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2, 2016

116 Veterans Services Building
20 W 12th Street
St. Paul, MN 55155

Dear Governor Dayton,

This letter is intended to publicly establish our agreement of the intent of HF 848, the 2016
Omnibus Tax Bill, and specifically clarify the language concerning charitable gambling.

The intent and shared understanding of the legislature is that the definition of bingo hall
includes only locations where bingo is the primary lawful gambling activity. This
understanding is not only verbal, but also clearly documented in the nonpartisan House
and Senate research summaries and spreadsheet adopted by the conference committee.

With respect to Article 5, section 28 of HF 848, the definition of bingo hall, we agree to
repeal that provision retroactive to the date of enactment and replace it with new language
that changes the word or to and.

Subd. 4a. will be changed as follows:

Subd. 4a. Bingo hall. (a) "Bingo hall" means the premises on which an
organization licensed under this chapter regularly conducts bingo if:
(1) more than 50 percent of the organization's gross receipts from lawful
gambling in the prior calendar year were attributable to the conduct of bingo
or the organization had no receipts from lawful gambling in that year; or and
(2) no other organization conducts lawful gambling on the premises.

Our intention is to introduce and enact a separate bill that includes only this provision as
early as possible in the 2017 legislative session. With this clarification, we now urge you to
sign the tax bill without delay. A one-word technical error should not result in the veto of a
bipartisan tax relief package for Minnesotans.


Tom Bakk
Kurt Daudt
Senate Majority Leader
Speaker of the House

David Hann
Senate Minority Leader

Paul Thissen
House Minority Leader

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