Letter To Governor Dayton 6.2.16

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Kurt Daudt i eae hee Minnesota House of Representatives Governor Matk Dayton 116 Veterans Servie Building 20 W 12th Sect. St Paul, MN 55155 Governor Dayton, ‘Thank you for your letter today. would kindly ask you fo reread my letter ftom yesterday didnot _ceuse you of holding ia rele for farmers, parents, students and sall businesses hostage. I simpy reminged ‘you that those were your words, andT was leting you know Iagee with your position, Here isthe excerpt fom iy leer yesterday with your quotes: Last week at your pres conference you sated: "With the special session, whether or not there's going ta be a bonding bill one ofthe requirements fo do that are matters that are standalone. Um not going to i people or the supplemental bud, th hey did fund 1'm pt going 2 hold onseratons [ink the bending and wansportation should be ‘onsdered and ated on thetr own mers. In addition, on May 19 you told reporters; “Imade vey clear to them [Senate DFE. & House ‘Republicans tht this ax Bil shal of ths package, bu i ont sufice for my support on a standatone basis.” (One thing that is vital in negotiating these Final important assis making sure that we trust each other ‘completly n order for us to trust each other, we must make sue tha our word is good. You sated very clearly that you wanted the “bonding bill and transportation tobe considered and acted on thet own merit”. respect what you sad, believe that you meant it and hold you acoustable oi have very clearly agreed to remedy your two taxelatod requests which wil lea up any outstanding issues and allow you to sign that ill s curently written. The drafting error, which isthe more urgent ofthe two, ean be temporarily remedied without legislative action. This apaoach is not new legislative leaders and {governors including your own administration, have historically worced together fo make these adjustments. We ‘commit to this same, standard proces to resolve the issue immediately and ensure your signature onthe 2016 ‘Omnibus Tax Bill Once you have done that, we can continue discussions onthe issues related to transportation and bonding. ook forward to meeting with you once you have made a final decision onthe 2016 Omnibus Tax Bil oa Speaker ofthe House (esnaaessse o

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