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Value Rocks Project

~Start with an 8x8 inch square project paper

Step 1- Fill the square with organic pebble shapes in a VARIETY of sizes
SMALL, MEDIUM AND LARGE. (try not to make too many small ones.
Step 2-Choose a light source- remember if your light source is on the left the
lightest areas and highlights will be one the left and darkest areas and
shadows will be on the right.
Step 3- In pencil and blending stump or q-tip shade each pebble according to
the placement of the light source.
Use a value scale to help you remember that the grey will transition
smoothly from one shade to the next. Value should transition as follows white
to light grey to grey to medium dark grey to black.

Step 4-When you are done shading the rocks, choose a 4-6 word saying,
quote, song lyric, poem, or meaningful collection of words to engrave on
the rocks. Use capital letters and write the words one individual rocks with
the darkest value possible by pressing hard so they appear to be sunken into
the rocks. Do not bunch the words up, scatter them across the paper so they
make your eye travel from one side of the rocks to the other.
Step 5- Center and glue paper onto a 9x9 inch square background paper.
Step 6- SIGN your artwork in the corner with your artist SIGNATURE.
Step 7- PRINT your name and block on the BACK of your work. :)

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