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EDCU 600 Ethical Issues in School and Society


April 2014, Spring
Instructor: Darren D. Hanna
Principal, Mt. Pleasant Community Middle School
Viterbo University
Course Description:
Students in this course are charged with examining the role of an educator as a moral steward.
Students will be asked to think about the individual role that they assume in achieving and
maintaining a more democratic and ethical society through education. Investigations into
controversial ethical issues and dilemmas prepare educators to critically think through potential
situations that may arise with students, parents, administrators, and peers. Students will look at
the overview of the systemic nature of education and schooling, with emphasis on the role of the
teacher. Students will be introduced t the concept of learning in community, and the concept of
nurturing and care for the system of education. The lens of the Viterbo values will be utilized
and applied to teachers roles in the educational system. These values are: collaboration,
hospitality, integrity, stewardship, and service. Using these values as a lens, students will review
and take a stand on critical issues facing education at the present time.

Describe the nature, problems/complexity of the U.S. system of education.

Critically examine the relationship between self and society to clarify ones motives and

goals for becoming an educator.

Understand the Professional Learning Community (PLC) model and identify strategies

for working with others to achieve specific educational outcomes.

Understand the ethical issues of teaching, and the importance of teaching for social

Evaluate the ethical merits of recent educational reforms and practices and their impact

on educating for a democracy.

Initiate ones role in the curricular, instructional, assessment, and management
responsibilities that are necessary for teaching in a democracy (teachers will be expected
to plan how the core courses for the MAEd will support personal and professional

alignment with the larger education system).

Develop and refine ones teaching and learning statement (educational philosophy) as a
result of the issues presented in the course.

Artifact Reflection:

I choose this artifact to be included from the 600 class of Ethical Issues in School and

Society. This assignment as simple as it looks and to someone who has completed this before
would assume it to be easy. For me, this was difficult. The teacher guided us through the process
of setting up the paper: title page, abstract, describe the issue, illuminate both the pros and cons
of the issue, difficulties encountered in the process, and describe the issue. The Code of Ethics
Applied to an Ethical Issue was the title; I chose the dress code issue. A new dress code was
being discussed at our school, was implemented, was rejected by groups of students, parents and
guardians and had to go to our Iowa Supreme Court system. I felt that I had a good topic. The
courts did say the district was in the right position to keep the code and to enforce it.
The group of educators in this class investigated many different types of situations that could
arise in the school building. It showed how closely staff and administration work together, but
each definitely has their own roles to adhere to. The main take away from class is the teacher
who is in classroom has the responsibility to keep order and is to maintain ethical values at all
times to protect the student and to protect the self. At my school the staff absolutely needs to
have rules and orders for students to follow and it is best to have another adult as a witness when
speaking to a fellow staff member or a student in a school matter.
This assignment was to help teachers in class to prepare for the paper they would eventually be
writing for research conducted.


Norma J. Neubauer
Viterbo University

This paper will take a look at several codes of ethics and how the codes may
be used in application to an ethical issue in a positive or negative way.

Describe the Issue

The ethical issue assignment I chose was a dress code that students in
high school are expected to follow. I explored positive reasons a dress code
provides in that environment and how it may cause to question who has a
right to dictate what should be worn. I expressed my opinion on an enforced
dress code and how it affects my students, parents and guardians. The dress
code in my school district is specific as to what may not be worn.
The purpose of this paper is to explore how I can apply the principles from
my code of Ethics to the Ethical Issue I researched.

Illuminate both the Pros and Cons of the Issue

A high school dress code provides a safer environment in which
students may learn. The dress code helps with attendance issues and
reduces the number of student referrals. A study of students in an urban
high school stated there is no impact of a uniform dress code on academic
achievement, but stated there was some correlation between school
uniforms and student behavior (Reed).
A majority of Principals had the opinion a dress code would improve
student behavior, reduce peer sexual harassment and prepare students for
the work world (Anderson)

Describe How to Implement the Principle

The applicable principle in my code of ethics that would apply here is my
need to feel safe at my workplace and will do my best to provide safety for
students. As students enter the building there apparel will be monitored by
staff who have been trained for this.

Difficulties Encountered in this Process

Describe the Issue

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