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Jos Aguilar

March 16-16

Personal statement.

Over a year ago made the decision to come to this country to work and be able to give a better
life to my family my grandmother who always cryo since my mother came to the United States,
was a little sad but once very happy to see me that at last I would see once more my mother
that made me very happy with me too.
Before reaching 18 years of age able to acquire my legal documents to vijar this country
could finally help the woman who helped me since childhood and was always with me. At 18
years, two days later we went to Guatemala City to Esquipulas a nice place which had been
never go for not having a valid document to pass and a minor that neither of my parents were
with me.
And get my passport had managed to go see this marvel place and I felt happier
because it was a promise that was fulfilling my dear mother (grandmother) when we returned
was all normal and Segui preparing everything for what my trip to come to the states united,
missing very little to travel on October 26, 2014 was the last birthday I could celebrate my dear
mother before I came because two days after I left my country to undertake a journey here to
the US Spend a whole day at the airport I lost my flight because after that the next day board
the next plane heading to Charlotte when she finally arrives achieved after so long to see my
mother and my stepfather along with my three younger siblings.
The day that comes only rest that day and how I wanted to help my little mother who had
left in my country asked my stepfather to get me work for the next day and so was I went to
work for a whole weeken with a friend of my father named James, was working in the yard
when she finally came the day of pogo I felt very happy and excited to see that abia earned over

$ 650 dollars just 6 days a week because in my country only earned $ 49 dollars a week was
something very exciting I started saving to send something to my country, when had last few
days to day 20 received my payment and I decided to send my mother who was in El salvador a
bit of money bun unfortunately two hours after informed me that she had died, I was very sad at
first, but then I remembered what she had told me to give thanks to God for having my real
mother now with me.
Now I give thanks for all the advice she scolded me and for all the times She also advise
me and the great mother to me also present it in spite of not having seen my mare after a long
time so even my mother was even at the beginning I was not used but then I was taking her
affection and increasingly appreciating not without first giving thanks for the life that gave me
and be my mother.
After four months of working, I decided to take the advice of my grandmother on to
further study and decide to apply for the high school to finish my studies.
I began my studies again on January 28, 2015 I ye kept my degree without having failed
aora me just giving wait to see if I will approve the last year I have left in this school I am very
happy because almost finish my studies and I graduate at last.
I can only wait to see if I passed this school year but then I am very happy because
since, began working with my new boss who was about 6 months ago, he says he does not
care that this study do ue when you need the work is always ready to help me not go every day
to work only on weekends and days we do not have classes.
At the beginning I had trouble after the ta measures did not know how to take a measure
with the tape meters but since I'm there on me gone enceando slowly and I've known you cope
in this work for every day to be learning a little more because this work has been very
interesting for me.

I hope to continue so clear that it is not just that I want to learn but especially to earn a
little more money to pay my college and continue my studies and follow the advice of my
madresita always taught me and Asher feel proud of all my family.

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