Dailygoalsandcheck in Sarahcantor

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Daily SMART Goals

Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound

Name: Sarah Cantor

Daily Agenda



Day 1

*Topic Selection
*Project research
time- what is your
topics chemical rxn?

Today I will research my topic and add 2

items to my supporting document 1.
Background on my topic and 2. The
chemical reaction for my topic.

I was able to get some information on my topic hypoxia-O2

deficiency in the brain. I am really struggling to find the
chemical reaction that is involved. I do know that O2 has to be
part of the equation/reaction.

Project work

*What is the chemical

*What are some
articles about me

Find the chemical reaction. Find articles

corresponding to my topic.

I was able get more sites dealing with the concept of my


Project work
Date: 5/16

*Plan how to get the

the word out onto
social media
*What websites or
articles on topic

Choose and plan my social media

campaign and where I will post it onto
the internet. Find a couple more articles
relating to my topic.

I found out how I will post the video onto the internet and how
I will get the most amount of people to view the video. I also
found articles dealing with depression and its reactions.

Project work
Date: 5/19

*Chemical Equation

Find the chemical equation. Start

recording facts from the websites. Start
putting them into categories for

I was able to find out more facts about my topic. And I was
able to put them together with their websites.

Project work
Date: 5/20

*Sources and info

Find more information for each of the


Found and annotated some resources

Project work
Date: 5/23


Start putting together my presentation

and planning out the design

Realized I was going to make an image rather than a video

since I do not know how to edit a video. I also was thinking of
new ways to show it onto social media.

Project work
Date: 5/25


Continue working on my infographic

and planning out the info onto the

Worked more on my infographic and I found more facts on

the topic that I was able to put into my infographic.

Project work

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