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The destruction caused by natural hazards is in most cases devastating and is particularly true
in the case of earthquakes. Civil engineers have tried to minimize these losses by introducing
special codal provisions for structures in earthquake prone areas. These design methodologies
are deterministic methods implying that the level of an earthquake, response of the structure
can be determined accurately. But there have been several cases where a structure designed in
accordance with these provisions collapsed completely. Not only that the losses in terms of
economic, downtime and human loss were very high. Performance based earthquake
engineering has its roots in this realisation. Performance based design can be defined as the
design framework which results in desired system performances at various levels of intensity
Earthquake engineering has evolved over the years and it is now moving towards Performancebased methods rather than the existing force based approaches. The concept of design for the
force is now changing towards design for a particular performance objective required by the
stake holders. The engineers are familiar with the performance measures such as strain, drift,
acceleration etc. but the stakeholders may be more familiar with cost involved for design
making. To convert the performance of a particular structure to a format involving repair cost
in a systematic way there are many factors to consider. Probabilistic seismic hazard
(Probability of earthquake with certain intensity), Response analysis (Exceedance probability
of a demand parameter of structure for a specific intensity measure of earthquake), Damage
analysis (Damage of structure given a particular demand parameter), Loss analysis (Cost
involved for a particular damage) are the four components of the a performance based
earthquake engineering frame work introduced by the Pacific Earthquake Engineering
Research (PEER) centre at Berkeley.
The primary objective of our thesis will be to

Demonstrate the performance based earthquake engineering(PBEE) approach

Evaluate an IS1893 based structure using the PBEE methodology.

Chapter 2 is a brief overview of the methodology of PBEE
Chapter 3 provides with a closed form solution of PBEE
Chapter 4 deals with the evaluation of IS1893 code based structures using PBEE methodology

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