Archer City Emails Complete Chronological

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Nov2013Boninsoceismee ngwithArcherlobbyists

Apr29,2014BonincommentsIsthistheonlyemailwevego eninfavor
Oct2,2014Boninissuesprocommunityle er
Dec5,2014Bonincommentsitisworthno ngIhavenotheardfroma
Feb3,2015BCCmonthlymee ng,boardisaskedbyBoninsstaand
A erwards,hereceivesmanythankyouemails,messagesfromArcher
June30,2015PLUMCommi eeandcovenantsigned
Aug4,2015Councilmee ng,Boningetscounciltoapprove
Sep10?,2015SunsetCoali onlawsuitled


Date: Mon Nov 18 2013 13:59:43 GMT-0700 (MST)

From: Anna Kozma
To: Tricia Keane
CC :
ID : 1426d03e96f892b8

Hi Tricia ,
Heather Harden and Steve Sugerman (Archer Forward , Sugerman Communications) called to speak with you
regarding meeting a few minutes prior to your 2pm Archer meeting.
Please give Steve Sugerman a call when you get a chance .
Steve Sugerman
Thanks .

Counci l District 11
Councilmember Mike Bonin

4 message(s)
Date: Tue Nov 19 2013 10:58:58 GMT-0700 (MST)
From : Thelma Waxman
To : Tricia Keane
ID: 1427183f4c8f82cb
Hi Tricia ,
I wanted to write you before your schedule booked up to see if you could meet with myself, Bob Turbin and Bob
Greenfield on December 3rd at 2pm (our original meeting date) . We feel the December 5th meeting with Archer
would be more productive if we could meet with you before then to talk about a few things.
Let me know .
Thanks again for your involvement in this. We really appreciate it.


1 message(s)
Date: Tue Dec 03 2013 14:41 :45 GMT-0700 (MST)
From : Tricia Keane
To : Anna Kozma, Fred Sutton
CC :
ID: 142ba68e51e92676

I am on my way to the West LA office for an archer meeting at 2. Please let people know that I'll be there as soon as
Tricia Keane
Director o Planning
Councilmember Mike Bonin

Checking In
3 message( s)
Date: Fri Dec 13 2013 15:27:34 GMT-0700 (MST)
From: Thelma Waxman
To : Tricia Keane
ID: 142ee12cad048099
Hi Tricia ,
I never heard back from you about future dates, but I know how busy you are. Not sure if we are going to try and
re-schedule before next Friday or not. I saw Elizabeth at a BHA meeting and she leaves to go out of town 12/20. Just
let me know .
Also, just wondering if you ever spoke with someone on the Archer team and what their response was.
If I don't talk to you before then , have a very merry Christmas and a healthy and happy new year.
All the best,

On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 11:54 PM, Tricia Keane <tricia> wrote :
Hi Thelma ,
I'm so sorry I haven't been able to schedule a follow up meeting yet. With the way my schedule is the rest of this
month, I think we are probably looking at some time afte r the holidays. I will make sure to get it scheduled as soon
as possible in January tho. And I have started some initial discussions with archer, but need to keep talking ...
If I don't talk with you before the holidays, I wish you and your family the happiest of holiday seasons.
Tricia Keane
Director of Planning
Councilmember Mike Bonin

Fwd: Archer Forward

19 message( s)
Date: Mon Dec 16 2013 16:37 :33 GMT-0700 (MST )
From: Tricia Keane
To : mike bonin

CC :
ID: 142fdc593f46d991



u have about 20 min when you are back from Israel, I can brief you on Archer's proposed changes and how they
addressing the concerns that the community' has raised. This would be best done off line.




Updated Invitation: Archer@ Fri Jan 10, 2014 2:30pm - 3pm (tricia.keane@lacity. drg]
1 message(s)
Date: W ed Dec 18 20 13 10:21: 14 GMT- 0700 (MST)
From : Daniel Osztreicher
To : ""

CC :
ID : 14306b9cd06e56a8
Thi s event h as been chang ed.

mo re det ails

Changed: Archer

Fri Jan 10, 2014 2:30pm - 3pm Pacific Time


city hall 475 (map)


tricia .kean e@lacity .org

Daniel Osztreic her organizer

Tri cia Keane

Going? Yes - Maybe - No

more options

Inv itation from Googl e Calen dar

You are receiving this emai l at the account tricia.keane@ because you are subscr ibed for updated
invitations on calendar tr icia.keane@lacity .org.
To stop receiving these notifications, p lease log in to
.com/calendar/ and change your
not ification sett ings for th is calendar .

Archer/Lawyers/BCC Archer Sub Committee Meeting



March 4, 2014

Adam Villani
Angeles Department of City Planning
N. Spring Street, Room 750
Angeles, CA 90012

RE: ENV-2011-2689-EIR
I Support Archer's Campus Plan
Dear Mr. Villani:
As a resident of Brentwood, I am writin to su port Archer's Ian to im rove its cam us,
including the development of the residential 12ro e11ies that Archer owns immediately

In short, exceptional neighborhoods need to have exceptional schools , and our neighborhood
is fortunate to have both Brentwood School and The Archer School for Girls. However, while
Brentwood School has been allowed to develop its two campuses so as to provide its students
with modern facilities , Archer operates without basic facilities like a gymnasium.
As such, Archer simply intends to improve the former Eastern Star Home into a campus tha t
befits its excellent academics , and it intends to do so within the scale of the Brentwood
Village neighborhood. And if Archer is allowed to improve its campus , our neighborhood of
Brentwood gets improved as well.
Sincerely ,

iM~f Kv\e_
21L/ N Bowl;
l'lj GrPf"' vJ'/
G>~ k5.e/P,sI CA vJ00'1'1

Cc: Councilmember M ike Bonin


------- -- Forwarded message ---------From: janis susskind <>

Date : Wed , Mar 5, 2014 at 6:51 PM
Subject: A rcher School
To : jnfo@bre ntw oodhomeowners .org , info@b rentwoodcommun
Cc : Thelma Waxman <thelma .waxman@gmai>

Dear Brentwood Homeowners Association and Brentwood Commun ity Council ;

Attached please find a letter I wrote back in November , 12, to Elizabeth English, Head of School at Archer.
voiced my concerns about their proposed project and , based on the DEIR which was j ust submitted , the size
and scope of the ir plan has not changed . Clearly , their plan does not respect the concerns of the neighbors nor
are they willing to make any concessions in order to preserve the integrity of our neighborhood. Elizabeth English
did answer my letter inviting me to a series of meeting so that they can
address specific concerns . She also made a point of saying that W ikipedia is NOT a legitimate sou rce of
information .
Thi,fnk yi:>\ifor supporting our efforts.
Best ,
Janis Susskind


On Thu , Mar 6, 2014 at 3:12 PM, norman kulla (Google Drive) <norman.kulla@laci> wrote:

I've shared an item with you .

Brentwood Ho m eownersAssocia
n(B HA)A nnua l Mtg

(;oog le Drive : crea te, share, and keep


.one place .


your stuff

ti o

G-.-_- -

0 "

Re: BrentwoodHomeownersAssociation(BHA)Annual

Mtg (

7 message(s)
Date : Thu Ma r 06 20 14 18:27:39 GMT-0700 (MST)
From: mike bonin

To : norman kulla
CC: Chris Robertson , david grahamcaso , "", Chad Molnar, Fred Sutton , Anna Kozma , Debbie DynerHarris,
Tricia Keane
ID : 1449a27270684ed3

WOW . Wish I had known that before .





March 5th. 2014

Mr. Adam Villani
Los Angeles Department of City Planning
200 N. Spring Street, Room 750
Los Angeles, CA 90012
RE: ENV-2011-2689-EIR
I Support Archer's Campus Plan
Dear Mr. Villani:
I am a physics teacher, grade-level dean, and soccer coach on Archer campus . In my two years at
Archer, I've found it to be a truly special place unlike any other school I've worked at or attended. One
of the things that makes Archer stand out to me is how involved both the faculty and student body are.
It is rare to find a student who is not involved in at least one extracurricular activity, and most are
involved in several. Students and faculty are able to pursue their interests and deeply engage in these
activities. As a result, there are countless events throughout the year, ranging from soccer games and
softball games, dance performances and music recitals, to art gallery openings and academic
conferences that students are involved in. Each of these events requires space and unfortunately, many
must take place off-campus because of our limited on-campus options. A consequence of this is that
many students are not able to take advantage of all the wonderful extracurricular options our school has
to offer . For athletes there is a strain on families having to transport from off-campus practice and game
locations . As a soccer coach, I see first-hand the toll this can have on students and their families,
having to travel to offs ite practice and game locations. Performers are sometimes forced to miss
valuable class-time in transit to their off-site rehearsals. Additionally, students and faculty who wish to
support their peers are less able to do so when so many events occur elsewhere in the city .
Archer's plan would provide modem athletic and performing arts facilities that would allow for most of
these extracurricular activities to take place on campus. This will make it possible for more students to
be involved, pursuing their passions and exploring new opportunities. It would also allow the rest of the
community to attend events such as home games and performances. We have an incredibly supportive
community here at Archer. This support helps the young women we serve become the confident and
multi-talented leaders of tomorrow . Please consider supporting our plan and help these students take
full advantage of the wonderful opportunities Archer offers .


Jacob London

Cc: Councilmember Mike Bon in





From: Stacia Thompson <staciamaeve@gma>

Date: April 25, 2014 at 11:25:16 AM PDT

Subject: Proposed -Archer expansion plan

April 25, 2014

Mr . Adam Villani
City of Los Angeles Department of City Planning
200 North Spring Street, Room 750
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Re: oppose Archer Forward Plan As Propo sed (ENV-2011-2689-EIR)
Dear Mr . Villani,
I am writing on behalf of th e Upper Riviera Homeowners Association, which comprises approximate ly 65 homes north of Sunset in the
Pacific Palisades. Its offic ial mission is "t o promote the quality of life and safety in the Upper Riviera." The four streets included in thi s
association are: Umeo, Casale, San Onofre , and Alta Mur a, in addition to some houses on Capr i. Sunset Boulevard is the main artery to
and from our community. Adding more cars to the already congested Sunset Boulevard is not acceptable . However, it appears Archer's
propo sed expansion plan will do just that. We are concerned about the potential adverse aff,ects Archer's expansion will have on our
community due to the resulting increase In traffic .
With an expanded campus that would include five buildings instead of one, Arche r proposes an increase in other activities that will lead to
mo re visitors and car trips. Archer's plan would bring over 30,000 new visitors to an already congested area. To accommodate this
increased use, Archer proposes building a 212 car-parking garage that would be ut ilized duri11gschool hour s at capacity for staff and
stud ents and then again fro m 3:30pm to 10:00pm for visito rs coming to campus for athletic event s, special events, and performing art
events . This represents more than a 100% increase in the numbe r of cars currently exiting onto Sunset Boulevard during peak hours.
The Los Angeles Departmen t of Transportation (LADOT) analyzed Ar cher's propos al and states in t he DEIRthat the proposed proje ct will
create SIGNIFICANT Impacts at the following six Intersections that CANNOT be physically mitigated . The LADOT goes on to say tha t even
with the proposed mitigation measures, should the Project be built out , the impact at these inters ections during various event-day
scenarios will remain significant and unavoidable .
Bundy Drive and Sunset Boulevard
Saltair Avenue and Sunset Boulevard
.. Barrington Avenue and sunset Boulevard
Barrington Avenue and Montana Avenue
Barrington Avenue and Wi lshire Boulevard
Barrington Place and Sunset Boulevard
For th e last five years we have had to endure the effects of the 1-405 w idening project. Even 110 w with the Sunset Bridge open and the
project close to ending, traffic is regularly backed up to Paul Revere. Oftentim es Sunset Boulevard is th e only way for our resident s to
reach the freeway and it can take hours when it shou ld in reality take minute s. Now we will have to endure another six year s of
construction w ith Archer 's overly ambitious plan t hat will make traffic unbearable , an impact the DEIRsays will be significant and
unavoidable. While construction traffi c may appear to be temporary, t he reality is that it is not . With one project ending, another
begins-widen ing of Wilshire Boulevard near the VA for t he Wilshire Bus Rapid Transit Project ; California Incline Replacement; large
projects approved in Santa Monica; Archer School Expansion. With lane closures on Pacific Coast Highway because of the California
Incline Replacement, Sunset Boulevard is the only option to travel out of our community . And with cars being diverted from Wilshire to
Sunset and from PCH to Sunset, t raffic will be even more unbearable . The effect is that "te mporary" traffic from construct ion becomes
permanent as more cars alter their routines and do not revert to standard traffic patterns because of the endless construction projec ts on
the ir normal routes .

Fwd: Proposed Archer expansion plan

2 message(s)
Date : Fri Apr 25 2014 12:27:51 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: mike bonin
To: Tricia Keane
ID: 1459a24cd4d00910

this letter is a big deal -- from a big HOA


---------- Forwarded message ---------From : PPCC <>

Date : Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 12:33 PM
Subject: re Archer - DEIR ENV-2011-2689-EIR
To : adam.villani@!acity,orq
Cc : mike bonin <>, Tricia Keane <tricia.keane@lacity .org>, PPCC Council
< info@pacpalicc .org>

Pacific Palisades Community Council comments re subject DEIR

Please add to the file.
Please add Pacific Palisades Community Council to
mailing list for future reference.
Thank You
barbara kohn
From : mike bonin
To : Tr icia Keane

CC :
ID : 1459a6808c61b4e6
now PPCC has offic ially weighed in. this is getting bigger

Councilmember , 11th District

. -- - -- --- -~From: Susan Hirsch <shhirsch@verizon .net>

Date : Mon , Apr 28, 2014 at 3:20 PM
Subject: Archer traffic
To : mike .bonin@lacity .org

Hello Mike,
I'm the heartless timer who sat next to you at the SBRAAnnual Meeting where you spoke on April 17. I just wanted to point
out that Wendy Sue Rosenis on the warpath again and appears to be using information about the Archer project that is not
current. This observation is just mine, as someone who attended the last BCCmeeting and heard updates from Archer. Also I
haven't made a personal decision about the project yet, but responsesthat you get to WSR'spet ition will represent
responsesto a project that no longer exists as stated on-line.
Susan Hirsch

From : Rodney Liber <rliber@brentwoodhomeowners .org>

Date : Mon, Apr 28 , 2014 at 4 :28 PM
Subject: Archer School DEIR Case Number ENV-2011-2689-EIR
To : adam
Cc : Mike Bonin <mike .bonin@lacity .org> , Norman Kulla <> , Tricia Keane
<tricia .keane@lacity .org> , michael. logrande@lac ity,org , Raymond Klein <rk!ein908@qma> , Robert Rene
<r .rene@verizon .net>

Mr . Villani :
We respectfully subm it the attached comments to the Archer School DEIR Case Number ENV-2011-2689-EIR
PLEASE acknowledge receipt of this email and th e attachmen b reply email.
Thank you .
Rodney Liber

Fwd: Archer School DEIR Case Number ENV-2011-2689-EIR

Date : Mon Apr 28 2014 17:31 :25 GMT-0600 (MDT)

From : mike bonin
To : Chad Molnar , Tricia Keane
CC :
ID : 145aaade3fb33e1f
a 33 page letter
they declared war on archer , it seems

Councilmember , 11th District

Fwd: AGAINST Archer Forward Plan as proposed (ENV-2011-2689-EIR)

1 message(s)
Date : Mon Apr 28 2 14 17:18:09 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: mike bonin
To : Tricia Keane
CC :
ID: 145aaa1a0eaed7fa
first time i have seen neighbors stance so clearly articulated in bullet point form

Councilmember, 11th District

To : mike.bonin@lacity .org

Dear Councilman Bonin ,

I am writing to ask that you veto , or at the very least support the alternative plan to The Archer School massive
expansion plan. As a resident of Mandeville Canyon for the past 15 years, I have seen traffic going East on Sunset
and San Vicente Blvd. from Bundy Drive increase to the point where I either have to take side streets (when possible
- which it is not when going to the 405 Hwy.), or spend up to a half hour - or more if there is construction or an
accident - to just get from Bundy to Barrington or the 405 , or just turn around and not go to my local stores ,
restaurants , bank , etc. In fact the traffic has gotten so bad that it sometimes is stalled almost all the way to Mandeville
Canyon itself.
As I am sure you know , the report from the Department of Transportation indicated that the Archer School proposal
will create SIGNIFICANT impacts on both Bundy Drive and Sunset Blvd, and Barrington Avenue and Sunset Blvd,
Wilshire Blvd, and Montana Avenue, as well as Barrington Place and Sunset , which CANNOT BE PHYSICALLY
MITIGATED. The consequences of this is truly a nightmare for those of us who live in this wonderful area .
I think it is also very unfair for all of us who live here to have to suffer because the Archer School is choosing to
renege on their agreement with the Brentwood Homeowners Association , neighbors and the City who put in place
restrictions (made 15 years ago when they came here). Their new proposal has no commitment to keep the existing
use restrictions in place.
A number of my neighbors support an alternative plan that reduces the size and scope of the proposed project as well
as traffic and puts less burden on the neighborhood . I myself would prefer it to be vetoed in entirety but if not, I
definitely support their alternative plan over the terrible Archer Forward Plan.
Thank you so much,
Laurie Lerner
3626 Mandeville Canyon Road



1 message (s)
Da te : Th u May 08 20 1418 :49 :00 GMT-0600 (MDT )

From: Tricia Ke ane

To: mike bon in, C had Molnar

CC :
ID: 145de74604e f634f
Steve Sugarman and I have been trying to connect to follow up on our Archer meeting. I am going to talk to him


tomorrow . Is there anything in particular tha t you want me to pass along?

On a related note, I have all of the comme nt letters that were subm itted to planning on the DEIR , which I am going
through . I let the planner who is doing the environmental review know that traffic is by far the biggest issues and we
need to figure out what it wou ld actually ta ke to get rid of the traffic imQacts. He was going to look into the traff ic
analysis some more , and he and I are going to talk .

Tric ia Keane

From : Rodney Uber < rliber@ brentw oodhomeown>

Date: Fri, May 9, 2014 at 7:38 AM
Subject: archer
To: norman kulla <no rman.kulla@l> , Tricia Keane <tricia.keane @lacity .org>

any chance you two have time for a quick conference call TODAY with me just to catch up?


Re: archer
11 message(s )
Date: Fri May 09 20 14 10:40:19 GMT-060 0 (MDT)
From : Tricia Keane
To : norman kulla


!P: 145e1db5450a65d5
we should probably talk to him , I'm interes ted in what he has to say. though it will probably be a tough conversation .
I'll respond with some times that wou ld work for me and we'll see if we can all connec t.

Fwd: Archer adopts Barrington Park

1 message(s)
Date : Mon May 19 2014 14:41 :55 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : norman kulla
To : Tricia Keane , Chris Robertson , Debbie DynerHarris , Mike Bonin , Chad Molnar , david grahamcaso
CC :
ID 46 f6 3875efd10c1
FYl ...the Barrington Park tennis courts are being resurfaced per a request made to Mike at Brentwood Farmers '
Market office hours and positively acted upon by RAP ...I didn 't know until now that Archer made a $20K donation that
is "supporting" not fully funding this improvement...Norman

Phone Message-Larry watts

1 message(s)
Date : Wed May 21201417:49:42
From : Council Staff
To : Tricia Keane
CC :
ID: 1462130cadc6ddab

GMT-0600 (MDT)

There was a man that wanted to talk to you.His name is Larry watts and his phone number is
regarding archer .

.It was

On May 30 , 2014 9:17 AM, "Steve Sugerman" <Steve@sugermangroup .com> wrote :

Time for a call today?

Steve Sugerman
Sugerman Communications Group, Inc.
Subject: Re: Archer ...

Yes . I am at day long meeting, but will call you on one of our breaks. I will aim for late morning.
Tricia Keane
Director of Planning
Councilmember Mike Bonin


Draft br iefina m e m o fo r Arche r Neia hb ors m eet in

to mo rrow

06062014 Archer Nei hbors

Meet ing
Google Docs :' Cr eate and ed it documents

onl ine.

Re: 06062014 Archer Neighbors Meeting (

2 message(s)
Date : I hu Jun 05 2014 16:21:55 Gl'VIT-015"00
-(MDTY-From: norman kulla
To: ''Tricia Keane (via Google Docs)"

CC :
ID: 1466e201 b9b9f6b7
The timing on Briefing Memo I received this afternoon suggests the meeting already took place last night but please
note that I added comment in Memo following reference to me:
No rma n here - 13HA, pa rti cula r Rob er1 Rene as w el l as Rorl Ub er, want t o suppo rt lv'like - eve n if yo u choose not t o give t hem
aclvance pa rti cu lars of M ike's po siti on I do recommend yo u call Robert or Rod to give th em heads up t hat Mi ke may ind icc1le
at next in eetin w hat kind of proec 1 he co uld sup 12orl. ..

On Jun 9, 2014 11:37 AM, "Rodney Liber" <rodliber@me .com> wrote :

Hi Tricia:
Can you come up with one or two dates the week of June 16 for a preliminary meeting with me and Ray Klein to
go over our draft proposal?

On Jun 10, 2014, at 1:26 PM, Tricia Keane <> wrote :
Hi Rod,
I can meet at 4:30 pm on Tuesday , June 17, or anytime late morning to early afternoon on Wednesday , June 18.
Both of these dates would be in the West LA office. If I had my choise , I would prefer Wednesday , but either of day
can work for me.
Let me know if either of those times works for you.
Best ,
Tricia Keane
From : "Rodney Uber " <>
Date: Jun 10, 2014 5:45 PM
Subject: Re : BHA / Archer
To: "Tricia Keane" <tricia .keane@lacity .org>
Cc : "Norman Kulla" <norman.kulla@lacity .org> , "Robert Rene" <r> , "Raymond Klein"
<rklein908@gmail .com>
Early afternoon Wed June 18 would be great. Will Mike be able to make an ap P.earance?

Fwd: Re: BHA / Archer

8 message(s)
Date : Wed Jun 11 2014 00:56:44 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Tricia Keane
T o: mike bonin

ID: 14689b6ea7318e6f
I'm assuming that you want the first meeting with them to be just staff ...
Tricia Keane
Director of. Planning
Coun cilmember Mike Bonin

"Saved" Voicemail from May 21

1 message(s)
Date : Fri Jun 13 201411 :36:36 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Anna Kozma
To: Tricia Keane

CC :
ID: 146964d78882daf5
Hi Tricia,
I am cleaning out to WLA voicemailbox and there was a saved message from May 21st from Larry Watts of BCC for
you. Sending along in the event the interns didn't. If you've received it, please disregard .
Larry Watts called to speak with you regarding Archer , and states the BCC continues to try to work with the school to
narrow issues, and have remained fairly optimistic that they will be able to reach a compromise that works for
everyone . Please give him a call back if you get a chance.
Larry Watts



From:Tricia Keane [mailto :tr icia.keane@lacity .org]

Sent: Friday, June 13, 2014 2:35 PM
To: Steve Sugerman
Subject: Archer permits for phase 1

I just got asked about permits that are being processed for the phase one north wing renovation. Are there permits
being processed for that separate from the archer forward project?
Tricia Keane
Director of Planning
Councilmember Mike Bonin

Archer bullet points

1 message(s)
Date : Tue Jun 17 201419:51 :33 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To: mike bonin
CC :
ID : 146acac07d9dc812


I don't know this group at all, so I am not sure if there will be any Archer supporters there , or if the people in this group
will sha re the views of the BCC who are more focused on operation , the neighbors who are more focused on the
character of the built camgus or BHA who seems to be focused on traffic and the residentia l properties . So the
following bullets are intended to cover all the bases .
- You have seen and you and yoLir staff have been paying attention to all the comment letters that have been
submitted .
- You have been working closely with the neighbors , BCC, BHA , and with Archer as well, to identify the issues with
the project and to see whether and what solutions there are for the issues.
- As they can imagine , the overarching issue that you have heard from people who have commented is traffic, and
specifically the traffic impacts on Sunset.
- Traffic is by far the biggest issue for you as well , since as everyone knows, traffic on Sunset is unbearable.
- You have been carefully considering the comments from the community and balancing the needs of the school to
modernize their campus and to provide a competitive program that serves the students well.
- But that project has to be done in a way that minimizes impacts on the community.
- What you would like to see is a project that doesn't have significant traffic impacts , that is sensitive to the neighbors
and doesn't overwhelm the surrounding area with out of scale development, and that doesn't increase the activity on
campus in a way that is out of sync with the neighborhood .
- What you are pleased thus far is the traffic management measures that will continue to be undertaken and
improved on , and you would like to see other schools in the area follow suit. If all schools had robust traffic
management requirements , that could help the traffic on sunset in a way that no school operating alone could do.
- The Draft EIR comment period is closed , and the Planning Department along with the Archer team is working on
preparing responses to all the comments that were submitted .
- As you can imagine, there were a LOT of comments submitted. Quite possibly hundreds ... ! don't have an actual
tally .
- There is no set schedule yet for when the responses to comments will be completed, but while that process is going
forward , you will be working with the Archer team to revise the proposed proejct in a way that responds to the issues
that were raised.
(Not for public consumption yet, but it looks like it could take until about September to respond to all the comments .)
Related note: Archer has their biannual Neighborhood Liaison meeting tomorrow Wed night at the school. Notices
were mailed out a couple weeks ago, and I am hoping that Norman can cover that meeting for me, be I have a
conflicting meeting tomorrow night.
Tricia Keane
Director of Planning
Councilmember Mike Bonin
Los Angeles City Council, 11th District
p. 213-473-7011 I e. I www
Sent from a mobile device. Please excuse any tupos .
Find Mike on Facebook and Twitter :

On Mon , Jun 23, 2014 at 11:27 PM , Rodney Liber <> wrote :

Can we get something the week of July 14 (except for July 18 in the afternoon )? Ray really needs to be there
as he did most of the heavy lifting on this.


From : Tricia Keane [mailto:tr

Sent: Thur sday, July 10, 2014 3:27 PM

To: Steve Sugerman
Subject: Re: Check ing in ...

early next week?

Tricia Keane
Director of Planning
Councilmember Mike Bonin
You're a tough negot iator . Sounds good to me. Dare we set time/date?

Steve Sugerman
Sugerman Communications

Group, Inc .

10880 Wilshire Blvd ., Suite 2020

Los Angeles, CA 90024
310.974.6685 - Direct
www .suge rma ngroup. com

Fwd: Checking in...

11 message(s)
Date : Thu Jul 10 2014 16:28:06 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Tricia Keane
To: mike bonin

CC :
JD 1472264056c9ba71
Archer is looking for guidance about where we are going to want them to head . We should probably discuss how
best to roll out the message .

RE: Checking in...

11 message(s)
Date : Thu Jul 10 2014 16:48:23 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Steve Sugerman
To : Tr icia Keane
CC :
ID : 1472276b06054b76
Ok. thx. Bon wee en .

Steve Sugerman
Sugerman Comm uni cat ions Grou p, Inc.

BHA Archer
1 message(s)
Date : Fri Jul 11201418 :19:47 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Rodney Uber
To : Tricia Keane
CC : Raymond Klein
ID: 14727f0b01 d4df29
Hi Tricia :

We 'd love to know your thoughts when you've had a chance to digest our materials.

best ,
On Jul 15, 2014 , at 5:18 PM, Tricia Keane <tricia.keane@lacity .org> wrote :
I'm thinking maybe I should get on your calendar so we have some time to discuss this. Should I work with DO to
get something set up? I postponed my call with Steve until after you and I have a chance to talk.

I have four meetings today. Three of them at Metro, and one at City Hall. We can try to talk between these ,
although I need a significant chunk of prep time for my 2 PM meeting .
Sent from my iPhone
(Please forgive any typos , odd phrases , or complete nonsense. I am using Siri, and she tries to make me look

3 message(s)
Date : Wed Jul 16 2014 19:00:41 GMT-0600 (MDT)

From: Raymond Klein

To : Tricia Keane
CC : Rodney Liber
ID : 14741d6095ffe7f3
Hi Trica

There is a meeting of the BCC Land Use Committee on Monday, and Archer is on the Agenda.
It really would help move forward the process of arriving at a Covenant if we could get Mike's and your comments on the
BHA draft Proposal.
If you would like to discuss it in person rather than email, let's try to find a time.


From: Nancy Freedman <gjf165@q>

Date: Tue, A ug 26 , 2014 an :17 PM
S ubject: confidential re A rcher
To : mike bonin <m ikebonin@g>

H i Mike,
I urge you to read between the lines of the email Rod sent to you las1 night regarding a meeting with all Brentwood
entit ies involved with Arc her. He is losing it, rude, defiant, swelled heads, ent itled and hard to take .

BCC will not being doing much until Larry returns from Europe in three weeks. BCC has worked diligently to see if
there is a way to save the community from more traffic which is a portion of the i:1i
e we think we are respons ible to
address . The neighbors and BHA want less cami:ius which can be done . That too will make less traffic.
Very disappointed in their demeanor and no intention to meet unless at the very least , a mediator is present. He
desp ises A rche r, influent ial people, any talk that Archer wants a particular a eel, the lawyers , etc . One unhappy
Hope you and Sean are well and happy. I am still smiling over your very spec ial wedding . It was one of the best I
have ever been to! Hope to see you soon and hear you really well!

On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 1:21 PM, Mike Bo nin < mikebon in@g > w rote :

ugh .
Wondering if you should give Robert a call and let him know what your plan is and ask him for his help to get
everyone on the same page.

Tricia Keane

08282014 Steve Sugerman and Ron Stone re Archer ( lnar@lacity .org)
1 message(s)
Date : Wed Aug 27 2014 19:56:31 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : "Tricia Keane (via Goog le Docs)"
To: chad .molnar@lac
CC : claudia .luna@lacity .org
ID: 1481a541a4b350f2

I've shared an ite m with you.

Briefing memo for archer meeting tomorrow with Ron Stone and Steve Sugerman. I will be filling in the remaining
sections, but here's the draft to out in MB's fo lder.

08282014 Steve Sugerman an d Ron

Stone re Arc her

Invitation: (TK) Meeting with Archer Stakeholders@ Wed Sep 3, 2014 2pm - 3pr/i
(Tricia Keane)
1 message (s)
Date : Fr i Aug 29 2014 15:29:47 GMT-0600 (MDT )
From : claudia luna
To : "tricia.keane@lacity.o rg"
ID: 14823aca29a5545d

more detai ls

{T K) Meeting with Archer Stakeholder s

Wh en

Wed Sep 3, 2014 2pm - 3 pm Pacific Tim e

Wh ere

Cit y Hall 4 75 (map)


Tricia Keane




Fwd: Archer update

2 message(s)
Date : Mon Sep 01201422 :33 :14 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Tricia Keane
To: mike bonin

CC :
ID : 14834a35b8c2f94c

Tricia Keane

Letter to Mike Bonin - Archer School Expansion

3 message(s)
Date: Tue Sep 02 2014 20:50 :29 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: lalhasa
To : mike.bonin@lacity .org, councilmember
CC : tricia .keane@lacity .org, norman, chad.molnar@lacity .org ,
ID: 148396bb8bca6a25

Enclosed please find letter from Brentwood Hills Homeowners Association regarding the Archer School
proposed expansion .
Eric Edmunds


Fwd: Letter to Mike Bonin - Archer School Expansion

3 message( s)
Date: Tue Sep 02 2014 21 :20:08 GMT-0000 (MDT)
From : Mike Bonin
To : Tricia Keane
CC :
ID : 1483986e1c3d8e81
they oppose anything and everything .


Councilmember, 11th District

On Sep 3, 2014 , at 9:09 AM , Tric ia Keane <tricia .keane@> wrote :

Had an interesting I positive call with sugerman this morning . There a good idea about how to approach the
residential lot issue.
I will brief ou on it, but can ou meet for ust 5 minutes with Ron and steve toda . The will meet anywhere
and anytimr after 11
Tricia Keane
Director of Land Use & Planning
Counci lmember Mike Bonin
On Sep 3, 2014 9:28 AM , "Mike Bonin" <mike .bonin@lacity .org> wrote :
No . I cannot meet with them before the meeting .. I will not be in the office unt il 1230 and then I have
back-to -back meetings before this meeting. You and I can discuss for a few minutes before we go into the
meeting .
Sent from my iPhone

On Wed , Sep 3, 2014 at 9:42 AM , Tricia Keane <tr icia.keane@lacity .org> wrote :
Okay. I will send you an email with some details do you have background before you and I talk
Tricia Keane
Director of Land Use & Planning
Councilmember Mike Bonin

On Sep 4, 2014 7:13 PM, "Mike Bonin" <> w rote :

when is brentwood school stuff going to come before us?

Councilmemb er, 11th District

Re: Fwd: September Update

4 message(s)
Date: Fri Sep 05 2014 10:27:33 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To: mike bonin
CC :
ID: 14846a46d838cf60
I will check on the status. They are working on the DEIR right now, but I don't know that there is a specific schedule
yet for releasing that for public comment. I believe that planning has told them that archer needs to get done first.
Tricia Keane
Director of Land Use & Planning
Councilmember Mike Bonin

Re: September Update

- --

- ~---- ..- ----

4 message( s)
Date: Fri Sep 05 201411 :12:33 GMT-0600 (MD T)
From : Mike Bonin
To : Tricia Kea ne
CC :
ID: 14846cda31532964

Okay. Just want to make sure I will have an o~i::iortunityto requ ire the same strict traffic stuff that archer is subject to.
Sent from my iPhone
(Please forg ive any typos, odd phrases , or complete nonsense. I am using Siri, and she tries to make me look stupid .)

Re: September Update

4 message(s)
Date : Fri Sep 05 2014 11:23:32 GMT -0600 {MDT)
From : Tricia Keane
To: mike bonin
CC :
ID: 14846d7ab4f39D 12
You will. They have barely reached out to us, so until there is real engagement they know that they will be getting
comments from us that they will need to address.
Tr icia Keane
Director of Land Use & Planning
Cou ncilmember Mike Bonin

Re: Look Mike Bonin!

2 message(s)
Date: Mon Sep 15 201417 :20:36 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To: Mike Bonin
ID: 1487b9e2b0d0ec07

thanks . I'm in the process of scheduling the next archer meeting right now.

From: Kelly Martino <>

Date: September 14, 2014 at 10:10:19 PM MST
To: "Carla M. Roberts" <> , "" <> , Frank Segal
<>, "Kim Siegel (Rapt)" <>, Cindy Assendorf <> ,
Armin Vishteh <>, 2065 Member Eran Zaidel <ezaidel@psych.ucla .edu>, ""
<>, W K <>, "tinekap@roadrunner .com" <tinekap@roadrunner .com>,
"" <>, "" <>, ""
<>, Lynn Ridley <peirce10@verizon .net>, Marvin Drandell <drandell@physics> , rgattegno
<>, Rebecca Edwards <>, Barbara Young
<>, "" <>, Jessica Elbaum
<>, Judy <>, Laura Carroll <>, Dave
Hammers <dav>
Subject : Fwd: Important Archer Update and Neighborhood Meeting on September 30th
Hello neighbors of sunset colony, please see the archer update below.


From: rgattegno [mailto:rgattegno@verizon .net]

Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2014 2:39 PM
To: Arnie Berghoff
Subject: Fwd: Important Archer Update and Neighborhood Meeting on September 30th

t-Yl ...any info you can find out or any feedback on your take of this email is most a~preciated. Thank you so much
Arnie! XOxoxo
Sent from my iPhone

- From: Arnie Berghoff <>

Date: Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 7:17 PM
Subject: FW: Important Archer Update and Neighborhood Meeting on September 30th
To: Laura Mclennan <>

FYI.. ou may wish to share with Mi ke.

Arnie Berghoff

Date: Wed Sep 17 2014 10:37:09 GMT-0600 (MDT)

From: Laura Mclennan
To: Tricia Keane
CC :
ID: 14884799286187ab
I have to assume you and MB know all this ....
---------- Forwarded message ----------

Fwd: FW: Important Archer Update and Neighborhood Meeting on September 30th
2 message(s}
Date : Thu Sep 18 201418:39:23 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To : mike bonin , Laura Mclennan

ID: 1488b595f7d7e84b
I wasn't aware of this specific meeting, but we are well aware of the archer neighbors group .
Tha nks
Tric ia Keane

Archer meeting today

4 message(s)
Dat e: Fri Sep 19 2014 12:12":33GMT-0600 -(MDT)
From : Tricia Keane
To : mike bonin
CC :
ID: 1488f 1d95dfbd1f3

Can we talk before the Archer meeting this afternoon?

The meeting is at 2:30 in the WLA DO.

On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 11:17 AM, Mike Bonin <> wrote :

Re: Archer meeting today
4 message( s)

Date: Fri Sep 19 201412 :17:33 GMT-0600 (MDT}

From : Mike Bonin


ID: 1488f222c0dfd493

. . .

unless you intend on sharing more bad news

Re: Archer meeting today

4 message(s)
Date : Fri Sep 19 2014 12:18:35 GMT-0600 (MDT )
From: Tri cia Keane
T 9:

Mik~ S911i11

ID: 1488f 23188be4cbf

No. Just strategizing.

But I'm sure I'll find some bad news to share about something soon enough.

From: Debra Hockemeyer <debra@weste>

Date: Th u, Sep 25, 2014 at 11:23 PM
Subject: Re: DWP / Sunset Blvd
To: Tricia Keane <t ricia.keane@la>
Cc: Eric Edmunds <lalhasa@ao> , norman kulla <>

Thanks Norman . Hi Tricia,

We wou ld love to meet w ith ou and Councilman Bonin and express our concerns. What is the timing of
Councilman Benin's decision? Michelle Bisnoff told us that her understanding from BCC is that Councilman Bonin
will likely agree with the outcome of the Archer + neighbor + BHA meetings. Is it true that Councilman Bonin is
only meeting with Brentwood Homeowne rs Association? I think there are at least 10 HOAs in Brentwood alone,
not to mention the Palisades. All of us stand to be severely im acted by any construction at the Sunse t and
Barrington cam('.!U
S for The Ar cher School for Girls.
I know our President. Eric Edmunds . sent a letter to your office. on behalf of Brentwood Hills Homeowners
Association BHHA) and another letter from himself personally. How can we open up these discussions to include
all the HOAs impacted, so that Councilman Bonin is completely aware of how his constituents in Brentwood feel
about the possibility of 3-6 years more of construction, impacting traffic flow along Sunset Boulevard?

Debra Hockem eyer

Brentwood Hills Home owne rs Assoc iation
On T hu, Sep 25, 2014 at 1: 16 PM, Debra Hockemeyer <debra@westernr> wrote:
You're right, any weekday/night is busy, and the slightest bit if construction will have a major impact. Any chance
we can get the Archer School for Girls to expand and teach ust on the weekends? Why is Mike Bonin only
work ing with the HOA and neighbors in the immediate vicinity? The biggest impact to traffic w ill be for all the
homeowners west of Bundy/Kenter!


On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 2:39 PM, Norman Kulla <;,, wrote :
Debra is an up and coming leader of Brentwood Hills HOA ...she's complaining about not having a seat at table for
Archer outreach....

Re: DWP / Sunset Blvd

11 message(s)
Date: Thu Sep 25 2014 16:08:09 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To : Norman Kulla

ID: 148aedb6f6df50b9

Happy to meet with other people if they want to meet with me. I will talk to whomever wants to
provide information and input to me about the project. I might not have answers for her yet, but I
am more than happy meet with her, see what her concerns are, and figure out how we can be

On Sep 25, 2014, at 3: 15 PM, Norman Kulla <n orman, kulla@lacity.o rg> wr ote:
Debr a,
Tricia Keane, Director of Land Use and Planning fo r Mike, is happy to meet with you if you want t o provide information
and input about the project. Tricia might not have all the answers for you yet, but Tricia is happy to meet with you, see
what your concerns are, and figure out how we can be responsive.

Date : Fri Sep 26 2014 14:15:28 GMT-0 600 (MDT )

From: Norman Kulla

To : Tricia Keane ...
ID: 148b39afd9044 bbc

Thanks Tricia for your follow-up much api;,reciated...this could be a first step toward a broader communitt outreach
which could be much more meaningful (P.oliticallyspeaking) than a narrow focus upon the usual suspects who have
narrow parochial interests for school or immediate neighborhood ... not that othe rs more remote care about anything
other than the gridlock on Sunset corridor ...

On Sep 25 , 2014 11 :13 PM , "Mike Bonin " <m ike>

wrote :
do we need to do something public soon? when are we meeting w them to discuss?

Councilmember , 11th District

Re: Fwd: Archer School

5 message(s)
Date: Fri Sep 26 2014 00:29:26 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To: mike bonin
CC :
ID: 148b0a65d5240596
Yes soon, but not before Monday. I have another meeting with everyone on Monday. Will set up something for soon
after that with david, Steve, and Ron to talk communications.
Tricia Keane
Director of Land Use & Planning
Councilmember Mike Bonin

On Sep 29, 2014, at 2:44 PM, Tricia Keane <> wrote:

Here's a quick description of what I wanted to chat with you about before the 3 pm meeting--you
might be able to just respond by email.
Archer wanted some clarification about your position on the 2 gyms/multipurpose
facility issue
that was discussed at our last meeting with Archer and the stakeholder groups. in that meeting,
you acknowledged the neighbors' concerns with the two gyms, and said that it will be an uphill
battle to convince you that having both gyms is going to be okay.
I talked to Steve today, and Archer is concerned that meant that you aren 't okay with having two
building -- and that the comments might have empowered the neighbors to think they could get
rid of the second gym. I took the statement to mean that having the two buildings ( one below
ground and one above ground) was okay -- but only if Archer could convince us that there were
not going to be impacts (traffic, noise, quality of life, etc) from having the second gym.

My question is. assuming that Archer can convince us that there will not be any traffic and
neighborhood quality of life impacts from the second facility. are you okay with them having both
gyms, and me telling the neighbors today that the issue is the impacts more than it is the

existenceof the facilities themselves?

On Sep 29, 2014 3:26 PM, "Mike Bonin" <> wrote:
Yes. But that is a genuinely high standard.
Sent from my iPhone
I want to be able to focus the discussionon operationalimpactsand not on whether there will be two buildingsor not.
Tricia Keane
Director of Land Use & Planning
CouncilmemberMike Bonin


On Oct 2, 2014, at 8:12 AM , Tricia Keane <tricia.kea ne@lac> wrot e:

tianks for sharing the draft of our newsletter article , I appreciate it. And sorry for the delay in getting back to you - it reall
lias been an incredibly busy last couple of days. I ran your newsletter article by the Councilman, and he felt very strongly
that he needed to make his own statement about his position , so we are sending an email to the Brentwood community this
I wanted to give you a heads up that he is going to be sending out the email, and I wanted to make sure you had a copy of
that email (attached) before it got sent out so you could reflect his position in the newsletter .
Than ks,
Tricia Keane
Direct or of Land Use & Planning
Counci lmember Mike Bon in
From : "Rod ney Ub er" <rodliber@me .com>
Date: Oct 2, 2014 8:25 AM
Subject: Re: Archer email
To: "Tricia Keane " <tricia .keane@lac ity .org>
This is amazing BUT There might be some errors I can help you with . Call me before you send it out if you can. 3 10-567-1000

On Oct 2, 20 14, at 8:27 AM , Tricia Keane <tricia .keane@lacity .org> wrote :

Thoughts on how I should respond?
Tricia Keane
Director of Land Use & Planning
Counc ilmember Mike Bonin

Re: Archer email

9 message(s)
Date : Thu Oct 02 2014 09 :30:25 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Mike Bonin
To : Tricia Keane
CC : david grahamcaso , Chad Molnar
ID: 148d17be07d9c149

You r.;,in say that Mike is in a metro meetino and can't be reached for the next few hours and we 've already auto programmed it
to go out.

Sent rom my iPhone

Re: Archer ema il

9 message(s)
Date: Thu Oct 02 2014 09 :33:09 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane

To : mike bonin
CC: david grahamcaso , Chad Molnar
ID: 148d17ec827981d0
Yeah, me too.
I will respond to him as suggested and see what he says
Tricia Keane
Director of Land Use & Planning
Councilmember Mike Bonin
On Oct 2 , 20 14, at 8:35 AM , Tric ia Keane <tricia .keane @lac ity.o rg> wro te :
M ike is in a metro meeting and can't be reached for the next few hours , and it's already been autoprogrammed
Tr icia Keane
Director of Land Use & Plan ning
Councilmembe r Mike Bon in

to go out.

From: "Rodney Uber" <rod liber@me .com>

Date: Oct 2, 20 14 8:46 AM
Subject: Re: Archer email
To : "Tricia Keane" <tricia.kea>
Yes, I got it. I think the note is excellent, and I want to thank and congratulate the Councilman for taking a strong and
balanced stand. I also want to thank )'.OU for }'our strength and guidance on this .

I will again look over my newsletter, see If any changes are warranted and will publish It, but include a link to the BHA
website with the councilman's letter.
I have also given Archer a chance to weigh in which I think is more than fair. They have asked for another day to look
at it.
PS - I know this is by far the not only issue on your plate, so I understand the attention is at a remium and appreciate


Date: Thu Oct 02 20 14 09: 17:50 GMT-0600 (MDT)

From: Tricia Keane
To: Bryan Gordon , Larry Watts

ID: 148d170539b22226
Hi Bryan and Larry,
I wanted to give you guys a heads up that Mike is going to send out an email to Brentwood stakeholders that lays out what he
has been saying to our working group on the project. With the BCC meeting coming up and a BHA newsletter coming out as
Rod mentioned in the last meeting, we thought it made sense to have Mike to let the community know what he is telling Archer
to do if the project is going to move forward. Obviously , I will make sure that ou get a co y, and if you'd like we can chat more
later today . Let me know when you have a few minutes .
T ricia Keane

From: "Maria Servello" <>

Date : Oct 2, 2014 10:06 AM
Subject: Elizabeth English requesting a phone call with Mike today
To : <claudia.luna@lacity .org>
Cc: "Elizabeth English" <eenql>

Hi Claudia,
Nice speaking with you. I am officially requesting a phone call to be arranged with Mike and Elizabeth today
any time after 11 AM. I know you mentioned that he is working out of the office today, but Elizabeth would
appreciate a quick call when he is available.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind thanks,

Maria Servello
Executive Assistant to Elizabeth English, Head of School
The Archer Schoo l For Girl s

Fwd: Elizabeth English requesting a phone call with Mike today

9 message(s)
Date : Thu Oct 02 2014 11:19:27 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : claudia luna
To : Mike Bonin
C C: Chad Molnar , Tricia Keane , david grahamcaso
ID : 148d1dfb2333cc8b

Do you want me to schedule this phone call for today? If so, maybe before Expo?
---- ------ Forwarded message ----------

Re: Elizabeth English requesting a phone call with Mike today

9 message (s)
Date : Thu Oct 02 2014 11:43 :20 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Mike Bonin
T o: claudia luna
CC : Chad Molnar , Tricia Keane , david grahamcaso
ID: 148d1f5859b19e9c

fine to speak w her . let them know i am in metro and expo meetings all day, so might not be able to call until later in
the day. cant comm it to exact time , but will call. get me a cell or something?
and TK - can you get a sense from Steve or Ron of what the tenor of the call will be?
Sent from my iPad

Re: Elizabeth English requesting a phone call with Mike today

7 message( s)
Date: Thu Oct 02 2014 12:40:02 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Mike Bonin
To: claudia luna
CC: Chad Molnar, Tricia Keane , dav id graham caso
ID: 148d22978ddffde7

I'll call her between metro & expo

Ron tells me she needs to talk w me before 5 pm:


Thanks. If there's any way you can get to Elizabeth sooner that would be good .
She has to speak to parents tonight at 5:00ish (me included) at back to school night hence the urgency

The email blast was a bit of a kick in the gut. I know she's concerned about how the archer community will perceive things ,
etc. There's the political piece of it (which we all get), but there 's also how things cou ld impact our commun ity, her leadership ,
Your telling her what you'll support will go a long way .

Re: Elizabeth English requesting a phone call with Mike today

7 message(s)
Dale: Thu Oct 02 2014 13:23:42 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: claudia luna
To: Mike Bonin
CC: Chad Molnar , Tricia Keane , david grahamcaso
ID: 148d25167e45f180
This is the message I go1back when offered before Expo Thank you for your help. Might Mr. Bonin be availab le between 4 -5 PM? The Trustee she wo uld like to be on
the call with her is not available until 4 PM. If he is absolutely not available we will try and make 1-2 work .

Re: Elizabeth English requesting a phone call with Mike today

7 message(s)
Date : Thu Oct 02 2014 13:55:55 GMT-0600 (MDT )
From: Mike Bonin
To : claudia luna
CC: Chad Molnar, Tricia Keane, david grahamcaso
ID: 148d26eea89503ca

And which board member?

Re: Elizabeth English requesting a phone call with Mike today

7 message(s)
Date : Thu Oct 02 2014 14:03:54 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : claudia luna
To : Mike Bon in
CC: Chad Molnar, Tric ia Keane , david graha mcaso
ID: 148d276455cd6405
Scott Lord will be the Trustee on the line. Elizabeth's direct line is (310) 873-7005 . l'I add it to calendar.
On Oct 2, 2014 1:14 PM , "Mike Bonin " <mike.bonin@lacity.o rg> wrote:
Who is Sco tt Lord?

Date : Thu Oct 02 2014 14:17:51 GMT-0600 (MDT)

From: Tricia Keane
To: mike bonin
CC :
ID : 148d282f97f0bdd9
He is an arche r trustee and has been in meetings in the past. Not sure if any if th ose were with you .
I have input for you before you talk to Elizabeth

Tricia Keane

Fwd: A Letter From Councilman Mike Bonin; Archer School Proposal

1 message(s)
Date : Thu Oct 02 2014 11:25:59 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Nancy Freedman
To : Mike Bonin
CC : tricia keane
ID : 148d1e5bf010cc95
A letter from a constituent asked to be forwarded . From his mouth the God's ear !
Nanc y
Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mike Berk" <>

Subject: RE: A Letter From Councilman Mike Bonin; Archer School Proposal
Date: October 2, 2014 at 10:14:38 AM PDT
To: <>

Please pass on my thanks to Councilman Bonin for his measured approach to any expansion of the Archer

I am sure that the entire community is behind him on this.

12618 Homewood Way, LosAngeles CA 90049

On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 9:06 AM, Thelma Waxman <> wrote :

Happy Friday!
So once again the day is off and running at Barn!! I received an email with this link th is morning. It includes a
letter from the Archer Board to the Archer community. Many in our community have seen it and it is
upsetting to some. Especially the sentence "Rest assured , we will never agree to any changes that
compromise our mission for current and future Archer students ."
Just wanted to give you a heads up in case you get some feedback or emails. Maybe you've already seen
it. I hope this is not indicative of Arche 's o mitment to reaching a compromise. I get the sense that they
feel they don't need to respond to Mike's letter because they feel their modified plan already addressed all of
the issues, but clearly it did not. I guess I will never understand how they think they "worked " with the
neighbors when they stopped talking to us for six months yet somehow came up with a "neighborhood" plan
that still includes filming and Saturday use and 86 special events . And that their argument for a second gym
is "we need it." Oh well. We w ill keei:i moving forward and hopefully we can successfully resolve the issues.
Rest assured , I am trying to keep a level head and report only the facts on my website!! :)

Archer article
3 message(s)
Date: Fri Oct 03 2014 11:28:20 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To: mike bonin . david grahamcaso. Chad Molnar
ID: 148d70e21b757447

The Archer Board sent a letter to its communit y in response to our lette r. The text of the let ter is
have eard some concern s abou t Archer 's response, particula rly because of the line, " Rest
assure I we will never agree to any changes that compromise our mission for current and future
rcher students." Thelma is concerned that that means Archer isn't willing to comprosmise. I
actually think this helps to set up a constructive process forward because if Archer presents the
revised project to the BCC that addresses all of the issues that your letter raised, it can be seen as
you exerting strong leadership in response to com
ity concerns- -and gettin g results--and Archer
makin g changes that it represents work for its school.

Dear Archer Community:Three years ago, The Archer School for Girls embarked on a campus plan designed
to support our mission to educate future generations of girls in Los Angeles. To achieve our 2 1st century
mission, Archer must provide our students accessto modern facilities designed for the way girls learn
best.After count less meetings and hundreds of hours wo rking w ith community groups, neighbors, and other
stakeholders, Los Angeles CityCouncilmanMikeBonin issued a public letter today outl ining some changes to
the original Archer Forward plan that must be made in order to secure his support.We know that the
Councilman ultimately supports our educational mission and is clearly focused on a project he can actively
support. Many of the items he has outlined are issues we have already addressed w ith our neighbors, and
with his clear guidan ce both the community and Archer have a road map to fol low.Rest assured, we will never
agree to any changes that compromise our mission for current and future Archer student s. We remain

MTC 144

Re: Archer article

3 message(s)
Date : Fri Oct 03 2014 11 :32:01 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Mike Bonin
To : Tricia Keane
CC: david grahamcaso , Chad Molnar
ID: 148d7121c87c124e

I think it's okay

But I feel her comments about me are patronizing:)
Sent from my iPhone

Re: Archer article

3 message(s)
Date : Fri Oct 03 2014 11:41 :18 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Chad Molnar
To : Mike Bonin
CC : Tricia Keane , david grahamcaso
ID: 148d719fe764a 313
I actually like it. It puts you in the position of shepherding through a comprom ise plan . If/when a compromise Archer plan is
approved, Archer will crow about it like it is the greatest thing they ever did , and they will have already set you up as the guy
that made it possible .

1 message(s)
Date : Mon Oct 06 2014 08:50:39 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Mike Bonin
To: Tricia Keane , Chad Molnar , ""
CC :
ID: 148e5f0d2b366dd3
attended an event in Mandeville yesterday -- got very good reception .
People REALLY read the BHA newsletter and emails. Lots of comments
about Kenter signal and San Vicente signage. Nothing about Archer at

-------- Forwarded message -----From: Chris Robertson <>

Date: Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 5:41 PM
Subject: Fwd: PPCC FINAL A genda October 9, 2014; Minutes September 11, 2014
To : Tricia Keane <tricia.keane@lac ity .org>

FYI - Archer is on the PPCC agenda for Thursday.

Fwd: PPCC FINAL Agenda October 9, 2014; Minutes September 11, 2014
1 message(s)
Date: Mon Oct 06 2014 18:46:48 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To: mil<ebonir1. Chad Molnar . david grahamcaso


ID: 148e812a636 18006

Archer is on PPCC on thursday (and BCC on tuesday).

I am going to BCC, but can't g to PPCC because I have a confl ict that eve nin g.

On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 11:14 AM. Tricia Keane <> wrote:

I am plannin g on attending the BCC meet ing tonight, and we should touch base about what I should be
saying about the r:iroject.
Cur rent ly, the agen da has Beth Gordi e making a presentation on behalf of Archer and Thelma making a
presentation on beha lf of the neighbors. For "norma l" projects, we don't typ ically speak at neig hborhood or
community counci l meetings because we want to make sure that each organizat ion has the opportunity and
space to make their own decisio ns about projects. However, I don't think our standard policy necessarily


makes sense here because we have already made a very public statement about your position on the
proje ct .
My thought is that I ask to speak first and t hat I make statements essentially reiterating the terms of the
lette r. If you agree with this approach, I'll ask Bryan and Larr if I can speak first .
Here are my proposed talking points.

Talking Points for BCC

Than k you for giving me an opportunity to speak tonight . I would like to thank the BCC, and the
Land Use Committee for spending a considerable amount of time and effort on this project. I would
also lik e to thank all the other community stakeholders, including the Residential Neighbors of Archer
and the BHA, for countless hours and a lot of effort in working toward a project that is the right fit for
the community . Needless to say, a lot of people have dedicated a lot of time and brainpower t o this

As many (or probably all) of you know, the Counc il member released a letter last week about the
Archer School's proposal.

It is true that Archer is an incredible academic institution, and it provides amazing opportunities
for our girls and young women.

It is also true that the project described in Archer's Draft EIR was ambitious, and for it to be the
right fit for the community, it needed to be scaled back.

As the Councilman has said, in evaluating this project, he is first viewing it through the lens of
how it will affect traffic and congestion. His primary concern is the impacts of the project on traffic-both in the surrounding neighborhood and regionally- -and making sure that the project does not
increase traffic impacts .

The second key issue (and a very close second) that guides the Counc il man's evaluation is how
the project will affect the quality of life of the surrounding neighbors.

And all of this is evaluated primarily through the lens of ensuring that the operational impacts of
the project do not unfairly or unduly burden the surrounding neighbors or the surrounding
commun it y.

The Councilman's letter detailed a number of changes--both big and small things--that needed
to be made to the project in order to gain his support. The changes fall into three main categories:
{l) changes needed to address traffic impacts, (2) changes to address neighborhood impacts, and (3)
changes to the physical footpr int of the project.

We have been working closely with Archer and the stakeholder groups fo r many months now,
and we know that this process started before the Councilman even took office. Based on those
meetings, we are confident that the issues laid out in the Councilman's letter can be addressed and
that working together, we can all make this project right for Brentwood.

Tricia Keane
Director of Land Use & Plannin~

Message from Larry re Archer focus

3 message(s)
Date: Thu Oct 09 2014 14:24 :26 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Nancy Freedman
To : nancy freedman
CC :
ID: 148f695a62fc254a

I want to address certain process questions and concerns that were raised at the October BCC
meeting following Archer's presentatio n of its revised Archer Forward.
As our meeting demonstrated, large meetings are not effective ways to delve into the details of big
projects. So when Archer Forward first arose about two years ago, our LUC and Transportation
Committee were asked to study the project. Both committees are composed of volunteers. There
are currently 19 individuals on the LUC chaired by Bryan Gordon and 9 individuals on the
Transportation Committee chaired by Lauren Cole. As permitted by our by-laws, the committees
include some individuals who are not BCC members. Given the complexity of Archer Forward, Bryan
asked for volunteers who were willing to devote many hours on a special Archer subcommittee.


On J hu, Oct 9, 2014 at 2:45 PM, Tricia Keane <> wrote :

Fwd: letter ...

4 message(s)
Date : Wed Oct 15 2014 09:48 :59 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: david grahamcaso
To: Mike Bonin, Chad Molnar , Tricia Keane
CC :
IEl: 149147f88b2051b0

FYI - This letter, as well as a video message from Elizabeth with similar messaging , is being distributed today .

---------- Forwarded message---------From : Steve Sugerman <Steve@sugermangroup .com>

Date: Wed , Oct 15, 2014 at 8:39 AM
Subject: letter ...
To : david grahamcaso <david .grahamcaso@lacity .org>

On Wed , Oct 15, 2014 at 9:14 AM , Mike Bonin <mike.bonin@lacity .org> wrote :
I'm in the car. What's the short version of what it says?

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On Wed , Oct 15, 2014 at 9:21 AM , david grahamcaso <david.grahamcaso@laci ty .org> wrote:
Mike proposed a list of changes, Archer is willing to agree to the changes he presented to earn his support .
Remaining components of the site plan are essential.
Mike asked that we continue discussions with surrounding neighbors about details of revised CUP and Archer has assured
the CM that they will devote themselves to doing so in good faith.
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Re: letter ...

4 message(s)
Date: Wed Oct 15 2014 10:46 :10 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Chad Molnar
To: david grahamcaso
CC: Mike Bonin , Tricia Keane
ID: 14914b3d6006022a
It's very hard to argue with "we agree to everything you're asking for."

---------- Forwarded message---- -----From: Isaac C ohen <veco@earthlink .net>

Date: Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 10:24 AM
Subject: FW : Arche r School Proposa l
To : Norman Kulla <norman .kulla@lacity .org>

Norm, FYI. Ike

From: Isaac Cohen [mai lto:veco@earthlink .net]

Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2014 3:12 PM

To: 'Mike Bonin'
Cc: 'Robert Rene'; 'larry watts'
Subj ect: RE: Archer School Proposal

Dear Mike,
Congratulations !! Excellent letter. I am confident that everyone will strongly support you,
and rejoice at the realization that we have a very dedicated and intelligent Councilman ,
capable of realizing the nature of this major problem , and looking out for the whole
Now let's try to get it done. Your first priority item is: "Eliminate ALL significant Traffic
Impacts from school operations".
In order for us to verify this, we need an independent traffic analysis, conducted by
professionals. It is my opinion, that for the commun ity to be convinced of th is, we need a
"Time Stud:i.!" identifying the delays in time units , as opposed to some vague intersection
designation such as A to F.
A Traffic Engineer estimated this study to be around $30,000. It is my opinion that it could be
closer to $50,000 after all is said and done. My request is that Archer de posit this amount
with CD- 11 for dispersion at our discretion. I believe, it is time to take some positive steps
forward .
Awaiting your respons , Thanks again. Ike
P.S.On the "Bundy Village" development proposal, Bill Rosendahl convinced the developer to
provide $25,000 for our proposed time study.

On Oct 16, 2014 10:38 AM , "Norman Kulla" <norman .kulla@ lacity .org> wrote :
I shared with Ike LADOT's Eddie Guerero 's 10/8/14 139 page report on topic but he nonetheless forwa rded this
accompanying email and renewed his request for Archer to front $SOK for a traffic study to assure "no impacts" per
Mike's requi rement to support project...please advise or feel free to respond to Ike directly ... Norman

Re: Fwd: FW: Archer School Proposal

7 message(s)
Date : Thu Oct 16 20 14 15:28:15 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To : norman kulla
CC : Debbie DynerHar ris . Chris Robertson . Paul Backstrom
ID : 1491adc72cc8fc70
Is Ike affiliated with the BCC or with any of the other community groups? I know that BCC and maybe the neighbors
have been or will be engaging their own traffic consultants. I am wondering whether he could work with them on
getting the info that he wants . However , before mentioning anything to him could you let me know if he is connected
eith any of the groups?
Tricia Keane
Director of Land Use & Planning

Re: Fwd: FW: Archer School Proposal

7 message(s)
Date : Thu Oct 16 2014 16:48:02 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Norman Kulla
To : Tricia Keane
CC : Debbie DynerHarris , Chris Robertson , Paul Backstrom
ID : 1491b25d2879cafb
Ike is the BHA representative to BCC

On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 12:20 AM , Tricia Keane <> wrote :

Then he should know that BCC was planning on hiring a traffic expert to independently confirm archer's
conclusions. I wonder if he is trying to find a way to get archer to pay so that BCC doesn't have to or if he wants
something else in addition to what the BCC is planning on doing.
NK, if you don't mind, perhaps you could respond saying that you were under the impression that BCC was
pplanning on getting an independent evaluation of the traffic conclusions already, and then just see what he says in
response to that. We can't make archer pay for a group to hire their own traffic consultant and I suspect they won't
be all that eager to do so voluntarily.
T~icia Keane
Director of Land Use & Planning
Councilmember Mike Bonin

construction plans at Archer . You said to the all girls school , NO FIELD LIGHTS . You said to the all girls' school NO
POOL. You are also not allowing certain other improvements out of consideration to Archer's neighbors. And , Archer
has agreed to comply to every one of your demands ; they w ish to remain on good terms with their neighbors.
Council Member Bonin , why is it OK for Pali to have purchased and installed new field lights that are too high , too
bright , and are pointed directly into our homes and not down towards the field , but it is not OK for the Archer School
For Girls to have field lights AT ALL?
Council Member Bonin , why is it OK that Pali was allowed to build an outdoor aquatic center that contributes to the
constant noise pollution coming from Pali High and not allow the Archer School For Girls to build an (indoor?) pool?
I have made some very valid points that I would like to hear addressed ASAP.
Thank you for reading my letter .
Marni Diam ond


Re: Events at Pali on weekend morn ings

2 message(s)
Date: Fri Oct 17 2014 08:51 :44 GMT-0600


From : Chris Robertson

To: Norman Kulla
CC: Tricia Keane , Debbie DynerHarris
ID : 1491e97d75edaa34

Tricia is lead. I defer to her.

Chris Robertsoll , A ICP, LEED AP

Deputy Director of Land Use & Planning

From: gjf165@g maiLcom

Date : October 22, 20 14 at 4 :39:44 PM PDT
To: mike bonin <mikeboni>
Subject : FYI
No doubt you have the connection between Edmunds Dockmeyer (SP-?)
And Wendy/thelma
BHHA accuses BCC of secrecy and non representation of HOA groups. (Almost every HOA is on either BCC
transportation/LUC committee but them) .
Also learned David Holtzman promoter of "the mayors favor signs" is a friend of Edmonds having both gone to
Princeton .
Wonder what they put in the food at Princeton!
BCC is great save this BHHA self importance drive most likely fueled by Wendy . They all want Archer gone

Nancy Freedman

On Oct 22 , 2014 6:08 PM, "Mike" <> wrote :

Can either of you translate this?
Sent from my iPhone
(Please forg ive any typos, odd phrases , or complete nonsense. I am using Siri, and she tries to make me look

On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 6:22 PM , Tricia Keane <tricia .keane@lacity .org> wrote :
I'm not entirely sure what's going on with this , but I am meeting with Eric Edmunds and Deborah Hockenmyer
tomorrow about archer .
Tricia Keane
Director of Land Use & Planning
Councilmember Mike Bonin


On Nov 10, 2014 10:33 AM , "Ron Stone" <ronald.sto 11e@sqa-ca .com> wrote:
Thanks Steve I'm reachable on and off throughout the day today so please let me know if we settle on a time to talk .

I'm reachable on and off throughout

the day today so please let me know if we settle on a time to talk .

Agree that it would be good to connect.

Many thanks!

Strategic Government


On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 11:02 AM , Tricia Keane <tricia .keane@lacity .org> wrote :
Agree . I would like to talk today . I will check with david and send you a time
Tricia Keane
Director of Land Use & Planning
Councilmember Mike Bonin

10 message(s)
Date: Mon Nov 10 2014 12:06:05 GMT-0700 (MST)
From: david grahamcaso
To: Tricia Keane
CC :
ID: 1499b19646b9f285
Are you coming into City Hall today?

Date : Mon Nov 10 201413 :20:51 GMT-0700 (MST)

From : Tricia Keane
To : david grahamcaso
CC :
ID: 1499b5dbae40e9df
Yep . On my way in now
Tricia Keane

1 message(s)
Date: Mon Nov 10 2014 14:42:55 GMT-0700 (MST)

From: Tricia Keane

T o: david grahamcaso
CC :
ID: 1499ba8db71f6072

are you avail to talk to steve and ran today?

I need to ta lk to them before I call Thelma, and I really should do that today too to make sure
everyone has time to Qrep for our wednesday meeting.


0 n Wed , Nov 12, 2014 at 11:45 AM , Adam Villani <> wrote :

I've attached the hearing notice that was posted today for the Archer Forward project for your information. If you
have any questions about this project , please feel free to give me a call.

Adam Villani
Plann ing Ass istant
City of Los Ange les

On Wed Nov 12, 2014 at 5:12 PM , david grahamcaso

<dav> wrote:
On October 2, I sent a letter to the Brentwood Community
outlining issues and concerns I had with the Archer School for
Girls' original expansion proposal for its Brentwood campus and
identifying what needed to change to make the project appropr iate
for the neighborhood and to win my approval. The changes I listed
included both structura l and operationa l issues, and while I am
pleased and encouraged that Archer 's recently released Final EIR
addresses the structura l issues , there is still a long way to go
before all of the operational issues have been worked out.
Archer is a wor ld-class institution that provides amazing and
valuable opportun ities for girls and young women in Los Ange les.
While Archer has been a grea t member of the Brentwood
community for years and while I strongly support the school's
mission to provide a great education for young women , let me be
very clear about where I stand on the proposed project - the work
is not yet done and I will not support a project that has significant
impacts on its neighbors . Archer 's willingness to modify the
structural elements of the ir plan to be a better fit for Brentwood is
very promising and I am hopeful that through cont inued
collaboration and negotiation , we will find consensus on a plan
that everyo ne can celebrate .

On Wed , Nov 12, 2014 at 5:29 PM, Chad Molnar

<> wrote :
We can probably avoid or rephrase this line if we're concerned about
antagonizing Archer: " ...and I will not support a project that has
significant impacts on its neighbors."
And I would add into the last line something about continued
collaboration and negotiation b~tween the school and "neighbors" or the
"community," so that it's clear that we still expect this to be a
commun ity driven process.
On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 5:31 PM, david grahamcaso

<david .gra> wrote :

Revised below.

On October 2, I sent a letter to the Brentwood Community outlining issues

and concerns I had with the Archer School for Girls' original expansion
proposal for its Brentwood campus and ident ifying what needed to change to
make the project appropriate for the neighborhood and to win my approval.
The changes I listed included both structural and operational issues, and
while I am pleased and encouraged that Archer's recently released Final EIR
addresses the structural issues, there is still a long way to go before all of the
operational issues have been worked out.
Archer is a world-class institution that provides amazing and va luable
opportunities for girls and young women in Los Ange les. While Archer has
been a great member of the Brentwood community for years and while I
strongly support the school's mission to provide a great education for young
women, let me be very clear about where I stand on the proposed project the work Is not yet done. Archer's willingness to modify the structural
elements of their plan to be a better fit for Brentw ood is very promising and I
am hopeful that through continued collaboration and negotiation with my
office and the Brentwood community, we will find consensus on a plan that
everyone can celebrate .

On Wed , Nov 12, 2014 at 5:34 PM, Chad Molnar <chad molnar@ !acity,org>
wrote :
Also , since they thought we were "patronizing" the last time , I wonder if we
should just leave out the flattery : "Archer is a world-class institution that
provides amazing and valuable opportunities for girls and young women in Los

On Nov 13, 2014, at 11:56 AM, Steve Sugerman <Steve@sugermangroup .com> wrote:
Thought you would want to see the media statement and print ad from Archer . The release is being posted on the
Archer Forward website and is being sent to Westside Today. The ad will run in the Westside Today/Brentwood


From: Ron Stone <>

Date: Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 12:09 PM
Subject: Re: Final press release and advertisement
To: Steve Sugerman <>
Cc: "" <>, david grahamcaso <>

Thanks Steve - these look great!

And Tricia and David - thanks for all of your help on this. I can't underscore how important it is to the Archer community that
Mike's next statement be a positive one.
Thanks all!

Strategic Government Affairs

Fwd: Final press release and advertisement

1 message(s)
Date: Thu Nov 13 2014 13:12:33 GMT-0700 (MST)
From: david grahamcaso
To: Mike Bonin, Chad Molnar, Tricia Keane
ID: 149aac93e045b16a

On Thu , Nov 13, 2014 at 12:10 PM, Tricia Keane <tricia>
wrote :

How about this:

On October 2, I sent a letter to the Brentwood Community outlining
issues and concerns I had with t he Archer School for Girls' original
expansion proposal for it s Brentwood campus and identifying what
needed to change to make the project appropriate for the neighborhood
and to win my approval. The changes I listed included both structural and
operational modifications. Today, the City released the Final EIR on the
project. I am pleased that Archer has agreed to all of the requirements I
set forth and that there is now a site plan showing key changes like the
elimination of field lights, the elimination of the Aquatics Center, and many other
significant revisions. The Final EIRalso includes significant limits on school
operations .
Arctler is a wurlc..1-c.:lassi11sliluliu11 L11c1L
ruvic..les c1111c1Li11y
opportunities for girls and young women in Los Angeles. Archer has been
a great member of the Brentwood community for years and I strongly
support the school's mission to provide a great education for young


On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 12:46 PM, Chad Molnar <!> wrote :
Too far in the other direction. First paragraph,
ich frames our position akes it
sound like it's done and ready to go, regardless of what the second paragraph
says. People will be pissed before they even start reading the second paragraph..
and then the first two lines of the second paragraph will only reinforce that
position. We only get to the "but" in the last line of the statement.
Needs to be stronger in the other direction.

On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 1: 11 PM , Mike Bonin <mike .bonin@lacity .org> wrote :
MY version:
On October 2, I sent a letter to the Brentwood Community outlining issues and
concerns I had with the Archer School for Girls' original expansion proposal for its
Brentwood campus . In that letter , I identified nearly 40 (??) necessary changes for
Archer to make the project appropriate for the neighborhood and to win my
approval. That letter is attached here . (ADD LINK)
My letter called for changes to the proposed structures in the project , and it called for
changes in the operational impacts of the project, addressing neighborhood impacts
and universal concerns about traffic . Archer promptly agreed to meet my demands.
Today, the project's Final EIR was released . I am pleased and grateful to see that
Archer has agreed to all of the structural changes I requested, including the
elimination of field lights, the elimination of the Aquatics Center, and LIST A FEW
MORE. I commend them for listening to me and to the community.
As for the operational changes, Archer 's efforts are underway , but far from finished .
I set an admittedly very high bar for Archer to address and resolve concerns with
traffic and neighborhood impacts in its Conditional Use Permit. There are
many operational changes still to made, and many operational issues still to be
worked out. That will take months more of continued collaboration and negotiation
with my office and the Brentwood community . In the end , I suspect the specifics of
the proposed Conditional Use Permit will need to revised significantly.
Often , in situations like this, an institution will react negatively , move into a hostile
and combative mode , refuse to make changes, and try to win approval without
community support. I appreciate Archer's willingness to act collaboratively ,
recognize its excellent academic programs are offered at an incredibly complicated
location , and agree to continue working with neighbors and local stakeholders to
modify the project.
We have a lot of hard work ahead. I remain firm on my demands , and I am
optimistic they can be met.

Councilmember , 11th District

On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 2:20 PM, david grahamcaso <davjd,grahamcaso@>
wrote :
Ran this by Steve, who had some suggestions about how we can make it more clear.
Please see edits below .

On October 2, I sent a letter to the Brentwood Community outlining issues and

concerns I had with the Archer School for Girls' original expansion proposal for its
Brentwood campus. In that letter , I identified more than 30 necessary changes
for Archer to make the project appropriate for the neighborhood and to w in my
approval. That letter can be read
school proposal.
My letter called for changes to the proposed structures in the project , and it called
for changes in the operational impacts of the project, addressing neighborhood
impacts and universal concerns about traffic. Archer promptly agreed to meet my
demands and t hose changes are reflected in the Final EIR, which was released
today .
I am pleased and grateful to see that Archer has agreed to all of the changes I
requested, inclu ding the elimination of field lights, the elimi nation of the Aquatics
Center, reducing the size of the Performing Arts Center and moving all proposed
above-ground parking spaces underground to limit noise. I commend them for
listening to me and to the community.
While this progress is promisi ng, the work is far from finished and the focus must
now be on working out the operational detai ls to make sure the commitments
Archer has made are memoria lized into proposed Conditional Use Permit (CUP)
conditions. I set an admittedly very high bar for Archer to addressand resolve concerns
with traffic and neighborhood impacts in its CUP, and furt her negotiations about the CUP will
take months more of continued collaboration and negotiation with my office and the
Brentwood community .


On Thu , Nov 13, 2014 at 5:40 PM , Mike Bonin <mike.bonin@lacity .org> wrote :
This is as far as I am willing to go . Archer's redraft went too far .

I also added in a line praising the neighbors and HOAs who are working hard on the
comprom ise.

Councilmember, 11th District

On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 7:58 AM , david grahamcaso <david.grahamcaso@lacity .org> wrote:
I don't see a revised draft in your email. Can you please resend?

On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 8:27 AM , Mike Bonin <mike.bonin@lacity .org> wrote :
shit. i did it word . i thought i cut & pasted, so i delted the word doc last night
sigh. i'II re-do it later today.



On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 2:10 PM, david grahamcaso <david.grahamcaso@> wrote :
Steve and Ron both are okay with the draft. They just asked if we could delete the last sentence of
the fourth paragraph ("The proposed CUP conditions will need significant changes"), since they
think it is confusing and not actually accurate. I'm not close enough to this to know if that is actually
the case .
What do you think?

On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 2:40 PM, david grahamcaso <> wr ote:
Annnnd he just sent me the following edits to that paragraph from Latham. Is this even worth going
back to Mike with, or are we better of dropping the entire thing?

Along ellefrWith those st ructural changes AFeioteF

still Aeeelste ffialce the FEIR includ es operational
to avoid negative impacts on traffic and on the neighborhood. Arche r has committed to this goal,
and the additional assurances for delivery of that commitment will be in the details of the proposed
Conditional Use Permit (CUP). I set an admittedly very high bar for Archer to address and resolve concerns
w it h traffic and neighborhood impacts, and working out t he detai led language about on these issues in the
CUP will continue over the coming months of collaboration and negot iat ion with my office and the Brentwood
Cl:JPeeAelitieAs will Aeeel
community as t he projec t goes through its public hear ing process. Tlotej:!Fei:ieseel
si!jA ifieaAt eiotaA!jes.

On Fri . Nov 14, 2014 at 2:45 PM , Stev e Suge rman <Stev e @suge rm angrou p. com> wro te:

I'll be on mobile for the rest of the day.

. Also , I have an Arc her team call at 4.

Steve Sugerman
S ugerman Comm unications Group, Inc.
On Nov 14 , 20 14 4:27 PM , david grahamcaso <david .grahamcaso@> w rote:
FYI it doesn't look likely:that Tricia and Mike will be able to review and edit or approve this today. I'll let you know
if that changes.
From: Steve Sugerman
Sent : Friday, November 14, 2014 4:41 PM
To: david grahamcaso
Subject: Re: schedule

OK. The for update .

On Nov 14, 2014 3:23 PM, "Tricia Keane" <> wrote:
ugh. now this is getting back into the nuance that I don't want to be in. I agree with the
CUP comment because there aren't problems with the CUP conditions yet since there
aren't any new CUP conditions that exist yet. I do think that language needs to be fixed.
but the latham changes are starting to take this back in a direction that I don't think we
want to go.
let me see if I can come up with some revisions to their revisions that work.
then I swear I am just going to call it quits.

and if not,

On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 4:25 PM, Tricia Keane <> wrote:
I have been slammed this afternoon and haven't had a chance to do this yet. Unlikely to get to it tonight since
I am headingto an event right now
Tricia Keane
Director of Land Use & Planning
CouncilmemberMike Bonin

On Nov 14, 20 14 4 :26 PM , "dav id grahamcaso" <david .grahamcaso@laci> w rote :

Okay. There isn't a deadline here , so just let me know when you get to it. I will let Steve know that we are
review ing and won 't likely get back to him tonight.
Thank you .
On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 4:30 PM, T ricia Keane <tricia.keane@laci> wrote :
Thank YOU for helping with this
Tricia Keane
Director of Land Use & Plann ing
Councilmember Mike Bonin

---------- Forwarded message ---------From : Josh Stephens <>

Date: Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 8:01 AM
Subject: In Support of Archer School
To : mike.bonin@lacity .org, norman kulla <norman .kulla@lacity .org>

Dear Councilmember Bonin ,

I am writing in support of the Archer School's expansion plans. I serve on the Brentwood Community Council and
on its land use committee. I am writing on behalf of only myself; my views do not necessarily represent those of

On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 9:01 AM , Norman Kulla <norman> wrote:
A pro-Archer renter and member of BCC

Norman Kulla

Re: In Support of Archer School

3 message(s)
Date : Mon Nov 17 2014 10:18:51 GMT-0700 (MST)
From : Tricia Keane
To : Norman Kulla
CC: Chris Robertson, Debbie DynerHarris, david grahamcaso
ID: 149bec39e040e1d3

thanks for passing this along. It's good to hear from as broad a group of people as possible.

On Nov 17, 2014, at 12:02 PM, Steve Sugerman

<S teve@sygerma

Hope you had a good weekend . Anything new re : the statement?


wrote :

From: david g raha mc aso [mailto :dav id.graham cas o @lacit]
Sent : Monda y, Nove mbe r 17, 2014 12 :12 PM

To: Steve Sugerman

Subjec t : Re: schedule

Still talking about it internally. The review process got unfortunatelydifficult and slow, since Mike is now in China
w ith the Mayor. Tricia or it will be in touch as soon as there is an update.
Thank you for ~our patience and work on this.
Sent from my iPhone

. -- -------..,-

From: Steve Sugerman<>

Date: Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 4:29 PM
Subject: RE: schedule

To: david grahamcaso <;,

Just lobbing in my obligator emai l to see where things stand ... Q) It would be he lpful to have this post before ou r Friday
meeting wft h stakehola ers.

Re: schedule - -

2-message{s) --
Date : Wed Nov 19 2 014 17:44:47 GMT-0700 (MST)

From: Tricia Keane

Tc>:david grahaincaso
CC :
ID: 149caa8973 2d181f

I'"II see-fff


to get to MB and see if he rev iews it

Re: Revised Archer statement

23 message(s)
Date: Thu Nov 20 2014 14:25:49 GMT-0700 (MST)
From: Tricia Keane
To : david grahamcaso

CC :
ID : 149cf1 8ccf816b2a

Here's my attempt at something that could possibly work. If this can't resolved in one more round
of drafts, I don't know that we are going to be able to get there.

On October 2, I sent a letter to the Brentwood Community outlining issues and concerns I had with
the Archer School for Girls' original expansion proposal for its Brentwood campus. In that letter, I identified more
than 30 necessary changes for Archer to make the project appropriate for the neighborhood and to win my approval.
That letter can be read here: http://www. l l school proposal.
My letter called for changes to the proposed structures in the project, and it called for changes in the opel'ations of
the project , to address neighborhood impacts and universal concerns about traffic . Archer promptly agreed to meet
all my demands and, with the release of the Final EIR, we got a chance to measure their progress in meeting those
commitments .
I am pleased and grateful to see that Archer has made all of the structural changes I requested, including key
structural changes like the elimination of field lights, the elimination of the Aquatics Center, and a reduction in the
size of the Performing Alts Center. I commend them for listening to me and to the community.
Along with the structural changes, Archer has agreed to make operational changes to avoid negative impacts on traffic and
on the neighborhood. I set an admittedly high bar for Archer to address and resolve concerns with traffic and neighborhood
impacts. Archer has committed to t his goal. To build on the th e operational changes included in the Final EIR, my office will
continue to work with Archer and the Brentwood community over the coming months to develop detailed language about
how the operational impacts w ill be addressed in the proposed Condit ional Use Permit .


On Thursday, November 20, 2014 2:00 PM, Chad Molnar <> wrote:
Archer came back with yet another change to your "this is as far as I'm willing to go" statement. I felt it
was significant enough, and changed the tone enough , that I didn't feel comfortable approv ing it in your
absence , so I told David to just tell Archer we would not release a statement for now.
But just so you know what the change was , in case you want to say ok , they kept all of your language
except for the fourth paragraph, which they changed in the following manner :
YOUR VERSION : "Even with those structural changes, Archer still needs to make t he promised operat ional changes
to avoid negative im pacts on traffic and on the neighborhood . Archer has committed to do so, and the measure of
whether they fulfill that commitmen t will be in the details of the proposed Conditional Use Perm it (CUP). I set an
admittedly very high bar for Archer to address and resolve concerns with traffic and neighborhood impacts , and furthe r
negot iat ions about on the se issues in t he CUP will take mon t hs more of continued collaboration and negotiat ion wit h m
office and the Brentwood commun ity as the proce ss goes through its public hearing process . The proposed CUP
conditions will need significant changes ."


with the structural changes, Archer has agr eed to make operational changes to avoid
negative impacts on t raffic and on the neighborhood . I set an admittedly high bar for Archer to address and resolve
concerns with traff ic and neighborhood impacts. Archer has committed to this goal. To build on the the operational
changes included in the Final EIR, my office will continue to work with Archer and the Brentwood community over the
com ing months to develop detailed language about how the operational impacts will be addressed in the proposed
Cond it ional Use Permit."

Chad Molnar

Chief of Staff
Councilmember Mike Bonin

Re: Archer Statement

4 message(s)
Date : Thu Nov 20 2014 15:54:20 GMT-0700 (MST)
From : Mike Bonin
To : Chad Molnar

ID: 149cf6cb275ab43d

no. we stick with my appr4oved version.

On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 3:49 PM, Norman Kulla <norman> wrote:
FYl. ..request that Planning provide input for Mike and staff

Norman Kulla
Senior Counsel

Re: Archer Statement

4 message(s)
Date : Thu Nov 20 2014 16:00:46 GMT -0700 (MST)
From : Chad Molnar
To : Mike Bonin

CC :
ID: 149cf6fb 8701 c6ef
You mean you want to put your approved version out regardless, or just not put anything out?
We might not need to put anything out in that case . Your first letter stands as your policy position . Really , it was Archer that
wanted us to put someth ing out.
Chief of Staff


Re: Archer Statement

4 message(s)
Date: Thu Nov 20 2014 18:09:03 GMT-0700 (MST)
From: Chad Molnar
To : Mike Bonin
ID: 149cfe5314ab5e5d

Never mind. Archer blinked. When we told them we would not post a statement at all if not our approved version, they said
"ok .. we would be very happy if you posed that version."

So we are posting your approved version now.

Archer Statement
2 message(s)
Date : Thu Nov 20 2014 18:16:19 GMT-0700 (MST)
From : david grahamcaso
To : Tricia Keane
CC :
ID: 149cfebdf554324e

It's live here: http://www r eir statement

Archer - Why would you insist that homeowners compromise? 5-6 years of
development, then tons of Flew traffic from expansion?!!!
4 message(s)
Date: Thu Nov 20 2014 18:33:12 GMT-0700 (MST)
From: Sarah Piehl
To : Mike Bonin , Chad Molnar

ID: 149cffb58ccde9f8
Archer school presented to the Brentwood Hills Homeowners Association and I cannot understand why anyone would allow us
to be subjected to 5-6 years of ongoing construction and a new rush hour caused by added developments and events. I am
personally beside myself to learn that getting out of Mandeville Canyon will be harder for longer????? Mike - I heard you speak
at our Homeowners gathering. I thought I heard you would protect us. This is unacceptable - I asked you at that time to do an
ecumenic study on the loss of business to Barrington businesses and an emotional impact report on the neighbors. THIS ISN'T
FAIR. They should find another location. Their compromise is a joke. Why are you forcing a compromise?

Sa rah
Sarah Pieh l

Fwd: Archer -Why would you insist that homeowners compromise? 5-6 years of
development, then tons of new traffic from expansion?!!!
4 message(s)
Date: Thu Nov 20 2014 18:44:58 GMT-0700 (MST)
From: Chad Molnar
To : Tricia Keane

ID: 149d006146c91203
How should I respond to this? I'm not sure some of her assumptions are exactly right and I would like to clear things up where
I can.

Re: Archer -Why would you insist that homeowners compromise? 5-6 years of
development, then tons of new traffic from expansion?!!!
4 message(s)
Date: Fri Nov 21 2014 18:07:10 GMT-0700 (MST)
From: Tricia Keane
To: Chad Molnar
ID: 149d509d621e1f8e

I think the big point to make is that there hasn't been a "Compromise" yet, though there have been
comprom ises. We are still in discussion s with Archer, and with stakeholder groups, and the re ar e still details
to be worked out to determine how impacts like the ones she is mentioning can be addressed. One of the
many t hings t hat Mike asked for was for Archer to have a shorter construction sch edule, becau se we agree
that 5-6 years of construction would create impacts on the community . How const ruction impacts can be
reduced and how ope rational impacts can be reduced are all part of the on-going discussions and negotiations
that we are having .

From: Chris Spitz <ppfrjends3

Date: Fri, Nov 2 1, 2014 at 12:17 PM
Subject: A rcher
To: Debbie DynerHarris <>, Norman Kulla <>

Hi --w ondering if CD 11 saw the mailer from Archer that was in Post yester day -- about how the school listened and
responded with a scaled down project Is Mike taking a position on the revised project? Thx,

On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 12:35 PM , Norman Kulla <> w rote:

Perhaps you can share Mike'sletter or curre nt public position on Arche r w ith our PPCC President Chr is so
guidance is clear...thanks...Norman

On Nov 26, 2014, at 8:59 AM, Norman Kulla <norman.kulla@lacity .org> wrote:
Archer is the #1 , #2 , and #3 topic among Brentwood residents ...people who call about comp letely unre lated topics who
live in Brentwood almost always bring up Archer ...they are all focused upon the same concern ...the Sunset corridor is
already gridlocked not allow it to worsen ...but they also all say with a knowin cynical edge , but we know that money
talks (Archer) and the commun ity will lose ...
I've never seen anyth ing like this before ...either people really are upset or the opposition has run the most effective
campaign in recent Brentwood history ...


Re: Archer School Update!

8 message(s)
Date: Wed Nov 26 2014 09:56 :22 GMT-0700 (MST)
From: Chad Molna r
To : david grahamcaso
CC : Tricia Keane
ID: 149ed0847be166a0

I wish Archer wasn't out there saying this is a done deal. That doesn't help.

Chad Molnar
Chief of Staff
Counc ilmember Mike Bonin


Re: Archer School Update!

8 message(s)
Date: Wed Nov 26 201410:05:11 GMT-0700 (MST)
From: Chad Molnar
To: Norman Kulla
CC: Tricia Keane , Chris Robertson , Debbie DynerHarris , david grahamcaso
ID: 149ed105b38f0c78

People are jus

the same .

e[Y worr ied about traffic. Whether ii was Archer or some other major project on Sunset, the reaction would be
Sent from a mobile device . Please excuse tupos.
On Nov 26 , 2014 1:30 PM, "Chris Robertson" <chris .robertson@lacity .org> wrote:
Does a development agreement make sense here? Anything unrelated we can get for the community?

Chris Robertson, AICP , LEED AP

Deputy Director of Land Use & Planning

Re: Archer School Update!

8 message(s)
Date: Wed Nov 26 2014 22:37:38 GMT-0700 (MST)
From : Tricia Keane
To : Chris Robertson
CC : norman kulla , david grahamcaso , Debbie DynerHarris , Chad Molnar
ID: 149efc142fac6fb0
I don't think a development agreement makes sense here. It will feel like archer is buying their way out of the situation. Not to
mention that it would be a potentially big delay and a brand new ask . I think we need to focus on really str ict operational
conditions . Really strict.
Tricia Keane
Director of Land Use & Planning
Councilmember Mike Bonin
City of Los Angeles
p. 213-473-7011
e .


From: Jean and Herman Tiano <>

Date: November 27, 2014 at 11 :19:30 AM PST
To: mike
Cc:,, jeanhy. tian
Subject: Archer Update-No Compromise
Dear Councilman Bonin and Archer Neighbor Friends,
We are responding to Wendy Rosen's email regarding Archer School's plans for construction.dated November 25, 2014.
We are shocked to see Archer's supposed "Compromise Plan". Archer is not acting in good faith when they propose
"compromises" that are still increases in every part of their proposal.
Living in Brentwood, on Mandeville Canyon for over 35 years, we NEVER go east on Sunset after 1:30 PM. The traffic on
Sunset is HORRENDOUS , and as you said "one of the worst traffic choke points in the city". The situation has had.E.
serious impact on our ability to Shop, socialize and participate in important events .
We really support NO NEW CONSTRUCTION, however, any new work should be limited to the conditions stated in the
We plan to attend the Dec . 8 hearing at the University Synagogue. See you there.
THANK YOU ( and the residential neighbors of the Archer compromise plan) for your support and continuing efforts. WE
Jean and Herman Tiano
On Nov 27, 2014 12 :39 PM, "Mike Bonin " <mike .bonin@lacity .org> wrote:
Have you seen Wendy's letter?
Sent from my iPhone

I am not sure that I have. I have gotten a lot of archer related emails in the last few days and haven! gotten through
all of them yet. I will get a copy of it if I dont have it already
Tricia Keane
Director of Land Use & Planning
Councilmember Mike Bonin

Re: Archer School Update!

8 message(s)
Date: Fri Nov 28 2014 12:08:20 GMT-0700 (MST)
From : Chad Molnar
To : Mike Bonin
CC : Tricia Keane
ID: 149f7ce2315dc387
We saw it. I think the community groups are coming under pressure from constituents that are hearing Archer say that
there is a compromise. I wish they would stop saying that. It's not helpful. It's also not true yet.

Dear Councilman Bonin,

I am a homeowner and resident of Mandeville Canyon.

I Strongly oppose Archer's modified plan. This community cannot endure the construction impacts of
Archer 's overly ambitious modified plan. Five (5) long years of construct ion impacting Sunset Blvd is too
much for our community to bear. And for what , a private school that will Not benefit the community , just
a few people? Are you kidding? No it 's not worth it!
Councilmember Bonin, please su~port the Residential Neighbors of Archer's compromise plan.
Pis have this letter placed in the publ ic record for the hearing on Mon Dec 8th.
Vivian Pine
3440 Mandeville Canyon Rd
Los Angeles , CA 90049

Fwd: I Strongly Oppose Archer's modified plan

3 message(s)

Date: Fri Nov 28 201411 :16:03 GMT-0700 (MST)

From: Mike Bonin
To : Tricia Keane
CC :
10: 149f79df514db244
what is the residential neighbors modified plan? (disregard if this is answered in planning report)

Councilmember 11th District

Re: I Strongly Oppose Archer's modified plan

3 message(s)
Date : Mon Dec 01 2014 10:38:05 GMT-0700 (MST)
From : Tricia Keane
To : Mike Bonin

CC :
ID: 14a06ee4397ce9d2

it's the plan that thelma has been showing you. It involves one gym (above ground so there is no excavation
for the gym building), an even smaller garage, an even smaller performing arts center, and some (yet to be
determined) big cutbacks in activities on campus.


From : Steve Katinsky <>

Date : Thu , Dec 4, 2014 at 5:09 AM
Subject: Comments on Archer Expansion Plans
To :
Cc: tricia.keane@lacity .org

Councilman Mike Bonin

200 N. Spring Street, Room #475
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Re : Strong Opposition to Archer Ex!)ansion Consideration

December 3, 2014

Dear Councilman Bonin:

It can currently take an hour to go from my neighborhood in Mandeville Canyon to the 405 freeway. The recent 405
freeway expansion did nothing to mitigate this gridlock, as many hoped . After a brief respite after the freeway fully

SAR0001 15

Fwd: Comments on Archer Expansion Plans

2 message(s)
Date : Thu Dec 04 2014 08 :38 :16 GMT-0700 (MST)
From : Mike Bonin
To : Chad Molnar, david grahamcaso , Tricia Keane
CC :
ID : f4a1 5f3ae10a845b
fyi -- gets tons of these . TK is copied on most of them

Councilmember , 11th District

On Dec 5, 2014 , at 8:12 AM , Mike Bonin <> wrote:

worth noting i have not heard from a single person in favor of Archer

On Fri, Dec 5, 2014 at 8:20 AM , Chad Molnar <chad.molnar @laci> wrote:
That 's because most are not.
But it's also worth noting that we told Archer not to bother us with support emails .

On Dec 5, 2014, at 8:46 AM, Tricia Keane <>wrote:

I have been getting support phone calls and some emails. Archer also has a few hundred people who have
either signed a pet it ion or are ready to submit letter s who are constituents who live in the zip code .

I wish I knew what it was in particular abou t this proje ct that has ever yone so amped up . It is not archer that
is causing the gridlock on sunset cur re ntly, and if we actually can get to the point of working out ope rational
conditions, it won 't be archer that makes the gridlock worse . but that is not a message that is resonating (or
frankly w ill resonate) with ant one.

Tricia Keane
Director of Land Use & Planning
Councilmembe r Mike Bonin
City ot Los Angeles
213-473-7011 I www .11thd


I Re: Fwd:
4 message(s)
Date: Fri Dec 05 2014 09:52:14 GMT-0700 (MST)
From: Chad Molnar
To: Tricia Keane
CC: Mike Bonin
ID: 14a1b5dba29d19f2
It's very difficult to argue that archer can expand the campus without making traffic worse. It's counterintuitive. Even if archer
doesn't put a single additional car on the road, traffic on Sunset will grow regardless and residents will blame the Archer
project.. because it just makes sense.

Date: December 5, 2014 at 11:05:23 AM PST

To: "mike .bonin@lacity .org" <>
Subject: meeting on WLA traffic Dec 8th
Reply-To: Lynn <>

Dear Councilman Bonin,

I don't have to write a long letter to express my frustration on WLA traffic . It was my intention to
be at the Dec 8th meeting but I have to take my 91 year old Mother to the Doctor . How can thiis
construction mess keep going for 5 years now? I am reaching my limit with how much more I can
take . Any body you talk to on the West side shares the same opinion. You are the elected
official and YOU need to stand up to Archer and do something about this!!!!!!!
Lynn Robinson

On Fri, Dec 5, 2014 a 11:12 AM, Mike Bonin <> wrote:

Ok - now we are clearly hearing from folks who have not seen my original letter and list of demands. We're losing control of
the narrative.
I want EVERYONE who emails on this topi
that's ok



th a copy o

y letter. Some will have seen it before, but


Re: meeting on WLA traffic Dec 8th

3 message{s)
Date: Fri Dec 05 2014 12:14:10 GMT-0700 {MST)
From: Chad Molnar
To: Mike Bonin
CC: Tricia Keane , David Graham-Caso
ID: 14a1bdfa99853c7d
We'll draft something for your review.

Fwd: Questions for Mike Bonin

8 messa ge(s)
Date : Fri Dec 05 2014 15:41 :25 GMT-0700 {MST)
From : david grahamcaso
To : Mike Bonin, Chad Molnar
CC : Tricia Keane
ID : 14a1c9d6f2705501
Questions from the Brentwood News below regarding Arche r and the Asia trip . Draft answers in bold . Deadline
Tricia - please take a look at the Archer questions.
Mike - I based the Asia answers on what Vicki sent me, but let me know if there was a part of your trip that should b
included here .
Thank you.
------- --- Forwarded message ----------

- ..

- . - .. . . - - - - ~v -

From : "lalhasa" < m>

Date : Dec 8 , 2014 8 :30 AM

Subject: Archer School Expansion

To : <>, <trjcja>
Cc :
In a couple hours will be the hearing on Archer . I and my wife w ill attend and testify , and I trust you will be there too .
I am sure the room will be packed with Archer students, families , lobbyists and lawyers . As President of Brentwood
Hills Homeowners Association (you graciously attended our annual meeting in October), and Chair of Save Our
Mountains Inc ., a coalition of homeowners associations and 11,000 citizens who have signed our petitions, I want to
eak up again about this subject.
We urge ou to enforce and ai;,plt Alternative 2 of the w oposal, providing that Archer live w ithin its current Conditional
Use Permit (CUP) .
Ten or fifteen years ago, I attended a standing-room-only mass meeting over Archer , held at the "Olymp ic Collection"
at Olympic and Sawtelle . The room was highly-charged, and I remember testify ing as President of Brentwoo d Hills .
At that time our ass ociation advocate d in support of A rcher's move from Palisades Village to the historic Eastern Star
Home. Why? Because we did not want to see the Home razed and replaced with condos. Then-Councilwo man
Cindy Misc ikows ki ultimately made the controvers ial decision to "green-light" the move, but imposed upon Arc her a
strict set of guidelines or "envelope" within wh ich it had to live (the Conditional Use Permit) .
In the ens uing years , two things happened. Traffic and afternoon gridlock on Sunset grew exp onentially wo rse, and
(unbeknownst to us) Arc her obtained four modifications and ex pansions of its CUP .
There is no other way to put it, traffi c on Sunset today has become unbearable. Afte r three in the afte rnoon, we are
essent ially prisoners in our own community. As you yourself have said, Caltrans' three-year proj ect widening Sunset
over the 405 and re-configuring the on-ramps and off-ramps, was absolutely useless and ineff ectual, whil e inflic ting
misery, pain and suffering on the com munity . There was no excuse for that, other than some bureaucrats in
Sacramento who could not care less about our quality of life.
Now , the 500-pound gorilla that not even Archer is talking about, is the FIVE YEA RS of co nstruction traffic misery that
Archer proposes to inflict on us. And that is Archer's best-case scenario: their original, and more ca ndid, sce nario was
six years . And when was the last time you saw a major const ruction project come in under budget and fas ter than
It would be one thing if overnight , a new Archer campus could be parachuted into place, w ith a 43-vehicle-increase cap
between 3 and 4 o'clock , etc etc. It's the five to seven (or more?) years of construct ion, and construction traffi c, we
are talking about.
Rumor has it yo u have made known that you are in favor of "some project", and that our commun ity "must
co mpromise" on this iss ue. I urge you to reconsider.
I don't know how to say this politely or di lomaticallyJ so I'll just say it. You could be a one-term councilman over this
issue. When my constituents are seething in afternoon gridlock, seeing their one-hour commute to the freeway expand
to an hour and a half or two hours (for whatever reason!), and they see dump-trucks , cement haul~~rfbed

On Dec 8, 2014 9:13 AM , "Cha d Molnar" <> w rote :

We need to respond to him asap, well before the meeting tonight, with the response that Mike suggested pointing
to the letter. Can you handle that?


On Mon , Dec 8 , 2014 at 4:24 PM , Chad Mo lnar <cha d.molnar@ lacity .org> wrote :
Wow. What's was the spli t in people who supported

vs opposed?

Chad Molnar
Chief of Staff

Mike Bonin

1O message( s)
Date : Mon Dec 08 201417 :27:45 GMT-0700(MST)
From : david grahamcaso
To : Chad Molnar
CC: Tricia Keane , Chris Robertson , norman kulla
ID: 14a2c71dccf56c ce
Photo from Twitter attached (Archer supporters in pink ).

Re: Archer
10 message(s)
Date: Mon Dec 08 2014 17:35 :09 GMT-0700 (MST)
From : Chad Mol nar
To : david grahamcaso
CC : Tricia Keane . Chris Robertson , norman kulla
ID : 14a2c789df143e4f

Very smart of Archer, gotta say.

Fwd: Archer
10 message(s)
Date: Mon Dec OB201417 :36:35 GMT-0700 (MST)
From: Chad Molnar
To : Mike Bonin

ID: 14a2c79ee60f50a8
FYI- A photo of the group at the Archer hearing today. The people in the pink shirts are Archer supporters.

Re: Ar~her
1o message(s)
Date: Mon- Dec08 2014 17:41 :51 GMT-0700(MST)
From: Chris Robertson
To : Tricia Keane
CC: david grahamcaso , norman kulla , Chad Molnar
ID: 14a2c7ec42f80d90
Very smart . Nol just a school issue, but a gender one as well . Well done Archer ...

Chris Robertson , AICP, LEED AP

Deputy Director of Land Use & Planning

On Dec 8, 2014 5:05 PM, "Thelma Waxman" <thelma.waxman@gmail com> wrote :

First, what a day. It looked like someone spilled a bottle of peRto bismal. Also , I guess it doesn't matter but I find it
upsetting that Elizabeth's husband speaks and doesn't say he is married to her, only that he lives on Chaparal .
Second , we would like to meet with Mike. Any chance


can make that happen?

And I may be reading into things but why wasn't Beth wea ring pink!! haha

Ok , going to open a bottle of wine . go watch some mindless tv and think about Archer tomo rrow.
Thanks for being there .

From: Norman Kulla

,o : Chad Molnar
CC: TrfciaXeane , Chris Robertson , david grahamcaso
ID: 14a2c795b6018448

Bless you Tricia for sitting through that entire hearing ...! stopped by to get the temperature ...oh my ...this is the most difficult
Brentwood politica l situation I've witnessed since 2005 when I started paying close attention ...whatever Mike does on Archer
will be on Brentwood residents' minds as his signature act ...l'm adding Paul because traffic in Sunset Corridor is key to this
project even though Archer really has very little to do with it...Archer is the lightening rod for enormous frustration in
community ...Norman

Norman Kulla
Senior Counsel

Re: Archer
10 messag e(s)

Date: Mon Dec 08 201417 :39:50 GMT-0700 (MST)

From: Tricia Keane
To : david grahamcaso
CC : norma n kulla Chris Robertson , C had Molnar
ID: 14a2c7cedf46d516
Probably more supporters than opponents. However there were a lot of Archer studen ts in Archer parents in the room.
what is important to note is that the re were a lot of Archer supporters who are from zip code 90049 and not all of them were
just pa rents of students .
there we re obvious ly a lot of peop le there in opposition as well and the issues that were raised were the ones that we know
about nam ely traffic and construction related impacts.
Tricia Keane
Director of Land Use & Plann ing
Councilmembe r Mike Bonin

Re: Archer
10 message(s)
Date : Mon Dec 08 2014 17:47:09 GMT-0700 (MST)
From: Tricia Keane
To: Chris Robertson
CC: normari kulla : david grahamcaso . Chad Molnar
ID: 14a2c839e6d25fa6
Norman is totally right. Arche r is the communities lightning rod for traffic on sunset.
we really do need to think about something lo address traffic on sunset because it isn't the fault of any one project on Sunset
but any project is going to get blamed. and it wo n't do any good for improving traffic j ust to keep denying these projects
because the problem exist desp ite the projects .

Tricia Keane
Director cif land Use & Planning
Counc ilmember Mike Bonin

Re: Archer
10 message(s)
Date : Mon Dec 08 2014 17:50:12 GMT-0700 (MST)
From: Chris Robertson
To : Tricia Keane
CC: norman kulla , david grahamcaso , Chad Molnar
ID: 14a2c866b1dd18f8

This applies to WLA loo . I think we need to start looping Paul in on development in WLA/Brentwood . I'm not Ccing him
because he would killme. :)

Summary of Archer commenters at public hearing

3 messages

Adam Villani <adam .'>

Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 11:57 AM

To: Elva Nuno-O'Donnell <>

There were a total of 120 different speakers.
3 representatives of the Applicant spoke in their opening statement and closing rebuttal.

1 representatiw of the Council office spoke .

5 representatives of opposition groups spoke next. 2 other representat ives of area groups spoke later in the
proceedings, one (BCC) tak ing no position and one (SOMI) opposed .

Aside from the abow , 110 indi\!iduals spoke. Of these , 82 fa\Ored the project and 38 opposed it.

Adam V illan i
City Planning Associate
City of Los Angeles

Archer email from the website

1 message(s)
Date: Tue Dec 09 2014 18:06:32 GMT-0700 (MST)
From: Nancy Aguilar
To: Tricia Keane
CC :
ID: 14a31bbb8482a49c

12/9/2014 8:32:59 Building and Safety "Please hold The Archer School for Girls accountable to the agreements they
signed off on to allow them into Brentwood in the first place.
The existing CUP works and should be upheld." Thomas Howard
Los Angeles 90049

Nancy Aguilar


---------- Forwarded message-- -------From : Stefanie Roth <>

Date : Tue , Dec 9, 2014 at 5:44 PM
Subject: Archer school expansion project
To : "mike boo io@lacity org" <m ike booio@lacjty oro>

Pleas , please limit the Archer School Expansion Plan. We cannot imagine what even he smallest increase in traffic

will mean .
Myrin and Stefanie Roth
Sent from my iPhone

three years of 405 construction, we can't tolerate more traffic gridlock that this expansion will cause, both
during and after the construction.
I'm just one of many who've spent excruciating hours trapped on Sunset Boulevard. Navigating Sunset Blvd.
greatly impacts our daily lives.
Please encourage Archer to look elsewhere for its expansion plans, not in an area that simply can 't sustain
that kind of growth.
I am cc'ing the editor of on this email- - we are both editors for local news websites and will
be following this story and writing about it, hoping for an outcome that makes sense for Brentwood and its
outlying areas .
Mr. Bonin, I hope as our elected representative

that you will take the steps necessary to protect the westside

(Ms.) Tommi Lewis Tilden

TammiLewie Tilden
Editor ial Direct or, SFVmedia, LRWest media

Fwd: Archer School expansion

Date : Mon Dec 15 2014 11:43:20 GMT-0700 (MST)

From: Tricia Keane
To : david grahamcaso

CC :
ID : 14a4f4305a495f7b

Just fyi since press was mentioned in here.

From : John Binder <jfbinder@ roadrunner .com >

Date : Mon , Dec 15, 2014 at 3:49 PM
Subjec t: Archer School ExP-ansionPlan
To : Mike Bonin <m ikebonin@m>
Cc : Kathleen Durbin <kat> , eric edmunds <lalhasa@ao> ,
Brentwood Homeowners Associatio n <info@b rentwoodhomeowne rs,orq>, Debra Hockemeye r
<deb ra@weste rnridge .com>, Larry Watts <twa tts@seyfart>, Norman Kulla <norman .kulla@lacity .org>

Councilman Mike Bonin

Dear Mike
The Home Owners Association of Upper Mandeville Canyon wants to express our firm
opposition to any expansion of the Archer School for Girls, which would increase traffic at
its location on Sunset at Barrington Avenue. We are also in sympathy with the immed iate
neighbors of the school , who would have to bear years of construction noise and
congestion . We note the arguments on all sides of the issue and feel that even a
compromise plan cannot avoid an intolerable impact on that intersect ion and on that
neighbor hood. In addition to delays and inconveniences , we dread the damage to
neighboring home values. Who wo uld purchase a home that is subject to so much
construction agony for such a long period of time? Facilities may need remodel ing, but thE
plans at Archer far exceed an updating of classrooms and equipment. If excellence in
education is the purpose of Archer 's upgrade , that can surely be achieved without such an
impact on the community.
Thank you for your attent ion to this matter.
John Binder
Upper Mandeville Canyon Association
Fwd: Archer School Expansion Plan
3 message(s)
Date : Mon Dec 15 201417:31:58 GMT-0700 (MST)
From : Norman Kulla
To : Tricia Keane
CC :
ID: 14a50828a4914d53
I didn't see you copied and I know you're responding

Norman Kulla
Senior Counsel

Re: Archer School Expansion Plan

3 message(s)
Date : Mon Dec 15 2014 18:02:54 GMT-0700 (MST )
From : Tricia Keane
To : Norman Kulla
CC :
ID : 14a509e86842b6c7

Thanks. I think many of the most definitive opposition letters have all come from BHHA.


Pis see attached letter re Archer School Project and my opposition to what they are proposing. I live in the Palisades.
Thank you.
Chris Adelmann

Chris Adelmann
(310 480-3695

Satellite Office Re: Emails for the Arc her record

1 message(s)
Date : Tue Dec 16 2014 11 :28:34 GMT-0700 (MS T)
From : Elva Nun o-O'Donnell
To : tricia .keane@lacity .org
CC :
ID : 14a545 be35c081ee

I will be out of the office today conducting personnel matters at a satellite office.
Please contact Adam Villani at (818) 374-5067 for assistance.
Sincere ly,



4 message(s)
Date : Mon Jan 05 2015 12:13:10 GMT-0700 (MST)
From: "Jeff S. McConnell"
To : Chad Molnar
CC : Gini Adhikari
ID: 14abb83f8868b602
EKA is officially on the payroll of residential neighbors against Archer . This is the group that lives directly adjacent to the
school. Harvey and I have had a first download from them but wanted to come in and get your office 's back story on the saga.
Any chance you have any time in the next week?

Jeff McConne ll
Re: archer
4 message(s)
Date: Mon Jan 05 2015 12:17 :54 GMT-0700 (MST)
From : Chad Molnar
To : "Jeff S. McConnell"
CC :
ID: 14abb88395f64f3b
I do, but honestly you should meet with Tricia instead. She is lead, has all of the background , has worked with this group very
closely , and we would ask her for her recommendation anyway before changing policy on anything Archer related.

FW: archer
19 message(s)
Date : Mon Jan 05 2015 12 :34:16 GMT -0700 (MST)
From: "Jeff S . McConnell "
To : "tricia .keane@lacity .org"
CC : Gini Adhikari
ID: 14abb97489201d63
Per Chad's suggestion below, Harvey Englander and I would love to sit down w ith you thi s week to get some background on
t he Archer schoo l i:iroject pro cess and previous disc ussion s with the comm unity. Plea se let me know your avail abi lity and we
will adjus t accordingl y.
Thank s.

Jeff McConnell


From : Tric ia Keane [mai lto:tr icia]

Sent: Monday, January 5, 20 15 12 :0 6 PM
To: Jeff S. McConnell
Cc:Gini Adhikari
Subject: Re: FW: arc he r
Hi Jeff,

I would be haPP.Y to meet with you . How about 1 pm this Wednesday at our City Hall offices?

-------- Forwarded message ----- -- From: Nancy Freedm an <>

Date : Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 2:23 PM
Subject: BCC tonight
To: norm kulla <norman .kulla@lacity .org>

Hi Norm,
Wi ll you be at the BCC tonight? There is a coup being planned by Edmunds and Ray Klein and If you can stay, you might want
to relay it to Mike . They want a vote on Alt 2 for Archer which is the do nothing scheme and have lined up sides to vote on it. It
should go to the LUC for a discussion as it has never been discussed as a BCC option, but they are hot to vote on it tonight!
Oh man .. ..

On Tue , Jan 6 , 2015 at 5:05 PM, Norman Kulla <> wrote :

New twis t on tonight re Archer and BCC ...input?

On Jan 6 , 2015 , at 5:10 PM , Tricia Keane <tric ia .keane@lacity .org> wrote :

This would be something to observe, and if asked, let them know, o f course you will relay t he result back to

Re: BCC tonight

7 message(s)
Date : Tue Jan 06 2015 18:24:01 GMT-0700 (MST)
From : Norman Kulla
To: Tricia Keane
CC: Chris Robertso n , Debbie DynerHarris
ID: 14ac1fe1f57d76a3

Re: BCC tonight

7 message(s)
Dale : T ue Jan 06 20 15 20 :46:04 GMT-0700 (MST )
From: Norman Kulla
To : Tricia Keane ---CC : Chr fs Robertson , Debb ie Dyner Harr is
ID: 14ac28061d56f 14c

When does comment period expire?

On Tue, Jan 6, 201 5 at 10: 13 PM, Tricia Keane <tricia .keane@lacity .org> wrote :
Sorry just seeing this now. It ends at the end of the month Ive been told .
Tricia Keane

Re: BCC tonight

7 message(s)
Date: Wed Jan 07 20 15 11 :39 :52 GMT-0700 (MST)
From: Norman Kulla
To: Tricia Keane
CC: Chris Robertson , Debbie DynerHarris
ID: 14ac5b2722b42079

Tricia ,
We need solid confirmation that I can share - th is became quite controversial last night.
Larry Watts referred to you as Informing him that the comment period had been extended to end of January.
But Dan Martin said it expired January 15.

I promised to get clear guidance. Can you reach out to Planning and provide something I can share - or you can share directly
with Larry?

Re: BCC tonight

7 message(s)
Date: We d Jan 07 2015 11:49:33 GMT-0700 (MST)
From : Tricia Keane
To : Norman Kulla
CC : Chr is Robertson , Debbie Dyner Harris
ID: 14ac5bafd03 d 702b

Working on it. The comment period is supposed to be extended to January 30. I am trying to figure out
where the communication loop broke down.

On Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 11:54 AM, Mike Bonin <> wrote :

Nancy Freedman tells me that while I was out of town Eric Edmunds
submitted a letter regarding archer which stated that if I approved it
I would guarantee I was going to be a one term counc ilman . Have either

of you seen this letter?

Sent from my iPhone
(Please forgive any typos, odd phrases, or complete nonsense . I am
usin Siri, and she tries to make me look stu id.

On Thu , Jan 8, 2015 at 12:02 PM, Chad Molnar <chad.molnar@lacity .org> wrote:
Yes. I think you saw it though . Attached is a pdf of the full email thread detailing how we handled It.

Chad Molnar
Chiefof Staff

Date : Thu Jan 08 2015 15:06 :08 GMT -0700 (MST)

From : Tricia Keane

To : Mike Bonin
CC: Chad Molnar
10: 14acb95593 -67t591

Eric Edmunds also sent it to me directly and I shared with Chad the day of the Archer HO hearing.
spea rheading an effort against this project.

Eric is

Date: Thu Jan 08 2015 13:13:12 GMT-0700 (MST)

From: Mike Bonin
To: Chad Molnar
CC: Tricia Keane
ID: 14acb2e0a9e72e70
I did not see it. Martha opened it and forwarded to you guys.

From: "Groves , Martha" <Martha >

Date: January 8, 2015 at 1:50:09 PM PST
To: david grahamcaso <david .grahamcaso@lacity .org>
Subject: Archer School plan
Hi, David:
Happy new year!
I'm seeking to get up to speed on the Archer School kerfuffle . .. er .. .proposal and would welcome the chance to interview Mike .
The Archer reps tell me that Mike is on board . The neighbors say: How could he be because Archer hasn't adequately
http://www .archerneighbors .com7)
In fact, it might be helpful for Mike and me to schedule a lunch to talk about a variety of development-related issues in the
Could we put that on his calendar soon?

Martha Groves
Los Angeles Times Staff Writer

Fwd: Archer School plan

10 message(s)
Date: Thu Jan 08 2015 15:08:29 GMT-0700 (MST}
From: david grahamcaso
To: Mike Bonin , Chad Molnar , Tricia Keane , claudia luna
CC :

ID: 14acb9782ecd7fee

Sent from my iPhone

Re: Archer--School plan

10 message(s) -Date: Thu Jan 08 2015 15:19:23 GMT-0700 (MST)
From: dav id grahamcaso
To: Chad Molna r
CC: Mike Bonin , Tricia Keane . claud ia luna
ID: 14acba17a580c328

Me. Too.
That's why the lunch is important. Mike can clarify his position and the clear goa lpost s he set for the project, Including the
demands that have yet to be met.

On Thu , Jan 8, 2015 at 2:27 PM , Tricia Keane <> wrote:

I agree that this could be helpful. The two major goals that sti ll need to be met are clear, detailed
operational constraints on the project that will ensure neighborhood protection (done in a way that still
allows for the school to reasonably operate) and clear, detailed construction conditions to minimize the
number of days that there is construction activity and to minimize the traffic impacts from that activity.
(Related to this, I had a meeting with Archer's construction team today to get into the details - -I can brief
This could also be a chance to start reframing the issue of Sunset traffic not being just about any one
project but really an issue that everyone has a responsibility to solve and that we need to look at it
holistically, and get the right expertise to focus on it .

Re: Archer School plan

10 message(s)
Date: Thu Jan 08 2015 18:54:18 GMT-0700 (MST)
From: Mike Bonin
To: Tricia Keane
CC: david grahamcaso , Chad Molnar , claudia luna
ID: 14acc663b5cb8acd

Pis get word to Archer that if I hear one more time that they keep telling people I support them I am going to announce my
unequivocal opposition.

r.n11nr.ilmRmhRr, 11th Di s trict

Re: Archer School plan

10 message(s)
Date : Thu Jan 08 2015 19:05:06 GMT-0700 (MST)
From: Tricia Keane
To : Mike Bonin
CC: david grahamcaso , Chad Molnar , claudia luna
ID: 14acc701a364e6a8

I'll talk to archer.


On Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 7:01 AM, Watts, Larry <> wrote:

P.s. How are you coming in your discussions with Archer? Have you made any progress in reaching an understanding with
them on the issues that concern you? If not, what are the sticking oints from your Rers ective? Maybe we can helR.
Sent from my iPad


From: Thelma Waxman []

Sent: Monday, January 12, 2015 10:05 AM
To: Watts, Larry
Subject: Re: Martin CadillacExtension

Larry ,
Thank you for offering to help . Unfortunately , we have not made any progress in reaching an understanding with
Archer. The primary concerns for the residents remain the same-the size of the project and the intensity of use .
Archer 's modified plan does not address these issues ; therefore, we need your help in supporting Alternative 2 at
the next BCC meeting since it is the only real comprom ise. Alternative 2 allows Archer to develop its campus while
preserving a measure of protection for the residents who bear the burden of Archer 's expansion . To be clear, the
increase in athletic events under Alt 2 with the new gym will impact traffic and will need to be mitigated, something
Archer recognizes in the DEIR (see Table V-1 in the DEIR). As I stated in my presentation to BCC in October,
Archer has merely taken off the table items it knew it could never get approved. In order to have a real
compromise, Archer must be willing to address our concerns with meaningful changes to the project. Your support
of Alternative 2 will hel Archer move toward a compromise .
Thank you ,

Date: Mon Jan 12 201512 :48:56 GMT-0700 (MST)

From: "Watts, Larry"
To: "Tricia Keane (tricia.keane@lacity .org)"
CC :
ID: 14adfb1347da2087

FYI. I suspected based on her comments at the last BCC meeting that Thelma has tuned out. Her
attached response to me seems to confirm this . I had a meeting yesterday with Robert Rene,
Brentwood HOA president. It went well. He doe sn't seem wedded to Alt ern ative 2. He suggested a
meeting between Leber, an Archer decision maker and me . He said he had warned the BHA board
of allowing ideologues ta ke the lead on Arche r. I asked whether the BHA board would go along with
whatever we might come up with and his response was, "I can make it happen." He agreed with the
approach of identifying a list of issues and checking them off one by one and recogni zes the futility
of endless discussions about the entire project. He agreed the physical build out should not be an
issue except in terms of adding to length of t ime to complete the project. He will talk to Leber and
will get back to me .
It is late in the day to start this discussion, but probabl worth a tr . Getting BHA and Archer on the
same page would make our job a lot easier.

Sunset Traffic RFI (or other ideas)

1 message(s)
Date : Mon Jan 12 201512 :04:14 GMT-0700 (MST)
From : Tr icia K ean e

To: Paul Backstrom

ID: 14adf883a9c8be9b

Fro m NK's weekly : SunsetCorrldor

Mike met 1/8/15 with Brentwood residents Sharona Katan and Ron Fair regard ing Sunset Corridor co ngestion/gridlock and Archer project.
Mike mentioned that he favors identifying multi ple sma ll incremental strategies to improve the corridor. Mike also staled that he's working
with LADOTs new GM to retain a high quality cons ultant to wor k w ith cons tituents to identify implemen table improvements . yup. TK
engag ed on this too

Here's the follow up-I talked to MB about the approach that we want to take to Sunset traffic at our planning meeting on Friday,
and he wanted you and me to talk to Seleta about moving forward with the brown bag panel discussion that could lead into an
RFl-and see if we can get on the same page about how to move that or something like that forward. Thoughts on when we
could talk to Seleta about this? or just thoughts in general?

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Nan cy Free dman <gjf165@gmai>

Date: Thu , Jan 15, 2015 at 10:50 AM
Subject: Clarity on Archer
To: mike bonin <>

Hi Mike ,
Would ii be fair to sa~ ublicly that you are comforta ble with the plan you have offered Archer and will not back away
from it?
If not, can you give me words that are represent ative of our position?
Has the cons truction time been reduced to 3-4 years with them moving off campus?
Appreciated having time to talk with you last week.

On Jan 16, 2015 9:51 AM , "Chad Molnar" <chad.mol nar@lacity .org> wrote :
Tricia- Can you draft a response to Nancy?

Re: Clarity on Archer

8 message(s)
Date: Fri Jan 16 201510:11:12 GMT-0700 (MST)
From: Chad Molnar
To: Mike Bonin
CC: Tricia Keane , David Graham-Caso
ID: 14af3ba2fdfbf966

We haven't presented a plan. We've presented guidelines for a plan that has yet to materialize.

On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 9:22 AM, Tricia Keane <> wrote:
Chad is right, we've presented t he framework for what they need to do, they have addressed some of
the issues and committed to addressing the others. We still need to see the details of how those
concern s will be addressed to see if we are comfortable with t he proposal.

On Jan 16, 2015 9:51 AM . "Chad Molnar" <chad.molnar@la> wrote :

Tricia- Can you draft a response to Nancy?

From: "Rodney Uber " <rodliber@me .com>

Date: Jan 16, 20 15 8:26 PM
Subj ect: Archer
To: "Tricia Keane" <tricia>
Cc: "Robert Rene" <>
Tricia :
Robert Rene and I are desperately trying to generate a united front amongst all the Brentwood community groups . There
seems to be a disagreement about where the council office is.
Can you call me to answer one quick questio

o your thoughts on our current position?

Fwd: Archer
7 message(s)
Date : Sat Jan 17 2015 09 :34 :12 GMT-0700 (MST)
From : Tricia Keane
To : mike bonin , Chad Molnar
ID : 14af8beaa29687c4

I just saw this email, I'm not sure what the question is but wanted to give you a heads up before I called him. I'm also
drafting a response back to Nancy .
I an going to assume the question is similar to what Nancy was asking , namely whether you are okay with the site
Ian. If that's what he's asking , the answer to that is,.you need to see that the operations can be managed so that the
proposed buildings don't impact the neighborhood . If we can get to a consensus on that then the site plan won't be an
issue .
e.,....---Tric ia ean..,,
Director of Land Use & Planning
Councilmember Mike Bonin

On Jan 17, 2015 9:09 AM , "Chad Molnar" <> wrote :

Try very hard to kill the narrative that the Council Office proposed a "plan." That's the source of all of this confusion (and
Archer has had a lot to do with causing it).
We put a framework in place for getting to a plan that included structural as well as operational changes. We've seen those
structural changes, but until we also see the operational changes there is no plan for us to support.
If Archer is out there suggesting we are supportive of a plan, then our message needs to be closer to opposition in order to
counteract that narrative.

Re: Clarity on Archer

8 message(s)
Date: Sat Jan 17 2015 14:11:11 GMT-0700 (MST)
From: Tricia Keane
To: Chad Molnar
CC: david grahamcasq
ID: 14af9bc48cf4d 181
Here's a draft response . I want to make sure we are firm but that we don't seem like we are opening up the door to everything
again . If there is a chance that the BHA and BCC (each separately of course) can focus on operational constraints instead of
fixating on the ooti:irint we might actually be able to get to an agreement.
i Nancy,
J'hanks for the chance to clarify this. I haven't actually given Archer a "plan ." I have given them a framework. I've given them a
list of conditions that they need to meet in order to get my support for their project.
I have told Archer that I am not going to support a project unless Archer can satisfy all of the conditions I outlined, including
addressing the traffic impacts from the project. If they can meet that admittedly high bar, I would be okay with the physical
footprint (as it has been modified}.
As for the construction period, I have asked Archer to reduce the timeframe during which construction activities would happen.


Fwd: January LUC meeting

4 message(s)
Date: Mon Jan 19 2015 11:54:01 GMT-0700 (MST)
From: Bryan Gordon
To: Rodney Uber , Thelma Waxman
CC: Tricia Keane , Watts Larry , Nancy Freedman , " Cohen"
ID: 14b038b79ee95118
Rod / Thelma,
We are formulating a list of proposed conditions to the CUP that relate to Archer traffic during peak hours . The list below is a
starting point to be discussed at a joint meeting of the BCC's Land Use Committee and Transportation Committee. As noted
below, this is a list of conditions only relating to peak PM traffic resulting from sporting events and special events , and does not
deal with events outside of peak, operations, the physical facilities, or anything else. These issues will be dealt with separately,
but we need to deal with the PM peak traffic now as a matter of priority. It does not imply that the rest of the issues have been
approved. (We are aware of separate negotiations between the neighbors, CD 11 and Archer which will likely result in a
reduction in the number of off-peak events.) Ultimately the LUC and TC will make a recommendation to the full board of the
BCC when it comes time to vote on the matter.
I am sending this to you in a spirt of openness and cooperation. I hope we can work together on this extremely important
community issue. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you.
Bryan Gordon

MCA meeting
2 message(s)
Date : Mon Jan 26 2015 10:59:04 GMT-0700 (MST)
From : Tricia Keane
To: Norman Kulla
CC :
ID: 14b276596313167b

I should know the answe r to t his, but MCA is different tha n UMCA, rig ht?
I know that UMCA voted to oppose Archer, do you know if MCA has yet taken a position. I did a quick search
t hrou gh my inbox and couldn't find an offi cial communication from MCA, j ust persona l letters from indiv idual
res ide nts of mande vil le canyo n.

Re: MCA meeting

2 message(s)
Date: Mon Jan 26 2015 11:56:53 GMT-0700 (MST)
From: Norman Kulla
To : Tricia Keane
ID: 14b279af12639c44
different UMCA is Upper Mandeville HOA whic h is above 2700 Mandeville.
MCA is Mandevile Canyon Association - area on Mandeville from Sunset to 2700 Mandev ille - and portion of Westridge - MCA
sent a letter supporting Option 2.


---------- Forwarded messa ge ---------From: florenc e chapgie r <flofrog@me .com>

Date: Tue, Jan 27 , 2015 at 7:54 AM
Subject: from flo chapgier , :) a thousand tha nks and a small question
To : norman kulla <>
Cc: kathlee n durbin <kathleen.durbin@mandevillecanyonassociation .com>

Hello Norm,
a thousand thanks for last night, Mike is just so wonderiul and so adorable, we all could see how much people love him ,
it's so great !!

l have a small question , and so sorry to invade already your mai l box.

On February 3rd, we are going to have our BCC meeting , and it promises to be a rather heated one with much
discus sion about Archer .
Our Transportation Committee @ BCC has written a resolution which I think is pretty wise, but Eric Edmunds will put up
the question of Alternative 2 a d there will be a vote . We , Kathleen and I, have sent a support for Alternative , ore
in a mean to gather
pressure on Archer than as a definitive choice for the future .
Because Mike last night talked so wisely about the efforts of Archer on using buses for their students , and how we
should work towards
greater communal efforts of all schools around this area , I would love , when I have to vote on February 3rd , for MCA , to
do so
in a way that supports Mike 's efforts and yours.

I am cc-ing Kathleen on this, as she is still our president for a few more days , and she is, anyway going nowhere else ,
as I and my board need all her
wisdom and adv ice !!
No problem, if you feel you can 't help me on this, I am also tak ing much advice from my beloved Nancy Freedman and
Marylin Krell !!


On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 2:02 PM, Norman Kulla <> wrote:
February 3 at BCC is developing as a showdown meeting between Eric Edmunds (per Eric's remarks to me he has been
organizing for a political confrontation), who has taken the most harsh stand against Archer, a modified Alternative 2 with all
details not yet disclosed, a d what I'll characterize as the those seeking to find a fair middle ground, led by BCC Chair Larry
Although MCA has written a letter supporting Alternative 2, Flo, the incoming MCA President, is asserting her leadership by
demonstrating that she wants MCA to be collaborative and problem solving.
Input for responding to Flo?

Re: from flo chapgier, :) a thousand thanks and a small question

3 message(s)
Date: Wed Jan 28 201510 :24:42 GMT-0700 (MST)
From: Norman Kulla
To: Tricia Keane
CC: Chad Molnar Debbie DynerHarris Mike Bonin Chris Robertson
ID: 14b31932e0e69658
In route to meetings - can we talk this afternoon?

On Jan 28, 20 15 5:13 PM, "Nancy Freedman" <> wrote:

Hi Tricia
Our Executive Committee is just meeting now. We feel that it is important to have an official email sent to Larry indicating
that the BCC is not to talk about Archer at the meeting Feb 3. Eric Edmunds has already told Lar in so many words he
did not believe him and others will think it is a consP.irac .
Would you please asap send Larry official word that the hearing is postponed for Feb 26 and there is to be no discussion of
Archer at the meeting. II might include that Christina and Thelma . both BCC members are requesting ii as well.
Thank you,

On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 5:34 PM, Tricia Keane <> wrote:

Please see Nancy's email below. Based on the conversation that I had wit h Archer and the neighbors
th is morning, we all agreed that the hearing is not going to go forward on Feb 26 and that it would be
best for Archer not to be considered at the BCC meeting on Feb 3 because there are going to be some
significant changes to the proj ect . Nancy would like me to send an ema il to t hat effect, please let me
know asap, if you have any concern wit h me sending t he following :
Hi Larry, we have been working closely with Archer and the Resident ial Neighbors, and feel that the
discussions have been productive thus far. In order to allow t hose discussions to continue, th e CPC
hearing is not going to go forward on February 26 . Therefore, it is likely prema t ure t o go forward with a
discussion about the project at th e BCC's Februa y 3 meet ing because I believe there will be some
signifi cant changes to it.
Thanks !

On Wed Jan 28, 2015 at 5:42 PM Norman Kulla <> wrote:

I just want to confirm that at the MCA Annual on Monday night Eric Edmunds told me that he is going to force a vote at
February 3 BCC meeting on Archer - he's supporting a modified Alternative 2. Eric emphasized that he has been gathering
the votes to win a showdown at BCC. Norman

On Jan 28, 2015, at 5:53 PM, Tricia Keane <tricia .keane@lacity .org> wrote :

Af ter t he m eeting t hi s m orning , neither Th elma nor Archer wanted BCC to be tak ing a vote on the project on
Feb 3. The conc ern is that either BCC w ill suppo rt Alt 2, w hich isn 't a hel r:i pos it ion , o r the BCC w ill vote t o
support a bunch of addit ional conditions, which may not be relevant or necessary depending on how our
discu ssions wor k out. I'd like to be able to send Larry an ema il confirming that the project is not going to
hearing on 2/ 26 , wh ich means t hat it doesn 't need to be considered on 2 3.



> On Feb 1, 2015 , at 7:19 A M, Mike Bonin <m> wrote:


> Feb 19 is the annual meeting w hundreds of folks

> At that meeting , I need to announce :

> 1) start date for mayfield-bundy roundabout

> 2) creation on sunset traffic brown bag working group, or whatever we
> are calling it
> Anything else I can announce? Maybe a website where

eople can submit

> proposed traff ic fixes?

> They are going to P.ressure me on Archer. I'd like to bring my letter.

> I want to read each individual condition. Maybe even have a

> PowerPo int? I can't allow them to frame it as - why don't yo u SUQport
> Alt 2?

> This is a big meeting and I'm in the crosshairs , so let's start thinking now.

Re: BHA - Feb 19

10 message(s )
Date : Sun Feb 01 20 1511 :4 3:47 GMT-07 00 (MST)
From : david gra hamcaso
To : Mike Bonin
CC : Nor man Kulla , Debbie Dyner Harris , Cha d Moln ar , Paul Backstrom , T ricia Keane
ID: 14b4674 cc04bacb7
I like the idea of a PowerPoint - it puts tour

osition , literally , in

big, bold language that can't be misinterpreted (and can be P-Ostedand

shared afterwards ).

If we go with a PowerPoint, it should be for the entire presentation

and not just the archer section in order to avoid framing the meeting
as blu focused on archer. That means we will need images for
Bundy/Mayfield and other topics .

Can we meet this week to agree on a rough outline so I can get started
working with norm and Debbie on the P.resentation?


Re: BHA - Feb 19

10 message(s )
Date: Sun Feb 01 2015 11:46:49 GMT-0700 (MST)
From: Mike Bonin
To: david grahamcaso
CC : Norman Kulla , Debbie Dyner Harris , Chad Molnar , Paul Backstrom , Tricia Keane
ID: 14b46777bd276b 1c
i an thinking the same thing.
rod and robert do most of the meetin with P.OWer oint and a big screen. and i guarantee you they will do ana rcher
powerpoint before my presentation.

On Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 6 :20 PM , Mike Bonin <mike.bonin@la> w rote :

So they are voting on archer after all,?

On Feb 2 , 2015 , at 6 :26 PM , Tricia Kea ne <tricia.keane@> wrote:

The items ended up on the agenda, but I think their hope is that the items
discussion, or if there is discussion, there won't be a vote. I have talked
neighbors' consultant (Jeff}, and Wendy-Sue (and others) to reinforce that
page ( or at least our position is clear) about the wisdom of asking for the
put over to a later meeting since the hearing was going to be continued.

will be continued without

to Larry, Archer, the
we were all on the same
discussion of the item to be

On Feb 2, 2015 7:43 PM, "Mike Bonin" <> wrote:

If Eric has called. ~ou need to return his call. It will be worse if you do not.

Sent from my iPhone

On Mon, Feb 2 , 2015 at 9:12 PM, Tricia Keane <tricia.keane@laci> wrote:
Tricia Keane
Date: Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 9:43 PM
Subject: Regarding Archer Forward and BCC's Position
Dear fellow BCC membe s,
Attached is a letter respectfully requesting a delay of the BCC's vote on Archer Forward . Modifications to the proposed
project are still being discussed between Archer, community organizations, and stakeholders. Rescheduling the vote for
the March or April meeting will allow the BCC to consider further changes to the project before taking a position.
Thank you, I look forward to seeing all of you tomorrowevening.
Best ,


Christ ina Albetta

Director of Commun ications
The Archer School for Girls

---------- Forwarded message ---------From : <Beth .Gordie@lw .com>

Date: Tue , Feb 3, 2015 at 9:51 AM
Subject: FW: Regarding Archer Forward and BCC's Position
To : tricia.keane@lac ity .org
Cc : Steve@sugermangrou

Hi, Tricia.
we sent the attached letter ta ace last night .


Fwd: FW: Regarding Archer Forward and BCC's Position

6 message(s)
Date: Tue Feb 03 2015 13:53:14 GMT-0700 (MST)
From : T ricia Keane

To: Norman Kulla , mike bonin

ID: 14b5137ed29dcb05

I am also going to forward another email that I received showing an exchange between Eric and Christina from
Archer so you have the additiona l background.

Re: BrentwoocfCommunity Council Agenda for Tuesday, February 2, 2015

6 message(s)
Date: Tue Feb 03 2015 13:50:58 GMT-0700 (MST)
From: Tricia Keane
To: Norman Kulla
CC: mike bonin

ID: 14b5135d88d20328
I sent Eric an ema i l last night lett ing him know that I just picked up his voicema il and would be happy to talk .
I also called and lef t him a message today. I haven't heard back from him yet, but will certa inl y let you know
if/when I do.

I'll also forward yo u the let te r that Arc her sent to BCC so that you have it.
On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 8:08 AM , No rman Kulla <norm an.kulla@lacity .org> wr ote:
Let me know how your conve rsation w ith Eric turns out - I will attend BCC tonight and look forward to your
uidance ...Norman


---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Maria Servello <>

Date: Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 11:51 AM
Subject: Meeting with Elizabeth
To: Tricia Keane <>

Hi Tricia,
Elizabeth has asked me to try and find a time for the two of you to meet, face to face, for a quick meeting.
Could you please send me a few dates and times that might work for you over the next week or so.
Kind thanks,

Maria Servello
Ex ecutive Assistant to Elizabeth English , Head of School
T he A rche r Sc hool Fo r Girl s

On Feb 10, 2015, at 1:30 PM, Tricia Keane <> wrote:

I j ust got contacted to sche du le a meeting betwe en me an d Elizabet h . Wh ile I thi nk I am goi ng to need to sa
yes t o t his meet ing request , it would help my conver sati on with he r if you were ab le t o t alk to Ron
before han d . The ta lki ng points for the call with Ron are really brief :

- We are all on the same page about the schedule. You appreciate them agreeing to moving the hearing back
to April 23, and you know that they are concerned about how that will affect the overall hearing schedule. We
are all working towards the same goal of getting this through the hearing process before Council recess for the
summer so that we are not starting another school year with this still pending. (The point here is not to
commit to a particular outcome , just to alleviate their concerns that by moving the hearing back to April that
they end up pushed into another school year before this is resolved.)
- You are asking them to stay the course on negotiating with the neighbors. We still think there is room for
compromise--the last meeting seemed productive--and we want to keep working on an agreement with
Thelma. We're going to want to speed up that process, but we want to keep on that course at this point and
not change st rategy now.

If you can call Ron to tell him those two things, it would be very helpful for me to keep everyone heading
down the same path.

Tricia Keane
Director of Lan d Use & Plann ing
Councilmemb er Mi ke Bonin

Re: Meeting with Elizabeth

4 message(s)
Date: Tue Feb 10 2015 15:40:46 GMT-0700 (MST)
From: Mike Bonin
To: Tricia Keane
CC: Chad Molnar
ID: 14b75a6fe6ce3596
He texted me to say best time to talk is tonight or tomorrow AM
Sent from my iPhone

Re: Meeting with Elizabeth

4 message(s)
Date: Tue Feb 10 2015 19:50:48 GMT-0700 (MST)
From: Mike Bonin
To : Tricia Keane
CC: Chad Molnar

ID: 14b768c5cb247c41
Spoke to him

Archer conditions meet ing

8 message(s)
Date: Thu Feb 12 2015 12:31:20 GMT-0700 (MST)
From: Tricia Keane
To: Steve Sugerman, "Jeff S. McConnell"
ID: 14b7f462ce157679

Steve are you available on 2/19 to meet with Jeff (and me) to talk about the conditions for the Archer
project? The larger group has a follow-up meeting scheduled for 2/25 at 10am at City Hall. The goal is to
have a draft of the CUP language for the group to look at (and to have shared drafts of that doc before hand
so that we are talking about a hopefully limited numbe r of issues at the 2/25 meeting). But in order to get
there, you, me, and Jeff need to spend some time on this.
Please let me know your availability on 2/19, and I 'll co nfi rm a time for us to meet.

RE: Archer conditions meeting

8 message(s)
Date: Thu Feb 12 2015 17:14:04 GMT-0700 (MST)
From: Steve Sugerman
To: Tricia Keane , "Jeff S. McConnell"
ID: 14b8049188b27a87
I have a meeting in Century City from 1-3. Otherwise I'm good.

Re: Archer conditions meeting

8 message(s)
Date: Thu Feb 12 2015 18:16:23GMT-0700 (MST)
From: Tricia Keane
To: "Jeff S. McConnell"
CC: Steve Sugerman
ID: 14b8082154b29f48
Let 's tentatively say yes, but I still have to confirm whether a meeting that I have on my calendar for 9: 30 am
that day is actually going to happen.

2 message(s)
Date: Wed Feb 18 201513:48:03 GMT-0700 (MST)
From: Norman Kulla
To: Tricia Keane
ID. 4b9e72eb33f2cb9
Will you log these in because of Archer? I do not believe it calls for a response...

-Forwarded message -From: Timothy Byk < >

Date: Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 11:29 AM
Subject: Question
To: Debbie DynerHarris <>

l\e been asked by some of the BID property owners if any projects such as the Mount Saint Mary's Uni'A:!rsityor
SMT projects were included in the EIR for Archer.
If not, is Archer required to include them in their EIR?
Thanks Debbie.


Re: Questio n
4 message(s)
Date: Wed Feb 18 2015 13:02:52 GMT-0700 (MST}
From: Tricia Keane
To: Debbie DynerHarris
ID: 14b9e49346137ea5
The Archer EIR is required to have analyzed cumulative impacts from nearby projects . I am not sure whether
those projects are specif ically included in the EIR--because that would depend on whether they were at the
proper stage whe n the Arche r EIR was being prepared (i.e., had an application been filed, were they app roved
but not yet built, were they otherwi se pend fng). The person who wou ld best be able to answer this ques tion
would be Adam Vi llani from Planning who worked on the EIR. I w ill forward Tim's message to Adam and ask
him to respond (and cc you).

Fwd: Question
1 message
Tricia Keane <>
To: Adam VIiiani <>
Cc: Debbie DynerHarris<>

Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 12:11 PM

Hi Adam,
Do you have any insight into this? Were these project s considere d in the cumulativ e analysi s (or
did they need to be included) ? Can you respon d back to Tim and let him know?

Tricia Keane
Director of Land Use & Planning
CouncilmemherMike Bonin

Alternative 2 for Archer

6 message(s)
Date: Thu Feb 19 2015 23:05 :17 GMT-0700 (MST)
From : Raymon d Klein
To : Tricia Keane
CC : Norman Kulla , Mike Bonin
ID: 14ba5974 8d8f04b7
Hi Tricia,
I have just ret urned from the BHA Annual Meeting.
Mike gave a great powe r oin

ie miss oke about wha t Archer can and cannot do under Altern ative 2.

Severa l different HOA repre sentatives were in the audience but didn 't wan t to co1Tec1him in that forum. But before he says it aga in, we
would like to meet to explain it.
As xou know, the number of HO As and the number of stakeho lders that sup ort Alternat ive 2 are ve!}'.large. They include:

BelAir Skycrest
BelAir Knolls
Brentwood Glen
Brentwood Homeowners Association
Brentwood Park
Brentwo od Hills
Upper Mandeville
Lower Mandeville
Brentwood Village Chamber

To date, your meetings with Archer have been with onl the Residenti al Neighbors and
sometimes BCC. The a1ties "at the table" should be another topic we discuss, in addition to
ex laining exact ly what would be allowed under Alternative 2, and the realistic im act to the
Fwd: Alternative 2 for Archer
6 message(s)
Date: Fri Feb 20 2015 08:25 :24 GMT-07 00 (MST)
From: Norman Kulla
To: Tricia Keane , Mike Bonin
ID: 14ba7983ada 1225a
Tricia/Mike ,
Ray told me that Mike's statements about Alt 2 were incorrect after mtg last night. I asked Ray to send a email explaining why
what Mike said about All 2 was incorrect but instead he is requesting a meeting ...sorry ...Norman



Re: Barbara Bruser (Board Chair of Archer) Big Thank You

2 message(s)
Date : Fri Feb 20 2015 16:21 :33 GMT -0700 (MST)
From : claudia luna
To : Mike" Bonin
CC: Tricia Keane
ID: 14ba94bd9efce91 c
Elizabeth English , from Archer, just called to say the same thing. Thank you for your leader ship at last night's BHA meeting.
Her number in case you'd like to call her - 310 622-3199

From: Barbara Brus er <bb rusercfa@ gma>

Date: Februa ry 20, 20 15 at 3:51 :49 PM PST
To: "mike .bon in@lacity .org" <mike.>
Subject: An Archer thank you
Dear Councilman Boni n,
The tremendous expression of support that you gave for the Archer Forward plan at the BHA meeting last night is deeply
appreciated . This has been a long and challenging process for all of us. As we move into the final stages we take great
encouragement from your efforts and those of your entire staff to bring this project to successful completion.
On behalf of the entire Board of Trustees , a heartfelt thank you for your support of this plan and your unwavering comm itment
to equal opportunity for all in our community .
Barbara Bruser
Chair , Board of Trust ees
T he Archer School for Girls

---- ------ Forwarded message ---------From: Mary Edwa rds <mee>
Date : Fri , Feb 20 , 2015 at 6 :24 PM
Subject: Interim Control Ordinance to Baseline Mansionization
Cc :


Councilman Bonin,
As a 37-year resident of Mar Vista, and a retiree, I would like to express my opinions about the upcoming vote on the Interim

Orrlin,anr:P. (lr.O) "" it rP.l,alP." In lhP. R,a"P.linP. M,an"inni7,alinn

Orrlin,anr:P. .

My husband and I have seen Mar Vista grow and change. We are not wealthy people , but we have worked hard over the years to
purchase and pay off our home. We just went into escrow to sell our home. We had planned to use the proceeds from the sale to
help fund our retirement. Many older Angelenos, like us, have always thought of our house as part of our retirement plan if the
need to sell and downsize becomes prudent.
It seems that the upcoming ICO's are very restrictive to new construction . Our house was built in 1953 and is a modest 1700
square foot tract home . It is not large, although it has been comfortable for the two of us. We have recently sold our home to a
builder who wishes to put a newer and bigger house on the lot. Unfortunately, our home may fall out of escrow because of the
The fact is that buyers today want larger homes ; whether it is to accommodate grow ing families, to care for elderly parents, to
have room for a home office , or for a myriad of other reasons . I don't advocate building the Mediterranean Stucco Boxes that
proliferated during the late 20th and early 21st century, we have one next door to us. Nor am I particularly pleased with the
aesthetics of most of the current Modern Boxes that are being built today. However , I feel that the good intentions of the antimansionization ordinance , especially in Mar Vista and East Venice where no exceptions will be made to allow a large home, will


On Sun, Feb 22, 2015 at 8:45 PM , Mike Bonin <mike.bonin@lacity .org> wrote :
not sure how to respond on this, and i do need to respond
they also live a few blocks from me

Councilmember , 11th District

On Feb 23, 2015, at 5:37 PM , T ricia Keane <tricia.keane@> wro te :

Hi there, just wanted to clarify the meeting I have scheduled for Thursday. It's with Elizabeth English of
Archer. She requested the meeting wit h ou r office several weeks ago, so it's been on cale ndar for awhile
now, and it 's in the WLA DO. It's not till later in the morn ing, however, so I can come for some of the
beginnin of the cours e as Ion as I can leav e in time to make it WLA.

Archer Call
2 message(s)
Date : Fri Feb 27 20 15 11:44:35 GMT-0700 (MST )
From: Steve Sugerman
To: "Jeff S . McConnell" , ""
CC :
ID : 14bcc5adbd4231 1a
Let's use the fo llowing:

866 -213-186 3
Code: 3372475

Archer Call
2 message(s)
Date : Fri Feb 27 20 15 10:32:47 GMT-0700 (MST)
From: Steve Sugerman
To : "Jeff S . McConnell" , "tricia.keane@lacity .org"
CC :
ID: 14bcc1db5fb15c7d
Let's use the following:

86 6-213- 1863
Code: 3372475




111\ ;;i ,O,;;,Q~


From : "Rodney Liber" <rodliber@me .com>

Date : Mar 2, 20 15 10:02 PM
Subject: BHA / CD11 / Archer
To : "Tricia Keane" <tricia .keane@lacity .org>
C c: "Thelma Waxman" <thelma> , "Raymond Klein" <rk> , "Robert Rene "
<r .rene@verizon .net>
H i Tricia :
This message is long overdue , but I found myself working on things other than Archer , including my businesses and
family:) .
With the vote by the BCC and the unity of the Brentwood neighborhood I wanted to arrange a status meeting
between BCC , BHA , RNA and CD11 . I know CD11 was not in support of our decision to unify behind Alt 2, and I
think it best we re-establish how to most productively proceed . Mike's comments at our Annual Meeting reflected
what I think is a misinterpretation of the current CUP , and I think it does the process a disservice to disseminate that
philosophy . Possibly in the same wa'i you feel support of Alt 2 was counterproductive .
I know we all agree we must work together for the best outcome and the BHA stands ready in hopes Archer will be
willing to scale down their project to a reasonable size that the community can tolerate .
best ,
Rod Liber

Fwd: BHA / CD11 / Archer

3 message(s)
Date : Mon Mar 02 2015 23:21 :43 GMT-0700 (MST)
From : Tricia Keane
To : mike bonin , Chad Molnar , norman kulla
CC :
ID : 14bde4c1794cdd63
Fyi. Let's talk about how I should respond .
Tricia Keane
Director of Land Use & Planning
Councilme mber Mike Bonin
Citv of Los Anae les

Call re: Archer

1 message(s)
Date: Tue Mar 03 2015 09:21:54 GMT-0700 (MST)
From: Steve Sugerman
To: "Jeff S. McConnell" , ""
ID: 14be074296a315c0


Or:i J ue, Mar 3, 2015 at 3:17 PM, Tricia Keane <tricia.keane@lacity. org> wrote :
Do you have some time to talk Archer this afternoon?

I have some updates I want to share with you.

5 message(s)
Date: Tue Mar 03 2015 21:43:18 GMT-0700 (MST)
From: Tricia Keane
To : mike bonin , Chad Molnar
1D: 14be3185e66dc6b2
Steve is meetfng with {he construction team tomorrow morning at 9 am and wants to connect before that. You want me to give
Steve a heads up about the message ou're going to deliver at 2?

Tricia Keane
Director of Land Use & Planning
Councilmember Mike Bonin

Date : Wed Mar 04 2015 00 :16:49 GMT-0700 (MST)

From: Mike Bonin
To: Tricia Keane
CC: Chad Molnar
ID: 14be3a4f0de45a75

If u think we need to.

It is message delivery .

On Thu, Mar 5, 2015 at 4 :18 PM , Raymond Klein <> wrote :

Hi Tricia,
Are we OK?
I haven't seen a response


my Feb 19 emai l req uesting a meeting to be able to explain the impacts of Archer Alternative

2, and to discuss the parties at the negotiating table.

I also sent an email on March 4 requesting clarification of w hether hi llside areas cou ld be incl uded in the anti mega
man sion ICO in view of the inclu sion of Oaks of Los Feliz and Bel A ir .
T hanks

Rai ___

Archer update
3 message (s)

Date: Thu Mar 19 2015 12:33:15 GMT-0600 (MDT)

From : Tricia Keane
To : mike bonin, Chad Mol nar
ID: 14c334f9828b7cb3
I talked to steve th is morning and got the results of the board
When can you talk for me to give you an update?
Tric ia Kea ne

vote last


Forwarded message
From: Rodney Uber <rodliber@me .com>
Date : Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 9:17 AM
Subject: Archer School/ BHA / CD1 1
To: Mike Bonin <mike>
Cc: Chad Molnar <chad>, Tricia Keane <>, Norman Kulla
<norman.kulla@lacity .org>, Robert Rene <r.rene@verizon .net>, Raymond Klein <>

Dear Mike:
I have been asked formally by the BHA Board of Directors to correspond with you
regarding the status of the Archer discussions. As you know , community groups total ing
10,000+ residents voted to support Alternative 2, until such time as there was a real effort
at a comprom ise plan. At your suggestion , the BHA agreed to temporarily stand aside and
allow you to facilitate discussions between Archer and the proximate neighbors, in hopes
an agreement could be reached.
Mike, to be quite frank, we remain very concerned. All along, we have said that in three
years of discussions , Arche r did not want to compromise , did not want to reconc ile
commun ity concerns and in the end, would choose to build a plan suitable for Archer and
Archer alone. You have made a commitment to protect the interests of our community,
and tasked Tricia with forging an agreement that worked for both Archer and the
neighbors . However, there remains no concrete evidence that Archer wi ll ultimately
agree to a plan that accommodates Brentwood .
Recognizing the promises you have made to the community, we support your near term
efforts. However, should our ongoing concerns materia lize and Archer refuses to agree to
a more moderate plan, we expect that you will uphold your commitment to Brentwood and
its residents and stop Archer until such time as it reasonab ly capitu lates. There is a long
history of CD 11 doing the right thing and your reputation indicates above all you will not
let us down on this one . We believe we have the commitment not only of our
homeowners , but from other HOAs and community groups throughout the westside , who
have indicated they ultimate ly will stand with us.
Due to its unique location , and with ingress and egress flowing directly into our central
choke point, we believe the Archer development is a cred ible threat to an alr


overtaxed and vital community condu it. We cannot force the commun ity to bear the
perpetual and irreversible impacts of this project.
Please let me know the status of the current discussions and perhaps our board can meet
with you to reaffirm your support.
Mike, this is a time of critical community need and we are absolutely counting upon your
leadership and protection .
Respecfully ,
Rod Liber

Fwd: Archer School / BHA / CD11

7 message(s)
Date : Fri Mar 20 20 15 15:05:23 GMT-060 0 (MDT)
From : Norman Kulla
To : Tricia Keane
ID: 14c39 01ab64fc498
Any heads up as to what provoked this? When I am in Brentwood should I be searching for something that could be helpful?

Re: Archer School / BHA / CD11

7 message(s)
Date : Fri Mar 20 20 15 17:32:35 GMT-0600 (MDT )
From: Tricia Kea ne
To : Norman Kulla
CC :
ID: 14c3987faa7 cca21

Yes, there is background on this and I'll be happy to share when we have a chance to chat.


From: Lauren Cole <lauren@colemed>

Date: Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 9:52 AM
Subject: Archer
To : "Raymond Klein <rklein908@gmai l. com>" <> , "Isaac (Ike) Cohen" <>, Daniel
A bramson <danielkabramson@gm>, Nancy Freedman <gjf165@gmai> , , Thelma Waxman
<>, Florence Chapgier <>, Susan Casamassima <sucasa2@earth link .net>, Leeo r
Alpern <> , Said Jabba ri < m>
Tran sportation Committee members--1just ran into Thelma who told me that Archer broke off its negotiations with the Council Office and the neighbors yesterday ,
saying that they will go ahead with construction as they've proposed and get it done in three years. She is not clear how this
impacts the operating conditions and traffic caps in their existing CUP or how the Council Office plans to respond .

Thelma has recently been added to the TC so I've copied her above in case she has more info to pass along .

From: Daniel Abramson []

Se nt: Friday, March 20, 2015 9:56 AM

To: Watts, Larry; Bryan Gordon
Subject: Fwd: Archer
I didn't see you two on this email.

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Watts, Lar ry <LWatts@seyfarth .com>
Date: Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 10:58 AM
Subject: FW: Archer
To : "Tricia Keane (" <>

Do you have anyt hi ng you can share with me concerning

this development?

Tha n ks

Fwd: FW: Archer

4 message(s)

Date: Fri Mar 20 2015 17:31:30 GMT-0600 (MDT)

From: Tricia Keane
To: Chad Molnar
ID: 14c3986fd3155d1f

Thoughts on how we want to respond to this? I can J:!robably set up some time to talk to him next week, but I
do n't want t o leave him hanging.
Just tell him the situation is fluid at the moment and you need some time to get back to him. Let him know you can discuss next

Chad Mo lnar
Chief of Staff

Mike Bonin <m ike>

Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 1:11 PM
To : Rodney Liber <rodliber@me .com>
Cc: Chad Molnar <chad.molnar@>, Tricia Keane <tricia.keane@lacity .org> , Robert Rene
Rod-how about we have a breakfast meeting-you, Robert, me Tricia?

Chad Mol nar <chad .molnar@lacity .org>

To: Tricia Keane <tricia .keane@lacity .org>
Cc: Mike Bonin <>

Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 12:44 PM

Plus, at this point, we really need an in person meeting with them to see if we can get them to see the forest
through the trees.


--Forwarded message --From: Eddie Guerrero <eddie .guerrero@lac ity .org>

Date: Tue, Ap r 7, 2015 at 11:11 AM
Subject: Fwd: Archer 3-Year Construction Memo
To: Adam Villani <adam .villani@lacity .org>
Cc : Tom Gaul < >, Spencer Reed <S.Reed@fehrandpeers .com >

I am forwarding this communicat ion to acknowledge DOrs receipt of the subject attached report and to confirm
DOrs conc urrence with the finding that applying a three-year construction phasing plan to to proposed project
and mmAng the construction start date to 2017, will not result in any additional impacts beyond what has already
been discussed in the original study.
If you ha1.eany questions , please feel free to contact me directly (310-642-1625).
Regards .

11 message(s)
Date : Tue Apr 07 2015 17:25 :56 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Raymond Klein
To: Tricia Keane
CC :
ID : 14c9634 7778ce 1fd
Hi ,
Is ther e any reason to ask for another CPC continuance ? Or are the chances of arriving at a Cove nant too remote?

Would it he lp if the BCC voted tonight to ask for a continuance?

Or should that be RNA and BHA ?

Fwd: Archer
11 message(s)
Date: Tue Apr 07 2015 18:21:49 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To: mike bonin , Chad Molnar
CC :
ID: 14c9667853b59576

I'm inclined to respond to Ray and just say that in my opinion it's better to keep the hearing date as is.
Besides , Archer has to agree to any further continuance, and I don 't think that they will do that because the y
would very much like to have this done before the fall school year begins just because it's been such a dra n
out proce ss and I don't think anyone wants this spilling over into another school '[ea .

Chad Molnar

I'm really not sure at this point . Might be worth waitin g to see how the BCC meetin g goes tonight...

Tricia Keane
Director of Land Use & Planning

Re: Arche r
'1T message(s)

Date: Tue Apr 07 2015 18:49:55 GMT-0600 (MDT)

From: Tricia Keane
To:Raymond Klein
CC :
ID: 14c968142d112f70

Hi Ray, in my opinion, it would be better to keeP. the hearing date as is .



- --- ..---- ;::,

From : "Thelma Waxman" <>

Date: Apr 7, 2015 6:43 PM
Subject: Hearing notice
To : "Tricia Keane" <>

When do we receive it? And will it come to me in the mail?
Sent from my iPhone

Re: Hearing notice

12 message(s)

Date : Tue Apr 07 2015 22:36:37 GMT-0600 (MDT)

From : Tricia Keane
To : Thelma Waxman

ID: 14c9750cec0168 f2
I will find out.
Tricia Keane

Fwd: Hearing notice

12 message(s)
Date : T ue Apr 07 20 15 22 :37 :34 GMT - 0600 (MDT)

Fro m: Tr icia Keane

To : Elva Nuno-O'Donnell

CC :
ID : 14c9751ac1a9a3d9
Hi Elva , just wanted to check in on this so I can give Thelma the correct answer .
Tricia Keane
D irector of Land Use & Planning
Co uncilmember Mike Bonin
City of Los Angeles

Re: Hearing notice

12 message(s)
Date : Tue Apr 07 2015 22 :47 :36 GM T-0600 (MDT )
From : Thelma Waxman
To : T ricia Keane

CC :
ID : 14c975af886af921

Thanks. Just got back from the bee meeting and Beth Gordie dro~ ed a bombshell. I think you need to talk to Jeff .
Sent fr om my iPhone
On Apr 7, 2015 , at 10:47 PM, Tricia Keane <tricia .keane@> w rote :
I will give him a call in the morning .
Tricia Keane

Re: Hearing notice

12 message(s)
Date: Wed Apr 08 2015 12:02:53 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Thelma Waxman
To : Tricia Keane

CC :
ID: 14c9a33562d4aabb
Why is that every time I see someone from next door I feel as if I was punched in the stomach. I can't take it anymore . I feel
like I am fighting goliath all on my own while trying to fend off the gnats. It's too much and I can't take it anymore .
I think when this is over (well, it won't ever be over for me because after the temporary disruption I get the permanent
disruption) I am going to slink away. Beth said they are thinking of bringing all the girls again to the hearing . If they do, I don't
know what I will do. I am tired of crying and worrying and feeling as if my life has been hijacked and being attacked because I
want what all of the Archer families have--peace and guiet a nigh and on the weekends .
I'm sorry. I think they've finally broken me. I don't think I'll be the same and I don't think I can have drinks with anyone from that
You're a different story. I just wish I had met you under different circumstances .

Date: Wed Apr 08 2015 12:24:18 GMT-0600 (MDT)

From: Tricia Keane
To : Thelma Waxman
ID: 14c9a46915bae062

I com lelftly understand ...and I too wish that we'd met under completely different circumstances .

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Rodney Liber <rodliber@me .com>

Date: Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 8:50 AM
Subject: Archer Settlement Talks
To : Tricia Keane <>

Ray and Thelma have been keeping me posted on the progress of your talks . During the years of discussions , even those
most immersed in the talks (me Thelma, Ray) had to be constantly reminded we were never "taking anything away" from
Archer .

I was pretty sure coming out of that meeting two weeks ago that our goal was to craft a compromise Archer COULD accept,
not one they absolutely WOULD accept. More specifically , we were to back up to the most "lean" project that technically
satisfied Mike's previous statements and commitments , thereb giving the community the best chance at the least impacts .
Since I like to look at the "big picture" and I mentioned several times in the meeting even the simplest community supported
proposal is a win for the school , I ask you to look at the attached chart and see the current talks give them easily more than
50% of their ask and thus represents an incredibly generous compromise .
Thank you for all your exhaustive and tenacious work .
6 Attachments :
Archer Settlement Summary .pdf

Fwd: Archer Settlement Talks

6 message(s)
Date : Wed Apr 08 2015 10:49 :41 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To: mike bonin, Chad Molnar
ID: 14c99effc7f286ae
Fyi. We need to discuss how this is going to move forward . And I need to guff you an update from BCC last night.
Tricia Keane
Director of Land Use & Planning

Re: Archer Settlement Talks

6 messag e( s)
Date : Wed Ap r 08 2015 10:51 :42 GMT -06 00 (M DT)
From : Mike Bon in
To : T ricia Keane
CC : Chad Moln ar
ID : 14c9 9f 1d44 9467ff
Happy to tal k. Can chat now if you wa nt.

Done deal
9 message(s)
Date: Wed Apr 08 2015 16:28:36 GMT-0 600 (MDT)
From: Thelma Waxman
To : Tricia Keane
ID: 14c9b2650c 1586fb
If it is I wish someone would tell me so I wouldn't have to deal with the monkeys . Seriously . Be honest. Received this today
from another neighbor .

"Nice to know that Archer representatives are "Girl Scout Cookie-ing" their way through our Brentwood Village businesses
today th e gir s in thei r school uniforms telling owners that the Archer Expansion is a "done deal" and touting the benefits
of a community-size campus in our neighborhood . "

Re: Done deal

9 messa ge(s)
Date: Wed Apr 08 20 15 19:44:57 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Tric ia Keane
To : Thelma Waxman
CC :
ID: 14c9bd9ff0ff53db
No one told me it's a done deal yet.
For what its worth , I am so so sorry that this has been so rough . ::()
Tricia Keane

Re: Done deal

9 message(s)
Date: Thu Apr 09 2015 11:02 :56 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Thelma Waxman
To : Tricia Keane
ID: 14c9f22cab00b040
Haha! Yes , but I have no friends now because my life has been taken over by the monster that shall not be named!!! I got 8
hours last night so I'm back to just slightly annoying.
So one of my neighbors asked me if Archer was behind this new school "just 15 miles from the 405/Sunset intersection ,"
Beacon School for Boys. Sure enough , the founders are moms at Arche r. Have you heard of it? It will be in CD-11. Granted
15 miles could be anywhere , but is it possible Archer could become affiliated with them so they could use Archer's facilities?
Have you seen the description of the use of site for Archer?
Last time we worke d on a CUP, Archer bought two parcels they didn't tell us about. I would not be surprised if the same thing
happens with an affiliate school. I am sure Jeff will reach out to you too since I just emailed him. But based on l)ast
experience I would not put it past them .

Re: Done deal

9 message(s)
Date: Thu Apr 09 2015 11:41:30 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To: Thelma Waxman
ID: 14c9f45c192ebdef

I have not heard abou t th is new school effort, but I w ill st art lookin g into it t o see wha t I ca n fi nd out.
it could be 15 m iles east of tha t int ersecti on??


On Thu , Apr 9, 2015 at 10:42 AM , The lma Waxman <thelma> w rote:
Ever the optimist you are!!!
Date: Thu Apr 09 2015 11:43:47 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To : Thelma Waxman
ID: 14c9f47d532 161e6


is one word for it .. .

New School--Beacon School

2 message(s)
Date : Thu Apr 09 20 15 11:42:21 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To: Chris Robertson
ID: 14c9f4685e465346

Have you heard an thing abou t efforts to start a new school for boys- - here 's what I 've been told abou t it ...

So one of my neighbor s asked me if Archer was behind this new school "just 15 miles fro m the 405/ Sunset int ersect ion,"
Beacon School for Boys. Sure enough, the founders are moms at Archer . Have you heard of It? It will be in CD-1 1.
Granted 15 miles could be anywhere, but ls It possible Archer could become affiliated with them so t hey could use Archer' s
facilit ies? Have you seen the descript ion of the use of site for Archer?

Re: New SchoolBeacon School

2 message(s)
Date : Th u Apr 09 20 15 12:03 :28 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Chris Robertso n

To: Tricia Keane

CC :
ID: 14c9f59e4b082 c76

Haha - no! The fun never ends!

From: Thelma Waxman <>

Date : April 9, 2015 at 11: 19:32 AM PDT
To: "Jeff S. McConnell" <>
Subject : analysts by archer of 3 years and classrooms
I am sure Archer is already doing or has done the analysis of their consolidated construction schedule . is there a way to find
out if they have submitted it to planning or elva? because you know that is what they have been working on for the past

Fwd: analysis by archer of 3 years and classrooms

3 message(s)
Date: Thu Apr 09 2015 12:58 :17 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: "Jeff S . McConnell"
To : Tricia Keane

ID; 14c9f8c19923a8a3

Can you please-


has been any submissions by archer on the consolidated construction schedule?

Also please let me know when you talk to the CM if anything is changing .
Jeffrey McConnell
310 .210.0806
Sent frcim
Please excuse typos

Re: analysis by archer of 3 years and classrooms

3 message(s)
Date: Thu Apr 09 2015 17:51:08 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
ro: "JeffS .-MciCorinell"
ID: 14ca098270e06c2c

There is additiona l environmental

the construction schedule .

review that is being finalized now that will be posted on Monday regarding

Re: analysis by archer of 3 years and classrooms

3 message(s)
Date: Thu Apr 09 2015 18:21 :25 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: "Jeff$ , Mc_:Connel!"
To: Tricia Keane
ID: 14ca0b3e8 1671005

Did you know this was going on?

--Forwarded message --From: Eddie Guerrero <eddie.guerrero@lacity .org>

Date: Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 11:41 AM
Subject: Archer School Three-Year Construct ion Memo
To: Adam Villani <adam.\..illani@lacity .org>
Cc: Tom Gaul <t.gau >, Spencer Reed < >

Adam ,
Attached is the updated subject report with corrections requested. Toe overall conclusion of the report remains
the same as does LADOTs concurrence. Therefore, as previously comm unicate d, via e-mail on the Tuesday
(4/7) I am forwarding this communication to acknowledge DOT's receipt of the subject attached report and to
confirm DOTs concurrence with the finding that apply ing a three-year construction phasing plan to to proposed
project and mm,ing the construction start date to 2017, will not result in any additional impacts beyond what has
already been discussed in the original study .
If you have any questions , please feel free to contact me directly (310-642-1625 ).

From: Amy Jones Chapman <aholdenj@mac .com>

Date: April 9, 2015 at 11 :41 :28 AM PDT
To: "mike .bonin@laci" <>
Subject: Archer
I am begging you to help stop Archer 's new building plans including the concept of continuing school and construction
simultaneously. This neighborhood is teetering on the brink of total destruction from traffic generated by these schools.
Please put an end to this if you can.
Amy Chapman
621 N Saltair

......___, ....
On Apr 9, 2015 11:45 AM, "Mike Bonin" <mike .bonin@lacity .org> wrote:
Now simultaneous classes and construction are the issue? They keep moving the goal post.
Sent from my iPhone
(Please forgive any typos, odd phrases, or complete nonsense. I am using Siri, and she tries to make me look stupid.)
Begin forwarded message:

Re: Fwd: Archer

11 message(s)
Date: Thu Apr 09 2015 13:27:08 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To : mike bonin
D: 14G9fa673d50d4fb
I think simultaneous construction and school operation, saturday construction, etc. ends up being all fine if the perf arts ctr
space goes away.
I still think in order for Archer to say yes to the perf arts ctr, there has to be something else in it for them that isn't just getting
the ~ommunity to not challenge even more parts of the project.
The community's position is that the only way they were going to be willing to live with the term sheet the way it is, is if the perf
arts ctr space went away. It was part of a larger package deal. But if the perf arts ctr stays, then they want more operational
restrictions. Jeff has said that. Archer thought your 3-year mandate overrode the need for there to be an overall deal.
Archers position is that they want the term sheet the way it is AND the perf arts ctr space. And the only way to get them to take
more restrictions on either the perf space or operations is to give them a break on something else.
If you see Thelma tonight , please please please be gentle. She is about ready to call it quits . hand Jeffs info over to a
neighbor of hers who is much more interested in fighting, and we will lose probably the most reasonable voice on the
opposition's side. She is feeling incredibly beat up over all of this, and feels like she is getting demonized for representing what
a larger group of ppl want. I think it could be helpful for you to tell her that it's not a done deal yet, that we do want to push
Archer to take something that is better for the community, that we do want RNA and BHA on board, but that we are also trying
to be realistic in how far we can push (on either side) before this totally falls apart. Stress how much you have been doing to


make sure that the neighbors are protected , and how much you appreciate what she has been doing to get to a yes. We don't
want Thelma to walk away from this.
Tricia Keane
Director of Land Use & Planning
Councilmember Mike Bonin
Los Angeles City Council, 11th District

----- ----- Forwarded message ---------From : Jeri Serpico <jserpico1@verizon .net>

Date : Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 2:26 PM
Subject: Archer
To: "" <mike>

Dear Mike
You have let us all down with the changes in construction.
Tearing down the house on barrington is depressing
125 N Barrington
Sent from

my iPhone

3 messages

Jeri Serp ico <jserpico1@verizon .net>

To: ""

It seems like taking the house on

barrington has been the plan all along .
Archer is getting their way.
You would have had to know this all the time .
What a waste of time having all these meetings with you there .
Jeri Serpico
125 N Barrington Ave
Sent from my iPhone

Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 2:43 PM

Fwd : Archer
7 message(s)
Date : Thu Apr 09 2015 15:53 :13 GMT -0600 (MD T )
From: ikc Bonin
o : Tr ica Kean _e , Chad Molnar

ID: 14ca02c340ffcc13
did someone send something out about the barrington house lately?

Councilmember , 11th District

Re: Archer
7 message(s)
Date : Thu Apr 09 2015 16:05:44 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Chad Molnar
To : Mike Bonin
CC: Tricia Keane
ID: 14ca037a9e221f7e
Yes . It's in the same original email from Thelma.

From: Thelma Waxman <{>

Date: Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 3:27 PM
Subject: can you talk now?
To : Tricia Keane <>

I am trying to rally the community behind our term sheet. But once again, Larry is communicating ith Archer and doing
everything he can to sabotage this.
This is the email I received from Lauren Cole.
Why is Larry saying that Arche
who pulled out of the talks?


a d Jeff agreed to a term sheet but RNA never respon@sl so basically say_ing ii is RNA not Arch er

So instead of trying to focus on the facts of the term sheet , Larry is letting Archer say our term sheet is unacceptable and that we walked
away . That is not the case.
Please , at what point Is Larry stopped? He sends the emai l with his notes from the LUC meeting where Jeff spoke about our term sheet to
Archer (which, oops , went to Chris tina) . He refuses to let me speak Tuesday until 9:10pm when everyone has left. He writes an
unauthorized email to the City saying his expert's report on the DEIR is not what he intended because they have no problem with increased
events . He tells Robert Rene that he has a direct line to Archer and that he talks with Cindy every week . Can you please make this stop?
This is what I cannot take .
If you think we walked away_, please let me know . We were never shown the term sheet because Steve said wait , the board is wa iting to
decide about what to do .

A rcher -- ad in paper
4 message(s)
Date: Thu Apr 09 2015 17:10:33 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To: Chad Molnar
ID: 14ca07302ae7e289

Just fyi , Jeff told me that there is going t o be an flye r in the paper, probably this weekend or early next week,
telling everyone to go to the upcoming hearing . it isn't going to mention our office, and it isn't going to
mention th ings that they know have been changed about the project, but it is going to mention things that are
sti ll issues of concern for the community. I know that we will get a lot of ema ils/calls in response. I wanted to
give you a heads up. It is what it is, but I wanted to mention to you before I told MB.

I also suspect that Archer is going to kick off its own ad and community outreach campaig n at the same time
the staff re12ort comes out . So we are going t o be hea g from a LOT of people next week.

On Thu, Ar.ir9, 2015 at 4:12 PM, Chad Molnar <> wrote:

Ok thanks. I'm going to call Jeff and strongly suggest to him that they not slam the construction schedule they suggested.

Re: Archer -- ad in paper

4 message(s)
Date: Thu Apr 09 2015 17:16:35 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To: Chad Molnar
ID: 14ca0788c5eea65a
Okay .
Also, when you talk to him, let him know that I've gotten emails from Rod, Ray, and Thelma, and I want to
make sure that we're not all talk ing past each other. I haven't sent the response to Rod yet be I can't now tell
who I really should be talking to on their side. I sent Jeff and email to that effect, but if you get a chance to
mention it, that would be great. Just ask him who I should communicate with on their side so this thing gets
done. I can't be talking to each of them ... that 's what we have Jeff for. :-)

From:Tricia Keane [mailto:tri cia.keane@lacity .org)

Sent: Thursday, April 9, 2015 3:42 PM
To: Jeff S. McConnell
Subject: Fwd: can you t alk now ?
Hi there, I've gotten several emails from several different people today, and I want to make sure I'm
communicating in a coordinated way. I am always happy to talk to Thelma directly. But also wanted to touch
base with you to make sure the right info is getting to the right ge oP.le Should I still res and to Rod with the
points that you and I discussed yesterday?

RE : can you talk now?

Date: Thu Apr 09 2015 23:36:17 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : "Jeff S. McConnell"
To: Tricia Keane
ID: 14ca1d434209 826a
Per your request and Chad's I' ve asked for me to be the point person with the office and Thelma has already agreed to st op
communicating directly and she will ask Rod and Ray to funnel through me as well. Hopef ully that will occur but given pas
tpractice that seems doubtful .

Jeff M cConnel l

RE: can you talk now?
5 message(s)
Date: Fri Apr 10 20 15 10:58:24 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To : "Jeff S. McConnell"
ID: 14ca444a3a0cbb90
Than ks!
Though please make sure thelma knows that it's not because I don't want to talk to her.: -)
Tricia Keane

Fwd: Archer Settlement Talks

8 message(s)
Date: Thu Apr09 2015 19:42 :07 GMT-0600 (M DT )
From: Tricia Keane
To: mike bonln , Chad Molnar

ID: 14ca0fdc04 2 1efcO

Are you okay with me sending the following response to Rod:

c __~
Th a nks,


Re: Archer Settlement Talks

6 message(s)
Date: Thu Apr 09 2015 22 :14:40 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Chad Molnar
To: Tricia Keane
CC :
ID: 14ca189717 f5957 1

Let's disc uss in t he morning. T here is some new stuff on this.

From: "Ron Stone" <>

Date: April 13, 2015 at 6:48 :38 PM PDT
To: "'Mike Bonin"' <>, "'Mike Bonin'" <>
Subject: Archer: Briefing Book
Hi MikeHope you 're well! Sorry for sending to 2 email addresses - I had them both and wasn 't sure which was current/correct.
I wanted to pass this along electronically - your office should be getting hard copies today. This is the overview document
being sent to the Planning Commission - as you 'll see , a very detailed overview of the need for the project and for all of the
concess ions Archer has made in response to meetings with the community, etc. While I don 't think we 're getting any credit
from neighbors - we really have done so much to revise the site plan, reduce the number of events , accelerate construction ,
etc .

My sin cerest thanks again for all you 've done and are continuing to do to sup J:>
Take care , and talk soon,

Strategic Government Affairs
1.1500 W. Olympic Boulevard , Suite 400

rcher - the Archer community will make you


Fwd: In Support of The Archer School for Girls

1 message(s)
Date : Mon Apr 13 2015 17:03:55 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Mike Bonin
To : Chad Molnar , Tricia Keane
CC :
ID: 14cb506683e21cde

The pro Archer emails have started rolling in

S-ent from my iPhone

Mar ch 6, 20 14
ML Adam Villani
Los Angeles Department of City Planning
200 N . Spring Street, Room 750
Los Angeles, CA 90012
RE : ENV-2011 -2689-EIR
I Suppo 11 Archer ' s Campus Plan
Dear Mr. Villan i:
I write as a resident of Brentwood , and as Archer's Head Librarian . In August I returne d to
California (after spending 13 years in N ew York) specifica lly to work at Archer, whose
reputation as an innovative program dedicated to prov iding girls with the very highest quality
educatio n is known throughou t the coun try.
The written word cannot possib ly do this school , and the commun ity it fosters, justice. It is
not an exaggerat ion that I marve l eve1y single day at the dedication of Archer's faculty , the
infom 1ed effo11s of the administra tion, and, most importan tly, the inquisi tive, creative and
ambitious nature of Archer students. I have worked as an educator in a number of settings;
none rivals Archer's effectiveness in developing its studen ts into wel1-roW1ded, passionate ,
confident, socially aware and adept individuals .
I think that it is incredibly important that the City recognize the value of developing female
leaders, and that the City publicly demonstrate a commitment to educating girls throug h
supporting the development plans of a phenomenally run institution eager to strengthen its
acade mic and athle tic programs . It is more important than ever tha t girls have access to the
top tier technology, equipment and facilities required to foster top tier leadership and
I urge you to prior itize the developm ent of this deserving community of innovators .


Stefanie Daeh ler

11706 Mayfield Ave. #9
Los Angeles CA 90049

Cc: Councilmember Mike Bonin

Kelly Bush Novak Calling about Archer

3 message(s)
Date : Tue Apr 14 201515 :38:25 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: claudia luna
To : Mike Bonin
CC: Tr icia Keane
ID: 14cb9de846e b4c15

Kelly Bush Novak, owns and operates a PR firm in Hollywood , called to talk to you, regarding Arche r.
She is familiar wt Archer initiative . She has a daughter there and one that will be going there. Her daughter's experience so far
is incred ible. She feels the proposed plan for transportation management is a model and an efficient use of the space that they
have . She has visited every middle school/high school the area that and none compare to Archer . Feels it's an asset
to the community.

Her ca ll back number - 323 822-4 888

She left her websi te -

On T ue, Apr 14, 2015 at 6:36 PM , claudia luna <cla udia .luna@lacity .org> wrote :
i, Mike sa id he's not ca lling rich peop le to talk abou t Archer . :)

Re: Kelly Bush Novak Calling about Archer


3 message(s)
Date: Tue Apr 14 2015 19:38:40 GMT-0600 (MDT )
Fro m : claudia luna

To: Tricia Keane

ID : 14cba ba6fb3d1 a5b
I got a second voice ma il from a British worn n, wa nting to voice her support for Archer. Not sure if there's starti ng a
campai gn? But that was two calls today .

On Apr 15, 2015, at 8:12 AM, Mike Bonin <mike.bonin@lacity .org> wrote :
We need to discuss today. I need a general update on the BHA position,
the term sheet, etc, when and where we are pulling all sides together
prior to the CPC hearing .
Sent from my iPad



Re: Archer School

3 message(s)
Date: Fri Apr 17 2015 11 :40:31 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Mike Bonin
To: Tricia Keane
CC: Chad Molnar
ID: 14cc878490aaac4c

Just want to be sure archer does not get it from someone before us

Voicemail: 9 people left a VM in support of Archer

3 message(s)
Date : Fri Apr 17 2015 10:46:01 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Martha Garcia
To : Tricia Keane

CG :
ID: 14cc845fd8d957ec

no phone numbers , just leaving voicemails of support


Fwd: Archer School

8 message(s)
Date : Fri Apr 17 2015 11 :41 :07 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Mike Bonin
To : Tric ia Keane

ID: 14cc87895be285ff

Sent from my iPhone
(Please forgive any typos. odd phrases, or complete nonsense . I am using Siri, and she tries to make me look stupid .)
Begin forwarded message :
From: John Binde r <jfbinder@roadrunner .com>
Date: April 17, 2015 at 9:57 :05 AM PDT
Cc: michael.logrande@la, james.k.williams,, ,
mike .bonin@lac tricia.keane@lacity .org, cou ncilmember.huizar@laci ty .org , counc ilmember .cedi llo@lacity .org ,
councilmember .englander@lac
Subject: Re : Archer School
Please disregard this letter , it was sent by mistake. I'm sorry for the inconvenience .

Sincere ly,
John Binder


On Apr 17, 2015, at 9:40 AM, John Binder wrote:

<Archer :Term Sheet letter .jpeg>

Re: Archer School

8 message(s)
Date : Fri Apr 17 2015 11 :45 :41 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Tricia Keane
To: Mike Bonin

ID: 14cc87c754af6e82

He was not supposed to send the support letter about the term sheet to the City. He was supposed to send it
to RNA for them to distribute to us. The City doesn't care about the term sheet (be that is the basis for the
private covenant). So he retracted the letter because it doesn't belong in the actual record for the project.
He misunderstood who he was supposed to send the letter to.
We have it, and we have one from Belair Skycrest.
they should only be sent to us.

I suspect we will see a few others today as well.


archer this afternoon

2 message(s)
Date: Fri Apr 17 2015 12:42:35 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To: mike bonin , Chad Molnar
ID: 14cc8b093fbe43e3
MB, as we discussed Steve (and maybe Beth) will meet with us about the term sheet at 1 pm at the West LA
District Office .
I'll let Chris know that we need to use the first part of our planning meeting to talk to Archer . We are
scheduled from 1-2:30 . I strongly recommend we don't have the meeting with Steve and Beth go beyond an
hour. But we also shouldn't rush it because we want to get them comfortable with getting to a dea l.

Date : Fri Apr 17 201512:42 :35 GMT-0600 (MDT)

From : Tricia Keane
To : mike bonin , Chad Molnar
CC :
ID : 14cc8b08b1808e7d

MB, as we discussed Steve (and maybe Beth) will meet with us about the term sheet at 1 pm at the West LA
District Office.
I'll let Chris know that we need to use the first part of our planning meeting to talk to Archer . We are
scheduled from 1-2:30. I strongly recommend we don't have the meeting with Steve and Beth go be.Y.ond an
hour. But e also snoulcfn t rusH it ecause we wan o get them comfortable with getting to a deal.

Re: archer this afternoon

2 message(s)
Date: Fri Apr 17 2015 12:50:47 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To: mike bonin, Chad Molnar
ID: 14cc8b8125830cd1

Slight change, Steve and Beth need the meeting at 2 pm. I told them it was fine and that we wanted to
accommodate th eir schedules as much as possible.
I think we can get this conversation done in 30 min. The message that real ly needs to be delivered is that yo u
want a deal, that you see a path to a deal on the table, and that you rea lly want them to take the offer
seriously--but there are things that you wou ld support them making a counter proposal on (1) the saturday
construct ion hou rs and (2) the t rip caps are the two key things that you see room for some additional
reasonable) compromise.


Fwd: Thanks Alot Mike: -Draft letter attached for submission and Archer hearing
4 message(s)
Date : Sat Apr 18 2015 20:23:42 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Mike Bonin
To : Tric ia Keane, Chad Molnar
D: 14ccf7d194dd9606
we need to discuss what my letter to CPC will say . (we need to have a letter)

Councilmember , 11th District

Re: Fwd: Thanks Alot Mike: -Draft letter attached for submission and Archer hearing
4 message(s)
Date: Sat Apr 18 2015 21 :51 :04 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To: mike bonin
CC: Chad Molnar
ID: 14ccfcd170eca1 eb
Yes, we really need to talk about how we are going to handle planning commission . It is not going to be easy .
Tricia Keane
Director of Land Use & Planning
Councilmember Mike Bonin

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Robert Figlin <>

Date : Sun, Apr 19, 2015 at 7:20 AM
Subject: Archer School Expansion
To : "" <cpc@lacity .org>
Cc : "mike .bonin@lacity .org" <mike .bonin@lacity .org>

Dear City Planning Commissioners :

Please DO NOT approve the Archer School proposed expansion plans .
The project size and operations are not compatible with the surrounding neighborhood, and adversely impact the public health,
welfare and safety.
The major issues and concerns of the community are legitimate and supported not only by documented assessments , but by
common sense.
1. The three-year construction period provides a target, but will likely be exceeded without enforceable and substantia l
pena lties.
2. A 60% increase in structures and a new 85,000 square foot parking garage would require mass ive excavation and result in
an out-of-scale development for a residential street.
3. A 60% increase in special events would bring thousands of additional visitors and ignores the limitations of the site.
4. A 122% increase in on-site parking brings more cars everyday exactly to a place that can tolerate no more cars .
5. A 15% increase in enrollment, as well as more faculty and staff needed to service additional students and facilities, ignores
the promises of a carefully crafted conditional use perm it.
6. A 78% increase in vehicle traffic to the campus for sports activities and specia l events WILL contribute to a further
deterioration in traffic flow .
Please recognize the specific challenges thousands of commuters face on Sunset Blvd ., Please respect and protect the rights
of homeowners .


1 message(s)
Date: Sun Apr 19 2015 08:24:48 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Mike Bonin
To : Tricia Keane , Chad Molnar

ID: 14cd21146bcc0f83
a dozen of these in the past 20 mins .
when we meet tomorrow , need to discuss the alleged facts here

Councilmember , 11th District

i need an auto reply

4 message(s)
Date: Sun Apr 19 2015 09:22:02 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Mike Bonin
To : Chad Molnar, david grahamcaso
ID: 14cd245acb217539
i cannot keep up with my inbox, and need martha to start reviewing/screening .
but i also need an auto-reply, i think. for one, we should acknowledge receipt. secondly, if they get an auto-reply, they will be
entered into my contacts and we can add them to our NB database .
how about?
Thank you for your email. It is my practice to read every email that I receive, but due to the volume of incoming em ii
(sometimes several hundred per day), please understand that I often forward CORiesto members of my staff and ask
them to handle and reply on my behalf .

O n Sun , Apr 19, 20 15 at 8:27 AM, david graham caso <david .grahamcaso@lacity.or g> wrote:
That's good. We have a line about contactin
but I don't think that is necessary here.

me if they are a reporter on deadline on the councilmember .bonin auto-re ly,

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 19, 20 15, at 8:29 AM, Mike Bonin <mike.bonin@lacity.o rg> wrote:
my only concern is when i get hundreds of emails on a single topic (urban beekeeping , new west, archer). is there a polite way
of saying , "if you are part of a mass email campaign , you're not getting a personal reply :)

From: Frank Marshall <frank@ke>

Subject: Support for Archer Project CPC-2014 -666-VCU-ZAA-SPR
Date : April 19, 2015 at 10:41 :58 AM PDT
Cc : mike.bonin@lac, mayor.garcetti@, tricia.keane@ lascity:org
As a member of the Brentwood community for over 30 years, I fully support the latest plan that has been put forth by the Archer
School for Girls . Councilman Bonin has done an excellent job of brokering a compromise plan that allows the school to have
modern facilities comparable to other schoo ls, with a minimum impact to the neighborhood.
As a parent with two daughters who attend the school, I can say from first hand experience what a wonderful school Archer is
and what a valuable asset it is to the community. As the school has now agreed to everything asked for by Councilman Bonin, I
hope you will approve this project and enable the young women of Archer to have the campus they deserve .
Thank you,
Fran k Marshall
Fra nk Mar shall

The Kenned /Ma rshall Com an

1 message(s)
Date : Sun Apr 19 2015 09:56 :10 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Mike Bonin
To: Chad Molnar , Tricia Keane
ID 4cd264e9cd2ac5c
this is a second email blast this AM .

Councilmember , 11th District
(213) 473-7011
www.11th0istrict .com
twitter: @mikebonin

---------- Forwarded message ---------From : Josh Brand <joshbrandx@gmail. com>

Date : Sun, Apr 19, 2015 at 8:48 AM
Subject: Archer School Expansion [CPC-2014-666 -VCU-ZAA-SP RJ
To:, mike.bonin@lacity .org, Brentwood Homeowners Associatio n <info@brentwoodhomeowners .org>

Please DO NOT approve the Archer plan in its current form.

The BHA has come up with a reasonable compromise good for both the school and community .
Josh Brand

On A pr 19, 2015 11 :59 AM , "Mike Bonin" <mike .bonin@laci> wr ote :

i think i have heard you say that archer is connected to about 3% of the traffic on sunset. how do we know
that? and , more importantly- , do we know how the other 97% breaks down?

Councilmember , 11th District
On Sun, Apr 19, 2015 at 2:00 PM, Tricia Keane <> wrote:
I don't know if there is data about how the other users break down but the percentage of traffic that archer comprises of
what flows through the sunset Barrington intersection was studied in the traffic report and the eir. So we have the numbers
in those reports.
At the 6-7pm hour with trips capped at 126, archers traffic on sunset would be a tiny percentage of the cars that travel that
part of sunset. I can get numbers when I can look at the eir.
We can extrapolate to some extent what Brentwood schools traffic percentage weighs be based on their enrollment and
busing percentages .
Tricia Keane
Director of Land Use & Planning
Councilmember Mike Bonin

Revised Conditions of Approval by Hearing Officer.docx

2 message(s)
Date : Mon Apr 20 2015 19:13:18 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : "Jeff S. McConnell"
To : Tricia Keane
CC :
ID: 14cd989725b3c007
The only thing not changed , but highlighted is the date when compliance reports would be due (transportation and
traffic counts) .

My concern is which CUP governs during construction --current or proposed? Need to make sure .

1) An Academic Year where the School holds more than 47 Special Events , or 2) prior to the issuance of the first
Certificate of Occupancy

Let me know what you think .

Fwd: Revised Conditions of Approval by Hearing Officer.docx

2 message(s)
Date: Mon Apr 20 2015 19:18:02 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To: claudia luna
CC :
ID: 14cd98dab33385d8

Can you also print the Revised Conditions doc?


archer park ing

3 message(s)
Date: Tue Ap r 21 2015 12:28:29 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Tricia Keane
To : Elva Nuno-O'Donnell

CC :
ID: 14cdd3d10bbb3cc6

What's the actual required parking count for the project?

Re: archer parking

3 messa ge(s)
Date: Tue Apr 21 2015 13:49:20 GMT-06 00 (MDT)
From : Elva Nuno-O 'Donnell
To: T ricia Keane

CC :
ID: 14cdd 87 1e86f4a06

On 4/21/20151 :59 PM, Raymond Klein wrote:

Hi Tricia,
Attached is the BHA rebuttal letter to the Staff Report sent to the City Planning Commission .
The end of the two-page letter says
6e5b7bc83a951261 _0.1.1

Would the Council Office join in a request to hold the Hearing on Thurs (can't be avoided) but defer a Decision by the CPC
for 60 days?
The purpose would be to give all parties time to arrive at a compromise Covenant.
At a future meeting of the CPC, assuming no compromise , they could reconvene and without further testimony , render their
Decision .
We did that with Bundy Village , and we almost had a compromise . Back then , one of the strong Commissioners told Bundy
Village they should agree to the continuance, and Dale Goldsmith got the message and agreed .
Of course , it would help if Archer is also asking to defer any Decision. But if Archer opponents and CD 11 are both asking ,
it has a good chance .
What do you think?

On Apr 21, 2015, at 6:41 PM, Tricia Keane <> wrote:

The letter is down to about 5 pages now (with a couple notes still, so we might be able to gei: it to 4, which
would be nice) . Take a look and- let me know what questions you have and if there is anything you want to
.org/document/d/ 1hzw x SrDVA0MogEaoD2j2 N6A2S lo1gm8A9Q 7BAKZs9Q/ edit

I wil l need to spend a lot of t ime tomorrow talking to people to give them a heads up about where we are
so they can be prepared for CPC, so the sooner we can get th is letter finalized, the better. I am around all
da y tomor row exce t fo r a P.anel I am SP.eakin on tomorrow night for a cou le hou rs from 7-9 1:.1m.

Re: archer cpc letter

6 message(s)
Date: Tue Apr 21 2015 22:28:56 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Mike Bonin
To: Tricia Keane
CC: Chad Molnar
ID: 14cdf62d278b7199
marked it up in red -- google docs was glitchy though, so it was hard to get the comments in exactky the right place - some are
in the middle of sentences
i had a good chat w Katz tonight. Left VM for AMbroz. will call Dana tomorrow too

On Apr 22, 2015 7:38 AM, "Mike Bonin" <> wrote:

I am trying to think of ways to make the lefter snorter and less overwhelming to the commission. Might it make sense to take
that long section on trip caps and make it attachment A 7 So we j ust say we need stricter trick trip caps as detailed in the
attachment? It is the same amount of information but just looks less intimidating.

On Wed, Apr 22 , 2015 at 7:42 AM, Tricia Keane <> wrote:

That's a good ay to make it shorter . I will also play with it a bit this morning to make it seem less overwhelming.

On Wed, Apr 22 ; 2015 at 9:53 AM , rricia

Keane <tricia> wrote:

I made some edits to shorten the letter and make it easier to digest
https :// docs .google .com/a/ lacity. org/ document/ d/ 1hzwxSrDVAOMoq EaoD2j2 N6A2S logm8A9Q 7BAKZs9Q/edit

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Raymond Klein <>

Date: Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 1:40 PM
Subject: Re: CPC
To : Tricia Keane <>
Cc: Chad Molnar <>

Hi Tricia,
Thought s on asking that a Decision be deferred to give rnrtic s more time to discuss Huposcd Te rm Sheet'!

On 4/22/2015 2:26 PM, Tricia l<eane wrote :

Hi Ray ,
Thanks for forwarding you r letter, and regarding deferring the decision ... at this point, I don't think it makes
sense to postpone a CPC decision any longer. Although we certainly can't predict what the CPC will do, I
think we would like to see a decision come from the CPC tomorrow so that we can handle whatever
remaining issues there are at Council.
Tha nks,

At this point , I don't thin k it makes sense to postpon e a CPC decisio n on th is any longer . Although we
certainl y can't predict what the CPC will do, I think we would lik e to see a decision come from th e CPC
tomorro w so that we can handle whateve r remain ing issues there are at Council.

Tricia Keane
Director of Land Use& Planning
Councilmember Mike Bonin

7 message(s)
Date: Wed Apr 22 2015 17:28:49 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Raymond Klein
To: Tricia Keane
CC: Chad Molnar , Mike Bonin
ID: 14ce376841ebba71
Th anks for the respo nse Tric ia.
I'm troub led by "whatever rema ining issues there are".
I don'I think we can expect CPC to aller lhe Staff Recomme ndations very much - - cer tainly

1101 the

same day as the Hea ring

More importantly, we need to know CD I I's posi tion on the Term Sheet. It was my understan ding that ifwe got most of the com mun ity
groups to agree to a reasona ble Tenn Sheet tha t Mike wo uld take it to Arc her and say that he also houg ht it is reasonable and tha t Arc her
wo ufd be crazy if they didn't ge t on board.
Is that the way it played out, or d id the playbook change?
Have you given up on a Covena nt, and on ly forese e a CUPdrafte d by CPC and Coun cil? And a Cou rt?
Wi ll Mike's pos ition at Counc il be aligned w ith the Tcm1 Shee t?

If at all possible , we need your answe r before the Hearing.


Raf -

7 message(s)
Date: Wed Apr 22 2015 17:36:27 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Chad Molnar
To: Raymond Klein
CC: TriciaKeane , Mike Bonin
ID: 14ce37db629015f7
Hi Ray,

We'll call you now and walk you through Mike's position, and what we've done to push Archer.

Re: archer cpc letter

6 message(s)
Date: Wed Apr 22 2015 16:27:24 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To : mike bonin
CC: Chad Molnar
ID: 14ce33e3170f2389

MB, please let me know if you are okay with the letter so we can get it formatted and have you sign it.
need to get it to the commission clerk asap in order to get it sent to them this evening.
https://docs .goog le. com/a/ lacity .org/do cument/d/lh zwxS rDVAOMogEaoD2j 2 N6A2Slog m8A907 BAK2s90 /ed it

Archer Letter to CPC

1 message(s)
Date : Wed Apr 22 2015 17:27 :32 GMT- 0600 (MDT)
From : Tricia Keane

To: Chad Molnar, mike bonin

CC: Tricia Keane
ID: 14ce3755e730 005 5

Attached is a COP'i f the fina lized letter that was sent to the CPC regard ing the Archer project.


From: Tricia Keane <>

Date : Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 4:13 PM
Subject: A rcher - Council Office Letter
To: James Williams <>, Planning CPC <>

Hi James,
Attached please find a letter from Councilmember Bonin to the Planning Commission regarding the Archer
project on the CPC's agenda tomorrow , April 23, 2015. If you could distribute the letter to the Planning
Commissioners this afternoon, I would greatly appreciate it.
Please let me know that you received this email, and let me know if you have any questions or need addition al
information .
Thanks so m uch!
Tr icia

Archer CPC Letter

4 message(s)
Date: Wed Apr 22 2015 19:55:42 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To: "Jeff S. McConnell"
CC: Chad Molnar
ID: 14ce3fcf1c346dd0

Hi Jeff,
Here's a co py of t he let t er.

Re: Archer CPC Letter

4 message(s)
Date: Wed Apr 22 20 15 19:57 :34 GMT-06 00 (MDT)
From: "Jeff S. McConnell"
To : Tricia Keane
CC : Chad Molnar
ID: 14ce3fea55b5d7e9
Thanks . Have you s

ken wit h LoGrande or an commis sioners et?

Jeffrey McConnell

Archer CPC Letter

4 message(s)
Date: Wed Apr 22 2015 19:57:10 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Tricia Keane
To: Ray Klein
CC: Chad Molnar
ID: 14ce3fe48786a6be

Hi Ray,
Here's a copy of the letter we discussed.

Hope your dru m class was fun.

Th an ks ,
Tr icia

On Apr 22, 2015, at 10:44 PM, Martha Garcia <martha .garcia@la> wrote :
I have been adding these emails to the contact lists, opposed/supporters but as you are aware I'm doing so manually as
there is no other way. I don't mind doing so but in order lo gel it done by 8:30am tomorrow , and the plan is lo have these
email contacts ready/exported and turned into DGC to send out the letter via Nation Builder I would need some help. CL
tried to log on to help me as I requested help from her but now neither of us can log on, ii is out of my control at this
point b.c we cannot log in. I will be in at 6:30am but still not sure if it'll get done by 8:30am, I am doing my best and will
keep on trying now but I just wanted to keep you posted .
Goodnight ,

On Apr 23, 2015, at 7:12 AM, Martha Garcia <> wrote:

Finishing up the supporters and sending to DGC in a few (DO helped me last night) just need the opposing side. Pushing
through :)


Martha Juarez-Garcia
Office Manager

MikP Ronin

O n Apr 23 , 2015 , at 7:55 AM , Martha Garcia <martha .garcia@la> wrote:

Good Morning Dav id ,

As promised. attached are the Archer Supporters and I am working on fin ish ing up the opposing side now ...

Martha Juarez-Garcia
Office Manager
Councilm ember Mike Bonin

Re: Archer emails

5 message(s)
Date : Thu Apr 23 2015 08:13:41 GMT-0600 (MDT )
From: Chad Molnar
To : Martha Garcia
CC :
ID: 14ce6a08S0ee2888

The opposing side is the most important!

Thanks for your hard work.







good luck, god bless, next steps

4 message(s)
Date : Thu Apr 23 2015 09 :41 :08 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Mike Bonin
To : Tricia Keane , Chad Molnar , david grahamcaso
ID: 14ce6f09bf8b5191
Good luck this AM. Text or emai l and let me know how it goes.
Later today , after we know how CPC votes, we need to get a letter out to the community , preferab ly before BHA does .
WtJ will lltitJU Lu fill i11c1luL ul 1Jlc111k:;
Lu l11i:; c1fl1:Jr
C PC: https:1/
And Chad needs to review. This letter wi ll go to both Archer supporters a d pponents, so it needs to strike the right tone.
(Maybe it does not list all my Oct 2014 demands with results)? Not sure.

Re: good luck, god bless, next steps

4 message(s)
Date : Thu Apr 23 2015 09:53:58 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Chad Molnar
To : Mike Bonin
CC: Tricia Keane , david grahamcaso
ID : 14ce6fc60efd8441

Ok . Martha has completed compiling the supporter email add resses, and now she is jus finishing up the opponents , so we'll be
ready .

Re: good luck, god bless, next steps

4 message(s)
Date : Thu Apr 23 2015 10:38:54 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Tricia Keane
To : Chad Molnar
CC: david grahamcaso , mike bonin
ID: 14ce7257872d97f5
I think we shou ld be ready with a vers ion of the letter assumi ng the CPC does not put most of conditions in.
Wendy sue said the letter went a long way in helping the community feel like we had the ir back . They are going to want more
but she was hai:>PYwith the letter.
Tricia Keane
Director of Land Use & Planning
Councilmember Mike Bonin
City of Los Angeles


Date : Thu Apr 23 20 15 10:39:29 GMT-0600 (MDT)

From : Tricia Keane
To : Chad Molnar
CC : mike bonin , dav id grahamcaso
ID: 14 ce725ffbf785c7
Also fortunately no one wore matching t-shirts
Tricia Keane
Director of Land Use & Planning
Counc ilmemb er Mike Bonin

2 message(s)
Date : Thu Apr 23 2015 15:26:50 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Chris Spitz
To: Mike Bonin
CC: Tricia Keane, Norman Kulla, Debbie DynerHarris
ID: 14ce82d460100644
Dear Mike: I attended the Archer hearing today and want to express appreciation for the public 12ositionyou have
taken to attempt to reduce negative traffic impacts of this project on the neighboring communities -- in particular the
statement related by Tricia that traffic is the "primary lens" through which you view the Archer project and will view all
future school projects in this area.

It is unfortunate that not all of the modifications you requested were accepted , but I am hopeful that one of our
significant concerns -- possible overlap of the Archer construction with the CA Incline project -- can be avoided.


7 message(s)

Date : Thu Apr 23 2015 16:18 53 GMT-0600 (MDT)

From: Tricia Keane
To: mike bonin , Chad Molnar

CC: Chris Robertson , david grahamcaso

ID: 14ce85cbe5815a87

The CPC unanimously approved the project today with some, but not all, of the revisions that we asked for. I noted
below which ones were included and which ones were not. The CPC asked for Archer's reaction to these
conditions. Any tlrnt A.1:chersaid yes to were included. Any that A.Jcherobjected to or where there needed to be
additional clarification, CPC left out. That way the item could move fo1ward today without the need to see revised
condition language or have fin1her discussion. CPC and Archer both said, we know this isn't the last time there will
be a hearing on this. I responded that obviously we would prefer them to include eve1ything, but we too suspect it
wouldn't be our last opp011unity to get the conditions incorporat ed.
David ran an excellent hearing. Each side had 30 minutes to present their supp011or opposition . Both sides were
well organized, articulate, and respe ctful. The opponents, naturally, were not happy with the decision, but they did
express appreciation for our effo11s. The Archer side was ecstatic. Elizabeth Ron and several others wanted me to
ass on their thanks to you and said that des itc how hard it has been and how much you have demanded the do
a reciate you and all your efforts to reach a compromise . I will need to debrief with you on next steps, because this
will be appealed and there are still outstanding issues to addres s--particularly since the Commission didn't include
everything we asked for. Obviously , 1 can provide whatever other detail you want.

Re: Archer CPC update

2 message(s)
Date: Thu Apr 23 201516:42:40 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Mike Bonin
To: Tricia Keane
CC: Chad Molnar , Chris Robertson , david grahamcaso

this is ood.
i intend to all this bac k in at council , and have no problem publicly committing to that.

Archer Letter to CPC

1 message(s)
Date : Thu Apr 23 2015 17:16:12 GMT -0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To: claudia luna
CC :
ID : 14ce8913221265bc

Here is a copy of what the Councilmember

submitted for the CPC hearing today.

On Apr 23, 2015, at 8:59 PM, Mike Bonin <> wrote :

I don't know what you said or did at CPC today but if both Thelma and
archer are happy, you did something amazing
I'm sure of course that Rod is a different story

7 message(s)
Date: Thu Apr 23 2015 22:06:30 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Chad Molnar
To: Mike Bonin
CC: Tricia Keane
ID: 14ce99b0073b5689

It's weird . It's like we've been sucked into an alternative universe.


7 message(s)
Date: Thu Apr 23 2015 22 :28:04 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Mike Bonin
To : Chad Molnar
CC: Tricia Keane
ID: 14ce9aebd5e74dc7
ive made some minor edits. not sure if i made it more balanced, or just more condescending to archer .


7 message(s)
Date: Thu Apr 23 2015 22 :30 :31 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Chad Molnar
To: Mike Bonin
CC : Tricia Keane
ID: 14ce9b0fb8035ec9

Hmmm. We fell into that trap the first time . I'll check it out.


7 message(s)
Date: Thu Apr 23 2015 22:32:03 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Mike Bonin
To: Chad Molnar
CC: Tricia Keane
ID: 14ce9b2647af1ce3
of course, this time Archer feels like they won, so it is a different dynamic

Councilmember, 11th District

On Apr 23, 2015 , at 9:28 PM, Mike Bonin <mike> wrote:
ive made some minor edits . not sure if i made it more balanced , or just more condescending to archer .

Councilmember , 11th District

From: Tricia Keane [mailt o:tr icia.keane@lacity .org]

Sent: Friday, April 24, 2015 10:30 AM

To: Steve Sugerman; Beth Gord ie
Subject: Lett er to Community re Update on Ar cher School

fy i, if you didn 't see this yet , it's the letter Mike sent to the community last night abo ut the CPC hearing.

O n Fri, Apr 24 , 2015 at 10 :3 1 AM , Steve Suge rma n <Steve@sugermangroup

.com> wrote :

Oh yes. W e saw it . A bi g hit w it h Arc her . Q

Date: Fri Apr 24 2015 11:33:39 GMT-0600 (MDT)

From : Tricia Keane
To : Steve Sugerman
CC : Beth Gordie
ID: 14cec7df4d55a586

Really, did they actually like It?

Date : Fri Apr 24 2015 11 :48 :46 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
Tq : Steve Suge rman
CC :
ID: 14cec8bcb55428 ed

I should have finished that email with ... ;-)

a thought
7 message(s)
Date: Fri Apr 24 2015 10:33:25 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Mike Bonin
To : Steve Sugerman, "ronald .stone@sga-ca .com"
CC: Chad Molnar , Tricia Keane
ID: 14cec46d781d1fc0

i spoke to South Brentwood Residents Assn last night, and when Archer came up, I explained how the school created only 2%
of the traffic at SunseUBarrington , and had the best traffic mitigation program on the corridor . I explained that under my
conditions the school would reduce its traffic impacts, and would create the Archer Standard that other schools and institutions
on the corridor should meet. I explainedthat when any institutioncomes before the City for a discretionaryapproval, they are going to
need to meet the same standards. And I told them that I expectedto have their and the general public's supportwhen I urge and cajole he
institutionsthat are not seeking City approvalsfor anythingto also meet the Archer Standard.
Archer deserves credit for what it is doing and is going to be doing . I'd encourage Archer to own that, and say something like
this regarding the traffic stuff:
As a school, we strive for academic excellence. And as a neighbor, we try for excellence as well. That is why we have
always had an exceptional traffic management program, and it is why we are proud to meet Councilman Bonin's call
for us to model the best traffic management plan of any school in the area, and we look forward to supporting his call
for the other schools and institutions and on Sunset Boulevard to meet the Archer Standard.

Counci/member , 11th District

RE: a thought
7 message(s)
Date: Sun Apr 26 2015 19:19:10 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Steve Sugerman
To: Mike Bonin , "ronald"
CC: Chad Molnar , Tricia Keane
ID: 14cf874fdc2f2c61
This is helpf ul. I have some ideas. Do you, Chad and Tricia have any time thi s week to meet w ith me and Ron? I can make
almost anyth ing work w ith t he except ion of Tuesday when I'm SFfor the day.
St eve

Re: a thought
7 message(s)
Date: Tue Apr 28 2015 12:31:40 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To: Steve Sugerman , Chad Molnar
ID: 14d014c7eda911b2

Hi Steve,
Let 's find some t im e for you, me, and Chad to get on the pho ne . You mentione d you were in SF today. I've
t you have
got a lot of flex ibility tom orrow, but could also get on the phone later this afternoon (after PLU


On Apr 28, 2015 2:57 PM, "Steve Sugerman" <> wrote:
I'll be downtown tomorrow finishing a meeting around 11. I could come bJ'.cit hall after or meet somewhere nearbJ'.. My day
today is more packed than expected in SF. Sorry.
On Apr 28, 2015 3:06 PM, Tricia Keane <> wrote:
We can do 11. I have a lunch meeting
need to be done a little before 12 noon.
Tricia Keane

Fwd: Update on Archer School

4 message(s)
Date: Fri Apr 24 201510 :43:08 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: david grahamcaso
To : Debbie DynerHarris, Anna Kozma, Daniel Osztreicher , Norman Kulla, Len Nguyen
CC: Chad Molnar , Tricia Keane , Chris Robertson
ID: 14cec4fcf44deae6
FYI - The letter below was distributed last night to everyone on our list who :
1) lives in Brentwood
2) emailed Mike about Archer (either for or against) .
You'll likely be getting calls about it today.

Begin forwarded message:

From : Rodney Liber <rodlibe>
Date : April 24, 2015 at 8:18:29 AM PDT
To: Mike Bonin <mike.bonin@ lacity .org>
Subject: Thank you.
Thank you Mike for hearing the cries of the community and the commuters .
After valid arguments fell on the deaf ears of the Planning Commission , your vigilance is the only thing that can save us against
Archer 's relentless pursuit of their plan.
The SHA and other community groups may have to ramp up the rhetoric if Archer ref uses to create a path to a covenant.
Without one, it's all just window dressing .
The BHA is crafting a civil response , and a shout out to you, to go out today.

Re: Thank you.

3 message(s)

Date: Fri Apr 24 2015 09 :53:52 GMT-0600 (MDT)

From : Chad Mo lna r
CC : Tric ia Keane

To: Mike

ID: 14cec22a33d60fc8
Good th ing we got ours out first.

From: "Raymond Klein" <>

Date : Apr 26, 2015 10:24 PM
Subject: Archer
To : "Tricia Keane" <tricia .keane@lacity .org>
Cc :

Hi Tricia ,
Rod Liber and I have an idea that might help lead to a Covenant .
Obviously, it's a deli cate matter, and time is of the esse nce .
Should we talk by ho 1e or in erson?
At your convenience but after I :OOpm any day .

A Covenant is important in order to provide stabilityJ enforcement, and limit what has been un ceas ing reques ts for expansion of different
kinds .

On Apr 27, 2015 , at 9:03 AM , Tricia Keane <tricia>

wrote :

Fyi. Thoughts?
Tricia Keane
Director of Land Use & Planning
Mike Bonin
On Mon , Apr 27, 2015 at 9 :28 AM , Chad Molnar <> wrote :

Re: Archer
4 message(s)
Date: Mon Apr 27 201510 :41:34 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Mike Bonin
To : Chad Molnar
CC: Tricia Keane
ID: 14cfbc161f658bc0
You can hear them out, but I am done making any asks of Archer , other than those we made at CPC or those small clean-up
things we need to do at council to make sure arc her complies with my terms .

Larry Watts tells me he thinks Archer has little interest in a covenant with BHA at this point , and is more interested in one with
Thelma .
Any idea when this comes to PLUM and counc il?


Nice seeing you today!

1 message(s)
Date: Mon May 04 20 15 16:59:12 GMT- 0600 (MDT)
From: Thelma Waxman
To : Tricia Keane
ID: 14d2 127ef262e2 67
Thanks for taking the time to meet with me. I really do hope we can get this done by summer! :)
The document I gave you basically highlights changes to the conditions that I want, you asked for and what Beverly mentioned
in her letter. It's an easier way than going through the entire CUP and I tried to make it easy to follow . I will bring it again
Wednesday and Y..Ocan act like you never saw it.:)
And of course, I have a revised , revised VCUP (Jeff rolled his eyes on that one!) which reflects your changes outlined in Mike's
letter , Elva's technical changes, and changes I have subsequently made from the first one you saw. I will send you that CUP
after Wednesday's meeting in case Ray or Wendy have some changes . (I promise I am just trying to make things easier!!)
I think for Wednesday we can follow Chad's advice and focus on the term sheet and Mike's letter and see what remains that
matters to Ray and us (e.g. construction) . What will be interesting is to see what Ray wants in a covenant that isn't necessarily
in the term sheet, especially since he wanted the term sheet to be more specific and we said we would work out those details
later. All I know is I want to be the one "working" out those details! ha
Maybe you and I can talk after Wednesday's meeting to strategize about future meetings based on our conversation
Wednesday . (Since Archer has taken over your work life, why change now at the end!! haha) And if you can, I would love to
hear what Ray's "dea was regarding a covenant.
See you Wed nesday !

From : Thelma Waxman [mailto :thelma

Se nt: Friday, May 8, 2015 11 :30 AM
To : Jeff S. McConnell
Sub j ect: Fwd: Has Archer agreed to traffic items on Bonin's list?

From : J eff S. McC onne ll <jeff@ekapr .com>
Date : Fri, May 8, 2015 at 11 :39 AM
Subject: FW: Has Arc her agreed to traffic items on Bonin's list?
To : Tricia Keane <tricia .keane@lacity .org>

IN you r conve rsatio ns with Ar cher have tney agreed to your letter or any portion of it yet?
Thanks .

Jeff McConnell

Fwd: FW : Has Archer agreed to traff ic items on Bon in's list?

4 message(s)
Date: Fri May 08 2015 13:15:38 GMT-0600 (MDT)
r rom: Tricia l(eane
To : Chad Molnar
ID: 14d34f4588ecb914

thoughts ?

Re: FW: Has Archer agreed to traffic items on Bonin's list?

message s
Date: Fri May 08 2015 13:37:09 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To : "Jeff S. McConnell"
ID: 14d35080cb3b5c1a
The traffic caps (3-4, 6-7, and annual) were included in the CPC's decis ion . Archer agreed to the annual trip
cap at the hearing--and CPC imposed it and the other trip caps that day .

. -..----..-~--;:,-

From: Loren Montgomery <loren@>

Date : Thu. May 7, 2'015 af 5:38 PM.
Subject: Followin g up...
To: Tr icia Keane < >

Hi, there. Hope all is great - sounds like you had a conference today . Left you vm, so please ignore if you already got
it. Had a good meeting at Brentwood yesterday . We want to make sure we continue to be sensitive to timing and
handle next steps in a wa y t at works best o Y._ ur office. We know this is a busy time , but were hoping to have an in
person meeting with the CM (and you, I hope?). It has been a while. Is that something that you can/ should set up or
should we just call scheduler. Just name it! And thanks. Best always , Loren
Sent from my iPhone
On Fri , May 8, 20 15 at 10 :45 AM , Tr icia Keane <> w rote:
Now that Arche r has made it through CPC, the Brentwood School is starting to talk about when to release
their DEIR for public comment. We should talk about what timing might makes sense. Also the Brentwood
school team would like to meet with Mike. I think it's a good idea for that meeting to happen soon(ish) so
they can hear again just how important it is for them to develop extensive traffic management_Rroc edures.


I have already communicated that message, but I think it would also be hel ful for them to hear it directly
from Mike .

Re: Following up ...

8 message(s)
Date: Fri May 08 20151 8:08:53 GMT-060 0 (MDT)

From: Mike Bonin

To: Tricia Keane
CC : Chad Mo lnar

ID: 14d3600d7f49227e
happy to meet with them soon to deliver the message. the other message is that they should not even be thinking
about doing anyt hing until after arc her is thru cou ncil. (but the closer ii is to the arche r vote the easier it is to say it
needs the same traffic stuff)

Re: Following up ...

8 message(s)
Date : Fri May 08 2015 18:20:35 GMT-0600 (MDT )

From : Tricia Keane

To : Mike Bonin
CC : Chad Molnar
ID: 14d360b883cc07a2

I let the ir rep know when I firs t tal ked to her that t hey shoul d be ta rget in g July at the earliest
schedule with Archer getting to Cou nci l before s ummer recess).


On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 11:01 AM, Loren Montgomery <> wrote:
Hi there! Never want to be a nudge, but just wanted to make sure you got my email - wondering whether you can help set
up meeting with your boss (and hopefully you) for Brentwood School, or if we should just go through the regular channels
with his scheduler? Just name it - and thanks! Hope all is great. Best, Loren
Sent from my iPhone

Fwd: Following up ...

8 message(s)
Date: Wed May 13 2015 12:35:00 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To: claudia luna
ID 14d4e8ef3f7dce0c

see below, MB agreed to this meeting.

I'll send you an email cc'ing Loren Montgomery (she is a brentwood school boa rd member), and you two can
figure out scheduling.

Fro m: Sarah Piehl <sarah .piehl@me .com >

Date : Mon, May 18, 2015 at 4 :25 PM
Subject: Re : Update on Archer School
To : Mike Bonin <m ike. bonin@laci> , Tric ia Keane <tricia .kean e@lacity .org >
Cc: Chad Molna r ..:;chad.molnar @l ac ity.o rg>

Got your letter that

I proves an entire community west of the 405 was thrown under the bus for a private school
catering to a few. The same thing will happen when the C ity Council votes - The aP-proval indicates clea I that the
taxpaying residents do NOT count. Archer didn 't scale this down , nor will the city council vote this down. You may
suggest it be scaled down , but without heavy lifting from you r office and the Mayor 's office , t at Ci council who
does not have to live in this horrendous congestion , has noth ing to ga in by voting against its passage . Silly us
neighbors . we thought that our voices were going to count but since the Planning Commission only had photos that
showed no traffic at all , it's pretty obvious it was a biased decis ion .
Imag ine others loo king in from outs ide of this corne r of the wor ld , shak ing their head that any respons ible off ice
wo uld ap prove such a crazy overs ized develo pment in the most congeste d area in Los Angele s.
You lost all of us wh o trusted you to protec t our qu ality of life, fro m more traffi c - traffic that is unb ea rable - traffic
that literally affects how we cond uct our lives . But 11 home owne r associatio ns made that very clear . And you
knew that. You assu red us nothing was settled and you were go ing to go the ext ra mile to have those concess ions
met. Not only were they not met, the y increased everything .
Unques tionab ly, the re's something very w rong a picture that looks like this: 100% A rche r stude nts , Archer Board
Membe rs, A rcher Donors accommoda ted : 82% of the students don 't live in this area ; 11 home ow ner groups
represen ting 36,000 peop le and business igno red.
Lesson learned.


I am not enti rely sure how to explain in more detail than this letter that there were a bunch of reductions,
that they were made because the community asked fo r them, and that the re will be even more reduct io ns
and requ irements placed on the project o n apP,eal.

Tricia Keane

Re: Update on Archer School

3 message (s)
Date : Tu e May 19 20 15 15:05 :06 GMT- 0600 (MDT )
From : C had Mol nar
To : Trici a Keane
CC : mike bon in

ID; 14d6dffecad3dfa2

First , I don't recommend yo u respond in writing . It will go straight up on her HOA blog .
You should call her , and attempt to explain that we get our chance to finish add ing in the remaining concessions at
Council .. and at least try to assure her that we are determined to see it through .
It probably won't help , but at least you will have responded .


FW: Archer Forward: Planning Commission Transmittal of Project to City Council

1 message(s)
Date : Tue Jun 02 2015 10 :06:19 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Beth.Gordie
To: tricia.keane@
ID: 14db506182 149883


From: Gordie, Beth (LA)

Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2015 9:03 AM

To: Jri s Fagar-Awakuni; James Williams
Cc: Lisa Webber; Elva O'Donnell - L.A. City Planning (
Subject: Archer Forward: Planning Commission Transmittal of Proj ect to City Council
Good morning.
I just heard from Sharon Gin that her office has not yet received the Project from the Planning Commission . Sharon stated in
order to meet the public hearing notice and publication requirements for the scheduling for the June 30 PLUM meeting , her
office must have this Project by a pmtoday. Sharon stated this is a hard deadline .
Please let us know if there is anything we can do to assist with the transm ittal.
Thank you so much.

lleth P. 6ordle

---------- Forwarded message --------From: Sharon Gin <sharon.g>

Date: Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 10:11 AM
Subject: Urgent: Archer School Appea ls, CF 15-0672
To: Tricia Keane <tricia.keane@lac>

HI Tricia ,
CF 15-0672 has been established for the Archer School appeals. Today , I willbe submitting the necessary 12ublichearing
notice documents to schedule this matter for the 6/30 PLUM meeting.
If your office would like to schedule this matter for a Council mtg prior to the recess , please coordinate a 7/1 Council meeting
placeho lder with CD 14 & CD 10. If you cc me on the email request, I can follow up. Thx!

Dale : Wed Jun 03 2015 1 1:22:49 GMT -0600 (M DT )

From : Tricia Keane
To: mik e bo nin" .~Ch ad Molnar

ID: 14dba726f bb2fc28

Are you o k ay with me try ing t o get Ar cher to Council

on July 17

It's going to be set for PLUM on 6/30.

And I n ee d to fill y ou in on some m ore det a ils a bou t t h e BMO issue .

Re: Urgent: Archer School Appeals, CF 15-0672

5 message(s)
Date : We d Jun 03 2015 11 :25 :05 GMT -0600 (MD T)
From : Mike Bonin
To : Tricia Kean e
CC : Chad Molnar
ID: 14dba748a119f87c

Need to discuss . Cd10 is likely not going to want that issue on day 1 of new council , and last day before recess , which is
usually jammer w stuff.
Sent from my iPho ne

Re: Urgent: Archer School Appeals, CF 15-0672

5 message(s }
Date : Wed Jun 03 20 15 11:26:12 GMT -0600 (MDT)
From : Mike Bonin
To : Tricia Keane
CC : Cha d Molnar
ID: 14dba758 f4fa4ee5

Although, I guess there would not be a big publ ic hearing , since it will presumably be satisfied in plum
Sent fro m my iPhone

Re:Urgenf : Archer School Appeals, Cr15-0672 5 message(s)

Date: Wed Jun 03 201511 :40 :23 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To: mike bonin
CC : Chad Molnar
ID: 14dba828505451b0
That's the plan . No hearing at cou c j ust at PLUM .
Tricia Keane

On TueJ Jun 9, 2015 at 11:20 AM, Jeff S. McConnell <> wrote:

Thanks for the time this morning. Obviously time is ticking and with archer in full belief that you will approve them with only
the demands in Mike's letter, the balance is clearly shifting their direction . Whether this is Intentional or not is lrrelev.ant. It is
certainly the perception in the community
I really need to know where the CM stands on the Draft CUP we submitted. RNA will not make a decision on how to move
forward without knowing what the CM will and won't support.
Please help me by speaking with the CM as soon as possible. Thanks.
Jeffrey McConnell

Re: Archer
6 message(s)
Date : Tue Jun 09 2015 12:56 :46 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Chad Molnar
To: "Jeff S. McConnell"
CC: Tricia Keane
ID: 14dd9ae931593a15
Incidentally , I haven't ready the Draft CUP , but what we've always said is that on our end we were going to ask for Mike's
Letter + Term Sheet # 1. The rest would need to be negotiated as part of a covenant. Right?
As far as I know, that is still MB's position.

Re: Archer
6 message(s)
Date : Tue Jun 09 2015 13:15:08 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: "Jeff S. McCon nell"
To : Chad Molnar
CC : T ricia Keane
ID: 14dd9bf7f6b2ad13

Agreed but term sheet 1 inc luded the negot iated CUP . I know Thelma 's recent submission goes fu rther than what Steve , T ricia
an d I agreed to but if I have confirmation from you tha t what was in the first CUP will be included then I know wha t I can tel l
RNA . Jeff rey McConnell

On Jun 9, 201s : at 12:24 PM, "Chad Molnar" <> wrote:

We'll ask MB to confirm, but that's my understanding: Mike's letter+ Ter m Sheet # 1.
That said, I can't express to you how disappointed we are that there is no covenant. Half this stuff we can't enforce without a
covenant. Our strategy has always been get to a covenant. Not having a covenant puts us in a terrible, awful r1osilio n tha t we

never wanted to be in:

On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 al 12:30 PM, Jeff S. McConnell <> wrote:

I want one too but without you guys telling archer there has to be a covenant lhey aren't willing to concede the BMO on the
performance center.
In my opinion the CM has not been clear enough that he won't approve the project without either a covenant or more
restrictive requirements. Archer believes he will approve no matter what. It puts all the power in their hands.
Jeffrey McConnell

Re: Archer
6 message(s)
Date: Tue Jun 09 2015 13:45 :19 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Chad Molnar
To : "Jeff S. McConnell"
CC: Tr icia Keane
ID: 14dd9dbD665fdb c6
Jeff , by saying that he won't approve a project without a covena nt the CM woul d essentially be abdicating his responsibili ty and
letting others write the policy on Archer. That might make it easier for us, but it's not the right thing to do .
Short of that, the CM has been extremely clear with both sides abou t his position: Mike's Lette r + Term Sheet 1. Everyth ing
else needs to happe n in a covena nt, and we strongl y urge both sides to find the w ill and motiva tion to make it happen.
He can't force a covenant. He can show Intense dis pleasure that there Is not one. and he has. but at the end of the day it's the
two sides that need to sign on the dotted line.




Well Ul:lU 1111:l:S:Si:l!:Jl:l----------

From : "Rodney Uber" <>

Date : Jun 10, 2015 12:09 AM
Subject: Archer School
To: "Tricia Keane" <>
Cc :

Hi Tricia:

I hope your summer is beginning well.

It's been a while since we spoke , and I wanted to touch base on Archer .
When we last met in person, we discussed three key issues , two of which have been substantiated in writing by
the councilman. We still believe the third element , the signing of a covenant , is equally as important and is the
only thing that will cement the intended project and operations and prevent future expansions.
The BHA has engaged legal counsel to help us fine tune a covenant agreement we have drafted with RNA (Thelma)
and we are prepared to present this imminently. Conversely , we will not consider any document prepared by
Archer , should they happen to be going down that road. We are not going to get Into yet another situation where
we are perceived as chipping away at their vision.


On Jun 10, 2015, at 7:04 AM, Tricia Keane <> wrote :

Same request from Rod that we got from Jeff yesterday.
Tricia Keane
Director of Land Use & Planning
Councilmember Mike Bonin

Date : Wed Jun 10 2015 08:13 :31 GMT-0600 (MDT)

From : Chad Molnar
To : Tricia Keane
CC :
ID : 14dddd1a889e2375

No. We have never said that his support was contingent on a covenant. We've said it is his strong preference for a
covenant, and he has conveyed that to both sides, but that can only be negotiated by the two sides .
Be very clear with Rod . We need to nip this in the bud .

From: Andrew Westall <andrew.wes>

Date: Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 2:06 PM
Subject: Scheduling Items Prior to the Council Recess
To: "Westall, Andrew " <andrew.westall@lacity .org>
Cc: Justin Wesson <>

Fellow Council staff and City Hall colleagues:

As the Council Recess approaches us, it is incumbent upon all of us to work diligently with our Committee Clerks to ensure that
all items that need to be scheduled and acted upon by July 1st are processed appropriately .

It is the Council President office's preference to schedule the bulk of items before recess between the dates of June 22nd-30th.
We will not be waiving any items to be scheduled for July 1st unless they are necessary for financial or budget reasons and
cannot wait until July 28th. All other items must be in process by Thursday , June 25th, including time-limited files.
Please feel free to contact myself or Justin if you have any questions.

Andrew J. Westall
Assistant Chief Deputy
Office of Council President Herb J. Wesson , Jr.

Fwd: Scheduling Items Prior to the Council Recess

2 message(s)
Date : Thu Jun 1120 1517:37 :56 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Laura McLennan
To: Tricia Keane
ID: 14de4fcb7eabfe56
I'd say Archer will be going on July 28th

Re: Fwd: Scheduling Items Prior to the Council Recess

2 message(s)
Date: Thu Jun 11 2015 17:50:33 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Tricia Keane

To : Laura Mclennan

ID: 14de5084383e8ff3
Tricia Keane

On Jun 13, 20151 2:20 PM, "Mike Bonin" <> wrote:

reviewed and commented
worried about a month between PLUM and Council on Archer. Not good. Hearings need to be close together.
why is Chuy point on Gjusta LADBS violations? I thought DDH usually did LADBS stuff? I am fine wit h whomever you
choose, but this needs to stay high on the radar.

Counci/member, 11th District

On Jun 13, 2015, at 1:45 PM, Tricia Keane <> wrote:

The notice has already been sent out for the PLUM hearing for archer for 6/30. So we are going to have to do something on
that day and I think it's much better to have that hearing as soon as possible. Once PLUM is done, I think ppl realize the
issue is basically done. After all most ppl thought it was finished after CPC.
It would be better to have the hearings closer together, but I'd rather have a larger gap btw PLUM and council than more
time before we get to PLUM. All the negotiations are happening now knowing that there is not very much time left so ppl
can't drag this out anymore.
Tricia Keane
Director of Land Use & Planning
Councilmember Mike Bonin

Archer School covenant

3 message(s)
Date : Mon Jun 15 201517 :57 :50 GMT-06 00 (MDT)
From: "Nel son, Todd"
To : "C indy Starrett (Cindy .Starrett@ lw .com)"
CC : "councilmember .bonin@ lacity .org" , "tricia .keane@lacity .org" , "De la C ruz , Victor"
ID : 14df9a898249ba83
Cindy - on behalf of Victor De la Cruz , attached please find a lette r and draft covenant and agreement pertaining to
the Archer School ex ansion project. Thank you , and please let us know if you have any questions.
Todd Nelson

Ma n att, Ph elp s & Phillip s, LLP

On Jun 16, 2015 6:59 AM , "Mike Bonin" <> wrote:

Why can't it be in council July 1? Will it not be ready? Or did cd10 say no?
Sent from my iPad
From: Tricia Keane
To: mike bonin
CC: Chad Molnar
ID: 14dfcfe75b5b6b79
There is a good chance that although it will be ready from the standpoint that we will have all the details worked out, the many
different docs that need to be revised to reflect those details/agreements won't be done in time.
Tricia Keane
Director of Land Use & Planning
Councilmember Mike Bonin

Date: Tue Jun 16 2015 11:42:02 GMT-0600 (MDT)

From: A lison Feinswog
To: Tricia Keane
CC :
I : 1 clfd76aca7925db

3message(s) Date: Tue Jun 16 2015 14:39:08 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To: mike bonin , Chad Molnar
ID: 14dfe 18ccef26f02

Fyi, there is some conversation that PLUM m ight be cancelled on 6/30. Hear ing notices have already been
sent out for Archer. I am going to talk to Tanner t his afternoon, but if you wanted to mention something to
CM Huizar about kee that date, that would i:irobably be a good idea.

Re: PLUM 6/30

3 message(s)
Date : Tue Jun 16 2015 14:43 :24 OMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Mike Boni n
To : Tric ia Kea ne
CC: Chad Molna r

ID: 14dfe 1cbad19b789

Why would it be cancelled?

Re: PLUM 6/30

3 message(s)
Date: Tue Jun 16 2015 14:53:30 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To: Mike Bonin
CC: Chad Molnar
ID: 14dfe25f6701b19e
Apparently CM Huizar wasn't originally planning on havina PLUM on 6/30, but then the clerk coordinated with
his office about scheduling Archer for that day, but it's not clear if that was cleared all the way up to the CM.
So there's a chance they want to cancel that day --but I really don't think we want to push this back till after
recess .
There has been a LOT of progress on negotiations in the last few days, and we need to keep that momentum
going .

Request for PLUM on June 30

7 message(s)
Date: Tue Jun 16 2015 15:52:54 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Chad Molnar
To: Paul Habib
ID: 14dfe5c5648e59d5
Hey Paul,
We're hearing that your boss may cancel PLUM on June 30. We have a critical item on the agenda that day (Archer School for
Girls project appeal), and we are very concerned that waiting until after Council recess to consider the item could derail some
extremely sensitive negotiations we are currently facilitating between the neighbors, the community, and the school. Mike is
asking if you could please keep the June 30 meeting on the schedule?

Chad Mo lnar
On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 2:58 PM, Paul Habib <paul.hab ib@lacity .org> wrote :
Let me circle back and find out and get back ASAP
Paul Habib
Chief of Staff
Office of Councilmember Jose Huizar
City of Los Angeles - Council District 14
On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 3:39 PM, Paul Habib <> wrote :
Is this something that could be heard earlier (like the 23rd) or does it have to wait a specified time to allow for the appeal?
Paul Habib
Chief of Staff
Office of Councilmember Jose Huizar

On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 3:53 PM, Paul Habib <paul.habib@lac> wrote :
OK looks like we will keep it for 30th but will confirm tomorrow _
Paul Habib
Chief of Staff
Office of Councilmember Jose Huiza r
City of Los Angeles - Council District 14
City Hall
200 N Spring St. Room 465


Re: Request for PLUM on June 30

7 message(s )
Date: Tue Jun 16 2015 16:48 :56 GMT-0600 (MDT )
From : Chad Molnar

To: Paul Habib

CC :
ID: 14dfe8fa4dfccd74
Because of notice requ irements on the appeal, the 30th was the earliest we could have it heard. The notice has gone out .
So now if it is delayed, we'll need to redo the notice, and it adds a ton of time to the process and throws off the negotiations.
We are very close to getting the school to compromise and sign a covenant with the neighbors/community, which would make
this process way easier to get through , and the 30th is acting as a deadline to make that agreement happen. Without the 30th
looming , ii lifts the sense of urgency , which could allow all kinds of new issues to pop up in the negotiations .. and if that
happens we have no idea where this could end up.

Re: Request for PLUM on June 30

7 message(s)
Date : Tue Jun 16 2015 16:54 :00 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Chad Molnar
To : Paul Habib
ID: 14dfe9448f742~8c

Chad Molnar

From: John Binder <>

Date : Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 12:54 PM
Subject: Archer expansion
To : Mike Bonin <>

Hi, M ike
I thought I should let you know that I sent this text out today under the UMCA letterhead ,
signed by me, to most of the residents of Upper Mandeville Canyon . I think it expresses
the dominant attitude of the neighborhood about what will happen to Sunset traffic , which
on many occasions is already backing up from Barrington to Mandeville (going
eastbound) . It took me four hours to get across town to Echo Park last week. Most of us
who don't have to don't go in town or downtown for morning or evening activities . I do
think there will be an uprising among commuters when Archer , Mt. St. Mary's and Ric
Caruso's project all get rolling .
I know you are trying hard and we really appreciate your work. But it's getting impossible
over here . Archer should spend their money on the best teachers in the world , not
crippling our neighborhood

Date : Fri Jul 17 2015 13:56 :34 GMT-0600 (MDT)

From : Mike Bon in
To: Cha d olnar , Sharon Shapiro , Tric ia Keane
CC :
ID : 14e9d9732c266a73
this is why i did not want a delay in the vote until after recess.
where are we on scheduling sunset brown bag for the fall?

On Jun 17, 2015 4:57 PM, "Chad Molnar" <> wrote:

MB is fine with doing the Joint T-Comm/PLUM meeting on Mobility Plan on June 30. I let Ellen know so she will work to set
it up.
Only question is whether we do Archer before or after the joint meeting, because we won't need all the T-Committee
members in on that discussion. I suppose we can do the Joint Committee first, then release T-Committee members and
continue with the PLUM meeting on Archer?


Re: Joint T-Comm/PLUM

12 message(s}
Date: Wed Jun 17 2015 18:13:58 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Paul Habib
To: Chad Molnar
ID: 14e0403de3dd24c2
My thought was the other way round. We do PLUM at 230 like normal and handle Archer, then convene the join t at 3pm
Paul Habib
Chief of Staff
Office of Councilmember Jose Huizar

Re: Joint T-Comm/PLUM

12 message(s)
Date : Wed Jun 17 2015 18:18:09 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Chad Mol nar
To : Paul Habib
CC: Ellen Isaacs
ID: 14e0407af0173584

Ok. That's fine .

Copying Ellen so she knows the plan.
Thanks .
Date : Wed Jun 17 2015 18:19:46 GMT -0600 (M DT)
From : Ellen Isaacs
To: Chad Molnar
CC: Pau l Habib
ID: 14e04092a8 12c 148
Got it. I'll check for a quorum.

Fwd: Joint T-Comm/PLUM

12 message(s)
Date: Wed Jun 17 2015 18:23:39 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Chad Molnar
To: Ellen Isaacs , claudia luna , Marietta Torriente
ID: 14e040cbaf56a1ea
If it works. and we have quorum, we'll need to move some meetings because right now that afternoon is booked on Mike's
schedule. At least the Trevor Daley and Hooman Nassani meetings.
Ellen- please let Claudia and Marietta know once It's confirmed, so they can make the changes.

Re: Joint T -Comm/PL UM

12 message(s)
Date : Thu Jun 18 2015 11:41 :20 GMT -0600 {MDT)
From : claudia luna
To : !;llen lsa~cs
CC; Chad Molnar. Marietta Torriente
ID : 14e07c2c043ea783
Ellen , I was holding June 23rd for th e joint plum/I-committee meeting . Is that no longer happening that day?

Re: Joi nt T -Comm/PLUM

12 message(s)
Date: Thu Jun 18 2015 15:17:15 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Ellen Isaacs
To: claudia luna
CC: Chad Molnar. Marietta Torriente
ID: 14e08887153ae 125
Please pencil in June 3oth at 3 p.m. ; waiting for Krekorian to tell us if he will help us make quorum or not.

Re: Joint T-Comm/P LUM

Date: Thu Jun 18 2015 15:34:38 GMT-0600 (MDT)

From: Chad Molnar
To: Ellen Isaacs
CC: claudla luna . Marietta Torriente
ID: 14e08985778e597c
Sounds like we'll need to reschedule those other two meetings during that time .

On Fri, Jun 19, 2015 at 9 :23 AM , Pau l Habib <paul.habib@ lacitv .org> wrote:
Heads up. We have been scheduling the sign ord in PLUM for the 23rd but we may have a glitch that requires it be
heard in the 30th instead, which would bump our joint cmte on mobility plan to after recess . I am out today but
Tanner will follow up with you today as we get clarity .
Paul Habib


On Jun 19, 2015 10:24 AM, "Chad Mol nar" <chad .molnar@lacitv .org> wrote:
Ok. Let us know as soon as you can , since we were about to juggle some things in MB's schedu le to make room for the
jo int committee .

Chad Molnar

Fwd: joint cmte might move

3 message(s)
Date: Fri Jun 19 20 1510 :32:14 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Chad Molnar
To : Mike Bonin , Tricia Keane , Ellen Isaacs
ID: 14e0ca9de754 1d7b

FYI. I don't think ii impacts Archer, so that's good , but planning is going to freak out if the mobility plan holds until after recess .

Date: Fri Jun 19 2015 10:42:10 GMT-0600 (MDT)

From : Ellen Isaacs

To: ChaffMolna;-CC : Mike Bonin , Tric ia Keane

ID: 14e0cb2f04e 0c8a5

I'll check with Tan ner. What a mess for DCP!

On Fri, Jun 19, 2015 at 11 :45 AM, Pau l Hab ib <pau l.habib@lacity .org> wrote :
Just confirmed we will have to push the joint unti l after recess and can't do it on the 30th Sorry .
Paul Habib
Chief of Staff
Off ice of Councilmember Jose Huiza r

Re: joint cmte might move

7 message(s)
Date : Fri Jun 19 2015 18:08:55 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Chad Molnar
To: Paul Habib
CC: Tanner Blackman
ID: 14e0e4bf39dd810 7

Just spoke with MB. He understands that planning and DOT might freak out , but he isn't wedded to getting it done before
recess. Ok with us if you want to move.

On Jun 19, 2015, at 6:30 PM, Tricia Keane <> wrote :

Is PLUM still happening

that day for Archer?

Tricia Keane
Direcror of Land Use & Planning
Councilmember Mike Bonin

On Fri, Jun 19, 2015 at 7 :49 PM, Chad Molnar <> wrote :

Chad Molnar
Chief of Staff
Councilmember Mike Bonin

The Council President approved the above project for the 7/28 Council mtg. In order for our office to have this matter
scheduled, your assistan ce is needed. W ill you please email me the new Conditions of Approva l that incorporates all the
changes requested by the various parties and approved by PLUM on 6/30/ 15? Please send the document in Word w ithout
$<lrikeou ts , bol d etc . O ur offi ce nP.eds thi s dor.11mP.nthy Mon day, 6/20/15. It dne$<n't appear that the Finding$<WP.rP.r:hangP.d


If they were I need a new set of Findings too. Thanks in advance for your help!

Sharon Gin
City of Los Angeles
Office of the City Clerk

Victor de La Cruz re: Archer

2 message(s)
Date : Tue Jun 23 2015 14:46:46 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Chad Molnar
To: Tricia Keane
CC :
ID : 14e222c9ef690975
Victor from Manatt , Phel~s and Phillips called about Archer . I know him well, so I gave him a little background . He is
working on the Covenant for BHA. He is getting worried because the hearing is next week , and he hasn't received a
response yet to their draft . Can you give him a call when you get a chance and touch base?
His number is 310-312-4305 .

On Mon, Jun 23 , 2014 at 11:27 PM, Rodney Liber <rodneylibe> wrote :
Tr icia:
Can we get someth ing the week of July 14 (except for July 18 in the afternoon )? Ray really needs to be
there as he did most of the heavy lifting on this.

On Wed , Jun 24 , 2015 at 11 :46 AM , Thelma Waxman <the> wrote :

Dear Tricia ,
The language of the condition regarding the BMO as applied to the Performing Arts Center needs to be very
precise in order for it to have the meaning that Mike intends. After consulting with counsel, here is the language
we think is necessary to give meaning to the condition :
iThe Performing Arts Center shall be developed on the Chaparal Parcel in accordance with the residential development standards,
including heights limits, setbacks, and the maximum floor area limits that would apply to a residential use under the City's Baseline
Mansionization Ordinance (Ordinance No.179,883), as that ordinance 's provisions apply to the lot area, shape, and boundaries of
the Chaparal Parcel as they existed on the date of the Planning Commission Approval.
Happy to discuss or Jeff can fill you in further.

On Wed, Jun 24, 20 15 at 11 :58 AM , Chad Mo lnar <chad.molna r@> wrote :

Hi Thelma,
We can't commi t to that yet. We are still wo rking out how , exactly, we cond ition that.
And please, please , please , please, come to an a reement on a covenan t.

On Jun 24 , 2015, al 12:05 PM, Chad Molnar <chad .molnar@lacity .org;;, wrote:
(and as an FYI, we also have not committed to Archer exactly how we plan to condition that either .. although they continue to
beg us to do so).

Chad Molnar
Chief of Staff

-------- Forwardedmessa ge --
From : Thelma Waxman <thelma .waxman@>
Date: Wed , Jun 24, 2015 at 12:15 PM
Subj ect: Re: Perf orming Arts Center
To: Chad Molnar <chad .molnar@laci>
Cc: Tricia Keane <tricia.keane@ lacily.o rg:>, "Jeff S. McConne ll" <leff@ekap>

Ok thanks. And believe me . we are REALLY REALLY trying to get that covenan t. The right word ing from you may be just
what we need to get there!;)

Fwd: Performing Arts Center

5 message(s)
Date: Wed Jun 24 201513 :17 :04 GM T-0600 (MDT)
From: T ricia Keane
To : ChadMoli,-ar -

cc :
ID: 14e27008f275f6 37

hmmm .. .

od and Ray from archer

1 message(s)
Date: Tue Jun 24 2014 12:25:28 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Daniel Osztreicher

ID: 146cf2029dcc4581
Please tell them 7/3 at 12:35pm at WLA . thank you and if you have there emails Im happy to add them to the invite.

On Jun 24, 2014 11 :08 AM , "Tricia Keane" <>

How about Thurs July 3 at 12 noon at our WLA office?

wrote :

From: Rodney Liber <>

Date: Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 5:34 PM
Subject: Re: Bonin BHA Meeting On Archer
To: Tricia Keane <>
Cc: Raymond Klein <>

12:35 at your West LA office on July 3! In the books! Please confirm.


Fwd: Bonin BHA Mee ing On Archer

15 message(s)
Date : Tue Jun 24 2014 18:37:21 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Tricia Keane
T o: Daniel Osztreicher

D: 146d0749b6d7b67a
Does this still work?
finally got Rod and Ray confirmed .

Date: Tue Jun 24 2014 20:34:26 GMT-0600 (MDT)

From : Daniel Osztreicher
To : Tricia Keane
CC : Daniel Osztreicher
ID : 146d0dff2edf8f1a

Confirmed! Would you like me to send them a google invite or not needed?

Daniel Osztreicher
Office of Councilmember Mike Bonin

Archer Conditions Responses - Invitation to edit
1 message(s)
Date : Thu Jun 25 2015 21 :25:58 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : tricia.keane@lacity .org
To : mike.bonin@lacity .org, chad.molnar@lacity .org
CC :
ID : 14e2de68116f06f4

tr icia.kea ne@lacity .org has invited you t o edit the follow ing document:

Archer Condition s Res ponses


Here's the chart of the requirements from our letter to CPC, the things agreed to by Archer in the origina l term sheet,
and how they are going to be responded to for PLUM.

Archer wants to subm it its letter before the end of t he day tomorrow, so if we can discuss tomorrow morning, that would be



3 message(s)
Date : Fri Jun 26 2015 21:43 :16 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Raymond Klein
To : Chad Molnar , Tr icia Keane
CC : Mike Bonin
ID: 14e331cfaefe5146
Hi Cha d and Tricia,
Attached is our letter to PLUM , with Exhi bits A, B, and C.
We tried to simplif y and condense the BHA request as follows:

"If PLUM and City Council choose not to overturn the CPC Determination, the following revisions
should be made :
1. Adopt all the requirements in the letter, dated April 22, 2015, from Councilmember Mike Bonin
to the City Planning Commission .
2. Adopt the "Permitted Hours of Operation" set forth on Exhibit A hereto.
3. Adopt the "Restrictions on Special Events" set forth on Exhibit B hereto.
4 . Adopt "Trip Restrictions for Interscholastic Athletic Competitions and Special Events" set forth
on Exhibit C hereto."
Of course , there are several more items , as well as monitori ng and enforcement provisions , that are included in the draft Covenant we gave
to Arc her on June 15.
Archer was finally ready for a meeting on June 25, and the re is another meeting scheduled for Jun e 28. I believe tha t reso lution of all
issue s, and approva l by the Boards of the parties , by June 30 is ve1y unlikely.
I still think the best course of action for all concerned would be a continuance of the matter by PLUM until the end of July/beginning ofi
August. It seems this could easily be obtained if Archer, BHA , and Mike were all aski ng for this.

Fwd: Archer
3 message(s)
Date: Fri Jun 26 2015 22:20:12 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Mike
To : Tricia Keane , Chad Molnar
CC :
ID: 14e333e98261c44a

If you would like me to reply to ray directly, telling him that I am opposed to a continuance , I am happy to do so
Sent from my iPhone
(Please forgive any typos , odd phrases, or complete nonsense . I am using Siri, and she tries to make me look stupid.)
Begin forwarded message :


Re: Archer
3 message( s)
Date: Fri Jun 26 2015 22:35 :20 GMT-0600 (MD T)
From: Chad Molnar
To: Mike
CC : Tric ia Keane
ID: 14e334c6ac1ae604

No need . I was very direct and clear with him that you would not ask for a conti nuance.

Appeal of Planning Commission Determination, Case No. CPC-2014-666-VCU-ZAASPR; ENV-2011-2689-EIR

6 message(s)
Date : Mon Jun 29 2015 13:23:33 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Michelle Black
CC: Doug Carstens ,, Mike Bonin
ID: 14e40c6a2e140f2d

Good afternoon,
On behalf of David and Zofia Wright, we submi t the attached letter regarding the June 30, 2015 PLUM hearing on the appeal of
Planning Commission Determ ination Case No. CPC-2014-666-VCU-ZAA-SPR , ENV-2011-2689-EIR .
Please contact me if you have any questions or if you have any difficulty with the attachment.
Thank you,

Michelle N. Black

& Carstens LLP


Enlorc:ing laws fo Profed Co/iFornio's Environment

Fwd: Appeal of Planning Comm_ission Determination, Case No. CPC-2014-666- VCUZAA-SPR; ENV-2011-2689-EIR
5 message(s)
Date : Mon Jun 29 2015 15:12:58 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Mike Bonin
To: Tricia Keane , Chad Molnar
ID: 14e41305d61d0d62

Well , it looks like David Wright hired his own attorney , Doug Carstens , to work on the archer project , and has even offered
archer $1 ,000 to look for an alternative location for their school. Does not sound like a yes vote to me.

Date: Mon Jun 29 2015 15:39:17 GMT-0600 (MDT}

From: Chad Molnar
To: Mike Bonin
CC: Tricia Keane
ID: 14e414293c2389ef
Well, this is totally out of the blue.
I assume he was in the room when BHA voted on the term sheet on which we modeled out letter. I don't really understand
what his angle is.

Fwd: Appeal of Planning Commission Determ ination, Case No. CPC-2014-666- VCUZAA-SPR; ENV-2011-2689-E IR
5 message(s)
Date: Mon Jun 29 2015 15:52:24 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Chad Molnar
To: Tricia Keane
ID: 14e414eae 1b8dbf0

Can you send this to Steve? Can't find his email address.

Archer/ BHA (Midn ite)

2 message(s/
Date: Tue Jun 30 2015 00:48:49 GMT-06 00 (MDT)
From: Rodney Liber
To : Tricia Keane, Chad Molnar
CC : Raymond Klein . Robert Rene
ID: 14e4339bac68c1d 1
HiTr icla

: -

As you probably heard , we were in meetings over the weekend, and all day today, in an effort to hammer out a deal with
Archer . The BRA acquiesced on almost every clause, reducing the intensity of Ifie draft covenant, and result ing in more lenient
restrictions and penalties. We are hopeful this will be enough to get a signed agreement. If this still does not satisfy the Archer
board, we hope the council office will stand firm with the BHA and Neighbors in an effort to retain some protections for the
community .
Thank you for your on oing support and dedication to this exhausting process .
Raymond Klein and Rod Liber

Re: Archer/ BHA (Midnite)

2 message(s )
Date : Tue Jun 30 2015 07:13:27 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Chad Molnar
To: Rodney Liber
CC: Tricia Keane , Raymond Klein , Robert Rene
ID: 14e4499d5d944b50

Rod- Thanks to you, Ray , and Robert for all of your hard work on this . We'll be reviewing this with CM Bonin this morn ing , to
see if we can find a way to bring this home .

Fwd: Archer Covenant

3 message(s)
Date: T ue Jun 30 2015 18:55:41 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Chad Molnar
To: Tricia Keane ,, , "Jeff S. McConnell"
CC: Mike Bonin
ID: 14e471cb8fac97a6
Signed covenant attached. Distribute as necessary. I don't have everyone's email address.
Great work e e one!

they are exceedingly difficult. This agreement actually manages to reduce Sunset Blvd. traffic to levels lower
than what exist today , and at the same time it allows this already great educational institution for young
women to become even greater. This is huge.
And I want to ask everyone one of you to give Tricia a big CD-11 hug when you see her next . She has
worked day in and day out , engaging in countless incredibly difficult discussions, breaking down some of the
most complex issues of development, bringing along community stakeholders with many different and
passionate opinions, and she has done it all like a ro. She made all of us, and our boss , look like first-rate
public servants.

Chad M ol nar
Chief of Staff

. - -




From: Chris Spitz <>

Date: Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 4:26 PM
Subject: Fwd: [Scan] 2015-07-30 16:19
To: Tricia Keane <>

Fyi -- flyer insert in Pali Post today . Would appreciate CD11's position on this; are these claims at all valid or should we in
Palisades be assured by the settlement that was reach(ld (re our traffic concerns)? I do understand that Wendy R. is now
advising the individual leading this effort. Your thoughts would be appreciated!


On Jul 1, 2015 6:24 AM, "Mike Bonin" <> wrote :

I cannot tell you have amazed and grateful I am by this result. Along with the minimum wage and getting the Metro
connection to the airport, getting a compromise on this project has been one of the most difficult things to do, and one of the
most gratifying things to accomplish.
Tricia is a genuine superhero . She steered and conducted negotiations liked an expert diplomat, out-lawyered some of the
smartest lawyers in town, juggled incredibly challenging personalities (including my own), and managed to do so at all times
with her trademark quirky humor. I could not be happier about, prouder of, or more thankful to her.

Kudosas well to Chad,withoutwhomwe wouldnot haveclosedthe deal. He spent countlesshourson the phoneand in
meetings with BHA and neighbors, and essentially locked everyone in a room to hammer out the final agreement - which,
in a highly dramatic twist -- did not actually happen until PLUM was in sessio and public testimony on this issue was
already unden@Y.
Both Tricia and Chad displayed a patience I could never muster. I woke up yesterday not expecting there would be a
compromise, and even when council ended, I was not confident it would happen. But Tricia and Chad brought it home.


From: Nancy Freedman <>

Date: July 1, 2015 at 8:36:52 AM PDT
To : mike bonin <>
Subject: WHAT?
Did I read correctly that Archer, Neighbors and BHA made covenant without BCC?
Explain please.
On Wed
Well , the first complaint did not take long
Sent from my iPhone
On Jul 1, 2015, at 1:05 PM, Tricia Keane <> wrote :

I talked to Stev e, and he and Beth are goin g to set up a meeti ng wi t h Larry and Bryan (Nancy's obviously
welcome to j oin as well) to ta lk through the detail s of what was agreed to wit h BCC.
MB, do you want to get back to Nancy or shall I. I was planning on sendi ng th is:
Hi Nancy,
Yes, you did hear it correct ly that an agreement was reached between Archer , the Neighbors , and BHA late
yesterday. It actual ly all happened a lot more quick ly t han we expected, since we didn't imagine an
agreement wou ld actually be signed yesterday before the PLUM hearing. As you can imag ine, given the t iming
of t he heari ng on the appeals, t he pr imary focus has been on discussio ns with the appellants themselves In t he
hopes of getting a resolut ion for the hearing. Now that PLUM is done, I know Archer is planning on reaching
out to Larry and Brya n to talk through the details of everything. I t hink Steve Is planning on calling Larry and
Bryan today. I ' m sure they 'd be happy to loop you into that discussion if you'd li ke. Please let me know .

MTC 141

On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 1:40 PM, Chad Molnar <> wrote:

Sharon- talk to Tricia to get an update on BCC and Archer, before you go to that meeting tonight (which you definitely
should go to).

Re: BCC Meeting July 7 at 7:00 p.m. Kaufman Library

8 message(s)
Date: Wed Jul 01 201514 :41 :41 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Sharon Shapiro
To : Chad Molnar
CC: Tricia Keane
ID: 14e4b5ad8a8ea7df
Thanks- yes , def. figured as much =)

16 message(s)
Date : Wed Jul 01201516 :50:06 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Mike
To : Tricia Keane
CC : Chad Molnar , Sharon Shapiro
ID: 14e4bd02c7715279

I will send this to Nancy in a bit. FYI-Sha ron is meeting with the executive committee of the commun ity Council
tonight, and is sure to be grilled about this.
We will need to know that archer has reached out, and Sharon will need to know some details, and whether or not
she can provide a copy of the covenant. We also need to give her an answer to the inevitable question-Brentwood
community Council was involved in negotiations up until recently, so I want we involved in the final negotiations over
the covenant?
On Jul 1, 2015, at 3:57 PM, Chad Molnar <> wrote :
Already taken care of. Tricia is talking to her.

Date : Fri, Jul 3, 2015 at 10:21 AM

Subject: (no subject)
To :

Please let me know your position on Mt. St. Mary's expansion .

No one from your office came to the meeting last week .
Thank you ,
Cheryl Epstein

Re: (no subject)

Date: Mon Jul 06 2015 16:02:32 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To: Sharon Shapiro
CC : Fred Sutton , Chris Robertson
D: 14e65645b89efac8

Just SS, FS, and CR

CR--are you tracking this? This is going to be something that we will need to keep our eyes on, and both SS
and CR are going to want to stay in the loop.

On Mon, Jul 6, 2015 at 3:38 PM, Chris Robertson <> wrote:

Debbie is lead on this. She took it over a long time ago because I think she has all the background/wanted to.

Chris Robertson, AICP, LEED AP

Deputy Director of Land Use & Planning

Councilmember Mike Bonin

On Jul 6, 2015 , at 3:40 PM, Tricia Keane <tricia .keane@lacity .org> wrote :

Are they going to need perm it s from planning?

Tricia Keane


On Mon, Jul 6, 2015 at 3:41 PM , Chris Robertso n <chris .robertson@lacity .org> wrote :
Pretty sure

Chris Robertson, AICP, LEED AP

Deputy Director of Land Use & Planning

On Mon, Jul 6, 2015 at 4:03 PM, Tricia Keane <> wrote:

You, DDH, and I should ta lk when she gefsoack to make sure we're all clear and coordinated on how this
project is go ing to be handled. With Archer just having come through and Brentwood School in the
pipeline, we need to make sure we're all on the same page .

Tricia Keane

Council Date for Archer

5 message(s)
Date: Wed Jul 08 2015 12:38:29 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To: Beth Gordie, Steve Sugerman, "Jeff S. McConnell", Thelma Waxman , Ray Klein . Rodney Uber, "De la Cruz, Victor"
ID: 14e6ef645ab2ca07
As of now , it looks like Archer will be scheduled for Council on July 28. There is always a chance that could
change given that it is right when Council is back in session, but that 's the date that we've been told is being
held for Archer.

RE: Council Date for Arc her

5 message(s)
Date: Wed Jul 08 2015 12:39:29 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Steve Sugerman

To: Tricia Keane

ID: 14e6ef76e3c47ab8
Outstanding. I ho e it goes well and I can hike in Colorado with a clear mind!

02934 1

Brentwood School
3 message(s)
Date: Tue Jul 14 2015 11 :32:18 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Mary Sidell
To : Tricia Keane, chr
CC : Michael Riera
ID: 14e8d9fdc6b50a49
Hi Tricia and Chris ,
I hope you are well, and that you are both getting a bit of well-deserved vacation time .

I wanted to check in with you regarding the list of Archer conditions you offered to share with us when we met
recently .

---------- r-orwaraea messay1:1----------

From: Raymond Klein <>

Date: Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 10:22 AM
Subject: Archer
I'm in Santa Barbara now, but BHA has a meeting tonight at BrentwoodSchool.
I expect Dave Wright, WendyJ and a bunch of other latecomer opponents of Archer to come and complain we gave Archer too
I thought you might want to come and diffuse the situation beforethey build up too much steam.
Meeting is at 7:30 in cafeteria.

Re: Archer

Date: Wed Jul 15 2015 17:29:20 GMT-0600 (MDT)

From: Chad Molnar
To: Sharon Shapiro
CC: Tricia Keane , Debbie DynerHarris
ID: 14e940d5d77c7cdb
Obviously, MB can't go. But Sharon will be there.
My advice would be to stay out of the "BHA gave too much" debate. But go armed with the laundry list of concessions MB took
from Archer before that covenant was even signed. Tricia can provide that to you.

CD 11 Archer School Requested Condition Revisions

3 messages

Sharon Gin <sharon>

Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 11:44 AM
To: Adam Villani <adam .\.illani@lacity .org> , Elva Nuno-O'Donnell <>
Cc : Iris Fagar-Awakuni <>, Tricia Keane <>
Hi Adam & Elva,
Attached are the changes to the Archer Conditions as requested by CD 11 and approwd by PLUM. Will you
please incorporate this info in the Conditions of Approval that is being i:ire ared for Council consideration on
7/28? Thanks!
-Forwarded message -From : Tricia Keane <tricia >
Date : Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 11:07 AM
Subject: Re: Will you pis send CD 11 Archer Recommendations?
To: Sharon Gin <sharon .gin@lacity .org>

Hi Sharon,

I never hit send on this message. Here they are. These are the conditions (as
revised per the discussion at PLUM). Please let me know if you need anything else or have any
additional questions.
Tr icia

Elva Nuno-O'Donnell <elva.nuno-odonnell@lacity .org>

Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 11:48 AM
To: Sharon Gin <sharon>
Cc: Adam Villani <adam>, Iris Fagar-Awakuni <>, Tricia Keane
<tricia .keane@lacity .org>
Hi Sharon,
We will review and follow up with any questions.
Thank you,

9118/2 15

City of Los Angeles Mail - Urgent: Archer ForwardAppeals, CF 15-0672

Adam Villani <>

Urgent: Archer Forward Appeals, CF 15-0672

3 messages

Sharon Gin <sharon.gin@lacity .org>

To: Adam Villani <>,

Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 10:59 AM

Elva Nuno-O'Donnell <>,

Will you please confirm if the information below is correct? I am writing the PLUM Committee report for the abo~
matter . While I listened to the audio recording, I just wanted to ~rify which appeals were withdrawn . Thanks in
advance for your help!
Appeals Withdrawn
1. Thelma Waxman on behalf of Thelma & Eric Waxman and Residential Neighbors of Archer
2. Brentwood Homeowners Association
Appeals Denied
1. Bel Air Skycrest Property Owners' Association
2. David and Zofia Wright
3. Brentwood Residents Coalition
4. Brentwood Hills Homeowners Association

Sharon Gin
City of Los Angeles
Office of the City Clerk
213 .978 .1074

~ ,,. MyLA Clock

.~ 311


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Adam VIiiani <>

To: Sharon Gin <sharon.gin@lacity .org>
Cc: Elva Nuno-O'Donnell <>, beth.gordie@lw .com

Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 12:24 PM

Those two were withdrawn at the hearing, yes, although the City Attorney noted that it was too late for them to be
formally withdrawn. The action that went forward was to deny the four other ones and deny the two withdrawn
ones in part so that they could place additional conditions on the project.
Also note the correction in Beth Gordie's email address abo~ .
[Quo ted text hidden]

Adam Villani

iml= 14e9d793143984df&si
. ..


Archer City Council Timing

12 message(s)

Date: Fri Jul 17 2015 14:33:45 GMT-0600 (MDT)

From: Tricia Keane
To: mike bonin , Chad Molnar
ID: 14e9db908ba57faa

Planning is working through a number of things that need to get done before the project can be put on a
Counci l agenda . Among the things they are doing is making sure all the conditions that were requested at
PLUM are incorporated into the CUP, and we will need to make sure that we get anything else from the
covenant that we want in the CUP included (obviously, without making the type of changes that would trigger
any more hearings). In order to get that done and get some additional environmenta l review squared away
(Errata #5 needs to be posted to the web), we need to have this go to Council in August --probably the week
of Aug 10. We originally had 7/28 held for Archer, but it looks like we are going to need either 8/11, 8/12, or

I wanted to give you a heads up before we talked to CD10 to get an August council date.

Re: Archer City Council Timing

12 message(s)
Date: Fri Jul 17 2015 15:05:43 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Chad Molnar
To : Mike
CC: Tricia Keane
ID: 14e9dd64fbdd57ad

Tricia- off all the things you mentioned that take time to do, I'm most worried about this additional environmental step. Can you
describe what that is, and what the legal requirements are in terms of timing and posting? Not sure I understand what's
triggering it.
In terms of adding conditions into the CUP, if it helps Planning to get it done quicker, are there conditions in the covenant that
don't need to be in the CUP? I mean, if it's in the covenant, then it will be enforced, right?
I'm just trying to think about how to streamline the work Planning needs to do.

On Jul 17, 2015 , at 2:32 PM, Tricia Keane <>wrote:

The "Errata #5" is supplemental environmental information that updates the Final EIR to accurately reflect
the version of the project that was approved at PLUM. Per CEQA rules, it needs to be posted for 10 days
before the Council can act on the project. This means that at the earliest, this could go to Council on 7/31-because Planning could post the errata on Monday, and we'd have enough time to make 7/31.
There are two categories of changes to the CUP that we need to address:

1. The changes that were made at PLUM -- so the conditions from Archer's letter that we supported, the
additional conditions that we requested at the hearing, and the conditions that Thelma asked for at the
hearing . These need to be incorporated into the CUP that goes to Council because they are what PLUM
actually approved. We are all working on those now, and I am meeting with Planning on Monday to make
sure we're all on track.
2. Any additional things that are in the covenant that we want to include in the CUP - - we talked about
putting some of the provisions from the covenant into the CUP as well. We don't have to do this. But,
before we decide not to, I want to be clear on what conditions would only be in the covenant so we can
make sure we're okay with that. I met with Thelma and Beth already to talk about this categor and we
are going to talk again next week to make sure we're all on the same !)age.
After my meeting with Planning on Monday, I'll have a much better idea of whether there are any other
tim ing obstacles to getting this to Council the week that Council is back from recess. But I hear you re
timing and I'll do whatever I can to get it to Council as soon as possible.

Tricia Keane
Director of Land Use & Planning
Councilmember Mike Bonin
City of Los Angeles
213-473-7011 I www.11thdi


The Council President approved the above project for the 7/28 Council mtg. In order for our office to have this matter
scheduled, your assistance is needed. Will you please email me the new Conditions of Approval that incorporates all the
changes requested by the various parties and approved by PLUM on 6/30/15? Please send the document in Word without
strikeouts , bold, etc. Our office needs this document b~ Monday. 6/20/15. It doesn't appear that the Findings were changed
by PLUM. If they were , I need a new set of Findings too. Thanks in advance for your help!

Sharon Gin
City of Los Angeles
Office of the City Clerk

---------- Forwarded message---------From: John Binder <jfbinder@roadrunne>

Date: Fri, Jul 17, 20 15 at 12:54 PM
Subject: Archer expansion
To: Mike Bonin <rnikebonin@mikebonin .com>

Hi, Mike
I thought I should let you know that I sent this text out today under the UMCA letterhead, signed
by me, to most of the residents of Upper Mandeville Canyon. I think it expresses the dominant
attitude of the neighborhood about what will happen to Sunset traffic, which on many occasions
is already backing up from Barrington to Mandeville (going eastbound). It took me four hours
to get across town to Echo Park last week. Most ofus who don't have to don't go in town or
.downtown for morning or evening activities. I do think there will be an uprising among
commuters when Archer , Mt. St. Mary's and Ric Caruso's project all get rolling.
1 know you are trying hard and we really appreciate your work. But it's getting impossible over
here. Archer should spend their money on the best teachers in the world , not crippling our
Date: Fri Jul 17 2015 13:56:34 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Mike Bonin
To : Chad olnar, Sharon Shapiro , Tricia Keane
CC :
ID: 14e9d9732c266a73
this is why i did not want a delay in the vote until after recess.
where are we on scheduling sunset brown bag for the fall?


mAi::i::::inA ----------

Re: Archer expansion

6 message(s)
Date: Fri Jul 17 2015 14:39:53 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To: Mike Bonin
CC: Chad Molnar , Sharon Shapiro
ID: I4e9dbe a58dl0320

We'll work on a response, and get an update on the status of the brown bag.
Just as an fyi, Archer is continuing to meet with the other appellants, which include people who are members
of the UMCA (though not the UMCA itself), to try to settle with those groups as well.

Re : Archer expansi on
6 message(s)
Date: Fri Jul 17 2015 14:41 :12 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Mike
To: Chad Molnar, Sharon Shapiro, Tricia Keane, David Graham-Ca so
ID : 14e9dbfefd565b67

This is only going to get worse. They have a website, and are gearing up for a big campaign, and undoubtedly other homeowner groups that
have not signed the covenant will join on. It is essentia l that this be heard in Council the Tuesday or Wednesday immediately after recess
That is still the Qian, ight?
Sent from my iPhone


---------- Forwa rded message ---------From: <Pacpal123@aol.c om>

Date : Jul 19, 201 5 4 :07 PM
Subject: The Arche r Forward majo r expansion project
To: <chad .molnar@laci>
Cc: <mike>, <>, <pacpa l123@ao>, <dave@s ierrainvest>

Mr. Molnar:
I'm writing to request a meeting with you and/or Counc ilmember Bonin at your earliest
convenience this week.
My wife Zofia and I are former leading members of "RNA" (the Residential Neighbors of
Archer), and I am a Co-Chair of the recently formed Sunset Coalition, which also now
represents RNA.
We understand that your office believed that Thelma Waxman represented the many
members of RNA (thus, essentially, Archer's nearest residential neighbors) in negotiating a
settlement with Archer on June 30, dur ing the PLUM hearing.
However, the reality is that none of the Archer neighbors (except the Whitesell family) were
kept informed of Thelma's final negotiations with Archer, or approved the terms of her
In fact, the terms we have now seen (the covenant published on BHA's website) are
contrary to the key positions of RNA over the past three years: That the Archer Forward
project is far too large and far too impactful on the local neighbors and on Sunset traffic,
and thus that the RNA members opposed the Archer project and were (and remain) in
support of Alternative 2.
My wife Zofia and I were the largest financial supporters of RNA other than the Waxmans.
We attended many meetings of the RNA group, and supported Thelma at her request at
meetings of the BHA Board, the BCC Board, the CPC Examiner hearing, the CPC hearing and
the PLUM hear ing. As you may know, we are also among those who have filed formal
appeals of the CPC's decisions.
Since June 30, we have spoken with many neighbors who had been involved with the RNA
group, and not one of them agrees with the terms on which the Waxmans settled. Some
neighbors are indeed feeling alienated and angry especially in light of the notices that have
gone out from your office and the Waxmans announcing that "RNA" has agreed to the
condit ions in the covenant. The simple fact is that the Waxmans (and the Whitesells and
BHA) settled, and no one else.

Fwd: The Archer Forward major expansion project

6 message(s)
Date : Sun Jul 19 2015 21 :00:50 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Tricia Keane
To : Chad Molnar , mike bon in
CC :
ID: 14ea968206bd368a
Just to MB and CM
I have background on this . Let's talk tomorrow .
Tr icia Keane

----- ---- Forwarded message----- ---From: Jeff S. McConnell <>

Date: Mon, Jul 20, 20 15 at 10: 12 A M
Subject: archer
To: david grahamcaso <>
Cc: Chad Molnar <>

Mariella Rudi from the Brentwood newspaper is asking for comment from Thelma on the covenant. Any thoughts on

Jeff McConnell


Fwd : archer
8 message(s)
Date : Mon Jul 20 20 15 11:19 :28 GMT-0 600 (MDT)
From: da11idgrahamcaso
To : Tricia Keane
CC : Chad Molnar
ID : 14eac7a3b2 a67ea6

Draft reply below. Please reply as soon as possible to make sure we get back to him in time for Thelma to call the reporter
back .

Hey Jeff ,
Thanks very much for checking in. It would be great if Thelma told Mariella that Mike and his staff worked very hard to ensure
neighbor's concerns were addressed and that the deal we got is a big win for the comm unity. The more she can focus on how
bad the original wo osal was oing to be for the neighborhood and how tough {but fair Mike and staff we re, the better.

Re: Archer City Council Timing

12 message(s)
Date: Mon Jul 20 2015 12:49:09 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To: Chad Molnar
CC: Mike
ID: 14eaccc58a07c116

I met with Planning staff and Archer's lawyer this morning regarding getting this to Council as quickly as
possible . The first feasible day is August 4 . Given the volume of work that needs to be done to finalize the
CEQA documentation and getting everything posted 10 days before Council, this really is the earliest that it
can happen. In order to have made 7/31, they would have to post everything by tomorrow, and Planning
confirmed this morning that the CEQA documentation has not yet been finalized. Planning will finish and post
everything by this Friday, which would allow us to get to Council on August 4.
I'm happy to go into whatever detail you need on the log ist ics of getting this done (there are many). But I
believe that August 4 is really the first feasible day that we can do. This timing assumes that we aren't adding
anyth ing else to the CUP that wasn't clearly discussed at PLUM--so we aren't putting anything from the
covenant into the CUP unless it was specifically called out at PLUM.
I went through the CUP in detail with Archer and Planning this morning, and I don 't think we are missing
anything critical by taking this approach. Regardless, we need to take this approach if we want to make 8/4.
If we add anything that wasn't discussed at PLUM, we run the risk of triggering the need for a public hearing at
Council (and that has a 24-day notice requirement, not the 10-day requirement for the Errata).
Let me know if you're okay with 8/4, so that we can talk to CD10 today and get them to put Archer on that

Re: Archer City Council Timing

12 message(s)
Date: Mon Jul 20 2015 13:14:19 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Mike Bonin
To: Tricia Keane
CC: Chad Molnar
ID: 14eace362771ab3e
well, i am more okay with Aug 4 than I am with Aug 5 or Aug 15 or anything later.
will any of the covenant signers or any of the outside HOAs have problems if we are not enshrining covenant stuff in the CUP.
On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 12:20 PM, Tricia Keane <>wrote:
The ppl who signed the covenant do not expect that all or even most of the covenant terms would end up in
the CUP, so th is shouldn't be an issue. And I talked to Thelma about this, and she understands
agrees .

On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 12:49 PM, Tricia Keane <> wrote:
Quick update, all of the LW/Archer team is available on 8/4 except for Cindy . She has an out-of-town
family commitment that day. She would be available on 8/5 . Would you like to wait till 8/5, or shall we
just go ahead with 8/4 (assum ing that's fine with CD10) and tell Archer that they don't need their entire
team at Council .

Date: Mon Jul 20 2015 13:50:42 GMT-0600(MDT)

From: Mike Bonin
To: Tricia Keane
CC: Chad Molnar
ID: 14e ad04b354e28c 1


On Tue, Jul 21 , 2015 at 1:50 PM, Sharon Gin <sharon.gin@lacity .org> wrote:
Hello All :
Thanks for letting our office know about the new CEQA document. This CEQA document was not before PLUM Committee
on 6/30 , so I can't include it in the PLUM report. If the CEQA document is submitted through Novus now , it will have to be
waived from PLUM . Logistically , this may cause confusion during the 8/4 Council mtg because PLUM acted on all eleme nts
of Archer except this recent CEQA document.
In order to have all elements of this project before Council on 8/4, see below for suggested actions that can be taken .
Please note that the 8/4 Council date cannot be secured until the PLUM report is submitted. I cannot submit the report until
a complete list of the updated Findings and Conditions of Approval is emailed to me . Planning , will you please email me
this information by Friday, 7/24 ? Thanks!
1CEQA document should be submitted at the 8/4 Council meeting; not through Novus - Planning should submit the
original CEQA doc and 35 copies to the CLA's desk in the Council Chambers at the 8/4 Council mtg.

2. Either the PLUM Chair or CM Bonin should introduce a written Motion to address the new CEQA doc.

Council Clerks suggest that it is best to to work with CLA and CAiiy to develop the appropriate language to include in the
Motion . The Motion should be attached to the original CEQA doc with copies circulated at the 8/4 mtg .

Sharon Gin
City of Los Ange les
Office of the City Clerk

Date : Thu Jul 23 2015 14:49:59 GMT-0600 (MDT)

From : Chris Robertson
Tei: Tric ia Keane - --
CC :
14ebcae 138559f20


Sharon mentioned there is a new flier/petition circulat ing from opponents .

Date : Thu Jul 23 2015 15:09:31 GMT-0600 (MDT)

F rom: Tr icia Keane
To : Chris Robertson
CC :
ID: 14ebcbfeac19f4f0

Yes , there is. I am on the receiv ing end of it.

On Jul 25, 2015, at 10:35 AM, Chad Molnar <> wrote:

Rod is asking us for another submission to the BHA newsletter.

Date: Sat Jul 25 2015 11:46:49 GMT-0600 (MDT)

From: Mike Bonin
To : Chad Molnar
CC: david grahamcas o
ID: 14ec6531ff74bfbd

I wish we had the sa me level of stuff to talk about there.

It would be a great op portunity to promote the brown bag on tr


guess we haven't set a date yet

Re: BHA Newsletter

7 message(s)
Date : Sat Jul 25 201511 :47 :51 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Mike Bonin
To: Chad Molnar
CC : david graham caso
ID: 14ec6540db b96645

Sorry. Sent that too soon. We shou ld check with staff to see what we have to Crow about in the area . Did Norm an ever do an
exit memo? Have we asked Debbie now that she's back?

Re: BHA News letter

7 message (s)
Date: Sat Jul 25 2015 11:53:08 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: david grahamcaso
To: Mike Bonin
CC: Chacf Molnar
ID: 14ecssaaes-1oa24a

I'll check wit h Debbie, Sharon and Anna. There was some recent street rei:i ving done in Brentwood we could use for a "back
to basics" theme.

Archer question
6 message(s)

Date: Mon Jul 27 2015 14:16:05 GMT-0600 (MDT)

From : Tricia Keane
To : Luciralia Ibarra

CC :
ID: 14ed12870ee69e45

Hi Luci,

I understand that Adam and Elva are both out of the office right now. Do you happen to know if the Archer
"Errata # 5" got posted , and if so, where I can find a copy of it? Also, do you know if the staff report and CUP
are available--and if so, how I can get a copy of those too?

6 message(s)
Date : rironJ ul 27 2ITTo17:12:4513MT-0600 (MDT )
From: Luciralia Ibarra
To: Tr icia Keane
CC :
ID : 14ed 1ca7b667d2 c7

Hi Tr icia,
Errata #5 is on our website. You can access it, by visiting the planning websi te, clicking on the "Environmental" tab on
the left hand side, followed by "F inal EIR" . the Archer EIR is the 8th project EIR down from the top . Cl icking on the
Archer EIR link will open a new window where you can find Errata #5.
I confirmed with our commission staff that the determinations and condit ions were uploaded to the City Cle rk today so
i hould hopefully be accessible on CFMS by tomorrow AM. Not quite sure what the Clerk's turn around is to actually
post it.
Let me know if you need help with anything else.

Re: Archer question

6 message ( s)
Date : Mon Jul 27 2015 17:21 :30 GMT-0600 (MDT )
From: Tr icia Keane
To: Luciralfa lbafra
CC :
ID : 14ed1d23335f2a 4 b

Thanks Luci !
Do you know when the CUP (w ith the changes from PLUM) will be available?

03 1040

Re: Archer question

6 message(s)
Date : l'ii10nTul 27 20151T 23:25TI MT-0600 (~OT )
From : Tricia Keane
To : Luciralia Ibarra
CC :
ID : 14ed1 d3f5a8cc47d

I'm braindead!
I clearly did not re

your second paragraph,

in which you answered

my question.


Re: Archer question

6 me ssage(s)
Da te : Mon Jul 27 2015 17:28:11 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Luciralia Iba rra
To : Tricia Keane

ID ' 14ed1d89eca 1 1aec
It's okay.

If you don't see it tomorrow, I would contact Sharon Gin in the Clerk's office about when it will be made

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: JOANNE SOLOV <>

Date: Tue , Jul 28, 2015 at 1:38 PM
Subject: Archer.etc
To:, Brentwood Homeowners Association <info@brentwoodhomeowners .org>

I am completely devastated by your "compromise" with the Archer School. If you are familiar with the neighborhood(lol) you
would realize that regardless of the power of the Archer supporters , this strip of Sunset Blvd and its homeowners are under
siege. It has taken me, on four diff occasions one solid hour to travel from La Casa and Bundy to Barrington and Sunset! ONE
Would you consider leaving your house at 4 o'clock? Under the best of circumstances , during a normal week that time to
make it to Sunset is fifteen minutes, at best, during traffic hours and gridlock is ever increasing .
A rcher never should have been allowed to buy that property and should now look for another campus to use as an upper
school campus . Other schools have done so quite successfu lly. Their impact will be horrendous and will make the quality off
and on campus intolerable.
I already have several neighbors , both new and old to the area putting their houses on the market as they fear the dangers
inherent in the present as well as the future .
Joanne Solov

Fwd: Archer,etc
1 message(s)
Date : Tue Ju l 28 201515 :11:03 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Mike Bonin
To : Chad Molnar , Tricia Keane
ID: 1 ed68122341e661

Councilmember, 11th District

URGENT: Need Follow Up - Archer & 8/4 Council date

2 message(s)
Date: Wed Jul 29 2015 12:32:25 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Sharon Gin
To : Elva Nuno-O'Donnell , Adam Villani
CC: Tricia Keane , Laura McLennan , Iris Fagar-Awakuni
ID: 14edb16dae058632

Hello Planning,
Thank you for sending me the pdfs of the Findings and Conditions of Approval. Will you please email to me those documents
in Word format? I need them by 12 NOON TODAY to have this matter scheduled for the 8/4 Council meeting . Note this is a
hard deadline ; your help is greatly appreciated.
Also , the CEQA document was submitted via Novus to our office . This document should be submitted in Council on 8/4. See
email below. Thanks.

Fwd: URGENT: Need Follow Up -Archer & 8/4 Council date

2 message(s)
Date : Wed Jul 29 2015 12:35:37 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To : Luciralia Ibarra , Sharon Gin
ID: 14edb192d9c0c50c

Hi Luci,
Can you help out with this?

Date: July 29 , 2015 at 5:16:46 PM PDT
To: Mike .Bonin@lacity .org
Subject: Archer School

Dear Councilman Bonin,

I know you worked with our wonderful Councilman Bill Rosendahl who recommended you and was
tireless in his caring for our district , and especially about our safety . That is why I am writing , trying to
understa_ndhow you could allow all of our lives not only to be highly inconvenienced by the Archer School
proposal, but hugely increases the risks to life due to traffic congestion being so much worse than it
already is on Sunset. Eastbound traffic sometimes backs UP.all the way to Mandeville - and it frequently
backs up to Kenter/Bundy.
Even if you choose to ignore the tremendous increase in the amount of time that all of us residents and
the people who work in the area will spend in traffic on Sunset , when a fire should arise , how much more
time will it take for emergency vehicles arrive? FYI, in the years that I have lived on Mandeville I have
been told to prepare for possible evacuation 2 times , and the 3rd time there was a fire 3 doors down from
me. How much damage might have been done if it had not quickly contained? How much more
dangerous is it now that we are in a serious drought? And what about ambulances for medical

Fwd: Archer School

4 message(s)
Date : Wed Jul 29 2015 18:17:54 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Mike Bonin
To: Chad Molnar, Tricia Keane , david grahamcaso
ID: 14edc529518555f6

We need a reply

Re: Archer School

4 message(s)
Date: Wed Jul 29 2015 18:18:50 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Chad Molnar
To : Mike Bonin
CC: Tricia Keane, david grahamcaso
ID: 14edc53b54939d47
Yes, Tricia is working on a response to all of these.

From: david grahamcaso [mailto]

Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2015 4:40 PM

To: Groves, Martha

Subject: Re: Do you have a moment to speak?

Just tried you on your cell. Give me a call whenever you are available.
Also, let me know when you would like to speak with Mike about Archer and schools in Brentwood .
Sent from my iPhone
On Jul 29, 2015, at 4:53 PM, Groves, Martha <Martha.Groves@latimes .com> wrote :
Yes , do want to speak with Mike. That's what I was calling about. On the phone with the Waxmans at the moment.

From: "Groves , Martha" <Martha.Groves@latimes .com>

Date: July 29 , 2015 at 5:03:41 PM PDT
To: david grahamcaso <david>
Subject: RE: Do you have a moment to speak?
Tomorrow : early to mid-afternoon? I'll be at Archer starting at 10 for a couple of hours .
Also , Sunset Coalition says the Waxmans settled but billions (my word) of others still don't know the compromise
details and are still adamantly opP.osed.
By the way, did the Waxmans get any sort of monetary settlement??

From: david grahamcaso [ l

Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2015 5:06 PM

To: Groves, Martha
Subject: Re: Do you have a moment to speak?
Are you available to speak with Mike tomorrow? Let me know what time works best for you.
Sent from my iPhone

On Wed , Jul 29 , 2015 at 5:09 PM , david grahamcaso <>

wrote :

Please see Martha's questions below regarding the agreement.

Mike , are you available to speak with her tomorrow in the early to mid afternoon?
Sent from my iPhone

On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 5:02 PM , Sharon Gin <sharon.gin@lacity .org> wrote:
Archer Forward (CF 15-0672) is scheduled for 8/4 Council. Findings & Conditions approved by PLUM on 6/30 / 15 are now
online. See link below. Thx for your help!
http :// citycle rk.lacity .org/lacityclerkconnecUindex .cfm ?fa=ccfi .view record & cfnum ber= 15-0672

Sharon Gin
City of Los Ange les
Office of the City Cieri(

Fwd: Archer scheduled for 8/4 Ccl - PLUM rpt & docs are online
3 message(s)

Date : Wea Jul~-Y-21ffs

ra: 30:tro-rnv1r=osoo(MUT}
From : Tr icia Keane
mike bonin , Chad Molnar , david grahamcaso


CC :
ID: 14edc5da373c06b8

Archer docs are posted on CFMS. Link below.

On Jul 30, 2015, at 1:01 PM, david grahamcaso <david.grahamcaso @lac> wrote:
What time do you want to call Martha today?

On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at I :28 P M, Mike Bonin <mike.bonin @lacity .org> wrote:
Thought I answered that this morning. I :45 PM .

On Thu, Jul 30, 20 15 at l :35 PM, david grahamcaso <david. grahamca> wrote :
She prefers her desk line 213-237-7110.
She spent a few hours this morning "with both Archer fans and foes."
As you saw in the forwarded email, she might ask about a financial settlement for the Waxman ~ but as Chad pointed ou!, that has
nothing to do with us.
Here are the talking poin ts
again : https :// le.corn/document/d/ I bUZv03o T 16gl70Z Ef3D23Psm0ukaN6ZS0MK 1NOb3 YSc/edit

Re: Do you have a moment to speak?

9 message (s)
Date: Thu Jul 30 2015 15:22 :33 GMT-p600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To : david grahamcaso
CC :
ID: 14ee0 d860e63 c737

did MB already talk to Martha?

Re: Archer School

4 message(s)
Date: Thu Jul 30 2015 15:28:07 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To: Chad Molnar
ID: 14ee0dd79f3e7eb6

I'm working on it. I'll send something around this afternoon .

Tricia Keane
Date: Thu Jul 30 2015 14:38:04 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Chad Molnar
To : Tricia Keane
ID: 14ee0afab26614e6

Not to bug, but we'll need this draft reply soon.

Chad Molnar

Fwd: [Scan] 2015-07-30 16:19

10 message(s)
Date : Thu Jul 30 2015 17:26 :42 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Chris Spitz
To : Tricia Keane
ID: 14ee14aac7aee05e
Fyi -- flyer insert in Pali Post today . Would appreciate CD11's position on this ; are these claims at all valid or should we in
Palisades be assured by the settlement that was reached (re our traffic concerns)? I do understand that Wendy R. is now
advising the individual leading this effort . Your thoughts would be appreciated!


Fwd: [Scan] 2015-07-30 16:19

10 message(s)
Date: Thu Jul 30 2015 18:36:00 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To : mike bonin , Chad Molnar, david grahamcaso
ID j4e 1897cc5221da

Tricia Keane
Director of Land Use & Planning

CouncilmemberMike Bonin


Re: [Scan] 2015-07-30 16:19

10 message(s)
Date: Thu Jul 30 2015 19:03:25 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Chad Molnar
To : Tricia Keane
CC: mil<e bonin , david grahamcaso
ID: 14ee1a2981203c43

Yes , please go ahead and respond to her with the details.

Chad Molnar
Chief of Staff

Councilmember Mike Bonin

Re: [Scan] 20f5:0 7-30 16:19

10 message(s )
Date : Thu Jul 30 2015 19:04 :08 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Tricia Keane
To: Chris Spitz
ID: 14ee1a33e8fa6341

Hi Chris,

Thanks for sharing. We are confident that between the conditions of approval that we requ ired for the project,
the mitigation measures, the project design features, and the terms of the covenant that was signed, thatlhe
transportation management plan will be the most stringent for any school around. The measures that we
requ ired were designed to ensure that on any given day A cher's operations would result in less Archerrelated traffic on Sunset than there is today .
I'm happy to discuss if you have any questions or would like any add itional info .
-Tric ia
On Jul 30, 2015 6:36 PM, "Chris Spitz" <> wrote :
Thx so much. To the extent this becomes an issue and there are lingering concerns about traffic may I read this statement
at our next meeting (starting with "We are confident...")?
Sent from my iPad
Date : Thu Jul 30 2015 21 :06:08 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To: Chris spiti ... .
ID: 14ee212ef1d22cda
We may send out an email response soon that might be even better than this email. Let me check and I'll get back to you asap.
Tricia Keane
Director of Land Use & Planning
Counc ilmember Mike Bonin

RE: [Scan] 2015-07-30 16:19

10 message(s)
Date: Fri Jul 31 2015 10:50:40 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Chris Spitz
To: Tricia Keane
CC :
ID: 14ee505d81a48589

Just a follow up -- if possible (and if accurate) , ii might be good for Mike's message to include a reference to traffic impacts
during construction , ie, measures will be in place to mitigate traffic impacts during the limited construction period as much as

I believe the opponent who Is organizing and publicizing this is getting lots of people worked up to somehtr ~'7'3i~would be
possible to stop the project altogether (since that would be the onl way to avoid construction impacts) . IMHO (sP.eaking
individually only) I believe that to be completely unrealistic.
Chris Spitz
President, Pacific Palisades Commun ity Co uncil

FW: Archer on KABC

1 message(s)
Date: Thu Jul 30 2015 19:10:33 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Beth.Gordie@
JD: 14ee1a9286bc3707

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Molly Hogin <Molly@sugermangroup. com>

Date: Jul 30, 2015 5:48 PM
Subject: Archer on KABC
To : Steve Sugerman <> ,Deepti Jmmaraju <Deepti@sugermangroup .com>
Cc: Randy James <Randy@sugermangroup .com>
Hi all- please see below for Archer 's segment on KABC. I included both the preview and the full segment.
Preview :
ABC : Eyewitness News 5:00 PM
5:40 PM PST
Full segment :

ABC: Eyewitness News 5:00 PM

5:45 PM PST
Molly Hogin
Sugerman Communications Group

Fwd: FW: Archer on KABC

6 message(s)
Date: Thu Jul 30 2015 19:18:07 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Tricia Keane
To. david grahamcaso , Chad Mol.nar , mike bonin

C .

I assume y ou've seen the clips, but if not they are below

ABC : Eyewitn ess cws 5:00 PM
7/30/ 15
5:40PM PST

Full segment:
ABC: Eyewitn ess News 5:00 PM
5:45 PMPST

Re: Archer on KABC

6 message( s)
Date: Thu Jul 30 20 15 19:26:37 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Mike Bonin
To: Tric ia Keane
CC: david grahamcaso , Chad Molnar
ID : 14eelb7da0c 9fd7c

I have not, but someone can describe them . I'd rather not watch.

Re: Archer on KABC

6 message(s)
Date : Thu Jul 302015 19:3 1:47 GMT -0600 (MDT)
From : Tri cia Keane
To : M ike Bonin
CC : david graha mcaso , C had Molnar
ID: 14eelbc 8dda9992b

The f irst clip is just the teaser prev iew where they men ti on that Archer's expans ion plans are causing
controversy In the community .
The segment is actually fine. You did great, Barbara Bruser had good quotes too, and the only person from
the opponents' side was Eric Edmunds, and he was fine but not as articulate as you or Barbara. The clip of
you was talking about all th e conditions/measures that we required to manage traffic once the school Is up and
running. The clip of Barbara was talki ng about them doing everything they could to mitigate construction

03048 1
traffic. It was a pretty short piece and so obviously didn't get into any real substance -- other than your
comments about specific traffic measures.

Tricia Keane
On Jul 30, 2015 , at 6:31 PM, Cha d Mol nar <cha d.rnolna r@ > wrote:
It's actually not bad at all. It started with Eric Edmunds , but then they went to you expla ining the unprecedented level of traffic restriction
and mitigation, and then to Barbara Bruser desc ribing construction mitigation . Two supporters , and one opponen t.

On Jul 30, 20 15, at 6:36 PM , Mike Bonin <mike.bonin @lacity .org> wrote:
The in terv iew with Martha Groves ' pretty ell l think. Although she is very:ske ical of the idea that any i:1rojectcould reduce traffic . It's a
will see how she cha rac terizes it. She said a lot of peo le are claim ing that I reneged on my commitment. I said not only d id I keeg my
promise , but I exceeded it

Re: Arche r on KABC

6 message(s)
D ate : Thu Jul 30 2015 19:38:05 GMT-0600 (MDT)
Fro m : david grah amcasD
To: Mike Bonin
CC: Chad Moln ar , Tricia Keane
ID: 14ee l c256 09799 44

G ood . I resent her our or iginal letter, so she has actual proof that you exceeded your co mmitment s to the conununi ty.
Sent from my iPhone



Neighbors push back against private schools' plans to expand - LA Times

3 message(s)
Date: Sun A ug 02 2015 09 :10:38 GMT-0600 (MOT)
From : Ch ris Robertson
To: Tr icia Kea ne

ID: 14eeef6f9ac974e7

Is The Sunset Coal ition a new group? I've never heard of them before ...

http://www. ucation/ la-me-sc hools-expand-2015 0802-story .html#page= 1

Chris Robertson , A ICP, LEEO AP

Deputy Director of Land Use & Planning

Re: Neighbors push back against private schools' plans to expand - LA Times
3 message(s)
Date: Sun Au g 02 2015 09:13:15 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
T9: Chris Robertson
ID: 14eeef9573 124752
Yes. It's mainly the p[)I who appealed but did not reach a settle ment with archer
Director of Land Use & Planning
Councilmembe r Mike Bonin

On Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 9:41 AM, david grahamcaso <> wrote:

Revised, per your notes: UOMglAg4duNp2XRBEhnxrp7kQMAN9r8XradUZd24fM/edit?usp==sharing
This is about 70 words longer than Rod requested, but I think it is worth sending and seeing what he can do to fit
it in. Please send me edits as soon as possible as he is going to press tomorrow.
Thank you.

On Mon, Aug 3, 2015 al 11:21 AM, david grahamcaso <> wrote:

Mike let me know if you have any edits and I will send it to Rod.

Re: BHA Newsletter Submission Draft - Invitation to edit

14 message(s)
Date: Sun Aug 02 2015 12:34:11 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Mike Bonin
To : david grahamcaso
CC: Mike Bonin , Chad Molnar , Tricia Keane
ID: 14eefb1504c4adae
This needs to be more granular. It needs to do three things -- 1) explain my prism (traffic) and how i made my decision
(basically, some form of my LAT quote), 2) and then explain HOW (because people do not believe it) -- need to list specifics on
how traffic is limited, 3( commit to do same for other institutions

Councilmembe r, 11th District

On Aug 3, 2015 , at 1:26 PM, Mike Bonin <mike.bonin@laci> wrote:

please send me a list of more specific traffic mitigat ions so I can choose a couple . people do not believe this will reduce traffic .
they need specifics.



From: "Timothy 0 . Johnson" <>

Date: August 2, 2015 at 4:31 :26 PM PDT
Mike ,
Good for you to sticking up and helping Archer schools . We have no kids there - but have to say someone needs to stand up
for the education of our kids and against these old lizards opposing any progress .

Timothy 0 . Johnson

1 message(s)
Date: Sun Aug 02 2015 20:36 :14 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Mike Bonin
To: Tricia Keane , Chad Molnar
ID: 14ef16a9d9831cd3

From: Frank Marshall <>

Date: Mon, Aug 3, 2015 a 9:0T/iJv'I
Subject: Support for Arche r Comprom ise
To: counci

Dear Mike,
We apprec iate your calm and rational leadersh ip in brokering the Archer Forward compromise . We wanted you to know you
have our strong support as you head into the Council meeting this week . Hope to see you on the trail this summer .
Many thanks,
Frank Marshall and Kathleen Kennedy
dddcc 7bfc6 O.1.1
Frank Marshall
The Kenned Marshall Com an

On Aug 3, 2015, at 10:13 AM, Anna Kozma < > wrote:

This remains the latest to share regarding Archer , correct?

The pro osa l was covered unfavo rably in an LA Times article this morn ing, we have begun receiv ing calls.
On Mon, Aug 3, 20 15 at 10: 14 AM, Chad Molnar <cbad> wrote:

Just track the ca lls in a spreadsheet for now .

Re: Archer Update: Compromise Reached!

5 message(s)
Date : Mon Aug 03 201511 :19:29 GMT-0600 (MDT) .
From : A nna Kozma
T o: Chad Molnar
CC : Tricia Keane
ID: 14ef4934 76f1f00c
So when we receive calls we do not say the Councilmember supports the cu rrent ~roposal?


Re: Archer Upda te: Compromi se Reached !

5 message(s)
Date : Mon Aug 03 2015 11:32:28 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Chad Molnar
To ; Anna l<.ozma
CC: Tricia Keane
ID : 14ef49f28d43c3d4
You can say anything that he has already said abou t this issue, and yes you can say that he supports the current proposal because it will
reduce traffic on Sunset Boulevard . lf they ask "how can that be?" You can say that Archer agreed to mandatory busing of an unprecedented
76% of its students to the school, which is a higher percen tage than any other school in the We tside, and that will take cars off the road.
Archer also agreed to ve strict limits on the number of cars allowed to come to campus duri11gpeak hours, as well as restrictions on games
and events held on the cam s. You can a:t that Mike's # I riority for this pro~ was to reduce traffic on Sunset Bouleva
and these big
com romises from Arche r accom fish that.
If they ask about construction impact~ you can say that Mike insisted on a scaled down proj ect that resulted in reducing the const ruction
time from 6 years to 3, and that Archer committed to mitigating the construction impacts as well.

From: "Mecham , David L."<dmecham@tribunemedia .com>

Date: August 3, 2015 at 12:38:47 PM PDT
To : "" <>
Cc: "debbie .dynerharris@lac" <debbie.dynerharris@lacity .org>
Subject : KTLA calling
In Brentwood this afternoon. Is the councilman available re: Archer school?

Dave Mecham

KTLA 5 News

Fwd: KTLA calling

1 message(s)
Date : Mon Aug 03 2015 13:43 :52 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: david grahamcaso
To: Mike Bonin , Chad Molnar, Tricia Keane
CC :
ID: 14ef51784a b1c409

KTLA reads the Times ...

I can send them a statement if ou aren't available to make it up to Brentwood.
Sent from my iPhone

Missed Call - Alex Bakhtiar

3 message(s)
Date : Mon Aug 03 2015 12:22:18 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Anna Kozma
To : Debbie DynerHarris
CC : Tricia Keane
ID : 14ef4ccca419ef20
Hi Debbie ,
Alex Bakhtiar called to speak with you regarding an email he sent to both you and MB that he has not heard back on.
His concerns are Archer related , and he is reaching out to TK as well. However was checking in on any resQonse to
the one he had previously sent.
Alex Bakhtiar

Copying TK for the FYI/

Fwd : FW : Archer Update: Compromise Reached!

4 message(s)
Date : Mon Aug 03 2015 12:54:21 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Tr icia Keane
To : Martha Garcia

CC :
ID : 14ef4ea21 a3c0980

Please make sure Alex gets a response to his email re Archer.


On Fri, Jul 31, 20 15 at 3:39 PM , Tricia Keane <tricia,> w rote:

Hi Avak,
As I mentioned earlier today, attached is a document showing the edits that we need to the PLUM
committee report. These would be revisions/amendments to the committee recommendations to
cla rify that Errat a No. 5 is being adopted (and we know that Planning will be walking in 35 copies of
it), and that there w ere a couple additional actions taken at the comm ittee that weren't reflected
completely in the re port . Can yo u help turn this language into a motion? Let me know if y ou have
any questi ons or need any additional information.
Tr icia

Re: Archer Motion for 8/4 (CF 15-0672)

6 message(s)
Date: Sat Aug 01 2015 15:51:53 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Avak Keotahian
To: Tricia Keane
CC: John Gregory
ID: 14eeb408ed0c2f33
ok, so at this point the amending motion will ask that council adopt the 'attached' new report instead of the old report.
Is that what you want?

Re: Archer Motion for 8/4 (CF 15-0672)

6 message(s)
Date : Mon Aug 03 2015 10:49:54 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To: Avak Keotahian
CC : John Gregory
ID: 14ef4782e4971682

Yes, hat sounds r ight to me.

On Mon, A ug 3, 20 15 at 10 :02 AM , Ava k Keotahi an <avak.keotahia n@> w rote:

you know w at, I'm thinking that since Planning will bring 35 copies of a new committee report that covers
everything, we don't really need a Motion . We can j ust stamp the report as a 'substitute ' and the Counc il will
adopt the subst itute .

On Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 10:51 AM , T ricia Keane <t> wrote :

Hi Avak,
It m ight be easier to discuss by phone since there are a few different parts to th is. Can I give you a call ?

Re: Archer Mot ion for 8/4 (CF 15-0672)

6 message(s)
Date: Mon Aug 03 201513:07 :54 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To: Avak Keotahian
CC :
ID: 14ef4f6895b6ca23

Hi Avak,

I am in City Hall! It would be way easier to discuss in pers on . I'm around except for 2-3 pm today when I
have another meet ing, so yes, please feel free to stop by. Than ks!

Archer matter
3 message(s)
Date: Mon Aug 03 2015 09:27:36 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Chris Spitz
To: ""
ID: 14ef42cdd218d22c
Hi Tricia:

I was going to send out to my board this blurb from Mike's new newsletter:
Archer Compromise - For years , the proposed expansion plans for the Archer School for Girls in
Brentwood was an incredibly controversial topic in Brentwood. After months of negotiations, however, Mike
helped broker a ground-breaking covenant between the school and neighbors , allowing the school to
modernize its fac ilities while ensuring that the local neighborhood is protected from traffic, noise, and other
community impacts. Importantly , the agreement will actually reduce the Archer-related traffic on Sunset

Boulevard .

Or is there going to be another/moredetailed message about this (ie, should I hold off sending anything until later today)? I'm
fine with sending jus this, by the way (whatever you think!).
Chris Spitz

From: John Schwada [mai lto

Sent: Monday, August 03, 2015 11:52 AM
To: John Schwada <>
Subject: Archer School for Girls in Showdown with Its Brentwood Neighbors


Brentwood Residents Give School's Plan a Falling Grade

The Archer School's massive building project and the opposition to it was highlighted in a frontpage A section
article in the LA Times on Sunday (here's the link).


---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Elizabeth Chou <>

Date: Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 3:09 PM
Subject: FW : Archer School for Girls in Showdown with Its Brentwood Neighbors
To: david grahamcaso <>

Hi David,
From what I gathere d from th e LATimes story , the compr omise includes:
Cutting construction in half from six years to three years
Getting rid of a plan to build an aquatic center
Reducing the size of the performing arts cente r
Taking out field lights and an outdoor system
Is there a more complete list of what changes were made?
Also, obvious ly, as you can see below, some folks don't th ink this compromise will actu ally im prove traffic , and would
still lead to more congestion. What is Councilman Benin's reasoning behind t hinking tha t the compromise w ill cut
congestion, even making it better? Do the above concessions on an aquatic center, performing arts center and fie ld
lights mean tha t the school will have a more lim ited capacity t o hold public event s th at attract peqple, perhaps in the
evenings or weekends?

Fwd: FW: Archer School for Girls in Showdown with Its Brentwood Neighbors
4 message(s)

Date : Mon Aug 03 2015 16:15:02 GMT-0600 (MDT)

From : david grahamcaso
To : Tricia Keane , Chad Molnar
CC :
ID : 14ef5a1dc0c15eef
Tricia - Can I get a full list of conditions of the compromise as soon as possible?
Also , see the forwarded email below . Fuck Schwada .
---- - ---- Forwarded message ---------On Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 3:32 PM, Tricia Keane <> wrote:
Here's the lin k t o the conditions of approval--note
corrected be the planner erred.

that there are a couple of things in it that wil l be

http ://clk

misc conds 6 -30-15. pdf

Here 's a link to the cov enan t, which has some addi tiona l traff ic, cons t ruction, and other related measures in
htt p ://

School Covenant Ju ne 2015.pdf

Re: FW: Archer School for Girls in Showdown with Its Brentwood Neighbors
4 message(s)
Date: Mon Aug 03 201516 :35:04 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Chad Molnar
To : Tricia Keane
CC: david grahamcaso
ID: 14ef5b4806900097
In addition to that, we need to give her four or five key conditions, bulleted. Otherwise, she will not report what we want her to
report. For instance, she needs to know that we are requiring 76% busing .. she needs to know about car trip limits, and event
caps, etc. I know those are in the long conditions doc, but we can't make her look for it.

Re: FW: Archer School for Girls in Showdown with Its Brentwood Neighbors
4 message(s)
Date : Mon Aug 03 2015 16:35:04 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Chad Molnar
To : Tricia Keane
CC : david grahamcaso
ID : 14ef5b4806900097
In addition to that , we need to give her four or five key conditions , bulleted. Otherwise , she will not report what we
wa t her to report . For instance , she needs to know that we are requiring 76% Busing .. she needs to know about ~
trip limits, and event caps , etc . I know those are in the long conditions doc , but we can't make her look for it.

FW: Archer Errata 6 for Website

1 message(s)
Date: Mon Aug 03 2015 16:00:57 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Beth.Gordie@lw .com
To: tricia
ID: 14ef59527a7f4f92

From: Laura Rodriguez []

Sent: Monday, August 03, 2015 3:00 PM

To: Gordie, Beth (LA); Paull, Lauren (LA)
Subject: Fwd: Archer Errata 6 for Website
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:

From: "Laura Rodriguez" <>

To: "Heber Martinez" <heber>

Cc: "Elva Nuno-O'Donnell" <elva.nuno-odonnell@lacity .org>, "Stephanie Eyestone-Jones" <s.eyestone@ m>
Subject: RE: Archer Errata 6 for Website

HiCan you please replace th e Errata 6 that was uploaded with the attached. There was a divider page left out that separated
two of the revised app endices so it looked like it was one aEJend ix. This has been fixed in the attached.
Sorr ! And Thank you!!

Laura Rodriguez
Principal Planner

DF of Archer Letter
1 message(s)
Date : Mon Aug 03 2015 17:57:42 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Chad Molnar
To : Tricia Keane , david grahamcaso
ID : 14ef6002fee9af28
Here is a pdf of the Archer letter we just sent out. David- if you think it will help , you can send this to just those
reporters that are doing stories .

From: Chris Ashworth <>

Date: Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 4:49 PM
Subject: Hello councilmember Bonin. What about the insane Mount St. Mary's up Bundy and their plans for a large expansion?
To: Councilmember Bonin <>

The North Bundy ( where I have lived for more than 20 years) traffic from th e college campus is awful and I sure hoge there
are many eople fight ing this latest issue in our backyard too.
Please advise.

Chris Ashworth
Vice President & General Manager
Toyota of North Hollywood

Fwd: Hello councilmember Bonin. What about the insane Mount St. Mary's up
Bundy and their plans for a large expansion?
1 message(s)
Date : Mon Aug 03 2015 17:51 :32 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Councilmember Bonin
To : Tricia Keane
CC :
ID : 14ef5fa36d73dfe8
1st response to Archer email

---------- Forwarded message ---------From : Chris Ashworth <ashworth@nohotoyota .com>
Date : Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 4:49 PM

On Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 5:27 PM, Alain Rogier <rogierlaw@gma> wrote :

Thank you for your letter. Alas, I don't see how allowing archer a summer school decreasestraffic. I fear double
speak here.
Sent from my iPhone

Fwd: Mike, please defer Council vote tomorrow on the Archer Project
7 message(s)
Date : Mon Aug 03 2015 21 :48:09 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Mike Bonin
To : Chad Molnar, david grahamcaso
ID: 14ef6d2dd5eba3f3
we should get my letter out on nextdoor as well for all of brentwood -but it needs to be modified slighty to include the stuff i put in the BHA newsletter
I am stunned he used the term tar baby

On Mon , Aug 3, 2015 at 9:03 PM, david grahamcaso <dav > wrote :
Okay. Do you want it out tonight, or first thing tomorrow?
Sent from my iPhone

Re: Mike, please defer Council vote tomorrow on the Archer Project
7 message(s)
Date: Mon Aug 03 2015 22:04:21 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Mike Bonin
To : david grahamcaso
CC: Chad Molnar
ID: 14ef6e1af634879b

Councilmember , 11th District

Re: Mike, please defer Council vote tomorrow on the Archer Project
7 message(s)
Date : Mon Aug 03 2015 22:05 :12 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Chad Molnar
To : Mike Bonin
CC : david grahamcaso
ID: 14ef6e276fba3e1c

Let's do it right after the vote.

On Aug 4, 2015, at 8:00 AM, david grahamcaso <david.grahamcaso@lacity .org> wrote :

Hi Rod ,
We have a slight edit to the draft I sent you last night. Please use the version below instead.
Thanks ,
The hot topic around Brentwood these days is the Arche r School , so let me get straight to the point: I promised repeatedly that I
would not support a project that makes traffic worse . I am proud to report that I delivered, and the approved project will
actually reduce Archer's impact on Sunset traffic.

That's right. It will reduce traffic - as a result of a set of more than 50 remarkably strict and groundbreaking

On Aug 4, 2015, at 12:03 PM, Joy Benedict <jioyb@rocketmai> wrote:Hi David!Nlce meeting you today at City Council.
Thanks for your help with the Archer School Project Issue.This is my personal email (I don't check the work email as
frequently) , so save my contact informatio n and please let me know if Councilmember Bonin has any upcoming projects that
would make for a good sto .Joy BenedictReporterCBS 2/ KCAL 9Cell: 913-220-5474Wor k Email: jjbenedict@cbs.comSent
from my !Phone

From: Joy Benedict <UQYQ.@>
Date: August 4, 2015 at 12:04:31 PM PDT
To: "david .gra hamcaso@lacity .org" <david.g rahamcaso@ lacity .org>
Subject: Re: Nice meeting you!
Oh... And is the an expected$100M expansionproject?
Sent from my iPhone

Fwd: Nice meeting you!

2 message(s)
Date : Tue Aug 04 201 5 13:31:22 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : david grahamcaso
To : Tricia Keane

ID: 14efa32e 143f8b55

Wha t is the price tag on the project?

Sent fro m my IPhone

Re: Nice meeting youl

2 message(s)
Dale : Tue Aug 04 2015 13:51:34 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Tricia Keane
To : david gra hamcaso

ID: 14efa44df ddc57 19

we don't know for sure, but I have heard numbers north of $100 mill mentioned.

From : Groves, Martha <Martha.Groves@latimes .com>

Date : Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 12:26 PM
Subject: Archer Schoo l 12-0 vote. Does Mike have a comment?
To: david grahamcaso <david.grahamcaso@lacity .org>

Martha Groves
Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
Desk: 213-237-7110; cell : 310-344-0807

Perhaps ~120 million .

Fwd: Archer School 12-0 vote. Does Mike have a comment?

2 message(s)
Date: Tue Aug 04 201513:49 :14 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: david grahamcaso
To: Mike Bonin , Chad Molnar , Tricia Keane
ID. 4efa42bffe0a537
"Thanks to groundbreaking mitigations and strict conditions , the project the Council approved today will reduce traffic on
Sunset," said Councilmember Mike Bonin. "This sets the high bar that I will require of other institutions along the corridor , and if
they put in place similar traffic plans, we will see a big improvement in daily commutes on Sunset."

On Tue , Aug 4, 2015 at1 :02 PM , Douglas Freedman <drf reedman@westlahand .com> wrote :
From what I under stand, during and AFTERthe construction, there will be in gress/e gress on Barri ngton Ave of 160 staff
and workers at Arch er School), wh ich will severely impact homeown ers such as myself getting from my hou se to Sunset
Doug Freed man

Archer "compromise"
3 message(s)
Date : Tue Aug 04 2015 20:24:58 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : vivian alonso pine
To : "Mike .bonin@lacity .org"
CC : Tricia Keane , "chad"
ID : 14efbad 1fab3134d

Dear Mike Bonin,

Shame on you. What you agreed to for Archer , and how you are billing it as "Good for traffic" is insulting.
You sold us out.
I will vote against you next time , for lying to us. I will also post that on my Fb and Twitter feeds to influence all
fr iends and followers .
With disgust,
Vivian Pine
3440 Mandeville Canyon Rd
LA 90049


Fwd: Archer Project Media Coverage

1 message(s)
Date: Wed Aug 05 2015 09:00:31 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Debbie DynerHa rris
To : tricia
ID: 14efe60c625617f1

Sent from my samsung cell phone . please excuse any tpyos .

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: "Forman LA" <>
Date: Aug 4, 2015 8:57 PM
Subject: Fwd: Archer Project Media Coverage
To: "Debbie DynerHarris" <>
Just wanted to make sure you saw all of this's retty awful.
Begin forwarded message :
From: Nextdoor Mandeville Canyon <reply@rs>
Subject: Archer Project Media Coverage
Date: August 4, 2015 at 3:41 :28 PM PDT



!John Schwada, Mandeville Canyon

Los Angeles Times http://www .latimes .com/local/lanow/la-me ...

"Lingering concerns? " - more like the significant, unaddressed concerns of a vast majority
of Brentwood residents . Also , it should be noted that the Times article did not use the
Sunset Coalition's full statemen t in which the organialion also registered its deep
disappointment with Councilman Bonin.

From: Rodney Liber <rodliber@me .com>

Date: August 6, 2015 at 3:56 :30 PM PDT
To: david grahamcaso <david .qrahamcaso@lacity .org>

Subject: Re: BHA submission from Mike Bonin

I would like to change "Residential Neighbors of Archer" to "neighbors of Archer " since the group never formed an

Fwd: BHA submission from Mike Bonin

9 message(s)
Date: Thu Aug 06 2015 17 :01 :10 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : david grahamcaso
To : Chad Molnar , Mike Bonin , Tricia Keane
CC :
ID : 14f053f2f2d78bfe

Sent fro m my iPhone

Angry Opponents: Elite Archer School Won the Lobby Battle, but the War isn't o vr
5 message(s)
Date : Fri Aug 07 2015 08 : 15:08 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Mike Bonin
To : Chad Molnar , T ricia Keane , david grahamcaso
CC :
ID : 14f0883fcada0b84
http://www .citywatchla. com/lead-stories-hidden/9432-angry-opponents-e

lite-archer -school-won-the-lobby-battle -but-I

FW: The Sunset Coalition continues to oppose the massive Archer School expan ...
3 message(s)
Date: Mon Aug 10 201514 :38:17 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Chris Spitz
To : " "

ID: 14f1955d4 3e0ddca
See below, fyi . . . So now this grou12is 12
otentially going after t he Caruso 12
roject in Palisades and of course other school
P.rojects in Brentwood. As far as I know there are no Palisadians involved, despite the email address (Q_
nly Wright and Wendy
Sue). But I haven't been following it closely.
Regards ,
Chr is Spitz
President, Pacific Palisades Community Council

On Sun , Aug 16, 2015 at 4:52 PM , Marietta Tor riente <marietta.torriente@> wrote :
Hi everyone,
I'm following up on this Sunset Traffic Brownbag or Charrette. Are we still schedu ling this? If so we need to get it on
the calendar soon, September is filling up fast.

O n T ue , Aug 18 , 20 15 at 12: 57 PM , Sharon Shapiro <s haron .shap iro @ lacity .org > wrot e:
Yes, Paul is lead

Re: Archer Folo Up: Sunset Traffic Charette

6 message(s}
Date: Tue Aug 18 2015 14:53:50 GMT-0600 (MDT}
From : Marietta Torr iente
To: Sharon Shapiro
CC: Mike Ai . Mike Bon in . Debb ie DynerHa rris . Tricia Keane . Cha d Molnar , Paul Backst rom , david grahamcaso
ID: 14f429787f5dc4dd

Paul has already been coordinating with me.



On Fri, Aug 28 , 2015 at 4:45 PM, Rick Benfield <rbenfi eld@archer.o rg> wrote :

Hi Tricia,
I hope you're staying cool during this heatwave !

We are getting ready to schedule the kick off meeting for the Sunset Educational Corridor Association (SECA) required as
part of Archer Forward, and we suspec t it could be important to have your office involved - at least at the forma tive stages to ensure active participation . I'm thinking especially about St. Martin of Tours as there is no CUP imperative for them, so
as I get ready to send out the invitat ions I'd like to be able to say that you or perhaps even Mike himself?) will be attending
to conve_ythat this is significant and making this successful is a must.
Could you please let me know your thoughts about this? Attached isa draft Agenda , and I'd welcome any edi ts or
suggest ions from your office .
Also, assumi ng you all agree, wou ld you let me know if one of the follow ing dates (ove r the lunc h hour - lunch would be
served) does NOT wo rk? That way, when I send the invite I can include only dates we know work for you all .

11 :30 am to 1 :30 pm: Septe m ber 22 , 23, 24, 25, 28, 30

Thanksl I hope you have a nice weeke nd.

R ick Benfield


Re: SECA Kick Off Meeting

2 message(s)
Date: Sun Aug 30 2015 22:44:16 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Mike Bonin
To: Rick Benfield
CC: Tricia Keane , Yvonne Hale , Chad Molnar , Steve Sugerman , Paul Backstrom
ID: 14f8211ef2f6f87a
Thanks for reactilng out. I appreciate it.

I would like to ask Archer NOT to do this yet. I have a big "traffic on Sunset" event coming up in October, and ii is very
important that effort precede what Archer is looking to do here. I need to frame the issue properly, define what is possible for
traffic solutions, explain how future proposals from other institutions will be handled, and outline how I want the institutions to
work together for j oint traffic management. I think it is crucial that events happen in the right order.
I cc'd Steve Sugarman and a few folks from my team.

Archer & SECA

5 message(s)
Date : Mon Aug 31 201511 :56:24 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From : Tiffany Chao
To: tricia .keane@lacity .org
CC :
ID: 14f84e7300a1 c7ce
Hi Tricia ,
I hope this email finds you well. I'm writing on behalf of David Grannis and would like to set up a time for Councilman Bonin
and David to meet. David and I are going to be working to develop, design , and deploy SECA for the independent schools in
the Sunset Corridor . We are working with Archer, have met with Brentwood, and are helping Rick Benfield to design the kickoff
meeting .
David really wants to understand Councilman Benin's views, perspective and ideas so that going into this effort, we can keep
these in mind in our design and deployment of mobility services . David is currently on vacation but returns on September 9th .
Could you send me a few dates/times that would work for Councilman Bonin?
Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you .

RE: SECA Kick Off Meeting

2 message(s)
Date: Mon Aug 31 2015 09:36:23 GMT-0600 (MDT)
From: Steve Sugerman
To: Mike Bonin , Rick Benfield
CC: Tricia Keane , Yvonne Hale , Chad Molnar , Paul Backstrom
ID: 14f846705c97S558
M ike,

I'll speak w it h Archer today to make sure they fo llow the rocess you've out lined. Let us know what the school can do to
ort th is October event. Thx.































Nov2013Boninsoceismee ngwithArcherlobbyists
Apr29,2014BonincommentsIsthistheonlyemailwevego eninfavor
Oct2,2014Boninissuesprocommunityle er
Dec5,2014Bonincommentsitisworthno ngIhavenotheardfroma
Feb3,2015BCCmonthlymee ng,boardisaskedbyBoninsstaand
A erwards,hereceivesmanythankyouemails,messagesfromArcher

June30,2015PLUMCommi eeandcovenantsigned
Aug4,2015Councilmee ng,Boningetscounciltoapprove
Sep10?,2015SunsetCoali onlawsuitled

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