ADL - Proposed Resolution

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Exhibit B


WHEREAS, the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment guarantees the right to equal
educational opportunities; and

WHEREAS, for a multitude of reasons the current system of education in many parts of the country is
failing in its ability to educate the nation’s youth; and

WHEREAS, this failure to educate denies a certain percentage of our nation’s parents the fundamental right
to have their children receive a quality education; and

WHEREAS, the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment mandates the separation of church and state
and thereby prohibits direct government aid to religious institutions; and

WHEREAS, the Anti-Defamation League supports strict separation of church and state as vital to
protecting the rights of religious minorities; and

WHEREAS, ADL believes that educating our nation’s youth is extremely important to maintaining our free
and open society and all the nation’s youth are entitled to a quality education, regardless of race, religion or
national origin; and

WHEREAS, a number of School Choice Programs, like charter schools and school vouchers (“School
Choice Programs”), have been shown to improve significantly math and reading levels, including those of
students in neighboring public schools; and

WHEREAS, School Choice Programs can be structured in such a manner so that any public funds may
only be used to support secular education in private or religious schools, and thus not violate the
Establishment Clause, provided parents also have an absolute right to decide where to send their child to
school and as long as the School Choice Program does not encourage them to select religious schools; and

WHEREAS, certain guidelines and certifications can be incorporated to ensure that a School Choice
Program allowing parents to choose to send their child to a religious schools does not violate the
Establishment Clause;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anti-Defamation League reaffirms its consistent support for a
vibrant education system as an essential guarantor of equal opportunity for all students, and affirms its
support for School Choice Programs as enhancing parents’ rights to direct the upbringing of their children
and as a means of improving the performance of the public schools.


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