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Atividade de Estudo - Ingls

5 Ano

Prezado(a) Aluno(a), as atividades desta lista tm como objetivo fazer com que voc revise
o que foi estudado no ano passado. Bom trabalho! Professoras Amanda e Anne.
1 Write: between, under, next or on.

a) The living room is _______________ the bathroom.

b) The table is _______________ the refrigerator and the stove.
c) The shelves are _______________ the couch.
d) The garage is _______________ the kitchen.

2 Read, number and write are or is.

1 - John and Ana _______________ under the table.

Material produzido pela professora Amanda Clementino

Ncleo da Criana

2 The computer _______________ next the lamp.

3 Mnica _______________ on the armchair.
4 The books _______________ under the boy.
5 The flowers _______________ on the table.
6 The sink and the toilet _______________ on the bathroom.

3 Write T (true) or F (false).

a) There arent flowers in the yard. (

b) There is a shower in the bathroom. (

c) There isnt a TV in the living room. (
d) There are leaves in the yard. (


Material produzido pela professora Amanda Clementino

Ncleo da Criana

4 Write the numbers.

a) Ten + twenty= _______________

e) Seventeen + two = _______________

b) Eight + four = _______________

f) Sixteen + five = __________________

c) Seven + seven = __________________

d) Eleven + six = ____________________
5 Write the months.
When is
the Christmas? __________________________________________________
your birthday?____________________________________________________
6 Read and answer the questions.

My names Amanda Aguiar.
Im 25 years old. Im from Belo
Horizonte. I can speak four
languages: Portuguese,
English, Italian and Spanish. I
can play tennis, but I cant play
soccer. Bye Bye!

My names Jacques Josu. Im 39 years
old. I can play tennis and I speak
French and English. I cant speak
Japanese, but I love Japan!

My names Fbio Brochero. Im 40
years old. Im from Bogot. I can
speak tree languages: Portuguese,
Spanish and English. I cant speak

I am Giovanni de Luca and I am
from Roma. I can speak
Portuguese, Italian and English. I
cant play tennis.

a) Can Amanda play soccer?

b) Can Giovanni speak Japanese?
c) Can Jacques play tennis?
Material produzido pela professora Amanda Clementino

Ncleo da Criana

d) Who can speak Portuguese?

e) What can Fbio do?
f) What cant Giovanni do?
7 Complete.


She is wearing a hat, a ______________, a ______________

and ______________.


She is ______________ a ______________, ______________,

______________ and sneakers.


He is ______________ a ______________, pants,

______________ and ______________.

Material produzido pela professora Amanda Clementino

Ncleo da Criana

8 Unscramble and answer.

Mickey and Minnie / playing / the piano / Are/?

Minnie and Margarida / Are / playing / soccer/?

the girl / Is / eating/?

Material produzido pela professora Amanda Clementino

Ncleo da Criana

9 Read and tick.

a) Paola is taking some photos.

___ Yes ___ No

b) Anas dad is taking some photos.

___ Yes ___ No

c) Anas mom is sleeping.

___ Yes ___ No

d) Ana is writing a letter.

___ Yes ___ No

Material produzido pela professora Amanda Clementino

Ncleo da Criana

10 Read and write.

Dear Pedro,
How are you? We _________________________ (have) a great time!
Were in Roma and this city is amazing! I _________________________ (eat)
pasta and ice cream everyday! My father __________________________ (take)
photos and my mom _________________________ (learn) speak Italian
I miss you. With love


11 What time is it? Write.


Its seven oclock.



Material produzido pela professora Amanda Clementino

Ncleo da Criana







12 Answer the questions.

a) What time do you have breakfast?

At six thirty a.m.

b) What time do you have lunch?

c) What time do you have dinner?
13 Look and write.
Ride a horse get up play soccer go to bed


I usually ____________________ at eleven p.m.

Material produzido pela professora Amanda Clementino

Ncleo da Criana




I always ____________________ on the farm.

I usually ____________________ at midday.

I always ____________________ at seven a.m.

Material produzido pela professora Amanda Clementino

Ncleo da Criana

1 a) under.
b) between.
c) on.
d) next.
2 1 - are.
2 is.
3 is.
4 are.
5 are.
6 are.
As respostas das numeraes esto da esquerda para a direita e de cima para
baixo: 2; 3; 5; 6; 1; 4.
3 a) T
b) T
c) F
d) T
4 a) Thirty.
b) Twelve.
c) Fourteen.
d) Seventeen.
e) Nineteen.
f) Twenty-one.
5 a) The Christmas is in December.
b) Resposta Pessoal.
6 a) No, she cant. Amanda can play tennis.
b) No, he cant. Giovanni can speak Portuguese, Italian and English.
c) Yes, he can.
d) Amanda, Fbio e Giovanni can speak Portuguese.
e) Fbio can speak tree languages: Portuguese, Spnish and English.
f) Giovanni cant play tennis.
7 a) T-shirt / skirt / shoes.
b) wearing / T-shirt / short / socket.
c) wearing / T-shirt / jacket / sneakers.
8 a) Are Minnie and Mickey playing the piano?
Yes, they are.
b) Are Minnie and Margarida playing soccer?
No, they arent. They are playing tennis.
Material produzido pela professora Amanda Clementino

Ncleo da Criana

c) Is the girl eating?

No, she isnt. She is sleeping.
9 a) False.
b) True.
c) True.
d) False.
10 Are having / am eating / is taking / is learning.
11 b) Its ten a.m.
c) Its ten p.m.
d) Its eight oclock.
e) Its thirty past two.
12 b) Resposta Pessoal.
c) Resposta Pessoal.
13 a) go to bed.
b) ride a horse.
c) play soccer.
d) get up.

Material produzido pela professora Amanda Clementino

Ncleo da Criana

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