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Reforming the Industrial World


Name:Jesse Garcia
Date: 11/20/13

Questions/ Main Ideas:


allowing owners of business and and industry to set working
conditions without interference.
literally means let do.

Adam Smith

Wrote The Wealth of Nations

said economic liberty guaranteed economic progress.
lived by three laws 1. self interest 2. competition 3. supply
and demand.


being judged on how useful you are.

Utilitarians pushed for reforms in law, prisons and education
and generally promoted womens rights.

Jeremy Bentham

said government should try and promote the greatest good

for the greatest number of people.
made plans to give his body to science and have his body


the factors of production are owned by the public and operate

for the welfare of all.
view of human nature?
Gov. should plan the economy.


is a radical form of socialism

Karl Marx- the communist manifesto
Bourgeoisie-haves middle class employers
proletariat-have nots workers
working men of all countries unite!


a complete form of socialism in which the means of

production would be owned by the people. Private property
would cease to exist and all goods and services would be

shared equally.

an organized group of workers in a particular trade, joining

together voluntarily.

Reform laws

Factory act of 1833- children under 9 could not be hired.

children 9-12 could only work for 8 hours. 13-17 for 12 hours
Mines act of 1842- women and children were not permitted to
work underground
10 hour act

Women industrial revolution

made more money in factories but only made 1/3 of what

men made.
led reform movements to make more money.

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