Jadaberry Thebenefitsofphysicalexercise

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Jada Berry

Research paper for PE

The Benefits Physical Activity

Do you ever think, Wow, I am winded, I can barely make it up the stairs without getting
short of breath! This is one of many questions that people have that can be changed with an
exercise regime. Some other health benefits to exercise are improved flexibility, psychological
benefits, more strength, muscular endurance and a better body composition. Ability to cope with
stress and increased energy are also benefits of exercise. Decreased symptoms of depression are
associated with exercise as well.
How does exercise help? Exercise includes strength, balance and flexibility. According
to the American Heart Association, I Ideally all four types of exercise would be included in a
healthy workout routine. A healthy routine includes doing exercise on a regular basis. This
may be different for different people. Also you do not want to get bored with your workout, so
you need to do a variety of different things. A strength workout includes lifting weights.
Balance is great to practice with yoga. Flexibility includes stretching your muscles. Also
according to the American Health Association, Endurance exercise that increases your breathing
and heart rate such as walking, jogging, swimming, and biking. Improves your heart, lungs and
circulatory system. Endurance is needed to climb stairs for example. If you do not improve
your lung capacity in greatly reduces your ability to keep things going in your body and keep
your lungs healthy.
Exercise reduces stress. According to www.appliedsportpsych.org, One concept that is
gaining increased attention from researchers within the discipline of sport and exercise
psychology is growth following a stressful or traumatic experience This means that exercise can

help a person overcome traumatic events because it promotes positive thinking. I have known
people who use exercise as a way to deal with stressful situations. Also according to this source
they say that their are big benefits that can be gained psychologically.
There are five fitness components. The components help physically and psychologically.
The five components include your cardio health, your muscle power, especially your core
muscles, and as stated before flexibility. When you engage in in physical activity, the
cardiovascular system is affected immensely. The pumping muscles within your heart, the
muscles holding your skeletal structure together, your blood vessels and red blood cells all grow
in size or number. Especially when your perform regular exercise. It is through this steadily
changing process that your body will begin to transport more blood, oxygen and nutrients. It will
also increase the body's ability to remove waste. Keeping your cardio vascular system healthy
through exercise helps prevent serious health conditions such as heaving a heart attack heart
disease and stroke (www.livestrong.com/article).

Flexibility also has many physical benefits.

It improves athletic performance. In some activities it decreases the risk of injury. Muscular
strength is something you can push yourself into doing better. You can do more repetitions or
use higher weights. Another fitness component is your body composition. This has to do with
the amount of fat you have. You want to decrease fat and increase muscular health to improve
body image and overall health.
Lets talk about the history of basketball as an example of physical fitness. The sport has
been around for awhile. This has been around since 1891. It originated in Springville. It was
created by Dr. James Naismith, a future presbyterian minister. Other sports that came from this
is football and tennis. There are rules of basketball. It is team sport. Two teams of five players
try to score by dribbling a ball towards a basket. The hoop is twelve feet above the ground. The

equipment needed is a floor, ball, basket, hoop with a backboard, whistle, referees, score book,
game clock, protective gear, assessments and uniforms.
According to Healthy Living there are three yoga poses that will keep you healthy. The
three poses are the Sun salutation, the simple seated pose and the corpse pose. The sun salutation
sets mood and rhythm for the other yoga poses. The exercise, has you standing with fit shoulder
width apart. You reach up while inhaling and start going down while exhaling. Then return to
standing. The simple seated pose is used to strengthen your spine and stomach. It has you
twisting in a slow way while you breathe. The corpse pose can be a full body stress reliever. It
is mostly about your breathing. Yoga is
Best done is a calm space, such as a beach lake, or well ventilated room. I know many people
who practice yoga. It helps keep their weight down as well as managing their stress.
According to Mark A. W. Andrews, associate professor of physiology and director of the
Independent Study program at the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine. The exact
mechanism by which exercise enhances strength remains unclear, but its basic principles are
understood. Overall, two processes appear to be involved: hypertrophy, or the enlargement of
cells, and neural adaptations that enhance nerve-muscle interaction. All this means is that you
need to exercise, but you also need to rest your muscles. If they do not recover you can tear
muscles and cause more damage. In this way muscles become stronger. When you exercise you
really need to be aware and careful of what you do, so you do not cause injury to yourself.
According to Harvard Mind and Mood, how you feel about yourself in your mind
and physically affect every aspect of your life. This includes your relationships, how you may
perform on your job, digestive orders, trouble sleeping, heart problems, depression and other
mental health issues and lack of energy. Lack of energy makes it very difficult to get through

your day. You might not be happy because you are unable to get through the day without coffee
or other energy drinks. In the long run this hurts your health. Regular exercise will aid you in
your energy.
Also according to the American Heart association, there are many things you need
to take into consideration when you exercise. This depends on many factors. Are you a regular
exerciser? Are you new to it? How do you start? How much do you need to do? These are all
valid questions. If you are new to exercise, then start out with maybe 15 minutes. You need to
build your endurance. If you do it will make it easier to carry out every day activities. The
AHA recommends that adults get at least 150 minutes (2 1/2 hours) of moderate to vigorous
activity per week. Thirty minutes a day five days a week is an easy goal to remember. Some
people will be able to do more. It's important to set realistic goals based on your own health and
abilities. Some examples of how to start out include walking, dancing swimming, biking and
playing sports. If you recovering from a heart attack you need to go back to the drawing board
and start out slowly. You also need to have a doctor give you advise and monitor your progress.
The AHA published a statement in 2014 that doctors should prescribe exercise to stroke patients
since there is strong evidence that physical activity and exercise after stroke can improve
cardiovascular fitness, walking ability and upper arm strength.
The American Heart Association talks about identifying your fitness goals. This will be
essential before starting a fitness program. First you need to get on your feet. When you finally
begin a program you need to determine how fit you are now. Record your heart rate, time your
walks, take measurements of your body, do research, especially on your BMI calculations. BMI
is body measurement index. Think about what activities you enjoy. Do you enjoy being outside,
inside, with other people or by yourself. Do you like the water, scenery when you walk? Do you

want to be home or at a gym or taking a class? Also take your budget into consideration. Do you
want to purchase your own equipment, buy a membership to a gym, buy free weights or do you
just want to do free activities.
In conclusion we have learned a lot about fitness, exercise and what it does for your body.
Exercise can improve your mood, reduced stress as well as an improved ability to cope with
stress, improved self-esteem, pride in physical accomplishments, increased satisfaction with
oneself, improve body image, increased feelings of energy, improved in confidence in your
physical abilities and it decreases symptoms associated with depression. All of these abilities go
with the sport Basketball because basketball is a sport that people love to play. If you love
something you will stick with it. To get ready for basketball strength training is necessary as
well as endurance training. It is a sport that covers many goals in fitness as well as self esteem
and feeling part of something.

1. "Endurance Exercise (Aerobic)." Www.heart.org. N.p., 2015. Web. 2016.
2. "Health Information and Medical Information - Harvard Health." Harvard
Health. N.p., Mar.-Apr. 2016. Web. 10 May 2016.
3. "Association for Applied Sport Psychology: Home." Association for Applied
Sport Psychology: Home. N.p., Mar.-Apr. 10. Web. 10 May 2016.
4. "Science News, Articles, and Information." Scientific American. N.p., n.d. Web.
10 May 2016.
5. Ng, Nick. "Healthy Living - Azcentral.com." Healthy Living. Demand Media, n.d.
Web. 10 May 2016
6. Andrews, Mark. "Can Exersise Make You
Stronger."Http://www.scientificamerican.com/. Scientific American, 27 Oct. 2003. Web.
10 May 2016.

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