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Jardiniers du Sud-Ouest Chives
Issue: 119
May, 2016

Im still waiting for the summer rain, rain and more rain. I suppose I shouldnt
complain, at least its not cold.
The Garden at Pomone was lovely, as always it was a shame that none of
our new members could manage to come; you missed a very enjoyable
Next Meeting Saturday, June 18th 18:00 (Please note; NOT our usual 3rd
The barbecue will be held this year at Mikes as part of his open weekend.
The cost will be 8 per person, guests welcome. Please send your booking,
together with a cheque (made out to Les Jardiniers du Sud-Ouest Chives
for the full amount to:
Alistair McBoyle, 28 Grand Rue, 79110 Tillou
Deadline for bookings: Monday, 13th June.

From our Chairman

With luck June should be better, May appears to have been the wettest on
record here in France, as I write this letter flood warnings have gone out all
round Paris and Northern France, so I suppose we can be lucky, that although
wet, we are not at risk of flooding.

An enjoyable afternoon was spent at Le Jardin de Pomone with Catherine and

Jean-Yves,( and it was not raining,) Ending with a nice cup of tea, joined by
our French friends on their lawn in front of the house. Thank you to all who

Garden at Saint - Fraigne.

Garden almost complete as of 31st May. Still some work to be completed, this
will be done before Friday, 3rd June.
INAUGURATION des JARDINS EPHEMERES 2016 is this Friday. 3rd June at
18.00 hours in the courtyard adjacent to the gardens, Club Members are
welcome, it is free.


Gardens are officially open to the public as from Saturday, 4th June.
I would like to thank Janette and Laurie for all their hard work in making this
garden appear out of mid air, it has been difficult due to heavy rain. We have
worked in thunderstorms, pouring rain, and very little promised help from
commune staff. Some evenings working until 9 at night.
Several club members offered help, much appreciated, but due to horrible
weather conditions we decided not to call for that help, no point all getting wet.
BBQ. June 18th Saturday.
This year, being my final year as chairman,
I offered my courtyard as venue for our annual BBQ. I will be holding an open
weekend at my nursery, and within my courtyard there will be about a dozen
stalls selling cakes, candles and cookies, plus jewelry, clothes, gifts, garden
goodies, plus more.
BBQ details from Sue, Cooking starts at 18.00 hours, bring your friends, in fact
drag people off the streets.
Nursery will be open, as will stalls, from 10 AM till dusk on the Saturday.
Sunday 10:00 until 17.00 hours.
Should it still be raining we will have under cover seating arranged.
Over this last month several club members have asked if I will continue as
president next year. No, I have said I will not continue, 10 years is enough.
So please, if you would like this club to continue, talk among yourselves as to
who can take over from me. Do not leave it until next AGM. Thanks.
Hope to see some of you this Friday at Saint Fraigne and on June 18th at our

Publisher: Les Jardiniers du Sud-Ouest Chives, 8 rue des Roseaux, Le Vivier Jusseau 17510 Chives



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