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Emma Ivory

Miss Skirtich
11 December 2015
English 10: Honors World Literature
Physical Therapist
A highly educated person who helps the wellbeing of others by providing them with
exercises or strengthening techniques that help patients return to normal mobility, describes a
Physical Therapist. Physical Therapists work with a variety of people, with varying degrees of
injuries. A career in Physical Therapy sets one up for success in post- baccalaureate life because
physical therapy continues as a rapidly growing career, it obtains superior rankings, and provides
one with an opportunity to help others return to normal activities.
First, physical therapy continues as one of the few occupations above the average growth
rate and maintains a healthy growth. According to, The future looks bright for
physical therapists. Thanks in part to an aging population, the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects
a 36- percent growth in this field through 2022. (Bratcher 1). This kind of growth proves very
hard to find considering that the average growth for certain careers is shown very low and
unpredictable. Based on the growth, physical therapy remains a very stable career due to
continuous injuries and the need to recover. Certain jobs prove very unstable such as a laborer;
for example working in a steel mill. The article Surging Steel Imports Put up To Half a Million
U.S. Jobs at Risk states that, Surging imports of unfairly traded steel are threatening U.S. steel
production, which supports more than a half million U.S. jobs across every state of the nation.
The import surge has depressed domestic steel production and revenues, leading to sharp
declines in net income in the U.S. steel industry over the past two years (20122013), layoffs for
thousands of workers, and reduced wages for many more (Stewart 2). Over the past few years,
especially in Pittsburgh, this career plunged as far as available jobs. Unlike physical therapy, this

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jobs volatility occurs due to supply and demand. Facts show that injuries and accidents do not
discriminate, people of all ages can or will suffer from some kind of injury that inevitably leads
to physical therapy. According to, The most common sports injuries are: Sprains
and strains, Knee injuries, Swollen muscles, Achilles tendon injuries, Pain along the shin bone,
Fractures, and Dislocations ( 1). All of these injuries potentially lead to surgery
or an extensive amount of physical therapy to return to normal activity. The Baby Boomer
generation contributes to the continued growth for physical therapy. If an elder got injured,
whether a heart attack or a fall, the patient qualifies for physical therapy to help them return to
normal, everyday activities. All in all, physical therapy shows stability by continuous growth.
More job openings continue to arise because physical therapists need to keep up with the demand
from injuries.
Next, physical therapy remains a well ranked profession and a worthy career choice., ranks this career with a 3.9 out of 5. Physical therapy received a very high score
that reflects from the hard work of a physical therapist. This websites also states this occupation
ranked fifth in the category of best health care jobs, sixth as the one hundred best jobs, and
number twenty as the best paying job. All these rankings show physical therapy as a wellrounded career which sets one up for success in the future. Along with these statistics, this
website also shows a 1.5 unemployment rate for physical therapy; which is pretty commendable
considering a 5.0 national unemployment rate for the United States. Physical therapy ranks very
high in job opportunities. The article Physical Therapists, explains that Because of these
reasons, the BLS projects that more than 73,500 new physical therapist jobs (Bratcher 1). One
of many upsides of becoming a physical therapist is the career only accepts people who obtain
high GPAs and go the extra mile. Physical therapy requires one to attend a college, major in a

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pre-physical therapy program, then proceed to earning a doctoral degree. In conclusion, the
career of physical therapy not only has superior rankings but if one pursues a career in this field
he/she has significant capability for success in the future.
Lastly, becoming a physical therapist helps one in a social aspect as well as provides one
with the opportunity to help patients, which makes therapists better people. As far as the social
aspect, a physical therapist connects with the patients. A lot of times, a physical therapist works
with student athletes, and ends up becoming a school sponsor, which promotes business.
Sometimes, the therapist even ends up helping out at the schools sporting events. Therefore; by
establishing a close rapport with patients, the physical therapists business grows into a
flourishing career that will help one in post-baccalaureate life. The accurate definition for a
physical therapists prevails as a, Health care professionals who diagnose and treat individuals of
all ages, from newborns to the very oldest, who have medical problems or other health-related
conditions that limit their abilities to move and perform functional activities in their daily lives.
( 1). This goes to show, the main focus of this career involves the willingness and
ableness to help someone. Many say that people want to become successful and gain a lot of
tangible rewards for their work, in other words, money. That mentality leaves out the really
important part, the intangible rewards. That kind of reward inevitably leads to a smile on
patients faces when he/she is able to return to a soccer or football game or can go through lifes
daily challenges pain free. With becoming a Physical therapist, one gains a successful financial
future, but also a successful future in feeling good about oneself in giving back to those who
really need the help of a physical therapist.
In conclusion, physical therapy challenges ones self, requires time commitment, and
dedication. However, the rewards one receives definitely proves worthwhile. Becoming a

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physical therapist entails more years of schooling and the ability to help and communicate with
others. Some find this career discouraging but it sets one up for great success in a postbaccalaureate life because, this kind of career is always in demand, the people and the job its self
have very impressive rankings, and one will be able to appreciate emotional rewards of helping
others through rough times.

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Works Cited
Bratcher, Emily H., ed. "Physical Therapist." U.S. News & World Report. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Dec.
2015. <>.
"Role of a Physical Therapist." American Physical Therapy Association. N.p., 8 Apr. 2015. Web.
8 Dec. 2015. <>.
Stewart, Terence P., and Elizabeth J. Drake. "Surging Steel Imports Put up to Half a Million U.S.
Jobs at Risk." Economic Policy Institude. N.p., 13 May 2014. Web. 8 Dec. 2015.
"What Are Sports Injuries? Fast Facts: An Easy-to-Read Series of Publications for the Public."
National Institute of Arthritis and Mosculoskeletal and Skin Diseases. N.p., Nov. 2014.
Web. 8 Dec. 2015.

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