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1. When Benjamin is child, physically he looks so adorable, Benjamin
has a black skin, curly hair, and two big eyes. He also has flat nose,
big body and short.
Mentally, in his childhood, Benjamin put down him self as a stupid
boy who knows nothing. He thinks that he cannot like others.
Benjamin always thinks that he will fail for everything. All in all,
Benjamin is coward and pessimist.
2. Benjamin tried to get know about himself. Benjamin also tried to be
a better man. He always read diligently. Benjamin always followed
his mothers advice. He learned to be optimistic and confident. He
learned from a many things in his life. He believed that he could
simply got the world by using his brain.
3. When Benjamin was a college student. He was one of the smartest
students in class because he was one among the three students
who received scholarships from the college. However, lately
Benjamin found it difficult to follow the material of the courses.
Therefore, he is very anxious for the final exams in college. His
girlfriend was giving advice that he did not have to listen to lectures
from teachers. Benjamin needed to learn in a way that he liked
which was reading and studying alone. Therefore, before the exam,
Benjamin studied with the help of his girlfriend. On the day of the
exam, Benjamin could do it with well and he got a very satisfactory
4. When he found a new case of twins who have abnormalities in their
head which were attached, he was required by the hospital to found
the way to separate them. The parents of twins had a big hope to
Benjamin to saved their babies without having to choose one of the
babies. In a confused state, all of a sudden, his wife had to be
hospitalized because of bleeding. The most ironic one is when it

turns out that he and his wife lost their baby because of that
accident. In despair, his mother calmed Benjamin down. She said
that he would get through his problems. Feeling calm, Benjamin
suddenly got a way separate the twins. He got an idea how to stop
the bleeding at the time the twins undergo the surgery after seeing
the kitchen faucet. He would stop their heartbeat. However, these
operations have a great risk so he had to set up the operation very
well and carefully. He worked with several doctors who are experts
in the field of anesthesia and a cardiologist. They work together
preparing to undergo surgery with a simulation exercise over and
over again. On the day of surgery, as espected, the twins were
bleeding badly. Operations must be done as soon as possible so
that the baby can be saved. With Benjamin skills and as well as
good cooperation between the doctors, the twins can be separated
5. Benjamin has a 4-year-old female patient named Cynthia Gonzales.
At age of 18 months, she started to suffer from seizure. Then, it
affected the right side of her body. therefore she started to forget
how to walk, talk and share. Cynthia parents hoped that Benjamin
could save the life of their daughter. Benjamin was looking for ways
to make Cynthia into her normal life. Finally, he found a way to get
rid of the brain that cause seizures. However, the surgery had a
huge risk. If it was not successful, Cynthia would not be able to talk
anymore. However, with Benjamins skills, He could managed the
operation, so that Cynthia could be saved and back to her normal

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