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is a (+) or (-) pressure breathing device that can

maintain ventilation and O2 delivery for a prolonged period.
To control respirations
To oxygenate blood
To rest resp. muscles
in PaO2
in paCO2
PH acidosis
>Exert () pressure on external chest
during exhalation allowing lungs to deflate
>CRF assoc. w/ neuromuscular diseases
(Poliomyelitis, muscular dystrophy, amyotrophic
lateral sclerosis, myasthenia gravis)
>Do not require intubation of the airway
>adaptable for home use
Iron Lung (Drinker Respirator Tank)
>Used during POLIO EDIPEMIC 1950s
Body Wrap (Pneumo-Wrap)
portable devices require a
Chest Cuirass (Tortoise Shell)
rigid cage or shell to create
(-) pressure chamber around the chest and abdomen
>Exert (+) pressure on the airway to inflate the lungs by pushing
Air in, forcing the alveoli to expand during inspiration.
>Endotracheal intubation or tracheostomy is usually necessary
TYPES: Classified by method of ending the inspiratory phase
Pressure Cycled *adults for short-term use
Time Cycled *newborns and infants
Volume Cycled *commonly used
Non Invasive Positive Pressure *sleep apnea
Via face masks, nasal masks and nasal pillow
Pt who do not want Endotracheal Intubation and Tracheostomy
Decreases the risk of nosocomial infection: Pneumonia
Control *Rate + Volume are controlled by ventilator
(Anesthetized or paralyzed pts) [x Spontaneous Breaths x Volume x Rate]
Assist-Control * All breaths are assisted + Volume [x Volume x Rate]
Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation *Assisted breaths + Spontaneous breathing
(Use their own muscle for ventilation to help prevent muscle atrophy)
Synchronized IMV * spontaneous breathing w/o assistance ventilator breaths
Allows pts generate spontaneous vol. and rates between the set breaths

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