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Katherine, Briana and Bethany walk in

Trap music playing from Katherines speaker
Everyone dances, Katherine gets wild
Jesse stops music
Jesse: Ok but Katherine youre white. I know you saved my life
but daamn.
Katherine is unamused
Jesse: begins to hug Katherine AHHHH
Katherine: Ahhh!
Eva hands Katherine the bag of drugs
Eva: Hey, heres the weed. You better not mess it up this time.
Katherine: Okay, okay, I wont! Youll have your money soon
Eva: And you owe me, remember
Katherine: Its fine, okay. Here you go, Mama DiAngelos special
blend and all that. Your traditional weed, I got that good kush,
you feel? By the end of the week if you sell that all for me Ill
give you a bonus.
Jesse takes bag
Leanne walks by, sees everyone across the street
Leanne: Jesse? Jesse! What do you think youre doing? Stop! Im
disappointed in you guys.
Bethany: Yeah, I dont know Jesse
Jesse: Listen Leanne, I need money, I aint got nothing for my
apartment these days. Ill be safe.
Briana: Can yall shut the fuck up and stop worrying? Damn.
Shes smart, I know she wont get caught.

Leanne: I know shes smart! Thats why she can make money with an
honest, legal job! You can get money in other ways! Ill find you
a job soon, I was just talking to my friend Derrick, his company
needs people in the back. You dont need this in your life. I
know its an easy way out but the police...if somebody
snitch...its not safe.
Banging heard from offstage
Katherine: Shit yo, did you hear that?
Eva: What was it?
Police, offstage: put your hands up!
Everyone freezes, but Leanne steps forward
Leanne: Hey wait a minutGunshot, all lights turn off, Leanne is on the ground.
Everyone leaves the stage except Leanne, who is laying there for
a while longer.
Sounds are heard, chairs squeaking, banging, running, screaming,
silence, and then a phone ringing

Third charge
You know what Linda you can take that taser and shove it straight
up yourputs hands up and sits down
Ok my bad you know I love you.
Yo Linda the last time I was here I left my Kat von D. lipstick?
That shit is lifeproof! Its in shade Underage Red? Im sure
you know all about underag- OK LINDA PUT THE TASER DOWN LINDA!

Backs up and puts hands up

Yall should take that away from her!
Look, Ive never had much Linda. I dont really have my dad...or
my brothers.
God damn chill Linda I know where Im going with this. Fine. Ill
call you officer.
Uh, these girls are all I have. Jesse is all I have! You know how
shitty her life is? I wanted to help, to do something for once.
And...this is the only way I know how to.
Ay, I know what will happen to me. Laughs this is my third
charge! And I know because Im 19, I wont be going where she is.
Just...please. I told her if she sold it all in a week shed get
a bonus. She didnt know what to do
She didnt know what was going on.
Wipes eyes
Damn it you got me in my feelings Linda
I see you Craig! Craig you can go suck a dWhat? NO! How could you?! You bastards! You killed her?
Katherine falls on her knees, crying
No, no, no.
Katherine steps back into the line

First charge

Oh, oh, Im sorry. My story? Oh, my perspective of the events,
ok, sorry.
Well, we were all there in the room and Katherine...Jesse needs
money, she doesnt have enough money for food, or her apartment,
I think shes going to...or was going to be evicted soon...and
she wants to become something you know? But she doesnt have the

stability necessary to discover herself, she hasnt had a lot of

opportunities in her life an- looks up yeah. Im sorry Ill get
back on track
So, we were all at one of Leannes events, she was giving a
speech. Afterward Katherine really wanted us all to go back to
her house, so we did. I had some drugs that Katherine wanted me
to pick up from one of her friends, I didnt know they would end
up with Jesse. Katherine called it her good kush or something
like that.
Jesse needs money, she didnt have anything to do with the drugs,
if anything but me in jail. Please don't arrest- Leanne...long
pause, crying she didnt come with us but she saw us as she was
walking home...she saw Jesse and she wasnt having it, she was
trying to stop Jesse from doing this, but the next thing we
knew...I know shes dead.
No jail? Okay officer, thank you. Walking back to line
And please
First charge
Officer, Im - Im so sorry I dont know what happened. I didnt
mean to cause any trouble-I swear!I dont know what I was
thinking. They made me come along. This wasnt even my fault!
Just please let me go!
Alright, thank you officer. So it was a Friday Afternoon when my
cousin Katherine called me up and invited me over to one of her
friends - Leannes - conference. I was so excited, you know, like
African-American people and like their...activism is so IN right
now! We were leaving the event and they started talking about
something-they wouldnt let me hear- but they MADE me come along,
I tell you they MADE me!
starts crying
Its-its just that I should have known... I never should've come
along. That was the worst mistake of my life.

Briana Weaver. 19. Third charge. *pauses and glares* Yes, I sold
drugs. Yes, I did drugs. Yes, Im a bad influence, but who the
hell am I influencing anyway? I left my family cause they.
didnt. get. me. And it seems like yall dont get me either.
Should I smile for your picture? Oh,nope? Fine, I didnt want to
smile for your damn camera anyway!! Whats there to smile about?
Nothing, absolutely nothing!
Ive never been caught for something like this before, but I
dont care if I go to jail! Leanne is.. injured, I think, and
its all your fault!! She didnt deserve this, she really was too
good for us. I dont know how yall sleep at night.
Stumbles in, shoves someone off, mascara running, red eyes,
Ay man dont touch me!
Sits down reluctantly and stares at audience
Jesse Miles, 16. None.
Yeah, my parents dead actually. Surprised you dont remember. You
know, since you were the ones who killed them. I dont exactly
feel like I need to explain this to yYOU DONT REALIZE THEY DIED IN HERE DO YOU?!
Damn...always acting like you aint know! I was 9 when your
officer beat my dad to death. And my mother...well after she got
caught with the cocaine she rotted away in here. I had no one. NO
ONE! I was in that foster home cleaning the crap off that crazy
white ladys floor so she would feed me once a day.
So I ran. I ran until my legs couldnt carry me no more. And
thats when she found me
Katherine. She and her brothers, they were good to me. And I
aint never been no kiss ass either. But she still treated me
like her sister. But I guess...well lets be honest shes the
whole reason Im in here. That was our deal. I join the hustle,
She takes care of me. And now look at us huh?
Laughs dryly. Looks offended

Oh, as if you know shit about me?

I was only doing what she told me, ask her!
Is being dragged away
(Leannes dead)
Trayvon Martin. Sandra Bland. Timothy Russell. Michael Brown.
Patrick Dorismond. Tamir Rice. Kimani Gray. Timothy Stansbury Jr.
Eric Garner. Sean Bell. Ervin Jefferson. Freddie Gray. Rekia
Boyd. Kendrec McDade. Aiyana Jones. Alberta Spruill. And now, me.
Leanne Jackson.
Lights go off.

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