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Luca Emer

39 Eade Road
N4 1DJ
+44 7490399461
My description:
I would describe myself as a highly motivated and driven individual. My passion is the business in the world
of the finance and in particular retail and thus I would like a career to reflect this. My previous experience
includes working in a Accounting office and as a photographic model, whilst in my native country of Italy
and I also have expert training in the field of Italian wine. I love to be around people and enjoy relating to the
people around me. For 4 years I was a professional motocross rider and an engineering student, but now I
want to make a change in my life and realize my dreams and I chose London as a destination for the
realization of my goals.
Date of birth: 02/02/1993
Sex: Male
Nationality: Italian


University of Engineering and Managment - Student

Work experience:

from October to February 2015:


(Murakami Restaurant, WC2N 4JS, London)

- Traditional Japanese Restaurant

- Food training, Wine training, Service training

from May to September 2015:

Traineer Accountant

(Finborsa service srl, Via Volturno)

- Customer management
- Management accounting of companies and individuals

from 2012 to 2015:

Pro Motocross Rider

(Yamaha Ghidinelli Racing Team)

Education and training:

from 2007 to 2012:

High School of Science and Technology

(Liceo Scientifico Tecnologico Leonardo)
- Communication technology - Computer sience and programming
- Industrial and Technology design - Math - English lenguage

from 2012 to 2015

University of Engineering and Managment

(Universit degli studi di Brescia)

Personal skills:
languages skills:

Italian: Mother tongue

English: Level C1
- understanding: Independent user
- speaking: Independent user
- writing: Independent user

other skills
- good communication and interaction skills gained through my studies and my working experience
- good organisational and managerial skills gained through my university's studies
- good informatic skills whit command of Microsoft Office and Macintosh
- good barman/bartender skills - good trainee accountant skills - good bookeeper skills
- good personal assistant skills - good salesman skills
- good shop assistant skills
- good sportsman skills
- good wine merchant skills
- good waiter skills

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