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Wheelbarrow Scandal in Kenya

1. What went wrong?


A report by the county Public Accounts Committee stated that

government officials violated the Public Finance Management Act.
- The report also stated that the Evaluation committee quoted incorrect
figures for the wheelbarrows.
- The above are examples of corruption by government officials.
- Kenya is highly corrupt ranking at 145 out of 175 countries as ranked
by Transparency International.1
- Corruption due to lack of accountability and transparency has led to
increase of such cases.
- The Kenyan governments lack of transparency and tolerance of
corruption creates a culture of impunity where corruption thrives.
- The current systems in place are adequate enough to prevent such
events from happening and when they do happen the measures taken
on the culprits are not enough to prevent other people from doing the
same thing.
2. What action was taken?
- A report was written by the county Public Accounts Committee to
explain the controversy.
- The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission was called to investigate
the matter
- The governor of Bungoma County Ken Lusaka demanded an audit into
the purchase of the wheelbarrows and for the officials who took part to
resign before action is taken.2


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