Economy in Britian For K10

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Exercises on British Economy

Match the words with their definitions
1. commodities market
2. distribution
3. forein exchange market
4. economic recession
5. the stock exchange
6. textiles
7. trade unions
8. privatisation
9. inflation
10. Inland Revenue
a. the transporting of goods to and from factories, ports, shops...
b. a bad period for industry and international trade
c. the sale of a state-owned industry; the government sells the companys shares
to members of the public who want to buy them
d. the national organizations which represent workers in theirnegotiations with
employers about pay and conditions of work
e. a place where sugar, oil, metals, etc. can be traded.
f. a place where large amounts of foreign currencies can be bought and sold.
g. the government organization which is responsible for collecting taxes in
h. materials made from wool, cotton, etc.
i. general rise in prices, resulting in a fall in the value of money.
j. the place where stocks and shares can be bought and sold.

Complete the following sentences
1. In Britain, people dont work very .....
2. Manual work is a kind of job that you work with your ....., whereas in nonmanual work you work with your .........
3. High ......... are more important than job satisfaction.
4. The ...... age for most people is 65.
5. The economic system in Britian is a mixture of .... and public enterprise.
6. Class and ..... do not ru parallel in Britain.
7. When people want to invest money, they often care about an atmosphere
of .... and a feeling of personal .....
8. Banking, insurance and forein exchange are examples of .....
9. Milk, cheese and yoghurt are examples of ......
10. One worldwide famous department store in Britain is.....
III. Which of the following have increased in Britain in recent decades
and which have decreased?
1. the number of people who work in factories
2. the mumber of industrial museums
3. computers and robots in factories
4. the manufacture of high-tech products
5. employees in service industries
6. the number of hotels and restaurants
7. the number of holiday tour operators
8. self-employed people
9. state-owned industries
10. the power of trade unions

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