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Jl. Babakan Madang, Bukit Sentul BOGOR- INDONESIA, telp: (o21) 87960912 Fax: (021) 87960069

CAS Activity Proposal Form

Student name: Jessica Kowanda

Form: 1 (Creativity)
Proposed activity: Piano Lesson
Date of starting: 13 August 2014
Day: Wednesday

Approximate time: 45 minutes
Name of Adult leader (supervisor): Pingkan Putri

Position: Piano Teacher
Contact detail:

Please comment on how this activity will help you to achieve the Learning Outcomes as IB CAS requirement?
For my creativity in CAS, I chose piano lesson. I have learned piano for years, and studied the theory of it also. In
piano, I also learn to concentrate. It improves a lot of skills, such as the agility of my hand and also my sight reading
skills. This my be acceptable in CAS because by learning it, I could:

- Develop new skills
It needs a long time to master the piano. I may have learned piano from several years ago, but until now, I still learn
some of the harder techniques and more complex pieces. Piano also needs the concentration in reading the piece.

- Shown perseverance and commitment in their activities.
Learning a musical instrument does not only require a little time for practice. After the lesson, I still have to practice
by my own for approximately 30minutes a day. This requires a commitment in practicing everyday so that I can play
the piano more smoothly after taking this piano lesson.

- Increased their awareness of their own strengths and areas for growth
Although I have already been learning the piano for years, I still cant do it fluently. I wanted to learn the piano more
so that I can play it well. I think, by learning the piano further, I can read keys, notes, and pieces more smoothly.

Activity Leader:
This student has given me the letter providing information about this CAS program. I am aware of the need for
evaluation and am willing to provide this.

Leaders signature:


Approved by CAS Coordinator:


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