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Megan Duenas

Sustainability to me is something that can be used

for multiple purposes and is able to last over a
duration of time. For my art final, I took previous
readings from my sustainability class and turned
them into paper flowers. This is sustainable because
I am reusing already printed readings from previous
classes for petals and a tissue box I had lying around
as the vase. This connects with my backyard back in
Pasadena, California. Growing up, my mother
always had me in the backyard working with her on
all of the fruit trees and flowers. We spent hours
digging, planting, and watering and in return, we
always had a healthy and colorful backyard. It took a
lot of work but in the end it was always worth it. We
felt good about what we had done and saw our hard
work turn into reward. John Locke in Of Property
believed that in order for property to be yours, you
must put your own work into the object. This
connects with both my art final and my backyard.
Since it was my own labor put into this art piece, it
has become my property.

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