestwood in the western-most house.
3. In the Flooded Caves on your way out the back entrance.
Hissing Wastes
1. In the Mountain Pass Tomb at the bottom.
2. At the bottom of the Sunstop Mountain Camp ladders, caved in entrance.
All New, Faded for Her

Quest Giver: Solas

Head to the Exalted Plains and start heading west through Halin sulahn with
Solas in the group. Once you find the Spirit you ll quickly see it has become
a Pride Demon. Use your power to break the summoning circle and free the Spirit
only to have it ask to die. Solas does as it asks, then you must either let
Solas kill the mages who corrupted the Spirit or have him stop. Either way,
Solas leaves and you ll have to return to Skyhold to get him back.

| (Growls.)
| - They corrupted it. (Arcane Perk)
| - Is that your friend? (Solas -1)
| - What happened?
| - That s a demon. (Solas -1)
| - Yes, we are. (Solas -1)
| - Solas is smarter than you are.
| - No, we re not.
- I can break it. (Solas +1)
- We ll save your friend. (Solas +1)
- Sure, why not?
- It would be safer to kill it. (Solas -1)
| Defeat the demon. (Solas -20)
| - I m sorry. It had to be done.
| - Friends don t try to kill you. (Solas -1)
| - It was a demon. (Solas -5)
| - [Stop Solas.] (Solas -5)
| - [Let Solas kill them.] (Solas +5)
| Free the demon. (Solas +1)
| - I m sorry.
| - I don t know what to say.
| - Let s get out of here.
| - [Stop Solas.] (Solas -5)
| - [Let Solas kill them.]


Seeing Red

Quest Giver: Varric

You gain +1 Approval for each red lyrium vein you break when Varric isn t in
the party, it becomes +2 Approval if he is in the party.

In the Emerald Graves near the Villa Maurel.

In the Emerald Graves, Veridium Mine to the east.
In the Emerald Graves, head to the very north to find a camp nearby.
In the Hinterlands, Lady Shayna s Valley
In the Hinterlands, check inside the ruins of Fort Connor.
In the Hinterlands, at the back of the Ash Warrior s Refuge.
In Emprise du Lion, north of the Highgrove Camp.
In Emprise du Lion, through Highgrove s nearby cave on a ledge to the east.
In Emprise du Lion, atop Drakon s Rise near the Behemoth.
In Emprise du Lion, east of Drakon s Rise next to a Fade Rift.
In Emprise du Lion, atop the structures in the second area of Sahria Quarry
In the Western Approach, inside the Sand Rock Mine.
In the Western Approach, inside the Forgotten Mine. Must use Energize.
In the Western Approach, just above the Shimmer Stone Mine landmark.
In the Storm Coast during Red Water, next to Daerwin s Mouth Landmark.
In the Storm Coast during Red Water, further in Daerwin s Mouth near a
bridge before the docks.
17. In the Storm Coast during Red Water, at the docks in Daerwin s Mouth.
18. In the Storm Coast after Red Water, in Daerwin s Mouth behind the locked
door. Unlock with Red Lyrium Key.

Well, Shit

Quest Giver: Varric

Requirement: Speak with Varric after the quest "Here Lies the Abyss"
Reward: 400 Influence, +3 Power
Varric s friend Bianca, who is totally not a crossbow, has visited him to
share her knowledge on where Corypheus is getting his Red Lyrium from. We
have the option to shut down his operation. Choose to do so for this quest.

| Well, this is a surprise. You re the Inquisitor, right? Bianca
| Davri, at your service.
| - It s a pleasure. (Varric +1)
| - You two look nervous.
| - What s going on?
| - Bianca? Like the crossbow?
| - You re a friend of Varric?
| - We should shut this down. (Varric +5)
| - We have other priorities. (Varric -1)
| - Is that their only way in?
| - Who leaked the location?
- And Bianca knows where it is?
| - Wasn t the thaig in Kirkwall?
Once you have the quest, put Varric in your party with two others and head
to the Upper Lake Camp in the Hinterlands. Travel south from there to the
door behind the waterfall... Valammar, and enter.

We ll have a scene here. Answer however you like and push onward, killing
the Carta members on your way to the Upper Terrace. Take a right there and
then down to find Carta fighting Darkspawn. Fairly usual. You ve likely seen
this already if this is your second trip in here.
What is unusual though is Bianca! Nearby is our objective: a door we couldn t
open last time we were here. Turns out Bianca built them. Wow... enter in and
slay the Carta members. Loot what you can and grab the [A DIFFERENT DARKSPAWN?]
codex from the book nearby.
Continue to the next door to reach the final fight here... several Carta
thugs, enforcers, bowmen and an elite Warden Mage. Kill them all. The mage
is the strongest here and poses a serious threat with the mines he can put
up, so watch your approach to him when you fight your way to him.
Afterward gather up all the loot and head forward. Save the key in the middle
for last, as when you pick it up a scene starts. You ll find out the source of
the info soon enough (you can say "It s not your fault" here for a Slight
Approval from Varric). Exit Valammar after you are done.

| Bianca...
| - They had your key.
| - You were the leak.
| - Varric?
| - Did you?
| - You re not saying everything.
| - That was stupid. (Varric +1)
- It isn t really your fault. (Varric +1)
- You put this on us. (Varric +1)
- You ve done a lot of damage. (Varric -5)
- Varric, you know this person?
- Why did you come with us?
- She s right. (Varric +1)
- Just let it go.
- Varric is right. (Varric +1)
- Get a room, you two.
Talk to Varric again at Skyhold to complete the quest. For approval points
be sure to use the top remarks (No one does. Of course you have.). Once the
talk is done so is the quest.

| I let this mess happen. I gave her the thaig. And I am not good at |
| dealing with shit like this.
| - Nobody is.
| - Talk your way out of it. (Varric -1)
| - Just confront it.
| - No, you wouldn t. (Varric +5)
| - Nothing s stopping you. (Varric +1)
| - She did you a favor. (Varric -1)


A Friend of Red Jenny

Quest Giver: Arrow in the market

Requirement: After speaking with the Clerics in Val Royeaux
Reward: Sera joins the Inquisition
This starts right after the meeting with the Templars. Check the Mysterious
Arrow to gain three new objectives. Go to the east side and examine the wall
then read the note at the end of the docks, [MIROIR DE LA MERE, REVILLE S
FOLLY]. Search the [RED HANDKERCHIEF], it s a hidden object. Go into the Cafe
to find a note on the stand, [LE MASQUE DU LION]. Check the dragon-head for
MAFERATH AND SACRIFICE]. Underneath the table to the left is another hidden
Read the note near the fountain for [THE SUMMER HOME OF MESSERE GLUBS] then head
up the stairs, examining the tree for [VICTORY AND SHADE]. Read the book for
[NOT OF HEROES: THE DEATH OF DIVERSITY] and the plaque behind it. Inside the
little alcove is a plaque, properly named. Use a staircase to reach the upper
market at the southwest end. Examine the window for [A SEASON OF THE FOUR AFOUL]
then search behind the plant for the hidden [RED HANDKERCHIEF]. Opposite this
is a book, [NOT OF HEROES: DIVISION AND DISTANCE], below it is another book,
Head to the Secluded Courtyard. There are three Mercenaries, not too much of a
problem. Open the door and head inside to trigger a scene. Here you meet Sera,
who notes that the incoming Mercenaries have no breeches. They go down fairly
easily too and you ll have the option to recruit Sera.
The Verchiel March

Quest Giver: Sera

Requirement: Talk to Sera in Skyhold
Reward: 1,025 Experience, 400 Influence, 3 Power
Talk to Sera then run her mission at the War Table. Return to her to be taken
out to the stash location, which doesn t seem right at all. You ll have to deal
with a Mercenary Warmaster and his cronies, focus on the ranged enemies first.
You ll get to speak with Lord Pel Harmond after the battle. You have numerous
options but if you have the dialogue perk for it, you can choose to have him
join the Inquisition and take all of his land -- by far the best option. Talk
to Sera back at Skyhold when you are done.

| We re the same, you and I. Well, that is overstating it. You are
| nothing like me. But we both need people.
| - That s my ally you attacked.
| - You started this.
| - What do you want?
| - You ll serve the Inquisition. (Sera +1) [Back at Skyhold]
| - I d like to partner with you. (Sera -5) [Back at Skyhold]
| - Just get out of my sight. [Back at Skyhold]
| - Just kill him, Sera. (Sera +1) [Investigate]

| Investigate (Ask three of these and Sera kills the Nobleman)
| - What do you expect in return?
| - What was going on in Verchiel?
| - What can you commit to us?
| - You killed innocent contacts.
- I wasn t done with him! (Sera -5)
- It s over. Calm down.
- That s enough!
- I think he s dead.
| Back at Skyhold
| - This was your fault. \ This was your fault, too. (Sera -1)
| - You put your people in danger. (Sera -5)
| - Your plan provoked him. (Sera -5)
- You don t help anyone! (Sera -5)
- It s about the greater good. (Sera -5)
- Get out. (Sera leaves the Inquisition forever.)
- Watch yourself. (Sera stays in the Inquisition.)
| - Never mind. I m dropping it. (Sera +5)
- It s simple. I like you. (Romance)
- I want us to be friends.
- It s business. I need allies.
| - You re right, I m sorry. \ Unpredictable but worth it. (Sera +1/0)|
| - It s simple. I like you. (Romance)
| - I want us to be friends.
| - It s business. I need allies.
| - Don t question me! \ No more mistakes, understand? (Sera -20)
| - Get out. (Sera leaves the Inquisition forever.)
| - Watch yourself. (Sera stays in the Inquisition.)


The Imperial Enchanter

Quest Giver: Circle Mage

Requirement: After speaking with the Clerics in Val Royeaux
Reward: Vivienne joins the Inquisition
Speak with the Circle Mage to start this quest. Simply attend the party at the
chteau of Duke Bastien de Ghyslain. Here you ll meet Vivienne, either accept or
deny her request to join the Inquisition.
Favors the First Enchanter

Quest Giver: Vivienne

Requirement: Talk to Vivienne at Skyhold
Reward: 286 Experience, 120 Influence
Head to the Hinterlands Crossroads and go north using the East Road. As you go
under the battlements ruins climb up and cross the bridge. Climb the ladder to
find the first Circle Mage Tome. Head north of the Path of Flame Camp in the
Exalted Plains. There is an Oculara just to the left of the Circle Mage Tome
amidst the rubble of a building. The third Circle Mage Tome is in the Western
Approach at the Shimmer Stone Mine, south of Nazaire s Pass Camp -- it s large

and on the table. Return to Vivienne when you ve collected all three, you will
gain +20 Approval.
Bring Me the Heart of Snow White

Quest Giver: Vivienne

Requirement: Talk to Vivienne at Skyhold
Reward: 1,025 Experience, 400 Influence, 3 Power, Magister s Hat,
Enchanter s Seat
You can obtain this quest after completing the previous one and after you
complete the "Wicked Hearts" main mission.

| After Vivienne s opening speech.
| - I ll help you.
| - I don t think so. (Vivienne -20)
Vivienne requires the heart of a Snowy Wyvern. Something her previous chevalier
friends are unable to help with due to them being dead... so now its our job.
Head over to the Exalted Plains Fens Camp. Make your way up to the Crow Fens,
to the very north part of the map. The Snowy Wyvern is much like the Gurgut s
in this area, only weak to electricity and strong against spirit. It likes to
hang out in the northwest corner of the map, but can wander. It is, as you may
imagine, snowy white in color, so it is easy to spot once you find it.
Take it out and deliver the heart to Vivienne (note that you can lie about
having the heart... also, telling her to talk results in "Vivienne Disapproves"
being shown). Hand it over and she ll show you what it is used for while you
gain the Experience, Influence and Power rewards.

| What can I do for you, my dear? Is it too much to hope that you ve |
| brought me the heart of the snowy wyvern?
| - I ve got the heart. Now talk. (Vivienne -5)
| - [Lie.] I ve brought the heart.
| - I ve got it.
| - I m so sorry.
| - I don t know what to say.
| - We should go.
| - Not yet.
| - [Lie.] Here s the heart.
| - Very well, here it is.
| - Then no deal. (Vivienne -20)
| Follow up with her back at Skyhold. Gave regular Wyvern heart.
| - I found out what it was. (Vivienne -21)
| - Because I hate you. (Vivienne -25)
| - I didn t trust you. (Vivienne -20)
| - I m sorry. (Vivienne -20)
| - Snowy wyverns are hard to find. (Vivienne -21)
| Follow up with her back at Skyhold. Gave Snowy Wyvern Heart.
| (Vivienne +5)

| - Love at first sight...

| - Were you also charmed?
| - A mage and a noble? Dangerous.
| - I m sorry.
| - You ll be kept busy.
| - Is there anything I can do?
| - I ll leave you to it.
Respond as you wish as you see what the heart was for. Once you are back at
Skyhold, be sure to go talk to her again for a "Greatly Approves" message (just
by talking to her) and then offer to help for a "Vivienne Approves" message.
You will also get the [MAGISTER S HAT] and [ENCHANTER S SEAT] rewards once you
have talked to her (the seat goes towards your throne collection).


The Captain of the Chargers

Quest Giver: Krem

Requirement: Return to Haven after speaking with the Clerics in Val Royeaux
Reward: Iron Bull joins the Inquisition
Head to the Storm Coast and down the hill to find a bunch of the Chargers
fighting off some enemies. After you ve won the battle the Iron Bull will
approach you. He tells you that he is a spy, but at least he s up front. You
must choose to allow the Iron Bull into the party or not.
Demands of the Qun

Quest Giver: Iron Bull

Requirement: High Approval with Iron Bull. Talked to Iron Bull about Seheron and
have spoken with Bull s Chargers at length.
Reward: 1,025 Experience, 400 Influence, 3 Power
When you meet the requirements for this quest you ll trigger a scene with the
Iron Bull.

| Glad you came by. I got a letter from my contacts in the Ben|
| Hassrath. Already verified it with Red.
| - What s in the letter?
| - You re supposed to just watch.
| - I m not happy about this.
| - Should this be private?
| - I don t trust them. (Iron Bull +1)
| - I m interested. (Iron Bull +1)
| - This doesn t interest me. (Iron Bull -1)
- I ll do it. (Iron Bull +5)
- I don t trust Qunari. (Iron Bull -5)
- What are they offering?
- Something wrong?
- You don t want them to spread?

When you are ready head out to the Storm Coast with Iron Bull to meet Gatt.

| It s a pleasure to meet you, Inquisitor. Hissrad s reports say
| you re doing good work.
| - Bull is Hissrad?
| - Pleased to meet you. (Iron Bull +1)
| - I m thrilled.
| - We have a common enemy.
| - Bull, does this work for you? (Iron Bull +1)
| - What if the ship has mages?
| - Why not attack at sea?
| - Why use a small force?
| - I m ready.
You are forced to follow the path up to some Venatori Gladiators and Zealots,
they are simple targets to start. The next camp has Zealots, a Gladiator, and
a Mage. If you listened to Bull s speech to the Chargers then you know the
trick, defeat the Mage before it takes over the battlefield. Loot the Gladiator
for the [DREAD] helmet, unique to Iron Bull, then signal the Dreadnought.

| Crap.
| - They can retreat.
| - Look at them all.
| - They ll be killed.
| - Save the dreadnought. (Iron Bull +20, Acquire Qunari Bench)
- I m sorry.
- Look away, Bull. (Iron Bull -1)
- Can they do it? (Iron Bull +1)
- Thank you, Gatt.
- Is that good, Bull?
- It better help.
- We ll make good use of it.
- I m sorry about your men.
- Go take some time.
- What does this mean for you? (Iron Bull -1)
| - Save your men. (Iron Bull +20, Acquire Qunari Bench)
- I m sorry, Gatt.
- Don t call him Hissrad. (Iron Bull +1)
- Gatt, we can salvage this. (Iron Bull -1)
- We can minimize losses.
- You did the right thing.
- How are you feeling? (Iron Bull -1)
- I m sorry.
- How are the Chargers?
- Glad you survived.
- Good work.


The Lone Warden

Quest Giver: Leliana in Haven

Requirement: Return to Haven after speaking with the Clerics in Val Royeaux
Reward: Blackwall joins the Inquisition
Best to go to the Upper Lake Camp. Head to the house across the lake and assist
Blackwall in defeating some bandits. You can now recruit or dismiss Blackwall.
Be sure to gain the [MOSAIC PIECE] near the [CHEST], inside is a book on [THE
Memories of the Grey

Quest Giver: Blackwall

Requirement: Blackwall has been recruited
Reward: 503 Experience, 270 Influence
At the Storm Coast you can find the Grey Warden Treaties near one of the Signs
of the Wardens, southwest of Astrarium Bellitanus at a camp. Another can be
found with a Sign of the Wardens in Westridge just east of the Driftwood
Margin Camp. Head through Valeska s Watch and collect the Joining Chalice. Go
further in where the ground is severely opened up and search against the wall
for some Grey Warden Armor. Out in the Western Approach, southwest of the
Nazaire s Pass Camp, is a Fade Rift that must be destroyed. Once completed,
search the area to find a [BOTTLE OF THEDAS] and a Grey Warden s Sword atop
the watch points.
To get to the other artifact in the Western Approach you ll have to do some
work. You need to clear the sulfur pits so you must complete the operation at
the War Table first. Cross through Caracavus to establish the Echo Back Canyon
Camp then head into the Echoback Fort, searching the table on the lower level
for the Vial of Archdemon Blood. In the Fallow Mire you need to reach Hargrave
Keep to the southwest and go to the battlements. Unlock the door here to find
the Grey Warden Tome. Just a bit further at the Avvar Leader s Base Camp you
can locate the final artifact, the Grey Warden Banner.

Quest Giver: Inquisitor Messenger

Requirement: Memories of the Grey completed, Wicked Hearts Main Quest
Reward: 1934 Experience, 400 Influence, +3 Power
After talking with Blackwall after the "Wicked Hearts" main quest (and after
completing the Memories of the Grey), you will have a chat with him over a
drink about what he saw as a child. After that chat, leave Skyhold and come
back to the barn to see Blackwall is gone. This starts the quest. Also note
that you can search nearby his carving to find a personal note to you.

| Do you know what I did?
| - You saved it?
| - That s horrible!
| - Of course not.
| - You were a child.
| - So did everyone else.
| - You were weak. (Blackwall +1)

- Don t let that stop you.
- Your eyes aren t shut. (Blackwall +1)
- All this over a dog? (Blackwall -1)
Upon hearing someone named Mornay is going to be executed in Val Royeaux,
Blackwall left. No better place to go search for him! Head to Val Royeaux
and north to see a scene. "Revelations" indeed...
Next head south to the prison. Enter and look around downstairs for an
[AMULET OF POWER], for BLACKWALL ONLY. Now, go talk to Blackwall in the cell
where you can delve further into what happened.

| But a good man, the man he was, wouldn t have let another die in
| his place.
| - You lied to me.
| - You really killed those people?
| - What you did was brave.
| - And dying makes up for it?
| - I want to help.
| - That s up to you.
| - I want an explanation.
- You re more than that.
- I m not convinced.
- You re pathetic. (Blackwall +1)
Head back upstairs and speak to Cullen. As you can imagine here, this is a
VITAL decision. You have the choice here to leave him where he is or use the
Inquisition s influence to judge him yourself. If you do want him out (we are
going to assume you do... if you don t you know what to do and the consequences
of such), tell Cullen and you ll get the "Thom Rainer s Fate" War Table
Operation. This costs one power, but let s you bring him in to judge him
Head to the throne after that and you can judge Thom yourself. Every option
here keeps him with you but continuing the lie is met with "Greatly Disapproves"
as you may guess. Choose what you will and the quest will be complete.

Quest Giver: Blackwall

Requirement: Flirt with Blackwall before Skyhold then be rebuffed by him.
Reward: 128 Experience, 80 Influence
Head to the Storm Coast with Blackwall and venture to the Small Grove Camp.
Just south of here you can climb the hill and find the Warden-Constable s Badge.
He explains his life before he met the Inquisitor, talk to him back at Skyhold
to complete the romance.


The Forgotten Boy

Quest Giver: Cole

Requirement: Reach Skyhold
Reward: Cole joins the Inquisition
Solas, Vivienne, and Cassandra are debating about who Cole could be. It turns
out that he is a spirit and he has deep ties to the Fade. You can choose to
recruit him, this will gain approval with Solas and disapproval with Vivienne.

| If you prefer, although the truth is somewhat more complex.
| - He helped us. (Solas +1, Vivienne -1)
| - How complex?
| - If he s a demon, he s gone. (Solas -1, Vivienne +5)
| - Explain more of possession.
- What of demons at the Breach? (Solas +1)
| - I ll talk with him.
| - I ll get rid of him. (Solas -1, Vivienne +5)
Recruit Cole (Solas +5, Vivienne -5)
Make Cole Leave (Solas -20, Vivienne +5)
Subjected to His Will

Quest Giver: Cole

Requirement: Complete "Here Lies the Abyss"
Reward: Experience, 400 Influence, +3 Power
This is an odd, but very good quest. Upon seeing what happened to the demons
at Adamant, Cole is deeply concerned and asks you for help against being bound.
Agree to help to get the "Obtain Amulet for Cole" War Table Operation.

| He won t bind me. He s a mage, and he likes demons, be he won t
| help.
| - What s wrong?
| - Seriously?
| - No. (Solas +1)
| - We ll protect you. (Cole -1)
| - We ll figure something out. (Solas +1)
| - You may need to leave. (Solas -1, Cole -1)
| - That s true for everyone.
| - What if binding changes you?
Once you have completed the operation, go give the amulet to Cole. This starts
a scene with Solas and Varric where you ll have some dialog (you can get some
slight approvals / disapprovals by agreeing or disagreeing with Solas or Varric
here). In the end... it doesn t work. This automatically leads to the next
scene at Redcliffe.

| It is simple enough. You put it on, I charge it with magic, and you |
| should be protected.
| - All right, if Cole is sure. (Solas +1)
| - You think this will work?
| - Do it. (Solas -1, Cole -1)
| - Cole is a demon. (Solas +1, Varric -1)
| - I don t know what Cole is.
| - Maybe Varric is right. (Solas -1)
- We ll investigate.
- So we re off hunting.
- This is a distraction.
- I care about results. (Solas -1)
- I agree, Varric. (Varric +1)
- No, Solas is right. (Solas +1)
Here you will be faced with a choice and learn about Cole s past (which is
very eye-opening). You can either side with Solas or Varric here (also with
approvals). Pick one and enjoy the scenes. The quest will end back at Skyhold.

| He killed me. He killed me. That s why it doesn t work. He killed |
| me, and I have to kill him back!
| - Cole, wait. (Varric +1)
| - I don t understand.
| - We ll take care of it.
| - Solas, what do you think?
| - Varric, what do you think?
| - I still don t understand.
| - Cole must forgive this. (Solas +5, Varric -5, Cole +1)
| - Cole needs to grow. (Solas -5, Varric +5, Cole +1)
| Chose Spirit
| - Are you happy, Cole?
| - I m with Varric on this. (Varric +1)
| - I can t understand him.
| Chose Human
| - We ll help.
| - I have no idea.
| - You don t. (Varric -1)

One Less Venatori

Quest Giver: Dorian

You need to find and defeat a few small groups of Venatori for Dorian. If you
take Dorian with you, you ll gain +5 Approval per Venatori Camp defeated.
1. North of the Redcliffe Farms Camp in the Hinterlands
2. South of the Forest Camp in the Hinterlands
3. South of the Riverside Garrison in Exalted Plains

Last Resort of Good Men

Quest Giver: Dorian

Requirement: Have at least 35 Approval and speak with Mother Giselle
You may speak to Dorian about the letter you receive before taking him to the
Gull & Lantern, but there are no dialogue choices that effect approval. Head to
the tavern in Redcliffe when you are ready.

| (Sighs.) This is how it has always been.
| - Just talk to him.
| - Maybe I should go.
| - He has a right to be angry.
| - "The company of men"?
- I ve done it. (Romance)
- I had no idea.
- I had a suspicion.
- Spare me the details.
- No women at all?
| - Give your father a chance.
| - That s what this is about?
| - So walk away.
| - Why is it an issue?
- Don t leave it like this.
- Let s get you out of here.
- You didn t let him speak. (Dorian -5)
- Are we done? (Dorian -5)
| Back at Skyhold
| - Maybe one day.
| - It s always blood magic.
| - What he did was wrong.
| - Are you all right? (Dorian +5)
| - You re brave.
| - It was entertaining.
| - You re trouble. (Dorian -1 then Dorian +5)
| - Good things. (Romance)
| - What did he do, exactly?
| - Would it have worked?

Of Somewhat Fallen Fortune

Quest Giver: Josephine

Requirement: Speak with Josephine in Skyhold
Reward: 1,025 Experience, 400 Influence, 3 Power
Meet with Josephine in Val Royeaux to deal with the deaths of her messengers.
The Comte turns out to be a man from the Repose, but Josephine thinks she can
get this contract annulled by a Du Paraquette if they were elevated to nobility
once more. Return to Skyhold and talk to Josephine and Leliana. Josephine wants
to work it out, Leliana offers an assassination. It s your choice, but we ll

assume you are setting up a deal with Du Paraquette s. Meet with Countess Dionne
in Val Royeaux then return to Josephine.
NOTE: Doing the "Destroying House of Repose s Contract" quest with Leliana
will accomplish the quest as well, with the same rewards. Choose whichever
path you wish here as the end result is the same.
The House of Repose paid a visit, time to set up a favor for Judge Auld. Go to
the War Table to set this up. After this completes speak with Josephine once
more than back to the War Table to set up a meeting with Bellise. Head to the
World Map and look for this mission outside of Val Royeaux. It should be a quick
meeting, just tell Bellise you ll help her. Back and forth, talk to Josephine
then go back to Val Royeaux. Speak to Josephine here to complete the quest.
Heraldry from a Herald

Quest Giver: Josephine

Requirement: Speak with Josephine after the "Wicked Hearts" quest.
Reward: None
Talk to Josephine sometime after the "Wicked Hearts" quest and the topic of
her family s crest will come up. This starts a War Table mission called "Find
the Old Montilyet Family Crest".
Once you complete that mission, you can head to the shops in Val Royeaux and
find the crest for sale (it costs 0 Gold, and is in the main square of Val
Royeaux, in a shop out in the open). Buy it, then return to Josephine in
Skyhold and show her. This will complete the quest.
An Unexpected Engagement

Quest Giver: Josephine

Requirement: Speak with Josephine after the "Wicked Hearts" quest, complete
the above quests, dedicate to romance.
Reward: Romance!
This quest is the result of you pursing a romance with Josephine. After you
complete the quests above, you will get a cut-scene by walking into the room
Josephine sits in (on your way to the War Room, are we right?!). This may not
happen IMMEDIATELY, but it will happen.
Josephine has been engaged, so we must look into things. Despite Josephine
insisting she will take care of the matter... we can intervene. From here
you can do a number of things (other than ignoring it of course). There is a
"Challenge Josephine s Fiance to a Duel" War Table Operation from the get-go
but there is also a "Gather Information on Lord Otranto" War Table Operation
that you can do FIRST that provides info. Sooner or later though, you will have
to challenge the man to a duel...
Once the War Table mission finishes, go talk to the messenger and then travel
to Val Royeaux. A duel will start here. You will have a special dialog option
if you did the "Gather Information" mission. Use it if you wish. Soon someone
will interrupt and you can make the most important decision: seal the romance
or cast it off?

NOTE: Sealing the romance should give you the "Beloved and Precious" trophy.
Choose what you will and enjoy the scenes. Ah, young love...

Before the Dawn

Quest Giver: Cullen

Requirement: Allied with Mages. Completed "Red Water"
Reward: 1,025 Experience, 400 Influence, 3 Power
You ll need to go to the Emerald Graves and find three smuggler letters first:
1. Outside Villa Maurel near the "Andraste s Mercy" Landmark.
2. At the edge of Stonewolf Green to the west of Briathos Steps Camp.
3. There are several giants around this letter in the north.
With them collect return to Cullen. He determines that you need to raid Sahrnia
Quarry. Head to Emprise du Lion and begin your march south from the Tower Camp.
Your objective is to enter the three highlighted camps and defeat the Templars
at the locations. You may as well be doing "Rocky Rescue" as well since the
majority of these captives are in these locations too. Be sure to search the
area for letters about Samson, you need them to clear the area.
With all three areas secure and letters in hand, return to Cullen. He wants you
to speak with Dagna to question her about Samson s armor. Turns out she just
needs some time and resources, to the War Table it is to complete the operation
"Find Samson s Weakness" for Dagna. With it complete, return to Cullen to gain
information on Maddox. You need to do another operation called "Track Down
Samson" then return to Cullen. From here you must travel to the Shrine of Dumat
where Samson is located.
In the initial area you ll find numerous Red Templar Guard and Red Templar
Horrors, focus on the latter first. Once they are defeated you ll have to face
a Behemoth, at least it s alone. Don t be afraid to use Potions, there is a
[SUPPLY CACHE] just through the doors ahead. Knights and Horrors flank the left
and right sides, take one out at a time so you don t get sandwiched. Further in
are two more Guards and Shadows, the Shadows join late. Loot the left side pile
on the table to find [SUPERB CORRUPTING RUNE] schematic.
Head through the door to find Maddox. After he slumps over you ll need to locate
the [BOTTLES] and the [LETTER] on the table. Head into the next room and pick
up the [TOOLS] off the table. With the information obtained, return to Cullen
at Skyhold to complete this lengthy quest.

Quest Giver: Cullen

Requirement: Complete "Here Lies the Abyss" or "Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts"
Must have talked to Cullen about Lyrium withdraw and played chess.
Reward: 1,025 Experience, 400 Influence, 3 Power
Go check up on Cullen at his tower, he isn t there and his aide lets you know
that he is meeting with Cassandra. Go to the blacksmith to interrupt the

| Forgive me.
| - Talk to me.
| - At least you missed.
| - I want an explanation.
| - Are you okay?
| - I know that.
| - So now what?
- I understand.
- You have bad timing.
- You re taking too many risks.
- Good. Just do your job. (Cullen takes Lyrium)
- That would be best. (Cullen takes Lyrium)
- You don t need lyrium. (Cullen doesn t take Lyrium)
- No lyrium. That s an order. (Cullen doesn t take Lyrium)

Under Her Skin

Quest Giver: Leliana

Requirement: Complete "In Your Heart Shall Burn" and "Acquire the Arcanist"
War Table operation.
Talk to Leliana after reaching Skyhold and the subject of Venatori will
eventually come up. It seems they are working with a merchant named Vicinius,
giving us cause to investigate him. Off to Val Royeaux... be sure to bring
the wine! In the eastern part of the city, near the docks, you can find a door
that lets you travel to his home. Once you arrive, check the table for the
[LETTER TO A SLAVER] codex and loot the cabinet and desk. Head upstairs. Read
the note at the top and then kill the venatori in the next room.
Here there are plenty of things too loot and a note on the desk for the [CHARRED
NOTEBOOK] codex. More importantly, Vicinius corpse. Check it and then you are
prompted to find three crystals. One is in the corner near the bed. The second
is in the other corner on that wall, and the third is against the opposite wall.
Gather them up and head back to Skyhold.
Go talk to Leliana again and she ll send you to Dagna next. Talk to Dagna to
see a scene. This prompts an idea from Leliana and gives you the "Plant Crystal
in Venatori Headquarters". Completing this operation will get more information,
speak with Leliana to listen together. Return to the War Table and complete the
operation "Investigate the Shrine of Dumat" -- it costs 1 Power. From here you
may now travel to the Shrine of Dumat.
At the Shrine of Dumat you can run through the initial area and into the
interior after defeating some demons at the top of the staircase. There are
Greater Terrors, a Shade, and a Wraith at the entrance so focus on the Terrors
first. Head down the right, defeating the Despair Demon, then collect the
[MEMORY CRYSTAL]. Cross over to the left side to find a second [MEMORY CRYSTAL]
then ascend the stairs into the next room. Two Shades, two Wraiths, and a
massive Pride Demon await you here. Focus on the lesser foes before challenging
the big guy. Collect the third [MEMORY CRYSTAL] then head down the steps.
Turn into the middle area before reaching the room to spot the fourth [MEMORY

CRYSTAL] in the shelf. A Greater Terror and Despair Demon guard the fifth
[MEMORY CRYSTAL] on the right, defeat them and claim it. Defeat the other set
of demons and collect the last [MEMORY CRYSTAL], just don t miss the backpack
on the table as it holds the [MASTERWORK DAGGER GRIP] and [SUPERB DRAGON-SLAYING
RUNE] schematics. Go back up the steps and into the final room.

| (Sobs.) For Calpernia s sake, I am lost.
| - I ll free you from your pain. (Cassandra -1)
| - Your death will be a message. (Cole -5)
| - You re too useful to kill. (Cole -5)
Return to Leliana at Skyhold to complete the quest.
The Left Hand of the Divine

Quest Giver: Leliana

Requirement: Complete the "Wicked Hearts" Main Mission.
Reward: 1025 Experience, 400 Influence, +3 Power
Talk to Leliana after you return from the "Wicked Hearts" Main Mission to
get this quest. It seems the Divine has left her a letter from beyond the
grave, and she wishes us to join her in a visit to Divine Justinia s old
Chantry. You can find it on the map, north of Skyhold. "Valence Cloister".
Here you will be told to solve three riddles. Let s do this in order:
"Always remember that faith sprung from a barren branch."
In the first room, head to the corner and ping your search bar near the
painting of a flower on a rose bush. Leliana will share its significance.
Use the hidden mechanism.
"That light has no fear of darkness."
Next head to the fire pits by the central statue and look around. You will
find a second hidden mechanism. Use it.
"Above all, that strength lives in an open heart."
In this circular room find the painting of someone piercing an enemy s heart.
Search near it for a third mechanism. Use it and a door will open up. This
door is behind the statue. Go find and open it, then watch the scene. If you let
Leliana kill Natalie then it deeply hurts her chances of becoming Divine, but
if you let her live it will strengthen them.
Once you return to Skyhold, go talk to Leliana to complete the quest and
learn of your new friends.

| | /\ |)
|/\| /\ |\

| /\ |__) |
| /\ |__) |___ |___


The War Table lets you pick objectives for Cullen, Leliana, and Josephine to
complete with varying rewards. This is also the only way to unlock new zones,
so gain power and come to the War Table to gain access to them. You can also
choose Inquisition Perks from gaining enough influence here.

A Battalion for Sera and Verchiel

Requirements: Available after speaking to Sera in Skyhold, beginning her

personal plot.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 130
Connections: N/A
30 Influence
A Favor Returned

Requirements: Available after Halamshiral, if Empress Celene survived and

remains ruler of Orlais.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: 60 Influence
A Friend in Qarinus

Requirements: Dorian Recruited

Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: 1 Apostate Staff Blade
1 Apostate Staff Blade
A Gift from the Imperial Palace

Requirements: Available after Halamshiral if Empress Celene survived, remains

ruler of Orlais, and is in a relationship with Briala
Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: 1 Amulet of Power
A Golden Opportunity

Requirements: Claimed the Emprise du Lion and atleast 3 perks selected with the

Power Cost:
Time Required:

connections specialist
1 Anderfels Cleaver

A Memorial for Haven

Requirements: Completed "In Your Heart Shall Burn", Inquisition Rank atleast 5
Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: 1 Edgy Dagger Grip
1 Edgy Dagger Grip
A Present for Bianca

Requirements: Available after investing many perk points into the Secrets
Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: N/A
1 Aiming Module II
A Whisper from Behind the Throne

Requirements: Completed "Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts" - Sided with Briala
Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: N/A
1 Miniature Mask
Acquire the Arcanist

Requirements: Available after "In Your Heart Shall Burn"

Power Cost:
Time Required: 0
Connections: None
All That Glitters

Requirements: Claimed the Western Approach, alteast 3 points invested into

Power Cost:
Time Required: None


1 Wide Greatsword

Amaranthine Charger

Requirements: Complete operation to gain access to new mount.

Power Cost:
Time Required: None
Connections: None
An Invitation from the Emperor

Requirements: Completed "Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts" - Sided with Gaspard
Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: N/A
60 Influence
An Offer from the Blades of Hessarian

Requirements: Convinced the bandits in the storm coast to ally with the
Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: None
1 Engraved Pommel
Anderfel Courser

Requirements: Complete operation to gain access to new mount.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 1
Connections: None
Answer a Request from Hasmal

Requirements: Completed "In Hushed Whispers"

Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: 30 Influence
30 Influence


30 Influence

Avvar Mixed Draft

Requirements: AMD Bonus Mount

Power Cost:
Time Required: 0
Connections: None
Bestow Mourning Halla

Requirements: Complete operation to gain access to new mount.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: 10 Rashvine
10 Rashvine
10 Rashvine
Blue River Bane Dracolisk

Requirements: Complete operation to gain access to new mount.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 1
Connections: None

Requirements: Available to Warrior Inquisitors with the Reaver specialization

at Inquisition Rank of 8 or higher.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: 10 Ring Velvet
10 Lazurite
10 Halla Leather
Bring Samson to Skyhold for Judgment

Requirements: Completed Temple of Mythal with Samson as Nemesis

Power Cost:
Time Required: 20
Connections: None

Build Watchtowers

Requirements: Available during the Farmland Security quest.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: None
Capitalize on Alliance with Fairbanks

Requirements: Completed "Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts", Fairbanks has moved
to Argons Lodge, Presented evidence to Clara
Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: None
60 Influence
Celebrate the Dragonslaying

Requirements: Available after killing your first dragon.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 30
Connections: 1 Superb Amulet of Willpower
1 Superb Amulet of Willpower
Challenge Josephines Fianc to a Duel

Requirements: Josephine romance plot, Challenge her Fiance to a duel

Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: N/A
Contact Hero of Ferelden

Requirements: Import a world state in which The Warden survived

Power Cost:
Time Required: 1440
Connections: N/A
1 Enhanced Belt of Health
Continuing Her Predecessors Work

Requirements: Speak with the Tranquil researcher in Skyhold

Power Cost:
Time Required:

1 Corrupting Rune
1 Corrupting Rune
1 Corrupting Rune

Continuing Research

Requirements: Speak with the Tranquil researcher in Skyhold

Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: 1 Master Corrupting Rune
1 Master Corrupting Rune
1 Master Corrupting Rune
Crestwood Resources

Requirements: Available after Crestwood has been scouted.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: 3 Obsidian, 3 Embrium, 1 Fereldan Throne Accessory I (75.0%),
1 Fereldan Throne Accessory II (25.0%)
6 Embrium, 1 Fereldan Throne Accessory I (75.0%),
1 Fereldan Throne Accessory II (25.0%)
6 Obsidian, 1 Fereldan Throne Accessory I (75.0%),
1 Fereldan Throne Accessory II (25.0%)
Crossing the Sulphur Pits

Requirements: Locate and mark the sulpher pits in the Western Approach.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 0
Connections: None
Dagna: Mind Your Mentor

Requirements: Dagna Unlocked

Power Cost:
Time Required: 180
Connections: 60 Influence
60 Influence
60 Influence
Dagna: Overdue Penalties

Requirements: Dagna Unlocked

Power Cost:
Time Required: 180


60 Influence
30 Influence
120 Influence

Deal with Lord Basile Maron

Requirements: Claimed the Emprise du Lion

Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: 30 Influence
30 Influence
Delicate Negotiations

Requirements: ?
Power Cost:
Time Required: 1440
Connections: 1 Avenger, 60 Influence
Desert Lightning Dracolisk

Requirements: Complete operation to gain access to new mount.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 1
Connections: None
Destroying House of Reposes Contract

Requirements: Unlocked as part of "Of Somewhat Fallen Fortune"

Power Cost:
Time Required: 20
Connections: N/A
60 Influence
Dorians Request

Requirements: Available after "In Your Heart Shall Burn" - Dorian recruited and
Inquisitor Rank 4 or higher
Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: 30 Influence
30 Influence


30 Influence

Draw Out the Red Templar Lieutenant

Requirements: Fairbanks moved to Argons Lodge

Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: N/A
Emerald Graves Resources

Requirements: Available after Emerald Graves has been scouted. Operation can
be repeated.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: 3 Pyrophite, 3 Embrium, 1 Andrastian Throne Accessory I (75.0%),
1 Andrastian Throne Accessory II (25.0%), 1 Orlesian Throne
Accessory I (75.0%), 1 Orlesian Throne Accessory II (25.0%)
6 Embrium, 1 Andrastian Throne Accessory I (75.0%), 1 Andrastian
Throne Accessory II (25.0%), 1 Orlesian Throne
Accessory I (75.0%), 1 Orlesian Throne Accessory II (25.0%)
6 Pyrophite, 1 Andrastian Throne Accessory I (75.0%),
1 Andrastian Throne Accessory II (25.0%), 1 Orlesian Throne
Accessory I (75.0%), 1 Orlesian Throne Accessory II (25.0%)
Emprise du Lion Resources

Requirements: Available after Emprise du Lion has been scouted. Operation can
be repeated.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: 3 Bloodstone, 3 Arbor Blessing, 1 Andrastian Throne
Accessory I (75.0%), 1 Andrastian Throne Accessory II (25.0%),
1 Orlesian Throne Accessory I (75.0%), 1 Orlesian Throne
Accessory II (25.0%)
6 Arbor Blessing, 1 Andrastian Throne Accessory I (75.0%),
1 Andrastian Throne Accessory II (25.0%), 1 Orlesian Throne
Accessory I (75.0%), 1 Orlesian Throne Accessory II (25.0%),
1 Felandaris (10.0%)
6 Bloodstone, 1 Andrastian Throne Accessory I (75.0%),
1 Andrastian Throne Accessory II (25.0%), 1 Orlesian Throne
Accessory I (75.0%), 1 Orlesian Throne Accessory II (25.0%)

Requirements: Available to Rogue Inquisitors with the Assassin specialization

at Inquisition Rank of 8 or higher.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 240




Requirements: Available to Warrior Inquisitors with the Templar specialization

at Inquisition Rank of 8 or higher.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: N/A
60 Influence
Escape Routes for Agents in Crestwood

Requirements: Capture the keep in Crestwood and assign it to Secrets

Power Cost:
Time Required: 30
Connections: N/A
Exalted Plains Resources

Requirements: Available after Exalted Plains has been scouted. Operation can
be repeated.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: 3 Veridium, 3 Rashvine, 1 Andrastian Throne Accessory I (75.0%),
1 Andrastian Throne Accessory II (25.0%), 1 Orlesian Throne
Accessory I (75.0%), 1 Orlesian Throne Accessory II (25.0%)
6 Rashvine, 1 Andrastian Throne Accessory I (75.0%),
1 Andrastian Throne Accessory II (25.0%), 1 Orlesian Throne
Accessory I (75.0%), 1 Orlesian Throne Accessory II (25.0%)
6 Veridium, 1 Andrastian Throne Accessory I (75.0%),
1 Andrastian Throne Accessory II (25.0%), 1 Orlesian Throne
Accessory I (75.0%), 1 Orlesian Throne Accessory II (25.0%)
Expose the Double Agent

Requirements: ?
Power Cost:
Time Required: 20
Connections: N/A
30 Influence
Eyes of the Maker

Requirements: Completed "In Your Heart Shall Burn"

- Upgraded the Chantry in Skyhold
Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: 1 Gold Bracelet
1 Gold Bracelet
1 Gold Bracelet
Fallow Mire Resources

Requirements: Available after scouting the Fallow Mire. Operation can be

Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: 3 Summer Stone, 3 Blood Lotus, 1 Chasind Throne
Accessory I (75.0%), 1 Chasind Throne Accessory II (25.0%)
6 Blood Lotus, 1 Chasind Throne Accessory I (75.0%),
1 Chasind Throne Accessory II (25.0%), 1 Dawn Lotus (10.0%)
3 Summer Stone, 1 Chasind Throne Accessory I (75.0%),
1 Chasind Throne Accessory II (25.0%), 3 Blue Vitriol
Find Crestwoods Mayor

Requirements: Available after completing Still Waters in Crestwood.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 20
Connections: None
Find Source of Darkspawn Attacks

Requirements: ?
Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: 30 Influence
30 Influence
30 Influence
Find a Sponsor for the Du Paraquettes

Requirements: Part of "Of Somewhat Fallen Fortune"

Power Cost:
Time Required: 20
Connections: 60 Influence
60 Influence
60 Influence
Find the Old Montilyet Family Crest

Power Cost:
Time Required:

Josephine Gift/Romance Plot


Find the Source of Darkspawn

Requirements: Discovered the Slave Pits

Power Cost:
Time Required: 0
Connections: N/A
Find the Warden

Requirements: Available after speaking to Hawke in Skyhold,

during From the Ashes.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 0
Connections: N/A
Crestwood is Unlocked
Finding Samsons Weakness

Requirements: Unlocked Dagna, Part of Samson s Nemesis Plot

Power Cost:
Time Required: 30
Connections: 30 Influence
Flames of the Inquisition Charger

Requirements: Preorder Bonus

Power Cost:
Time Required: 0
Connections: 1 Inquisition Barded Charger
1 Inquisition Barded Charger
1 Inquisition Barded Charger
Free Marches Ranger

Requirements: Complete operation to gain access to new mount.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 1



Gain Access to Ghilannains Grove

Requirements: Claim Ghilannains Landmark in Emerald Graves

Power Cost:
Time Required: 0
Connections: N/A
Gain Orzammars Friendship

Requirements: Have a Keep import where Harrowmont is king.

Complete "In Your Heart Shall Burn"
Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: 60 Influence
Gather Cloth

Requirements: Available after scouting Emprise du Lion.

Operation can be repeated.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: 4 Velveteen, 2 Ring Velvet
6 Plush Fustian Velvet
6 Velveteen
Gather Herbs

Power Cost:
Time Required:

Available after scouting Crestwood. Operation can be repeated.

4 Spindleweed, 2 Royal Elfroot
6 Royal Elfroot
6 Spindleweed

Gather Information on Lord Otranto

Requirements: Josephine Romance Plot

Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: N/A



Gather Leather

Requirements: Available after scouting Emprise du Lion.

Operation can be repeated.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: 6 August Ram Leather
6 Great Bear Hide
3 Nugskin, 3 Canine Leather
Gather Metals

Requirements: Available after scouting Western Approach.

Operation can be repeated.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: 4 Paragons Luster, 2 Everite
6 Everite
6 Paragons Luster
Getting a Judges Favor

Requirements: Part of "Of Somewhat Fallen Fortune"

Power Cost:
Time Required: 20
Connections: None
Grand Cleric Iona

Requirements: ?
Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: 30 Influence
30 Influence
1 Amulet of Power
Harvest of History

Requirements: Completed the Apothecary upgrade for Skyhold

Power Cost:
Time Required: 180
Connections: None

Help Ponchard de Lieux

Requirements: Dorian Romance/Gift Plot

Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: 30 Influence
30 Influence
Hinterland Resources

Requirements: Available after scouting the Hinterlands.

Operation can be repeated.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: 3 Onyx, 3 Elfroot, 1 Enchanters Seat Accessory I (75.0%),
1 Enchanters Seat Accessory II (25.0%)
6 Elfroot, 1 Enchanters Seat Accessory I (75.0%),
1 Enchanters Seat Accessory II (25.0%)
6 Onyx, 1 Enchanters Seat Accessory I (75.0%),
1 Enchanters Seat Accessory II (25.0%)
Hire Former Slaves as Paid Workers

Requirements: Helped free the slaves

Power Cost:
Time Required: 10
Connections: N/A
30 Influence
Hissing Wastes Resources

Requirements: Unlocked the Hissing Wastes

Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: 3 Lazurite, 3 Vandal Aria, 1 Qunari Bench Accessory I (75.0%),
1 Qunari Bench Accessory II (25.0%)
3 Vandal Aria, 1 Qunari Bench Accessory I (75.0%),
1 Qunari Bench Accessory II (25.0%), 3 Deathroot
6 Lazurite, 1 Qunari Bench Accessory I (75.0%),
1 Qunari Bench Accessory II (25.0%)
House Amladaris

Requirements: Available after

Power Cost:
Time Required: 480
Connections: 1 Master Spirit
1 Master Spirit
1 Master Spirit

"In Your Heart Shall Burn"




Imperial Warmblood

Requirements: Complete operation to gain access to new mount.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 1
Connections: None
Improved Stability

Requirements: Closed 1/4 of all Fade Rifts

Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: 60 Influence
60 Influence
Improving Morale

Requirements: Claimed the western approach and have atleast 3 perks in Forces
Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: 60 Influence
60 Influence
60 Influence

Requirements: Available to Warrior Inquisitors with the Champion

specialization at Inquisition Rank of 8 or higher.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: 60 Influence
60 Influence
Investigate Ancient Laboratory

Requirements: Found the Tevinter Laboratory in Western Approach

Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: 1 Magister Ice Staff
1 Magister Ice Staff
Investigate Elven Ruins

Requirements: Completed "Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts" and found the Elven
Tomb landmark in Emerald Graves
Power Cost:
Time Required: 0
Connections: N/A
Investigate Sahrnia Quarry

Requirements: Samson s Nemesis Plot

Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: N/A
Investigate the Elven Glyphs

Requirements: Located all the Elven Glyphs in Exalted Plains

Power Cost:
Time Required: 0
Connections: None
Lost Temple of Dirthamen is Unlocked
Investigate the Exalted Plains

Requirements: Completed "In Your Heart Shall Burn"

Power Cost:
Time Required: 0
Connections: N/A
Exalted Plains is Unlocked
Investigate the Shards

Requirements: Discovered a Shard

Power Cost:
Time Required: 0
Connections: None
Forbidden Oasis is Unlocked
Investigate the Shrine of Dumat

Requirements: Speak with Leliana about the Shrine

Power Cost:
Time Required: 30



Investigate the Western Approach

Requirements: Complete "From the Ashes"

Power Cost:
Time Required: 0
Connections: N/A
The Western Approach
Judgment: Denams Red Templar Patrols

Requirements: ?
Power Cost:
Time Required: 120
Connections: None
30 Influence
Judgment: Duchess in a Box Tour 9:41

Requirements: Sentence Florianne s remains to be displayed.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: 120 Influence
120 Influence
60 Influence
Judgment: Help the People of Sahrnia

Requirements: ?
Power Cost:
Time Required: 120
Connections: 30 Influence
30 Influence
30 Influence
Judgment: How Could You

Requirements: ?
Power Cost:
Time Required: 120
Connections: 60 Influence
60 Influence
60 Influence

Judgment: Movrans Arrived!

Requirements: ?
Power Cost:
Time Required: 120
Connections: 60 Influence
60 Influence
60 Influence
Judgment: Playing to Win

Requirements: ?
Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: 120 Influence
60 Influence
30 Influence
Judgment: Recover Sold Artifacts

Requirements: ?
Power Cost:
Time Required: 120
Connections: 1 Belt of Focus
1 Belt of Focus
1 Belt of Focus
Judgment: The Death of Good Ser Ruth

Requirements: ?
Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: 60 Influence
60 Influence
60 Influence
Judgment: The Good Works of Ser Ruth

Requirements: ?
Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: 60 Influence
60 Influence
60 Influence
Judgment: The Magic Used in Redcliffe

Power Cost:
Time Required:

1 Enhanced Cooldown Amulet

Judgment: Abernache over Under

Requirements: ?
Power Cost:
Time Required: 120
Connections: 60 Influence
60 Influence
60 Influence
Justice Overflowing

Requirements: Fill the Jail in Skyhold

Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: 60 Influence
60 Influence
60 Influence
Learn More about Dragons

Requirements: Complete "In Your Heart Shall Burn",

Kill atleast 3 High Dragons
Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: None
Liberate Emprise du Lion

Requirements: Complete "From the Ashes"

Power Cost:
Time Required: 0
Connections: None
Emprise du Lion is Unlocked
Light-Torn Steed

Requirements: Complete operation to gain access to new mount.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 0



Locate Weapon of Tyrdda Bright-Axe

Requirements: Locate all the Landmarks in the Hinterlands

Power Cost:
Time Required: 1440
Connections: 1 Tyrddas Staff
1 Tyrddas Staff
1 Tyrddas Staff
Locate the Missing Seekers

Requirements: Completed "Here Lies the Abyss"

Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: 30 Influence
30 Influence

Requirements: Available to Rogue Inquisitors with the Artificer specialization

at Inquisition Rank of 8 or higher.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: None
1 Masterwork Jagged Longbow Grip, 1 Masterwork Firm Dagger Grip
1 Masterwork Jagged Longbow Grip, 1 Masterwork Firm Dagger Grip
Make Contact in the Emerald Graves

Requirements: Complete "In Your Heart Shall Burn"

Power Cost:
Time Required: 0
Connections: N/A
The Emerald Graves is Unlocked
Manage Stolen Freemen Property

Requirements: Fairbanks moved to Argons Lodge,

Presented evidence to brigand leader.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 30
Connections: 30 Influence
30 Influence
30 Influence



Measure Veil Strength

Requirements: Find 10 Ancient Elven Artifacts for Solas

Power Cost:
Time Required: 1440
Connections: 120 Influence
120 Influence
Negotiate a Deal for Weapon Plans

Requirements: Unlocked the Quartermaster in Skyhold

Power Cost:
Time Required: 480
Connections: 1 Masterwork Sentinel Shield
1 Anderfels Cleaver
Nobility and Casualty

Requirements: Completed Seeker Fortress

Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: 1 Amulet of Power, 30 Influence
1 Amulet of Power, 30 Influence
1 Amulet of Power, 30 Influence
Not So Bonny Sims

Requirements: Unlock Skyhold

Power Cost:
Time Required: 180
Connections: None
Obtain Amulet for Cole

Requirements: Acquire an amulet for Cole as part of "Subjected to His Will"

Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: None
Opening the Roads

Requirements: Unlock Skyhold

Power Cost:
Time Required:

10 Royale Sea Silk, 10 Stormheart, 10 Wyvern Scales,
10 Arbor Blessing
10 Royale Sea Silk, 10 Stormheart, 10 Wyvern Scales,
10 Arbor Blessing
10 Royale Sea Silk, 10 Stormheart, 10 Wyvern Scales,
10 Arbor Blessing

Plant Crystal in Venatori Headquarters

Requirements: Place a memory crystal in Venatori Headquarters as part of

Calpernia S Nemesis Quest, Under Her Skin.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 30
Connections: N/A
Power for a Price

Requirements: Completed "In Your Heart Shall Burn",

Inquisition level 6 or higher
Power Cost:
Time Required: 90
Connections: 30 Influence
30 Influence
30 Influence
Primal-Trained Longma

Requirements: Prima Bonus Mount

Power Cost:
Time Required: 0
Connections: None
Rainiers Release: An Alternative

Requirements: Blackwall Personal Plot

Power Cost:
Time Required: 5
Connections: N/A
Red Templars on the Storm Coast

Requirements: Unlocked Stormcoast, "Seeing Red" Completed

Power Cost:
Time Required:


Repair Pont Agur

Requirements: Claimed the Pont Agur Landmark

Power Cost:
Time Required: 0
Connections: N/A
Reports of Darkspawn Activity

Requirements: Completed "From the Ashes", Bandits cleared out of Stormcoast

Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: N/A
Rescue Soldiers Missing in Ferelden

Requirements: Complete "The Threat Remains"

Power Cost:
Time Required: 0
Connections: None
The Fallow Mire is Unlocked
Rescue the Spy

Power Cost:
Time Required:

Skyhold Complete
30 Influence
60 Influence
30 Influence

Research the Well of Sorrows

Requirements: Completed "What Pride Had Wrought"

Power Cost:
Time Required: 30
Connections: 30 Influence
30 Influence


30 Influence

Restore Judicaels Crossing

Requirements: Claimed the Judicaels Crossing Landmark in Emprise du Lion

Power Cost:
Time Required: 0
Connections: N/A
Restore the Port on the Storm Coast

Requirements: Claimed the Port Landmark in the Storm Coast

Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: 30 Influence
30 Influence
Revenge of the Merchants Guild

Requirements: Varric Personal Plot

Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: None

Requirements: Available to Mage Inquisitors with the Necromancer specialization

at Inquisition Rank of 8 or higher.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: N/A
1 Magister Staff Blade
30 Influence
Rumors of Maleficarum

Requirements: Completed "In Your Heart Shall Burn"

Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: N/A
1 Corrupting Rune
1 Corrupting Rune
Rumors of the Sulevin Blade

Requirements: ?
Power Cost:
Time Required: 0
Connections: N/A
Cradle of Sulevin is Unlocked
Say Farewell to Lady Ducette

Requirements: Leliana Personal Plot

Power Cost:
Time Required: 30
Connections: None
Scout the Hinterlands

Requirements: Complete the Prologue.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 0
Connections: N/A
The Hinterlands is Unlocked
Scout the Storm Coast

Requirements: Complete "The Threat Remains"

Power Cost:
Time Required: 0
Connections: N/A
Storm Coast is Unlocked
Secure More Lyrium for the Templars

Requirements: Completed "In Your Heart Shall Burn" and "Champions of the Just"
Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: N/A
30 Influence
Secure a Route through the Frostbacks

Requirements: Killed the Avvar Chief in the Fallow Mire

Power Cost:
Time Required: 15


30 Influence
30 Influence

Shadows over Denerim

Requirements: Import state where Anora is Queen or with the Warden,

Completed "In Your Heart Shall Burn"
Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: N/A
1 Fereldan Medallion of Service, 60 Influence
1 Fereldan Medallion of Service, 60 Influence
Sharp-Tail Dracolisk

Requirements: Complete operation to gain access to new mount.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 1
Connections: None

Requirements: Available to Rogue Inquisitors with the Tempest specialization

at Inquisition Rank of 8 or higher.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: 10 Masterwork Pyrophite
10 Masterwork Pyrophite
10 Masterwork Pyrophite
Speak with Minister Bellise at Party

Requirements: Josephine Personal Plot

Power Cost:
Time Required: 20
Connections: None
Specializations for the Inquisitor

Requirements: Available at Skyhold, open to Mage Inquisitors.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 0
Connections: None



Specializations for the Inquisitor

Requirements: Available at Skyhold, open to Warrior Inquisitors.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 0
Connections: N/A
Specializations for the Inquisitor

Requirements: Available at Skyhold, open to Rogue Inquisitors.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 0
Connections: N/A
Stop Venatori Activity in the West

Requirements: Complete "From the Ashes"

Power Cost:
Time Required: 0
Connections: N/A
The Hissing Wastes is Unlocked
Stop the Rumors

Requirements: Minstrel unlocked in Skyhold

Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: 30 Influence
30 Influence
Stop the Smuggling of Regular Lyrium

Requirements: ?
Power Cost:
Time Required: 30
Connections: None
30 Influence
Support Cassandra

Requirements: Complete "Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts"

Power Cost:
Time Required:

60 Influence
Support Cassandra to be Divine

Support Leliana

Requirements: Complete "Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts"

Power Cost:
Time Required: 0
Connections: 60 Influence
Support Leliana to be Divine
Support Vivienne

Requirements: Complete "Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts"

Power Cost:
Time Required: 0
Connections: 60 Influence
Support Vivenne to be Divine
Support from Nevarra

Requirements: Close 3/4 of all Fade Rifts

Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: 1 Nevarran Toy Soldier
1 Nevarran Toy Soldier
1 Nevarran Toy Soldier
The Bog Unicorn

Requirements: Preorder Bonus

Power Cost:
Time Required: None
1 Bog Unicorn
Connections: 1 Bog Unicorn
1 Bog Unicorn
1 Bog Unicorn
The Arcanist and the Fade

Requirements: Dagna Unlocked

Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: 1 Bianca Aiming II (Enhanced)
1 Bianca Aiming II (Enhanced)


1 Bianca Aiming II (Enhanced)


The Archives of Montfort

Requirements: Chantry upgrade to Skyhold

Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: 1 Masterwork Balanced Pommel
1 Masterwork Balanced Pommel
1 Masterwork Balanced Pommel
The Arl of Redcliffe

Requirements: Complete "Here Lies the Abyss"

Power Cost:
Time Required: 120
Connections: N/A
10 Obsidian
The Big One?

Power Cost:
Time Required:

Purchase the Mystery Box in Val Royeaux


The Chantry Remains

Requirements: ?
Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: 30 Influence
30 Influence
30 Influence
The College of Magi

Requirements: Inquisition Rank 7, Complete "Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts" or

"Here Lies the Abyss"
Power Cost:
Time Required: 480
Connections: 1 Enhanced Lifeward Amulet, 30 Influence
1 Enhanced Lifeward Amulet, 30 Influence
1 Enhanced Lifeward Amulet, 30 Influence
The Cult of Andraste

Requirements: Available at Haven
Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: N/A
1 Lifeward Amulet
1 Lifeward Amulet
The Hunter Shade Dracolisk

Requirements: Complete operation to gain access to new mount.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 360
Connections: 1 Hunter Shade Dracolisk
1 Hunter Shade Dracolisk
1 Hunter Shade Dracolisk
The Name of Our Enemy

Requirements: Unlocked after Skyhold

Power Cost:
Time Required: 480
Connections: 1 Wave Blade
1 Wave Blade
1 Wave Blade
The Red Hart

Power Cost:
Time Required:

Deluxe Bonus
1 Red Hart
1 Red Hart
1 Red Hart

The Secrets of Andraste

Requirements: Unlocked at Haven

Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: None
The Serpent of Nevarra

Requirements: Inquistion Rank 5, Completed "In Your Heart Shall Burn",

At least 3 Perks in Secrets
Power Cost:
Time Required: 240


1 Magister Ice Staff, 20 Influence
1 Magister Ice Staff
1 Magister Ice Staff

The Tevinter Resistance

Requirements: Inquisition Rank

Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: 1 Enhanced Chain
1 Enhanced Chain
1 Enhanced Chain

6 or higher, Dorian in Party

Lightning Ring
Lightning Ring
Lightning Ring

The Teyrn of Highever

Requirements: Unlocked Hinterlands

Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: 1 Fereldan Captain Longsword
1 Fereldan Captain Longsword
1 Fereldan Captain Longsword
The University of Orlais

Requirements: Complete "Here Lies the

Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: 1 Orlesian Army Warrior
1 Orlesian Army Warrior
1 Orlesian Army Warrior

Abyss" or "Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts"


Thom Rainiers Fate

Requirements: Available after speaking to Cullen in Val Royeaux during

Blackwalls Revelations Inner Circle quest.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 0
Connections: None
Tithe of the Faithful

Requirements: Chantry upgraded in Skyhold

Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: None



To Serve Any Master

Requirements: Crestwood unlocked, 3 or more Secrets Perks

Power Cost:
Time Required: 48
Connections: None
Track Down Samson

Requirements: Samson Nemesis Plot

Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: N/A

Power Cost:
Time Required:

Player is a Rift Mage, Inquisition Rank 8 or higher

30 Influence
1 Superior Enchanter Staff Blade
Your Trainer would like to send her research notes to the Mages
Collective. Both Leliana and Cullen would prefer her notes not
leave Skyhold. Josephine approves of working with the Collective.
Choose Cullen or Leliana, as you will never hear back from the
Collective if you send them the research.

Translate the Dragon Text

Requirements: Discover the Laboratory in the Western Approach

Power Cost:
Time Required: 0
Connections: None

Requirements: Available to Mage Inquisitors with the Knight-Enchanter

specialization at Inquisition Rank of 8 or higher.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: 30 Influence
1 Enchanted Staff Grip, 20 Influence
30 Influence



Upon the Waking Sea

Requirements: ?
Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: 1 Figurine of Armored Andraste
1 Figurine of Armored Andraste
1 Figurine of Armored Andraste
Watcher in the Wings

Requirements: ?
Power Cost:
Time Required: 480
Connections: N/A
1 Crow Dual-Blade
1 Crow Dual-Blade
Western Approach Resources

Requirements: Available after scouting the the Western Approach.

Operation can be repeated.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: 3 Paragons Luster, 3 Deep Mushroom
6 Deep Mushroom
6 Paragons Luster


Address a Noblemans Concerns

Requirements: Hinterlands Unlocked. This operation is only available if you

have not completed In Your Heart Shall Burn.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 20
Connections: None
60 Influence
A paranoid nobleman wants the Inquisition to deal with refugees
on his lands. Josephine wants to refuse the mans request, which
gains you nothing. Have Leliana help the nobleman, or Cullen help
the refugees, for a small reward instead.
Wedding Alliances Operation Chain

Alliances: Observing the Deadlock

Requirements: Available in Skyhold. Inquisition Rank is 4 or greater

Power Cost:
Time Required: 120
Connections: None
Noble houses are aligning in an attempt to match the Inquisition.
You can toy with them.
Alliances: Getting Things Moving

Requirements: Alliances: Observing the Deadlock complete.

Completed Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts or Here Lies the Abyss.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 180
Connections: 30 Influence
30 Influence
Orlesian nobles are rallying behind two families: the
traditional, old-money desRosiers and the progressive, new-money
Thibaults. The Inquisition can back one of the families to create
an alliance. Choose Cullen to back the desRosiers. This unlocks
Alliances: The Old Guard Forward. Choose Josephine to back the
Thibaults. This unlocks Alliances: Forging a Way Forward.
Alliances: The Old Guard Forward

Requirements: Complete Alliances: Getting Things Moving with Cullen

Power Cost:
Time Required: 120
Connections: 30 Influence
30 Influence
30 Influence
Lord desRosier requests additional support as he makes
allegiances in the capital. A matchmaker starts looking to use
her own influence.
Alliances: Falling into Place

Requirements: Complete Alliances: The Old Guard Forward. Depending on where

you are in the game, you may need to adventure for a while
before this is available.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 180
Connections: 60 Influence
60 Influence
The Thibault family could be rivals to the desRosiers. The
daughter of Lady Thibault wishes to marry into the Leandre
family. Neutralizing this alliance could allow for a more
profitable pairing. Cullen suggests a direct approach. The
Inquisition can demand the Leandres exclusion from court. This

unlocks Alliances: With Impassioned Pleas. Josephine suggests

marginalizing the Leandre name, believing that the appeal of the
Leandre/Thibault match will dry up. This unlocks Alliances: From
the Heart
Alliances: With Impassioned Pleas

Requirements: Complete Alliances: Falling Into Place with Cullen.

Completed Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts and Here Lies the Abyss.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: 1 Ornamented Brooch
1 Ornamented Brooch
1 Ornamented Brooch
The Leandre family staged blockades at desRosier holdings and
called on the Thibaults to stand with them. The protest was
driven by the Leandre son who claims that he and the Thibault
daughter intended to marry for love, not status. The matchmaker
points out that a match between Lord desRosier and the Thibault
daughter would be more advantageous. Cullen does not want to
waste soldiers on this conflict. The families can sort it out
themselves. It is implied that the Leandre son and Thibault
daughter die. The matchmaker and Lord desRosier may be found in
Val Royeaux. Cullen does not want to waste soldiers on this
conflict. The families can sort it out themselves. It is implied
that the Leandre son and Thibault daughter die. The matchmaker
and Lord desRosier may be found in Val Royeaux. Josephine
suggests putting full support behind the desRosiers. The
marriage between Lord desRosier and the Thibault daughter is
arranged. The marriage itself can be witnessed in Val Royeaux.
The Inquisitor can speak at the wedding. Leliana suggests that
the daughter and her lover should be disappear from the
conflict. Plans for a marriage between Lord desRosier and the
Thibault daughter move forward, however the daughter elopes with
her lover. The matchmaker and Lord desRosier can be found in Val
Royeaux without a bride.
Alliances: Forging a Way Forward

Requirements: Complete Alliances: Getting Things Moving with Josephine

Power Cost:
Time Required: 120
Connections: 30 Influence
30 Influence
30 Influence
Lady Tibault requests additional support as she makes allegiances
in the capital. A matchmaker starts looking to use her own
Alliances: Reaching Ever Upward

Requirements: Complete Alliances: Forging a Way Forward. Depending on where

you are in the game, you may need to adventure for a while
before this is available.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 180
Connections: 1 Amulet of Power


1 Amulet of Power
The desRosier family could be rivals to the Thibaults. The best
way to deal with them would be to create a social alliance but
the Thibault daughter is engaged elsewhere. Josephine supports
leaving the Thibaults to deal with the desRosiers. This unlocks
Alliances: From the Heart. Leliana suggests attacking Lord
desRosiers good name. This unlocks Alliances: With Angered

Alliances: From the Heart

Requirements: Complete Alliances: Falling into Place with Josephine or

Alliances: Reaching Ever Upward with Josephine.
Completed Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts and Here Lies the Abyss.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: 1 Ornamented Brooch
1 Ornamented Brooch
1 Ornamented Brooch
The matchmaker is prepared to make an alliance between Lord
desRosier and the Thibault daughter, though it is implied that
the Thibault daughter is truly in love with the Leandre son.
However since the daughter is making sacrifices to ensure the
Inquisitions desired alliance, Leandre will honor that decision
and pledge himself to the Inquisition instead. Cullen suggests a
way to help the Leandre son and Thibault daughter elope. The
matchmaker and Lord desRosier can be found in Val Royeaux
without a bride. Josephine suggests an official marriage between
the Leandre son and Thibault daughter. You can locate the bride,
groom and matchmaker in Val Royeaux. The Inquisitor can speak at
their wedding. Leliana can ensure that the desRosier/Thibault
wedding occurs. The marriage itself can be witnessed in Val
Royeaux. The Inquisitor can speak at the wedding.
Alliances: With Angered Eyes

Requirements: Complete Alliances: Reaching Ever Upward with Leliana.

Completed Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts and Here Lies the Abyss.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: 1 Ornamented Brooch
1 Ornamented Brooch
1 Ornamented Brooch
Lord desRosier has directly challenged the holdings of the
Thibaults. The matchmaker suggests uniting the desRosiers and
Thibaults through marriage, however the Thibault daughter is
still engaged to the Leandre son. Cullen advises directly
thwarting Lord desRosiers. The Thibault daughter and Leandre
son are able to marry. You can locate the bride, groom and
matchmaker in Val Royeaux. The Inquisitor can speak at their
wedding. Josephine agrees with the matchmakers plan. The
marriage between Lord desRosier and the Thibault daughter is
arranged. The marriage itself can be witnessed in Val Royeaux.
The Inquisitor can speak at the wedding. Leliana suggests
withdrawing from the conflict and leaving the nobles to their
own devices. It is implied that the Leandre son and Thibault
daughter die. The matchmaker and Lord desRosier may be found in

Val Royeaux.

Western Approach Operation Chain

Secure a Source of Water for Outpost

Requirements: Claim Griffon Wing fortress in the Western Approach

Power Cost:
Time Required: 30
Connections: 60 Influence
60 Influence
60 Influence
Inquisition agents at Griffon Wing fortress once need to secure
more sources of water to maintain the keep. Each of the advisors
has suggestions on how to locate fresh water. Choose as you wish.
Deal with the Angry Varghests

Requirements: Secure a Source of Water for Outpost completed.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: N/A
60 Influence
60 Influence
Your men have found a source of water, but in the process have
angered a colony of varghests. The varghests are attacking
caravans, making it hard for supplies to get through the desert.
Cullen thinks you should just kill the varghests. Leliana thinks
you should relocate the varghest colony as the destruction of
their habitat is the Inquisitions fault.
Kirkwall Operation Group

An Ally from Starkhaven

Requirements: If a world state where Sebastian was recruited was imported,

if Redcliffe or Therinfal Redoubt is complete.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: 90g
The new Inquisition receives a missive from Sebastian Vael of
Starkhaven. He wishes to extend a hand in friendship to the
Inquisition. Leave it to Josephine to cement to alliance.
Aiding Kirkwall

Requirements: If the Inquisition accepted Sebastian Vaels friendship,

Inquisitor deal with the Grey Wardens at Adamant, Inquisitor
returned from the ball at Halamshiral, a world state where
Anders was executed was imported.

Power Cost:
Time Required:

30 Influence
30 Influence
60 Influence
Sebastian Vael wants to help rebuild the city of Kirkwall, which
still suffers from the actions of the apostate named Anders. He
wants the Inquisition to send soldiers and workers to help in
the aid effort. Leliana think it is a waste of time and
Inquisition resources should be spent on defeating Corypheus.
Josephine will appeal to noble allies to help Kirkwall and Cullen
will send troops to try to remove the red lyrium in the Gallows.

Annexing Kirkwall

Requirements: If the Inquisition accepted Sebastian Vaels friendship,

Inquisitor deal with the Grey Wardens at Adamant, Inquisitor
returned from the ball at Halamshiral, a world state where Anders
lives was imported.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: None
Sebastian Vael wishes to annex Kirkwall in order to locate the
apostate Anders, who is still at large. He entreats the
Inquisition for help in this matter. Josephine believes staying
out of it is best for the Inquisition, and it will avoid
offending your allies. She is correct in this case. This will
earn the Inquisition a better reward. However, if your
Inquisition agrees on a moral grounds with either Cullen or
Leliana, side with them instead.
Michel de Chevin Operation Group

Assigning Michel de Chevin

Requirements: Helped Michel in Emprise du Lion and gained him as an agent.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: 1 Enchanter Staff
1 Enchanter Staff
1 Enchanter Staff
Michel de Chevin, ex-chevalier, is now part of the Inquisition.
As Inquisitor, you decide where his expertise is most valuable.
Cullen wants him as an officer, Josephine wishes to loan him out
as an advisor to one of your noble allies and Leliana wants him
working with Solas and the Inquisition scholars on the eluvians,
as Michel has encountered them in the past.
Reconciliation for Celene and Michel

Requirements: Completed Assigning Michel de Chevin, completed Wicked Eyes and

Wicked Hearts with Celene retaining the throne of Orlais
Power Cost:

Time Required:

The Inquisition has received a visit from one of Empress Celenes
attendants. She wishes a reconciliation with Michel, who was once
her champion. Michel does not know about this yet. Cullen
believes Michel deserves to be told. However, Leliana is more
suspicious of the visitor and wonders whether Celene genuinely
wants to reconcile, or is simply looking for a spy in the
Inquisition. Choose as you wish.

Restoring Michel de Chevins Honor

Requirements: Completed Assigning Michel de Chevin, completed Wicked Eyes and

Wicked Hearts with Gaspard on the throne of Orlais
Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: 60 Influence
60 Influence
60 Influence
The Inquisition has received a letter from the new Emperor of
Orlais. Gaspard has heard that Michel de Chevin is now with the
Inquisition and wishes to allow Michel, previously disgraced, to
return to court. Leliana suspects Gaspards intentions, however.
Picking any of the advisors will gain some influence for the
Executors Operation Chain

Investigate the Strange Chalk Markings

Requirements: Many perks in Secrets.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: 30 Influence
30 Influence
Inquisition agents have noticed a strange symbol, drawn in chalk
in and around established Inquisition outposts. Someone is making
them for some reason. You might want to discover what it is. One
of your assassins, Argent, thinks she once saw a similar marking
on a ledger belonging to a comtess. Send Josephine to follow-up
on this lead. Or you could take Lelianas suggestion to set up
a decoy outpost and watch it carefully. Either will allow the
Inquisition to learn something about the symbol.
Unmask Those Across the Sea

Requirements: Completed Investigate the Strange Chalk Markings.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: N/A
1 Master Demon-Slaying Rune


Your agents have learned that the symbols are the work of those
across the sea. Leliana wishes to find out more about them, and
their intentions. However, Cullen disagrees that you should be
spending Inquisition resources on this task. Accept Lelianas
suggestion to pursue those across the sea and earn a reward.
Serault Operation Chain

Investigate Serault

Requirements: Hinterlands Unlocked.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: None
Serault is a strange and remote town in the farthest reaches of
Orlais, and the last place Justinia V visited before the
ill-fated Divine Conclave. Leliana wonders if this might have
something to do with the attack on the Conclave. Send Josephine
to speak to the rulers of Serault, or Leliana to make contact
with the people to see what they know. Your choice will determine
what happens next.
Search for the Lost in Serault

Requirements: Haven destroyed, Josephines emissary sent to make contact in

Investigate Serault.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: N/A
3 Prophets Laurel, 1 Serault Glass
3 Prophets Laurel, 1 Serault Glass
The emissary Josephine sent to Serault remaind by the marquis
side, but both have now gone missing on a hunt. Send Cullens
soldiers to locate the lost, or Lelianas spies, who may be
quieter. Sending spies will allow you to save the Marquis and
gain something special from Serault.
Quell Unrest in Serault

Requirements: Haven destroyed, Lelianas spies sent to make contact in

Investigate Serault.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: 3 Serault Glass
3 Serault Glass
Lelianas spies have discovered that Justinias visit to Serault
had nothing to do with Corypheus or the Conclave. However,
theyve learned about a revolt brewing amongst the people, caused
by fear about the state of the world. The marquis attempts to get
the people to settle down, but may require help to do so. Cullen
advises sending Inquisition soldiers to help the people feel more

secure, while Josephine suggests sending an Inquisition

representative to help allay the peoples fears. Sending soldiers
may cost the Inquisition more, but helps the people feel safe,
and will earn the Inquisition a special prize from Serault.
Crows Operation Chain

Investigate Lord Enzo of Antiva

Requirements: Complete Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts or Here Lies the Abyss
Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: 1 Masterwork Imbued Staff Grip
1 Masterwork Imbued Staff Grip
The Venatori are smuggling red lyrium into Antiva. Leliana or
Josephine can help you investigate Lord Enzo, a possible
venatori contact.
An Offer from the Crows

Requirements: Complete Investigate Lord Enzo of Antiva

Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: 1 Masterwork Mabari Grip
1 Masterwork Mabari Grip
Inquisitions track Lord Enzo after he flees Antiva. They
encounter the Crows who have been hired to assassinate Enzo for
unrelated reasons. The Crows offer to assist since you are
working towards a common goal. Leliana and Josephine will both
work with the Crows. Do not choose Cullen, as working alone will
not yield a reward.
A Missing Assassin

Requirements: Completed An Offer from the Crows. Zevran was recruited in

Dragon Age: Origins, is still alive and was not romancing the
Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: N/A
1 Wooden Crow Figurine
Zevran writes to the Inquisition. He notices that the Crows have
been in contact with you and offers his assistance instead.
Leliana will choose working with Zevran while Cullen will opt
for the Crows.
Word from the Crows

Requirements: Chose Cullen in A Missing Assassin or did not have the

requirements for A Missing Assassin because Zevran is not alive
or is off with the Hero of Ferelden.
Power Cost:

Time Required:

1 Split Pommel
1 Split Pommel
The Crows have located Lord Enzo. Cullen and Leliana both offer
to assist the Crows in the attack. Josephine will suggest leaving
the job to the Crows so that the Inquisition is not directly
involved in the assassination of an Antivan noble. However, if
you dont help directly, you dont get to share in the rewards.

A Lead from the Crows

Requirements: Completed Word from the Crows.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: None
1 Glass Fox, 60 Influence
The Crows offer to investigate further venatori connections in
Antiva. Choose Leliana as she is willing to work with the Crows.
Word from Zevran Arainai

Requirements: Chose Leliana in A Missing Assassin.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: None
1 Split Pommel, 60 Influence
1 Split Pommel, 60 Influence
Zevran has tracked down Lord Enzo. Just like A Word from the
Crows, having Cullen or Leliana offer direct aid will result in
rewards, while turning a blind eye will not.
Evading the Crows

Requirements: Completed Word from Zevran Arainai.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: 1 Raven Totem
1 Raven Totem
1 Raven Totem
Zevran asks for assistance evading the Crows. All three advisors
are able to help.

Kal-Sharok Operation Chain

Dwarven Slaves in Venatori Hands

Requirements: Complete Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts or Here Lies the Abyss,
Inquisition Rank 4
Power Cost:
Time Required: 60


Cullen has a report that the Venatori are keeping dwarven slaves.
The Inquisition can send in a force to free them.

An Offer of Help, on Their Terms

Requirements: Dwarven Slaves in Venatori Hands, Inquisition Rank 6

Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: 1 Aiming Module III
1 Aiming Module III
1 Aiming Module III
The dwarves of Kal-Sharok are offering the Inquisition a tunnel
that will allow you to sneak up on a large camp of Venatori. Take
Lelianas advice and follow their instructions to the letter.

The Crew Operation Chain

New to the Crew: A Young Hopeful

Requirements: Speak to Sutherland in the Skyhold.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: N/A
Sutherland offers to assist with some bandits but lacks
equipment. Choose Cullen as he is willing to outfit Sutherland
and have him help. Leliana will send her own people, ending the
operation chain.
A Patrol for the Crew

Requirements: Complete New to the Crew: A Young Hopeful with Cullen. Speak to
Sutherland at Skyhold and tell him to keep training. Telling
Sutherland to return the gear will end the operation chain.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 120
Connections: N/A
Since he proved helpful before, Cullen suggests expanding
Sutherlands duties.
Outfitting the Crew

Requirements: Complete A Patrol for the Crew. Speak to Sutherland at Skyhold.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 30
Connections: 30 Influence
30 Influence


30 Influence
The Inquisition quartermaster would like to outfit Sutherlands
company so that they better represent the Inquisition.

A Test of Mettle and the Crew

Requirements: Complete Outfitting the Crew. Speak to Sutherland and his crew
at Skyhold.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 180
Connections: None
30 Influence
Lord Presmond-Als writes of darkspawn attacks. He requests to
act under the Inquisitions banner and speaks of forging a
partnership. Cullen will suggest sending your own soldiers, while
Josephine considers the alliance. Both options end this operation
chain. Choose Leliana as she will send Sutherlands crew to deal
with the problem.
A Crew of Ambassadors

Requirements: Complete A Test of Mettle and the Crew with Leliana. Speak to
Sutherland and his crew at Skyhold.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: 1 Notched Longbow Grip
1 Notched Longbow Grip
1 Notched Longbow Grip
After the crew encountered some dwarves, the Mining Caste of
Orzammar has specifically requested aid from Suthererlands
A Crew of Adventurers

Requirements: Storm Coast Unlocked. Complete A Crew of Ambassadors. Speak to

Sutherland and his crew at Skyhold.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: 1 Firm Two-Handed Haft
1 Firm Two-Handed Haft
1 Firm Two-Handed Haft
Sutherlands company makes a request for further expeditions.
Sutherland and Company Missing

Requirements: Complete A Crew of Adventurers. Go to speak to Sutherland, but

find a worried squire in their place.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 480
Connections: 30 Influence
30 Influence
30 Influence
Narrow down the location where Sutherlands company went missing.
The after action report for this operation will direct you to the
Storm Coast. You can go there to rescue Sutherland and his crew.

If you go to Storm Coast and return to Skyhold without rescuing

them, then Sutherland and some of his crew will die. You can
encounter another member of the crew giving the bad news. The
crew is done.
A Company of Heroes

Requirements: Complete Sutherland and Company Missing and successfully rescue

the team on the Storm Coast.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 180
Connections: 1 Heavy Shield
1 Heavy Shield
1 Heavy Shield
Sutherlands Company keeps up the hard work. When this operation
is complete, make sure to go speak with the Company at Skyhold.



The Carta Gets Its Cut

Requirements: Dwarf Inquisitor

Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: 30 Influence
30 Influence
30 Influence
An old partner from your Carta clan warns you that your old Carta
boss thinks you ran off with his lyrium.
Business with the Carta

Requirements: Did not take Cullens option in The Carta Gets Its Cut, have
reached Skyhold
Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: 1 Bladed Greatsword Grip
1 Bladed Greatsword Grip
1 Bladed Greatsword Grip
Your Carta buddy has heard the Inquisition is interested in
finding out whos buying lyrium, and informs you of a deal going
down on the Storm Coast.
The Dasher

Requirements: Either Business with the Carta or Cullens path in The Carta Gets
Its Cut, and either Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts or Here Lies
the Abyss complete.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: N/A


1 Dwarven Longsword Grip

1 Dwarven Longsword Grip
Your Carta friend warns you that your old Carta boss is going to
attack an Inquisition diplomatic meeting with Orzammar.

Contact Clan Lavellan

Requirements: Elf Inquisitor

Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: 10 Blood Lotus
10 Blood Lotus
30 Influence
Your Dalish clan contacts the Inquisition. Theyre concerned you
might be a prisoner. Have Leliana or Josephine contact them, as
Cullens soldiers will scare the clan and start an incident that
costs lives on both sides.
Protect Clan Lavellan

Requirements: Contact Clan Lavellan completed successfully, player has been

made Inquisitor.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: None
The Dalish contact the Inquisition, worried about bandits who
have been harassing the clan. Josephines attempt to solve
matters with diplomacy will backfire and get your clan killed,
so choose either Cullen or Leliana to help protect your clan.
This choice puts on you on one of two paths Investigate Duke
Antoine of Wycome with Leliana or Break Venatori Hold on Wycome
with Cullen.
Investigate Duke Antoine of Wycome

Requirements: Completed Protect Clan Lavellan with Leliana.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: 60 Influence
60 Influence
Lelianas agent, Jester, updates the Inquisition on Duke
Antoines plan to kill the Dalish. She warns against direct
action and is not wrong. Following Lelianas suggestion of
sending assassins after Duke Antoine will get your clan killed
in retaliation. Work with Josephine to introduce one of her
diplomats, Lady Guinevere Volant.
Stop Purge of Wycomes Elves

Requirements: Completed Investigate Duke Antoine of Wycome with Josephine.

Power Cost:

Time Required:

25 Influence
60 Influence
Your clans keeper contacts the Inquisition noting the dire
situation for the elves both in Wycome and in your clan.
Something must be done. In this case, however, stealth will win
the day. Cullens help will arrive too late, killing your clan,
while using Lelianas spies will eliminate the evil Duke Antoine
and his attempt to poison the city with red lyrium. It then opens
Protect Clan Lavellan and Wycome.

Break Venatori Hold on Wycome

Requirements: Completed Protect Clan Lavellan with Cullen.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: 60 Influence
60 Influence
Lady Guinevere Volant sends word to the Inquisition, and behind
her pleasantries, it is clear that she wants urgent help. Trying
to resolve the matter with diplomacy will lead to her death, and
the death of your clan. Have Leliana send spies to eliminate the
Venatori spies instead.
Restore Order in Wycome

Requirements: Completed Break Venatori Hold on Wycome with Leliana.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 480
Connections: N/A
25 Influence
60 Influence
Lady Guinevere Volant sends word again, and her polite letter
hides a message in which she warns the Inquisition away from
using soldiers and asks you to let the Dalish elves help
overthrow the corrupt Duke Antoine. She is quite correct, as
using Cullen will get her and your clan killed. Have Leliana get
the Dalish clan into the city and eliminate Duke Antoine. This
opens Protect Clan Lavellan and Wycome.
Protect Clan Lavellan and Wycome

Requirements: Completed either Restore Order in Wycome or Stop Purge of

Wycomes Elves successfully. Also Here Lies the Abyss and Wicked
Eyes and Wicked Hearts both complete.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 1440
Connections: 100 Influence
1 Royal Sixteen, 100 Influence
Your clans keeper informs you that the Dalish are now respected
in the city, but other cities in the Free Marches are sending
forces to crush the new government. Josephines attempt to
resolve matters peacefully will only get your clan killed. Have

Cullen send forces to fortify the city, and the Free Marches
forces will back down, leaving your clan as part of Wycomes
new ruling body.

Deal with Relatives of the Trevelyans

Requirements: Human Inquisitor

Power Cost:
Time Required: 10
Connections: 30 Influence
30 Influence
30 Influence
Your noble relatives in Free Marches are boasting about being
related to the Herald of Andraste. Some of the Trevelyans are
getting out of hand - a few have threatened others in your name.
Each advisor is equally suited to dealing with this problem, but
the rest of this chain splits depending on which initial advisor
you choose.
Mediate Between Ostwick Noble Families

Requirements: Chose Josephine for Deal with Relatives of the Trevelyans.

Completed In Your Heart Shall Burn, Inquisition Rank 4+
Power Cost:
Time Required: 30
Connections: 30 Influence
30 Influence
30 Influence
Your relatives want your diplomats to mediate a family feud that
threatens to spiral out of control. Leliana will complete this
mission the quickest, but Josephine or Cullen give more positive
Deal with an Unexpected Gift

Requirements: Completed Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts or Here Lies the Abyss.
Completed Deal with Relatives of the Trevelyans and Mediate
Between Ostwick Noble Families.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 40
Connections: None
Ostwicks nobility is presenting you a gift of land that appears
too good to be true. Have Josephine investigate this generous
offer to finish this operation chain.
Protect the Inquisitions Reputation

Requirements: Chose Leliana for Deal with Relatives of the Trevelyans.

Completed In Your Heart Shall Burn, Inquisition Rank 4+
Power Cost:
Time Required: 20


30 Influence
30 Influence
30 Influence
Snubbed relatives are throwing around wicked rumors about the
Inquisition. Cullen will deal with these veiled innuendos the
quickest, but choosing Leliana or Josephine to deal with the
problem gives a more positive outcome.

Stop Bann Dorner from Spying

Requirements: Completed Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts or Here Lies the Abyss.
Completed Deal with Relatives of the Trevelyans and Protect the
Inquisitions Reputation.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 30
Connections: 120 Influence
A distant relative, Bann Dorner, has been spying on your
Inquisition. Have Leliana send him a message youre not to be
trifled with, which will finish this chain.
Stop Albrecht Harassing Messengers

Requirements: Chose Cullen for Deal with Relatives of the Trevelyans.

Completed In Your Heart Shall Burn, Inquisition Rank 4+
Power Cost:
Time Required: 20
Connections: 30 Influence
30 Influence
30 Influence
One of your relatives, Lord Albrecht, has been harassing your
messengers in the Free Marches. Having Cullen deal with him is
both the quickest outcome, and the best one.
Beat Lord Albrecht in Grand Tourney

Requirements: Completed Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts or Here Lies the Abyss.
Completed Deal with Relatives of the Trevelyans and Stop Albrecht
Harassing Messengers.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 30
Connections: N/A
120 Influence
The Free Marches are holding a Grand Tourney, and Lord Albrecht
demands the Inquisition attempt to beat his soldiers attending
the festival. Have Cullen dispatch the Inquisitions best and
brightest to answer the challenge and finish this chain.

A Job for the Valo-kas Mercenaries

Power Cost:
Time Required:

Reached Skyhold.
1 Blightwasp Vitaar
1 Blightwasp Vitaar
1 Blightwasp Vitaar
Your old company needs a job. Maybe you can set them up with

The Missing Blades of the Valo-Kas

Requirements: A Job for the Valo-kas Mercenaries, Wicked Eyes and Wicked
Hearts or Here Lies the Abyss complete.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: None
Some of the company went missing on a routine job. You can have
the Inquisition try to find them.
Freeing the Valo-Kas Mercenaries

Requirements: The Missing Blades of the Valo-kas complete.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 480
Connections: N/A
1 Qunari Slasher Grip
The good news is, you found out where the missing mercenaries
are. The bad news: Theyve been captured by dangerous fanatics.


Mage Allies Operation Chain

Reclaiming the Mage Rebellion

Requirements: Complete In Hushed Whispers, allied with mages

Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: 1 Enhanced Amulet of Magic
1 Enhanced Amulet of Magic
1 Enhanced Amulet of Magic
Fiona gives the Inquisition the locations of a few hidden cells
of rebel mages to bring them into the fold.
Reparations for Redcliffe

Requirements: Reclaiming the Mage Rebellion completed, either Here Lies the
Abyss or Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts done
Power Cost:

Time Required:

Arl Teagan of Redcliffe would like the Inquisition to take
responsibility for all the stuff the mage rebellion wrecked in
his arling while they were staying there.

The Arls Invitation

Requirements: Complete Reparations for Redcliffe

Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: 30 Influence
30 Influence
Okay, now that all that unpleasantness is over, Teagan issues
the Inquisition an invitation to participate in a tournament on
his lands for the chance to win a bannorn of your very own.
Select a champion to act on your behalf.
Mage Prisoners Operation Chain

Information from the Grand Enchanter

Requirements: Completed In Hushed Whispers, took mages as prisoners.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: N/A
1 Amulet of Power
1 Amulet of Power
Some of the mages from Redcliffe attacked Inquisition guards
during an escape attempt. You decide how to deal with them.
The Extremists

Requirements: Information from the Grand Enchanter completed, either Here Lies
the Abyss or Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts done.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: N/A
Lelianas agents locate a cell of rebel mages building
explosives. Have Cullen wipe them out, or let Leliana bring them
in alive for questioning.

Templars Operation Chain

Negotiate with Hasmals Templars

Requirements: Available in Skyhold. Took templars as prisoners in Champions of

the Just.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: 30 Influence
30 Influence
30 Influence
There are rumors of blood mages in the Wending Wood. The
Inquisition can investigate. Completing this operation will open
False Accusations and then Confront Mages in the Wending Wood.
The Orders Obligations

Requirements: Available in Skyhold. Took templars as allies in Champions of the

Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: 30 Influence
30 Influence
60 Influence
There are rumors of blood mages in the Wending Wood. The
Inquisition can investigate. Completing this operation will open
False Accusations and then Confront Mages in the Wending Wood.
Darkspawn Operation Chain

Investigate Val Gamord

Requirements: Available after Here Lies the Abyss, but only if you chose to
exile the Grey Wardens.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: N/A
30 Influence
1 Darkspawn Alpha Greataxe, 30 Influence
Use Cullen to send troops to engage the darkspawn directly.
Drive Darkspawn from Val Gamord

Requirements: Complete Investigate Val Gamord.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: 1 Masterwork Etched Two-Handed Grip, 30 Influence
Use Josephine to bring in allies and attack the darkspawn with
a larger force.
Search Mines in Gamordan Peaks

Requirements: Complete Drive Darkspwn from Val Gamord.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 240


1 Battlemage Staff, 30 Influence
60 Influence
Use Leliana to send in scouts to search the mines without
altering the darkspawn.
Grey Wardens Operation Chain

Protect Val Gamord from Darkspawn

Requirements: Available after Here Lies the Abyss, but only if you chose to
ally with the Grey Wardens.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: None
Choose Cullen to send the Wardens against the darkspawn.
Find Source of Darkspawn Attacks

Requirements: Complete Protect Val Gamord from Darkspawn.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: 30 Influence
30 Influence
30 Influence
Choose Leliana to have scouts track the corruption.
Pursue Marquise Bouffon

Requirements: Complete Find Source of Darkspawn Attacks.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: 30 Influence
30 Influence
30 Influence
Choose Leliana to find an alternate pass through the mountains.
Defeat Marquise Bouffon

Requirements: Complete Pursue Marquise Bouffon.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: 1 Song of the Marshes
1 Song of the Marshes
1 Song of the Marshes
Choose Josephine to have an allied noble bring siege equipment.
Destroy Darkspawn Outbreak

Requirements: Complete Defeat Marquise Bouffon.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 1440


1 Master Demon-Slaying Rune
1 Master Demon-Slaying Rune
1 Master Demon-Slaying Rune
Choose Cullen to have the Wardens destroy the darkspawn for good.
Ser Barris Operation Chain

Save Val Colline from the Venatori

Requirements: Ser Barris must survive Champions of the Just.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: 30 Influence
30 Influence
30 Influence
The city of Val Colline is being attacked by the Venatori. Ser
Barris will take some templars to help counter their spells. You
may choose any specialist, but Leliana will complete this
operation fastest.
Have Ser Barris Lead Against Demons

Requirements: Completed Save Val Colline from the Venatori.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 90
Connections: 30 Influence
30 Influence
30 Influence
Ser Barris has received a request for help from an old friend in
Ansburg. Demons are crossing the veil and attacking people in the
city. Dispatch Barris and templars to fight the demonic invasion.
You may choose any specialist, but Cullen will complete this
operation fastest.
Investigate Man Accused of Abomination

Requirements: Completed Have Ser Barris Lead Against Demons.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 120
Connections: 30 Influence
30 Influence
30 Influence
A man in Jader has been accused of being an abomination. Send
Ser Barris to investigate whether or not this is true. You may
choose any specialist, but Josephine will complete this operation
fastest. After its complete, if there are no judgments waiting,
the next time you click on the Inquisitors throne you will get
a scene where Ser Barris is promoted to Knight Commander of the



Utilize the Grey Warden Treaties

Requirements: This operation appears once Blackwall is recruited.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 30
Connections: 5 Iron
Blackwall has in his possession Grey Warden treaties, which the
Inquisition might be able to use to obtain the resources it needs
to improve itself. Josephine can be put in charge of invoking the
treaties in as diplomatic a way as possible.
Conscript for the Inquisition

Requirements: Blackwall was recruited, Haven was destroyed.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: 1 Round Pommel
1 Round Pommel
1 Round Pommel
The appearance of an ancient darkspawn magister makes the Grey
Warden treaties more relevant to the Inquisition. What you choose
to obtain with the treaties is up to you. Cullen will use them to
bolster Inquisition forces, Josephine uses them to ask for
donations from noble allies, and Leliana will use them to gain
information for the Inquisition.
The Consequences of Blackwalls Lie

Requirements: Saw Blackwall on the gallows in Val Royeaux, used the Grey Warden
treaties before
Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: None
Blackwalls revelation has made some of your allies upset, as the
conscription done by the Inquisition was based on a lie.
Josephine believes reparations should be madethis will get the
Inquisition nothing but may appease your allies. Cullen prefers
a more practical approach; based on your actions at Adamant, the
Wardens are now your allies, or banished from Southern Thedas and
their assets seized by the Inquisition. Either way, the commander
believes this entitles you to use the treaties with impunity.
Allowing him to handle it will give the Inquisition more gold.

Locate Rhys and Evangeline

Requirements: Available after talking to Cole about Rhys and Evangeline at


Power Cost:
Time Required:

30 Influence
30 Influence
30 Influence
Coles friends Rhys and Evangeline were not present at the
Conclave. Complete this operation to rescue them.

Deploy Rhys and Evangeline

Requirements: Complete Locate Rhys and Evangeline.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: None
3 Spirit Essence
30 Influence
Once the rescue is complete, you can then deploy Rhys and
Evangeline as Inquisition agents as you see fit. Cole will
approve of your actions, and there is no wrong way to complete
this short chain of operations.

Aid those Impacted by the Civil War

Requirements: Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts complete, some points in the Forces
Perk tree
Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: 60 Influence
60 Influence
60 Influence
The Imperial Army is prepared to aid the Inquisition but must
first deal with demons within their own borders. Cullen suggests
sending your own soldiers to fight demons. Josephine suggests
petitioning the Chantry to provide shelter for civilians, while
Lelianas agents can divert travelers from dangerous areas.
Choose Cullen as direct cooperation with the Imperial soldiers
will encourage them to work with you again.
An Offer from the Imperial Army

Requirements: Completed Aid those Impacted by the Civil War with Cullen.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: N/A
30 Influence
Chevalier Ducet remembers the Inquisitions soldiers helping with
the demons. He offers to assist your soldiers as they fight Red
Templars in Val Foret. Only Cullen is available for this
Diverting Soldiers in the Frostbacks

Power Cost:
Time Required:

Keep in Crestwood claimed, many points in the Forces perk tree

1 Makers Bride Cameo
60 Influence
Sister Paulette and a group of injured Inquisition soldiers are
holding off Avvar in the Frostback Mountains. Word can be sent
to soldiers near their location, however said soldiers are in
pursuit of Red Templars with civilian captives. Cullen will opt
to pursue the red templars and captives. The captives will be
freed but Sister Pauline and the soldiers are lost. Pursuit
through the Mountains becomes available. Josephine will opt for
helping Sister Pauline and the injured soldiers. The sister and
soldiers are saved, but the red templars trail is lost. Thanks
from a Chantry Sister becomes available.

Pursuit Through the Mountains

Requirements: Complete Diverting Soldiers in the Frostbacks with Cullen.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: N/A
1 Masterwork Inscribed One-Handed Haft, 120 Influence
1 Masterwork Inscribed One-Handed Haft, 120 Influence
Inquisition soldiers were able to uncover information on Red
Templar movements. Cullen or Leliana can set up an attack. Either
way, the attack is a success.
Thanks From a Chantry Sister

Requirements: Complete Diverting Soldiers in the Frostbacks with Josephine.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: 60 Influence
60 Influence
Sister Pauline offers to assist the Inquisition as thanks for
rescuing her from the Avvar. You may choose to accept the offer
or release her from obligations. All choices result in some sort
of reward.
The Iron Bull

Choose Successor in Lydes

Requirements: Recruited the Iron Bull, and Bull remains a member of the Qunari
in good standing.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: None
10 Spindleweed
30 Influence
In these operations, you have the chance to manipulate events in
order to determine who becomes the next Duke of Lydes. There is

no way to fail these operations. Simply eliminate one candidate

in each operation. The victor will provide a token of their
Choose Successor in Lydes: Caralina

Requirements: Complete Choose Successor in Lydes

Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: 60 Influence
1 Ancestral Shield of Lydes
Provides Ancestral Shield of Lydes if made Duchess.
Choose Successor in Lydes: Monette

Requirements: Complete Choose Successor in Lydes

Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: 60 Influence
1 Ancestral Blade of Lydes
Provides Ancestral Blade of Lydes if made Duchess.
Choose Successor in Lydes: Jean-Gaspard de Lydes

Requirements: Complete Choose Successor in Lydes

Power Cost:
Time Required: 240Secrets
Connections: 1 Ancestral Shield of Lydes
1 Ancestral Blade of Lydes
Provides Influence if made Duke.
The Iron Bull: Hunter Fell Operation Chain

Investigate Hunter Fell

Requirements: Recruited the Iron Bull, player has been made Inquisitor, and
Bull remains a member of the Qunari in good standing.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: None
You learn about possible Venatori agents in the Nevarran city of
Hunter Fell.
Continue Investigation

Requirements: Complete Investigate Hunter Fell

Power Cost:
Time Required: 15


60 Influence
60 Influence
60 Influence
Gain more clues about the secret Venatori agent.

Identify Venatori Agent

Requirements: Complete Continue Investigation

Power Cost:
Time Required: 1440
Connections: 60 Influence
1 Elfsnake Vitaar, 100 Influence
60 Influence
Follow Lelianas advice. She is, after all, your spymaster.
The Iron Bull: Venatori Fire Ship Operation Chain

Failed Assassination Attempt Inquiry

Requirements: Completed Demands of the Qun and gained an alliance with the
Here Lies the Abyss or Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts complete.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: 1 Firm Pommel
1 Firm Pommel
1 Firm Pommel
The best option here is to use Josephine. Any other choice will
cause diplomatic incidents that will slow your team down.
Follow Venatori Assassins

Requirements: Complete Failed Assasination Attempt Inquiry.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: 1 Magister Fire Staff, 60 Influence
1 Magister Fire Staff, 60 Influence
1 Magister Fire Staff, 60 Influence
Follow Lelianas advice and send the Ben-Hassrath through the
Brecilian forest. Note that if you have made two wrong choices,
you may not even unlock the final operation in the chain.
Stop Venatori Fire Ship

Requirements: Complete Follow Venatori Assassins

Power Cost:
Time Required: 480
Connections: 1 Templar Commander Armor, 60 Influence
1 Templar Commander Armor, 60 Influence
1 Templar Commander Armor, 60 Influence
Follow Cullens advice and use the Qunari fleet to stop the fire
ship. Assuming you have chosen correctly, they will take down the
Venatori before they can set fire to the city of Denerim.

The Iron Bull: Venatori Spymaster Operation Chain

Find Spies in Skyhold

Requirements: Completed Stop Venatori Fire Ship (successfully or not)

Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: N/A
60 Influence
60 Influence
If you do not want to risk losing operatives, follow Cullens
advice and have the spy tried and executed. This ends the
operation chain. If you want to take the risk, work with Leliana
to track the spy to start a series of operations.
Track Spies in Val Royeaux

Requirements: Complete Find Spies in Skyhold

Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: N/A
1 Heavy Orlesian Army Armor
1 Heavy Orlesian Army Armor
Val Royeaux is noisy and crowded, and Tallis says that its the
perfect time to move agents in. Go with Cullen to increase your
strength here.
Track Spies in Val Chevin

Requirements: Complete Track Spies in Val Royeaux

Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: N/A
1 Reinforced Bow
1 Reinforced Bow
Val Chevin is more quiet, so go with Leliana to avoid attracting
too much attention.
Track Spies in Nevarra

Requirements: Complete Track Spies in Val Chevin

Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: N/A
1 Amulet of Power
1 Amulet of Power
If you havent gotten enough Ben-Hassrath agents so far, Tallis
will warn you that you dont have enough agents. Nevertheless,
Nevarra isnt safe for large numbers, and if you go with Cullen,
you risk blowing your cover and ending the operation chain. Go
with Leliana to keep moving quietly.
Track Spies in Vyrantium

Requirements: Complete Track Spies in Nevarra

Power Cost:
Time Required:

1 Masterwork Archon Staff
1 Masterwork Archon Staff
1 Masterwork Archon Staff
Tallis will warn you about problems here, letting you know if you
dont have enough Ben-Hassrath strength, or if the Venatori are
on high alert because of your activities already. The safest
thing to do in this operation is have Josephine lower the
Venatori alertness level rather than moving any agents in.

Destroy Venatori Spy Network

Requirements: Complete Track Spies in Vyrantium

Power Cost:
Time Required: 1440
Connections: 120 Influence
120 Influence
120 Influence
Tallis will give you her final recommendation here, telling you
whether its best to send in more agents or lower Venatori
alertness. If she says that you have the numbers necessary to
carry out your attack, then choose Josephine to avoid any risk
of tipping off the Venatori. Otherwise, use Cullen or Leliana
to send in agents. Good luck! If you succeed, you will have dealt
a crippling blow to the Venatori spy network.
The Bulls Chargers Operation Group

Investigate Redcliffe Castle

Requirements: Available after Champions of the Just.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: 60 Influence
60 Influence
Choose Leliana to unlock the bonus operation, Deal with Venatori
Deal with Venatori Ally

Requirements: Complete Investigate Redcliffe Castle with Josephine.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 480
Connections: 30 Influence
30 Influence
Investigate Therinfal Redoubt

Requirements: Available after In Hushed Whispers.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 240


3 Red Lyrium, 20 Influence
30 Influence
Choose Josephine to unlock the bonus operation, Hunt Therinfal
Redoubt Demon.

Hunt Therinfal Redoubt Demon

Requirements: Complete Investigate Therinfal Redoubt with Leliana.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 480
Connections: 3 Intense Spirit Essence, 30 Influence
3 Intense Spirit Essence, 30 Influence
Scout Haven Ruins

Requirements: Available after From the Ashes.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: 60 Influence
30 Influence
Choose Josephine to unlock the bonus operation, Locate Heretic
Locate Heretic Sister

Requirements: Complete Scout Haven Ruins with Josephine.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 480
Connections: 30 Influence
30 Influence
Destroy Adamant Fortress

Requirements: Available after Here Lies the Abyss.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: 60 Influence
60 Influence
Choose Cullen to unlock the bonus operation, Claim Grey Warden
Claim Grey Warden Cache

Requirements: Complete Destroy Adamant Fortress with Cullen.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 480
Connections: N/A


1 Grey Warden Shield

1 Grey Warden Shield

Meet Orlesian Mercenaries

Requirements: Available after Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: None
Choose Josephine to unlock the bonus operation, Press Orlesian
Press Orlesian Nobles

Requirements: Complete Meet Orlesian Mercenaries with Josephine

Power Cost:
Time Required: 480
Connections: None
Inflate Inquisition Numbers

Requirements: Available after What Pride Had Wrought.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: N/A
120 Influence
120 Influence
Choose Leliana to unlock the bonus operation, Follow Venatori
Follow Venatori Map

Requirements: Complete Inflate Inquisition Numbers with Leliana.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 480
Connections: N/A
1 Sentinel Staff
1 Sentinel StaffNone

Strike a Bargain with Merchant Princes

Requirements: Completed In Your Heart Shall Burn.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 30


30 Influence
The merchant-princes of Antiva claim they wish to aid the
Inquisition with their access to trade routes and high-quality
goods. Josephine has dealt with Antivan nobility all her life,
so have her inspect this bargain for any pitfalls.

Stop War Between Nevarra and Tevinter

Requirements: Completed Strike a Bargain with Merchant Princes.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 40
Connections: 120 Influence
Tevinter and Nevarra are fighting over a contested piece of land
along their border. Josephine is afraid it will escalate into
full-scale war. Have her send diplomats to assist the Inquisition
soldiers trying to make both sides see reason.

Red Jenny: Inquisition Needs Beeees!

Requirements: Sera recruited

Power Cost:
Time Required: 29
Connections: 1 Jar of Bees Grenade Recipe
1 Jar of Bees Grenade Recipe
1 Jar of Bees Grenade Recipe
Completing operation may also result in approval from Sera.
Red Jenny says Drop and Grab

Requirements: Speak with Sera at Haven after her recruitment. If not completed,
this operation will disappear once you reach Skyhold.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: 30 Influence
Completing operation may also result in approval from Sera.
Red Jenny Attends a Party

Requirements: Complete the quest The Verchiel March

Power Cost:
Time Required: 120
Connections: None
Completing operation may also result in approval from Sera.

Red Jenny and the Bad Goods

Requirements: Complete Red Jenny Attends a Party. Capture one of Caer Bronach,
Griffon Wing Keep, or Suledin Keep.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 120
Connections: 1 Amulet of Power
1 Amulet of Power
1 Amulet of Power
Completing operation may also result in approval from Sera.
A Trouble of Red Jennies

Requirements: Complete Red Jenny and the Bad Goods. Speak with Sera several
times at her hub, asking available questions.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: None
Completing operation may also result in approval from Sera.
Red Jenny and the Imposters

Requirements: Complete A Trouble of Red Jennies with Josephine.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 120
Connections: None
Completing operation may also result in approval from Sera.
Red Jenny and the Trail (Nevarra)

Requirements: Complete Red Jenny and the Imposters.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: None
Completing operation may also result in approval from Sera.
Red Jenny and the Tantervale Charade

Requirements: Complete A Trouble of Red Jennies with Leliana.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 120
Connections: None
Completing operation may also result in approval from Sera.
Red Jenny and the Trail (Tantervale)

Power Cost:
Time Required:

Complete Red Jenny and the Tantervale Charade.

1 Noble Dueling Sword
1 Noble Dueling Sword
1 Noble Dueling Sword
Completing operation may also result in approval from Sera.

Red Jennies In/On the Hunt

Requirements: Complete Red Jenny and the Trail

Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: None
Completing operation may also result in approval from Sera.

Hard in Hightown 3: Varrics Revenge

Requirements: Available early on, in Haven.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: 1 Amulet of Power
1 Amulet of Power
Yet another unauthorized sequel to Hard in Hightown has been
published. Varric wants help tracking down the author.
Hard in Hightown: The Search for the Hack Writer

Requirements: Hard in Hightown 3: Varrics Revenge complete, reached Skyhold.

Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: None
Varrics got a lead! The courier who delivered the manuscript to
the printer is a Kirkwall magistrate. He needs someone to contact
Hard in Hightown: Unsavory Parallels

Requirements: Hard in Hightown: The Search for the Hack Writer

Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: 1 Amulet of Power
1 Amulet of Power
Does anybody else think its weird that Varric wrote a book about
a murdered Kirkwall magistrate, and a Kirkwall magistrate got

murdered over it? Thats super weird, right? The Inquisition

really ought to look into that.
Hard in Hightown: Trouble in Skyhold

Requirements: Hard in Hightown: Unsavory Parallels, either Wicked Eyes and

Wicked Hearts, or Here Lies the Abyss.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: N/A
So, pursuing the murder investigation got you a really weird
threatening letter. You still want to find out whats going on,
right? Either dig into the Kirkwall Guards investigation, or
let Lelianas code-breakers read Hard in Hightown 3:
The Re-Punchening on company time to look for coded messages.
Hard in Hightown: Revenge of the Merchant Guild

Requirements: Took Lelianas path in Hard in Hightown: Trouble in Skyhold

Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: None
Today in Skyhold: Lelianas reading Varrics mail. Also, he wants
a copy of a Merchant Guild cypher to crack the code in the book.
Hard in Hightown: A Dagger in the Back

Requirements: Took Cullens path in Hard in Hightown: Trouble in Skyhold

Power Cost:
Time Required: 480
Connections: N/A
Guard-Captain Aveline really wants that dagger from the murder
scene back. It may be a lead. Either have Cullen return it, or
let Leliana see if she can track down where it came from.
Hard in Hightown: A Worthy Dwarf

Requirements: Hard in Hightown: Revenge of the Merchant Guild

Power Cost:
Time Required: 480
Connections: 1 Ornate Bianca Grip
1 Ornate Bianca Grip
The author/murderer has been identified. How do you want to deal
with him?
Hard in Hightown: No Dwarf Less Worthy

Requirements: Hard in Hightown: A Dagger in the Back

Power Cost:

Time Required:

1 Firm Bianca Grip
1 Firm Bianca Grip
The author/murderer has been identified. How do you want to deal
with him?

Truth or Dare: The Imperial Court

Requirements: Vivienne recruited, Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts not yet
Power Cost:
Time Required: 15
Connections: 30 Influence
30 Influence
30 Influence
Vivienne lets the Inquisition know that a rumor is going around
that Divine Justinia V is still alive and being held prisoner
while the Inquisition orchestrated all this chaos. You should
nip that in the bud.
Truth or Dare: Lake Celestine

Requirements: Truth or Dare: The Imperial Court, either In Hushed Whispers or

Champions of the Just complete.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 60
Connections: 30 Influence
30 Influence
It seems the source of the rumors is in the Lake Celestine
region. There are two nobles in that area who seem suspicious, a
comte and a marquise. Pick one to pursue.
Truth or Dare: See and Be Seen

Requirements: Took Josephines path in Truth or Dare: Lake Celestine

Power Cost:
Time Required: 240
Connections: None
The comte feigns innocence. You might have to do a little more
work to discredit his rumors.
Truth or Dare:
Power Cost:
Time Required:

A Dangerous Game
Took Lelianas path in Truth or Dare: Lake Celestine
30 Influence


The marquise is handing out busts of Justinia V filled with red

lyrium. That needs to stop.

Truth or Dare: The Endgame

Requirements: Either Truth or Dare: See and Be Seen or Truth or Dare: A

Dangerous Game, and Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts also complete.
Power Cost:
Time Required: 360
Connections: 1 Amulet of Power
1 Amulet of Power
The Grand Duchess apparently visited someone in Lake Celestine
not that long ago. The Inquisition should pay him a visit.



Underworld Knowledge
- Unlock: 1 Inquisition Perk
- New Dialogue for criminal activities
- +50% Experience for each Codex entry unlocked
Massache s Method
- Unlock: 1 Inquisition Perk
- Grants 5% increase in experience for killing foes
Rider s Posture
- Unlock: 1 Inquisition Perk
- Makes it harder to be knocked off mount
Antivan-Stitched Saddle
- Unlock: 1 Inquisition Perk
- Requirement: Rider s Posture
- Makes it even hard to be knocked off mount
Advanced Focus
- Unlock: 1 Inquisition Perk
- Increases Focus from 100 to 200
Master Focus
- Unlock: 1 Inquisition Perk
- Requirement: Advanced Focus
- Increases Focus from 200 to 300
True Grit
- Unlock: 1 Inquisition Perk
- Requirement: Capture a Keep
- 10% increase to all defenses for the party
More Healing Potions
- Unlock: 1 Inquisition Perk
- +4 Potions for the party
Mage Schematics

- Unlock: 1 Inquisition Perk

- Provides schematics for robes and staves
Rogue Schematics
- Unlock: 1 Inquisition Perk
- Provides schematics for Rogues
Warrior Schematics
- Unlock: 1 Inquisition Perk
- Provides schematics for armor

Arcane Knowledge
- Unlock: 1 Inquisition Perk
- New Dialogue for the Fade and Arcane
- +50% Experience for each Codex entry unlocked
Optimal Cutting
- Unlock: 1 Inquisition Perk
- 10% chance to receive extra herbs when harvesting
- Unlock: 1 Inquisition Perk
- Increase to discovery range when searching
Enhanced Studies
- Unlock: 1 Inquisition Perk
- +50% Experience for each foe studied. Applied retroactively.
Deft Hands, Fine Tools
- Unlock: 1 Inquisition Perk
- Requirement: 4 Points in this Category
- Allows Rogues to open Masterwork Locks
Forward Scouts
- Unlock: 1 Inquisition Perk
- Requirement: Capture a Keep
- Reveals additional Landmarks and Points of Interest
Trainee Herbalists
- Unlock: 1 Inquisition Perk
- Gain Tier 1 Herbs
Veteran Herbalists
- Unlock: 1 Inquisition Perk
- Requirement: Trainee Herbalists
- Gain Tier 2 Herbs
Master Herbalists
- Unlock: 1 Inquisition Perk
- Requirement: Veteran Herbalists
- Gain Tier 3 Herbs

Nobility Knowledge
- Unlock: 1 Inquisition Perk
- New Dialogue for Nobles and Politics

- +50% Experience for each Codex entry unlocked

Sterling Reputation
- Unlock: 1 Inquisition Perk
- Earn 10% more gold when selling to merchants
A Favor for a Favor
- Unlock: 1 Inquisition Perk
- 10% discount at all merchants
Elite Clientele
- Unlock: 1 Inquisition Perk
- Requirement: Sterling Reputation, A Favor for a Favor
- Shops Buy/Sell for 15% better prices
The Rare Stocks
- Unlock: 1 Inquisition Perk
- Purchase shipment of rare crafting materials
Exacting Buyers
- Unlock: 1 Inquisition Perk
- Requirement: The Rare Stocks
- Purchase shipment of high-quality crafting materials
Only the Finest
- Unlock: 1 Inquisition Perk
- Requirement: Exacting Buyers
- Purchase shipment of rare, high-quality crafting materials
The Short List
- Unlock: 1 Inquisition Perk
- Requirement: 5 Points in this Category
- Access rare inventory
Friends in High Places
- Unlock: 1 Inquisition Perk
- Requirement: Capture a Keep
- Receives messages on sales

History Knowledge
- Unlock: 1 Inquisition Perk
- New Dialogue for History and Chantry
- +50% Experience for each Codex entry found
Antivan Tailoring
- Unlock: 1 Inquisition Perk
- Increase inventory capacity by 15
Imperial Court Tailoring
- Unlock: 1 Inquisition Perk
- Requirement: Antivan Tailoring
- Increase inventory capacity by 15
Tempered Glass Flasks
- Unlock: 1 Inquisition Perk
- Adds one potion slot for all party members
Exclusive Training

- Unlock: 1 Inquisition Perk

- Requirement: 4 Points in this Category
- Gain 1 Ability Point for the Inquisitor

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Healing Potion

Increase Healing I
- Increases healing amount by 50.
- Requires: 29 Elfroot, 1 Dawn Lotus
Increase Healing II
- Increases healing amount by 67.
- Requires: 34 Embrium, 5 Prophet s Laurel, Increase Healing I
Regeneration Potion

Increase Duration I
- Increases duration by 8 seconds
- Requires: 18 Elfroot, 1 Royal Elfroot
Increase Duration II
- Increases duration by 10 seconds
- Requires: 11 Rashvine, 11 Deep Mushroom, 2 Prophet s Laurel,
Increase Duration I
Increase Healing I
- Increases healing amount by 3 per second.
- Requires: 18 Elfroot, 1 Royal Elfroot
Increase Healing II
- Increases healing amount by 4 per second.
- Requires: 11 Rashvine, 11 Deep Mushroom, 2 Prophet s Laurel,
Increase Healing I
- Doubles the healing amount if the user is below 25% health.
- Requires: 9 Embrium, 18 Arbor Blessing, 2 Amrita Vein, Increase Duration II
Proximity Heal
- Heals nearby allies for the same amount.
- Requires: 9 Embrium, 18 Arbor Blessing, 2 Amrita Vein, Increase Healing II
Lyrium Potion

Increase Maximum Mana

- Increase maximum mana by 25.
- Requires: 18 Elfroot, 1 Black Lotus

Increase Maximum Mana Bonus

- Increases the mana bonus by 25.
- Requires: 11 Embrium, 11 Deathroot, 2 Rashvine Nettle, Increase Maximum Mana
Increase Duration
- Increases duration by 20 seconds.
- Requires: 11 Embrium, 11 Deathroot, 2 Rashvine Nettle, Increase Maximum Mana
Increase Magic Bonus
- Increases the Magic bonus by 30.
- Requires: 9 Embrium, 18 Arbor Blessing, 2 Amrita Vein
Increase Maximum Mana Bonus OR Increase Duration


Fire Resistance Tonic

Grants a 40% resistance against fire damage for 120 seconds.

Increase Duration I
- Increases duration by 30 seconds.
- Requires: 5 Spindleweed, 1 Crystal Grace
Increase Duration II
- Increases duration by 30 seconds.
- Requires: 5 Rashvine, Increase Duration I
Increase Potency I
- Increases resistance by 10%
- Requires: 5 Spindleweed, 1 Witherstalk
Increase Potency II
- Increases resistance by 10%
- Requires: 5 Rashvine, Increase Potency I
Proximity Resistance
- Applies resistance to all party members within 2 meters when the tonic is
- Requires: 5 Amrita Vein, 1 Felandaris,
Increase Duration II OR Increase Potency II
Cold Resistance Tonic

Grants a 40% resistance against cold damage for 120 seconds.

Increase Duration I
- Increases duration by 30 seconds.
- Requires: 5 Spindleweed, 1 Witherstalk
Increase Duration II
- Increases duration by 30 seconds.
- Requires: 5 Rashvine, Increase Duration I
Increase Potency I
- Increases resistance by 10%
- Requires: 5 Spindleweed, 1 Witherstalk

Increase Potency II
- Increases resistance by 10%
- Requires: 5 Rashvine, Increase Potency I
Proximity Upgrade
- Applies resistance to all party members within 2 meters when the tonic is
- Requires: 5 Amrita Vein, 1 Felandaris,
Increase Duration II OR Increase Potency II
Electrical Resistance Tonic

Grants a 40% resistance against electric damage for 120 seconds.

Increase Duration I
- Increases duration by 30 seconds.
- Requires: 5 Spindleweed, 1 Dawn Lotus
Increase Duration II
- Increases duration by 30 seconds.
- Requires: 5 Rashvine, Increase Duration I
Increase Potency I
- Increases resistance by 10%
- Requires: 5 Spindleweed, 1 Witherstalk
Increase Potency II
- Increases resistance by 10%
- Requires: 5 Rashvine, Increase Potency I
Proximity Resistance
- Applies resistance to all party members within 2 meters when the tonic is
- Requires: 5 Amrita Vein, 1 Felandaris,
Increase Duration II OR Increase Potency II
Spirit Resistance Tonic

Grants a 40% resistance against spirit damage for 120 seconds.

Increase Duration I
- Increases duration by 30 seconds.
- Requires: 5 Spindleweed, 1 Dragonthorn
Increase Duration II
- Increases duration by 30 seconds.
- Requires: 5 Rashvine, Increase Duration I
Increase Potency I
- Increases resistance by 10%
- Requires: 5 Spindleweed, 1 Witherstalk
Increase Potency II
- Increases resistance by 10%
- Requires: 5 Rashvine, Increase Potency I
Proximity Resistance

- Applies resistance to all party members within 2 meters when the tonic is
- Requires: 5 Amrita Vein, 1 Felandaris,
Increase Duration II OR Increase Potency II
Mighty Offense Tonic

Applies a +13 Damage Bonus for 20 seconds.

Increase Damage I
- Increase damage bonus by 26.
- Requires: 18 Elfroot, 1 Dawn Lotus
Damage Bonus vs. Guard
- Grants a +50% damage bonus against enemies with Guard active.
- Requires: 11 Embrium, 11 Deep Mushroom, 2 Rashvine Nettle, Increase Damage I
Damage Bonus vs. Barrier
- Grants a +50% damage bonus against enemies with Guard active.
- Requires: 11 Embrium, 11 Deep Mushroom, 2 Rashvine Nettle, Increase Damage I
Critical Damage Bonus
- Grants a +100% damage bonus on critical hits.
- Requires: 11 Embrium, 11 Deep Mushroom, 2 Rashvine Nettle, Increase Damage I
Increase Damage II
- Increase damage bonus by 19.
- Requires: 9 Deep Mushroom, 18 Arbor Blessing, 2 Amrita Vein, Damage Bonus vs.
Guard OR Damage Bonus vs. Barrier OR Critical Damage Bonus
Rock Armor Tonic

Grants a +12 Bonus to Armor Rating for 30 seconds

Improved Duration I
- Increases duration by 30 seconds.
- Requires: 18 Elfroot, 1 Crystal Grace
Improved Duration II
- Increases duration by 30 seconds.
- Requires: 11 Rashvine, 11 Embrium, 2 Rashvine Nettle, Improved Duration I
Improved Potency I
- Improved Armor Rating Bonus by +11
- Requires: 18 Elfroot, 1 Crystal Grace
Improved Armor Rating Bonus by +12
- Requires: 11 Rashvine, 11 Embrium, 2 Rashvine Nettle, Improved Potency I
Stun Enemies
- Any enemy that hits the user has a 50% chance to be stunned.
- Requires: 9 Rashvine, 18 Vandal Aria, 2 Vandal Aria
Tears of the Dead

The next 3 hits inflict poison on the target, causing 44 damage per second for
15 seconds. The poison remains on the weapon for 10 seconds before expiring.

Increase Duration I
- Increases poison duration on the target by 5 seconds.
- Requires: 23 Blood Lotus, 1 Dragonthorn
Increase Duration II
- Increases poison duration on the target by 5 seconds.
- Requires: 14 Deathroot, 14 Deep Mushroom, 2 Rashvine Nettle,
Increase Duration I
Increase Damage I
- Increases damage by 37 per second
- Requires: 23 Blood Lotus, 1 Dragonthron
Increase Damage II
- Increases damage by 67 per second.
- Requires: 14 Deathroot, 14 Deep Mushroom, 2 Rashvine Nettle, Increase Damage I
Enhanced Potency
- Grants 2 extra hits and 5 extra seconds before the poison wears off.
- Requires: 11 Deathroot, 22 Arbor Blessing, 2 Amrita Vein
Increase Duration II OR Increase Damage II


Pitch Grenade

Coats the target location with pitch, which remains for 60 seconds, slowing any
enemies that enter it.
Increase Duration I
- Increases duration by 30 seconds.
- Requires: 16 Blood Lotus, 1 Crystal Grace, 1 Blood Lotus
Increase Duration II
- Increases duration by 30 seconds.
- Requires: 9 Rashvine, 9 Deathroot, 1 Ghoul s Beard, Increase Duration I
Debilitate I
- Enemies caught in the pitch suffer 25% extra damage from all sources and
inflict 25% less damage.
- Requires: 16 Blood Lotus, 1 Crystal Grace, 1 Blood Lotus
Debilitate II
- Increase the damage bonus against enemies by 25% and the damage penalty of
enemies by 25%.
- Requires: 9 Rashvine, 9 Deathroot, 1 Ghoul s Beard, Debilitate I
- Targets at the initial explosion location are stunned for 10 seconds.
- Requires: 8 Deathroot, 16 Vandal Aria, 2 Felandaris
Increase Duration II OR Debilitate II
Confusion Grenade

Enemies within the area of effect will attack other enemies for 20 seconds.

Increase Duration I
- Increases duration by 10 seconds.
- Requires: 27 Blood Lotus, 1 Black Lotus, 1 Witherstalk
Increase Duration II
- Increases duration by 10 seconds.
- Requires: 16 Embrium, 16 Deathroot, 2 Ghoul s Beard, Increase Duration I
Rage I
- Confused targets now cause 25% extra damage.
- Requires: 27 Blood Lotus, 1 Black Lotus, 1 Witherstalk
Rage II
- The damage bonus while confused is increased by 25%.
- Requires: 16 Embrium, 16 Deathroot, 2 Ghoul s Beard, Rage I
Mind Wreck
- All targets suffer 635 spirit damage when the effect wears off.
- Requires: 14 Arbor Blessing, 14 Vandal Aria, 3 Felandaris,
Increase Duration II or Rage II
Antivan Fire

Spreads sticky fire at the target location, causing 46 burning damage every
second to enemies inside the fire. The fire remains for 30 seconds.
Increase Damage I
- Increases damage by 42 per second.
- Requires: 22 Blood Lotus, 1 Dawn Lotus, 1 Dragonthorn
Increase Damage II
- Increases damage by 76 per second.
- Requires: 13 Rashvine, 13 Deep Mushroom, 1 Ghoul s Beard, Increase Damage I
Increase Duration I
- Increases duration by 30 seconds.
- Requires: 22 Blood Lotus, 1 Dawn Lotus, 1 Dragonthorn
Increase Duration II
- Increases duration by 30 seconds.
- Requires: 13 Rashvine, 13 Deep Mushroom, 1 Ghoul s Beard, Increase Duration I
- Targets at the initial explosion location are stunned for 5 seconds.
- Requires: 11 Rashvine, 22 Vandal Aria, 2 Felandaris
Increase Damage II OR Increase Duration II
Healing Mist

Creates a small healing mist in the target area, instantly healing allies within
for 289 health.
Increase Healing I
- Increases Healing Amount by 38.
- Requires: 20 Spindleweed, 1 Royal Elfroot, 1 Dawn Lotus
Increase Healing II
- Increases Healing Amount by 50.

- Requires: 10 Rashvine, 10 Embrium, 2 Prophet s Laurel, Increase Healing I

Healing Mist
- Healing Mist can restore unconscious party members as well as healing them.
- Requires: 10 Embrium, 20 Vandal Aria, 2 Felandaris, Increase Healing II
Jars of Bees

Summons a swarm of bees at the target location for 30 seconds. The swarm attacks
the first enemy that comes near it, for 163 damage per second for 15 seconds. A
target affected by the swarm has a 10% chance every second to become panicked.
Increase Panic Chance I
- Increase panic chance by 10%.
- Requires: 25 Blood Lotus, 1 Dragonthorn
Increase Panic Chance II
- Increase panic chance by 10%.
- Requires: 15 Embrium, 15 Deep Mushroom, 2 Ghoul s Beard,
Increase Panic Chance I
Increase Duration I
- Increases the swarm s attack duration by 5 seconds
- Requires: 25 Blood Lotus, 1 Witherstalk
Increase Duration II
- Increase the swarm s attack duration by 5 seconds
- Requires: 30 Blood Lotus, 1 Witherstalk, 1 Dragonthorn, Increase Duration I
And Some Wasps
- The swarm of bees splits off to attack the first enemy that comes near the
original target, and both targets suffer the full effect of the swarm.
- Requires: 13 Deep Mushroom, 25 Vandal Aria, 3 Felandaris
Increase Panic Chance II OR Increase Duration II






Primary Slot:
Utility Slot:
Offense Slot:
Defense Slot:

1 (Common)
Low armor rating
1 Willpower
1.5% chance to heal on kill
2% healing bonus from all sources

1 (Common)
Low armor rating
1 Magic
2% barrier damage bonus
1% magic defense

Primary Slot:
Utility Slot:
Offense Slot:
Defense Slot:

1 (Common)
Low armor rating
1 Magic
1% attack
2.5% electric damage resistance




1 (Common)
Low armor rating
1 Willpower
1.5% chance to heal on kill
2.5% spirit damage resistance




1 (Common)
Low armor rating
1 Magic
2% barrier damage bonus
1% magic defense


Primary Slot:
Utility Slot:
Offense Slot:
Defense Slot:

1 (Common)
Low armor rating
1 Magic
1% attack
2.5% electric damage resistance

Darkened Samite

2 (Common)
Primary Slot: Medium armor rating
Utility Slot: 1.5 Willpower
Offense Slot: 1.75% chance to heal on kill
Defense Slot: 3% spirit damage resistance
Everknit Wool

Primary Slot:
Utility Slot:
Offense Slot:
Defense Slot:

2 (Common)
Medium armor rating
1.5 Magic
2.5% barrier damage bonus
1.5% magic defense

Highever Weave

2 (Common)
Primary Slot: Medium armor rating
Utility Slot: 1 Magic/0.5 Willpower
Offense Slot: 1.5% attack
Defense Slot: 3% electric damage resistance
Lustrous Cotton

2 (Common)
Primary Slot: Medium armor rating
Utility Slot: 1.5 Willpower

Offense Slot: 1.75% chance to heal on kill

Defense Slot: 2.5% healing from all sources
Ring Velvet

Primary Slot:
Utility Slot:
Offense Slot:
Defense Slot:

2 (Common)
Medium armor rating
1 Magic/0.5 Willpower
1.5% attack
3% electric damage resistance

Silk Brocade

Primary Slot:
Utility Slot:
Offense Slot:
Defense Slot:

2 (Common)
Medium armor rating
1.5 Magic
2.5% barrier damage bonus
1.5% magic defense

Imperial Vestment Cotton

3 (Common)
Primary Slot: High armor rating
Utility Slot: 1.75 Willpower
Offense Slot: 2% chance to heal on kil
Defense Slot: l3% healing from all sources
Infused Vyrantium Samite

3 (Common)
Primary Slot: High armor rating
Utility Slot: 1.75 Willpower
Offense Slot: 2% chance to heal on kill
Defense Slot: 3.5% spirit damage resistance
King s Willow Weave

3 (Common)
Primary Slot: High armor rating
Utility Slot: 1 Magic/.75 Willpower
Offense Slot: 1.75% attack
Defense Slot: 3.5% electric damage resistance
Plush Fustian Velvet

3 (Common)
Primary Slot: High armor rating
Utility Slot: 1 Magic/.75 Willpower
Offense Slot: 1.75% attack
Defense Slot: 3.5% electric damage resistance
Royale Sea Silk

3 (Common)
Primary Slot: High armor rating
Utility Slot: 1.75 Magic
Offense Slot: 3% barrier damage bonus
Defense Slot: 1.75% magic defense
Dales Loden Wool

3 (Rare)
Primary Slot: High armor rating
Utility Slot: 1.75 Magic
Offense Slot: 3% barrier damage bonus
Defense Slot: 1.75% magic defense
Dragon Webbing

4 (Rare)
Primary Slot: Very high armor rating
Utility Slot: 1 Willpower/1 Magic
Offense Slot: 3.5% critical damage
Defense Slot: 4% fire damage resistance

| Masterwork Crafting Material Name
| Tier | Applied Effect
| Fade-Touched Dales Loden Wool
3 | 30% focus gain
| Fade-Touched Dales Loden Wool
3 | 10% chance to drop Caltrops |
| on a hit, doing 70% weapon
| damage per second
| Fade-Touched Imperial Vestment Cotton |
3 | On dying: 15% chance to heal |
| for half health
| Fade-Touched Imperial Vestment Cotton |
3 | 10% chance to apply Walking |
| Bomb for 5 seconds, with
| detonation of 100% weapon dmg |
| Fade-Touched Infused Vyrantium Samite |
3 | 10% extra focus for each enemy|
| with 8 meters
| Fade-Touched Infused Vyrantium Samite |
3 | 10% chance to cast Mind Blast |
| on a hit
| Fade-Touched King s Willow Weave
3 | On kill: +30 to magic for 10 |
| seconds
| Fade-Touched Plush Fustian Velvet
3 | 7.5% extra focus for each
| enemy within 8 meters
| Fade-Touched Plush Fustian Velvet
3 | 10% chance to use Hidden
| Blades on a hit, with 5 added |
| hits
| Fade-Touched Royale Sea Silk
3 | Abilities cost 20% less mana/ |
| stamina if not being hit for |
| 5 seconds.
| Fade-Touched Royale Sea Silk
3 | 10% chance to cast Fade Cloak |
| on a hit
| Fade-Touched Darkened Samite
2 | 7.5% extra focus for each
| enemy within 8 meters
| Fade-Touched Darkened Samite
2 | 5% chance to cast Mind Blast |
| on a hit
| Fade-Touched Everknit Wool
2 | 7.5% extra focus for each
| enemy within 8 meters
| Fade-Touched Everknit Wool
2 | 10% chance to drop Caltrops on|
| a hit, doing 50% weapon damage|
| per second
| Fade-Touched Highever Weave
2 | On kill: +20 to magic for 10 |
| seconds
| Fade-Touched Lustrous Cotton
2 | 10% chance to apply Walking |
| Bomb for 5 seconds, with
| detonation of 75% weapon dmg |
| Fade-Touched Lustrous Cotton
2 | On dying: 10% chance to heal |

| for half health
| Fade-Touched Ring Velvet
2 | Abilities cost 7.5% less mana/|
| stamina
| Fade-Touched Ring Velvet
2 | 10% chance to use Hidden
| Blades on a hit, with 4 added |
| hits
| Fade-Touched Silk Brocade
2 | 5% chance to cast Fade Cloak |
| on a hit
| Fade-Touched Silk Brocade
2 | Abilities cost 15% less mana/ |
| stamina if not being hit for 5|
| seconds.
| Fade-Touched Cotton
1 | On dying: 5% chance to heal |
| for half health
| Fade-Touched Cotton
1 | 10% chance to apply Walking |
| Bomb for 5 seconds, with
| detonation of 50% weapon dmg |
| Fade-Touched Lambswool
1 | On hit: gain 2 guard
| Fade-Touched Lambswool
1 | 10% chance to drop Caltrops on|
| a hit, doing 30% weapon damage|
| per second
| Fade-Touched Plaideweave
1 | On kill: +10 to magic for 10 |
| seconds
| Fade-Touched Samite
1 | 5% extra focus for each enemy |
| within 8 meters
| Fade-Touched Samite
1 | 2% chance to cast Mind Blast |
| on a hit
| Fade-Touched Silk
1 | Abilities cost 10% less mana/ |
| stamina if not being hit for |
| 5 seconds.
| Fade-Touched Silk
1 | 2% chance to cast Fade Cloak |
| on a hit
| Fade-Touched Velveteen
1 | Abilities cost 5% less mana/ |
| stamina.
| Fade-Touched Velveteen
1 | 10% chance to use Hidden
| Blades on a hit, with 3 added |
| hits
| Masterwork Cotton
1 | Critical crafting chance 20% |
| Master Dales Loden Wool
1 | Critical crafting chance 20% |
| Masterwork Darkened Samite
1 | Critical crafting chance 20% |
| Masterwork Everknit Wool
1 | Critical crafting chance 20% |
| Masterwork Highever Weave
1 | Critical crafting chance 20% |
| Masterwork Imperial Vestment Cotton |
1 | Critical crafting chance 20% |
| Masterwork Infused Vyrantium Samite |
1 | Critical crafting chance 20% |
| Masterwork King s Willow Weave
1 | Critical crafting chance 20% |
| Masterwork Lambswool
1 | Critical crafting chance 20% |
| Masterwork Lustrous Cotton
1 | Critical crafting chance 20% |
| Masterwork Plaideweave
1 | Critical crafting chance 20% |
| Masterwork Plush Fustian Velvet
1 | Critical crafting chance 20% |
| Masterwork Ring Velvet
1 | Critical crafting chance 20% |
| Masterwork Royale Sea Silk
1 | Critical crafting chance 20% |
| Masterwork Samite
1 | Critical crafting chance 20% |
| Masterwork Silk
1 | Critical crafting chance 20% |
| Masterwork Silk Brocade
1 | Critical crafting chance 20% |
| Masterwork Velveteen
1 | Critical crafting chance 20% |


Bronto Hide

Primary Slot:
Utility Slot:
Offense Slot:
Defense Slot:

1 (Common)
Low armor rating
1 Cunning
2% critical damage
1% ranged defense

Canine Leather

1 (Common)
Primary Slot: Low armor rating
Utility Slot: 1 Dexterity
Offense Slot: 2% flanking damage bonus
Defense Slot: 2.5% cold damage resistance
Deepstalker Hide

1 (Common)
Primary Slot: Low armor rating
Utility Slot: 1 Dexterity
Offense Slot: 1% chance to bleed target on hit
Defense Slot: 1% chance to bleed attacker on being hit
Dragonling Scales

1 (Common)
Primary Slot: Low armor rating
Utility Slot: 1 Dexterity
Offense Slot: 1% chance to bleed target on hit
Defense Slot: 2.5% fire damage resistance
Druffalo Hide

Primary Slot:
Utility Slot:
Offense Slot:
Defense Slot:

1 (Common)
Low armor rating
1 Dexterity
1% critical chance
2.5% cold damage resistance

Fennec Fur

Primary Slot:
Utility Slot:
Offense Slot:
Defense Slot:

1 (Common)
Low armor rating
1 Dexterity
1% critical chance
2.5% cold damage resistance



1 (Common)
Low armor rating
1 Cunning
2% critical damage
1% ranged defense


Ram Leather


1 (Common)



Low armor rating

1 Dexterity
2% flanking damage bonus
2.5% cold damage resistance

August Ram Leather

2 (Common)
Primary Slot: Medium armor rating
Utility Slot: 1.5 Dexterity
Offense Slot: 2.5% flanking damage bonus
Defense Slot: 3% cold damage resistance
Bear Hide

Primary Slot:
Utility Slot:
Offense Slot:
Defense Slot:

2 (Common)
Medium armor rating
1.5 Dexterity
1.5% critical chance
3% cold damage resistance

Gurgut Webbing

2 (Common)
Primary Slot: Medium armor rating
Utility Slot: 1 Dexterity/0.5 Cunning
Offense Slot: 1.5% chance to bleed target on hit
Defense Slot: 3% fire damage resistance
Halla Leather

Primary Slot:
Utility Slot:
Offense Slot:
Defense Slot:

2 (Common)
Medium armor rating
1.5 Dexterity
2.5% flanking damage bonus
3% cold damage resistance

Phoenix Scales

2 (Common)
Primary Slot: Medium armor rating
Utility Slot: 1 Dexterity/0.5 Cunning
Offense Slot: 1.5% chance to bleed target on hit
Defense Slot: 1.5% chance to bleed attacker on being hit
Quillback Leather

2 (Common)
Primary Slot: Medium armor rating
Utility Slot: 1.5 Cunning
Offense Slot: 2.5% critical damage
Defense Slot: 1.5% ranged defense
Rough Hide

Primary Slot:
Utility Slot:
Offense Slot:
Defense Slot:

2 (Common)
Medium armor rating
1.5 Cunning
2.5% critical damage
1.5% ranged defense

Varghest Scales

2 (Common)
Primary Slot: Medium armor rating
Utility Slot: 1 Dexterity/0.5 Cunning
Offense Slot: 1.5% chance to bleed target on hit
Defense Slot: 1.5% chance to bleed attacker on being hit
Craggy Skin

Primary Slot:
Utility Slot:
Offense Slot:
Defense Slot:

3 (Common)
High armor rating
1.75 Cunning
3% critical damage
1.75% ranged defense

Great Bear Hide

3 (Common)
Primary Slot: High armor rating
Utility Slot: 1.75 dexterity
Offense Slot: 1.75% critical strike
Defense Slot: 3.5% cold damage resistance
Hardened Gurn Hide

3 (Common)
Primary Slot: High armor rating
Utility Slot: 1 Dexterity/0.75 Cunning
Offense Slot: 1.75% chance to bleed on target
Defense Slot: 1.75% chance to bleed attacker on being hit
Lurker Scales

Primary Slot:
Utility Slot:
Offense Slot:
Defense Slot:

3 (Common)
High armor rating
1.75 Cunning
3% critical damage
1.75% ranged defense

Wyvern Scales

Primary Slot:
Utility Slot:
Offense Slot:
Defense Slot:

3 (Common)
High armor rating
1 Dexterity/0.75 Cunning
1.75% chance to bleed on target on hit
3.5% fire damage resistance

Red Hart Leather

3 (Rare)
Primary Slot: High armor rating
Utility Slot: 1.75 Dexterity
Offense Slot: 3% flanking damage bonus
Defense Slot: 3.5% cold damage resistance
Snoufleur Skin

3 (Rare)



Dragon Scales

Primary Slot:
Utility Slot:
Offense Slot:
Defense Slot:

High armor rating

1.75 Dexterity
3% flanking damage bonus
3.5% cold damage resistance

4 (Rare)
Very high armor rating
1 Cunning/1 Dexterity
3.5% armor penetration
4% fire damage resistance

| Masterwork Crafting Material Name | Tier | Applied Effect
| Masterwork Gurgut Webbing
| Fade-Touched Craggy Skin
3 | 75% faster movement speed
| when in stealth
| Fade-Touched Craggy Skin
3 | 10% chance to cast Veilstrike on a|
| hit
| Fade-Touched Great Bear Hide
3 | Increase maximum stamina by 20
| Fade-Touched Great Bear Hide
3 | On kill: grants 50 stamina
| Fade-Touched Lurker Scales
3 | 75% faster movement speed when in |
| stealth
| Fade-Touched Lurker Scales
3 | 10% chance to cast Veilstrike on a|
| hit
| Fade-Touched Snoufleur Skin
3 | On hit: heal 1% of maximum health |
| Fade-Touched Snoufleur Skin
3 | 10% chance to grant 12 seconds of |
| Horn of Valor
| Fade-Touched Varghest Scales
3 | 30% damage bonus if not being hit |
| for 5 seconds
| Fade-Touched Varghest Scales
3 | 10% chance to inflict immolate
| damage at 100% weapon power
| Fade-Touched Varghest Scales
3 | 20% damage if not being hit for 5 |
| seconds
| Fade-Touched Varghest Scales
3 | 10% chance to inflict immolate
| damage at 75% weapon power
| Fade-Touched Wyvern Scales
3 | On hit: 15% chance to apply poison|
| Fade-Touched Wyvern Scales
3 | 10% chance to cast fear on a hit |
| Fade-Touched Bear Hide
2 | Increase maximum stamina by 15
| Fade-Touched Bear Hide
2 | On kill: grants 35 stamina
| Fade-Touched Gurgut Skin
2 | 50% faster movement speed when in |
| stealth
| Fade-Touched Gurn Hide
2 | Take only 1 damage from all
| attacks, but health lowered to 12 |
| Fade-Touched Halla Leather
2 | Enter stealth when not attacking |
| during combat
| Fade-Touched Phoenix Scales
2 | 10% chance to inflict immolate
| damage at 75% weapon power
| Fade-Touched Phoenix Scales
2 | 20 damage bonus if not being hit |
| for 5 seconds
| Fade-Touched Quillback Leather
2 | Take only 1 damage from all
| attacks, but health lowered to 12 |
| Fade-Touched Rough Hide
2 | On hit: 10% chance to apply poison|
| Fade-Touched Rough Hide
2 | 5% chance to cast Veilstrike on a |
| hit
| Golden Halla Hide
2 | Enter stealth when not attacking |
| during combat

| Fade-Touched August Ram Fur

1 | Abilities cost 7.5% less mana/
| stamina.
| Fade-Touched August Ram Fur
1 | 10% chance to grant 8 seconds of |
| Horn of Valor
| Fade-Touched Bronto Hide
1 | Increase maximum stamina by 10
| Fade-Touched Bronto Hide
1 | On kill: grants 20 stamina
| Fade-Touched Canine Leather
1 | 10% damage bonus if not being hit |
| for 5 seconds
| Fade-Touched Deepstalker Hide
1 | 2% chance to cast Fear on a hit |
| Fade-Touched Deepstalker Hide
1 | On hit: 5% chance to apply poison |
| Fade-Touched Dragonling Scales
1 | Berserk: +10% damage bonus +100% |
| damage from all sources
| Fade-Touched Dragonling Scales
1 | 10% chance to inflict immolate
| damage at 50% weapon power
| Fade-Touched Druffalo Hide
1 | Increase maximum stamina by 10
| Fade-Touched Fennec Fur
1 | 25% faster movement speed when in |
| stealth
| Fade-Touched Nugskin
1 | 25% faster movement speed when in |
| stealth
| Fade-Touched Nugskin
1 | 2% chance to cast Veilstrike on a |
| hit
| Fade-Touched Ram Leather
1 | Abilities cost 5% less mana/
| stamina
| Fade-Touched Ram Leather
1 | 10% chance to grant 5 seconds of |
| Horn of Valor
| Masterwork Augusta Ram Fur
1 | Critical crafting chance 20%
| Masterwork Bear Hide
1 | Critical crafting chance 20%
| Masterwork Bronto Hide
1 | Critical crafting chance 20%
| Masterwork Canine Leather
1 | Critical crafting chance 20%
| Masterwork Craggy Skin
1 | Critical crafting chance 20%
| Masterwork Deepstalker Hide
1 | Critical crafting chance 20%
| Masterwork Dragonling Scales
1 | Berserk: +10% damage bonus, 100% |
| damage taken from all sources
| Masterwork Druffalo Hide
1 | Critical crafting chance 20%
| Masterwork Fennec Fur
1 | Critical crafting chance 20%
| Masterwork Great Bear Hide
1 | Critical crafting chance 20%
| Masterwork Gurgut Skin
1 | Critical crafting chance 20%
| Masterwork Gurn Hide
1 | Critical crafting chance 20%
| Masterwork Halla Leather
1 | Critical crafting chance 20%
| Masterwork Lurker Scales
1 | Critical crafting chance 20%
| Masterwork Nugskin
1 | Critical crafting chance 20%
| Masterwork Phoenix Scales
1 | Critical crafting chance 20%
| Masterwork Quillback Leather
1 | Critical crafting chance 20%
| Masterwork Ram Leather
1 | Critical crafting chance 20%
| Masterwork Red Hart Leather
1 | Critical crafting chance 20%
| Masterwork Rough Hide
1 | Critical crafting chance 20%
| Masterwork Varghest Scales
1 | Critical crafting chance 20%
| Masterwork Wyvern Scales
1 | Critical crafting chance 20%


Blue Vitriol

1 (Common)
Primary Slot: Low armor rating/damage (staff damage type: cold)

Utility Slot: 1 Strength

Offense Slot: 1% chance on stagger target on hit
Defense Slot: 1% chance to stagger attacker on being hit

Primary Slot:
Utility Slot:
Offense Slot:
Defense Slot:

1 (Common)
Low armor rating/damage (staff damage type: fire)
1 Constitution
2% armor penetration
10 health




1 (Common)
Low armor rating/damage (staff damage type: electricity)
1 Strength
1% attack
1% melee defense




1 (Common)
Low armor rating/damage (staff damage type: cold)
1 Strength
1% chance on stagger target on hit
1% chance to stagger attacker on being hit


Primary Slot:
Utility Slot:
Offense Slot:
Defense Slot:

1 (Common)
Low armor rating/damage (staff damage type: electricity)
1 Strength
1% attack
1% melee defense

Summer Stone

Primary Slot:
Utility Slot:
Offense Slot:
Defense Slot:

1 (Common)
Low armor rating/damage (staff damage type: fire)
1 Constitution
2% damage to guard
10 health


Primary Slot:
Utility Slot:
Offense Slot:
Defense Slot:

2 (Common)
Medium armor rating/damage (staff damage type: fire)
1.5 Constitution
2.5% armor penetration
13 health


Primary Slot:
Utility Slot:
Offense Slot:
Defense Slot:

2 (Common)
Medium armor rating/damage (staff damage type: cold)
1 Strength / 0.5 Constitution
1.5% chance to stagger on hit
1.5% chance to stagger attacker on being hit


Primary Slot:
Utility Slot:
Offense Slot:
Defense Slot:

2 (Common)
Medium armor rating/damage (staff damage type: cold)
1 Strength / 0.5 Constitution
1.5% chance to stagger target on hit
1.5% chance to stagger attacker on being hit

Paragon s Luster

2 (Common)
Primary Slot: Medium armor rating/damage (staff damage type: electricity)
Utility Slot: 1.5 Strength
Offense Slot: 1.5% attack
Defense Slot: 1.5% melee defense

Primary Slot:
Utility Slot:
Offense Slot:
Defense Slot:

2 (Common)
Medium armor rating/damage (staff damage type: fire)
1.5 Consititution
2.5% damage to guard
13 health

Serault Infused Glass

2 (Common)
Primary Slot: Medium armor rating/damage (staff damage type: electricity)
Utility Slot: 1.5 Strength
Offense Slot: 1.5% attack
Defense Slot: 1.5% melee defense

Primary Slot:
Utility Slot:
Offense Slot:
Defense Slot:

2 (Common)
Medium armor rating/damage (staff damage type: electricity)
1.5 Strength
1.5% attack
1.5% melee defense


Primary Slot:
Utility Slot:
Offense Slot:
Defense Slot:

3 (Common)
High armor rating/damage (staff damage type: fire)
1.75 Constitution
3% armor penetration
15 health



3 (Common)
High armor rating/damage (staff damage type: electricity)
1.75 Strength
1.75% attack
1.75% melee defense



3 (Common)
Primary Slot: High armor rating/damage (staff damage type: cold)

Utility Slot: 1 Strength / 0.75 Constitution

Offense Slot: 1.75% chance to stagger target on hit
Defense Slot: 1.75% chance to stagger attacker on being hit

Primary Slot:
Utility Slot:
Offense Slot:
Defense Slot:

3 (Common)
High armor rating/damage (staff damage type: electricity)
1.75 Strength
1.75% attack
1.75% melee defense

Volcanic Aurum

3 (Common)
Primary Slot: High armor rating/damage (staff damage type: fire)
Utility Slot: 1.75 Constitution
Offense Slot: 3% damage to guard
Defense Slot: 15 health

Primary Slot:
Utility Slot:
Offense Slot:
Defense Slot:

3 (Rare)
High armor rating/damage (staff damage type: cold)
1 Strength / 0.75 Constitution
1.75% chance to stagger target on hit
1.75% chance to stagger attacker on being hit

Dragon Bone

Primary Slot:
Utility Slot:
Offense Slot:
Defense Slot:

4 (Rare)
Very high armor rating/damage (staff damage type: fire)
1 Constitution / 1 Strength
2% chance to bleed target on hit
4% fire damage resistance

| Masterwork Crafting Material Name | Tier | Applied Effect
| Serault Infused Glass
1 | On kill: target explodes for 75% |
| weapon damage
| Fade-Touched Dawnstone
3 | Heal 25% of damage taken over 10 |
| seconds
| Fade-Touched Dawnstone
3 | 10% chance to grant 3 seconds of |
| Walking Fortress
| Fade-Touched Everite
3 | Heal 25% of damage taken over 10 |
| seconds
| Fade-Touched Everite
3 | 10% chance to grant 3 seconds of |
| Walking Fortress
| Fade-Touched Nevarrite
3 | On kill: target explodes for 75% |
| weapon damage
| Fade-Touched Nevarrite
3 | Chance to cast Pull of the Abyss |
| on a hit
| Fade-Touched Silverite
3 | On hit: gain 5 guard
| Fade-Touched Silverite
3 | 10% chance to inflict Chain
| Lightning damage at 100% weapon |
| power
| Fade-Touched Stormheart
3 | Berserk: 30% damage bonus, 300% |
| damage from all sources
| Fade-Touched Stormheart
3 | 10% chance to use Shield Bash on a|

| hit
| Fade-Touched Volcanic Aurum
3 | 10% extra focus for each enemy
| within 8 meters
| Fade-Touched Volcanic Aurum
3 | 10% chance to use Unbowed on a hit|
| Fade-Touched Bloodstone
2 | 7.5% extra damage for each enemy |
| within 8 meters
| Fade-Touched Bloodstone
2 | 5% chance to use Unbowed on a hit |
| Fade-Touched Lazurite
2 | Increase maximum stamina by 15
| Fade-Touched Obsidian
2 | On hit: gain 3 guard
| Fade-Touched Obsidian
2 | 10% chance to inflict Chain
| Lightning damage at 75% weapon
| power
| Fade-Touched Paragon s Luster
2 | Heal 20% of damage taken over 10 |
| seconds
| Fade-Touched Paragon s Luster
2 | 10% chance to grant 3 seconds of |
| Walking Fortress
| Fade-Touched Pyrophite
2 | 7.5% extra damage for each enemy |
| within 8 meters
| Fade-Touched Pyrophite
2 | 5% chance to use Unbowed on a hit |
| Fade-Touched Veridium
2 | Berserk: 20% damage bonus, 200% |
| damage from all sources
| Fade-Touched Veridium
2 | 5% chance to use Shield Bash on a |
| hit
| Fade-Touched Blue Vitriol
1 | Increase maximum stamina by 10
| Fade-Touched Drakestone
1 | Increase maximum stamina by 10
| Fade-Touched Drakestone
1 | Increase maximum stamina by 10
| Fade-Touched Iron
1 | Heal 15% of damage taken over 10 |
| seconds
| Fade-Touched Iron
1 | 2% chance to use Unbowed on a hit |
| Fade-Touched Onyx
1 | On hit: gain 2 guard
| Fade-Touched Onyx
1 | 10% chance to inflict Chain
| Lightning damage at 50% weapon
| power
| Fade-Touched Serpentstone
1 | 2% chance to use Shield Bash on a |
| hit
| Fade-Touched Serpentstone
1 | Berserk: +10% damage bonus, 100% |
| damage from all sources
| Fade-Touched Summer Stone
1 | 5% extra damage for each enemy
| within 8 meters
| Fade-Touched Summer Stone
1 | 2% chance to use Unbowed on a hit |
| Masterwork Bloodstone
1 | Critical crafting chance 20%
| Masterwork Blue Vitriol
1 | Critical crafting chance 20%
| Masterwork Dawnstone
1 | Critical crafting chance 20%
| Masterwork Drakestone
1 | Critical crafting chance 20%
| Masterwork Everite
1 | Critical crafting chance 20%
| Masterwork Iron
1 | Critical crafting chance 20%
| Masterwork Lazurite
1 | Critical crafting chance 20%
| Masterwork Nevarrite
1 | Critical crafting chance 20%
| Masterwork Obsidian
1 | Critical crafting chance 20%
| Masterwork Onyx
1 | Critical crafting chance 20%
| Masterwork Paragon s Luster
1 | Critical crafting chance 20%
| Masterwork Pyrophite
1 | Critical crafting chance 20%
| Masterwork Serpentstone
1 | Critical crafting chance 20%
| Masterwork Silverite
1 | Critical crafting chance 20%
| Masterwork Stormheart
1 | Critical crafting chance 20%
| Masterwork Summer Stone
1 | Critical crafting chance 20%
| Masterwork Veridium
1 | Critical crafting chance 20%
| Masterwork Volcanic Aurum
1 | Critical crafting chance 20%

__ ___ __
|__) |__ /__` | | /\ |) \ /
|__) |___ .__/ | | /\ |\ |


Introduction to the Bestiary

- Physical Effects refers to Stun, Knockdown, Interrupt, and Knockback.

- Health Modifier is based on health of basic creatures at that level, e.g.;
an Archer has only 75% of the health that a Foot Soldier would have and a
Bruiser has 175% of the health a Foot Soldier has because a Foot Soldier is
the standard for global health.


Location: All
Level Range: 4-30
Health Modifier: 0.75
Armor: Low
Resistance: None
Vulnerable: None
Immunities: None
- Archers can deal some heavy damage from range over time so it s usually best
to attack them first. Bring them into melee combat and they become ineffective
and fall easily.

Location: All
Level Range: 8-30
Health Modifier: 1.75
Armor: Very High
Resistance: None
Vulnerable: Electricity
Immunities: Physical Effects. Fear/Paralyze/Freeze/Sleep/Taunt/Snare on Enrage
- Bruisers use Guard and have a large two-handed weapon. You ll need to time
your defense against this foe and use Shield Bash (or similar abilities) to
break down the Guard quickly and focus on the Bruisers massive Health.
Foot Soldier

Location: All
Level Range: 4-30
Health Modifier: 1
Armor: Average
Resistance: None
Vulnerable: None
Immunities: None

- Foot Soldiers are the most basic unit you ll encounter. They generally swarm
in number but have average Health and damage output. Controlling them with
Fear, Sleep, or Freeze is always useful though they are easy to defend against
even in number so simply Taunting them works well too.

Location: All
Level Range: 4-30
Health Modifier: 1.25
Armor: High
Resistance: None
Vulnerable: Electricity
Immunities: None
- The challenge with Guardsman is that their shield blocks basically in front
of them so it is essential to flank them or cast spells that land directly
on top of them. Have a Warrior Taunt the Guardsman then face it away from
the rest of the group for easy flanking and damage.

Location: All
Level Range: 8-30
Health Modifier: 1
Armor: Low
Resistance: Fire Mage - Fire, Ice Mage - Cold, Lighting Mage - Electricity
Vulnerable: None
Immunities: Fire Mage - Fear/Burn, Ice Mage - Freeze/Chill,
Lightning Mage - Paralyze/Shocked
- Mages specialize in ranged damage with spells that can hit pretty hard. You ll
want to engage in close combat since Mages have low Armor and Health, just
watch out for Glyphs that are laid on the ground to prevent you from closing.
A Warrior with Grappling Chain is particularly useful against Mages.

Location: All
Level Range: 4-30
Health Modifier: 1
Armor: Average
Resistance: None
Vulnerable: None
Immunities: Fear/Sleep/Snare
- Prowlers are essentially Dual Wield Rogues with Stealth capability. That
means you ll need to protect your ranged attacks from these foes as they
can sneak into the back ranks of your party and deal massive damage then
Stealth away after a few seconds. Freeze them in place and Shatter them.

Location: All
Level Range: 4-30
Health Modifier: 1

Armor: Very Low

Resistance: Fire Spellbinder - Fire, Ice Spellbinder - Cold,
Lighting Spellbinder - Electricity
Vulnerable: None
Immunities: Fire Spellbinder - Fear/Burn, Ice Spellbinder - Freeze/Chill,
Lightning Spellbinder - Paralyze/Shocked
- Spellbinders are much like Mages but primarily buff up their allies with
Barrier and other beneficial spells. Spellbinders can also teleport around the
battlefield so you ll want to lock them in place with Paralyze/Freeze pending
their resistances.

Despair Demon

Location: All
Level Range: 12-30
Health Modifier: 1
Armor: Very Low
Resistance: Cold
Vulnerable: Fire
Immunities: Freeze/Sleep/Chill
Elemental Attack: Cold
- Despair Demons are common to Fade Rifts and will attack from range using their
icy projectiles to deal damage while putting up a Barrier of their own. Use
Fire spells like Immolate to set them ablaze and Fear them.
Fear Demon

Location: Many
Level Range: 12-30
Health Modifier: 1.75
Armor: Average
Resistance: None
Vulnerable: Electricity/Spirit
Immunities: Fear/Freeze/Sleep/Weaken
Elemental Attack: Spirit
Pride Demon

Location: Many
Level Range: 12-30
Health Modifier: 2
Armor: Very High
Resistance: Electricity
Vulnerable: None
Immunities: Physical Effect/Freeze/Sleep/Paralyze/Shock
Elemental Attack: Electricity
- Pride Demons are usually part of the second wave at Fade Rifts. You can
prevent them from spawning by using Dispel on the summoning locations. If you
must face a Pride Demon try using Fear to keep it away while you focus on the

lesser demons.
Rage Demon

Location: All
Level Range: 8-30
Health Modifier: 1.5
Armor: High
Resistance: Fire
Vulnerable: Cold
Immunities: Burning. Physical Effects/Fear/Paralyze/Sleep/Taunt when enraged.
Elemental Attack: Fire
- Rage Demons inflict heavy Fire Damage upon their enemies and are some of the
more powerful demons you ll encounter. Freeze them in place and pour on the
Cold attacks to really set them back. Dispel their Barrier if they put one

Location: All
Level Range: 1-30
Health Modifier: 1.1
Armor: Low
Resistance: None
Vulnerable: None
Immunities: None
- Shades essentially the Foot Soldiers/Prowlers of the demon army. They will
break rank and attempt to reach your Archers and Mages. Lock them in place
then take them out, they lack any ability to avoid the damage.

Location: All
Level Range: 1-30
Health Modifier: 1.5
Armor: Low
Resistance: None
Vulnerable: Spirit
Immunities: Fear
- Terrors have a nasty ability to dive into the ground and emerge near your
ranged allies. This causes a knockdown and is followed up by a slowing area
of effect spell that inflicts damage. It s a tough thing to deal with so you
need to Freeze/Paralyze the Terror when it appears.

Location: All
Level Range: 1-30
Health Modifier: 0.35
Armor: Very Low
Resistance: Fire if Rage Demon nearby. Cold if Despair Demon nearby. Electricity
if Pride Demon nearby.
Vulnerable: None

Immunities: Physical Effects/Poison. Weaken if Fear Demon nearby. Burn if Rage

Demon nearby. Chill if Despair Demon nearby. Shock if Pride Demon
Elemental Attack: Spirit
- Wraiths are like the Archers of the demon army. They sit in the back and
fire projectiles that can whittle your health. Some Wraiths can cast Barrier
and have resistances based on the other demons around. Take them out first
when encountered in groups of other demons, they die fast.


Location: Many
Level Range: 12-30
Health Modifier: 1.5
Armor: Very High
Resistance: Fire
Vulnerable: Cold
Immunities: Physical Effects/Fear/Paralyze/Sleep/Weaken/Burning

Location: Many
Level Range: 4-30
Health Modifier: 1
Armor: High
Resistance: Electricity
Vulnerable: Spirit
Immunities: Shock. Fear/Paralyze/Freeze/Sleep when enraged.
Red Templar Archer

Location: Many
Level Range: 4-30
Health Modifier: 0.75
Armor: Low
Resistance: None
Vulnerable: None
Immunities: None
- Treat the Red Templar Archer like you would a regular archer.
Red Templar Foot Soldier

Location: Many
Level Range: 4-30
Health Modifier: 1
Armor: Average
Resistance: None

Vulnerable: None
Immunities: None
- The Red Templar Foot Soldier functions like a standard Foot Soldier and should
be combated in the same manner.
Red Templar Guardsman

Location: Many
Level Range: 8-30
Health Modifier: 1.25
Armor: High
Resistance: None
Vulnerable: Electricity
Immunities: None
- Wielding a shield and defending against most attacks, the Red Templar
Guardsman should be dispatched like a standard Guardsman.
Red Templar Knight

Location: Many
Level Range: 8-30
Health Modifier: 1.25
Armor: Very High
Resistance: Cold
Vulnerable: Fire
Immunities: Physical Effect/Paralyze/Freeze/Chill
- Red Templar Knights are similar to Bruisers, hulking around and dealing lots
of damage with massive armor. Freeze them in place and shatter them for the
best results.

Location: Many
Level Range: 12-30
Health Modifier: 1.2
Armor: Average
Resistance: None
Vulnerable: None
Immunities: Fear/Freeze/Sleep/Snare

Arcane Horror

Location: Many
Level Range: 8-30
Health Modifier: 5
Armor: Low
Resistance: Cold
Vulnerable: Fire/Spirit

Immunities: Physical Effects/Fear/Paralyze/Sleep/Chill/Poison

Elemental Attack: Spirit
- Arcane Horrors are powerful magic users that can warp around the battlefield.
Take advantage of their low armor and light them on fire for the best results
when fighting them. They are usually in the middle of a group, leading other
Undead so focus on them first.

Location: Many
Level Range: 4-30
Health Modifier: 0.7
Armor: Very Low
Resistance: Cold
Vulnerable: Fire/Spirit
Immunities: Fear/Sleep/Chill/Poison
- Corpses don t pose much of a threat by themselves but often come in large
number. Be sure to defeat them at a distance before they get too close, Fire
is your best bet since they can be inflicted with Burning.

Location: Many
Level Range: 12-30
Health Modifier: 6
Armor: Very High
Resistance: Cold
Vulnerable: Fire/Spirit
Immunities: Physical Effect/Fear/Freeze/Sleep/Chill/Poison
- Revenants have the ability to pull you in from range and then smash you with
their massive shield and sword. Unlike the other Undead, the Revenant has
a large health pool and very high armor so you ll need to use Fire to really
burn them down but more than that, you require sustainability to outlast them.



Location: Emprise du Lion, Storm Coast, Western Approach

Level Range: 4-19
Health Modifier: 0.5
Armor: Average
Resistance: None
Vulnerable: None
Immunities: None
- These are people who died from the corruption of the Blight. Treat them as
Foot Soldiers without weapons when you encounter them.

Location: Deep Roads, Emprise du Lion, Storm Coast, Western Approach

Level Range: 8-19
Health Modifier: 1.25
Armor: High
Resistance: None
Vulnerable: None
Immunities: None
- Most Hurlock wield a one-handed sword without a shield, some are ranged
archers. Do your best to treat them as just Foot Soldiers and Archers with
more health and armor.
Hurlock Alpha

Location: Emprise du Lion, Storm Coast, Western Approach

Level Range: 8-19
Health Modifier: 1.75
Armor: Very High
Resistance: None
Vulnerable: Electricity
Immunities: Physical Effects. Fear/Paralyze/Freeze/Sleep/Taunt/Snare on Enrage.
- The Alphas are larger than the standard Hurlock and always wield a two-handed
sword or axe that can deal massive damage. Freeze or Paralyze them before
they enrage to get a large amount of damage in.

Armored Mabari

Location: Crestwood, Storm Coast

Level Range: 4-11
Health Modifier: 1.5
Armor: High
Resistance: Cold
Vulnerable: Fire
Immunities: Physical Effects
Crafting Material: Canine Leather
August Ram

Location: Hissing Wastes, Emerald Graves, Emprise du Lion

Level Range: 12-15
Health Modifier: 0.25
Armor: Very Low
Resistance: Cold
Vulnerable: None
Immunities: None
Crafting Material: August Ram Leather

Location: Emerald Graves, The Hinterlands, Storm Coast

Level Range: 8-12
Health Modifier: 3

Armor: High
Resistance: Cold
Vulnerable: Fire
Immunities: Physical Effects/Paralyze/Freeze
Crafting Material: Bear Hide
Black Wolf

Location: Crestwood, Emerald Graves, Emprise du Lion, Exalted Plains,

The Hinterlands
Level Range: 4-19
Health Modifier: 1.5
Armor: Low
Resistance: Cold
Vulnerable: Fire
Immunities: None
Crafting Material: Canine Leather

Location: Crestwood, Emerald Graves

Level Range: 16-19
Health Modifier: 2
Armor: Very High
Resistance: Cold
Vulnerable: Fire
Immunities: Physical Effects, Paralyze, Freeze
Crafting Material: Bronto Hide

Location: Crestwood, Storm Coast

Level Range: 8-15
Health Modifier: 0.5
Armor: Very Low
Resistance: None
Vulnerable: Electricity
Immunities: None
Crafting Material: Deepstalker Hide

Location: Emprise du Lion, The Hinterlands, Hissing Wastes, Storm Coast

Level Range: 8-21
Health Modifier: 1
Armor: Low
Resistance: Fire
Vulnerable: Electricity
Immunities: Physical Effects
Crafting Material: Dragon Blood, Dragon s Tooth, Dragonling Scales

Location: Crestwood, Frostback Mountains, The Hinterlands

Level Range: 1-11

Health Modifier: 2
Armor: Very High
Resistance: Cold
Vulnerable: Fire
Immunities: Physical Effects/Paralyze/Freeze
Crafting Material: Druffalo Hide

Location: Crestwood, Forbidden Oasis, Hissing Wastes, The Hinterlands,

Western Approach
Level Range: 1-15
Health Modifier: 0.15
Armor: Very Low
Resistance: None
Vulnerable: None
Immunities: None
Crafting Material: Fennec Fur

Location: Emerald Graves, Emprise du Lion, Forbidden Oasis, Storm Coast,

Western Approach
Level Range: 8-19
Health Modifier: 3
Armor: Very High
Resistance: None
Vulnerable: Electricity
Immunities: Physical Effects/Fear/Paralyze/Freeze/Sleep/Weakness/Snare
Giant Spider

Location: Crestwood, Emerald Graves, Forbidden Oasis, Hissing Wastes,

The Hinterlands, Revenant Church, Storm Coast, Western Approach
Level Range: 8-19
Health Modifier: 1
Armor: Very Low
Resistance: Electricity
Vulnerable: None
Immunities: None
Crafting Material: Giant Spider Glands
Giant Bear

Location: Emerald Graves, Emprise du Lion

Level Range: 11-19
Health Modifier: 3
Armor: High
Resistance: Cold
Vulnerable: Fire
Immunities: Physical Effects/Paralyze/Freeze
Crafting Material: Great bear Hide

Location: Exalted Plains

Level Range: 12-15
Health Modifier: 3
Armor: Low
Resistance: Fire
Vulnerable: Electricity
Immunities: Physical Effects
Crafting Material: Craggy Skin

Location: Hissing Wastes, Western Approach

Level Range: 8-19
Health Modifier: 2
Armor: Very High
Resistance: Cold
Vulnerable: Fire
Immunities: Physical Effects/Paralyze/Freeze
Crafting Material: Gurn Hide, Hardened Gurn Hide

Location: The Exalted Plains

Level Range: 8-19
Health Modifier: 0.25
Armor: Very Low
Resistance: None
Vulnerable: None
Immunities: None
Crafting Material: Halla Leather
High Dragon

Location: Crestwood, Emerald Graves, Emprise du Lion, Hissing Wastes,

The Hinterlands, Storm Coast, Western Approach
Level Range: 13-23
Health Modifier: 36
Armor: Average
Resistance: Varies
Vulnerable: Varies
Immunities: Physical Effects/Fear/Paralyze/Freeze/Sleep/Snare/Confuse
Crafting Material: Intense Dragon Blood, Dragon s Tooth, Dragon Webbing
Dragon Scales, Dragon Bone
- Armored: Dragon can use Guard
- Berserk: A 40 meter AoE attack based on the dragon s element
- Cold: Inflicts Cold damage. Dragon is vulnerable to Fire.
- Electricity: Inflicts Electric damage. Dragon is vulnerable to Spirit
- Fire: Inflicts Fire damage. Dragon is vulnerable to Cold.
- Matriarch: Dragon can summon Dragonlings.
- Red Lyrium: Dragon uses Red Lyrium damage.
| Ancient Dragon
| Arbor Wilds
| Fire

| Ferelden Frostback
| The Hinterlands
| Matriarch, Fire
| Gamoran Stormrider
| The Exalted Plains | Electricity
| Greater Mistral
| Emerald Graves
| Armored, Cold
| Highland Ravager
| Emprise du Lion
| Armored, Berserk, Matriarch |
| Fire
| Hivernal
| Emprise du Lion
| Berserk, Cold
| Kaltenzahn
| Emprise du Lion
| Armored, Cold, Matriarch
| Northern Hunter
| Crestwood
| Berserk, Electricity
| Red Lyrium Dragon
| Finale
| Armored, Red Lyrium
| Sandy Howler
| Hissing Wastes
| Armored, Matriarch, Fire
| The Abyssal High Dragon | Western Approach | Armored, Fire
| Vinsomer
| Storm Coast
| Armored, Berserk, Electricity |


Location: Forbidden Oasis, Western Approach

Level Range: 8-11
Health Modifier: 2
Armor: Low
Resistance: Cold
Vulnerable: Fire
Immunities: None
Crafting Material: Canine Leather

Location: Hissing Wastes

Level Range: 16-19
Health Modifier: 1
Armor: High
Resistance: None
Vulnerable: Electricity
Immunities: None
Crafting Material: Craggy Skin

Location: Hissing Wastes, The Hinterlands, Storm Coast

Level Range: 8-11
Health Modifier: 1
Armor: Low
Resistance: Cold
Vulnerable: Fire
Immunities: None
Crafting Material: Canine Leather

Location: Crestwood, Emerald Graves, Exalted Plains, Frostback Mountains

Forbidden Oasis, The Hinterlands, Storm Coast
Level Range: 1-15
Health Modifier: 0.05
Armor: Very Low
Resistance: None

Vulnerable: None
Immunities: None
Crafting Material: Nugskin

Location: The Western Approach

Level Range: 8-11
Health Modifier: 1.5
Armor: Average
Resistance: Fire
Vulnerable: Electricity
Immunities: None
Crafting Material: Phoenix Scales
Poison Spider

Location: Crestwood, Hissing Wastes, Revenant Church, Western Approach

Level Range: 8-19
Health Modifier: 1
Armor: Very Low
Resistance: Electricity
Vulnerable: None
Immunities: Poison
Crafting Material: Poison Spider Glands

Location: Western Approach

Level Range: 8-11
Health Modifier: 3
Armor: High
Resistance: Cold
Vulnerable: Fire
Immunities: Physicall Effects/Paralyze/Freeze
Crafting Material:

Location: Crestwood, Frostback Mountains, The Hinterlands, Skyhold, Storm Coast

Level Range: 1-7
Health Modifier: 0.25
Armor: Very Low
Resistance: None
Vulnerable: None
Immunities: None
Crafting Material: Ram Leather

Location: Emprise du Lion, Exalted Plains

Level Range: 8-15
Health Modifier: 0.05
Armor: Very Low
Resistance: None

Vulnerable: None
Immunities: None
Crafting Material: Snoufleur Fur

Location: Forbidden Oasis, Storm Coast

Level Range: 12-15
Health Modifier: 0.05
Armor: Very Low
Resistance: None
Vulnerable: None
Immunities: None
Crafting Material:

Location: The Western Approach

Level Range: 12-15
Health Modifier: 3
Armor: Low
Resistance: Fire
Vulnerable: Electricity
Immunities: Physical Effects
Crafting Material: Varghest Scales

Location: Crestwood, Hissing Wastes

Level Range: 8-19
Health Modifier: 3
Armor: Low
Resistance: Fire
Vulnerable: Electricity
Immunities: Physical Effects
Crafting Material: Wyvern Scales
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You will come across a LOT of items throughout the game. Seriously, a ton.
However, some items stand out from the rest and despite the game s random
nature will always be special and there for you to find. We re talking about
the rare items in the game. This section is dedicated to cataloging them and
helping you find where each of them are.
NOTE: The items here are sorted according to item type.
NOTE: You CANNOT get every item in one playthrough. Some are tied to quest
decisions. You can get most of them, but they also scale in power and
with no legit way to store items you will always be better off throwing
the weak items away.


o Avenger
DPS: 151

136 Damage
+12% Armor Penetration
+16% Attack
On Hit: 10% Chance to apply Poison

Restriction: Warrior Only

Requirement: Level 13
Description: Lady Shayna, the warrior who was both general and lover to
legendary King Calenhad, offered this blade to Queen Mairyn to
heal the rift between the queen and her husband. When Arl
Myrodin killed Shayna, the blade passed to Mairyn s son and
has remained in Theirin hands.
WHERE TO FIND: This is a reward from the War Table mission "Delicate
Negotiations". This should appear after the "Wicked Hearts"
main mission.

o Axe of Green Edges

DPS: 168

115 Damage
+6 Constitution
+8% Critical Chance
+7% Critical Damage Bonus
On Hit: 5% Chance to apply Poison

Restriction: Warrior Only

Requirement: Level 10
Description: One of the last Emerald Knights alive after the Exalted March
destroyed the Elven Dales, Nomaris famously lodged his axe in
the tree he had planted in the Emerald Graves, saying, "Let it
remain here until my people are free, to mark my soul, which
shall never rest." Then he threw himself into a river, his body
never found or interred. An Orlesian adventurer poisoned the
tree to take the weapon... after fleeing Dalish hunters seeking
vengeance for the sacrilege.
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this axe while doing the "Still Waters" quest
in Crestwood. Specifically, after closing the tear in the
lake. Loot the room the tear was in to find it.

o Caliban
DPS: 218
- 196 Damage
- +14% Attack

- +16% Heal on Kill

- +7 Willpower
- +5% Extra damage for each enemy within 8 meters
Restriction: Warrior Only
Requirement: Level 20
Description: First wielded by Calban, the most famous non-Pentaghast dragon
hunter (he claimed to have slain the last dragon in the early
Steel Age), notorious for his commoner heritage and sexual
appetite. After the death of his lover, Queen Fionne Theirin,
he went into self-imposed exile and, some say, trained a
secret warrior order in the Frostback Mountains called the
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this on the corpse of the High Dragon Kaltenzahn,
who is one of the dragons you can find in Emprise du Lion.
You know the drill, kill it and claim this sword.

o Call of the Dark

DPS: 298

263 Damage
+32 Damage vs. Living
+24 Strength
Berserk: +20% Damage Bonus, +200% Damage from all sources

Restriction: Warrior Only

Requirement: Level 17
Description: "Lusacan, the Dragon of Night, calls to you. He lives where it
is darkest and waits for the day he will rise. Drink of his
blood and know the power in darkness: either fear the night or
wield it."
WHERE TO FIND: Found in the merchant inventory at Crestwood, but does
require the Inquisition Perk "The Short List". Costs 16488

o Soulkisser
DPS: 127

87 Damage
+13% Armor Penetration
+12 Strength
On Hit: Heal 1% of Maximum Health

Restriction: Warrior Only

Requirement: Level 10
Description: Inscribed on the hilt in Antivan script: "I shall kiss my
foes souls, all the better to draw them into my embrace.
Leave me your darkness, and I shall give you my light."
WHERE TO FIND: Found while doing the quest "A Fallen Sister" in the
Emerald Graves. Loot if from Sister Costeau.

o The Dueling Blade

DPS: 133

120 Damage
+13% Armor Penetration
+14% Critical Damage Bonus
+10% Focus Gain

Restriction: Warrior Only

Requirement: Level 11
Description: Many suspected Lord Kyril had his sword enchanted for his
famous duel with the verdant knight - and that the knight
(whose identity was never proven) said nothing. Kyril s
victory led to cries of foul play, an assault on Tantervale
in the Free Marches, and the disappearance of both Kyril and
his blade, by assassins or because he fled to Ferelden and
changed his identity.
WHERE TO FIND: Found in the merchant inventory at Crestwood, but does
require the Inquisition Perk "The Short List". Costs 941

o The Sweetish Fingers

DPS: 78

70 Damage
+3% Attack
+2% Bleed on Hit
+3% Critical Damage Bonus
+3 Willpower

Restriction: Warrior Only

Requirement: Level 2
Description: A challenge to wield in battle, for while the blade offers
overwhelming feedback, it takes little from the handler.
You ll dispatch no end of foes together, but for all the
effort it takes to command, you mas as well talk to the hand.
WHERE TO FIND: This can be found during the quest "Templars to the West",
a quest you can get fairly easy while exploring The
Hinterlands. Complete the quest and check the corpse of the
Templar Defender you kill (the last enemy in the quest) to
find this sword.

o Vidathiss
DPS: 124

65 Damage
+20% Damage vs. Demons
+7% Armor Penetration
+10 Strength

Restriction: Warrior Only

Requirement: Level 6
Description: A Qunari weapon carried by Vidathiss, a well-known "re0educator"
in the New Exalted Marches, who was said to crush the heads of
captured knights - though this claim has never been proven. She
died in the Battle of Afsaana in 7:75 Storm, her mace claimed
by the Orlesian knight who killed her.
WHERE TO FIND: To get this mace, you must talk with Cassandra throughout the
game. Doing so will eventually open up the War Table quest
"Find the Seekers", which leads to a quest "Promise of
Destruction". Do that quest and kill the boss of it and
you can then claim this weapon from his corpse.


o Axe of the Dragon-Hunter

DPS: 285

220 AoE Damage

+32 AoE Damage vs. Dragons
+28% Critical Chance
+5% Extra Damage for each enemy within 8 meters

Restriction: Warrior Only

Requirement: Level 16
Description: Once famed dragon hunter Nephram Pentaghast s, this axe was
lost in the Steel Age after a wager between Nephram s
great-grandson and a Van Markham scion. Its new owner proudly
went on his own dragon hunt - and was killed by bandits. It was
last seen in Kirkwall s Black Emporium.
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this at the merchant at Skyhold. Bonnie Sims,
to be precise. 11540 Gold.

o Certainty
DPS: 305

238 AoE Damage

+32 AoE Damage vs. Demons
+36% Attack
+6% Bleed on Hit
+6 Strength

Restriction: Warrior Only

Requirement: Level 17
Description: A sword of deepest corruption and conviction, it cannot be the
red lyrium blade that drove Kirkwall s Knight-Commander
Meredith to madness. It cannot have been reborn in arcane
energies somehow Elven and Tevinter and blight intertwined. And
it cannot have inspired in the name of a magister who once
entered heaven and would dare so again. One wonders what this

sword cannot be next, in the hands of [Player Name], if [he/she]

is not careful.
WHERE TO FIND: This sword is wielded by the boss "Samson", and can be
acquired if you side with the Mages in the game. After that,
Samson can be killed during the "What Pride Had Wrought" Main
Mission, which gives you this sword.

o Glittering Darmallon
DPS: 193

171 AoE Damage

+25% Bleed on Hit
+6% Critical Damage Bonus
+10% Chance to grant 2 seconds of Walking Fortress

Restriction: Warrior Only

Requirement: Level 11
Description: The Dwarven Thaig Darmallon was one of Theadas s greatest
sources of gold. This axe predates the Thaig s loss to the
darkspawn, and from flecks on the hilt, the blade was once
coated in gold.
WHERE TO FIND: Found during the quest "A Vicious Thug", in the Emerald
Graves. The thug is Duhaime, located in front of the Villa
Maurel, north of Fairbanks Camp.

o Mhemet s War Hammer

DPS: 265


Electricity Damage
Guard Damage Bonus

Restriction: Warrior Only

Requirement: Level 16
Description: Ser Mhemet, a Rivaini Templar, fought in the Exalted March on
the Dales for one reason: his love of killing elves, which
pushed him to so many victories, the Chantry elevated him to
anointed after his death. To this day, Halamshiral Elves
consider his name a curse.
WHERE TO FIND: This can be found during the beginning of the main quest
"What Pride had Wrought", in a chest. Consult the guide to
get very specific if needed.

o Rendor s Blade
DPS: 172
- 152 AoE Damage

+9% Attack
+10% Bleed on Hit
+5 Constitution
+3 Willpower
+10% Chance to apply Walking Bomb for 5 seconds, with detonation of
50% Weapon Damage

Restriction: Warrior Only

Requirement: Level 9
Description: King Venedrin Theirin offered Rendor knighthood numerous
times for "service to the Fereldan Throne." Historians
believe Rendor was an adventurer or mercenary regularly
hired to ambush Orlesian patrols trying to bypass the
Frostback Mountains or make overtures to enemies among the
Avvar - thus his nickname, "The Mountain Terror."
WHERE TO FIND: Found in the Exalted Plains while doing the quest "For the
Empire". You ll have to rebuild Port Agur first, but you
will run into a Revenant during this quest. Kill and loot
him for this blade.

o Siege s End
DPS: 284
- 251 AoE Damage
- +41% Critical Damage Bonus
- Berserk: +20% Damage Bonus, +200% Damage from all sources
Restriction: Warrior Only
Requirement: Level 18
Description: First wielded by Prince Fyruss of Starkhaven, who failed to
unite the Free Marches in the Glory Age, this axe was claimed
by the Tevinter Imperium after the battle that killed him. It
returned to Starkhaven in the Exalted Age after extended
diplomacy by Prince Artesian Vael, only to be lost again when
the Qunari invaded in the Steel Age. It has not been seen since.
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this at the merchant at Skyhold. The one to
the right of Bonnie Sims, to be precise. 21433 Gold.

o Sulevin Blade
DPS: 341

270 AoE Damage

+32 AoE Damage vs. Living
+11% Armor Penetration
+42 Strength
Chance to cast Pull of the Abyss on hit

Restriction: Warrior Only

Requirement: Level 20
Description: "Sulevin" is Elven for "Purpose". For the Dalish, that purpose
is finding a new homeland. Keepers collect ancient lore and use
it to created the weapons for a future war: to conquer a

homeland or to defend it.

WHERE TO FIND: One of the best two-handed weapons in the game. The "Pull
of the Abyss" ability is godly. Anyway, you can find this
blade after doing the quest "Ruined Blade", which you can
get while exploring Emprise Du Lion.

o The Last Stand

DPS: 155

153 Damage
+5 Cunning
+3% Ranged Defense
+8 Strength
On Hit: Gain 2 Guard

Restriction: Warrior Only

Requirement: Level 8
Description: This maul reportadly made the difference in Hossberg s survival
of a darkspawn siege in the third blight. To this day, paintings
in the Anderfels depict Lord Ansel atop the city s Black Tower,
lofting the maul defiantly. However, while Hossberg did force
the horde into retreat, Grey Wardens entering the city found
only chaos and no Ansel.
WHERE TO FIND: This maul can be found during the quest "Still Waters" in
Crestwood. Specifically, it is wielded by the elite "boss"
bandit when you go to capture Caer Bronach. Kill him and
claim it as your own.


o Blizzard s Path
DPS: 66

41 Cold Damage
+5% Attack
+5% Bleed on Hit
+9 Magic
On Kill: Target explodes for 75% Weapon Damage

Restriction: Mage Only

Requirement: Level 9
Description: Carved along the staff s length: "Be cold, my son. Empty
yourself of compassion, for the blizzard s path strikes fear.
If you feel rage, let it be righteous. Unleash it, and you will
achieve greatness."
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this staff during the quest "The Trouble with
Darkspawn" in The Western Approach. More specifically, it
is in a chest on the ramparts of Echo Back Fort.

o Deathward
DPS: 75

46 Cold Damage
+10 Constitution
+6 Magic
+17 Willpower
On Hit: Heal 1% of Maximum Health

Restriction: Mage Only

Requirement: Level 11
Description: This staff is marked with symbols that loosely translate to
"Ever forward, ever deathward." It was the motto of a
Mortalitasi sect that saw popularity during the formative years
of the Nevarran fascination with death. Its members are said to
be "The First," though whether in research or in application is
lost to history.
WHERE TO FIND: Complete all of the Astrarium s in the Emerald Graves and
explore the area they open up for this unique staff.

o Staff of Corruption
DPS: 99

61 Electricity Damage
+4% Attack
+41% Barrier Damage Bonus
+4 Magic
2% Chance to cast Fear on hit

Restriction: Mage Only

Requirement: Level 16
Description: If they call us corrupt, let us be corruption. Let us spread
across the land, a darkness from which they will not awake. Let
us turn brother against brother while we laugh from the shadows.
The Venatori will destroy this land from within until a new
Teventer emerges, stronger than ever.
WHERE TO FIND: This staff can be gotten from the boss Calpernia. You must
side with the Templars during the Main Story missions, and
doing so will turn Calpernia into a boss during the Main
Story mission "What Pride Had Wrought". Defeat her to claim
this staff.

o Staff of Stasis
DPS: 53

33 Cold Damage
+5% Attack
+4% Barrier Damage Bonus
On Dying: 5% Chance to heal for half health.

Restriction: Mage Only

Requirement: Level 6
Description: None
WHERE TO FIND: This staff is acquired by siding with the mages, and can
be found during the quest "In Hushed Whispers". Even more
specifically, it is dropped from the boss, Alexius.

o Staff of the Void

DPS: 107

66 Electricity Damage
+6% Attack
+6% Critical Chance
+36 Magic
10% Chance to grant 2 seconds of Walking Fortress.

Restriction: Mage Only

Requirement: Level 17
Description: A weapon that stills the air around it. The inscription is old
Tevinter Imperium: "There is strength in absence. Absence of
weakness, and of limitation. Absence of caution, and of mercy.
The void has always been within."
WHERE TO FIND: Found in the loot pool after killing the High Dragon Hivernal,
which can be fought while exploring Emprise Du Lion.

o Tyrdda s Staff
DPS: 107

46 Fire Damage
+20 Damage vs. Living
+25% Attack
+4% Critical Chance

Restriction: Mage Only

Requirement: Level 11
Description: None
WHERE TO FIND: This is gained after doing the "Locate Weapon of Tyrdda
Bright-Axe" War Table Mission. To unlock that particular
War Table Mission, you must find all the landmarks in the
Hinterlands. Weird weapon for someone with that name, right?


o Agony
DPS: 326
- 127 Damage

+3% Attack
+3% Critical Chance
+31% Critical Damage Bonus
10% Chance to inflict Chain Lightning damage at 50% Weapon Power

Restriction: Rogue Only

Requirement: Level 17
Description: After his cousin, Queen Madrigal, died in the Exalted Age,
young King Semion grew into a paranoid recluse. He built
Velabanchel, filling the prison fortress with anyone who
displeased him - with this dagger part of his "questioning".
The blade disappeared after he died in a fire, though rumor
says it passed to the Antivan Crow who killed him.
WHERE TO FIND: This dagger can be found when you do the quest "A Prideful
Place" in the Forbidden Oasis. This is where you open up
every single door though, meaning you ll have to collect
every shard there is.

o Gift of the Talons

DPS: 239

93 Damage
+2% Critical Chance
+17% Flanking Damage
10% Chance to use Hidden Blades on a Hit, with 3 added hits

Restriction: Rogue Only

Requirement: Level 12
Description: Assassins who acheive the rank of talon in the Antivan Crows
receive a dagger from the guildmaster, who orders them to kill
a target with that blade alone. The more unusual and difficult
the target, the greater the omen for their future in guild
leadership. More than one talon has never returned.
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this on the corpse of the High Dragon, Greater
Mistral, which you can fight when you explore the Emerald

o Lady Jocasta s Revenge

DPS: 239

93 Damage
+2 Cunning
+20% Flanking Damage Bonus
On Hit: Heal 1% of Maximum Health

Restriction: Rogue Only

Requirement: Level 12
Description: A dagger commissioned to exact a terrible revenge on an
inconstant lover. According to the tale, all it took was a
single cut while he was sleeping. He died a slow and wasting

WHERE TO FIND: You can find this on the corpse of the Hight Dragon, Gamordan
Stormrider, which you can fight when you explore The Exalted

o Nameless Blade
DPS: 174

70 AoE Damage
+12% Armor Penetration
+5 Constitution
+3 Strength
+5% Extra damage for each enemy within 8 meters

Restriction: Rogue Only

Requirement: Level 12
Description: This knife was wielded by a Grey Warden who lived through the
third blight. Once it was etched with the warden s anme, but
time and use have rendered the inscription unreadable.
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this blade (that has AoE! Wha..!?) on the
corpse of the Abyssal High Dragon in The Western Approach.
Take him out!

o Promise of the Storm

DPS: 319

108 Damage
+16 Electricity Damage
+21% Armor Penetration
+2% Attack
+2% Critical Chance

Restriction: Rogue Only

Requirement: Level 14
Description: Held lightly, hair on the arm stands on end. Held tight,
fingertips numb, leaving a tingle others can feel in the
wielder s touch for hours after. Unsubtle power, like the
storm that destroys the invading fleet, but also home and
hearth. The will that commissioned this is forgotten; even
more so are her enemies.
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this dagger during the quest "The Tomb of
Fairel", in The Hissing Wastes. It will be in the tomb
itself, after you fight the Sandy Howler.

o Silkdart
DPS: 190
- 74 Damage
- +3% Attack
- +2% Flanking Damage Bonus

- +2 Willpower
- +25% Faster movement speed when in stealth
Restriction: Rogue Only
Requirement: Level 8
Description: A knife that can be hidden in a sleeve, drawn in an instant
and employed when an enemy s back is turned. Similar blades
are favored by assassins and bards all over Thedas, which
once prompted a duchess to banish arm coverings from her
WHERE TO FIND: Vendor located at Caer Bronach, 472 Gold. Once you take
over the fortress, of course.

o Walking Death
DPS: 329

128 Damage
+21% Armor Penetration
+4% Attack
+6 Dexterity
10% Chance to apply Walking Bomb for 5 Seconds, with Detonation of 50%
Weapon Damage

Restriction: Rogue Only

Requirement: Level 17
Description: The well-worn hilt bears the marks of the Nevarran Mortalitasi.
The order makes an art of mummification, and their tools are
imbued with magicks that blut the moment between life and
death, though death is no less certain.
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this item on the corpse of the High Dragon,
Highland Ravager, located in the Emprise Du Lion. Quite
the dagger!

o Wyvern Tooth
DPS: 296

115 Damage
+25% Armor Penetration
+3% Bleed on Hit
+6 Dexterity

Restriction: Rogue Only

Requirement: Level 15
Description: Named for a deadly beast, but this is no fang driven by muscle.
A more elegant force, a want, pulls the tip toward the heart.
The hilt is from Seheron, but the metal of the blade is not,
nor is it found among its southern neighbors. It s hard to
place the age of it since the edge never tarnishes.
WHERE TO FIND: This can be found in the loot pool of Vinsomer, the High
Dragon found on The Storm Coast. You will have to come back
later in the game to access the northern area he inhabits

though, meaning you can t get this as early as you might be



o Farslayer
DPS: 82

73 Damage
+8% Critical Chance
+3 Dexterity
+9 Willpower
On Hit: 5% Chance to apply poison


Not Varric
Rogue Only
Level 6
The thrum of this bow s string is like a whisper in the mind in Elven or an even older tongue. Its power has lasted the
millennia, but it has faded far from the marvel it once was.

WHERE TO FIND: Found during the quest "Rifts on the Battlefield" in the
Exalted Plains. Check the guide for the specifics, if you
can t find it right away.

o Grunsmann s Bow
DPS: 130

115 Damage
+17% Attack
+6 Dexterity
On Kill: Target explodes for 75% Weapon Damage


Not Varric
Rogue Only
Level 13
The Anderfels "Green Men" warriors began with a hunter of
the Merdaine: Grunsmann, who famously saved the people of
Hossberg from starvation by crossing darkspawn lines in the
first blight. The order begun in his name leads caravans
through the dangerous Wandering Hills to the distant port of
Laysh and comprise the best marksmen in Thedas.

WHERE TO FIND: You can find this at the merchant at Skyhold. Bonnie Sims,
to be precise. 4082 Gold.

o Longbow of the Griffon

DPS: 172
- 152 Damage

- +11% Armor Penetration

- +42% Attack
- Weapon fires 3 shots when attacking.

Not Varric
Rogue Only
Level 18
According to legend, the bow og Garahel - Elven Grey Warden
hero of the fourth blight - was carved from his alienage s
Vhenadahl tree. Garahel and the bow were lost at the climatic
battle of Ayesleigh, though some maintain he never took it with
him. Others claim he never even used a bow, but that such a
rumor was started by an infamous Elven rogue calling himself
Garahel and the hero s descendant.

WHERE TO FIND: This bow can be found during the main quest "What Pride Had
Wrought". HOWEVER, you must side with the guardian elves in
order to have the path opened up to the chest that has this
bow. Of note is the "3 shots when attacking" perk, which
very likely makes this the best bow in the game.

o Longshot
DPS: 106

94 Damage
+6 Dexterity
+23% Flanking Damage Bonus
+5 Willpower
+10% Focus Gain


Not Varric
Rogue Only
Level 10
This magical bow has always ended up with archers skilled
enough to use it, and always in a crisis where it is most
needed. This pleases the bow because otherwise, life would
be boring, even for a bow.

WHERE TO FIND: This bow is found on a corpse in the Emerald Graves! First,
it is in the area you fight the Greater Mistral at. To the
north is a wolf statue and to the right of that on a corpse
is this bow. We re guessing the dragon got the best of him?

o Tenasarin
DPS: 153

135 Damage
+9% Critical Damage Bonus
+17 Dexterity
2% Chance to use Shield Bash on a hit

Restriction: Not Varric

Restriction: Rogue Only
Requirement: Level 16

Description: One of the most famous Elven heroes of the Towers Age was Wenna
Di Ladia of Nevarra, descendant of the last Emerald Knights who
guarded the Dales. She took up her grandfather s bow during the
third blight, inspiring the Thedosian armies with her beauty and
skill. Afterward, Wenna fell afoul of Free Marches rulers when
her name launched alienage revolts. She fled criminal
accusations, into obscurity, but her legend survives among
city elves.
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this at the merchant at Skyhold. The one to
the right of Bonnie Sims, to be precise. 11110 Gold.

o The Trepanner s Requital

DPS: 106

94 Damage
+16% Armor Penetration
+11 Dexterity
+15% Flanking Damage Bonus
On Hit: Target explodes for 75% Weapon Damage


Not Varric
Rogue Only
Level 10
Named for an old Imperium Fable that reflects a nation s fear
of tranquility. Emrie Naius claimed to be a healer. Too late,
her victims learned the hate behind her meaning: her father
dead to magisters, her lands forfeit. Her singsong taunt
frightens Tevinter children to this day: "So much pressure, so
much sickness. It s your thinking, too much quickness. Harrowed
arrows stop your dreaming. Outside smiling, inside screaming."

WHERE TO FIND: You can get this bow during the Main Quest "Wicked Eyes and
Wicked Hearts". HOWEVER, you must choose to NOT talk to
Florianne at the end. This leads to fighting her, but it is
the only way to get this bow (although you are giving up on
some other items to do so).


o Aegis of the Order

ARMOR RATING: 14 (Front)

+2 Constitution
+30% Front Defense
+4% Magic Defense
+2% Ranged Defense
5% Extra Damage for each enemy within 8 meters

Restriction: Warrior Only

Requirement: Level 8
Description: This shield s power has kept it whole after a thousand years
and might even have saved the entire Temple of Dirthamen from

decay. It held special significance to the elven priests,

perhaps allowing communion with the God of Secrets himself.
WHERE TO FIND: While you are in The Western Approach, you will unlock the
War Table mission "Crossing the Sulfur Pits" (if you explore
that is). Once you complete it you can access a cave off to
the right that leads to a tunnel with a chest. You will find
this shield in that chest.

o Dirthamen s Wisdom
ARMOR RATING: 17 (Front)

+2 Constitution
+30% Front Defense
+4% Melee Defense
+2 Strength
5% Extra Damage for each enemy within 8 meters

Restriction: Warrior Only

Requirement: Level 8
Description: This shield s power has kept it whole after a thousand years
and might even have saved the entire Temple of Dirthamen from
decay. It held special significance to the elven priests,
perhaps allowing communion with the God of Secrets himself.
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this shield when you do the "Scattered Glyphs"
quest, from The Exalted Plains. It involves navigating through
the "Lost Temple of Dirthamen". You ll get the shield at the
end of the quest.

o Estwatch Guard
ARMOR RATING: 22 (Front)

+30% Front Defense

+3% Magic Defence
+3% Melee Defense
+6% Ranged Defense
On Hit: Gain 3 Guard

Restriction: Warrior Only

Requirement: Level 12
Description: Over the ages, Estwatch guards have defended their eastern
outpost from both pirates and Qunari, and were defeated only
once, by a massive Qunari invasion in 7:70 Storm. After joining
a successful Orlesian attack to retake the island, they were
awarded the emblem emblazoned on their shields ever since.
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this by doing "The Knights Tomb" in the
Emerald Graves. To do this you have to complete the
"Investigate Elven Ruins" War Table Mission (which you can
access after the "Wicked Hearts" Main Mission).

o Magehunter
ARMOR RATING: 29 (Front)

+30% Front Defense

+12% Magic Defense
+8% Spirit Resistance
On Hit: Gain 3 Guard

Restriction: Warrior Only

Requirement: Level 17
Description: The third time the right of annulment was invoked on a Circle
of Magi, in 3:09 Towers, Knight-Commander Gervasio of Antiva
killed all of the city s mages for demonic possession. However,
a massacre may have already occurred at the hands of
Knight-Captain Nicolas, with the right invoked as cover-up. The
Seekers of Truth later apprehended Ser Nicolas, who had left
the order to kill mages and admitted to having murdered over a
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this at the merchant at Skyhold. Bonnie Sims,
to be precise. 7629 Gold.

o March of the Everlasting

ARMOR RATING: 29 (Front)

+30% Front Defense

+27 Maximum Health
+8% Melee Defense
+4 Strength
+5% Extra damage for each enemy within 8 meters

Restriction: Warrior Only

Requirement: Level 17
Description: Granted Anointed status by Divine Rosamund in 5:65 Exalted,
Clothilde of Crechy was a warrior renowned for defending the
innocent. Popularly depicted with a shaven head, Clothilde was
often mistaken for a man and is most famous for not fighting
but protesting the tyrannical Baron of Rosefort s taxes on the
poor. She was arrested, but the Divine ordered her released
before she could be executed.
WHERE TO FIND: This shield can be found while doing the quest "Capturing
Suledin Keep" in the Emprise du Lion. More specifically, it
is on the corpse of Imshael, so be sure to loot him once you
have killed him.

o Shield of the Anointed

ARMOR RATING: 18 (Front)

- +30% Front Defense

- +17 Maximum Health
- +9% Melee Defense
Restriction: Warrior Only
Requirement: Level 9
Description: Granted Anointed status by Divine Rosamund in 5:65 Exalted,
Clothilde of Crechy was a warrior renowned for defending the
innocent. Popularly depicted with a shaven head, Clothilde was
often mistaken for a man and is most famous for not fighting
but protesting the tyrannical Baron of Rosefort s taxes on the
poor. She was arrested, but the Divine ordered her released
before she could be executed.
WHERE TO FIND: This shield can be found during the main quest "Here lies
the Abyss". It is best to reference the quest in the guide,
but it is on a corpse found at the bottom of some stairs,
before you reach the second area of the mission (trying not
to spoil things here!).

o Wintersbreath
ARMOR RATING: 26 (Front)

+3 Constitution
+30% Front Defense
+20 Guard Max
+8% Ranged Defense
Berserk: +10% Damage Bonus,k +100% Damage from all sources

Restriction: Warrior Only

Requirement: Level 15
Description: Egon Wintersbreath, one of history s greatest Dwarven warriors,
achieved Paragon status in hiw own lifetime, leading the defense
of the Kingdom of Hormak during the first blight until it fell
in -35 ancient. When word came that Orzammar would seal its
passages from the other kingdoms, he dropped his hammer and
left for the surface, grieving, "I would rather die under an
alien sky than be buried in the stone that betrayed us."
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this while doing the "Valeska s Watch" quest
in the Emprise Du Lion. You have to explore the watch
itself. Loot the bodies near the gap to find this shield.


o Arishok s Vitaar
- +8% Attack
- +4% Critical Chance

- +4 Willpower
Restriction: Qunari-Trained Only
Requirement: Level 20
Description: According to stories out of Kirkwall, the military leader of
the Qunari spent a number of years marooned in the Free Marches
city of Kirkwall - without once receiving supplies from his
people or calling for help. Why he did so, and how the Qunari
got along without an Arishok, is unknown. The Qunari in Kirkwall
did, however, have to trade considerable supplies from their
sunken ship... including the Arishok s personal face paint,
created from a rare and venomous snake in Par Vollen known to
kill a person in seconds.
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this Qunari-only helmet in the Forbidden Oasis,
during the quest "A Prideful Place". This of course is the
last room of the temple, so you ll have to collect ALL of the
shards in the game to see this helmet.

o Cowl of the Overseer

- +7% Cold Resistance
- +7% Fire Resistance
- +4% Magic Defense
Restriction: Elf, Dwarf, or Human
Requirement: Level 8
Description: An "Overseer" was a position common within the ancient Tevinter
Imperium, given solely to mages of altus rank. They were sent to
distant outposts, usually important mines and strategically
important forts, and given authority to act on the Magisterium s
behalf with impunity.
WHERE TO FIND: This can be found in The Western Approach, while doing the
quest "Assault of Griffon Wing Keep". It is dropped from the
"boss" of the quest, the elite mage enemy, so be sure to loot
him after you defeat him.

o Duke s Mane
- +14$ Heal Bonus
- +8% Melee Defense
- +8 Strength
Restriction: Elf, Dwarf, or Human
Requirement: Level 19
Description: None
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this very unique-looking helmet on the corpse
of the High Dragon Highland Ravager, found in the Emprise
Du Lion. BK really likes how this helmet looks.

o Helm of the Drasca

- +8 Dexterity
- +8% Magic Defense
- +8% Ranged Defense
Restriction: Elf, Dwarf, or Human
Requirement: Level 19
Description: The Drasca were an order of warriors formed in the ancient
Anderfels to resist the Tevinter Imperium reconquest in -535
Ancient. Renowned for their whirling blades and skill with the
bow, they were brutally hunted by the Imperium until the last
members fled into the blasted hills of the south. Rumors
persisted that the Drasca continued on and played a part in
the Anders Rebellion against Orlesian rule following the second
blight, but if that is true, they subsequently drifted into
obscurity once again.
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this item for sale in the Canyon Merchant shop
(the one in the canyon).

o Helm of the Inquisitior

- +9% Heal Bonus
- +34 Maximum Health
- +6% Melee Defense
Restriction: Elf, Dwarf, or Human
Requirement: Level 12
Description: The last leader of the original Inquisition went by the name
Ameridan, a renowned dragon hunter conscripted into the order
for his heroic reputation as well as his skills as a warrior.
Records of the era paint him either as a passionate man,
determined to do his part to restore order, or as a man of
faith, ultimately uninterested in the intricacies of leadership
but willing to do what he could for the greater good. A close
friend of Kordillus Drakon, the Orlesian Emperor responsible for
the Chantry s creation, Ameridan vanished soon after the
Inquisition s Dissolution. Some believe he went on a failed
dragon hunt; others say he dropped out of sight so as to not
overshadow the newly created Templar Order. Whatever the truth,
despite an extensive search ordered by the Emperor, he was never
seen again.
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this helm after defeating Greater Mistral, the
High Dragon located in the Emerald Graves. Given the lengthy
story accompanying the helm, I m guessing "Failed Dragon Hunt"
isn t such a crazy idea...

o Mask of the Empress

- +18% Barrier Damage Bonus
- +6 Cunning
Restriction: Elf, Dwarf, or Human
Requirement: Level 11
Description: This is one of the personal masks used by Empress Celene de
Valmont, rumored to have been crafted for her by the gifted
artisan, Kaloch. The dwarf was always choosy regarding the
Orlesian Families for whom he worked, and after refusing any
sitting emperor his entire life, he bestowed a set upon Celene
in 9:33 Dragon - something which was considered a great honor
at the time. This mask has been granted to the Inquisition with
the Empress s blessing, as well as the approval of the court.
WHERE TO FIND: This mask can be a reward from the Main Quest "Wicked Eyes and
Wicked Hearts". It is best to consult the guide on HOW, but
you ll need max approval from the court and then choose to
TALK to Florianne instead of any of the other options given.

o Mask of the Grand Duchess

- +23% Critical Chance
- +6 Cunning
Restriction: Elf, Dwarf, or Human
Requirement: Level 11
Description: This is one of the personal masks of Grand Duchess Florianne
de Chalons, an exquisite piece from one of the finest master
artisans in Orlais and the envy of many. It has been granted
to the Inquisition with the approval of the Orlesian Imperial
WHERE TO FIND: This mask can be a reward from the Main Quest "Wicked Eyes and
Wicked Hearts". It is best to consult the guide on HOW, but
you ll need max approval from the court and then choose to
TALK to Florianne instead of any of the other options given.


o Ancient Elven Robes


+16 Magic
+2% Magic Defense
+3% Spirit Resistance
+10% Focus Gain

Restriction: Mage Only

Restriction: Elf-Trained Only

Requirement: Level 8
Description: It is difficult to tell what material these Elven robes are
made from. If anything, they seem to be formed from some kind
of lyrium or other magical substance, held together over the
long ages by means long-since forgotten.
WHERE TO FIND: You can find these robes during the quest "Something to
Prove", which is given by the Elves at the Dalish Camp.
It is in the "Shrine of Sylaise". Just follow the quest to
find it.

o In War, Victory
- +15 Maximum Health
- +25% Melee Defense
- +3% Stagger on Being Hit

Mage Only
Elf, Dwarf, or Human
Level 11
Blight is beaten, and we of the Hammer of Anderfels commit
to this oath: that never will a Warden want while breath
remains to be drawn.

WHERE TO FIND: You can find this armor on the Greater Mistral High Dragon,
found in the Emerald Graves.

o Masterwork Battlemage Armor


+16% Fire Resistance

+6 Magic
+17% Magic Defense
+21% Spirit Resistance
Abilities cost 7.5% less Mana/Stamina

Restriction: Mage Only

Requirement: Level 19
Description: None
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this armor on the corpse of the Highland
Ravager High Dragon, which can be found in the Emprise
Du Lion.

o Robes of the High Keeper

- +6 Magic
- +29% Ranged Defense
- +7.5% Extra Focus for each enemy within 8 meters


Mage Only
Elf-Trained Only
Level 16
Dating back to the period of the Elven Dales, when the Keepers
were not leaders and guides for individual clans but rather
priests who served as archivists and magical scholars, these
robes belonged to the High Keeper for the largest temple of old
Halamshiral, dedicated to Elgar nan the All-Father and Eldest
of the Sun.

WHERE TO FIND: You can find these robes on the corpse of the High Dragon
Sandy Howler, out in the Hissing Wastes.
You can also buy these robes from the Dalish Camp once you
have earned their favor. The Dalish Camp is in the Exalted
Plains. 14212 Gold.


o In Death, Sacrifice

+15 Magic
+25% Melee Defense
+3% Stagger on Hit
On Dying: 5% Chance to heal for half health


Rogue Only
Elf, Dwarf, or Human
Level 11
Blight is beaten, and we of the Hammer of Anderfels commit
to this memory: that never will their tales be lost, for
without them, the world was doomed.

WHERE TO FIND: You can find this armor from the corpse of the High Dragon,
Northern Hunter, which is found while exploring the area of
Crestwood. Go get him!

o Masterwork Prowler Armor


+6% Bleed on Being Hit

+6 Dexterity
+12% Magic Defense
+11% Ranged Defense
+8 Willpower
Abilities cost 20% less Mana/Stamina if not being hit for 5 Seconds

Restriction: Rogue Only

Requirement: Level 19
Description: None

WHERE TO FIND: You can find this on the corpse of the High Dragon Kaltenzahn,
which can be found and fought in the Emprise Du Lion.

o Masterwork Scout Armor


+2% Bleed on Being Hit

+7 Cunning
+2 Dexterity
+3% Ranged Defense
+5 Willpower
Abilities cost 10% less Mana/Stamina if not being hit for 5 Seconds

Restriction: Rogue Only

Requirement: Level 8
Description: None
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this armor by doing the "Sketch of Enavuris
River" quest in The Exalted Plains. Best to reference the
guide for help, if needed.
Also found in a merchant shop in Redcliffe Village, for
1161 Gold.

o Armor of the Knights-Divine


+29% Magic Defense

+18 Maximum Health
+6% Spirit Resistance
Abilities cost 7.5% less Mana/Stamina


Warrior Only
Human-Trained Only
Level 16
Within the Templar Order are the Knights-Divine, those Templars
who serve the Divine directly, both as her personal guard as
well as the enforcers of her will. Usually these men and women
prefer to fade into the background, their positions granted as
rewards for service. At least one Knight-Divine, Ser Nolan
Brisson, was notorious in the late Exalted Age for being both
the lover and the alleged puppet master of Divine Amara III.

WHERE TO FIND: You can find this armor on the corpse of the Sandy Howler
High Dragon, which is of course found in the Hissing Wastes.
Best found while doing the quest "The Tomb of Fairel".

o In Peace, Vigilance

+18 Maximum Health

+29% Melee Defense
+3% Stagger on Being Hit
On Dying: 5% chance to heal for half health


Warrior Only
Elf, Dwarf, or Human
Level 13
Blight is beaten, and we of the Hammer of Anderfels commit to
this promise: that never will we forget, lest corruption steal
victory back from our children.

WHERE TO FIND: You can find this armor on the corpse of the High Dragon
Vinsomer, who is located on the Storm Coast. You can only
access his area later in the game, meaning you can t just go
fight him right away.

o Masterwork Battlemaster Armor


+9% Heal Bonus

+8% Magic Defense
+19% Melee Defense
+11% Ranged Defense
Increase Maximum Stamina by 15

Restriction: Warrior Only

Requirement: Level 19
Description: None
WHERE TO FIND: This armor is found on the corpse of the High Dragon
Hivernal, which can be found and fought in the Emprise Du

o Masterwork Vanguard Armor


+7 Constitution
+3% Heal Bonus
+7% Magic Defense
+3% Melee Defense
+3% Ranged Defense
Increase Maximum Stamina by 10

Restriction: Warrior Only

Requirement: Level 8
Description: None
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this during the quest "The Mercenary Fortress"
in The Hinterlands. It is on the "boss" of the area, and can
be looted from his corpse.


o Superb Belt of Cold Resistance

- +30% Cold Resistance
Restriction: None
Requirement: None
Description: None
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this when doing the quest "The Cold Endured"
in the Forbidden Oasis. Great for any of the cold-based
dragon fights in the game.

o Superb Belt of Electric Resistance

- +30% Electrical Resistance
Restriction: None
Requirement: None
Description: None
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this when doing the quest "A Prideful Place"
in the Forbidden Oasis. It of course requires collecting
EVERY shard in the game, as it is in the final room of the

o Superb Belt of Fire Resistance

- +30% Fire Resistance
Restriction: None
Requirement: None
Description: None
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this when doing the quest "The Fire Captured"
in the Forbidden Oasis. Most dragons are fire-based, so it
is a good path to pick first.

o Superb Belt of Healing

- +20% Heal Bonus
Restriction: None
Requirement: None
Description: None
WHERE TO FIND: You can find
a bit harder
"Deft Hands"
the southern
and closed.

this in a chest in the Fallow Mire, but it is

to get to since you need the Inquisition Perk
to unlock the door. The door in question is in
keep, up near where the keep gate can be opened

o Superb Belt of Health

- +200 Maximum Health
Restriction: None
Requirement: None
Description: None
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this when you do the quest "Map of Watcher s
Pass" out in the Emerald Graves.

o Superb Belt of agic Defense

- +10% Magic Defense
Restriction: None
Requirement: None
Description: None
WHERE TO FIND: Found on the merchant at Griffon Wing Keep in The Western
Approach, but requires the inquisition perk "The Short List".
Costs 14495 Gold.

o Superb Belt of Melee Defense

- +10% Melee Defense
Restriction: None
Requirement: None
Description: None
WHERE TO FIND: Found during the quest "The Tomb of Fairel" while in the
Hissing Wastes. Best to view the quest in the guide to get
even more specific.

o Superb Belt of Ranged Defense

- +10% Ranged Defense
Restriction: None
Requirement: None
Description: None
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this belt while doing the quest "The Spoils of
Desecration" quest in The Exalted Plains. It is on the corpse
of the Revenant enemy after the quest is "complete".

o Superb Belt of Spirit Resistance

- +30% Spirit Resistance

Restriction: None
Requirement: None
Description: None
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this belt during the quest "A Spirit Calmed"
in the Forbidden Oasis. One of the three paths in the temple
(the spirit path, naturally).

o Superb Belt of Staggering

- +10% Stagger on Being Hit
Restriction: None
Requirement: None
Description: None
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this belt inside one of the locked towers
outside of Fort Revasan. However, you need the Inquisition
Perk "Deft Hands" to unlock these towers, so you may need
to re-visit this place to grab it.

o Superior Belt of Focus

- +30% Focus Gain Bonus
Restriction: None
Requirement: None
Description: None
WHERE TO FIND: You can get this from the corpse of the High Dragon the
Fereldan Frostback, which is likely the first dragon many
players encounter ever, out in the Hinterlands.

o Superior Grenades Belt

- +3 Extra Grenade(s)
Restriction: None
Requirement: None
Description: None
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this in the loot pool once you defeat the
High Dragon Hivernal, which you can find and kill in the
Emprise Du Lion.

o Superior Guard Belt

- +30 Guard Max
Restriction: Warrior Only

Requirement: None
Description: None
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this in the loot pool once you defeat the
High Dragon Highland Ravager, which you can find and kill
in the Emprise Du Lion.

o Superior Potions Belt

- +3 Extra Potion(s)
Restriction: None
Requirement: None
Description: None
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this in the loot pool once you defeat the
High Dragon Kaltenzahn, which you can find and kill in the
Emprise Du Lion.


o Superb Ring of Armor Penetration

- +20% Armor Penetration
Restriction: None
Requirement: None
Description: None
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this ring on the corpse of the Abyssal High
Dragon in The Western Approach, which of course means doing
all of those quests for Frederick.

o Superb Ring of Attack

- +10% Attack
Restriction: None
Requirement: None
Description: None
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this dagger during the quest "The Tomb of
Fairel", in The Hissing Wastes. Reference the quest in
the guide if you need the specifics (it is a very long

o Superb Ring of Barrier Penetration

- +20% Barrier Damage Bonus
Restriction: None

Requirement: None
Description: None
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this dagger during the quest "The Tomb of
Fairel", in The Hissing Wastes. It will be in the tomb
itself, after you fight the Sandy Howler.

o Superb Ring of Bleeding

- +10% Bleed on Hit
Restriction: None
Requirement: None
Description: None
WHERE TO FIND: This is found while doing the quest "The Tomb of Fairel" in
the Hissing Wastes. There are a LOT of accessories in that
quest to be had. This is one of them. Check out the quest in
the guide if you need to get more specific.

o Superb Ring of Critical Damage

- +20% Critical Damage Bonus
Restriction: None
Requirement: None
Description: None
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this ring (which, let s face it, is awesome
for rogues with critical chance) while doing the quest
"The Tomb of Fairel" in The Hissing Wastes. As always, refer
to that quest in the guide to get much more specific.

o Superb Ring of Flanking

- +20% Flanking Damage Bonus
Restriction: None
Requirement: None
Description: None
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this ring on the corpse of the High Dragon
Vinsomer, who is of course located in the Storm Coast. You
will have to wait until later in the game to access the area
he is located in though.

o Superb Ring of Guard Penetration

- +20% Guard Damage Bonus
Restriction: None
Requirement: None

Description: None
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this ring while doing the quest "The Tomb of
Fairel" in The Hissing Wastes. As always, refer to that quest
in the guide to get much more specific.

o Superb Ring of Life-Drain

- +10% Heal on Kill
Restriction: None
Requirement: None
Description: None
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this ring on the corpse of the High Dragon,
the Northern Hunter, while exploring Crestwood. Kill it
and loot it, standard stuff.

o Superb Ring of Staggering

- +10% Stagger on Hit
Restriction: None
Requirement: None
Description: None
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this ring at the end of the quest "Chateau
d Onterre" in the Emerald Graves. It is in the locked room
on the balcony once you summon up the "boss" of the quest,
so don t forget to grab it (BK may have forgotten all about
it at one point...).


o Superb Amulet of Constitution

- +10 Constitution
Restriction: None
Requirement: None
Description: None
WHERE TO FIND: You can get this from the corpse of the High Dragon the
Fereldan Frostback, which is likely the first dragon many
players encounter ever, out in the Hinterlands.

o Superb Amulet of Cunning

- +10 Cunning
Restriction: None

Requirement: None
Description: None
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this amulet while doing the quest "Dirthamen:
Keeper of Secrets", in the Exalted Plains. Now, this IS NOT
a named quest in the game, so it is HIGHLY recommended you
check out the guide (and that quest name) to get help if

o Superb Amulet of Dexterity

- +10 Dexterity
Restriction: None
Requirement: None
Description: None
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this on the corpse of the Hight Dragon, Gamordan
Stormrider, which you can fight when you explore The Exalted

o Superb Amulet of Willpower

- +10 Willpower
Restriction: None
Requirement: None
Description: None
WHERE TO FIND: Complete the War Table quest "Celebrate the Dragonslaying".
As you may have guessed, this comes after you kill a High
Dragon. Go figure.

o Superb Cooldown Amulet

- +15% Cooldown Modifier
Restriction: None
Requirement: None
Description: None
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this ring at the end
d Onterre" in the Emerald Graves.
the Arcane Horror "boss" that you
forget to loot him. BK personally

o Superb Stamina Amulet

- +50 Max Stamina
Restriction: Warrior or Rogue Only
Requirement: None

of the quest "Chateau

It is on the corpse of
must defeat, so don t
loves the cooldown amulet.

Description: None
WHERE TO FIND: You can find this ring on the corpse of the High Dragon
Sandy Howler, out in the Hissing Wastes. Loot it off of
his corpse.

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Dragon Age has Multiplayer! OK... kind-of weird for an RPG series that has
always been single-player, but we re here to cover what you can expect out
of Multiplayer.

Multiplayer in Dragon Age Inquisition is pretty basic, but does have some
substantial replay value. Here we ll go over the basics.
o Co-operative Slaughtering
~ Multiplayer is all about the co-op experience. You will join up to three
other players as you explore one of three areas. This is ALL you will ever
do and is the only mode in the game. This is of course where this mode s
repetitiveness comes from.
o All about the Characters (& Crafting)!
~ Multiplayer is really all about using and leveling up your favorite
character types (the characters in multiplayer are class types). That
means it is all about the crafting.. wait, how does that make sense? Well,
when you first start the game you will only have three basic characters to
choose from: Legionnaire (Melee), Keeper (Mage) and Archer (Rogue). Three
of Twelve! That means you need to unlock the other nine characters.
As you play, you will find items in chests as well as gold (Gold is much
more common than items!). These items will likely be upgrades to the
basic ones you get, but as you keep playing you ll gain large amounts of
useless items. You want to salvage these for parts. You can then use these
parts in the crafting menu (in multiplayer) to make another character s
armor (such as the "Reaver s Mail"). Doing that will unlock the Reaver for
You can also plain find a characters armor from a chest, but that is very
rare. Very possible, but rare, so expect to gather items until you can
craft the armor for the character you want to play.
A quick note on items: they are separated by type. Melee weapons will
give you irons, rogue weapons give you hides and leather, and mage items
give cloth. You often need some of every item to make the armor you want.
You can also salvage runestones for a little of everything.
o Randomness is your friend!
~ EVERY match of multiplayer plays out like this (remember, there is only

one mode available: cooperation!):

1. Narrator introduces the party as they get dropped off at the beginning
of the selected multiplayer map. There are three maps to choose from:
Elven Ruins, Tevinter Ruins, or the Orlesian Manor.
2. The narrator will tell you the enemy type you will be facing, which
is once again one of three random types. You can t choose enemy types
to face, by the way. The three enemy types are Demons, Venatori, or
Red Templars.
3. You will now start the game proper. The goal is to make it through
five areas to the end of the map. These areas are HUGE and randomly
chosen / pieced together. There are some themes you will see after
you run enough maps, so you will get familiar with them in no time.
In the first FOUR areas you will fight to a single "checkpoint" door,
which has a healing font behind it. The fifth and final area has you
placing down an Inquisition Banner and then holding out against several
waves of enemies, capped by the enemy commander. The commander will
always either be Samson, Calpernia, or a Demon Commander (who looks
like an enhanced Greater Terror).
4. At map completion (or when you all die), you will get your experience
tallied up and any money you earned. From there you want to spend your
ability points, buy items from the store, and craft away! Then do it
all over again.
o Good TEAMWORK is key!
~ Teamwork is essential to making the most of your multiplayer runs. Since
there is no healing, there are times when you or a teammate WILL fall
between checkpoint rooms. You want to stick together for this reason: so
you can resurrect your teammate (or vice versa) quickly. If you don t get
to a teammate in time they will BLEED OUT and enter the fade until the
next checkpoint.
ALSO, you will run across a variety of treasure rooms that will require
a teammates ability (think: Melee Character s Bash, or Rogue s Lockpick).
These lead to treasure chests with either items or greater amounts of gold
to pilfer, but they may also be guarded. TEAMWORK!
o Don t forget STRATEGY!
~ The game is pretty basic, but there s some strategy involved. Higher-level
characters will get some devastating abilities as they level up and can
use them from range to start big fights (which helps thin the numbers!).
Crowd control abilities can help a ton individually as well (especially for
Rogues and Mages). Make use of choke-points when you can as well, especially
on the last stage (it is wise to leave the health font until you need it and
send one member to go plant the flag while the part kills enemies in the
choke point leading to the fifth area proper).
o To 20 and beyond!
~ Level 20 is the max level you can reach. Once you reach 20, you can go
to the character-select screen and "PROMOTE" your character. Doing this

will reset your character to level 1 and gets rid of all your abilities,
but also adds a permanent stat to ALL of your characters (+1 Constitution
for promoting Melee, +1 Cunning for Rogues, +1 Willpower for Mages). Also,
do not worry about losing your items. Required levels for item equipping
is not a worry in multiplayer!
o That s all folks!
~ That... is everything there is to tell you about the multiplayer game,
actually. See, really simple! Simple, but very good re-play value. It
will take you a LONG time to unlock all characters and with 12 to play
with you have some variety as well. Still, fighting is very repetitive,
but perhaps the characters and challenges (along with slaying enemies
with your friends) will be enough for you.
Look below to see info on the characters and challenges you will have
available to you and enjoy! Be sure to bring a friend along for the

This is the first aspect of multiplayer: selecting your character. You will
only have three characters to choose from initially, but you can unlock more
choices as you play.

o Legionnaire
"A walking fortress of Dwarven steel."
HEALTH: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\`.

ATTACK: .\\\\\\

DEFENSE: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\`.

MELEE: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\`.

RANGED: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\`.

MAGIC: .\\\\\\\\\

o Katari
"A Qunari giant who brings death and destruction."
Unlocked by finding or crafting armor: Katari s Hide
HEALTH: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ `.

ATTACK: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

MELEE: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

RANGED: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

DEFENSE: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

MAGIC: .\\\\\\

o Assassin
"A knife from the shadows."
Unlocked by finding or crafting armor: Assassin s Mantle
HEALTH: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

ATTACK: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\`.

DEFENSE: .\\\\\\\\\\\\

MELEE: .\\\\\\\\\\

RANGED: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

MAGIC: .\\\\\\\

o Archer
"An expert marksman and sniper."
HEALTH: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

ATTACK: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

DEFENSE: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\

MELEE: .\\\\\\\\\

RANGED: .\\\\\\\\\\\\

MAGIC: .\\\\\\\

o Elementalist
"An explosive personality who controls primal forces"
Unlocked by finding or crafting armor: Elementalist s Robes

HEALTH: .\\\\\\\\\\

ATTACK: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

DEFENSE: .\\\\\

MELEE: .\\\\

RANGED: .\\\\\\\\

MAGIC: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

o Keeper
"A proud Elven apprentice who wields Dalish magic to protect or destroy."
HEALTH: .\\\\\\\\\\

ATTACK: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\

DEFENSE: .\\\\\\

MELEE: .\\\\\\\

RANGED: .\\\\\

MAGIC: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\`.

o Alchemist
"An eccentric Dwarf with an assortment of strange brews and explosives."
Unlocked by finding or crafting armor: Alchemist s Rigging
HEALTH: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

ATTACK: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ `.

DEFENSE: .\\\\\\\\\\\

MELEE: .\\\\\\\\\\

RANGED: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

MAGIC: .\\\\\\\\

o Necromancer
"A cold mistress of magic with terrifying power."
Unlocked by finding or crafting armor: Necromancer s Raiment
HEALTH: .\\\\\\\\\\

ATTACK: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

DEFENSE: .\\\\\

MELEE: .\\\\\

RANGED: .\\\\\\\\\\\

MAGIC: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

o Reaver
"A formidable warrior who draws strength from a dark ritual."
Unlocked by finding or crafting armor: Reaver s Mail
HEALTH: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ `.

ATTACK: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

DEFENSE: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

MELEE: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

RANGED: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

MAGIC: .\\\\\

o Templar
"A soldier of faith who will step between allies and the strongest magic
and demons."
Unlocked by finding or crafting armor: Templar s Regalia
HEALTH: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\`.

ATTACK: .\\\\\\\

DEFENSE: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\`.

MELEE: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

RANGED: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

MAGIC: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

o Hunter
"A grizzled trapper and master of the bow. "
Unlocked by finding or crafting armor: Hunter s Jacket
HEALTH: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

ATTACK: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

DEFENSE: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\

MELEE: .\\\\\\\\\\\\

RANGED: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

MAGIC: .\\\\\\\\\

o Arcane Warrior
"A Mage with blades dedicated to an ancient Elven art."
Unlocked by finding or crafting armor: Arcane Warrior s Armor
HEALTH: .\\\\\\\\\\

ATTACK: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

DEFENSE: .\\\\\\

MELEE: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

RANGED: .\\\\\\

MAGIC: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\`.


This is a list of all the games challenges, which are tracked for you
automatically. This is neat not only for all your obsessive-compulsive needs
(let s face it!), but will also unlock titles, banners, and portraits for
you to use. Y know, the stuff that really matters.
There are a LOT of challenges down below, but we re putting them all here
for the sake of completion. Speaking of OCD... remember that CTRL + F is your
friend, guys!

o Controlled Destruction



1 Operation with the Alchemist.

5 Operations with the Alchemist.
25 Operations with the Alchemist.
100 Operations with the Alchemist. (REWARD: PORTRAIT)
250 Operations with the Alchemist. (REWARD: BANNER)

o Death in a Bottle



5000 Experience with the Alchemist.

10000 Experience with the Alchemist.
25000 Experience with the Alchemist. (REWARD: TITLE)
50000 Experience with the Alchemist.
100000 Experience with the Alchemist.

o Arcane Assault



1 Operation with the Arcane Warrior.

5 Operations with the Arcane Warrior.
25 Operations with the Arcane Warrior.
100 Operations with the Arcane Warrior. (REWARD: PORTRAIT)
250 Operations with the Arcane Warrior. (REWARD: BANNER)

o Ancient Ways



5000 Experience with the Arcane Warrior.

10000 Experience with the Arcane Warrior.
25000 Experience with the Arcane Warrior. (REWARD: TITLE)
50000 Experience with the Arcane Warrior.
100000 Experience with the Arcane Warrior.

o The Swiftest Arrow




1 Operation with the Archer.

5 Operations with the Archer.
25 Operations with the Archer.
100 Operations with the Archer. (REWARD: PORTRAIT)
250 Operations with the Archer. (REWARD: BANNER)

o Deadeye



5000 Experience with the Archer.

10000 Experience with the Archer.
25000 Experience with the Archer. (REWARD: TITLE)
50000 Experience with the Archer.
100000 Experience with the Archer.

o Directed Violence



1 Operation with the Assassin.

5 Operations with the Assassin.
25 Operations with the Assassin.
100 Operations with the Assassin. (REWARD: PORTRAIT)
250 Operations with the Assassin. (REWARD: BANNER)

o Death s Instrument



5000 Experience with the Assassin.

10000 Experience with the Assassin.
25000 Experience with the Assassin. (REWARD: TITLE)
50000 Experience with the Assassin.
100000 Experience with the Assassin.

o Fire and Ice




1 Operation with the Elementalist.

5 Operations with the Elementalist.
25 Operations with the Elementalist.
100 Operations with the Elementalist. (REWARD: PORTRAIT)
250 Operations with the Elementalist. (REWARD: BANNER)

o Force of Nature
Level 1: Earn 5000 Experience with the Elementalist.
Level 2: Earn 10000 Experience with the Elementalist.

Level 3: Earn 25000 Experience with the Elementalist. (REWARD: TITLE)

Level 4: Earn 50000 Experience with the Elementalist.
Level 5: Earn 100000 Experience with the Elementalist.
o On the Hunt



1 Operation with the Hunter.

5 Operations with the Hunter.
25 Operations with the Hunter.
100 Operations with the Hunter. (REWARD: PORTRAIT)
250 Operations with the Hunter. (REWARD: BANNER)

o Master of the Paths




5000 Experience with the Hunter.

10000 Experience with the Hunter.
25000 Experience with the Hunter. (REWARD: TITLE)
50000 Experience with the Hunter.
100000 Experience with the Hunter.

o Relentless Pursuit



1 Operation with the Katari.

5 Operations with the Katari.
25 Operations with the Katari.
100 Operations with the Katari. (REWARD: PORTRAIT)
250 Operations with the Katari. (REWARD: BANNER)

o True Grey



5000 Experience with the Katari.

10000 Experience with the Katari.
25000 Experience with the Katari. (REWARD: TITLE)
50000 Experience with the Katari.
100000 Experience with the Katari.

o My Parties Keeper



1 Operation with the Keeper.

5 Operations with the Keeper.
25 Operations with the Keeper.
100 Operations with the Keeper. (REWARD: PORTRAIT)
250 Operations with the Keeper. (REWARD: BANNER)

o Elven Historian



5000 Experience with the Keeper.

10000 Experience with the Keeper.
25000 Experience with the Keeper. (REWARD: TITLE)
50000 Experience with the Keeper.
100000 Experience with the Keeper.

o Legion of the Dead




1 Operation with the Legionnaire.

5 Operations with the Legionnaire.
25 Operations with the Legionnaire.
100 Operations with the Legionnaire. (REWARD: PORTRAIT)
250 Operations with the Legionnaire. (REWARD: BANNER)

o Deep Road Veteran




5000 Experience with the Legionnaire.

10000 Experience with the Legionnaire.
25000 Experience with the Legionnaire. (REWARD: TITLE)
50000 Experience with the Legionnaire.
100000 Experience with the Legionnaire.

o A Path Less Taken




1 Operation with the Necromancer.

5 Operations with the Necromancer.
25 Operations with the Necromancer.
100 Operations with the Necromancer. (REWARD: PORTRAIT)
250 Operations with the Necromancer. (REWARD: BANNER)

o Dark Arts



5000 Experience with the Necromancer.

10000 Experience with the Necromancer.
25000 Experience with the Necromancer. (REWARD: TITLE)
50000 Experience with the Necromancer.
100000 Experience with the Necromancer.

o Dark Methods



1 Operation with the Reaver.

5 Operations with the Reaver.
25 Operations with the Reaver.
100 Operations with the Reaver. (REWARD: PORTRAIT)
250 Operations with the Reaver. (REWARD: BANNER)

o Blood-Bound



5000 Experience with the Reaver.

10000 Experience with the Reaver.
25000 Experience with the Reaver. (REWARD: TITLE)
50000 Experience with the Reaver.
100000 Experience with the Reaver.

o Warrior of the Faith




1 Operation with the Templar.

5 Operations with the Templar.
25 Operations with the Templar.
100 Operations with the Templar. (REWARD: PORTRAIT)
250 Operations with the Templar. (REWARD: BANNER)

o Knight-Commander



5000 Experience with the Templar.

10000 Experience with the Templar.
25000 Experience with the Templar. (REWARD: TITLE)
50000 Experience with the Templar.
100000 Experience with the Templar.


o Sword Affinity



25 enemies using swords.

100 enemies using swords.
500 enemies using swords. (REWARD: BANNER)
1000 enemies using swords.
2500 enemies using swords. (REWARD: PORTRAIT)

o Dagger Affinity



25 enemies using daggers.

100 enemies using daggers.
500 enemies using daggers. (REWARD: BANNER)
1000 enemies using daggers.
2500 enemies using daggers. (REWARD: PORTRAIT)

o Axe Affinity



25 enemies using axes.

100 enemies using axes.
500 enemies using axes. (REWARD: BANNER)
1000 enemies using axes.
2500 enemies using axes. (REWARD: PORTRAIT)

o Maul Affinity



25 enemies using mauls.

100 enemies using mauls.
500 enemies using mauls. (REWARD: BANNER)
1000 enemies using mauls.
2500 enemies using mauls. (REWARD: PORTRAIT)

o Bow Affinity



25 enemies using bows.

100 enemies using bows.
500 enemies using bows. (REWARD: BANNER)
1000 enemies using bows.
2500 enemies using bows. (REWARD: PORTRAIT)

o Greatsword Affinity




25 enemies using greatswords.

100 enemies using greatswords.
500 enemies using greatswords. (REWARD: BANNER)
1000 enemies using greatswords.
2500 enemies using greatswords. (REWARD: PORTRAIT)

o Mace Afinity



25 enemies using maces.

100 enemies using maces.
500 enemies using maces. (REWARD: BANNER)
1000 enemies using maces.
2500 enemies using maces. (REWARD: PORTRAIT)

o Arcane Affinity



25 enemies using staves.

100 enemies using staves.
500 enemies using staves. (REWARD: BANNER)
1000 enemies using staves.
2500 enemies using staves. (REWARD: PORTRAIT)

o Greataxe Affinity



25 enemies using greataxes.

100 enemies using greataxes.
500 enemies using greataxes. (REWARD: BANNER)
1000 enemies using greataxes.
2500 enemies using greataxes. (REWARD: PORTRAIT)


o Elven Riches



1000 Gold from Elven Ruins.

5000 Gold from Elven Ruins.
25000 Gold from Elven Ruins.
100000 Gold from Elven Ruins.
1000000 Gold from Elven Ruins.

o Tevinter Riches



1000 Gold from Tevinter Ruins.

5000 Gold from Tevinter Ruins.
25000 Gold from Tevinter Ruins.
100000 Gold from Tevinter Ruins.
1000000 Gold from Tevinter Ruins.

o Orlesian Riches
Level 1: Collect 1000 Gold from Orlais.
Level 2: Collect 5000 Gold from Orlais.
Level 3: Collect 25000 Gold from Orlais.

Level 4: Collect 100000 Gold from Orlais.

Level 5: Collect 1000000 Gold from Orlais.
o Wealth



1000 Gold.
5000 Gold.
25000 Gold. (REWARD: PORTRAIT)
100000 Gold.
1000000 Gold. (REWARD: BANNER)

o Looking For Group




1 Public Games.
5 Public Games.
25 Public Games.
100 Public Games.
250 Public Games. (REWARD: PORTRAIT)


o Elecromancer



25 enemies using electricity damage.

100 enemies using electricity damage.
500 enemies using electricity damage. (REWARD: TITLE)
1000 enemies using electricity damage. (REWARD: BANNER)
2500 enemies using electricity damage. (REWARD: PORTRAIT)

o Exterminator







damage. (REWARD: TITLE)
damage. (REWARD: BANNER)






damage. (REWARD: TITLE)
damage. (REWARD: BANNER)





o Wraith


o Pyromaniac



damage. (REWARD: TITLE)
damage. (REWARD: BANNER)

o Hypothermia







damage. (REWARD: TITLE)
damage. (REWARD: BANNER)


o Elven Explorer



500 experience while in the Elven Ruins.

10000 experience while in the Elven Ruins.
25000 experience while in the Elven Ruins. (REWARD: PORTRAIT)
50000 experience while in the Elven Ruins. (REWARD: TITLE)
100000 experience while in the Elven Ruins. (REWARD: BANNER)

o Pilgrim



1 operation on Threatening Difficulty.

5 operation on Threatening Difficulty.
25 operation on Threatening Difficulty. (REWARD: PORTRAIT)
100 operation on Threatening Difficulty. (REWARD: TITLE)
250 operation on Threatening Difficulty. (REWARD: BANNER)

o Pathfinder



1 operation on Perilous Difficulty.

5 operation on Perilous Difficulty.
25 operation on Perilous Difficulty. (REWARD: PORTRAIT)
100 operation on Perilous Difficulty. (REWARD: TITLE)
250 operation on Perilous Difficulty. (REWARD: BANNER)

o Protector of Orlais



500 experience while in Orlais.

10000 experience while in Orlais.
25000 experience while in Orlais. (REWARD: PORTRAIT)
50000 experience while in Orlais.(REWARD: TITLE)
100000 experience while in Orlais.(REWARD: BANNER)

o Wanderer



1 operation on Routine Difficulty.

5 operation on Routine Difficulty.
25 operation on Routine Difficulty. (REWARD: PORTRAIT)
100 operation on Routine Difficulty. (REWARD: TITLE)
250 operation on Routine Difficulty. (REWARD: BANNER)

o Tevinter Invader
Level 1: Earn 500 experience while in the Tevinter Ruins.
Level 2: Earn 10000 experience while in the Tevinter Ruins.

Level 3: Earn 25000 experience while in the Tevinter Ruins.(REWARD: PORTRAIT)

Level 4: Earn 50000 experience while in the Tevinter Ruins. (REWARD: TITLE)
Level 5: Earn 100000 experience while in the Tevinter Ruins. (REWARD: BANNER)

o Mage Sympathizer



100 Red Templars.

500 Red Templars.
1000 Red Templars. (REWARD: BANNER)
2500 Red Templars. (REWARD: PORTRAIT)
5000 Red Templars. (REWARD: TITLE)

o Tevinter Resistance



100 Venatori.
500 Venatori.
1000 Venatori. (REWARD: BANNER)
2500 Venatori. (REWARD: PORTRAIT)
5000 Venatori. (REWARD: TITLE)

o Demon Queller



100 Demons.
500 Demons.
1000 Demons. (REWARD: BANNER)
2500 Demons. (REWARD: PORTRAIT)
5000 Demons. (REWARD: TITLE)

o Combatant



100 Enemies.
500 Enemies.
1000 Enemies.(REWARD: BANNER)
2500 Enemies. (REWARD: PORTRAIT)
5000 Enemies.(REWARD: TITLE)

o Heavy Hitter



25 Critical Hits.
100 Critical Hits.
500 Critical Hits.(REWARD: BANNER)
1000 Critical Hits. (REWARD: PORTRAIT)
2500 Critical Hits. (REWARD: TITLE)



o Hero

5 Teammates.
25 Teammates.
100 Teammates. (REWARD: BANNER)
250 Teammates. (REWARD: PORTRAIT)
500 Teammates. (REWARD: TITLE)


You can buy items in the store. These items range from FREE seasonal chests
to loot chests and potion chests. You can also buy "Platinum" from the store,
which is EA s (the publisher) form of MICRO-TRANSACTIONS in the game. It s
your money, but, well... BK at least is NOT a fan of micro-transactions...
o Small Chest: 270 Gold
- Contains 1 Random Loot item and 2 Potions.
o Medium Chest: 725 Gold -or- 150 Platinum
- Contains 3 Random Loot items and 3 Potions.
o Large Chest: 1200 Gold -or- 250 Platinum
- Contains 5 Random Loot item and 5 Potions.
o Healing Potion Crate: 250 Gold -or- 100 Platinum
- A container of 5 healing potions. Perfect for restocking your supply.
o Mixed Potion Crate: 250 Gold -or- 100 Platinum
- A mixed container of 5 random potions and an extra advantage on your


Finally we have listed out the character skills. Each character has two skill
selections. Note that MOST of these skills come from the single-player game, but
some are all new (these are usually in the form of stat-buffs). They do a good
job of mixing the skills up based on character type here, and since skills are
really how you play, this makes your character (and skill) selection all the
more important.
Each character has two skill trees. We ll go over them all below. Once you see
the amount of skills available, you ll quickly see that there is a lot of room
for optimization here.

o Legionnaire
"A walking fortress of Dwarven steel."


* .




* .

* [A]


* .




* 10 * . . * 11 * .
* *
* [A]


* 15 * .


* *
. * 2 * . .
* *
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. * 5 * . .
. * 8 * . .
. * 12 * . .
* *
. * 16 * . .
* *
* [A]




* [A]




* 13 * . . * 14 *
* *
* [A]


* 17 *

1. Adamant

You ve trained hard, and you know how to make the most of whatever armor
you re wearing.
Armor Bonus: 20%
Constitution On Unlock: +3
2. Shield Wall

You stand firm and block incoming attacks at the cost of stamina. Each block
adds to your guard. You move much more slowly while sustaining this ability.
Requires A Shield
Guard provides a protection from incoming attacks by granting additional
health. Guard must be broken before a target will take damage.

A. Chevalier s Step

When you use Shield Wall, your movement is not slowed as much. You also
protect nearby allies by giving them improved armor.
Range: 4 Meters
Armor Bonus: 30%
3. Turn the Bolt

Your expertise with the shield protects you against ranged attacks from the
Damage Reduction: 50%
Constitution on Unlock: +3
4. Challenge

Your powerful shout carries across the battlefield, taunting a targeted enemy
and improving your guard.
Duration: 8 Seconds
Guard Amount: 10%
Cooldown Time: 16 Seconds
Cost: 20 Stamina
Guard provides protection from incoming attacks by granting additional health.
Guard must be broken before a target will take damage.
A. Throw the Gauntlet

Successfully hitting a target with Challenge gets your blood pumping,

temporarily increasing your stamina regeneration.
Bonus Regeneration: 15 Stamina per second.
5. Resilience

You don t flinch, don t blink, and don t back down. Enemies that hit you with
melee attacks are staggered by recoil.
Stun Chance: 5%
Stun Duration: 2 Seconds
Constitution On Unlock: +3
6. Combat Roll

You dive and roll to where the battle need you to be. Whether it s escaping
from a group or moving to flank an opponent.
Cooldown Time: 2 Seconds
Cost: 20 Stamina
A. Roll with It

You can now use Combat Roll to recover from most disabling conditions.

7. Balanced Combat

Your next basic attack after successfully blocking gives bonus stamina.
Stamina Restored: 10
Cooldown: 4 Seconds
Constitution On Unlock: +3
8. Biggest Threat

You make yourself the biggest target on the battlefield, the warrior no enemy
can ignore.
Threat Increase: 25%
Constitution On Unlock: +3
9. Hardened

After years of battling through the Deep Roads, the Legionaire can endure
even the worst of fights.
Strength On Unlock: +3
Constitution On Unlock: +6
10. Untouchable Defense

They can t kill what they can t hit. You get a bonus to your maximum guard.
Maximum Guard Bonus: 25%
Constitution on Unlock: +3
11. Unbowed

You focus on your defensive training, gaining guard for each nearby enemy.
Guard per Enemy: 10%
Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds
Guard provides protection from incoming attacks by granting additional health.
Guard must be broken before a target will take damage.
A. Still Standing

Unbowed further improves your guard for each nearby enemy, giving you the
strength to stay on your feet.
Guard Generation Bonus: 100%
12. Turn the Blade

Any blow you can see, you can turn aside. All damage coming from the front
is reduced.
Damage Resistance: 20%

Constitution on Unlock: +3
13. War Cry

You taunt all nearby enemies with a shouted challenge, gaining extra guard
for each enemy affected.
Duration: 4 Seconds
Guard per Enemy: 20%
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
Guard provides protection from incoming attacks by granting additional health.
Guard must be broken before a target will take damage.
A. Call to Arms

You draw strength from your War Cry, improving your armor for the coming
Armor Bonus: 200%
Duration: 10 Seconds
14. Cutting Words

Your party does more damage to taunted targets as you rattle your enemies
nerves and goad them into mistakes that leave them open.
Damage Bonus: 20%
Strength on Unlock: +3
15. Trust the Steel

You know how to make the most of your equipment, gaining a bonus to armor
when you have active guard.
Armor Bonus: 20%
Constitution on Unlock: +3
16. Walking Fortress

You may not be able to hold them off forever, but right now, nothing can
touch you. You have complete immunity to damage for a short time.
Duration: 8 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds
A. Siege-Breaker

Every attack that strikes you reduces your cooldown time and increases your
Cooldown Reduction: 1 Second
Guard Amount: 10%
17. Bulwark

You stand all the stronger to finish the fight, gaining a bonus to your
maximum guard.
Maximum Guard Bonus: 25%
Constitution On Unlock: +3



* .

* [A]


* .




* . . *



* .

* [A]


* 13 * .

1. Payback Strike


* *
* 1 *
* *
* [A]
. * 3 *
. * 6 *
. * 10 *
. * 14 *
* 16 *


. . *

* [A]


. . *



. . * 11 * . . * 12 *
* *
* [A]


. . * 15 *

You recover from any disabled condition and lash out with a great blow against
nearby enemies. If you ve recently taken damage, you hit that much harder and
stagger your foes.
Requires A Shield
Damage: 200% Weapon Damage
Recently Damaged Threshold: 5 Seconds
Damage Bonus: 200%
Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
A. Sweet Revenge

You do more damage with Payback Strike, and if you ve recently taken
damage, you also stun taunted enemies.
Damage Bonus: 200%
Stun Duration: 2 Seconds
2. Shield Bash

Many foes think a shield is just for defense. You correct that mistake with a
brutal slam that does bonus damage to an enemy s guard.
Requires A Shield
Damage: 300% Weapon Damage
Bonus Damage vs. Guard: 800%
Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
Impact Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo.
A. Ring the Bell

You now lunge forward with Shield Bash, and you do even grater damage to
an enemy s guard.
Bonus Damage vs. Guard: 400%
3. It ll Cost You

Any foe that attacks you in melee is going to bleed for it, taking a portion
of the damage they inflict.
Damage Returned: 15%
Strength on Unlock: +3
4. Lunge and Slash

You lunge forward, then spin with a slashing strike if your first blow
connects. You can use this attack to close with opponents.
Requires A Shield.
Damage: 175% Weapon Damage
Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
Impact Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo.

A. Great Lunge

The farther you lunge before striking your target, the more damage you
do to them.
Damage Bonus: 75% at 5 Meters
Damage Bonus: 250% at 10 Meters
5. Bear Mauls the Wolves

Using techniques perfected by Orlesian Chevaliers, you can t be flanked by

enemies, and you re less likely to be staggered when hit from the front.
Constitution on Unlock: +3
6. Deep Reserves

You get your breath back faster than most. When your stamina is very low, it
regenerates more quickly.
Low Stamina Threshold: 50%
Stamina Generation Rate Bonus: 50%
Strength On Unlock: +3
7. Flow of Battle

Every critical hit reduces the cooldown times on your abilities, giving you
the edge to finish off your enemy.
Cooldown Reduction: 1 Seconds
Strength On Unlock: +3
8. Warrior s Resolve

You fight all the harder when you re hurting, gaining stamina when you lose
Stamina Restored: 10% for every 10% health lost.
Constitution on Unlock: +3
9. Grappling Chain

With a hooked chain and a lot of muscle, you drag your target into arm s reach.
Damage: 100% Weapon Damage
Cooldown Time: 12 Seconds
Cost: 20 Stamina
A. Give Them the Boot

After Grappling Chain drags an opponent to you, you stun them with a hard
Damage: 200% Weapon Damage

Stun Duration: 3 Seconds

10. Shield-Breaker

Your critical hits crack armor and rend shields, sundering your enemy s armor
for a short time.
Armor Reduction: 20%
Duration: 6 Seconds
Strength On Unlock: +3
11. To the Death

You taunt an enemy into a frenzy. Their damage output increases over time,
but so does the amount of damage they take. The effect ends if you get out
of range of the enemy.
Range: 15 Meters
Enemy Damage Output: 5% Increase Per Second
Enemy Damage Taken: 5% Increase Per Second
Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
A. En Garde

While To the Death is active, your guard improves as your target takes
damage and you correct weaknesses of your own.
Guard Amount: 25%
12. Guard-Smasher

You ve learned how to batter through your enemy s defenses, doing more damage
to their guard with every hit.
Bonus Damage Vs. Guard: 100%
Strength On Unlock: +3
13. Hamstring

When you attack a target from behind, you leave them slowed.
Speed Reduction: 50%
Duration: 3 Seconds
Strength On Unlock: +3
14. Blood Frenzy

They thought you d get weaker once they d wounded you. They were very wrong.
Damage Bonus: 5% for each 10% missing health
Strength on Unlock: +3
15. Crippling Blows

You know how to take the fight out of your foes. Your critical hits leave
enemies weakened.
Damage Reduction: 15%
Duration: 10 Seconds
This Effect Stacks.
Strength On Unlock: +3
16. Unyielding

An attack that would bring you down instead leaves you with a small amount of
health, and you are immune to all damage for a short time.
Invulnerability Duration: 5 Seconds
Health Threshold: 5%
Cooldown Time: 60 Seconds
Constitution On Unlock: +3

o Katari
"A Qunari giant who brings death and destruction."






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* . . *



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* *
3 * . . * 4 *
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6 * . . * 7 *
9 * . . * 10 *



* 11 * . . * 12
* *
* [A]
* 14 * . . * 15
* 17


* . . * 13 *
* *
* [A]


* . . * 16 *


1. Charging Bull

You slam into your enemies, increasing your guard and knocking them down as
you break through their lines.
Damage: 150% Weapon Damage
Guard per Enemy: 10%
Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds
Cost: 5 Stamina Per Second
Guard provides protection from incoming attacks by granting additional health.
Guard must be broken before a target will take damage.
A. Gore and Trample

After you finish your charge, your next ability costs no stamina.
Duration: 6 Seconds
2. Mighty Blow

You deliver a powerful attack that crumples foes, leaving them knocked down
for a short time. You do more damage to targets that are already knocked down.
Requires a Two-Handed Weapon
Damage: 200% Weapon Damage
Damage Bonus: 200%
Cooldown Time: 16 Seconds
Cost: 50 Stamina
A. Easy Target

Mighty Blow costs less stamina and deals increased damage against targets

that have been knocked down.

Cost Reduction: 15 Stamina
Damage Bonus: 300%
3. Clear a Path

Hitting multipe targets with a single swing of your weapon restores your
stamina for each extra target.
Stamina Restored: 10%
Strength On Unlock: +3
4. Pommel Strike

You lash out with a fast strike that briefly stuns your target.
Requires a Two-Handed Weapon
Damage: 300% Weapon Damage
Stun Duration: 3 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 20 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
A. Lightning Jab

Pommel strike hits harder and faster.

Cooldown Reduction: 4 Seconds
Stun Duration Bonus: 1 Seconds
5. Grisly Mutilation

Killing an enemy has a chance to cause Fear in nearby enemies.

Fear Chance: 20%
Radius: 10 Meters
Strength on Unlock: +3
6. Warrior s Resolve

You fight all the harder when you re hurting, gaining stamina when you lose
Stamina Restored: 10% for every 10% health lost.
Constitution on Unlock: +3
7. Relentless

The Katari was bred to kill, as he demonstrates with overwhelming physical

Cunning On Unlock: +4
Strength On Unlock: +3
Constitution On Unlock: +2

8. Coup de Grace

You deal more damage against enemies that are stunned or knocked down.
Better them than you.
Damage Bonus: 30%
Strength On Unlock: +3
9. Flow of Battle

Every critical hit reduces the cooldown times on your abilities, giving you
the edge to finish off your enemy.
Cooldown Reduction: 1 Seconds
Strength On Unlock: +3
10. Shield-Breaker

Your critical hits crack armor and rend shields, sundering your enemy s armor
for a short time.
Armor Reduction: 20%
Duration: 6 Seconds
Strength On Unlock: +3
11. Whirlwind

You spin with your weapon outstretched, cutting through any enemies in
your path.
Requires a Two-Handed Weapon
Damage Per Hit: 70% Weapon Damage
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 10 Stamina
Impact Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo.
A. Rising Winds

Whirlwind becomes more effective the longer you sustain it.

Damage Bonus Per Rotation: 15%
12. Opportunist

You have a greater chance of scoring a critical hit when attacking foes from
Critical Hit Chance: 14%
Cunning On Unlock: +3
13. Earthshaking Strike

Your great blow tears open the ground with a shockwave that batters enemies
caught in its path.

Requires a Two-Handed Weapon

Number of Hits: 2
Damage Per Hit: 150% Weapon Damage
Area Of Effect: 12 Meters
Cooldown Time: 20 Seconds
Cost: 50 Stamina
A. Shattered Ground

Flames erupt from the fissure left by Earthshaking Strike, damaging enemies
that cross it.
Duration: 8 Seconds
Burning: 20% Weapon Damage Per Second
Burning Duration: 8 Seconds
14. Scenting Blood

Being near a badly wounded enemy spurs you into a frenzy, driving you to move
faster and giving you a better chance of striking deadly blows.
Range: 10 Meters
Health Threshold: 35%
Speed Bonus: 50%
Critical Hit Chance Bonus: 10%
Constitution on Unlock: +3
15. Fervor

When an enemy dies near you, the thrill of death spurs you to hit that much
Damage Bonus: 30%
Duration: 5 Seconds
Range: 10 Meters
Cunning on Unlock: +3
16. Piercing Blows

Your attacks ignore a portion of your target s armor.

Armor Penetration: 25%
Strength On Unlock: +3
17. Blood Frenzy

They thought you d get weaker once they d wounded you. They were very wrong.
Damage Bonus: 5% for each 10% missing health
Strength on Unlock: +3





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1. Block and Slash

You stand ready to deflect the next incoming attack and deliver a punishing
counter to your attacker.
Requires a Two-Handed Weapon
Damage: 150% Weapon Damage
Cost: 10 Stamina
Cost: 5 Stamina Per Second

A. Flawless Defense

Countering an enemies attack now does bonus damage and adds to your guard.
Damage Bonus: 50%
Guard Amount: 15%
Guard provides protection from incoming attacks by granting additional
health. Guard must be broken before a target will take damage.
2. Grappling Chain

With a hooked chain and a lot of muscle, you drag your target into arm s reach.
Damage: 100% Weapon Damage
Cooldown Time: 12 Seconds
Cost: 20 Stamina
A. Give Them the Boot

After Grappling Chain drags an opponent to you, you stun them with a hard
Damage: 200% Weapon Damage
Stun Duration: 3 Seconds
3. Adamant

You ve trained hard, and you know how to make the most of whatever armor
you re wearing.
Armor Bonus: 20%
Constitution On Unlock: +3
4. Combat Roll

You dive and roll to where the battle need you to be. Whether it s escaping
from a group or moving to flank an opponent.
Cooldown Time: 2 Seconds
Cost: 20 Stamina
A. Roll with It

You can now use Combat Roll to recover from most disabling conditions.
5. Bear Mauls the Wolves

Using techniques perfected by Orlesian Chevaliers, you can t be flanked by

enemies, and you re less likely to be staggered when hit from the front.
Constitution on Unlock: +3
6. It ll Cost You

Any foe that attacks you in melee is going to bleed for it, taking a portion

of the damage they inflict.

Damage Returned: 15%
Strength on Unlock: +3
7. Resilience

You don t flinch, don t blink, and don t back down. Enemies that hit you with
melee attacks are staggered by recoil.
Stun Chance: 5%
Stun Duration: 2 Seconds
Constitution On Unlock: +3
8. Hamstring

When you attack a target from behind, you leave them slowed.
Speed Reduction: 50%
Duration: 3 Seconds
Strength On Unlock: +3
9. Deep Reserves

You get your breath back faster than most. When your stamina is very low, it
regenerates more quickly.
Low Stamina Threshold: 50%
Stamina Generation Rate Bonus: 50%
Strength On Unlock: +3
10. Crippling Blows

You know how to take the fight out of your foes. Your critical hits leave
enemies weakened.
Damage Reduction: 15%
Duration: 10 Seconds
This Effect Stacks.
Strength On Unlock: +3
11. Biggest Threat

You make yourself the biggest target on the battlefield, the warrior no enemy
can ignore.
Threat Increase: 25%
Constitution On Unlock: +3
12. To the Death

You taunt an enemy into a frenzy. Their damage output increases over time,
but so does the amount of damage they take. The effect ends if you get out
of range of the enemy.

Range: 15 Meters
Enemy Damage Output: 5% Increase Per Second
Enemy Damage Taken: 5% Increase Per Second
Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
A. En Garde

While To the Death is active, your guard improves as your target takes
damage and you correct weaknesses of your own.
Guard Amount: 25%
13. Guard-Smasher

You ve learned how to batter through your enemy s defenses, doing more damage
to their guard with every hit.
Bonus Damage Vs. Guard: 100%
Strength On Unlock: +3
14. Challenge

Your powerful shout carries across the battlefield, taunting a targeted enemy
and improving your guard.
Duration: 8 Seconds
Guard Amount: 10%
Cooldown Time: 16 Seconds
Cost: 20 Stamina
Guard provides protection from incoming attacks by granting additional health.
Guard must be broken before a target will take damage.
A. Throw the Gauntlet

Successfully hitting a target with Challenge gets your blood pumping,

temporarily increasing your stamina regeneration.
Bonus Regeneration: 15 Stamina per second.
15. Cutting Words

Your party does more damage to taunted targets as you rattle your enemies
nerves and goad them into mistakes that leave them open.
Damage Bonus: 20%
Strength on Unlock: +3
16. War Horn

Your war horn s blast puts fear into the hearts of your foes, leaving them
Area of Effect: 8 Meters
Fear Duration: 6 Seconds

Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds

Cost: 35 Stamina
A. Break Their Spirit

War Horn now shatters your enemy s guard, and panicked enemies are too
shaken to defend themselves, leaving their armor sundered.
Armor Reduction: 20%
Bonus Damage vs. Guard: 1,200%

o Assassin
"A knife from the shadows."






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1. Twin Fangs

You lash out with both daggers, striking deep, with bonus damage if you flank
your foe.
Requires Daggers
Number of Hits: 2
Damage per Hit: 200% Weapon Damage
Damage Bonus: 200%
Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds
Cost: 50 Stamina
Precision Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo
A. Ripping Fangs

If flanking, your Twin Fangs attack will keep your target s armor sundered
from the blow.
Damage Bonus: 100%
Duration: 8 Seconds
2. Hidden Blades

They ll swear you leapt from the shadows like a thrown blade and hit your target
with a flurry of strikes from every angle... but it s obvious that you were
nowhere near them at the time.
Number of Hits: 3
Damage per Hit: 300% Weapon Damage
Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds
Cost: 65 Stamina
A. Overkill

You use Hidden Blades faster and more easily, launching even more strikes
on your victim.
Cooldown Reduction: 4 Seconds
Additional Hits: 3
3. First Blood

You ve learned to pick apart enemies that are still unwounded and unwary. You
do more damage to enemies that are only lightly injured.
Damage Bonus: 15%
Health Threshold: 80%

Dexterity on Unlock: +3
4. Shadow Strike

You take your enemy by surprise with an attack they never see coming. If you are
in stealth or have not taken damage recently, this attack hits even harder.
Damage: 400% Weapon Damage
Stealth Bonus Damage: 200%
Not Damaged Recently Threshold: 5 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 16 Seconds
Cost: 50 Stamina
Precision Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo.
A. Quick Blade

Shadow Strike costs less stamina, and when you use it while flanking an
opponent, you reduce all of your active cooldown times.
Cost Reduction: 10 Stamina
Cooldown Reduction: 4 Seconds
5. Cull the Herd

You do more damage to isolated targets.

Damage Bonus: 50%
Cunning on Unlock: +3
6. Mercy Killing

When their hearts aren t in the fight, it s almost too easy. Your attack on
panicked or sleeping enemies are automatically critical hits.
Cunning on Unlock: +3
7. Deadly

Once she finds her mark, the assassin strikes quick, hard, and without mercy.
Dexterity on Unlock: +5
Cunning on Unlock: +4
8. Cripple

Attacking an enemy from behind slows them for a short time.

Speed Reduction: 50%
Duration: 3 Seconds
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
9. Cheap Shot

Your critical hits tear through enemy armor, leaving it sundered for a short

Duration: 6 Seconds
Cunning on Unlock: +3
10. Looked Like It Hurt

The worst mistake your enemies can make is to let you see them flinch. Whenever
you score a critical hit, you regenerate stamina.
Stamina Restored: 10
Cunning on Unlock: +3
11. Throatcutter

A wounded enemy is the perfect target. Your attacks are even deadlier against
targets that are close to death already.
Damage Bonus: 2% for each 10% missing health
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
12. Unforgiving Chain

Your daggers blur, a dance of deadly pain. Each strike adds to your critical-hit
chance. After a critical attack, your chain resets as you begin another dance.
Critical Hit Chance: 1%
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
13. Bloodied Prey

Your strikes cut deeper into any foe whose current health is lower than your
Damage Bonus: 10%
Cunning on Unlock: +3
14. Spinning Blades

You lash out with a set of slashing blows that bring you in and drive your
target back.
Requires Daggers
Number of Hits: 5
Damage per Hit: 75% Weapon Damage
Cooldown Time: 16 Seconds
A. Neverending Spin

The number of your deadly slashes grows when you connect with earlier
Additional Hits: 4

15. Sneak Attack

Attacks upon a target s back or flank are much more likely to be killing blows.
Critical Hit Chance: 22%
Cunning on Unlock: +3
16. Deathblow

You lash out hard with swift and deadly skill and then again against a wounded
Requires Daggers
Damage: 200% Weapon Damage
Bonus Damage: 3% for every 1% missing health
Health Threshold: 50%
Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds
Cost: 50 Stamina
Precision Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo
A. Thrill of Victory

Your strike bites deeper, and if it should kill your target, there s no
cooldown on Deathblow.
Damage Bonus: 100%






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1. Stealth

You step into the shadows, all but invisible to your enemies. Attacking from
stealth gives you a damage bonus and brings you back to the enemy s attention.
Dealing damage to enemies reduces the ability s cooldown time.
Damage Bonus: 100%
Duration: 30 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 20 Stamina
A. Lost in the Shadows

You live in the darkness. Entering Stealth is now instant and removes all
debilitating effects on you. While in Stealth, you cn even pass through
enemies without being detected.
2. Hook and Tackle

You hurl a light grappling hook at a target, then yank hard as you leap to pull
yourself to it.
Cooldown Time: 12 Seconds
Cost: 20 Stamina
A. It Beats Walking

You can use Hook and Tackle with no stamina cost or cooldown time.
3. Ambush

While you re in stealth and shortly after leaving it, your attacks ignore some
of your target s armor.
Armor Penetration: 50%
Duration: 6 Seconds
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
4. Evade

You leap away from incoming attacks, putting yourself where you need to be to
win this fight.

Cooldown Time: 2 Seconds

Cost: 20 Stamina
A. Hidden Step

Enemies will swear you re still there, attacking empty air and hurting nobody
but themselves as you leap away.
Duration: 3 Seconds
Damage: 300% Weapon Damage
5. Bloodthirst

You move faster when you re near enemies with low health.
Range: 10 Meters
Health Threshold: 35%
Speed Bonus: 50%
Critical Hit Chance Bonus: 10%
Constitution on Unlock: +3
6. Easy to Miss

Enemies are likely to overlook you in combat, much to their regret. This is
especially true if you re flanking them.
Threat Reduction: 25%
Flanking Threat Reduction: 100%
Cunning on Unlock: +3
7. Evasion

They can t hit what they can t see. Your deceptive fighting style gives you a
chance to dodge enemy attacks, taking no damage.
Chance to Activate: 5%
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
8. Knife in the Shadows

You are a deadly threat to any enemy that can t see you coming. When you attack
from stealth, you automatically critically hit.
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
9. Flank Attack

You leap through shadows to attack your foe with deadly strikes that hit them
from behind.
Requires Daggers
Number of Hits: 2
Damage per Hit: 200% Weapon Damage
Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina

A. Skirmisher

Before your target turns to face your blow, you move to stealth, impossible
to find.
10. Dance of Death

You regain stamina with every kill, the better to continue your assault.
Stamina Restored: 50
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
11. Poisoned Weapons

You coat your weapons in a deadly toxin, making every attack poison enemies for
a short time.
Duration: 10 Seconds
Damage: 60% Weapon Damage per second
Damage Duration: 8 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 20 Stamina
A. Infected Wounds

Your poison helps your blades and arrows bite deeper. You do more damage with
your weapons while Poisoned Weapons is active.
Damage Bonus: 25%
12. Explosive Toxin

Your poisons curdle the blood of your targets. Enemies that die while poisoned
explode in a shower of toxic mist.
Duration: 8 Seconds
Radius: 3 Meters
Damage: 50% Weapon Damage per second
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
13. I Was Never Here

You have learned to use the distraction of an enemy s death to slip silently
into the shadows. Killing a target removes any cooldown on stealth.
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
14. Fallback Plan

You place a thieves lantern to mark a fallback location before heading into
battle. When the fight gets ugly, you leap back to safety, as healthy as you
were when you placed your marker.
Duration: 15 Seconds

Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds

Cost: 35 Stamina
A. Bait and Switch

You can fight for a longer time before leaping back, and you pull your
closest enemy back with you.
Duration Bonus: 5 Seconds
15. Fighting Dirty

All of your sunder and poison effects last longer as you make more potent toxins
and uglier wounds.
Duration Bonus: 25%
Dexterity on Unlock: +3

o Archer
"An expert marksman and sniper."






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1. Explosive Shot

You fire a powerful shot that explodes on impact, damaging enemies around your
Requires a Bow
Number of Hits: 2
Damage: 100% Weapon Damage
Impact Radius: 4 Meters
Cooldown Time: 12 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
A. Chain Reaction

Shrapnel from Explosive Shot fills the air and sets off deadly chain
reactions that do more damage the more enemies are nearby.
Damage Bonus per Target: 25%
Maximum Bonus Damage: 100%
2. Leaping Shot

You dive out of trouble and fire a hail of arrows at the enemies that were
trying to close with you.
Requires a Bow
Projectiles: 12
Damage per Hit: 50% Weapon Damage
Cooldown Time: 12 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
A. Rolling Draw

If Leaping Shot hits, you can use the momentum of your leap to do a stronger

draw as you come back to your feet. Your next attack, whenever you make it,
will knock down its target.
Damage Bonus: 200%
3. First Blood

You ve learned to pick apart enemies that are still unwounded and unwary. You
do more damage to enemies that are only lightly injured.
Damage Bonus: 15%
Health Threshold: 80%
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
4. Long Shot

You fire a powerful single shot that delivers more damage the farther away from
the target.
Requires a Bow
Damage: 200% Weapon Damage
Damage Bonus: 600% at 15 meters
Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds
Cost: 50 Stamina
Precision Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo
A. Archer s Lance

Long Shot now rips through every enemy along its path, doing bonus damage
for each extra target it hits.
5. Flanking Fire

You do more damage when hitting enemies from behind.

Damage Bonus: 25%
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
6. Cheap Shot

Your critical hits tear through enemy armor, leaving it sundered for a short
Duration: 6 Seconds
Cunning on Unlock: +3
7. Perceptive

The wilderness has taught the archer to always maintain a keen awareness of
his surroundings.
Dexterity on Unlock: +6
Cunning on Unlock: +3

8. Tricks of the Trade

You help the team make the most of its abilities, increasing the damage and
duration of all status effects anyone in the party applies.
Damage Bonus: 10%
Duration Bonus: 10%
Willpower on Unlock: +3
9. Opportunity Knocks

When an ally critically hits, you take advantage of their success faster with
reduced cooldown times.
Cooldown Reduction: 0.5 Seconds
Cunning on Unlock: +3
10. Bloodied Prey

Your strikes cut deeper into any foe whose current health is lower than your
Damage Bonus: 10%
Cunning on Unlock: +3
11. Disable

Critical hits on an enemy reduces their damage for a short time.

Damage Reduction: 15%
Duration: 10 Seconds
This Effect Stacks
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
12. And Take Them Down

Your experience with finding and pointing out enemy vulnerabilities gives the
entire party a better chance to land a critical hit.
Critical Hit Chance Bonus: 5%
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
13. Death from Above

You do more damage when firing from elevation.

Maximum Bonus Damage: 25%
Maximum Height: 2 Meters
Cunning on Unlock: +3
14. Strafing Shots

You can move faster while firing without sacrificing accuracy.

Speed Bonus: 100%

Dexterity on Unlock: +3
15. Pincushion

If the first arrow doesn t kill them, the tenth might. Each consecutive hit with
a bow attack does progressively more damage to the target.
Damage Bonus: 5%
Bonus Duration: 10 Seconds
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
16. Mark of Death

You mark your enemy, and every hit on them adds part of its power to the mark s
damage. Trigger your mark when you are ready, and watch them fall from injuries
they never even noticed. You can manually trigger the mark early for bonus
Stored Damage: 100%
Duration: 8 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds
Cost: 10 Stamina
A. Mark of Doom

While it is active, Mark of Death leaves the target vulnerable to even more
Armor Reduction: 20%
17. Gaps in the Armor

Your attacks slip past armor to find a target s hidden vulnerabilities.

Armor Penetration: 25%
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
18. Full Draw

It takes a moment to line up the perfect shot, but it pays off with a
devastating hit that bites even deeper against enemies who aren t injured yet.
Requires a Bow
Damage: 800% Weapon Damage
Damage Bonus: 800% at full health
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 65 Stamina
A. Stunning Shot

Enemies hit by Full Draw are knocked briefly unconscious by the power of
your shot.
Sleep Duration: 20 Seconds

19. Throatcutter

A wounded enemy is the perfect target. Your attacks are even deadlier against
targets that are close to death already.
Damage Bonus: 2% for each 10% missing health
Dexterity on Unlock: +3





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1. Caltrops

You scatter spikes behind you, hurting and slowing down enemies who come after
you. This ability is considered a trap for any abilities that enhance or affect

Duration: 30 Seconds
Radius: 3 Meters
Damage: 10% Weapon Damage per scond
Speed Reduction: 25%
Cooldown Time: 16 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
A. Tread Lightly

Your Caltrops cover a wider area and impede enemies even more.
Radius: 5 Meters
Speed Reduction Bonus: 25%
2. Knockout Powder

You throw a handful of dosed dust into an enemy s face, putting them to sleep
for a short time.
Duration: 10 Seconds
Area of Effect: 6 meters
Cooldown Time: 20 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
A. Deep Sleep

Enemies affected by Knockout Powder sleep longer and are slow to wake up
after being damaged.
Duration Bonus: 10 Seconds
Damage Sleep Duration: 3 Seconds
3. Fury of the Storm

When your stamina is exhausted, you fight even harder, lashing out with fury to
win the fight.
Damage Bonus: 10%
Low Stamina Threshold: 50%
Constitution on Unlock: +3
4. Evade

You leap away from incoming attacks, putting yourself where you need to be to
win this fight.
Cooldown Time: 2 Seconds
Cost: 20 Stamina
A. Hidden Step

Enemies will swear you re still there, attacking empty air and hurting nobody
but themselves as you leap away.
Duration: 3 Seconds

Damage: 300% Weapon Damage

5. Dance of Death

You regain stamina with every kill, the better to continue your assault.
Stamina Restored: 50
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
6. Cripple

Attacking an enemy from behind slows them for a short time.

Speed Reduction: 50%
Duration: 3 Seconds
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
7. Sneak Attack

Attacks upon a target s back or flank are much more likely to be killing blows.
Critical Hit Chance: 22%
Cunning on Unlock: +3
8. Mercy Killing

When their hearts aren t in the fight, it s almost too easy. Your attack on
panicked or sleeping enemies are automatically critical hits.
Cunning on Unlock: +3
9. Knockout Bomb

You hurl a grenade containing a powerful concoction that puts nearby enemies to
sleep. Sleeping enemies awaken after taking damage.
Duration: 10 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 20 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
A. Comatose

Enemies affected by Knockout Bomb sleep more deeply, allowing your allies to
hit them even harder with flanking damage.
10. Looked Like It Hurt

The worst mistake your enemies can make is to let you see them flinch. Whenever
you score a critical hit, you regenerate stamina.
Stamina Restored: 10
Cunning on Unlock: +3

11. Spike Trap

You set a trap that, when an enemy approaches, detonates and flings enemies
into the air.
Damage: 300% Weapon Damage
Cooldown Time: 16 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
A. Watch Your Step

You can remain in stealth while using a spike trap, and enemies are flung
even farther into the air.
12. Set Them Up

You ve mastered the proper placement of spikes and levers. When you spring any
kind of trap, your enemies feel it.
Damage Bonus: 25%
Willpower on Unlock: +3
13. Easy to Miss

Enemies are likely to overlook you in combat, much to their regret. This is
especially true if you re flanking them.
Threat Reduction: 25%
Flanking Threat Reduction: 100%
Cunning on Unlock: +3
14. Fallback Plan

You place a thieves lantern to mark a fallback location before heading into
battle. When the fight gets ugly, you leap back to safety, as healthy as you
were when you placed your marker.
Duration: 15 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
A. Bait and Switch

You can fight for a longer time before leaping back, and you pull your
closest enemy back with you.
Duration Bonus: 5 Seconds
15. Evasion

They can t hit what they can t see. Your deceptive fighting style gives you a
chance to dodge enemy attacks, taking no damage.
Chance to Activate: 5%
Dexterity on Unlock: +3

o Elementalist
"An explosive personality who controls primal forces"






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You unleash a massive explosion, leaving enemies in the area burning in agony.
Fire Damage: 300% Weapon Damage
Burning: 75% Weapon Damage per second
Burning Duration: 8 Seconds
Area of Effect: 3 Meters
Cooldown Time: 16 Seconds
Cost: 35 Mana
Eldritch Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo.
A. Wildfire

Immolate burns hotter and has a shorter cooldown time, allowing you to rain
fire upon your enemies more often.
Fire Damage Bonus: 100% Weapon Damage
Burning: 75% Weapon Damage per second
Cooldown Reduction: 4 Seconds
2. Flashfire

You ignite an enemy with searing pain and send them fleeing in panic.
Fire Damage: 300% Weapon Damage
Fear Duration: 8 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 20 Seconds
Cost: 65 Mana
A. Blistering Pain

Flashfire burns brighter and hotter, intensifying the panic that your enemy
Fear Duration Bonus: 8 Seconds
3. Conductive Current

The more magical energy you expend, the more damage your spells do.
Damage Bonus: 5% for every 10% missing mana
Magic on Unlock: +3
4. Stonefist

You summon a boulder from the Fade and smash it into your target, sending them
Spirit Damage: 500% Weapon Damage
Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds
Cost: 50 Mana
Impact Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo
A. Shatterstone

The boulder summoned by Stonefist now explodes on impact, weakening and

staggering nearby enemies.

Area of Effect: 4 Meters

Weakened Duration: 10 Seconds
5. Control of the Elements

All status effects that you inflict last longer.

Duration Bonus: 15%
Magic on Unlock: +3
6. Flashpoint

After you land a critical hit, your next spell cast doesn t trigger a cooldown
Magic on Unlock: +3
7. Defiant

The elemntalist s dedication to the cause of mage freedom spurs him to fight
even harder.
Magic on Unlock: +5
Cunning on Unlock: +4
8. Wall of Fire

You conjure a flaming barrier that burns and panics enemies that pass through
Size: 6 Meters
Duration: 20 Seconds
Burning: 200% Weapon Damage per second
Burning Duration: 8 Seconds
Fear Duration: 4 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds
Cost: 35 Mana
A. Lasting Flames

Wall of Fire creates a larger wall, and its flames burn longer on enemies
that pass through it.
Size Bonus: 3 Meters
Damage Duration Bonus: 4 Seconds
9. Clean Burn

Your spells burn away ambient magic that would otherwise slow down your casting.
Every spell you cast shortens your active cooldown times.
Cooldown Reduction: 1 Seconds
Willpower on Unlock: +3

10. Fire Mine

You mark the ground with a glyph that takes a short time to prime. Once it is
ready, it will erupt into flame when an enemy crosses it, damaging and
staggering the target.
Fire Damage: 1,600% Weapon Damage
Activation Delay: 3 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 35 Mana
A. Searing Glyph

Targets hit by Fire Mine are launched into the air and set aflame, leaving
them burning.
Burning: 200% Weapon Damage per second
Burning Duration: 8 Seconds
11. Death Siphon

Every time an enemy dies nearby, you regain both health and mana.
Mana Amount: 20
Health Amount: 10%
Constitution on Unlock: +3
12. Pyromancer

You have mastered the summoning of fire, increasing your effectiveness when
panicking or burning enemies.
Burning Duration Bonus: 25%
Fear Duration Bonus: 25%
Willpower on Unlock: +3
13. Stormbringer

The storm comes to your aid even without your calling it. When you are in
combat, lightning will periodically strike a random nearby enemy.
Electric Damage: 300% Weapon Damage
Radius: 25 Meters
Cooldown Time: 15 Seconds
Magic on Unlock: +3
14. Energy Barrage

You launch a salvo of elemental blasts from your staff that homes in on targets
ahead of you.
Projectiles: 12
Damage per Hit: 66% Weapon Damage
Cooldown Time: 16 Seconds
Cost: 50 Mana

Eldritch Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo

A. Energy Bombardment

Each hit from Energy Barrage lowers the target s resistance to your staff s
magic type for a short time.
Magic Resistance: -2%
15. Firestorm

You summon flaming meteors, raining fire down upon enemies all over the area
for the next several seconds.
Number of Hits: 12
Fire Damage: 100% Weapon Damage
Cooldown Time: 60 Seconds
Cost: 65 Mana






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1. Winter s Grasp

You lock a target in a sheet of ice, freezing it in place.

Ice Damage: 200% Weapon Damage
Freeze Duration: 4 Seconds
Chill Duration: 8 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 16 Seconds
Cost: 65 Mana
A. Winter s Chill

Winter s Grasp now damages and chills nearby enemies as well. However, only
the primary target is frozen.
Area of Effect: 3 Meters
2. Fade Step

You let invisible waves of magic carry you forward, blurring ahead a short
Duration: 2 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 12 Seconds
A. Frost Step

Passing through enemies hurts them and leaves them chilled.

Ice Damage: 300% Weapon Damage
Chill Duration: 8 Seconds
3. Peaceful Aura

Your aura of tranquility makes enemies less likely to attack you in battle, even
when you damage them.
Threat Reduction: 50%
Willpower on Unlock: +3
4. Fade Cloak

You surround yourself with the magic of the veil itself. You are briefly
invulnerable and can pass through enemies unharmed.
Duration: 2 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 12 Seconds
Cost: 20 Mana
A. Decloaking Blast

If you rematerialize inside an enemy, they re blasted back with massive

Spirit Damage: 1,000% Weapon Damage
5. Gathering Storm

You use your staff s energy to fill the area with sympathetic magic. Each basic
attack shortens your active cooldown times.
Cooldown Reduction: 0.5 Seconds
Willpower on Unlock: +3
6. Winter Stillness

By standing still, you enter into a meditative state that restores your mana at
an enhanced rate and reduces all cooldown times.
Meditation Idle Threshold: 3 Seconds
Mana Generation Rate Bonus: 50%
Willpower on Unlock: +3
7. Frost Mastery

You have mastered the calling of cold, increasing your effectiveness when
chilling or freezing targets.
Freeze Duration Bonus: 25%
Chill Duration Bonus: 25%
Magic on Unlock: +3
8. Static Charge

You sheathe yourself in lightning while casting spells. Enemies that attempt to
interrupt your casting with attacks are struck by arcs that leave them
Electric Damage: 100% Weapon Damage
Shock Duration: 6 Seconds
Constitution on Unlock: +3
9. Lightning Bolt

You summon a bolt of lightning that blasts and paralyzes a single target. If
other enemies are nearby, the bolt will paralyze the target for longer.

Electric Damage: 200% Weapon Damage

Paralyzed Duration: 2 seconds per nearby enemy
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 65 Mana
A. Exploding Bolt

Lightning Bolt does more damage if there are other enemies nearby, and if
there are enough close to the striking point, a wave of force will knock
back all enemies except for the paralyzed primary target.
Damage Bonus: 200% for every creature within 4 meters.
10. Guardian Spirit

A protective barrier springs into place around you automatically when you are
badly injured.
Barrier: 100%
Health Threshold: 25%
Cooldown Time: 60 Seconds
Constitution on Unlock: +3
A barrier provides an additional health bar that must be destroyed before the
target will take any damage. Barrier is vulnerable to dispel effects.
11. Ice Mine

You mark the ground with a glyph that takes a short time to prime. Once it is
ready, it will freeze the first target to step on it.
Freeze Duration: 6 Seconds
Activation Delay: 3 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 18 Seconds
Cost: 35 Mana
A. Brittle Glyph

While frozen, the victim of Ice Mine loses all armor protection.
Armor Reduction: 100%
12. Ice Armor

You draw on cold magic near you to protect you from attacks. Standing near a
frozen enemy or a persistent cold spell reduces all damage you take.
Damage Reduction: 50%
Willpower on Unlock: +3
13. Chaotic Focus

When you cast a fire spell, the spell consumes half of your current barrier to
empower it. The larger the barrier consumed, the greater the bonus to the
spell s damage.

Barrier Bonus: 50%

Magic of Unlock: +3
14. Barrier

You create a shimmering protective barrier that acts as temporary additional

health. The barrier decays naturally over time.
Barrier: 4,116
Area of Effect: 4 Meters
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 50 Mana
A barrier provides an additional health bar that must be destroyed before the
target will take any damage. Barrier is vulnerable to dispel effects.
A. Elegant Defense

You have learned to cast Barrier with a more stable magical pattern. Each
time a barrier you have cast expires, the ability s cooldown time is reduced.
Cooldown Reduction: 4 Seconds
15. Veiled Riposte

Whenever you have a barrier active, enemies who attack you will take damage in
Damage Returned: 20%
Magic on Unlock: +3
16. Strength of Spirits

Your barriers draw on the magic of the Fade to absorb more energy before
Barrier Bonus: 50%

o Keeper
"A proud Elven apprentice who wields Dalish magic to protect or destroy."







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1. Barrier

You create a shimmering protective barrier that acts as temporary additional

health. The barrier decays naturally over time.
Barrier: 4,116
Area of Effect: 4 Meters
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds

Cost: 50 Mana
A barrier provides an additional health bar that must be destroyed before the
target will take any damage. Barrier is vulnerable to dispel effects.
A. Elegant Defense

You have learned to cast Barrier with a more stable magical pattern. Each
time a barrier you have cast expires, the ability s cooldown time is reduced.
Cooldown Reduction: 4 Seconds
2. Fade Step

You let invisible waves of magic carry you forward, blurring ahead a short
Duration: 2 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 12 Seconds
A. Frost Step

Passing through enemies hurts them and leaves them chilled.

Ice Damage: 300% Weapon Damage
Chill Duration: 8 Seconds
3. Rejuvenating Barrier

When you or your allies have an active Barrier, the beneficial energy
invigorates them and helps them recover mana or stamina more quickly.
Mana Regeneration: 35%
Constitution on Unlock: +3
4. Fade Cloak

You surround yourself with the magic of the veil itself. You are briefly
invulnerable and can pass through enemies unharmed.
Duration: 2 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 12 Seconds
Cost: 20 Mana
A. Decloaking Blast

If you rematerialize inside an enemy, they re blasted back with massive

Spirit Damage: 1,000% Weapon Damage
5. Reinforced Barrier

Casting Barrier on a target also gives them a bonus to damage resistance.

Damage Resistance: 10%

Willpower on Unlock: +3
6. Peaceful Aura

Your aura of tranquility makes enemies less likely to attack you in battle, even
when you damage them.
Threat Reduction: 50%
Willpower on Unlock: +3
7. Proud

The keeper has devoted herself to the Dalish way of life, leaving few others
as adept as she with Elven Magic.
Constitution on Unlock: +3
Willpower on Unlock: +3
Magic on Unlock: +3
8. Guardian Spirit

A protective barrier springs into place around you automatically when you are
badly injured.
Barrier: 100%
Health Threshold: 25%
Cooldown Time: 60 Seconds
Constitution on Unlock: +3
A barrier provides an additional health bar that must be destroyed before the
target will take any damage. Barrier is vulnerable to dispel effects.
9. Cycle of Life

Even should you fall, you give your allies the strength to fight on harder
in your name.
Health Amount: 100%
Damage Bonus: 50%
Duration: 10 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 60 Seconds
Constitution on Unlock: +3
10. Mana Surge

Your barrier explodes into wild magic when enemies destroy it. The blast freezes
all nearby enemies and allows you to cast your next spell without consuming
Area of Effect: 3 Meters
Freeze Duration: 2 Seconds
Magic on Unlock: +3
11. Veiled Riposte

Whenever you have a barrier active, enemies who attack you will take damage in
Damage Returned: 20%
Magic on Unlock: +3
12. Nature s Shield

The entire party gains increased resistance to fire, ice, electric, and spirit
Damage Resistance: 10%
Willpower on Unlock: +3
13. Knight-Protector

You re adept with defensive magic. Barriers you create take longer to
naturally decay.
Barrier Decay Reduction: 35%
Constitution on Unlock: +3
14. Static Cage

You trap enemies inside an electricity field that paralyzes those that try to
Duration: 8 Seconds
Area of Effect: 9 Meters
Paralyzed Duration: 2 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds
Cost: 65 Mana
A. Lightning Cage

Static Cage is now powerful enough to hurt or even kill enemies who leave
its boundaries. Whenever an enemy in the cage takes damage, a lightning bolt
strikes them, dealing bonus electricity damage.
Electric Damage: 50% Weapon Damage
15. Winter Stillness

By standing still, you enter into a meditative state that restores your mana at
an enhanced rate and reduces all cooldown times.
Meditation Idle Threshold: 3 Seconds
Mana Generation Rate Bonus: 50%
Willpower on Unlock: +3
16. Disruption Field

You fill an area with magical energy that slows and weakens your enemies.
Enemies larger than the field are immune.

Speed Reduction: 50%

Radius: 3 Meters
Duration: 10 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 65 Mana
A. Stasis Lock

Enemies caught in Disruption Field are slowed to a stop over the course of
several seconds. Striking them ends the effect.
Speed Reduction: 99%
Duration: 5 Seconds
17. Strength of Spirits

Your barriers draw on the magic of the Fade to absorb more energy before
Barrier Bonus: 50%






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1. Chain Lightning

You unleash a blast of lightning that shocks one target and arcs to nearby
Distance: 5 Meters
Number of Hits: 4
Electric Damage: 300% Weapon Damage
Shocked Duration: 8 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds
Cost: 50 Mana
A. Arcing Surge

Chain Lightning arcs farther and hits more targets.

Distance Bonus: 4 Meters
Additional Hits: 2
2. Mind Blast

You send enemies staggering with an explosion of willpower that drives them
back and makes them less likely to target you again.
Area of Effect: 5 Meters
Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds
Cost: 20 Mana
Eldritch Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo
A. Fortifying Blast

Each enemy you strike with Mind Blast increases your protective barrier as
you turn their pain into your power.
Barrier: 10%
A barrier provides an additional health bar that must be destroyed before the
target will take any damage. Barrier is vulnerable to dispel effects.

3. Clean Burn

Your spells burn away ambient magic that would otherwise slow down your casting.
Every spell you cast shortens your active cooldown times.
Cooldown Reduction: 1 Seconds
Willpower on Unlock: +3
4. Dispel

You remove hostile magic and status effects from allies while stripping
beneficial effects from enemies.
Size: 5 Meters
Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds
Cost: 35 Mana
Eldritch Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo
A. Transmute Magic

Dispelling magic and status effects increases your own spells damage and
Barrier generation for a brief duration.
Barrier: 50%
Damage Bonus: 25%
Duration: 10 Seconds
A barrier provides an additional health bar that must be destroyed before the
target will take any damage. Barrier is vulnerable to dispel effects.
5. Stormbringer

The storm comes to your aid even without your calling it. When you are in
combat, lightning will periodically strike a random nearby enemy.
Electric Damage: 300% Weapon Damage
Radius: 25 Meters
Cooldown Time: 15 Seconds
Magic on Unlock: +3
6. Veilstrike

You recreate your own fist from the essence of the Fade and smash nearby foes
to the ground.
Area of Effect: 5 Meters
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 35 Mana
A. Punching Down

You cast veilstrike more easily, and the blow weakens your enemies, causing
them to do less damage.
Cost Reduction: 15 Mana
Weakened Duration: 10 Seconds

7. Conductive Current

The more magical energy you expend, the more damage your spells do.
Damage Bonus: 5% for every 10% missing mana
Magic on Unlock: +3
8. Lightning Bolt

You summon a bolt of lightning that blasts and paralyzes a single target. If
other enemies are nearby, the bolt will paralyze the target for longer.
Electric Damage: 200% Weapon Damage
Paralyzed Duration: 2 seconds per nearby enemy
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 65 Mana
A. Exploding Bolt

Lightning Bolt does more damage if there are other enemies nearby, and if
there are enough close to the striking point, a wave of force will knock
back all enemies except for the paralyzed primary target.
Damage Bonus: 200% for every creature within 4 meters.
9. Static Charge

You sheathe yourself in lightning while casting spells. Enemies that attempt to
interrupt your casting with attacks are struck by arcs that leave them
Electric Damage: 100% Weapon Damage
Shock Duration: 6 Seconds
Constitution on Unlock: +3
10. Smothering Veil

Weakened enemies have the damage they inflict reduced even further.
Damage Reduction: 30%
Willpower on Unlock: +3
11. Disturbance of Spirit

Your offensive spells have a chance to weaken your enemies.

Weaken Chance: 5%
Weakened Duration: 6 Seconds
Willpower on Unlock: +3
12. Encircling Veil

You use stray magic around weakened enemies to increase the power of status
effects on them.

Duration Bonus vs. Weakened: 25%

Magic on Unlock: +3
13. Restorative Veil

You pull stray magic from around weakened enemies to regain mana based on the
damage you do to them.
Mana Recovery: 10%
Magic on Unlock: +3
14. Gathering Storm

You use your staff s energy to fill the area with sympathetic magic. Each basic
attack shortens your active cooldown times.
Cooldown Reduction: 0.5 Seconds
Willpower on Unlock: +3
15. Twisting Veil

You catch stray magic around weakened enemies and use them to increase the
damage of your own attacks.
Damage Bonus vs. Weakened: 15%
Magic on Unlock: +3
16. Energy Barrage

You launch a salvo of elemental blasts from your staff that homes in on targets
ahead of you.
Projectiles: 12
Damage per Hit: 66% Weapon Damage
Cooldown Time: 16 Seconds
Cost: 50 Mana
Eldritch Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo
A. Energy Bombardment

Each hit from Energy Barrage lowers the target s resistance to your staff s
magic type for a short time.
Magic Resistance: -2%

o Alchemist
"An eccentric Dwarf with an assortment of strange brews and explosives."






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1. Elemental Mines

You throw out an assortment of different traps in front of you, applying

different elemental effects to enemies that come into range.
Damage: 50% Weapon Damage
Chill Duration: 8 Seconds
Fire Damage: 50% Weapon Damage per second
Fire Damage Duration: 8 Seconds
Shocked Duration: 8 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 50 Stamina
A. Throw Everything

It s now or never. You use every ounce of stamina you ve got to litter the

battlefield with traps. The more stamina you use, the more traps you throw.
Additional Traps: 1 for every 5 stamina
2. Flask of Frost

This flask coats you in an icy skin that increases your armor and freezes
enemies that strike you in melee range. You can t use this ability while
another elixir is active.
Damage Resistance: 85%
Duration: 5 Seconds
Freeze Duration: 1 Second
Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds
Cost: 20 Stamina
A. Bitter Chill

Activating Flask of Frost also taunts all nearby foes to attack you.
Radius: 5 Meters
3. Sneak Attack

Attacks upon a target s back or flank are much more likely to be killing blows.
Critical Hit Chance: 22%
Cunning on Unlock: +3
4. Poisoned Weapons

You coat your weapons in a deadly toxin, making every attack poison enemies for
a short time.
Duration: 10 Seconds
Damage: 60% Weapon Damage per second
Damage Duration: 8 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 20 Stamina
A. Infected Wounds

Your poison helps your blades and arrows bite deeper. You do more damage with
your weapons while Poisoned Weapons is active.
Damage Bonus: 25%
5. Alchemy Mastery

Any status effects caused by your alchemy now last longer.

Duration Bonus: 25%
Cunning on Unlock: +3
6. Dance of Death

You regain stamina with every kill, the better to continue your assault.
Stamina Restored: 50
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
7. Unorthodox

The alchemist s mind travels curious, twisting paths, and though her methods
are strange, they are effective.
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
Cunning on Unlock: +6
8. Mercy Killing

When their hearts aren t in the fight, it s almost too easy. Your attack on
panicked or sleeping enemies are automatically critical hits.
Cunning on Unlock: +3
9. Knockout Bomb

You hurl a grenade containing a powerful concoction that puts nearby enemies to
sleep. Sleeping enemies awaken after taking damage.
Duration: 10 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 20 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
A. Comatose

Enemies affected by Knockout Bomb sleep more deeply, allowing your allies to
hit them even harder with flanking damage.
10. Fighting Dirty

All of your sunder and poison effects last longer as you make more potent toxins
and uglier wounds.
Duration Bonus: 25%
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
11. Toxic Cloud

You unleash a cloud of toxic dust that damages all enemies that remain in the
Duration: 8 Seconds
Radius: 5 meters
Damage: 50% Weapon Damage per second
Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds
Cost: 50 Stamina
A. Contact Poison

Toxic Cloud has a shorter cooldown time and now also poisons enemies in the
Cooldown Reduction: 5 Seconds
Damage: 25% Weapon Damage per second
Duration: 8 Seconds
12. Explosive Toxin

Your poisons curdle the blood of your targets. Enemies that die while poisoned
explode in a shower of toxic mist.
Duration: 8 Seconds
Radius: 3 Meters
Damage: 50% Weapon Damage per second
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
13. Killer s Alchemy

You can use more concentrated elixirs that give you an uncanny edge in battle.
You do bonus damage with all attacks for a short time whenever you use an
elixir or potion. The effect stacks.
Damage Bonus: 15%
Duration: 10 Seconds
Constitution on Unlock: +3
14. Flask of Fire

This flask coats you in flames that spur you to frenzied action. For a short
time, your abilities cost no stamina, and enemies who attack you are knocked
backward. You can t use this ability while another elixir is active.
Duration: 5 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds
Cost: 20 Stamina
A. Unquenchable Flames

While Flask of Fire is active, all your abilities have no cooldown.

15. Ride the Storm

The effects of your elixirs last longer if you activate one immediately after
another expires.
Bonus Duration: 3 Seconds
Dexterity on Unlock: +3





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1. Stealth

You step into the shadows, all but invisible to your enemies. Attacking from
stealth gives you a damage bonus and brings you back to the enemy s attention.
Dealing damage to enemies reduces the ability s cooldown time.
Damage Bonus: 100%
Duration: 30 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 20 Stamina
A. Lost in the Shadows

You live in the darkness. Entering Stealth is now instant and removes all
debilitating effects on you. While in Stealth, you cn even pass through
enemies without being detected.
2. Parry

You quickly block a strike made by your foe, then counter as their own defenses
Requires Daggers
Damage: 100% Weapon Damage
Cost: 10 Stamina
A. Effortless Riposte

If you succeed in countering a blow, your parry costs no stamina at all.

3. Ambush

While you re in stealth and shortly after leaving it, your attacks ignore some
of your target s armor.
Armor Penetration: 50%
Duration: 6 Seconds
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
4. Evade

You leap away from incoming attacks, putting yourself where you need to be to
win this fight.
Cooldown Time: 2 Seconds
Cost: 20 Stamina
A. Hidden Step

Enemies will swear you re still there, attacking empty air and hurting nobody
but themselves as you leap away.
Duration: 3 Seconds
Damage: 300% Weapon Damage
5. Disable

Critical hits on an enemy reduces their damage for a short time.

Damage Reduction: 15%
Duration: 10 Seconds
This Effect Stacks
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
6. Unforgiving Chain

Your daggers blur, a dance of deadly pain. Each strike adds to your critical-hit

chance. After a critical attack, your chain resets as you begin another dance.
Critical Hit Chance: 1%
7. Evasion

They can t hit what they can t see. Your deceptive fighting style gives you a
chance to dodge enemy attacks, taking no damage.
Chance to Activate: 5%
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
8. Bloodied Prey

Your strikes cut deeper into any foe whose current health is lower than your
Damage Bonus: 10%
Cunning on Unlock: +3
9. Flank Attack

You leap through shadows to attack your foe with deadly strikes that hit them
from behind.
Requires Daggers
Number of Hits: 2
Damage per Hit: 200% Weapon Damage
Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
A. Skirmisher

Before your target turns to face your blow, you move to stealth, impossible
to find.
10. Knife in the Shadows

You are a deadly threat to any enemy that can t see you coming. When you attack
from stealth, you automatically critically hit.
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
11. Twin Fangs

You lash out with both daggers, striking deep, with bonus damage if you flank
your foe.
Requires Daggers
Number of Hits: 2
Damage per Hit: 200% Weapon Damage
Damage Bonus: 200%
Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds
Cost: 50 Stamina
Precision Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo

A. Ripping Fangs

If flanking, your Twin Fangs attack will keep your target s armor sundered
from the blow.
Damage Bonus: 100%
Duration: 8 Seconds
12. Gaps in the Armor

Your attacks slip past armor to find a target s hidden vulnerabilities.

Armor Penetration: 25%
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
13. And Take Them Down

Your experience with finding and pointing out enemy vulnerabilities gives the
entire party a better chance to land a critical hit.
Critical Hit Chance Bonus: 5%
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
14. Shadow Strike

You take your enemy by surprise with an attack they never see coming. If you are
in stealth or have not taken damage recently, this attack hits even harder.
Damage: 400% Weapon Damage
Stealth Bonus Damage: 200%
Not Damaged Recently Threshold: 5 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 16 Seconds
Cost: 50 Stamina
Precision Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo.
A. Quick Blade

Shadow Strike costs less stamina, and when you use it while flanking an
opponent, you reduce all of your active cooldown times.
Cost Reduction: 10 Stamina
Cooldown Reduction: 4 Seconds
15. Easy to Miss

Enemies are likely to overlook you in combat, much to their regret. This is
especially true if you re flanking them.
Threat Reduction: 25%
Flanking Threat Reduction: 100%
Cunning on Unlock: +3
16. I Was Never Here

You have learned to use the distraction of an enemy s death to slip silently
into the shadows. Killing a target removes any cooldown on stealth.
Dexterity on Unlock: +3

o Necromancer
"A cold mistress of magic with terrifying power."






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1. Horror

You unleash spirits of fear that terrify all enemies within the area.
Panic Duration: 6 Seconds
Area of Effect: 3 Meters
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 50 Mana
A. Despair

Horror inflicts even deeper terror upon targets and reduces their armor
while they are under its effects.
Spirit Damage: 50% Weapon Damage per second
Armor Reduction: 20%
2. Flashfire

You ignite an enemy with searing pain and send them fleeing in panic.
Fire Damage: 300% Weapon Damage
Fear Duration: 8 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 20 Seconds
Cost: 65 Mana
A. Blistering Pain

Flashfire burns brighter and hotter, intensifying the panic that your enemy
Fear Duration Bonus: 8 Seconds
3. Blinding Terror

You have learned to leave enemies vulnerable in their terror. Enemies that are
panicked take increased damage from all atacks.
Damage Bonus vs. Panicked: 15%
Magic on Unlock: +3
4. Mind Blast

You send enemies staggering with an explosion of willpower that drives them
back and makes them less likely to target you again.
Area of Effect: 5 Meters
Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds
Cost: 20 Mana
Eldritch Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo
A. Fortifying Blast

Each enemy you strike with Mind Blast increases your protective barrier as
you turn their pain into your power.

Barrier: 10%
A barrier provides an additional health bar that must be destroyed before the
target will take any damage. Barrier is vulnerable to dispel effects.
5. Virulence

Killing an enemy causes any elemental status effects on it to spread to

nearby targets: burning, chilled, frozen, panicked, paralyzed, poisoned,
shocked, and weakened.
Impact Radius: 10 meters
Cunning on Unlock: +3
6. Conductive Current

The more magical energy you expend, the more damage your spells do.
Damage Bonus: 5% for every 10% missing mana
Magic on Unlock: +3
7. Pyromancer

You have mastered the summoning of fire, increasing your effectiveness when
panicking or burning enemies.
Burning Duration Bonus: 25%
Fear Duration Bonus: 25%
Willpower on Unlock: +3
8. Overwhelming Force

You do more damage to enemies whose health is less than or equal to yours.
Damage Bonus: 10%
Cunning on Unlock: +3
9. Hastened Demise

A wounded enemy is the perfect target. Your attacks are even deadlier against
targets that are close to death already.
Damage Bonus: 2% for each 10% missing health
Magic on Unlock: +3
10. Unsullied Victim

You do more damage to enemies with high health.

Damage Bonus: 25%
Health Threshold: 50%
Magic on Unlock: +3

11. Death Siphon

Every time an enemy dies nearby, you regain both health and mana.
Mana Amount: 20
Health Amount: 10%
Constitution on Unlock: +3
12. Simulacrum

If you are knocked unconscious, a spirit you control takes on your likeness and
fights on your behalf for a short time. The spirit draws magic directly from the
Fade, casting spells without cost. You cannot be revived by any means until the
spirit leaves.
Duration: 10 Seconds
Willpower on Unlock: +3
13. Power of the Dead

Killing enemies attracts spirits that increase the power of your spells for a
short time.
Damage Bonus: 20%
Duration: 10 Seconds
Willpower on Unlock: +3
14. Walking Bomb

You curse an enemy, inflicting ongoing spirit damage, and then trigger the curse
in a devastating explosion.
Spirit Damage: 200% Weapon Damage per second
Duration: 10 Seconds
Explosion Damage: 600% of Weapon Damage
Area of Effect: 5 Meters
Cooldown Time: 20 Seconds
Cost: 65 Mana
A. Virulent

If Walking Bomb kills your target, the effect spreads to nearby enemies,
causing secondary explosions.
15. Spirit Mark

You mark a target with an attacking spirit, inflicting ongoing damage. If the
target dies while marked, the spirit mimics the victim s body briefly to fight
on your behalf.
Can be toggled on and off
Duration: 12 Seconds
Spirit Damage: 75% Weapon Damage per second
Charm Duration: 15 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 20 Seconds

Cost: 50 Mana
A. Lingering Mark

Targets you kill with Spirit Mark now fight for you longer and harder.
Damage Bonus: 75%
Charm Duration: 45 Seconds






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1. Winter s Grasp

You lock a target in a sheet of ice, freezing it in place.

Ice Damage: 200% Weapon Damage

Freeze Duration: 4 Seconds

Chill Duration: 8 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 16 Seconds
Cost: 65 Mana
A. Winter s Chill

Winter s Grasp now damages and chills nearby enemies as well. However, only
the primary target is frozen.
Area of Effect: 3 Meters
2. Fade Step

You let invisible waves of magic carry you forward, blurring ahead a short
Duration: 2 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 12 Seconds
A. Frost Step

Passing through enemies hurts them and leaves them chilled.

Ice Damage: 300% Weapon Damage
Chill Duration: 8 Seconds
3. Gathering Storm

You use your staff s energy to fill the area with sympathetic magic. Each basic
attack shortens your active cooldown times.
Cooldown Reduction: 0.5 Seconds
Willpower on Unlock: +3
4. Fade Cloak

You surround yourself with the magic of the veil itself. You are briefly
invulnerable and can pass through enemies unharmed.
Duration: 2 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 12 Seconds
Cost: 20 Mana
A. Decloaking Blast

If you rematerialize inside an enemy, they re blasted back with massive

Spirit Damage: 1,000% Weapon Damage
5. Ice Armor

You draw on cold magic near you to protect you from attacks. Standing near a
frozen enemy or a persistent cold spell reduces all damage you take.

Damage Reduction: 50%

Willpower on Unlock: +3
6. Clean Burn

Your spells burn away ambient magic that would otherwise slow down your casting.
Every spell you cast shortens your active cooldown times.
Cooldown Reduction: 1 Seconds
Willpower on Unlock: +3
7. Calculating

The necromancer seeks ever more knowledge and power, and she is unafraid to
use both in battle.
Magic on Unlock: +3
Cunning on Unlock: +3
Willpower on Unlock: +3
8. Ice Mine

You mark the ground with a glyph that takes a short time to prime. Once it is
ready, it will freeze the first target to step on it.
Freeze Duration: 6 Seconds
Activation Delay: 3 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 18 Seconds
Cost: 35 Mana
A. Brittle Glyph

While frozen, the victim of Ice Mine loses all armor protection.
Armor Reduction: 100%
9. Tricks of the Trade

You help the team make the most of its abilities, increasing the damage and
duration of all status effects anyone in the party applies.
Damage Bonus: 10%
Duration Bonus: 10%
Willpower on Unlock: +3
10. Winter Stillness

By standing still, you enter into a meditative state that restores your mana at
an enhanced rate and reduces all cooldown times.
Meditation Idle Threshold: 3 Seconds
Mana Generation Rate Bonus: 50%
Willpower on Unlock: +3

11. Blizzard

You summon a freezing blizzard to chill and damage enemies caught in the area.
Can be toggled on and off
Ice Damage: 75% Weapon Damage per second
Chill Duration: 8 Seconds
Area of Effect: 8 Meters
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 5 mana per second
A. Ice Storm

Your blizzard now chills enemies, progressively slowing them until they are
Damage Bonus: 75%
Freeze Duration: 4 Seconds
12. Frost Mastery

You have mastered the calling of cold, increasing your effectiveness when
chilling or freezing targets.
Freeze Duration Bonus: 25%
Chill Duration Bonus: 25%
Magic on Unlock: +3
13. Energy Barrage

You launch a salvo of elemental blasts from your staff that homes in on targets
ahead of you.
Projectiles: 12
Damage per Hit: 66% Weapon Damage
Cooldown Time: 16 Seconds
Cost: 50 Mana
Eldritch Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo
A. Energy Bombardment

Each hit from Energy Barrage lowers the target s resistance to your staff s
magic type for a short time.
Magic Resistance: -2%

o Reaver
"A formidable warrior who draws strength from a dark ritual."





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1. Devour

Blood is life. You rip into your enemy, doing damage based on how badly you re
wounded and healing yourself. Ring of Pain significantly increases the effect.
Damage: 100% Weapon Damage
Health Restored: 0.2% for every 1% health lost
Damage Bonus: 2% for each 1% missing health
Cooldown Time: 12 Seconds
Cost: 65 Stamina
Ring of Pain Bonus Health Restored: 0.4% for every 1% health lost
A. Consume

After you attack with Devour, your next use of Dragon-Rage has a better
chance of ripping deeply into your target for a critical strike.
Critical Hit Chance Bonus: 25%
2. Fervor

When an enemy dies near you, the thrill of death spurs you to hit that much
Damage Bonus: 30%
Duration: 5 Seconds
Range: 10 Meters
Cunning on Unlock: +3
3. Ring of Pain

You mark part of the battlefield as yours. Enemies inside the ring take spirit
damage while your own attacks inside the ring hit harder. The more you are
hurt, the stronger both effects are.
Can be toggled on and off.
Area of Effect: 15 Meters
Damage: 15% Weapon Damage Per Second
Damage Bonus: 1% for each 1% Missing Health
Cost: 10 Stamina Per Second
A. Torrent of Pain

While Ring of Pain is active, Devour costs less stamina and has a shorter
cooldown time, and Dragon-Rage costs less of your own health.
Cooldown Reduction: 4 Seconds
Cost Reduction: 20%
4. Warrior s Resolve

You fight all the harder when you re hurting, gaining stamina when you lose
Stamina Restored: 10% for every 10% health lost.
Constitution on Unlock: +3
5. Bloodbath

Devour and Dragon-Rage now have a chance to weaken enemies.

Weaken Chance: 20%
Strength on Unlock: +3
6. Blood Frenzy

They thought you d get weaker once they d wounded you. They were very wrong.
Damage Bonus: 5% for each 10% missing health

Strength on Unlock: +3
7. Wrathful

The reaver s fury feeds each and every devastating blow she delivers to her
Strength on Unlock: +6
Constitution on Unlock: +3
8. Flow of Battle

Every critical hit reduces the cooldown times on your abilities, giving you
the edge to finish off your enemy.
Cooldown Reduction: 1 Seconds
Strength On Unlock: +3
9. Horn of Valor

Your war horn s blast rings across the battlefield, giving allies the strength
to fight harder.
Damage Bonus: 15%
Armor Bonus: 15%
Duration: 10 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 18 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
A. That s the Spirit

Your horn s blast calls your allies to even greater glory.

Damage Bonus: 35%
10. Scenting Blood

Being near a badly wounded enemy spurs you into a frenzy, driving you to move
faster and giving you a better chance of striking deadly blows.
Range: 10 Meters
Health Threshold: 35%
Speed Bonus: 50%
Critical Hit Chance Bonus: 10%
Constitution on Unlock: +3
11. Challenge

Your powerful shout carries across the battlefield, taunting a targeted enemy
and improving your guard.
Duration: 8 Seconds
Guard Amount: 10%
Cooldown Time: 16 Seconds
Cost: 20 Stamina

Guard provides protection from incoming attacks by granting additional health.

Guard must be broken before a target will take damage.
A. Throw the Gauntlet

Successfully hitting a target with Challenge gets your blood pumping,

temporarily increasing your stamina regeneration.
Bonus Regeneration: 15 Stamina per second.
12. Biggest Threat

You make yourself the biggest target on the battlefield, the warrior no enemy
can ignore.
Threat Increase: 25%
Constitution On Unlock: +3
13. Relentless Attack

Each attack increases your chance to score a critical hit. Your critical-hit
chance resets after a successful critical hit.
Critical Hit Chance: 1%
Strength on Unlock: +3
14. Terrifying Fury

Your critical strikes have a chance to cause a gory mess and send nearby
enemies fleeing in panic.
Fear Chance: 25%
Area of Effect: 10 Meters
Fear Duration: 6 Seconds
Cunning on Unlock: +3
15. Deathblow

You automatically critically hit enemies afflicted with fear or sleep.

Cunning on Unlock: +3
16. Dragon-Rage

You launch an attack fueled by your fury, ripping into foes for damage that
increases as your own wounds deepen. Ring of Pain significantly increases
the effect. You take damage with each swing.
Damage: 150% Weapon Damage
Damage Bonus: 1% for each 1% missing health
Cost: 2% Health
Ring of Pain Bonus Damage Bonus: 50%
A. Ravage

For some, Dragon-Rage is a dangerous ability. For you, it s the only way to
fight. You now hit harder and reduce the cooldown time for Devour with every
Damage Bonus: 50%
Cooldown Reduction: 2 Seconds
17. Rampage

You re an unstoppable fury of physical force while this ability is active.

Your attacks are harder and faster, and you gain health with each strike.
Damage Bonus: 10%
Speed Bonus: 10%
Health Amount: 10%
Duration: 10 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 30 Seconds
Cost: 65 Stamina






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1. Mighty Blow

You deliver a powerful attack that crumples foes, leaving them knocked down
for a short time. You do more damage to targets that are already knocked down.
Requires a Two-Handed Weapon
Damage: 200% Weapon Damage
Damage Bonus: 200%
Cooldown Time: 16 Seconds
Cost: 50 Stamina
A. Easy Target

Mighty Blow costs less stamina and deals increased damage against targets
that have been knocked down.
Cost Reduction: 15 Stamina
Damage Bonus: 300%
2. Block and Slash

You stand ready to deflect the next incoming attack and deliver a punishing
counter to your attacker.
Requires a Two-Handed Weapon
Damage: 150% Weapon Damage
Cost: 10 Stamina
Cost: 5 Stamina Per Second
A. Flawless Defense

Countering an enemies attack now does bonus damage and adds to your guard.
Damage Bonus: 50%
Guard Amount: 15%
Guard provides protection from incoming attacks by granting additional
health. Guard must be broken before a target will take damage.
3. Coup de Grace

You deal more damage against enemies that are stunned or knocked down.
Better them than you.
Damage Bonus: 30%

Strength On Unlock: +3
4. Combat Roll

You dive and roll to where the battle need you to be. Whether it s escaping
from a group or moving to flank an opponent.
Cooldown Time: 2 Seconds
Cost: 20 Stamina
A. Roll with It

You can now use Combat Roll to recover from most disabling conditions.
5. It ll Cost You

Any foe that attacks you in melee is going to bleed for it, taking a portion
of the damage they inflict.
Damage Returned: 15%
Strength on Unlock: +3
6. Adamant

You ve trained hard, and you know how to make the most of whatever armor
you re wearing.
Armor Bonus: 20%
Constitution On Unlock: +3
7. Resilience

You don t flinch, don t blink, and don t back down. Enemies that hit you with
melee attacks are staggered by recoil.
Stun Chance: 5%
Stun Duration: 2 Seconds
Constitution On Unlock: +3
8. Crippling Blows

You know how to take the fight out of your foes. Your critical hits leave
enemies weakened.
Damage Reduction: 15%
Duration: 10 Seconds
This Effect Stacks.
Strength On Unlock: +3
9. Deep Reserves

You get your breath back faster than most. When your stamina is very low, it
regenerates more quickly.

Low Stamina Threshold: 50%

Stamina Generation Rate Bonus: 50%
Strength On Unlock: +3
10. Hamstring

When you attack a target from behind, you leave them slowed.
Speed Reduction: 50%
Duration: 3 Seconds
Strength On Unlock: +3
11. Pommel Strike

You lash out with a fast strike that briefly stuns your target.
Requires a Two-Handed Weapon
Damage: 300% Weapon Damage
Stun Duration: 3 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 20 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
A. Lightning Jab

Pommel strike hits harder and faster.

Cooldown Reduction: 4 Seconds
Stun Duration Bonus: 1 Seconds
12. Clear a Path

Hitting multipe targets with a single swing of your weapon restores your
stamina for each extra target.
Stamina Restored: 10%
Strength On Unlock: +3
13. Earthshaking Strike

Your great blow tears open the ground with a shockwave that batters enemies
caught in its path.
Requires a Two-Handed Weapon
Number of Hits: 2
Damage Per Hit: 150% Weapon Damage
Area Of Effect: 12 Meters
Cooldown Time: 20 Seconds
Cost: 50 Stamina
A. Shattered Ground

Flames erupt from the fissure left by Earthshaking Strike, damaging enemies
that cross it.
Duration: 8 Seconds
Burning: 20% Weapon Damage Per Second

Burning Duration: 8 Seconds

14. Shield-Breaker

Your critical hits crack armor and rend shields, sundering your enemy s armor
for a short time.
Armor Reduction: 20%
Duration: 6 Seconds
Strength On Unlock: +3
15. Bear Mauls the Wolves

Using techniques perfected by Orlesian Chevaliers, you can t be flanked by

enemies, and you re less likely to be staggered when hit from the front.
Constitution on Unlock: +3
16. Guard-Smasher

You ve learned how to batter through your enemy s defenses, doing more damage
to their guard with every hit.
Bonus Damage Vs. Guard: 100%
Strength On Unlock: +3

o Templar
"A soldier of faith who will step between allies and the strongest magic
and demons."







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1. Blessed Blades

You rally all of your nearby allies to fight with greater strength, especially
when facing demons.
Damage Bonus: 15%
Duration: 24 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 10 Stamina
A. Lights in the Shadow

Attacking enemies while you re affected by Blessed Blades reduces the

cooldown times of Spell Purge and Wrath of Heaven.
Cooldown Reduction: 0.5 Seconds
2. Payback Strike

You recover from any disabled condition and lash out with a great blow against
nearby enemies. If you ve recently taken damage, you hit that much harder and
stagger your foes.

Requires A Shield
Damage: 200% Weapon Damage
Recently Damaged Threshold: 5 Seconds
Damage Bonus: 200%
Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
A. Sweet Revenge

You do more damage with Payback Strike, and if you ve recently taken
damage, you also stun taunted enemies.
Damage Bonus: 200%
Stun Duration: 2 Seconds
3. Champions of the Just

Your righteous fervor inspires the entire party to fight harder against demons.
Damage Bonus: 10%
Strength On Unlock: +3
4. Shield Bash

Many foes think a shield is just for defense. You correct that mistake with a
brutal slam that does bonus damage to an enemy s guard.
Requires A Shield
Damage: 300% Weapon Damage
Bonus Damage vs. Guard: 800%
Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
Impact Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo.
A. Ring the Bell

You now lunge forward with Shield Bash, and you do even grater damage to
an enemy s guard.
Bonus Damage vs. Guard: 400%
5. Crippling Blows

You know how to take the fight out of your foes. Your critical hits leave
enemies weakened.
Damage Reduction: 15%
Duration: 10 Seconds
This Effect Stacks.
Strength On Unlock: +3
6. Mage Slayer

Anti-Demon abilities now also apply to mages and magical creatures.

Willpower On Unlock: +3
7. Maker s Will

Your party s attacks have a chance to weaken their targets.

Weaken Chance: 5%
Weakened Duration: 6 Seconds
Willpower On Unlock: +3
8. Valiant

The templar s faith strengthens her, mind and soul, for protecting innocents
and punishing demons.
Willpower On Unlock: +5
Constitution On Unlock: +4
9. Guard-Smasher

You ve learned how to batter through your enemy s defenses, doing more damage
to their guard with every hit.
Bonus Damage Vs. Guard: 100%
Strength On Unlock: +3
10. Spell Purge

Through faith and will, you dispel all hostile magic from the area around you.
Area of Effect: 5 Meters
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
Eldritch Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo.
A. Spell Shatter

Spell Purge now deals massive area damage when dispelling barriers and other
beneficial effects on enemies.
Damage: 600% Weapon Damage
11. There Is No Darkness

Your faith is your protection against the elements, and not for you alone.
The entire party gains increased resistance to fire, ice, electric and spirit
Damage Resistance: 10%
Willpower On Unlock: +3
12. Horn of Valor

Your war horn s blast rings across the battlefield, giving allies the strength

to fight harder.
Damage Bonus: 15%
Armor Bonus: 15%
Duration: 10 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 18 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
A. That s the Spirit

Your horn s blast calls your allies to even greater glory.

Damage Bonus: 35%
13. Flow of Battle

Every critical hit reduces the cooldown times on your abilities, giving you
the edge to finish off your enemy.
Cooldown Reduction: 1 Seconds
Strength On Unlock: +3
14. Bear Mauls the Wolves

Using techniques perfected by Orlesian Chevaliers, you can t be flanked by

enemies, and you re less likely to be staggered when hit from the front.
Constitution on Unlock: +3
15. Deep Reserves

You get your breath back faster than most. When your stamina is very low, it
regenerates more quickly.
Low Stamina Threshold: 50%
Stamina Generation Rate Bonus: 50%
Strength On Unlock: +3
16. The Last Sacrifice

Even should you fall, you give your allies the strength to fight on harder in
your name.
Health Amount: 100%
Damage Bonus: 50%
Duration: 10 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 60 Seconds
Constitution on Unlock: +3
17. Wrath of Heaven

You summon a blinding pillar of light that stuns nearby enemies and damages
Damage: 400% Weapon Damage

Area of Effect: 4 Meters

Stun Duration: 4 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 65 Stamina
A. Embrace the Light

Wrath of Heaven does even more damage to demons and leaves enemies stunned
for longer.
Danage Bonus: 300%
Stun Duration Bonus: 2 Seconds




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1. Turn the Bolt

Your expertise with the shield protects you against ranged attacks from the
Damage Reduction: 50%
Constitution on Unlock: +3
2. Shield Wall

You stand firm and block incoming attacks at the cost of stamina. Each block
adds to your guard. You move much more slowly while sustaining this ability.
Requires A Shield
Guard provides a protection from incoming attacks by granting additional
health. Guard must be broken before a target will take damage.
A. Chevalier s Step

When you use Shield Wall, your movement is not slowed as much. You also
protect nearby allies by giving them improved armor.
Range: 4 Meters
Armor Bonus: 30%
3. Bulwark

You stand all the stronger to finish the fight, gaining a bonus to your
maximum guard.
Maximum Guard Bonus: 25%
Constitution On Unlock: +3
4. Cutting Words

Your party does more damage to taunted targets as you rattle your enemies
nerves and goad them into mistakes that leave them open.
Damage Bonus: 20%
Strength on Unlock: +3
5. Challenge

Your powerful shout carries across the battlefield, taunting a targeted enemy
and improving your guard.
Duration: 8 Seconds
Guard Amount: 10%
Cooldown Time: 16 Seconds
Cost: 20 Stamina
Guard provides protection from incoming attacks by granting additional health.

Guard must be broken before a target will take damage.

A. Throw the Gauntlet

Successfully hitting a target with Challenge gets your blood pumping,

temporarily increasing your stamina regeneration.
Bonus Regeneration: 15 Stamina per second.
6. Trust the Steel

You know how to make the most of your equipment, gaining a bonus to armor
when you have active guard.
Armor Bonus: 20%
Constitution on Unlock: +3
7. Combat Roll

You dive and roll to where the battle need you to be. Whether it s escaping
from a group or moving to flank an opponent.
Cooldown Time: 2 Seconds
Cost: 20 Stamina
A. Roll with It

You can now use Combat Roll to recover from most disabling conditions.
8. Untouchable Defense

They can t kill what they can t hit. You get a bonus to your maximum guard.
Maximum Guard Bonus: 25%
Constitution on Unlock: +3
9. Adamant

You ve trained hard, and you know how to make the most of whatever armor
you re wearing.
Armor Bonus: 20%
Constitution On Unlock: +3
10. Turn the Blade

Any blow you can see, you can turn aside. All damage coming from the front
is reduced.
Damage Resistance: 20%
Constitution on Unlock: +3
11. Resilience

You don t flinch, don t blink, and don t back down. Enemies that hit you with
melee attacks are staggered by recoil.
Stun Chance: 5%
Stun Duration: 2 Seconds
Constitution On Unlock: +3
12. Unbowed

You focus on your defensive training, gaining guard for each nearby enemy.
Guard per Enemy: 10%
Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds
Guard provides protection from incoming attacks by granting additional health.
Guard must be broken before a target will take damage.
A. Still Standing

Unbowed further improves your guard for each nearby enemy, giving you the
strength to stay on your feet.
Guard Generation Bonus: 100%
13. Biggest Threat

You make yourself the biggest target on the battlefield, the warrior no enemy
can ignore.
Threat Increase: 25%
Constitution On Unlock: +3
14. Line in the Sand

You call upon the legacy of the greatest champions in history, defying enemies
as you hold your position. This stops enemies from moving past you and enables
you to block choke points.
Size: 6 Meters
Duration: 12 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 20 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
A. And No Further

Your protected area increases, making it even harder for enemies to pass by.
Size Bonus: 3 Meters
15. Bodyguard

You accept blows meant for allies, taking a portion of the damage.
Damage Transfer: 50%
Duration: 15 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina

A. Not Today

You ignore part of the damage transferred from party members.

Damage Resistance: 50%
16. Unyielding

An attack that would bring you down instead leaves you with a small amount of
health, and you are immune to all damage for a short time.
Invulnerability Duration: 5 Seconds
Health Threshold: 5%
Cooldown Time: 60 Seconds
Constitution On Unlock: +3

o Hunter
"A grizzled trapper and master of the bow. "






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1. Explosive Shot

You fire a powerful shot that explodes on impact, damaging enemies around your
Requires a Bow
Number of Hits: 2
Damage: 100% Weapon Damage
Impact Radius: 4 Meters
Cooldown Time: 12 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
A. Chain Reaction

Shrapnel from Explosive Shot fills the air and sets off deadly chain
reactions that do more damage the more enemies are nearby.
Damage Bonus per Target: 25%
Maximum Bonus Damage: 100%
2. Elemental Mines

You throw out an assortment of different traps in front of you, applying

different elemental effects to enemies that come into range.
Damage: 50% Weapon Damage
Chill Duration: 8 Seconds
Fire Damage: 50% Weapon Damage per second
Fire Damage Duration: 8 Seconds
Shocked Duration: 8 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 50 Stamina
A. Throw Everything

It s now or never. You use every ounce of stamina you ve got to litter the
battlefield with traps. The more stamina you use, the more traps you throw.
Additional Traps: 1 for every 5 stamina

3. Fury of the Storm

When your stamina is exhausted, you fight even harder, lashing out with fury to
win the fight.
Damage Bonus: 10%
Low Stamina Threshold: 50%
Constitution on Unlock: +3
4. Spike Trap

You set a trap that, when an enemy approaches, detonates and flings enemies
into the air.
Damage: 300% Weapon Damage
Cooldown Time: 16 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
A. Watch Your Step

You can remain in stealth while using a spike trap, and enemies are flung
even farther into the air.
5. On the Razor s Edge

You do more damage to enemies close to you.

Damage Bonus: 15%
Distance: 10 Meters
Cunning on Unlock: +3
6. Throatcutter

A wounded enemy is the perfect target. Your attacks are even deadlier against
targets that are close to death already.
Damage Bonus: 2% for each 10% missing health
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
7. Seasoned

The hunter has the skills, knowledge, and experience to survive against all
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
Cunning on Unlock: +3
Constitution on Unlock: +3
8. Set Them Up

You ve mastered the proper placement of spikes and levers. When you spring any
kind of trap, your enemies feel it.
Damage Bonus: 25%

Willpower on Unlock: +3
9. Cripple

Attacking an enemy from behind slows them for a short time.

Speed Reduction: 50%
Duration: 3 Seconds
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
10. Sadism

You gain stamina when you lose health.

Stamina Restored: 10% for every 10% Health Lost.
Constitution on Unlock: +3
11. Death from Above

You do more damage when firing from elevation.

Maximum Bonus Damage: 25%
Maximum Height: 2 Meters
Cunning on Unlock: +3
12. Strafing Shots

You can move faster while firing without sacrificing accuracy.

Speed Bonus: 100%
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
13. Pincushion

If the first arrow doesn t kill them, the tenth might. Each consecutive hit with
a bow attack does progressively more damage to the target.
Damage Bonus: 5%
Bonus Duration: 10 Seconds
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
14. Cheap Shot

Your critical hits tear through enemy armor, leaving it sundered for a short
Duration: 6 Seconds
Cunning on Unlock: +3
15. Throwing Blades

You hurl a group of knives at all nearby targets, ripping through their armor
and leaving it sundered.

Number of Hits: 4
Damage per Hit: 100% Weapon Damage
Duration: 8 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 12 Seconds
Cost: 50 Stamina
A. Precision Targeting

When facing fewer targets, you group your knives so that the more blades
that hit a single target, the more damage they inflict.
Damage Bonus: 25%
This bonus stacks.
16. Fighting Dirty

All of your sunder and poison effects last longer as you make more potent toxins
and uglier wounds.
Duration Bonus: 25%
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
17. Toxic Cloud

You unleash a cloud of toxic dust that damages all enemies that remain in the
Duration: 8 Seconds
Radius: 5 meters
Damage: 50% Weapon Damage per second
Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds
Cost: 50 Stamina
A. Contact Poison

Toxic Cloud has a shorter cooldown time and now also poisons enemies in the
Cooldown Reduction: 5 Seconds
Damage: 25% Weapon Damage per second
Duration: 8 Seconds
18. Explosive Toxin

Your poisons curdle the blood of your targets. Enemies that die while poisoned
explode in a shower of toxic mist.
Duration: 8 Seconds
Radius: 3 Meters
Damage: 50% Weapon Damage per second
Dexterity on Unlock: +3






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1. Fallback Plan

You place a thieves lantern to mark a fallback location before heading into
battle. When the fight gets ugly, you leap back to safety, as healthy as you
were when you placed your marker.
Duration: 15 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds

Cost: 35 Stamina
A. Bait and Switch

You can fight for a longer time before leaping back, and you pull your
closest enemy back with you.
Duration Bonus: 5 Seconds
2. Leaping Shot

You dive out of trouble and fire a hail of arrows at the enemies that were
trying to close with you.
Requires a Bow
Projectiles: 12
Damage per Hit: 50% Weapon Damage
Cooldown Time: 12 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
A. Rolling Draw

If Leaping Shot hits, you can use the momentum of your leap to do a stronger
draw as you come back to your feet. Your next attack, whenever you make it,
will knock down its target.
Damage Bonus: 200%
3. First Blood

You ve learned to pick apart enemies that are still unwounded and unwary. You
do more damage to enemies that are only lightly injured.
Damage Bonus: 15%
Health Threshold: 80%
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
4. Evade

You leap away from incoming attacks, putting yourself where you need to be to
win this fight.
Cooldown Time: 2 Seconds
Cost: 20 Stamina
A. Hidden Step

Enemies will swear you re still there, attacking empty air and hurting nobody
but themselves as you leap away.
Duration: 3 Seconds
Damage: 300% Weapon Damage
5. Gaps in the Armor

Your attacks slip past armor to find a target s hidden vulnerabilities.

Armor Penetration: 25%

Dexterity on Unlock: +3
6. Second Wind

When your stamina is low, its regeneration increases significantly.

Low Stamina Threshold: 50%
Stamina Generation Rate Bonus: 50%
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
7. Bloodied Prey

Your strikes cut deeper into any foe whose current health is lower than your
Damage Bonus: 10%
Cunning on Unlock: +3
8. Disable

Critical hits on an enemy reduces their damage for a short time.

Damage Reduction: 15%
Duration: 10 Seconds
This Effect Stacks
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
9. Knockout Powder

You throw a handful of dosed dust into an enemy s face, putting them to sleep
for a short time.
Duration: 10 Seconds
Area of Effect: 6 meters
Cooldown Time: 20 Seconds
Cost: 35 Stamina
A. Deep Sleep

Enemies affected by Knockout Powder sleep longer and are slow to wake up
after being damaged.
Duration Bonus: 10 Seconds
Damage Sleep Duration: 3 Seconds
10. Tricks of the Trade

You help the team make the most of its abilities, increasing the damage and
duration of all status effects anyone in the party applies.
Damage Bonus: 10%
Duration Bonus: 10%
Willpower on Unlock: +3

11. Stealth

You step into the shadows, all but invisible to your enemies. Attacking from
stealth gives you a damage bonus and brings you back to the enemy s attention.
Dealing damage to enemies reduces the ability s cooldown time.
Damage Bonus: 100%
Duration: 30 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 20 Stamina
A. Lost in the Shadows

You live in the darkness. Entering Stealth is now instant and removes all
debilitating effects on you. While in Stealth, you cn even pass through
enemies without being detected.
12. Knife in the Shadows

You are a deadly threat to any enemy that can t see you coming. When you attack
from stealth, you automatically critically hit.
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
13. Hook and Tackle

You hurl a light grappling hook at a target, then yank hard as you leap to pull
yourself to it.
Cooldown Time: 12 Seconds
Cost: 20 Stamina
A. It Beats Walking

You can use Hook and Tackle with no stamina cost or cooldown time.
14. Evasion

They can t hit what they can t see. Your deceptive fighting style gives you a
chance to dodge enemy attacks, taking no damage.
Chance to Activate: 5%
Dexterity on Unlock: +3
15. Full Draw

It takes a moment to line up the perfect shot, but it pays off with a
devastating hit that bites even deeper against enemies who aren t injured yet.
Requires a Bow
Damage: 800% Weapon Damage
Damage Bonus: 800% at full health
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 65 Stamina

A. Stunning Shot

Enemies hit by Full Draw are knocked briefly unconscious by the power of
your shot.
Sleep Duration: 20 Seconds
16. Easy to Miss

Enemies are likely to overlook you in combat, much to their regret. This is
especially true if you re flanking them.
Threat Reduction: 25%
Flanking Threat Reduction: 100%
Cunning on Unlock: +3

o Arcane Warrior
"A Mage with blades dedicated to an ancient Elven art."




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1. Combat Clarity

The chaos of combat frightens some, but for you, it s a comfortable rhythm. Your
mana regenerates faster when you re near hostile enemies.
Distance: 5 Meters
Mana Generation Rate Bonus: 50%
Constitution on Unlock: +3
2. Spirit Blade

You create a blade of solid magic to make melee attacks against nearby enemies,
bypassing their guard and barriers.
Spirit Damage: 300% Weapon Damage
Bonus Damage vs. Barrier: 200%
Bonus Damage vs. Guard: 400%
Cost: 10 mana per attack while active
Eldritch Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo.
A. Defending Blade

You deflect incoming projectiles with Spirit Blade, sending a shockwave of

energy back at the attacker.
3. Force of Will

Your armor is increased.

Armor Bonus 20%
Constitution on Unlock: +3
4. Guardian Spirit

A protective barrier springs into place around you automatically when you are
badly injured.
Barrier: 100%
Health Threshold: 25%
Cooldown Time: 60 Seconds

Constitution on Unlock: +3
A barrier provides an additional health bar that must be destroyed before the
target will take any damage. Barrier is vulnerable to dispel effects.
5. Fade Shield

You draw back the energy released by your enemies in your attacks against them.
Any successful attack strengthens your barrier. The more damage you do, the
more powerful your barrier grows.
Barrier: 30% of damage dealt
Magic on Unlock: +3
A barrier provides an additional health bar that must be destroyed before the
target will take any damage. Barrier is vulnerable to dispel effects.
6. Psychic Backlash

Enemies that hit you with a melee attack have a chance to be stunned for a
short time.
Stun Chance: 5%
Stun Duration: 2 Seconds
Constitution on Unlock: +3
7. Spell Sword

You gain bonus armor for a short time after striking with spirit blade.
Armor Bonus: 10%
Duration:6 Seconds
Magic on Unlock: +3
8. Gathering Storm

You use your staff s energy to fill the area with sympathetic magic. Each basic
attack shortens your active cooldown times.
Cooldown Reduction: 0.5 Seconds
Willpower on Unlock: +3
9. Composed

Long years of meditation have given the arcane warrior an unshakeable calm,
even in the face of certain death.
Magic on Unlock: +2
Willpower on Unlock: +5
Constitution on Unlock: +2
10. Mind Blast

You send enemies staggering with an explosion of willpower that drives them

back and makes them less likely to target you again.

Area of Effect: 5 Meters
Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds
Cost: 20 Mana
Eldritch Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo
A. Fortifying Blast

Each enemy you strike with Mind Blast increases your protective barrier as
you turn their pain into your power.
Barrier: 10%
A barrier provides an additional health bar that must be destroyed before the
target will take any damage. Barrier is vulnerable to dispel effects.
11. Mind Over Matter

You are immune to flanking from enemies and have less chance of being staggered
when hit from the front.
Constitution on Unlock: +3
12. Dispel

You remove hostile magic and status effects from allies while stripping
beneficial effects from enemies.
Size: 5 Meters
Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds
Cost: 35 Mana
Eldritch Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo
A. Transmute Magic

Dispelling magic and status effects increases your own spells damage and
Barrier generation for a brief duration.
Barrier: 50%
Damage Bonus: 25%
Duration: 10 Seconds
A barrier provides an additional health bar that must be destroyed before the
target will take any damage. Barrier is vulnerable to dispel effects.
13. Phasing

You have a chance to phase away from enemy attacks, taking no damage.
Chance to Activate: 5%
Magic on Unlock: +3
14. Strength of Spirits

Your barriers draw on the magic of the Fade to absorb more energy before

Barrier Bonus: 50%
15. Peaceful Aura

Your aura of tranquility makes enemies less likely to attack you in battle, even
when you damage them.
Threat Reduction: 50%
Willpower on Unlock: +3
16. Conductive Current

The more magical energy you expend, the more damage your spells do.
Damage Bonus: 5% for every 10% missing mana
Magic on Unlock: +3
17. Flashfire

You ignite an enemy with searing pain and send them fleeing in panic.
Fire Damage: 300% Weapon Damage
Fear Duration: 8 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 20 Seconds
Cost: 65 Mana
A. Blistering Pain

Flashfire burns brighter and hotter, intensifying the panic that your enemy
Fear Duration Bonus: 8 Seconds
18. Blinding Terror

You have learned to leave enemies vulnerable in their terror. Enemies that are
panicked take increased damage from all atacks.
Damage Bonus vs. Panicked: 15%
Magic on Unlock: +3





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1. Chain Lightning

You unleash a blast of lightning that shocks one target and arcs to nearby
Distance: 5 Meters
Number of Hits: 4
Electric Damage: 300% Weapon Damage
Shocked Duration: 8 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds
Cost: 50 Mana
A. Arcing Surge

Chain Lightning arcs farther and hits more targets.

Distance Bonus: 4 Meters
Additional Hits: 2

2. Fade Step

You let invisible waves of magic carry you forward, blurring ahead a short
Duration: 2 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 12 Seconds
A. Frost Step

Passing through enemies hurts them and leaves them chilled.

Ice Damage: 300% Weapon Damage
Chill Duration: 8 Seconds
3. Rejuvenating Barrier

When you or your allies have an active Barrier, the beneficial energy
invigorates them and helps them recover mana or stamina more quickly.
Mana Regeneration: 35%
Constitution on Unlock: +3
4. Fade Cloak

You surround yourself with the magic of the veil itself. You are briefly
invulnerable and can pass through enemies unharmed.
Duration: 2 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 12 Seconds
Cost: 20 Mana
A. Decloaking Blast

If you rematerialize inside an enemy, they re blasted back with massive

Spirit Damage: 1,000% Weapon Damage
5. Smothering Veil

Weakened enemies have the damage they inflict reduced even further.
Damage Reduction: 30%
Willpower on Unlock: +3
6. Disturbance of Spirit

Your offensive spells have a chance to weaken your enemies.

Weaken Chance: 5%
Weakened Duration: 6 Seconds
Willpower on Unlock: +3

7. Twisting Veil

You catch stray magic around weakened enemies and use them to increase the
damage of your own attacks.
Damage Bonus vs. Weakened: 15%
Magic on Unlock: +3
8. Veilstrike

You recreate your own fist from the essence of the Fade and smash nearby foes
to the ground.
Area of Effect: 5 Meters
Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds
Cost: 35 Mana
A. Punching Down

You cast veilstrike more easily, and the blow weakens your enemies, causing
them to do less damage.
Cost Reduction: 15 Mana
Weakened Duration: 10 Seconds
9. Encircling Veil

You use stray magic around weakened enemies to increase the power of status
effects on them.
Duration Bonus vs. Weakened: 25%
Magic on Unlock: +3
10. Stonefist

You summon a boulder from the Fade and smash it into your target, sending them
Spirit Damage: 500% Weapon Damage
Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds
Cost: 50 Mana
Impact Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo
A. Shatterstone

The boulder summoned by Stonefist now explodes on impact, weakening and

staggering nearby enemies.
Area of Effect: 4 Meters
Weakened Duration: 10 Seconds
11. Stormbringer

The storm comes to your aid even without your calling it. When you are in
combat, lightning will periodically strike a random nearby enemy.

Electric Damage: 300% Weapon Damage

Radius: 25 Meters
Cooldown Time: 15 Seconds
Magic on Unlock: +3
12. Restorative Veil

You pull stray magic from around weakened enemies to regain mana based on the
damage you do to them.
Mana Recovery: 10%
Magic on Unlock: +3
13. Static Charge

You sheathe yourself in lightning while casting spells. Enemies that attempt to
interrupt your casting with attacks are struck by arcs that leave them
Electric Damage: 100% Weapon Damage
Shock Duration: 6 Seconds
Constitution on Unlock: +3
14. Pull of the Abyss

You create a tiny rift that pulls enemies toward a central point.
Area of Effect: 6 Meters
Duration: 12 Seconds
Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds
Cost: 65 Mana
A. Shaken

You can cast Pull of the Abyss more often, and enemies caught in its effect
are weakened.
Cooldown Reduction: 8 Seconds
Weakened Duration: 10 Seconds
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This is where we ll chronicle the trophies / achievements for the game. We will
not only list them, but also provide tips for how to get them. Needless to say,
doing this can mean very big SPOILERS, so just be warned.
NOTE: This list is from a PS4 copy of the game. PS3 / 360 / and XBox One
trophies and achievements should all be the same (minus the "Platinum"
for Playstation players). Feel free to blame BK if you re not a PS fan.


__| Dragon Age: Inquisition Platinum Trophy |__________| Platinum |__

Description | Collect all the Dragon Age: Inquisition trophies.
How to Obtain | The ultimate trophy for the ultimate fan! Congrats, you
| have earned this! (PSN Players ONLY!)

__| The Wrath of Heaven |________________________________| Bronze |__
Description | Finish the prologue.
How to Obtain | This trophy is story-related so you can t miss it.

__| Opposition in All Things |___________________________| Bronze |__
Description | Close the Breach.
How to Obtain | This trophy is story-related so you can t miss it.

__| In Your Heart Shall Burn |___________________________| Bronze |__
Description | Survive an attack on the Inquisition.
How to Obtain | This trophy is story-related so you can t miss it.

__| Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts |______________________| Bronze |__
Description | Make an impression on the Orlesian court.
How to Obtain | This trophy is story-related so you can t miss it. We will
| note that you should be aiming to do the trophy "Belle of
| the Ball" while you go through this quest. Be sure to follow
| the guide for both!

__| Here Lies the Abyss |________________________________| Bronze |__
Description | Face your fears in the Fade.
How to Obtain | This trophy is story-related so you can t miss it.

__| What Pride Had Wrought |_____________________________| Bronze |__
Description | Reach an ancient ruin before your enemy.
How to Obtain | This trophy is story-related so you can t miss it.

__| On Burning Wings |___________________________________| Bronze |__
Description | Recruit a powerful ally to even the score.
How to Obtain | This trophy is cleverly hidden among the "Story" trophies,
| but is VERY easy to miss. We cover it in the guide, but we ll
| spill the beans here as well. During the main story mission
| "What Pride Had Wrought" you will have a choice at the very
| end... who drinks from the fountain. In order to get this
| trophy, the Inquisitor must drink from the fountain and then
| finish the quest. The next quest is called "The Final Piece"
| and if you drank yourself earlier you will find this quest is
| extended. Follow the objectives and this trophy will be yours
| (we re spoiling as little as we can here).

__| Doom upon All the World |______________________________| Gold |__
Description | End the threat once and for all.
How to Obtain | This is story-related, so no problem here. Congrats on
| beating the game!

__| The Brightest of Their Age |_________________________| Silver |__
Description | Recruit all possible companions in a single playthrough.
How to Obtain | We have to recruit everyone possible, which is fairly easy.
| You get several companions right out of the gate, including
| Cassandra, Solas and Varric.
| Shortly into the story (During "The Threat Remains"), you
| will head into Val Royeaux. After the Templars leave, a
| letter will be shot at your feet. Grab it and follow its
| instructions for Sera. You can also meet a messenger near
| the exit for Vivienne.
| For Blackwall you will get a War Table quest after the trip
| to Val Royeaux to find the Warden in the Hinterlands. Also,

| you should get a visit from Krem in front of the Haven Chantry
| sometime after this as well, for Iron Bull. Cole and Dorian
| will come when you choose the Mage or Templar path. You will
| have a choice in the main story missions to recruit both of
| them.
| This trophy is really only missable if you CHOOSE to let
| someone walk away.

__| Beloved and Precious |_______________________________| Bronze |__
Description | Commit to a romantic relationship.
How to Obtain | This is pretty easy. There are a LOT of romance choices
| for females and males. Being a Bioware game, there are even
| gay and lesbian choices. Heck, even Krem is trans-gender.
| Committing to a relationship is rather easy: you need to
| look for possible romance options and keep pressing them as
| the story progresses. The simple rule here is ALWAYS talk to
| your love (and really everyone) after each major story event,
| and always look for romantic options. Also, if possible, do
| their Inner Circle quests.

__| They Who Stand |_____________________________________| Bronze |__
Description | Recruit a new companion.
How to Obtain | Find and recruit anyone. Very easy. Sera, Blackwall...
| anyone. We re sure you re not here for this, so let s move
| on.

__| Speak Only the Word |________________________________| Bronze |__
Description | Gain access to a major city for the Inquisition.
How to Obtain | This trophy reflects that you have access to a major city.
| Since we visit Val Royeaux in the main game, you will always
| get this trophy if you play through the story.

__| Saddled Up |_________________________________________| Bronze |__
Description | Purchase or secure five different mounts of any kind.
How to Obtain | This will come in time, if you stick with it. The first step

| is to do the quest "Horses for the Inquisition" in the

| Hinterlands. You will need to do some quests for Horsemaster
| Dennet (and family). After that you can convince him (with
| Cassandra, if needed) to join the Inquisition.
| After that, wait until Skyhold and you can buy new mounts
| from him (he is near the stables). A number of horses are
| available but you can also get Dracolisks from killing the
| Dragons in the game (and doing "The Hunter Shade Dracolisk"
| War Table quest). This gives you a ton more mounts. Five
| in total will be quiet easy after all this.

__| Well-Prepared |______________________________________| Bronze |__
Description | Craft a weapon or piece of armor in single-player mode.
How to Obtain | Craft a weapon, any weapon! Or armor. Anything really.
| This requires a small bit of time spent in the game as you
| need schematics and materials, but after an hour or two of
| playing you ll have what you need. Make anything and you
| will have this trophy.

__| Customized |_________________________________________| Bronze |__
Description | Enchant or upgrade a piece of equipment in single-player
| mode.
How to Obtain | This goes hand-in-hand with crafting. Most items can be
| upgraded somehow. Head to your local friendly blacksmith and
| see what you can do! This does require either an upgrade or
| rune, both of which you can either craft or find. Use them
| and put them on your items to get this trophy.

__| Commander |__________________________________________| Bronze |__
Description | Complete a timed mission on the war table.
How to Obtain | Complete a mission on the war table? Well, a timed mission?
| This should be common-place for everyone playing this game.
| You guys are making your commanders do things, right? We
| hope so...

__| Trailblazer |________________________________________| Bronze |__

Description | Discover a campsite and establish an Inquisition camp in

| any wilderness area.
How to Obtain | Another very easy trophy. Given to you for making a camp in
| any map. You ll likely get this in the Hinterlands. You can
| always looks at the "Holding the (area name)" type quests
| to point out where the camps are located.

__| Sharp-Eyed |_________________________________________| Bronze |__
Description | Find and recover a shard identified by an ocularum.
How to Obtain | Yet another VERY easy trophy. You can find several of these
| ocularum throughout the game. Use one and collect ONE of the
| shards you find and this trophy is yours.

__| Well-Read |__________________________________________| Bronze |__
Description | Discover a veilfire rune.
How to Obtain | Not quite as easy as the last 2-3 trophies, but not too
| hard either. There are quite a few runes you can find with
| veilfire throughout the game, but if you want one for SURE,
| check out the quest "Measuring the Veil" (there s several
| quests, but this is just one).

__| Skilled |____________________________________________| Bronze |__
Description | Upgrade any ability once in single-player mode.
How to Obtain | Very easy. You re not really playing if you don t have this!
| Level up and use those skill points!

__| Specialized |________________________________________| Bronze |__
Description | Choose a specialization class.
How to Obtain | This will take awhile, but as long as you aren t rushing
| the main quests you will get to level 10. Once you do, you
| can look into class specialization at the War Table. Pick a
| class from the people summoned and complete the requirements
| to upgrade yourself and get this trophy.

__| Cavalier |___________________________________________| Bronze |__
Description | Secure a mount.
How to Obtain | This will come when you go for the "Saddled Up" trophy, but
| much sooner. Once you start the "Horses for the Inquisition"
| quest, you ll get a horse complements of Dennet. How nice
| of him!

__| Synergized |_________________________________________| Bronze |__
Description | Trigger a cross-class combo with a character you control
| in single-player mode.
How to Obtain | This will likely come naturally as you play, to be honest.
| There s a whole lot of enemies to kill. However with a few
| manual commands you can do this yourself. All we really need
| to do is incapacitate someone (freezing them with "Winter s
| Grasp" works well) and then use a detonator ability (head to
| your ability list and see what skills work for you).

__| Botanist |___________________________________________| Bronze |__
Description | Harvest 50 herbs from Skyhold s garden in a single
| playthrough.
How to Obtain | OK, this one is hard! Hahaha. Well, it s easy... but it s
| not really something you d necessarily go for if it wasn t
| a trophy. That being said, two important tips here. First,
| we must be in Skyhold, which gives us a garden (the first
| door on the left once you enter the castle). We get a quest
| to collect seeds once we can access it, which you get randomly
| while harvesting herbs. Once you have seeds, go plant them
| and herbs will start growing. Tip #1! Whenever you leave
| Skyhold and comeback, herbs will be ready to pick! Yes, this
| means you can plant all your pots full and just load in and
| out of Skyhold to get this trophy.
| HOWEVER, you can also upgrade your garden ("A Greener Garden"
| quest) to get MORE flower pots. This helps speed up the
| time it takes to 50 immeasurably.

__| Wyrmslayer |_________________________________________| Bronze |__
Description | Kill a high dragon in single-player mode.

How to Obtain | The easiest high dragon to take out is in the Hinterlands.
| Go pay him a visit once you are level 12-ish (to be safe).
| Refer to the guide and search for the dragon s name to get
| some in-depth help (Dragon s Name: Fereldan Frostback).

__| Decorator |__________________________________________| Bronze |__
Description | Purchase any new decoration element for Skyhold.
How to Obtain | Very easy. Once you have some coin burning in your pockets,
| head to Val Royeaux and shop around until you find the shop
| selling Skyhold goods (it is the one on the ground floor, to
| the upper right). Buy something and the trophy is yours.

__| Belle of the Ball |__________________________________| Bronze |__
Description | Gain the full approval of the Orlesian court.
How to Obtain | Mow THIS trophy is involved. Very, very involved. If you
| follow the guide for the main quest "Wicked Eyes and Wicked
| Hearts", you can easily get the approval needed. It should
| also be noted that you MUST talk to the betrayer at the end
| to get the trophy to pop (the other two options WILL NOT
| get you this trophy!).

__| Hard Hitter |________________________________________| Bronze |__
Description | Land a single blow in excess of 1,000 damage in
| single-player mode.
How to Obtain | This will come in time, to be honest. You ll level up and
| earn new skills and weapons that will give you this easily
| in time. Shoot, as a Reaver on BK s first playthrough, you
| have to hold BACK from doing 1K damage per hit. Give this
| one time and it will be yours.

__| Master Builder |_____________________________________| Bronze |__
Description | Craft an item from Tier-4 materials in all non-masterwork
| slots in single-player mode.
How to Obtain | This trophy pretty much means "kill some High Dragons". That
| is how we get Tier-4 Materials after all. It will also likely
| take a few dragon deaths to get enough dragon-type materials,

| but once you have them go craft something out of them to get
| this trophy. Tip: SAVE first, then craft something if you
| don t want to USE these high-level materials quite yet (which
| no one would blame you for at all!).

__| Master Alchemist |___________________________________| Bronze |__
Description | Upgrade your alchemic potions, grenades, or tonics 30 times
| in a single playthrough.
How to Obtain | This trophy requires some time and, more importantly, items.
| You need to upgrade your potions 30 different times. This
| isn t necessarily hard, but will require you to go out and
| harvest things, as well as have access to a wide variety of
| areas for the different materials you will need. There are
| way more than 30 options to upgrade, so as long as you stick
| with it and harvest your butt off you ll get this trophy.

__| Dragon s Bane |______________________________________| Silver |__
Description | Slay 10 high dragons in single-player mode.
How to Obtain | Hey, look at this! Kill all of the high dragons! Ah, see,
| "10 high dragons" are all the optional dragons you can fight
| in the game. Since there are so many, this will take awhile.
| The rewards are totally worth it though. For help with this
| trophy, check out each of our exploration guides to get to
| and battle the dragons.
| IMPORTANT NOTE: This trophy CAN glitch out (it even happened
| to us as we were playing the game). Once you kill the 10th
| dragon, the trophy MAY NOT POP. Therefore, you will want to
| save before the final dragon fight... so you don t lose any
| progress...

__| Herald |_____________________________________________| Silver |__

Description | Finish the single-player campaign on at least Hard without
| lowering the difficulty.
How to Obtain | If you are going for this trophy, chances are you are going
| for Platinum and/or all trophies. If that is the case skip
| hard and go straight to Nightmare. You may as well, since
| the trophies stack difficulty-wise...
| Otherwise, just beat the game on Hard to get this trophy.

__| Inquisitor |___________________________________________| Gold |__
Description | Finish the single-player campaign on Nightmare without
| lowering the difficulty.
How to Obtain | Oh my, Nightmare Mode! Probably the hardest trophy. This is
| best done on a second-playthrough. The reason being you can
| casually and easily get all the other trophies and only worry
| about this one by itself.
| Nightmare will challenge you greatly. The single biggest tip
| we can give is to do EVERYTHING you can. Don t try to rush
| the story: you need to meet or exceed those minimum level
| requirements. The gear and skills help a ton. Below we ll
| highlight several other tips:
| o Make good use of tactical camera. Abuse it! Seriously, you
| will always be better than the game s AI. Now, you can get
| away with not using this in easier moments, but in harder
| fights this will save your life.
| o Crowd Control abilities are a must. Winter s Grasp, Full
| Draw, Knockout Powder... anything you can do to limit
| or take out an enemy while you focus on another enemy is
| a plus.
| o Aim for the enemy games and archers FIRST. Seriously, they
| do the most damage and need to be taken down fast.
| o Barrier is very, very useful, as is a tank that can actually
| do their job (see that first tip!). Both together are key.
| o There are a few glitches in the game that CAN help you.
| Namely, the item duplication glitch, the amulet of power
| glitches, and the tempest/focus skill combo.
| o Craft items! Crafted items are almost ALWAYS better than
| anything you can find (especially with the item dupe
| glitch up above). Crafting and upgrading (especially for
| your tank) are key. Look for good abilities on masterwork
| slots (read: Guard on Hit!).

__| Stargazer |__________________________________________| Bronze |__
Description | Unlock 15 astrariums in a single playthrough.
How to Obtain | This will take a bit of time, mostly due to getting to 15
| of them. That being said, not every area has astrariums, so
| check our exploration sections for each area to see if they
| are there and then where you can find them.

__| Focused |____________________________________________| Bronze |__
Description | Spend 10 points in a single ability tree with any one
| single-player character.
How to Obtain | Focus, man! Pretty easy to spend 10 points in one tree. This
| will of course come in time as you need to level up some
| (naturally), but is very easy to do. If needed, you can
| always pick up a "Tactician s Renewal" from the blacksmith
| and use it to refund all your ability points so you can get
| this trophy (you can even save and reload afterwards if you

__| Well-Funded |________________________________________| Bronze |__
Description | Earn 50,000 or more gold across all single-player
| playthroughs.
How to Obtain | This is going to take some time. Notice that they say "all
| single-player playthroughs". However, even on a single game
| this isn t too hard. It requires selling all of the stuff
| that you won t need or use as you play through the game (and
| there is a LOT of junk). Investing in the "pocket" perks to
| make this task a LOT more bearable.

__| Keymaster |__________________________________________| Bronze |__
Description | Enter the heart of the Solasan temple.
How to Obtain | This trophy requires you to collect EVERY Ocularum shard...
| and yet it is still a bronze trophy. Bah. Anyway, there are
| quite a few shards, but you need them all. To get them ,check
| the exploration section of the guide to see where the skulls
| you need are. After that, head to the Forbidden Oasis section
| and open all of the doors in the temple (again, the guide
| will help tell you what you ll face).

__| Pathfinder |_________________________________________| Bronze |__
Description | Discover a campsite and establish at least one Inquisition
| camp in 10 wilderness areas.
How to Obtain | Set up 10 camps. We sure can type up these descriptions
| shorter than Bioware! This will take some time as you will
| need to unlock areas for the campsites, but as long as you
| try to unlock the camps you ll get this trophy easily.


__| Liberator |__________________________________________| Bronze |__
Description | Liberate three keeps in a single-playthrough.
How to Obtain | This is a good trophy. The keeps are always good missions,
| but not every map has one. We ll need to go to these places
| specifically:
| o Caer Bronach, located in Crestwood.
| o Suledin Keep, located in Emprise du Lion.
| o Griffon Wing Keep, located in The Western Approach.
| Head to each area and pursue the "main quest" of the area
| and you ll naturally get to these keeps. You ll also get the
| quests to overtake them. Doing so to all three will get you
| this trophy.

__| High Commander |_____________________________________| Bronze |__
Description | Complete 50 missions or operations in a single playthrough.
How to Obtain | We need to do 50 missions on the War Table. Pretty easy to
| do throughout the entire game. As a general rule, any time
| you can put two or more companions back to work you should
| head back. It s a pain, I know. But... trophy and items!
| You gotta admit, some of those War Table rewards are NICE.

__| Regal
|_____________________________________________| Bronze |__

Description | Completely upgrade one throne.
How to Obtain | THIS trophy is... tough for one reason. It is random. You
| get throne upgrades from the re-peatable War Table quests,
| but actually getting the upgrade is random. Sometimes you ll
| get none, sometimes one or two (we re thinking two is very
| rare though). Keep at it and you ll get a completely upgraded
| throne with time... and a little luck.

__| Persuasive |_________________________________________| Bronze |__
Description | Acquire 10 Inquisition agents in a single playthrough.

How to Obtain | Agents need to be sought out... for the most part (some are
| very easy to find). Most will also need you to either do
| something for them or have a certain perk and/or person in
| your party before they ll join your party. Still, we have
| your back in the guide. Check each exploration area and at
| the top we ll list if there are any agents in the area for
| you to recruit. Use that to find 10 of them to get this
| trophy.

__| Veteran |____________________________________________| Silver |__
Description | Reach level 20 in single-player mode.
How to Obtain | No rushing or cheating this trophy. You need to reach level
| 20, and that is going to take some time. Just do every quest
| you can and you ll reach this eventually.

__| Peerless |___________________________________________| Silver |__
Description | Level up the Inquisition to rank 10.
How to Obtain | This will take awhile as well. Not nearly as long as reaching
| level 20, but Influence does take awhile to get to 10. You
| will of course get this in time. Focus on closing rifts and
| side quests and you ll get this in time.

__| People Person |______________________________________| Bronze |__
Description | Become friends with at least three of your inner circle in
| one playthrough.
How to Obtain | Be friendly! You have to earn friendship with three of
| your companions. You can follow the guide s dialog choices
| throughout the guide, and that will help greatly. Other than
| that you can likely figure out what your target companion
| likes pretty easily (they are fairly easy to figure out) and
| what pisses them off. It s not a great tip in real life, but
| change your responses to what your companions will like.
| Also, don t forget to do their personal quests, and if you
| can take them ALONG for their personal quests. That alone
| will help greatly!



__| Loremaster |_________________________________________| Bronze |__

Description | Collect 250 codes entries in a single-playthrough.
How to Obtain | This isn t a very hard trophy, to be honest. There are a
| LOT of codex entries after all. The more... exploration
| oriented gamers will have no trouble with this whatsoever.
| Be sure to look around for books, papers, notes. plaques...
| really anything that will give you a codex entry. Exploring
| thoroughly will get you this trophy, but we also point out
| codex entries throughout the guide.

__| Demonslayer |________________________________________| Bronze |__
Description | Defeat 1,000 demons in single-player mode.
How to Obtain | Note the description here. DEMONS. Meaning 1,000 demon kills.
| A ton of these kills will come from taking down rifts while
| you play through the game (don t skip any!). You fight some
| other demons in non-rift situations as well, but you should
| get this trophy fairly easily if you fully explore every
| area you can and complete all the quests.

__| Invincible |_________________________________________| Bronze |__
Description | Defeat 2,500 enemies in single-player mode.
How to Obtain | 2,500 enemies! This is enemies of any kind, which is good
| since 2,500 is a heck of a lot of enemies. The demons from
| the above quest count as well. This will take you exploring
| every area, doing every quest, and slaughtering all before
| you. Sounds easy, right?

__| Quartermaster |______________________________________| Bronze |__
Description | Complete 20 requisition requests in a single playthrough.
How to Obtain | Each area of the game has requisition quests. Multiple
| requisition quests, actually. Many of them are repeatable
| as well. Just talk to your local friendly Requisition
| Officer at your nearby camp and complete 20 quests for this
| trophy. Preferably not all in the same area...

__| Marked for Greatness |_______________________________| Silver |__

Description | Seal 75 rifts in a single-playthrough.
How to Obtain | This will require you to complete MOST of the "Close the
| Rifts" quests in each and every area. There are some rifts
| that aren t in those type of quests, which gives us some
| lee-way, but this trophy is still something that is going
| to be taking us quite a while to accomplish.

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