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1 . M a s s M e d i a Mass media plays a pivotal role in our life.

Many people
and businesses rely on these mediums for their day to day transactions. On the
ip-side it also bombards us with too much or unwanted information. This essay
will shed a light on various aspects of this issue.ewspapers! radio! television!
and the "nternet#including e-mail and blogs#are signi$cantly in uential on our
society! especially in a%rming attitudes and opinions that are already
established. The news media focus the public&s attention on certain
personalities and issues! leading many people to form opinions about themMass
media sets the news agenda! which shapes the public's views on what is
newsworthy and important. "t is a system used by advertisement agencies and
media outlets! such as television channels and radio stations to (convince( their
audiences to door act in a certain way. "t appeals to the vulnerability of the
desired target. )or instance famous person or persons who are recogni*ed!
admired by whole communities. These individuals have the (Power( to convince
their followers or fans into ta+ing any +ind of action or decision. Therefore!
these famous people usually are lin+ed or wor+ for some media outlet and are
used! to inuence the community accordingly. The media has changed
signi$cantly in the past years. ,ecause of the availability of television and radio
all populations and classes have been eposed to various types of media. The
"nternet has provided an even newer media resource. The maority of people
live in a very fast paced society. They have very little time for reading and
eploring the truth of information. The producers of media publication are aware
of this and use the media to inuence public choice and opinion. The problem
lies in that many people are gullible and society as a whole is easily in uenced
by the media representations. The media also responds to public demand and
provides the information that the public craves./ positive aspect of the media&s
bias has been that it has facilitated change in people&s perception of races in a
positive manner! eposed people to other cultures! made people aware of
environmental needs! and the needs of people far away. 0hile there can also be
negative implications the media also has to reect the public&s point of view.
0ith thegrowing representation of ispanics! /frican /mericans! and other minority
groups! the media is under pressure to present them in a more positive light.

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