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Dear Briana,

It was a pleasure to have the chance to read over your final high school portfolio. Your theme
truly represents the way you have flourished in the calm and fought through the storm of senior
Over the past few years I have been able to see your progress as a writer and this portfolio
highlights your strengths, and how youve realized and improved upon your weaknesses. Your
argumentative essay is beautifully written, and I personally agree with your viewpoint. Your
reflection about your wild card essay really shows how youve improved over the past four
years. You are able to recognize your mistakes and have evolved since then. Looking over your
essays and seeing your drastic change from your wild card to your argumentative essay is truly
astounding in how much youve grown. Your vocabulary, grammar, and usage have all
strengthened tremendously over time.
Finally, the quote you use We do not grow when things are easy, we grow when we face
challenges, not only reflects your writing but you as a person. I think it relates perfectly to what
you have produced as your final product.
Jalina Sabado

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