BDE Long Span Bridges Supplement

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Editors comment

ong-span bridges have always held a fascination for structural engineers and
indeed, for the general public with the longest bridges of each type generally
categorised by their worldwide rating. When a new record is set, as seems to happen
on a regular basis, the latest title-holder is accorded great publicity and guaranteed
an audience around the world.
But as our supplement makes clear, the biggest challenges in long-span bridge engineering
are not necessarily the record-breaking structures. These may be challenging when they
are under construction particularly if they are being built in regions which experience
extreme weather conditions but often they employ tried and tested design approaches and
construction technologies, with the longer spans generally driven by topography or other
project-specific criteria.
The skills of engineers and architects working on any long-span bridges can often be tested
more thoroughly when it comes to designing them for highly-seismic locations, using unusual
combinations such as those with multiple cable-supported spans in series, or being tasked with
creating aesthetically-pleasing structures at this kind of scale.
In this special supplement we kick off with an overview of long-span bridges in China, where
many of the worlds longest spans can currently be found; canvass opinion on the hot-topics in
long-span bridges around the world, and report on some of the ongoing, planned and recentlycompleted long-span crossings. It is by no means exhaustive, that would be impossible in a
publication of this size, but I hope it will give readers a flavour of some of the challenges the
industry is facing today

Circulation manager Maggie Spillane

Designer Lisa Arcangeli
Production Gareth Toogood
Managing director Graham Bond

Helena Russell

Lisa Russell, Man-Chung Tang

Cover image: Rendering of Hlogaland Bridge which is

under construction in Norway (Dissing & Weitling)
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04 THE LONG GAME: Half of the worlds top twenty longest-span suspension
bridges are in China, as are six out of nine of the longest spans of other types of
bridges. Man-Chung Tang reports on recent progress in the current international
hot-spot for long-span bridges

14 EXTREME LENGTHS: Some of our longest-span bridges have been around

for several decades now, and to a large extent the technologies and engineering
know-how of these structures are tried and tested. Lisa Russell explores the
influences on long-span bridge design today, and the challenges of our ageing

34 SUBSCRIBE: Get your own copy of Bridge design & engineering every quarter.
43 SPONSORED COMPANY PROFILES: Our commercial partners highlight
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The long game

Half of the worlds top twenty longest-span

suspension bridges are in China, as are six out
of nine of the longest spans of other types of
bridges. Man-Chung Tang reports on recent
progress in a hot-spot for long-span bridges




Left: Sutong Bridge over the Yangtze River is the second-longest cable-stayed span in the world (Fan Jianhua/
Shutterstock). Above: Shibanpo Bridge is now ten years old but still the worlds longest girder bridge span

ver the last 30 years, China

has built a huge network of
highways of about 4,000,000km
of regular highways and more
than 75,000km of expressways. A
comparison of Chinas expressway system
to the US Interstate bears discussion. The
US began to build the Interstate system in
1956 while China did not start until 1987.
Being the strongest economy in the world
at that time, the US interstate system took
off very quickly. By contrast, China was a
very poor country in 1987 and the countrys
network of expressways was slower to
develop. But eventually, it overtook the
US and now has the greatest length of
expressways of any country in the world.
The expansion of Chinas highway system
is not the only reason so many bridges are
needed; its cities are also developing and
need increased river-crossing capacity. It
is somewhat sobering to consider that in
1985, there were only three bridges over
the entire 6,300km length of the Yangtze
River one in Chongqing, one in Nanjing
and one in Wuhan.
Today, there are more than a hundred.
In addition to those major bridges, a large
number of crossings have also been built
over other rivers and valleys, and many of
these are long span bridges.
How is long-span defined? Among the


four categories of bridges in the world

girder bridges, cable-stayed bridges, arch
bridges and suspension bridges the
definition of long span depends on the
type of structure. A 300m span might be
very long in a girder bridge, but it would
be considered very short if it were a
suspension bridge.
The table below lists the three longest
spans in the world in the four categories
of bridges; of these 12, seven of them are
in China, and of the 20 longest suspension
bridges, which are also the 20 longest
spans of all bridges either completed or

under construction, ten of them are in

China. There is no doubt this bridge boom is
an exciting time for bridge lovers.
In terms of bridge technology, China is a
latecomer, but it has been a rapid learner.
The countrys first real long-span bridge,
the 423m-span cable-stayed Nanpu Bridge
in Shanghai, was opened to traffic in 1992,
while most of the longest spans in Europe
and North America were completed many
years previously. Real long-span suspension
bridges flourished in the 1930s in the USA
while segmental girder bridges and cablestayed bridges began in the early 1950s
in Germany. So bridge building is neither
a modern technology nor considered a
high-tech venture. Building a conventional
long-span bridge today even the worlds
longest span is only contingent on cost,
as the technology for building bridges
is already mature. In many ways it is the
speciality bridge that hold more interest,
though they may not be the longest spans
in the world, or even in China.

Girder bridges
Of all bridge types, the girder bridge is the
most common. But the Shibanpo Bridge in
Chongqing, which is a 330m-span hybrid
structure, currently holds the world record
for span length. It is located next to an
existing girder bridge which was completed
in 1981 and because of the proximity of
the two bridges, it was natural to design
the new structure as a girder bridge for
aesthetic reasons.
The span arrangement of the old

Bridge type


Span (m)












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19 74






Wanxian Bridge in Chongqing is the worlds longest-span concrete arch at 420m (Photo: Glabb)

bridge has two main spans of 156m and

174m, and the original intention was to align

the piers of the new bridge with those of
the old bridge. However the Waterways
Authority was concerned that the 174m-long
main span of the old bridge was already
very tight for modern river traffic and
the presence of the new piers would have
created a tunnel effect for ship navigation.
Thus, the authority insisted that the pier
between the two spans be deleted, creating
a 330m-long main span. To date, the longest

all-concrete box girder bridge is the 301m

span Stolmasunde Bridge in Norway, which
was completed in 1998, while the longest
all-steel girder bridge is the 300m span
Costa e Silva Bridge in Brazil, completed in
For the Shibanpo Bridge, with its
330m-long main span, a concrete structure
would have been too heavy and the longterm deflection would have been difficult
to control, especially at the middle portion
of the bridge. A steel bridge on the other

hand would have required very thick plates

and would have been too difficult and too
expensive to fabricate, especially the girder
portion over the piers.
To avoid these problems, TY Lin
International designed a prestressed
concrete girder bridge with a 130m-long
steel box at the mid span. The concrete
portion of the bridge was built segmentally
using form travellers a large number of
concrete segmental bridges had already
been built in China, so this was rather
The steel box girder was fabricated
in Wuhan, which is about 1,000km
downstream of the bridge site. To facilitate
its transportation, the steel box was
designed to act as a barge as well. After
closing the two ends it was launched like a
ship onto the Yangtze River and towed to
the site where it was lifted and connected
to the two cantilevers. The lifting operation
was completed within the permitted 12-hour
window and the bridge was opened to
traffic in 2006.

Arch spans
The worlds three longest span arch
bridges are all in China; the 552m span
Chaotianmen Bridge which crosses the
Yangtze River in Chongqing; the 550m span
Lupu Bridge crossing the Huangpu River

Chaotianmen has a span of 552m and crosses the Yangtze River in Chongqing



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The Queensferry Crossing, Edinburgh, Scotland
Photo Credit: Transport Scotland


Lupu Bridge over the Huangpu River in Shanghai has a 550m main span has arch ribs with box-shaped cross-sections

in Shanghai and the 530m-span Bosideng

Bridge over the Yangtze River in Luzhou.

The Chaotianmen Bridge is a truss arch,
the arch ribs of the Lupu Bridge have box
shape cross-sections and the arch ribs of
the Bosideng Bridge are concrete-filled
steel tubes. The design and construction
of first two bridges was fairly conventional
with the Chaotianmen Bridge constructed
as a pair of cantilevers and the arch ribs of
the Lupu Bridge built using highlines and
temporary cable stays.
China has built more than 400 arch
bridges using concrete filled steel tubes, as
this type of construction is very economical
in China and many steel fabricators have
acquired the equipment needed to produce
the spirally-welded steel tubes used for
this type of arch bridge. Erection is mainly
done using highlines and most of these arch
spans are relatively moderate in length.
But the Bosideng Bridge in Luzhou,
Sichun, which opened to traffic last year,
has a span of 530m, with the steel portion
of the arch measuring 518m. The arches
typically consist of a group of steel tubes
braced against each other by smaller
steel tubes. The main tubes are filled
with concrete after the arch has been
constructed. To ensure that the tubes were
completely filled with concrete, the vacuum
pumping method was successfully applied

to the Bosideng Bridge for the first time.

Currently, the worlds longest concrete
arch span is the Wanxian Bridge in
Chongqing a 420m span bridge which
crosses the Yangtze River in Wanxian and
was opened to traffic in 1997. The arch rib
is shaped like a catenary and is 16m wide
and 7m deep with a rectangular triple-cell
box concrete section. An arch truss made
of steel tubes was first erected with the
help of temporary cable stays. This steel
arch was designed to be embedded in the
concrete section and was used as a form
support for the concrete arch, which was
cast segmentally from both abutments
toward the span centre. The concrete deck
is 23m wide and 140m above the normal
water level of the Yangtze River, and it
consists of precast T-beams resting on
vertical spandrel columns.

Cable-stayed bridges
The first major cable-stayed bridge to be
built in China was the Nanpu Bridge over
the Huangpu River in Shanghai, which
opened to traffic in December 1991. Its
main span of 423m was the longest in
China at the time of its completion. The
same team of engineers and contractors
went on to design and build another cablestayed bridge, the Yangpu Bridge, also over
the Huangpu River in Shanghai. It took

them just 29 months to design and build

this second bridge which had a span of
602m and was the worlds longest cablestayed bridge when it opened to traffic in
September 1993. This bridge opened 16
months before the 856m span Normandy
Bridge, even though it began construction
It is interesting to note that these bridges
were all designed and built by the Chinese
themselves with only DRC Consultants,
which merged with TY Lin International in
1995, as a special consultant to the owner,
the designer and the contractor.
China currently has the worlds second
longest cable-stayed bridge, the Sutong
Bridge in Jiangsu Province, not far from
Shanghai. It crosses the Yangtze River near
Suzhou. The main bridge has a main span of
1,088m with side spans of 300m and 100m
and a roadway width of 30.5m. It was the
worlds longest cable-stayed bridge when it
opened to traffic in 1997.

Suspension bridges
As previously noted, half of the 20 longest
span suspension bridges in the world
today are in China. Considering that China
only built its first long-span suspension
bridge, the 888m span Humen Bridge in
Guangdong Province 17 years ago, the pace
of construction has been remarkable.


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Aijai Bridge in Hunan is one of a number of new bridges being built in Chinas mountainous regions

Xihoumen Bridge; second-longest suspension bridge in the world, with a 1,650m span

Since that time, China has built many

long-span suspension bridges. The worlds

second longest suspension bridge, the
1,650m span Xihoumen Bridge in Zhoushan
was opened to traffic in December 2009.
Almost all long-span suspension bridges
have a steel box girder with an orthotropic


deck and have been produced exclusively

in China by Chinese fabricators. Likewise,
the wires for the main cables are also
manufactured in China and both air
spinning and prefabricated strands have
been used for the installation of the main
cables in those suspension bridges. Because

of the plans to continue building many

more long-span bridges, the industry was
willing to invest in new equipment and
learn new technologies. At the current
time, China probably has the most modern
steel fabrication facilities in the world; the
steel components of the new San Francisco
Oakland Bay Bridge in California, USA,
including the girder, the tower and the
cables were all fabricated in China.
Worth mentioning are a few smaller
suspension bridges in mountainous areas:
the 1,176m span Aijai Bridge in Hunan,
completed in 2012; the 1,088m span
Balinghe Bridge in Guizhou, completed in
2009, and the 1,196m span Longjiang Bridge
in Yunnan, which will open to traffic in 2016.
In these cases, because transportation
through mountainous terrain can be
difficult, a long-span bridge across the
entire valley is sometimes the best solution.
As well as the challenge of supply of
materials, the construction of a suspension
bridge over such a mountainous area poses
two major difficulties; erection of the lead
strand for the catwalk and erection of the
main girder. Unlike construction of a bridge
over water where the lead strand can be
carried by a barge from one tower to the
other, the same solution is not possible in
the mountains where it would be caught
by trees and rocks along the way. For the
Longjiang Bridge, the lead cable was carried
from one end of the bridge to the other
end by a drone; in Xihoumen Bridge by an
airship, and in Siduhe Bridge by a rocket
which was provided by the military.
The girders of most suspension bridges
are erected by raising the segments from
a barge, but again this is not possible if
the terrain underneath the bridge is not
accessible. So, a new method was developed
for the Aijai Bridge. Firstly, a temporary rail
system was attached to the suspenders at
the girder level once the main cables and
all suspenders were in place. The segments
were then pulled along this rail system one
by one from the work platform at the tower
to their final position, until the entire girder
was completed.
China has built a large number of selfanchored suspension bridges, although
most of them have spans at the shorter
end of the spectrum. They are suitable for
sites with poor soil conditions which are



not good for building anchors. However,

the Pingsheng Bridge in Foshan, which was
completed in 2006, has a main span of
350m, and was the longest self-anchored
span in the world until 2013, when the new
east span of the San Francisco Oakland
Bay Bridge with its 385m-long main span
was opened to traffic. A year later, this was
overtaken by another Chinese bridge, the
420m span Huanghe Bridge in Zhengzhou,
Henan. Nevertheless, the Pingsheng Bridge
and San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge
spans have only single towers, while the
Huanghe Bridge has two.
This record is set to be broken again in
the near future, as a record-breaking selfanchored suspension bridge designed by
TY Lin International and Smedi is currently
under construction the Ergongyan Bridge
in Chongqing. This bridge is being built
next to an existing suspension bridge with
a 600m span, and for aesthetic reasons,
the new suspension bridge will also have
a 600m span. The ideal solution would
have been to build the new structure as
a traditional suspension bridge. However,
the soil conditions at the site were not
reliable enough to be able to securely
anchor the main cables, hence the client
decided to build a self-anchored suspension
bridge even though the main span will be
rather long. The towers are now under
construction and the girder will be erected
using temporary stay cables. Once the
girder is in place, the main cables will be
installed and the load of the girder will be
transferred to the suspenders, after which
the stay cables will be removed.

Siduhe Bridge in Hainan Province; a rocket provided by the military carried the lead cable across the 1,222m span

Partially cable-supported girder bridges

A further development on the extradosed
bridge concept has recently been developed
in China for medium-span bridges; the
partially cable-supported girder bridge.
The process involves first designing the
structure as a girder bridge, which does not
have sufficient capacity to carry all of the
loads; this is supplemented by the forces
from the cables. Cables can be provided as
a suspension system, a stay-cable system
or from an arch rib. The system ensures
that the capacity of the girder and the cable
system are both fully exploited. It may look
similar to an extradosed bridge, but the
basic premise of an extradosed bridge is


Longjiang Bridge in Hunan - the lead cable was carried across the valley by drone

that it is a girder bridge with post-tensioning

tendons raised above the deck to gain more
eccentricity. The cables are designed as
prestressing tendons with higher allowable
stresses, and they must have a relatively
flat inclination and the bridge towers
must be relatively short. A partially cable-

supported girder bridge does not have these

restrictions and the cables are designed as
stay cables.
The difference between a cable-stayed
bridge and a partially cable-supported girder
bridge is the function of the girder and
the cable system. In a traditional cable-



Dongshuimen Bridge is the longest partially cable-supported girder bridge in the world

stayed bridge, the cables are designed to

carry all the loads from the girder and the

capacity of the girder is only there to resist
local bending moments and axial forces.
Therefore the girder of a cable-stayed
bridge can be made very flexible, often with
a span to girder depth ratio of more than
150 or even 300, as in case of the ALRT
Skytrain Bridge in Vancouver, Canada. As
a rule of thumb, the span to girder depth
ratio for a girder bridge is around 20. For
many medium span bridges, the span to
depth ratio is often in the range of 25 to 45;

the girder itself can carry a large proportion

of the loads so the cable system is only to
carry the load that the girder is not able
to carry. Thus the required capacity of the
cables and the towers is much less than
that in a traditional cable-stayed bridge.
In the case of the Sanho Bridge, for
example, the cables carry only 50% of the
total load. This means a saving of 50%
of the cables and tower compared to a
conventional cable-stayed bridge.
The first partially cable-supported girder
bridge was the Sanho Bridge in Shengyang,

China, which was completed in 2008 and

has two spans of 100m.
The longest partially cable-supported
girder bridge is the Dongshuimen Bridge
in the city of Chongqing which was opened
to traffic in 2014. It has a 445m-long
main span and the girder is 13m deep
to accommodate transit trains on the
lower deck. It is located at the tip of the
peninsular where the Jialing River meets
the Yangtze River. The client wanted a
bridge that was prominent and beautiful
to serve as a landmark, but the design had
to minimise any obstruction of the view
of the city. The design of this partially
cable-supported girder bridge, takes full
advantage of the carrying capacity of such
a deep girder with its span to girder depth
ratio of 34, so fewer cables were required,
which makes the bridge even more
transparent. It has a sister bridge on the
other side of the peninsular, the Qianximen
Bridge, which was also designed as a
partially cable-supported girder bridge.
Over the last 30 years, China has built
many new bridges and with its population of
1.4 billion and its boom in construction, this
trend looks set to continue.
Man-Chung Tang is chairman of the board
of TY Lin International


n recent years, many multi-span cablesupported bridges have been designed and
built in China, including the Taizhou Bridge,
the worlds largest multi-span suspension
bridge (see page 15) and the Jiashao Bridge
(right), which is the largest multi-span cablestayed bridge.
Jiashao Bridge crosses Hangzhou Bay in
Zhejiang Province and is a six-tower cablestayed bridge which has five main spans each
428m long, and side spans of 200m. It is the
largest multi-span cable-stayed bridge in the
world and has a deck width of 55.6m.
Compared to a traditional cable-stayed
bridge, the multi-tower version has a lower
vertical stiffness under live load, and hence
this needs to be improved by increasing the
size of the tower, increasing the stiffness of the
deck or adding auxiliary cables; none of these
options was practicable for the Jiashao Bridge
so alternatives had to be developed.
An x-shaped bracket was designed to
support the deck in plan at the towers and a
rigid hinge in the middle of the bridge releases


China Foto Press/Getty Images

the temperature-induced load and longitudinal

displacement, hence reducing its impact on the
towers, while constraining rotation, deformation
and shearing displacement of the bridge deck.
One of the other major challenges for the
Jiashao Bridge was design of a maintenance

gantry for the twin box-girder deck; a traditional

system could not be used due to the obstruction
caused by the brackets at the towers, and the
rigid hinge at the centre of the main span. By
design of a special gantry, the number of units
required was reduced from 20 to just four.


Cable stayed bridge, Marchetti viaduct, Ivrea (Italy)

ADV Bridge n speciale TENSA.indd 1

08/03/16 12:15


Spanning the future

Some of our longest-span bridges have been around for several decades now, and to a
large extent the technologies and engineering know-how of these structures are tried and
tested. Lisa Russell explores the inuences on long-span bridge design today, and the
challenges of our ageing structures

our decades on from the advent of

the aerodynamic box girder bridge
deck on the Severn Bridge in the
UK, the impact of wind loading is still
one of the most critical factors in the
design of long-span bridges. But more recent
influences such as new procurement routes,
and the introduction of high-strength materials
also have an impact on the process.
Wind effects continue to be the governing
factor in the structural design of long-span
bridges, and more advanced testing rigs
and advanced computational methods are
being used nowadays to better mitigate the
aerodynamic instabilities, agrees Ender
Ozkan, a technical expert at Rowan Williams
Davies & Irwin. Another area of interest for
aerodynamic performance is the retrofit of
existing long-span bridges. Bronx Whitestone

Bridge is a good example where engineers

took advantage of the retrofitting to improve
the aerodynamic performance and breathe
new life into an ageing structure.
But the definition of a long span is
often the subject of discussion within the
engineering community, as Aecom vice
president Barry Colford pointed out in his
keynote at last years European Bridge
Conference in Edinburgh, Scotland.
In terms of numbers there are around 220
cable-supported bridges throughout the
world with spans greater than 300m; the
majority are either suspension bridges or
cable-stayed bridges and there is almost an
equal split in numbers of each of these two
main types.
As might be expected, it is economics
at the construction stage that is driving

the long-span bridge market and at spans

between 150m and 1,000m, cable-stayed
bridges now appear to be the preferred
option for most clients and engineers,
said Colford in his paper. Even in the USA,
where the development and use of cablestayed bridges has lagged behind Europe,
the cable-stayed form seems to be gaining
in popularity. Whether the industry wants
to continue to push the envelope out and
build cable-stayed bridges of 1,200m span
or more remains to be seen. Both forms of
cable-supported bridge have advantages and
disadvantages, he says. Recent problems
with corrosion of main cables may have
dented confidence in suspension bridges,
but Colford believes that the success of
dehumidification retrofit projects could
reverse this.

Chiles Ministry of Public Works is still in the process of reviewing the multi-span suspension bridge design of the Chacao Channel Bridge




Multi-span cable-supported bridges such as the Taizhou Bridge in China are setting the challenges for engineers

New forms
Chinas Taizhou Bridge, which opened in
2012, was first three-tower, two-main span
continuous suspension bridge system. The
structural behaviour of this type of system is
different from that of a conventional two-tower
suspension bridge system, says Robin Sham;
cable slip at the saddles must be prevented
under all loading conditions, which leads to
conflicting demands at the central tower. A
flexible tower would help prevent cable slip but
would be ineffective in the control of girder
deflection; while a stiff central tower would

make it hard to prevent cable slip, although

it would improves deflection control of the
girder. The main reason for adopting the
three-tower form is that it enables very large
distances to be crossed, with only the minimal
number of bridge supports, Sham says. One
of the challenges at Taizhou was that the
superstructure construction for a three-tower
suspension bridge system is much more
complicated than that for a two-tower system,
particularly in the main cable erection, main
girder erection and bridge geometry control.
Another different form of cable-supported


hacao Channel Bridge is a flagship

project for Latin America - though one
that is still some way from coming to
fruition. It will be the regions the first multisuspension bridge with spans longer than
1,000m; the three-tower crossing will have
main spans of 1,155m and 1,055m.
At present, the client Chiles Ministry of
Public Works is in the process of reviewing
the final design. Construction is due to start
soon and the target is for the bridge to come
into operation in 2020.


The project has had a long gestation and

has been talked about for decades as part of
the plan for a road to link the whole of the
American contintent, from Alaska to south of
A scheme to build the bridge under a publicprivate partnership was cancelled in 2006,
mainly for financial reasons. The project was
then re-evaluated during 2011-2012 from both
economic and technical standpoints. The
decision was taken to use traditional funding to
build the bridge for a maximum cost of US$740

bridge is currently reaching completion in

Turkey. The final deck segment was raised
into place in early March of a hybrid cablestayed suspension bridge that is being built
north of Istanbul over the Bosphorus Straits;
a concept developed by Michel Virlogeux and
T Engineering. The Third Bosphorus Bridge
officially called the Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge
is being built by a joint venture of Astaldi and
IC Ictas and has 1,408m main span far longer
than the world record for a traditional cablestayed bridge, the 1,104m-span Russky Bridge.
The new bridges A-shaped towers stand a

million, including associated work such as

access roads.
The government signed a contract with
a joint venture of OAS, Hyundai, Systra and
Aas-Jakobsen in February 2014. Chile is one of
the countries most affected by earthquakes,
making the project particularly challenging.
Not only is the bridge in a highly seismic
region, but also there are strong winds,
high tides and fast currents to address all
significant issues for construction. Both cablestayed and suspension bridge options were
studied before concluding that a suspension
bridge would offer many advantages, including
in terms of seismic behaviour.




Contractor American Bridge is currently carrying out deck replacement on the

Macdonald Bridge for owner Halifax Harbour Bridges. (Dale Wilson)

any of todays challenging issues for bridge engineers come

from looking after old structures. In the years to come, Cowis
Tina Vejrum expects to see more projects to replace decks on
existing suspension bridges, following Canadas original lead with the
Lions Gate Bridge and now the ongoing Macdonald Bridge project.
I think there is a new market there with interesting challenges, she
says. A number of such bridges are reaching the end of their service
life, she says. Fortunately on a suspension bridge we can replace the
deck its a lot easier than for a cable-stayed bridge. Limiting closure
times is a key issue, as too is maintaining the aerodynamic stability in
the interim phase where the bridge is not fully connected and has two
different cross sections.
Another issue is deterioration of the main cables of suspension
bridges. Following successful use elsewhere, dehumidification is
being discussed for a number of US bridges including the George
Washington, Anthony Wayne and Benjamin Franklin. And in February,
the Delaware River & Bay Authority awarded American Bridge a
US$33.6 million contract to install a dehumidification system for the
main suspension cables on both structures of the Delaware Memorial
Dehumidification on main cables has passed the tipping point
in the USA, believes Aecoms Barry Colford. What has convinced
owners (and me) are the results from acoustic monitoring of the
UK bridges following application of dehumidification. These are
of course confidential and sensitive but owners are likely to be
aware of them through the International Cable Supported Bridge
Operators Association, he says. It not only the results from acoustic
monitoring that have increased confidence in the effectiveness
of dehumidification. The results of internal inspections post
dehumidification have been very encouraging, Colford adds.
Hydrogen embrittlement needs moisture to generate hydrogen ions
and of course corrosion needs moisture and oxygen. If we can stop
moisture from getting into cables then we can potentially stop both of
these things happening, he says. The whole ethos is to make sure that
the service life of the cables matches the service life of the bridge. I
do think that dehumidification is the only way that we can be given


some assurance that this will happen. We now know that painting in
itself doesnt stop moisture getting into cables. We also know that
oiling doesnt appear to work either.
Aecom has been working on the dehumidification of the two
Chesapeake Bay Bridges and the scheme is now up and running. The
cables have dried out really well, says Colford.
Novel solutions involving complex surgery can also be required
when long-span crossings age, but some of the issues may not become
apparent until work begins. A recent project at the Humber Bridge has
highlighted the need for the client, designer and contractor to work
closely together to address any unexpected challenges on site. It has
also demonstrated some of the potential difficulties of using the new
higher-strength steels.
The Humber Bridge opened in 1981 and its 1,410m-long suspended
main span held the world record until 1997. The ends of the deck
boxes at the towers and anchorages were supported by pairs of steel
A-frames to allow free longitudinal movement of the deck boxes under
traffic and other effects, and providing horizontal restraint under wind
Routine inspections had raised concerns over a lack of articulation
and wear, so a scheme was designed by Arup for the Humber Bridge
Board, to replace the 3.8m-high A-frames with vertical pendels and
wind-shoes (Bd&e issue no 73). Owners of similar long-span bridges
are likely to have to contend with similar issues in the coming years,
says Spencer Group deputy managing director Richard Burgess.
His firm won the contract and completed the work in 2015, without
needing to close the bridge.
High-strength steel, grade S690 had been specified to reduce
the element sizes in the limited space available. But we found that
we couldnt meet the weld strength requirements with that steel,
says Burgess. When we dropped down a grade we got a far more
compliant material it was more weldable and still met the strength
requirements for the bridge, he says.
As a result, engineers believe caution is needed over the use of such
steel in bridges, where demanding fracture toughness requirements
may be coupled with the heightened risk of hydrogen embrittlement.

Fundamental components on ageing long-span bridges such as the A-frames at

the end of the Humber Bridge deck will eventually need to be replaced, but they
are often not designed to allow this



record-breaking 322m-tall and its 59m width

will accommodate an eight-lane motorway

and two railway lines (Bd&e issue no 80)
It is an innovative structure, not only
because of its hybrid design but also because
the cables are the biggest ever installed on a
bridge, explains Erik Mellier, technical director
of Freyssinet, which designed and installed the
cables. Another notable feature is the use of
1,960MPa strand. It is the first time that we
are using such a high-strength strand, he says.
We have celebrated the biggest stay cable
ever installed in terms of length and size, says
Mellier. The longest of the cables are 597m
long, and have 151 strands. Compact cables are
being used, to reduce the drag.
The company has taken advantage of its
earlier work at Russky Island. It was a good
thing to have done before, because we could
take all the experience we had accumulated
there and adapt it to this project, says Mellier.
The initial challenges were in the design


Cable arrangement for the hybrid design of the Third Bosphorus Bridge in Turkey, which has just been completed



The worlds longest cable-stayed span is the Russky Island Bridge in Vladivostok, Russia (Photo: Shutterstock)

of the system, which had to be upgraded

compared to the standard. We carried out a

quite significant testing campaign, with fatigue
tests both in Germany and Chicago, says
Mellier. In addition, the bridge is quite flexible
and so there were issues during the design
stage about deformations and fatigue of the
cables. A special test was carried out, looking
at the behaviour of the cable under high

Looks matter
Every long-span bridge is the result of
countless decisions - but some of those
decisions naturally have a far more profound
impact than others. The choice of procurement
method is one of the most fundamental,
affecting everything from the type of bridge
to how much influence the contractor and the
eventual maintenance team will have on what
it is made from and how it is built.
Procurement choices can also govern
the degree of receptiveness to innovative
approaches, whether involving the use of the
latest high-strength materials or by looking
for better ways of addressing issues such as
But on all too many projects, price turns
out to be the only thing that matters in the
end, says Poul Ove Jensen, bridges director at
Dissing & Weitling. He is surprised that there
is so little focus on the appearance of major


bridges, particularly as they have an enormous

impact on the visual environment, much more
than buildings.
It is also surprising because clients seem
fully aware of the power of bridges as symbols;
in any project brief these days there is a clause
saying that the bridge must be a landmark, a
signature structure or an icon. Therefore its
very disappointing that at the end of the day
they just take the cheapest one, he says.
The client isnt even necessarily saving much
- if any - money. As far as were concerned,
there is no real relationship between cost and
lets call it beauty, he says. There is no reason
why a cheap bridge cant be a beautiful bridge.
There are many great bridges being built
around the world - but also quite a few
mediocre and some outright ugly ones, he
feels. The reason for this is not lack of talented
bridge designers, but often that clients are
not prepared to do what it takes, or dont
understand what it takes, to achieve the
intended result. The procurement method is
often the problem, Jensen feels.
The decline in the traditional approach
of completing design before construction
tenders are invited has been accompanied by
a corresponding increase in formats where the
contractors team is given responsibility for
much of the design. In design and construct
tenders, the bidders often see no reason to
make an effort because they assume only the

price matters - and all too often they are right,

he says. But in fact we can usually save them
money, he adds. For instance, this might come
from input such as reducing the concrete
quantities for the bridge.
Our main problem as architects is that
architecture is still considered an add-on to
bridge design, says Jensen. Yet in working with
engineers, no-one can see where the architects
work stops and the engineers begins; it doesnt
matter who came up with which idea we
always work as a team, he adds.
Balancing different demands in procurement
causes much debate, including the extent
to which you prescribe details, while leaving
sufficient opportunity for achieving value.
Client-based designs with construction-only
contracts do still happen, particularly in
some regions such as the Middle East. These
days, markets such as the USA or Europe
tend to go down the design and build route,
or public-private partnerships, says Stuart
Withycombe, who is CH2Ms director of major
crossings. How far you take the definition
drawings determines how much room you
leave for choice in terms of design, he adds.
If you want to be fairly protective of what
your output looks like then I think there is
justification for provision of a high level of
definition. But in other areas, maybe less so.
As well as appearance, the choice of
procurement method naturally has a
considerable effect on who pockets any
savings that arise from value engineering. In
design-bid-build, savings arising from changes
that are accepted by the client may be shared
50:50 between client and contractor. But in
design-build, the contractor will simply seek to
put in the lowest price possible; all the savings
from the innovations therefore go to the
owner. At the same time, the concern is that
the owner may not get exactly what it wanted,
adds Marwan Nader, senior vice president at
TY Lin International.
However the use of definition designs is
starting to open up a new option for clients
in this regard, enabling them to lock-in the
appearance they want from the start. The new
Champlain Bridge in Montreal, Canada also
known as the New Bridge for the St Lawrence
is a current illustration. We ended up with a
definition design that was mandatory for the
bidders, explains Jensen. The Oresund Bridge,
which opened in 2000, was an early example
of this process, which is still only rarely used.


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The new Champlain Bridge over the St Lawrence River in Montreal

Some see such an approach as beneficial,

others less so, feeling that it does not really

engage the creativity and resourcefulness of
the private sector. There can also be situations
where the ambitions of the architect ambitions
and the engineer dont really converge.
In Montreal, client Infrastructure Canada
was determined that the new bridge should
meet local expectations of a landmark bridge.
However, the project has an exceptionally
tight time schedule, particularly because
of the urgent need to replace the existing
bridge, which is in poor condition. A design
competition would have delayed the 2018
target completion. Use of the mandatory
definition design was a good solution, Jensen
believes; it would have been impossible
to describe the architectural treatment,
proportions and so on sufficiently well in
words. The owner effectively had a guarantee
that it would get what was envisaged.
The public-private partnership agreement
with the government of Canada was won
by Signature on the Saint Lawrence Group,
which includes designer TY Lin International.
The aggressive schedule could never have
been achieved under a design-bid-build
environment, according to Nader. What the
client is getting is the best of both worlds, he
says. The project can meet the schedule, and
will be the bridge that was envisioned.
The Mersey Gateway in the UK (see page 42)
took an intermediate approach, partly using
the planning process to provide that definition,
says Withycombe, with some rules for what the
structure would look like. That took a highlevel view that nevertheless was very careful in
terms of how it defined visual quality, he says.
Were getting better as designers in


terms of making things look better but its

not just how it looks its making sure it
works better as well, says Withycombe.
Aspects such as durability and choice of
materials are important. Its important to
fix the requirements so that you dont rule
out contractors coming along with their
most creative and best ideas for how to
build it. Contractors bring important areas of
innovation to the project.
This influence also extends to maintenance:
concession projects run for perhaps 30 or 35
years and clearly the structure needs to be in
a certain condition when handed back to the
client. This means designing for a particular
measure of performance 30 years from now,
or risking expensive repairs before handover.
There have been changes in our world
because of the advent of PPP. says Mike
Cegelis, senior vice president at American
Bridge. There is a much greater focus on
the operational and maintenance costs of
components of the bridge than there was in
former times.
There is increased interest in health checks
for the bridge, particularly as the cost of
instrumentation falls. It is very fashionable to
equip all your bridges with all kinds of sensors,
says VSL International group technical
officer Max Meyer. But there is no point in
collecting extensive data unless it can be used,
he stresses. Adding value involves helping
clients to come up with a system that gives
meaning to the data and enables maintenance
interventions to be well planned.

Checking for vulnerabilities

Risks such as accidents and the potential
of terrorism have a significant impact

for the long-span bridges that are often

critical infrastracture links and the choice of
procurement method can also affect how such
risks are addressed.
At the advent of privately-funded bridges,
financial backers were mostly concerned with
the seismic risk. Earthquakes had certainly
been considered before then, but it had not
been such an overriding issue, says TY Lin
International senior vice president David
Goodyear. The same is now becoming true for
vulnerability assessments, he says.
Someone financing a project for several
decades needs to weigh up risks and revenue
implications, not just of terrorism but of all
kinds of major incidents - perhaps a tanker
catching fire. My personal belief is that
there is a lot of good thinking generated by
having private financing step in front of public
financing, because with private financing there
seems to be more ownership of the funding
stream, says Goodyear.
Blast protection is increasingly a key issue
for long-span bridges, though this tends not
to be widely discussed in public for fear of
raising awareness about vulnerabilities. At the
same time, increased attention is being paid
to the issue of fire protection both in service
and during construction. Various incidents
have made owners more concerned about
the potential consequences of fire affecting
a main suspension cable, hangers or stay
cables. In one instance a few years ago, a truck
caught fire by the low point of a main cable of
new Little Belt Bridge in Denmark and direct
lightning strikes of bridges such as the Rion
Antirion Bridge in Greece, which damaged
a cable and a similar incident in Korea have
raised this as an issue. Cable and hanger
suppliers are developing systems to provide
some fire protection.
We are beginning to see a requirement in
design, reveals Tina Vejrum, vice president
of international bridges at Cowi. Replacing
hangers or stay cables is one thing, but would
be a different matter if the main cable of a
suspension bridge was affected, she says.
Meyer is aware of five or six cases of
fire damaging cables on ong-span bridges,
including a recent one at a bridge in China
where fire broke out when welding was taking
place inside a tower. Nine cables were lost,
snapping one after the other; luckily the sites
tower cranes were able to drop water into the
tower from above to put the fire out.



The Post-Tensioning Institute has

acknowledged the risk of fire and has
formulated test requirements. Details of
fire resistance qualification testing were
among the significant additions and updates
introduced in its 2012 edition. If you want to
supply a system you need to be able to pass
this test, says Meyer.
One of the key questions to address on a
project is what level of protection is really
necessary. Once the bridge is in service,
tankers pose a particular risk and Meyer
suggests that a rule of thumb might be to
take the protection to double the height of the
vehicles that will be crossing the bridge.
It is not only heat that poses a risk: cold and
in particular the build-up of ice are potentially
damaging. High-profile cases such as Canadas
Port Mann Bridge have highlighted the
dangers and cable companies are developing
prevention or removal technologies.
The devastating tsunami of 2004 highlighted
a further risk that major bridges can be
exposed to. Awareness of disaster prevention
was heightened in the aftermath, points out
Aecom director Robin Sham, the companys
global leader of long-span bridges. This has
fed into projects such as the Second Penang
Bridge, where a study of the likelihood of a
tsunami event and the resulting soil liquefaction
phenomena was carried out. The bridge,
which opened in 2014, consists of precast
segmental concrete marine viaducts and a
475m-long cable-stayed bridge. The study
sought to determine the risks and magnitudes
of tsunami-generated waves on the bridge, says
Sham. A simulation was then calibrated with
records to allow a predicted wave height to be
accommodated in the bridge design.

Advanced materials
There is correlation between advances in
materials and increases in maximum span
length over time, says Nader. But such
increases have now tapered off, he feels. In
my opinion, we are now on the cusp of starting
to look at ultra-light high-strength concrete
and what that will bring to the equation. It is a
major factor when spanning longer distances.
I dont think at this point that somebody is
going to dream up structural systems that give
us the ability to go longer - its going to have to
be through the materials, he says. Ultra-highstrength steel, fibres and ultra-light highstrength concrete will all play their parts.


A difficulty with high-strength materials

arises in relation to codes and standards, says
Vejrum. At the moment we cant go higher
than the grades we are using. For instance,
manufacturers can produce 2,200MPa steel
but this is far outside codes that only allow
values of perhaps 1,860MPa or 1,960MPa.
There is a similar situation for high-strength
concrete; it all boils down to who takes
responsibility. Without the backing of codes,
its difficult to get the materials introduced as
standard on projects, she says; consultants
wouldnt take the responsibility if the client
doesnt want to.
Perhaps it is more likely in the meantime
that such materials find a home on PPP
projects where the contractor is responsible
for subsequent of maintenance. This could
be a likely way forward, says Vejrum, as the
contractor will benefit from a saving on initial
costs and would deal with any subsequent
issues. However, agreement would also be
needed with the independent checkers about
going outside the codes.
Introducing innovations is certainly
becoming more difficult, feels Mellier, partly
for reasons to do with issues like CE marking
and norms. I believe that most clients are
increasingly reluctant to be the first, he says.
You really need large projects, such as the
Third Bosphorus Bridge, in order to move
forward. The technology can then be used on
smaller projects, as clients are less reluctant
once someone else has demonstrated that
it works. They can also take confidence from

the fact that the larger schemes are closely

examined by top consultants.
Advanced materials like high-strength
steel are not necessarily straightforward to
use. Issues can arise when using this kind of
material under high tension in bridges exposed
to chlorides and water. For example American
Bridge has had to deal with high-profile failures
of a small proportion of the tension rods on
the self-anchored suspension span built as part
of the new East Span of the San FranciscoOakland Bay Bridge. There have also been
some rod issues on other projects.
Such materials are now part of the bridgebuilding world, says Cegelis, and they solve a
lot of other issues in an economical manner.
But we are now highly dependent on the
success of this material. It has obviously
been proven in a test environment that it can
meet the stresses that are imposed on it but
the question is whether it can withstand the
environmental attack.
Samples of any new material tested in the
lab are checked over by the manufacturer
in tremendous detail, points out Cegelis. But
fabrication of these one-off test pieces is not
the same as for general production and normal
handling on site in the real world.
Such elements may have their benefits but
American Bridge has certainly become quite
wary about them. Cegelis observes that the
company asks a lot more questions about jobs
that will use them. However, he regards the
issues as part of a natural process - inherent
problems have to be overcome whenever

Maintenance of long-span bridges can be complex; special gantry crawlers were needed to retrofit cable
dehumidification systems to the Storebaelt Bridge in Denmark (Davai)


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isolating the anchorage of a suspension

bridge. Arup toyed with trying to keep the
technique as secret as possible though the
information had been included in the bid or
patenting it. But at Arup were not trying to
patent too much construction technology,
says Carter. We are a relatively patent-free
industry. We dont want to be a market leader
in taking us to a place where engineering
consultants are suing each other for patent
infringements. Instead, the decision was
taken to publish. He regards it as very positive
that the sector promotes a collaborative
environment, where people want to discuss
and share the work theyve done.
Deck construction on the Izmit Bay Bridge in Turkey

technology advances.

Meyer too is seeing a move to go for higher

strength steel than the current 1,860MPa:
there are fabricators who want to push this to
something like 2,200MPa. The steel is harder
to produce - and more expensive - but for the
big bridges, wind is more of a controlling factor
and there is definite interest in keeping the
diameters of cables down, he says. However,
the product would need to be economical,
which may not be possible if the volume is not

Patenting ideas
The long-span bridge engineering fraternity
has traditionally been very open with regard
to sharing details of innovations developed for
projects. Deciding what to patent is difficult.
We are patenting technology but we are
being quite careful about it, says Matt Carter,
Americas long-span bridge leader at Arup.
We are not going down the line of patenting
everything in sight.
One idea on which Arup does have a patent,
jointly with GS Engineering, involves earthanchored cable-stayed bridges. The system
enables thinner steel plates to be used for
very long spans. We felt there were good
arguments for cable-stayed bridges up to the
1,400m kind of range, and we felt that the
technology that really works well at that range
was to build partially earth-anchored cablestayed bridges, says Carter.
But publishing rather than patenting was
the choice for an innovative idea that was
developed at the time of bidding for the Izmit
Bay Bridge (see page 30), which Arup didnt
win. The concept involves a way of seismically


As bridge engineers design ever longer spans,
they typically depend on highly sophisticated
analysis models to use in the process. Vanja
Samec, global director bridges at Bentley
Systems, points to the issues involved for large
prestressed concrete and composite bridges
built using the incremental launching or free
cantilevering methods. The challenge is to
model accurately the erection process, while
considering different construction stages,

time-dependent behaviour, and the required

pre-cambering in order to achieve the design
shape once construction has been finished,
she says.
However, different challenges face engineers
when designing ultra-long-span bridges, such
as stay cable or suspension bridges with
high pylons and slender steel or concrete
decks. Here the challenges are mainly related
to optimising the stressing sequence of
the cables to the geometrically non-linear
behaviour of the structure, and to dynamic
problems such as wind-induced vibrations
and seismic events. It is natural that windload effects would be greater on longer span
lengths of cable-supported bridges, she says.
These phenomena include vortex shedding
and the lock-in, across-wind galloping and wake
galloping, torsional divergence, flutter, and
wind buffeting.
Another area of IT development is in 3D
printing. Its going to change our industry in
a very big way, predicts Nader. Being able to
go from the computer to printing the bridge
would bypass a major part of the contracting
process. It may not happen within our lifetimes,
but could happen someday.


hat counts as a long span naturally depends on the type of the bridge. Acrow Bridge
recently supplied two bridges to a flood-damaged area in the Himalayas. The bridges were
customised with modular components to address local conditions and had clear spans of
60m and 80m. Such bridges can be operational in days, with minimal construction machinery and
using unskilled labour, says Acrow Bridge president Bill Killeen. In remote areas such as this, building
a modular steel bridge on site is often the best option, since constructing a conventional bridge of a
long length in-situ is most likely not feasible due to challenging topography, he says. Substandard
road conditions also make it difficult to transport heavy highway construction equipment or materials
to site. In contrast, the components for the Acrow structures were shipped in standard ocean
containers, which were then loaded onto compact trucks with a length of 6.5m.


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Norways low trafc
volumes and local
topography have
led to creation of a
stunningly slender

Hlogaland Bridge is notable for its slender deck and A-shaped towers (Dissing & Weitling)

new suspension bridge with

distinctive A-shaped towers and an
unusual cable arrangement is taking
shape over the Rombak Fjord near Narvik in
northern Norway.
Hlogaland Bridges 1,145m main span will


make it one of the longest in Europe, though

it is certainly not among the widest of the
worlds major suspension bridges as the
main spans steel box girder deck measures
just 18.6m across. It is also notable for its
A-shaped towers, the form of which has

governed the unconventional arrangement

of the cables and hangers. As a result, the
bridge will be the longest in the world with
a spatial cable system: its main cables will
follow an oval shape in the horizontal plane
and the hangers will be slightly inclined in
the vertical plane.
Client for the scheme is the northern
region of the Norwegian Public Roads
Administration, Statens Vegvesen. The
bridge is typical of Norways crossings of
deep and wide fjords, in that traffic levels are
relatively low and so it will carry just a single
traffic lane in each direction, as well as a
3.5m-wide walkway.
The towers have been designed very much
with aesthetics in mind. What we always
try to do is to take advantage of the special
conditions at the site and in this case it was
natural for us to choose an A-shaped tower,
says architect Poul Ove Jensen, bridges
director at Dissing & Weitling. The choice
suited the requirement for an attractive
structure, but decisions arent taken for
aesthetic reasons alone, he stresses. Design
should take account of a sites specific
requirements, rather than trying to invent
some dramatic forms, which often lead to
very contrived results. In this case a long
span bridge with an extremely narrow deck
it was quite a logical concept.
It is not a solution that would work
everywhere. For a conventional suspension
bridge, it would be difficult to have A-shaped
towers because of the very wide deck, says
Assad Jamal, chief project manager for
international bridges at Cowi.
At the start of design, members of the
team went to visit the site. By the end
of the week, we had the concept, recalls
Jensen. An H-shaped tower didnt look very
good, given the tall height and narrow width
needed; and a central tower between traffic
lanes was out of the question with the twolane road. The design team quite quickly
came to the conclusion that the A-shape was
Two separate contractors are building the
bridge, with Sichuan Road & Bridge Group
responsible for the steelwork deck


Photo Credits: Photo Galery Soletanche Freyssinet / Freysas - 2016

Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge

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and cables and NCC for the concrete.

Detail of the tower leg construction

By March 2016, construction of both of the

concrete towers had been completed, and
the catwalk installation, which will take about
three months, had just begun. Installation of
the prefabricated main cable is due to start
at the end of July.
The tower design has dictated the layout
of the rest of the structure, in particular the
unusual spatial arrangement of the cables
and hangers. The two main cables meet at
saddles on a narrow support on the top of
the towers, splaying out at the centre of the
bridge. As a result of this alignment of the
main cable, the bridges hangers are slightly
inclined. In terms of stability of the bridge
subjected to traffic load, this has minor but
beneficial effect in regards of wind stability,
says Jamal though it did mean that
additional load cases had to be considered.
Having the A-shaped towers poses extra
challenges for installation of the cable
system; a special construction sequence
is needed to obtain the correct shape,
beginning by allowing the two main cables to
hang vertically during air spinning. Initially,

there will be a single common catwalk

between the two main-span cables.
The next step will be to displace the main
cables horizontally using an hydraulic strut
system to create the oval shape, with struts
at 16m centres. The struts need to span
approximately 16m at the centre of the main
span, and they need to be able to telescope
outwards by using a hydraulic system,
explains Jamal.
The hangers can then be installed and the
deck erected, before the struts are removed.
The saddles are at the top of the towers,
and the shape of the towers means that the
saddles are very close together. As they are
so close together, there is an influence on
how the loads are distributed between the
side span and the main span cables: where
a conventional suspension bridge tower
will twist for uneven main cable loading
in the main span, this is not the case for
Hlogaland Bridge. The towers do not twist,
which means that the loads of the back span
cables are shared evenly.
The ratio of span length to tower height
above deck for the bridge is 1:9; the ratio of

Construction of the tower and approach span is now complete




main span length to the distance between

the cables is 90, while typical values for
suspension bridges are in the range 5560, explains Jamal. This combination of
a slender bridge with a long main span
posed considerable design challenges in
order to fulfil the requirement of ensuring
aerodynamic stability at 63m/s at bridge
deck level. The aerodynamic stability was
verified through numerical analyses and
wind tunnel tests; this showed a critical wind
speed of 68m/s.
The bridges box section deck is arranged
with a slope of 15.8 of the lower inclined
side plates relative to the horizontal bottom
plate, says Jamal. Wind tunnel tests carried
out in smooth flow proved that there will be
no vortex-induced vibrations, thus saving the
potential costs of installing and maintaining
any mitigation measures.

The bridge location and its slender deck make aerodynamics a particular challenge for engineers

Each tower is topped with a tower

house; a naturally-ventilated structure
designed to enclose them the cable saddles
and give extra protection. They will also

be an architectural feature; their internal

lighting will be the only strictly nonfunctional feature on the bridge, admits

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One of two major bridges currently being built in Turkey is
a long-span suspension bridge which forms part of a new
420km-long motorway in the north of the country

Deck erection is under way with completion of the bridge scheduled for summer 2016

new bridge with one of the worlds

longest suspension spans is nearing
completion in Turkey. Izmit Bay Bridge,
which has a 1,550m main span, is being built
by IHI Infrastructure Systems and Itochu.
The team was given notice to proceed in
September 2011 and the bridge is set to open
in May this year a very short period for such
a major crossing.
The project had been on track for
completion in the first quarter of this year, but
suffered a setback last year when the catwalk
collapsed in March just as the contractor was
preparing to start erecting the main cable.
Luckily bad weather had halted work that
day and no-one was injured; the catwalk was
completely reconstructed and ready for use
by August.


The bridge is in a region that is seismically

very active and where a major earthquake
occurred on the North Anatolian fault in 1999.
Seismic issues have placed considerable
additional demands on the design.
Deck erection began at the start of this
year with the erection of three 51.2m-long
segments at each of the towers. A floating
crane was used for installation of the initial
segments at locations including the towers
and the ends of the side spans, with the
remaining deck segments positioned by a
lifting device mounted on the main cable.
Detailed design of the bridge has been
carried out by Cowi, with Dissing & Weitling
as the project architect. CH2M performed
the independent design check. Steel has
been used both for the main towers and the

deck of the new bridge. The 235m-tall towers

have two legs and two cross beams; and the
legs measure 7m by 8m in cross section at
the base. The suspended deck is a single,
orthotropic box girder that is 30m wide and
4.75m deep and has a 2.8m-wide inspection
walkway attached to each leg.
The main cables on the main span have
been formed from 110 prefabricated parallel
wire strands each made of 127, 5.91mmdiameter cable wires with a breaking strength
of 1,760MPa. The main cable on the side
spans has two extra strands of the same
size. Hanger ropes are of parallel wire strand,
typically formed of 133, 7mm-diameter wires
with a breaking strength of 1,760MPa. They
are connected to a cable clamp at the top and
hanger anchorage at the bottom.
The side spans flanking the 1,550m main
span are each 625m long, giving a total
suspended deck length of 2.8km, which is
continuous between the two side-span piers.
A key design change was made early in
the project following ground investigations
by Fugro that showed a potential fault at the
planned location to the south anchorage. This
led to the anchorage being moved 138m to a
safe zone, reducing the main span from the
originally planned 1,688m.
The structure is a central part of the
420km-long Orhangazi-Izmir motorway
project, which is being developed by Nomayg,
a consortium of six companies. The bridge will
carry the new link across the Sea of Marmara
at the Bay of Izmit in northern Turkey.

Read our full feature about Izmit Bay Bridge in

Bd&e issue no 83

Rendering of the bridge with its 1,550m main span


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The worlds longest three-tower cable-stayed bridge is reaching completion in Scotland

Panorama of the bridge site, with the Forth Road Bridge in the background (Transport Scotland)

landmark cable-stayed crossing

is in its final year of construction
alongside two other famous bridges
over the Firth of Forth near Edinburgh in
Scotland. Design and construction of the
new Queensferry Crossing began almost five
years ago and the bridge is on track to be
completed by spring 2017.
The new bridge will take the record for
the worlds longest three-tower cable-stayed
bridge and it will also be the UKs tallest
bridge. Queensferry Crossing will itself
provide reasons enough for people to visit
the area when it opens next year - but it also
stands alongside one of Europes longest
suspension spans, the Forth Road Bridge,
and close to the historic Forth Bridge, which
carries railway traffic.
Forth Crossing Bridge Constructors,
a joint venture of Hochtief Solutions,
American Bridge International, Dragados
and Morrison Construction, is responsible
for designing and building the cablestayed bridge which will create a new link
between South Queensferry and North


Queensferry when it opens.

Including the north and south approach
viaducts, the bridge has a total of 14 spans,
three concrete single-leg towers which
are on the centre-line of the transverse
cross-section, two planes of stay cables
anchored along the centre of the structure
and a composite steel and concrete deck
The three bridge towers reached
full height at the end of 2015, marking
a key milestone for the project team.
The reinforced concrete towers start at
bedrock nearly 40m below the water. The
middle tower is a height of 210m, while
the flanking towers are each 207m tall.
The towers are roughly rectangular in
cross-section, with the east and west sides
curved and the north and south sides
(where cable anchorages are located)
inclined. They were built in 4m sections
using climbing formwork, with a total of
54 lifts per tower. Each of the 54 tower
lifts had a slightly different profile, as the
hollow structure tapers from 16m by 14m

at the base to just 5m by 7.5m the top.

The towers are integrated onto structural
foundations through heavy vertical
reinforcement and embedded into the
massive 25,000m3 concrete bases formed
by using 1,219t steel caissons sunk to the
Forths seabed (Bd&e issue no 70).
The focal point of the visible bridge is the
cable-stayed section which makes up just
over 2km of the total 2,638m of the main
crossing, including the twin main spans of
650m supported by the three main towers.
The bridge has a multi-cell steel box girder
design with a composite reinforced and posttensioned concrete deck; a parallel strand
system is used to anchor the deck girders to
the towers.
Deck construction began with the erection
of temporary falsework at each tower to
accept four starter segments. The starter
segments contain more steel and concrete,
making them heavier, and so were erected
on the temporary falsework in order to allow
the concrete decks to be cast in situ. For the
rest of the units the typical segments


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The 221m-long north viaduct was launched into place with a kingpost for support (Transport Scotland)

the concrete deck is cast onto the steel tub

girders at the casting yard in nearby Rosyth
Docks. Segments are then fitted out with
mechanical, electrical, and inspection walkway
components, before being transported on to
the ballasted delivery barges.
The two delivery barges, which can each
carry three completed deck segments,
are towed approximately 3km from the
yard to the site. The barges are anchored
into position below the specially-designed
erection travellers, which lift the segments
weighing on average 750t - to an elevation
of approximately 60m above the water. Once
the segments reach road elevation, the global
geometry is established and fixed, allowing
the welders to begin work. As soon as the top
flange welds of the steel girders have been
approved, the in situ concrete stitch can be
formed and poured. The stay-cable pipes can
be lifted at the same time as the stitch pour,
with strand installation following.
The segments must be erected at each
tower following the balanced cantilever
method, so that each side is never more than
one segment ahead of the other.
The 12 starter segments at the towers were
erected in autumn 2014, while erection of the
110 typical deck segments began in September
In their most extended position, the central
tower fans will create what is claimed to be
the worlds longest balanced cantilevered


bridge construction. This achievement will be

assisted by the use of a system of temporary
tie-down cables beneath the superstructure.
The temporary tie-downs comprise four
stay-cable pipes and strands similar to the
bridges permanent stay system. There are four
tie-down cables at each tower with their lower
anchorages located behind a mass concrete
block anchorage chamber that was cast into
the bottom of the towers during the initial lifts.
The tie-downs penetrate the tower walls and
run up through the soffit of the deck segments
approximately 90m and 106m from the tower
centre-line. They anchor into temporary
anchor beams fabricated into the permanent

segments. The temporary tie-downs will be

disengaged after the flanking tower fans are
closed to their anchor piers and the central
tower fan is fully erected. When the central
tower is at full cantilever it is fully balanced and
the tie-downs will no longer be required. When
the temporary tie downs are removed, the
holes in the segment soffits will be closed with
welded plate and the tower penetrations - along
with the anchor chamber will be filled with

See our full article about the bridge

construction in issue 83 of Bridge design &

Aerial view of the deck units at the casting yard in Rosyth (Transport Scotland)




Rendering of the US$1.4 billion bridge in the Port of Long Beach

Long-span bridges in
earthquake zones pose
specic challenges as
demonstrated by a cablestayed bridge in California

eismic issues have been influential in the

design of the Gerald Desmond Bridge,
which is under construction in the US state
of California.
The US$1.467 billion project is sponsored by
Caltrans and the Port of Long Beach, a major
container facility. It is a replacement for the
existing bridge which has the typical litany of
woes; not having enough traffic lanes, severe
maintenance problems and seismic deficiency, as
well as being too low for post-Panamax ships.
The replacement will be 3.2km long,
including the 610m-long cable-stayed bridge
that will improve clearance both vertically and
A design and build contract was awarded in July
2012 to Shimmick Construction, FCC Construction
and Impregilo, with Arup as design lead. The
towers are currently under construction, having
reached about 37m in height as of March 2016.
The reference design was carried out by a
Parsons/HNTB team that included Dissing &
Weitling. The concept fits the proportions of
the site very well and is a good solution, says
Americas long-span bridge leader at Arup, Matt
Carter. The key question was how to make the
towers seismically safe. The reference design
had multiple elements, with shear links between
them. The difficulty was that it would have been
expensive and time-consuming to build, he says.


Every shear link needed a diaphragm connecting

into it; small, confined spaces result. After an
earthquake all the shear links would have to
be replaced. In the tender, we came up with
an alternative, which was to seismically isolate
the superstructure and make the tower a fairly
standard reinforced hollow section, he says.
In an earthquake, each 152m-tall tower pretty
much does its own thing, Carter says. It is
very tall, quite slender and flexible; during an
earthquake the tops are designed to deflect up
to 1.8m. Meanwhile, the superstructure is isolated
and would more or less remain unmoved. This
approach reduces the cost and makes it easier to
construct, he says. After an earthquake, all that
needs to be done is to reset the viscous dampers.
Such design and build contracts challenge
engineers to innovate, says Carter. Seismic
isolation is not new but bridge codes do take
time to evolve. The seismic codes are written
assuming a traditional ductile approach, with
controlled damage.
A project-specific test specification was
needed for the system. At each tower, there
need to be dampers in both longitudinal and
transverse directions, and also at the piers at the
end. Everything was sub-divided into multiple
parallel units to cater for the large forces. If you
just did it with a single damper it would be too
big for any test facility, says Carter. The solution
was to split it into six longitudinal dampers at
each tower, and three transverse. At the end
bents, there are four longitudinal and two
transverse, giving 30 dampers in total.
Catering for the design earthquake wasnt the
end of the process. In seismic isolation there
is always the question of what would happen if

the earthquake is a bit bigger, adds Carter. To

address this, structural stops will prevent the
dampers from reaching the end of their stroke
even if ground motions exceed design values.
An earthquake would have one or two big peak
cycles at the start, then maybe half a dozen
secondary cycles. If you had a situation where
the damper bottomed out and got damaged it
might not perform properly in the rest of the
earthquake, says Carter.
A complex fully non-linear time-history model
has been run to prove that the superstructure
doesnt hit the towers and the dampers all
stay within their operating limits under the
1,000-year design earthquake the safety
evaluation event. But if a bigger earthquake
comes along, the system has been deliberately
engineered so that the superstructure actually
hits the tower. The gap between the tower and
superstructure is 760mm but the dampers are
given 810mm of stroke capacity. There would be
some localised damage of the concrete, but the
impact would protect the dampers, says Carter.
Arup increased the ground motion by 25% in
its time-history analysis model and saw this
behaviour happening some repairable damage,
but adequate global performance.
Tell-tale strips on the outside give an instant
visual check on whether the damper has stroked
or not for the post-earthquake inspection. In
addition, the dampers are fused with bolted
O-rings that transfer the wind load when there
is no earthquake. In an earthquake, the O-rings
are designed to shear, allowing movement. The
design also has to ensure that the bridge is safe
for traffic without the fuses, so that it can be
reopened straight after an earthquake.

Tower foundations under construction


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Ideas for super-span and new types of bridges are being explored
by engineers working on the ferry-free E39 project in Norway
If built as conventional structures, some of the proposed E39 crossings, such as this one at Sognefjord, would have spans of several kilometres (Statens Vegvesen)

ne project currently attracting much

interest in the long-span bridge sector
is the E39 route in Norway, which will
require enormous investment to replace eight
ferry services with fixed links over fjords.
Creating the 1,100km ferry-free route from
Kristiansand to Trondheim is expected to
reduce journey times by up to nine hours. But
the fjords pose daunting barriers; in places the
water is 1,200m deep and they are typically
several kilometres wide. Potential options
for crossing them include floating bridges
that introduce many new challenges in both
analysis and construction.
The dates for the project are still to be
confirmed but should become clearer during
the approvals process for Norways latest
transportation plan, which was published in
draft form in late February.
One of the most challenging crossings along
the route is the 5km-wide Bjrnafjord south of


Bergen, where water depths are up to 550m.

It could be crossed by a floating suspension
bridge, another style of floating bridge or by
a submerged tube tunnel, suspended perhaps
20m or 30m below pontoons at the surface.
The options will soon be narrowed as
part of a plan that is being developed. In
that plan we will make a proposal to move
forward with one or two concepts, says
Mathias Eidem, project manager for the fjord
crossing project at Statens Vegvesen the
Norwegian Public Roads Administration. Costs
for the construction, as well as operation and
maintenance of each option, are now being
firmed up. We should be able to make an
informed decision over the next two months,
he says.
Ahead of design contracts, Statens
Vegvesen will be issuing tenders for further
studies to develop areas of engineering that
need to be understood. Specialists in fields

such as aerodynamics and hydrodynamics

will be in demand. We will use these studies
as a way of building up the competence in the
consultant market, adds Eidem. Nobody has
built structures like this before. Its a first both
for us and for the consultants.
The work combines bridge engineering
with offshore engineering in areas such as
anchoring in deep water. For us it is absolutely
necessary to adapt things from the offshore
industry we dont want to reinvent the
wheel, says Eidem. Bridge concepts include
a multi-span suspension bridge supported by
tension leg platforms, used by the offshore
industry in great water depths.
Cowi is involved with two of the three
concepts under consideration for Bjrnafjord.
Tina Vejrum, Cowis vice president for
international major bridges, says that the
project raises a lot of interesting issues such
as how to combine wind loading and wave



loading, and how to deal with construction

challenges, durability in the harsh environment
and the deformations of these flexible
A primary requirement is to have a
navigation span a first for floating bridges,
says Vejrum. So far, floating bridges have
only been built close to the water but for
Bjrnafjord there will need to be a clearance of
perhaps 45m to 50m.
A wide field of expertise is needed to
address the challenges and Cowi is working in
a group consisting of both bridge and offshore
engineers, as well as specialists in geotechnics
and architecture. The team includes AasJakobsen, Johs Holt, Global Maritime, NGI,
Skanska and L2 arkitekter together with Cowi.
The key challenge in designing the bridge is

Submerged tube tunnels such as this proposal for Bjrnafjord are under consideration (Statens Vegvesen)

the combined effect of waves and wind, says

Sverre Wiborg, Cowis chief specialist/project

manager for bridges and construction. The

bridge has a large number of eigenmodes


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Pontoon floating bridge proposal (Global Maritime)

below 1Hz, and several of them are in

the same area as the periods of the waves,
both swell and wind-generated. As a result,
calculating the dynamic response of the bridge
is particularly challenging.
Another issue is ship collision. The size of

The E39 project has certainly captured the
imagination of the engineering community. A
team from Royal Haskoning DHV and IGWR
worked in their own time to explore whether
fibre-reinforced polymers could be used on a
project of this scale.
The team looked at whether it would be
possible to use FRP for the cables and
deck of a 3,700m-span suspension bridge
with floating piers. The work, which was
presented at the IABSE conference in Geneva
in September 2015, was not commissioned
by the Norwegian government. We did it to
promote fibre-reinforced polymers, says Kees
van IJselmuijden, infrastructure advisor at
Royal Haskoning DHV. We wanted to show
that it was possible.
The team concluded that such a bridge would
indeed be possible; that the concept would
work, once practice catches up with the
theory. Clearly the result of the project is not
a full design; it has not been optimised and
nor has it been subjected to a full dynamic
We tried to do as much as possible in FRP
- but it doesnt mean we have to do it all in
FRP, adds van IJselmuijden. For instance,
it was decided to exclude the cross-beams,
opting instead for 30m-long sections of FRP
deck, supported by a steel cross-beam.

the vessels visiting the fjord is limited, says

Wiborg, but still the bridge has to withstand
substantial impact loads. We have executed
both local design calculations of pontoons and
girders as well as global response calculations
of the entire bridge, he adds.
Analysis of the construction phase and
marine operations is the focus of the third
major challenge. In particular, assembling
the floating part of the bridge on site will be
For a floating suspension bridge with
tension link platforms, the links would need
to be anchored to the bottom of the fjord and
the geotechnical conditions are challenging.
The other bridge idea would have a navigation
span about 450m wide. A cable-stayed bridge
is probably the most likely, says Vejrum.
The crossings are very different to what
has gone before and not surprisingly the E39
project is supported by a range of research

projects commissioned by Statens Vegvesen,

looking at everything from ship impact to the
potential use of fibre-reinforced concrete or
One of the main challenges of designing
long floating bridges, such as the crossing in
Bjrnafjord, is the dynamic response due to
wind and wave loading, says Vanja Samec,
global director bridges at Bentley Systems.
This response can be predicted in the timedomain using newly developed functionality
in RM Bridge. She adds that Bentley Systems
Austria and TDA Cowi have collaborated to
develop the project (Bd&e issue no 82).
Non-linear time-domain analyses are needed
to predict the bridge response from wind and
wave loading with sufficient accuracy. This
is due to the non-linearity of the structural
system and the coupling between wind and
wave loading, which is challenging to model
correctly in the frequency-domain. A timedomain analysis model of the bridge has
been developed, which includes both the
hydrostatic and hydrodynamic properties of
the floating elements, she says. Wave loading
is represented as force-time histories in all six
degrees of freedom for each floating element.
Wind loads are modelled using wind speed
time histories as input.
The results of this study show the
importance of coupled aerodynamic and
hydrodynamic analyses of floating bridge
concepts, says Samec. Many of the load
effects and responses considered in this
project would not be possible to analyse in
frequency domain. With this in place, RM
Bridge will be able to analyse suspension
bridges in time domain, with all important
structural, functional and environmental load
effects included.

Multi-span tension-leg platform proposal for Bjrnafjord (Statens Vegvesen)




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17/03/16 16:07



The three towers of the new crossing are all different heights

Multi-span cable-stayed bridges make it possible to build

longer crossings with more modest spans, but articulation
is an issue that must be addressed

he Mersey Gateway project is a 2.3km

long, six-lane tolled crossing of the
Mersey River, which will create a new
link to Liverpool, north Cheshire and the
north west of England.
The main crossing will be a four-span, three
mono-tower, cable-stayed structure with a
total cable-supported deck of 998m carrying
six lanes of traffic. The 80m-high central
tower will be shorter than the two outer
towers, which will be 110m high and 125m high.
A central plane of cable stays will support the
single post-tensioned concrete box which
has a structural depth of approximately 4.6m
at 6m centres. Deck forces are transferred
to the stays by way of internal steel bracing
system and integral/monolithic horizontal
shear connections.
The client for the project is Halton Borough
Council, operating through the Mersey
Gateway Crossings Board. The bridge is
being designed, built, financed and operated
by Merseylink, whose contractors are FCC
Construccin, Kier Infrastructure & Overseas


and Samsung C&T Corporation. Flint & Neill

is leader of the design joint venture, working
with URS. CH2M is technical and contractual
advisor to the MGCB for the delivery.
There has been close collaboration
between the designers and the concession
company that will operate the bridge for the
first 30 years of its life, says Paul Sanders,
a director of Flint & Neill. Designers always
want to consider operation, he says, but dont
always have the operations and maintenance
company available when developing the
detailed design.
The choice of a concrete deck was
mainly dictated by two factors - speed of
construction and the difficulties of access
over the estuary. But elimination of repainting
was another factor considered as regards
future maintenance.
The bridge will have an integrated
structural health monitoring system, which
will also include measurements carried out
using optical survey and manual techniques
to supplement the inspection regime. The

system will provide data on the day-today in-service behaviour of the structure
incorporating stable long-term baselines for
measurement. Furthermore, it will permit the
early diagnosis of any problems.
Close integration between design and
construction has also been a feature of the
project. A lot of money goes into the ground
on a project like this and you need to spend a
lot of time looking at the foundation solutions
to make sure that you pick the right option,
says Sanders.
The solution adopted for the estuary
foundations of the three towers involves
large spread footings. It is a simple solution,
but quite ambitious, he says, and each of
the foundations is about 20m in diameter.
Structurally, it is a very efficient solution and
it allows open excavation - in this case inside
a substantial, double-skinned temporary
cofferdam (Bd&e issue no 81).
Earlier studies indicated that the estuarys
primary channels have been moving back
and forth over the decades; it was important
not to restrict this. A key benefit of the
chosen spread footings is that they are
buried beneath the lowest bed level, so there
is only a minimum cross-section of column
projecting into the water. This minimises the
possibility of the water channel latching on
to the bridge supports and losing its natural
tendency to move over time.
The location of foundations was restricted
to three specified zones, allowing the precise
configuration to be optimised to suit the
design and construction methods. We
wanted to make sure that we could have a
balanced cantilever extending out from each
tower, explains Sanders. That effectively
dictated the span arrangements. The main
spans are 318m and 294m while the back
spans are 181m and 205m.
Any cable-stayed bridge with a three-tower
arrangement will give rise to some challenges
in terms of anchoring the back spans, says
Sanders. The constraints on the positions
of the foundations in the estuary made it
more challenging, as anchor piers couldnt be
introduced. As a result, large bending effects
in the deck have had to be dealt with.



Advertisers' index




Page Company



Acrow Corporation of America




American Bridge Company


American Bridge




Deal S.R.L.


BSI Group




Bentley Systems






Bentley Systems

International GmbH




Soletanche Freyssinet

24-25 Acrow


Lindapter International


Soletanche Freyssinet


Mabey Bridge Ltd


Redaelli Techna S.p.A.


Maurer Shne


Maurer Shne



32 DYWIDAG Systems




International GmbH

Bridge design & engineering


Mabey Bridge Ltd


BSI Group


FIP Industriale S.p.A.








181 New Road
Parsippany, New Jersey
07054-5645 USA
t: +1 973-244-0080
f: +1 973-244-0085

Building Bridges.
Connecting People.

For over six decades, Acrow has provided cost-effective
permanent and short-term modular prefabricated bridging
solutions that ensure fast and easy bridge assembly and
installation, requiring minimal heavy equipment, from rural
towns and villages to large cities and urban centres in the
US and around the globe
Infrastructure development

crows prefabricated steel bridges offer a number of advantages

over other bridges. First, the steel parts are galvanised to withstand severe weather conditions and are virtually maintenance
free. Second, their modular design allows for easy customisation
to meet specific requirements as well as fast installation - in one to
four weeks - using minimal equipment. Both factors allow Acrow bridges to be
erected in environmentally-challenging locations. Internationally, Acrows training of local labour provides a transfer of knowledge and skills that help with
the creation of a countrys next generation of engineers and technicians.
With a North American customer base ranging from federal agencies to
state and provincial transportation departments as well as highway contractors, and an international customer base of government agencies along with a
wide spectrum of extractive and utility companies, Acrow has deep experience
in designing and engineering bridge solutions to meet even the most complex
site constraints.

One of more than 300 bridges supplied to Peru

The demand for Acrows modular bridges is truly global

On the African continent, over decades, Acrow has been involved in the design,
supply and construction of more than 1,000 bridges across more than 20
countries that connect people in rural and urban communities while facilitating regional and international trade.
In Peru, Acrow has worked extensively with government partners to provide
permanent replacements for aging structures as well as new connections. In
the past two years, Acrow has supplied some 300 bridges as part of a major
presidential initiative to improve the countrys bridging network, connecting
regional communities to the main arteries of transport.
Financed development projects
Acrow understands that funding for infrastructure development projects is often a key issue, particularly for international projects. As a recognised project
leader, Acrow is able to leverage its relationships with major international
financial institutions, as well as export credit agencies, to facilitate the process
of structuring competitive financing that not only covers the Acrow bridging,
but also assists with the local civil works and installation activities associated
with the successful implementation of the project.
North America
As the need for infrastructure maintenance and replacement has increased

Hawaii, USA




dramatically in North America, Acrows prefabricated modular bridging is seen

as an ideal cost-effective solution for permanent applications as well as detours
to maintain traffic flow during construction or repair of existing structures. The
structures can be engineered to support heavy loads, including rail traffic, and
constant truck traffic year in and year out. Because they can be assembled and
installed quickly, they are also a perfect solution for emergency projects.
The use of detour bridges has grown significantly as more contractors use
them to stay on or ahead of schedule and control costs, while providing a safe and
dependable route for traffic. Acrow bridges, rented and used as temporary detours,
address many important issues during highway and road construction. By providing
a temporary roadway that is predictable and unchanging, traffic disruptions are
significantly reduced while the safety of motorists and construction workers is
greatly improved. This is a safer, faster and more economical alternative to phased
construction in which lanes are moved as needed to divert traffic through work
During a 2015 culvert replacement in Ryegate, Vermont, for example, two Acrow
bridges were rented to enable uninterrupted traffic flow during the construction.
Without the interim structures, both vehicular and railroad freight traffic would
have faced unacceptably long detours.
Emergency projects/emergency preparedness
Acrows rental bridge services include quick delivery to most points in North


Two Acrow bridges maintain traffic flow during culvert replacement in Ryegate, VT

America, engineering drawings in compliance with owner specifications,

on-site engineers to oversee bridge installation and return delivery upon
completion of a project. Acrow maintains a substantial stock of bridge
components for assembling any size bridge up to four lanes wide, with
service and storage facilities strategically located for rapid response and
service to customers in North America.
For a recent project in Wyoming, an Acrow bridge replaced an overpass that had collapsed onto railroad tracks below during heavy flooding
of a nearby river. The collapse created an immediate stop to the passage
of daily train and vehicular traffic. Because of the easy assembly and installation of the Acrow bridge, the project was completed in three weeks.
Increasingly, governments are planning ahead for natural disasters. In
addition to the structures supplied to Peru under the presidents initiative, 41 Acrow bridges were ordered ahead of the anticipated impact of a
particularly damaging El Nio rainy season.
In the US, Florida maintains many Acrow bridging components for use
during planned construction and to improve traffic flow in the event of an
emergency evacuation due to hurricanes.
Aging infrastructure
A significant challenge during the repair and maintenance of aging
infrastructure is maintaining the flow of traffic, and a cost effective and
efficient way to do this is by installing temporary detour bridges. Acrows
modular prefabricated bridges are ideally suited to this and can be either
rented as needed or purchased for unlimited repeat usage. In addition to
bridges, Acrows Superprop shoring systems are an excellent choice to
consider for projects such as bridges undergoing seismic retrofits or to
support excavations. Acrows shoring components can support up to 270t
on a single leg.
Historial bridge rehabilitation
Although a very small part of the bridge repair market overall and often
posing particularly difficult engineering challenges, Acrow is proud to have
been involved in many projects to restore historically significant bridges.
In addition to having been used during renovations on wood covered
bridges, in 2015, for example, an Acrow bridge was installed as a detour
structure in Hawaii during repairs to a century-old steel girder bridge, and
more recently, three Acrow support and bridge structures are being used
innovatively during the on-site restoration of a 96-year-old truss bridge in

US 85 Bridge over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks in Lusk, Wyoming, USA






1000 American Bridge Way
Coraopolis, PA 15108, USA
t: +1 412-631-1000
f: +1 412-631-2002


ince its inception in 1900, American Bridge Company has held a laser
focus on delivering the worlds most challenging bridges, marine works,
and complex structures. The companys central cultural tenet is to
relentlessly develop and apply advanced construction engineering and
methodology that supports safer, more efficient delivery.
Throughout the companys history, self-performing critical construction and
erection work components in the field has become a hallmark of a true AB project.
American Bridge has constructed many of the worlds notable bridges including the
San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge (1936), the Mackinac Straits Bridge in Michigan
(1957), the Verrazano Narrows Bridge in New York (1964), The Angostura Bridge over
the Orinoco River in Venezuela (1966), the 25th of April Bridge in Lisbon, Portugal
(1967), and the Sunshine Skyway (cable stay) Bridge in Tampa Bay, Florida, (1987).
Founded as a JP Morgan-engineered merger of 28 bridge and structural
companies, AB immediately operated on an unprecedented scale. American
Bridge established the practicality of steel as the basic product in large scale
infrastructure including bridges, buildings, power and water transmission, and
military facilities.
As a result, its dozen or so factories, hundreds of construction engineers, and
thousands of skilled workers played a dominant role in the development of the
infrastructure of the United States and many other countries. Operating as a part
of United States Steel Corporation from 1901-1987, American Bridge had significant
roles in the establishment of the railroad networks of the United States, Kenya,
Alaska, Brazil, Norway, Korea, Panama, Peru, Mexico, Japan, Columbia, Guatemala
and the Philippines. It supplied more than 607,000t of fabricated steel for the

Lions Gate Bridge, Vancouver, British Columbia


San Francisco-Oakland Bay Self-Anchored Suspension Span, San Francisco, California

construction of New York Citys subway system between 1913 and 1931 an average
of 33,000t per year.
In the early 1980s ABs parent (US Steel) split the fabrication and construction
operations, with the construction company retaining the name. In 1987, US
Steel sold American Bridge to two investors, who focused mainly on equipment
divestiture and high rise structural steel erection.
In 1989, the current ownership purchased the company. By the early 1990s,
American Bridge had become a shadow of its former self. Negatively affected by
difficult economic conditions and a series of new CEOs with different strategic
directions, revenues had dropped to about US$30 million by 1993.
Ownership recruited the current company leadership in 1993 and has steadily rebuilt the brand. Major bridge project successes (Williamsburg Bridge reconstruction,
Tagus River Bridge reconstruction, Lions Gate Bridge reconstruction, Woodrow
Wilson Bascule Bridge) combined with numerous smaller ones were instrumental
in this rebuilding. Moreover, the successful entry into marine construction and
the greater involvement in complex concrete construction have diversified and
modernised the company.
Through this rebuilding period the company consistently operated profitability.
The company today has fully rebuilt its technical capability, and is financially
strong. Currently, American Bridge has numerous technically challenging bridge
construction projects underway. This includes the recently completed US$1.7 billion
main span of the new San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge; the new US$1.3 billion
Queensferry Crossing near Edinburgh, Scotland; and the New NY Bridge the
Tappan Zee Hudson River Crossing.
Today, American Bridge continues to build on more than a century of
engineering and construction experience, and celebrates that history. ABs business
focuses on new construction and rehabilitation of movable bridges, steel truss
bridges, cable-supported bridges, steel and concrete girder bridges, heavy marine,
military, government and security infrastructure, and other structural projects
that benefit from advanced construction engineering capabilities. Additionally, the
company owns and designs equipment for a wide variety of heavy civil construction
As American Bridge looks to the future, we will continue to develop our
world-class in-house engineering, safety-first attitude, and unmatched culture of
innovation to deliver legendary construction projects throughout the world.



13 Fitzroy Street,
London W1T 4BQ, GB
t: +44 020 7636 1531


Hulme Arch Bridge, England: Arup

Champlain Bridge, Canada: Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada (2014)

rup is a wholly independent firm of designers, planners, engineers, consultants

and technical specialists offering a broad range of professional services
principally in the built environment. Founded in 1946 by Sir Ove Arup, Arup has
more than 13,000 people working in 92 offices in 40 countries and projects
have taken Arup to more than 160 countries offices. Owned in trust on behalf
of its employees, Arup is able to retain its independence, which sets it apart from other
Oves background in contracting and first-hand experience with disparate and
uncoordinated construction delivery systems led him to advocate the use of integrated
multi-disciplinary design and construction teams, and this ethos is the driving force
in the Arup approach to project delivery. Working in multi-disciplinary teams ensures
coordination between the disciplines. Arup operates formal quality management systems,
routinely reviewing and auditing the work. The project teams are structured to achieve
clear lines of responsibility and communication with clients and others.
Arup provides engineering and related consultancy services necessary to every stage
of the project lifecycle. These are available to clients singly or in combination, to suit the
particular circumstance of the project. Arup is committed to sustainable design, to its
increasing incorporation in projects that it undertakes and to industry-wide sustainability
initiatives. Throughout the world Arup provides a consistently excellent multi-disciplinary
service, which also addresses the concern for the environment.
In the field of bridge engineering Arup has worked for government and public
procurement agencies, private developers and contractors and has experience in the
design of new build, independent design checking and rehabilitation of all types of bridges;
movable bridges, boutique footbridges, steel truss bridges, steel concrete and composite
girder bridges, arch bridges, extradosed bridges, cable stayed bridges, suspension bridges.
Known for innovation, creativity and pioneering, Arup has designed some of the worlds
most recognisable and renowned bridges.
Arup designed the award winning Hulme Arch Bridge in Manchester England which is
the worlds first diagonal arch bridge and has been described as a show-piece for the civil
engineering profession. For this work, Arup was awarded the UK Millennium Product Status.
Arup has expertise in design of concrete, steel and composite cable-stay bridges and
has designed award-winning bridges such as the double decker road and rail Oresund

Crossing between Denmark and Sweden, and the twin-box Stonecutters Bridge
in Hong Kong with its span of 1,018m which was record-breaking at the time. Arup
has also designed cable-stay bridges on the Brunei Temburong Sea Crossing;
Hong Kong Macau Bridge; Jizhou Bridge; the triple-tower Queensferry Crossing in
Scotland with its world-record 2 x 650m spans and unique crossed cables; Gerald
Desmond Bridge in Los Angeles, and Champlain Bridge in Montreal, all of which
are currently under construction.
In the last decade Arup has carried out detail tender designs for contractors
on a number of suspension bridges including the 800m-span JeokgeumYeongnam Bridge and the 1450m-span Gwangyan Bridge, both in Korea, and the
1,550m-span Izmit Bay Bridge in Turkey.
With significant expertise in designing for extreme events caused by seismic,
wind and ship impact, Arup has pioneered the use of many new world-first
technologies. On Stonecutters Bridge, Arup designed twin decks to cope with
extreme typhoon winds and also developed centrifugal model tests to design for
ship impact.
On the Queensferry Crossing, Arup saved the bridge owner US$120 million by
introducing the As Low As Reasonably Practical (ALARP) approach to ship impact.
This methodology set the risk acceptance criteria based on cost-benefit analysis
comparing the quantified consequences of failure against the increased capital
costs and environmental impact that would result from structural strengthening to
mitigate risk. And at Gerald Desmond Bridge, Arups seismic and foundation design
contributed significantly to the contractors competitive edge that secured the
design and build contract for the first major cable-stayed bridge in California.
The Arup team of bridge engineers is supported by in-house experts in
highway and railway engineering, traffic engineering, marine engineering,
off-shore engineering, aviation, geotechnics, fire engineering, electrical and
mechanical engineering, materials technology, acoustics, environmental,
feasibility and financial evaluation, quantity surveying, contract compilation,
construction supervision and legal advice. This depth of global experience
combined with local presence and holistic approach can help owners realise
bridge projects that meet their unique aesthetic desires, environmental needs
and economic considerations.



Stonecutters Bridge, Hong Kong: Arup





BSI Group
389 Chiswick High Road
London W4 4AL, United Kingdom
t: +44 345 086 9001
f: +44 208 996 7001


Above: Vasco da Gama Bridge, Portugal. Below: Millau Viaduct, France

Eurocodes: How to use them and how to realise their

potential for your business

Excerpts from the BSI white paper by Owen Brooker, technical director,
Modulus. The paper is intended to address the challenges the Eurocodes
presents and to provide useful insights and assistance in making the
transition to using them

he introduction of the Eurocodes to the UK is a major change for engineers

working in structural and civil engineering. The codes were introduced
to eliminate technical obstacles to trade and harmonise technical
specifications, thus creating a more open marketplace.
The drive towards implementation of the Eurocodes has differed
between the civil and structural markets. Civil engineers have been relatively
early adopters because their clients are mainly public bodies, and they are under
an obligation through the EU Public Procurement Directive (2014/24/EU) to use
designs that conform to the requirements of the Eurocodes. By contrast, structural
engineers undertake considerably more work for private clients and there is less
incentive to make the transition because the Eurocodes are seen as just one way
of demonstrating compliance with the UK Building Regulations. Due to their less
prescriptive nature, the adoption of the Eurocodes offers opportunities for flexibility
in design, as well as opportunities for increasing market share across the European
The Challenges facing engineers
The number of standards, some of which have many parts.
The references to separate product and material standards.
The need to accommodate the requirements of many different countries giving
rise to the National Annexes (NA).
They are claimed to be the most technically advanced construction standards in
the world.
To the first-time user, navigating through the Eurocodes and the supporting standards
can be confusing.
Volume of changes
For the typical practising engineer, changing from using the BS (British
Standard) system to the Eurocode system requires an understanding of the
new requirements for all construction materials at the same time. In the past,
changing to a new standard for a single material was more manageable. For
many it is the extent of the changes that appears to make the transition an
insurmountable barrier.


Language and symbols

To the native English speaker the use of some words in the Eurocodes is not familiar.
For example, the term actions has been adopted when most engineers would think
that loads is more appropriate. Particular words have been adopted for specific
reasons; it could be that they translate more easily into other languages, or because
they are more precise. Actions has been used so that it can cover the effect of
temperature changes, which are not strictly speaking loads.
The symbols in the Eurocodes can also be confusing to the newcomer. There are a lot
of them, and some of them do differ from those used in British Standards. However, there
is a system, which on the whole has been adopted across all of the Eurocodes. Therefore,
once they become familiar it does become easier to turn to a new material Eurocode and
have a grasp of the symbols. The symbols are also quite precise, so they should be used
accurately. However, the precision and consistency should mean that less time is devoted
to scouring a Eurocode to find the definition of the symbol.
Eurocodes are standards not design guides
To the user of a BS, the Eurocodes have a very technical feel to them. This is because
they are written to give the basic design requirements; setting out the rules which
should be adopted. The former British Standards go a step further and provide design
guidance, design aids and are in fact far more like design manuals; Europeans would
expect this information to be found in textbooks or design manuals. This approach
means that it is often necessary to have a Eurocode and some guidance, such as the
relevant published documents, open at the same time.
Uncertainty of member resistances
Another challenge is knowing what sizes are appropriate at the start of the design
process and here an experienced engineer needs to know if their existing rules of
thumb are still appropriate. Whichever code of practice is used, the end result should
be a design which gives more or less the same sizes. The Eurocodes represent an
evolution, rather than a revolution and therefore some reduction in member sizes
might be an outcome, but any reduction of more than 1020% should be a warning
sign. An experienced engineer will still be able to use their rules of thumb and over
time may modify them.
To get your free copy of the white paper go to:



The Corgo Valley Viaduct, Vila Real, Portugal LCW Consult SA


685 Stockton Drive
Exton, PA 19341
t: 1-800-BENTLEY (1 800 236 8539)
t: +1 610 458 5000


entleys bridge applications are purpose-built for bridge designers and

contractors who need to create, construct, maintain, and document bridge
information throughout the lifecycle of the asset. Sharing information in an
information-rich 3D model increases data quality, collaboration, constructability,
and operational aspects including asset management. Bentleys bridge
applications provide the ability to interoperate with all stakeholders during design,
construction, and beyond on bridge projects of all sizes.
There are tremendous advantages in connecting the project team members with a 3D
approach and the technology that supports it. Having geometry that is relevant and current
ties the roadway and bridge engineers together from the onset of a project and throughout
design revisions in a bi-directional manner. Not only are they working in a connected
manner, they are working geospatially for improved accuracy.
With Bentley applications, bridges can be modelled in a real-world manner referencing
existing conditions in a meaningful way. Models become the immediate mechanism for
design and analytics. Imagine the time and cost savings of easily developing an intelligent
model in the preliminary stages of a project and carrying this through to design and
analysis without the time or expense of re-engineering. Most 3D modelling technology does
not allow for a direct link to analytics
without some re-entry of data; nor
Finally, a purpose-built
do these models contain the level of
bridge modelling software
detail required for todays projects.
that is parametric and
However, with Bentleys OpenBridge
easily editable. In just
minutes, I had results with
Modeler, RM, and LEAP interoperability,
OpenBridge Modeler that
the physical model can be linked
would have taken at least
directly to the analytics. It allows for
a half hour in other civil
alternate design options, previewing
engineering programs.
alternatives, constructability
Andr Tousignant, PE,
issues, and conflicts in the earliest
Construction engineer, PCL
development of the bridge.
Civil Constructors, Inc
Visualise, render, perform clash


detection, generate quantities, and evaluate clearances with the information-rich

model, and be assured of reliable construction methods from the onset. Directly
connect and reference existing and proposed conditions, as well as civil data to
perform constructability analysis key to maintenance of traffic facility over
Bentleys OpenBridge Modeler addresses the challenges we face with complex
geometry needs, parametric updating of changes, and evaluating constructability
early in the process, including conflicts not seen in a 2D workflow. Bentley
applications allow you to easily share engineering-rich data, and make more
informed decisions within a 3D model of the bridge project.
The advantage of all disciplines (roadway, utilities, bridges, existing conditions,
and so on) operating in a single modelling environment with no need to recreate
critical project data helps stakeholders meet the challenges of the 3D deliverable
by industry standards. OpenBridge Modeler provides a workflow specific to the
needs of the bridge engineering software that model bridges not buildings,
yet facilitates collaboration and integration with other disciplines, such as civil
engineers, utilities, and others to ensure everyone has the data they need when
they need it.
3D bridge models provide the ability to reference related designs that
connect or affect the project. Subsurface utilities, rebar detailing, bridge element
placement, and traffic maintenance are all key construction issues that, in an
integrated and interoperable workflow, can be detected and resolved upfront in
the office rather than in the field.
Bridge design and construction processes are evolving and 3D deliverables
are imminent. Interoperability and collaboration are keys to the success of bridge
projects of all sizes and construction methods. Leveraging complex geometry from
the beginning to generate physical bridge models and preparing the design and
analytical requirements is essential to moving to a more fluid and seamless reality
modeling workflow. With intelligent as-designed models and as-built data, engineers
can provide operations and maintenance value for the entire life of the asset.
Address complex modelling, design, and analysis of all bridge types on both
existing and new structures. Experience enriched problem solving at every
stage of the project delivery process, from planning, design, and engineering
to construction simulation and analysis with Bentleys bridge applications. Your
result remarkably better engineered bridges.


The tools provided by Bentley allow

us to follow the technological evolution
necessary on todays challenges.
Pedro Pereira, Engineer,
LCW Consult SA

Tappan Zee Hudson River Crossing, New York, USA (Photo courtesy
New York State Thruway)





685 Stockton Drive
Exton, PA 19341
t: 1-800-BENTLEY (1 800 236 8539)
t: +s1 610 458 5000

RM Bridge enables Armando Rito
Engenharia to improve quality of life
in Angola
Bridge reduces river crossing time from two hours
to less than one minute

In the aftermath of a devastating civil war, the Republic of Angola faced the
daunting task of rebuilding its infrastructure. As part of this effort, Armando
Rito Engenharia SA Lisbon, Portugal, was retained by the Road Institute of
Angola on behalf of the Ministry of Public Works to design the 4th of April
Bridge over the Catumbela River. The EUR 26 million cable-stayed bridge
replaced an antiquated one-way bridge, which turned a two-hour-or-more journey
between the cities of Benguela and Lobito into a 30-minute drive.
Rebuilding post-war infrastructure
The project team used RM Bridge, Bentleys comprehensive software for bridge
design and analysis, to develop the impressive cable-stayed solution, which not
only improved the quality of life in this community, but also marked a remarkable
engineering achievement that was able to benefit from a comprehensive 3D model
for analysis. RM Bridge helped the team achieve technical innovations in pylon
geometry, cable-stay design, and optimisation of cable-stay tensioning through all
construction stages, enabling the team to design a structure that has a modern
aesthetic, as well as an impressive engineering design. The bridge symbolises the
end of war and the freedom of the Angolan people.
One-way bridge replaced with innovative cable-stayed bridge
A former Portuguese colony, Angola is an African nation that was for decades torn
by war. The civil conflict took a toll on both the people and the built environment.
During those years, the road system along with a vast number of bridges ended
up being destroyed or heavily damaged. Since the end of the armed conflict, the
country has been rebuilding, and Armando Rito has worked in Angola since 2000
constructing about 30 bridges as part of that rebuilding.
The 4th of April Bridge is part of the highway between Benguela and Lobito,
crossing the Catumbela River approximately 7km north of the Atlantic coast.
Previously, the crossing was made using a single-lane bridge built in the early 20th
century. Crossing the river seldom took nearly two hours.
To address that problem, Armando Rito proposed a new bridge that would
be an aesthetically pleasing landmark, and yet demonstrate the technological
advancement that symbolises Angolas will to rebuild itself in the modern era. The
bridge geometry and technical solutions, from deck to pylons, reflect not only


modern structural concepts but also the countrys forward-looking vision for form
and function in infrastructure.
Several constraints influenced the design of the replacement bridge. Its
location in the heart of the city of Catumbela required the road profile to be low,
with pronounced curves. The deck had to be slim to allow for local circulation
underneath the bridge. Also, the tight schedule and seasonal flooding dictated that
the piers be located outside the river, which impacted the bridges main span.
3D model analysis
used from design to
While Armando Rito has used
RM Bridge since 2003, this was
its first opportunity to use the
software for the analysis of a
cable-stayed bridge. The bridges
complex geometry made the
construction stage analysis
and determination of optimised
tensioning cable stay forces quite
challenging. With help of the
RM Bridge professional services
team, the project engineers were
able to accelerate the process
and meet the required timeline.

The team is proud to have

been able to successfully
build this important bridge,
and the measure of our
success is the opportunity
to design two more cablestayed bridges in Angola.
RM Bridge will undoubtedly
be an important part of the
Pedro Cabral, Armando
Rito Engenharia SA



RM Bridge was used to create a

3D structural model of the cablestayed bridge, including pylon
geometry and cable stays.
The team used RM Bridge to
dependent functions.
RM Bridge was used to determine
optimised cable-stay tensioning
forces during construction stages.


construction stages of the bridge, considering timedependent functions (creep, shrinkage, and relaxation),
and all stressing operations.
The innovative saddle design for the bridge
provided an immediate savings of almost 15%. A
more conventional solution would have resulted in an
increase of concrete and reinforcement quantities of
10-15% plus an estimated 25 metric tons of structural
steel for the anchorage caisson.

RM Bridge delivers technical innovation

and smarter design
The bridge is a cast in-situ cable-stayed bridge with a
semi-fan arrangement of stays. The main span of the
bridge is 160m, and the two side spans are both 64m
long. The approach viaducts have multiple 30m spans.
Together with the approach viaducts, this bridge
forms a 438m-long, continuous structure with only
two expansion joints located at the abutments.
The prestressed concrete pylons are U-shaped and
approximately 50m high. They were designed in such a way as to allow
them to work without the usual transverse bracing system, giving them the
U-shaped configuration that contributed to the aesthetics of the bridge
The total suspension 24.5m-wide deck is composed of two prestressed
hollow-beam concrete girders. The two beams are connected transversally by
the reinforced concrete top slab and by prestressed cross beams placed every
The bridge design led to some technical innovations, such as the saddle
developed for the stays to allow a reduction in steel quantities and slimmer
concrete masts. The stays are arranged in two planes and are constituted by
bundles of individual pre-stressed steel strands. They connect to the pylons by
crossing through the saddles, except on the first three stays where traditional
anchorages are used. The deck anchorages are positioned at 8m intervals
except for the four backstay cables, which are spaced at 4m.

The innovative saddle design

developed for the stays, allowed
a reduction in steel quantities and
slimmer concrete masts.
A more conventional solution for
the pylon anchorages would have
resulted in an increase in concrete
and reinforcement quantities of 1015% plus an estimated 25 metric
tons of structural steel for the
anchorage caissons.

Armando Rito also used RM Bridge to model the 3D cable-stayed bridge and analyse
the geometric attributes and design challenges within the model. This allowed the team
to make more informed decisions throughout the construction process, saving time and
This was an investment that not only provided important knowledge of the software
usage, but also permitted an interesting exchange of ideas and concepts between
developers and end-users, said Pedro Cabral, head of the bridge department at
Armando Rito Engenharia SA. It also improved the experience and know-how about the
behaviour of this kind of structure.
The team used RM Bridge to compute the complete construction sequence, solving
structural problems in the 3D model before construction began. In addition, the team
used Microstation to produce construction drawings.
The RM Bridge optimisation module for cable-supported bridges allowed the
project team to efficiently evaluate the optimal cable stay tensioning forces during all

Organisation: Armando Rito Engenharia SA

Solution: Bridges
Location: Catumbela, Benguela, Angola
Project objective:
Design a cable-stayed bridge to replace the antiquated one-way bridge
over Catumbela River.
Create an aesthetic form that symbolises the end of war and the freedom
of the Angolan people.
Provide a low profile, slim deck, with piers outside the main river channel
to minimise impacts on the urban setting.
Products used: RM Bridge, MicroStation



Fast facts:

Symbolic aesthetics a bridge between two nations,

celebrating freedom
The new bridge dramatically shortened the time to cross the river and vastly
improved the quality of life for those living in the region. The aesthetic of the
structure signifies the freedom of Angolas people, the end of the war, and the
pride taken in modern reconstruction. It is also a symbol of the legacy left by
the Portuguese to Angola. Besides being a bridge between the two banks of the
Catumbela River, it is a bridge between two nations.

For further information:
1-800-BENTLEY (1-800-236-8539)
Outside the US +1 610-458-5000
+43 316 821 5310




DYWIDAG-Systems International GmbH

Siemensstrasse 8,
85716 Unterschleissheim, Germany
t: +49 89 30 90 50 100
f: +49 89 30 90 50 120

partnership. We offer our clients the advantages of an international system

supplier with a product range that is tailored to suit individual requirements.
Certifications and internatonal organisations
International organisations, trade associations and standards committees are
becoming more important in times in which products and services seem more
and more interchangeable. organisations and trade associations are cross-linked
on a global basis and promote the exchange of technology and know-how across
borders. We are an active member in many international organisations to drive
technical developments.


ywidag-Systems International (DSI) is a globally leading system supplier of

innovative technologies for the construction industry. The long tradition of DSI
reaches back as far as 1865 the founding year of the German construction
firm, Dyckerhoff & Widmann AG (Dywidag). DSI was founded in the year 1979
to market Dywidag Systems and technical know-how around the world and to
develop innovative systems resulting from its own research and development activities.
DSI technology
In more than 90 countries and at 28 regional manufacturing sites, DSI develops, produces
and supplies high-quality systems such as Dywidag post-tensioning systems, geotechnical
systems and concrete accessories for the construction industry. In accordance with our
slogan Local Presence Global Competence, more than 2,100 specialised and experienced
DSI employees ensure that DSIs technologies and know-how are available around the
world. DSI offers quality on all levels quality that is characterised by creativity, reliability
and profitability.

Dywidag post-tensioning systems and stay cable systems are world renowned
for reliability and performance. They embrace the whole spectrum from bridge
construction and buildings to civil applications both above and below ground.
The first ever structure built with a prototype Dywidag post-tensioning system
using bars was the arch bridge Alsleben (Germany) in 1927. From that time on,
Dywidag has continuously improved its systems to keep up with the growing
demand of modern construction technology.
In addition to traditional post-tensioning systems with bars, DSI offers a
complete product line in strand post-tensioning (bonded, unbonded and external)
as well as stay-cable systems to fulfill the changing requirements in the industry
today and tomorrow.
Our stay cable systems have always combined the highest safety and
reliability standards with excellent economical efficiency in their research and
Dependable corrosion protection methods, damper design, fire protection,
vibration measurements and the recently developed Dyna Force monitoring
system significantly contribute to the longevity of modern construction.

Comprehensive services
Our comprehensive services include the conception, design, planning and installation of its
systems as well as quality management and on site supervision.
Research and development
Continued investments in research and development and the resulting patent applications
sustainably strengthen the know-how available within the DSI Group. By offering innovative
solutions in accordance with superior quality standards, we fulfill the constantly changing
requirements of our target markets. It is our declared aim to always be one step ahead.
Client orientation
The needs and requirements of clients and business partners are always of paramount
importance. Our company is characterised by reliability, trust and cooperation based on


Pitt River Bridge spans the Pitt River between Port Coquitlam and Pitt
Meadows in British Columbia, Canada



The ageing of structures generates a growing need for renovation, heightened by

the increasing stringency of regulatory requirements. As an extension of its new
build business, Freyssinet has developed expertise and know-how in structural
repair through exclusive solutions under the Foreva label.
Foreva solutions incorporate structural design
methods, the manufacture of tested, approved
products and implementation by trained workers.

280, Avenue Napoleon Bonaparte

CS 60002
92506 Rueil Mailmason Cedex
Twitter: @freyssinet

Wing Tip Consol Energy Bridge, USA

Guaranteed turnkey service

With Foreva, Freyssinet guarantees quality work and a durable repair as part of a
turnkey service.
Repair solution expert Freyssinet offers its expertise to designers and main
contractors and supports them at every stage of a project, from assistance in
diagnosis through to choice of the appropriate solution and implementation of the




Proven solutions and products

With its technical department made up of civil and chemical engineers, materials
experts and corrosion specialists, Freyssinet has a proactive policy for the
development of repair solutions and products, validated by laboratory trials and
feedback from on-site experience.
Specialist teams
Our specialist teams know-how enables Freyssinet to meet its customers
requirements in terms of quality, schedule, costs, safety and the environment.
Its substantial network of locations enables local service and offers customers high
levels of responsiveness.

ounded over 70 years ago by Eugne Freyssinet, the inventor of

prestressing, Freyssinet brings together an unrivalled range of skills in the
specialist civil engineering sector, offering integrated technical solutions
in the fields of construction and structural repair. Freyssinet is involved in
numerous projects across five continents, making it the world leader in its
specialist areas of:
Cable-stayed structures,
Construction methods,
Structural accessories,
Structural repair and reinforcement,
Structural maintenance.
These activities are performed on a wide range of structures, including civil
engineering structures, buildings, skyscrapers, industrial installations, power
production plants, offshore platforms, transport and sporting infrastructure, and

Commitment to sustainable development

Improving, preserving and securing structures helps to save non-renewable
resources and reduce greenhouse gases.

Innovation is in Freyssinets blood. Since Eugne Freyssinet invented prestressed
concrete in 1928, the company has based its growth on dynamic innovation,
as borne out by numerous technological advances that have changed the civil
engineering world. To perpetuate the pioneering spirit of its founders, the company
implements and invests heavily in an active research and development policy, lead
by a Technical Department and a worldwide network of experts working closely with
research laboratories and universities.
Freyssinet develops exclusive products and processes in all its areas of operation,
for which almost 200 patents have been filed over the past two decades.

The product of 65 years of continuous R&D effort, Freyssinet solutions meet the
highest standards of modern civil engineering and major building projects.
In each of its specialist areas, Freyssinet sets itself exacting performance criteria
generally positioned above the usual industry standards. This demand for quality
applies not just to products developed in the companys factories and laboratories,
but also to implementation, adherence to deadlines and sustainability.
Freyssinets aim is to provide the best possible responses to clients major
challenges in terms of technical and economic performance, reliability and


Agigea Bridge repair,





1512 Yellow Springs Road, Chester Springs 19425
Pennsylvania, USA
t: 610 590 2160
f: 610 590 0457


indapter is the pioneer in the design and manufacture of steel

connection solutions, providing a faster alternative to drilling or
welding, ultimately saving contractors time and money. With over 80
years experience, Lindapter has an extensive range of products for the
bridge industry, including connections for hollow steel section, steel-tosteel, concrete decking, pipe supports and metal flooring.
Lindapter products are used in multiple prestigious long span bridges, including
the Goethals Bridge and Alexander Hamilton Bridge in New York and the Walt Whitham
Bridge and Ben Franklin Bridge in Philadelphia, PA.
Typical applications include securing metal flooring, pipework, and steel framework
while bespoke applications include bridge strengthening applications. The below case
studies show the versatility of Lindapter connections.

London, England: Lindapter Type A clamps were used to attach London Bridges
new glass walkways supporting steel frame to the original steel structure

The new viewing platform spans the River

Thames at a height of 42m and features a glass
floor to reveal the bridge deck and water
below. The floor consists of several 530kg
glass panels supported by a carbon steel
framework weighing 1000kg. The frame was
safely secured with Lindapters CE marked clamps
using just simple hand tools. The simple installation process ensured that the iconic
structure was not damaged and helped the contractors to complete the installation
within six weeks.
Whether securing a new walkway, adding pipework or building a new steel-framed
bridge, Lindapter has a proven and accredited connection solution. As a premium
manufacturer, Lindapter has an extensive range of product approvals and all our
products have independently approved safe working loads.

New York, USA: Lindapter Type F3 clamps secured a 100mm-diameter pipe

carrying fibre optic cable along the entire length of the Manhattan Bridge

Lindapter Support Fixings are often specified for securing

pipework due to the ease of installation and high adjustability.
In this case, Lindapter Type F3 clamps secured a 100mm-diameter
pipe carrying fibre optic cable along the entire length of
Manhattan Bridge. Using just simple hand tools simplified
the installation across the iconic bridge and allowed the
contractors to finish on time and on budget.
During the major upgrade of the 150-year-old Arnside Viaduct
(pictured right), chequer plate flooring was secured to supporting
box girder sections along the length of the new deck using 8,000 Lindapter Floorfast
connections. The ease of installation allowed the flooring to be fitted as the deck units
were removed, helping the major renovation to be completed on schedule.
Lindapter often designs and manufactures customised connection assemblies,
which can include the supporting steel. In a bespoke application for Tower Bridge in
London, the Type A clamps were used to attach the new glass walkways supporting
steel frame to the original steel structure.


Cumbria, England: Lindapters Floorfast connections secured chequer plate

flooring to supporting box girders on the Arnside Viaduct

For further information, visit www. to download a bridge
application brochure which includes more prestigious
bridge projects and the popular Hollo-Bolt, which is the only
blind fastener to be recognised for primary structural use
by SCI and BCSA. The Hollo-Bolt is also the only expansion bolt
for structural steel that has full seismic approval (A-F) from California
based ICC-ES and COLA (City of Los Angeles) approval.



Unit 9, Lydney Harbour Estate

Harbour Road, Lydney, Gloucestershire GL15 4EJ
t: +44 (0)1291 623801


Mabeys modular steel Delta bridge in Pakistan

abey is a leading international provider of high quality bridging and

infrastructure solutions. We specialise in rapid-build, pre-engineered modular
bridging solutions to develop, improve and repair essential infrastructure in
urban and rural areas. We also deliver permanent and temporary bridging
solutions for transport, oil and gas, and mining applications.

A unique heritage of British engineering expertise

Mabey is a company of engineers. We have a tradition of innovation which dates back to 1848
with the construction of Isambard Kingdom Brunels Railway Bridge over the UK River Wye. Since
then, we have built on the engineering success of our founder, Bevil Mabey, to invest in new
product development, advanced production equipment and new ventures to become a market
leader in the development of modular bridging systems now found all over the world.
A track record of innovation in modular bridging
We are proud of the contribution we continue to make to innovation in modular bridging. As
an original manufacturer of the Bailey Bridge developed in WW2, Mabey retains outstanding
knowledge and expertise in their design and manufacture. We have drawn on this to develop
a range of proprietary, pre-engineered bridging solutions which are entirely modular, easily
transportable and rapid to deploy. Innovation features prominently throughout the range;
innovative developments include backward launch mechanisms and cost-effective replacement
bridging solutions, as well as elaborate flyovers and robust military systems, serving a wide
range of both permanent and temporary applications.
An established provider of long-span modular bridging
Mabey is a long-span bridging specialist. Launched in 2003, the Mabey Delta is
a permanent, lightweight, modular steel bridge which features standardised,
interchangeable steel components with full highway loading capability. The Delta can be
configured as a single or multiple span bridge for clear spans of up to 90m. It can also be
supplied in multiple spans, supported on intermediate piers, meaning that there is no limit
to the length it can bridge.
Mabey has supplied the Delta to numerous customers around the world, from Canada to
Chile and from the Philippines to Pakistan; a 328.5m Delta, the Gammon Bridge, was installed in

the Swat Valley following severe flooding in 2010. More recently, in December 2015,
Mabey installed its first Delta in Latin America, in the Arauco region of Chile. The
installation replaced infrastructure which had previously been destroyed by a severe
earthquake and has since had a beneficial impact on the regions economy.



A thought leader in long-span bridge innovation

Mabey is a master of long-span bridging design. The uniqueness of our Delta bridge is
the intellectual property that sits behind its unique jointing and load sharing system.
This means that special load requirements can easily be accommodated, as can sitespecific topography, high wind loads and seismic requirements.
Important too is the simplistic modularity of our designs. The long-span Delta
features an innovative proprietary steel decking system, which transfers wheel
loads to the transom and then on to the trusses. These, in turn, carry the load to the
abutments and onto the intermediary piers, enabling multi-span configurations for a
wide range of applications.
Extremes of temperature are also taken into consideration; Mabey designs using
certified high-grade steels to provide a physically strong and durable product, which is
hot-dip galvanised to international standards to protect it from corrosion. Additionally,
full-scale testing, to verify design calculations and fatigue characteristics and to prove
structural integrity, features as an integral process in our design statement methodology.
It is the versatility and robustness of the Deltas design, combined with its
aesthetically pleasing triangular-shaped panels, which differentiates it as a superior
high-quality product in the long-span market.
A world leader in speed of installation
Mabeys expertise goes far beyond design and manufacture. We pride ourselves on the
comprehensive bridge installation advice we offer our customers in support of their
project to ensure their bridge installation is rapid, safe and trouble-free; our qualified
bridge installation advisors are experts in site reconnaissance, planning, logistics,
infrastructure development and installation, and have overseen the installation of
thousands of bridges worldwide.
The Delta combines the best of off-site fabrication with high speed construction and
rapid installation, offering significant advantages over more traditional construction
techniques which involve major site work. Delta components can be transported
to remote sites easily in ISO containers and bridges can be erected quickly using
locally sourced labour and a minimum of specialist equipment. Installation times are
impressive; a 90m single-span Delta was recently built in Chur, Switzerland, in 16 days.
A globally trusted partner for the future of long-span bridging
There is more to Mabey. Product development work at Mabey continues to push Delta
bridge developments: to continue to strengthen it so as to respond to industrys
demand for longer spans; to incorporate new, stronger and more cost effective
materials and to identify new markets and applications.

Mabeys modular steel Delta bridge, Sula, the Philippines


For help with your project, visit or email us on sales@ We look forward to hearing from you.




Frankfurter Ring 193
80807 Munich, Germany
t: +49 89 323 94 0
f: +49 89 323 94 306


ridges, buildings, ferris wheels: MAURER AG in Munich, Germany is

known worldwide for its spectacular constructions. Each of us has
probably seen one of the components built and installed by MAURER
but often without knowing it. The support of the 34,000m2 large
movable roof construction of the Allianz Arena in Munich comes from
MAURER as does the entire bridge equipment for the Russky Bridge in Vladivostok.
In steel construction, the BMW Welt and the Airport Terminal II in Munich are
among the showpieces.
The most relevant MAURER products are components that transfer loads or
convert energy. These include expansion joints as well as structural bearings,
seismic control devices and vibration absorbers. For each building project
whether they be filigree pedestrian bridges or skyscrapers measures to
compensate vibration are designed individually. Continuous research ensures the
adaptation of new products to prevailing conditions.
For instance, MAURER developed a solution for low-noise expansion joints for
road bridges as well as permanent bridge bearings which protect the respective
building for much of its life. The possibility to selectively generate and utilise
accelerations and movements characterises a further business segment.
Professional rollercoasters and ferris wheels are planned, designed and built for
amusement parks. Among the most impressive of MAURER rides is the Rip Ride
Rockit rollercoaster at Universal Studios in Orlando and the Fiorano GT Challenge

in Abu Dhabi. A common feature of all business activities is that they focus on
mastering forces or directing them in a controlled manner, which is reflected
in the company slogan forces in motion. Services such as providing individual
building-specific advice, training external personnel for the installation of products
or ongoing monitoring complement the portfolio.
MAURERs resourceful engineers developed a roadway expansion joint made
of steel and rubber to bridge the expansion gap using the accordion principle.
Expansion joints adjust depending on the temperature and can absorb up to 5m of
movement. Waterproof expansion joints in particular were developed to address a
gap in the bridge construction market. Having laid more than 1,000km of expansion
joints in roads and bridges, this Munich family enterprise became a world market
leader in the field; this milestone also marked the beginning of international
activities. After plants were established in Turkey and China in 1999, additional
branches followed in Russia, France and India in 2004. The company now maintains
a global network of subsidiaries and agencies in over 60 countries.
The change in the companys name in December 2014 marked a milestone in
strategy. Maurer Shne GmbH & Co. KG was renamed MAURER AG and the change
of legal form, representing a further step in terms of internationalisation, was
accompanied by a new, clearly-focused brand identity. Thus both the website
as well as the company logo, which bears the name MAURER, were given a
contemporary and distinctive makeover. In addition to these visible changes,
the reorientation also involved presenting the company as a homogeneous unit.
Former managing directors Dr Holger Krasmann (CEO) and Dr Christian Braun were
appointed members of the board of MAURER AG. The company is still owned by the
Beutler and Grill families, represented on the board by chairman Jrg Beutler.
A high capacity for innovation based on extensive competence in technical
development, excellent product quality, vast experience in handling sophisticated
projects as well as first-class service have been the cornerstones of MAURER AG for
almost 140 years.
The company also sees itself well prepared for the future. By producing more
sustainable and energy-efficient products, it takes into account the higher building
requirements caused by changing climatic conditions and the scarcity of resources.
Thus MAURER will make our world safer in the future despite increasingly
elaborate construction in a positive sense completely unnoticed.

Main picture: Russky Island Bridge, Vladivostock, Russia with Swivel Joist Expansion Joints, Spherical and
Restraint Bearings, Seismic Hydraulic Dampers and Passive and Adaptive Cable Dampers from MAURER.
Right top: MAURER Swivel Joist Expansion Joint and (bottom) MAURER Hydraulic Damper




Rudolf-Diesel-Strasse 19,
89264 Weissenhorn, Germany
t: +49 (0)7309.950-0
t: +49 (0)7309.951-0


Harpe Bru Bridge, SrFron (Oppland), Norway:

Simple connecting
means the compatibility
engineering construction
kit with the PERI UP
Modular Scaffolding
have facilitated safe
access and working
platforms in all areas.
(Photo: Peri GmbH)


Motorway Bridge T4, Paradisia-Tsakona, Greece: The VARIOKIT modular construction system consisting of VST and VRB forms the basis for the heavy-duty shoring. (Photo: Peri GmbH)

Formwork, scaffolding and engineering from one source

Expertise in bridge construction successfully active on the market for over 45 years

eri is one of the leading providers of formwork and scaffolding

technology worldwide. The companys great innovative strength and
early international expansion have been the cornerstones of its global
success and steady growth. Its high level of customer orientation,
innovative systems and expertise have created the trust that has
turned the company into a leading international brand. Worldwide, Peri employs
more than 7,700 people at more than 60 subsidiaries together with a large
number of branches and locations. With around 120 efficiently-run rental parks,
Peri ensures sufficient and rapid material availability as well as close proximity to
the projects of its customers.Through the experience gained from a wide range of
market and project requirements, Peri supports its customers, for example, with
the preparation of the most suitable technical solution, providing the appropriate
system equipment along with the most cost-effective and safe execution, through
to the return delivery of materials. A Peri solution always results from the
combination of product, concept and execution. Peri engineers work hard every
day to efficiently streamline construction processes and to make rationalisation
reserves usable.
For complex projects in civil engineering bridge construction, eg balanced
cantilever solutions, Peri now provides even better support for its customers. The


close collaboration of sales engineers with a newly-founded specialist

group for technical advice and planning strengthens our single point
of contact sales and marketing concept. Peri customers benefit from
project management available from one source throughout the project
along with the best solution competence.
Peri development has therefore focused on modular construction kit
systems with standardised system components and maximising benefits
for the users:
VBC VARIOKIT balanced cantilever carriage
Suitable for large spans, deep valleys and inaccessible terrain.
Section weights during pouring up to 250t using a standard application with
two main frames.
Section lengths of up to 5.75m are possible.
Achievement of dimensionally-accurate concrete sections with help of
independent assembly operations by means of integrated hydraulics.
VRB VARIOKIT heavy-duty truss girder
Maximum span of 40m.
Longitudinal inclination and cross-fall of up to 7% .
Span lengths can be continuously built.
Coupling joint suspensions are also possible.
VST VARIOKIT heavy-duty shoring tower
Leg loads of up to 700kN.
Continuous height adjustments and variable layout .
Head spindle can be operated hydraulically when fully loaded.
Easily integrated access technology.




68 S. Service Road, Melville,
NY 11747, USA
t: +(800) LARSA-01
t: +1 212-736-4326


arsa 4D is recognised as the premier software for bridge

engineers with the innovative tools necessary to support bridge
projects through design, construction, and rehabilitation. It
has become the trusted software through Larsas team-wide
commitment to working closely with its loyal customer base.
By coupling structural analysis and design with the latest computing
technology, Larsa 4D has become one of the most reliable software
packages of its kind for segmental, cable-stay, suspension, stressed-ribbon,
steel girder and other bridge forms, as well as other structures requiring
geometric or material nonlinearity,
complex three-dimensional geometry,
or a staged construction analysis.

code check and LRFR load rating, it walks the user through every step and
formula of the code. Input parameters include girder locations and skew,
horizontal layout, bearings and other support conditions, girder and deck
construction sequence, and design vehicle velocity, among many others.
But what makes the Steel Bridge Module a production design tool is how
the complete model may be revised for design optimisation.
Other innovative tools include using bridge alignments as coordinate
systems for analytical models and a robust influence surface based live
load analysis, providing the ability to load the roadway with standard
AASHTO trucks, permit trucks, or any other user-defined custom load
The influence surface solver in Larsa 4D has many advantages including
automatic transverse placement of design lanes, distribution of loads
across girders and all using a finite element based model.
Also coming in Version 8.0 is a powerful new concrete bridge design
module, which uses the same parametric approach as the Steel Bridge
Module which clients have found to dramatically reduce their time spent
on design work.
Larsa is also developing a new analysis for the design of structures for
high-speed rail projects. At high speeds, resonance and coupling of the
vehicle with the natural frequencies of the structure exacerbate structural
demands beyond what can be accounted for in a conventional rolling
stock analysis. A new vehicle-track-structure interaction (VTSI) analysis
has been implemented within the Larsa
4D software package as an extension of
the time-history analysis to solve these
design problems.

4D anallysis and design

Larsa 4D has led the field of bridge
Larsa 4D has been used in many longengineering software with robust
span bridge projects including the Gerald
staged construction integrated
Desmond Bridge replacement which
with nonlinear analysis, influencewill be the first long-span cable-stayed
based live loading, seismic analysis
bridge in California, and the cable-stayed
and other complex design needs.
Ohio River Bridge-East End Crossing
The core is a staged construction
which has a 365m-long main span
analysis, which models the changes
carrying six lanes of traffic and a
to a structure over time including
Graphics view of LARSA 4D Version 8.0s new Concrete Bridge Module
construction activities and timeThe replacements of the Goethals,
dependent material effects such as
Tappan Zee Hudson River Crossing, and Kosciuszko bridges in the New York
creep, shrinkage, and relaxation. Developed for the rigorous needs of
metro-area are among the many other major projects extensively using
segmental construction and cable-supported structures, Larsa 4Ds staged
Larsa 4D for design, construction, and deconstruction.
construction analysis has advanced activities, such as hoist, multi-layer
concrete pour, and it tracks code-based load classes for load combinations.
Innovation in support
The analysis scenarios option within staged construction analysis
Innovation in engineering software pertains not only to the analysis
provides the ability to perform a live load, eigenvalue, response spectra,
but also to how Larsa supports its clients. Features on Demand
time-history, or pushover analysis at an intermediate state of construction.
allows the Larsa support team to deploy software updates quickly in
In Larsas upcoming Version 8.0 release, composite construction adds
response to users technical support needs, outside of the typically
new construction activities for multi-layer concrete pours and composite
longer software release cycle. And with Larsa Live, users may preview
behaviour of steel girder and concrete deck segments.
new versions of the software without needing to uninstall the current
The 4D in the product name refers to the fourth dimension, time, which
is the basis of staged construction analysis.
Figg Engineering, HDR, and many other corporate clients have
shaped the development of Larsa 4D. That may be why it has become
Innovations for bridge analysis
a company standard at Figg, HDR, International Bridge Technologies,
Larsa 4Ds Steel Bridge Module is a parametric finite element modelling
Parsons Brinckerhoff, Parsons Transportation Group, TY Lin
tool that generates 4D staged analysis based models for I, box, and tub
International, and many other leading firms around the world.
girder bridges through guided input. With integrated tools for AASHTO LRFD



Heavy Duty Truss Girder
Heavy-duty truss girder for large spans,
with a high load-bearing capacity through
centric bracing. Through low on-site material requirements and pin connections,
assembly time and effort is reduced.
Easily integrated access means with
PERI UP ensure completely safe
working areas.

VBC VARIOKIT Balanced Cantilever Carriage

Load-optimized equipment and formwork solution for a wide range of superstructure geometries
without any traffic disruptions. Modular working platforms and access, together with the
VARIOKIT Construction Kit System, guarantee safe, simple and efficient application on the
construction site.

VST VARIOKIT Heavy Duty Shoring Tower

Heavy-duty shoring towers with a high load
capacity. Standard heights of up to 40m are
possible proof is provided for larger heights
on an individual basis. Operating the head
spindle when fully load is possible.

PERI your competent partner in bridge construction

Civil engineering solutions with
state-of-the-art technology

INT PERI 16.051


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