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Question 3

The internet of things

The internet of things (IoT) is the network of physical objects, devices, vehicles,
buildings and other items that are embedded with electronics, software, sensors,
and network connectivity that enables these objects to collect and exchange
This impacts the business Depending on how tech-savvy your company is
you may already be recording in a biometric digital age way. On the other hand,
you might still be storing data physically on spreadsheets. The internet of things
implications on businesses in the future would be developing a cloud plan,
replacing old technology, increasing capacity management, becoming network
dominant. This in turn would mean the business would be fully transformed into
operating more digitally and would rely on the technological environment.
The impacts on society- Impacts the society and everyday life like
tuning your car as more machines speak to each other and

systems integrate, you will no longer miss an oil change (the

making of smart cars to simply life), monitoring your baby in a
different room will be made better due to the wide spectrum of
gadgets, wearable tech will be developed to help you do
everyday tasks better. Smartphones will become not only
everyone's portal into the Internet of Things, but a complete
remote control to your life (if it isn't already). Every enterprise
needs to take mobile even more seriously and have it as a key
point of consideration of future connected efforts.

Q.3.2 Gardner (1983) identified several aspects of intelligence. List any four and explain
the importance of these levels with regard to the business context today and the
impact of technology

Interpersonal understanding and interacting with others so

that businesses can work together efficiently so they may learn

to understand technology
Intrapersonal - understanding ones owns interest and goals to
persevere in the business

Linguistic Using words effectively. It impacts of technology is caring

out tasks efficiently
Logical Mathematical Reasoning, calculating. It involves thinking
conceptually, abstractly and are able to see and explore patterns and

relationships. Need to learn and form concept before they can deal
with details.
A review of the literature shows variety of decisions must be made
when choosing media that is appropriate to learning style.

Lane, C. (n.d.). Multiple Intelligences. The Distance Learning Technology Resource
Rouse, M. (2014, June ). IOT Agenda. Retrieved from What is the internet of things :

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