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PART ONE Questions 1-8 ‘¢ Lookat the statements below and at the five extracts fm an article on the opposite page about working in the field of management consultancy. 4 Which extract (A, B, €, D or F) does each statement (ea) refer 10? = Foreaci statement 1-8, mark one letler (A, B, C, D or E} on your Answer Sheet = You will need to use sume of tagse lottors more than once © There isan example atthe beginning, (0) Example: Consultants may be able to work for a specialist firm A B Cc D él oseooo 1 Consullants must be prepared to change the way they have evaluated a proect. Consaltants need to value the colleagues they work with 23 Longe consultoncas often have a background in accounting, 4 Consultants need to be able to assass each person's contribution accurately 5 Your can become a constant ven if you have na management experience 5 Mentoring is afton used to help trainees became more effective atthe job. 7 Consultancy work is satisiying bx use you sce the end result of a project 5 Consultants must aot be frightened oF being honest A | spocaproportions peapleenteringconsaltaney dso alter several yeorsolincusty expense ‘hore why have gone thea a big raduate programe, ve cinisad the caret lair {ekly and ni have am N/BA behind the tend 0 be favoured, But fear rot if you ave tev player with sap intellect, ambition and aeod comico shi, consultancy fms nay be willing to tain you up themseives, New centens will sally join an intensive induction and teoining period under the guidance of an experienced consultant, During that ine, you'll develop yous sellsand experience and gain ever mors responsibility for the detailed day: conduct ofan assignmert. Employers, like consultancy worl itself, ore vay varied. You could apt for a generalist consulting firm, whieh ollers 2 wide range of services favm strategy consulting, and human respurees to IT and, in some eases, outsourcing, fon a glebal basis, Many of those firs grow out cof audil firms, while others developed within IT service companies. Altemmatively, yous could join 9 strategy consultaney. These land to be muh smaller than the generalist fitrns.and the majority are American, As the tert suggests, they primerlly offer stategic advie to companies 09 2 prujectebysprojet basis D Cethy Monghan, head of the HR consultancy PIS, adds that consultants need resilience’ "You need fe be able to prioritise and then inevitably repricetise in accoxdancewiththecticnt’s needs, sho says, Meanishile, Hator Walker, executive chairman of Pielie Consulting Group, belieses consultants should al 59 “capable of seeing hole picture from fragments of infermatvn, able to determing the key to moving ro the next ‘ep and have avery evar appreciation of the lave of unforeseen consequences.” He exlds, “They also neat ty hes ear player With the ambition to be captain and the humility &9 wegnive the Impertance of every asember of the ta. E Dlwya Burgess, client service dinctor of HR coniutoncy Chiumento, agcees that sophisticated tam skills are key. “Consultants have to be astute enough to spot the peuple who can helo andl those that sei hinder the pragnens bof a project and then have 2 stratagy to work With oF around the enablers and blockers,” Jn adds, "You Have to cell AU how itis.” adds ‘Tom Bary, BlessingWhite European managing aliteston, “For exemple, there will be occasions When you have ta adviee a lien! an sametiving, you know won't be populae. This is all part ond parcel of providing consultency. You need tha strony spine.” © Coogultncies Association Think Tank, buloves he’s mever buen a better time to heccune a management consultant. “Wha you cescrhe what's involuel in management consuitaney = gping to meetinugs gpthering data and writing reports it dese exocty sound exiting,” deity Coumiowska. “But in fac, corsa tents pt to spend ‘hot of time rely listening to ents, helping therm to articulate the issue they are prappling wita and resolving the prublem, Ifyou the the analy oa decor it's ike being abe ko both dsynese 2 eat priblemandi dothesixgery” Fiona Caomiawita, ditector of the Management

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