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Martin Gamboa

681Bonnie Brea St. Los Angeles, CA 90057 Email: Phone: (323) 672-7673

A graduate of Los Angeles School of Global Studies with excellent managing skills and great
Digital skils that pass peoples perspectives


[2016-Jun. 2016]

Los Angeles School of Global Studies

Working Experience:
Papa Johns

[Jun 2015-present]

-Knowing every quality of custumer service to give good customer satisfaction

-Temporary manager gives me there experience of running a store alone
-Entrusted to handle money of the stores safe
-Created good quality pizza

My Civic Action:

[Mar.-Apr. 2016]

-Taking on a real life issue through civic action

-Proposed a policy by enforcing and modifying
-Presented and to a major audiences and to the youth community
- Created and developed an Imovie Documentary

College Ready Assessment:

[Apr.-May 2016]

Elements of Art:


-Evaluated and analyzed a complete novel (Death of a Salesman &1984)

-Developed a clear thesis
-Used MLA fromat to complete a argumentative essay
-Created a work cited page to give creadit to the resources of my evidence
-Used Unique techniques to create a drawing
-Used digital Representing elements of art
-Created digital art using Adobi illustrator
-Created digital art using Photoshop

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